The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 08, 1880, Image 4

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LW , rfS8f:r M-WO-1..- Illlllilll TBWMHf irri '""
9v "'
r-' xar .-
? rtfryw-t'
,. M, - .,
JMMaMaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaSaBaaaiaBaaWaaaaaaaaaaaapa ;'m-m-4
tmVT .
Leap year.
Girld do not let jour chancca.
Like sunbeatna pm you by.
Read our coniiannicalions tbix
J. C. Farley keeps the boss cigars 'in
town. ,"
Farm to let, at Cowles. Inquire at
thia office. ff
Our li jral friend, Ed Hawley, aeema
full ( i LuMte?H of lata.
The Micses Sherwood favored the
Chief with a call last Saturday. ,.
The Festival at the court noue i0B
.New Ycaib evening wis a iucce.'s.
The weather, the last week has been
almott as warm as the spring month?.
Mr. Mitchell, of (be hardware firm
is the father of another bouncing boy,
O. C. Cafe, we sra glad to state, is
rntiiiilu rtrrnrrrinir ftnm a HiVCrO HI
The Phelps Co. Pioneer lias reduced
its j-ubfcrirition price to fl.00 per
For want of pace an interesting let
tcr froui "Betsey " fails to appear this
week. , '.'
The "yBth and beauty" of tho town
indulged in a Jack rabbit hunt on New
Tears day. '
Mr. Jones of Omaha addre?sed the
Odd Fellows at the public installation at
the Court House ast Friday evening.
All persons indebted to the late firm
of Morris & Westvecr will clease call and
settle their accounts at the office of 0. C.
We mot a tcusible farmer the pther
day he aid tDaCjrm, the future he
would buy calves instead of farm ma
Dan Rice, I ha famous circuit man
was converted t the Moody and ijankey
r. " "" a a
hjcc tings in or,. JjOuis recently, ami nua
gone to preaching.
Mitchell &, MoiharthavwJ spld about
thice dozen ''Westminster' atod
Tiwes" hard coal stoves, ihe present
reason and they have given universal
When the next Lczislatura meats.
the watchword of the iaflucnthl repub-
.'icans of the North-PhtUjouolry will be,
"anything to beat iMmmfk." JVortA
A'cbraska Eoglt.
Stabler & Dcisher have purchased s.
Jarre lot ot farm machinery for the soring
tiade end will be ready in a few days to
supply all.their customers with anything
they may want in that line.
A Guide Rock correspondent Fends
us the subscription price of the Omaha
Bee and' asks us to publish it. If the
Ouiuha Bco wishes us to advertlso its
rates, it must pas' for tho same.
The killing of quail became unlaw
ful on the 1st day of December, the time
for killing deer, antelope, elk and baf
falo expired Jan. list. It will bo unlaw
ful to kill prairie chickens after the 1st
of February.
We have known all' along tnat the
most of the job printing of this and ad
ioininK towns was beinz done at this of
fice but we didn't know that wc was get
ting all of it until the other paper came out
last week. It told tho tale.
A Hastings preacher said: "The lit
tle good any of us can- do mutt be done
with our heart thumping against the
hearts of our follow men.' And every
joung woman in church looked at every
other young woman, and smiled spprov
That an editor should sell himself
Eaul and body to Sen. Paddock for $20
as payment for a doz.'n cjpiGS of his pa
per, is not ao much a matter of surprise
to us as that the distinguished (?) Sena
tor should squander so muoh money in a
way that is so unlikely to do him any
For th6 sake of peace we wish that
pome one would take a job of work to the
A rgu office. Such howling as was in
dulged in by the head of that establish
ment last week just because the business
:aen choose to have their work done at
the Chief office, is calculated to unFdttla
the nerves of ordinary mortals.
Judge Gaslin informs us that lite
terms of District Court for the present
year will be held in this County on the
23d of March, 29th of June and on the
4th of A'ovember.
He saya tba unnecessary delays in the
disposition of causes will not be tolerated
The Btore of A. Garbor, Guide
Rock, was burglarized last monday night
and over $30.00 in money, and an overcoat
taken. The thieves effected an entrance
through the window by prying up the
sash with an ax. No clue as yet has been
obtained of the whereabouts of the dep
redators. One of the orphan children lately
brought out from New York was found
by us on ihe streets last Tuesday night,
crying bitterly, and claiming that he- had
been without food for two days. tVe
provided for his immediate wants, at a
:estauraut. While we do not want to
find fault with those who are supposed
to have thecare of those children, we would
most emphatically state that in our opin
ion it would be far better to leave them
ia the orphans Homo in New
York, than to bring them to our county
to suffer neglect and become objeots of
private charity, or county paupers.
We do not know that any one is really
to bkuie in this matter, but we feel
justified in calling attention to it.
At Batin Jan. lt by Rev. J. A. Dir-
Mr William T. Buschow to Miss
SiiiiV Barrett. All bf Blue Hill,
Wafetcr Co. v
Bi pefmtMB of the lnvin Proyi
,. u-bnn Asoxews of lb Mathodist
lESaeeaal Cbtirch, will preach in the
SEHm" BriOtoud on the eTen
iof".15th,.t7 o'clock. AH are
frvitcd to attcHd. p.ron rtsior
It in cot aewa lo the people of this
town and county that the Argvt was
started in this town with tho avowed
puroose or "playing out the Chief."
Wc smile when we think of it, and when
we hear, aa we frequently do, of the
underhanded means thata few ignora-mu-es
who have received 5utice at the
hands of the GlllKF iu times pt em
ploy to injure our buines, well, we
treasure it up against a day of reckoaiug
which U sure to come. At the present
rate we estimate that it will take the Ar
gut about four hundred and fifty thou
tand decades to 'iuo out" the Chief,
and then it will be further
from the accomplifchment of its avowed
purpose than at the present time. We
can but exclaim in the language of the
Immortal Bard of Avon. "Lay on McDufi,
aad damned be he who first cries hold,
Last Saturday we bad the aA duty of j Final Fl'OOf XollCCS.
following the body of George A:m to , Uad Q i BWs1ajt,a "lV0m
the grav. I Notice l bMr cTa tht tb Wliar
1, .a..t, hnt vnntprdv ine the dceea- iaJ ttler hj flf.l noUc of hu tntt.Uva t
It peems out yeeteray since mc ucceas tea-jal VT0.,t ,a ,apvon of hi el'a.
ed arrived in this town then cotitainins;
f i b1 An llatf ml (V.. a -f ! fLZ
Hums ::.---r--:""' ."?:" r.Lri.i""i7
bare'y more than a dozen houics. lime, Mrnd (.. Jckoo. f..r ih ooth-ft s
w I- Tkc rimc f Null
The Janury Nulr suaCTcncn; '
new roiucic ot tn very rxceiwriH rau-
. -- .,-.......tft .f(r-.ttfi nrv 19 it
, ;ji j: u .i L-..i..t".'fMtwa iB!Mrtb! nn (. .,! -fUAc druartrucnti A
.. :. . .l. .... .n:r. l. i ri.ot W. Bmll Ad.m S.!-4rn tA t-rxscu M. I new ttlla. StOlT of ftrf p tOtrrct. CBtltMl
-. - -. .: . .--.t- r ."". : - . .-- . r-
lhm...h "
The Holidays passed off quietly.
Mr. Ringer is talking or building an
addition to his hotel.
G. W. Brown intends to erect a fine
hotel hero in tho spring
A Literary society has been organized
here, also a Base Ball Club.
Santa Claus presnted Mr. D.T. Thom
as with a fine IU lb. boy on New Years
day, Mr. T. is happy and his cigars
smoke well.
Wo boast of tho following mercantile
Moon it Callcnder, dealers fn drugs,
dry goods and groceries
Ward & Everett, Hardware dealers.
D. T, Thomas, dealer in groceries and
agricultural implements.
N. D. Fox & Co. dealers in grain,
Templeton Bros. & Co., Lumber deal
Thrirt is the order of the day, aud
eveiyonc is confident that CjwIcs will be
a large aud thriving town in a few
then carre hero in the prime of life, had
n:u;$ed the fir. decade of decav. Those
who bore the coffin, and thoia who fol
lowed 'In procasiion surely and sadly indi
cated that Time ii leaving its marks on
all of that small band who bix years ago
commenced in earnest the building of
Red Cloud.
Something over four years ago we follow
ed to the grave the body of perhaps the
brightest, most vigorous and energetic,
one of the ea riiest fcttlers, the first coun
ty clerk of the county. About two yean
ago, the oldest of the half dozen fanner
who settled iu the immediate vicinity of
the town, old father Bricc. a oauner.
yet the one choson to read tho Declara
or Independence on our Centennial anni
vereary, wjs carried to the Ccuiutarey.
And now Goorge ins, tho proprietor
and founder of th j "Bjyi Homo" haj
patted away. Mnall number who iJentiGed
themselves with the early history of Bed
Cloud, and have rem lined with us. the
CnrEF thinks of nono who have noi abun
dantly prospered.
Those who were poor havo sines be
came wealthy and find thenselvcs in easy
Those who were unknown and obscure
have filled offi ces of dietingutbhed trust
and prominciiCis.
And of them all wo now recall onlv
those time whom death has smitten.
Very appropriately aud becominclv all
of the oUer citizens of ihe town were
at the funeral, and the oldeit wjre ch o-
sen fur pall bearors, and of them all we
trust that there were none in whoe
breabt thrre did not ariu something of
the old affection and friendship fur what
ever and whoever was associated with
our early hitory.
Gecrcc Zuits the deceased was born on
the 20th day of May, 1829, in Uulo, Saxony.
He came to Bod Cloud on the 21st day
of July 1873.
He built the Boys Home in 137ti, ani
was acting as its landlord at the tiuio of
his death. He died on tha 1st, day of
'January of tho present year, at tho age
of fifty one years and seven months, ol
heart di-case.
His death was sudden and entirely un
expected by his friends.
He leaves a wife and four children,
probably out or the reach of want, if
not in comfortable circumstances.
He was a kind and iadulgent father, a
popular and respected citizen.
He had a kind word and look for every
one who came in his path, and an open
purse for every object of oharity or pub
lic good.
Probably there was none among us
who-had more and warmer fricnlsaud
fewer enemies than had George Zei.
The namo of his hotel, chosen by him
self, expresses the old man's character.
The "Boys Home" kept by tho "Boys"
friend was the most popular hotel iu the
Ilcpubliaan valley.
fTx-l rill all t.f H.l f1nt I V.Vrik
jjntfrlA S ttVJWITZKK.ltrcnw
Ls-1 0&n at l!v,tn,arUo Nh Dcc. Tl. iTJ.
No'lc h btrrbjr r Tft tbt th fo!lwi
Dmi fettlrr hx ftlnl stKrtt mirotion to
Ciikr fiaal i-rwjf In faport of fait dure. ni
core 6nl rtiiry thft t the rpiruea of
l...... .1... r .1 l... ..i -.t ....
Mnib r Jinuix. for tie nor hrtt antT of
Uon 'I town I cortb of rotc 12 wctt. o4
nai me Xfiiojnc m
rp& I., (irsn'l
w -it. r rii.
atynrr w. switer. K-rur.
Land OSce at HUH.mcwton NrV Dc SKh. T9.
Notirr is hrbjr girn that lh foHoi
n.Mncl (ttJrrbxf felM notice of bis tatrotiun tc
takr iitil jf( iflD support of h cUiji. and
cure f.nsl tntrr tbtrvf ttt the -i pirstiua of thnt
days frin ihedte of lbn Dotirr. rt-
Auzar. Piertoff of ."cot: N'eb . for the $ E '
5 K (f .- . M S W ; S W 4 Sec :i and W
N W offeciion U t Q I rarc li rt. at
naiocr tbr lo'Iowinz a bt wilut.t. rn: Hi
ram II')lJroie of 6ctt Neb.. Jmr Alb3;li of
-'cott Neb., and William It. HcKlutiry of ecott
drc'jan-iJ S. T. SWITZEK. Krci.trr.
vf nmlir.' Lv'Ktu W. Pierre, u
begun, and thoc o read the orxamc
chapters w'nl-carceJr fall tb folfe ibe
story to the end Jrhe h;din artieW,
Ie-berir. &d dsgen Kc lortered at
Sea." by Capt. B4trvtt, ofthr U S Na
ry. s rpIJi with inforuiaii m and
inH'Tf-ttif- 'I"hc Norm
n i conn m rants i. i,iw wu'v .,;,, . . t v i i
ommzAt Mi ttn.ef. tU J-dafrou the Galf biates. Lyrrcuiiuu-
l.taff of Well. Neb.. acd JMlaaS. , . ..f)wf.Jinc Houv-KeforTl." f'T
N-b... . 1 "- . ,, 1 ....t. !.. Tll..
rand," and one on "Teeth" by Dr. W il
od, will not fail to attract considerable
notice Th dejaituient of fiction m vry
attractive, the :oris are bv oae uf the
uio-i popular wnter. and one by .
KobiiKon, telling "Huw Mr. Nobble
took hi Bride and Mother in Uf to
Niagara FHs " with its comio iIIu-'jti-tions,
everbodv who can appreci.te gen
uine humor will enjoy. There are p eaii
by Nfllic C. HaMniKs Vitr. M. (J. Wt
km. A. A. Watl, etc some admirable
fketchea, and an abundant nclUny
euibrariiir variety f subjects. Noli',
of Travel. Fun, tcieno?, etc , eic. 1 here
are 1113 quarto papei. with aioui iu in
Land Office at I'loominTton Neb. Dec. otb. 79.
Notice It hereby civen that tbe futiowmc
natuel f eitW h filed nuttce of hi. intention to
make final i.roof in .aprrt of bi c!im. and
teeure Snal entry thereof at the of
thirty dn. from the date ,',..,, . vu. , "" . ,1tll R .tU'al t
.. iv iri . t .v t w w i m a. rt v n i iiai rai him . KafKiviav.a . i - v - . - .
lr'( w Vii' ! k lMt IU lUi tllV II'M'M v - -- ft. ,
. ... . .. -.- If. . J.i.S". ....... M.l.tnal
lirH V tti '
Drugs. Medicines.
Paints Oils
and Varnishes.
A full supply of
l'atraa( tolkltr-J a4 tbaiVfaUy retlfed.
rrfrilit carifaUy e-wj-aaft-t" J
One door outh of Bank,
Land fflee nt Iiioomincton, Neb. Dec. Sth. T9
Notice i h-nlT riren th-t the fullntrinc
named iettjr ha fileTnoties of hi intention to
make Cml proof in ruport of hi claim, and
fecure Bnal entry thereof at the e(ptrtiou of
thirty davs fnin the d ite if th noU -e. rt:
Abjitloin N. I)ay. of ItMVjtn Neb . firthe
louth-eiiit quarter f eUtii twenty-fx JT.
two 'J ll.twel.n li' KMl. and niloe- the fol
lowinica. bi' wltou"'. ".ir. Ilaryry I'annerof
Ked Cloud Neb., and Winftald I'armer ot Ked
Cloud Nrb
dcclljan . W.SWirKIt. Keci5tor.
Land Office at lKooininjtton N'eb. Dec. 10th 1S79.
Noticn it hereby riven that the following
named pettier hx filed notire o! hi intention to
make final proof in support of hi clatiu. anil
ccu-e final tntry theruif at the rxpiration of
thirty 'lay from the date of thi notier. rix:
li'illiam li '1 home, for the t. K. ' t of Se G T.
4 It. II writ.-Htid iMini? tbe f.UlmTiiii it hl wit
nlo, Vit: Joseph L. (iirandftatr. Norman
prller and Jjiut. II. s pecknall, ait of Web
ter county Ncbrank.u
drcljanr -S. W. EwtTiEB. Itrzutcr.
Land Of5ce at JSlcrotninirton Neb. Dec. Sth. 1S5T9.
Noticf i hereby c en that the following
named settler hiw filed notice of hU intention to woof in rupport of In. claim, and
(ecu re final entry thereof nt the expiration of
thirty tUys from thu date of thii notice, vix :
Karl Itusthnw. for the southwest rjuruter of
(ipctiou 4 town'hip 1 ratiKO 10 wet. and naiuej
the followinc a. his witnce?. ix: Willimn
Topftr. Aucut Munionthal ami Willian Koit.
all of lllue 11 ill Ycb.
dwlSjul5 S. W. SW1TZEK. Itcsijcr
Land Office at Dloominctoti Neb. Dec. 9th. 1879
nirccd settler hit filed ti&icenf hu intention to
miko final proof in upport of lii. claim, and se
cure final entry thereof at tho expiration of
thirty days from the d.ite of thi notico. vix:
William Tonfer. for the X. W.Sre. HT.4
It. 10 We-t, anl n.-uncs tho followiiiic a. hi. wit
neie. vi Karl Utirchow. frank C. Uuachow
ann William Kort. alt of IJtun Ilill Neb..
.feclSj ml.-) S. W. SNMTZSR. Heglster.
iand Office nt IIIoominBton Neb. Deo. 9th. Ib73
Notice is hereby pien that the following
nnmed settler has filed notier of lii intention to
make final proof in 3Tportof hi claim, and
secure final rutry thereof at the expiration of
thirty day from thoditcof this notice, rix:
Auxust Jfairc. for the northweat quarter of
section " town 4 rang e 10 w-jit am imiur the
followiniras hi3 witnees. vix: Krl Kutehow.
Aucn'l lMumcntbul and William Kort. all of
lecHtnlj" S. W. SWITZKR. Itfgiter.
Land Office at Bloomoncton Neb. Dec. 'Jth T9.
Notic U hereby eiven that the followinc
name I settler has filed notice of hi inteution to
nuke final proof in support of hi claim, and
mcure final mtry thereof nt tho expiration ot
thirty days from the date of this notice, v.x:
Frederick Wjechert. for thcs.iutbeat quarter
ofetionl4 tn',u 4 raree 10 tut. a il pijjmt
the follnrrlnp a. his witncj-e'. vir: Karl jius
chow. Frank C. Hnvchoir and William Topfcr.
-ii . c in.... ii:ii vi.
rfeel Sj anl5 S.'W- S W ITZER. ltegister.
I'ommir MoNTnLr for the nr year.
The annual subrrintion i 1 3; Mojjlr cop
ies, L'5 cent, postpaid. Addrrs. Frsnl
LeJilie'a I'ublishine House. 63, 55 i 67
I'ark Place, New Votk.
A stock of nice fresh candy just
opened at Hobj's.
J. Morroe Taylor's Gold McUl ?ale
ratu or Soda is as healthy as the purest
tlour; will prove a great saving in thv
article; is peculiarly adapted lo benefit
weak btoinachs and pvpeptic por-)ti-; i
much in no healthy and economical than
baking powders, and griMtiy preferred to
any other to u'O with cream tartar.
Gaotx'M may ssy thry havu as goml.
They ure mistaken. It is tho best iu v
world. Try it. Moft of the Grocers
havo it. .Have the Gold Medal or
Flour & Feed
CEAS. E. FUTffAM, Prop.
Corn.MeMlran ChappeJ retaJ
Vilt the Red Hood Orcery. Fee.1 and l'ro
Tlioa ttore btn ytu "tat Bri fr r
Iltchrjt mark: prie ia caib palp fer train
All VinJi ofrountrr rrwluc tVn n rxehaar
!orxiKJ. Ooodt dellTtrad to alt JiHJoftowa
freo of cbarce.
Store loath of Reed' Plow Factory.
lUo agc A'fflkm
i zpamwrTmme..K
1 1 J U Vv v.f JXjvflKJLl
y5ii ri4 iBBBaatmw-U v SmmW Vu I NtD n9i
i -r- iOTv eT -
. (1 . . .-- - - ii
-. . .i-,.. aa r rRn4L !U ll. T OUl
H, u,. obh f ia LVrwun I Qtt
Vnr further information call on
F. H CORE. Jtwgler.
Rfi Cloud. Neb.
red Cloud.
Blank .leases for ealo at tho Chief
E. Pettyes has just completed a new
thop for bbeksmithing.
A. Hoffman & Ui. are doing arriving
business, holding their share of the
Spencer Arexnnder is contemplating
taking up his abode in Guidb-Itocfc, and
going into business in that town.
Most all of our neighbors aio making
some substantial improvement which I
have not time and spuce to name.
W. E. Thome has put up a new wind
mill to pump water f-r his large stock of
cattle and hogs as well as ibr general
We are having fine weather for our
Holidays, and. enjoying ourselves well,
generally, having but a very little sickness
here this winter.
Mr. Henry Uook will be found at the
blacksmith fchop at this place, where as
cood repairs or new work
can be had as in any other shop in this
John Wrattcn has more than ho can
do at his trade as carpenter and joiner.
at present he is employed on the boxes
for the new Well P. O. which will be
comnleted this week.
We have just heard of the death of
our friend George Zsiss. His was a
home for us after a long ride to tqwn,
and we all shall miss him much, We
sympathize witdi tho bereaved and afflic
ted family.
John McCoy is buildiug a largo and
commodious farm house which is nearly
oonnJetcd. and is as great - an improve
ment both to bis large und well improved
farm, aud tbe neighborhood it general,
as any that has occurred for some- time.
We had a big wolf hunt New iears
day, some seen, but nono captured. We
will have another.the J5thinst. there will
be a very large turnout, and lots of fun
and I think some game. We cordially
invito all sport loving men to join us "in
the hunt, with plenty of dogs and guns.
There is fun ahead. We would like some
of our friends in Bed Cloud to join ue in
the chase.
We hate laid off a fine site for a cem
etery two Biiles west of this place and
there is a great interest taken in the
matter and we will aooa hare as respec
tableTeeting place for our departed friends
as can be expected at this early day,
with, many graves marked with, "substan
tial marblo slabs as grave stoae monu
ments. Moke Axox.
We have been supplied by tho Bloora
ington land offioo with the ncceasary
blanks or mikinc applications for final
proof, and will fill out and forward for
those wlo wi31i us to do so, free ol
charge. Call at the Chikf office.
!' '
We keep on hand, and for sale all
blanks usjd by Notaries Public.
m 9
Not the Crown of Kings nor tho Crown
of Glory, but the Crown Sewing Machine,
the latest, and best machiue in the Mar
ket, it will pay yoa to call at the Post
Office and see it before you purchase!
For Sale by M. B. McNirr.
Come to the Chief offico for all
kinds of blanks.
Laud Office at 7loumincton ch. Dec. 9tb 17.
Notice is herehr civen ihnt the f.dtowinic
named ettler ha filed nut fro of hi? intention tj
make final proof in surrort of hii claim, and
eccuro final entry thcrcol at tho cxpiratiou of
Williatm Kort. for th uth-wrt quarter u
rction It town range IU wr.i, mm namo.-' mo
following 0 hii wltnesc. vit: K-irl Uaechow. C. HoJChow and William Toj.fer. all ol
fllue Hill Neb.
declSjanl5: S. V. SariTiKB. Ucguter.
Pause, Pcsdsr and Peru e ! !
Tin invKntinn nf that uteriir ami com
plete Miwitit; machine (the"Fainily"ew
in uiachinu), marks one of tho in-t im
portant eras in the history of inaehincry,
and when wc consider itsjrreat u.eluliie
and extremely low price ($-':), it is very
difficult to conceive of any invention for
domestic use ot more or even equal im
portance to familie-. It ha.- great oapii'i
ty for work; beautiful, Miiooth and quiet
niovement rapid execution, certainty and
delightful asc of operation, that at once
commend it above all othurs. The wotk
inir parts are all tel, trutig and durable,
and will hit a life tituf, the bobhirn hold
100 yardi ot thread; the stitcli i- tue urm
est of all stiches made, neat and regular,
nd cm be rnguliled in a mntnent to w
stitche? from an inch in lensth on eo-ir.e
miterial di wn to the finest, -o infinitesi
mal as to I c hardly dt-ccrnb!' with the
naked eye. and with a raiMtty rendcrini:
it impovfiltle to count them a f-t ai
made; it hns more :,ttnch:uents than any
other, and it does to perfection a. I kind
ofheivy, coarse, plain, fuif, or lancy
needle work with en-e, and lar icm n"r
than required on other unchiii. It
neeil no cnuimei'dition, the rapid tales,
increaMtii: demand, and voluntary encom
iums from the prc-v, and the thousand
of tamilic.x who ue them, amply tefif
to their undoubted worth as a e'andard
and reliable lmue nece.iit-, extending it
popularity each day. Midline hent
at.ywhore to be examined before nny moll
is paid. AuKNTji Wan mi by the Com
pany. Address them lor mfornntion.
- . . . --- !.... V...,. V..UI-
I 1-1-iy lO.l I)ll,nAli .r." innn.
DeaUrf la
AH who contemplate building should
call at Mitchell and M orb arts and take a
lowk at Gilbert's patent dour lock, the
best and most complete lock ever
made, for inside or outside doors. Thej
mu.-L be reen to be appreciated.
L'all at Mitchell & Morhart's Hard
ware Store, Red Cloud. tf.
"OldGov't Java" at RobyV
All blanks made ani kept in stock
by the State Journal Co.. can always be
had at the Chief office We keep on hand
a supply of each form of blanks and Fell
them at the same retail price that they
aio sold at in Lincoln.
nhfa T! Pitfn!m wTir tcpnj tht
Hmir it'. Ftml slnrp. has nlsn a fall line nf
Groceries, canned Truits, green and dricdj
iruitS oi an kiuus cuusiauuy uu inu ui
prices that are bound to suit his numer
ous customers.
Don't snd to Lincoln or Omaha for
blanks when you can get thefu for the
same money at the CULtir'm'e6i and save
All kinds of blanks for sale at the
Chief office.
Legal Notice.
To Jainn K. Bull and Mary IJ. Kail, non-reti-dent
defendant.. .... .. , v.
You are herohv notified that on the Hn
day of October, 1S79. the Wheeler and Wilon
Manufacturing Compiny filed iti petition
ncaiust you in the office of the clerk of the Dis
trict Court of the Fifth Judicial Dmtnct. held
?...; 1 A. !. ..n,. nf U'.hjtAr inrf Slat.
wumn auu iur uitivum; "-.- ":.
of Ncbraka. tho object ar.d pntyr of which pe
tition i. that an accounting may he tken or
the amounts doe to Wheeler A llson Manu
facturins Company upon a certain prommory
noto and mortemte esecuted by .Tatno K. Ball
and Mary K. Bull to Wheeler A Wilson Munn
fncturcinx Company, amountmc to thesomoi
$155.01. drttd April 13th. 1ST, with interest Rt
12 per cent, from April 13tb 1S79. !" an ttor
uct'b fee. Said mortpute beioir upon tho lol
lowina decrihed Keal EUate. to-wit: The we.t
half 4) of northwert quarter (JO and the wM
hiilftialof southveU quarter (') of cestion M
in Township tw-.l) norjh of raore twelreOS)
wwtoftiw CthP. Af ia Webrter cuntye
brasVn. SaW prtition also prays th't said -nort-irso
be forecl. sed and the laud and tenements
thtrcin dercribed ho fold, the proceods of said
ale bo applied to thepjymeatof the abort de
scribed debt. .... . ,
You are alo notified tba t unlej yon appear
and answer aid petition on or before ihe fecond
day of February. A. D. 18S0. yrur default will be
entered aad judgement rendered thereon sj
ICiht Pno". Atfy? for Pl'trFa.
:. :. l.v ;..n Tit T mil examine
Mi persons who may desirs to offer tbenuclres
as candidates for teachets of the primary or
common chool of Webrter county, at Ked
tloud on the first Saturday of each month at
ninec'clock a.m.harp.
A. A. Por. Co..Sapt.
endant. You are hereby notified that on the
4th nay or i'eceaiDer. . u. isrj, johu iiumi
ton filed his petition against you n the oleeo.
the Cl'k DLttrict Court or S ebster bounty Neb.
Tho object and prayr of which petition i cuim
ine of you a decree of divorce from the bands of
matrimony on the: round of wilful deertin.
Also claimiuc care and esstody of Kdward L Pin
kerton and Allen J.Pinkertoa, minor children.
You are therefore notified that unlets you an
swer to sjuu peiuion on or cciore mo (wgou
day of February. A. D. 1S30. your default will
be catered xnd judgment rendered thereon.
Uwic- O. C. Cisa. Atfy for Pl'tff.
'Tl.n Ilichest Blood. Swee'Cfit Breath
ind Kairesi Skin in Hop Bitter "
"A h'tle Hop mttcM .ivcs oik aoc
or bills and Inmt Mckncsi "
' 'I'lnt invalid wife. uMt her. sister or
diild cm be made the picture of health
Iwith Hop B'tter. "
When worn tlown and ready to fji:e
rour bed. Hop Bitters it what you
Don't phc and phyne, f-r it weak
ns and destroy.-, bnt take Hop Bitttcrj
-hat build up eentiniMlIy.
"1'hysicians ol all clo'l use anu rec
nmmoriil Hon HittLT.s. Test thrrn." .
'Health 'a beautv and iov Hon Bit
ters give health and beauty. '
lhcre are more cures uaae wun
Hop Bitters than all other medicine.."
"When tlia brain i wcatu-d the
berra unstrung, the musics weak, use
Hop Bitters."
That nw. nArrniu fflVer. Want of
deep and weakueas, calls for Hop Bit-I'.ers.'
Est CoujIi Cura aal ?aia Scliaf is Pleas-
iun, Sore asi Cheap.
for sale by K. R.SHKKKK,
15-y-l Mkc Cutp. e
a ft b ? a b
of all Hindi.
Tly ll ;1IK VP for 6A5H; aad if thry
have net what jna want. Ieaa your
order and tley will fill it.
Ona door north ofOarber'. and Mr.IIOI.fOMB
will wait ou you. aprlt'
ttlTMIKlM- A MOMlIArtlPrp.
We keep on hand at all times, a large am! com
plete stock of Hard-ware.
We aUo keep upply of
Give us a call, as we feci sure we can suit you
in ciualitv and prue
Remember the placeopposite the Chief Ofliec,
Red Cloud- Nob.
m,jm m , JJIWajaapaai
ii now ovctflowinj; with
- No Good PreacMiiff.
No man can do do a good job of work,
preach a good sermon, try a law suit well,
doctor a patient or write s good article
when he feels miserable and dull, with
slugifish brain and unsteady nerves; and
none should make the attempt in such a
condition when it can be so easily and
cheaply removed by a little Hop .Bitters
For Pitted Plums, and Cherries, Al
den Apples, Cal. i's Peaches, Seedier
and nice Box Raliins, and every thing
else thats moe co to W. B. RoDy's. tf
MONEY TO LOAN, on good
Farms at 10 per cent interest. No com
mission. D. S. Coombs, at. 'Court
House, Red Cloud. l-tf
nrt in V. Ti. RobvTa for tout -choice
T T. Ti;.t.i Pnr nf n Off Jtff?ir?&l
( District in and for Webster County Neb.
John I'm Kerton. riainuu. ts. aduhi
PinVerton. non-reident deTendant.
To tbe above non-reidat oefend-
day of January: A. D. liSO. between the hour of
9 . Mand 6 r. it. atMhe office of W. P. Ilibberd.
Kota.ry Public, on Sth St. above Cherry ia the
City of Phllidelrhia in tba State of PenyWa
nia. the Plaintiff will Uke the depontioaa of
Sarxh A. Con Ion aad Mary Pinktrton
to be read in evidence on the trial of the above
.:.,-. mm kk.irnf tli. 1i.k,.4V An
are required to attend at the time and place
aforesaid and cro-exsjaice said witaesiu if job
think proper. O, CCaai.
aw3 Atfy for prtar.
LISAL K0Ti:l. v t
To J. W. Whipple. fir?t naaae BBkaewB,'eB
rwiJeat defeudaat.
Ton are hereby aatilea
that Joseph B. Traey has eoaiaBemeH" aait
acainst yoa ia the County Coart of -Webjter
coanty Xebrarka. to recover the aaai of.flSoJ.
aad that an order of attacamsat Tatar sstmed
aaaimtyoa from said coart aad "aaaw said or-
Be Wise and Happy.
If you will atop all your exiravagaat
and wrong notions in doctoring yourself
and families with expensive doctors or
humbug cure-alls that do harm always,
and use only nature's simp'e remedies
for all your ailments yo will be wise,
well and happy, and save treat expease.
The greatest remedy for tauythe xreat,
wis mil wnnrl will fll TOW. ia HOB Sit
tens rely on it. See auolkar colaiac
UBT ItCt UU ItH jaMr" vw mm -
theed. Yoa axe also notiiied tkat ualeat 70a
confectionary for Chrirtaiaa fresh f
just opened up. Next to the "old Court onl t'tld awoaHMUr .
Jiinn ' i St 11. S. K.ALXT, AttTiar! tl. I
To J. W. "Whipple, irai aaata aakaowa, -
resident defeadaat. c J: .t..
Yoa an hereby artiaed taat
Charles B. LoBeloT? eoaaaiwaarf aart
asaintt yoa in the CoaatT Ceart of
eaaty Sefcwka. to reeaver the saaaaf 3K.
aad that on tbh 27th day of Deceaber. A..i.
yea from said court, aad undereaiii arder Kex-,
BOldS iSleipaUXatn.aT avma sowv.
Yoa arc al, aotiiied that ''lm
... ..M7 n tbe 10th day of KaaVaW. Tear
defaalt will be entered aa jadcesai
aaa.w. .An'LI
Price Wi'lUn the Keach nf All.
Tbe full aad tomplete
Col- R. G. Vngersoll.
.Yo.2"eKULLS.'r N.S."ffUOoTS."
Xo.4. -uni.L."
Full report of the Grand Re-Union nf tbe Sol
diers and Sailor f the lath war. held at Chi Nor. 11 to 15. IST9. ineludm all s leeches.
Alsiill the Speeches made at the cr-ad ban
aut of the Army of tbeTenneee. held at 'he
1'aimer llous. ov. 13. 1S73 lneluJinsspeeihe
of Oen. Grant. G-n. i-hernian. Gen. lyf an. jb
Willson, jen. nooatoro. iten. 'ojc ww .
O. IaersoIl, Col. Wm. F. ila?. Reoator Of Is
by Uoa. E- A. Ptorrs Samuel 1j. Cleneae
Mark Twain.
"Life and Trip Aronnd tbe World of Gen.
Grant-" 5 eenU.
Last Speeea of Senator 7.h Chatdler."
aad bioerapbieal sketch, with Larjce Portrit
of ill Chandler oa cover of pase. ieents-tS-Anyof
tbe above seat on receiptor pnee.
Aiireu: ?. W. TEOXAS,
2S3 Eaxial?h St. Chige Ills.
Ani Dealer Ia
Drugs, - -
Decorated China
Cups and Haiicer,
Vases, &c. Hich and Rare.!
The BKST5 and 10 cent CIGARS.
Gneral Acent for the pale of the Srtat
aud Popular Bctnedy of the age
ti... ;mr.L nml innrvpnt remedy ha
piren relief in a tery nhort time U many ,
lieves Neuralpa and Nerroas headache
in a few minutes
tar To Dealers special rate arc given
ie the eale of this valuable remedy.
First door oath ol Arp cfice.
lev Sion lev Goods lew Frist:.
Cheap, Cheap, Cheap!
Dress Goods
Groceries, Queensvrare, and
Fall & Winter CLOTHING
-AI-SO -
A iHrj-c lot oi 1BOOTMAKIIOKM, Iifcr
aay-Giro mc a call, every thipg s-oIl at BOTTOM l'n fr (AHH.
Red CIok1. - Isrcbr:i.-k
Wfoon&CallcndcrTGOOT) NKW8
Quid ritrcl Threeh Tiato'
jf av jav ,. Cloc Conneclinna Ni VMj t
NtW UUUIIOs Burlington Route!
N c- G ooci.s ! i , Chicago and Tur Fas:
,it rat" f rf M n4.
Wi tiara added larrrlr to onr DIl 1 1 Vri. .-.!. r... .111 t .R f. .. a it tUf
GOODS stoefc. ami are aeiKng at the. I ta.'a .k,M.. t W...
. I A tf tfiiV fnfi ill ! wvl l Pa
lowest cah prtc. fia 4 aB'i.n
... 1 . .! ,f..T. f.,11 I AT I1I''JQ !- i-tnit wl atstf
Wc keep cunitantiy on ha I a full hu ftl ,4llt ,B.t . .
tOck of j lp,n r tri& fii at Uk L1kSw
(ti-ktnlK )r TltTatW r a ! !.
B A ho.. ,TO ST. I Ol' IS & TI 1 K
lit. Il Cnr .' SOU I II.
n -mar- .a af fella' Thr Krlart rtlit a in (.'tlir J
llrnCk JXCClIClllCP, VII' rf.,, ,1,-f cIm taBKi. Sa t
" UfU...lhl.wrJlLlMll
VarniMliri. i pu.( k tM wt. t xMl
f-lmn IM' f' M
Ynlnt Zie.
i ifli Ircm MlMvari Ktvrr t- He Uta.
IV1TI "'I Till W 1
F. i n T o C al- ott r t 'la wMfc 1
UlfUfCa. 7PiWi4l i Ba.rv.rfPf lil-
, (Pru niatl. fisv to it rarti
(iire n a ca.I, wc how osr goodi otVrra wt. K n v:r9 la'v.
with pleasure
Hoon L Callcnder.
SKS CA23. 0i !Oali at 75 sfsUT
Wha yt tart h Mir aa-J trtt W
K.AM !inlfw mU V t? fK.l -lftaAl
at4 int t trl l-llj
fwKII , fo'l nsr 4n ft Tier's
a -
Mens' & Boys
Hate cfe Caps
Ladies & Childrens Furs
in great variety,
Cheap, Cheap.
At The
Corner Store-
todaao.aiaiartfaaweaij. j
C. H POTTER. I . W Sherwood.
Allfooda ia ar Liaaart coaataatlroa
aaao: aad to waka I iariu tha aUeatiia of
a-An air old frlttfe aad at asaay aaw cat J
M caacaa to da ao. ara laritaa to call.
3ss(&s-7 sassaaaaaaaa
HiBsaiaT2Ltf3c - " rcsiAaBBaiiZLij 'saaa.sssamsl
riaap--jsrrTa ? . M-r 'isaapaaHBRsay.HL aaaaaaaa
BBssaaaBSKss1arjsaa!BSvafraQEj3SjbhBaaaTa tfsaaaaaaassaaa
r asaJiajgyyy . ijv3iaPy?aaaaajaaaaaaaaaaj
- 7Z!ki'''aa90saBsaaBB3,BBaaaaaaaaaaaaw
& vBassKflBsvaasssssi r -..sL-aaa 'ssiaaaaaaaaaaaaBi
saaaar!awssfcylKys ; , 'Pjfas saaaaaaaaaal
& '
Oar new Organ, cspreo! y dcaigacd. for SiMaiay Sc !
Ciaapcls, etc, J prarvJHsria
Be mare to ed for full a!rcxlptlrc CatalwgaMB brfr
tmrckojiln? r.zj t!icr- "
'&& '
. J - --H