JBasSa- V-. rii,.u' '" . ii i m ntiiiil JVrticfjy&-n"i.n.ntT! RKD CLOUD CHIEF J OD WORK", CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud Chief. rrjT-WT) EVrnV TOtJSSDAY AT . 4"Tft t23 curs, rrsSASZA, M L. THOMAS, "Eternal Vigilance is the price of Liberty." and $1.00 year is the price of the Red Cloud Chief. vol vi r. BED CLOUD WKBSTERCO. NEBRASKA, Tilt, USD A V- JANUARY 8 ISSQ. S0.22- -.-- 4f l,4 -Uf J-I ""fflWV TH,Sb The ? a. " R V It. R. Time Table. Tririor rfJ-- Sunday. Wry 4th 1879- f)rr. :. 8:02 7:40 7:01 f. iCl 6:10 l-ttma. "- .tn . S .IS :10 -2pm llASTINn. YK i.IA K HILL OvLRS KKf CLOUD 17WVALK TUVEUTO.V FI5XNKLIN in.OiMlTO TValn bly. except fiundaya. A. E. Tcotnlin. C. W. SWldrcdge Jn. manmj. FupL y Wanted ! Tim STw Style "FAMILY," crmiup nc otnniu CO'JMfllAIIIKir 91 MAuninc ii THE USUAL $65 Machine Reduced to S25 t- Ths Ciswest and Bc:t is the TTcrid ! 3Lg:n use to tract its Eupenorllent:. UQ KOSEY TO ?&7 UlTTIL KASHIK3 Tfr?i TT-a T'rirt ?r Pfti ' 5 is fe 4 Itaakef ti'phuttlc.iloublc-thr'n i.lorL-ytitch itiio atie n. bo h i le of the workl. whicb r jc&A tl- hu:bt awar'l t the ' Viitcnnuil '-; "l.It;ion. l'hiludcli bin. l'a . in ISTfi. Ami jrom jitctc with a l.nrgrr A"sirtu)iit ot AttactiriMilF f rtinr work iL-n air other much r.c. -tsJ U ducd Uonlv S-' It If a vary ami lOr.uant xnacmnr to oiiiTfltc. iron lli !o.it circ. prortuci cv-ry iant urk, and will lit iu.11 thr nest rentury Oie it once. i.ndi'U ill uje no othor- The fun Mmnr. -Minn', isaim ana t.mciiist. money ch- rfully relunde.l if u will sutOutwork and Uulhu't hti mnchiocntd ubic tliuprun. AcenM fll them faster thuc auj othfr in con Unct: of their bo ii(t"the65t and thLtnrit Price." Karh innrhiue thoncj,uly wnrrjiitetl with written puanuitee f.ir livu ear. Kept in order Free of i liurge; inoury icfundoJ at once it not .uli.t.i turv Iti.theroort ..hl. rtliablo nn 1 satkfjctio ! UnWfTfiP ATH1H PHYSiCJAN marine ever ja.tiMl lor all kind, f tjmily HUillVllUrrt i n IU T il I 00M, cuK It i an a4.iiileilst,l nncqiri:al int 1 T. ,. . JK?cal Fncctv. tnnmnshlv te-tt-J. ni cmnI in U. b. retision I?Ur?C0n. h kifandu of to . is. An cfUci-m. wlent. lapid. j w 1 r. 1 nlKble. and ever-rvjdj helper totlo wearj wtf' SSFOmcV. 0VC Kaicy Hros. law 0U1CC. ir rrauirtrcrc. it will do the work ol n Ulnily lor j .. . .-jHife-timc. .r it w.ll earn Irom 51 to S? per d?y EI CLTUD. SfiRASiA for nnvone who wfhej1 to sew lor a Hrinz. Flits ' tnachineetM'L le than Half tie Price of ai y niw J nac'j"i"f Iikeiua'uy. 11 extra loni:. liiro- bo . ...V-fliO leu lardiiot threAJ. il iiiK aw u !? . 1 n.iCii) rcnimea. nxini ihiso risra with the fre-iurnt Towindine of bobbins. It id Lmlt ior rtrcneth and c iiui'aut hjnl vri tk. In- fhance.tble worLiiic p-rtf. niai.utuotured of Ev-wvolMnu rieci. 111 run ior year? wuaoui itW.lr: i imn o x learn. cas"v 1 luanaco. un- Jetood in au hour, and ahv.iyi" teady in a mo ment to do every ucriti"U of Jteavy or Cne work at le" ooft or iru'Oe ihu auv tnachine sJ: iur urict over lid. or can do. It will ew 4anvt)iit tr u n.Hl!e em i 3rr lmlt. lare or earn- ' brie to be ivy cli.th or hsruj with any kind o! shread, and irill runtr twenty ip1j;i.t iiuniit'' i it utv stronc. straiebt neolle. anil nover break j tliLin. Tteannot tsior4lrop a 5titih. ravel or, ...-. lf. .H.Vi .. ..- ...... ...h.. ... ft..-...lr .hn tKte Mil It vi 11 hirn nnt nlhir tnnrhtn. Inn Tij ai.d Iiatc 1 better one. rhe am asd mm Iit if itr raiitftn n 1 qntlity of it work, are t'- t recoiniceaila ions. It will hcin.tell.turl . i.r -41. cord, biu 1. catbir. yuilt. ruSle. 1 lent. fold. tit.liip. birr. roll. Iit-. e'nbr.iil-r. icu vp brcidth. ctc with eleanre. v.im n.n I fwifius..". 2iurius.-Hl by a maobine eer imenlcd. The Price furoarir.w inachtnc are J tbn hoe aKet by dealer in yeeond hand, rrhuip ;ini rrtnihed rn chine, or thoe cllinc out i locK to che up busiiu". many uch tsferior and old tle macSice bctnz otiercl as new at j rjucd price; beware of ucj'o.'ltion and ot ly 1' ,r vkw uijchmc". There arr n kw firt-cla jhtneotfcreJ u low a! tieFaaity,"by tnacy 'ar"- - r ..lttcltii.es cntjor x-UKtation Unorevny- mmi of Bltl. Extraordinary iadueeinent-crrd to Clercy- nicn. Teacher'' at )reKeepen.e;c,toact a ajnnt. Ilore anc wca furnthel free Tor testtino- U'al; he "w-enptive booc. mailed free with tuinplc of work, liberal term, circular, etc- "TJiXiLT' SEWING 1A.:SIS CO.. r 755 SroaiTaj, Ney York. Kendal Pi Spavin Cure ijasurecurK for jpav'n, Fplirt. curh. calIou. praic. itwellinr. tall, latnencs aud all cn tarreirent 1 f the joint? or Itm'h It will com lletcly irRime a bono spavin withont bl.tcnuc cr 'ssinc a sore. It in also a pood lor n.an f-s t bexft and v u-J lull ftrcuch, at ll tune of 1 be year, wiifc jfrfect rately. A euro which we a- j UyUo f a person who Miffercd 13 year gL-t Pl,Vh latuete- and wa. permanently i U;dlir aro with Kendall5pavin Cure. Ren-ember claim it will cure a bone pavin ad comiletely remove tue uuuen wttnout on- ec l-i5.iMarnali, cstern iit.oi uicniRSJi, ( KldicHioo. Apiil 15th. lS7t. j B. J. Ktndall. Encburch Fall. Vt. Dear F,: I received the two buttle of your spavin euro orwarded by express in Ja ur l.t. 1 m happy to rfate that it performed all your ad-Tnien-.ii called f r. In three week atter I eommeoortl uinc it. the i-f .irta was entirely re .bo ed and a valuabfe hore rtifcd to neful "WSV. Very trcK ourf. JOHN 1'AKKER. Seed far illustrated ctrrular civuis positive ri-of. Price $1 lift. All druseiU hare it or can Ct it for yoa. 1. IJ '. hend-ll iniwt r. Kno?burch Fall, Vcrnoi.t. j l. j. tiwucia, .lgcui. viuu . .icui.su. MAKING POWDER The rCBEST. HaLTlIIEST, STKOXCEST sai KEST II IKlhC TOTf rE3 la th IVorld. Tf a aolirlt an nnprejndlcfi coaiparijon wllk "Mother kind. 0UAia.5TEED TDKK rLOSI ALUM K AMTHI5B UNnEALTHFCL and Ttarrsatedte clve perfect aaticfactioa. Ask vwrCMwftrCZAR BAKING POWDER " take 50 OTHU; klad, icfsTHrBEST is THE CHEAPEST! ) Taar;fcntBaj tr BTEKIiE & E3TESY, , Sew fiavei Csss. CC HERE! $5 in &0ffl2 for 50 eU, r JL felkfertlm CwuliW. IK)XT JUSS Ikk Ckn'K. lllIIIB ut .l..kT. .-. .. C. . M r-. C f axc Fftvorai. r.a ; 3 2-trc. rM ; f tlver-cdatr I -.4rr. I PUa HoUtr; I Rubber-In Fcccil ; U tim al- .- Ctusr trt for rlrir Inn. bi; bwj mthmr ci-. It ,Su ti Ffrj I ftlO twki th.' fmasr -- . 1 AH aeot reryift: B)utw ms.) i icr emr uaeia. sukt1 luca. jiacreA mos boos x, i e ARPENTER SAWS W ,.H amWAt jtr. ikkkkhW x kkkkB kkVaLkW HH kkkaV 1 AaflRX FrnV aHt Ba nsMfi C- nr stlier kind-yi can file voters nt!i esc -me jrcMe m (hat it wilt eo: Mettrr liax f ti-. n tth will alt rwaaia f roo&l .r ait , Bik '- .- -eeWjf of $t.ZB tn any , "aTa C' .CDitt kUXr. Illutr3ifl Circular Vre. f V 6 ,eMTBwrmntZtmeTntimnttiau c tr Js. JK0TJT ; mm&., are irI-V hr fcandrvdi cf Mlrr ftrm tn cur Jiachise vbo aay ttwy wucli aot take BMor aU CO'OPKItATlVE' L ETECTIVE AMD IKFORMATlOi of all Uak rnmsfOr UUa4rf . Cer. with Dctaoirea. Veal Ohm. aad n cafife b tke DrtKftre tanana.erwao rcuaae aaarnvan to aaun taca la a4 tfee apfracmj.a mi timuoMlm- kT-i. B-UCKEtt. iMm, i in anraei in., ai. ijtj Je. JtbSIXESS DIRECTOR'. JT.B. Will cox, i TTORXEY AT U aoJU. F: Cornrci A ioner. Oll-tion promptly attaadeU to. OCcc nardoor north of ditf OOce. 22D CLOUD - 1TZB ; o. c: CASE, A TTORNfTF AT LAW. 0&32 one doo: orth of Garbe'n tort. 2SD CICTO, 2?S2 Collection made and promptly remitted J. S. GILHAM, fORNKY AND COUNSF. ATI LOli AT LAW. Cic on' ffvr north of Kahy Bros. RED CLOUD, - - - NEB w.'c'reilly, ATTOV.X KY AXD COUNSELOR AT LAW. KeJ ClouJ. Nrb. tJuProtrpt AttPCtinn fiiren to Collection!. Ornrr-OrrrJoHJ.su Currs Store, with C II. rOTTElt. Edwin C. HiwJey, ATTORNEY AXI- I'OUX A ELRxlT LAW. OfTco our Farley's Drug Store. EDr73 JAS. LAIRD, ftTTORNKY AND COUNFELOU pi at law. JumataScm-afia. Will trrae ticc in all the Courts of the ( tap I'romrrttt-tention pivcn to all IroKnie entrusted to his care. Omce on the east .ue .1 uniata A venc. July 1 7 H. S.ZAirY, Ast. 15. a-.M.R. R.LanJ C. V. S&LZ? Xct.ry Tub'.ie- ' ATTOUSKYS AT LAW aTid real c-s-t-tte Agents. Vrill practice in all the Court uithis Sutc and Northern Kan. CollectJnn-protnrrfV attended to ana Corre.pondein-f viliritcd. Hed Cloud Neb. J. W. TUL1E1S, FXESEKT A. II A LI, Jl. I- Physician & Surgeon, RY.O CLOUD, SEll. Havinc lo'attd prrmanentJy nt tli rl.nee. I will tttend Jo all calif, dy or n;fht. ilicilor the ivrceut at Farley V druj? store: at mclu at tlii rot's imuK. 19m .eoj -Tp -r Q TT fj,"TZ Ij"1!-? ' J i J.i I VJ SJ) JJJ JL. 9 I'roniictcr of CITY nig STOEE. Doalcr in DRUGS, MEDICINE?, Faints, Oils, V A 15 S 5S H ES. Et c Ec "valley house, F C.WBSTOX, fro. KED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA Fit.t CIsp in every rereet. Free 'bu tn and from all train. Sample ros for commercial men. Give us a trial. 'V..R!b- dfon. S. Garbcr. Eichardson & Gafber, DEALERS IN JLIVE STOCK, REI CLOUD. NEBKAS-KA. llichest market price raid for hoc? end cattle. .T. K. Smith ?. C. Smith M.B.Tnom-sof. Pre?. FirJtNat. Cah. First I-iteT. Her First ank. Ueatrice it. Bank Nat- Dink Beat- Ntb. atrice Xcb. rie .Neb. BANKERS, J "Will make crlleclion in any partof the InitedMate? sell nchanre npou thj princi pal eastern oitie Loan money upon improved farm Rcccivedepo it subject to sijrbt draft Allow interest tir-ec time deroiiu. and trans act a general Basking btuinefs. KrrKBESers: Omah Xatioeal Bank. A. S. Paddock. U. .S Sei.ator; First National Bark New York. Caahri lire Valley National Bank. Cambrisc New York. D. G-. "Walker, CARPESTEE&BinLDEH, RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA All kinds of carpenter work done with neatness asd dispatch and satisfaction gnaron'ced. Leave orders at the store ol C E. Putnam or at Perkins & Mitchell's. ll-tf EMIGH BROS. MEAT MARKET RED CLOUD, NEB. Tne choicest of Fredi rceat. Sacsarcs. Ferris and crerythirc in tbe lice that the mar ket affords, always on hand. S5icp two doors sooth of Sherer'a drnc store. Fcctl s? Sale Stable, J. D. Post, Prop. RED CLOUD. 1 THE CHIEF. M I- THWOJS. H3STOR THURSDAY JAN.S. 1SS0. I VSHElt the licaal, who will It be, , ! Uj Arpu? contemp'ates )rith oompUcen- I cy lU defeat of tjrant. Sherman and I Blaine and the elevation of Washburn to ihe poition of standarl besrer foe lite Kepablican party in HS') t The man for the Ueptiblican pirly oto cnooe loruwi prouu poc;-.nn, nouiu ocyny ,f triul by rules f grammar rather thoroushly de rotcJ to and identified with thaH -oy common u-a2e the more projtr all the leading cpital acts and principles ? -randarl of composition inasmuch a it or the Republican party, and yet be more ;3 the i0urce fron, ffhich Ernjmar and than a partisan. Such a man is Gcnrral -, ruie, nre ,nv0d, very few are the Orant. j author even of the rt raok whoc He s-hould be above all the ntat Tin- wrujn3 V0K4 fif2D,i ,Ke test of a ri?id quostlined and widen known exponent icca0i,a! cnticMu by the arbitrary ruloh ofthcidetofnatijnality. That man is 0fKramujar. A shnrp critical expert in ueneral Urant. lie hliould be aUo one universally rec ognized as endowed with extraordinary ability and chiracter. That mas is Gen eral Grant. He bhouli be a'so, ono wkoss present ataniing i., eo high lint rw fears will be . felt of hi cooping to low intrigue or fuctional calul. Til T -MAN lt-GrXEHAL Gdant. lie ehotild be one who-e conduct, if elected, 00 all 'JC-:iona of vital import might be assured by refereace to tke patt. That jsa.n i General Gkant He should be one whoie election would mciii peace unl law and order w the South, and juit and security in the North. He thould bo one about whom some thing firwablo may be siid to, and ap- jreciiled by, all iikii. He should be one whofe jrrx'nesa, dircctne-s, and celebrity would l.Mo in! iheir ihadow the little political tricLster who will be h'n op.wtent He should be one known if possible to even-voter in tho land an 1 who yet rrtiiins their respect and honor. Those splendi 1 iualifiintions are con- j ceded to be pose-sed by Gen Grant But 1 the milk and wtter po'kieiau3 of the lib- era! stripe, and tho-o who de-ire that lightning miy strike them, hive orte rt'P'y to nil this. "The third term." l'ho thiid terra and the second term are too much, in truth, for him who in office employs his time and position to secure hi- grasp. But fur hita who ont o office, as a private citken, attract' the attention, respect and horaaee of the world, who is gieeted by democrat as well as republican, rebels aj well na p triot? as the man of vhom America i proud, who in f pcech or conduct never vaunted over a prostrate enemy, who in peech or cnt.duct nevir unneccc.ari!y gave offence, never ha3 referred in bojt or nth-faction to the record he has made, who in all the political difficulties and mi-fortunes which were incident to hi administration, when trusted men pre finned upon their trmt, and friends be trayed their friendip and djrkena 1 his dmini.stration, never was EUp-ete 1 of complicity in micondust, or of desartiig there who were suspected, who was so nv ch a politician that the leading ons wtre content to serve und: r him, S3 mu.h a m?n that his statesmanship is forgotten a third term, instead of being a favor con ferred by us on such a one, is a mark of our ability to discern and appreciate such a man. We arc informed that Senator Pad dock pmpo.vj to build a Iight-houso at Republican city, to that when the Rep ublican river becomes rovig-ible for iron clads tnd '"rich." it will be ready to warn the "marines"' of the dangers of that coast. With a Navy yard 3t llst inrs, a custom hotuae at Red Cloud and 1 a Light-hou-c at Republican city, (all promised.) the Senator ought to receive the undivided support of south west Ne braska. Senator Paddock is putting in pome beautiful canvassing for Senator Paddock. His first grand overture wa$ to capture all ye country editors by a geuial hand shake aud honoring their small sancto sanctorums by his msgnificent pe rsonage, i .i - i, - -, .! ana now iney are au vieing witu each other as to who can write him the most eulogistic biognphy. His second coup d'etat was to capture Otoe county, or Vk .U. r:.. i .1 r-:n -ar t- Tr - ui V j - -. . - a . , : . , ", . , . stranded njariners. And thus he swings around theciicle, buying the average pa per with a smile, but more advanced ones, like the Kearney Press, it take more substancial evidence, maybe flour, may be something ebe, to secure its good 1 will. Arapahoe Pioneer, I'eiruis Press Isssciatica. Notice is hereby given that the Neb raska Press Association will hold its annu al meeting at Lincoln, Neb. on TueHlav Jan 20th 1SS0; at 3 o'clock r. m., at Commercial hotel, to transact such busi ness as may come befoTe it, and that in the eveninc at 8 o'clock a meeting will he held in the City Hill to listen to tbe oration to be delivered by brother C. H. Gere, and the poem by brother Fred. Nye, and to participate in suck other ex ercises as may be provided. A fall attendance of actual pabHshers and editors is urzently requited. Thomas Wolfe, Pres. J. C. McBwriE, Treas. H. M. Wells, Sec'y. SCBSCIIBE FOK THr CHIEF. Once .More. I tin Argun a few works ago there appeared an editorial parportly in rapV 1 to a coaxsatMtration to the Cm tr by tne who avusaed hitiflf to be a fritti of Mr. al. iJarbrraad who tabscrib! him self C. S. which editorial retires a few worda by way of CfitxKnrot if not of se vere aiticism, and irnmadverw?!. from wiich ibve no way of escare f xwt 1,. - .mM,l honorable on th u.n of tic e,j;:or t0 jr (f'arbcr and hi ftien.N. on baTe notbtn to sty in defeoje ef C. S Some of his entences ce perhaps un gra.intna.tical, ai the af.reaid editorial TlUti ,. or a the editor nrobiblc meant say graanroiticaHy incorrect. epec-J literature might n:ice, by the use of such a criterian, to detect many flavs and blunders in the work of tuch men Dickens aid Macmley and Bancroft and others. o tnaVe ai mention or new,psppr contributor and editors who -re ecncrav. ooliscd to write very hur- riedb', asd have no time to reviu and enr- rect their writing. Uut by all thormh ic'ilar he would be put down as a flippant shallow lecknol ogi't, and be laushed at for hi critical jrains. Yea, the editor of tho Argun himself, proficient though he professe to be in tbo artd of omposiiim an 1 tech at-cal eiiticia, if o'iLioJ to pass through ueh a scorching or.ienl, might not come out t.f it entirely unseithrd, and therefore one might think that I15 could hire compis-ioa of the inortnt and thos of his co'ifn're in literature, "'ho are out of the Wav flir that he h:melt also is cnc-mpa32d with Mifinitr. Then hiscriticim consits of nothing but asr tions He has forgotten to adduce hW prooGt Uut this is only a minor consideration, that the article of C H. in the Chief was based on a niiMpprehensiun of the meaning and purport of the remarks of the -lriu, and this gav him grouud for complaint, I candid 'y admit. But why ahoiilJ h hoiJ Mr, Girber respon-ible for tht, and visit on hi n the sin of one who purpt rts to write ii his defence. Of the woidiug of those remarks in the Arpi-i which C. S. made tbe ground of hi scathing strictures, neither he nor Ir Gitber had no ground for complaint. . whitevcrof secret inumph over Mr.1 Garber's failure or taunting at his lack of influence or pou'arity C S. mitht as he snppad detected in their tone, and how ever he might eiipect. or whatever groand; he had for suspecting the edi tor of the Argus of having bctraj'ed Mr. (iarlor,B cause while publicly profeing to maintain it, f having while tints professing to alhe'e to him as the regu lar noiuiu'.-e of the convention, of which the proceedings he condemned as unfair and supported him languidly listlessly and ineffectually, instead of heartily and vigorously as sincerity and candor requir ed. certain it is that any batrayal of a felling of triumph over Mr. Garbcr or nnconernedncss or of nouchalence about the i6ue of the election 0:1 the part of the editor of the Argus would hive been very seemingly, an 1 out of 'a-te. if not selfstuhifying, imsrnuch as he was vir tually in the same boat with Mr. Garber, the defeat of one was the defeat of the other, which the editor of (he xVrgus must have fek if hi support of Mr. Gar ber had been sincere and earnest. But if those rcmirks of the Argus on which this co: trovarsy hinges contained, as we acknowledge they did not, no as pault upon Mr. Grbr and his reputa tion, can the editor of the Argu3 allege as much touching bis lat ternaries, hi? reply lo C. S.? Docs not he therein, cot only prefer accusations ai gainst Mr. Gir bcr, but assume the funrtions of a judge, and without allowing .Mr. Garber even the roemblacce of a trill, pronounce on him arerdictof crimination; when he (the editor avers that ha had during the campaign received 'damaging proofy against the character 0 f Mr. Garbcr? If he said that he had received what purported to be proof, damaging if rue. (lie case would be very different But such U not the statement, but ihu proofs they arc, and damaging proofi at t hat, words which fairly imply that he had exercised judgement in regard to 'them, and arrived at the terJict which ' he pronounce, unfortunately, proofs are not the only thing, which are dama- ring io a man's repatation. Not to men tion reports and rumora of all sorts, as sertions or verdicts like these arbitrary, and dogmatically pronounced are often as i aamasicc as. or more so man proois. Not only Mr. Garber, but the public have a right to, in saeh a case as this, to ask te editor of the Argus, 4,I $jr. you re ceived what yoa knew to be such proofs against your candidate, why dil yoa per sist in supporting him to the end of the contest, bat if yoa don't know them to be valid only purported one, why do you, at this late hour, assert them to be such, aad thas make an unwarrantable onslaught on Mr. Garber fcecaaM a par ported defender of him has incurred yoar vengauce?" yoa owe a satisfactory ex planation and an apology to the public or aa ameade honorable to Mr. Garber. (?. S. WAITED-" KXMTCkVcf IiiiI - .! A -aaaaaa . W T V ... at, -. MW at JtTJaaV apIJa v.aaB V S . 4a aaWaa aBra a. A. BROWN 1 'Secesor to W. U. Kcd, XiCALCR IN PARLOR. BEDROOM and Kitchen FTTRSTTTTJEE Brackets, Chromos, Picture Frvmes, Mattresses, Etc. COFFiX? .hays on hand and trimmed on krt ittcc. l'FK'E as LOW a.anvtn tho valley iQrUepiiiing of all kind "one prompt ly and satisfactory. ?ED CLOUD. - - - NKB. iiiiw. an. nAWi-iEY, .TEA.'IEP r Vocal and Instrumental I Oi ssi ,1. C -; atiLtats HOUSK PLANTS, KLOtVEl TOTS, NICSS and CHNICK article a Faculty. Next the 'old Court ilc.' Wobner t. KED CLOUD, NEB. City BAKERY and RESTAURANT ! A. jaultrhiich, Propr. Iin.LF.:t IN ALL ICIND.J F CANNED GOOD', FIH'ITS. NUTS. COKFE(T10NKUY. ETC. ?2Z3H S32AD, IWZZ, CAru:,ZTcr7 Keen. Warm Mro'd at all hours, 20 cents. ! C-FilFSU OYSTERS alway on hand. Webster -rrect. one door south of K 1 toy Bro-. Uw office. iiki. f'l.niH). - - NEB1L 1I4 w- T7- FOUItfD at LAST! THE Adjustable Eocking Chair. yiXClIAXfSBJ!' From a SEWING CHAIR FOR THE LADIES TO A CRAtJLF. for the BABY. For Sale in Webster and Franklin coun ties ONLY BY G. A. BROWN, RED CLOUD, 6 ai" Iehr. HARNESS SHOP nv J. L MILLER Keeps contant!v on hind 1 full Ii-. of Harness Collars, Saddles, U hip, Hnrc Ulankets. Combs Brush es, H.irne" Oil and cvry thinc usuahy kpt in a first-c'as -hnp. Two doors north of the ?ank. ThsSslie.. Cxsl ?ri:e ?aii fc Sie: ani Tzrz. NIMBLE SIX-PENCE. GEO- W. DOW, Dealer in Groceries & Confectioneries, Choice Tea. Coffee- Socar.te. White Fish & Mackerel. Creen. Dried an-i Caaae.1 Frait. The be": To baccos and Curat- " !w aa.t saeaj eaa- Mutly on hand- K. Batter asd wood Tiki, ii ?.yaist for i. Everyibinc irarranted to be a. rrpreseated. OIVE ME A CAI-L ad I will do too good. lit doer Earth of ar?a oSee. Red Cloud, - Neb. D. T. THOMAS -DEALER XX- EVZ 3 SHELF .VARE AND General Merchandise Africfillairal Inplene-ats r all kiads. Highest Market Price paid for country produce. C9V?LV, IU Cash T. Credit! "Economy is llir road to IWalihS' Goods bovgiit bf.fokf. the dvwcf, np snui. BEING SOTD F BOTTOM FICJCRfcS, AT LIDDVS cm stork. io&--i iBlankcts, Check, Plain JCAN.S. COTTOXADns A1!! WM. VAMlXK.nr sMt,V W tX, ". RKtRT. UUOsttUV, OLI'VCK AM) lUHfU. DRY ! In endless varietv, and at prices that will maks you smile ap- i provinglv, and immediately purchase i your winter supplies at LIDDVS. 1 - A large assortment of the celebrated M. Scr. 'Chicago hand made Boots 5c Shoes, everr pair warranted and the best fitting made, for sale only at LIDDVS. Groceries. Crockery It, Queenswarc t priea that aoae eaa beat. ad few rjatii. Remember, for fair square dealing and always' j at lowest cash prices you will find it to ! your advantage to call on i iifu-d Cloud. LIDDY. 0 U 0Si-oO-OOO'M O V II. Ment. A i Miner o 0 Dcaltriia ERCHANDISE. 6 AY keep conitaatlynn TiT5T GOOTIS C Clothing Hats. Caps 45 f Boots, Glassware, Queens ware ando I CROCKERY. I V ; :- V A A" Wc buy our goods for cash, and defy competition. WhenO 6 11 6 X in town give us a call. X $ Or.t door South of th Pit CSte. 0 Red Cloud, - Neb. 2 Q&S. 9rvrfi0'xr 0 F. NEWHOUSE, -DEAXKIl IS- DRY - GOODS. &EOCEEIES, AND NOTIONS, Red Cloud. - Xebraftka The public ceacrally arc xcsyntpiiA to call and examine my rooJ aod rrice. as a hare of the painna2e ihcitrd. ny Store, fiivt door north of Memb er's meat market. I4-2G F. NKWnOUaK. SAM'L GARBEH PKaLKB. IS aOry Gd and Groceries. BOOTS mud fcllOE Hats Caps. & I Ready Made Clothing , We bav. tkt Uriut Sttck ii tJit VaMy ii wKI Mt bt Itsl-KStlaf. GtE US A CALL, Oli k ALL- SamM, Garber Be CUu-1 STefc and Plaid Flannels. GOODS 0 J. L.Mi.W Bros. $ allln4?f hand a full ttnek of A GROCERIES. C.V ifc? - COME! For Vour LUMBER! DHV LC?MBKR A SI'KCIALTV. aIl at Iavrst rrt-ej i mnm & muu, RED CLOUD NEB. CHICAGO Lumber Yard BED CIiOUaY, Xeb. YaUTal south of Ilaaptoa k Rx taa'i bop, on Mai a atrect. Kap eoMtaaiir a tuju irt-at-at Laaikmr. lAf , M I aclr, ! t I . Mas MfalrraHra(. ptacier KailM lair rataar ! r. ef PLATT & FREES XIXEIl THER. HEADQUAETEPaS FOR ?cu,IIrwliiftts I "- 'JH it iirim4 ! , TCI itSit sjif-f tsr ra. - - a- a, .- .. 4t t, fc4 i a! i Ttt! Wrt-. '' ' rffc t. UMtlt s i w WOTrtEST UIAID3BN3 LCUCOI.KNCV Mttl XV. A - . -- i -4 mrvi f - -C " - -. 4 . -- . ' t J a t ij ..m i. - . k jauanaaa" Km l mm- -t !. - M -.y - t - - iii',' vU Tt. M-kM . - " " ; hmii' iiimnii. m ,miionww t L'H.4lM'' -. T t ,,.. ya... vmf,n . -.... I a-4 - t -'.- -" "- jj j t -m - .1 i ta "t a .- .- a . .- .. . 4 - - 1 m t - - - a ,4mm4 1 I mmm . t -. - - J iA?cms ROKOrC CJTf 5 U-tTl BOOKS-MILL! Of J t -. mm- mm mm fc rmJ mm,.m,. . .. -mmmmm- '! t m i ,-. ' ' . . a... . i. . t m-JT ." '' m m n "- wf "" rM. 4 ms !' I a. a . w aj.'i. a fffaBBn.9 Wi. mmm m m -f .!. il .f .11 kMi (Miml v v r -" " S - .MMtJMMaV M-Aa.-- . -. W K-f- V i I" . i iii- 4 iin'.-a .. I - . M Iai ftmUt a. Wr- f OT-.4, a a (w.i w) ' - " ' ilUIWMlHnMHH . .-. -TUC PIVATt alCAWOVIt- r- P-r f. fiVa. -,,,wJ2L!ftrVTI j, - i k -a. fc- . , . a. V w. a..w.a m ff. '" n. . . t .. . fci" i' ta,iiv l a mw ; i - mm-mm .l. fc-r, ,- . - 4 . nr " t-- .-. ty -.-.- ta f;. 0 1 "I. fSZZ t i.i. -! w. a . t ...J . .Mna.W rnojTr nQtui. f fa ' V--J - ' -" - y " r, bask'. a waii sf a-M r 9 1a - L, tf fevftasrav - r tfrM W-a s - - - c t ., a W -. ph. otiTTsrpfSP.cjanY-r a fATlnTtTIB i i Smm - J r - i.i. i -- p, ntvm fmrmc ..- wx r aia ayKW tuajS fag I UlUi'JKS tSRat. MlaJU MMU i.-nr.K PftOf. IIAWHir RADICAL CURE IMt f mXAT0!3EC ' fl2M!MAl FASTtLLKr n J o-. ll-9 . . J KC mm . I wa AiM A i .. t . - -.in(- f tm U a m aJ..j' y,.fr',"'"t11 i-,. - - tf . . tun j rf 4 k mrnmrn-mmmmm, t-t mm m -i-V f -r - M - aw .; - m - mm-rn . . ....-Vt - mm. w km . m-m m m r r " r mm-m -f- tfmt '" " jj-i ,.in-iii--r c)r a v a tit - ,. -mmm -.-- - " .- !- . 'y r1- 'i -f- T - m.t Hit --' . ...- .. -t m- 'mm r-mm - J a. J . Jia a Mmt t -, v . a-a p-. imtt m - -a mnmm ratKatcr:o3aa.d;w "' . r . . r 1 J rntm lai-.l. . I !. rt M - rv V te-. . a. ..... - ,....' . w .av m MI'rl'"', a-rfCJM-T a.-- HAaxaS KoicsY ccrrc cxkjti Uatal a4 4 't. .". LOUIS, MO. I IASTS MK8 JAW hUCHMTC Tla JSiiX IAi U y A . '. XajMr C.-. lstaav Hta. 7 5C C&ariM tnL, St IsJS - reirJaa-l tVfi. jm."' arjj- ;. mmiVm0tcf mZ m&m-mi J m&lCrrrVci?-mkwmrm.GmMttj aa .wcaaaC , V J" V'na?Jfc a-w w frrrja. 0aarJa.Ca. aconanr. o-ft- Xflt. r rrptra a Ciarr i??n afck vr . wm. lfla'tWH .. aatS-Urt'- -'X:,' - . Hr&arxB. rxyJ S-Cjiy J4 J-f mjgy. S .. "f " I paaf ,... la air ' J "a" -Tf I ' - " ' - -- " $' '-' tATmmUrmm ra ., a.aw .,. mmmm. jrr CrfS,-VA'J T J5- a)t.trasV-r. ' mi. & - " aa.aa aav ia " arw. ! - ' i- ataav. CrwaaCM a -t, a T aJ n al aan-a. -Ta- at M a' - ar-r ( tRJ. . . a - . . t a ii laaaf "If a aaaaai j-ftaa ai.MaIT Tab! 3feMaS --affpaaiaTATaaL aaTaaTT aaa"aWBwaa. aP:. W ar avaFJ VaaBBP Turtr 1n Tr "tTf S taata. 1 -i J Jtrui.fcf isi. S Sjk?c 44 run. MARRIAGE VfSSh tOAlJ GUIDE. Maka-tat4HVal(a rataJ C. lagaal frmrmrrmmrr. w r a-f tw, T.aU J anaiw"!- "' ra. r. tX al Mf7 Pf ii, aw 4 vm m mmm-f wlairi. 73w fpaaWjy t teaa. aBaajr lavrvr. 4r SA J arI aa, a. TU aart a tt,m . ar- ayjt Mav4 rMaaa au .4 -. I mSCMPTIOH IRBE ! g--TJimJ inn, UiKiab aagyai.y.t9Vaa-a.fcar. i.ir-M w fT- trw - W a4 viBw . gmi ? .cz: X. Bjaaaaakv -.. aaaataaaw - .... . ? awaaBvi r.w i- . --. ? . .A - im'rt A. tw. f . uml k . w .11 am t T - ' -- in i ' v- . tmm . r I'inwio m m -m ..i.. R-i OfHf Sd' awl7 '$3bt i mfi . i it .a R.a--. . HWVK Pw. ! H ' -ff-ffrffrfffffffl ,fw"i-y atHiy ' ..C - - -- k. - Itf MHW t i L ,, . f j '; an1 iT3L u.1 rmmr. - tfc ZlaoowM ! tfcMit.,.-'t-' Sw ,7, tw. K aa-"-. a. a- j w i ,i,. V L t 1 :'ils'tZ rS. a. a aaawa. tvj'w " ff'I SP a Wta - -- 1 Si. It S9 ACtMTSWAMTlD. VaBBBBVaaRalaaVaataaaBBlaVBBlBfJhiLgBu (mP I aL.aaKM.aariaSSaVaaaaTraiaaaCaaB.aaata..aaaaT aa5BaT aVU k - X Bar Ds, WfflTTIEB I 1 1 aaaMa-r aw t.aa ' f I "a I T fjT r ' , . ' , XlKfl7 iaaalafc-atai .ijfc.T ..aJ..' '1 Ut -rf " w iJT ; ir T ?V --i