-." .j XE.. .,. T- s-v . f " V fJW i -,! T-J - , -j T W'i5-5 ' -"" '-.KjmmwimMtvim" j.i.iiWWH-i IIMMMMHMMMMMilWMWMii.il n iwu.i i . j- - . .--vrs--v' vi THE CHIEF. .LOCAL MATTERS. i 1880 Harpy New Year. "Pull down your vest' Sociable at Mr. Liddy's to ij;.t. If you haTc "swore off,' Btick to it. Read C. 0. Potters uad" in another column. The merchants did a good bufciuecs lial Saturda, TIhm cold weather pinches, and coal at ?J2 50 a ton. Remember the poor, you have them alwaja with you. Come to the Chief office for all Linda of blanks. Joe Holcotnb, an old "print" spent last Saturday in town. We keep on hand, and for sale all blanks uaad by Notaiies Public It coats us one dollar a d ay fur fuel bring that wood you proumed, please. Mr. C. W. Kaley rflturned from Ohio with hia biiJo List Friday even ing. The officers of the Mafonic lodro of this place were publicly installed last Friday evening, The ice crop ia good and is being har vested ty thofce who are prepared to take care of the article. $1.00 per year if paid in advance, $1.50 if paid in fix months, and $2.00 if paid at end of year. Our thanks are duo Mr. Moshcr for a 6nc fat turkey which ho kindly left at the Chief headquarters on Christmas dj Mr. Joseph Grandhtaff, one of the intelligent farinets of Wells, this county, hands in the ducats for tho Chief a year. Mr. J. W. Shorwood, tho new mer chant on the corner, handed in the shekels and will read tho CillKf iu the futura. Mr. L. N. Edson, living on Elm Creek, lott three fat hojes a phort time ago; they were lifttd from the pen aud 4,fpirited" away. : Buy yourstock of the Crete Nurseries and you will get trees that arc adapted to this soil and climate aud thut will be Bure to live and thrive. Mr. Shemood advertises his busi ness in the Chief this week. Read hi. "ad" and then go and see for yuur-clf how cheap he tells goods. New goodd are con.lantIy being re ceived at Miner Bros, thoy aro willing even anxious to sell that they may have room for tlia new goods that are con stantly coming in. The Christmas free at the couri house on Christmas eve is said to have been loaded with presents for tho Sunday rchool children and others, and was the tccasion of a very enjoyable time. Those who think of plnnting fruit trees fhould notice tho article copied from Crete Union on first page. Our well known citizens, Mes?rs. E. B. Smith A. Kalcy ami Geo. ttenfor will take orden for Creto Nurseries. We should like to have closed tho office and issued no paper this week, and taken lime to have become acquainted with our wife. Wo work about ninedajs in the week aud oft times into the wee Ftna' hours of the Might, the year round and it becomes monotonous. The Crete Nurseries sell 2 to 3 year snplc tices at 10 to 16 cent?, 2 year cher ry trees at 18 to 33 cents small fruit at 75 cents to $2.00 per dozen, other stock in proportion. They Fend instructions for planting and growing, giving result of S years experience in Nebraska, Last Sunday morning tho weather was a! balmy as spring, hut before night the winds fresh from the ice bergs that clus ler around the rorth Pole carco .sweep ing asross the piairics, and befoic nion day morning the mercury had got on the other side the lower side of zero. M. S. Marsh of Smith County Kan. called on us last Tuesday, he is canvass ing for Messrs. Sherman & Moffctt Bros, of Smith Center Kan. who contract to plant hedge and insure a stand of plants for a small consideration per rod, Mr. Marsh will call upon th- farmers of this oounty and sjlicit orders for hedging". An ex slave holder in Tennessee refuses to recognise the fact that .the negroes are free, and holds two of his former slaves a- Mich, yet. This is said to be tho only case of the kind in the south, which however, in a mistake, fur we, while in the south a few years ago, became acqu ainted with an old slave-holder who etill held his "chattels," as he called 'em. In order that the nature of Mr. Gil liam's connection with this paper may be fully understood -we will say that he i in no way responsible for the political or other course ot the paper, and will not allow his conaection therewith to inter fere in any way with the practice of his profession. He will write for the paper as much as the nature of his businesa will allow, and as the "spirit" may dictate. It was our intention to have written up a review of the busineess interests of Bed Cloud for this the first day of the ?tw Year, but as we was crowded for time and Fpace, and knowing that such efforts on the part ofincwepaper men are rarely if ever appreciated ic a manner at all commensurate with the extra Iab5r required in its production we conolude that we will let it elide" for this time The resideaco of Mr, Pope came no.T being the scene of a conflagratiou last Fri day. By. accident the lamp was over turned and broken-, the -oil which became ignited spread over the floor setting firo to the carpet and clothing- hinging against the wall. Mr. Pope was absent, ana the presence of mindjmd prompt action of i he women-Jig smothering the flamea, alone saved Tife building and content Jiow utter def minion. The Cbri-tniai Tree, was a complete ruecesa. The crop of fruit which this winter tree bore contained something for every 8. S. wholar in Bed Cloud. The excellent music which th. Choir di-cours ed wa a very pirflrinrar'featurc in the entertainment, and drew down the houvt repeatedly. The sudden advent of Santa Clau9, (in appearance a veritable Santa Clans) was u capital hit whiuh atruck the hous with amazement for a few mo ment?, aud then et it iu a roar of joulb ful merriment. To Prof. A. L. Fjuk, with other?, the chief credit of getting up this entertain ment. not only providing the exercises but a'so raising the fund to defray the expenei of the occasion. To whom Wd are indebted for the visit of "Santa C!au" I cannot tell, but I btrongly sus pect,, it is to J c b II I r. May all who wjre present on thii oc casion, be tiparcd to jco not only another anniversary of thin auspicious season, b'ut also many a happy Christmas and many a nierry New Year is the hearty wish, of one vrha was "thar." Arctic- at Miner Bros, from $1.50 up. Blauk leases for sale at the Chief effise. On The Tramp. BrjRM.VfiTov. Iowa. 1 Dec. 22d, 187'J.j Ed. Chief In accordance with agree ment I will drop a few line?, to let you know how the world wages in this part of the country. land Mr. Carter left Red Cloud on the 19, on the morning train of the B. & M. and as nothing of any note tran.piried until we reached Plattsmouth, here there was some little argument nrobo as to whether we thould walk or ride across the new ice bridge, but we being fully satisfied by eomc of the officers, that tho bridge was perfectly safe, and we took our position in the car and p a.5cd over all right. After crowing the bridge we indulged in a hearty euppcr on one of tho Pulman Palace dinning room cars and it was moot magufiuent, with everything the season affunled, at the cost of 75 eta. for a treat. We reached Burlington on tho 20th, at 6 :4j a. m., through the day I visited tho town with Mr, Carter, ho showing me around to a good advantage, and muBt pay tho city of Burlington is a very fine town. I vibited the Exposition on Sat urday evening which commenced on Mon day and continued until Saturday night, and lam certain it proved to be be a per fect succe9 in every particular. On Sab bath I went to tho M. E. Church and had the privilege of listening to a sermon delivered by Dr. McChesney of Chicago. At 2J o'clock i. 31 , wont to Sunday hool which was a very pleasant affair, where 302 scholars were met together for thepnrpone of receiving religious instruc tion, and also went to preaching, on Sun day evening, Monday I visited Mr. R. T. Roofs office, the publisher of The Foot-ft iata Of Time and found Mr. Root a perfect gentlemen. I will leave for Peoria on the night train, I will write soon eg iin. Youra most respectfully, I). S. Helver.v. Our Washington Letter. Washington P.O. Dec. 24th, 1879. f As nn offset to the claim of tho demo crats tnat they will make a gain of one in the Senate, unseating Kellogg of Louis iana comes a story that the English uii-a-ion is to be offered to Sen. David Davis, thus giving place for a Republican from Illinois. What tho authority for the stoty ia I don't know, but it seems have credance quite generally. Bon, E. B. Washburu is uained as Judge Davis suc cessor. There is one curious fact in connection with the Senatorial situation which per haps people have not noticed. A few years ago the democrats had control of so many northern Legislatures that no change could be made by death or resig nation without profiting them, aud they gained some thai. fiow it is exactly the rever&e. The Republicans control every Legislature in the Northern States except Indiana, unless the counting out scheme prevails in Maine, and therefore would gain whereever there should be a change in a state now represented by democrats. The rivals of Gen. Garfield for the Scnatorship in Ohio are getting 6lightly mired, they say he ia too valuable a member to send up from the House, and at the same time that he ought not to go to the Senate because he is a fur trader, but the fact is to express an impartial one. General Ger field is not a fur tra der, having done more to maintain the present reveuue system than almost any other man in history. If General Garfield is so valuable in the House, why would not he be in the Senate? This is a question for all par ties, if not for the rivals of any particular Senatorial Candidate. It u said that prominent members of Congress are organizing a movement to still further reduce the rate of interest to be paid on the National debt to bo refun ded in the future. Many think it can be refunded at the rate of three per cent. The Secretary of the Treasury does not think so, but many of the democrats sus pect him of holding that opinion because so low a percentage will not allow margin enough for the siadicate. who are expec ted to help sell the new isae. The frienda of Senator Cameron 'say he will make a vigorous leader of the Re publican forces next year, and I find his selection as chairman of the National Committee is received with great favor. Jle is a very popular man, and the dem ocrats will have to look sharp for a leader to manhall their forces, with equal spirit, and success. The families of Ssortors, Allison, of Iowa, Blaiue, Cameron, and Represen tatives Morton, Chittenden, and Robe son, are mentioned as to figure most conspicuously in social events this sea con. Knps. Lat week we sectioned the fact that j Mr. Stephens ol the Crete Nurseries had favored this office with a call, we are now glad to be able to etate that Mr. Stcpeos has made arrangement to intro duce nursrv stock into lhi eonntv from the well and favorably known Crete nur-1 ?eries. TtiO'te who wih to a.wire them selves of the entire re?ponibility, of Mr, Stephens a representing the Crete Nur series can do so by addrcfring the Cash ier of State National Rank of Nebras ka. .H4KRIi:0. Dec. 13 1610, by Rev. S. Rarr, at the re-idence of Dr. 8. Schink. JotlN Schank to Mi-s Auda IiltCUAKEU. Deo, 24tb, at the retidence of Thomas Home by Rev. S Rarr, Randolph Ci'.oxton to Mi;s Annie GEaottr. Lucas Rkawlv At the residence of the officiating Mjnistcr, the Rev. Geo. O. Yci-er, in the city of Red Cloud Neb. on the 21i Dec ldTtf, Wui. J no. R Lucus and Charlotte E. Bradley both of Webster Cj. Neb. CROWN! Not the Crown of KingH nor the Crown of Glory, hut the Crown Sewi'ig Machine, the hie-Ht. and bebt machine iu the Mar ket, it will pay you to call at the IW Office and see it before you purchase! For Sale by M. B. McNirr. All who contemplate building thnu'd call at .Mitchell and Morhart-iami take a Iok ut Gilbert's patent door loc, the best and a mot complete lock ever made, for inido or ouuide doors. The tuurt be frcn to be appreciated Call at Mitchell k Morhart's Hard ware Store, Red Cloud. tf. "Old Gov't Java" at RobyV All blanks made and kept :n stock by the Siate Journal Co.. can always be had at I ho Cut Kir office. We Uepon hand a supply of each form of blanks aud fell them at tho bnmo retail prici that they aie sold at iu Lincoln. Chas. E. Putnam who keeps tho Flour f- Feed store has alsu a fu.l line of Groceries, canned fruits, green and dried fruits of all kinds constantly on hand at prices that are bound to buit his numer ous customers. Don't snd to Lincoln or Omaha for b!unL.ri when von can cot thnm for th same money at the Cuicf office, aud save cxpres3age. All kinds of blanks for sale at the Chief office. No Good Preaching. No man can do do a good job of work, preach a good sermon, try a law suit well, doctor a patient or write a good article whenhe feejs miserable and dull, with slucgisb brain and unsteady nerve; and none should make ihe attempt in such a condition wheu it can bo no easily and cheaply removed by a little Hop .Bitters For Pitted Plums, and Chbrries, Al den Apples, Cal. i's Peach?, Seedleia and nice Box Raisin?, and every thing else thats nice go to W. B. Roby's. tf MONEY TO LOAN, on good Farms at 10 per cent interost. No enru mibsion. D. S. Coombs, at Court House, Red Cloud. 17-tf A stock of nice fresh candy just opeued at Roby's. ' Goto W. B. Roby's for your choice confectionary fur Christmas, afresh stock just opened up. Next t-j the "old Court Uouso." Will the S. S. Supt. of Webster Co, please forward me their annual re ports for the year 1879, at once as they must reaelMhe State Sec. by tho 10 of Jan. J. Q. Potter, Corresponding Sec. w 2 Webster Co. S. S. Assiciatiou Leisure Hours A Magaziuo of Choico Literature for the Peoplo, PUBLISHED MONTHLY -HT W. L. MERSEOK & CO.. Ill Broads, IT. Y. m The publishers of this Popular Maga zine have determined to give inoro good, interesting and instructive readiug mat ter to subscribers than can bo obtained anywhere for the same price; thoy have therefore, engaged a number of regular contributors well known to tho public, for the year 18S0, who will present throuch columns of the Magazine, Original Arti cles, existing of Biographies, Travls, Natural Uitory, works of Facts and Fic tion, eta,, eto. Nowithstanding the increased outlay of money which this renders necessary, the subscription price of tho Magazine re mains tho same. Our Terms. $1.00 a year or 50 cents for six months. We send a trial subscription of three months with a handsome premium for 50 cents. Agents wanted iu every town. Steady employment and good pay. For further particular and agents terms send Ftamn to the publishers. W. L. U2SH02T k CO., Ill Srcidway, IT. ?. To every bairel of Flour you can make thirty pounds more Braid or Bis cuit (and much better) by using J. Mon roe Taylor's Gold iSidal Soda or Salera tus, than by yeast fermentation or any other method. It is perfectly healthy, will not turn cookery yellow, will strength en weak stomach, and cure dyspeptic persons. It is much better to ue with cream tartar than any other. Try one paper and you will be convinced. Most of the Grocers sell it. Depot 112 Liberty Street, New York. Pause, Posdsr and Pem:e 1 ! The invention of that superior and com plete sewing machine (the"Family"Sew ing machine), marks one of the most im portant eras in the history of machinery, and when we consider its great usefulne. and extremely low price ($25), ic U very difficult to conceive of any invention for domestic use of more or even equal im portance to families. It has great capaci ty for work; beautiful, f-mooth and quiet movement, rapid execution, certainty and delightful ease of operation, that at once commend it above all others. The work ing parts arc all steel, strung and durable, and will last a life time; the bobbins hold 100 yards of thread; the stitch is the firm est of all fetiches made, neat and regular, and can be regulated in a moment to sew stitches from an inch in length on coarse material dewu to the finest, so infinitesi mal as to be hardly discernible with the naked eye, and with a rapidity rendering it impossible to count them as fust as made; it has more attachments than any other, and it does to perfection "all kinds ofheav?. coarse. Dlain, fine, or fancy needle work with ease, and far les3 labor than required on other machines, it needs no comnaecdition, the rapid sales, increasing demand, and voluntary encom iums from the press, aud the thousand of families who use them, amply tesuty to their undoubted worth as a standard and reliable bouse necessity, extesdingits popularity each day. Machines sent anywhere to be examined before any mon is paid. Auknts Wantkd by the Com pany. Address them ' for information. FAMILY SEWING MACHINE CO-, 7 14-ly 755 Bkoaway, Nzw York. Final Proof Notices. LaaJ Offic at Ktoocicctea Nb. Pec. 3. 1173. Nolle ti hff br -Tn tht tb fltotfcf nmJ ttillrr itrl notie- fit bl tnttclloa t sake sil proof la sppat t of hi ctl. a&J -nif Sal 3ir7 ihrof t th txpirtfn of thirty (i froaj Ui dt of tit ntW. tIk Hash C Jintlx. for the cor bwet jortr f trrtiou 2 Iowa i t,ortb of fat 12 !. nmr tin f!IwinM il wtarM.i -ph I.. irolit3' of Well. Net-.tai inl. W.lUof WtL.Neb. dc2Ja2r r. W. SWIT7.KR. Rriirter. La&d Ofir l Mtfeoiiarton Neb. Dr-cIOth. T7. NotW i brbr ira tbt tho felUwicj DtnrJ tettfer bi le4 auU- of bo lateatioa u rke flail j.roif in tappon ofh'eli.a. and e cut Soil entry thtroif at tbt exisrattaa of thirty tlayl irutn t&e dtr tit tait outlet, tii i r i.i.ut- cott Neb., and iUiin If. JfcKmory of scolt decXjanl! B. W. SWITKH. KrrUur. LacJ OSce at Ulocmisitoa Neb- Drc. 5lb. 79. Notice if brrrby ciren that tbe ful!oio( nzoici ict'ler bu Sll notice of bi miration to nukt flot rrcM-f la UMort vf hit claim. aei iccuro &cal entry thereof at the rxjiir.tiua of thirty dy from the date of thi ntiee. t:i: Joteth W. Jooe of Scolt Neb., fur the aorlb wtit C4rtr of jtIioo l.' town 1 north ol raare 12 rel, nl name the follow ic c. Lit itne e. rix: Tbua Kennedy of ae-tt N'b.. Jamra Roe of Scott eb.,audlhotii Vaathn cf OcoU dee!ljA&t;iV) S. W. SWir.KR, Reenter. Land OSce at Bloomiaicton. Neb. lec Slh. 7?. Notice! ho-obr zirea that tho fitlwm" named pettier has filed notice of hli iatentlon to make fin! Vftai in rnnrtort ot lii claitn. acl ecare ncal rntry thereof at tbe eiriratioa of; tbirty l jys Ir.-n Win Uat taf aoitce. t It: Abuloui N. bay, of InaTale Neb.. fr the footh-eet quarter of teciion twenty-'! rjG'T, two '2 it.tnclve ilii wrrt. and rainr the fol IobiukjuIim wltnewe. viz: Harey IVrmerof itf! Clnn I Neb., and Wiufield raricer ol Ked t'loud Nrtj dHJaa S. W. SWI rZKIt. Keznter. IjinJ UlSce at Biaoialnitoa Ntb. Nor. 21 th. 79. Notice it hereby circa that tbe follnwinc nam! te'tlcr ba filed nonce of hi intention t" make Srihl jroo in Fiijirort of hi claitn. an I aecurelin.il entry theriof ut the expiration of thirty day from tbe date of thi notica yiz: PraiiCsmelserof He-l iiiud Neb., fur the sontbcAit quarter of e?tion 4 toa 1 uurth f ranffc 11 wot. and i.am tbe fdlowinz a his witne?e.. viz: Ai Kcribnerof Kot Cloud Neb. Henry Gehrke of Ked Tlond Neb., and Nelioa riamenron of Ked Cloud Neb. detljanl rf. W.rJWITZPJR.Bcgiiter. Land Office at Bloomincton Neb. Dec. 10th 187?. Notice ia herebr ien that the followins filmed rettler ha filed notice of hi intention to uial:o final proof in xuppnrt of hit claim, and eou-e final cn'ry thereof at the expiration of tbirty dart from the dte .f tlii notiee. vtx: VTilliaia K 'I home, for tbe ." K. ' 4" t f .e C T. i K. 11 wet, and narnec the foll'inrinr . bis wit nmfti. viz: Jcsenh L. GrntUtatf, Norman Sjiritiger and Jnine II. Epccknall, all of Web tcr county Nebraska. dccISjanl5 a. W. Ewitxes. Kesister. Land Office at Bloomincton Neb. Dec. 9th. 1S79. Notice is hereby nivm that the following nntned settler b.i fded notice ol hi; inteutlon to make final moofin eiiprort of hi claim, unJ eecure final entry thereof at the expiration of tbirty day from the dite of this notic. viz : Karl lliuchnw. for the southwest quratrr of section 4 tnwntbip t lynire 10 wwt. and names tbe follonintr n hi? vriinesei. viz: William Topfrr. Aucnt Klumvnthal and illian Kurt, allofniuollillAeb. decl-janl5 tf. W. SWITZER. r.ejtifter. Land Office at Itloorainston Neb. Iec. Pth. 1ST9 Notice is her"Sy niven that tho following named settler hi. filed notice of hi.' in ention to make final proof in support of his 0l.1i10.and ao cure final entry thereof at the expiration of thirty days lrorn the d.itn of this notice, vu: William Toider. for tho N. W.Ji Sec. UT. 4 R. 10 West, and name the following nn bis wit nesses, viz: Karl Kusohow. Frank C. Uuscbow ami William Kort. all of lilun Hill Neb. icclhjnl' S. W. SWITZKK. Kceister, Zand Office at Blooinington Nch. Dec. 9:h. 1S7D Notice is hereby piven that tho followinj named settler lift" filed notico of his intention to m:iko final proof in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof at the expiration of tbirty day from the date of this notice, viz: August Jfaire, for tho northircU tiarter of section . town A rnnjc IU west nnif names the followiiicas his witucs'es. riz: Karl Kuscbow. AuKiHt lilumcuthal ani IVill'am Kort, all of Itluo Hill Neb. doclSJanlj S. H". SWITZER. Heeister. Land Office at UloomenKton Neb. Deo. 9th 79. Notice is hereby Riven that the following; namel st-ttltir h:is filed notice of his intention to uukolinil prool in support of his claim, and secure final entry thereof at the expiration ot tbirty day from thodatu of this notice, viz: Tredcrick Wicchert, for the southeast Quarter of section 14 town 4 racgo 10 west, arid raines the fcllovu.ic as his witnes'es, viz: Kiirl Kus chow. Frank C. Huichow aud Williaai Torfcr. all of Illiic Hill Neb. tftclSjauti S.W-SWITZER, Herister. Land Offico at flloomington Nob. Dec. 9th 1379. Notice ij hereby siven that tho following named suttlerhas Gled notice of his intention to make final trouf in support of bus claim, and secure final entry thereof at the expiration of thirtv iltv from the date of this notice. iz: WHliom Kort. for the south-west quarter of section 11 town i ranco 10 wet, ana names the following as his witne.-vse. viz: Karl Buschow, l-'rank C. 3uchow and William Topfor, all ol flue Hill Neb. dccljanli. S. W. SrtTznit, Register. Legal Notice. To James It. Bull and Mary E. Bull, non-resident defendants. You aro herebv notified that on the l(th day of October, 1S79. the Wheeler and Wilson Manufacturing tympany filed its petition agaiut you in the office of the clerk of the Dis trict Court of the Fifth Judicial District, held within nnd lor the county of Webster and Stat of Nebraka. the object acd prayr of which pe tition is that an aacounting may be taken of the amounts due to Wheeler A Wilson Manu fucturin Company upon a certain prorai'ory uote and mortcHze executed by James K. Bull and Mary E. Bull to Wheeler A Wilson Mann facturcinc Company, amounting to tho sum of M95.W. dated April 13th. 1-71. with intercut at 12 per cent, from April 13th 1379. also an attor ney's fee. Said rnortjr.ttre bvin upon tho fol lowins described Keul Etate. to-wit: The wt halft!4) of northwest QuanertK) and the wet half (H) of siuthwest quarter (V) of section 20 in Township two (2) norlh of range twelve (12) west of the 6th P. 31.. in Webster ceunty Ne braska. Said petition also prays tht said niort 8go be fornclrsed nnd the lands and tenements therein dercribed 'e sold, the proceeds of sail sale be applied to the payiaent of the above de- .ribtnl debt. . Yon arc al'n notified tha t unless yon apjear ; and anrtver said pt-ti'ion on or brre ihe second day of February. A. D. 1S30. your default will be entered and judgement rendered thereon as prayed. 18t5 KJarr Bros. Att'rs for PFtffs. KOIICS TO TZACESSS. Notice is hereby riven, that T will examine all persons who may de'ire to offer themselves s candidates for teachets of the primary or common schools of Webster county, at Ked Cloud on the first Hatarday of each month at nine c'cloek a. in. sharp. A. A. Port. Co.. Supt. LSSAL IT0TIC2. To Amanda Piokerton, noa-reiident. de fendant. Yon are hereby notified that no the 4th day of Decembe-, A. I. 1S79, loan Pinker ton filed his petition against you in the office of the CTk District Court of Webster County Neb. The object and prayr of which petition is claim ing of you & decree of divorce from the bonds of matrimtmy oa the g rouad of wilful destrti'n. Also elairairg care aad castody of Edward L Pin kerlonacd Allen J.Pinkertcn. minor children. Yon are therefore notified that uales yoa an wer to said petition on or before the second duyof February, A. D. 183. your default will be entered and judreracnt rendere-1 thereon. 19w5 O. C. Cxsa. -Att'y for Pl'tff. LEGAL KOIICS. In the Distr.ct Ccurt of the Fifth Jodieiai District ia and for Webter Connty Neb. John Finkerton. Plaintiff, vs. Aasaada Pinkerton. non-resident defendant. To the above named non-reridtnt defend ant. Yon ara herebv notified that OB th 21st day of Jaanarr; A. D. 1S80. between the hoars of 9 . m. ud 6 p. v. at me oSceotJ u. uiooaru. Notary Publie. on 9th St. above Cherrj in the I'irr nfPhlliielDhia ia tha State of Pensylva- nia. tbe Plaintiff will take the depositions of Sarah A. Uoalon and Mary x-mxenon to be read in evident en the trial of the above entitled cause on behalf of the plaintiff. Yon are required to attend at the time and place aforesaid and ercse-ciamice said witnesnea if yon think prober. frorPrtiy Brick! Brick!! Brick!!! Burton's have just buraed a kiln of about 100,000 brick at their yard oa tha creek just northeast of towa. These brick are of the best quality and will be sold at the lowest market price. Call at their yard when you are in need of brick and be convinced that it will be to your interest to deal with them. 9-21 Be Wise and Happy. If you will stop all your extravagast acd wrong notions in dootoriaa: yourself and families with expensive doctors er humbug cure-alls that do harm always, and use only nature's timple remedies for all your ailmentsyou will be Wise, well and happy, and save creat expetue. The greatest remedy for this, the great, wise and good will tell you, is Hop Bit ters re l.v on it. Sea another column." 1 .v. en AUC3 I jtria i ram .i.b., mi mr - 4 S K(of-c- 3)3 W V, S H -.:! nr..i W 4 N W i of mion 2$ ua 1 rsi 12 wwt. ol nimft the So'luwlnr f bi wilaattKt. tir. !ir- Agents Wmntcd ! The New Ntyle HFAMrrJYJ SEWING $25 MACHINE !! TI1K V$VL $65 Machine Reduced to S25 03 ex: o r-J 1 ire k5:st to ?at u::til a:h::;z 2SKLI73-SD 73 707 AirD EZAX2f2a It makes tbrhallir.doubl-th;rii.lovk-uih fthe atn on boh ileiuf the work whtch re-c-itl the hishMt awrt at the I nteouul Kx iiihitiuD. 1'blU le.i bu. I 'a . ia 76. And is com plet with s Lrer Aft 'rtment t f Attachments t "r flee vu'k tbn aay other w-ich ne, aaJ K durca to only J.' It is an ea ni pleuaat machine to oirr!, reiuire th lMtOAre. prluce erery rarirts of work, and mil Ut until tb next rcnlary beius Stronc. Siuiple. KdpU and KScient t'c it oue-. i't ftfj lll ue on other. The money ehmrfal y refuaJtd if It will notUutwutk and Odllat tn ua'hia at d utile tb price Agents 'll thai fiulrr thn any ether in con sequence of their be'n "tb boit and the L.wet Pnee." Kich machine thorousb'y wjrraated with written Kuaraiiteo fur lire irear. Kept la order Kreoof Charge: money refunded at once tl not taii.foelory. Ill the moit lil. reliable and stbfeory machine ever wvttted fr all kinJi of family work. It U an aeaiKiwie-lwl unrUIc.CAl tue chanical success, tburoiichly teite 1 j1 ute-l in th nanls of ho es. u efUetett. n!rnt. rapid, reliable, and ever-ready helper to the wory wife or seatustrus. it will do the work of a firmly for life-time, or it will esrn iruui ;l Vt fS per ly for any one who i-hr to sw lor a living. Tins machine cot Ics than Half tha Price f oy new machines of Iiken,ua!ty. Has extra lone. l(Uo sixl ;-hutiIe. easily remorcl Ultra Urxe ix-d Ixiltbln. Indditie lJyMrdsot tbrra.l. d jIu ar with the frequent rewindins of bobbins. It i built tor streiu'th an 1 ctnrtant hard wi.rk. In terchantreable wnrktni; parts, manufactured of fine poltshel strrl. Will run fur years without repairs: is simp e to le irn. ojsy to in iuo. un derstood iu an hour, and alvr.iyj re vly in a mo ment to do every description of hoavy or Cue work at loss cost or trouble than auv uuchine at any prico ever did. or can do. It will sew anythmir a needlu cn pierce, frox lace or cam bric to heavy cloth or hMuess. with any kind of thread, and will run oil twenty yard per minute: it usr strong, straight nellies, and tmver breaks them. It cannot mis or dpip a lit-b. ret or brtuk the threvt. Ifyou haveuuyotticrmachin buy this and luvo a better one. 1'hu eae and rapidity of its motionaml jutlity of its w rk. are its herft recniiiuieiidatioiis. It will hem.fell.tuck. bnid, conl, bind, scallier. juilt. ruiCr. pleat, fold, scallop. 'hlrr, roll, bajte. embroider, tun up brea litis, etc.. with elegance, eise and swiftnr?. unsurpassed by any ma"hine err invented. IlKWAKl: Of IMPOSITION. The Prices fur our .iitwmachine are less than those anKol by dealers in second hind, rebuilt and refimshod m ichiiic. or those seltincjout old stocc to clo'e up business, m iny ueh infmor and old s'yle unchioes beinc odered as new at reduced prices; beware of imposition aid o ly bay Vk'ir micbtneJ. There are uo nkw Srst-clasa machine offortd u low as tho'fauiily'by tuauy dollars. Machines sentor rxamiiuition tsforeptiy- ment of Hill. Extraordinary inducements offered to Clrrxy- men.Teacher.atjroKeetier'.et -..toact as axent. llorse and wairon f jrnihel free. Tor tetimo- nials see docriptiva boocs. mailed free with samples of wore, liberal terms, circalarr. etc. Addres, "FAHHY" SSWniC lACH!lf2 CO.. 755 rroaivrar, Kctt Yori. Price Wit hia the Reach of AIL The full and eomplsto LECT CJ JJJES -OK- Col- R. G. Ingersoll. No.l "TUK MISTAKL'S OF MOriKS" .Vo. 2 8KULL8." Ne. 3. "fTIfOSTS." No.. "HELL." TCIfiE FtrE OST EACH. JTsTOUTl Full report of the Orand Ile-Uaioaof the Sol dionand Saiiois of thi lath nar. bald at Chi csco Nov. 11 to 15. 1-VJ. includiuir all spesahrs. Alssall the tspeecbet taado at tbe grind ban quet of the Army of theTennetsee. held at be f'almer Uouso. Nov. 11. 1S?J icelujincspaeshes of lien. iSrant. Gen. Khcr:Cn. ben. Lorio. Oou Willson. "n. Woodfonl. lien. Pope. Col. R. G. Incenoll, Col. Win, F. Vila. Senator Ozls br, Hon. K. A. btoris, Samual h. Clencca ifark Twain. THICK TKS 3Cfi5TS. "Life and Tria Around tbe World of Gen. Grant." 5 cents. 'Last Speech of Senator Zeh Chandler." and biocrapliical sketch, with large Portrait of Jfr Chaudleron cover of page. 6cen's. tC-Any of the aaove sent on receipt of price. Address: P. W. THOMAS, 259 Saadslpb St. Chicasolllc, C. H. POTTER i paOrKTETOR RED CLOUD DRUG STORE, And Dealer Ia Drugs, Medicines Paints, OILS, VARNISHES All gtiods ia my Line kept constantly ea haad; end to which I invite tho attention df tbe public. -AlIray old friends and as many new onei as choose to de to. are invited to call. ;nl C. H POTTER. lev StorB lew Gsobs lew Frius. Cheap, Cheap, Cheep! Dress Goods CBEAP. CHEAP. Notions CHEAP, i CHEAP. J.lens' & Boys" BODT3 & SHORES, ml Hats & Caps CHEAP. Ladies & Childrens Furs in great variety, cheap. LOTS OP OTHER THHTGS CheaD. GRGBERIE5, groccrfea, GROCERIES Cheap, Chtap. At The Corner Store- r. if Sfhcricoon l " jL J. C. FARLEY, CSat4r I?U a C. -DKALKIl LV- Drugs- Medicines. Paints- Oils and Varnishes. A fell aapply ef siMinni. nnnk .TTtiiWifv HALL PAl'KH, Ac. Tatreaac talMieJ ac4 ika&VfsU? tled VVinlp Usrs rrfelty cetsr-fcieJ"S Oce door south of lUnk, RKD CLlUII) XKB. Flour & Feed.' STORE, (77TAS V. T3TTTTAlf T3t.t ws4mW. U. WAAl,.t, 1. f-LALR I' FLO'CXi'TJSKD'01, urtlicr information Corn, Meal. Una Chpprl T.I ad GROCERIES. Visit th. RrdClnad lreerr. Kri and Pro vision stor whea yu wat s uj ptus fir taaa or beasL lllchoat roarkat prlee la rash palp for r.o All kinds ofeountrr rroduer tiken in eiehaae for foods. 0.,oJl delivered to all rarts of twwa free of chare. Store south of ReeJ's Ttew Factory. Red Cloud, Nebraska Dealers la H&R9W&8IE, of all kinds. They sell CHEAI for CASH, and if th.y have net what yon want, leave yuwr order and they will fill it. CALL ON THEM One door north of Career's, aud Mr.HOLCOMti will wait ou you. apiltf RKD CI.OUD. NRI1. YEISERS' ia now ovcroVi with Ioiions 1-Tovclties, Baskets, Toys, Etc. Decorated China Cup and Saucer.Ht Vases, &c., Rich and Rare. BLANK BOOKS, PA .'Kit, and PAFERTEKlKd. The BEST 5 and 10 cent CIGARS. SMOKING CUKWING TOBACCO. -ALS0- Gncral Ajrent for tbo aalo of the Great and Popular Hcrucdy of tho age DOBY3STS' SUEE CURE i CATAREH. Tliw 8imt)lc and innocent remedy ha Riven Teiief in a very short time to many fiuiTerint; from thii terrib'.e dice. R? Yieve Neuralgia and Nervous bcadaohc io a few minutes. 5 To Dealers special ralca are gircn io the sale of tht3 valuable remcJy. R- De YEISER, RED CLOUD. - NEBRASKA. First door south of Areas office. OT oon & Callcnder DEALERS IS- DRY -GOODS Groceries, I Oil, Vraihe, Alw WI lta f Boots i Shoes, ate. Caps, aad ' HARDWARE. -Ce-ry Prodc Uiea ia exch-x ler gcods. dive as a caai. lloon & Callender. coitles r a,.- J0 ' aVMHiBBLVLMBBlHHBBlllHaBaMBMBlljVMaMflBVlRflPM ! sJ F iviTssr til m lr toZSSM r SSK2 t -- w, -' To .9rJmWW'&h u jli,v dTCO mrT X wa.J5-,i ; -JLHLZ 4 !;l M 'srl. Vr.t. Jascordiaclo ACrf tonrt. to t. toiieOC. f tk. I r ir-3:" . C r.JiAeei aW BAslB 1 1 aV mr"F W i .IB mT 1 WfrMM)Utrijf& VJ! HUlk .T UK "" ' c 1. JtmY am w m t-aaaaaaaBMaveianr-e vaaaBKBts i ar a jis rmjT ---aaw u .i, rc-aw aeaaaaaaaa - M m ' il! . rsinai-- vv' rVTjj r ..r sj msism as--tzfju nft jr-wnaT aaaar mrr vmiw aaaaa- . u jt n, t . . a i 1 4eqrjfc it p aV, $$&&& ' I , A S5.50 HOLIDAY GIFT! SOLID SILVER PLATED TABLEWARE f, FOR EVERY READER OF ICnovunfff iWiwiifMulM U'r lie! n fwl Hallil HlUrr l.nl llltllrr MUllr, f. - ai ill. esrt t tu.' ,.- an I uK. Ilalt'la) s.trt. , ni :t xt c Iitti2lrw Mil Vrr flat liiii ( J- f j h muiII JL.f L.fl Tula l.lraul fft tr Solid Silver Plated Spoons and Butter Eaifo trf (h UitM "K-jm" 4fi. mali.c f in !i t3 it tuncla Wittrr I'tntiiij; I Kratreiltrrl liiiiMlUprware l Oul icViic, .xui rr tfjrvMf, tu., ' aad l'io in.Htty.tm m i nva .vi.:a.jrp HOLIDAY ORDER 4tclt vvr rut1 DOUGLAS "" """ 88 anndolph 0tri, CMo)gu, III. Ft.Lc.t f,nd f 1 le wiv rtjl c-i 1 r v ,.Kiai - n. , v Ifii'ltnul jour Sytui v h r 11.--1 ' I . ' . M Hi mr,tn wi"inlniiiirii m ' BBaB-HBa-B-H--B- SSSSSFMSSBSWWBBB-iSSMSSBBSBS-PWa - eww SI C ri! I !; tr1 im -l' c to DOUCLA3 SILVIH PlATlnC CO., (I fUnda'pri .treat. CAIs. - 4 r . Iliaifclm utof " -d r lal-J rk,,fe r ' :tKi,Wll.fr-, (OOOOOOOPOOOCOOQOOOOOOQOCOOOOO HARDWARE STORE Wc keep on hand at all times, a large and com plete stock of Hard-ware. Wc alao keep a supply i FARMING IMPLEMENT Give us a call, as wc feel sure we can Mik ycu in quality and price Remember the place, opposite the Chief Office, Red Cloud ?icb. a in i JOHN C. -DEALKK nnv Rnnns Groceries. Oueensvare. and ifuJ - -9 Fall & Winter CL0THIN(3 ALSO A large t of 1liH)TS & SUMS, hiiU A CAJPS, Ac., &c. 4 HGiTO ma a call, every thing M at BOTTO! VtUt far CASH. J C POTTER. Red Cloud, - ZNVbrvu-k-' d. ES 8 M & Jfiaf . '5 j?RLj ilJiaaPt.aJy m . --. - n.i.i -- r , . r spKRRR1 iCBaS3laii--S.' " -' s -MwSli pJRE9r:?e Kssr - fc-Pw!B J a aaas. a.f!. nw v Ta H5SI. 3v -k it.i rL?Jas(i L3P'-K?-cc5 y:pj!?J FvK-RRf ti -jl T yRRRi A-iE-Pit ttmJtLS 7BaBBBBkB8 "? J&fr iXsJaaiVR(DR T 6R,fc--i 'jiCr4iBBrEa4L. l. jr lB jf tJRRBRaalal m aBB. !-laBBBBR-BBi-Bi BRATTLEBORO, VI Onr Kcvr Oras, csprca-iJy dcsisrtuxl for Su.idaj' Sckoals Ckapcls, etc, i jtroylna. Cc sxtrz to send Tar full descrijjttro Cataljue before jfTircbasirss- y oilier. IE M! Mil (OF IiE Si) 01 IP.E W ". Illcitratc- CztIcrtts .iztCc&', lY-;1 ri 2ME2 'ATX C? &sm?m-. ,. sts ." ? t i i fr . afcvL ..'!? .'. T1. W CK4ta. i..tatat Ci,t Wu3mv. call on ?t: Fe .H CORE. Jeweler, Red Cloud. Kefc. T.trv ri THIS ADVERTISEMENT. rlt t,,s w 4.s.1 o - - .,,. , i '. ,.is U. n M-x". tit- I -- to rmi ii ttolttluc " lJt y&i r (,i4 - t- ..t-A". to "Stott xtkjsx: or.tuH. i- tr u ttuura mu SILVER PLATIXO CO i ' 1 ti 1- I - -icS -" m t - ' t -It S x .l 1 rOOC ! J '. ." L.M.!Ll.li..WFI!W POTTER, IN ' Ktiil r u f 'r w f p k -sk -- mm fAMT Li i 4 41 , o M v . tr -!: , V j-t---Miyi"' -