aH -TV;rv' & W ? V- ,x r" " v. THK CHIKF. j the old LOC A L M AT rI h RS. , -in,,, , C K. i-'cph.;' of th- Cr-tc Nu.r- j :c cifJ on !; To- dr h : n ' -C 11. ToJlcr wi.l.c, Jo announce to I Will the S. P. SiipU or Web-tr G, Filial J''Onf . oil'crs. the ptoplo ihu he again hold- forth nt i p!e.c forward ma th-tr annual ttvoitn - tand, and i-r.ady to iUhm. j Hr thr yes.-IS. at one. liny tua-t U:.'fj!HI-.n.tr.5..M.Drf I- . hit wy h tc frow x i...a-i trip a ' i r ... . i retell ihu state ftec bv the 10 of -Jan. :; l h-r rtrn ih,t th- !!!- . ,, -.. , , , oovcryl. ay i'h nr ilhnttt Ip : t (4 i " , 7. " '. i,. i ruu --ulrr .. .. ...., -'&.,., ; ... th valley 1 h Cr.f tmr.rv hirri .... . . ..'' 1 otter, lorr.-poit.ling Nc ojift.iit.r,iiiiii6 -. ,. i -. .- .. . ... 'I hn-e w,n hare (,e c-h. he j 2 Web,lcr Cu.. 5. A, rulio - ,V "V-- Ii'i-p VV" ' f u,pr M' ,u ,'' " " - ' ar' i -" ' 1 motiej is paitioularly ds-irou-" of seeing, and J thoro who have mi well tlicy can come am War. 1 f - Chll-Mi r Nut cwisrs New Ynr. 1. . -n t .: e ... .. . ''"-"V- ' . !i 1 :.!. t-, 1 n- ' 1 ..r u'.i lrti. -- It Will FOOII UCUIIICOI ycariO SWOSrj ... , .. mm mm. h. 11. vi'icinu """. ,'... of rt.-!l, N.4, nir." ! ! warn 1111 rnnzncior nipple. Jji;r :BIoe ('0 !rr. t,ptdn kd"t three !'---" - Knrrinpes in great variety at the j '" 'l,:,r .c of thc ''r3:1" ,,e,efln Wns Ueek t'lin-T nf!rv land (.utile Koi-k -kipped nut lvt week WLtft I i m It - tlt tilt a ik.. Anil . rif 1 i...- -..,.1. I .1 - . I i3t J-ii-hy cTcniiu: .hrn.T Warren. Ho.h Jfumu k ifc r k.. rw f . A r ' .,...,.... . t 1 j ' HriMi : ! 1 riii f fBt- if t. ! , wmK. ntr?i; ir:T tttr vtifacMks ' arrcsteiJa .Mr. L. .M. I liauibor.. who had fmW ta, iu..iHr ki irnw.f J-1 . t . . t- f ., tf,f W.n. t4 . f::a.'ui" "" urinr a 1 .jr CMejt?" J, C. FARLEY, lKLKIl I.N- Kart Thi - x . -l. f , VfL 1 . '&(&tvyi-r lg;w fi mm, mm rfnwrA-. 1 - L- -.-... ...! r.i 1 - - . . . 'w.. . ..- .-4. WfS t-W !" .t small clnidtcu and her liu-lraiiu to mmru ltt-Kifi- a: ;. cih Sk. I- &. t.i ar of .jii Irniii Kiwrvw Jlk. ;.Wr 1. h-fi s ..-. i!u k' MUuw iMJ ltl t,J,w,lM1. att4J Tln?. ,v.. ,, 1KI :'l'r "J lil IP:jfr llt!'nn tf . . , --.--- .w-. -, n kr&ilfro fit. i4r: fii 4 rlat. mil - MUU a jl r tftjhl- W --rN tMHIrtf, tRtl. her udJvij departure, trhilc :htf u iv ml I 1 , .! .... ... i . .nnirlK..:v ran KTTav with ton.cl-odv ltav,"s "Ia Il,cn ua:'3t l' l nP i"rci,i:, " I rtt,ve CS-.amln.r, also left a preliy mtf r!' vri(i:la-t vvrk. j the wiofc, it emn was a!-o imilir.iicd ! d three rliilJreu bi-hiiid. Alteram- -Wp un.l.-M...l C'onnc-11 1, ,,!d no, ' '" "'Ina.l the won as l.c J llllS Chamb,rs tl.e hcr.ffielnnl.e.l I. , lTr'J ..Itt , Al.. K,.", t;,. Cvf n, ; hi. Nn, once rnms.r. ! M,P'1 ,,,? iinctnr to escape. I he , .Mr. Corelcii to eoir.e on, that he had hi rJttr.1'.?,; w! lJ2ZLl: ? u . " r Jkn, hrr,, , ,Ui. v i.iHT. f .. rx.... . l.lu .. .! It r. T.I in .. - 1 1 . i . . "." .-- .'-. -- " t'lJJil II - I IMMIU'll il 4 H Drugs Medicines. : Paints- Oils t p- rs- .- r c.v ir - I :,ISk.A' -C - :rM ? cj wT ! r k- IIIL HPV - cute Cm!.wr) lhtr--J l l- infoiiMn f ibrtj tJlO'tt who l.ar flili'-iKW !y fr-m 'hut t -T tH o'n- r.; , . ., ,. " . . , AHtHH Vrla-bf-rit SU. f.-.b K. "t; Irani ika .tr K. I.. nii(k. Mr. Ki Koniv f Kim Creek rtnewh lJTilM-tiptirn to the Cnihr, i lifl'I in ii,.,.. ,.,1 ... ........ ..i t.. .i. ..i "Tn j.-.i r ... . -... ...... I '.f. MUU aiL tllij' dlli llili btJtZ UlBIMIil 1 IMM t llP.ir Oi fC-.iL . rl-. .. .A 11711 I I i . lrnsir..;t. l.i!.n f..w nrnrrlM defran ,.,..n.;. .?... ...-. I .1. ?yit .Neb .i H.tlUwl. JMvmm, ! a.- , .r ii.-e -ios w( mjikmk:. t.xt r l i!...? .fl.mn,,l.-.v.. i.n .n.rn-d in Itv ...!-.! I If .. ? .JS.'' S. T.. SWIT2RR IWw. : V,I. 0 tf JH1 IM! 3JtltM- for lfc l.l- - C. 11. Tnturlm- hfitiuht the drnn V- . r , .i i in' in nun mo n'f.pnnuinL' r.m rar.inr i it...... . i ...i . i i.i .i i ... ..s . .i :.. . . vl ?. ... . V 1 ... : - . r t. H' . I " mull lilt inililllU IIIC UUI III H IVI I l?U ' ' '-M-V -II. l"WtllHUI' ". lt. J, ,. ,, Iridic- mil at the t'lMKi' iirtire for (he hitM tjk'- of riilinp eard. . !y-. for liull,, pottii ;. c.iH al tbc h:tve been eni'-ved io iy-j wa-la'kcd ovor ati.l aanaiWy -.xikJ ho ''s- le a'.-cnndinK CJti'raclor ! twccii the two and the old mm reimn-d ! I.n lar -.t !l IfilK-yritri-crJin Ksfina hiin he ri!i , with tin.- runaway wue of hi-. h...-om to! i- rr .-i. tbt ? . f,iw,r ; -109- I . ,. , i , it ml lrr In-Sii iirl ht ir'T,tn;n v.i i .. r . . J pro'nbly ImY to di-gore or he roughly i heir home :it Wiihcr. O.d nun i'op: l n Cmi nnf i 'oiki tf k. f!wi. aul J-Ulm. t.la.a jt t5fejr .- Miatj'ileij. len i.a Ptcrori, and a pillar of tl.f tl.iM) iliy. fr.. ih.jf ..fil.U Mh tt .Mi Ii - wide anl nrpt ia -tori and Varnished A fI! pp'j of : r AS-V 'f.&mm JWfi?sJ. ts vy -A mcirv Cliti-lmaa and a hippv I t " ; he anprrriafod - v v . ii i i- .i L"ali m .iinc-mdi ,v .'lorhari s Ilard- :N'U- i far to nil the r2rdi.T ol the ..... i ui. t t ware .tJoic, ! ! Woii'l. n. Hill' !"he uhiini in l)itiii- Nn. -J f f m tiieiiei-il Monday. Mi-. Li..ie IJat.e Tcr.Lhi r. Htiial palhnit'i' nmoiijr tin chnreh . dj viry i y (i 'TV St PT. Vi ksikk lo. Nkis. li-c. 1-j. 17'.'. f I heruhy errtityiii.it there ij now in .1 . ... r ..! i l people eciii to he .p.tte fa-himmble iliir m ' ,,,,,n 'T''- 'i:" moneji hu u:jJf .'t to appoitinnuient and ib-rivci! a -The Omaha JUr ha got a lihel mh - Amount ce.tiikd by State Sun Oi iU Iian.lrv for cxpoHng the practice of r5,ei,,IPnt 5?-:?2 0l a .,ua.-U .lormr. - A'"0U:,t ,0,!, fi,,rf5 $ -UW -Diirmcrcliaatsamliloalen J., not , ," fMH" !,L,"eC 4,-W' M-rn, to have 'Maid in" niti-h of a Mock I ,'r3'' 0,:U nm' fr h an nril.:i.lRv r..od. . -o,iioii.iierit. $ ITS ., .- . ,7 Joui amount to uc appor- inn. jvrmiry in imi: jirtwt ac !.. i -1 ..1 ltl . tt ii'- they 1110 e i KIM mi.iI r I.bhI fc?5i :.H)HmrI. N"i-S lr- J,. - ; "" - Ni!:...I liw ...2. ... . iL.i .1, ..ft i ltd Movlicr has iclkifd lii. meat nnrkot ' nami-l i-r.Jr- ha iel nmfeedf hi ir.tntion t I'lonr if- l?ei and now h is nnr ol the b-t M:u.d in the " 'r'' ' ',,!,,"fl, !V h ' limcem-. ,,.... . ) Ttif- ttnoi m-ry tlirri-! ihe . m.t.iii.xi uf.. . 73ll'y lie al.i.i kei'pi on liaii'l a -up- thirty Urfnti lii-irfik r.n ... r-r. Itiif.- : ,i lily ill J h' rhuifCM iiu-ati tn j: hid. j .m .. Ujy. nfiwt,,. Nr. i.r it,.' nnr.. ilur . t-.i'ti.-'-w-t muri ! -t--tx'it iwrnij- i It.. ; ll.iHclrf JJ rl. au 1 fiiiti ihf .'- 'Ml- CU-tOJ( irftiic rind poni:rv. fau-ase-if.. :iIwj on hatidand dinhed up tu .-'ill purehn- j luvin a? hi vcut.i,. h. lu-iri Pirnrr.-t, -- r?, &c him a cjII and In- nnvin.- .1 ol j ., JV'J. ' tH'1 u"'''' rariair t '' gpV J "RriCl the exeelleu e ol'lni meat', nnd Ac. uii.kac.- MWitiin . . S U'.SWl'ZF.!:. Krxi-irr. -Acw .-ar tailing wrd.iliolapat and, -All WJ, Cnfc i-'ntc 1 uildinz MmtiM .' cburch. while the other panic wnctTacd Lr-i.V.:, end y- U - - ....... . ,,v - v OglUr4 "' .. i ' n gj yT ' n.ibirst iylcs at the Cnirrr.ffK-r. .-ill at Mitchell mid Mnrhartaiid tafcf a J in the di'Ciaclu! aJl'.ur ate : iriiiij' I l-w' r1 'HjT '"' j.-ws v U . ii hudat the Ciiikk..1Tkv. U'e Icej. on kutd j UKU CLUl'D XKH. V )v v 7""" "s' $ ' - Wc have had n.n.e caM rreather . 1 ln rf'"'st W" ;,0"r "f f '' j hplrs" and h-.ve hetttof-.r, b.-en cn.M 1- j V'Jf sJ.7riTibf aii.f 3Su Mippiy .dwach .. ,.f bUnU a I ll f C3T j7r. ' Qh S V'C ' V .;3' ' J $& fartl.iis uit.ter than Uusua'.iii Nehraka iiusde J.,r iiM.h'i.r oiiL-idedoar.-.. 'J ,i- jeriu an onument to the sOciiy m wn:ch .t-lljtv.rrf P. W ';vir.FK. K;i': ta-tn h. vmi ret.ul p.w- that thry -1 V . .. I tv.i.-N , -"Till - , , ' aim mi.ti ci iii .uirii'ii i i "n . '-. w "v u r . foi k. iv... -w. 1- .1 h ; nnp p. h'crrn i.raX3Airrte:Oi7 ..R'V mVjh i.i.ri,.,l.. i.ii)M..r ' '" n lv ' l-i.!.-' ''', -,V-ivifrt';V,.'t ;- y,S' -1 r '"fit'SuS t . ... - . . - --. . .-j .'w . j. iwr l - ' ' rannrn mm-, creeo anl nfil ' ( r A 1 1 1 i " a '"ttL --r-i MFME hfrf?! ,ir. h-n.n-1 If Mil', hi- i iiiiff ' V J -, l "UVJ-' t fKflS J, . I j$t. I " A t A ... - - -- . m. . . . . fc. ! Laivl Oftie).;i! li'u tuiint run Xrli. Nr. .'ifh. "7i. iabou I". hX trick at tiieir ri on tin lor 1'iiipil I'liim- rifiil I Mi. nio- AS- I -ii.' i' li-ffW kvi iki! thr flloYrir2 ' erfei. ii-i imrtlica-l : t,n. I li-x- j itiirtoii'x h-ivc jui-l l-ttnird a Imi ! Ji"' f ( ) I ' J t 1 1- J," T ," T A vl imomibs tv A mU-hm. :.!x.ui.I tjiHM 4 i., I about I hi. hXt trick at tiieir ri on tin- -vtviiljl -......,. yt. - . ..t-. W-.. i -ra Kfi i o: . ts , J f -a den niili- CjI 's lVirhi- .Sefdle.v n'w'f",'r.,Ir ;' Slwl HotiMon.i- iiiVnin.ii t bi irk in-of tl.e hi ! ...jaiitj und i I U 5 ?A ."." ' l,P" ' ". s l t.V 111 -. iTMHii. make fi'inl iTiiol iii uj.n.)r: of rn ra-in. ..ri'l ii i i , ., I" F C5 P PT 3 II 4T1 an 1 nice H-ix Hu-m, and evtjy thine nm fin .1 -r.irv t!irr.f f th,. -ti.ir..'. ,..' oM at ih lowo-t unrkft pru-.. I J.iai. I- y Y N i y 54 H f v ulec llut-ni.-i 1:0 to V. I. n..'j'. tl ,hirp',nrs??.ll,er!,uVifil!i,".,!",vN,i v: .. ' l,,e." Xr,) w1"" w'" ,,rv "' "M"1 ' l r"k W fc I W V la i! 3 8 LVa O 1 -MONFV Tl) in on cood --ViV.:I,!Vr;iV-r;, .nil,, o....,,,. ., .: :!) I., c ,... x.. . .... k.4. . BJ . ,. .. . .MU.Mii hi i.t..N. on coon ',..,.,. j w, an, n81.. ... r... .,.,.,,- s. ... int. ret to dea vn i ih.uii. '. 1 . - ... - . - - - - - - - - , -, -- ... -.. .. . iv-.iriBL.riHnni. .. ii a su kv.b a. . . .-.- r cent liiti-if.-t. io nun i wifi- vi. A -,ii,,,rr ..f H-.1 i:i.... I V.i. . . '. ---- -- --. ,-...-. . -.- -r pe uiiiu:i. I). S. Cowuil llou.v, Itcd Cloud al Lrt .:arrorRr.in.iNvi. . ; Be vv ise ana nappy. Ii It -tct'Jjinl ft. .fWiri:it. Rrswter. . SCJ ' l'u!iMii;rVi!,.. (- r,.'j M, f. j,.,, , lt '-in,l t-rrnatttrr ptUrr t.'li . .eh-i. -r ferjooJ.. .; vv!i .ir.iifiVNJ . ,H j..r' ...': B randiri.hr at the ciBhlcliTcck. Hi' Y' ' r ,,- , . . ... , , V " tock of nice ircnh candy jn.t l.nn'l iiflW.t i:i-xii.iir-ton v..ji Vnv -tit. - ' V -opa.ip.ur Pitunpn '-... .......ij i, ,..,. r :. ,. .. ,, ... i .No. (d l-'Hliicl.-- enlit.cd Io h.ire in i . i i ioMirion i i. .n. ..in. .. aMj ,Vion notiin-in do-t..rnii; or.:.l . f,. . r . . wj- "not A.lms very v.el! !" . v ...... . opened at lU.by . Nn,;-,. ;. hr',y ,i.i t'.-.t th- !..injn: ' .,..,! r.,,.,,," , w ;,.,.. ......... ,!,,..,, or ' J apportionment i. No. of ehildicti in ; . , . :..., I itrl.H- a! nnii..f ?.u ini.-.tin t , ' '"' , ,: , , I fctut. .ih . Ke . n kh Don t .ud to Lincoln or Omaha for I ii.tr;,.is .m.imL.o m i.-im ull "(),. I ,"1,,U- ' Ury lor your choice I mat:., finil :.r....r m -u..nrt ..f h r!im. :.n.l , humbitj: .ore a!N th it do Innn a.m-- . . ' 1.1... .,,nml ., ,i, .. r .1 V- V ' ' eonreeti.marvl.il Chn-tmt-. afr.'.-b -lock -;-.-"r" ''"'"'.' trvth.-r-r.ihf -.irf...a ..I and n-c only natmr". fimt.V irn.e.He- ; . !! v. ..V;.', - .IT:;!-- I.i.iiik- ul en ou can ect tliem lor the j-u..j ,i;..;.i,.,i ,,... .. inr... i-.m dm. :. . i v . . .. .. n ,. ' t l.t-n- l-.y fr..m shi-.i-t-of t ln i,..i . r .. ,.. . n i -,... ..i ..... ir i '"'" "iui r.jti.nij nmnm, i.j ui- j,,t 0,.,ie,i u., N.l 1 1 t!i "oM touit j ir.-r,n t r.nn.r ..f (Vih.rt. .VA lor the , f"r :"' -v,M,r "'.hneiits-yon will bo w -.-. same money at the ClMiiK office, and save ;;,.,., jjjve.s to caeh di-uict $11 .r.5 M.u-c." U '. :. !i.t " en-t ' .rthHA f ..!!. wHl and h.ippv. and -a v.- im.-.t i..peoe ! I ? l '.I " 1 .. to Ik. r r--. ' a(tfl HttfaM-W-t. V H-l.- i. .i.J l- Ul 4.t tfr t j l it - I ' . 'U .'f '' m tin .. !-, M-H 4in.Htl Mt-t - lW k.l ltr Ml H l.ii,.. ! ir rl . ' i . S- ik -..ri-4 i . . . . - U lw-i I Sit g I . .. Ir.. llf I I hi I.' I .-.-I. i . i . . f- . i ,,, . rvi.J.t .. ...- .f) tftt -! , 1.14 .j . Ur ... J.j .4 J .kvi.ti hy II k . . . , . , . . . . , !., F. H GOFUv Jeweler, Hed CI:ni, Kcb. ixpics.aSc . "Tlii-fi.urlh" divided ujuilly 1. S. llelvrm left l.Tt I'-iday for :i anim-c !,f-J4 cliildivn ;ivo to each ttro months vUit iiiuon old friend- in i' VTIT. Ohio, lie nid.ied the CHIKI" to follow ' Whole No. ofdi.tii.ts in (Jo. To. No. him in hi inmh:ir:s. ' of chihhcu I.olS. -We under-t-ind that Ma-for Kddic j A" A.'!0i'!...i i.i I U on pi. rainier, son of ( r I'jhiiT of loavil. i- - . down nith the Miiall pnx. 'J'his is the j 'I he following i, an 0hkoh Mini. only c-ittj in the cmnly. j ter'.i i'lea r' rii-irii a mortra!o on a About half of ibe jiaprrs in the.aluc'lu,c''' he wiitts thti-Iy to a brother havr brrn niaped in poking "Sarka-m" i Miiiittr. at Paddock marine hospital that is Io J heie i nr.il mp that ihror. a coldu"-?". he built at Nebra.-I.a Citv. C . ........ ,.f I I ....... . .. ,- ...... ......... ,-..... ..-.. ..,. , i Mi.-; ii' Mltf 5jir.itet rein".tv ! I I II.i-ln -I- i rrnf,pi. j l lin .1.'. ..1-1 . , , ... ., over a cbuK-b like a montage, an, f J bunt a go. had to g.i thoiuh life nenh, I would i chicken h. Mr. I''p. We arc done .!iuckmi;eoin ul !.i.-t and our 1" til w.irk about all done. U. W. Kekher. and myseif piid'J out ?elvcs in the amount of work w h n-e done thi.-s fall. In four months wc h.ivc plowed ."". acres of groun 1 an 1 so .v.d .". acres of it to fall who it, cut and put up .!) tons of hay, due; a well .71 f.-ct deep. built a good od bam !"tl."i foot, built a )u-c i ixio. ii'iiit a corr.ui ami :hi-. the crejt, i.i..ii-i . . . t... . .t ... TiT-nln Pr7a T?'rT. Iinfr.,slu.rnci .Vei :rir-mf.v of :l!- j Im- H. fiKl I Will mil . ; nop ll i.4W.jJ10 WlU V w i diill. iTlnp Ni.k Ui!ii.i:n rul'cr a:.l l.trr lt Ikt lei rtlyo.i it. StM :t9i itlnT iilll'illl. Pee. l::th IST'.i: - ?au::, .cn.: -i ?2rn:e! ! It.n-I uiHi-i. nt III ...mintt. N-.. Nov. .MtJi. TO. j 'fu. uiv.-i.tion el' th it -lpri-.r an 1 CUll- Noi.... hy.l.y uircu that il:r f'!l;.'-.v.c plutl. -ewiii. m.ichin. (ihe r'.milyVeir. naii'f I ittli r h.ivo filf.l untie" f nit i.tion to ' ' . , . . 3 in.ikn !in.il .n...f in ii.iirt if liiel.iii!i ..ii I ,"- m:.i-hi-i), maikoiient Ihe in ist un triiro fial !.. th'r-.if ! n.c cxrirciiun of p) tant era in the hi-tory of uiaehinerv. tlin'y t.-i trom flu ilme of tin ti-iii'--. n . i ...i : .. :. . i l:iin S.1..-wi.. f..r tb. ii..n!irn.i ijiu-rlrr .f "" w,,l,M n-tilcr H-tTi'.f Um-Iu!.. irci'ii Wt.ffn .'. n.-rth nf tan?. 10 wpii. in-i and rvtp'llld low pi ic '..). it . v. rv naiiir iii. r.l!rnin3.Mbisiiiir..?. vi v,:. ' .Hiliftilf to ooia- iv.- of :.nv invention l'r &wiiNch..a:il .Inuie K. ICa.'fb .1 Ciwlc-. dome-tie u-e ol more or -veu e.pial im-ai'-. . .. poriance to famili.-. It ha- ::rc;iie.ip.iei- ot7ie.J-. S. ir. HWnzKl. K..i-i,r. f Jy fir wmi . llcu1. j,-,,,. ..-;,, ,,, ,; , Lawl iute nt J;:..uiuTitf.n Nth. t.o. lot!. fT'. ' tiniv.mieut, r-.pid exee.it ion. tvilai ity and Noir ii lore'ij .iv.-ii th.it tl. IuUh'ttic ; dthuhilul e;.s of oiei.ttio!i. th.it at one. 7n'p. ...t!..r hi. ti!- I IK-'i-i- ..: Iii- llOririon ! ' ..ntniiionil it -.l.iv.. .1. nil.. r Tin. ir..rlr. t...l ... - . . I- ........ -.. "- -.........-. . ..... PERKIKS cf IVSiTfcll.SL.lt'S RED CLOUD GROCERY STORE ! A ...! I .. . I . . . .. i 11 l il - tiioio. i .'. u iiopr !?.. i.nrn .imi. ' minor ivr.fii.it. 10 ri rioir.i .ii.miv ii(ii '...... .. . . i .. ..... ......v. ..... ...,-.-. .. , ("ill le vli..l mil If -i I'nrn itio mm. I in. t,r i ui-i .oi.ii itimh in ii'.nrT I Ul? -i.ill.l. ., ri i i 1 . . ted in lleatiice. i, is d. n.reratic in , o'i- ' '- '" "" ' U'o!'' I Y T', ,' i r 1 ..-f'V ,,iu:'' -'", "'7? f 2s, "" -'-'s'"" ' ' '"-, ,,,.r'.V,f "' ?' ' !" T4 ;",;V,,,r:l','I,; ' ' . t :e: ....:. i r... .1 , i and shucked I o.l.) l.uh. of eiro and le 1 I thiriv.J.n- ir-'n .he .l.ti .i th: netu-. n: . and wid 1 .-t it hie tun -. the hobbin- hod ...... .i.. ................. J..... . lal ' -.-.-- IWllil. 11 iWM IV -IMI V-1 - V '-"'. I I 11 .11. I- -!...,.... ...!. . I" . .. i- I' . . . . I . .. I ....... ..- ,.,u o.,.o-..e-, oe.nc c.c ; j c,iJic, ifj Gu ,..,., ,-,, t. . 'i-;,, ZkZiuX.WZ-UuZ.V ' m T "' '" '' ' nel. .- .he firm " w - I flirt I- .i I . I ... ' . .. " - . . - . I t . . ....- ... t . f .. I ...!... ..... I.. ..... .....1 . ..)... IIIL II.ILI I II. I 'I Jll'l I II. -1. I 7I --..... .l- -1 I - a ... lll. lit. .I.ittifl l.lMI I.I.JI ..v. ...... I'L t 1 .1.1 vl llllll' llllLli:. Il.'.l . .11111 Il'i'll III I "-.e Moroni i 1-r n-e- nnu ... m . .e.r Wc Had .rute a lit-ely time la-t .Moil- .., ,..! .iimV,. I. -r.rrC. ' r-ii iv.. ...J !.. .. i . . . . ... ... .. f. , " . . .-!. 1 -.!-- I ...... 1 .1.1 ... i ! ' -------------,--...-..... . - - . Il'l I III II' M-LIIIMIH III A lll.lill'-lll III N il -I lie man ami womn Who we,0 i ".i-'in "." ieen mou-,n . uo... Jav R, our , , , , f , 'e"'"' Nctir.H.. . ',,jei.,.. ft,,,,, hii meh io I.-n-ili on eo.r.e n T I . . V TIMM1 r.nin.I -il.ont ti-.dvK ..'..1-I..I- l-.i Tl... ' nifo tptge. I think .YOU would, too. - . . . ' , li-elhjaiil.. .-. U . a inr.1. Krsi.-t.r. " -''. """""MI " .'""-"l on.o.ir-e 1.K!j Vj.N I I I P. M --. loim.i .moot tuil.e o clock Nt linns- ., . . .,.-,.,-.. fire by h.ivine too much fleam up. Mv I - -- - - 1 unterul d w to th.- Ii.i.m. ., Milu.it.-t x -.- .i iiih.il day nihf, rrsline? by the s-ide of n bui! . IU11 ,i,e .pieMi-n i-Jinw are vou fioine to self and (J. H K?kcrt mnd. o-ir w iy l0 I IJnd omce ai I.M.)ou.inSt.n Nb. I.-.0i:i. IO. ' mal i--i. le Inr Py di-c.iii.bl- with the dim: ,,, have bad a eo.d timeofit. jwadea-b,,,. You em't of 'e .up., let ho I0Ua as -o... a, WS culd. anl a n,,,, SA.B.:.,I !i r,,' 'i ! ;;-?;rlV;;,,M.W:,!1,t",r"ii1't.." - .?'?!:.""': j -n .r":'-: ' "- ' Mr" ,,OI-7w,.,,-, The Counlv Coiiiini-s'oner, irem : P " ndeii, .-j-tenaee to (he b-atben , f , . ..t..., iii.ikcSii..l 1.10.11 in ni....rt 01 lu .mm. ..:, ' "' . "' l " , " "' ,,J' ! iiieto,,, u,II..s,1 r, wcre inlili..I;iilaBilfIwll,I1!lS. of ,)(.a,h. worn scre stt ol l.u.I.iw. (.l1io.iI Trcr.i.l .-mo ibwct iii. ... , ; made. 11 hv ii...r.-aiiach-n. nt- il .111 ant ; re-.-ton la-t Inday, and as the proceed , ..,, ,.si.im,.,l i r.wivinp- .e.nilir maim not excepted) you never miv. thirty .i.iy-fron ili.l.te... ih-1, .iIce. ti : , on er. and 11 u e 10 perhcioii al kn.d- l.'KU ;i.;l. NKIt. J ines eon.-ltd ofapprovin--a few olb'eial 1 renisit. nees of mi.ssmiierirs. tr.ietsiid ' -oino cryins, sonic lauirliiii-'. and other? iti"n I t..uti-ln'i.'i i ri.pe" io "Ivlt. n'n.'i'iMr.r. : oi '".,v" e"ar-.. pl.un. line, or t.iney EOmUIJOOlilttX&IEO., ..-.- X - I - 1PI.'I .11 - I STAPLE AND FAftCY GROCERIES, Uur gi !' a: 1 ;:-') i t i l 1. ah. u ii i ) u.-. -uK. ' III- A I iiDl'iI ll III i . ! . 1"'. t I ' ! I t -. t , r- r-v . . , ' "2"hc Lowest LiYiner Rates. Jr r',And wc hope to merit the i.ur,i in. p.uronai'c which ii being bestowed upon in. Ihiv vour .n'ocerio at a C X ! R A L (.'ROC I- R V S T O K. Ii. IVi-kin V MiU-lifll. H of all i.i;li Thpj .-II i:inP for CAV. i, if .-- h.v.nr- tSnl j-qu -rint. l.pur .flrr .-iml ih.T wilt fUt tt. --oMii. 1 1 y r.n -i ,i I - a I HARDWAR V rciTS -" -. Pi T r K "i VI Arj . U V. 10V-flfc -47 i build of precinct officers, wc do not pub-! other cut feed, their app.tito bccouics 3i-hthem i "'." '' it. weni. and if their supplies . aieeut eil they yearn, nrd refuse to be Ihe ir.iel.epi A."ci.iiion called to ' combined Ji i- of no ue Io write 1 11.11:11-" . . . .1 . .' u . . ' . .... ' .It . I. ...... . I . ... V .It . hnllowinif Hr.t xv,. ,.,n.,l tn .,., ,1, . nl ''"'' ' "'K :.'4 ,"." ",'rf.-c- .'.... :" " l"k .' e .v. ami i.ir ic l iO"l , ' "- "" ""o- ---- icjocr. . u-hh 1 luuirMuai anil u 111 .:! K..M. ih-m r n,, nn ..th...- i.i .,.!..,... It loue with most of the roof. I r.otiucd 5" Vj, An a W. SWITZKK i.Vri ,. r '" ch m. e .nunc. . I uion. ihe r.pid sale-. the ciMen of the ditrici to (urn out and mctou-jiu: demand, and toluntary enemn ! fEISERS' ,,,inr,l ., .TOom.l ,r llio ill K in ' I ;" .,",i,' - , J, ,,. .I,..m Mi,- Tt-i -, ir- ' a"J '" a ,'1" dj" "J I'jJ " "' l" '","" ''V' '""' ,"'T"f J', !h "l,"i-m (,,,! i:ul, l,u e mwr-ily. i li.ii.-M- - --- -.-' 5-..S . it t? il?' it.- ' -?o. 11 . 1 111.111 i ih 1 111 1 jiiiuie 1 a - . - . . 1 f Tiiri v tl iVs trfiu f lip tl.if tiF t'.i 4 n(ii ! itT9 1 1 that vicinity- I ,,f von: initpaBe. and tell tl.e.u tb.it you ' Ii0o!' u;thout " ,lak !! "on- 'Tiil.-'im 'J..,". r.i..r.h.- v . , V.-V. it T. l'"l"uiy ci.-li d-iy. M.eh.i.e, sent, ,. now overilow.np ui'h .... , ri t 1 e have eot to raie it or have your beaut'i J -iiterpriMiiR c".lin--. fc'chool will beuiu R '" u,!"- n,!;!- '"'.T" 'Y ,,,,':xr'"'; ,:" ,!' anytv irre in btex.iii.iiiedl.el.ir..iij moii- 1 lie annual mceiusc of the board of ! . . . . 1 - . 1 i-- . ? uc.-.-i.'. ' Karl 1 ui-h..r. I rank Pn-.h-.w istuil Ai.kvts . rii) bv t!ie Cum. TiT-5 -.-- ,- .. ... , -"- ' 4,,t ;"' ftilchmeh turned into a pork-packing again MonJav. -.na u ilium Kon. all .f Ii .... 11. 1! X-K Is "' lm ,v l-,-s A:k ' M l" " l '"" . AM OXIOIilS, director- of H.b-irr (.0. Aciieitlturjl ...lab'i-hmeut Thn' wnuldu'c know 1 1 n . " r . . . 'cH..tii .-. W. tT7.SK. lie.- .-tcr. I'-'HJ'- A-l.la- lh in I.t inl.irmjtioii. SoeiHywillbeleMatihcCoint IWe ' iiati Se w ,s if tllhmiid Ue Ift- hi.niH,,aS nex wee - - KAMIIA' M. V. 1 .MAC. I INK CO.. ..,, .. - .. 1 rit ........... Oil tl lslf tlirmi.'ll Imcn I ...,t.c on, I .nnd ihTirr I! iiniiiili.t .'i N.-n. Il.v ':!. IT- .4 I- . (itiltWIY I IV nl'k J CJ T C . iL i F5 J1. mi S.ituri -:v . an :M lsti at 1 n e!oe 't l "e loan .J you mil.-- Keep up " ' - "",J v. .... . , - '. ' . J II .lllll.l . .l.in. .O 1 -U. dl I 0.I0CK ......-.. -..! 1 ....', ... Ml, , u- I lio fiwnv tir.. , ,1,.... I... .Neli- ! I -rehy piVf l that, the f..-, i., - ' ""' !. M.. and all iiiPiiibi.r-..ft1.PrtM..ir!.ri :."'. -- u'tt u' ' l" ' 7 . V"' ". " V-- ."-" "'"'- ".. namr.lM-flerh..fillii..t.rp.rii.-int...ii.,in.. . - . TT T.-. ,... . . ,. I W.il WI11C OCCJ.lllUailV. iiinl; tiii.il r.i .1 in -nl.n.irl r.f I. ;.. .1 .,-., I i ' . I), b. Uki.vex. Ve keep on iuuul at all time., a large .uul coiuh pi etc iURk of 1 1 a al-ware. V.'. a'.ii kvY u, J 1 1 FARMING IMPLEMENTS. Uive us a c .-peci:iiiyi-r(iie-teno.ttto!:iJ. Theic arc several methods of j.-.i-inp -Wc undrr-iand that the offie. r? nf h" n.otiey. Y'su Miusest chloioform Web,ir Cmm.v a,e the onlv one. in the ' ' . ,10, bH.irve VOU mu orm , , .. or.trn.n. Il-li-ll.l Ill-Ill Slate that ha-, -o far. coiephcd with the ' ynII c chloroform lias to be inhale L oi.l r from he State atitho'iti.s and ' Now if vou could ect chlornf r.n t-o ii Now is riiK Ti m i: to Suiwv.ihf: for SUNDAY MAUA.INK. ..riir.- tin.tl entry thrn-nf nt tha ix. ir.il in -t iniri. u.ij innn .iic ! nt i mi- nmiiv. i.- i Aiium .li:r-. lur Li" ii'irtnw-.-t j .rtrr ol if." tun 'J t'.wii -I ranpe 10 u-t sti. iini' the' f-.IIi.u in..-.14 hi- witne e. : K irl It.i?llini i Atncul itltiiiH ntbal an.t ir 11 .fn Kurt, all ! Him Hill NM, i .i.ei-j.u.r. . tr. sviT.i::t. i:.si,fcr. igcnis Tj w fc.yle EWIIO: .or.de .-, .Poert of th- ,n,,fv i.;.... i:otild 1 r'dniiik. with their ictfcr, for ir. A.s the danuiry numl cr, just i.oiI '.,.,.,"..""'"... ,' .."".."... V J " & - ,-.- - ......... .- .....-.,.-. .. - - ..,,.,.,.,v - tl... . 1. ...I , . .1 I u;inu v;:ie. .u i.iii'ir.irnzioi: .en. ih-C. ".Ml ... . I r - i x -f-incc 1 lest cum ia-ize inc w.uu w iter, oun.iu.a n .- -. i . . n .iu.jj m ini ... . . , t ; .1 yn ag n A.anKinn a from ltseipai.ir.jtl.iu up to the prc-cn . . .".',..; l, ... .1. .... ;.. dcervedlv namilir nerindieil lr i- ., Ni;H,-- i. rr.' i-nvn ilw the f,.l.,,pj , vyLj wfl fl ILH HiL ?J 1 broth-r Holmes you misfit pet them 11: , ..,. tu; i,.l,",-," I't no'iit 11. it 1- a , ua'm-l -i.l-r I...-, ii..-i not .-r ..t !i.. int.-nti..n :.. SttfS-ft.1 P"H .1 awV P" " t.me. '-...in, 'j inn to route down. I think on brilliant houfcy A um!rr, and the c-.n m.k-inul t'r..,. in vj.,..rt t In- ilnai. ami ? P!frin9S ft S3 3 an " v... ..---. -- 1 , . . ........ -...!. ..-... !..... ... I - W -M M " . --. -f.ov. Nance, 1.1. he -ood,, of hi- mature nllection, lint the rev..' ver pianj'ei.ts lurni.Mi a rich literary banquet. . ir"y.lV"r..:i MHK CSCM. I. -ait. has:, .-.pointed n- Noi:nV Publie iithelc-t. Am all your deacons Hlti, Loie. uiny amomr tne mme -ouj trii , 1 n-UnMt v,..,hrrt. n.r ihe.-i,th.:.-t .-..rtrr ir -n-i.- ,. vt v ,r. .olicrs f-cl t'le promiu.nt citizeno of te'e-are, "Ihe Per-ecitionol the llii.-i "fv'u.1,""11 "rn. ' n''':i,!" 'v,w'- "V1 'i:!"-'J' 111 and Iim U caster to. l-e'i. .Now1' ,, , - . . V 1 .11 not, " l.e llr..,l II !,. ..- ...;..i ' :"p ' ,,,,uia J'- ' witni-.-i 0-. tt: K..rl Pi:.--, . . , ,, . . Ohko.-h into the church clo-e thcihnr?, P01-". i'. -ilireu 11. t.ueici, Airi-ich , ch-.w. Krai!, r i:u..Ii..'v .u... mum 1 ..,, r. lint wo Lav.-ihe (.-.venor-commi.-sioivto i .i,,.,, tl,i (i.,vn tint vin will irive ,n 'syta. by dodirey A. JIud-on: 1 all ! nine lull .N'c-b. Mrear, wc hope that we nn.v not bo c-n 1I...11, thiitv niinnics to mk-s that mort- ''Civ. and Cave dwrl'er.-," by Anhui 'iL'r;' '" . 1":: ' Toys, Hie. Decorated C'liiiiM !tas atid NiiUL'i.r. all, as we feel Mire c en .Milt, sen in (pialitv aiul jiri.e Ren. ember the place, oppo-itc the Chici OfKc, Red Cloud fteb. I F VV mred if w iii-luiiro a littl. in that iin. ' caee and if it is not done the jdinoti:.:. occiMonalh- wi!' lM,eiti. In that case you will j-ee ... " . Tom Wall produce a pocket book he nc wonM r.spetfiiH.- cill the at drew when he vrna in the legislature, fay leiition of II.ih. A. S. Padlock to his "Now T lav mn." and go to s'eep in the fact that 1 lie culvert btv.. the V No IMJ Gib Lino would say h s vrsuj ' n 1 . ,1 , .t williti" to be searched, and a good alley hon.-c and crooked creek .. sai.Iy , .w find a fiftv dolkir hill io in need H repair an 1 would siisrpc.-f lli.i- ' j,;. p;btlj p0c;et. Oube I.ouck would, eno'iph le save from the -uarine"" fund under the steady p-.za of a ? x-shooter, to put it in repair I"it up the money ho has safed so many .... , , , i vrar.s for his brHal tour, and in fact all Ihc.l77"-rcured the ennfract foi the bovi would "ante un." You 5?e pub'i-htuc t'i C C inrnisMonei-s pro- you have got to gt a srood share ol tin- c-cdiii- and puh!i-he- them a week af , oionc.y front the wnild "s pop!. Your ter they have aPp.,red in the Ciiiek. : ,ru'.T nnd u,enjb-rs ,UVC ,!?? !!!,'.! , , , - , . .' until thev arn drytn? up. It l.s aiTays J.a-t weeks AiytK contained the cinmiH , ,i.e c,2' Xovr vonr beautiful church is rioncrs nincccdinj:s tint wre published a credit to Oshkoih, and m nun win ii the Cm KK the week before. ha at heart the we'faie of that finest ... , . . .city on the continent, of its. siz-. will bo hlecwhtic will t,e found a call for , to i,C4r .stranperssty: "That beau the incr.ihorsof tlie Agricultural Society riful bniidins: on the corner ued jo be a f this County to meet at the cmrt i Methodist, chutch. but they pot in debt li,.ii,nn?.ii 1... l U'. i..- .1 , and had to irirc it tip, and now it is iione on oat. .i.in. .; 1. iii nn:n tnit '. . .? 1 i- . . .1 . , . . hrewerv, and tlie Methodists meet on the every m.'iub.-r of the N.ciety willbL' prjs- , bride. "and worship once in a while, 'ut. sno take tuch Mepa :- will i i-re ' J.'der I would like to oieach yo .1 Kfir to t".isc3u:tty er.Jitah!e l-'air ncx ' inn ironi c-li:ijtor seven, Tere twenty--ajj t two cftbe tiev Testament which I am .... "" goine fo write sonic time, and which Ihrec person? .-uppa-cl tube (ramp- J c-rj.g n:!I r-a.if w!,cn Trrirtcn, as follows entered the cllool houcc In-t I'ridiy j ''lie that hath plenty of peanuts and night and after building a good Sic with ( giveth his ncichb -r none, he em't have the di-ttict wood proceeded to make I l,nne '7 ''''r5 nhe! hi' ,pCaTtSar, , , r 1. .... 'gone' In obedience to tho human 1 1.( ium-Iv. comfortable until 1 he ebenff ,eao,in2s of this vcre. I enclose you my went up and led them gently out. One cliek tor ten dollars, to be phicc'd by yon ef them was giv-cu (puaiter. in :hc lla.tiie vhere it wi'l do the most pood. It 1 lor the inlit. not much to he sure, but it wil perhap ....-.. . 1. - ..... ... l -... -. .I.iivl it -Mr il.ca.10rc laylor. father ol vmirchurt.h, and if, when 1 come to young Taylor who ij. m the Kearney Jii! Oshkoh nest week,' I can nut on iuv awaitiiim; triil as jn acoes.-orv to the xleeks" and look at your cliUTch, and j (.nihauie, etc. Tho.o who enj.-y lighter readme will be delighted with "Clnv-'a lis and Hutteifly." '-Tho (lovemV Dinner ' by Kdwsrd Kverett Hale; ! be, the Nailoiaker Paughler." bv the author . f "Gt Icon's ltock," .Miss Olive's Boys," by Mrs Kobeit O'l.rily, elo, ee 'ChristtUHS Pay," and "Fiom Thanks. xriviiiir to Chri-tinx-'," and 3Ir--. Phynnc's 'S..nta Clau-," are excellent aud timely. Young pt-op'e hare not been overlooked, ami will find picas 111! reading in "Fre die Taunton's Tru-t.' "Hide and Seek," "Lost," etc, etc.' T n. .-.. ...tv...- 1... 11: 1 1.- - . To.T.iE . i.-.v i i'neui. i- ui?nop, ivi-o, v.s.1 trude. Gr.eiiw.)od, anl other writers of celebrity. Rev. Pr. Deems, who has retired irou. th editorial chair, will coa linue a coniriutor, and Ins an admirable artiele entitled ' !'.vimi-ui and docia- bility." Two new features, wc ee have J been inlrnduced, "Obituary Notices" and 'IlecieuiMns for Sundiy Afternoon," uivine increHeed intere.-t to the maazin-. The 12S quarto iiges abour.d wiih ani cles of weat merit, and the illustrations which number about 100 are a Juiirahly executed. Tim price of a single copy is 2o cent.; the aunuil nubcription, $0, or for six months, ?l 5U; fjur months, $1. Addre.-s Fnu k Leslie's Publishing House, o'i, 53 and j7 Park Place, New York. $65 Machine Reduce:, to S25 f-S . t - -- -fr-pl iWmkfi . Vases, &c, Rich and Rar JOHN 00 POTTER, Latiil ('ITic-o at lormiiiK,.in Neh. Pec- ?th Is??. NutuT i her.jl.1 ?teii Ihit the f Povin; n.une.l -ettler ha.- filcl nutit'e of hi- iiit'iitinn t make Ii11.1l jmief in ruiM.rt :' In ..utin. nmi .'ceure li'ial entry therm: nt the c-.'ir.ili.ui of thirty .N-- trein the ilat of t'n- notice. ti: VViISiam Kort. for tha s-uth-.Jt .juaner of -ectton II ton 1 r-n.e I" we-t, .tm names th) S; I tllowiis a l.i wiine-'t-.. t i: Kir! I.un how. Kr-uk ('. niM-how and itiutn l't:fcr. n!i el 1 --t tli.e Hill Nfl,. ' g i!c-lj:iil5. S. W. S-iriTins. Ur-ci'ter. -3 Sr. sa Legal Notice. -r- kw i&r?zx$5 : :. 1 -M-iTrl i". '.- -Jjjj ,t3 Chcie:. a.i Tc:t in :ho TTcrl j PLANK POOKS, J'APKII, md PAPKRTKP.lKd. I Tii BKSr :. and lo'ce it CIGAP.S. 1 SMOKING & CHBWIXG TOBACCO, j -AI.SO- ', (tncrnl Ag-nf for the sale of the ITrcat ' nnd Popular I.ctticdr f ihe ape I - I I SURE CURE 1 CATARRH. PL'.L'.K IN If ;- -FS W (fr ffS Wa f bRY G-JOU&. t--i oj F I I Crcc5ri33, Cucen:'.vare, and , &W1NTF.1: CLOTHING A LSO A lar-e lot ol EttOTA5iIOi.;S, lial d j Tbi- 'tr.p! ani ir.nvent rt niedy has given re'ii'l in a very ?hort tune to many ' To Jam- . Hall and Mary i:. Hull, non-rni-: TcoLcnsin Use W IcuV. Us .-.:.:. lierits. -tilFeriiiL- from this tertib'e diea-e II d.ui.tr.c.,,ln.:, , ,:0 K02fS7 T3 ?&? u:;rrL 'irA-SISS , Iievc Neuralgia and N-rrons hoidaebc .'.iy r.f'ctolj.r. lTV. tho Wh. e!.r an I Vil...n ( " 2.iv. -J -J XJJ A..J .Ai...). ! ,n 3 few minutes. Manttfarturin? (Vupiny ti'cH it jotinon It uI...- thp.huttlc.'i -a !e-lhra.l.lr,rV Utch . th. am. on t' '1 "i le" ta w rk r.r,ir.t v. 11 in the orii.-p ol the cirri of the U:- . 'tn. am.- on to '1 'i ie ... :u w ir w-ocii rr- tritt t'ouri of the Fitih Jmli. itl litriei. IipI.I e itp.1 the b-h-': .iw-.r-i at the ipntenni-l --- m thr le of thl- vain rilhia an I tor th? county of V.'t!.-tor ni 5HU , liihiln.n. PhiliJeli'hia. I .. . in l- And ; con- , r.f ?lr.ik 1. th. olje-t arti pr 1 vr orwhielt pe- , ,l:oit;i.iUr.vr ..-.innipni 01 .ii,eninpirr . j- t'tioa i--t'lpt an acconrtins tna L. :Ve . of tr fine ;ro'k lb vo any ther u .'h nc. aaJ ! W Un t... -...n...... .I... lt.o?.- t t!Tr.n t ... .lilt pi til ,,nl St. . ...i...... v.. .......-.' ....w... .. .. ... ... ......... I . I It NOTICE. T.ed Cloud, Nob., Dec 15th, 1ST0 To unknown owners or occupant, of the hereinafter desert bed property. lot much to he sure, but it wil perhaps I You are hereby notiaed that an un- .. t- . .., 11 !!,. .P I... .... t. .l.....-f llVldta na.I I.; 01 tois uuuioereu unu v. 1 j two (2) thru (3) lour (4) five (.) and six (61 in block r.umb.r one il). An uadi vided half () of lot numbered one (1) murder of Yocuni aid the I nrniii ol hnd even ciw shing e lhat n unmortgi-i two (2J three .3) lour A) uve toj ix i.t nur erol iwuii ai.u he I nr ,in ol . .f b..n . emrt-en (J4, fif.een (15) sixteen tlf.) sev- tl.cd.pot at Hasunes called at this off lhe lHellJ. ,,ut j ,,-. in 0hko,h wHl entecn (17) eighteen (18) nineteen (P1 .. la--l rriday. He of cours. feels hndlv t lo a- we?l h. iirr.onrn.m m ilipi? tnonns. and twen'v (2.)) in block number two (! iirr.nr.rl iiv.1- his son's uii.fnrtiiii.. and LeSicvcs brother Holmes, vou will be an" awful An undivided half ) ol Jo numbered I11111 iiiiiquont of any ciime. V i hippy mm nest vveek. Tell the boy; -...- -ks inc, that tt will do ihcui goo J to hold W by coaU not a young men's Lit ytiie: in a church. It miy not.piy nary Club Uj ormed in lied Cloud uiuch of a dividend her on rarth. hut and a libraiv provided herei.y tho ! r!,c" tllt,J' et through having "fun with bn .. ..n ......! -..n 1 i -t ," -t Jibe boys" hcie below, and they present v young people could be Ittrw.aJ l'! hcil. rh(1.c:lila mile ticket to St Peter at 20i instrucuvcanu eaten aimnp; read.u.: .or;1lc eiU. 0fthe grcit exposition ahave, the long-winter evcniiit: Would it not ami he punch. a 1. w miles out and tcil.-i I c iir-tiuuiciita! in keeping many of theu: ,hem ln lr," ,a a!U' u,;lke r,10!U t,,r tha . i.-...i..-.. nn,l i..iir.i i...!i. u,JlJ headed rooster from Milwauka, who J.UIU .. -"' .... ...-. f.irturins fVoiiiHt.v ut.on a cprt.-.in 1 reini rv .111 p.i'yju I !i-.. .ntmvcbiti. to opcratp. ? To Penl.-r- special ralc are tiven jb.e remedy. YEISER, NKBBASKA A 2M, Ac-., & SjcGko tn a caB, crcry thin? .-!! at HOTIOM I ikt. f.i CA?Il. J C POTTER Rod Cloud. IS" c4lr;i-k:i. notcant tnortratrp pxpeute-1 by .f itu-. II. JSu'l rfiu.re.-the -'-t care. u-lne.- p..ry rirj-ty lI.I L I.i J t 1. - r.lm r.r.d M.ry K. Bull to AVr.3.Mrr Wii-.in .Matin- .;! w..rk.sm.l wil!u,t until, th nxt century ... d h K -j f-ietnrrnc Company, anmuntii s :-) the .-u:n -f , b.i- tror?. eimi-lp Ki-A -t,d KOioient. j -l-.ior .., t ..r. a .;'..".i'. da t-.l April 1 '.th 1S7-. ttli ir.crp-t it 1 t'.'e it one.-. nd y.oi tll uc no othpr- . c . 12 l,er coat, from April nt'n 1ST?, a No an att-r- . money .he.rlu'.ly ref.ndei if it ill r.t Ur.tu-.jtt tee. md inorti! betn upua tli. tol- at.il "uuu'-iny macf.iae .1: . .- n-i"-f ; .Ir.-crihcl Heal K-t.te. f.-w.:: Th. wc-t i A.ee.t- -11 them f.i-t'r thja ny othpr n en- r .- nr-.ll , fl r. ' i Arx !--.-. i wcii-ui-viu ncy ln.iti h.il'- of orthwe-tnarer''i- end th' vert -puu.npc ol ta.ir oe 1:3 use owi -B'i mr .... hli 'j.of ?juh.Tc-t nu.irter , of e-tioti 0 , Trt-e. ... ., . I in ToTnhi: tn-t' no.ih of rm.c tw.lvc'.J ( Ki-h tna..nin ihrrnb y srirria.e'i '".t'S wet of the fill. P. it., in Welxfer wmili- .Nr- written cairuie. fur ti.e rpr. .-eft its i-.hr j br...k.i. S.11 i iti:ion m!-j nriv :ltt u I -uort-1 Free ol'i Ii .rse: in.u'y rfua ld a: -. tt a.t i y . a'j n-n V. ff,-A.-1. .rl an 1 t ?, a .-irilj .ir-i.l ti-rniinsnt. lf !t .lil?V. t Vt IMVir ."rtl nil I MIV I.Im'I" mi'i I' nvv.i- ,-..-.. - - If 1 . . th tin ..ererihed ". o1d. the pr-eee-N f -.id Itith. tao.U .li-l. relu.Ic nl ii'.-fj.- fry j.i'e l.ennti'ned to the i.onicai f the above dr- ir..i liinc ever ini-entc-I lr all Wind, of Uusily H.-riheldt. i will. U t--'la-SnxWi-l-e.! mifimrw.il rue- r".At rF' s Y.iu ire cl-o aotifie I tha t anle- vou arr..ir . eli muc -I uce .. ici)j;u.y .."!. .. u-e-i ia and an-.ver ?.nd i.riiiioo 01 or tofore ihe .-.-.-ond , :.i uinl. of Ii- .e. Aa e....isn:. ?i out. rapi I. da of F-bruary. A. p. In-o. v. nr .I.fanlt will bo r. Ii..We. mid cver-reidy h-l r to th wp.ry w.fc cu:e-i-l and ju.lpcaient readti-cd thcrom as ' or . A-u-tre?-. it will .10 tne wi.r . a uiany lor prajel. a iitc-mti'. ri: ill earn Iroin SI to r i.iy , IStTi Kilxt Hvo. Att'r fjr Wlffs. ior.nv..ne wh-. vihe? to -.-; tor Iiv.ry. Th . 1 'lufhinpn ..:' t- maa 1 u : ;at 1 ntci .1 DRY - GOODS Vfl?T. Tft T1 1 TT"Tr. jnrw -. s J tn-chine-..f liiveqiiaUtj. IK extra loaj. Urj-- lrOC?riCT, .ne-i Shuttle. catly removed hxtra Urce .-jd 1 hibbiti. h-d i-n- l'0 yard -t tarpvl. d nm ny j Notice i.b?rby itivcn. that I will examine ' with the fre.j,iut rendmx : Uih'jin It i tli pcros who ta.iy de.-ir. to offer th?ir.elr-. t m;t lor.tr-nfh acJ c-ia-tant hanl w.-r. In- , as candidates fur tcacbei of th primary or urcb-i-itc-ble wr.rki.2 pirt.. ra-vuufaf tarf-l f 1 cnmtuou rchoiN of cb:-r county, nt t-e-l fine ili--el te.l. ill ran :or jcj- wimsoi timid on tha 5r.n Sjtarday of each iuolh at rtpir: t. -imp e to learn. -)' to iaot-. un--,;.. -Vt.,-1.- - r? hnrn. ' rier.r.uui si. an hour, and alay tea.! tn - W- A. A. Porr. Co.. Snpt. ! toent t. do evry lerrp'iv3 of hvyor Sf.e J j work at le;-co.-t or trouble than auv in.u-hnp t J ...... ......-. 'atv nnc cvtr did. or can ,1.. I: will -- , l.-.. ..-w-i. " anv:hi-c n.e-Jle can 1 .mc. fr.a. luce or Ma- J To AmnU PinVertorj. non-nident. j. I hriV to heavs-. loth or hnrao. with any km I of O. .1 . .. ,. ..1 tr..rvv . . n :ta ,i- . iJXX J. .. 4. fcM .-. v... -..... f. .m.h..- is coming up the gnde on a hanl car. ; r 1 . v- ... 1....... .. .:-..! l.-t n tn . twpfifv-Olie I'M tWeilty-tWO 22 ami I '? '?K" !-'- -- ,''."--" ', "r ' ,V;lv ' it o.!-t'on. tri-at n'r-li p. ani nvcr-rj-. iweniy one l-i J .l"cf,J l"u I J ., "u 4th div of Deeenibsr. A. U. I.-.-!. John Pinker- , " " , WJl ,. r z - --,,. r,vel or . twenty-lhrce 231 in blcck number th-eej tn sip.lhipptiti-.nu.-iin.rvoli.n th- o-Sw-f V'tji' ,. 31. all in Hl-hards-m's addition 10 the !. ."? ViStT:-Vrff"- U'rViil-l .ra i bay thi A. I hive . Letter oi.e. The ea-e -lj town 0 JieU bulUJ, ll easier COiniJ t ;--r-.iua d-creeo:divorefro:u thsh cd-of r-".,"-,..,. .,,,.,.,' j, ... h-u,,l.1,B.V . iska. inatrita mv oa th. . win I of w-ltp dccrt. u. br;.:; NrI bia , .lthr- -aUt, e,. ,.... ,j. , The above desVibed lots was. on lhe &:ix?J?JMj?& &IW& "Jt J:fi .???; J? "! ' lb diy Of November, lSi ., Slid at pn yuare thenfors .notified that .nrle-i you an- J. V.-a b ;.;y mC-hxa- cer iofitci. ..,. ..-I . thnvinr heea nrevinu.iv ouerea .rio iu peuu.ij .. .-.- '. --' v:; .kua.ku. iju'-iiiu- a.csal-liaviu U.ea prty u-.y uih. ,,-r),f b-c.innry. A. I. 1. y,.r drtault w,!l , The Pri.-, f.ir.rKW ajv-hine arp 1p. thaa at public - lie and mt Old tor K -nt ot , be cntercJ iuj j.i.eieeat rea icre t th -reon , w -itcd br dea. crs in e-r,ad . J. rebuilt I.:. 1.1..-. 1 in Win I. I hnrno. tor ttie ua-Hjrj U. i. .. Ait yir . i t. ...,... K..i . .,.r..,rti...hilciiii.,lJ !...--. - " -- -" ,.- -- . laii:(x. Oils Vnrni-ihcH. ; Drug, XoiioiiH. K.r. Alto c f-tl lite -f Bootss Shoes, x kj .kS iri aSI a I -if" "f f . ; . '-- ' --.- 'Si 7z" "Z f3r-'r?--sfr?-- -v-, - 4.ti--t .-.-. HIr r - - .'LfJ'r ' '"-ir" C5i- -'-i o-r-.v?'. .-- -V- 4-V-f- KP- . " . -C ..5-T-l. -iJrr-V -l.!. linnner.t tar of the voar 175, for seven dollars and cightee'i etmts H IS bene .. t.....-u... . -.v - -.. - - -. - -. - - ." -toes to cla an L-iyintp. man men inferior TTT V-'Tr'r anloa-'ISi3aeaiueaiin p.jici -j t- -- - . i. wA -.-.V---. i.'-iw-i. ... i , ric-: beware nf iDr.ilion ! ly UV(i C.P"t i-uU -i. , .n r. i... !...., .. n-.. i.i .. . r.. . , i : ...... 1.. ... . . r.. i... i ..... -... r ....i.r.n....nr rir f nAr,nn .11. . ..... .-t.i.-ritr'.i iiplmif n r r-.-e. vf lUllC.ieil ii. .iim"-".. .;... u. intoi iiavwis zoi 1-11 uy in-j res liar irani uum : n. .u.u-i " -..!.... .- ... .. - , . r.cr.t ounty ourt. co;cr " .--- -1. , , ,v-p' ;. - ... bm-in- a new stove-one of those ihat it-iean Bay, wVuh r-arted ahead of time ?ia year, l7a, and .hat th ijiwol re- J" J&w .nry .vi.. bf.rc -- " te" - ""- b-' n ! "?.-iu.-d wonderfully made -'nj-' him alone on the plntform wuh a dcuipti.ni expired on the iiiib d.iy ol f Ja h' ''tey Jd, , J;, iifr ,. Ki.i'-al.n ; rwj , HARDWARE. are -learlully anil .onu.riiiiij uaui, UIlrfl vller h-u arillt lhev w-,j, filIj that I November- 1S70, and that umess said U --H,,,!; wu' ' uf ItM i that burns hard coal and tae a man , .j,c j,04i. j,-ej)er has ent'ered up their ' are redeemed from such tax a.e on or bo . ,. .s. Mhehpit. drferdant. K..tracnl:uary:.i,ieeiecto-pr.-I t. -ry- rjrr.r,.irT ?ri. u.ta bt.tl.io fr- about monil. to BCtntiho "line in- -took anl iuat there is enough enmimr to J fore Jan u-ry .f. 1SS0.. deel wUlbc i-'-t SSfwir ' "-- . o-" ..f the thing. Vc ha-ck-arii them to lKiy them a tiumj et. wiih which demanded and i.-uetl io. aid ue.-u-aau aja-tjett bv th.avp aiMri ..irt. 3:i. -ee e-crivtive . -ilcl free .ei . Tp.-il 5- Callpr.nr wnrdnr. 01 m- ihrvcin make mn-i; in ihe nolden stiee's ' bus to Wm. P. Tmime, h- b..ug the ,-or ,he ,u.0rjea-.lnr-ant fi'iw-r cmi.. .. tump... of wor.. ti-e.-ai tcr-. rucul. :c ilUii 4- uaii.-u.. , ...l M engineer that Move, a-id iioa n J . , - , , f , .. f lX :hX -aIe ceitilVate :or r! v!:T.U-!?f -":,Hj,r I-.' I !,!iV .. . " .- - ' I ... f'l .-....----.--- -L .. - - i V ...---. - - -I - ...-.- -V W7-W- -.in L.tr.. :.-;. arit. e i.w. 4 -j ..:.. . - -- -: -z . . t:ii !.. - .-- id.r our.-clf ftil'y CiinpMciit y in !. :n eiii.-c, j:- I..lr 10 . Itwl-y. Jm: .V.''yfhrJi"5. f jS--rt. - r 5 --,---- -m ' -, - - . - " - -r -1 !; A f f ? F yry V S t'l.ts. t ..-KC- WI fc V? W I 0r rtcr Orr:-:, rrrr ";- CoZnci! f-r unds-r tc2.9-.Is, C-ar-i-:, etr I - n-'cfinr i GT.2Z2--. CTJCCSiSS. l-c rt.rc C rrsni fir fc!! lct-cr-.fii.c Catnloyuc bnjr 1' liiSfiii (f is m u m globe I )Vm. P.. Ttf'KN!:. . : u-- .t crcvi a . ..2 --- ..eomytive hi A.uicmx. ;-