The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 11, 1879, Image 4

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tw Minm0JHuh-MuwmmmmmmmiE5&9&rT?Zri?
1S?0 is Leap jesr.
Whizing cold but not much snow.
Mohlier lias put a new glass fiont in
liw Meat Market.
Salem Pratt of HaMinci, called nt
there l.cudqunrlcs bjt week.
Tlic ?clrct fcliool opened last Mon
dy with tcvontccn fcholars.
Iast Saturday the town was full of
formers and buMncfs was flush.
Our thanks are due to a multitude of!
friends for their promptness in fettling
Mr. Gins Butchow of Blue Hill Rave
the ClIir.F a plc&Eant call on Monday
J. D. Honine skipped tho country
leaving a bill of $4 CD at this office, un
paid. We have received rincc the Ial pub
Hcationdny, more than a dozen new sub
wribeii to tbeCniKF.
Mr Sherwood lias filled hi f-lore
room on tlic corner, with rooJ?, and will
toon be ready for bustics..
I'rof TJce said that Jatt Fiidiy
would be one of tbe coldest days in thi
luonth. lie w:.bu little off in hid gucs..
Serial at Rev. Go. Hem's next!
Tu(.-dayevcnirg Hefrc'inents at I past
i o'clock. All arc most cordially invited Or?, have received a large
lot of ladies cloaks of all siz".o, pattern;-,
mid price.". Cull and jou will be sure to
bo sui'ed.
Wo could now die happy the Fe
dalia Rtijhtcr of .Missouri h.i informed
us that we will receive that pa,.er fir the
year JSSOfrco.
Mi.. K. H. Jones is s:ck vilh the
dipthcria mid R II. our efficient County
Trra. has beer, obliged to remain at
home for several davsi.
I'rof. run't ha kindly fni r.'hrd u-i
a teport of the lied Cloud Public oehool?.
but it came in to late for thid 1$mi. 1 1 ;
will appear next week.
AlUhowMi totctlle their .indcV '
edncs to the Chirp with wood are re i
qucftcd to biing it alcnp, we bum lots oflr ,r- U "'""B t0 ,e,cl a c,as " P
wood duiing the winter.
The cry of "'copy" coming finm a
healthy '"devil" with well developed
lungs, is enough to untitle the nervc3 of
any ovciwoiked editor iu the land.
A pleasant focial gatlierine at the
rcM-lenec of Rev. Go. O, Yeiier ht
Tucfday evening. We regret tint cir
cuujslanccs prevented our Uirg I ltfci.t
The editor of th Ciiirr goes cai?t
to daj' topurcha-c the lrg:-t stock of
paper, envelopes and printers Holiday
goods ever Drought to this town. Come
in early for your cards &c. for tho Iloli
Cha. K. Putnam who keep the
Flour tf Feed More hasalsi a fu'I line of i tcr-
(Irocerief, canned Traits f.teen and dried) vcu Jays after wo took buggy to
fruits of all kinds constantly on h mil al ,hc ,,,,rth west corner of our harmoniou
prices that are bound te uit his nuiucr-j i,.roc'et a,li ,,L'r0 . wo rem lined over
ous customer" I n'l!',ti a,lt t'i:de a visit to tho school in
Wc would like lo eniplcy 5ot:.o "one
to f-aw up a ceid or.-o of wood. It is
witnregtettimtwcmaketnis announce-
ment. aswedeailylovctopaw wood, but
really we hav'nt got time to do it. s we
reluciantly conclude to let the job out
to some one else.
It having come to my knowledge thai
a certain parly or parlies aie in the hab-
it of cutting, without permission, timber !
from rny fanu The S V, sec. 33 T :5
It 10 fituated on K'm Crock, near tho
town of Cowlcs. I therefore ofo-r a
rtar.dingrcwaid of $10.00 for evidence
Ftifficicnt to convict any one guilty of said
M. Ij. Thomas.
tf I
-Moslicr has refitted hi? meat market
and now has one of the best stands in the'
cr., give him a call and bo convinced of
the excellence of hs meats and sausages
" Last week Itev. Geo. Bent was so
unfortunate as to loose one of his horses
whhh died from over work. It appears
that a son of Mr, Kent drove the team to
Blue Hill, and returned without feedinc
or watering the animals, making the trip
in a short time, and the following night
the horse died. The loBs or the hor-e
falls heavily upon Mr. Bent as his salary
i i to oe auiao aua not y promptly
This country seems; to be cursad
with a superabundance of traveling fraud6
of various kinds. A short time ago the
Pardy company humbugged the citizens
of Red Cloud, and last week tha "IXivin
sons Joyful Minstrclls" gave the people,
or rather the few who went out to the so
called "entertainment," aucther dose of
humbug that will certainly hist them a
while. Let us pray to be delivered from
such frauds in the future.
If Mr. Piatt would place a sofa or
other convenience in his uluiber yard for
the-benefit of loving couples who from
time to time seek privacy from the vul
gar eye of the public, while they gaze
upon the ctarry heavens, exchange vows
of eternal fidelity and amusa themselves
in various ways too tedious to mention,
he would earn the lasting gratitude of
said young couples, and at the same time
prevent the spoiling of many dollars
worth of lumber.
The Presbytetian Church of Red
Cloud will hold their nest regular admin
istration of the Sacraments ou nest Sat
urday and Sunday, Dec, 13th aud 14th
On Saturday, at 7 o'clock ?. yi. meet
ing of the session and of the church.
Those -who wish to unite with the church,
at this communion will please attend
on Sabbath, at 1 1 o'clock a. m. Preach
jBg immediately after Baptism and the
JLbrds Supper administered. All belciv
' prs Jn Christ are welcome to our table.
Preaching ali-o at T o'clock P. M.
tuoty. iiu ;uniis f.i-cii nil iumh .1 .itii- ,., . ., ,. ,
Y. ll. I J A nli.ii.n kr at I. A n .1 w J w I
, , , . i , , ' me. is now counoriauiy suu.iie i o:i a
ply of the choicest meats to be had. i , . ,,, . .. .
, , r i . fine farm near the U.ue, mil his hos,
Oamc and poultn. sausages xc, alwav? , ., .. ,
. , , ,. , , . , " ; cattle, crib of corn &c., show prosperity
on handand dished up to suit purchas-! , . ..
J,t Faturdar evi u:n? the bojs Wotc
rtartled by tho rojKrt that sonic one had
ftil;n (Tape's Turkey. Inning the lonp
hour. or (he night could bo heard tl r
tramp of bunicd feet a the search pm
grewed and the itgbtful owner as he
patiently waited and noted diwn the
freh reporis. was brought to realize the
force of the expression of "how ficat a
matter, a little fire Uudlelh." Never
ninci the ttme of the poorly fed Turkey
of Job did mortal Turty rccd'e m
much fyidpsthy. His fiintc.t "gobble"
would have been deicited t.s soon and
brought as. iruch jiy:o the luarts of th
marchers as the whwpcrjof "ne up."
Though two ptominent and well known
County officials were nerved with oml
process and a formal demand to
made to each, ail lahjr and search wj
vain, and Sund iy tnornsn wlicre ot.c
poot Turkey had retired, uprc:ncly con
tent in his oru n-dioui box, now re
mained not hi g but empty ipacc. Like a
with the I-if-t prcMdeti'inl count, there
will ever remain a linri j dmbt in the
mind; of the buy- as to what became of
the bird. S.iid to have the li.iest ever
reaied in the Republican Valky. I!iu
porrowavaili-th not. IVihapd ere this
poor Turk has none to thut land "where
moth snd rut doth not corrupt, nor
theive- reak tlirouph and .steal."
Where is the Turkey?
Among Our Neighbors.
.NO I.
I'd ('lltr.K, I ri!l now make an at
tempt to kcp my promiv, and rend
you a few thoui;ht.s ruCated by my
i-its and i-itervie vj amjui; the vari-m
dittie."s. There arc sjveity t.VD dis
tjicts in this county and at iirescnts
iibout fifty of them are having a winter
term of .'ehoil.
A 11 w weeks i-inea we visited Iit. No
2s, where r.'c found Mr. II. Hampton
ler.dirg tho educitional strings in the
neiiihb.rhood, and we think hi.u capable
ufdoiiiKit. Mr. II. is a you i m:n ol
.Mijurior talent, an 1 lnving the hippy
'jculty of cctti'i down to tlu level ol
tho child's underdt Hiding I13 brin it up
with him to a higher plane. We .siw a
novelty in this -Hih'jjl, and Mnc-J we think the teichcr !ia iu jitc:it riulit Tor the
iw. wo t ike the li'jirty t w.-ito y m
mint' t ,nnfTr!i ikln n,i 1 lii,tti nr l..l.
. in seliod, the teie!icr to jk a citron an 1
marked parallel lines arou 1 1 it, then he
cut out the rind in proper places to rcp-rc.-ent
the continents and larger i-dan.U,
leaving the remainder to represent the
wjur surfie.;. With this ho tanvdit
and interested hi-, solioiars throu'i a
recitation and at the s-ame time laid the
f.undation for many other le.sjr.js like
it. This .shows what may be done, when
a de.-ire to interest the pupiN, leids u
to activity, Mr. Hampton, will, iT he
coutiuuesin the profeion, becomj one
of its blighted light.s.
The Kanncr.s in this neighborhood arc
picking corn, and gjttingrea ly for win
DihL No. !!).
This district his a good fohool house,
and .omc apparatus, if wo miy tume i:
j tujh) lbr aritjimeli3ai charts about the
j IO0L co..,-m mMC g00il lh;ils ,
i f(jUIul h an 0icm ,ntary arithtiwtw.
This has been one of tho most iHrt
L,.i,f,u ;.. ri... ,.. .,...,. i..,f m; ir,Ja
..- bllVf Vlllijt i'iMJ A.JO
mu.t look sharply to Iit biiinoss, or
some of those bright eyed, rosy cheeked
girls and boys will hr teaching (?)
Mes-r.s Uinker and Walker are teach
ing a binding school here, and when it
closes, it is thought that anoihar will be
I organized immediately.
Most of the corn is in the crib and
farmers arc plowing, and getting wood.
Mr. R .S. Duvle who cania here the
L.iiiti) cr-unn tnif liui, I .l.ti.'l , cnftlri I
, ,, , ... . i
anu wuo ins uorne me uiuut oi pioneer
a. the reward of his toil
Onr old aequ lintancc, 15. W. Rush
has moved lo Itawlms County Kansas.
This is said to be a democratic pre
cinct, but the voters consider themselves
".-ound on the gaoia" iu regard to the
fall electi in.
New frame houses are going up all
oyer the j raitie, and our carpenter, Mr.
Day, is busy contracting aud overseeing
the work upon them.
After a cold drive, we reached Mr.
Hornbeck's where a splendid d nner
ug f coId anJ h
the afternoon we visited Mis?. Nettie
Steer's school. This h a uudel school,
quiet studious, aud polite, the pupils are
advancing stcadi'y. But this sheet is
full, an I if ae:epte:l, next week we will
tell what else wj suv.
"Old Gov't Java" at ItobyV
Moon & Cal lender of Cowles Neb.
have just received a large stock of Dry
Goods and solicit the patronage of the
people of their vicinity. We guarantee
as low prices as elsewhere in the county.
To trade at home, is true economy.
Call, and bo convinced. Respectfulls,
Moon & Callender.
Taken up by the subscriber on his en
closed land in the southwest . section Ul,
town 2, range 11, Red Cloud precinct.
Webster county, Nebraska, on the 1st
dav of November. A. D. 1S79, one year
ling heifer, white in color with tips of
ears red. VAN' liENSO.v.
November 6th, 1879. H-18
Brick! Brick!! Brick!!!
Burton's have jut burned a kiln of
about 100,000 brick at their yard on the
creek iust northeast of town. These
briok are of the best quality and will be
sold at the lowest market price. Call at
.their yard when you are in need of brick
and be convinced that it will be to your
interest lo deal Tvith them. 9-21
For Pitted Plums, and Cherries, Al
den Apples, Cal. 's Pe&eho. Seedless
aud nice Box R-iidns. and every thing
else thats nice go to W. B. R j'j's. tf
IIn:r SvUcln; for sale at Mrs. I,utz.
!Jo prime ii huniui nature to yilt
mankind by the clothe tbit ar worn
:hci tbir arts worn.
and in too niiny ins
mtn coMdrratijn the c4rcutnanc that
, - t- i i t ,
'urrounu the tii'livida-il 1 r inianc. I
the tamer, the man who UlU the wil. '
the verv nature of the work he doct pro-i
hibits him from vrjiring ost!y clothe, 1
it demand, that he wear -omething ui-
slaiititl, (iomcthin alip'cl to hi bui
tic. A farzser would loik a? tnush out
of place wih a uit of btoad cloth on. co
in? to the fH 1 to plow, a- the miniter
would arrayid in a Siimel -hirianl ovrr
.ills, standing in the presence of his con
pn'giti'in delivering a -cruion. The
ooaraest an! mo-t uncul'ured bein aiay
wear broad c'otb, and the smartct ai d
bet educate! be seen iu homcpun t'arb.
and yet Imw often do wa heir brainier
fop., who manage to eke out an distance,
tho Lord kn.w- bow, criticise and try to
nnk sport of the honc.-t farmer because
he happens to "live in the countrj and
wear clothes that are adapted to and in
tended for the work he has to do. The
man with coarse clothes may, ami nine
times in ten doe, posei more braius. more .
learning, and in fret more of everything
that constitute trjo minh-ni than a
reiriuient of the .vdt paled idiots who
d.vadille away their lime in idlene-s and
ima'ine that because they cu wear a
white hirt and col'ar, they are, to use a
home'y expression. 'Sjine pumpkins."
Djc 31 1ST 9.
Met tuirsuant to adjournment.
Full boatd present. Minute.? of last
two meetim.v read and approved.
Warrants is-ued to Ming Hridge Co.
to the amount of-ISl'J Oil.
The following oiHjial bonds were e.p
I roved.
John Polnie'coy, J. P. IlitiiiPrc.
I. I j Frame,
8. S. Wells.
John M.iy,
I). M. Friiui,
F. C. lii.sohjw,
I-aic Miy,
W. W. liuunell,
Klai Cook
P.H5 It'll
A MiUIelliiil,
J. M. L-dlais ,l Walnut C. "
Cha. Hnchow, Assor "
W. B Creamir, " I.uii
.Inn. MeClelkin, Jr. " r,nwoo d "
A.M. JdinMJjnsUbleG-iide K. "
G A. Martin, " Itatin
C. II. Holt, " Inavalo
Juo. ?orenon, O. of II. It. R no
I) S. Helvetn, "
IJ. Kuhn.
ArrouNTS Au.owkp.
Donald McC'illum Supt. Con-tuction of
Hriilgc fl-2.00
It. It. Shcrer, Coroners fee? $11 10
J. Ij Miller, Uoid Scraper, $." oO
Ooa. Iliaton employe 1 t.) move the
bodies of Win. II. IJricc and wife to the
new Cemetery for tho hum of $12 00
Adjourned to Dec. 10th at '. A. i.
Ceo. Ball, J. A. Tullejs,
Chaittiotn. C.'cik.
Maple Grove Farm.
V. Kiss! r.:t Co. Neb.
Nov. 2S:h, 179.
Mr. En After several weeks gather
ing corn wc have come to the conclusion
that the early corn is not so goo 1 as our
late planting, our early corn was planted
May .11, and 5:h. ami the late, was plan
ted May 10th. 1 7th, and I think the ear
ly was ju.-t earing during the hot wind
in August and this accounts for it not
being any better, although it scarely av
erage Vo bushel on high land, and the
late T0 to GO bushel per acre on bottom
land, the ears on the late are a great deal
larget and sounder, and I have become
sat i-fied that manure is a great help to
corn on high land, and I think if the ma
nure was hiuled out on the field in place
of leaving it lay ami move the tub!e(a I
have seen done) it would pay very well
for hauling aud another thing, I have
discoveied, that we can not raise corn
without more cultivation, the more work
put cu a field the more corn we will get,
and I believe the most of our farmer!
have become satisfied on this subject and
in a few years we can bhow as good corn
crops a in any oilier state. Fall wheat
looks fine, and is stooling very well, and
no doubt will stand the winter very well
and from pie.-ent prospects we may ex
pect a good crop. Although times are
hard and money scaice, and every body
is grumbling about hard times, improve
ments still go on, Juhn Alburn has re
mod. lied hi-: stona houe by taking off
the dirt roof and building it a foot or
more higher and put a shingle roof on
Tith a sleeping chamber on second floor
Andrew Burg is. contemplating the
building of a stone house, this looks like
biz, in our neighborhood. Yours truly,
At Grand Island houses are going up
at the rate of thirty-five a month.
Wayne county's population has in
creased 43 per C22t in the -last sis
Gov. Furnas has ser.t 00,003 scoins of
fruit trees to be grafted in York cauuty.
Lancaster county has a woman who
claims to be a blood relation of Queen
Owing to the great increase of traffic on
its line the A. & N.r.tilroad have order
ed 100 new freight cars.
A 700 pound hog two and a half years
old, is challenging the admiration of
Cuming County farmers.
It is thought that the work on the
O. & U, Y. Railroad will be completed
to Spring valley by Jan. 1st.
A convict in the State penitentiary
was killed last week bv the caving in of
cUy bauk iu which he was working.
Ten thousand California salmon and fifty
thousand bass will be transplanted in the
Cedar river early in January.
Clifton, in Nemaha county, has a li
brary of 400 volumes and the farmers
1 expend ?S0 a yeir for ucir basks.
j ; mwT r mftrt f
ni: "E-'im m.'n l HTlIttE '
- . mf mim . m as ..--..
C j .QO POl Year Il''.Wv W;.a..k
X i --h Wiwm I', i. i hi rftmi.
27J.I - 7L7 1 .'&YZZ. ?ZZJLZ2 IAu. ! t. .i
Vou -k why w r.duce the pne of ;
the paper. iMinp'y iM-cao-c th j
tima 1.4. come o redrnv The pne- of
new.paper. . . of ,U kind-
are I'firir teduol all over ttx urxi. arxi
the Cnur cannot ttTnl to b Ubtmi in
.. ,
a matter ol eo much nnp.rUid u t- J
patron, on the contrary it jhois to
take the lm 1 m li.i- to-.ttr-r a- it .Joe, in I
all other in this part of the couutry.
We i!l tell von how cm aiTind il. I
At the low pi ice to inch thf :ai er ha
been rdnc'J. wc hope to mo our etrcu
lation up to fifteen ln.ndr.-d in the next !
.hrce month,, w, will then ha;eMouble I
tho circulation that we have now, aixi
will realize a- much mne from the ub- .
cnp Hon !'- a we do now at two uolmr
a tear for T."( c pie. And rgain. at the j
ii . . r ...i ...... . : .. .1.. ... ..:. !
then apj al i -o:ue who do not pay I
Ol ra-e Ol C- w a J. Mr aw u...Suy wcuii
iliem aw al i) -oaie v no ,lo not pay I
nnil inose who no piy nave to jay tor ,
licit own pancr and lor miih-I o ly el-e's ,
who don t pav, or what amount, to the ,
i-amo thin. p.iv djub!e pnc", (f2 a year) j
,, . i. . .1 T. .. II it.. .l .... I
iii,c.iiiier-uMii i..i . ) '"i
mg tlilnew pianaii win tiute to pay lortnei
laner who receive it as no name will Iw
d.aced on the books uul'-. the iiiourv !
paid, and each Mib-criber will be notified j
a tvec-k before bt ubcr.ption expire j
niiI if hi tines not rene.T. lit naiuu Mill
, , ... -,, . l
be promptly cancelled. . C Wilt lle ;iO I
!iiirio!ii nt to e:nr. no bad debt to i
os... and by having a niueli l.irg. r nrcu
Iiition will of enuru rcihze a much larger
per uMif. iro.ii our .oiwru ok " -
J 11:1, dear rtader, we hope to !tmuti
vou a good paper for the extittiuly low i
,. t 11 '
ri - if one d ilar a Cir.
The Ciiikf will remain the satne ize
a at pre-eut, and wc .hail add ne.v ma
terml and niipp. omenta liotu tune i'i
time :i-we can hlf ud :t. flic I llllt'i
it 11 .1 1 .1 .. I ,..;) il ,
Itl.l ROC .HI IMC mi.ll IIBW.' lll' " 1"'
Address all letters to
M. L. Thomas.
Editor i'iiikk.
Itctl Cloud. Neb
?au:e, Tender ani ?eru:e ! !
The invention ofthat Mipetior and enm
nlete sewiinr uiae'dne (the'"F.uniIy".cew-
in machi'ie), nrufc. one of the mot im-
.,, ,, : ,1,., I.J.t.-irv .if iii-ifliiniTV
poitant eras in tlic n-torj ol mat niiiLn,
Illi the lull proceedings of tin lo.irl ol 1 1 u art Iierrl.. r..tifi.-I that on iH 1
ii....,,,., , ;.; WW i mt! ifl.T the'''3' "f"'"'"'. I '. thr Whaler mil W1 H
Lount Loniiiii-M a mioii aio.r iut , ,!amJ.i(.tjrjiiit ,Wl,,DV hI,, lt, ,,,..,.,
meetings ol the Ilouid as they can ae ot- Bru.t r.m in t'ic "Hi.-.- -r ihr cier' t Ur l
.ajK.(J tri.-t iiM . r thr K-.fih lull ill t'mri.t h IJ
. , i ii i .. wit'iin .ni'l ter thp rmi'Or of" N -ttr ih!
ami wtun wc coniner ukhmi o't-nniu-... ,Twt orthc orh r. .i in wrimrr rnttnir e
arel evlrcmely low price ($'J"), it is v. ry I lr.iW .- -Sm I .-ition liir.r. tiit w.l wri
,. , f : ... .:... !" ckc lie i-l nl tlis Un.l nn.l teneitintit.
difficult to coi.ccive of any invention lor i ,hfru, .ircnlx.l . M. li vt-tU ..f r-il
ilometic ue ol more or even coital im-
pnrtaticc to famili". It has creat cajiaei
ty fo- work; beaii'iful, Mirio.h and ipiiet
mnement, rapid execution, certainty and
delightful ease of opetation, that at once
commend it above all others. The work
in:: puts are a'l tnel, fining and durable,
and will ht a life time; the bobbin hold
loo vard of thread; the stitch is the finii
iki .riH iii-li..- Hindi ' nen: and reifti'ar.
i i , ..I ...1 :.. o ... ...,..i . iM e.iu be leguliled iu a moment tos'-wi
.titche from an inch m length on eoar-c
in iterial d wn to the fim-M. o infirutei-
mal us to he Iiai-x'y (iMvnribl'j with (he
I . ...... .. ..! iriiti n i-'i t i Ill" ifii1friTiir
it iiupq&iblu to count them a
made; it Ins more aiiacnmeiu man any
other, and it d n.. to perfection all kind.
of In; tv,, coar-e. plain, fine, or fancy
needle work with eae, and far less lab ir
than reijuircd on other machine. It
needs no cwtiincdation, the rapid sa'e.,
inere.iing demand, m:d voluntary encom
ium from the pre-?, and the thousand
of lamilie.. who use them, ainp'y tes-if
to their undoubted worth as a standard
and reliablo hou-e necCaMty, uxtending its
popubrpy caeh day. ilac!ine.s t-ent
anwvliere to be esau.iard before any mon
i "p- i 1. Aiiests Wamki) by the Com
pniiv Addre them for information.
7 14 ly 7.5 Bkoawav, New York
Be Wise and Happy.
If you will s'op all your cxtravneani
aid wiong notions in djetoriiur yor.o!l
atul fannhe with expcn-ive doctor or
humbug cure alls that dn harm always,
and u-e only nature's .imti'o retiiedie
for all your ailments you will be wise,
well and happy, and a-e ureal expense,
flic grcatet remvly for thi?. the treat,
wise and good will tell you, i Hop Bit
tors rely on it. See another column.
MONKV TO LOAN, on good
Faims at 10 per cent interest. No com
munion. D. S. Coombs, at Court
House, Red Cloud. 17 tf
We have been supplied by the Bloom
inglon laud olhcj with the necessary
blanks for mikimr applicition for final
proof, and will fid out and forward for
those w'.o wi-h us to do so, free of
chartc. Call at the Chief office.
Uo Good Preaching.
No man can do do a pood job of work.
preach a pood sermon, try a law suit well,
doctor a patient or write a ooJ artiale
when he foal. inisarable and dull, with
i-Iu'iih brim and unsteady nerve.; and
none .should make the attempt in such a
condition when it can be ;-o easily and
-Blank leases for sale at the Chief!
Hals neatly trimed for $1.00 at Mrs
-Rnc Kid gloves only G5 cts per pair
at Mrs. Luiz.
Hcrsjo for veil? worth 50 cts per yd.
only 33 cts at Mrs. Luiz.
A great variety of fancy, articles for
?alc very cheap at Mrs. Lutz. 10w3
Only a few more of those "Horec
Books" left. If you want one call soon.
For ready made clothing it will pay
yon to go to John G. Totter'-, as he
keeps a large afOrtaient of goods of this
kind ss well as everything eL'O you need
. :. .,... -.11 .M nr ti.if inTTi
lurnimcr ncai auuu -- ,...
John G. Potter is interested in your
SOLES. Ee bs. in stock a large lot of
boots and sbocs which be wants to close
oat at a little advance above coaU Cal
and buy something that will kep your
feet warm nnd dry. tf i
T-r"4? "."'?"'?
Jchnion Jt Crer'.l
5.S. Mit.-hcll. I
"onrtr Coart. Web'ter I
e-iacty ebras. belore
Coacty Judje.
VeiU J
ToS.S. Miteh'Il. def'nJait.
1,.. ....1,. r....,.,v. .) Iiv n Itttiii Hon !iittnr t ii life-ton-.
w,u".' iviuw. j - ---. r,XJV(tuc;i,t,liwto-w tcralivinj. j ni
machine e-i-t.'.e-' than II ilf the I'rieeof joy nw
-All kinds or blanks for sate at ihiAihJi
ClIIEK office. JlubWn. biMmj 1J ran!-"! threi I. ii :s;iar
t .- .t, i . m iT., withthefrr,aci.t rejriolinr of bjjin; It i
LaaiCS Cloaks at .Mr? JiUtZ. built tor stren.-.h nr-l c Btant harl wor. in-
. i -J.i..!iiii- ..-ir-. mnnnf.if tuix-1 ol
Yon -Kill take pntiee tht-t on theSia dr 01 l'e- ity. aJ. 3C HOTU Jir aa.u., jw w
ecabr. . II. 1ST?, an orJer of -hciitwM , && k, r ln fr. -. aa
:.-., J r. ntTiin hT tti'lhiri. SUIt USII.
t-.- .. " ... . f r-
for the .nin often dollar nd ftyeven cents.
Si.l r i. set for bearics on the 2ii day tf
I January. A- D. H. at 10 o'cJflcfc . ta.
I 1W- L'dTtin C. llanley. Jo22or .t CsSTS.
' is .ury ftr its.'. n i&
j Fin all roof . hi ic.
m " ' w aw Mrf to .! h
k t ,J -. I Mi -i -C k ..rat. t.m
. &. r -Vf f & .r . r
i v - of - t tV . 4 Tieui mii k f I
jit;tr 5. 5WITI1R. n.irr
-- " ' - -
U4os xk. t. hs. -
n.i-J4 nf i mrt kj rUtm
"" J11' '" "' v' '! '
i c.n j lir IrxMB i il.i- . wm, in:
aUi V. t. ( I,u ."?ek. t-1 t..
tli rn qcmik f ni tr -t as r
" ' "irAV. JllZ'V:. x,ti "".??".
". Nek, a1 'A'taltta 1'ua.rt f Xo
loo I .Wtr
-. W. SVlirZKJ:. EroKr.
Lt OQ t IIUMiMufoa N- N. rwk. TV.
N'Mir 1. Urhy corn tktl lir WM(
n- U--' iiituM. u
'rctt - tnxi rstrr tk-r-tt it ir nmta .f
': ( h 'lMf thw tu.
WB,tT.-ff .Tliv.VVr
rcll n- i 4 ihr fMii i
m'T-j.!" 7H?'Ti'hTia'i'i;
yartrtixt, ol Kl 0l :Vi.
ieo'l s. W.-.,vir.l!R. KcMtrr.
- -- - -
Ut4, n& tJ.v,ai.,. S.t, S,. III!, T
Nww ,. b.Kr At9U ,s,t lh, fo.,.,.f
nAtne-i -cturr h, a'. nM r b tMoita t
C"'' '"" -ifHiKt fc rl.. a.l
tbirt Um fr ike.l.t.-f tbt .x
iViiiiam Cmwrr ( 'mfvu Nrb. for thr
north '4 fi fthfat ' tAt : Hurtitwl' . .f
. ? . .rtk ,r nni ii it. ! mi. -k-
(..ii vr.iic ht ti'bcm. ii Jh Jrr,t- .
, '' '."?.';, 4' ' ;".' ' .' a 1
oJ :eU.
nr.Tilr.jS. 5. W. SWITZKlt. lUcwtr
L,nf, ' .Nev sVr.ZHh..
.. ., ...
I'M'f urre,r iren tnat the Ii.IInw x
nnmei tller h fitnl r,elK-..f intrhtion to
' t"l I'wf m .urtn.rt ..f be rlnai n I
thirr .i..y frci. the .l..iB ..f ibi. bom-- ... i
I.ill. -. I.rxtt. fjr the iio'!i?!it -lur'tr tt
nnr ih- rmt.minirn.hi u vi v,-i
,. t. nr ( owiw rs Miiam Hi1t .f
: to., an 1 .iajic u Laijih f ct
h. w. sv, rrzKit. itrtWttT.
Lccal Notice.
Jain K l.-ill nn 1 M ry K I!ull.lion-rti-
i .lent 1-I.i.luliri.
(r Vrlir.iH.i. the uiuf'l .ii.l it or .rwhw-'i i-
Mi'in H tii it an .ie 'untir.i: w iy Iv uKm of
tlio aiinnin'. le to W lirftcr .'. V' il. n Maun
rieturmr t"nijfti.v mn ft rrrt un tiroiui. r
un'i mi. I miirtERt:.. cvt-i-jtr t by J jiih- It Hull
.in.l Mary K ll-ill t. Wl.-tl.-r .t Wll n M.itm
f.rturen t'rimp.iny. Mii'iiir.tirs In llie miih r
SliO.f'l. Iutl April Ulh. 17. with uoerr-t .V
1? pi-r cr.t. rr.nn April 1 .'Ii 17VJ. !- n att'.f
ticv" r-c. 'ml M.ntK t h-iri; ui-ti tl. s M-
pinniw ilrnlM-.l llcnl K-titr. t.i-wil lti ir.l
j inlfijmf nort!ict .jiurtrn'.) an.l th ft
I " f't wtlol qiarvr'i' of r tin Jl
j )n ToJr.Uu, ,,T ,., 1r!h f r,sr trivlj.
!'- l.-aiilieJ to lucp.jtuant of the aiuo la
cril ilc
Vn!i ur ilo notiSr ! thi t iiriK-" yon anfnr
anl in.irtr eitol rtilimi 'i or lrlnrp ill-
ilny of Fviiru iry. A. 1. 10, j Mir lUf.iul; willla
rtitci! ami ju'lcniutnl rcii.UreU thcjm a.
lt' Kii.tT llfco. Att'y fir ITtCs.
Sotic-t hfre'ij" sivon. tin' I will T.ii"itnr
nh if ron nho m.i t olT-r Ih-tn.wlvc
si PHtiilnIaUi l..r t-.i. ri. f thp iirnnnry r
,, ,,.,, o w,.,.r Pllot . nf i:,
i loul on te firt ituni iy r.oJj inunth .it
"'no - -lc a- " :
a-'iigeiliG UW 3.21X00. I
rJTs yw KlvBo
$65 Machine Reduced to S25
7h2 Cheare:t aai Ee:t in tho
It ..ii I
Tec L32 in U:c to Izzbi its Stricr Merits.
It tnakes thefhuttlc.dniiMc-'hr'.i.l.lopV-'titch
uhoamPon lioli 'i.lerthp itur . thich r--
itcd th- hiKlic-'t award at th- -ntennial t x
fiiliilion. Philadclphii. T.v. in l.J. And i coin
jilete with .i;tr A-rtincnl ol Atuehtnenr
t- r tint work than ac other rujchinc, aud l!c
ducri to only Si'
It i? an eay and plra'ant mwime to opcra!r.
rronirp. tli lc.t care, .rdnpp ei-pry variety
or work, and will I it until the next century
boon? 5tnnir, .ur.tle HaiiH nnd hScicuU
l'?c itoace. and you will we no other. lhp
mnnpyphetrrally rctandp-l if it will nut Outwork
ind Ouilat nnv machine at d ante the price.
S'nt-i cll tlo-in f.ittr than any .ther in eon
equc'nee of their beit "the Uct .in i t h I.owl
l'rieC." .. , ..,. , :..
tirh inaclone taomucriy iwipi -im
jto. KS:1 moBeTrrfiajS one' il nil
ii.i. ...-v - ... -- --.- . .... ,
l - .- -- - -
It i the raot 'lid. relhblo and ,tLf.ctnry
ma'hicr ever mreitcil tor a11 kind u( family
work. It i:nncknowtcUot uniMUivocal iic
ehanical f.irce-i'. thoroueatr to-.e-I. and uel n
tb cjunds of ho . w. An ctaciect .'I'ent. rai-i I.
r.-lul.le. and cvcr-ie ly helper Vitas "en ite
!. Infr
or -aa:Jrp-. :i will do t'ae worx tf ftiuiiy lor
urit will earn iruin ; 10 i- i-et u.j
fine i.oirhci teel. Will run for year without
rtr.ur?: isimpV tolcnrn. evy to in maze, na-
der:oKlia.!ihour.anlalj. fly m rn
rnent to lo every delcnptivi of trt aTy r fine
work nt le cost or trouble lhan .inx raaf hiac at
....- r li.i. i.r can 1 . It 'I1 ew
anj lhis j necllc cin t-;ere. fr.x Urc or cato- 1
brie to heavy cloth or harne.M. with any KHi .! ,
th.-evl. ami "ill run off twenty ywl rr tnisuie-
it u" Jtronjt. traizai nc-ii?. anu nem ufc-iw
them. Itcmnot inlor Jrop !titeh. ravel or
i i. .u- .u...i tf mil Vi.tTna.-iv otier mvhlQ
: urt-.fc uic mi-- - .f it. i
buv thi an.l Sve i Utlr one The ee nil
rat'iJity of iutai.tijaia.l jality of it work, are
it bct rreoatr.aaiioBJ. it win
bwid. nt. bia.l. eather. iuil pffin. rleit. fiu.
jcalhip. fhirr. roll. bwte. eaibroi.J-r. inn nt
breaiith.'. '. . ivith elecinec. ext- n-l fwifmtaj.
uafari.!.l by a"r waohine erer icveatcd.
Th Price firoarssw tachine re le than
thoiuuKedby dealer in fcood-hand. rebuilt
and rcfinirhea m chine, or thoe i ellias.oat old
ftoex to c!oe up busitiess. many fuea inferior
and old ityle raaebin bemc oSerel as new l
rodnced l rlerf: beware oi imi.iio d" ".j
bjr xew mach'neJ. There ireno x" tirt-elaai
-. . ir.- I .. U- .. .V-C..ilr ' hr "lint
, roichiae offend a low tbeFcsilT." by ssay
i dollar.-'.
Macliinc suit for rximinrttion Uforewy
incut of JSUt.
Extraordinary inducement o5erfi to Oe'ty
siix.'Xejetiertoreep.eWtoata aaetiii
Horse nd waon famished tree Kur tetis
.;.iJ .- 4.-irtiTe books. nmileJ tree wita
; ranrrl of wort. lihcral ternu. cirralar. etc
Aaare. t.
0t Vj,.t!i ra i j.-'"""'"3 '
I JErer. TR i j - !"-:" L't,4-- '
I 2aA(sJmrautrJtnfvVl!fn
. -- - -j . -. : w .. r , -
c wba4rrf vsnH aj tit $3 t-t H-
A stock of nice fresh candy jot
orcaed. at llvhy'z.
,'MTM. V fi' '
-ik. u;h in
Drugs? Medicines.
Paints- Oils
and Varnishes,
A fii rpj of
Que dwar outk flUV,
HKH Cl.niru NKIt.
Floor & Feed
waw. -. u . . ..ii, .w-u.
tn.1 .
ryxr-t- i-T-it-
lmau i i' r IS IM
C"-ro S!ri' Prn ("li nJ I'!'!
& avy 4
J Fjj IB 8
I K Rl n.
i-.t lh Kr I ' a I f r ff ) . t I li"
,, .
t l,rvt-
re when ja w' fa, . ' r ii r
l.iicht btirk'1 1 ri.- larukki.p
All kiul f uanlrr ffw-lof tikeh w.i. &(
fur tftrvl.. liUi diic.l l all fNrt t Ii
frci f rbrp.
'tte iwilb f KnJ' n- yfmtr.
eoimsE, s
PeIer la -
S3 a ft 9 W ft ft
or nil klnJf.
They noil riinvP for TAi'I. and if tn-y
ho net hat j wrvnt, lre yiwr
oricr b 1 ther "HI fill .
On. i!nr north nfUarlprV. awl Mr. HOI.tMMP
will wait ou you.
itF.u ci.onn,
is now otcrtlomng with
X)ecoraiol CJiliui
Cups aJtl W:inetr.
Vases, &c, Rich and Rare.
The BKST5 aud JO cent CICAI'.S.
Ganeral Accnt for the sale of the Great
ami Popular Bcmcdy f the at;e
Thi ."itnnle and innocent remedy hp
civi-ti relief in a very f'oirt time to many i
- .! . . '11. .1? . l
uttenng irom ton tertiujc uicc iw- i
licVLM Neuralgia and Nervou-i hcidache .
in a few minutes.
CaT To Dealer, "priil rale are gireri
ie the tale of thi valuable rt-m?Jy.
First door oathot Arca.S.
IVJoon & Callender
DRY -900BS,
Drngn, 3oiioa., Hfc.
AIM a fsl! Hs- f
Boots i Shoes,
9at. aj, and
ra-CftMirr Prnda taken is exeiass Sr .
I Slt. Uire u a sail. !
j Hooa & Callender. j
j w .
I -
Ed i r c
mm w
ji i
JM t. t
SfS?.-! t n ?A
t "I ' I IB
1 F'Hb a V
5. i w-,JSB --X.
I t 11 1 M
' .:- .v
I li
it I
j Aw
r i4 t- u t t 1 '
t)tua ik .!, -.!
III r-fT.i '
ffc tmimii ,.- J e.J -
. tf ! i vl J 'f ik . f
- . -.. . I wi I i ., .
t ill i t- " ' ' jT 'TSi.tJTlFn 1 bAr
n rrjr "- r uji. inr 'imi T'va , ry'.
Tm nazffv ttrxuw& r
- -rf ,iji " ( A A ft Bl t-bi
'nvw i ; nitf " V-'U rV
12 V-V . - . . u fl
. r-j-?
V.CfJ QrT"
; nsmiwm
Uur r ii i a i lt c t .
ti.t r!i t . . :.'
tiul. ..i iiUi .i jI !' i
Tho Lowest
wc hoi)c JLo merit
which is bcinu: bes.iowec.1 upon u. Bur
vour groceries at a
C7 i N M R A L G KOC K R V STO K I-..
m,1!,.ij!,m,..ii..u..i Prr!iii Mitchell.
Wc keep on hand at all
plete stock
Give us a call, as wc feci .me we i.'.n mj:1 cu
in quality ami priw
Ilcmcmber the place, opposifj the Chiel Ofikc,
Red Cloud Pacb.
! nvnumn ox 7a ? ??&' W
juwm u rysi b
- DK'.M.U I
mm I wwwiJtvjQ
Groceries, Queenswaro, and
Fall & Winter CLOTHING
me a C. trvr? thioir .l at R(TrOI i fa CAFII.
Red CJoarl, - IS'c-brnsk'i
J. iSTif &
MHE3Bbv Wr sii- ' z" mz .MnllWv
Our ncv7 Orjxa, expressly
Chapels, etc, Is provtaa
Bc sure to send lor full
Tiurchasiziz rujt other.
nir imnrr.T U'ftrivo rx
m imm aun yr
IIJwstriK'' CtUsl2rv Sfla trv
" N-
jtr'- ;t
'S-l 2JtK3M3f
J"X -
. ..
. t u.4 HfM to4 .
.mi4 tinie notn4 m -
Tr c1-" Vet
TT. t 4
'.I f'.n.. 1 1, u.. A mmI, n
-H It
the increasing poironitgc
limes, a large nnd com
oi Hard-ware.
designed Tor Sunday Schl
dccrijiiTa Catalojjue before
Tiir yiiinx n:j THn
at mu m ui di
2rrW -
:rAW Ol
Iw kT
- - 2 .LamwL
9 T
U, J i.
. ai v w