." s 1 I jjjjqmuwjilM.lji' J 1 I n B THE CHIEF. LOCAL MATTERS, 'Doc. Morris lias returned. Did joti ci joy Tlinnlhitig. "Old Gov't Java" at RoliyY ('nee hasniovrd into lti new office. Don't forget the t ociablc at Holy's to nnJit. The firit ftiow of tlie season fs'.Nait Thursday. T. Jwlcr cf Ct tries, tubscibcd for the- Cuikp. Chattel mortgage blanks for fale al tLii office. Letter from D. S. Helvcrn crowded cut this week. A stock of nico ficth candy jut opened at Iobyc. The TurlejB bad no catifc to be thankful Jafct Thuicday. One of the dollars of our daddtCB will Ret tLe Ciiikf fcra j-ei-r. Sec card of Kuiivh Brother's meat tnurkcL in acotlitr cilunin. Eniic.li Dro-. advertise their Mint JIaket in tbc ClHEr this week. An cDort is heing made to or"--. Teuij-leol lienor in li."-waa a,u- jjr yt r. rAbeo pays for the Chi kk vnnr. after a fcix. monthd trial of the Argus: Friend Ilolcomb has moved into hi" new house with his family, lately from tho cabt. A. GirbfT and John Watts of Guide Hock renew their faith in the CuiKi' for the next year. Lost A black peal tkin lovc. The finder will confer a favor on tho looker by lcavit) it at this office. J. II. Helton of Thouiasvillc is among our list of subscribers who pay in advance for the next year. "Wrhhter centre" at tho mouth of Kim Ciuck is just nine miles by .section lines from the centre of Webster Couuty. We have just received another lot of new type and arc better prepared than tver to give Batis-factiou in the job priti tirg line. Not a-'ice of advertising h allowed in the Ciiikf unlets paid for, and jet we re running about two columns of foreign advertisements. A f ample of ministerial justice created some Mir over in Stillwater Iat week, and tbc end is not yet, for Cabe hag got his fingers into it. Latt week the "reliable" TomiNmtsr made us sr.3 that the ladies of "Love church" Ac. when we wrote it "Grace Church." Such is life. All who wL-h to settle their indebt edness to the Cm nr with wood arc re quested to bring it along, wo burn lots of wood duriug the winter. There is a coal famine in Red Cloud nt present, and wc guess it extends pret ty generally over the 6tatc. Tho coal miners are all on a Mrikc. The headquarters for glass-ware, queenswarc, &s., is at Miner Bros. They have received an immenso stock of thi-cla- of goods, and are selling at the low est figures. The boys were on a tear Iat Sunday night, and piled up coods boxes, tore down sign boards, and raided cain gencr oily. A day or two in the "jug" would do eomo of them good. Wc started out this week to give the names of all our friends who have renew ed their subscription (0 the Chief since the last publication day, but wo givo it up, wo hav'nt got room. Mr. A. D. Becker, one of our most rubstantial citizens, contribute to our exchequer to the extent of two years tubcription to the Cuir.r, one copy to be sent to his siatcr in Saline county. The new Red Cloud Hotel has been opened to the public "Uncle Jack" is Mill at the helm. Tho old familiar sign with the bell ia the centre again greets tho eye, and we doubt not tLe hotel will give as excellent tatisfaction to the pub lic as in days gone by. Ruckwhcat Flour is now tho rage and goes off into hot cakes, buy the same of Perkins & Mitchell who keep the Pre pircd Buckwheat flour which giyes the best satisfaction and they guarcntco cv- ery pounu oougnt ot mora. J ry it once you will never buy any other. We understand that certain book agents representing that they are cuders cd by the Co. Supt. and others, have hwindlcd several school districts in this county to the tune of hundreds of dol krs. As soon as we get the particulars and names of the parties we will pub lish them. The Argiis is so vicious that it speaks disrespectfully of the best job of printing that has ever been done in the county. It giveB vent to its spleen be cause said work was done at the Chief office, Retter take Hop Bitters a while they are advertised in the Chief and sold by druggists. Moon & Callender of Cowles Neb. have just received a largo stock of Dry Goods and solicit tho patronage of the people of their vicinity. We guarantee n low prices as elsewhere in the county. To trado at home, is true economy. Call, and bo convinced. Respectfully, Moon & Callender. As an evidence of the value of the Chief as an advertising medium we refer to our advertising columm, they are crowded, and in fact the advertisements have encroached upon the space that should be occupied with reading matter, but we cannot well avoid ic We make our bread and butter by our advertising apace, and we don't feel like turning away any patrenae of that kind. The paper is as large as we can print on our press, and the only way out ot tue uitu culty that seems feasible is to print the other side of the paper at homo, and wa will do it as soon as our subscription list reaches twelve hundred. With feelings of regret wc chronicle tho death of Miss lone Sherwood who died at tho Valley I louse, on Tuesday of lat week, of consutuptiun. Tlie young lady's parents were residents of Mineral Point, Wisconsin. Mrs. and Miss Slier wood came to Hcd Clsuda few weeks ago with the hope that a change of climate and .cenery would prove beneficial to the in valid's health, but in this it seems they were to be disappointed, as she graduallly grew worio until all hopo of her recovery was pi ven up, and her fajhcr was tele graphed for. but long before he could ar rive the pure spirit of the once healthy and vivacious lone had roturneil to Ilim who cave it, and tho grief strickcu moth er wrsleft to mourn the loss of her loved one, in a strange land. The do ceased wa twenty yoars and four months of age, the fourth daughter of the par ents, and the second they have lo.st with in the last eighteen months. Out heart goes out in sympath.v for the bereaved, and while we know that it N hard for the parents to bo rec oncilcd to the lo-s of a loved one, we hope they may Cud conolatiou in know ing that it was tho will of Ilim who do eth all things well. Tho funeral took place la?t Sabbath aftcinon fiom the Valley IIouo, and was attendtd by a largo coucour?c of sympa thiziug citizens. - -m m Program of Tiachcr's Institute, to be Ihcld at Inavale Saturday, Dec. 20, 1S79' 10, A. M. Us-e of Map Drawing in Teaching 1 1 is -rory, by Geo. II. Ilatvoy. F.SNtay: The Bible in our Common School-, by Rev. Mark Noble. Arithmetic by A. L. Funk. Select Reading by Mrs. Tomlinon, and Mrs. S. W. Robinson. Afteuxoox. Grammar, by Geo. W. Birker. Ksay: Incentives to advance beyond the instruction received in our common schools, by Mrs. Dixon. Mathmctical Geography by J. C. Otis. Select Reading by by E. A. YanDyke and Miss. Nellie Whitney. Voice Culture and Reading by Irving Walker. Lecturo in the evening. D. Wagoner. ) P. S. Set telle. Com. 0. W. Springer. J 3IAHKIEI). Dvkf. Fiiam.kto At the resi dence of the lie v. Geo. O. Yeiser (the officiating Minister) in the City of Hed Cloud Aeb. ou the 1-t Deo. 1S79. Mr. Albert Dyko and Miss Louisa Shalleto both of Smith Co, Kausas. For Pitted Plums, and Ch&rries, Al den Apples, Cal. 's Peaches, Seedless and nice Box Raiia.-, and every thing else tbats nice sco to W. B. Roby's. ti. Ediotr CniEE: The genteel manipu lator of the south end concern has again drawn upon his elastic imagination and informed hbi readers that another buffalo hunt is under contemplation. This does very well with which to fill up the col umns or a newspaper, but what he takes to make his brain so active and creative is a mystery to tho maids and mermaids of Skunk Creek. By meaus of his distempered vLion he sc3 bufLlorump, antelope steak and venison hcunches hanging around his editorial sanctum while his lean compos itor with a half famished far off look in his eyes dreams ot "shewed oysters and bilcd turkey" and mentally curses the boss for giving him copy which savors of good things but which arc not within the pecuniary reach of a half starved editor of a county newspaper much less that of his poor devil, Try again, and sc; what you hit next M. ofS. C. lime. m Hi fl vailing The Argus man weeps bitterly over the : eduction of tho prico of the Chief. and devotes nearly a column of his valu able? space to advertising the fact that the price of the Chief has bci reduced to Si 00 a year. We hereby tender our thanks to our cotemporary for this gra tuitous advertising. We don't wiih to waste much fcpuce replying to his sillj article but ai he ii guilty of a number of glaring falsehood j w-j will call atten tion to a few of them. Ha says that a good newspaper cannot be published al $1.00aear. We refer to the Chieigo luter Ocean, the prici of which is one dol lar a year, the N. Y. Sun is oue d jilar a year, the Chicago News is To cents r. year. Arc thesj "tickly" papers, eh?. We might go on and name hundreds of the bct-t weekly papcri in the United States, l!i" sub-ciiption price of which is from fifty cents to a dollar and a half a. year. Our eMccraed? cotemporary refers to the Chief as a. "snide ccic-rn," the Chief is one t f the oalcsi established bus iness c-iitcrpeizcs in this valley, its intor-e.-tsand those- of the hundreds of home sjeaders in tliL county have been identic d, and together they have borne the lurdihips and privations incident to the settling up ami development of a new country, and yet this editor of a strip ling sheet that hopes to gain a livelihood by chargipg i'2.00 a year for an inferior paper, calls us a "snide." The Chief h? s done more to build up and develop this country in tho last .seven years than the nriplin.; ou'd do Wore it to foico it? uu welcome presence upon a suffering public for the next century. The stripling .says that it knows its cir culation is the largest. We will make this offer and cha'.lunzo you to take it up, Call for an afiidavit from each postmaster in tho county, of tho number of papers received anl distributed at the rcapeeiivc offices, if those affidavits show tlm. A rgns to have the largest circulation we vil pay each postmaster S2 50 for the truub lc of making affilavit. If it is thown that the Chief his the largest circula tion then the editor of the stripling pays for the afiidauis. Idle words dou't prove anything. j;et down to business. We challenge you to the test. The assertion is made that the "circu lation of the Chief has been growing less ever since its'.present proprietor took control of it," this is a falsehood, as we can prove at any time by our subscription books which arc open for inspection by the public We arc sorry that tho .striplinsr tech so bad but we cannot help it. Wc pro pose to run our own business, and run it. so far as possible, in the interests of our patrons as well as ourself. We don't ask the editor of the .,-lrgu.i to reduce the price of his paper, it is none of our business, but we think that had he a soul anywhere near approaching tho size of a mustard seed, he would be willing to give biJ few patrons a little benefit of the late sweeping reduction in the price of everything used in getting up a uew-pa-per. But wo cannot waste more space reply ing to a lot of silly falsehoods that are evidently the result ol a diseased mind. P. S The subscription price of the old est and best paper in Webster county will reruaiu at $1.00 a year .etirctly ia advance. a aa Satisfaction is the word and if you want it buy your Groc-jrie at Pcrkic3 ii. Mitchell's" Red Cloud Grocery. Facts is what wo want, and it is a fact that it is foryour interest to buy your Boots and Shoes of Perkins &, Mitchell. A car load cf tho very choiscst varie ty of Michigan Caoking and Eatins ap ples just receive 1 as Pcriias & Mitch ell's. Pork Barrels Perkins & Mitchell have iust received from the factory a lot olsouud Poik barrels which arc now for sale at the bottom figures. Mr. Ed. Please aunounee in your pa per that a meeting of the Red Cloud Cemctary association will be held on Thursday evening, Dec 11th, 1S79, at the Office of Mr. J. Miller, for the trans action of important busiacss. By order of the President, J. M. Pryse, Clerk. --TJIK Red Cloud CHIEF f:r 1080. : SI .1 Ji ) 1 "f1 i t ;,!" . - J. -- '-' J , j....,r. I'VIV" T"T T?n Ytu ai-V hy rl'ioe ?b rirc of'Bf!' b lst;r. yunt.lr I.wiii. tlt nuse ba eomc to rcnn-1-' 1 1 ,,nfr r,f 1 i.J paper awl pcihJ.cnt. r.f a'i kjais I arc boitia reduced afl over the had n.t f tl e t IIIFV caarK)t rTm! tn W UhiiH in i i matter ol so much importance U us litron-, on ti.e c mr.ify it o" lui'"'1 ? -t-i !: .' t lake Uie ima in thH nutter a-, i: ilt n w.tn... tie. Ai -.mfc. R-i a-mi . ai oiiitr-i in mis prt or tttt country HOW CAN WK AFKDKD SL'CH A LOW I'KICK? Wc will till vou b'tv w can s2"rtl it. ' At tl e low pike to which iIm jmjr hi bu rtuu&4. wo hojta tn run c r Circu Ijt;n up to fificpu hundred in lh ihi (linctuomlif, wi'l th.n Hhvc dcul tbt cireu'ntion that tie f.ac iw, and . ,'! i:.. .. r .1 ..t f Clip ttfill It -t a we do no-v at I'A-o O .lUr i ar tor .Miopua. And ip-.m, at tle : I i 'U ii ?- " n tii aiiu lj:"MI cjttJIl thfr are a!wa m-- who do not pv; and tl.rs whido niy hire to iar f.r iti h own paper an! lr m,.oJj el-'- who d n't pav, or what r.'ii mn'i to the ami' thin.:, piy douhh ii.-', (? i eir) .1 ,t.n.. .?.. .... ... i i . i... . i 4- wiiii-- i.'jii i. fa ai ti it, jriiii' i . .. . .1 . , ....r- ..1 ... oil .. I I. ...... , ..... I. - .1. iii, iiii3ii'r, ,'uii um ;iiiia,r tujsij jri nil papc r who rcc. ire it a no na-ues will U- ii'.i 'Ion th- book- ti'iU-.-i tho iuoikv .N I aid, and eauh -ub-ciihr will be nouSe! 1 m 1 k ht-Jure hw iutv-ipMn csj im an! it he d es tnt reneiv. ,'- ti'iu.i t i'i b' promptly cmellcd. We wi!. hrc .t 1 ii.,iipnts to carr:. no bid debt to 1 10 e, aiid by having a i.iUk-h largi r ctrcti l.ti'jH v iii ufiMurM.' ra!c a i.iueh ltrp r v r Lnt. from our adverti-ing jic.. Tl tw, dear reader, we 1 ope t furm-h lU a g.od p'n'r fr tie ixtretii, ly low I li of on dollar a voir The Chief will letuain the same (tc - at ri'-tnt. and wc shi!! add suw mi 'critland tmjirovcQi.'titd !r m tuuf n liiiiu a wc can nffird u. The I'llIlT will f'ive a'i the Ijcal news and v ill pub lish the fud proceeding : ai'thi Jtim 1 of I. juuty Commi-stone'- :is m at'er tlie :nf3tin?s of tire Board m they can be ob- aAU;hoar.' now h arret- f,r 'he ..a per will be niMfid by p'-i-il rarl, mid iharcJ at the nte of $2 "O a veur until 51:11 1 up. All who have pi:diii advme will be enti'le 1 to an extra opy of the paper, sent to any ad!re.s-, Ji.ra -uilieieiit length of time to leduec the Mib.-eripunn ovi'rpailto the regulir ratfs-, $l(nia year. All ne.v Mih-ciipt inns r.nd nil re nt'iVjiD of j-ubseriptb 11 ciunuig in between now and tho l:it of I)een:b.jr, v;i!l date from .January 1-t, sii No charge 1 jr thu p'iper from now until January 1-t. Addre.-S all letters to M. Ji. Thomas. Editor CniF.r, Hed Cloud. Neb. The invention of that sipirior and eorn Plete ..ovviiiir machine (il,c-F.nuilv,--ew. I "r C1 ' l Vv. ar'iVa '"'""' ' . insii.ntd.iK..). marksoiipofdie .stii.;' r' t1';: '"TV "0 -"' "" po t.uit eras m tho hi-toiy of u.aehioery, 'ind when w consider it-ric-it usthiltis-i and extr-nii-lv low price (frfo). it is wry 'liffici.lf to cu:ic iv of ney invention tor domestic ue of nioie or ven npi.il im pmtanee to fauiili"". It j:h ereat eajnei V f'T woik: hi-iii'ilul, Mil 'O h nn 1 it'ii--' nioeement. rar.id eviM'iim. e-rtaintv nn-i delightful ens-? i,f oper.itiim, th;it at )" eommenu it atio.'o nil oinsrs 1 tie work ma p'ir:j are al! -tel, ptroinr atnl (iwritile. ai.d w: I last a life time; I lie bobbin -. hold KK) vards of thread: the stitch is the fi.ni j t of a'i stiel.es n a le, neat and reau'.T nd cm He loaul'ted in a nionint tovwl -ti'el'es Jroin an ineh in length on eo.-r id it( ru.l i wn to the iim.st. -o inrinitest- mal as to be hardlv di-ceinibl'. with tin ii-il-inl iv nnil tiiIi ;i rr.ni !itv rif?ih riri!' i..i. ijt-. .. ...... ..... .-- .w..'--.--- it inipnihle to count them as t t-t a ui'idc; it his incire Mtachmeuts than ars other, and it does to pci Section all kind- ofneivy, eiiar.-e. plain, tin", or taiiey 1 medio woik vvith else, ;-nd far Ies ri'i-M than i-quired on other mtK-hiiu. It needs no co:iine"'dlion. t'i'ra;.il .-ales, increasing demand, and voluntary encjm iuuis fioni the j re , and the tIiou-ind of tamilies v.hy Use th-MU, amply tiv Ii to tlnir urd-nxhted woith as a s-'andirl and reliable limise m .'easily, extending its noiiulr.ii'v caeh dav. .1 :e!iuics slIii ai.yv. hi-re to be rxatnined before any mo'i- ( i p. id. Ah:.nt V.a.vti'.h by the Com-J pauy. Addiess ih-ni tr lnformatmi. FAMILY M'.VI.V MACllLNK CO., 7 M-Iy 7j." lir.owvw, ev 1'oi:k Bs Wise and Happy. If you will .stop all your extravagant ard wiotrj n ti mis in doctoring yn-rjlf mid faii.ihci with cxnciisive doctors or humbug cure als tint do Inrui alwav. and u-c only nature s simo e reu-euscs lor a'i ymr ailment you unite Wise, well and happy, and .-ave t.-et tx;en-e. l'he rcatest uni'Jy for tbi. tiie t:r. at, wise and cood wiK rell you, is Wp l:t ters retv on it. see auouier coaiuju. . J SL.kU M. . irnnl t 0.1 fooa j 11O com-i MONKY TO LOAN, Farms at 10 per tent interest, mi.-.siou. L. S. Coomb-, House, lie J Cloud. at Co-llt I ' 1 ?rov:75 j:j. We hive been Ftippllcd bv the Bloom inaton laud offica with the ncessiry ! litnks f.r unJ-i'ic apphViti n- fr final prod', and will fill out and fornard lor those w' 0 wish us to do si. free of clsarac. Call at the Chief office. 2no Qood Preaching. No man can do do a good jb of work, preach a good sermon, try a law suit wel . doctor a pitieut or write a good arue'e when he tVels miserable and dull, with slucgi-h brain and unsteady nerve-; and none should make the atiempt in such a couditiou when it can be co easily ana cheaply removed by a little Hop .Ditters Hair Switches for tale at Mrs Lutz All kinds of blanks for sale at tbc Chief office. Ladies Cloaks at Mrs Lutz. -Blank leases for sale at the Chief; office, -nats neatly trimed for $1.00 at Mrs Luu Fine Kid cloves only Co cts per pair at Mrs. Lutz. Kerajo for veils worth 50 cts per yd. only 33 cts at Mrs. Lutz. A great variety of fancy articles for sale very cheap at Mrs. Lutz. 16t3 Only a few more of those "Horse Becks" left. If you want one call toon. For ready made clothing it will pty you to go to John G. Potter'?, as he keeps a large assortment ofgoods of thi kiud as well as everything else -you need for winter Avcar, and all sold at bottom prices. " John G. Potter is interested in your SOLES. He ha in stock a large lot cf boots and tLocs which fie wants to close out at a little advance above cost. Cal and bay sometuiHS- mat. wm keep u- 77; 7 1 Prnnf . o ins. Ut'KS., t r'tttta VW ft-t. 5k. T U-j 4n lia tf ia.lta) a.. k f ; mlrr rif ts 'tiiiiha I' r. ! .. t W S I a at HM ; t I rtftra II. 4 IV" -'? aka ii", rrm ?: R V. tWITZ JR. Ui?r U' a k- - k- ":- U.l iVr k. fcu4 m. . .-- ! aUk t .! kwi! is mppnrt f fc H ai J T s-! irjr tk-rf i tk rri-'i rtiscrlwH' Rl nnt U.trt f Hanr .krV of Hvri 1U4 -. .) a-.ia af Ki HrtilN'k JaeUtftf 5. '.-VIT2Bit.RtM: Las-i (fic it Klwtstactaa Na Na. Mk. T. Nti- h StIj irra :v tW oilwii a-itDfii 4iVr fa 6' I r.Hl -a f ) il. atia l At ait )--! ii t-r .rt -f k f aiia. al aara Aal . irj tbraf at ta ripMrattaa af tarj Ar U m tax I t 'ih" u r.rrh ! rtZV i ' ' ortvi f rf HiiUam rvr ( ' at-a .N-a ' t aat S 6''rI f . !l H fsB-w - J ilfc'WlJjv 4 h X'toM. lit JvBa J'tal- trt- a U. UMliam Fat r iJ tiaut l kar .ij 7-" ;s'-;: c-jithh i, . N'it kfrKjr ri"a tht tkr fl!Hinr a-f rtl-r hT- I1 nHaaf i pttoa ( mkr fi.iJ .rf m nftj-wl f bit ritlai as i tjr frJ eatr tb (. . at ira.i a .' thirty lt 'ra I h .!,' ofthii n na. ri llv'ti" !ti. I ih ritbt una-trr ' prf n !' ! rit i n r'k . t fi'. a r-l. I Dtu i J ! . I u,i m L weir , Vii ni I '" ,' " ;-' ' ' ,7'" V '.-. - '" it a a . t . "-"' '-' ss W sWI?-KK, Hot;.!-. miMnvni'Jt,Maanai.MUCoMiaiui N'iia 4 !i prefer ..rn iSt I will civ irr Ii ! 11 h.i mijr la.r I, ffrr I . - - ran li-iail t -r tr-hri "f tS 'i u..r WBiSinn .'." k' rbU r i xiair f l:-i IwiJon llu firl '-t'ir4 uf ach w.inth at ti!i.e . Vifk . m b'r A . IV. ("o.. .SapC Zl.ai .,w t , .. . m -. Taken up by the ulcriber on bis cn elosed land in the outhui , station 21, rmvii 2. ruiire II, Ite-i ''lui precinct. Webster f.'imty, Nebnki. on the Is; d iy of .Nov'ji' cr, A. 1). s7j oie voir nn hei!T, wi;tte in od"r with tijis of eirrtd Van 1'knmis N'ieniber tVh. Is7'j lt-jv Brkk ! Brick ! ! Bikk ! ! ! i liurtun's have j i-l b'trae 1 a ki'n of ! a'lout !'.. (Kh t rlek at t!. ir y ml on the eii"i;j:ist niithoi.t ot town. I !ie-e l.r:.-.k are of the best qnalitv an 1 wi'l b" old at tho loweit rnatK t suiei. ('nil at their yard when yo'i are u r.ied of brick ami Ik? eminced that it nil! Le t joir mtcT'st to ileal villi them. 'J-21 STATHMKNTrTDKltTuTII. To Whom :r M y Cowerv: In the year 17"j I treitd hi'i lv-nlall . Spa viti Cuio a bone s;ivin of Mveial month 1 crowth, nearly hulf as itirire a-' a hen's 1 '. ti 1 completely -topped th" lame pe-s n'i'I reiooveit tie cn'irgrment. I have wo: Led the hor.7 ever sitic vere hanl .s'riee and he n"ver hi- biM-n lame. ,,, ..ii.r ., I " "ll " " "" ' "'.". i:-io,!,urgh r-:i-. Vt'j'ei. !' 2s:?. Sworn and MjhviW! to befor" me. this 2.nh d iy of IV ru iry. A i. 1 sT'.i, .Jnfix tj. Jennk, (?. I'. floodmr.n, Aveut. Oinalu. Ne- 1 bra-k.i J if. t - ---i fi rj 1 -c -? ite GlTantad . M.v4 iitaii .:vv t-sjjyto 3j. r mm. aa "PAr 1LY." ' V 1 in-: rsr.vL 365 Hachine neducei to S25 a 1 t-3 ism '- 'J . 0 cry w a . - z- - ' .-i"A--C CO 5 IZor, te tb.2 77cr:d ! :S i-iv-ii.J i J iuj aIiJ Zn..J. It miK.Pi th'"'liut''..iiafle-thrikl.I'ic5-i't.tch tiip -.iti!- .n '-o'ti if f th" wrk . w'ii !i f " ire I thr 1 rti.-t a ir t the 'nlinlal Kt hibitin. 1'hiia-ii-li'hM. I'i.. n Is'-l. An i u '.m putewih 1 l.apjrar A "iusnt t .A :-"-'i'n !' 1" r i5p n ''k th '3 jny other inj'.-h-uc, a 1 Ke- liji'D-i to oilj S'T I. . ... ..n.t ....I ..I.s.., m . mm r. v ... .(A.tM II ll VV'J .it1 i..Ti.4. ... ...llJ fc' "lrl'IH, rfiju.rt". the Ii't ore. irI-ir. cvfr .irt-ty "'I wr's. -nI v ill lit uDtil i'i" noct coatur jj.,,,,, ,jro,u, ,,ui le. ltji.i.I ami K' -.i-nt. l ... it nr. s. "i 1 u wi'l u n oiLt Th Kinney ih- rtnllv revlil ifit wo! n: "'utvrink 1 .) I i.,tl.i ji wr. va taliifi.i f .I itlttfaa "iiTirl 6 Asrani i tnei'i lAiSrr th .n jut I'tfttr in cn- OTuencu of their be n'tbe IJtcnl tho Lowest 1 V. h mnrhiio th(.r'ush'y warrntpj with wntti'3 rwrnto fr jie vcirs. Kcet inorior Fraeof h irc; icoacy rrfuo !eI al oaoc it no: flti!af trr. Iti:he nj?t soli.l. rchr.Wc aa-1 fnti'faotory niT-hi' ever invp-t-l fr all i'mi' of fauii' work. It i' an a'kn-w,slrI utiiiirocal rne fLa'ueai n.ocr-. tti"ru?Jjiy . 1. aa I c?eJ n tn u .n tp f h f'- n rffl-'Uhi. ilnt. raf il. r.'I;ilIe. a:i t ever-rea-ir helf"!" loth w-ery wif or-. -aii."!.'. it t'II to the wi-rk of a family fr 3 Ijtf-tiw. ri. t.II tara Irora SI to 5J j.tr -lay f'.r mv nc wh 1 i-hr to - Jr a hr'nr. Thr mnphiun' I"-1 mm Hilf th !'rppof any nw .Tiat-hino f irc'ia its- !' extra I'm:. I uso iin-l .-hnt'le. r.i-i!j TPinove-I I- x'-m urrc 1 It k'iii. h l'l r.i I'lfijar-l-of tlit I. i ic?.ai.ay u- :n tn; nvj.i,nt r.-wmilinr jf bbm It i he " or trcr.i:t!i aaJ c want liari w-.-lc. Io trrthinsoilile vrorkimr earr-. ma Bf-''tu'-p'I of . p n-hct tel. Will ran for jer without zx it': i ?im? ? S? I'l'Tto raA5p. uv ditoi n an h-ur. aid ...ip;p'.y in 1 :rj- nji'o; 10 Io vvtj u(i.ni-i a a .Ty t fts? I wv:K -t le ".; or tr.-awe fja"? tav rap-i r. mi a v vrice tver Uia. or cn 11 . 11. win "t a rhi- inilc cn I'.srvt. Jro-i Itp ur cntt- ttuheity fKthrh"n&- w 'h aj VIu.1 f - -. . , . .1. ,T thrend. awl will run 03 I't-aryrirM ir miiijr it nw iironK. iU-uht ae.ll -si. j I ncr breis thcai. Itcnnjtr'lroo a itit.h. ravrl r l.rciK. the thre-jd. Ify u have nay "fser msebtn 1. i.i..iUi1iiiLl1t:tr out. The .oi aaI I rat.Lut ol iti aiUi-'a I jnI U'.'!" u 1 ,.r.k 3fe iWf Ma'Iop.'hirr. mil. ba-e.e. e-afartilar. mn ur Lteiiath''. etc . Kith e'e.-iice. ewe asi twir.ac3. a-uriH'l by any taa-bine err icrentcl. BEWABK F IMl'OSLTIOX. Th rr.'e fr "ur ttrr aatb'tn are ! than t. . - ... f l.v lf.-il-r- in fr-coi-J haul. rbaili rid .-.Cm-asu ia cs.ii.ei!. or :. c iZ -.. .a vwv to time uf boJiue-i. aaay ucb inf-n-r v. .v xT-r michiucJ. Tae-e are no mv Ct-Ii4 .i5i7d Iovr -ie-Faaiily.-by inr ts?e .-hUbz eut wd dollar? TO RiJMV..'U - Machines ttnifir rx-imination brfwpay meni 0 IS ill. rxtnoniina-!- iniee3nt rfTertd t- ""7" . rJiVjMi" f" rxe-p-r -f .to act enU. l"'ewaV.Kftirn,.ne.i fr- Ff r . Unjo- Spl"or . hbenl terw. cireulai. tc ASlLx,f SSTISSaACHIlTS CO.. 7-H-iy j CARPENTER SAWS t S5fa1KSS)S , AglTJffiSZ&mm. StZrTZZx-oTU, j, hmir Cf ur. fr ; ' 0h )L-iJ a- - r J, C. FARLEY ? - ' "Z ' t i ' -rKAlXH !N- Drugs. Medicines. Paints- Oils and Varnishes. A full "apply f SCHOOL HOOKS. i-TATlONKHY. H'ALL PAPKK, Ac PuriMMr i-alMair-I xvi tBtfattr rclir.l rf" Prerrttaa)t turraH aaaaci44a,S Osc door -ooth f Ital. iiKO ci.m:n nkk. Flour & Feed STORE, CIIAS. E. PUT1TAM, Prep. : t a 1 1 - Ir, T """ I -? , I'TTl ITIT") C". MraJ I'f.n (1, pretftrUaJ F (y (Tb S3 VX J r l Uwz p? HI B Bs i n Pa v Vi.ii tha PrJ. I ttI l.rrr. Krst ac U'ra t.-i.jii ! rc nbm )u it u. p.ic. far cjn vr toa: inrijt-.; mtrivi rire it nam it' lr r'm Alt m4 afvMMUr hro-Iu". tiVm ia rtaliakc furar.J. llaaOi Jplueird ta all iwt f tan ! ftco itf raarc. I Stare iuth f Rent". 1'taw Prtorr. i lu V I- a. i nr.:.RA.A HuorancD. Dealer In 1 A B8ftR 7 of all k.itl. Thry MJ rilEU' for CASH, .aa.l If thry Iiarc n". what yon wnt. Irtre aur onlfraaJ ther will fill It. CALL ON Til KM Ori" iWr nnrth ofllartierV. ami Jlr.IIOI.roMB will wait on you. atrltf liF.O CI.OTIP. NEIl. YEISERS' BAZAAE is now o vet flowing ith IiTotionsa Hlovcltics, I3askeis Toys, Etc. "JDocora ( cd Cli i 1 1 a Cisp.s ami .S:iiixi(k.rsf Vases, &c, Eich and Hare. liLA.NIC HOOKS, IWI'KK, and I'Al'KKTKiaKS. The RKSTwatid 10 cent CI'JAIIS. SMOKING & ClJKvVlN'tJ TOBACCO. AISO- Giim' Acrnt for the f"1c of the Great and l'opubr Iteincdy of tbe aj;e DOBYNS' SURE CURE 5 CATARRH. Tlii- sinir! m 1 ir-n'Hvr.t rciady hi 2ivrti -chef in a very rhor: tunc to many -tiff -rins: from tin- terrible dienr; K hovrs Neur.ilijia aul Nervous headache in a few ruinutes. &d? To Dealers special ratc are given ie the talc of this valuable rcmcJy. R. D. YEISER, KED CLOUD. - NKBKAf-KA. First I ior Miath of Arjuf t . Trio on & Callender DEALEHS I.N ORY-GOODS J Grocerie.H, Paint.H, "Variailica n:g!, Motion?. Etc. ALo fall lise of Boots i Shoes.. flat. Capn, and HARDWARE. i rs-Co&tr7 TJa-- Uies ia exebcc for , coods. Oitc ns a call. ) Kooq ft Caueaaer. !EB! 1 COWLES Head , ft,j. s- A r . t. MIM Tis, jrjkr ypr C fistic'' t-nr '-- A .- lCnlrl aOOoMJa lu ttl.n,r.,i, to Ifea jeMht?x -. V X " I KSk a J mmmwn VD at. ' TV mi YKl'ywZ sMSr aU.r y t-aJB. . Ix iNa Ci- 'I I ' , V.fcVtW . j g,tjpi.K... ,. u.,r, .,M.,.. ... j , . ,, aafc- f St.. aW KV-i 1 Ktniw hiiii iiKvk Att i.n i'i . wa aiiil . A M ' J ta4 la la jti raa a fc taaaaatai aaanlna a j4a. 0 m4 mi '' "h " '"'ct '' Tar . lall a l W' tr 1 la 'J i. ta lt 47 of Jr-Ukr7 (V V . F. H. GORE. BED CLOUD GROCERY STORE! 1 Q aV wa-a fj J aWaVaaa a - ' STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, Our poodi arc firt-clai in v'ry nj:ct, and tr'tt-ti. h i th n ,.. aa aucK, am triil. All ocuglit at tl. Jywft tk i tn- ili'i. i The Lowest Living Rates. And wc hope to met it the increasing patronage which is being bestowed upon it. Huy vour groceries at a G R N I. R A L GRO C I 1 V S V O R H. h,.th.tx.r-..i.,r.Mtu.4 'Porkiiis . .Mitchell. "aroware stobeT We keep on hand at all times, a large and com plete stock of Hard-ware. Wc also Iccp a fuj j iy of Give us a call, as we feel sure we can suit you in quality and price Remember the place, opposite the Chief Office, Red Cloud-Web. JOHN G. -DKALKK IH- Uii Grcccries, Quecnsvarc, and xall & Winter CLOTHING ALSO A larc lot ol KOOTS & H HOICK. h:iU St CVPSf Ac-., Lt t-Give me a call, every thin old at nOTTOM I'rkr fox r.',?IL J C POTTER- Red Cloud, - INVbraskn. J. ESTE? & BRAHLEBOHO. VI. Otir ncr Orjan, expressly deslgnrd for Scmiay ScSt to. Chapels, etc, la proving a Hc sure to send for full dcicriptlrc Catzlozue lei purcliasslas- any otlicr- 1 THE UR8EST WORKS (OF THE DID) OS THE GL08E. lllostrate1 Catalogue -t fr, ThH Efi&si; . KJM? fc X la n n: ier - iu.E s V 1 ' A n "i JvWfW zr,$mrfi. mm: $k "His ffr lf. Vrlll U wu . .. tar a rfiH.-it t lati ar4 ! i Jeweler. FaCd Chui. Kcb. ISII" Mmr S'm? Ji. 1 a r S' & mm, I U1 IMPLEMENTS, mwm POTT C OPAHY, r 5 I ;-! --VSS ?. in i i i