The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 27, 1879, Image 4

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Give ikanLs to-day.
Ladies Clonks at Mrs J.ulz.
Hair Switches for fale at Mrs. Lutz.
The Select School closed last Thurs
day. The Select School opens December
Sih, IST'J.
ladies uiuulin uudcrvrarc at Mrs. Mc
Itridcc. Hats neatly tiiiuod for $1.00 at Mrs
line Kid glovca only C5 cts per jiair
at Mrs.'Lutz.
Uo.-itrj' at treat Jiarius at Mrs.
Mr. Fuller of Catherton appreciatcF
the ClIIKP.
Novelties for the Holiday trade at Mrs.
That business directory was printed
at the Chief yfficc.
The wctther has been spring like for
4he last lew week.
VI C. Van Allien has built Lira a
r.ew carpenter thop.
Fanners complain of sore fingers
caused by corn husking.
Uernjo for vcilH worth 50 cIb per yd.
only .'5 cts at Mrs. Lutz.
A number or nice i cadences will be
erected in this City in the early tpring.
A great variety of fancy articles for
fale rent chtnp at Mr.. Lutz. 10w3
Only a few more of those "llorj-c
Hooka" left. If you want one call Eoon.
Mr John Reed of Cowles likes the
Chief and pays fur it a year in advance.
An endloK variety of Flower Feath
ers and hair ornaments at Mrs. Mc
Bride. Mr T.J. Wright of Indian Creek
oidcrs the Cihkf sent fur the next year
to Glenwood Iowa.
The Burlington JIaic7:ryr, ($2 00 a
ywi) and the On hf sent to any addrce.
one year for $2 l!5.
Our jubsciijitioii list is increasing
Fomcwhat. We added two quires to
our regular fcfuc lust week.
A cut load or the very ch-iisest va
iictyof Mich, Cooking and Katingnpples
juticc'd at Perkins cfc M.
G. W. Pow &dvciii('8 his grocery
buincFs in the CiliM' this week. See
'ad" elsewhere.
Fats are what wc want, and it h n
fact that it is for your interest to buy
your Boots and Shoes of 1'. M.
Your Thanksgiving will not be com
plcte without a dish of Cranberrie?. l'cr
Lins & Mitchell keep the bebt Brand.
Miner Bro?. want 10,000 pounds of
Turkey, delivered at the store prior to
the lUih of December. Highest market
price paid.
The Lidies of Love church will givo &
diuiofocial at the re-idunce of V. B. Ro
by on Lee. 4ih, (Thursday week) all are
coidiully invited to uttend.
Case's new law office will soon be
ready frr cccupancy. Wonder if he will
t-ueak to us common folks after he get
moved into his new quarters.
Miner Bros, have purchased the
most elaborate arrangement in the shape
of an oil can that wo have seen, it has a
e-pacity of2.VJ gallon-.
Head the new "ad" of N. G. Liddy
in this issue of the Chikf, and when you
want goods icmcmber that you can do
better by trading with the liberal adver
tiser. On Monday last two loads of corn
was sold in town from O ik Creek pre
cinct, abo corn froui northern Stillwater.
This looks as if our cum market was ta
king the lead.
The Literary Club meets at Mr.
Springer's rcsidenco every Thursday
evening fur Litcray exercise. The
young folks should attend this club and
be benefited ;bere:3
Wc are glad to state that Mr. W.
1$. Good who recently left this place to
engage in teaching school in Nuckolls
couuiy, was admitted to the Bar at the
recent term of district court in tuai coun
ty. He will make a good lawyer.
J. T. Kniigh has opened bis new
meat market on Vettcrstrcct 1st door
north of Miller's Harness shop, and invi
tes the public to give him a trial as h
keeps a fine assortment of the best meaty,
fowls, sau-nges & c, that the inaikct al
Bi'ckwhkat Flour is now tho rage
nnd goes off into hot cake-, buy the same
of Perkins & Mitchell who keep the Pre
pared Buckwheat flour which gives the
best satisfaction and they guarentee
every pound bought of them. Try it
ome you will never buy any other.
Something neor our City. The
Bed Cloud flouring mills are out with a
new brand Patent flour. This is tbe
only mill in this part of the country ma
king a Patent flour, those who have used
it say that nothing short of tho Sr, Louis
or the Minnesota brands cm compare
to it.
Wc understand that at the school
meeting at Cowlcs last week an unpleas
antnsss occured between Mr. John Pay
r and Mr. Mathew Crabtree, brought
about by Mr. Payer chalenging Mr. Crab
frees vote. Some warm words were indul
ged in by the parties at tho time, and af
ter tbe meeting adjourned the quarrel wa
jesurced and they came to blows, when
Mr. Crabtree drew a Tt olver, a small cal
ibre and fired at Payer but missed him
and hit Mr. T. J. Ward who was trying
to part the pugilists. The ball entered
Mr. Ward's face just below the rigtb
eye, pass-id through the check b one and
lodged near the ear. The wound was
dressed by Dr. Calender, and though the
ball has not been removed the wound is
not conr-idered dan eroiw.
Ho effuit was mU. we understand, to
t.laee Mr. Crabtree unier arrest, hJ be
quietly bparded the tra:n tbe following
woraiag and skippei o-Jt to parts us-
The Select School opena December
St a, 1879,
Solid Comfort when you drink a cup
of Coffee or Tea from Perkins k .Mitch
ell's choice Bratidi.
Satisfaction la the Word and if
you want it buy your Greenes at Perkinr
k! Cloud Grocery.
Pork Barrels Perkins & Mitchell
have just ree'd from the factory a lot of
round Pork barrels which are now for
sale at the bottom figures.
Thoce who listened to the infernal
racket lat evening in the central part of
town thought at fir. it might be Whit'b
dog?, or Slrohrn practiccing his speech
for the next preliminary Caucus but up
on closer investigation they found the
noise proccede-! from Albright who was
practicing "Baby Mine" on a Shoningcr
JuM ns we po to pre.s wc learn that
the B. t M. depot at Hastings wac burn
ed last Tue-day night. It seems that
threo railroad men who were iutoxtcatcd
were steeping in the depot and ovettorn
fcd a lamp, setting fire to the building,
two escaped, but the other perished in
the flames.
An exchange in a uighlfOting town con
tains an account of a sad affair. It says
that a certain man in that town, who
never advertised, was found dead under
his counter where he had been Iving for
two days. He was ar-cidently discovered
bj a .-mall body who we it in to get a n'c'-e'e
changed. As he had never advertised
people had forgotten where his store wis,
and hence nobody happened to discover
the b(.dy previous to it morlilcut'ou.
A JethodKt minister at Glenwood last
week married an Irish girl of the Catho
lico faith. Upon his arrival home lu
was serenaded by the band and "set 'em
up" to the boys, by proxy at the neigh
boring saloon.
M - '
At tho Bovt Home at Bed Clond on
the 20th, of Nov. 1H70, by Rev. .1. M.
Prysc, Mr. Micajah, Holcninb, and Mi-a
Anra M.JefTry, both of Cloverton P. O
Webster County Nebraska.
Bknson-Fisiikr In the city of Red
Cloud at tho residence of thn Rev. Geo.
O. Teiscr (the officiating Minister) on
20th Nov. 1870 Mr. Van Benson and
Miss. Klla Fieher all of Webster County
MoCallijm LorKiiAnT At the' of the bride's father, Mr James
Lncklmrt, near Catherton P. O Nov.
yth IST'J, Rev. J. T. Milliner officiatinc,
Mr. Win. McCalhun to Mi-s Mary K.
Lockhart, all of Webster Co. Nebraska.
The following is a list of districts in
the county that support a litte fall or
winter term of school, with name or
teacher engaged. Two of these teacher.,
Hiram Hampton and A. L. Funk, hold
Gist grade eertficates, eighteen hold seo
ond, and th c lulancc third grades.
1 Judson Bailey - A. L. Funk
Miss L. Dixon Mrs P. Settcllo
3 Mark Noble S Miss Mary Mur
daugh, G Genrgo Barker, 7 David
Wagoner. 8 Miss S. J. Noble, 9 Mrs
Dixon 10 Miss Klla Richardson 12
Mrs Sarah Tharpe, 13 Mrs K. A. Beal,
14 A. B. Pierce, 15 16 II. A
Bailey, 17 Miss Mary Sabin, 20 Miss Nel
lie Russ, 21 22 Mi a Haire, 23 K
Burton, 24 Miss K. Haire. 2o Miss L Ma-,
26 Mrs S. Robinson, 27 Mi-js AnnaPryte,
28 II. Hampton. 2'J Miss Alice Stiles, 30
31 Miss Nettie Steers, 32 Miss
Ella Moore, 34 Miss Cannic Beal, 35 Miss
Mary .McCarthy, 36 Mrs. Josiphene Lir
genth, 37 MrsS. A. Stiles, 3'J Miss Nellie
Whitney, 40 Miss Mary McCallam, 42
.Miss Anna Rust, 43 4 J 47
B. A. Van Dyke 4S 4J .51
..f i n..i; .- t:.. V
J JllS-i It 10:0110111, .f .'1133 t .
Morton, 55 E. M. Pears n, 56 Mrs Sii!c
5S J C. Otis 50 GO Miss I j Fuson,
61 Miss Sarah J. Yeunglove, 60 65
Christian Bakke, CG Mi.-s Anna Chisten
sen, f& O. P. Q. Ronick, G9 MisB E.
Downs, 70 Wm. J. L-mshlin, 7 J Dean T
Smith, 72 73 E. F. Buitou.
Districts No 19 and 57 have been an
exed to other districts.
Dit. No 11, IS, 33, 41, 45. 46, 50 51,
62, aDd 64 have r.o winter scbool but
have sustined tl.rje months or more cf
summer school. Dist. No 3S and G'
support no school.
Nov. 21st, 1S79.
Met pursuant to adjournment full
board present. Treas. report of receipts
and expenditures from May 1st 1379 to
Oct. l.t. 1S79, pesented and approved.
Official Bonus approved.
J. A. Tulleys, County Clerk.
C. W. Ka'ey, Co. Judge.
J. W. Warren, Sheri
W. II. Strohm, Co. Surveyor.
lu 1L Sherer, Coroner.
Abraham Kaley, J. P. Red Cloud Pre.
E. C. riawley,
E. O. Parker, " " Guide Rock.
J. II. Freeman, " "
Stephen Bayless, " Plea?ent Hill.
- W.B. Good, Constable, Red Cloud.
G. W. Benfer,
A. Purnrfier,
David Singth,
II. C. Scott,
K W. Ebon,
M. C. Jackson,
Judson Bailey,
Assessor, Red -Cloud.
Elm Creek.
" Pleasani Hill.
Guide Rock.
E. T.Fearn O. of H. Road DiaL no. 3
John McCoy" " VG
John Sabin. " " " " " 1
Accounts Allowed.
J. A. Tulleys, $126.70
Omaha Rep. e. 39.76
A. A. Pope, 195.00
J. W. Warren, 12 05
' 49.95
License granted t? Louis Bitters of
Blue Hill to sell liquors, on payment of
$500 00.
Adjourned to meet Die. 3d at 9 a.
G. W. Ball J. A, Tulleys
Chairman. Clerk.
"Overseer of Highways." This is a
newfrpgled name for road suprovisor.
'L' - L
Chattel mortgage blanks fjr wle at
iliii office.
P207HT3 UP.
We have been supplied by the Bloom
ingtoti land otficd with the nocewarj
blanks for tuxV'iuie applications for final
proof, and will fill out and forward for
thoMj wlo wi.h xin to do o, free ol
charge. Call at the ClllKF office.
Blank leases for ea!e at the Chief
All blinks used by justice of the
peace arc for io!e at the C'SJIKF office, at
Lincoln pricci.
For ready made clothing it will pay
you to go to John G. Potter', as he
keeps a large a.H)rt3ient of Roods of this
kind as well as everything ele you need
for winter wear, and all sold at bottom
price. if
A choice brand of five cent cirars for
ale at cop.t by the box, at G. W. Dow' a.
A fre-di stock of fancy candies at
G. W. Dow's. 1 1 3
All ImtmI-i nf blank) for sale at the
Chikf office.
.John G. Potter is interested in your
SOLES. He hat in stock a large lot of
boots and .-hocs which he wants to close
out at a little advance above cosL Call
and buy something that will keep your
feet warm and dry. tf
All who want hoes drct-sed are in
formed that Mother, the buchcr, will
call and iret vour hoc. take it to the
slauchter house, dress it in good hapc
and deliver to you for the low price of
one dollar.
Mother's meat market is always
stocked with every delicacy in their line
that the market affjrd-. Fresh meats of
all kind, sausages, chickens, ducks, tur
keys for thankgiving, and every thing you
want in the meat Hue. Give them a call
and get a turkey for thanksgiving. 2t
It is Us2!e::.
Trying to buy goods cheaper than LID
DY will sell you is onlv time spent to no
purpose. You can't do it. tf
Experienced canvessers wanted for
Webster and Franklin counties. Rare
chance to make inoncv. Small capital
only required. G. A. Brown,
12 Red Cloud.
Still Ahead!
LIDDY is Belling Shoes at prices that
will astonish you. Call and sec them, tf
Maple Grove Farm.
Wehtser Co. Neb. )
Nov. 15th, IST'J. J
Mr. En. Since the Election U over we
hnvo all concluded to go to work at homo
and drop politics for another year or at
least until the campaign of 18S0 which
no doubt will be one of the closest contes
ted campaigns witn:jsed since 1860, but
as I did not tako any very active part in
the election, I feel that there is no guilt
resting upon un, and I am satisfied
to put up with the Co. and preciuct offi
cers for another lerm for the simple rea
son I am obliged to, there was 1 great
deal of talk throughout the county about
a new d-jal, but when it como to voting,
the old ticket with little exception. I
heard n good straight Republican remark
next day ufter election that All and
Jones were to be removed nsxt by Dem
ocrat or Grcenbackcr.
Mister Editor I suppose you know.
There was some voting a few days ago,
well several person3 wore suspected, but
icete all agreed that All's elected.
Minutes of Webster County Teachers
Association held at Red Cloud Nov. 15,
IS79. Meeting called to crdcr by the
President. Prayer by C. W. Springer.
Methods of teaching Primary Arithme
tic, by Prof. Funk.
Prayer by Rev. Mr. Birr. Method.-,
of teaching primary grammar, by Supt,
Exerciso i 1 Ph isolngy by C. W.
Springer. Subject 4Tho eye and eye
Dialogue by two of Miss. Dixon's pupilf.
Essay by Mu-s. S. Brown, of Guide
Rock .School.
Diiclauiation by DeauT, Smith "man
fest destiny."
Reading of the 'Misers oVath" by C
W. Springer.
Select reading by A. L. Funk, subject,
"Danus Greene and his flying machine."
Voted that the text regular meeting
be held at Granada in dist. No. 6. on
Saturday day of December. A coin-
mittce on program was appointed by the
Chair consisting of Mrs. Settelle, David
Wagoner and C. W Springer. A com
mittee on program for evening was ap
pointed sonsistiug of Miss. Laura Dixon,
James Prysc, Jr. and Mr. Springer.
Evening Session
Prayer by Rev. J. M. Prysc.
Reading "Putting up the StOTC," by
Miss. Mry Reily.
DsowningThe objection to tbe present
mode of Teaching, by Mr. Springer, Funk,
Supt. Pope, Rev. Pryse, and Mr. Span
ogle. Select reading by Miss. Dixon.
Re ading of the 1'ows Nans by Rev. J.
M. Pryse.
The old fashioned school cxehibition by
Prof. Funk.
Anna Cbristensca Secretary.
ITo Good Preaching.
No man can do do a good job of work,
preaek a good sermon, try a law suit well.
doctor a patient or write a good article
when he feci. miserable and dull, with
slucgish brain and unsteady nerves; and
none should make the attempt in such a
condition when it can be so easily and
cheaply removed by a little Hop .Bitters
Be Wise and Happy.
Ifyou will stop all your extravagant
ar,d wrong notions in doctoring yourself
and families with expensive doctors or
humbug cure-alls that do harm always,
and use only nature's simp'e remedies
for all your ailments you will be wise,
well and happy, aud save great expense..
The greatest remedy for this, the great,
wise and good will tell you, is Hop Bit
tersrely 0 it. See aaather cjlaaia.
TJfi3 PI. PTTTTTT? fn. lOCJfl
SlOO per Year!
STZXC71 n? AAircs. r:s?A32 PAD.
Vou at why w niluce the price of
the pupcr. rfitni-Iy lcausc the
time ha ciuie Jo reduce . The price of
ntfpiprr mnd icriodca! of all kin!?
rt: btjtRjr reduced all over the Itnd. and
tl.c Cl'IfK cannot rtTrd to be behind in
a matter ot to mucli importance to jt j J
patron?, on ineontrary u pioos to
'ale the kad in this matter a U docs in
all others in ibis part of the country.
W will tell you how we can afford it.
At the Ifw price to which the pajer ha
taen rtduccJ. wc hope to run our circu
lation up tn fifteen hundred in the next
three iuotith, we will then have double
the i irriilatioii that kc have now, and
will realii a much m. ncy from the ub
cnp tint I'-t a- we uu now a: iwo uollar.'
a car for T.U cupies. And arttn. at the
old rvc of tl! (Hi ayt'ar ami mo-tly credit
thcr" xro alway. fjine who do not pay
and those who do pty bare to pay for
iheis own paper an! for sim-body el-e'?
who don't pay, or what amounts to the
amc thm. piy double price, $'2 a year)
while other don't pav at all Hy alopt
ing thi new plan all will hare to pay for the
paper who receive it a no uame.t will be
p!wvd on the boo Is utile." the iuony U
paid, and each Mibscrilier will be notified
a week before hi. fubcriptIon expire
and if he docF not renew, hi name mill
be promptly cancelled. We will have ;io
delinMuen.s to earn, no bad debt,, to
loo-e, nnd bv having a much larger circu
lation will nf coure reahze a much larger
.. ,
per Cent. IrOIIl OUr advertMnkr fpiCC.
Thu. dear reader, we hone to turnih
j'ou a good puper for the extremely low
1 . . . . r.. ,i. .... 1.. i..
piic ol one dollar a
The Ciiikk will rumiin the same .-ire
a at pre-ent. and we iall add iicav nit
terinl nnd improvements from lime to
time as we can afford :t. The Ciiikk
will give all the local news and will pub
liih the full proceedings of llrj R'lard ol
County Commi.-sioner a soon afrer the
meetings of the Hoard as they cau be ob
tained. All who are now in arrears for 'he pa
per will be notified by postal card, and
charged at the rutc of $2 1HI a year until
paid up. All who have paid in advance
will be entitled to an extra copy of the
paper, sent to any address, for a Mitlicient
letiifth of time to reduce the eubcriptinn
overpaid to the regulur rates, $l.(K)a
year. All new subscript ions and nil re
newal of fcubscriptien coming in between
now and the la-t of December, will date
from January l.-t. l.vso No charge lor
the p'tper from now until January it.
Address all letters to
M. L. Thomas,
Kditor Chikf,
Red Cloud. Neb.
All who dcire hedge plants will do
well to consult the underpinned at llast
int;. Hedge plants tlii fall at $2 "2 per
llMK). Next opting $2 fu per 1U00.
l.'5-4t J. Chkhhy, llastiucs, Neb.
Tr Whom it May I'oncehn: Tn the
ycur 1S7." I treated with Kendall s Spa
vin Cure a bone spavin of heveral month
growth, nearly half :h iarce a a hcnV
egg, and completely stopped the lame
nc-s and removed tho enhrgetnent. I
have wnrkeil the horso ever Miiee very
hard cince and he never ha been la'ne.
nor could I ever see and difference in the
size of tho hock joints since I treated
him with Kendall's Spivin Core.
R. A. Haines,
Eno?burgh Fall?, Vt , Feb. -T. '2,9.
Sworn and subscribed to before inc.
this 25th day of February, a l Is7y,
Joil.vG. .Iennk,
C. F. Goodman, Agent, Omaha, Ne
braska, '.i it'.
Faucc, Fender and Pem:e 1 1
The invention of that superior and com
plete sewing machine (the''FaraiIy"Sew
ing machine), marks one of the im
portant eras in the history of machinery.
and when wo consider itsgreat ii'el'ulo.N i
and extremely low price ($25), it is very
difficult to conceive of any invention for
domestic use of more or even equal im
portance to families. It has great oipici
ty for work: beautiful, smooth and uub't
movement, rapid execution, certainty and I
delightful case or operation, that at once
commend il alove all others The woik
iir parts arc all stel, strung and dur.ible,
and will last a life time; the bobbin hold
I0O yards of thread; the stitch is the firm
est of all h tidies made, neat and regular,
nd can be rruulatetl rn a moment to sw
."titches from an inch in length on coare
material diwn to the finest, so infinitc-i-mal
as to be hanlly dicermble with the
naked eye. and with a rapidity rendering
it impossible to count them a fast as
made; it has more attachments thuo any
other, and it does to perfection all kir,d
ofheivy, coaree. plain, fine, or fancy
needle work with ease, and far less htbor
than required on other machines. It
needs no commcrtlation. the rapid sales,
increasing demand, and voluntary encom
iums from the press, aud the thousands
of families who use them, amply tes ify
to their undoubted worth as a s'.andjril
and reliable hou?e necessity, extending its
popularity each day. Machines sent
anywhere to be examined before any mon
is pid. Auents Wanted by the Com
pany. Address them for information.
7 14 ly 755 B no a way. New Yoiik.
Taken up by the subscriber on bis en
closed land in the southwest , section 21,
town 2, range 11, Red Cloud precinct.
Webster couoty, Nebraska, en the 1st
day of Novcmt er, A. D. 1879, one year
ling heifer, white in color with tips of
ears rid. AN liENSO.v.
November Gth, 1S79. 14-18
Pitted Cherries, a very nico article,
for sale at Koby's.
California Fruit at Roby's.
Old style Durham and Chubby smok
ing tobacco for sale by W. B. Roby.
Pitted Plums the best in the market
at Roby "a.
Candies of all kinds, very nice, at
Roby's. lltf
Cigars, the best brands, five and ten
cents, at Roby's.
The People's Brick Yard.
Mr. W. H. Ludlow is now prepared to
furnish brick to all parties who want thera
ar a reasouabJe price, troiu his brickyard
just north of town. His brick are
from the native clay as it i dug from the
bank, no sand or clay U ad Jed, and they
aru of better quality than 3ny heretofore
made in this country, and are fully equal
to any made in the state. 3m3
Brick! Brick!! Brick!!!
Burton's have iust burned a Lib of
I . Iflfft A i-MT- mt tZm wwA nn tit
uuui i-,uw c.c -k ....w jim " "
creek ju&t northeast of lown. lhese,
brick are or the best qua'.itr ana woe
old at the lowest market pnee. tall at
their yatd when you are in need of brick
ud be ct-nvincedthat it will be t . yrmr
iutvr.-i to Qcsl with thcjj. 'J-Jl
Final Proof A'otirrs.
! LanlOCir. at tlMmlfF Vl - ti.v
1 ---. , .,. .. . - ... .v. . r.
wi iwif r u im t,iKf .r kM i.!.,. !
j n- om vrtii t gMfl r &m ritis. kj
ri. iui "irr irej n ia. tf'T in of
ttjrty 4f : 4.1. of lb eetu. m
IttUtj. r Hbltf "j. b, f.f tk
vB'b-t qurtrr tc Z ta ( ric(t Jl. 4
n.icc ia Mtfmiat hi (. u trB
A 'o-l f i;Br Ihii. i&j Kn. tuLii I.U,
! lorrrtbft.
nril, s. Vf JJWITZEK. Rr,tfr
Lacl OSf at Ii:Rt3ftoa. Ort. S'Jk. TV
NtireJ he r rrra til the MLIGf
uktsf! il!r bw li nottr.of bit iDlrntxo u
i.kc aI jrf in mnof. f h. lsita. .aJ
'rcure ial rutrr Uirf l Uie np.rtte vf
tnrtytjr fruit th. Ju jf ti bw u
Juha 'intra of cttf. V.N uT th. mit.i:
jc.rur : tuna I B9r-.iiafr.aK. I: T.t aJ
naa:4 lb f.llicr htt vitorf it.
.-pn cr AUoi-r of W.JJ.. J,b ili
rll. of WeU.Ne,ioI Fl.j Pt..v-i...V.k.
.l3aor . V aWllZSK. Kfcuter.
Lu;J OCic at LlcwirniotWo Neb. ,0:1. 7tt. "7?
N"ti? i hrrebr rirra thit thr f..U-.n
ctsrl rlUrr hx blrU nuttrr of liU latrti to
in.krSixI frw! In afrt of hkf duns, aaj
ore inil entry tiirrrvf .t th ciHruu vf
tbirtr Uyt from the .!tr nf thit entiro u
W allrr O W.Je. f i:. CJou4. WrUur o
ty. NlraV , fir tbr qnrtr f . !
town I north of ruf II w-Jt. sci atiat-. tkr f-J
Mwm At hl. itn-.Tii Cert Itsmiatlo
Wetrttrr --ouaty .Vrb . ultrr .VtlMl . W cf-t.r
cjuctr. Ntb nJ OfUcJj V. ul.irrvf WtUfttr
cuunty. Nelr.tkx
t'".'' a. W..N-.VITZKK. I'.rciMrr.
Laa'l ftflfe at II!oominttoa Nli. rpt. 51th T7.
Sow- i. hcrrhy (irrn th! th. Wlo-mr
iiior.1 .cttlrr ha file-i notier 4. brr tnt.ntios t
id.v. SnI .riKf id i-ifpur of br riiiu. aal
p-urr fial rntxy thrreof i th -ij.ira:i..a
of tlnrt 'Jr Irmn tbc.Ul e-f tbii n-ti. . it
Amcclirm llawl.y.wi.l .if Klwtn! il 11 .,-
of 'rMtrr county. N"rSrk. fjr th. uorth4t
U irti-r or ml siUiVu I nnr y wr-it. Ati.l K'wn
the folliiwint a brr witi,t. vix. Jrf Crr.
L.wi llj.lir Au.tin Ueilly awl Jorh Ilulick
all nf filler Oiuntr NrifA' .
octTinor: S. SW1I7.KR. It.n.tcr.
Lanl Office at Klootoliuton Nrh. Not. ltb. ?
Nolier U brr-hy ti"ra that thr f-.!w.n-nil'Jwl
-rttlrr h file I not Irti nf hi. inioii..n t..
' &, r VhirCt'th,,
I thirty .i.iy from th.lno of tin. ocit-r. m.
' 'I,,,,",tM W?""? "f ,;,,J'',rt',, Sri torr thr
north 'i, tv rthcat ' fii . northHot . of
tamalinrlh otrimc It wr.t. an.l naiiiM the
I ?"IIO"r'r''f ?"'.". ' '"h iMM
1 luiu ol itlirrton .eb. I.
UlC I imlnr of t a'h
rrt OJ NVb. Williaui Fuller ail Iminr t .:krr
of Ctlx-rtini Neb.
uor-.'Mt .. S. W. SWirKK.
Lani O.Tics at IMoominrt'in. .VeV N.i, ;nh. Tl.
Nllre hcrrhy civ.n that thn f.illnwinj
naii'oJ ettlor h.-rr filial nolle-f int-nlion tu
in.iVr final pnmf in cup port f lu rtaiin an I
rrurc final entry ihcrrof on li.e piratinti of
thirty ilay from tht li.tte jf thu nmicf. tit.
I)ullv S. Lrwi, fur the nrthiri jmrlrr nf
rtctiou l'lf'tt'D rt ri'irlh nf ranr K) ort. tn. I
name th- fullowinc ; hi itut. it Will
i mi II. Mime of C"le Nrh Mitaui lli-lyof
C -xlrj Neb., anl Jiiiiici K. It a ih of Cole
niiT-JT.IrtC'. S. W. SWIT7.KIS, KerMrr.
170TIC2 TO T2AC3S2S.
Notice i hereby pivrn. that I will rt.-iwiinr
all prroii whu my ilfirrt t oITr thctnultrf
rn.liilatr for tearhei of llic pri'in'r
roiniuon M"hil of Webster count. i 'JtJ
lloiiil on the Cril Saturday uf e.icli tuunth at
niuo .'clock . ui. h.iri.
A. A. I'orR. "o.. StiM
Itrtirtue ofa eh.ittel mortrnei dit'il May
H'li IST'.i an't rccorleil inthrofficn of Krgi.trr
of liei"l In .lewrtt eourty Kni. ariint ti.
W S Michni-I anJ m tar I .Miirlnll.V Mor
hnrt. ti fatiy the utu of one lnii'lrnl an-l
Hiirly-eicht nmi erenyfive ceute iUi
7.));mJ (even itollnr (S7UO horrent, and tea
er cent a rrirUi in rai i note s? Atfrauv'
lew. hti'l all rcavin.ihl.' eojt pertaitiinc ti the
t.ikinr. kei'piiir. uilverti'inc nml jullimr of the
propertr. tt-wit; One Mack horxj ciklit vear
I'U.nnrill trliito I'pot in 'orelieail. One fil uk
tn.ire iii yeart oll. will lrlnle t'ip il-wii face
mil left hiuil toot wliilc. Ut:ertt uf iloab!e
li;irm-.-i. One nlil mt.ik'oi.
Sniil !ileti tiki: place at Ite-I fl'nl. Wchtcr
County Nelir.ik.i. on the Vith day of D;ceinhr,
A. D. HTi, at lo o'clock n m.
, II C.TX.
Att'y for Mit-'iell A Morhnrt
Iated Jtcd 'loud. Not. llih U7V. jrl
Agents Wanted !
Tin Xew Wlylc
cjof; SEWING
$65 Machine Reduced to S25
The Aeapesi. an!2e:t iz tho TTcrla!
T33 L325 is tizt to Icubt its Superior Merits.
iSEiinsiiSD to tou" av.;o ZZAmSD.
It tnke thhuttle.ilouble-thre.i.i.loek-Uteh
'tlitj .ani'i on both si tj. of tho work wbl'fi r
eire.l lhj hichet aw.ini at lit '"entcnr.ial K
hih.tmn. rnilailelphta. l't-. in I -To Anil ip com
plete with a L:rj:er Anirtmcnt f Attacbmeno
f-r Sine woric thin anrther inach nc, ani Ite-iluct-l
to only $!.
It in e.-uyni ple.vant machine to operite.
reiuire the lost care, 1-ro.liices every variety
of work, anil vill ivi until the next century
becrn Strung-. .Simple. ItupiJ and Ktttcieul.
l"c it oueo. nJ you will ne no other. Tbe
money ehecrfully rcfun Icl if it will not Oatwork
ami ' utlat tny machine nt 1 mhlc the priT.
AcenW .-leinheiii f.ijter th.m any other in con
ciiaenco of their be n; "the Uc?tanl the Lowest
Ka-h machine thnroush'y wrrantel with
written cuirantce for live rear;. Ketit in order
Free of 1i4rcc; money refund! at once it sot
It in the mint soli.l. reliable and atifactory
m.ichtn' ever invented tr all kind of family
work. It iinn aknawle-lzcd nne-iuirocal rae
chuiic&I ucce. thorouxhly teteil. and url in
th'u.inJ of hu .e. An e!3si4nt. iIenU rapi I.
reliable, and erer-rcady helper to the weary wife
or iwiunitre.. it w.H do the work of a family lor
a lifc-titue. or it will earn trotu $t to it per Uy
for any one who wihe to cw for a lirin?. Tli
machine com Ie than Half the Price f any new
Wkchineji of hkcjuaiity. Haj extra lone Urzc
5ised Shuttle, easily remorel. Kxtra larxe rifl
llobbin.'. hnliline IliO yard'of threail. doinif away
with thu fn-juent rew-indintr of bobbin. It i
bailt lor .-trcngth aud on.-Uut bjnl work. In
terchangeable working pirt. raaaufactare'i of
Cne poli'hed Jteel. Will run for year? without
repair: U imp e tn learn. ea.y tn maoac. n
dexstood in a:i hur. aai always rely ia a m
aent to do every description vf heavy or fice
work at le. eot or trouble than any machine at
any price ever did. or can do. It will mw
aaythiDt a needle rn pierce, from lace or cam
bric to henry cloth or harness, with any kind of
thread, and will ran off twenty yard per minute:
it use ttroag. Jtraisht needle, and never tweak;
them. It cannot tailor drop stitcb. rd or
break the thread. Ifyou have any otner raacirin
bsy thii and have a better one. Tbe eaje and
rapidity of iimjtion.ind quality of it wort, are
'A best reeotamemlation. It will hern. fell. tucV.
braid, cord. bind, catber. quilt, rufie. pleat, fold,
jcallop. hirr. roll. bate. embroider. ua up
breadth, etc.. with eletraaee. ea.M asi t wiftne&f.
itjfurpasfcd by any machine ever invntL
The Prieei for ourxrw machine are Ia than
lboic ajce-t by dealers in tecoad hand, rebuilt
and rtfini?hed m catne. or tbuse teilinr.out old
ftnee to cloe u? buiineu. many uch inferior
and old tylemichiae being offered as new a.
reduced pner: oeware of imporition and ly
buy sew machine!. Tb;re are-no saw firt-clAA
machine offered as low ia tie Family." by maaj
Machines sent for examination ifore p'jy
rnt of Bill.
KTlraonltBaryin-lccement offered to rierxy
men. Teacherreecpera.eteto act a aecu.
Uorve aatt waxoa fnrnijhttil tree, ror tejtirco
nial aee jecriptive )(, maitcvl free with
sample of wors, liberal term:, circular, cte-Addre.-y.
"Pil2Li"S27ni?5iU.:S2r3 CO..
755 Srciiw zj, Kstt T:ri.
m. ... ,m nn .. -.---wua oar
xre' Margin m tht it wiiT matter tt
; j- ";Vif. tr ',
n tw ri ' j" '""',71 ! fSfnTrf '
uS.msSrMm7mlMm r- '
fff.-t h3.,Tfd, .r :t,r, ft .. c-t t
1 ati "be ? thry .--i t uitr i-i ;
Drugs Medicines.
Paints- Oils
and Varnishes.
A fuM spr4y ef
rrr-r)Mt3 cTt(Ht wtapfcivt"Va
Oac door outh efltirA,
Flour & Feed
rruir s '
Lorn. Jlfji, Uran Cb.pp-J F-J arj
v i. i. i,. , r .. , ...
Titl .ti it-lrilii.& tu.i m iter in.tti.. ?.. m..m .. .
jjrv, i
Hifhe.1 market irlee ica,bi,p for ra-
All kln.'. ofroantrT pi. -luce tiken mfirbi
frru.l. UuoJiach.rrtd Wall paro t.f town'
frco of charge.
More outh of Kte-1' Flow Ketry.
- I
Daalcr ia
55 A R 8WflB
of all kinJi.
They roll t'llKAl' f..r CASn. an I If thy
hate net what you want, leare your
brtlcr and thy will fill it.
One door north oftiarber'. ami Mr. U0I.COM II
will wait ou yon. airltf
ia now overflowing with
Decorated Cliina
Cup aud Maucer,
Vases, &c9 Rich and Rare.
The BKST5 aud 10 cent CIGAltS.
Gsncral Apcnt for t?ie alc of the Great
and l'opular lletuedy of the aso
Tliis ?imple and innocent remedy h
given relief in a very shnrt time to uian)
Mifferini; from this terribie diidfle K
lteve! NeunlK'ia aad Nervous hcidacbc
iu a few minutes.
Jijr To Dealers special rafesr are piven
ie the talc of this valuable remedy.
Firt door routh ol Arsu cfiiee.
IVToon & Callender
deaepc i.r
lrugM, Notion Etc.
Abo fan riM of -
nl. Cap, nnd
-ConatTT Prodae ti is exsHanse for
goods. OtTC 3J csH. J
Moon & Callender.
m JkfH3Cfe2lff 2 - a
Kelrd aoeoratn! to A V (f r. la tt
l(3KTIli V vi K
Jflfe3 .E .Sim? :
CfvEvJoJFK F II) JAir fg Jaaw L m Ja r K. JL-" k . w i
I ;.!.'? it rfiio" fa.! f i .' .i . t itM. 4 v it
l(lnt b .''l.lf f t tf Jt'k t. K tttl ; fc lJf I - 4 r't &.. Ml
ef .id uJ t. th. k .ii rft t r ?!. ml lk M.4. S. rt Mm.
l.uttoa t tfc. t?t iiI-Hmi L t ittn ii4 ( ..4 t.H tin . ti. trH )
K't . rllhl rrJ.k(
Tt. Mttall .o -ill k. t4il UhM tmt.l
"J. a th. ll Jj t Jn..r7 thr "ilkt
Our f.ovl ate firpt-clar tn ,i tc?rt ar. 1 rrcotuu.rnJ tli.iimlin a uh, on
trial. All lOUjlit it tho lufl cali J te. ant v cU t
The Lowest Living Rates.
And wc hope lo merit the increasing patronage
which is heini; bestowei! upon us. Buy
your groceries at a
G K N !: R A L G R () c: 1 R V S T () R K. pM.lciris c Mi.r.H'H.
IITCHKI.1- A 910IKATf lropa.
Wc keep on hand at all times,, a large and com
plete stock of Hard-ware.
We als Lee j) u iujply if
Giyc us a call, as wc feel sure we tan suit cu
in quality and price
Remember the place, opposite the Chief Ofhc.
Red Cloud Neb.
Groceries, Queensvare, and
Fall & Winter CLOTHING
A Inrgc lot ol JMIOT.H AHIfOKH, UnU Si,
CAIHf A, 4e.
jtGItc nc a call, crcry thinjr )ld at BOTTOM irT Tut CAPII.
Reel Cloud, - HSVbr;K-ka
Out ncrr Oran, cxiircss! desired for Sunday SeboeU,
Chs.pcls, etc, Ij prorla?;
lie sure to scud far fall descriptive Catalogue before
purdxasii: any other.
Illustrate Citnlouc 5-nt frcr,
f !' kTitUi
V?fcl aw.
- i - n nm,-'l m lkf ar. ; t4, 4 t.J
-rt m4 . , . ..Msiol.
nl . V V,
iiCdUiCUd, Vl CO,
it 11 ml
. -