Ill THE EED CLOUD CHIEF. JI. I- TIIOJl t4". I'uMMifr. RED CLOUD, - - XEURASKaI JIESWE A JJTTLE Mi AYE. " t ill no oik- Ijjpitt- tfll he illea," the old ".! i matt -siiiiir li:is tlie dump of truth; v 1 uhL.liuvy'iiani a brlsJit anil glowing h. I iili UMiiii'inons- Min-hiiK" awl lti gold, n tcr aept on Lui-rtiii k-n-.ltl!i tlictuotil i e .iritllRt-rnr-. and i-Ui-liroulit care! II w Ti-auyji loiel mid tearlul tiiotlierV prayer II t I 1m-. n.ini.tti nil it hlit-could hitvetotd II Iti'urelil) uliotiislx sought k1 to ppnrv' n . - itlier -Ii" IihiI tiraved lie -lHitild He cold I ; h-punt oi iiii(liiMHl(lrer-t; t -inifi!i vr tuy Jlr-t Ixirn'n little jjnnre 1 !. i '"U liuiiitily manner tod luiw beit. ' i-iil-a He toflfc tliejreciintfloerIlesm-e. fSoittl fordt. A LEG ESI) OF HARVEST. -o 'out' fisro'thut lil.lorv jiiivm II . k m tli lovi-Ij drcimiy liiys, 1 lj Ih of ttu"ry and of o;r, K. f'r- tin amid liwlcroud'Hj ktwi. U In,. u2nn; on earth a hurd to Ilnd, 'i-l li.ilf tin- earth Iind never known lilt lonii-jHtid faces ol liiaiiUiml, ui. Jut iih now the year- would keep I n . tertita ct snows tmd miii and .Her, It t h iih-m1 tint: iimiintrdniiitHlifi, 0 i murmur, in a Held ol liownra. i I wlill" the w-nnii w--k-4 cuiue mid lied, In .ill tltelr lender wi'tiltli of -liuriii, i -l-H, w itli In nntifju- fc'olUt'ii huiid 1 u-I -oltly on het war arm. 'lit ill-! not Itcurllie a mini; tri-e-, 1 hi warliliiu; luoofc -In- did not Injur, "Soi -t iIh- -. Ivet-eoittod I.--h 'I lint liiioiii'-d hImmiI liei - ear. In itj.m uyeHoM htx-i'jry 'lilt tk-huht-ttt npeni-d Inr jimhv, iil clittriHKoii lln' Ira-rn.iit xra, lift -Uvui-sieklj Idly In. ISut then Ml last, one nootidc liuiir. . 'i.-his inotli, whilt- lio riusliy, Mi-t'nik Iter sweet moutli for a Mower; ji I sutnmci waked Willi mart led ery. jo-c, lii Hiixi woiidr. iniw. Io .ui- upon tlif rifiit'd wli-Hi, ' -i-iw lit. lilotlteoilf Illvl IkW I' .id ripe liHiiu tliu Miltiy ln-Ht. II . t i jy.-l. oIm- u:md'n-d ICal iiid U'cul "ii.nd tin- p.-HO'lill hpHi'iou- ihiin-, I it .-ii'tli with punlint; Iiuh1, i -i.hhI iHfor'o)d I'Htli.-r Tihm-. At l.-ar-of -liHint' -lit told him nil. W ' il. itointlHic to llit-wli.-ni HMinown, ' ! -.ttf. " Wlmt imiwi'i liHlMiiii.l'it full I - AMtwintiV lilttft wlndi Imve lihiwn?" 1 ) n I'mIk i 'lliiii- wHli ImiuhPr piv, I.-.wh all In-. Iniiiif. Hli'l III- kllixtf4, I to-.-. In. wlitl.' I aid lik- tin- i-pmy J hut prow us tin- onr-t: ol wintry son.-. li UMKlitts-, cIki'i your li ait '" li--iid; ! ! viln-at -htill lull T.- Jail- tlH Mifeht. t i 'o-h.ilI mow it.i! li idi-, i. I i.-.i il in li- VarV pul- Hclit!" - i -iuiMir)lftup'd IhtIipiw ol sloom. it ! loith with FjitlK'i Tlin'"W,nt, ' ! ii.ix-'-rd a b 'ionili in bliMim, Mif Uit-tMWio wlivat llr lit'lit. I ti ' .'lot nilit tlii'linrvi-tt fll; I: i -mi. a :i-oii. tan ami Millie, ,' i. nt :,hi.i1- lo- I'liill, i I I .ili i 1 on. Ii.i-Uoiiii a-t!ii-' f ''r -in ::, in St. Sichnlitrjiir yurtmumr. Tin: irTAi.v.s wipe. r.-titliliil Nut i;iti- Iioiii tin-l.ili liiil.lriim. if .Mr. "NiiMt,it ainl no titifniimnni lliiii";," ml Mr. l..liliiiiii. "for a a haling i ijmt ! i.iki-lii- uiff ff on a four or In i- v;r" oj.i: ami miiiic ol tln-in ' .'l.i Hltali-rs, ulio jtokf llu-ir liiit I. --U a- mar lli NHh rolf.-tilIn- tan u th.m lom-hii";il, sta uway a lonjr i J'VCll vcar-J. -.lusl lliiiiix of it, 1 kiK-w a skipper tun . who jrot iniirrii-tl two viok ln-fore In md titliM l .sail, ami bis wife nii-ln"! jr, Itfi-aiist -!i was -o ojuIHimI . ! Iii"-Iitiil of -:It walt-r. 1 Ii-ll o lii- !.- .s wrujiiii"; ami wailing on hoard 7 .'.fit I Oil , .inn 1 i .il.I ()-prf ht'fon" sin-r:i . !.. .1 sh 1 se "Ol llll'h, inili r.usi.ii-i,ii.ii. . . ..-..,., , - . i , .- I.,,..,. , I,..i 1 ,i:ht ifiiiftl li prialf III Mis wife liiu-t liave suffered a dtistl tlurin his ah-enee." r'-j.h.-il I. "Of imi-M' she lid. hut ihen she was 1 .1.- hlue and full of ril : in faet.she was within toss of a lii-.-iiit from llm- 1 I"-wharf in Now 1'icdfortl. ami he ' i-.i.-d theMiidl of oil when he was a -llut that ain't the woman I was g,. "ij ' 1 tell hi aliout. Heaven rest her til. si,-s" dtMtl now -though if over was an angel in petticoats, she w 1- ne. 1 always remember pour doe 1 11! .ik lUmse, "when I think of her. s,ii,- w;.s mighty good to me, .she W 1- 1 should reallv like to hear about b ., Mr. I'ohlrum" l'h;U.s her picture," said he. tak 1 : out a photograph well worn by eon - 11: carrying in his pocket. li"s all I've got to remember her b , t the liiemorv 01 ner w nien oes oii! when I r hullle off iiiv coil ami u 'ti-c the glim. You sec I had just .signed hip' .ii les .is Second Mate for four years ' iihc barque Ccorge and Susan: made . oages before with the same skip- 1 . As I was leaving the owner's oilieo 1 met the C.tptain coming up the gang w . with a woman holding on to hi .1" III. Mr. Doldnim. let 1110 introduce on 1.. m wife. You will be hiimates to g ther and might a well know each 1 -th. - Ifcforohand. I doffel i head gear when she held ' .: her hand and put- me a regular sail -te s rip. 1 kinder sui that she took a liking : in--, and that made me feel c.ts, for it won't do t hae a woman down on mi board a ship, and that woman the -kip-pci s wife. she aked me lots of questions; how 111 in unge.s 1 had made, ami if 1 had - .. d an inotie ? 1 tinalh hauled off ami hilTetl up till 1 reached an outfitter's shop, where 1 oerhauletl their slop ctiestand picked out what dud- 1 need ed l.irthe oage. stowed "m awa in in. donkey, or chest, as you landsmen t .11 it, ami had it sent dovvn to the vc--i .. "lu three or four d:ns we had the t .:-iomar good w'i-hes and Chaplain's yv.i ers ftir luck and afe return, e.isf off moorimrs. and ere loan we were standing mast-head off the Western Islands'. We raised a school one morniug, ami after a hard day's work, caught three which suivved down 9S barrels. I hev were all cow-whales, and did not v mt only a little more than oO bar rels each. Hut it was good to .start on, ami would make balktst, doubling the ' Cape. Off the Horn we had a lively time of it : got into a fog and nearly run ashore on a -luvr coast before Ave knew what was the matter. The skipper's wife was on deck most ol the time, "and though that was her first oyage. her quick" ear caught the sound of breakers on our lee some ten minutes ore we heard "em. I tell ott, wc had to tack and tack to get away from those rocks; a little longer ami we would -have all gone to lUy .loiies in ti) fathoms of water. We kinder looked up to the .-kipper's w iff after that, for if it had not been for her 1 would not be telling you alto-at in r. Aft r we rounded the Cape, tin Old Man squared away for the Mar quesas Nlands. where we had a run a-hoie, and brought off two or three lxiat-loads of oranges, bananas and co- taunts, to keep away the scurvy. somchov or other the atmosphere did not agree with me, and 'fore I knew it I was dovvn in my bunk with a scorch ing fever. The Captain got out his big book, unlocked the medicine chest, and was goiug to prescribe a big dose of Jlp-om salts they always give em board of ship- If a man falls from the ma-t-hcad, it's salt-. If he has the toothache, same medicine. Hut the skip per's wile took me in tow and stopped that nonsense pretty quick. Her father was a land doctor and she had picked iiji iinethitc letter for feer than alt.s She tlived into the tiii-dicine-chvst ami hmnjjht out niimlwr M.Ten; th:il the only name I knew it by ; pave me .some of .eten; opened a nm of mustard, pit a tub of hot water from the eook'.s galley, antl made me take a mustard bath, "nntil 3-011 eould wrinjr water enough ow of the hects I luul around me U float.awbale-lioat. She tlidn't xtop therc,however,but toasted and tea'd me juat liko a mother. Tin Cap tain hadn't a word to a, but jtiit let her have things her own'way; and what with tloctoriug, mir-ing and watching ine o' nighLs, she fetched me through until I was entered on the !og-look cured but we had to get numl;r M'ven filleil up when we got inu Valparaiso. "Tire eabin-liov he also h:td a touch of soiuvthing -might have Iwen homo-hieknos-s much a any thing- but she took hiru in tv ami in four or live daj set him ri;jht side tip with care. n We Iiatl been :l going on nigh to three years, with 7i barrels in the hold and ."iOU that we h:wl sVnt home bv tlie HeeUir, when I noticed that the kipper wore a troubled look. I!etide, his wife didn't come on deck o often. One evening, just :m the dog-watch was on, he comes up to me and says, 'Hen' he alwas called m- Hen when none of the men "were around 'Hen,1 aslie, 'my wife's -iek.' " 'What's the matter with her. Cap tain?" says I. "Why, blame it, man' that's tin only ctis word he evcru-ed 'can't you gue-s what's the matter? And h-re we are 400 miles awa from luain land.' "Don't get low-spirited. Captain,' says I ; perhaps we can run in In-fore she need, a doctor "No, we can't; and I'm a fool," sjiys he. " Whatever you do, don't finger once that big book and mcdieine-cTie-t,' I said; for I hail Kp.-om .-alt-sin my mind, do you sh? "' No, 1 won't, Hen; but what is to be done?' '" Well, we'll .square away, any how, ami do the best we can.' " Hut it w:ls no ti-e; she grew wor-e. The Gisirge and Susan pitched anil rolled so heavily that it made her suffer all the more. We broke two ca-ks of oil ami hishetl them over the rail, knocked out the bungs and let the oil adrift. It smoothed down the water a little, but it did not la-t long. If the skipper thought it would have done any good he would have emptied cery cask on board to save his wife. "The next night, while I was on watch, the old man came bouncing out of his cabin. 'Hen, foi heawu't nakc, comedown! House out .Mr. Kcdgc.-lo stand jmir watch," he sung out. " I "roused out the Third Mate ami followed the Captain. When I reached the cabin I could hear his poor wife cr ing, and 1 t-ll u it went all over inc. " ' Captain,' sa.- I. 'my good moth er ha told me some things that might be of .service, and I'll give it to you st might as I can.' So I told him how to proceed, bade him Cod speed, and he went in, while 1 stood sentrt at the .scuttle. 44 The crew by this time had got wind that something was up, M-eingas Mr. Ketlge hat! changed places with me. ami lhe mustered aft, anioiisl waiting to hear the good or bad news. 44 l'rott soon a little low, wailing cry came drilling up the cabin gangway, ami then we knew that another hand had lii-en added to our crew. "The men noiselessly went for'ard whispeiing among themselves, for they all liked the skipper's wife and remeni bcrcd the etr.i soek- and tobacco she brought out of the cabin, which wen . , , 1 .. 1 . m on the bill book. noi 010 iinnii .i"ui t-i , , ltnr von tloii t want to I ear an 1 1 . niore." 'Oh,es, go on; let me hear the whole of it. I'm all cars." Well, the baby lived, and the moth er died just one hundred and eight miles from Yaldhia, Chili, by ihe quadrant. What the mother did lor me 1 did my best to tio tor the iiaoy. 1 gm out two or three cans of condensed milk, mixed some in warm water and fed it a carefulh as if I were feeding a humming-bird. When we ran into Yaldhia, the broken-hearted skipper got a couple of Portuguese doctors to embalm the body of Ids wife, after which he hat! it put into a metallic ease and placed in his cabin, so he could have her near him even in death." ""What about the bab ?" "Oh, she got along, and weathered the rem-iimler of the voyage. Took her condensed milk regular and clung to me just a if she was my own. 1 saw her a few weeks ago, but she ain't much of a baby now. I went down to Nantucket, where the old man li4. he don't go to sea au more; has enough to lhe on and to spare. " When I called at the house I saw a 0u11g man about your age. who -.cemed to be paying his attentions around that domicile. Hut that didn't hinder her from throwing her amis around my neck, if sin' is lf years of age. ' No, sir: if I was a oung man my self I think m chances would be a-good as the net one, for she don't forget old Hen and the mam times he has carried her in his amis. Only a cable's length from the house, is her mother's grvae, ami it looks :i fre-h, green ami bloom ing all done b her hands a a regu lar garden. 1 hope whoever marries the baby, as 1 took care of. will think :s much of her as I do. Cod bless her for the sake of her mother." Mr. I'olilnim wipeu his ieee across his eyes a if the miii troubled them, and said he must be moving on. l!o.loti Courier. The Paradise of Kabies. The real 4- Paradise of Habics" is .lapan a- ha been said main tiim for not only do the children have even imaginable toy, but many persons get their living by amusing them. Men go about the streets and ldow soap bubbles tor them with pipe. that have no bowls a ours have. ThcJ-e young daps ha e tops, -.lilt:?, pop-guns, blow-gmis. magic lanterns, kaleidoscopes. wa-tiguros, terra cotta animal-, llying-tish and drag oiis. mask-, ptt7Jle, and games; but terflies and beetles that flutter about: turtles that move their legs and pop out their heads; birds that fly about, and peck the lingers antl whistle: pa-te-lnuird target- that, when hit. burst open and let a winged figure fly out: and most wonderful of .all, perhaps little ball- looking like olderpilh, which, thrown into lo wis of warm water, slowly expand into the shape of a boat, or a fisherman, a tree, flower, crab, or bird. The girls of Japan have .lolls furni ture and dishes, and. of course, dolls. Thev have dolls that walk and dance: dolls that put on a mask when a string is pulled; dolls dres-ed to represent 110 Ides, ladic,-. minstrels, mythological ami historical personage.. 1 -oils are hand ed down for generations, and in some families are hundreds of them. They 11? ver seem to get broken or worn out. a-, your-, do; "and. in fact, they can hardly 1k the dear playmates that yours are. They an4 kept as a sort of show ; and, though the little owners play with them, they do not dress and undress them and take them to bed. as vou do. A good deal of the time they are rolled up in ilk paper and packed away in a trunk. On the great festival day of the Japanese girls the Feast of Dolls of which no doubt you have heard there i- a great show of dolls and toys, and it is the event of the year for the queer lit tle blackeyed maidens. The Feast is the boys great day, and they have banners, flags, figures of warriors and great men, swords, and other toys suitable for boys. Olive TJtornc, i?i St. Xicholas for JS'o-vcmler. I'lrtnrrM'Hp Feature of Kan-a Farm inc. Captain Henry King of Tokcfca ha. in Srrtfmrr- StonUily for Nowrnlicr a graphic sketch of .-onio length under the alxive caption. 'Ilie introductory is a follow There is no more enticing -eerie than the Kan-a prairie- in spring. The eye wander- out over gracefully swerving and unmonotonous lines to wlmt s.m the very limit of thtng: vhi dare not conjecture where the earth i-nd iind th? sk lxgin If the gra were a bit more forward, and the atmosplicre had only a hint of fog in it, you might liken the vis ion to a -en. and then tho bbii-h cone- woidd be waves, nd that square of newly plowed furrows a -boal of fi-h, and jomler tall, oblique -ycamore a snupped antl floating spur, and the one little white hoiw away off there by il wlf the vague sail of -onie approaching ship. Hut the gra is w short, awl the air to cri-p and dry, for such n simile. Hc-ides, we know thi- -lope of deeper green n our right is early w heat, jut high enough for the -light brcee to stir it prettily, as il inighl stir a babr' hair: and here on our left is a quivering lhtme of peach-blo-som. There are I, 1 111.1 . aughing lmv- and girL- ahead of u-. uo, ' of the arriving settler. And m the i.u.liirii ri.i. 11,1 r.ii.ntllir tti.ll li,r "till I ... .... I'" "" - ,.-,........ - mile-or more aim winmi iiuti ei 1- . the-um-vor, with hi- -pying and beck- T.H.7Sslan- large, von will ob-ene, I and trrovvinir larger, a, if thev liad ctuight -oinelhing 1 the nature of tho- lion or openeu til .. .r. : 1 ..1 .1... ...-.. , as uiev ll.liie: il uui inn. niiu iii . - on tiieir way to -nooi; ami uirecuy we .,,... ........ ; ...... .,... .ir water, lour egr-. lWat tc shall be overtaking fn.pient wagons ," 4 "' -;-" , , n ,rm. tlro tW loadeil with lumber, shingles ami win- "'";-, . ' " '"V.,.1... .fin? '. ,i... .-''-. then the tuUk waVnr. ,low-:uh : and then will conic the ele- I - " - -J , ( ' ': "fcl7 - l- meniarv in iariii-iuuhiug, aim ine iuo-si . ,,,r mit, our !.,!,.n,."I,,r.s. "?. .:.5".-'.,,",i "T.; ! i.w.w it twice, though ;,,,,!., o.ifiMtauN.tnijNf aw. ah i-pr?u . r . fr "lU .. .m Wl, ,,. dm es - '4- .., and where it ha- lieen ; alternate lavers of jioUU and meat, ,-.-- ( ,tKHmtt. - freslut -od. W hat mile. An, Imih--of . M , , , it' j. , ,.,,, ehed till it having the up. one ,HtHlo- Hake ,",. black overlaiunng line.-, across the r. I ...,-.. ,.. i ..., : :'.. .w,.-.. ...... .. .... , .. - . '. .. 1 1 npen-: ami vet 11 tiinves in a av iuu """' ' ' ..--. ......v. , imm 01 rr-rn... euienild praine wiiert in. ' l'l''w; V ,,,'e-folh of all rule and precJtleut ; -II..,e Pudding One .,art tlk,,! a! airn.m.- i-n4- . r::'!ni:!. J. ..J1 : .. " "ft- the -talk- Stuin a se and height which for ,-gg.. l,.te ,-ini1. en:ht to- J. ---? i.'Li Ll ers have a keen eve for eonveni. nt , p-; " "",4"r w,e me . , . ,... -"range," upon which their -lock may . -' ? m; and. as for tl . grae? and where plentv of l.av may b"e , !"'aU' -V1 ".' "" "'" 'T l"" , L :ee,e,l in it.s -ea-on at"the mere co'st of . P.r.M-I.i.M,.-,! evenwhere , tho-e reaping ami stacking, it ha- been as-, iphie am mi m-In- land sert'etl That the Kai.ran woul.I not care "- which tell how Kair-a-'v a- 10 to -o to heaven unless he could be guar- . S" W ' tntv -fourth State in the aliped an ample range to the west of it. I production of ".n..:m.l I:"".:":;; , , 1 . '. ... 1 .. Z. . -. .-.. b onlv three of all the b" lhe small Illllveu. II is imoji i n-sii.i.j ...ii.tii. - that one can reach a comprehension of the aggregate evtent of the-e long, nar row, black strips of "prnirie-brttak'mg." Not until vou take ytiur pencil and run over the footings of the Aessors' re tiniis, ami timl that in the ht-t vear al most a million acre- were added to the cultivated area of the State, do oti be gin to reali.e what the bu-y plows are accomplishing; and when on come to siiiilitm-iit this wilh the tact that dur ing the same period, fully a hundred thousand people came to Kansas to make new farms and home-, you will understand how numerous, after all, must be the buildings which look so sparse to 011. and so venturesome. The-e "building-, bv the vva. are s lariih characteristic, not to -av ammi stildom to be seen here, and it is 11-ctl, when ou tlo see it, as a stable or a eovv- lietl : the man who matle it- he of tin . 1 .1 ...- 1.. .1 ! iiuiieruui garo aim ine laiiiisneu ;is.,,-, t -lefl Kansas when tl kee.s " eame. . .. 1 , . i- ...:t t..u anil cih i.;e rv i in ii.- -. i.-irv- east of the Mi i ippi. The dug-out is here, it is true: but the dug-out i an in digenous affair, and an improvement up on the ancient log contrivance in this. that il is oiilv a make-shift, and rapidh gives wav to something better. -Mid then it is "modest, also (as the -v anger ing old log-cabin with its day "chink ing" and its ube-e and ridic ulous out-ide 44chimbh " never was), and ha a plei-aut effect of living at your approach; for it is J l. ....... ...w. - simply an opening made into a lull ide or convenient -lope, you must know, roofed over with turf several layers thick 011 a frame-work of poles, ami hav ing a front improvised from a few chance boards and scantlings ami half a dozen panes of glass. I'sually, canvas or brown sheeting (a wagon-cover, per haps) is nailed to the poles inside for a ceiling, and the walls are rendered dry and smooth with whitewash; the floor is the mere hard earth, in most cases car peted with gunnx-bag-or an odd mat timr of braided eorn-hiisks. Thev are aid to lie very comfortable haoitatious, T . . cool in .suininer antl warm 111 winter ami often these rude interiors are ar ranged with ingenious and admirable taste. Sometimes, too. the fronts are set off with canny little porches, to which .lowering vines are trained. I once saw one that was a mass of morn ing glories, through which the .sunlight lsisiirelv souirht the open door and changed the gunny carpet to cloth of gold while out upon the -d roof, a , child in -cant calico frock, and bare-' footed, stootl gazing with vvide eyes at a great flapping hawk overhead. However, most of the farm dwellings for a hundred miles or farther outward ( are patterned after the country houses j of the better stv les in the older States, the iiretlouiinaut tvpe being the sim; w bite frame with green window-shutters and a gniciou-touch of portico. The Kansans have a phenomenal genius for homes. They reverse the old order of pioneering, and make the home the foundation, instead of the outcome, of their struggle with nature; domestic comfort ami convenience are in their plan the means, ami not merely the end. of life. Hence, neat ami substantial a oil- lor, reailV, lliev -eeui 10 oenm . 1 ... 1 1 1 lo a ,-on.lition ofUiing-s which it i- .lit- U'-r gl-.y o mIK.hI and t:t-,.l l ami fieuh to reconcile with -omuchofgra-s. r"lt -tn-iiglh, convev a -ign. lh -tnk- aud wiltl lark-" sng-, and cl.-ar blna ' "P'';-.n hey do not incrolv -kv The apical log-cabin of earlv cling to the earth, but they s,,e ,, and das ou the "Wabash ami Sangamon i " H "r .; vou know that those hotises are generally built to start with, - barians present, but the manner of hold ami bulging Kansas bv the usual teat of . ing the millet aliout to be sacrificed in farm rosidence-. vou would take her to bo fifty year? old at lea-t, when in truth thi- test of age and development here contradict--its-elf: often the household gods are attractively enshrined in att- "T- . -- vanee of the tirst ol the plowing. people, you will readily per ceive, are none of your plodding, thick witted kind, 4 suckled in a creed out worn.' They arc a new race, with a new philosophy. Enter one of their homes, and you will iind a parlor with cession that the chicken's neck should three-ply carpet on the floor, lace cur- be held against the rim of the bucket, tains at the windows, pictures on the j the woman was worn, the clerk pro walls, a shelf of books, and, not unlike- jiounding the following oath, which was lv, a piano 111 the corner. Ami thev will talk to vou the farmer and his wile about .hmerson and Huxley. -Peronda" and "That Las o lA)vvnes:" about the Lenten- nial Exhibition, o-.peciallv the part which Kansas placed in it : about the new school-house, the coming election, the last evening's stin.set. Then if vou stay to tea (.:ts you will bo pressed to do, you will discover that the latest tricks of cookery are here also, ana some more and But the and verbena? and the wide, ambiguous vista of untenanted prairie from the west window, you might easily convince your- self you were in New England. In fact, zens: but, more likelv, thev are irom . some State no farther East than Ohio : mm - "- . . the ehauce that they are to the manner born is only one to five. It matters lit tle. Wherever thev came from, thev are Kansans now is to have an and conspieuou But to return to the sod. The secdm" follows hanl upon the plowiug goes J aiong wun 11, 1 may say anttirequentir you "will see plow's, "harrows, wheat- .....a..... -. .. ak.l . t . . Iirlf .1 IVOIIITl !... I..v j-. .. I. .-. .-n a.a.-v -- .-.sal mm aa , m mrr L - , , .. ",..... j :i...-T..... f i . i .i . . : ii.i . liiuiieu, an cieaut i.iu, " inclines'. ;iuu in.- ui iiuiu-n.-iii.iiu.', . iiiai me u.uu .nu i. iiiuirci't uuuiiuu- , , ! l.l- ..r. iio-Moiv a co irmici oi miu-i naiv. i-rtii, auu ixie imu;iu :- Lijuiiieiitii w , .- ?-. :..:" i rc ior ine oig vase oi whu now ers in repeat ine stroKe, ine secono. ume ier- t- . , -, . .. . ., -. - - -- .-i.i .1 : i ... ,. .1 .i - ocauiv. kjiiuiv iiiiiuutru n eenieroi i ne t-iiii. ini is. 1.11 kmiiu . inrminff 1 m1 iihi-hiiiimiiiiii. 1 lie 1. 11111:1- ... .- .... ?., ...,. i..:-., i..i z r ., - r :. tm. -,' tTiiuuiCAJUiieu .-iin;iitiiu, x this very family may be from jvew Eng- ' cros-4uestions failed to elicit any land, since ew England invented Kan-, more than at the previous sas. and has sent her thotisnnil of citi- ' -Ilio lrn.i- n : and to be a Kansan i cuttee ehiekee's head off; me tell him ! Emzlish. In a recent number oi aiurf. identity at once distinct j fie, me go down stairs, sabbe.-' The of which Mr. Loekyer is alitor, is this s. " ! interpreter in the case was accused by , tender and maniv tribute: Her hus- drill- and isom-planter all at wirk gi-ther on a Mngle farm, where SI hour lefor tbTTonir a gre-n. untnH len v, 3lw The vj1- rot 1"bc of Je the wttlerV main ainl only rehanco for the fir- year, awl n-jptinng bt huie care, the" ruling idea i- to get a. rjMich pian:-l as possible ( M cre. large results are not rcaonald to In. exptsd 1 from thi inmal prtN-s. lnt onll nanh tlie yield i gwl, letter tlan yo would gt!"-. atMl in sre instances quit'' aiswjnL-hing Ith timely -eding ami a favorable .-as.n. it i wK unejin moii for s-xl-wheat in Kaasi to make 16 told me. hiwl le'n plantel a late as the lutmn wt..K ,n .Mav. 1 acre an- c-os. !. authentic.whore thw-e new-fiwuonol ur, wiiiiiT .w,,-, .-- - -,..- i 1 I ' farmers have actually pm1 for tbetr farms with the proceetU of their first crop of wheat or corn, not to jHtk of the three dollars jht aTe which the mere lir-t plowing adds to the erma- . . . 1... .t. 1 1 ei. ... -...- 1L1. "-'' mv " ,a'7' ' . ' t . -4Mi-cron is ixiier w iifii ni.i ir"J' , ' " -. . , , - , jiroihicing 1 j.rft , kin., it, i inrn. ikh;i: . .' .... ... .. .. .- , j king is iHincerneil. Thev plant it bv square --. ..-.. . , r. , . "'I' .' might fairly infer, the hel, I, it IW not grovv-'ven- much of its own ac- re imitihIioiv inr-nieniii4': aim. 11 T,nu .1 ".,"" " . r",. :l ,u" "7, -heer abundance of it forbids any thing ITlvc tin , . . , ... .... ,.. . , cost and labor of tilling i doubtles- the chief inciting cause of this extensive re-coiir-e to a crop which, however botin-ttsiiu- it mav be, offers but -lender profit unless fi-tl to live -toik ; but I suspect it is a crop that also has special favor with frontier people perhap- vvithoul their vaetly the preference- be cause of the icsolute. imperious, aruiy-with-baiiuern method it has of po-.-ess-ing and holding the eoiintrv. For corn i- by nature aggressive ami determined. The smaller grains feel their wav timid ly m a primitive soil, and the aiMtngmal vertlurc di.spule,s every inch if pnigres with them. Hut where this autocrat of the cereaN take-, root it -corns rivalry, ami il.s sway i- complete ami enduring. And so these leagues upon leagues of mil 111 dense and advancing ranks can never bt stayed, never turned back; ami some how the vast expanse of iineouquered oraine vet spread out belore them ami ',,,.., ,.. , , t. , ,. , about hnin- 10 ace, to u I. o m 'acre of theirs-seems overawed ami contracted by their masterful inllnenee. It is Hirnam wood come to Dtins'mane. Swearing a Chinese Witness. The San I-'reiicist-o W contains the following rejiort of a curious Chinese trial The Ah P.ik Chinese habeas corpus ease, on application to release ."sing Fung, a X'oung China woman, from the clutches of a hair know n a-Si One, 111 V IIV.I. -... ... ..... ..... 'V", "- who-e cu-tody she was alleged to be. iKi-hel- Uj the acre (above the a erage j -r,. onf-tIilrt fat ami tmvtkw-l tab annual ytem 01 ine ower ai,. 1 p..fc Mtt rh,., Uei. awl Um u ct ; . fc aW a t siKl-ni often rau-b- io 1hj1h' ir (Wt.he j, n, ,4 .Mh krv ' ST "Ju iSl4 u, re : 1 pa,-,Hl ii,-W after iiehl of -od-corn ..Kni Jj. (rf p,!! ,l, W of .M. - .J .Vjt JT. U. J which I am sure woubl eatl that- K in a ulif ,lrv i " rr-wi " ami a cin--fcleralle iniortinof it, they .. t.... "' t ;... w-u . 1 luf inn ww 1 fiia4 ut iiu iii-ni 1 1111-11 mia t i;l.. fi.i..iwrl. ..., Tt.i.i 'slim to and lav them with trtivis- of .sail owrfc tMaias'tiJmc ta mr U ai trraU a4 itr m a re-einblaiicc to 011ng for- . - . . 1 i .. i i.i.rit .....mi 111 nil -.iiiiiiiii!' : was re-iimetl in the County Court thi- -naked over night ; it gives them a grix morning. The announcement made j look, and the soiled jiart- Iving ..g.un-l -evenil ago, that the ceremony of 1 the clean jmitions streaks them P.e svvearing the witnesses would bo per-j fore beginning t wash, the clothes formed in the Chinese fashion, attracted j shoultl be assorted, and the tin. m quitca 1 rowd to the Court. P. Cum-, kept separate all through the washing lifuigs atpeared for the respondent, and ' Hub the clothes in water not hot wa W. II. Chainbelain for the petitioner, i ter. Hot water -ets, in-tcad of extr.-n t Mr. Ciiiiimings argued at length agtiiiist j ing, the dirt. Turn them and nib tilt the barbarous method of .swearing wit- , perfectly clean in the fir-t water. If the ne es proposed by counsel, and 1 water becomes much soiled, throw it exteiisiveh irom " Cliauibers'sKiieyclo-1 out ami take fre-h. for if the wati r is jiedia" toshow that almost even na- allowed to become wry much soded.the lion, modern and ancient, invariably '. clothes will be dingv. The clothes insisted upon people of other national.- J ties conmriniiig 10 tiieir iiioue 01 auiuiii- -y m me socoini as m me ins. w;u.-i istering oath-. Although frequently re- j " amount of lunling will ev. r make quested to confine himself to the text, the clothes white which have not been thor eounscl could not be got to do it. Fi- oughly nibbed out. nally the Judge s-aitl: 44 Mr. Clerk, en-j After the second nibbing, put tin ter a line of ?." against the counsel for clothes in cold water to luul. without contempt of Court.'' Mr. Cunimings nibbing soap on them or putting soap closed his encyclopedia and sat down j hi the water: they are soapy enough without uttering a word. Judge Wright , Too much soap make- clothe- yellow then directed Coiiu-olor Chamberlain -m. I tiff. As soon a. thev begin to boil. to bring on hi- oath or something to ' that effort, ami in response the attorney I made a dive for the rear of the court j room, and in a moment returned with a j bucket, a huge butcher knife and a sack made of matting, from which emanated a decidedly lively cackling. j -4 Your Honor," said Mr. Chamber-' am, we dou't want to spatter the ' hlod around 'that?" Hovv'II we prevent ; J 4 1 don't know," responded the Court, ' drawing away out of range, A lively colloquy ensued Ivetween the j Chinese interpreter, the witness, and the Chinaman, who insisted upon leing -worn in the Oriental f:ishion. What it was all aliout was wholly ineoinprehen- . siblo to the Court and the other bar- the iutere-ts of tnith appeared to have -omething to do with it. The woman, who at first did not want to be sworn in the genuine heathen style at all, finally concluded to deeamtate the rooster, pro- .. - vided one of the Chinamen held it. Phis modification of the orthodox meth- .al. which renuires the oer-on atlirmiiig od, which requires the person atlirmiiig to touch the chicken belore the decap itation, was accepted, and after some further discussion and the further con- . translated bv the interpreter 4- You do : solemnly swear that the evi - , donee aou will give in the issue n pending shall be the tmth, the whole tnith, and nothing but the truth, ami. if I tell a lie, mav niv life be as this ; 1 chicken. " ! The response was a stroke of the j knife, which only partially severed tlie chicken's head, "whereupon the woman 'dropped the knife. Tlie crowd of Cliina- ( men earnestly gesticulated and protested ' man who held the chicken rammed it . into a bucket, and held it there until ks ! struggle had cea-etl. The woman then ' moiiuted the -land, but a skillful fire of thin' .0 exanunation. ...i 1 . - otbinif of the. wlienalonLs . w.v. ......... , of bimr rung, the missing maiden. I V - . ---- Some of the questions she pretended not to understand, and in such cases she in variably broke out with. "Me no fool! J Me take him Melica man's swearee: me tnternn the indignant Mr. Cunimings of being a sleuth hound. As he did not give satis- faction, it was decided to postpone the case until Uctobcr 14. HI5TS FOK THF. IIOlEHOI.l. totloU.. Uinrsr t-Hiasl bfwm r. ... i,r ..- . . i.ui ,... k. a..,, t, 3 ... 4x Vnttr .1.. .j .,..n.'U.,r. iir.liritt t ........ .. .?... '.. "'r" '- rnTT l?J.r5rZw C.-cnn. 4..-Wt-r dh and cvf vi uk Brtlt mM ft'r awl ah al :! af id of r. we . uakn till nH-4y Wi d . ! f thrtn ia w titer aiier iby rr ! --To Make C;.--l -aa'ac? M"w- thontghlv and wi dry ; cut a log ' . -. . --,-.--. ., -iMi . ..K.uMw.mJ IHVIi "mr omii" pepir M tjv-te , Wtol W'T 1 w Wit of tUT aad v egg. "-' or Hi' JfgrtaT tin- lnr. lam it over ami Imke ia tk" nrn, li fre,ia.-tlT . t wkh gravv and .-or- rnatiftn. Indicate Cake. Take aaU a poaa-l of Initter. i.iK ihhum uf sffar. K iu(ttl .1 .. I 1 .1... t . .. .tn. 1 if mi, Hiwi a jni i -wwr mu. " 1 hotter ROtt beatrfl tk-n U law dm lMVtt; -lit I He ngar o.rr . the xtp ami lutke imroedinteh in a nd- ernte oven " Iks'f and PoaU Pto: Iiur a ileep , dih. butter ami put in il n layw of mitshe.1 jhvUh-. mtv-mi wit UUr, ... . . ... , 1 ( salt and iniiH-fnl ontotv. I ake .slat, uf bef, Miaxiii them with pepper and mUI. , blesp,Miuful lliMir wet with milk, liitk alt, four te4t-poo!lflls lMkilrg-MwdT, ( one-half cupful sugar. Hake in gtua-ed pan thirtvlive minutes. Sanee for home pudding One-half pinl milk, ' three table-pooufuLs -ugnr. om' table- 1 spoonful butter, one -nmll UiWesp-nioful , tloiir; limit milk litnliug hot. al mix sugar, butter, and tliHir, previHi-ly well beaten together, into it. Havor with vanilla. ' I'iimn Pie-: Hunt fHir gg- t-rv light, add to them, graduallv, a ipiarler of a pound of tine sugar, whisk thi-e to- ', ret her for a few minute-, -trowing light-1 lv in one ounce of eorn--tarch tlir; then stir in bv degrees thme ounce-- of melted butter: beat the whole well to gether, and -tir in the juice ami grated vellow rind of one large Wmikui. Ine your pic-di-h with a gotnl puff jia-te rolled thin, till them iwo-thinN full of the iiuxtuiv. and liake lor twentv mm- ,lt,., j,, !t miicnttc oven. ... ,. 1 New Suet Pudding lour eggs, half pound suet, one pint bread-crumbs. ' one quart milk, half lea-jMHitifuI each of ciutiamou and nutmeg, two lables.n- fill- of llour; chop the -net vr line, and beat the eggs thoioiighlv. beat the milk scalding hot, and pour it over the crumbs, mix the suet, cinnamon, nut meg, ami llour (the latter wet a little to ' prevent lump-), and beat all together. ' add eggs; sweeten to taste; add and brown in oven half an hour. A sliort IN-aj en VVft-liinc Kxperienced housekeepers verv - I ilmii give clear and positive instructions in housework. Their .success iiii to be the result of -onie tiucommtnix .ibie knack. Year- of experiment and tin certainty appear to be required in re.u h ing positive knowledge in t liou-ewoiK. ami mat a kiiowieuge win 11 must die with the discoverer. Who-o de-ires to escape all line t taiutx in one important depart im-iit of hou-evvork, i- recommended to i,-aI tin following complete guitle t the whole art of washing- To begin with, clothes should not be hoiild then be rubbed out a thorough- remove them to the sutl-ing "'-water If they lxil long, they will be yellow let each article be well 4 sott-ed" up and down in the siiding-water. nibbing them out thoroughly with the hand-, to get the-ud-. out : wring dry and throw in the '4 rin-ing-water." which i the hist water. l-ct this be slightly blued. Kcesive bluing i- the t-arele wasln r- woman- refuge. I he nn-ing i- to oe a.s thorough as the uiling. After rinsing, starch. The old-fashioned idea, that clothe- require tt) be dried before being .starched, is not .iis tained bv intelligent observation. Dip the article?, in Ixuling hot -tarch, plung ing the hand- con-tantly into cold water, to prevent their lioing scalded, and nib bing the starch well in. Xext hang out. and be sure to stretch everr inch possible to the sun and the ! wiml. Garments hung double, or in bunches or fe-toons, will not bleach, j Wa?h flannels in lukewarm water, and rinse in water of the same temper- attire. Avoid nibbing ?oao tiiion the ' flannels. Stretch them, when thorough !. -"-" , ly clean, snap them energetically, and I lian"- them no immediately bv the fire liang them up immediately by the fire if the weather is bad. Two waters are enough for flannels. When sprinkling clothes, dip collars, cuffs, and shirt-lx-is-onis in cold starch, made so thin as to look like water with a little milk in it. Clothes -iarcbe.1 thus need no wax, lard, nor other prejv- aration to make them iron ea-ilv. A . smooth, tleatl white is generally more highly esteemed now than the gl.izcil look which -hill manufacturers give to their linen. Clothes washed bv the alwyve diret- 1 tions will be white as the drhen snow. Mnry Dean, in Scnbncr's Monthly. At a reception in Iindon given in honor of a distinguished American, who lark, having been mncn fessional the dark- vour tribe at peace with the whites: Russian ladies have just begun to take part in boat races. In Saratoff the first, prize, a golden bracelet, and the ' 5econ(4' a golden breastpin, were ad- iTi,t f.-i tin rr-o rnnnirkdiM'vhft linn- J,, J ., , , - 1 died the rudder. Mrs. Norman Lockyer, who lias just died at the age of 4," like her hus band was fond of serious study, and translated, several scientific works into I band's scientific work for the last eleven t years owes whatever it may possess of merit to her constant interest, encour agement and assistance.- 1 1 U I RV-4. A OM - I.VI " m - - 1 r?i mtimr i of na.ia with th Tr-hO.. ' tnua r. satlT U r4al . h W - S - ' ftatt.1 tW mm. md tW t 'f - Bt tW W TV m4.t. t IMltfttl 4UTT J-it 1 Wri ImM V W rr ! otmc. t. - J3l 1-W JAT-r 4 i tr ti tnn ol Vi" 1IW' tfx. tfcr rr - T - fr rrwukr M UU, I1U. ti M, Wf t !" Ad aU I rva U r -rt sW .' aawl, lis-- lot Ikr oKart tat ta aA Ha-! ricitrf Don't U. friKTt. l'(a, Ooijw. Hmf .its. VC. IHTTT 1 -" mcT 1 fcS. N Y sd- TW uuMw f " HmUtt va mr- .,, ,".. v U V .. V ' ' jj, .M hasl ie tine . m f t : 4 .-r u n-r: UW f.u io . ' " Zt"? ! 2T, -- . ,(Hrft(ir4a(k - li ip'i - ' , J-e w4 :ifc ta " """ rrt-,1 "- ' " C k . IT slsl Un.t 4 hit o- " wu, g .m . t - .tetter mm! at $rUi . Uaw m " 1 la tbutntuf a4 ?afta(C ta btt t- . . .. . -taul ia wW-r. v"4wtmmt imm !-, f tHtu cermi . Ughut ta o4. In r t ta vrituf, ao rfifc. auS! u , ! -! t ifc-' Ia a a tair.taf. M U,-. .f. w Mt.. Ta - rr icrate. rtrfc. r-Mm . i.rril 4u.r.-ii tnm tt M,"'a'l,,rf.rt7? f"1 "T H'T,. 'T. ore-u,-rJ la UW . KarataiT aad raUmuc t imtim m, ui ta Ur ( Ma -w tparai. aait I av aalti ""- ti ckwrst. Not onW l UWfir " U-alk ta ta r, txrt tut thr It l tht th InBrfaan l a buck It aottrta4 oUltfea. M4 WwJrwli ' lit uttr rrr i' i4 Bu-tllitf f!irt u 4rr M rmtr a4 linfal trrtariit .f the lKs-lur mmI a Nm lartiit. wst ut NrH York fr tkc !' !.. r, ltd at tr ia-f tlwr cr tltr w'- "t ' ranas t h. - slMtrtml w H ( arf M a ' ' - 1.4lu 4."-thi XU lirkrrd ta.loni.ti r. caa t ll t aMfwilrtj; Ir. V L. l'wi-1. Aurora, Kmit Couatj. PI - Thi' lirtbv oyster - mi ntHeh U'.t than a pin's he-ul at the end of a Ion night, ami al thr-e month l uiilv tie i a -ilil ie:t I a vear it will In- as large a ;-eeiH. hh kei, aim lhe eml of fiatr ynirs' growth i lit fu the market U'lieii iIm Wtst lMsrfr. lifr- , V an.l lctiat, eiUoT tnmw, lai'4r- 4 tipulln-r ir of cl'tualr, naat t r I i-awr, Ir J rerular ila-t. nr trvM. aav otarr cattM-. tar Vr.r.-nr 1ll rewrw the lh-l, rrf all tkt? I MtraI kuwHUN cIouht the towai'k. rxcalwU j tin-!rl, al llliliari a UHi-IH llj-w-i" uic M)k.ulv - . -p',,. HiMoii Conro r diM-ov-rs thnt when two vouug men iinst the Mre each other as "oM man." and th it when two old fellow- meet i)m v i "inv m. (Kit MKlUli l a crrat 14 lnc "Itil u call alava have bj UMtrc .VirffHwil Virf. It iKiri Ijr vvotjlilr, ami orltcllj lirallklul. Tills j, tlt(. fifth successive vear" in Hritish agriculture bad f'HKW .I.n-kon's It.-t.swert .Saw ToUa.-eo epp M"1 ; .1. . - .. urn : DUO4 isi'B. fif a wiru 11.1 .ii.-.' r -a- 1 PHIIC ICe-Jol-XT- Illu-tratrilCata! f-'.e UUHd Irf (In-at Wrorriiliun WmIh. IIObuEB (9nnnnTrnr. Our xivnt-msYr It. Vew ) OUUU e..U. lXJr.V0.VGEO)..K. Ldi1.U. HAIR Whalr-il. nn.l rr'aU frriMl forprlro. ill '.rlitl 'IP l IT. 1 1. UtltMUM t I Jll(U.-.HlUs &&6?y6. F-nclbh Branchr tlO k frar Will tii atltlr-i lln-at lt-olri'sj 041rf. KKilut la. hull in. s., J, . v. rl 4." Ail'" Sntiu l1U.t Mw 3 ZU t'" S2000 A YFAIt pt mule In rrh nmnli O t loialitr" njrn ai.I M'nl" .W J. It. ClIAI'M .IS. 0' it Ma.llKu. !-" n...U l l.. . C lit I" I Uaar ? r...-rf .. k l.l.l. t-.' --' T. UO.IN-I I I'--. " H-".-- IS i-" " a: . w... ww.--- WE LOAN mUr-tT Omrch ami Vlll-cJ i'lt'Iill J . . ,' ... ...v..- . .... ... .- . ...... . .. ..-)l. ..m . 1, I1111. bI.N ......r I Horn'- J. IVrwrr V--laUr'n rtl! th -t. I,. ill r RI.-IH'sr-IIII L a&ITs WA.NTJ-I- ATSIX PER CENTi - A&ENTS READ THIS. w.wi. Pi Arrrt. s,:n ef i" - '--"nt, "-rt rx -rs or al u a lar rvtrtTrlvU m t !! e -ir airt fi.jrrii tnrnti.t v t-n .. ,7,'m ie.r A-difaiiu'.MANJwc'- ai-i1 Mva A GREAT OFFER r-Sr."- al!5 urJ '4,'-r',4,,","?fJ wnrrnntrU. .NKW I'l N-a4 OKI V t KTlt VOUIHNAIir I..IV prirr."T enmm. fntl..i.-"r. ,-li.llrH. HOKAI K ATl'lf-, At.,Oi:u.t 1 t(b..l. V. r.O.IlalOi. IllrfitJrWKUVEa I Mitt.-! . 3 Uf anitnt tlumach. anl at tbr m Uw ha . clitiff awl tio-rjrailo ytVfrtfX' aIUlt.l It DO chrr WOULIUCH OU CURE FEVER AND A6UE ni.-riit ai'k. .. ti Mr !ltl a Until of UK. HONlrs TOMP TOMC STKri to fltt. tUsVO otTrrr-a fur a raa It will ! rat-f. .-W fit.Jlf tT METEK BROS. Ctt ami a: rrUfl for CO ctt l ' "T tniusUU. tK.atoaD UaB. CO., rraa. rarla. lit. $25 Every Day van & tMUj anaca wna oot Well Augers & Drills Ona an anl oa bor rrt-- arrts.C22TOakr of Ui'TtSa "a3 Bcticx atd aock-DrtIci Xt-llaa ItTarri.tnl k ftt mm Kafllll Mur ofoarcutaia"Tmfr-3 IVtaa Aav. ock a! areolar fEl-I. ASSrraa. L00M1S i KTMA1. TlfFH. 0M. BEAUTIFUL -IDG I aVlfJ'. UIEW STYLEURBANarrJ 4 ini itj a4t. K-ca-it Tt-m 9 SUv Orxaa. t full wk Rs-1 unit 5. Ksnl nr ki-i-1 falrt. PARLOR fll m 'kl,i",!w,4, XUtnAta loca FRCC wfJi ty-ia-l t t ttbt. AGra U. S. PIANO A.ORCAN CO. "ftwTork. CATARRH AarWA- ftU-ad Si car! mX yw- on bCmam v ilmd ! Tbaara&a a, Tt- MMf MmWm lrTl "' - tEBowa. Kaala. timiliTTTiMit w Hta laaCa7. to Ut BOal B-n4 tcr CSrralara to ll BOM MKDICZXK t,& Arc fe I Dr. Vmsnc t Golden HtrUczu bucortTj cam aa . trv-a i&e "-r "". ,f cotarsin BUtca. Ptaialr. or Kratla. Eiralla, telt-raraa. ?? T,Z Ko.cti akla. ta aort. xU Lt catuel br toJ Wood, tn ctjoerrf tr .. pta-.r ; r a-l .CTisnratlar rali-.. r x tir fcsj u sia rc:r-I ia ctrs. aorc ryra. --rraIa arc II sou reel C, u Jr-;-5r. -lebUiateJ. hare reel U A-zvtsT. deblhateJ. hare taUa-r eoJar cf ikia. cr 7-fS-yZ bo-lf, Ireq-iJ bealxete or Cizzize., to taite fl:' S.?".. l Tri-a '.ZZtm. irrss-slar aypeU-. ar-d Ma-roe estL T f J"TrJ.' O :.CC t. W1T. ..c'JTa. i.fc..jt, fag- w. uiuwM. Torpid IJer. or " amiaaaara.- A a resaetr tor ,11 a . ZK. iUree truca In t!. cere ot Brancal'la. ArTrre Caaxas. Wrak ""J..6 i1i aatptlaa. U ta a-a:bd tae rsetLcal iaealrr. art eia-iu y.sji'.riVT.t -T--o.- v. e frestc-t elicI Ciscncry d ti as. SoW by lrsgt- mWmm mmmmm aBaaaaBBaaa-aBf. i-a a---' Url m -mi ..w 1.' wce s reaS -HTVt -taiie bi--: .-- "UT1 a fBpbr irsT aT CooatTaataaa. laaaare alaaa. Tata I- ta '-tiWer. 8B TTktaWlr fkeai. aHnlae-, -tear trarttea. f r mmm. - m mmm a. rnrnM . a. mmm - m . aAftt m . ! I abt fttMaaela. Xaak af Btoa f Umd. ieji by drsxnaa. m n Paw - , -nrtt. t . - t nM fs " TEiCHiKS E:: Bars wiffo PICTORIAL BOOKS m BIBLS I m- & &: Iu iHrii t . ii 1 cyr 7Ort twHt t r t l r s -tK t - r r 1 n AULn .irst f 1U G t IX - r rr ' t xs. -i ALSAM r-. i ? w ., Luc - 1 7 GOLD WATCHES GITEN AWa Vtn - fc - ' tewM. ,J - fcwiif ) o '"' , , ,. -t . f..-v - 'r - w w - - . - - fitw s 4-. - ' -mtm V. i rS jh- - (- l t ' - - TI1KM:WK1 Ml Ml lUiuhx. WHITE ROBES. vn t lts,. K,rrM tin 1 ni-rr i " ta hiiiiiim nt i t m . ... ., jri I! 1 lll.llsill (IIHWIII.Lr. I l-IMIHHI rH t t1. tia ft .art mmt r ntiHour, L. o t f Tiirti. 1 v. . is t 11 m mnt tlUM k4 U I tl lstl VI HTl.llt. 13 lr f ,. . i . t.'... r ? .- r rs OLIVER DITSON ft CO., loston. .. II. rtllvox A ... sj. U-l-.. X t POND'S EXTRACT COnlruU ait iltmwrt Lf. lvMai M tSV ALTAI".. 1 H Ppralm. Ilnft, M. IImI... . ltkH.allt. It.l., I ! I'U at, Tvl.a a. lloUaal. f., Ail.fMa, IU.oihoi, .aural:la.t slaif W, A.,A Tltalt lit- f II Mvili u an.1 ns-fwM rj tttiifi. t - ill ut It a 11 U ." ' sl rt-luiblM ji,.'ukU I kin l4 ?f at. ! U4jt tt aii.!in.n,U; mm flKHI-K-t. Mi- IwWr u IJ.rry V, u- uU a ajt !. It I.'-- 'T ami nt rr alLUa In 1 - J r-mWnr- a -j u H, -filv liar. . ad Sa4it I !(. CU, S4il.v ."fIIU(i Mlir aU41a il l c-ifilr 411 ai. t wsl h) U tfSin c-t. 1 rr.i Iflffiaarf I marl ,4.l at Hrf- 1 Otr fcf $X.iO t jatWn, jnM kaT' ritit PalCI lX.MiM"ITlUlT tiIPsj4i.r,it. Pond. 00&tl.?. rt.nb (io TJU li, 1 1 0 Olktwfal a" X.l -,,..,, rir, fUitrr tK Vr4Kl4 rc t , Any nf tl a f trjrln 'M f- f c!i-rs ' iffi -" 'srij .'.- or 1 11 tH'trr tait.lffti. II .NUT 'IT1.VT. ' cJi la !. nviw Ii IimIT w. !'. Ida w..rtls IXlM"s ITKAlT Im..WIm. It I M f f I"! s,., ,, , r 1. 1 ! rj'' I" " " "-1, " vra- Otiot. t-rtiJ (ifi.r tf I at , .rl I POND'S EXTRACT CO.. IS ,1urro-f St . .Veic I'orAr BARSE& SNIDER (tuiabllilinl Oil). Live-Stock Commission, KANSAS CITY STOCK YAKIiS. XO Kimi ir,. f . ni;Miiu mr. ii t Trv rti.:i. ir ta. ; im.n.1 . ir-.- 1-- a irttL I.IIm.,mI au . .,f m.4p f ...! ..,. -5S25. :. Tts V - J, . t I 1 . iniim 1 't tt 1 - I it . - ifiiin m. Olt-i: JI IM.IIIi. Ac-rtW, rvl-V.' - -W-U. I. rrt airt twer. ' II " - ' ' " 't b-jl'r 1 ..!- I.t- i.l- Trt A -.n- ' rI ' t ..-1 ,.t.U It... kf Jnrjrr - llTl-eaf-1 lrapiw t -' ." '!-Hri5.tii-- I a iu .c - II. 2 t PV "rz "' - - .'--- ibln ,.r. IMMT X. It, .(uaai) K, . T. VE6ETINE orr,c the B,ootJ' Rs"ov-e ind ,nv,D orate Ihf Wfiole by.tfm. - " " Alterative, Tonic, Solvent nnd Diuretic. ana uiurtin-. .. 'e rtrm h mart- ritwt'i ir mr j rarr , mtimra ri, t airr ir- rmll (smstra-tsl UutK"!! rrflt trt' trwn iv-it.nrT7 lain! arMfMla. "i"'" lu llt,M,r. Ttfnr. n-r t nnrrt m ItniMtar. -rjlr-'. ' . Put' llllr IIUmw. anVrr, r-'mit" lh' l.i,Mrli. al ail ittwraf Halt mm i-r v" ! rlllr. tntlmvn mtMrj M l4M' Itl.rnmml.m. rarailsla. aM -Hl M.UInt. can ilj b rCllt mr4 m'J Uf Ml If I lrrr aM Krwptlfr IH-mmmm -f wm Wklfl. rlol'. FlfMplra. Itl-lrh's. "- TfllT. arilJIl atvt KlH( orw. -T-at h. nrt railM . C"t a t-rwMttrf-t ' w r I'jtln Im ! llarU. Kl'tii', -... paliil. Iirnni, fntal' f itf, t-n " rxrrl.irn. ar nr fl"n Wfrwai. a " a rtr- ijt-a awt l.rnrral I-.IIHt T r arl Tr j nj.xj r r nt tS" -- a. - 1: itrtr l- al ung,hn ta a - Bj.irj ! wrrrOf" irzan. a ..fBi.aI ' B.'st rrlasi f---t tar aurrli. I; r.. !lMll -ll-tir. Il.llf.aB r lb' ll'arf, ll'O-d rlir. fll'-. arr.nn'". a4 .'l i rrmlmlliin f lit' rrit jI'm. v U Xf.myi it pr !!, rt'aa--- a Uh- rrrvm n ? &, a rnawJmms " : W-r n ii" Tn- rrmx VliM" -ri-i rSrrwl Vi trr-jjat Va-vrrA . i)kMHa a1 atajar. a mm tm V vtrt !S a.m Vmt w msm. ' 1- r- T..r-r H tt t r-sJ m -rr- ' tw tr r aa-C I tttm mmtt r" i llllltlll rtltiriKK rt tt" mHmym av :ut. VEGETINE rr.rxKZD ar II. K. STEVEN'S, Irfton. M-x. Yegetine is Sold by All Druggists. "K"lJ" " " SI-TII trjtKjr rrmtriMm. to ml rm mm afly yM ai fAf? 4lr'rtl..iil I ta tMlm pm pr. Arrtlmmrm iltr tmUnmmm . . ... .kl MMmmtmmmtM S72 '-".' I ,1IM V. M4 a . si ii a . u t. 1 Wfl' uaVceeer la rannr Tritrr. "..' " jEitT rc m ftwclllaca. Wail tHlaa. mmttum ar TlkKIa -- eoJar cf ikia. cr 7-T IHr. Koiicf tsCsrtislxr.r7J:Te.rasfetpi-i. Z .Tw. t tmwfm iTiaf c vafccif Iawzt laaa sascara - . - - - .i..i...ii. ,yo r-r-iflir cir la renirc-i -tesL Zxr e-xrate friec: 'Mst-aac v &v take r. n. rKaaaat fiipllMMWa iitt aniir.r iaMMliTtaei rraria -Tfti - - .. DR. CUIK X S3r. 'JOHNSON'S yju M Syrup. 77W.3s.St.,MtwYorkCH. i 1 -ff (I) s -mm a -i . . 9mm ,rrn 1 - ' . S- - - rF M wnw vm .i. " mwrnmrnWrntm ,J . . . . . iff, ii.. mm 1. . ! i i I fna ' ' - ",',3i mmlm m mm - ' m ' . (fc. ttl mf .tea V u ia. I - mi MW a,m ts ' a. - -- . ., m .. '. . s. nrvcTt , M. r..-. mm. m. '.- mm mmm r wa -'a M.a WaJcaBPta'.x, the XciiirtJie Maa. Mi . a, f-4 .aa - - yywlj'; I'M. I " ' - frafoWM II t-w W lrff f MpM mm f.lUf. I f.l' , It irlM IHi.n If H.lrl. !! . !. ..M.-. Ilf If X--.I.U-. ,.fk.' -. "",7."Xft. mlt K- -IJ l.. mmA Mn IK. .f f" . mm law it .!., I.f-.if-f. y . ........ .-fbtr I i 'f ljfc .. ,.....-. . 'll''" fuftH r ,. - - mm. .miummmt Mil r rSTiVT."- f ' 'CX" aa. Vf ia trl al tn-a. .- -- - --a "skVaSAai ft o i r itiari Edwin Etittman in India CMUf-tT Mill it Hint'nMm(rfWMI r r at f Pm fHm. u a . t. f MJ flntM MmFntmm, 4m. I .j ia 4 foaafrta ai rarMai trsra ae4 J8a rmm M.IIIM srtf Tar aaw . 4 rfaBf lltcttrtt Tl-lala rf ma.- ' t t ct vl a MII-lnl str r - M, a t f a I ww. ! ?a-t I r mmr.t ammtmifmttm . - - m -m rntm isrf'ffa a - J- - ssH ka Ma a-rf a - J i ' Dr. ClnrV Joltnion'a INDIAN BLOOD PURIFIER. JrrUa of Larr B"eTi Tritm ot Ciaai. tJ.t9 -JO UrmA Wf J- ar " -s .! tr t w a Im rrri J -A - a I Ihhv l-a as -- ' i" TESTiMOHIALS OF CURES- IM CsapialsL Wrrr sinaT. fmnf tmmmft - Ar r-l wa aart-4 aa ! ff rMrtf -a a4 hat tr- ai- - I Jf tai trwl mmtmnmt mmWtt I mm -v t. al. .u. i.ji.. UI.Md irai. a mm mm-AfiiMi. ijam-n rtzrnn. Ol VT. ntmmU Ou-imXT J " rw .air- rw ta rtl mt mmmr Ifk-" l-4 fr r taw ar tf? "";"-' tt a'J mmmrt rmOmmUrm mmi JaisL . -W a a i - mitUt. A. t tWkt". A (rfti F2fiT Meltciee. ;i.-it.-j. fM4tff tii jfj apWd r . wbra I ifsaH a. fcawa t"5 mf.. mXKMi. Always a Sin EeNy. Otjmfm. tt Gsit. ?' -. Tt T tmr ftr--r aaf fcad las WW" fft ff"r dtaff KlI r... a- mmTmUmmm4 Ci-a mmmim S S rwanuu!ml otxsxrr xjbzl. Eteiiii P8a Of. fica'ivnsr i I I lHat- -a r rtaJ.t lf4l u a2ravaJ rruvsU. tt avM - - -t. RIm4 tyntlt aaaaarrfia r. aacxs-c m Cfiti Kfmvnr MaaTrV Jrlwa t !. -r 2 aa tStmarunrmt T - mJ mm M9OvT sstrts av - a. a M U m-mm, mrtm BUlM aw art . 1 laatlaaC lMtiMpi'nrf irfijf mi .rw.. t-idijuisli-t I - a tm-m ymmm. 1 mtmrfmllt r wen a at tm-;;naM"t tntB OrsasuUasa. a far aajn at. naali em wiaXfUH. j. w. xxjorr. Cits Dm- OtUCA jatr Owary. Vft f rtX r-wfa-Mxia-Maar- x mV . M a a-l t mmmWJ mTjmmrn ti fH In ! J n vxaM VaM ' a4if 5-S tmtjmsr I vaaa. i a., mwMa. fn toa-jr aawfil. ( kawV'aSV IfjaWW oivaM- awelfi-. aw -"" " taoofi " a. tetC bs rf igGBt& Cxrrr;iJe"Cerft.5fcwJ-t 1. 1,. Zr- itr-I x tmaUM 3 tem. mt JUtfJSf X $OTwavfi rr aaaw 5. aaa -yai' ' KIoa-1 JjrSia-rta7 eax. .irtww m 4i i . Iib4 a a.i ia i i mmm - la m Mi" . - - a .....bmk ... . k mmm Bui j m i ... w m . if 4 .fc a ' "a. ,,, . m -l , mmmmmi m- f " 'L.'?' mm'.mrt s .-. .. mi m a6a w (t mmmmm I I t I ' - ' T ' - Wm mm mmm mt a-i I aM fi '"' if MM ?v t' j Mr WMMterf m wmmmm ' I'M 4& -7 4V '4 114 -5 -. .'- te r -J Htm