The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, November 20, 1879, Image 3

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rpTTp Tjpri nTDTTn f! H I W
JI. Is TC3f 4S. I'ablMjrr.
. . -.
.,. ,..,, ,,,,. .
I! Ill llh SHALL TIlhllAIirS DIM-
LL Jtk ?
i r t!i- riIJ- th UMtthcr Imti-r,
'fit ctXMiiiu:ikltiiiilHTwiii;
! tbi-w-w.-n sl -iinj.h-Ar.l--litfur)ir
.l Tin-.-veuititc Knf
' -k MJ'','hlM. r klmi-l-li- ur L-ni
-twit ! btt'iv'- -Itiiijrii J,,v
i' -hall tin- MitxH'- Miiew n-t
i ! Tim tow ii to tin- linl-y's mil?
-luil! the miik'-I'- Wmk-Ji mtnnlti
. i-'-hb.Jxiu twit -mie i-t low
m unimt iiitulH-r HHiiu KmKe.
I -he Ijju3"-! t hear, lur she couM
1 ' ! Iialy ruiRi-1 ,'.
1 ! of trlrfu, or Utiiit-klc or ktii-e,
: i-liaH IIhj bain V tlimi4; In
- (-rut'ljiiv ll-i.-r f!l ami n-t
. I -.iti- ilown to tin- ImUiv'h tnt?
f-hai! my HitKi-rV toinl)n5iiiH,H
. 'i awJ,.ii yMir lmt.e :iKiti?"
-i ?.' tin- mother Mit hii1 ilnelt
''-? iti Hh -Ht (Ii-Jhx oj chrfc';
'It ih-ii ly Ikt Iwln V ! h kJuMt,
V'i 1 i-;tnjr whh lk-i-it o--
on tlie llmli, o misH l'ir'
I ". JiMnn with itv joutii will SihiK)Hr;
S ' t ti tli- fli-.-k MimII im- !.
I li.'-lim iHUi t-iiiilt- ill little mik! I!.'.'
L l Joil-l tiilMI tlH" f-lllll
wtih Mti iiiiin. ,
I Ui iNtliy tl mij: I- -I -isll kwp."
Saturday Mtgniuc
itoiuiowixn TitoniLE.
1 liii- HMoraitu; I hh tliiiikiHK
(fall tto-ork t. .!.
i'l ulnl'-iii titotijrtitM Mfre lw-J',
My luuMltt xiTv lu- khi.
I )mihi ihi nlly tkw,
1 or mxw jIk-h m mh-.
inl fi! nm-t ihk Ih- tit)x
I rMl h H'Ctt-tOMH Jtlxi-I".
J itioootit o( jHtfirn to itkh-.
f aVfx I r-kotiM jmh'I.
rv lor hi- iM'i-wrviHK.
1 "Wit I y-t IIM-t rii,
' iMMcito. at for pVckiiut.
oi i-orti tluii mwatln Onwl,
i :it-nt to In' 4M!Mrf ,
nJ --wiiMt Ihc IhwMi'.
1 ii liiiitdnil tMHii to ttljr,
UiMii!ni Ifrtr- lo lltHhl',
U iMi )m of '0(ki--,
k "d ki tt- of 1 omI mihI -Mkr,
.th ru-iU- rrt w4l-d tithe,
UmiuiuumI lim a y-nr
bat u. dixmul ini-yt,
"'I'UMtJiMwHi tuuX ctn-ar'
. -t lb-H.MtllH tlK- MtilllH-SM,
ial J lM-nl.
ubt-n m long tfttll.-,! '-iirtalR
X itli iiMiiior'- iH-i-Htii iwsaittFetlj
!i( tln-f tin- conl-ol i4ii(ort,
- -tritiix-l lirnuelit to n".
- iTwii-wt Ih-ii 'ti-iMttll,
: tj rdrcMgtit 4alli--rlw."
'twc )mtst folly,
i -f nt ttr an oik", '
t Mltlidi tin- tloamins
iil IIiiiiL wliut iiiu-J lickiHe.
work ttf iwJ Uw-finluT,
: mlrof l,
m . Imu tiiiiil.iiicaltniy,
-l lit Ih toii- to tl,i.
! -o wiiili- -tn-iiili I-jirHaisfI,
hiiim'I-i i-r riw-ii.
tr in m. it. i- m iu.-it--i
r-tivi-..; ,ii :it-n.
t -it within tin-irloamins
imr 1 Iwmm, in f tmmirp Vcjii
, mildly, "all that i jiast now. And. re
XT" - -:tt in front of the little table, member, he that ghcthlo the poor lend th- breakfast di-bes. a Inight- eih to the Iird."
il irl, with large, vi i-tful blue cm-.
ou w-iitid tiii -r su-iHH-t to be a
ie until oii saw
v iieeb-d chair bv im
'oiwllrtl her--lf back ami forth.
!'hHigh -le lnr-clf wa- tlie only
f Uie tallishim-nt. the lliair ,
!:uut"ly clean, the windows slione
.'cied diamonds ami J1h- nirtains
n hite ainl nealh dameil. For lit
V 1 , at is, wis a lmrn housekeeper, '
'k a- much delight in the detail
. hoHh-ly. dome-die life a- if she
-ii a chibl jdayiug with a dolP
ittstead of Most-i Ilaywinnl's
-1 daughter.
! ' :- iHizJing-inM'tiim-.. said Alien,
Img lier pn-tty brown brows over
leuncke-jM-rs luHk : ' tiecause
rl.- only ju-t so much ninie ami the
i-e- h.iic got to In met : and if you
- ba-t little let in delti, tlicrc it is, (
r around our inn-k like a mill
: tia- ethl of the year. lint. then.
. if there weren't any difficulties in
- !e if hou-ekeeiing. a here wotihl
credit ?'
' ! theti Alice would shake her
brown braids, bite the end of her
. ami begin again with the tro-ublc-;rray
ot tigu -.
upon this particular dai tlie-ilor
l more fecri-hly than eier in her
-. . the teacups clinked iterroush
i-cr as she rinsed them.
Mi-e- lla-ywinHl. a white-liain!.
urelyokl man. sat over his
--Seal Dictiotian ' af the other
Hh-room and onh sinihtl ijuietly. '
I'V louud-."" saiil Alice. "lt
: . iihithy. lattK-r. ilear,
teei years saving it up.
" a are right, my dear," sakl the
'master, calmly", itisa deal of
. Kut what i- mom-y worth if we
' 'i-e it to help mir fellow creature-
:!1 I dare -ay he's ever so much
1 r than jihi. fa"ther." jmisued Alice.
H- is my wife's cou-in. Alice." -aid
! man. "and he i- in sore need.
mfortcd. my child, it is only a
Only a loan!" repeated indignant
"Fat Imt, you'll never -ee it
People an always luirrowing.
1 -I-
my ever think- of repaying
-lo-Htly. daughter Alice, gently."
d the old man. It i-- best to be
rtaJih- to all men in thought a- well
ib-ed. It is triK- that I had antici-
, , . ... .. . . . .
. mngim- xiopouiHi-out ma tew
tof myself, a new dre- for You.
.1 .-ariiet tor our sittiuir-room: but
taiiid. We shall do very well a
.'. and if .Mr. Watkins really needs
I don't beiieve he needs it Italf ns
U -i a- we do, Imrst in Alice.
tl -he wheeled her chair across the
):) t. rive the linno: hi- fresh seed
.1 water, while Haywood, folding up
1 .'-o-Mttiud note which had been the
f i-onteiitioii. placed it in an en
.'. and walked -juietly away.
I"s too ImhI of i.tiher. thought
.left alone by hcr-clf. -I do Tie
he would give the coat off his back
y oue a-ked for it. Uut he ought
nk of him-elf aud heon-rht to think-
i i a few uncon-cious tetirs sphisheil
d wi mi the linnet- gla water-cup as
A tlMHight of the long-treasured i."."ifi.
2n a week -uh-ci-ticiitly "Mr. Walter
".itKn- -at in hi- back jiarlor. a
11 rVslcd old gentleman with light-blue
. . - like -taring marbles and a curious
is, ward -neer to the cun-es of his mouth.
11 '.'' on the table in front of him lav a
1 ili f letters.
" X. -w we'll -if." said Air. Watkins to
L'-ii-tlf, -what all the ties of relation
ship are worth. I e written pitiful let-u--
t.i 1111 -i cou-iu-.:ind 111 be willing
t.i 11 iger the bigge-t diamond in mv
- r that there iM,-t a pennv in all these
a fcver-. "Well, we'll see. we'll see."
The iir-t letter, as it transpired, wa
from the i:.-v. Theodore Talkiugton,
w :.o :nclo-tHl a tract entitled, - Kelurn,
y vners," recommended a course of
-.- '--rawting.-, and stated that he, the
IU'. Theodore, was quite unable to
I. .p his cou-in Walter except bv r00d
ad'.i e. "
" I tiiought si." said .Mr. Watkins.
1 "e secowl was from 3Irs. Calista
.' -, tlie wife of a prosperous Uler
i '...nt.
r ' My dear cou-in," it said, in little
;: "-'Why characters, "your letter
In..-me with surmise, sm-h muu.-.-;i.. i
-, , . i -w.. Mw;in
I'i'i tiiv nave lis
. i -i--cuiiitioii. uii neiiner ot thee if
I a -TOU e-xl?w' me-:l -Hnstiau matron, '
ipaiiu.e. Luuerine circumstances
i oeir 10
I-line funher jmstal '
with you. Respectfully,
ni. ..i lion
... ........ ...... ,v... iiirui Limn. '
upward cun-es around Mr. Wat- j
PnroaHi to a .-nine in
t which the cau.-tio old gt'iilhiiiiaitcvt-riii-
' dulged as he neatly labeled and dM-k-t-
cd this li-tli-r :ilvi wtiil onum' sltH tlu.
third, in which .Air. ilcnianihi Courtenav
regretted the straiti-ncd ciim- of lit-
i financial affairs, ami bluntly rc-r-om-
j mended rv.nic public charitable in-titn-
tion as the best refuge for hi eoM-in'-
dcclininir year.
JIiiinpi, humph!" muttered .Mr. Wat-kin.-.
" So he would pack rue off to the
I loor-hon-e, would he? Yen kind and
j considerate of him, very.'
I Mr. Peter Dilks w.v a stage les eore-
i monioti.- .still.
" Did his coii-in Watkins think he wa
made of mouev? DM he think it
hl 1 tl -.1 T1I- -i to ktnxilv i.vnn-n!il ti-iniu.r?
'In that ea.. Mr. 'tL-hw v..,,',!,! rMi
. - .--... ......... .. .v.v ......
hiinelf eoiL-idt-rxblv mistaken, and so
j no more from his to command,
I P.Dii.k.V
The fifth cpi-tle from Mre. Mi!Ku
! naire was e.ees-ively t-ivil and hard
j as gr:inite.
j She begged to cnll Mr. Watkin' at
tention to the fiu-t lliat .-he, Mr-. Mil
lionnaire, was but hi- -wond fMiiin af
ter all, and .-he really wonden-d at hi
audacity in expecting" her to patch up
his ruined fortune--. She inclo.ed a"nl
to an employment office, and hoped to
lie troubli-u no more with Mich u.ele
! applications.
j .Mr. W'atkin.- silently folded thi- hater
' and placed it with the other- iiefore lie (
ojiened thi one direct-d in Mosto Hay- '
wood'- clerkly calligraphy. " .
lojus surjm-e, when he broc: 0;
al, out fell a po-t-riflitM! order for !).
-Mv ilear cou-iti ntkm-. wrote
, the .-choolmamer, "I nvi deeply to
I hear of your luiuncial di-tre-s ami here-
; ny inclo-e all I imvc on hand. It is not
j muchbut I beg of you to accept it in
J th" same .-pirit in which it i- git en."
j Old Walt.-r Watkins bniiliwl hi-
...lliniil o.tlill .41 i.f- 111- . illlii V lflt-.
" The poorest, ino-t ob-cure of them
Jill," .-aid he. " The one of w horn I ex
pected lea-t. Well, well, wonders will
never cea-e.M
And taking up his pen he wrote back
i briefly
Cor.-ix Haywi-ioii: I thank vu.
AV. Watkins.
Father, are you sure you're well
enough to go back to .-chool?"
Alice had drawn her wheeled chair
cloe to the lounge on which old Mo.-es
hnd draggel himself into a sitting jmi
"Ye-, child, ye-," Ik? aM. drawing
Jus liHini aguelv aero. In- forehead :
I mu-t be well enough! The children-
mruiitaaiu getting impatient. I shall! inv .-cholarr if" I don't ro back into
hariie.s- lo-lay."
" Father, father," cried jioor Ali-e,
itcmi-ly, "if ive had but that money
you Ktitil up mi lonir and painfullv
lliat money you' gave to old Mr. Vat
j Iciiis it would hav brought you health,
strength, ri-jm-e now."
.Mv daughter. said tiie old man.
He wa in the school that
111 tlie .school that morning
trvmg to
ictu-tom Lis whirling head to 1
lki','s month lengthened thcmsclics on
( intf the nearest approach to a smile i,
-heua-i-iMted the elaiimnius mices of the little oue-;in-
f which when there came a loud rni at the dour
utu a well drex-ed. bluff-looking
stiangcr walki
1 in and looked
uticere- j
iiionkiii-3 around him.
" Ir this .Mo-es
e.s IlaywiMHl the school- j
ed he, with outstretched (
maittT?" a.-k
That i- my name, sir, said the old
1 congratulate yon. cried the bluff
stranger, nearly wringing jHiwr ilosfs's
hand off.
"Sir!" said the sehoolmaster.
" You're a rich man 2" rowed the
I I think 1 must be dreaming."
-aid Alo-es, putting hi- hand to hi
head. - Not a bit of it," said the stranger :
not a bit of it . It's your wife's cou-in,
Walter Watkins, of 1-
"Yes. snhl .Mo-e- Haywood. I
ivniemlMT now - I lent him fifty pound--I
Mippo-e he ha .-cut you to return it?"
Mfty pound-." ochoeil the stranger.
Its's fifty thou-aihl: He is dead -and
lias w illed you all hi- money. Pretty
giHid inti-rest forio pnumls for a year,
eh? Iktt mv client wa- alwaw- cin-en-
There's a string ot name-down !
in lis- will lor 10-hilhii!r-e:ich. beeau-c
a- he -tates. the wouldn't lend him a
much as that w lieu he a-ked for it -a
lot of rou-iu-, ion know- and it".- all
left vou as the only one who rcstMiiulcd
genially to his calL ! ay. sir," with
anotheroeriiowerin"--h.tkeof tin- li-iml
I congratulate you, with all mv
heiirt ! "
And the autumn-tide of Jlti-as H.
wood's life is passed in the suii'liiue of
wdih and prosperity, and Ali- ha.
hcr hot-hou-es, her ariary and her
Father. she .-ays, softly, with her
cheek again-t hi- wrinkled hand, you
were right, after all. and I iva.- wrong.
Kindness is Mire to find it- reward."
Iiuthm Mngttziiu .
l.iuic-kilii Club Jlelcorolnirv.
The Committee on Atino-pherie In-lhieiice-
announced that they were
ready with a report, and. leave being
granted, the Chairman submitted a well
constnicted report regarding th
e com
ing winter. The Committee had been
guided entirely by signs, and their rea
sons for predicting a hard winter were:
1. The thicknes- of the corn husks.
'2. The unusual number of overcoats
in pawn.
5. The anxiety of women to get win
ter bonnets.
4. The way the frogs have gone down
for deep water.
o. The he-itancy with which young
men climbed out of bed in the morning.
(5. The unusual number of dog-liglits
to be ob-erved by a colored man w ho
keeps his eye- open.
The report was accepted and filed.
and the Chairman sat down with a sigh 1
01 relief. Detroit tree rre
Veils of black Hnissels net with a
small dot are worn: occasionally one
sees a .-mall gold dot on the black, but
thi- i.- not as valuable for veiling as the
plainer net. White illusion is very
pretty, but the silk is -o delicate that af
ter the tirst wearing it tears, lojks
enininled and is scarcely tit for u-e.
while the wa-h blonde is "too thick and .
too much of a dead white to look well !
over ib,. Tlsso.. veils ;., w,,.. ,
Before the advent of cheap cotton !
the production and manufacture of llax i
were important uidiistnes m thiscoun-
try. in imu. wnen tne population ot the
country was but little more than Low,-
000. there were produced in the United
trv is believed to be 50.000 .noo. the to- !
tal annual production of flax and linen i
The wealthiest man in Kalamazoo.
Mich., was approached in the street by
.. .;. i:..t. 1 i. , :i .-,?r
.I.H.AV.UI. - U unit; uyj, UU saiUZ .Ul:
von'U get her out I'll "ive vou a dol
lar.' The man rescued the imperiled
child. A few davs afterward the lmr
entered his office and put on his desk a
dollar in small coin, having broken owen
tiiinii ill 12171 7 1 ihi n nimnir irnt-nn nAn
y bank and sold a hobbv-horse to
raisethe amount.
;tone color and light grav are used for ' ; . -".l"- noinmg more mat wnat an foUow these directions closelvl think
picnic, nais, ami are :Uso exceeuinTlv I """ , """" v"4 -". hi y-ou iviu nave no trouble in keepnv vour
useful when tniveling. as thev assist the J.M;U,-, r"hou llo"v kceri :he druggie imer sweet and nice. T haw nZd it
unfortunate traieler to keep a few cin- , r ,e LS ;lml "vlllu ni" retlects that with good success everv time. You
ders awav from the eves :u,d a little soot lxl: ho-,ds oi men wlw covet the po- must put a weight on it or the butter
ml dnsrVrom tin. f-o-.- i sition of petit-rentier are joineil anim- will r-iis in rhr i.rin..
oiaie- over ::i,w",uoo varas oi naxen ---). - oiiu.-v ucus upon iue in- tion to the small as to the Iar"-e things
cloth made in families. At the present . creasing number of well educated per- of life. The poison iw and the innocu
time. when the population of the coun- : --on! wll 3r'? :?pnsont?d for offenses , ous kind differ in one "nartienlar wbir-b
i launcs is prorjaoiy noi over ; '"- i' .lusociaiauupoiiucai terested in the brilliant-hued leaves
yards, ami not a "yard of fine linen is j ""-" 'W f& a nard fact to dige-t, autumn to care for gathering them:
mane m Uie country. um mae u ue; aim one mav auu Uiat the mtn nf ih fm,i s-. :
a al m . i 1
Wired high lace raff will be again
in vogue.
Painted ide facbels arc the IfttosV
novrdtics in this line.
Favorite design1 for tuitions arc
griffons, dragon, ami sphinxes'.
Bead embroidered cor-agos will b
much worn for evening toilet.
Flower gRrnitnnw are more worn on
. evening and reception toilets than ever.
Scarfs of white India litnliu, with
, fine dot, and edgfd rith pintd"?prit,
are worn arwiinl the nwk. in tat street,
' -loe in the throat with an i amende
Fleeoe-lined i)ique trn.inn.'n
the wv-arer, though an invalid, to dre
-'"-' "J
in white in her always and ri'i be
wann its in inkl-umnier whvu in lawn
and iiHi-hn alne.
Uibhon -tnngi are wjtbr, but the
nio-t faliiotiaMi lotmeta hair immense
ly wide, cln.drii- .-ilk atnagi. jronernlly
trimmed at the boUom witli Hrelon or
point il'iyprit Iae plaiting.
It W thrrerv arcne of fahion and
tx.-le to wear ilk ilretv.--, either white,
tinted, or cdon-d. dexraiel with artistic
dertjrns of ilowi-r- and foliage, 1jc5,
beetle-, ami Imtterfiio in wattr color-.
InMiit.-' sdiptM-r- are of white, blut
awl ro-i'-colored kil, fatenel with strap arouiiil the ankle by alut-ton-hl-
ami white porcelain button.
Little -boes come in the same colons for
short cloaks.
- - The Prihton and Derby felt heU
arc for ordinary street wear for "iris
and liv all Jaiiie u ho are Mill
j mmg a band, and hmall win" at one
ide remler.- them a fittiie- aewinioani-
ment to the walking -uiu de-eribiHl.
I'msh chioiis are fa-hionaJde both
in drawing rooms and Uiudtr. iu.-t
n-iw. Some have a circular JapaiieeG
d-4gn on one corner only; other-are
made of light green ami I'lthor delicate
-hades of Kohon -heeling, with a spray
of J.ijioniea across them or hops o'r
white uarcis.-u.-i.
Four Ixm juet.- are worn on the most
fashionable euuiug dre-ses a small
tie on the right side of the neck, one a
little larger at the left hand corner of
the open square cor-age. the third, still
larger, at tie font of the front breadth
of tl -kirt ju-t aluive the Huiuices, and
the fourth, the I.uge.-t of all, iuw behind
on the train.
Mime of the e-sjK-eially fashionable
color- nrc : niniche, a new cherry
nil; vieu rouge, a tleep blackish red;
entiacjue and casserole, copper colors;
Kembraiidl, a very daik blue green;
Admiral blue, a dark shade, nann-d in
honor of .- .AeA ; tlouanier. a mili
tary or Xapol.-oiiic blue; autrudie, the
natural color of the o-trieh; pivuine,
peony; ami flitter, or felt color.
Scarf tie- of Indian mu-lin, folded
double, are gathered at each end with
-ome three or futir running-;, almost like
a ta-sel, the lace at the extreme ends
being gathered clo-ely together. Itows
of lace and India or cre;n miiilin. alxuit
lour mchr
aero, are male 111 the but-
tcrilv han Anotli..i- f-.-...,-;t,. i,-t.. ;3
a bow of the innliii. with n c-inTl.. nf
lace coiiiiti"- i or vi-rcti; I ..1ni-. 1
while other"- have a twisted end of mu--
iin. in one -iile knmteil. .ml ....h.
of lace on the other. One of tlie neue.-t
.1.. r .. . .- .. .
into 'dcmi-toilet is a"i up-tandin' niff of '
lac, w ith narrow ribbon rountT it. tied
uuhi;- jor convening an ordinary urcs.-
m a bow m front. The lace is then
brought down a- a double d-apery to
the waist on one side, while on the other
i- the cascade, of lace, hcadihl by ribbon
and li&s. plaiting.
The pivkci-lmndkorchiuf for nice
u-e is of line linen lawn with hem.
-titching to match that of the linen
j cravat or neck-tie. rsometimes there is
j an inch-wide border of the drawn-work
I aliovo the hem all around the s-juare, .
j while others have triangular biu- of this
! intricate work in each corner. Plainer
j handkerchiefs for morning have a half
j inch hem hem-stitched, or el-e they arc
j colored in -ome odd dc-ign and quaint ,
I combination of color-: ou-ome plaited
frill edged with scallops of needle-work
is the trimming. Kreton Rice and in-
I -crtnm are ti-cd on more dre-sy hand
j kerchiefs. The lace, an inch ami a half
I wide, i- -ewed 011 the edge plainly, with
m-rs, laid
uie oniv iiiiiue. -. wuicii 1- at the cor-
laid in small Hat plaits instead of
being gathered; one or two row.-of
i'reton in-ertion are then let into tlie
lawn with a space of an inch between.
Yen .-oft handkerchiefs for servive are
mail e of silk and linen spun together;
they eti-t ot) cents each, and are creamy
white, with a hem-stitched hem.
House dre-ses and ewning robes
make up in elalmrate garniture" for all
plainness of trimming observable in
regular walking costume.-. Dre.-.-trimmings
and button-- come in great varie
ty. Pa. einentcrie gimp- anil fringes
glitter with jet. some of the mo-t ex-peti-ive
pa-sementeries showing a sur
face of jet to the e.elu-ioit of any other
j material. Many-colored bead-, produc
j mg ca-hmerc effects, al-o enter into
! these trimmings. Then there i- no end
toilk embroideries and Oriental band-.
A novelty among high-pi iced trimmings
is hand-nainted lace. French lace, in
1... -..'..... 1 .. ,....:.:
vjui?ii-j, ;ii m me wen kiiohii
1 Juchcssc, Ureton and point d'esprit are
popular. Buttons are out ia ina-iv
i -hapes and sizes. The large bu'tons us-
uany appear on me wai-is 01 suits, me
-mailer ones being re-erved for sleeve-.
There are bullet-shaped buttons, and
flat, oblong and round buttons: pearl,
ivory, horn, silk, passementerie and
metal buttons. Some are exquisitely
engraved, others are painted in Oriental,
Japanese or floral designs. Carved and
engraved buttons, representing each a
different idea or design, are oftentimei
seen in one dress.
The Dream of Life in France.
The dream of every young Frenchman
whose pockets are empty i to marrv
girl who h 1- from ii'.-Mro to i.'4.xm, :lud
to earn about i."i'iH a year for
himself by means of a -itttation afford
ing a fixed salary. It i- not an
extravagant dream, and, to do the
Frenchman Ju-tice. he is quite happy if
lie realizes it.
1 lHVing got i.100 or i400
a yrtir. he does not seek to enlarge his bottom of vour vessel, then put in a lav
mcune. but live- prudently within hi- er of butter, then sprinkle over it a laV-
mean.-. ami mi est.- Mime
aiings eieri
""t'ar "V2:" n"neinlabli- judgment. I lie
. . ? 1 .!!! " . . r
,c - ,l,m,,tr- u,:u im' rreilt"-
should pitch their amhitiou so low
;dly bv -20,ooi voung recniits fresh from
the school-, and with all their talents
whetted according to the newest sys
tems for the -ocial frav, one can not
"""- " " 'o:t uumueroi etiucueu
y.un? "" w"in Snd their way into
a"V Tue 1:i;t annual report of the
against propeny. il
lftfir T-Ti, rrrv an I
ms friends, who used
v , .
o taint eaucation
lur ueierxuiiiauon m onenses against
life, as :well as m swindling, the highly
trained young men who have been i
-1 .. - - . .
. .
I he -baptist missions in Swelen I
have swelled to 2i5 churches, a theo- i
logical seminary in Stockholm, belong- i
ing to the denomination, lias tvvemr-one
r? :
TH Tntil.
A small p.e of chartMil ja tW pot
with IfMittc eab!Afff rvrwrr tie -mwM.
; A air way ut cfk curruis i lmtlr
to clean thenjtie in & buiuk ami Uil in
the nip.
Uroll -tonk wkboot ;vhin' Sk
draw the titir in ra-rfAiBtr- if t. tUixi.i
We u ki-ep :h.e in If iWM. O-A
ner a hot fin-. Uiniin freouoatlv, -ar-
t is;: on Ixrth -iil Plarr on a fatter
It aal JMJpfHT to t.te.
-f.ffAE t-. k.
Ha;oi corn i
meal, two of tlae tVmr, ob -up of 0gsr.
-v.. vw 'i -i
,i..i..lf t lj... '. , "..::
JlvT.L" "r: r'M.HoarhtWht Hirr IV rrx-Wr.
.. . . -. w-r . -
. - f " r " ba. 'Hi. ; Tki
io t-rj:-. j eiK ami wtat.i- m-n:.,ti - tia
rxtelr. TU- will make telve r..m
,, t. -t i
we. I otaUH . IJ.iI the tatiM-
until i.M...p. ,k.M1 ot l....,t..:
.. -" i-t ' nrp-ii.s:, ph
flat -.ale down m a gr.i.l pan aa.1
,.- . .. w o. ,vs me jMKa.ii..
begin U, cni-t. lte wuh a hub- meked
butter. I,eieat until meeiy bnvnetl
lLu--.-d HiscuU . Makv a -Kiage.nth
on' unart of wxter, and one y.-a.-t cake,
a little suit ; when light, add half a tea -
iipfulof meltiNl Imttex. one egg. aal
knetvl well Uit not Phi -tiff with llotir,
In 1: ri-e, and tlteti make into bL-cuit.
and bake on tin-.
- itoiled PotatiMts: XVa-h the i - otn -
to.., leave the skins on and throw into
iKiiling, -altiil water. XX'hen a fork will
eas'lv pierce them, throw in a small dip -
perft'il of cold water. I-t sbtnd two
miiiiitos. throw nff th.1 uut..r .,,.,1 .,,u)
on the luck of the swie, with the toi- ,
lid half removed, unlil the steam i-ernn.!
, , ..., ...,,, a H,at -
orateil. Take mi. ied an! mthwiarw lx-,," fariik-r. and filters ktkecA a
talile in an open di-h.
Baked I- Plant: Pet it i,,i..
lie., thn-e-fourth- of inch tlm-k and
lav in -alt water for an hour or more.
U n... the piw. .In and din into l-entt-ii
j-. . . . 14, i, imir
..or tliiMi into lir,w.L.r,,n.l.-n, .,..V.
dii-t ; hae the fat hot in lour pan, ju-t
enough ti prevent sticking and mil
b a,k "- ' -iAlJ -ll.LCrTll'.
them into the oven until done. Thi
will be found a lietter way than frying,
and they are very light and delicious.
Sea-011 to ta-te lie fore cooking.
. 1 i, , .
iriue uake: 1 i-ii (., ii.-;i..n i.i.n.
niifo. one iiouihi 01 miiu-r. one oi wniie
...,T- ....... r ..1 . 1 11 11 I me 'tan: ui iw ninrMii. 1 ne mrvnaiu
eK 1 liil-. l.lam-l...I ;d liHik-ioi-rtbepriemrreut a- oo a,
bopped hue, of -.,;de,Ir:u-ins halff, ,j, llaih. .H.l,mH.r tm MUt ,U
pomid citron. -haved line: In-at butter , MIII11i Ii, i, ' ' ...... .... w
i a 1. ii-i-(ii, auo .-upir srrauunny; men
the well beati-ii yelk-i: stir all till very
1.1 t.ti .1
.... ...1 r."vlrl . n,""u:;
'UTi "'-". .! a.i nuyiHeHotoah Im-a- m th. pri-e .61
1 "..ii nn- u-'ui , i.iivl- .1 nine more nour.
j awl sprinkle over I he raisin- and
' then put in the cake-pan tir.-t a layer off
i.iw-iia.i(T. men a laieroi rui-m-ami i
citron, then cake, and -o on till all i
u-ed.iini-hin-off with a laver of .-.I..
I'.ake in a moderate oven two ho ur-
urate two hour-.
-Saratoga lotatoe.-: Pare the j.o-
tatiw.- and cut into -dice- -o thin that
one can almo-t -ee through them. If
for breakfa-t, prepare them the night
before and let stand in a di-h of ice-cold
water. .Iu-t before frving drain them
mini me waier aim wipe tiietii ilrv with
.-1 cl.itll l-Vv null fl fnvi- -it . imi.i !
. -i. 1 .- - .
ooiiiug lam as vou wvuiiu iloiigliuut-.
Ii-fore putting in the potatoes,
the -lice- from each other and
do not
:ltN'lI' "' ,,,ok n, '" ' ti""' than you
,:- ;4',,I, -oparatc Tend with a fork.
t'ls-ing them over
browned evenly and
and 01 er
,m u'1-' :i -kimmerand place on a sieve,
sIn-,Wf with -alt.
Save your iva-hing suds for the gar
den: if they arc poured over the root
of the pliiui trees they will kill the i-iii'-ciilio;
if turneil at the root- of geraui-
Riiis. r , :-.. they will enhance their
Iwauty tenfold.
A beautiful -quare for a nig may be
madi or indeed a whole carpet hv
t iking seieral old ingrain carpets, cut
ting them into strips three or four inch
es wide and raveling out each edge, then
-cw-iiig into ball- and weaving after the
manner of rag carpets. The re-nlt will
be an imitaition of a mixed Ini elscar
pet. Te:--leave- steeped, not boiled, fi-r
hdf an hour in a tin pan, and -trained
through a -ieve, will give a liquid ii-eful
to wa-h all varnished paint. It removes
-pot. ami gives a tre.-her, newer :ip-1
pearance 1 11:111 when soaji and water are
11 -ed. For white paint, take up a small
quantity of whiting on a damp piece of
old white flannel, and nib over the sur
face lightly, and it will leave the paint
remarkably bright and new.
Kiln-dried fruit taken from the kiln
and put into empty -alt-barrels and
headed in. will be perfectly secure from
worms. Fruit dried in the sun should
be covered with a cloth every evening
before the -uu goes down, to keep the
moth away until the fniit dries, and then
put in empty salt barrels. Any worms
in the fniit will be destroyed" and the
moth will not go there to deposit its
There is but one paint siiitabl" for
floors, French ochre. First, if the boards
h-ive -hnink. clean out the joints well,
and. with a small bnth. give them a
heavy coat of boiled linseed-oil. then
putty up .solid. Now paint the whole
floor with a mixture of much oil and lit
tle ochre, for the fir-t coat, then after it
i- well dried, give two more coats of
much ochre and little oil, finally finish
with a coat of first-rate copal varnish.
I his is an extremely durable paint for
floors, in-doors or o"ut, such as verandas,
porticos and the like. A floor stain is
be-t mixed with oil, and finally var
nished. To pickle pork, make your brine
-trong enough to bear an egg'. Cut the
meat in suitable pieces to fit well in a
barrel that will hold water. Pack the
pieces in the barrel, filling with rock
salt all space not occupied. Xow j-our
the brine in as long as the barrel will
hold it; put a hoard over the top and
weight it down with a stone to keep the
meai covereu nv tne onne. J h
e menr
will take up a portion of the brine at
tirst. and it must be refilled. In your
climate it may lie necessary to put the
meat in new brine in three or four
A correspondent give the following
jar or keg all around with salt'and
cope lor pacKing nutter: lint) your
sminkle a thin 1-vrer nf cnlr nrnr )
er of salt, and so on nntH tlm r-i.i ;
nearly full : make a brine stron- enough
- aavv ik.-V a
to hear
up an egg and tint on to the
depth of three or four inches. If vou
How to Detect Poison Itt.
The annoying casualty which confined
.indge oah Davis to a sick-room the
other dav inight have been avoided if tie
eminent jurist had paid as much atten-
- . r ,
is iwi ea-v oi rememnrance to oe over-
looked by any one who is enough in
ters of three and those of the latter in
fives, a? somebody has slighted in a
juvenile storv book, 'everv child should
"' w--ww .-, vaa--4-4. iun 44a 1.1U-
" -ivu lj uimcir uiuu luai t.viieulue-e
number agree thev can be bro
contact with perfect safetv.
spare our readers no little su
number agree they can be brought into
It mav
- ir rfcis i.iRt ;n m;n.i i; ..,:
TTffFi a - s.
October rambles in the fidds. Syraciie
- " - .-. a-s.-4. aa, uauu V4Lalll Liirii
rxnn topio.
Thi b Uh- farmer umh uhm.
t tmW0(- xrc UtIik: ta UMir irtr
r TCgeUW, UW. poffc. MRUrr,
SMpwM, ir , ajmI iarnMo r m(jtajf
the p-Utr fr tar mmmrr' bUv
.Marknc I oe of tfc W r, wlaVs
wvorr farmer d. k wwma4.
, ! tk i,t, "f :i 't- FJ.
lhet tnuir " 'hr "t" i ?" K e3
i M'1' rt " ,"al tw
twyer i :; u '4rt-H-t (ar Uw i
ittccr. A. n on. bHoi A Mt. r at-
in'fi are Ur iMMrH to ntL otwrk MuAt
i' F"iw, itthlM
. . t J
I k
, j ,l!I.lfH
mxhile-Hwa, juh! (tsi
If famNT
- 1 i . . : M .. . : .,
t w ""; -,f pwm-r ia.
ilo not alwsj - -
i io-i a4iaaHiv. ft U ItwHt oi
I thefa- hooetT, btu raUwr of Ucr ira-
i .... . ...
at U (MtK n(
raae l a m-nJial -tinitv Uk mar-
, j, cfc. H? kmft wbi lU j
jaaxMi ,s an,j x hai '.be atph i- wbrc
lUrTr n T,n-Jart'Hl wh,
' theri4 1 a .u..y ! fc, :lw. ,,,0,
. i- Jikelj to rvm ad wta v fall, awl
l-tiy ami m-II ax--nlingi . ofu-nikar.
1 ing more ia ooe Ur taaa U proJucrr
gnia-f mat hi -4tHtrr' m41 Tna,
the taaldb' maa l k- bea.U 1 --.
-ionolly trow bad dbc- aaJ at-4akH ta
Jis -alcnl-uion-, - that tin mlttlz
' ' IM1 " ,,a lj- 5r Hft Ke i.K fw.
vr W,,U-'J gie twore attratfcw lo uia'-
' Delias: thir Kvlace. Ia r4r to do
, H'-T B h " "'onsr tnrrrhimu,
I f,,r We Wieie fully ia cTert maa s-k-
' 111 w ai- inui'. inn tiiet tHultl -ttU
.w . ....
"''H "' t'"' WHJ' l taawHe-ioett
Jt ' diaibtlev-. trwf titat 1
j f 'a-titutkinai teiwJcmy for Uade, ami it
, T WKln w Ux P "" W tta
mVl "'"". a -r raer W
I ,,mk,,n- i"?'"1, "( , ?'
. IT'T1" "" "f' "-
11 . r 1 ... , M , - .
! l,M OI r'1'' -l-leiltlv t MlU--- ttl illr-
I own produee to the N-t ul.-ntMK'-. U
' mu-t al latv nKtrvK and drv-grxl
. - .
to a greater or les- eit ul tor hi- taaiily,
and x far i-, ne-e anh, a merchant.
XVe, tlierefore, may dofarm.Tsa --critce
by calling their at ten lion to the trick -we
mean jirin. ii.b of merehantv e
1 .
! nine
already alluded to mm --4ahinv-
' .1... .... . t .1. , . .,1. . . ... l .':
: w" - .- ...-v ....-. ..
ing or falling, and laiv- and il- eh
accoruiugii . The sat no - true of u-
' pl.'S potato-, and eierv oth.r uroiWu
pri-e iutTnt lit
1 Cine citV. Imt ill all tlie k-n-t! int-L-i-(vi
1 1 ..:.. .. " i...J'..r' :.V ' "T " ' '
.10.1 1 i.iiiii.ii- 111 iniiiiiHiH 11 11.11 n mAim
on a
arge -cjiIc. If jmtatiHS
rotting in one sectioM of the
"""-' '."w ""t.m .i"",in' r' .: k""r
.. ...... .....1 :.. .1 1. 1 . ...
I r ' W,,"n ' - , ' BlS
j ,,. jf i,-,o ,- .,t conl.ned lo -Hie
j town-hip. I he farmer Itniing a gyid
j crop of apples i- t.i apt t thiak that
, every one ele ha- the -aim-, and n -
, tract- to -el! under thi- impreion at
! too low a rate. thu. not milv dimint-h-
1 g la- own profit-
but damaging his
, leiiuw-pniiiuecr- ny c-laili-Jnng l.iw
' nrii-i-4. Mcr.-li-ilit. ur.i ...rurnl ....I 1..
1 . , . """"' r . '
' nun cacn otner s iirice, Knowing vrx
well that thi- practice reuct-to the dam
age of their own trade. I'urtucra mtiT
not intend to iiuder-eli each other, inn uo no, c.iimi-i logemer a-no nor-
chant-, and. each acting independently,
-ome one -elhng lgnorantly at Km b,w a
rate makes a pnc-dent which iMivei -
. 1 -
plead in their purchases for other-. If
A sells apple- at h' JMr bairel and I at
ii, the jince is far more likely to fall to
the latter figure than to ii-e t. the
former. If It 1m- only a few apple.- to
-ell, and does not umra care -it what
juice they go, he should haie -ome re
gard for A. wImi ha- a large orchard, on
which he is mainly dependent for an in
come. A little more consultation, and
co-ojM'ratioii in mirketing would In- of
great service to the farming community
It i-a principle with merchant-- ami
manufacturer- to giie their go.!- an at
tractive appearance. Dry-good- are
well starched and glo-scd. andgro-i-iie-are
done up in neat package-. F.irmii -should
learn a Ipsmui in thi- n-gard from
the manufacturer. If two tub-of butter
are taken to market from the .-.imc dai
ry and of the same quality, and one i
neiitly balled and ta-tefully .-tampi-d,
and the other is in uncomely roll-, t In
fancy balls will bring a fancy price,
while the untidy rolls can with difficul
ty be -old at any price. We haie heard
it said that the Star-butter i- no better
1 intrin-icallv than that of a hundred oth
er dairies that -ell- for a third as much,
and that it i- folly for the consumer to
pay so much for a -tamp; but if con
sumers prefer to pay tin- extra, then it
i- folly for farmer's not to put on the ,
stamp. Good look- go a great way in
-elling produce a- well a- in securing
mistiaml-. 1 he quality of the pp -duct
-hould Im the tirst nim. but -is a lu.-noi. :
ful woman mav be made to look m-- an arap of 71 to the county. The at
Iv hvanunheeoHiingdress, so --ood but- 'di-,-w IM' '', ehoiN amount- to
ter looks badly and sell- poorly w hen ' 4 1-"S:; I lt-r schi-ol jirojierty L-valued
thrust carcles-lv into a m-tv tin pail. ! nt ?"-' l-i'. ad her permanent H-ho-q
A little taste on the part
of the farmer
n-ir. T-.l.m.ll,' ,,-l.r... 1... .r.... ... ...uwl...
t'..- IVlllllllJ. inn II in- lV- !.. Kl'i. I
and it is not enough that this ta-te ,
should be manifest in his products. It ;
-hould be seen also in hi.- person ami !
equipage. A styli-h delivery wagon J
Tia- -old much goods for many a mer- ,
Another principle in marketing is to
sell when a thing is ready for u-e. if the
current price is any thing like a reason
able one. Most farm product-are of a
perishable nature, and to .-tore them
away ior mgn-T prices s generally a
losim- business Somer"m..s it nrtv Imt
.,.....:..... . :. rt- i....
. "--, . . ... I. - i
it is like a lottery in which there are'
many blanks to one prize. Tho-e who
stored their apples a year ago, saying .
they would never -ell apples for .--l pr
barrel, were compelled to sell in the !
sjiring for a very m.ill advance on this
priceT with a los's of some rotten ones,
and with no little lalwr in storing and
.sorting. At the harvest-time of any
product, buyers are Usually around ih
search of it, and the wise farmer strikes
when the iron is hot. With such an im
perishable product as wool, storage mtvy
sometimes be practiced with profit, but
we have known a farmer to refu-e 9o
cents a pound for his wool, hoping to
get .!, and afterward glad to sell it at
50 cents. Such a result makes one feel
ashamed of his bed-fellow when he
sleeps alone. Storage is almost always
accompanied with some Jo---. As cm!
merchants j)tit it. You can't pick up
a ton of coal where you have damped
The most important factor in market
ing produce is a reputation for furnl-h
ing a good article and dealing sqnardy.
If a purcha-er buys once and Is suited,
he is not only apt to Iniy again, but to
recommend "the goods to others, and
thu the sale makes the best -on of an
advertisement. .-Iter. Ibjdc, in tteS. Y.
Tisit lo a Pin Factory.
A correspondent of the New York
Evening Past thus describe- the myste
ries of pin-making :
The pin machine is one of the clo-fe-t :
approaches that mechanics have made
to the dexterity of the human hand. A
small machine, about the height and
size of 3 lady's sewing machine, only
stronger, stands before yon. On the
back a light belt descends f rom the long
shaft at the celling, that drives all the .
machines, ranged in rows on the floor.
On the left side of oar machine hang?
on a peg a. small reel of wire, that has
been straightened by running' thi ough a
componnd'svstem of small rollers. This
wire descends, and the end of "renters
the machine. It pulls it in and bites it
off by inches, incessantly. 140 bite- to a
little hammer, vith a concave fao, bits
the end of the wire three taps, and "up- j
mmuie- .iu-t a it seizes eacn bite, a
, tt l- Ur ttw- 3m .4ma.r tr.
t ! M ilr. llr-fr Im -v TWr-
r1 -r Utx nam J
It ' fW. tats? la vfc TV '-m
! K aWr unntrd t- tui ni tiw t
TVtHH a iea uHhsk
piau ml tW pa, sad a a n
"nam. atr md prmg.; m CutK
py " bk-- Lacataf " law :-
aey tMKM-Mf
4nypl in
aT krt h-r
.-.-. uiy bmt- uw i. s -
: nmto- i ma ojuit i -
thm vhnl r.iwrhu-tlv"
. - .
li h-- rUt tTrr rrlt mt-
ta .2ii irrMrt tvtnK -i
Aa.Jrr at.ia i(ti aH a U .
IWi-rtl,. us an ws dtfer-ot i-.v ..
. at ire ! an-rriajfh. wW a . a-
fi-r5r a- aavr.i tk 'if
fntn iii,ra n-inrStm - Lt.' .
pMWt svatue uf a wuciM aAtr :
p K- tb it. in mi im L-m-4 pl'J
fckrwjfli mtuty "sirtt M ike -
I'M at h nm m Um f-r l :-
tab Imn eiel t-:
-jfwna-ag tiW kmgta vi a nn. 1 t
llrw nim I he t4 u )-. r
hiiod-48l jtft v4 taV athle .-aub.
A irom a f tW -fc. it ft'
aaaiWoiie movrmeni t k lb-' n
uipum wn rrogua rMkr u
. .. -.
Cprr, from bt h tbry air t U- : k
tapar tlnirs in V-mtl'iirs ar I
tMjrta W aiivin tjcir- ia all -rt
wan euva-4at. Tbi- ban
-I -). r Mi-ala-tH aal tli
, ! '1 ltl IXM.
Tallin; hi
A -ieai nr mMbtn ba
tsieM m t-
brM.Fab.-r, a lroehaaa M lrk.l
wTHe-J if it in x Jtrwni tir ' ,.
tkat ii .a-t-ts a- ttKtlfi f tir pirt
a baHiaj( arraatc-iitHMt. an fpar.ntu-
fur unHluciag Niiit. act! mn
ing aptnaratus 'I he first
rent of air :hr-m--h ta- laryni !' -UtK
v aa ln r-l, the bgti f
aai' ! ! W varied within erUun '
its, mi as t 'a,,,e tw j., ..(
-Himl. (M fiarhl think- a ?? .f
mettiirsTitMti reet- wiKibl haie"Un :
tr ) The urtJrttlatfokg AfipomUt- 11 -ru
piWw a ,rt fue aeiMltieing vwweU. ai !
another Uk (stnuuttaot-. Tin Umi r
. ... ... .1.
"l" """ v "
pa-x-a-n of air thp,:.'
aiwrtariM of vnnmi form- in :
KtthracTa-'. wheliari-uiefK4iikv n', !
. the aa-k-of lb.- air -urrritt In
. t
' wW'h " oh, Ul a ith th-
ih.T. naal -ainds. tl-. ...m
, .nm,,.,, J, vff.-el ht wttl bv ie.s
f a .ik.tal leeri Tb i-vw-oiaiHt-an
,Hren by tier. hu- UH i icn
imiw to tho-e of lh- lip, the t-(a. ..'
iw. i,,.,.!. a a,k4.i .!.. ,.Mi... .
tj,.. 1: -..!. All tl . nl-e, m-.l .-
srJknm a, .Mll n HUhm ,x j j-,, H
" . . '
are mgentoii-ui
aragel m a- 10 -him
to act, with tiita!de intenxitv ami
SrViper order, t'-e -"oi- meant : j
u-e A syitrihla. Fourteen key n -
ii i- IM I' -W- ' ! I ilJ 1'HI' r- - - -
rv ker uU,. e,, ,an tn,. ,hanu'.-r.-
,;,. "uant-from -tnmg to weak,,-
,- .km-aking of the machine i n
1 ,-;!, ,.l...t1.-.J mut .un ,.r(. t . . r
"-'i-ia-'tiFr--"i ri i . --
1 tain sound- produce a better effnt tlnri
, uiuers; still, in gtmrl. one can
jirehend the words and uhrHik
UiMtneid he ni.whine i Intere-tin
a showtag distitMtly tie met hani-iti
' fonat'oti. which luis lnen thu- r. jt
lined artifu tally , and tHtrefor.i ..(, v
ab-oltiti ' the I iw - of :w nuti- .
Contimptlon Cnred.
Att oM phti-iriti, rcf!rel from practlre,
harlas hail j''icil i-i tii!j hr an Fat
Iixlta ints-toiiarT the fonnula of a pimple
Tpcctaltlc rcinclv I ir the f jH't-ly atnl rtr
mane nt cure for Cottitn-'i.m. Hr-rr' !',
Catarrh. At!iiu.i, and a. I lliroat and I.utij;
Affertl"ti, alo a jf.tlve au-1 ra-hal cure
for Nerrou Iltrbtlltr anil all Ncrroas or
pltdnt after Iikthi tcel its nomlrrtnl
curative rorr in tlMt-aiul? nf can, 1 xs
felt it lil duty to make It known lo his
aullerfitk? fellow. Actuated bv thl innUre
and a drlrc to rrliere human ea.Terlri. I
will fend free of charge t all who dcire tt,
this rocljie. In (Scnnaa, Frem-h. or Knsl.fh,
with fall direction! for jireiarln; and c
laz Fcnt iij mail br a'Mreutnz with
tamn, namlnc this apcr, W. V fciiKi;u,
U'J iVvyrj nick, llnUr, S. Y.
.Srllln-; 011 II.
Otrti .tlrrlt.
.v iit. Mi- . -Tt-mt'r. 1TX
New 1 irlnn. Iji.
i.,:t ,nn Hariris S..1.1 l..'it sr.j f
1 "W:'hoft' Frrer ar..l c- TVuJr th '-n
. itli...i. aar abrrti--tte matter liati-e'-.
"m-l like to lun-i
''" r tn-u?r.
i like to liave m tvml mm- mmo ot mur
I Iit warrAMW-lererr ' l an ! a-ar iierer
hail i)M ri-iurm-il A"iir. ri ;rifiH.
J.l!4L II. 'lIJJ.M. Il-Tj.-- t
.m-onri ha- -.l',J2 -chooI-hoii-4. or
UltHl l ?.-' VM.SO. She ha VJ col and minarie-. file Normal
schoils. and she spend- annually ...
I".,I.I(is..Vi to pay anil maintain an ar
my of teachers numbering 1 1 ,gC
Dr. PiEncc- Exthict or ifi.irr-U"Eru
1 a comr-wml tSuld i-xtrac; of msrt-weeL or
water I--I'IT. Jamaira Ufuterr ami oltwr !n- '
rre-lk-n:.-Km-n to !m-ethce-i-u in f-tirrj
cm.lir. .-Urrljiira. djwaterT, LMi.lux. t 1
kjudre.1 a.j. -, m. " It aj hrrak vy rub,
fenr and iiiSjtninatorj atuckn. s,,j.l hj i
- The First African Hapti-st Church of I
,.,., , ,. . o .-v ,
liicnmonu. a., mis ...-v' iiienu-r-.
Tl.rt 9tittw tlw. I..,- 7 II ttf.lin.. ,e-i -
.' "- i'--" " --" " ..".-.. - (
lormerly a
Corn i
and a half ;
it eight
cent- a bushel in (jumcy. rln.
Iont u- anv hut C. (JiHiert'- tarch-
Chew Jackson'- I-: ?weet Xavy Tola-co.
C 171) A WEEK 1 12 a dr at home -allT ma. Ie.
ltcrolTrrta. Illntr-itpd rataltrce
In. Grral Wrm Oaa Worts. Ift-xur-.
a Tear. Osr .A rTtt malce it. Sew
GoudM. CO&TONQZkOX.K.Iia-a.Ia.
c 1 r rvjsTTsr. orrrrr for n. arrtJiAr
0 1 J Amateur Maaal'z Co.. CexeUail O
DIP PAY tn Areata 'or Gtinn Xewnt
KJIU TxmUj fTuildan- J W. UXMSH, Si. Lxx!a.M
C , ton r-,laTa:h'i
J U -iU "" ',in
SnywtO: pnrttud.K
A YEAR eajj
made ia each
aatsra a-v! aensta
aUdl J. B.
Ml k
Jiaciaec. H-
CHI WJL1. &eJairMw-i!-iniT
tm m t. .uk k.. r-rr7 k.kkikC. f CkW. vu
.kXkl Wi.kkr.rnkt. tArr.K-k?l.-l4'rkk.
tk.WXk-k-.Cf IU Ik I.Ut :-tU.-rtlfv,II.
tkk- k.v . -.a,krT.w4 : lUf I'V' Tk
kwss.a a eol. i. utuf, r-rk. ji.t -i XI.
pnp-rty. -Tor pantca-xrs 0rm i wat riss C -l
Hqgf at Pr"-rA.nlaaa. 201 y -ch 5? sitiijn.
To tv -
, thai a -
tcea 2.'
i eojy:la
.tiw..'m ft -rkj-r 4rmmT?K it nf ri. rms.i
0 TJl
AmmZmmWw kWY" afB
VflrPi Si
t .--.' -: V..
t I I . I
ft i. SI'
:t m w oK. ..
I CTK 10lt kill I 1 - --.fc,
.- J- -' T,
lii.k-i-iiiiiiu.N 1. rixv. v.
vtM r j-aik
Tfiss iikr
ty i-e. .-rt
U fa ! IV l UI mm
ran fcJ Vj fc Wttt j. JB'
k; Mit ta I ar- . trllM
t ta. o ta at a. . rin, rrt t u.
""-J "I "'IS .
1 ? - - . ..rL .
CgiUba TmvTcZ Cfc'w. H.
115. 20. t23.
t-3 t3 i 4
C ki'1,1 f-rt-' k
uuiiii t Ri run
1 101 it .
e k j r ..
It LIU- 1 It I 1 I
i v
1 s.
a t
Best and Fastest Selling
1IS k I I-I
HI , A S
kll4l IMMI
IH.r I .1
HI. . '
,- 1.. 4 i k ' ,-; - 11.
k ! S St SI --
.1, 4. I..r W. -m h
.-...-, k f4lkT
Ii,m ni j h k .- . I- f -.T
n,r n-4 . A A J 1. iil . kaUi
t iw gtkkk -i ii l-U:i li.uli 4 ki -., .. 1
tj ni(iilv la W. t M4Mt Mlf l-"
I'll., !.. k--. rrtlM Mkl - ' .-
!' is e t ti-i -tiir- fi.i 'H. i
t .'" 11A.I-V f I itim
iiIm ttoa itoRiti-r ru litur UOrk
l kfl!rf rnnmr
k-.lcr"f.k-f r- ln3kfv
niitTinu js am
UHU I lun ,.. r"-
trrif- " 'I t.WM t, I U I 4 11"
f J t M rft -" mrt Su III .. -W
If Inu -U . I n- III I V
k.l k
l7-uf Hit KK IktUx klkl Aftlikik , ITUkJk.,
New Operas!
ctr l; ?jt f7'i
t 1 -
or mui-
t. ,u ii :
t H.. -t ' a' '
f 1 ' k - t r
' k US'" ' l' - i .--! k-
U "ri En frt n xZ
Urn k " l i. t '
I 1. lit t
r dtinitzd OPT- .T" ,r'
-' ' l,fl D ! I ll HI - I' " . 1
Urs ' Vt I .. a -' f . -.,l
Uitn"ral3r--I7 ownjK", 1 a I- ftV.
Doctor of Alcantara.
117 n i,f-: It .vt
A Ur pT. P"-. lT' tgt, tf HklUr ;tK,
tl.ln Um- rpkcfc of aik (relx-tril prta. 1 1 a.
Bells of Corneville.
Ill llaw-.tx-tv ikmi! rf-1f : '
A rrkt urrm. IU-. !U tfc "
kWI v
hi t-',-
"arTT III.O . "Ul "
pl' bo h. TcU'.l ItOkf r. Mill k
lo iHrntl an4 wtlo ur InuUtiS out tut b
Jvrormt-T oar SntTlvw Slort-1 -Anl kfkt Cl. 1
Tints olr of rUI. cb-l Tl Tt !!.
eci IB'rrrlif II " ' Sm -JtM
AJmalvar innnnW U. Jtn.lwl M.-r.l. ..e
ILM-I my j It r fan .f jt k. V wm-rkl
Dtjrvrv stk e or 7 pw ot masit trt aft4 ru
fcui taw rrr rar
c n. iiiiMB tt Co..
M2nroJat..V T.
jr. r. nit.on a r
922 lketalit.. I'alU.
A Narroiring Zone.
In prokrtn a tin- rUl ; Ukwotaz
Iv KirUSc. jrlMU har -Jereloii aW
to cup? uesfullT vith drffleaHJn -rirrWo
lj conkl'rel The ernt -b-nrrl
tn nwxbnlr end eJj-rratrT. at-&u me
ami pbaW-ptiT bate w1U few rnr(.iK4H.
ben made by itm wh hav o-cUrid
their atoilr and cx;-rirrt rcry rlovi; ta
nrac praciMai jKunt J be prtiKllc a
?' - in commerrial or prttvil
ll.e. Ill' ZXlUr (il lllu-llM li nili.j. vfclrk
, k. . . . .. - . . tt. .
IttT are Bate ! roniMered iocmr,
within ike Ixri s:eaeraUR Ufb
Trjr seavktolj
narrvnea t; ii-p j, j,t war .: i..trattu.
na. injm ancient 'lay to terr rerut tiatti.
Leen cJad aaoc-c if hya4 inwun
powrr to conquer in lbt par-Jodir njuw.
Uos, hoeTer. we haTelsforrsatkHi tadkraiaa-;
taat tai Erll spirit rnatr aa '.jml a ohlMt,
nun fan a fco rcMkKjr II a poatlc dat r J
rcaVe tbat inltrtTnatvm ktxrra.
Ilarioz friend atSirted with falMat; 6. e
Krrared for tw of tiesa :Ur. -rTr- of a jifcr
ikiaa w htt wa o wond-rfaHT icr;al k
eons: liven that we wtfl. wfthit xymt.
teixX hu artdr to 1st MdXeTii.
Addre A. k .V IV x JjOL
tt -Lade fcvx. Pa.
So charge made for n-&iirr tie
UtttaaUabrf ars.
Uve-Stock Commission,
XvXrtrnrjrCZXSntDnjJC tt- and Tr
trrxQ trvszOj acrwrrrd. CarryZian' SHetifX.
UlkrraJ Aklrajk CalxTBauata.
iV ifui rrk- viu, rxa.'ir s.
. K. s. L.
rMiTiMm r mrmmr tnnn
pla w XAv Ar-rtim,1
trmprr. Armrtlmn Uttm tm km
a-ki aaMf - t4r Jrf !- t
w -a tkaaC
e rjxe3 f tat or ta!.c we d5re fc aar
e"a c-f rrrsrC 5 rrrcl, -in-cal nTcsesu kaa
c-r Uju i-rreraie aad tracU la i
i.s!B ai
--Jjaav j-aj,a
X l.I-klllli 0.A
For Chills and fCV
tain Qninlc. Ane-lcoryC S ,l
olltTl'onezot 4Tzsiyrrtx1 B
For Djipeptiia. Con L taI tv
tlpatloa,' '-' wa
Kick HadMhe. X r :" i,(l
... y wk' fcTer'" - K'a
s$Stir' TtoataLtti a' u .?
m yi'i "I ladert It Aik your
IVt 1 T f llLLti.. Pr?rKln,
LAt. 1.111 ... nii.afat
Tt.eai e - - f r:c- actca. Jx watch Jt tr
traci-rarJ .ar t.. eie-gT ar.J ftira. --wer or
re-.r, Ii a. rir ' 'rrrii vt '! r-tfjwi U
rapri r tc icp. tie t. i it; . ? .-$...
x uess"Ji lr- lwrs-at " k. . e rhr
J -eaij.t tcorwa m smx'Jvu tkriktccsa j-
ti re-uSJ.UieT4reaI' 4e49rt k
I: icsi trwertrirenrta j-e&eratetf -rtuts tae rrttcwi,
r" - me - ie star prtKtKXe bsi csaaoc iTea -ccj-l
ia Terjr Ls-utcrf tJc?ree-
Ttu Te-a rf trestzesi has yrzn wirm-t'.- f -
cerfnl fa earsg HeZrmtror- XnUrrrfim- .
iSOT tiseCterxa.rFet3at WeaLrrM.'sJ' - -- -jf
I'ira Ttu, yecjtlcia. twlsr. Toi3r. s'3 ' .
-t-rT"c Deiiih?, SeepSeM'-.CM. ast st UactciS
AC csw cf OMtJpaUea pr3jiar rJ-t J- a
xerr I err zt ; ,.csi t--.4. ai UK re-slt i pertasaca- K
pa:-t trbne-ut it ti tea ntscieata Umh iravak
t tiTe iJu tres5i appld. Tfce- aTpteaJV- rj
aTr-jTk.s i'ft K-aeb.eexjosaiKe. fctac aiwari
tirrofjii tte r j tf.ras. Lalr pauect fe4 bris;
ttfc a Jnoe -wrapper." er -nM-raiax-s-"1- wl
aasp f'r paipaJt entiiJed -Mjea aj a UeaooataX
Jlf-TL.- Atel. lVoeI.D'a DI51-X54AXT UXVICXU
.VaaXAT:oy, CSSL-O, X,
- ??ij
- Indian Blood Syrup.
t wv T nv
77 W. 3i St., Ntv Ytrk City.
r. . '
The Bet Reaedy Kw-a 1 Xul
r fw- i .
. as a.4i ft-MBw Ii of
taniMOt - i)MtM Javn a ft
tf a-4a4. lfc-a fr way - awA .n -
-fcW4 - a-piiai yai.w t.a-iari., ajay a-a1-
Ii iwiajn I w 4k-. "-a immm "rbv fr -
aW 'aj W fca aa-4
to ,
k I- .-SI t4 k --
Wakanclkl. tae itodiaia' Man.
,ltk tkk MM .J' W -
ku kj ni kk ml i Mkl
ktttMk kil' -.! kl K..k
". Wllil.
II ..l. .r. " IJkr
II . M)Mk t IMm..
Il I.Skl l !!. Ik.
tMlll l Ml.4
itli.l. Il S..Mk k-!t.Mk.
.,W.W.k Illk-IM
l -4 latlr
I fc'
It r.oiM mn i mim ,... a.. MkM
na.n. IU -r. m( lis .kiln, ! I-
lain ls.lil, r.t.f.-k
It n-n(r4M. t - i l
MhoI nh crrtw J ' -
it klM 4kkt -
M kin It- V fcf k - -- s-
Edxin Eistaua la Isdiaa CoHnraa.
-.f tiO tflrTUM il t m tk
Aro'HM. A t4 ltk f if- !. '
UmJ ttUrm'ttt -c - I- '
pj xh ! !" -- - i. iMia
wtWp ri l " r -r M
I1h l
Tfc t'.u - wkH
sVirnir.4 (-1 i -
Ml bta i I - k. t4 1- t
- i- l -r -4 - fckkf1
l-vi.. 4. tr n . - - iii kMnn
BM .. . ;- - . nk aA nm i. ti im
kkk-BCJblnt Wrl? -k .
Or. ClnrV Johnaon'o
Prlc( Lr tilc . . $L0
Prlcn of Baab itcHi - - Q
!k! M -li fc ..- nt mr nn .
lniiH -T ' - I or r 3vfMMk tWkS
lkJ ir .-- - V
Uw CsapiaiBL
rrrr l-wrr Ctetdn 0-if , 1..
ftmfStr-l mm k,-r- IM Ok-ajkj
98tt rmkr. -u4 k trt-4 kH ta. tf i i. Wl
fMCkl - rHf -anlki I iiimi'i'l viut Tmt Wmi -ii
mLI ln4la atl4 jm-i,
i rakk in
ur Mrrta.
Diseag ef tie Heart.
Ol nrr. SwaMU CKr. ..-. !?
tmrtr .iw- TW l V Tr tfcaU fr ImI
Blw4 my m p lua -." Ht1 !'.
til tjr ra Ul riC I M tmtl
A. CCfcOOaVl-
A Gobi Faaili MsIklK.
frrrrn. Jrmrxt 0M.i. .
trr fitr t tia tjk-! JW InAXmm H4 ;r
mp J eoi wbn I ttmmimi . Ja tn
fair'tr -
wat iixm.
Always a.Sare-BeEpij.
tmrrrff Wk tsk kb XSI tf jmmt -!
Blnwi njrmr, ukt .J iiiij
aar ramli. J b-a l!toti ttr . tm al'
tmrf t J t aS r& w-mUwt tm4m
MtmA njrrmp Ur tr-.W Htm, atkl nut
KrZ K M k lnC-laCi !; IS KAl4 ! ow-4 r
EMsatua Cirei
Sei5. KioO-orx .V!.ltirsii ir.
rw-jfir-Ils! Eiaiaw-t'Tn -.-. tA.W
IXiutm. ami4ntt fr-XrxtJ km trr Ms te ox
t4x il -. amtZ & alsarae VS I -rf-i.J.
1 mxl irprZ V iTJJa t m4lmm K4 .
tMiSlaiFS-; torn rfitaUlj at I -nw -( Bk
r tcsaa. X tt0tiUtl wrmauormA tt1 3 mm matt
t-r-tii 2i E2na-aCia-i, a br -Bywli. lmm)t
4. w. rrxxrsx.
Curs Driisj.
trr 3ir-J 2SZ Cl mZmr-4 mxu Itrs!T. .
sl a rt o9j r tawT f e irtBri i C a
rwlrmf TValrOwfe Sn-C a-g tMIx kjrar tnrs jwar jhciaetAMui- ar..t-
M-k !it wf-'7 ear-ki Ivr. I wjljcvt Jr. a aar-i
nl-kkU i- - aiirl C-.'Tl so faral?? titmHi KV
Ls3 tf AfsetHi?. .,
Cxrrz. faSae Cocser, S-fe. Jawr t. 1TX
Sti tkman !r v Sz; yxar funllaa
;iia mi;
- .
- wf J
atf I a k S
tM.I UUrf .
l - Mvk - lis
! .; 1 - V ' " HM .-" 1 -Hi W
ni r ii. r w .
W M. V - oa4 . rf n aim . mi.iu.
MnaWialM In tiM Ta.M W . ' III,
MkM ikk. t-al lk iiikkmi J t. 1 kn an
tm ! .- r-a
ff ...k w k. trttl. flM. k w
fc. kn.k' ''. ..i. l l 1 1 1 1
k 1 1 M k itii
3 a ,,. k" e
s. "-isk - "