I -wp-. I THE CHIEF. LOCAL MATTERS. A i;ooJ rain Tuesday night. A little rain last Monday night. ( J real bargains in hats atMrn.Lutz'5. Uring your job work to the Ciiikf ofljec. Ladies' Cloaks ju&t received at Mrs. Lulz'g. Ked Cloud is enjoying a substantial growth. Velvet turban hats, real beauties, at Mrs. Luiz's. A hcsh fctock or fancy candies at G. W. Dow's. J I 3 There is not a vacant hotiso of any kind in Rod Cloud. The Omaha Bee traveling man gave us a call last Friday. Hats cheaper than was ever known before at Mm Lute's. The celebrated Whitebrcast coal for talc by J ones & Magcc. This j-cems to have been a good year for independent candidates. Call at .Tone." it Magcc'd lumberyard for your hard and fceft coal. Another large lot of boots and shoes just received at Uuclc Sam's. Nearly the entire independent ticket was elected in Adams county. Work is piopreFhing rapidly on the railroad west of Kranklin county. Subscribe for the Chief, tho only religious newspaper in the valley. Nkbkaska went Republican at the last election by a handsomo majority. Silk.", satins, velvets, plushes, for hat and drcs-s trimmings at Mra. Lulz's. A choice brand of five cent cipars for pale at co.t by the box, at G. W. Dow's. Will Slinchcomb was married to Miss Guinnic Ntligh of Omaha last Thursday. Uoby proposes to fit up the upper part of his itore to bo occupied aa an of fice. Uncle Sam has just received a largo lot of ciockciy which he is telling at bottom prices. Those who held their breath before election can now pursue the even tenor of their ways. Mrs. Lutz can furnish you with hats, cloakp, jewelry, and all the finery to ma'ic you look nice. We have ordered a cut especially for pale bills, something new, come in and get 'cm printed. A dozen new subscribers in tho last week, to the olde-t and best paper in IVcbstur county. Tiikkk was two serious disasters at sea last week occasioned by collisions, and many lives were lost. The Truth-Teller. Mr. C. Borin's new paper, 1? likely to be hucd for libel by a young lady. Too bad. There is a good demand for rooms in tills town Tor offices, and there are none to supply tho demand. M. It. licntley displays a nobby sign on the corner of C. H. Potior a building, which says "Money to Loan." Last Monday was a day that remind ed us of certain seasons in tho year in the east. A heavy fog prevailed all day. The Kev. Mr. Haigh, of Chicago, preached to a large and attentive congre gation at the Court House last Sabbath. Never mho: we have been in the printing businej-s have we been so crowd ed with job work as iu the last few weeks. Mr. Aultz has sold his bakery and rcaurant to Mr. Thomas Norris who will conduet the busiucss here after. The band boys went out the evening after the returns were received from the election and serenaded the successful can didates. Major 11f.no, of the Seventh cavalry, lias again been courtuiartiald and will in all probability be dismissed from the Ecrvice. Hon. A. S. Paddock, of Rcatrice, pent a day in Red Cloud last week. He didn't favor the Ciiief with his august (?) presence. Wc call attention to the advertise ment of I?. Newhoue, in this issue of the Ciiikf. and would advise all to give the now firm a trial. -Election is over and still blaaks of nil kinds are for sale at the Chief office for just as little money as they can be 1 ad for in Lincoln. Jones & Magee have put in a pair of Fcalcs at their lumber office and are now prepared to weigh out hard or soft coal to all who want it. Spelling I ees among the schools are new in order, as is also "husking bees" in various happy families, leastwise we get numerous cigars. The hack which runs for one of the restaurants to and from the depot, upset last Tuesday night and spilled the occu pants by the roadside. Mr. Chas. Sharp who has been slop ping at the Valley House some time., died last Monday night and was buried by the Odd Fellows yesterday. You who want to subscribe for papers and magazines for the coming year, cither for yourself or for presents to others.rcad the prospectuses in this issue. We are happy now because we have the assurance that the new overseer of the poor will be kind to tho;c under hi charge. We like to be treated well. The ground is now in splendid con dition for fall plowing.and the opportuni ty will be improved by Weoster county farmers if it don't turn cold and freeze up. Ruf. Micksch was overjoyed last week and perambulated the streets with a box of cigars under his arm, and all because lie had become the delighted parent of a ten pound girl baby. Joe Carr'fi billiard hall presents a better appearanee since Mr. Jas. Harvey has finished decorating the interior. The work shows that it was done by a master Jiand at the business. A little unpleasantness occurred up near Cathcrton one day last week in which revolvers were drawn and tbrcaU nude but no ferious damage done. II. S. Kalcy and 0. C. Case went up to adjust the difficulty. e have received a few moro of thocc excellent hoism bonks. They go off like hot cakes and wc would advice thoM: who hare tpoke for a copy to call early. They can be had only at the ClilKF office for Jr cent. That traveling fraud, Geo. Pardy, who it will bo remembered tried to show in Red Cloud miuc time ago, has been to Kri.-a and in beard from. The entire press of the country unite in advertising him as a fraud, a fiwindler and a dead beat. Mitchell &, Morhart aro on the jump all the time filling orders for cook novo- at d heaters, and this reminds us that they have on hand the largcat Mock of stovei and tinware ever brought to Red Cloud. Call and sue their stock and get prices before you purchase. Do not nut ofi for to-morrow what you can do to-day, but go at once to Put nam's store and buy a supply of flour, canned fruits, dried fruits and everything that you need, while you can get them cheap. Don't be afraid of baying more than you can carry home, for he will save you this trouble by delivering the goods at your door. Miner HroF. have filled their jlore with goods of almost every kind needed in this world, and as they do business for cash, they have no bad d:bts to mourn over, and consequently are always on hand to wait upon their customers and sell goods at the lowest figures. They carry a clean, new and fresh stock of everything and have no shop worn or musty goods or anj kind. It will payyou to call at their f tote when you come to town. Harried. Abssoh TIoicojir At tho rtrMenco of the lriJV mother. Scott i .0.. vu Tuaxliijr. N-ivcm-brrlllh. 1S7!. ltsv. 'La.. Kcillv officiating, .Mr. Antony Ariixm t M?a Jarj K. llolcoiilb. all of M"ebtT couuty, Ncbr- .n. The Ciiikf acknowledges the receipt of a liberal share of the wedding cake, and though the parties just united in the sacred bonds of matrimony are personally strangers to us, yet we hope wo may be pardoned for wishing the happy couple a'l the felicity that can reasonably- be crowded into a long and prosperous life. The Red Cloud flouring mills aro tak ing the right course to secure for them selves a name for good flour by shipping their poorer grade of toll wheat and buy ing in the best class of milling wheat the country affords. Farmers having good, bright, plump wheat, will do well to try the market at the mills before selling to shippers. The winter wheat flour from these mills is acknowledged by all to'take the rag" off everything offered in this market, Just think of it 1 How many say that they arc too poor to take a paper when it costs only about four cents a week, and will savoyou more than ten times its cost during a year. You think nothing of spending a nicklo for a cigar or glass of beer, which does you or your family no good, and you spend during the year many times as much thus foolishly, as would keep your family fcupplied with in structive and entertaining reading matter and keep yourself posted on what is going on in tho world. We call tho attention of our readers to the advertisement in this issue of the Ciiikf, of the"Family" Sewing Maohine. While we do not profess to be a judge of sewing machines we havo a very good opinion of this company, based upon the fict that they do not ak a publisher to do their advertising and then pay them in worthless due hills, but thoy pay the same rates as our homo business men for their ads., an4 pay it in cash, hence we think they aro a safe firm to intrust with your orders for sewing machine". "Wc had the pleasure of attending the concert given bj' tho Towno family las night. The house was crowded and a general good timo was enjoyed by every body. Directly after the concert a mar" riage ceremony took place, in which Mr. Edwin C. Hawley, a rising young attor ney of Red Cloud, and the beautiful and accomplished Miss Oriva M. Towne were united in the bonds of matrimony. The bride was tastefully dressed foi the occa sion, and the ceremony was impressively performed by Judge Willcox. Owinr to nur limited time and snace anj conipelle,i t0 make but a ell0rl no. tice of he affair, and will close by hoping that the happy couple may have a pleas ant journoy down the pathway of life and that no cloud of adversity may dark en their pathway. Programme of the Webster county Teachers' Association to be held at Red Cloud, Saturlay, November 15th, 1S79, commencing at 10 o'clock a, m. Arithmetic, A. L. Funk. Grammar, A. A. Pope. Physiolocy, C. W. Springer. U. S. History, A. L. Burton; Spelling, H. Hampton. Essays, Miss Brown, J. M. Pryse, Jr. Declamation, Dean Smithe. Select Reading, C. W. Springer, Mies Cannie Beal and A. L. Funk. Lecture in evening. CoMMrrrEE. The following are the list of ques tionsuscd at the teachers' examination of October 4th, 1S79, for which Mr. Pope was sa bitterly attacked. GEOGRAHPY. 1. What is the principal sea port of England? Japan? United States? '2. Write a description of Nebraska using the following topics, a Boundaries; b surface; c soil; d climate; e productions; f cities; g railroads. 3. How are clouds formed? 4. DeGnte latitude? Longitude? 5. What is the horizon? C. What is a river system? 7. Name the four general and four special production of the United States, naming the state in which each special production is raised. 8. In what zone is Iceland? What can you say of religion, education and habits of its psonlc. and of the nhvsical features of the ccuutrx? Marblthead lime constantly on hind and for eale at Jones t Magcc'a lumber yard. MONEY TO LOAN at 10 per ccnL no Commissions Apply to I). S. Coomus, at the Court Hoae, Red Cloud, Neb. 14 Don't you forget that Morris it Wcnt veer have the largest ttock of lamps, lamp flue. and fixture in the Republican valley. Red Cloud D.ug Store, two doors wcat of Boya' Home. J4-2 We would adrue all the firmer who are able to do co to bold their eurplus corn for a better market in the erring, as it will doubtless bring 60 cent a bushel before the aext crop is grown. Programme for tLc Sunday School Convention to beheld at Red Cloud, Neb., November 'J'Jth and 30th, 1S79. bATL'KDAY, 2 1. M. J. Devotional cxercUes, Rev. Dixon. 2. Opehiug address, Why i came, N. D. Hillis and Dr. J. Ji Smith. 3. Chief difficulties iu teaching, Mrs. Geo. Beut. 4. How to introduce a lewon, C. W. Springer. 5. Teachers' work and influence, Miss S. Brown and Mrs. Real. EVENING. 1. Devotional exercises; Rev. Geo. 0. Bent. 2. Relish for and methods of Bible reading, Rev. J3. Pryse, Mr. A. B. Pierce, I. Frisbio and others. 2. Question box. SUNDAY, 10 A. M. 1. Durational exercises. Rev. G. 0. Yeiicr. 2. Elements of a good superintendent, opened by S. Perkins. 3. Art of illustration how and where to procure them, J. Q. Potter and N. D. Hillis. 4. Common mistake in teaching, Mrs. Setoll and Miss Laura Dixon. 5. Teachers' personal and spiritual work, A. L. Mitchell and Mrs. Howard 6. Sample blackboarding, Jas. Pryse and N. D. Hillis. DINNER (Lunch in court room.) 1. 2 P.M. Devotional exercises, Kv. Chas. Reilly. 2. Children's meeting, conducted by N. D. Hillis. Addresses by Mrs. M. P. Bent, A. L. Funk and others. 3. Grumblers' hour. 1. At ministers. I. At superintendents. 31. At teachers. 4. How to prepare my lesson, D. B. Spanoglo and MUt Millio Smith. 5. Through the eye to the heart, Rev. Mr. G. Birr. Question box. YOUNG PEOPLE'S MEETING. EVENING 7 P. M. Opcniug cxercihcs, J. Q. Potter. 1. 2. Es-ays, Misses Mary Kcilly, Mat tie Frinbic and others. 3. Bible reading, conducted by A. L. Funk. 4. Five minute speeches, Messrs A. B. Pierce, Chas. Kaley, A. A. Pope. D. B. Spanoglo, Rev. Mr. Barr, Dr. Smith, Mr. Otis, N. D. Hillij and others. Mr. N. I). Hillis, missionary of Ameri can S. S. Union, and other workers of Frauklin county will be present. All Sunday schools in Wccster county are re quested to attend tho convention, bring ing pencil, note book aud Gospel hymns, No. 1. Pauss, PoaJer and ?oru:e 1 1 The invention of that superior and com plete sewing machine (thc"FaraiIy"Sew ing machiuc), marks one of the most im portant eras in the history of machinery, aud when we consider its great usefulness and extremely low price ($25), it Js very difficult to conceive of any invention for domestic use of more or even equal iui portauco to families. It has great capaci ty for work; beautiful, smooth and quiet movement, rapid execution, certainty and delightful ease of operation, that at once commend it above all others. The work ing parts are all steel, strong and durable, and will last a life timo; the bobbins hold 100 yards of thread; the stitch is the firm est of all stiches made, neat and regular, nnd can be regulated in a moment to sew stitches from an inch in length on coarse material dewn to the finest, so infinite.-i-inal us to be hardly discornable with the naked eye, and with a rapidity rendering it impossible to count them as fist as made; it has more attachments than any other, and it does to perfection all kinds ofheavy, coar.-e. plain, fine, or fancy needle work with case, and far less labor than required on other machines. It needs no commct'dition, the rapid sales, iucreasinz demaud, and voluntary encom iums from the press, aud the thousands of families who use them, amply tes;if to their undoubted worth as a standard and reliablo house necessity, extending its popularity each day. Machines sent anywhere to be examined before any mon is p id. Agents Wanted by the Com pany. Address them for information. FAMILY SEW INi J MACHINE CO., 7 14-ly 755 Buoawat, New Yoric i - - m ....... Chattel mortgage blanks for sale at this office. EST2AY N0TIC2. Taken up by the subscriber on his en closed land in the southwest K section 21, town 2, range II, Red Cloud precinct. Webster county, Nebraska, on the 1st day of Noveml er, A. D. 1S79, one year ling heifer, white in color with tips of ears red. Van Benson November 6th, 1870. 14-13 The People's Brick Yard. Mr. W.H. Ludiow is now prepared to furnish briok to all parties who want them at a reasonable price, from his brickyard iust north of town. His brick are made from the native clay as it is dug from the bauk, no sand or clay is added, and they are of better quality than any heretofore made in this country, and are fully equal to suy made in the state. 3in3 Blank leases for sale at tho Chief oifice. Pitted Cherries, a very nice article, for sale at Roby.'s. BOO:S A!,3 SHOSS At John G. Pottei's for everybody who has the spondulix to pay the very low price which he is now selling for. Don't fail io call and look at his goods in this line, as he keeps the very bet quali ty of hand made goods at prices to suit everybody. Still Ahead! LIDDY is selliag Shoes at prices that will astonish you. Call and see them, tf NCTICS TC TiACHSSS. Notice is hereby jriven. that I will examine all person who mar desire tu offer themtelre as candidates for teAcheis of the primary or common ;chocl of Wclwter county, at Kci Cloud on the first Saturday of each month at ; aiue ; 'clock a. c sharp. 1 JL A. ro?z. Co.. Spt. ZZ'tZlLZZZ I For fair and wjuarc dealing you will find it to your advantage to trdr with tf. LIDDY. ?C2 SALS. 7 esilr ctsei cf S:cr:, Vs'JLzzs. "Wall paper, TrxiZTT-zhiiiz;. lit. A!;3 a irai! paper triaser. rip!e-ra: asi xhrr ca::. 9tf u. s. irrinrr. Joho G. Potter has the largest r of ladie' go!., rcadv made clothin and everything in that line iu the county. and invites the public to ca'l and ex amine good and prices before purchair.c cUcwhcre,3 he feels ure he can ruit alL Teacher' contracts for sale at the CHIEF office at five cents each. All who dcire hedee plants will do well to onsult tha ur.drijrncd at Hat inc. Hedge plant thi fall at $2 2T pr 10W. Next M'rinc - w ,er luu0 13 4t J. ClIEHBV, Hasting, Neb. STATEMENT UNDER OATH. To Whom it May Concern: In the year 1S75 I treated with Kendall s Spa vin Cure a bone r-pavin of fevcral month growth, nearly half as larse as a hen' erg, and completely stopped the lame nes and removed the enlargement. I have worked the horse ever ."ince very hard since and he never ha? been lame, nor could I ever see and difference in the size of the hock joints sinco I treated him with Kendall s Spavin Cure. R. A. Gaines, Enosburgh Falls, Vt , Feb. 25. 2.S10. Sworn and subscribed to before me. this 25th day of February. A. D. 1&79, John G. Jennk, C. F. Goodman, Agent, Omaha, Ne-bra.-la. 3 tf. It is Usclc::. Trying to buy good? cheaper than LID DY will sell you is nlv timo apent to no purpose You can't do it. tf PB0VDT3 UP. We havo been supplied by tho Bloom ington land office with the necesarj blanks for mal inc applications for final proof, and will fill out and forward for those wvo wish us to do so, free of charge. Call at the ClIIEF office. CANVASSERS WANTED. Experienced canvcasors wanted for Webster and Franklin counties. Rare chance to make mouev. Small capital only required. G. A. Bkown, 12 Red Cloud. Candies of all kinds, very nice, at Roby's. lltf Bills of sale nnd fifty other blanks for sale at the Chief cfEco at eastern prices. Teachers Contracts. Teachers Contracts can be had by calling on me or by calling at the Chief office, Red Cloud Neb. A. A. Pope. Co. Supt. All blanks used by juMices of the peace are for halo at the Chief office, at Lincoln prices. Brick! Brick!! Brick!!! Burton's have just burned a kiln of about 100,000 brick at their yard on the creek just nurthcat-t of town. These brick are oftljc best quality and will be sold at the lowest market price. Call at their yard when you are in nted of brick aud be convinced that it will be to your interest to deal with them. 'J-21 Blank warrautec deeds for sale at the Chief office. Cigars, the best brands, five and ten cents, at Roby's. Town plats for sale at the Chief of fice. HZHEM32E You can Sayc Money by buying your poods fro ill JI1)I)Y Agents Wanted ! The ?few Style 'FAMILY," SEWING $25 SI! bBB THE USUAL $65 Machine Reduced to $25 W - CO pa pa act pa Pa ess P3 P-. T3 c-o CO The Cheapest and Best in the Wsrld ! Tco Lcsg in Use to Zczti its Superior llcritr. NO MONEY TO ?AY TTIL 3IACHHTS ISDSLITSEDTOYOU AND AHIK1D. It make; thoshuUle.double-thre.ad.Iock-titch ttneramc on 00m iiiie. 01 iuo worK. wincu re cirrd the hiphot award at the I'entennial K hibition. Philadelphia. I'd., in !S7i. And i com plete with a L.irL-r Apartment of Attnchuicnt. t r lino work than aDr other mach nc. and ltc duec'l to only 52i. It i an e.wyand plcajant machine to operate, reqniroi the least care, proJucs every vnriety of work, and will i.ut until the nest century bcin Stron?. Ssuitde. Itapid and Efficient. Use it once, and yoa will umj no other. The money cheerfully refunded if it will notOntwurk and Onll.-ut iny ruvhinc at d uble the price. Agent ell them faster than any other in con seouence of their being "the Hut and thcLowet Price." Ea-h machino thorouch'y warranted wsth written guarantee for Sve years. Kopt inonier Free of C'harcc: money refunded at once it not jati'faetory. It is the moil olid. reliable and Fati..rctory machtac ever invcatcl for all kinds of family work. It is an acknowledecd uneiui vocal me chanical success, thoroughly tested, aud uod in tb.iU tnds of ho e. An efSciant. .-ilcnt. ra;.i i. reliable, and ever-ready helper to tho weary wife or eauitrcsf. it will do the work of a family for a life-time, or it will earn Irooi $4 to$. per day for any one who wi?he to -w for a living. Thi machiaeco.n lesi than Half the Price of any atw machines of likeqna'ity. Hju extra Ions, larce sized 5 huttlo. easily remuved. Extra large-fizcd llobbins. holding UO yards ot threul. doin; a-y with the frciacnt rewindins of bobbin. It is built tor strenzth and contaut hard work. In terchangeable workiDS parts, manufaoturcl of fine polisbeJ tecl. Will run for years without repairs: is sirap'e to learn, easy to miaH.1, na derstood in an hour, and always rea Iy in d w inent to do every description of hsavy or fine work at less co-t or trouble thaa any machine nt any price ever did. or can do. It will cw anythii p a needle can pierce, front lace or cam bric to heavy cloth or harnc?. with any kind of threat!, and will runolTtwentyyards per minute: it utes ttrocK. straisbt needle, and never breaks them. It cannot missordrop a stitch, ravel or break the thread, tf y -u have any other macbin buy this and have a better olc. The eae and rapidit of itsmotionaad quality of its work, are its best rccomiaesdation. It will hetn.fcll.tuc. braid, cord. bind, rather, qnilt. rufle. pleat, fold, scallop. hirr. roll, baste, embroider, mn u breadth, etc.. with elegance. ea.e and swiftarss. unsurpassed by any machine ever invented. BEWARE OF IMPOSITION. The Prw for ourxiw machines are Iej than those ajKed by dealers in secind htnd. rebuilt , a-d rcunr.-aea mcQines. or uiose tcinsg out o;.i stot-c to eloe up business, many such inferior and old style mtchine heins osTtrei as sew at reduced vricei; beware cf impvisition acd o y bny 3sw machine. There aro 10 kw first-els osachine offered as low as tho" family." by aaty dollars. Jladanes tentor rxaminatiox Lrforcpvy tnent of Bill Extraordinary inducements offered to Clercr- mea. Teachersjtoreteepsri.ctc .to act acent-i. 1 Horse and watron furnisned frrc For I:limu- J nials seo ccriptive boots, maiic-1 free witn j auipits 01 worn, tiuerat iciui;, cucum, etc Address. "riHILI" SSTO73 HA:2iNS CO., mm; ifelijij4 7-!l-!y Final f'rooWo fires. La4 &- I lssitn "V. U ?".h. T .Xmvv ! trVr it tt W UU-.r nawr ftlrr 1m filrl tt f fc ! w ntt'lrj rr"f 1 tf.M "f ti aat rf ure taal etry tkt i frH f Vtfr dr frs ta tt f fc iU. ii Imv My. f Vlwf .'r. !. (f S l.ll'I WW r I lama t rl tl. ri no- hr MWwtsc mi in . twM. n 'ttf Htae IlUt. xmi l'rwrd N. I.w. f iofrTMB. ser 5. W MriTZBK. R-cwtr Lao J OSw at HW.ruti. Nk. 0t. rta. . Nt 1 h rkjr riTMi tk't lk fiMir n:mi! fttlr kn 4. - T h itot3 t tnaW ol prwf In tt-r-rt f ht riant. an4 rcrc aaal nirr !& t il nt'a f thr?y 1 fr' tH el i- -( tJi jwU. Jbn VrnwngfVrllt NS 1T the olh rl fjnajw "c ? town I nrvii of rc i !. e-l csmm ta" fti.irr ! wtlne.w. tit. rftirr Alrtjinler f Weil. Nek . "U S llrlUof 'rtL.Nutil ttfi J,tty.t4t.NU .COn,m fi.Vi slVllZKR. Rftulti. Lati-l Office at l!:oaiiactvn Ne- 0t. rTta. ? Notice l hvtrhr rira t)t the fH. inr naml rtttcr bu Clcl notrr of bi iuIkb to tsakrSiat r'i IB upvrt of kti rl-uio. al rnre5aal ctrr thrteof at ta rtjraiiwo ? thsrtr UJ fr.ui tbe dte .f lbi nut. st -l-rr C. V.'j. If f K1 Cloud, ULur en ty. N1miV. for th- uth.t nt?r ef r IS timn 1 north '.fnojo 11 west. aoJotao the fl lowing a hi" ltn.tl. (iwrf Huisinrlnf Wrhtr county Nb- Ollrrr MetVII f HS.ter cJUitr. Nrl arxl OrlanJa 'isiclfof Wctxlcr c:my, Nrtrks. oct.Vta'JT.': s. w..swrr7.ER.ni.trr. Las.l OCco t l!luomintoa Neb. frpt. rtth 79. Notice i herrby cin Ihit thr follow inc n,ral pttler hu fill notlrr of hrr Intention t inatie finl proof in at pr of hrr claim. nl ur finil rntry thereof t the xtirtiuo of thirty ly from theiltof thi WW it Angelina Haw ley.w J-jtr ,.f t-lw aril II ltwly of rt'eb'trr county. Nchrwki. fur thr nfthr.t H'jurtrrof rre. t"n t rn:c V wrt, .nd nU)r tho f'.ltowin o. her ritnet. Tit: JeoOary. L-wi llawlrjr Aii'tin Itcilty an J JocU Hulick nllif rl.iter county Neliri'lc. oct.Waor.': S. V. SWITZEH. IteriMrr. iaml OXecat IHwtnlntton NIi Ort. Sth. 1T-Niitt-p i hcrrhv riven that the f!!iwimr nsmtxl :ttler hx filnt nrttieof hi ii.l -ntiun in make llnal .roof in uwort ( hi ctim. nnJ ectirc final entry thereof at the rtinratiiin of tbir'y .lay fntn thr .lto f thi tioti"e. Tit Xavier LtFnrte. fur tho north-eot qrtrr fection 2 town I ratire 1J wet, an.l tiAtne the followinz .- ht witnr.rn, vit : Joeih Lal'irt of Welrter count w.S"eb. and biIoj a. VVelli of Web'tT county Neh oeUOnovlJ S. W. SiVIT.KIt. P.r,i'rr. Lan.l Office at Hloorainslon Neb. Oct.th. IsTV. Notico i hereby p vrn that the fullnwinc named rcttlcr tit fitexl notice of his intention to make final proof in nupj.orl of his claim, ami -euro final rntry thereof at the ctpirMlon of tnirty it frmn the late of th'u notice, vii: Franklin II. I.ron.inl of lt.l l'l.iti'1. H'rtilrr county. Nel.. f.ir th wnl'j of nutheaJt ' of retion 31 township I nitrth of ran;? II wr-l ant nitiue.o the following a lu itiir--. rit : Dai 1 1 S. Hel vera of Itl Oluu.l. Neb., au.l William T. Wil'iin of Itcvl Clou J, N cl.ruV t. octlOnovU S. W. SWIT.KK. Krri'ter. Land OfSce at Mootnincton Neb. Cct-Sth. lhTV. Notico i hereby Riven that the following nauicl iitttler h.u Slel notice of hi" intriitt.tn tf make final j.-ojf in ("Uiiport of h' clanj. nJ e cure fiutl entry tbrre-if at the expiration of thirty dv from the.l.tc of thi noticr. tit- fnu.ileth Hrberly. wMuwr of llrnjamin S. Ileberly. of Uuido HK:k. Nub., fur the northwet qunrtor of ro.;tt tirwn J north of rtnee l wcl. ami name" tho follnnrins . hrr witner. rit: I.i-Ti liubbrrl uf (iui.ln Kock. Neb. and Frank Wither of liuide Hock. Neb. octlonovl.l S. T'. SWITZKK. Itesuter. Land Oflice at ?loomtnitton Neb. Sei.t 'S7lh IR79. Notice it hrreli) civen thit th f-illowinr nntnod pettier hi filed noticr of hi inlcntlon to mnkc finnl pfuof ir uptirt of hi claim, and ecurrfinul cr.try thrref at tho cxpiratiou of thirty dj from the date of tin notice, tu: Iaao II. Hiiinmel of Vbler county. .Veb . for tho vtcil 4 northweit ' ( .r-. 1J town t rani;e II wpt. and n.nnr. the f.dlowincaln witnr.r. vir Andrew Uarlock of AVe'MttT county. .Veb.. and NlchoIcJUaiKiy or llclnter county. eU. octlotiotn S. W. S itik. ltci:iior. LandOBicoat Blocnnenu'ton Nrb. fct lltli Ti. Notice it hereby civen that the fHow-iu? c atticd settler hax filed notiro of hi intention to nuke final proot in u port of In rliim. and 'rutr finnl rntry thrri-of at the expiration ol thirty day frowi the dull oftHi notic. vu I'h.irlc F. W. Kraiioof Vrbirr coun'y Neb. for the nottlKiHt in trior of r- M tnwn 1 north ofrmieell wct. .111 1 n tine thr f !liriti n hi tTitner. ii" John Wrrnrr of U'eb-ter count Nrl nnd llenrv(rkr of w oVtrr countr. Ne octlrnovlJ " S. V.SWlT7.r.K. Itesi.-cr .and Office at Uloominmon Nrb Oct 1 Ub. W". Notico i? hereby piven that ihr following named ettler ha tiled notiro of hi intention to make final proof in iip.ortof h'cltim. nnd cpnro final cntrv thereof at tho rxpirutton cf thirty days from the date f tlii notice, vii: William 0. Mnxwell of Hel Pliiud. Wrbtrr cotntv. Neb., f-ir the lot. 1! and t and .otitli ' no ' i and nrthen.uS outhrjit ' , of mm tion 1 town 1 ranse 11 jvci-t.nnd irimu thef.illotrin hi witnese. vii: Oliver .Mcl'all ol Kr. I'loud. Neb. ifid Oavid Dineei'of Itrd Ootid Nrb. octltinoTir S. IV. SWirZKK. ItcsMcr. Iind Offico at niootniaton Neb. Oct. 1 tth. T9. Notice i hereby Riven that the followinc named "rttler hn. filed notice ot hi iutcnlion to make final nroofin support of hi clnitn. and ntcuro fin tl entry thereof nt tbe expiration of thirty day from tho il.x' of t.'ii noticr. vi: Lcy Matlon of wcbtrrc'jtintv. Neb., for the mrthe.it rjuartcr of sec. 11 town I north rane- 12 wrt ami naJe the following as his witno ei. viz: Spencer Mcxnndtr webftrr ciinty. Neb. and damr SpicKnell of wob'trrrounty Nob. octliinovW S. Y. SWITZEK. Itrti'ter. Land Offico at Uloomincton Neb. Oct, 1 kh. 1ST9. Notieo is hereby (riven thit thr fdIoin? named cttlcr ha. filtvl notico of hi intention to make final proof in support of hl claim, and se cure final entry thereof at the rxpirution of thirty d lys from thr date of thi notico, vu: William Moily of Thorn iivills Neb . fur thn northwr t quarter of iec Y2 town " north ranze 9 west, and nome the following a hi witnerji. vit: William Ilcdcham of Hcachtmtijle, Nob. and James Ucacbauiof llearht'nville. Neb. oetltinovU ri. W. SW1T.KR. Hetiter. Land Office at P.loominplon Neb. OcU 20th. 1T9. Notice is hereby Given that tho following named settler ha. file 1 notico of his intention to make final proof iu upport of his claim, and srouro final entry thereof at the expiration of thirty day from the date of this cotirc, vii: Scth Alger of Wel"tcr county. Nebraska, for tho northeast quarter of ec.3 town 2 north nncr 10 west, and name the following a hi. witne?r vi: Urnry .VcCuno of Webster count Neb.anJ Kdwnnl .IcCuno of Wrbstrr county. Neb. octSInov-JO S. W. SWirEK. Iter-t'r. Land Office at Dloomington. NV. Oct 20th. lsT9. Notice i hereby aiven that tho following name 1 settler have filed noticn of intention to make final proof in support of hi claim and securo final entry thereof on the expiration of thirty das from thn date of this notice, vu- Leroy I. Mnyficld of Web-ter county. Neb. for the southeast quarter of ec.2t town 3 north r.mso'J wcl. and name the followinc a hi witnesesvvii: Horatio K. Atkiuonof MVbster county. Nebraska, and dames II. Atkinuin of wcbter county. Aebraskn. octSaorJO' h. W. .iWITZEIl. Keiister. Land Office at Ulooinington Noh. Oct. "th. lS7i. Notico it hcrehy siren that the followinc named pettier ha file J notice of hi intention to make final proof in .uppart of hi eUun. and fecure final entry thrr;f nt the rTpirition of thirty day fnim thr dttr ofthi notiee. vii: J.tme II. Fcrman of Ucd Cloud, Wclter Co. Heli fur the routh V4-'outheat ' . northra't '( outhe:Lt '-i. iuthsnt 1 nortneat ' of cc. 'Jl town I north rsnc 1) ,vet. and mine the fol lominga his witne..e., vii; Lewi. Watt of Ke-1 Cloud. Nehr-i.kA. aud Ilenry Wtcbmacn of Red Cloud. Xci.ra.ka. octilnarO ?. V". SiriTtnB. ltesiter. T2S7 BSAT ALL 0TH223 ! A Iarpe assortment 0!" thn celebrated Selz' Chicago Haud-niadu Boot? k Shoes, every pair warranted, juit recrivcd and for tale ou!y by LIDDY. All kinds of blanks for sale at the Chirk office. California Fruit at Roby'?. Old style Durham and Chubby f molt ing tobacco for e by V. B. Koby. Pitted Pluui3 the bcot ia the market at ltoby. SOSTf FCS53T ! Thst the Lmet, Cheapest and Bc5t stock of Groccnes you will always 6nd at .1- 1 innva If LIDDY'.S I. T. THOMAS UE.VLEI11X Groceries, SHELFVARK XSD General Merchandise) Agricultural Imp lenient of ail kind. I i His;hesc Market Price paid for country produce. 1 Z!-- COWLEY, 1EB. J. C. FARLEY, ::r,t" Drus:s Medicines. Paints. Oils and Varnishes. A full up;1y of SCHOOL HOOKS. &TATIUNKKY. H'ALl. I'Al'KIt, Ac la!racc f!Wt-J wl thacVMI rrrvlfrd. fPre-nptoc eirrfultj wpa4d"V Ouc door touth of IlauV. RKl CLOUD NKB. Flour & Feed STORE, CHAS. E. PUTNAM, Prop. r tALl R IN FLOUR- FEED Corn, ilral. Jiraa Chorrol Teed d GROCERIES. Visit the Ked Hoed t:r-rry. Krrd anJ J'rw 1 Tinon torc when you want tut plie for man wr bea..t. I Hljhrjt mtrkrt rrice ia cash psip ftr rrain- I A II kindt vf rvontrr ptoiuer t tken n rirhaur ' for rood. (iooJi dctiTtrtd te all part of twos ' freo of charge. tote aouth of Herd's l'low Factory. RedCloud, - Nebraska n COOSMAH i CO., Dealer in BAR WARE, of all kinds. They ell rit RAP for TAStl. and If they hare net what you want. Irarr jour order nnd thy will fill it. CALL ON THEM One door north of Oarber's. and Mr. flOLCOM II will wait ou you. aprltf ItF.l Cl.OUIt. NKH. YEISER'S now overflowing with IVTotions. UToveltiss, Toys, Decorated China Cups and ISiuicerM, Vases, &c, Rich and Rare. BLANK BOOKS, I'Al'EIl, and 'PAPKRTKIUES. The BESTS and 10 cent CICAR3. SMOKING 4 CHEWING TOBACCO. ALSO- Gancral Aent for the sale of the Great aud Popular Remedy f the age DOBYISTS' SURE CURE.S CATARRH. Thw .simple and innocent remedy hai given relief in a very short tiuio to many .luftcriiii: from thi- terrible diM;a?c. Re lieves Neuralgia and Nervous hcidaoho iu a few minutes. fcjr To Dealers special rate? arc given ie the sale of this valuable remedy. R. D. YEISER, RED 010 UD. NEBRASKA. First door foulh ot Anvif ofiee. IVToon & Callender -DEALERS IN DRY -GOODS, Groceries. Paint, Oil, Tarnlwlicjs f Drags, JTotion?s Etc. Abo a fall Hnaof s Boots i Shoes,! Ilatx, Cap?, nnd HARDWARE. -Conntrr ?riae takes ia eichiro for uod. tirc c a call. Hcoa S, Callender. i xeb COWLES PERKINS 6c red cloud grocery stores 1 . STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES, Oar jtoeJi ate rtdat .b rrttj tt ; tl r-r4ci iWum ih k, mm UtaJ. Ail Wx!it it tb s ("'. alt tfM., a . tmt, .4 The Lowest Living Rates. And wc hope io merit the iiu reading p.ntrtmc which is bcinn bcNtowci! mum us. lUiv vour groceries at a G K NT M R A I G R O C K R S T O R K. II. Mtxrjt. MINER PC.VLKRJI M ERCHANDESE. Wc keep Connrtantfy On Hau.l A Full Suvl Of BY mm$, GRCB3S, M. CLOTHING. HATS CAPS. BOOTo, Shoes G las.swaro, Qucii.swn re annci Crockery, Wc buy our goods lor CASH, am! defy eot- pktion. Wlicn in town give us :t call. One door south of Post Oilicc. Red Cloud. HARDWARE STOB IITIHIKI,!. A 2OKlliV!rr. Vvnn. Wc keep on hand at all times, a larc and com plete stock ol Hard -ware. We aleo keep . ujjIy of FARMING IMPLEMENTS, Give us a call, as wc feel sure we can tiii you in quality and price Remember the place, opposite the Chief Office, Red Cloud Web. JOHN C. -DEALER DRY Groceries, Queensware, and Fall & Winter CLOTHING -A WO - A large lot ol HOOT tVSHOJKH, lint, A CAPS, Ac., c tmrGhc mc a call, every thins Jd at i;OTTO:I I'tt Ut C.fill. J C POTTER. Red Cloud, ti. Banpefea W. mr 9Ek.'SlKa''aK4 6fcr ylM-W" !" wEaJHyK" syau N cid f T HsstiiJKl Clrccitrad I:rs. liberal Ts V tU 1rJt.m Don't buy ty-til you Have seen the tightest running mzcn'mn ki the World.the Ever Reliable "YIC70R." VICTOR SSWINC MACHINE COMPANY, juuDiarrorx. coy.. ui .. a aa zoi vu.u j. .. cu:cao. iuu FOR SM.Z lil' Milcliell & Morliartt Red Cloud. MITCIIELtL'S & . ... J L Mactttx. BROS At r KlSTXvr IMebratiha- liWi LVi POTTER, IN- 2s"lir;iv Q000S. ; 1 OlMPUriED L u kaihta;ne15m isproyessnfs S:pas5ff IS76! J-? "r-ift t I' T l. .. a fcx V Iu. . - X1 Tti I11CUL Important Improyomonts. 4 y?rt srr zmskix ui tjk aweUi a irt i!.x Lmtj. t "rvutntA tl r -f . I r ;. ..t - r rv - It Hcrtia.-lj tzl v'uka. m VICTOR i i t A A1 (W 4 r """SSl umjf&mtmi, a&.iu!iwtff si 'Sus-feis&i' lwllllrTT"rftTllTTlT7l'TTrTf?vT!c,!!e , I.,.,.. .. LjJMgj