I i r ' -t : ' n " , r&x I I I llWfli REDCLOt'DCWr..' CHIEF The Red Cloud Chief. "IT" JOB v;o, K. UttTf 7" " r jr r rW-. . ' a l&aara M. I;- THOMAS, t;dIlor find ProprJflnr. "Eternal Vigilance is thr price of Liberty " and 2.QQ a year is the price nf the Red tUund Chttf. VOL. VII. BED CLOUD WEBSTER CO, NKBRAKA. Till RSDAV. NOVKMIJKU G IS79. no. i:- tcr REOgPTJD I 1 Official Directory. (AVfi R H?.5! ON AL. A 5 Padlo-k Rratric-. C. ena!r a'rtn Saanden.Ou:aba. . U. .". Senator. TL iro. J. Majors r.;r"Dtiitive. F.XECUITVE. AnnvsyASCc. aoT.rpr. P J A'-Tlr. S.c. oi Stair. 1 l...-PV- Auditor. t,.M r..rsl..n Trf(.rorT. I J 1 ;w..rtb. t Alt y Oir. ft. TbuOiu.T.ne&ln.3nu Pub Instruction JUDICIARY, 'flro I Oumbfc. Chiefjl.tice. Asi h;V. l.t-ln. I Aafociate Juf. tia i M.xr )l F'l.tiraoulti - WEuSTKH COUNTY. J. A Tul1r. Count j Cler. K H. Jf.nci. Trra-urer. J K. rillcx. riobiite Judfp. J. w. w.rrtn. . f "ff. A A rV-. School Sui.'t. H. P. Shertr. 'or oner. -. L. Thorn. County urreyor. It. w. tan. 1 I.. J! X. re. A. H Crarr County CotnnjiiMoner". 0 (If lltl'II IllltKCntlKT. FPISCOT'Al. FFUVICES. tfi Crt 5acdy f tBcb raotiih. P.t. Joftph I-otc. cfficUt.r. J3PTIs:T. lUv. O. , ftje- f v in tb ' PatJ ! L fcVottb in ra O YEIE!l. i'nl.ir. f .nrt tlnni the 2r.rl xiYi mnrif h (nfirr.ltir inii rTiTfir At lui-le l(rk the UtandSJ sabbath corxHi ptJ ctrniac- T ETHt fIT. Rv. C.IiKII.LYvJ'Mtor. JX ."ftviTf in tbe Cburcb p b fubbatb. lfmtinif niorntDK and ecectnic ita tbr l'rubyeriSt. Trvi-. Sit I'Irafant -rery two weekn t 11 t to foa't .'-T WV Prnny Ot-rlc Nt.3at3 p. m. "nk Cu-rk at 3 x. Jr.. cvry iw tk( Rheru'ir s. TRE'YrCR:.-. Ur.T J. M. PKYE JL 1 ' r. rrT c-f ja lb Cburch .cb b '-i ."ri.uttnc worntiic anJ t-rrninc with tbr V. Clb lit -!CC CMuOKEJATIMAI Kit. OFO. iEr. 1 tr. Srricf ttj the Court iioua the Jt Hid ?i kLbiib iu rb mon'b. Uni"n PrayrrmrrtinjeTrry Tbnaday freniBi;. abb'i jrbiMj! vrry fcbb.tb tnorumi: at 10 a. u t!i.scf tit 11 Jfn II. A. Howard. Sopt. hUtiKTIKS. I O. O. F. Vro CLruD LonoK. no. Ci I f i 0 P fev trr-t ri cry Saturday mzht in tbf . V'a-. nir Hull. Mr mhn cf other L'j'ieetarccurdially iuvitM to :trud. I. bTKI.. !. ti. II PatTSP. cc't. A. I". 4; A. .11. Jl Ciupit) Liigr no. f3 Ret nsrf. neb. xr;rti' Iriiii trrotii: k? on or before full rat en. Vintii r iirotbirt. ir food itjcii ' x c. are cordially invit-J t tiend J.CALVUfl w. JW. I Ptjiw Sec'r. R V R. IK. Time Table. TakicE effect J-uuduy.Maj i& 1ST9. rrr? ' STATIONS. t south. -Si pin HAgTINttjf. 6 -35m C-27 I AYR :02 6 45 LVK till.L 7 40 1,7 :J5 ' (fwI."M ' 7 -fij 7 i" i i;pi ci,rn t zi f M i 1VAVA1. . '0 'C !'. ""- - ."5 .' ruANrvl.IV I . JS S ? , L" I.-i'K ik-.iia. U.tiuii daily, eieit Sutidayc , A. E.Tourha. . W. Holiredue Oen int aa err. Enpt. GpOT "XKWS Quick 'litre! Through Train-! Clow Connections 1 No Delay 1 Burlington Route TO CHICAGO AND THE EAST. ft I.cpt rat- cf Fare will be nikdn. Tbrrutb Car will be run from a, Jt it. ToinU u Southe'ii ebra-ka to Chicairo. A ten mtr.nfcf conmeftoa will be as.de at Pa-iCls-unrtion. T'H10AGn eIoc connction xll always j- aiKdc to tbe t, rcutbeat end north. lerpmir car ber'bn referred at the Lincoln tl ket office by '"Irerapb or on application, from Ju n-ouri Rivi-rt Ch:e.ico. lOiS'I- LOri&TllE SOUTH. The burlm cton rntebre a, ryiternofthrouch eper s.r1 cloe cor.ccctiot i bt;ween tbe 2 uouri Hirer vud St Loui PatJearer" takinc tbi? Iin have tbe brr of a.cc mmolalioa? Pulluan rlerper run rcfu arly trom .Vi-eouri Rtver to Su Laii. TO PEORIA. INDIANAPOLIS C1N ClNNATI. AND THE SMT1I EAST. "Tbji isthe onlyreliable ronte to theponth (Ul. l.nnctnti are mn e t Peoria with the T. P A "V. and 1 n A V. Railroads lor Indian a.rolif" Cinezntirti, t'oluubu. and all ccntrRl ntb juthtru tbio. Ken ucy. lontkern Indiana, .a. JCnKS CASS. Seed Heals at 75 cents. When ycu t:r eact be fure rd tirrel ever tbe It. Jfc M 1-ne if you Trjh to e .FE and com ior table am' desire to travel tpcedily A. E. TOUZAI.IN. P. I 0 ELL. licn'l mencstr. Gtn'l Fti Tu4f't .FERORS OF YOUTH A frMfrssn who poffcred for year frn nerr rM siebil ty .PrcniHturedeciiy. MiUnll thecflect -f youthcJ ir.icretior. aill for the sake of tut" frriir butuJCHj. rend free to all who ne-d it tbe reeii e rc 1irct:ni r tor m.kir.g the piuiple lerrrcy by Heh be rur-d u-erer wjh irrto prott t the advrrtier'f experience ca do to by adilref.'ina- in rertVct cm ndeuc. J:hn t'drn. 2 Cedar reet cw York THE WORLDS BALM. Dr. L- D. Weyrnirn's Alterative Syrup rv rerreuy upen.vyeari in a -rtTate prac tice, ami nrcr friliur to radically cure &; I J K V M A T I S M. Drrv-rr. Kry-ipeli'. ecrofula, ondsry sypb rin Gvrl. dcb.teF. and all iiseae in which tbe bleed i implicated. i now offered to the rublic ...d bi all retail drui.-irirt. anJ tuhol- lc only by Th Veburn medicine company ' P. O. bcx &? Ro-heter cw York. I T PIMPLES- I will mail. Free, the ri-ci e for a pimple Vr)t. :&b!e balm tbnt wi I rem re the T n. Freck el. PtTiiles aud bl tche. leavini; the pk 12 pott, clear and beautiM: alro in.ttuctiou tr pro-tu-r.ug a luxnriant CTuwti ot fca'rona bjli head r isiootfa lace. -ldre;. cuc!o5ir:Ka.Sc.tanip bn. andelf.t Co. a) Ana etret. k. Y. HORSE d2 es aaps or if f & enrroucv for a ecw horse PCuVJ t treats all dcavr.. ua 3S fi c earavnrs bow.ttjr pvf ittnns asfm&cd by sick bo-f. ata le RA O K of dcft"!-3 larrccollestion of ral fcr"Hiblerocii. rnleifortcllinetbe are o. a hpmu with encraving sh wing teeth of actyea.r.ar.d alanreamount f other viluioie fcorfeinfonnpon. Dr. wn H. Hall ay. "i lMeHb,Iah, ?& Ih" ? P-5d 5 and 310 for bjeh I do no: J,kc ai Ml as I do yonrs." SrD daU. if. p. EnojbnrKn Falls. Vt 52-ly P. COXSUMT1VES. remedy 1 wn-u.- u traVe U'a to his fellrw ..&rfrt the man ..f ..r- j- - " V. JsZS-. JrzT " -e rri"cr t ?n -d ar.d ap-r t y. ---,,. 4 j .' prefer L..al,Urti,. -tamKrobiri" 1 e : 4ri!l8li:iic.-.i'rec-'iJ'twn tr. KENDAII ?.Q , sparine, jplint. curoc-.? ZnUl' witnd wilUuoothe bunch vatm blL'fer- SPA VlM41;- "). o 1 - W rvm.ly ever dicorrH jMUAlP ,t for certain 01 action in rtopptf the lenjuandremuvinj: the bunch. Price 1)! - bold by drufjrwta. orat to anv addre.. Ofall klnd. Tumore. dif- anH n x.--r .V UI OIO?. r rancup. I or infonoction address K reawj. . Tr. J. !. 3i:d Co. 22 A3 ,tret ?. J. T tl-SlXESS DIRKCTOIt V. I. tt. Will cox, TTORSEY AT T.A- amlU. S: OrarrSf riunrr Collection- promptly atteudd to. Office on dour DoriLot Ob let CrSre. D CLCwD - - 2JSB o. c: CASE, ATTOHNKV AT LAW. Office over llerd't furrititr" tnre. 1 "ttt r?7i ro!!ecM'in' ms'Jc afi'J prmriilv remilted T. S. G1LHAM, ATFOKNKY AND COUNSKLUK A AT LAW. Office onr ihor north of Kahy llrax RED CLOUD. - NEB W. C.REILLY, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. AND Kt-TA-TfI Oe2T Rd riond Veb. J-Pfjinpt Attention Oireu to Collection!. 0rjdt-verJoBso CatM txre. with C. H. POTTER. Evin C. Hwley, ATTORNEY AXD VOUN A NKMIKAT LAW. Office In door West of Red Cloud lrug Btorc. rr CL07D 1TS3. JAS. LAIRD. jaTTOHNKY AND COUNfKLOR Opi at law. Juniata Nclr-ka Will prao-tit-e in all the Courts of the Ftati Prompt attention eiven to all btnino entruned to his care. Office on fhf fast cide.luniata Avenue. Jul 1 7 H. S. EALZT, Aft. R. & M . R. R. Land. C. W. EALE7 Nc'itry Pnblie- flaltu Srofr f5, ATTOKNEYS AT LAW and real es t:ite Agent. Will practice in all the Court inthia State and Northern Kan. Collections promptly atttudtd to and Corrtrpondrnce solicited. Red Cloud Neb. PHYSICIANS. J. W. TULLE1H, HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, U. S. Pension Surqeon. frSfOrncE fp Kaley BroB. law office. SEE CLOUS. VTZa ISEA Proptietor of CITY Drng STORK, Dialer in DRUGS, MEDICINES, Faints, Oils, VARftlSIIES. Etc. Elc VALLEY HOUSE, f r.wivrox. 'ro. RED CLOUD, - NEBRASKA First C1k in erey repct. Fre 'bu to and from all train". Sample, r'toias for commercial rutn Oic ui a trial. W. . Ri'Ha- don 8. Garber. Richardson L Garter, DEALERS IN- JLIVE STOCK- RED CLOCD. JJEBItAS-KA. Ilifbest market price paid for hofs and cattle. J. K. mith S. C. Suith M.B.FRnin-Sox. Pre". First V at. Ca.h. Firpt Late T-l.er First ank. Beatrice at. Bank Nat. Dink aeat- Neb. a rice Neb. rite Neb. f. Vj c )x jhrors ft Thompson, BANKERS, HKI CCOITO WEB. .Will make crllections ii cny part of the united tate-Sell ezchanfe upon the princi pal eastern oitie Loan money upon improved farmi Kccfiiedepo itputjrct to fiht draft? Allow inieret u en time depositj, and :rast acta Rcoerai Banking buiLp. , IIvfcrcxces: Omaha National Bank. A. S. Paddt.ck.1'. .SSei.ator; Fift National Bank New iork. Cam 'ri tec Valley N'al local Bank. CambrMtto New York. The Crcit hxii of The Age, Sure Curs fbr Catarrh. If ued a? directel on IhupI f each hox, re'ieft" cuarauteed. A Minplo, innocent arid Mire rcmedv, relieve.- N-urn!j;ia and Nervous Headache in a few minutes. Call and get a box of R. D. Yeisfr Red Cloud.July 31 1S79. ' Agent. CARPENTER L BUILDER, RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA All kinds of carpenter work done with refines and diojneh an(j sati-faciion Kifran'e. L v- ' r- at the rtnre o C L. Putnaiuor at PerkiFa.v MtrhHt :f F- H. GORE DEALER IN SOLID "GOLD AND PLATED JEWELRY Solid SErar sd Silver Plated 77are, Spec tacles, etc. Watches, Clocks And JEWELRY Mulul I&iiruif fits & IsstnctioB BOOKS. BED CLOUD. , . NEBRASKA. THE CHIEF. M L THOMAS. - - - EDITOR THURSDAY NOV 6. 1.-T9 ""Ges .Tor. Hooki.r i no roore. He died at Garden Cii), Iong Island. Octo ber 31 t. ... A TTKRIBI.B jrale oq the eatrm cnan destroyed an immense amount of ehippine "nd other pnurtr lat w c!c. . Ronne county vo'e, ot, a proposition to i"tup $'JU (i) in imnds. on th. 4h ofnex' month, to fund th rnun'y inde'itfdne-s Lincoln firuiera are complaining tint crain in that cit, brin2 a 1'iw r price than at point in the country farther west, Wrn Caldw-ll. of North P'attc butni'd to dpa'h on the !Sh in' . 1 wa , whi!e in his , ndeavorine to save the animal burning barn. Tlir bite women and children hold , captiveM by the Ute Indian havo all been returned to their fri-n-U unharmed. A disastrous prairie fin swept throntrh Holt county lat week. One man by the" name of McNcilly, vras burned to death and another fatally biirnd Aintlir man trive'inz thrfnith the country lo-t hit tfora, WHKon and $500 in money by the fire. Last month was the buiet runnim? month ever known to the U P. road. Thirty three encme in and out nf North Platte, a rrratrrnumb rthan o-cr bef.ir averaged 4,310 miles, or 143 mile eich day. A n consequence, the disbursement of money last pay day wa. uiu-jjlly Lrge. The immieration to Richard-on county this fall is pimply surprising. New com erA are pouring into all parts of thecoun'y tti a Bteady stream, and tho-e who come are enterprising, industrious and ubtn tial panics who will prove of wonderful assistance o the mattr - advancement of the county. To a fiicnd who hnd ji.t tnrm-d hi-i Rt-pu'dicm of Maryland. Virginia and t'oriiftl! birthday. Col. Inccr-oll late'y j IxiuiViana. at the elections to come off wrote: So you Lave reached the edge .iori ly. If ihey do n.t win any subitan of the autumn where thought grow sad . tial officitl honors they will make hand-; and memoiif. wtiher like leaves. In a Lome inroidt on the enemv It ii trnns'ht little while, afte- a few brief days. Wi will reach on hfe highway the inn tvhere all are welcome gue t., and whore the onl naluUtion ever hard i- zood niht." The Omaha Bf? gives an inieretinr account of l he pmcre-s ol the railmnl in nil' state. The U P his completed or ha- in process of building, '250 mib-sof roaj in Nebra-ka .i1oip. Th B A M . i. buildim: 115 mile of rnad.arnl i bridge at Plait-mouth that will cot $500,000. The A. A- N is building 45 miles ot road. The O. k N. i building 17 mileB, atd the Elkhorn Vall-y Road - extending their line. The Her says: The total number of miles of road being Luilt in Nebraska this ycir. according to the above fiRure-, Is over 400, which will aid an a-se-ted vnluHtiin af fioui 2 500,000 to $3,000,000 to the state. VALLEY KOIES. The Valley will be full of people all winter and hotel BccoDimodations will be inadiqttate. P. H. Spencer, of RfpuMican City, within :!0 days will have one "f the lar gest and best hams west of Red Cloud 30xS0 feet. W ork on the railroad i prgrrs-ing rajiidij'. The grading thr-ugh Frjtiklm county will be done within thitty davf at mot. The purveyors are retting grude Makes near Alma apd are progressing at the rate of half a mile a day. or cach a matter. Orleans i morp pro-perous than ever before. Our .streets are thronged with teams ever- day. and our merchants re ports bu-itiess good. We have a fine lo- A North Bend firm hae r.ik-n u gy eatbin. have the friend, the rreans and , eminent cmtract to fariii-h ISO dozen the will to tuako one of the le.-t towrs in brooms. the Valley, aid ilmei n u-e Hiking sHn4!y fi,m 0f frichrerii -hirped .-.nything ele. we are going to do if- , 35(, rw) founds in t.-n dav- t'.. h Ria t RrpuUican Valley Sentinel. rr vk I l lie uawsr.n county ir.trr com s to; usetd.rged and improved. We hnpe rot tier Kiier'e patron-ge will support thi growth. , n . J. T. Gamer ,s now editor of the Fur- pas enunty Time, having succeeded brother Chae We hoie his eiDenence 5 n ay be Bare flowerv than the aiaj.iruy of fcjui.. i- " t i Nebraska journalists have been. r 1 Three drunkn herders rait-d a row in RfJrmKK (., 4fiw rtn 4UM 1... .-!- t I epublican City oa day last wt . K-.... V...J iW, j .nwa;i,uy, nding their horses on the pidewat Tj thi a doctor exDressed his obiectionK.u- t a cow boy replied by hittinr bi-n on the ! head with a revolver. T;.e cituen- at t - fiew to arms, and succeeded in rout-' ing tbe herders and killiag one nf their! Vrsr? rhJi Cauuly Konter. Work on the ra dryad between Superior . and Red Oloud bn r.-.mn,! ...a I v--wu.wi.k.w, iu wc vicinity is the place, 5 Still th ti4 nf 7m,..;...:.. wew..din an una7mTIh7d streak noLt?"ret8arefU,,:f,prairie Khoonera, some g,ung furtker, while many are stopping in this ricinity. Let them ooe, we have plenty of room in ! cur latffc! rihr.-Superhr GcHe. have now po-itive assurance that the road rea'tcd with new machinery, have re will re built. Mot? is the time for par- opi d are running day and night, ties who wish -to locate. Superior aad ' A party of Glencoe hunters in .h Our Washington Letter. WAsniwoTOK DC.) Ue. 29 1373 J The grcxl event here u ih National Fair, which opened ye-terday and will continup- 9 days. The initial day wa bad. hnt the crowd wa larjre and there ! the Quio-t good !-iin?. The ftrand tund was graced w.th a di-tinzui-hed comply. i..rludinZ the President and membrr- of the Cabinet and their fami li. s Kvery arail.blo .pnee wa oeeupiei with -,,-ht -een. The rround, and bui'd I. . K, a itit-s vcrA in 9 rrti.ii rvm.iitinn and thp .;.;, ,. nM fI,i fn rf. ion. but the s! ow wiIl be prrfrcffd and araad ' ; a p.w dayj( Ah ,j,H ;, tj)C Sr., ,niU, him..n of the avocation mmy itnMr ictMti win tr -xcu-!i. out me iian ts on mj grani a "calc, and ihe ore-mizvi o i- cooi tlut sucjoed'uu fiir- will be w -rthy of nutin'itl jatr mn; Another j .r wi.I -ee the ground and btiildintra rurpas-ini? t.nthi:iK of the kind io this oiuutry A meeting wi held the other neht to prep ire or th rfci t:ori of Gen. (Jraot on the occa-irtti uf unrciliiif of the Thorn i a ftatute here on November 20:h Some "Pi"'e .1 . fxpre-Hr-i i in- report that ,,e ",,r tJ b- htfre nn t!,at dt 1 And the 'ld:'r! rt'Utiiim in IndianjpolN i i said cUim? ht pre-enci. aoI it ir feared that he hie promid to lw there. However, he will b; h-rj a-ion after, and hi-teception Till be heirty and uruni m'iu, dettt'iiTati and republic 1. alike de-iniiK to honor him. Tw.i interTieW"! of C-inrciuen have lati ly caused gra tnlk ah nit VVa-hin- ton Me.-r. Burr w of lichta:in and Younz. of Ohio, wliih; hnniiririi; Generil 1 Grant, do not c-nc-d- ht he will be the Republican canlilu- fur 1'rt-ident Mr. ( Tne ,.rdict of the coroncn jnry in the Burrow.- say.-, tint Mr. Bl. in-is the most Jncph Bnrly cne at Li!u-rty Farm wai popular man in Miehin. and in fact he that he liid of cirro'ive poison, a Ituin believes him to be the most popular mm jeered by hi. mother. Mr, flannah in me itepurjiicau pirty evi-rywiiere .lr. Youne names Secretary Sherman firt. but beli-ves that Sena'nr Bltine is the second choice nf 0'iio. It I evident that the Senator'" grand cvnpatgn' in Mine, Iowa, Ohioand New York, havee'evated him in the minds ofall, and that if Gen. Grant i not a candidate, he will be ahead " ' -ace 11U will har god repnrt from the Sfiiatfir K!mni. Spprninri- hprinft an.i oihfi RepHVicnontor-wid g. to the aM-tatice ol'tho Louisiana RepuMieans. A few .-pooches from hem would give life and hope to many republicans th'-re and bring out a big vote. If we could get ont ; a f II vote. Lotiii-ia::a would have a He publican Igi.-lature, aud give us assur ance ol t least one Kepuld can Senator at least from the south, and the elector! miir rit-xi ii'jir. T, U .;.! .h.t r.i.o. r,l Pa;n. ,.. , re-im the Patitit Commi-s-onersbin as cnon li hlH knrei'ss.ir rnn hr Sfttx-trxl General Pie ha- L-veo go.3 sati.-faction ' ...rl it win l .hffimlr to fill hi. hl.m The most prominent candidle is Joseph MeC-mmoa of the Department of Ju-tice. There is an ominous stillness here among the former Thurmau boomers. S Tlu'V il'tn't iiTo'ttim at nil in Khalf rT .heir patron w-iut. Ti.urm.n indeed u' he would tell him to w.it a few d:ad politically Bayard and IMdeo are struggling for the succesdiua, bat Qan c-ek a! has an intereat. Either of them woald be a good enough candidate to heat round ly. U is said that General Garfield doe not care tor tb Ohio Siiiator.-h p in pl.i're of riiunuanii, prt'feiiiog io be epeaker ot the next llous- ' f Ri pre-entmivce.wriicb be w.mid pietty certainly achieve by -tat - lug where he is RtP S?A7 CLIPfi.N'aS. Hie cittle murrai i i -p.-e.ili ig ra.niiy on the stock rane- iu the s ate. Kcir:iey hi-as ;inny mil- ofrai''nad switches n- any other town i-. ht: tte t j .-... - 11.11.. The voiin- nnr...la,;.-.n r ,1.lM aunty has increased 40 percent, durine ' lnc -asr ve:ir. .. .,.- t, , ri-o Mrs. lynthta Rid.tte. of Vnller conn- ty, ,U!n(Je(i bv drowning. She was tern-! poratilv insau I - . " 1. ." ! . beiriR gra - ... A it In i. IJ.II . I 1 s "" vr. -. . ih.'jk il ni. raurnan ia . . - . deU towatds Genoa at the rat, ! The Rev.DeUmatyr was presented with I .u uj.j . by bis greenback a'- .m.v, ,u " ",CU,B- w a . - . 1 a . &- 1 1 r1 ,n,in of crs the Jk" ' " BlkiB fB of him. They cried brtush of e U- ? crossed the Loup,out " derision. "Look at or r..lAn-!" Ll ''" hl 'lrm7- J "What a Ut-nel !M "Du mcL Coto- MiJfbuTs. towa lots being alm.t all De,J" in "dc all port of fan of him 'ken up, a sew addition aortti and east A feW of ,Qtra show of to the others. " the preHen' 8'te wil1 ,aJ,! ' I (Ki?eh,ndahi ai be sp.rrlcg The Nanonee rmiU -hh i.. , ' r uS. uni North Loop country report game abund I ant Th.r l.n..k, I L. - 1 J.- -. S " " " ""' CItw- - - hinted boa. in its aeirhborhood. Di light, .ysterious fooc falls. lZ and wail f , fi.r. L JLll pretuL The work oa Rkj Kord'a sew flur. io' tail! roiBf on rtpiilj. Itprosic to L o of the taitiltmoc of Wheeler courty A Sre it Rell creek a e.-k u:o Satdty de-troyed tbe barn of Frank Mxue. to gether with four aoraca aaJ ail Lit farm machinery Ki-Got Firca hi been taiflnf fic -crana c, tatj iuey xie a 10 re- KmVedec-yrJ jaw p.. bul are very !t.me. 1 yan5 mnnin4 hnr-, in the oorb part of Rar: county. cUli ""h r L f. . I i.iiuti wniinmt iib, ui woe in . !. MHa Wri 11. . . . . at ' " I f '-' Work h U nC rxpidly i.ush. d forward ' ,,n fhe y ?rJ. in Ante!o; cun'y. I bo-hea-twarl rmra Oikdale an 1 tretwrd from Gile CVek The E!kh rn Valley virri-yori are onw CDi'sed io urvytni: .1 hne ftom Pieiee to Niobrara. Thi hoe will evidca'.ly be bud: ner' unimer. It uk il to out 40.(00 a yor to run the government of Nbnka Ci'v. The government u now admiotatetei for lesi than ftVOOQ per annum. A fatal ahootin accident occurred on Saturday last at Paptlliou, by which a boy named Samuel Bonner, while loading hi pttjl. 'hot and killed Gtai.t Htewaxt, aged 14 years. The quickest thrashing of the sno in Catuini; couny w k done by Billy Mtl ler's outfit to St Charles prciact. where 300 bu'hel- "f wheat were ibraihgd out in three hcur. A Poncm I'idan brnurht into Niibrari Wednesdtv week, an immense ctt-fisb which he ca-j.'b neir the mouth of the Running Water with a nitcht line. It weighed over a hundred pound.. Younr. throueh tuis'ake. His life was injured for $10r3. The mony for the right of way aero the Oioe InJiin reserve. t2500 wa paid ovir by the raiirnd company lat Sunday week, and on Monday wss divided and paid out to the Indian each lodiin. big and little, receiving 15.25. t ttit rate there mul r 47u pcrvni-, and the In dian that had tl greatest number of qunw aid babie- is the lucky fellow. &aa!:iuctnc! of Grant': Earl? Ex?err: in tit ar. t ..!.; i .v. fniini .v..- m,. y. ing !e,ffr- 'Il,pd nJch' Sonh Carolina, April 25, 1S65. Sitting around a Listing camp fire a few tvtiiiiigp since, several Illinois officer rtlatod their exper.entx of General Grant in civil life. Here is as nesr as I can rreollec it. what G nenl John E. Smith said on tha fMihject- "I don't believe an man in llliaois knew Grant any bet i ter than I did, anil I think I had ffich to do as any other man in bringing him into the war. I lived t Galena at IIHJe. Grant's place of bawnesi was npar ann5 HeT hardware and -Jdlery Ptore. I od to drop io and e hiai ' fieD on D,y Wiy homf' 1D(J h "d I would generally smoke oar pipe-'o- gpiner in n:s ou:cg aujoining dm it ore. He wa- a very poor business aao and 5 t nrvr ikid to wait on conomers. If a customer cjlled in the absence of the minutes until one ox me cwrs returnea, and if he couldn't wait, the General him self would go behind the counter very re luctantly, and drag down whatever he wanted, bat be hardly ever knew the prioe of it, and in nine cava oat of tew he charged either tor tnurh or not enough. He would rather talk about the Mexican war th.io wast on h- hes eu-totuT in the. world. When the war br)ks out. I loll him one day that I wa going down to Si'ri.ignVd ' see Governor Yatet, wh had -ent fir me. Grant merely remarked in qni-t wy: You cm say i the Govern ir that if I cua b- ot any u-e to b to in tli organtX'tion of the-e regi ments I wi I be gind to do wh it I ran " I eti ! Spitngfii Id no I male irnncf m nt- f.i (J-aiit o le st-m for. Heci ! nu'-i d tn a-.d w 'it to work to organ ile fei r-pinient-. called out - s-irt of a home giPird fir thirty days at first, but aft.-rward- enlLted tor three yean Whn he bad done 'his and was ready to go home, Guvroor Yne- off-red him thp cn""e,c' "f t,,e ,Wt"'ySr't regimnt.oe of the tec. tie accepted it and i turned i- ately w.nt to camp. I went with him A T ,, , . , . ""d l T c "" AV occurr'd wheD "1C tQen fir"1 Mw n,QI- wa3 erY laughable. Grant was dressed : ..;. ..r-I.. l.l- .. .u ' sin- ui tui :- ciutuc an oia worn . . .l. .. -j t tt ,- wi me eioow, ana a uaaiy aingea barelooted thetn-elve, had fomeT a hirh c-tima:e of whst colwcel jb: t be.aau a a t nt watted in among them th-y ma, aaa wiiiieoDe wag dots tni. i aaoiner gave niui ueh a nw-h that awad hum bit Grant a terrible blow bet wean tbe r.oaklera. The Genera ooa .bowed bv Bj, ' thea that they mast sot jsdge the oftoer Bif-.nM, aod before he got thfoozh ft "J ff - ticwautLTdTh Colonel wo.'t 2.;! r . wHo UmLZ "1 !? i"?11 " TCIy lp ia gi L "" Tke Wrrkly Nebraska State Journal. a-zaiT C3" :0 3C, Djr.cc iLe voj.cc yer th pHtt i, 1 affair of tbe Naio. a-l ihn ducaioi Crowing out of tb3t. iM aume o its portarve rarwlr e-i'taL-J in on- hi-try tt:k prtnrxrtL cmvuix , -'" :. ....- . -w... ,. htf.to tonilu.le rl btiena..to Dooe j lh,t" f.Ti- tJ . mm fc oelu jinc ,hc rr .p,,,. - of Cn.re-wnal !lePW.unre II frv m M..M.i.l ..-. .ta t a. I atni 1 tie iuitinc o: tat. tavrv- : Kwer. t 1 r r - 1. anl tr.e traoU'tment tt tnc mzieDce 01 tn. Titr. jrTiON kx cn"Vi:tiv of" PrtK wiH ptrrrJr-the rn-.ilcntul ' KWtin. nd tLe PUtfornn will deter- mine the roar? of IciiJatiAn and the Policy of the Gnernaic'it for another four year. nmsrATt ri.tiTJOV3 for Membcre of both Branches of the legislature, involving thi election ot an U. S. Senwor. and for a full Ki?catie Tick t, wi'l os-or. cnsoRgia covvtvw in Deeetnbcr. f.r ths "lont aaioa," and quetion of vital itnprtanc t.i the peo ple, inclu Ing T't In-irti inl .Vr.-no problem, and the new attempt to aert the overeignty of the tates a saperiur to the power of the Nation, in the matter of protecting the franehi? end rroviding f .r the purtir of Na'i 'nil R!cetion. wiM bedevrlofwl and debated by the leading spirit of th- Cmntrv. rir W'rkj .Vr.ijM Shite Journal wil' l a faithful eprotue of these event, and will fulty preaent the merit of the dteuHioos prorrked thereby while at the ame time it w II rie. c:cielv and fu"y. all th current fjreign and dm tic nrws, full and latet rntrkrt retor's. Neal a wll a trom aterti commercial centiea. full reports of the proofing of all literary. so:l, religion , and educa tional vnvention.nd state ocietic,acd of the Statr Iy"iriltiire. TELKORAPHIC Kl'MatAflT of Congrersional Proceedings, aud willb in fct a weekly hiatorv of the world in general and of the Na'ion, aad the State in partien'ar. Th" Wtthfy XeUmhi Si-ite Journal i not only the largt-t w-kly published in the wu, but it contain much more reading m tter. in oroportion to ita size, than can be found in any of its eootem poraries no this ide of the Misnuri and rwimtaenda itaelf to very ebraikn a the State paper, to be taken in addition to the local paper af th everal counties, for its rencrai nd state n'-ws. Republican in pilinc, ttdi-cu.s:s pub lie alfair. not from a partt-n, but fr-in a broad, national stand point, criict-ing public men an1 measure upon their tnent. independent of fcetiunalHtu or pn-judice No betfr raedhm of the nefa. tat i Witited io N'cbra-ka for the rnltchtment of the brads of tha faini'y. or for the lib eial education of the riing generation, can be found than t e Ste'e Journal. Tr.RUK Single Copy, peryear 4 2 00 Five Copies, at one time g 75 Ten Opir-a, " " 15 rQ lB? The Monev (registered letter or money order) must invariably be pent with the same. Addr, itizz ;;m.tai co., LtNcnLN. Nib. fllHS o n. TW.E. Vocal and Instramental ! y tt' R,ln;e at Mr.ITt Moot. Ha& CLora. 0F!!C.E.!7.E;UIT., AND C hoice Gr roceries 9-0ppniite the bink. Ii-t 'HoaJ."a Oire -se a call, aad test raj ito-i. 2tf W. R. RORY. tiESV I Icraf v sale Stable, I. 0. Pok-t. Prop. RED CLOUD. SAM'L GArtBER DKaLtft 19 Ory Goods mnM Groceries. BOOTS . MHOKM Hats Caps &, Reaty Made Clothing ! Wa havt the Largest Stack ia taa Vallay and will ii ri r "a.Wi 1 at be aRefersolrj. GIVE US A CALL, ONE t ALL Sam'l Carber, UM CIft3fifti Xewlft, City BAKERY and RESTAURATVT ft . A. Ijiwtlrrharb, Tropr. pkuLxa ! u nisi- i.r CNNFI GV1I KII'IT MT CONFKTIONKRY. TTC Wartu Mr at W Hrwir. Si . warKKFH OY-'rKlU'' alwyn han-l Vctfer reW. ervr ilrte .intS f Ksiey Rn Uw oir. R3D(ljnrti. - - NKUU " FOUlVDat LAST! TIIK j Adjustable Rocking Chair. 9 tx rmKt! Knni a sevin3:ha::. 't-t:.'t TO A CRADLE rr thr BIBY. Fnr Salr in Wcbtcrand Fraalltneout tie cm r 11 r O. A. HROWN, red riaOiin, Cat trhr. HARNESS SHOP -RY- J. L MILLER Kefps contsttt'v on Wxu a fH Ho. I!ane Col'ars, Saildle. Whip, HorJ Hlanketa. CoidIw, Brush c, Harnea Oil and every thing nsnaby kept n a tirt tlaj hop. Two diir north nf th hank. ol raflSlfihtJt Sua ?ri: Paid fsr asi 7rs. Ii.t SB-5E Purniturc Store. A wholesslr tock of (Inn of the Hnr' Quality and -ild nt priros Jitrrr than X722 srroar crrsuis to th Pobhc VwT. Ha Reed. war Special Attention givrn to I'nler :ak;r. a?KDCLOUP. - - - NKB COME! For Your LUMBER! DRY LUMBER A SPECIALTY. I" BIT 15 THB MA2E.JCT ftw4e a I Lowa-ai frier -MY- RED CLOUD NEB. CHICAGO Lumber Yard KK1 CIiOCD, .b. Vrf aonfh nfflatDpton A ?al ton hop, on MaiDtrecf. Keep cttujm'Jr ea aaalea amrjnt of laaar. laalk. faaHaaxrvei Svatatra !. 1ew. we Melr t.rtaar IMIaiaT Fataacr te. PLATT & FRKKS Proprietoar RRIITn HEADQUARTERS FOR fliii, M, hn,iii I BT aWBl rW BWSWPSWBBBBBBBBBaBWBljBSSjpa t .- - atM , r .. 4MB 4 4 MWM . , -caf aMaat aaa a ''- -a-iaaaM.a . M . -- s-a- m. m I- V - a . a V -- - t - fw i f s- aa- twa aa taa. i M- wx-er ea ttt ..It airrfjtt t. a 4 akJUataa fctfjribMm Mrfe r a a t 4 1Mft t ea-ejuf ft ft UAT ft-il (Vfttft WOMXal MAIDENS LtUv-UtHhiA, 1 i . 1 XV, 4 - - w J )., I a. ft s e4 ? -t ,, -. a 9 v- ) . eaat.tr- --- A t . . ft-- -s I ft- 4 Lt ee.i.t 4 -ae . tft. -- a?--t4a--. ft 1 f - -" ft BaW ft 'fteiwift ftla - ft J--. - - k.r-M 4.- ft- - e f p. s . , eaw oa, , fftawo ft -. s. . , . asiaBBfa ft - --- t f J , a - ) s ' " ft -ftl K --... ? I - av ' 4e - -.$" 4 t a)t.a leaet , ft I t. - .- fteftew. 4 - f 4 V r tv -ftftft fft rj 4 lf f " W m ."-- - m UUillsan I ft . -- -ft . - - 1 fr lt . ' . HAftms RCwitaY co.rr c vxmv BUr4 a4 ith ftaj. H.LOUIfc.WlO AArrlA month: xitrr: wirrxrt BOOKS IVMILUOIJ ogjaaaaaaaaBaaafaa) ae.. . a'al vf.l 3 , - ajQaajuyp. af . . 4 - irtlr TJaT J - """' .. VlC.fff J J. v...ar. w 1 M I ' 1' .-.- 4 . - - - "", r ra v. 1 ftftpSataaf Weww ) ft- ftlaWaWaftftj 0 I af F' r I s-s-y. &, ear ! - t .,-- aa-ae. ftsae- ftftsl 1 ft ft - a m ft r'ft ' ITT" -ft4) ft I ( )- ftftt aa- S- Ivi . THf PltlVATf MCOCL PVISt ywa rXIteV O ' v, - - - , !, ft ft lb fM- , rfSft-fk ft-taMr f , - ftw ft - ft saa--w ftsX V - - t.4- (., anaaw aa f ' lfi - - - mw aaja, eajaaaf at ( fir-) - W e V -- t a1 a. aa ,- feTp"i fft. W CO $ -, AJ -. ft - ft Pat,4VaaU -e4 a ro Qic noLLa--' - - aftM P- j e" () t ! f ftaW Wu - J a K -) f "f , a ft ft a fta ja- c c x aaa Sa e t woeaW 1V c-4 cf r eaf a ft- -ft-4 r rej PB1.UnS.P,?ftaU (ia a m iw ewina Hr . 0 vwai4 aaaa. -. ' i iwa, aa .rst ! 1 ,,.. tu. a..M.i. gATlflTjtillTllff,. ; "-:- ts- nfnt&s- fwhJiwtF TV r 4 - '.. . tmt atti.a. . -. f- ania i. t.i vr . hv, .. . .ij ,. ft I attutir.. I .. Tva Mliao I v. tt i. U . Mil. . b. a. r K. CARPENTER SAWS - l r " ! ffaira a Iataw BjoatiM . s j n . ... aa.rVtt. javr, r r . r. , . .a r.v rva- r-a ar Jf . Ii.al Mrfmrntm rmmi4 fa pim aany..W rl'v ttif. K M'tH A mlttr. ,mmr a... aat. fVt. af im 5.f m- f r. jt t... as . PROF. HARRIS' HADICAL CUMJ r:2 EP-LKA70HHSGA. , "GSMINAL PASTILLE j ali- . ttowtr !? Iiri m n a ' .. . v-sr- a . ..... iu, M..fciMi'iMin.ta. Sitwt - . ,a.t.aai..a .. . . r- - vrf " . r .. . . j r a fca.ra .-. " 4. a.attfcal iv-m. y,. a 3. rr'-aa Ota&a. . Cr 1 - - fi- r I .a .-. t r .- ". t r . . ' vt f A. . i 1 .... r -r t y.,i .. - .. I na 4i . M-g v . wf . !.' H. , 1 , . .f . ... f i m . . ..... .i. f C it m trm, 1 MH4 M - J asa-y. . t t. Iaanaaa 4 ! frt. 7f a T; , Caf'a." I.. . jj'iim,".ni.ii"wpfat. Sil j la i- 4. lrM-. J ". f r.- .x -U . w r. . -v "- m td , ., k. r-J i tea . f .., .m . . y... i'ii te ..... Siy . aM ; ..A - vw t- ...... y-..-. ... w .- 1,.cmlr- Vw. - . ..... . a r "tf A. In-- ' I mi - f n f .,h a . . - rurirx j a. rvtfaa-va- . . . i ' 1 1... a f ...rf . . .... ia . "' .. v. pt - a a - ...te i ... it a . w . . t a4 . ., ... . ... . f f M k . t . I -f tk . -. f-fc.. .., . t . f " .1-. f f .- i - sj cu. -A .-t " - .ia M.arf a . S .. i(iiij.irtirfi,i r. t. --r a i ) a.a. ...- . .' y -S.-TT ... ... I. a..... .. , a( s? f V . . a-. a . a . .. - . .. . ., f .. t m s .& m . . -r.- r- iwTiOi;triu:.M' ;iv aicn oz. - r rTii t r 4 i.t- 14 m -. . i. .., -.r-w..a-'Ta It m af ... b. . .-- .. . M 1 U tt b. ft. a. .. . b . m a . ... .- .ft ..i . - .- -- h. Cjrl.7 f . A ira RtatcsY co.rrs oujcnL CCC HEHEI S5 f: 333 &i 53 rli UUL't,rf"t- - -T . rvt. iaa - . t".. f .. r., -. r-. r-. - i.. v - . u I 1 a- ' !-,. , ..a.j PATENTS t . trpr-3 r-' c-; cf xixp r "rV nam kxcti artiua v r -(. j nk. IWj, IvCkSr- a - -"X i" ' . - . (.aa.3i .. 'VK I o aaat iajnl,&tagrj faw i M $ 9 a afaWaSTT " VW l7 -' j-aal"Kit!ft-r ft - 3 ft rft', 4 -f ftv ' ft gr eii , .f'Pftaifta,-.- wevew4 ft' - satftftArBBafaWawaV LsBBBBBBBBBBBnL2r VwM&r'' HftNM.W' flTaftaaw bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI "-J aaf.. J rsTsTsTsTsTstsW rftwo a mrmm. BBBaW aal," T 7r r t-a-r. r 1 - --...Bet a .? e a. . a.an?a. izfS'jmt' ' -2 iSH e ' 'SSar ft. V af?jfr - ' -tar- T A . -JSp; ":" ty' SitaygBjgiaig- a l?3-fNa -