I J y- THE BED OLOUD. CHIEF. l. U THOJIAS, r.LU.Lrr. RED CLOUD, - - EBRASITA. XOT MIXK. If 1 i:ul Hio-M'iulili-V jimliwHv, 'it thi-, nut JUI-, ' " "-It would Iimm-Ix't-n on-of rr-i , enrili l.ni Mi. N.-hil. -leui'ile'cr have tHlli-n nve Min-i't re-f , Tiii tiii-liiit J.e.i .ir vMi!ii; lll'llH.vltsllt l.ll-M. ItlltUlOW I uia Jlmnili a VHjliiJ .bod'ukti-oilreur. AViih ttiini hii'I lirli-jx tinl mo, Aii'l rliHiilx 1 l'r, hf' no Ihiici4mhIh'4iiii' outer OHZU1- Utelit, !"! flliell.W- JlV tilt! Hltll IlKltilill 'lliNt (-mill- wltll lltdlt. If I hmtl -lio-i )lff'-i litlMtr, vK mint', not tiilm-, I "tViril Sihvi cHm!! h lofty itfttll, WIh-m Mim- tiiwlMf. Ot mtridfrK Klitt'-rinMiH f twin umoM, Wit'-' (OHIIIIHS mvc tluek proud u nil I'OT iMIHll- id "il. tint li'tc in tin- IkihIrhiU I toll With Untl limel- -lo-,v; I !i-i lint tin- -unuidi l- mtjriHHr. lt ItttMilirt; Jl . 1 - ho )HP4;itnt. jdiltiir, ! )tHipir-tti'. V.tM with earthwork iiit-.iMrofu.3iiO 1 hI nod . h.x. iJ Nlrt-ti'-r, I totoH-, TmJ iia linl hIhhiW choose; -JmMiM itUt Ht.- tlM I'Vll, 'IIm' is! jWwm". 1 -4kuI! lut--Im-ch tiicljilglitiiuai 'WH"H !ort, l'.ut Mi- IimiIi jtiwii me -ln!ov-.'a W 1m kitom-tli Itc-t. l'r I km tlmt le- -- I'Cjoiid KwiiliV IwliuK -moid. Ili Imh-Uihi. in)- h to follow ; II htl- no liiiu'l. Conic home "if tin- way U rawl," Veto him -riy, Vom m tluoimh llif-c gtoouis uinl or To f-dlc- laj ." "hrittinn Union. tiii: Morsr.ix ash the sqcjii j:i:l. Tin- jHwtitii ml tw t-jnJriol il.nl il HHIUli, itMUnf!nn'roMlIiiltJolBtti,'rM.UtIisl'i'i;" Unit replied. MiiimiHilitln vury Wit; ' l'.ut hII iinxit iliu hwI wenUiar Mu-t It- tuki-n in together mak- a vi-r. 'i-l a Kitlicic. I lliink it ii dl-gTMf ..m-4ii m )iHt-c. II I in no! m laii;.- st- m, i.h'm- n4 hi -iiihII h I, iiI not IihII o.r. I 'I Hot tl oll IMHkl' f itit Miiiii'l trnck. I .ilfHt-iilllliT. all l" wfll Mini wlMIyllit; It I ran not -att fon'Ini itiy lmek, N llll'T cnh u -rw k h lmt. .'. II". Iltnerton. tiii: iti.i.vu i:ve. , lrnirytor Imiii Hoiii'Knl. Mr-. .Mi'l'liiTMHi v:i-:ncrv iiupurt:iiit jiiiii:' in tin' tnuiil.iinliif Ciuhniiror, luMt.g-oimtnmg loUowunineeMioi let uciglilNir from Hit- troubloii- life, , . . ! f but still more with their entrance into it; in hort, -be wa-the -' j'i'tnini of the entire di-triet. Her dutie-;. there fore, took her to eery wake and hri-teuiij": in the count r. after -he had :i'i inled the death-bed and die ed the ib-id. or received and welcomed the new -born. She -pent few night- at home in her lonely cabin by the road--nle, where there were none to bear her compxiiy, for she w:l- a ehildle widow. I he townland wa- mt eten-ic; it 1 mi'itu-cd a tract of well cultiiatcd 1 oiiuiry. wen a- a who region -ireien- ., f I mg up into tin iioiiegai mountain-. "!"haiirie took it-name from a mek l" ol l:llnl w nere itire iiii-ui- ami i ! k- of granite alHUiuded. The high 1 ml lay between thi-pictureMjue wilder-' in and Mr-. Mcl'her-on- collage, and i.o other human habitation wa- in -iglil. Somewhat loneh felt the good woman one afternoon alter returning from .Matt ' O'Doniighue- funeral, where, out of re--jnct to the family, -he had keened her--i If .jtiite hoar-e. -he was Inning recourse to her-hort. 1 I.n k pipe for cutifort. when -teji-were hcinl at the door, and, glad to welcome .1 neighlmr in her solitude, .-he looked i niid bri-kl. A -l ranger entered - a man appareitt h lM'tween 10 and oU ear of age. l'i itl iu the long-tailed coat, knee 1 i.e. he-, and bine -tocking then worn b the pea-antry. Mi-. Mcl'her-on bade him kimlly wel come, and prayed him to be -eated. M good woman, -aid he. "will on ! piea-eiL to gie me :i drink of w iter:1 " Willi all the plea -lire in life, re- l.i d -he. going titer to her water can, u handing him a drink. An" where'doyoii get your water, ma'am?" hv asked, when he had lliank fulh returned the cup. "Why, sir, 1 go a good little piece for !' it water down t the well at the foot o' Doiiind"- potato field." Whv do you go that far. an' :i spring :it the f(Mt o" mnir aiu garden?" ' There's nae -pring ava in my gtir dell. -ir." "Troth is there; ju-t a lino spring bubbling tip be-ide the a.-h tree. Mr-. Mel'lier-on knew that there was no well in her -arden: but being too po - hie to ,-oiunidict the Mi-.mger, the re-' iii.unen -nciii. At lenirth he got up and .-aid lie mu-t be iroing. "How far have you to go, sir?" a-ked hi- ho-ti'5-. Not far. ma'am: I'm a neighbor o vonr-; I live on Crohanroe." I'rohanroe, irood man ? There-? nae hou-e on (."rohanroe, an I never seen mhi liefore to mv knowledge, replied -he. in extreme bewilderment. lut I ken won well: lm living on Crohanroe the-e hundred year.-.' Mr-. Mcl'her-on -tood at her door and watched the vi-itor. who ero-.-eil the hiirh-road and went ti ("rohanroe; but there -he lo-t -ight of him: there were -o many furze bii-he- and great .-tone-that he might ea-ily be hidden. How ly -he turned into her little g:ir den. and walked over to the a-h-tree. There, -ure. eiiousrh, w;l- a clear -pring bubbling up at the root of the tree, and wearing a re-ervoir for it-elf in the gravellv -oil! She nibbed her eye-; he pinched hcr.-elf ; at hu-t ?he faltered tutt : 1 didna take a drop but one wee gla.-s o poteen. jut for company an civility like, at Shaun Doyne's ou my way frae I..-, fio.-.ii No: she could not underhand it in the 'lea-t. She knit her brow- and puzzled all day, and wa- -till lnu-mg upon the young-looking man who declared he had liv;il on Crohanroe for the lat hundred . xear-. when -he heard the trot of a . hor-e on the road, and presscntly a knock at her door. It w:l then night, and the moon had lately riVen. Mr-. McPherson. well accu-toined to be -UinnioiiiMl in lbe ni.'ht- wa- not . . . much Muiui-itl to -ee a man holding a , hor-e at her door. J You're wanted, ma'am, to attend a ladv, a friend o mine," said the man. ; - Can von come wi me at wan-it?" Where do you come from, sir? I dinna know yon. an 1 know all the people in thi- country far an near." Not very far," replied he. evasively: j and he pulled out a pur-e. and showed i half a sovereign and several shilling-:, i I w:u- bid offer you all that money, if you'd come wi me. , 1 lie good woman hatl never earned ! such wagein herlife. and co.dd scarcely , turn her eye- away from the attractive i sight ol mi mueh money. Her scruples were at once overcome, and wrapping her-elf m her shawl, she locked tip the house, and let the stranger assist her to . mount the horse. i foraiionniuieinev Kept to the Jugh-, road-:-out ineii, turning into the fields thn- o-ii.il iiitclii.5 mill hilT-iT,t-j 0,1.1 1 " i- -- .---. .-. ..w,,-....,...... , other landmarks well known to the good j woman. i Why, surely this is Squire O'Hara's 1 CM?" nmon'.tniti'l j.Ih; at Li.-t. "Thuru's iiuc-houiKi. Uiat-I ktnm-.Btiy wliere ltcmnmtiT" "Male' vmr munliivv; we'll ! at ' the place in a 1111111110," n-pliiil thr piitli'. A lilaz' of wnrm yellow lijxht pn 1 rnlly mitigktl with th eoM blue iinfin- lilit. I lioy were appntvhui;j a ntntiv a-tle, who-k many window wrc if lliniiuatil. Sijuiix-'O'IInra'-t hou-j w:t like a mttajri' romnnnl with xhU r;b tle: anil .Mr-. Mrl'inr-on, 'who lml I'n in tin iiiimediat1 iiii;;hlorhool all h-r life, had inner soen It lx-fore. Hut -he had no time to enn'- ln-r -'iirpri-'. for Mjrvants in plendid liverj- htirriiHl out to help her from her hor, ami eoimiift her into the en-tle. She pa-"ed thrrnih -ev'nil nxim heantifiilly ftirni-hed and lihti with roiinth' candle-, until -he r:ii'hed tin larjre ehamher when- her patient, a hand-otne, lad, la in a TtmiptinMi-ln'd. There was a ffre htirnin; on the lniirth. .Mr-. .Mel'lierm -at down he-itleit, lean ing her elbow njioii a -mall white mar ble table that Mood near, and azinjr, a-. if in a dream, at the ladv, and the at tendanl llittiii"; about tfie niitn. One of them, :i re-peetable-IiMikin; woman, eanie eloM to lier, and pan-in a mo ment, :l if to tlu-t and arnine nime .furniture, whipred. " Viu will pri ently be offered cake and wine; but voii'H neither eat imr drink in thi- hou-e If you value your life." Mr-. .Mcl'her-on trembled. How -he eur.-ed her avarice, and wi-hed he hail nover Min the rld jrlittorinjrin the me ener'- jmr-e! When a man came in earryine; a -i!er tm laden with refreshment.-, and pre I'd Iter to partake, -he civilly hut decidedly ecu-cd hcr.-elf, to hi- exident chagrin. Will you not tate the -pirit-, then, ma'am?" .-aid he. Kaix an1 troth, my good gentleman, that-, a drop never pa--e- my lip-," re plied -he, ohlhiou-. of thegla. at Shaiiu Doolie-, and f many a t-uji of comfort beside-. Do tak a -up, ma'am: it will lift uj your heart bravely," jier-i-ted the servant. Hut Mrs. McPhcr.-on -aw tin; woman who had warned her looking back an-iou-ly at her, and -he again refu-ed. The night advanced There wa.-. a small green pot lving on the table, and out of ciirio-ily and idlene -he took it uji to examine it. A -hort time after ward, somethiti tickling her left eye brow, -he raised her hand to rub it, and iiiarveloii- wa- the effect of that .-imple action. All her Mirroundin- were ehaie'ed in a moment. The ladv no lon,rer lav on a sumptuous bud, but up- on tin-damp ground. The carpet-, -0- , fa-, chairs, and tabic turned into gra . and benweed-; the gaIy die ed at- tendaiit-were dwarfed Into diminutiu- 1 "-rceii-coated and red-capicd peoide; ...1 ti... .f-it.-ii- i.ti.. i t 1 r vani-heil, .lll't II." -! ." ... ... ... .- .,..; ,,. l,ut the ..Id tree-of Sllirir(ni;,ni fort. .Mr-. Mcl'her-on wa- -o terrilied that it wa- all -he could do not to -cream: but knowing that Mich a cour-e might be Miicidal, she controlled her-clf, and made no -ign. She then tried the effect of covering her left eye. and looking with the right. The cn-lb' and it- fairy -plcndor returned, all a- magnificent a it had been on her entrance: but if -he ii-ed the left eye, the horrible metaiiior-pln-i- took place. The patient now reciuired her care. A line -on wa- born, whom -hedreed,and .(-1( I1( the pillow be-ide hi- mother. l!crbu-iiici concluded, the -ame-ervant who had brought her to the ca-tle whi percd to her that it wa- time for her to go home. Neer were words more welcome. She ha-tened to the door without looking behind her. and -uffered il... iiimii i.t li.'ln li.T l.i iiiomit lier lior-c :l tnUH.,. (ll terror -he n.de home, not i.:,r ,.. . 1... i)f.i.l clmw that -be w a- afraid 1 "-.. " Here are your wage-.' he -aid, when she di-tnoimted at her own door. Taring ju-t then er little for the ! money, -he took it and dropped it on the window ill. The ine-.-eiiger rode off, and -he locked her door on the in side, and -at down be-ide her cold hearth to think over the adventure, and con gratulate herself upon her safe return J home. There was a glass of poteen in , a certain black bottle in the cupboard; -he drank il to cheer her ipiaking heart. 1 The long winter night was over, and .-he ; had not been half an hour at home be fore daylight made it- way through her window, and fell upon tlic jnoiic on the -ill. Had it turned into dead leave- or bit of -tick? No; there it la., a heap of I I'onn fi'li coin of the realm, con-i-tingof a halt sovereign. Iie -hilling-, ami -i-! pence. She examined it with her right ce, then with her left, then with both together, and the re-ult was the -ame. Strange thing-had happened to her of late: the vi-ii of her ancient neigh bor from ("rohanroe; the sudden hub ! bling up of the -pring at the foot of the ' old :i-h: and. la-tly. her night at the Kuchau fort. When the sun was high in the heaxen-. she plucked up courage to 'o prettv near the fort- at lea-t to ni(iuIliniJtlu Squire's field with tree-I .,ujne: round the outer eilge. and rank I witlim one nciii 01 11. j acre was im na and benweed- iu the center, and all looking ju-t a- u-ual: but at her feet lay a -mall red cap, very like tho-e -he had .-een worn by the fairy .-ervauts. She nicked it uo and hid it beneath her -hawl. and a- -he did o -he heard di-- taut niu-ie iiiumc that was -weet and j leaant. but that had a muilled -otind, a- though it came from -ome region un der ground. She remembered all at once how her little brother Mick, dead year- before, had once been herding in the Squire's field-, and had come home with wonderful tale of pipes and lid-die- that he had heard while he lay with hi- ear again-t the ground. It's a gentle place, this fort: an -o i-: Crohanroe, to be sure,' said -he to her.-elf, an I'll ju-t tak' the botinie wee cap haine wi' me for luck." So the red cap lay on the dre. er all day. but there was no trace of it next morning. It wa.-na for luck, then,"1 -olilo- quized .-he. i4 I'd ax we'er minister i xvhat he thinks ancnt it, onlr hedbe ure to bid me go to the meeting regu lar, an pa- mv stipends, an quit takin i " ww tIrI &M hlps me through wi n, work- I l ms last inougni ueeuieti ner not to consult her minister. So she told neither him nor anv lnnlv else about the man who had lived on Croh:lnnx for a lum-1 dretl ye:irs, the spring at the root of the . ash, her night at Squire 0"Hams old ! tort, and the little red cap brought home from the. field. thu had! There was a fair held half-yearly in f the town of IVuiegnl. The day came, j and Mrs. McPherson put ou her clean i cap and tartan shawl, and set forth to j spend the fairy money. She was unde- cided whether to buy a pair of blanket- or a " slip oi a pig to eat up the pota-' to-kins and buttermilk j The town was crowded with people from all parts of the country, and a gay t ceene was the fair the booths covered with such goods as would be most tempting to poor ft and daughters. irmersand their wives j As Mrs. ilePherson stood watehino- the sprightly black-haired maidens teas-- ing their sweethearts for a fairing, and the mothers anxiously counting their halfpence, she observed a dwarfish man ' making his way up the street. He seemed to stop "at every stall to take! something or other off it now a cravat, now-a pair of socks, now an orange or a wedge of baeon ; and she could not .,,......:.-.. .1.... 1... . i.i r 1 . iuieei-.e liiui 11c eci paniiur anv tiling. His brown jacket was bulging out with the quantity of goods he had manaed to stow away. But the most remarla- ble thing aljful the whole affair wa- that i Jhr nwjrirnLSrf tlKL Jlallsriid not appear 4 to call Jnm to acoinnl : ,uiev put up iu a jurprlVingly phdo-jilucal manner with -' ---. -- - -w .- the lo of their ppu-rty. inuecl. they did not -eetn even to we tho little tliief. Nearer and nearer he carnc, in am! ouL among the cmwd, snaUhingarticla- fnuii the lxxith- and towing them awnv njn tu jx'r-'jri. 1 in gxt woman touched him ujwm tin shoulder whun he got clo'4 enough, and a-ked " Whv do you tak the thing- fnu the -mil- without iMinfor them, -ir?" The dwarf uiif not replv to her nue lion. UL-ieau u uiung mi ne aKeo an- other. . . 1 . 1 . . - , . , "hirh of your eye do ou me the animal and the quality of th- f.n-I wit h ?" he :tkel . ,j(. n-cim e for her -en ic are djuUIe " With my left eye," replied the jtoor of gnat imxrtance. lnit the !-t -u-k woman, wondering at tin ijue-tion. s and the mo-t nutritious fixal will by no Tin man -aid nothing more, lmt mak- , nnaitt our' the mo-t atifa-t.rv re iti" a Midden -pring into the air. thni-t -idt if the-e other hxtoorlant auxiltnrio- hi- finger into .Mr-. .Mcl'her-oii- left eye, putting it out completely. THE WASTE OF LIFE. wiiy uvwioul.1 Tnkf jti-tirr Cnr.-of our. fKrtii tlHW orkTfme-i f A hotel-keeper pa-t the luid.lle age of life, of long exjK.nenee. and Mm bl iiuite acute lemer- of ob-enation m re- frrnii tin W tork Tfme-i "" . gard to the phy-ifpic of hU gue-t-. wa ipiite po-itive that there had been de 1 eloped of late a bitter form of woiiun kind. f i know'of no niMin to account fur tiii- fiiinniieiMcnt -:iiif li 'th;if b; aiham-ingthe idea that woman and girl- are better fed. I miv lho-J t- oi.r xi'in.f-O'.'il U'rim,.ii -....I .rtrl- ,.f firniir ftiiw. wliik It-ul itt wf'ttviiii't I lrta they were in the majority. Delicate hand- and feet were, of cour-e, to ! found, but it wa- to he accompanied with drooping head, no breadth of che-t and general debility. I do not know if it ari-e- -o much on account of more e-erci-e, but rather from the fact that food, -mh a- women u-', i- better cooked ami more plentifully given to them than in the time of our mother- ami grandmother-. There u-cd to be an old-fashioned -chool which wa founded on -tinting. It was unladylike for a girl to eat a hearty meal. Our -i-ter- u-ed to be half -tarved. (V:iiiig for that .-olid food which was aholute! m-ce arv for growing girl- wen- -ati-ficd with cup- of tea or thin -lice- of bread and butter on which a little pre-eries had been -pread. Now, you may think but little of my ex perience, but a -ea--ide nort i- ex -- a ' - mt-r ! lllllHIOI. ' 1 actly the place where a fair judgment can be formed a- to .-i.e, weight ami general appearance of our women. J am ipiite po-itive that if you were able to weigh the women and girl who aii walking on thi- eramla or on the sand-, ami had a record of the weight of their mother- at the -aim-age, there would be an inerea-e to-da of from lo to 1ft per cent., piite -ufli-cient to add immense!, to the per-oual appearance of our women. Von may -ay that I am an intere-ted party, be-cau-e 1 feed m gui'.-t-a- well a i can. ami that a better cla of people fn quent my hou-e, but tin oh-cralioiis 1 have the honor of entertaining you with an general, and apply to the great ma jority of women I meet in the street- of New Vork. We hate no better food a toiUalitt, but I beliete it i- tin- pn-pa-nttioii of it which ha- made the change. There i-no I'ountrt iu the world when the neceity of good, well cooked food i- greater than iu the 1'niied State-. The changes in out climate are terrible, and the wear and tear on the human frame i- imincu-c IVrhap-, nowhere el-c, iu ant great city of the woildi-the -tie mi human brain- -o great a- in New Vork. It i- miractilou- to think how. lift tear- ago, men or women got along at all, ami prc-cr ed their facul-tie-. with the bad -t-tem of feeding thet had then. Hut if I believe I can appre ciate better phy-ieal condition in the city, I can not -ay the -ame for the couiitrt. The country i- -till pie-fed and frting-pan fed: it revel- in clammy pa-te, -tii-kt dough, oterdone meat, ignore- a rare broiled beef-teak, i- utterlx ignorant of soup, and de-trot- it dige-timi by clogging the stomacli with bacon-fat. It 1- wor-e 111 New l-.nglaml j than in tin Middle State-. It i- not , poverty that does it. but the want of j judgment iu the selection of food and ignorance iu preparing it. The-e en- ' gender long, lantern jaw--, pallid coin- j plexious. and -lab-idedne iu men and 1 women. Feed a man through a half-centurv nil and a vvomoil I on indi.'e-tible food, and their off-pring will -how the ' effect- of it It i- not .l.,.,,!.,,;,...,., l.u-l.i....,l.. tal qualities are dwarfed. We don't i want over-nerv-on-men -ni.1 uvinu.n lH timditi"- bi-iin -md no hil ive briwn : Such it-iit- inv-e birth to -ill tbi'.l. ..f ' ipieer i-m-. You tlud me any well fed : I---- - people who follow the wilil reli-nnii , tenet-, which ended in -uch afe7irf.il trtgedv a- took place iu New England thi-year. That horrible thing came a -traight dowu.ju- could be from a cen turv of bad food and abnormal dige tion. People don't look at food in the right wav. Mo-t especially do profc.--ioual eople, those who work the hard-e-t. often adopt an a--ceticini xvliieliM. fatal to them. The thing we all want i- -taying power. It i- tnie, we Aiuericaii' aeeonipli-h a givat deal in a inarvelou.-ly .-hort period of time, but the " fact i-. we use our.-elve- up m doing it. v e don't -tav Ytmr lawver, vour doctor, vour profe . - -or, more e-peeiallv the first two, too often go to the most unfortunate of all extreme.-. That stimulant which "ood. well cooked food, and plenty of it, would afford them they do not "think about. The great waste" that i alwavs pullin'- thenrto piece- thev make up for too often by drink. This work- for a time , with teartul rapidity, keeping the ma- l" "'"'r- "v p "' "- "' -m'"" injure me inniN. ?o a- m inevem. o c.,,- in lh(, hxCtu .jtJj a ,lHM. ut ,-trf,. ,aj,, chine a-going in triple fast time, but it ! bi put on, to insure perfect e.ainlme.--, , v eying the water, the elephant drink- h-ave them to -ak w ell. -trough -hak-then -M)ii grinds out the co.'-wheel-. ' :lftr lht'ir ablution have Iven faithfully j by wading into the water and inmier- j,,., t,e i,. nmv ami then. Whi n ' Your profes-or plods it i- tnie7ind mav imt r.x.nir.. ..o..iT-..Tiu- ti,., .-.,,- ,.:..r ... ..-,.... ., ..(.j'...v .... . , .., .iuib mull- in. but still be noWr I.; ct..,.,..i. and i proud of Mich ne-lect7 It 5- inl conipatible, so he thinks with the ili.r. nitv ot hi c ...... . r illing to MiH.p down to the is otteti the siiviii"- of i nem- f'liMiit , and carries him through to future u-e- ' fulne-JS. Great brain-T that do mi"-hty work, and keep on doing-it. liko "Bi-j marek, must tie well fed. A man may "-! ...". ....... ... .-.. ui v, .tun ,0.- coniplish something, but if he is -under- i smirt filmier until h., i rt.1 .. IO .,...1 I fed he stops then Middenlv and goes all ! to pieces. He has used up half his life, and the harvest of his later years he is ' unable to reap. If the ouesrion of longevitv were studied, it would be ' Why do not doctors, lawyers, clenv-' men and professors look at their col- leagues of the same calling abroad, and follow their example in caring better for the necessities of life? -A real duel was lately fought at wants and necessties of men in lower --X or iiinssmng grain ; cioine, Mnmeu years ai.er pacing me agi-oi -'.,r vv ny .nilI1.arabie. , the UUi W!IV. .............:.... ii, 1...1. . .. tt..i . i.i r i :iml -iiileil fmni iiliiwin". oliiiitini. wet!- thi t.-r :UI- ttlir. at !vl rv wum- . . - . - . - oiiiioaiioii. ni' mnu a nine oau ioihi, , : ; n' j-- - ., . . , , ,. . MI.wool dr . i-uod-or i-olored ilan- .....1 L .- i-: :j:rr !. iiir. retainiti- the smell of the vcevta- i an smmbl lie in her Iniddin- mamritv ' r,""un'"rT.wlv . . ' . .urn i. ,-u jitmin imu.uu.oi iiiuiuereBL , ," , ----- , ,. --1 i ------ - - .-; ----.- . i iliouMi te wa.-lud out nUMKJV iu whether he k feeding on balced or ileil - --T have been working over; and developtnenu At W). it -he hat, nf -J g ii kxSoPZ-IZ meat. y,vfr-hovy stni.id it is for a man h1an,l ' Z"1 neeesary laln.r , any character at all, it has ocrn ronnd-; P "J j ' then fohl- ......: u i.." , . , ., flint nnle lioniiirhlctle'in-il. it must . mit r i.viwin.m.v nlki.n-ilm.i r,i. It "lperaiun . wnm ry, aai. mill HWl fitTrindpl" r" ZZ E en ? e to ' iniible to nmk"vvithout impaiug j parin and 'ret toion At W i,e hL' -1 P" a JSlh". ?th ??. "r lluiey1 "hat1 anv machine S r o ?,- l .? ! UI n many -iKs of the world and Efr,? i ZZ ZVn " without the necessary amount of good M:l-V kl" f, "ork can not be easily ; her judgment i- matured. At W -he L- SfJ'Hj SL.,,nt; ' l - fuel. A pn.fes.-ional ,rson should penomicHt without the nami ami clothes no longer the "chit ot a girt, but the - .r"m34je of In,Iia bhf,r k.r, be temperate but noLalwteinion-- receiving an unpleasant Miiell, and all j companion of a man. At .'JO her phv- l"1 t"'3'" y1 . ,1 - , . . .. . niiipi ao. iitii not an-ttmiou.-, , - . ,.., - ' .. - , , .,' -, which can be adm-tcd) t almost mdi- W lieu a mail I- "IVim" hllllell "IVVlV huuh.w juuiim i-.nu.,. -.o-a. ..unnn u- jirai amaanuiii ;inmm iiau' aimuii-u . , . r. It 1 t partin- all the time with his -uh-tanee e:lsn-v taintdl with Mich odors a milk. ; a permanent riienes-: which should show l"a",' m warning, u uoe.- not wear UhjTtlalLm ofS drie hmT'up When we think of the condition of the ; litile sign of change till 45. Thi, rele- . - C and withers him. It i gcnd food with hands and clothes of those who go to ' gung the mo,t brilliant iH-rio,! of a n" a sngleglass of sound Purgundy which th . without Avashin- or , woman's life to mere girllnl, t the ?S rriSMhT- SJ d-trTSin n found that, as far as professional men ' this spout two thicknese-; of muslin are ment Hone. ami to. of conr-. u- rrr ifi -m 1 t-i 11 rhAm k. A !';. j t -.-.- nnrxr ny a tin niriTi inn t - t m- inrniiii t.Krrr r niw iin iirinrn ti irri'?iiu-. Vtnt.v 47tli .-.-Hi:n ....?.:. T ? .11 1 Itl- ivli.n It- i.-T. tli a nnn Via? Vr- . llSiCf T?iritrtiiniF fT. Vti lkf1 I." TSTl t .'i.iii - Kbiiii ?i.biiiiiii iTiiiiiiiii it 1 ! ' t i . . k r- 11 di.a. iij iiir ii.rn.ii. 1 ulv 1 k iiv-4 &k: . 1 xxm ii- t.r ui liun a uv. i a. driving, and no time to bait the Insist. ' two operations been strained four times, asked bv a brother artist, a Colonel and. Tepinster. Belgium, by Coimtde VevsT, i les-lv or accidentally fafleir into the who is. noted for enormous wealth. and 'cream pot be removed". And not only this, ,. , - , .. ...1. . .. . ..... '. uaron ue anioo. l ner used pistols, ' but. bv straining the cream, dried, hard since the loiiowing toast was proii-rncii rlaaters sacc-d la ccrinjr erey cae o; the -and the Baron was killed. The Count Inmps'of cream'that often form on top ' and drank: ' In ascending the hill of ar!: fcV3 b? ? u r P- F' atwv,0Ugl:-,eredtO ofthepan,particnlarlyif set where the' pros-nty may we never meet a HfcVhi-Ato SdVaUDr t?S5S give -200,000 bail, was put in prison. wind blows oa the milk, will either be friend." the countrr. 1 FAKJi TriCS. Mltk-aHliaKtrr rf -' 'oianlainU ul ijuc bcticr axnl'tbin milt are vcrv otaJjti. and with xrr g-tOtl rea.on. The mo-l owmast rvmon- rtrnnce- coni cJJefly from or c-ttie.. I'eojtV in the country are '-enerallv uo- ikv-.i1 to In-eenitt "from thi trou4. J, I'hat i- ft mi, tat en nb-a. Tw ttmtr-i 1 the -Mirre fntn walch all th.-' ujm iIie are bpjutrh:. and there tW"a--of . .... .. - . lb- v i mu-t be wreln-d after. A.r-.-fy Hnd twrftfct clrtimim-- art two of the HKi-t inixirtant element Ut It J-xikn . .. -------- . - or if one would secure a g-l ualtvof milk or butter 'Hie chararteri-tW" of are lacking. Of late yenr the milk ami luitr from the Alderney or .ler-ey cow have at tractiil much attention. 'Hie iut'ru-t in , the-e animaL- ha rapnllv increa--! that none td our mo-t intelbi:eiit farm- - .- t I -t r leei -aii-inii unie-iney -an ttire 1 leel -atl-Inil unle-theV ttn -itire : "" "r. ,n"n; piin-l.!oo.Ici;or at 1,-a-t a ' y'JWl. J.-rvy ww Iti-.howev- . ' " kn,Mn hiu thi hn-tl of milk- er- ilo-- not yielu a large -miruut ot milk; but it-" great riehne , a- om- partil with other graile-, i- thought t. more than coiuiieu-ate for what i-. lack- ing iu mea-ure. A .lcr?ev cow al-o at- tftictH attention and l.-ieak our affec- 1 I'""1"'' mu-re-i inuepemieni ..1 ner n ! trill-IC ValllC. he L- geni.-rallv -mailer 111411 In coiiituon cla- of cow-. The head ii small, the horn-, graeefiil and I clean in color, the eye- tender, l.iutiful, and intelligent. 'Hie whole ln-aring of , tin animal i- gentle and winning The j -ft, .-hy eyo have almo-t a human, an .ij'ji .iiiii;i jii. ion, into. -1100M1 iu- teet her from rough handling or cruel treatment. ... . Hut farmer- mu-t not flatter them- elve-. fiav ing procured a herd of Alder- iny cattle, that they may now re-t fpun their labors, and henceforth can fin ni-h -ati.-facforv milk and butter, and hear 11. 1 liinirnr-iiiv i-omiil-iitiK from tfn-ir ci-tomcr-. Soinelhing more i nece -arv. Hffxi milk and butter am be -updieil from the common gr.ub of tin world"- wnt-. -In. jrliap. - learn-cow-,on certain condition-, ami w hen ing crochet or lace it itch, or to daub with the demand for the ln--t or none be- water-color-. l-ft to hi-ow n dev ices come too loud to Ic longer slighted, the butter-maker- will find that thev ....". . . mu-t co-nply with the-e condition, or their occupation will pa into more en-terpri-ing hands. Wake up the farmer- with an appeal that toitche- their pecuniary intere-t, ami -mill a motive higher than mere -eiti-hne will be arou-ed. Tiny will take true plea-ure in making their work a- ucarlv perfect a- skill ami ingenuity can achieve. If they find that the .ler--et animal- are the ino-t profitable, and in every way the nm-t desirable, thev will take a laudable pride in bringing them, bv increa-ed can ami attention, into tin mo-t de-inible condition for -upplviiig the and butter. highe-t ipialitt of milk Hut whatever grade of cows furnt-ht the -upplie-. however well thev are hoii-ed and fi-d. there i--oinethinginore needed to -ecure -ati-factort re-ult more scrupulous neatne in tin milker-, ami the ve els into which the milk is nut. nioi'i' watehftiltif ill the milk- room, more pcr-oual -iiperiiiteudeiiee troni the ma-ter and mi-tre . and le ovcr-ight and authoritv delegated to uu- trained men and maidens. 1 his i-aii- on the wav to becoming a man. a- pa --oluiely neces-arv to -ecure the het port to that dignity, he grow- to di-re- luality of milk ami butter, even from gard them him-elf. and to reckon it of ine une-i Aiueriiev cow-, i ne iacK 01 -cruulous, fa-tidiou- neatne , and tm--killfulne-s iu the manufacture of the article, will continue to till our market -with poor unhealthy tra-h, .-old under the name of butter, miles- the -piiit of eoinjietition become- o eanie-t a- to -tav the evil. We have been rejeatcdlv:i-ked. What l-the -eeret alMiut the ceicprated f-.cho I a rm butter that has won it it- high reputation? We li jte never vi-ited Kcho Farm, though greatly de-iring to do -o, i lmt nave read and 1 1 earn eiiougn, added ' p ", ..-.- .. to our own experience in the care ot milk and in butter-making, to believe that the only -eeret i- thi-: the eow t hem-elves a're the lir-t con-ideration. and are made a- comfortable and kept i- deanlv a- po ible: large, airv -ta large I lll.l. . T I I ! -! I J ! Ill'lllll I - ni - i tl III '" ; " ' .....- ....... ....... ...... ,mugh tor lite aniinai lo nave pieniy m "" ""V :'hiu. nneti. aim mgii enough to give free circulation of air: a the pnre-t -pring "ter.a,,d a-oac.ous well orde.cdyan , -paeioi: tile en "ito which the cow- are turned each day, by -eetion-. for an hour' regular ' exerci-e. 1 ht'V are alway- treated kind- ,. . .ii; i i i i. .. lv; no col.ling or lonil har-h tu.nl i- l'v,r :,w,,. a"l therefore, bavin; l,,,,'r k'n abu-e or fear, the-e am Ii'ivintr .. ni- mal- are gentle and kindly, and their milk better for thi-amiability. elephant L- engaged in .-uch work a- We hear, and know by the re-ult-. j dragging tiniln-r, il takes the thn-e-feet that it mu-t be -o, that nothing can ex-', ,,. attachetl to the log between it ceed the care and cleanlines- of every teeth. Then, mi-ing one end dear oft he nteu-il that is needed about the milk, a- nround. it half-dniL-- and half-carrie- well as in making the butter. Kvery convenience that h:u- been invented and found valuable i- -implied. " Order and eleanlinessi-ysteiiiatie and iitiifurni J order of feeding the cow.-and managing ' them, an ob-eVved from one year'- end to tlie other, and this .-y-tcinatic work- : : ...l r l... . -." . " . 1 '. nig i M-cii cu-iouii-u-. iiuui im- iun-i tum " he liiUK to the tinal pacKingot ; """""" "i .-uiju-.-ii., j iu.h. .i- 5-nre :u-effect follows cause, lmt Ii milk i s""' ''"tter nm-t be pure and excellent.'" t Close by the all-vvhere the ciw-.are ,m,kt' a n,oni ' n.tUM "P for the "iPH''11 u-e of the milkers, containing wa-h-ba.-in-. ?oap, towel-, looking-. i:l:i-i'S comb-, and bm-he-, withehHet.- nttondeti to ."" contni.-t this with the untidv . ,. , . ,11 manner in which many farmers allow tw'ir "dlker.- to milk the cow. hair tin- bni-heil. full of lmk and .-tr.iws, per- J aps jit-t a? thev come rom loading . . . . , t. i ciiaiige oi i.wiiieiu. ui uru-niui; me uair. we cim not won,ler that ixr milk and . butter are so common, even if there was no her reason for it. Again, at helio harm even precau- j any" impurity : tmn k tnlren to nri'rptit nnv imnlinr .--....- ..-.... .-- -. . .. . .... ........ ... . getting into the milk. When brought I in from the stalls, the milk is strained ' through the usual strainer that i-T or should be. on the milk pail, into anoth-1 er pail having a brass strainer on the in- ! "ide of the spout, but on the outside of and it wonld seem impossible for any unclean thing unless dissolved to enter j the milk. " ' .Many object to straining cream, but we have always held that it must be done, to le sure that any mote or parti - cle of dust or dirt that may have care-! reinnp4 w o mr'-'l "--- tl nl the rrrrtm that tJw-r wit! aV dm 'Trkhi rHt!vvtvt jfc t.lrr-rAH i-r TtM . --rj--- - . ..-- iil i" lrt:-J iai-vr-Jaa-! Utuui v4 with !- troubk -i-afc.!iC tu . n-cally a dstS'-nlt f'K jmrti-u!-- tf 4 very thick. IUm :rai-T l Jn w- .j f whi'rh t)w crm i- ratnwttr 4 Wc- . ouhh irauH'l aa4 mtokxl. mm! m Ilfllc --t'JI IKHKrt- ui mil 4r Kl&i . . . . . 1 ' ; 01 Mam-MrTm-r. or pomp-. c !-ra:e. we pre-, fat -4tnttr ann- ner. -wmi: tl- -w ifwwMr wrft-. e lwe t rr (dt thai it w m r- 1 iiw-.litnit tfeiUA chttrn m.U brmt : seer idtifc&t - re- .,,.., . ... . . uk- wuht ia iw mimin nursing 1 We U iot tUktK - moct butter fni a j:te auiuMMt 4 rmum. If ti stutr -Mo. irMW. and riemm- hm-- were alptti ia U LwrWt are iinl$l-nt wr it mid Had a hmC i-factorr iraprttmrt rxru hi tlr lottr fnuii nir il lre'l f cow- Wltk .Ier-"V -t4-k. we 3mmi tm fwr t ra- MfwiiJi KikuFarn. Ht !- ur ...-.......- .... .. .. .ILl.L,. tit I LI... "-1 -.-'" - j u. .- , iiu-r-,-.-n 11 n i-tr u owj ir m-y c.w -. ,a. lodr w lr thi. - -nier ami .Vaalio-. rkap. pn.lit M W - in r-at a- fa n. iwii- w in mi v-t-iu h kap Wir U - m'hi " nmmiia m pw n- i-prottul4e in xll thia .Vr H. ,l'- V.-Acr. t' Inrju-r' Hntr " The I!o. In -utie famiHen wbre the danvatr j i- attended with evrrv care aih! lk-i- 1 tude, the i- often tartatl off to rk hi- own coutpanhtn-aad hi wn rmium meiil.-. to run all manner of hair-hnr-adtb e-cape-, moral ihi h-- than phr-tic-al. to ride on wild engine,, u clamWr amag tin--hipping at the wh.tr-. to d-lgn ioo-i- mi--. aim innn J"j;- n or swre, he learn- rcHaw-e upon him-elf and hi-. rcourcc by thi- mean-, while hi- Uur -it-tamely ami -rely at hm. afraid of her own -had w " While In t-div ing off the eml of the wharf, -tniggfini: with cramp in tin -urf. paddling at- own cniii Mtnul-t r.nk- or rait. 1. ,-..,. t ;,.r ilm.i.,.1. ilr--1...1.. ih tl.- ..!' pond, niiinin'-- with the lire-e:iMne-. a-- mmulattng -tn-ngth and knowh-dge of thu-. hi- judgment i cultivated dailv in .. -. .. .. . hi- game of -tiek-kiufe. in In- trade of old nail- for new copper with the junk man, iu hi wrestling match with unex pected danger-, ami hi- mtercour-c with the bully of hi- lietghliorhood. In -hort. the hot i- only half appreciated. nK-with-tamliug tin-lack of ma-euliue 4e mciit iu the ctiiumumtv. A huttgiy lov doc not awaken the uimtliki a readilt a a htingit girl. One feel- that an orphan boy cmii -diifl for him-elf. but a girl mii-l be pro-! tided with proper guidance. We hate -mall concern for the ldtter- mi hi-haml-, for hi- bare brui-ed fe't, the -habbine--.- of hi- clothe.-. It i- n matter of course that he -hould rough it ; it i , the proce that lit- him for the rub ami tumble iu the great world, ami m oin wa-tcs a -igh over the affair. Hut if there i- an errand to run. a kitten to di jmc of, a caterpillar- ne-t iu the fnot tree to dctroy. a hor-e to cMi-h. or any dUagreeable thing to do. the ly iviHi-.l into rcntiUitioii- In the ineiin time, while hi- di-coiufort arc ijii-h1- ered of no con-eouence. or at hii-t -iich a- eterv boy mu-t expect to gu through ' little account wiietlier in- cii5He- are wet or hi- ear- tingle with fro.-t, a- tlmt rude specimen of hi- kind bore white who, being a-ked if hi- feet were cold, an-wered : "Idiinno; feel of 'em. " No doubt thi- lack of co eting ami eon-id-er.itiou hardens him. -o that he mat endure the -hock- of mi-fortmie vtitji greater eipinnimity on reaching man- hood, and think of other tiling-than hi- own -cn-ation-. IltirjH i' JUmtr. f. K.piaiit' Trunk. The popular opinion is that the elephant cm u-e it trunk for any pur-po-e, from picking up a needle to drag ging a cannon from a bog. According to Mr. Sander-oii, who h.i- charge of one of the government catching .Mab- - !...... ... ...!.. 1 . . ......... a ... . ... n-nnii'iu- m inuni, iin- ouiuoii i-ioiinu- d entirelv on imagination. "An eb- pinuit, he -av-. "might manage the former feat, though 1 doubt it: the ,:lter he wonld not attempt." Tin chief u-e of the trunk, a delicate am -en-hive organ, i- to proem c food ami water for the allium, and to comet -them t it-mouth. It al- vviiriK them ((r danger bv the -en-e of -midl and touch. ei I....I t .- .. I.:. m...l- ..' jn- t'll oil. till ill I I I ll - III- llioirv 'i roiiL'h work, and ntrelv for -triking a man or other elephant-. When the the log avvav. A light log i- held in the mouth", as a'dog doe- a .-tick, and the trunk is u-ed to help balance it. Male eh'plianL-carry the logon their tu-k-if jt is not Pki heavy. If a hesivy piece of work i. to be done, the elephant does it bv pu-hing with hi- head or feet, or bv t .. ? i ... . , drawing in name--, io -inn a neavv - -. .. .. load, the elephant throws Inm-'If into ine name ctuiar iar oevouu in- cemcr of gravitv . If that doe-not -tart it, he knwl- and bends forward until he almo-t n-L-on hi-forehead. In drink- ing, the elephant fill-a!out liftcen inch-, s "of his tnmk with water. Then, curl- ig it backwards, he blow-the water into hi-mouth. If an accident .-hould mg the mouth. 0IdFathioned Barbari-m. I-nt it ridiculous girl- Ui:iL vitii 'should liecine .- apprehen-iv - u xour . . . . T ; .- era oi comparative immaturity ami m- experience of IS ami 3. is a mistake and a bit of old-fa-h:onid liarbari-ni. It is based and maintained n an nnder lying sentiment of mere anhnali-m. icic Vork- Graphic. Lord Lytton's claim- to literary celebrity are not, it appear?, known to his aides-dcKamp. Some- time ago. it is related, an anient admirer of Iji- cile was invited to dine at Govern- A. 1). C. of the Viceroy, what he thought of his. Excellency. tl don't cartTabout the Viceroy,"" said, the reader jot uictie: "i went to se uwea Meredith." " Don't know him," ?aid ' the A. 1). C, 4 but I know there was no fellow of that name to dinner.' At a socLil gathering a few day- tK of a, p.-.' .jttjOitv. hv rf4 taMT- - Apfr cm m wr - ing. and are Wop) u arwi that t Kfcm lw' W ' W ,! " , Kan .0 minute are &mrd. fU a lra- JtT' f M, H ;h I -.. 1 Mil. av iakMa rMtHl -it tm inrHiiir" 01 z iHTrrr-. "ii - w- - 1 . , T lll.AT 1UK THE IIOOCIIOIJi. I' iT fcJr ' -T-t txxpmr 'vttecffuii. VjwrsT-J1- -5--r- - thir.!- tr uylal m- 4a m frft- -t Urp. niu'i kWt. -" r: m: iaw n ihtrn IIm "W alt rw. Inuw ia 1 tw. If .4 Icte, , wiR b !-tm? it M-W -- tk a k - ir pttkita ,jj ji a. Lj J-lttrr k,---,,! u, a TTn) .l -fcj s.Jti- mmtmr M t.4lhw1-iT. j ,-W. . jj, v-.m lW( i..-,h.i. , nr ,Jir r.tM wm- -tenritu f-n ' .i.. jL... J . wrjf brtri-. . - - - - f w - ' , sr 1 ! rr- -tifbu auRv, iww liwirili o( a u'.tuT Uar aa r(W pit-Mi -! rvk r-a; . w4a wiW. - llakr Indtatifittiltnnr vn-mrr' . JiUWh t mtd l !- .- !.- f- . .. . -. 1 II ... l. ihmi w t, nuv. im - - of rt Mix hmi a inMrvntul ul lui 4. m-a ..ttb wtih Ittllr tlw .. anil; mm raattr Into lb- -ri.J .. n.. . HsrrHur a- Tn-n .ti , sttwtrimiiuf liMr a4.ida.-iiiith n. i- 0? tar oW milk Ad uor bntt a 1 . ; Stm ami - V tmUr, hi). : tV lt ai lump of twttrr U d Nw kiM tb nmuiimmfrtii tar r4! . .. Hnkw two buc.-. Na jiUr cna evf4 ia kV r ' v..r. that which aa4 of mi p( ; snr mxv i-t ka lht U tAkin. ' tj. oHV, ta jVlK w-JH tt fr an 1-. Aam- dmlm rmn h tnf ( .Ming r-l crt-ii.ie! ia : 1 ,,wjv y,Hh a lunitt if HHItt ..; . ,,f , m, mxv t Allci. I -t . nUttM of cferwl UL-h. tt ha - npt-uinf: Hipfarata" If -tnv ' .urinkhs! w?Ji .-Hrnr. cf ltvel if 1 1 tJiJi , trup, lh?v 'mak a i. 1 for tea. ,, i w ,.,t., .. r for A nw"c IMimin.in In in- ., arttf. r-mne i . . lM latk wattl Ml Punvk much -w-aiT naKru laan -ni. not xi watery. WWu ilonr, t.p hII the nnat aail rub through x i der. T eerv jtart f llw ptt'nj put one ipiurt of rhh mdk an I a cup of rich -weel rrcaiti. 'w t-tble-jnmttful- f mola- And - . i to .H'wJt-a to nmr t4c. Mix m if. . -poonftil d -nit, half a texi-'' fid of ctHMAiiHUi. one tea-KHi nn g-lea-jHH.uful- of ginger, a4 lh- t Iv f three wel U'U-n gg- 'i ' w togetlnr. leaving in lun- d -jm . i la-Uv add tin w hit f tlm-i -Ik :itn vert iff ijne ndet pl.it ri h jm-, w et th lge and '. tv w -trip of the pa-4e acoond. tbii till ' the rtuupkin atal bake Ull un can put knife-blade in the enter with.-.t ni lining. I i - lit, nrt it. To ke-p lei-nuts frdsh, place tin a jar tilh-il with wtur, t be i-iew. 1 evert da v or two. KuhbtHg nat-H-on. oh andp.iM r will remove eveiy bit uf starrh, ami i. u der thein verv -nnnHh. To prevent un-th- in carpet.-, w i -!. , f " HM", b.fore laying them, with -pit llf,,) lurpcn.im r in nim. -To chmn -traw !niwts, tlr-t l.n.-- them with -nap ami water, then wiff -oluttton of oal .iil. Milk vvhh h lot tunnil or ch ing d. may Ih wevt,iii.,l or remlcri 1 lit f n-" again, bv -tirring in m lUtb -I.i - Drv paint can 1k softein'd ami r UHiveilln an applk-Mtion, with a w i . of h stniigdutlin f oxalic acid To make h niu-tnrd pbiter that wi!' tlniw well but not 14i-er. mix web the white oi flu eg;: in-tend of water or vimgar. If a -hirt-lo-m rayither artn ti 1 ha- lnen erehel in ironing, lav e where bright nn will fall lire-tlv ..n e It will take it entirely nut. --t'reu-e can W drawn frin iiiipni'it ' it! kitchen llMr- by -Hitting pb-ntv ! -dt -iap on thu -jnit ami nibbing n ht Ilat-icon thnmsh thu tm. One apjdi :.... j .. n.. . ...t .:..... . ........i..... .......i,..,. u r.Hiair.aI. xJiiinr ilionnisfhlv e, , . i .. .. . . -....... -- p. -. --, - . . ... . . ..,,,"",,,".' v , 'i,.:r,o.,,,ful.f help-to -et bl. k. A UJ.Ie-pootittil . ""1 , ' -1. '"''-. " 'I"I? 'J; ..... ..... ... ....r4 ... vi-rv ilark alKoe.- T-lnHihl In- -tiffvin d .. I.t. -- ..!- .5. . . .1. Willi gmii-Mraoii- live ceiu- oini i- rWM1-' Vr a ,,r,'v'- "' t'TYr . I- il-eii. me L'lii infill -lenuu of uini"' w nng .-hie out . There are variom inetho!- for n-' moving iuk--tains fnmi vhite fabric-, lmt mo-! of them attack tin- mit u.il lt-lf. With colored good the diilii uT,v. i- incre4i-il. for tlmt which will reuiovi the ink will de-tnjr tin color A: Kumpeati paper now -tatc- that if tin -kdn i- dipintl into hot mei:l ,-u-1 or tallow and wa-hdl when cold in ht water it will remove the ink togethr with the fat. The lemon sinip Unight at -s.ir-? can le made at Inmie mueh ebeaiKT. .... .... , l, .. i aKe a mnimi i Havana -ugar. iit it, . c-- in water down to a quart, dmp in the vviiiie oi an egg to cianiy it. -train ii. aItl one quarter of an ounce of tartaric or citric acid. If you do not timl it -our enough after it ha--tooil two or three dav-1 add more 'if the acid. A few drp of "oil of lemon improve it. To wa,j, fin Juce-. tnk a large- necked lxUle. fill with rain-water, put ' well wa.-hed pnt the lncs in clwr water 'with a little blueing and gum-arabic: ' then wring -lightlv. I o not inm, lmt lav them in the -tin on a -tiff cloth with , r. ,. i t-.. i-i : ia inn in .icn hiii. rur :ucjm -einn--. rin-tliemin weak coffee with a little "ue the ca.-? with ordinary Ii.ind-wring-ing. Conramptioa CnrI As oW rj'idan, retired from pradlw. ha-rin-r had pliced la bt harni Vr an Eit Indu " mi.narT the fonnala of a rtiap ' vccttiWe retalj for the ztf It asd t-tr-man?nt care for CoHmtnrslfa. Dmot-Llti. Catarrh. A.-thnuu al all Throat ami Lues Atlections. alo a rUvt aad radical rsr for Scrvtyos DtiKtv aod all NerroTr Con plainU. aftr hartas tcitd It oodtrfnl caratirc powfrs In thociand '' ca.--. ha Wt it kl do:r to rnaVr- It fcT-n to Lis ".-offrnnc fi-Uoir. Actuated far tkl- atiT and a de-irc to nbeT- hutaaa mlTir-iiir I rllt ead f rc of charge to all ho d-ire It, thb rc-dp. Ia Genaaa. F-cach. or EacH!, with JsU directions fr prrporiajr and u Inr. Sunt bj mail by addrtrdir with ttatnTi. samhi-ff U-i "piper, V,. V. .'itrr-iie. UU Awn 2.ci, huchexUr, A. T. Is foraer yean it wa a coarooa cccar rene to Sad 50 per ccat. of ihe Seld haa-l la Loaiiiana, V.!uippi ami Alabama tree'e doa-Gi:h SranpicTer, CLiUsacd Fcrcror Danb Azue. just dric th irssim titae ot ic-atxer. Xo'. xe are rla-J to bear that the iwrwl nrv l'ii HUV.KSI1 t IWJB1- e!IIC,,"',rr r.t?ti -o OWRwim oi - - . nmv 1 4. onnn a vkak w . w C U U U v . - - - ... J n (inr)n,--- --. s- . . M t lllA O "W f Hif.lw v4 fc-' at iMm . 1 it. .rf. lair imu ynwrv i. tt l. Lunn muiiLi v... -..-i 1 - Hb- I. - 1 t f 2r.is ATSlXPERCEPiT. AGENTS READ THIS. t, nw t. " trf " - t - ' ,.- xt , -ir W T- . - ,.'.-. X Am. M.iixa' k .. v ABREATOFPEHI-r.;- liJ t" ' - o C i I ..rinMti M.1 It- ' - .IIVTI.nM.T MUll'Mf - ji : " A IJl3:llll-l.., ' I FEVER AND AGUE I'llUL mi ..! I- A... a r vi-r .-- -: c m r - -" t k fJ. aM Rtrti ft., m rw It - lit m rtar-. MJ !m1m1 M MrUII ln IK tl ftl. ft fcti CrrU - UXt- 1 1 . l.' tK. (Oil) .H)..rr.'t.l0.Ul. PERPETUAL Sjr-jbuin K.i-urtor. S15. $20. 8123. Ct-tf N0 DUMSIL . -3 m c v. CHAPMAN A. CO., jtijj. :. x REWARD VT r t IU I I 1 it' f,l. I t ll.lllll( I I lit. Ilrliml. . ' 1 X - t -. C 3f l..l' - . ' if! caution: a-. - - vnfr 1 rt:J at U f m4 s, Jrux l S 1 ti tntt I f J I 4 iit - of l-ui uzi I- l- 1 V ' For Chilli and Ftvtr THAT nrivu vnr r- X Jf' tlc Osieler Artt.le ar S S ether rouanogi dryi XaVt, Bfl Far Dtipp. Cos X 4. 1' . fw tfp:ioa, rott.XiV X't,J Mb suk ntxueh yxr . ' XKV0 US f w.ta tc'-iu , till Khran: fi . ., er Ytax'it or 3T Bleed .., nit It ! SoTtr,gn Ktn Ml I tdr Ttu6l .rt 11111; t, alt inrrt it Atk yf KKlJt for It- Ail C IILIEE TnpyWn. lot ia. ... Jiti.i New Operas! Carmen. ..! i ,r ' - i ' .' i . f t ( t f ' " ! W ""I ' .! "' 5 '! I -..I , r e 'i ' "i U.' . rf't- ' l ' - " . . . Fatinitza. -i.n i i ot t- 1,1 V line- "'f .i c '' t!fpit rri C"'i'l' Doctor of Alcantara. I t I i. I.irr J - I I 1 1. .T V ... - i-f i !' C ' f'Ut'H Uf re o" .t -crll. joe ti Rollc nf finrnttavillfT- g B s v . -m- W . . - W 111 l"UlOHl bHi fVt 11 " J A r-J '-. uJ us C N ft4 tit j ' rn'T1 IJ' n wi! I -1j0o If ,''w 't ktuV.htirf,l I i.f f WW -Ul I 19 ii rc n.l fk.niwtttv tb 1 'Hvmti-rr r fU nxni t CI If lb.. ! lalrr r . t- Il I e IVt Tit' THI. rtro'l't (I t.lffl H' l4 - A ia, ir'imk tt-r ' ' Itt'lrnl ltrtH. tK-l to-t t II T P" ll'1''""0 lii.r r-' " tJ DJ4' p'w. ! ly; lii jr ltar' OLIVER D1TS0N i CO., Boston. V. If. IlltMi .A ".. J- f. Ilf a ,. 8l3i:nt4nm,. T. OJS H.ttt-M.. TkH. POND'S EXTRACT V7li' tt4,mr:'rtn. A'xt or C.r - CoulrUi ail Utm.jr '. I cturtu iii JMtK. JNIXUAriLK Jfn t. nri. Ialdt). Itrnlo. . . lthionlli.i. 'tll. t !. (I1 Kttrr., Tnnlliarlir. ll-iluli, ! Thmal, Aili., lltrtc it-.., .NurlKl,CiriW.4.c..4.r PnTil(It(-f H FVnti r J -- i nM rJ'a iU"l. No ti; j i li .U.'t It. 4 It limi'iT' -l rt-IwKif Jnt.iW' rio I-etfr stvl t'.Mtm of all lfifltntr.Un7 fAEHU. -Ui Ji-JTT. ut.l U-rr H lu)-j ttJ li f IJiC Tf &tr tUrl rr Ut J Jf-w l li t Hiifr ..vat mo K frilt. Ilr 1U ViAJI. nflr Clt viilihi. Jwilir. llff, :iJii.r - rootr---. nwl ntr bfi- t tr" f t cUl lr-iral.m 1lrlrj Uiliwl M m4 tl Unr j.rtre t Z.it v-r ci . fckts rxlrx. tb I'extI,O.NDSlXrnACT'-rrf .a.-ii. Pond's Extract.SOc. 8 1 .00 & 1 .75. (Uirfc Cir "ir. Iiiiltniil-u V. ft.wi Oitnat 5' ! jflr' i' rutr . 5V. -ift" ryr Zr. AJ of tie itt trr,orl9M i Iwt ehir 'n o? $5 v oru. ri.Tf uf o.; tr I' O ortfr Ciiitian.-rOXDS rXTEATiiKMimtrta bottlV rtmifl In ItnfT rti,r. th tl "nl.' J'OMJfcl'XTKA'T U' t. rf t tatk It lJ itfTtr M in knlk. So ftn- e&n HI It exritiii otirovn I-mi- t tj vnt-ji. Srad for our nt- Parr pbrt t POND'S EXTIIACT CO-. 7 Jilurr't! .S-. Vru i'nrh. Fpilepsy or Falling Fit ". Ia the J'rtfrrinn J-yral of IVtftalttr 12. l."T ttj x lettrr Jrwn tb Ir I'tur Sirjkrr, D. li. frtrn which we nuUr tte io lowlarr nUC Oa ocr wy back tfrtwt asuarr lour- n; nt frttxi wtn we wlitj w-; roall iaUvloot to all th xSl rtrrf, I) X. L. T. A di-nlsztiir.hM trarUUm-r la PUi-J-j.hl taU to c. Th;otl7 piijic!a I lce-v r wboM-do-aif eTer lx.iUt cor c, JriT, lj I)r T." tV iKtr o" a acmbrr ol t rr-i- . ot thU tcrriMc du-avr wjjtci Lc bucurfl; arl entlrdj a03zht tr hits, al wiUoct ay snotiTe wbitTrr, otr this ttiat " 4V nTliei. w rtyacrwd bss hi xH wh are the agerlrr. He 1 w qrcaeir. i o - fofic Etchca;U treatil -prtljr a&d fn-MfoM. aid with EMV-rjir crc- Hrtor Imnn fr rtrjkrr &rf- jrtr. ftt u pastor of jih Croat zlreet Pr-birfTia.a Church ia rbtla-lrlhi, ao.1 -w ia pxUurc ot a rtcrth fn ratn irmz, S Y , wa wB aw.r cei tatzaBt Inxa .uw sere 4 no cooHsoa In5fctajrtfc Hart Jrjf 'rvtaaU a2 cted w ih tiw; UrrttA ItWitr: fits I w!r fcr.irx laTriirato3i. asd fMl Uit ti. ccr l rriBirWatil-. JIjt t2- frr : wol th?Ir nra ta'Vt aed rertslar sfcj tiIiof. ir? fiT o' alrert- at. TVmchjWij toe.ni3tm-eat with tM rCjrx!a3 mr ' csrc bu a'rr4r rl3t ij A B A T Z 1: ' n. xl"? b a ?- B ARSE & SNIDER Live-Stock Commission, rg"' CIT7 5T0CZ-TAZSS. XO. MiSUtmrx'jrCIiXSSXDrZJZ. Uscr.aJTV XJIicr a! Atk jubck mm o CbIsbiiui. E..5-T1 N i1tsj" tvni.v irurn-vc to apvxctijiKk. , please aj 50a u th Ad-rtitnn-Bt io tlti ptpr. AdertICTS Itk to know wImpii uul wbrrw tbeir AdrrJf-aienL. arw TrUijiAfS teat. j rrn . -k - 1 nw k A I, mm iii "mi "v' an 111 i, lt ' f ' -. t miaaW3r ari.JP riLZmmmmwn mlw m - u Wm Oily Positive Cire X mmL i SlmTj ' L S X-taWX A.WV. if VOrcKiflit for It- A aam. mv T. toJM. CLAIKX- JOHNSOII'S liki Blood Syrup. 77W.3dSt.,iwYirkCHi. 4- . w fSittSii 1 1 -4fer " Thr Bl Rra4t Kani ta Six! t -w t JMZVC m T s . t4 . - .1 tt x.trrTurttfc - ce Iff t " Si Ft! AM.V . f -.N ('' X $ , Nl A Jt .. 3 S -5 v m a Wak-iartkU tht Mt?4luie Man. ., M- tM.t hm - mm tmn i im kKMMl TT t fm ..t ,MM "' l l- wr- ! At. NfH !. J. Il ltll.t ! r""" ' " It i,al.i. IK. ...-. ,!. I tMwt lm.U II .nt.k.t t1ill., 4 ttlg I ..olx T m tl l t4 t.W II.M tt (. II-.- ! f . mJ l. 4nrr. II. -III., ! (I . It -' , . t .. I TTMWV tw m t - - ' ' '' S nNiii u t ' aj w4fotjL -drtk z u S5i7connn,a, !, imtXiai lata Awmtnc Tt Cslt AfKUt. A " 6fji ' !- - Mai4t irUlMartA. wl i ' w'no ' tHUl U lt mJtmntrtr tt .. . .. r4. HtdHt twyl . . tm m -i A tilllttV fwnfT "m -- t . tl. ! It . . 1t Itrft4-t 4 ' ', tUMl ltrfit.! i g . w Mr rt - W .b.if r ." . - ti. ... -kt !'. m aa it.i.. (At '.,. ' --. tM -rt Wr tf T . rm Dr. Clark Jotinson' INDIAN BLOOD PURIFIER. Prieo' Lrir l-'t:i - - tt WJ JrTU of 8re-.lt tetltti . - - JW 114 il . ..( - .t.4 " I, r '-t ' - ' - ' Jiim i ! tm letK . u, k -w TESTIHOKIUS OF CURES. Liter C$gist. wr rT . ! . rw 5 1- I rM lt- hhMiW tJctrTf r- H4 miiWrjA -l vVt rt f- I 'imt I ltC -w W J- ik. IttHlaa llltMMl rr. tV w lw r.u rUC ix m rittrco. Dhe if lie Ifel. Ol !7-, J vfc it . V ? rw --.Tti v. tHrtW At trar l4i-. m.t h ri t fc-r r r -, Jt4rTi344&l lawtMt. I wutt iinlil tutJi. A. K. CUO-C. A iM Faallj Mrlkise. tyr. Jirrrr r'r'. rtr -l a w Injun Hl.wtvr. ipin a - v 1 v -t iHMia k i ri -.J JjUUOX Always Sirs Ecae27 fr.'Tr Of. . J. 33. tT .tr " E-f .! -" t ar I lt ttl 4 rj, mft i n w e'4i 1 1? It t- r arf a w tJ (ikKxxrz twxx. "" Ol . -& nt'. , - -! t tl - ft la BIMr--sr " 1ST' I--. 'a-1! ! ". ft.-V?tJtji) txav&x, U HXti& tm "4 V? a3 ts -. WJM. W.tl-3C-KB7. -. !"- H tT. r .-- I itwl KSwnil1"W - V-t -t -!. fl , ntf i j-trrfti aw litw, je tr m t.f i mt r- tuiln iw -own t t'u'aVa.i.t lwitii itotrry iai. mi-4 rr rioaf t p. iit8M- fal 4 I - fW- M X t-TWi f 1,1 II IMIII I K ft JI W ttTftrt"! tSarasufiUa, V xtjmtt. I rfB a tu a. x. w. rxsstirr. Curs Dwj. OtUTM. Liyjr On; V-tu a. J1- M5 - MrWUfM ift wi Iyy . - rr-?t U-t f t -r -aat ntmt ri trww iw u-. tt ftan vt)-tT ffw r. 1 a ti tI uw mniszsx, bat : tX Ui txMStf tlumii cK. r. iiixtta te sf itife On. SaB-v &rza. Ja 1. trM. vr j-: at srafct tn !- a.- 3Ts Sr wtw- Osw. r"f Ilte Iol 7ra--ts-o-jc:f. L VV3h) h jaSHaB & J: ail J I 1 V - t-rfT J ... . mm tt. . . - . "- t - ' a iy afra- '-t 'i Ws v rv t .Tat . fcs j - fi-i iV Iift tj H - ct! -I 'CI sir s i w.j i w ra iyAJb.1 -? -? ."vf