The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 23, 1879, Image 4

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California Fruit at Roby'?.
Another law suit Inst MooJay.
The weather continue? pleasant.
Thanksgiving is the next holiday.
The new Methodist church boms up
Legal tender cigars af'Uncle Sam'a.'"
Tbia is deridedly pleasant fall wcath
New for corn husking acd sore fin-
Caudiosofall kinds, very nice, at
Holy's. 11 tf
Comminbioncrs were in action last
A largo and excellent stock of cigars
lit Dow's.
Pitted Plums tho Left in the market
at Roby's.
Fall wheat in this section of country
looks well.
- Cigars, the best brands, five and ten
cent, st Iloby's.
The weather changed from hot to
cold last Friday.
Exquisite Perfumes in great variety
at J. C. Farley's.
Pitted Cherries, a very nice article,
for eulc at Roby's.
For Pure Drugs and Oral clas3 goode
call on J. C. Farley.
Corn ia being bought in this county
nd hauled to Kansas.
Latent and best selection of Toilet
Soaps at J. C. Farley'd.
Attend to your flues or you will have
the city dads after you.
A doz:n or two chickens taken on
subscription at this office.
The State Grand Lodge of Odd Fel
lows met in Lincoln yesterday.
Vote the straight Republican ticket
st the election November 4th.
Marble Top 5 cent cigars, the Lett
in the market, at G. W. Dow's.
The celebrated Sunlight Oil is for
ulc at J. C. Farley's drug store.
Miller fc Ball are building a new of
lice along side of the harness shop.
Smith Centre, Kansas, now has three
papers and they are making it hot.
Old style Durham and Chubby f rank
ing tobacco for falc by V. B. Roby.
Call on Noah Perry when you want
plastering done in tho highest stylo ofthe
Yellow fever in tho south has abated
its fury, only a few cases are reported
Millard's Series of School h'onkc.
Readers, Spellers, &c, can I chad at J.
V: Farley's.
A nirnlcr of new subscribers have
been added to the list of CniKF readers
in tho last week.
Under the Teviscd statute each pre
cinct should elect two justices and two
ccnstablcs this fall,
"Wc know of three men m Red Cloud
who will not be candidates for the office
of justico of the peace.
It is predicted that corn will be worth
in this county, fifty cents a bushel before
tho first of ntxt April.
The difference between a woman and
an umbrella is, there are times when you
can shut up an umbrella.
Wc have divided our time the last
week botween cditoiial duties and work
ing at the carpenter trade.
Lost week was a good ono for the
lawyers. No less than six cases were
tried before tho County Judge.
Read the letter in another column
from Mr. S. W. Switzer, register ofthe
U. S. land office, at Bloomington.
Anyono wibhinc plastering done
would do well to call on Noah Perry who
docs the best of work in that line.
Undo Sam, of the "old reliable"
tore on the corner, has just received
about a car load of boots and shoes.
Hereafter all notices published gra
tuitously will not be published unless
handed in as early cs Tuesday morning.
Prepare yourself for a grand concert
given by the "Towno Family" at the
Court House, on the evening of Oct 30th.
See card of D. G. Walker in anoth-
- jT . m1 njin iv n t fWlnflP T Al
, " . , , - ,. . ,
work done to good shape give htm a trial.
Mr. Geo. Houghton, we understand
has taken the room formerly occupied by
the dentist, and will open up a tailor shop.
All who are in danger of 6re from de
fective flues and stovu pipes,call at Mitch
ell & Morharfs and get Peck's Patent
Mr. A. B. Fax, ofthe Grm of N. D.
Fox & Co., grain buyers at Cowles, was
married in Plattsmouth on Wednesday of
last week.
Tom Vallentine, one ofthe substan
tial citizens of our sister town of Kiverton
perambulated the streets of Red Cloud
last Monday.
A lengthy communication from Fur
nas county came iu just as we were ready
to go to press, aud Trill havo to lay over
until next week.
If you claim to bo a republican,stick
to the republican thicket through thick
aid thin, and thus show by. your works
that you are such.
The Chief purchased a pair of goc
clcs under the delusion that they would
keep the dust out of tho editorial eyes.
Thoie goggles arc for cale.
Everyone should lay up something
for that "rainy day" which is bound to
overtake all of up, sooner or later pro
tect your property with fire guards.
To those who have responded to our
call for a settlement of their debts wc arc
thaukful, aud hope that about four hun
dred more will "go and do likewise."
We understand that farmers living
hVeeo Aycr and Hastings are UrawiDK
(ueii"vzheat to BeJ Cloud on account of
t', .. rrpfV t!ttnr buyer? anpsyin?
The clatter of the carpenter's ham
mer and saw was heard the grr.aUr part
of last week annojingly near unto the
CniEF office. The racket has c?aed,
thank Heaven.
Thu is the reawn of the year when
reports reach us of person being burned
out by prairie fires. We hope to have
few Mich ca$fts to chronicle this fallpre
pare your fire guard.'.
Mr. Jo Foglc, our cental fiiend who
always remembers the printer remembered
us hv-t week to the extent of a cord of
dry wood which will prove a blessing on
cold irosty mornings.
little "onplcaFantnrss" occurred
between the grain buyers at the depot
last week, r.o blood waj shed however,
and everything hecms to be peaceful and
serene at present writing.
The Commercial and Reading School
at Springer's Hall, every Tuesday and
Friday evening.-, is growing more and
mere popular each week. Young men
and women, call in Friday evening and
sec if you like it.
We learn from Mr. Holcomb, who
owns a tract of land on E:m Creek a
rrile above the mill, that ca-trrn capital
Uts will soon commence the erection of a
fiist-class mill at that ulace.
Mitchell A-. Morhart have had a rob
by sign :n front cf their store for the last
few day?, it was one of tbose superb nick-le-plated
hard coal stoves which cost
about forty dollar.". If it hadn't been so
heavy we wc:!d probably havc"borrowed"
; it for our sanctum,
B. D. Slaughter, -Gad," of the
State Journal called at these head-junr
ters last Thursday. We understand that
he expects the appointment of Census
Supervisor, for the South Flatto country.
a position he i eminently qualified to fill
John Fitzgerald, the great railroad
contractor, has taken the contract to build
the Republican Valley road from Napo
nco in Franklin county, through the
counties of Harlan, Furnas, Bed Willow
and Hitchcock, a distance of one hundred
Wo have received a copy of the
Truth Teller, Mr. Columbus B..rin'H new
paper published at 0borne City, Kansas.
The name seems a littlo out of place, all
things considered, but we wish tho new
venture on tho troubled sea of journalism
all the success it may merit.
Dr. Daily, we understand, shipped
out last Monday, leaving sundry bills un
liquidated and taking with him property
that belong to others, among which were
Doc. Bailey's pony and a revolver bo
longing to 0. C Case. The Sheriff went
in put sut ofthe absconding Doc.
One ff our exchanges suggests that
as this is the time of year for putting up
stoves, the "ministers should hold prayer
meetings twice a week and depict in its
various forms the horriblo fate that
awaits the profane swearer," as though
anyone swore while putting up stove pipe.
The coming election will be an inter
csting one, inasmuch as there will be in
the field a number of candidates aside
from the regularly nominees. Every
voter rhnuld seo that tho ticked voted is
the straight one, and not ha fooled into
voting for anyone who was not nominated
by the Republican convention.
A fellow w.ih looking up a location
for the establishing of a democratic paper
last week. Yes, come on, Red Cloud
needs another paper, it has cot two an'l
only one of them, the Chief, is making
expenses. Come on, in tho name of
heaven tome onand"rt!lalon2 feltwaut,"
and wo might add, an early new.-papcr
We have received a copy of tho min
utes of the Webster county Teachers'
Association, held at Guide Bock, Oct.
ISth. It came in after the forms were
nearly ready to go to press, and conse
quently cannot appear this week. Our
thanks are due to Miss Myra E Smith.
th obliging secretary of tho association,
for tho favor extended.
The town council have taken a step
in the risht direction by appointing a
"fire committee" to examine the flues and
stove pip?s to all buildings in the business
part of the town and report upon their
condition as regards safety. Wc hope all
who are in danger of fire on account of
poor flues or stove pipe will attend to
them as soon as practicable.
Got your tickets ready. Wc have
contracted to furnish tickets. State. Cnun-
.ty and Precinct, to a few precincts m tho
ouId tQ
county, and would eujrcest
politicians in the other precincts that
now is tho time to order your ticket?.
don't put it off too long, hut make up
your "slates" and send in j"our orders,
we have unusual facilities for filling order
of this kind.
Gen. H. C. Bcll, of 0brne cnunty.
Kansas, who kpt a uumber of wild ani
nials oa his premises in a park fixed up
for the purpose, met with a pad death last
week, being attacked by a ret el'c which
horribly mutilated him with his antlers
He was almost instantly killed. Three
men who went to his assistance were also
badly wounded by the infuriated beast.
two of them, Bricknell and Nichalo?,
have since died from the effect of the
rounds acd Sherman is not expected to
Matthews, the barber, had an unru'y
customer to deal with ono evening this
week. Thesa'd customer hailed from
jne of our sister towns, and had imhihed
so freely of firewater that he would affec
tionately embrace the earth occasionally.
He wanted to get shaved, and with this
commendable idea in his head he ap
proached the chair and attempted to
climb into it but lost his balance and
doubled up on the floor. After some per
suasion he got up and made another attempt,-
and this time succeeded in seating
himself firmly on the stool with his back
to the wall and no amount of persuasion
would induce him to get into the chair,
and there he sat stretching out his neck,
rubbing his chin and begging to be
shaved. His actions and expressions
were eo comical that a wooden man could
'jot lisro tslpcd kugMi'S at bin.
Farmers are cautianed afjint "har
per who may pay them tnony for meal
Iodginsr or horse feed, and then poke a
receipt at them to sign "ju-t to j-hnw
their employer how the mony went," i
they will find a note tuck under their
nose a few weeks or month thereafter,
for a hundred dollars or .v. with their
own signature attached. Ex..
It h our intention to make the CHIEF
one ofthe Lest losul papers in the state
We am laboring to tint end. and in or
der to do so it i necessary that we should
get the nrws from all part.i ofthe county
every week, and in order to accomplish
this we must have a correspondent in
every precinct and at every pot office
and cro.-s ro the count y. Anyone can
fill a postal card with news itetm orcc a
week, we will furuiih the car In, we do
notwant lone letter a- a general thing,
we want ntirs item. People take the
local paper for ths locil news, and
that is what we are bound to give the
readers ol the ClIIKF. Send us the new-.
Our attention haa bscn called to the
select school opened by our townsman,
Mr C. W. S,irini.'cr, last August, Me
has succeeded by cnercy and perserver
ance in getting a neat hall for the purpose
with good scat- and blackboards. The
school has steadily increased in interest I
and popularity since it opening. Twen-1
., . . ii i
ty-four purils have loe'j enrolled tiii
term. Tho .-tulies pursued are the com
mon and higher Kng!i.h branches. A
an instance of how the school is regarded
y our towns peopie, we icarn inn .'ir.
3amu'l uaroer and .ir. islicrer have each
'cut four scholar. Bc-iJe the regular
term during the day, Mr. Springer has
organized an evening .-.chool, wh-ch we
advi.e every young man or woman desir
ing a good practicil busincts education
to attend. It racts Tuesday and Friday
evenings of each week. The next term
of the select school opens December Sth
Mr. Springer desires to express his
thanks to those who have materially aid
ed him in placing the schoal on such a
permanent basis a it now is.
Wc are not and never have been in
favor of the caucus and convention sys
tem of nominating candidates for office,
but so long as the Republican party of
this county see fit to make use of that
method of placing in nomination their
candidates, wc propose to stick by them
in other words, we proposs to support
the Republican nominees without rezard
to the way they may have been nomina
ted, and in our opinion no true Hepuhli
can, one who has the interest ofthe party
at heait, can afford to do otherwi-e.
Every Bepublicin who bolts the straight
ticket and supports and independent cati-,
didate or rote? a mixed ticket, virtually
casts a ballot for the disorganization of
the Republican party in the county and
assist in opening the way for the success
of any opposing party which may seo fit
to come into the field and make an effort
for the control of the county. Anyone
can fct' at a glance tho folly of such n
move aud we hope there will he few if
any in this county who will thus cist
their votes in the interest of tho demo
crat and greenback parlies at the coming
election. Vote the straight ticket.
It is fteojiently remarked that mis
foitutics never come singly, and in fact
the sanu may be said of disasters of
every kind. We have doubtless all no
ticed that directly upon the heels of a
disastrous railroad accident other acci
dents follow in quick succession, this, if
not invariably the case is as a general
thing tru-. A few days ago wc was start
led by the information tint an accident
destructive to human Iivci had oocurred
on the Michigan Central railroad, and
carcjly had wc gained the particulars ol
the affair and found out the names ofthe
victims of criminal carelessiiers, ere we
were again called upon to read the affair
on the Lake Shore road. Almost t-imul
taneou- with lhi, the news wai fl ished
over the wires that a collision had cc
curred un the Northwestern road, in
which a number of psrsons weie badly
And n the 17th of this month an ex
press train ran into a freight on the Sus
quchanna road in York Mutu, killing the
engineer and fireman, who both lea
lame families to mourn their loss.
Who can account for this Mupttlar phe
nomena? Why do di-aster- of a kind, or
having a similarity, follow c-ich other in
quick succciou? Why "do misfortunes
never oome singly?"
All new subscribers to the Chikk who
pay a year in advance, wi:l r-oeive the
paper a year w m the firt of January
in other words until the 1st of January,
lSSl No ehargo for the paper fmm now
until January 1st, 1SS.3. Alo all who
are now takiau the Chief, who will pay
up arrearages and a ycir in advance will
receive the paner free from now until Jan.
lt, 18S0. Pay up the old score and
have your subscription date from the
1st of January,
The Lincoln Journal says:
A large sweet potato passed throuch
Lincoln yesterday going east via B fc M.
It. H.. takinc with it Mr. A. G. Owen,
of Vinton, fowa. Weight of potato 101
pounds, length 13 inches, circumference
24 inches It had dried out consid-rahlv
having bcrn dun three weeks; ir measured
twenty eibt inches at the tioia it wa
taken from the cround. If h had only
tueaoured four feet we luiicht have con
sidered our soil productive.
The following sensible line! we take
from the Jrhnou County Journal and
commend them to the careful pcrusa' of
those of our merchants who ihmk they
cannot afford to advertise.
There are a few business men in this
city wbo say they are too poor to do any
advertising. .IT these people persist in
such methods of thinking, they will find
theosclves too poor fur anything. The
most judicious investment of money for a
business man is to tell people, throagh a
standard paper, that he is ready to do
business. In dull times an adverfisetrent
is a reminder to the ouyei of wants, which
he will supply as early as he can; it wih
.serve to attract trade, which is alway
floating around, even in the hatdest of
times, and gives the advertiser a chance
to bid as low as anyone else. Id flush
times, when business is active, adrertiainc
makes goods go off, aud the purchaser is
at a loss to know where to pick up bis
supplies. In short, advertising at all
times is putting money where it will do
the most good. Disbelievers In this
theory will have faith in its practice after
one experience provided they advertise
G72 LTXTLS SG7 IT7 C-3rr.
Ohio care 2S OK) Kcpu' .can majority,
and Iowa about the iaie. L I tbs good
worlt go on.
Will Thompson, author of ' Drifting
tcith th tiiir," and other f-iumu s-iniri
wille!e2t ?3 00 wrh ofnew and popular
kheet mu-ii from our Iarr stock, and
-end to any addre-, on receipt of c.'
$1 00. This ii the bj-t chance ever of
fercd; fir't-clj kheet ni'i-ic at one-third
the regular price, ijtate whether you
want, vocal or intlrument.-il Semi order.
t o W. L I'l 1 0 11 ls o .v .t Co . .
Kat Liverpool, Ohio.
Cmtrd States Land Office. 1
Bi.oominoto.v. Neh .('ct It. 1-S79 f
EntTOlt Chief. D-ar Sir: Better
hereafter ins 'rt at least three name of
witnesses", so il one cannot attend there
' ,,e nP nef,! ofo no,i- . -li tell
the parties tht members of tamily and
relatives ill not do for wi mnn.
S. W. Switzbh, Register.
j A fine hit of younz apple and cherry
trec3. ra-,,herry blackberry. gooeber.-y.
,vo , grown an-l tor site
at the Cl'jvcrtou
Nurseries. Cheap for cih.
J T. Milliner.
At John G. I ottet's for even body t
who tux t tie .-p'Mi'luIix to pay the very
lnw ner which ho is now celling for
Diin't. fiil to cull ami look at hi good in
this line, as he keep- the very bet quali
ty of hand made goods, at pi ices to suit
Brick! Brick!! Brick!!!
Burton's have ji-t burned a kiln of
about lOO.OdO brick at their yard on the
creek just northeast of lown. The?c
brick are ofthe best quality and will be
fold at the lowest market pi ice. Call at
their yard when you lire in need of brick
and be convinced that it will be ti jour
interest to deal with them. y-iil
It is UselcH.
Trying to buy coods cheaper than LI P
DY will scllyou i3 only timo spent to no
purpose Yuu can't tlo it tf
The People's Brick Yard.
Mr. W H. Ijiidiow is now prepare! to
furnish brick tnall paitie.H whu wmt them
at a reaonah!i iiric, fmiu hi- brick vard
ju-t north of town. Hi-i liriok aro m.ule
from the na'ivc rlav as it is In; from the
bank, no smd or clay is added, and tln-v
are of better quality than any horetolru
made in this country, ami are lully oquil
to my made in tho sta 3m 3
W e aro glad to Icarn since the Bed
Cloud mills have I een fiiriii-hed with
new machinery tliev re trainini; a rei'ti
ration such as can he hid only by m tkim:
a superior article ol flmir The Ked
Cloud markot i.- dciirmding the best and
the Ked Cloud mills are re.-ponding nobly
to the ci.ll.
John G. Potter has the large-t toek
of l.idius' c'l'i'tji. rend; tna e clnthing
and everythiui; in thai hue in theou'uty,
and invites thu pttb.iu to call aud ex
amine foods and prices beforo purcharinc
el-cwhere,as he feels urc ho can suit all
ITy cntir j s:e:k of Boszs, Notice, Wall
paper, Window-shading. &s. Al:o a wall
paper trimmer, saaple-ract an sh977 ca:o.
9:f M. S. S!:i;iTT.
That the Lirgest, Cheapest and Best
stock of Groceries you will always find at
You e-m Save Money by buyintr your
goods from LIDDY.
SUil Ahead 1
LIDDY is selling Shoes at prices that
will astonish you. Call and .-co them, tf
I hereby announce myself as an inde
pendent, candidate for tho office
of sheriff of Webster countv. subject to
the decision cf the voters of the county at
i ho November election.
7H27 S2AT ALI 07H33S !
A lame assortment of tho celebrated
Selz' Chicago Hand made Boots & Shoes,
every pair warranted, jut received and
lor sale only by LIDDY.
Wanted: To ti.-ide harness for two
thousand bushels of corn, at tlu "BoiS
Harness shop,
11 if A. J. Uenneckeh.
Notico I hercbr Kivcn. that I will examine
nil peremis who m.iy deir! to offer the.cselre
aa candidates for teachci of the primary or
common chol9 of Webster county, at Ued
Cloud on the Crtt HatarJay of each month at
nine .-'clock 2. m. sharp.
A. A. Topx. Co.. SupL
Final Proof Notices.
Land Office at Bloomington Neb. Oit. 7th. 1S73.
Notice is hereby circn thnt the following
amed settle- has filed noti-e of his inten-ion to
make final nrnof in uptxirt of bis claim, and
ecure final entry there if at the rxpiratioa of
tnirty aays irom ine a.neoi iai; ciuiTr. iu;
Jm - I! Frrmm of Red Clou 1. ebster- Co
Net., for the oath li southern I. r.ortneast li
uthe.-ut1. mtheist'I northcat, of ec. 21
town 1 north ranee 10 w-t. and names the fol
lowing - his wiinesfe. vir; Lewis Watt of Ue-l
loud. Kebr ska. and Henry Wiehaana of Red
Clou'l. Nebraska.
oct23n t20 S. W. Evitiib. Iteguter.
Land Office at B'oomincton. Neb., 1
Sept. 30th. 1S79. )
Notice is hereby gif en that the fol
lowing named settler has filed notice of
his intention to m .ke proof, in sup
Dort of his claim, and secure final entry
thereof at the expiration of thirty days
from the date of this notice, vu :
Daniel C. Metcalf, for the southeast J
section 34. t iwn 2, range 11 west, and
names the following as his witnes-es, viz:
Iivi Moore, of lied Cloud. Neb., and
Charles II. Potter, of Ked Cloud, Neb.
oct2oct30 S. W. SWITZEU, Register.
Land Office at Bloomington Neb..
Spt, 30th. 1379.
Notice is herebv civen that the fol
lowing named settler has filed notice of
his intention to make final proof in sup
port of his claim, and secure final entty
thereof at the expiration of thirty days
from the date of this notice, viz:
Johann flimmelberg, for the southeast
section 2. town 3, rpge 9 west, and
names the following as his witnesses, viz:
Owen Lllcy of Webster county. Neb.,
and William Ross of Nuckolls county Neb.
oei2?ct30 S. W. SWITZER. Register.
Final Proof .Yoiiccs.
L 02i ml BJtahutoo JUV !; tti. T9. ;
'JK I hrrtirf (trra tklt . llbMi I
cael ttJtr hx Sict TtiM f Wm tstwsiMta .
SiakrS l i-rwl it t.pift f it' rU a. ! .
IrrnuSsii tU7 thr-tf t -kt rjHtto f
Wll'Utn Krt. fx l a- qrl' U .
kt wu?.Tit WiIIUhi Ti4r i K1r Hi!!.
.Vtpnu'c-.-. 1 W i:!rt "wkuli l Hul. '
nv2izi S. rr.-WITZKK.lWiKe
LnJ Ofli' t lifootcicctos Ne b. itp. Sfc Tf
ntmt-1 Mtltr h Atrl ti tf bJ. witlMia '
u:' fiI i rf ia t!pr of Udua. 4
ir-urr J5l rn'ty tbrf si tr r,4ralo
vt tbiMj ty frm lhlitf Un, nU. t-
re It town 4 raor 19 wert. ! t t fl
lirh'iU'H. nt. S4li 'f
Via Hi I. .Neb.. Mui iUiAta Kvtf l.lur Mill.
NVrx Jta.
ler-Hil -. W. SWITZEU. Itrrbttr.
L3'I OSee At 1 lu&tiscta W Btpt. Ifch TJ
Notice U h-r-Hj riren tl.t iht f!uinf
tiatn-l etJ'r h filr-l : of lit ir'rBWi-n
tsatcc final nr ia -Btl-'t t( hi r!lin. iihJ
eore Cn.t mtrr tLtrf i ihr rtjiir ia f
thirty il. frrtw the 1 of ! nlKf. hi-
ll.tlliub tsit tf th ntithw-"t lnrtr .
't ton I raasc I? fi, and n!ritfef.j)i
a bi iJnrr, it. Kr'l IJaoV f !'! Hill.
Neb.n-i lltar) Ninryrrf Mlii Itt'l Nb.
ttlitii S. W WIT.EU. Kc;,er.
I.ol OSeo at IltowniiDitan Nrb. K. 2th. TV.
N'ntii-c hrt cttreK tht tke f!!win
naniC't urttltr hx StrI ntie 6 bli i'.trntion tn
make bn iroofin uptort of hu clam. aJ e
carr Cnal mtrr thtrof at ihit rt-iratinn uf
tbirtT Jij from the it'. '-f lhi axtire. u .
Willi i-D ."''Sjft. fr tho j'h-at 'imr'rr
. 10 tlw I ruc 10 ft a"t nta" Ihr fol
Inirior sr hi itnra. Tit Willura Tiitirrrof
lllur Hill. NVM:a. ad FreJencV WcKkrrt e!
Blur Hill. AVb.
lrHietz:t Si. W. SWITZnit. Kwtrr.
LanJ Oaco at IJIoomiulon Xl. ctft. 17th. .
Noiicr U hnrrby tircn that lh- fu'toiriGj
namnl rttlcr h filed notlrif hi nitration t
tnsVr final :r'Kf in upitt of kn eUim Oil re
cure finul rntrj- thrrr-'f at th r.irati.n cf
thirty tin. froai the tfat of thisi n(ic- rii .
Kliinbclh A. Ht a', wife f Itjuh S. iicil. In--
f-ir the ruthr.i.t mrtr 12 twn 1
ritf" II wt. an I tsi-sv the f.llwm hrr ;
witnt-... vie Chitr 'V. 1 ulleruf Initio. Net .
ml ;iirti HciJ a Isitin ri.
.cr2ct2 S. y. siWITZKK. Hciiiter.
LAnl yWco.-t Blonmtngton. N'rb. Srpt. 3Jth. 7i.
Noticfl i he lr ci"cn tht th f'l!ornx
nrai tttttrrhiii filrtl imliet-of hl iutostion t
innke finil prof in u'fort of Li rTaim. aut
jmi-r fnal 'iitrf there f nt thr -tpirati n of
thirty fr.n th" J t of tht. noti'c. vir:
Wi' iiii T'ifpr f r th n rlbTrt qinr'rr e
11 town t rarer 10 vret. ni tw" th foll-iwin
hu wiirrif. ur Willitni huUof itlue II ill .
N h.. au.i rt l.luui Curt of 1-lu- 11.11. c'..
e.2.ci33 SJ. W. SWI i ZKH. IfrcS-tfT.
Lstfl JSc m lMDwrnmtOD. Ne'r.Spt.2Tth.l"T3.
N'.iti r I- h-rrliv givrn tbt th fllinc
Uiifit-I ".-iiltr lia file-! notic ol Ii Into t .a tn
maV-fnil i-rof in 'nnirt of hi eUim. nit-l
iH-iirw Cnnl -ntry thrrrif at the Tjiiroli n f
thrtr el n fr.iui holate i( thi nnti e vi :
JawtS Km-lchcr. hmr of lUrhira Km-lelier.
ilrcepl. for tho north-ci't ijuirtrr n-'.n "il
iiivtti '2 rimsc 9 nt, anl nm the fwllotrink-
li witn'iMC vii : Samuel ( err of llnl t? oml
.N'ctj auJ Samut! 5uir.:nerha!'ler cf KcJ Cloud
octioct"50 S. W. SwtriKR. iWi't'r.
I.aml Office at l!!o.tuinpton. Neb. -iiit 7th. 17.1.
N'oti-n is hcM'T ci-en that tho following
named n-ttlcr hi filnl nctioe. f hi lu'rtittin t
make final proof in yiiitrt .f hi rUiiu. nni
rrur Qfial in'rj thereof ut fh' rxiMtion of
thirty d t from he ii.ttpf thi imtipf, ix
l'oimlJ .Me'allum. furthn north i ruth-wett
!anMnti 1 2 X 3 'tion 10 t nn 1 rmisr y wii
ami nan!" ths following a. h wittn-". ri :
William Mfltriilrtofltnl Cloui Nub.anJ J"ih
(iarhiTiif Hiil CloU't Neh.
OCtZocC' 5. W.SwiTZEH. I'.reiftT
Land OtSro at IltooniiriKton N'ob. Sirpt. 17th TV).
N'otirw i hereby civrrj tint tho fH-wine
nrnil o ttr lis fill nn'i f lii i 'tnti"t l
makpfiii'l proof in fiUHMiri rii rliiii 'nl
cure final entry t!i'eif a tin cm p'.rition of
thir:rlv froin th iltteof thi n'iti(.. vi :
Henry I?iIiIt f r ttiu imr'h .! invirr 5-c
i town " r ins 1! wft, ant nam ii" f''l-iTiis
a his witni . vi: : Frank Mtif'r fwrl"rr
outit. Neb. and Ai Ffribmr '( wbtr Nrb.
S. w. SWUZKit, IW.-Ur. Office at Illnmnin'on Nob M. 22-1. Is7.
N'otic" i herbr givrn that Un oMn:ns
name 1 ieMler h-i file rmtic ol hi mtTitn.n t
inikefinil proof in upiMrt f hi elim ani
Kiire final -ntry thT-"f at tho ri!r-itin of
thirty la from thoItnnf thi nMer, u ;
Oliver Mct'nll. f'T tlm nr'h-west i larlT Sc
7 town 1 rnnre 11 Wft. nt name th- iill-iwir
h hi witMcvn. vt: U'lllinni ". ItiihoII of
weli'ter cunty eb and Davtil Pinec of web.
IT rimt Nth.
octUoci.ri S. V. .SwirxKK. Hfici'ter.
A.and OUireat Hlooir.iafrton Neb. Oct. Sth. 1S7'.
Notice i herehy riven thit thr foil .iTiDC
namel i-ctttcr a filcl notice of hi int -nt.i.n t-
inHk" li'ial frof in "ipjMirt ! hi rl un. aii'l
eriiri' final entry threof ut the rxiirition of
thirty diy ttoni thed.Uc"! thi notice, vu:
Aavior I.arort. tor the north a't 'iiarir
v-ction 2 town t riiR 1- wet. and niinr 'hr
following ai hi? witiie!1-. vir : .lyenh'ort
of Weh.ter eouiityN'cb. and il.a S. Well
of Webfr county Nb
octlt".aovl3 S. W. S.VirZEIl. Hrei-ter.
Land Office at Itl'iomingtnn Neb. Oct. fith. "iTL.
No'ice il hereby g n that the following
notned Peltier ha filfl nli'-e of ii intrrition to
ui ike final iirnofin futinort ' hi cl.tim. and -
curn final emry thereof at thu expiration of
thirl v ill 9 troni thn ilitte ol Mil noti-p. riz:
Franklin It ! nn.r I of Ked loud. UVb-ter
r uniy. Nek., forth" west i (f outhe.t 'J of
section Ji towns'up l north of ruiire 1 1 wet an't
name the following as hi uitneM . rir - I)vi I
S. Helvern of ltcl Cloud. Neb., and William T.
ilon of Ited Cloud. ebraKa.
octlonuvH .". W.SW I r.KH. IWiter.
Land Office at I'ooininRton Nob. Oct. Sth. Ia7!.
Notion i ht-reby aiven that the following
nimeil filler his nle. notice of hi intention tr
mke fijai pro if in rmppor of h- cUiji. and '
cure finil -ntry there f at the piratiou of thirty
day from thed-te ofthi. notice, ru-
Hiiabctn lleoeriy. winnw n urnjamn r.
Ilebcrly. of Gnide Kock. Neh.. fir tho northwest
iiarlero: seen utwn.t nrrin oi rnnire v wei.
anI names tti" imiowing as ner wnnre. u:
l.cri llebberlv of (Iindr Kock, Neb. and Frank
Wither f t.uile Kock. Neb.
octlGaovll S. T 5V.IT7.KI:. He?iter.
Land Ofliie nt loominifton Neb. .Sept 7tb 1S79.
Notice i herudiy siven tint th fid'owinr
narr.c-1 ettlrr ha filed notice of hi intention to
make finl proof in furport td hu claim, nnd
iTurc final entry thereo nt the expirstinu of
thirty 1j from thi dte of thi r.otire viz:
Laac Ii. Hummel of Webter comity. .Veb .
for the wit '4 nirthwet x ej Utiwn.t ranse
11 west, and name thefidlnninijnohi witoee.
viz: Andrew iarlo"k of Webster cunty. .Veb..
and Nichole ll.inaj of Hebter county. Neh.
O.tl6.novl3 S. W. 8 ITzn. Iteicijter.
Land OCiee at Uloomcncton Nrb. Oct 11th '73.
No'ii: i. hereby uiven that th follovisi;
Damel "ettlcr ha fi'el not er of hi intention tt
in k finil proot in support of hii claim and
ecure liral mtry th-rc f at the expiration of
th'rty ily from thcdite ofthi notice, xlf
Tharles F. W. Kraui of Veb:er cmnty Neb.
for too nortliestt quarter of. ec. 10 town 3 north
of ra- (te 11 not.nn I nm? th" follow in- aj hit
witne-. viz: ' ohn Werner of Webter county.
Neb and lleary Gerkeof Wbtr eonntr. Neb.
octlonovW S W-SUITZKR. Ks rr.
Zand OScc at Bloominston Neb Oct. U:b. liT1.'.
Notice is hereT piven that th-s fdlowins:
named ctltr ba filel notice of hi intention to
make final proof in upport of hisrUim. and
secure finsl entrv thereofat the expiration ef
thirty 'lav from thedite if this notice, viz :
WillUtii C. Maxwell of Hcd Cloud. Webter
connt'. Neb., for the Lot 2 aid .1 and south 4
no 'i and northeast1 souther: ; of se.-tioa .
town 1 ranirell weauan I nn. the following a
hi witnee.. iz- Oliver McCall ot ItH 'louj.
Neb aVi DrH Di'ceeof Re I Hond Neb.
octl0aovl3' S. W. SWITZSK. Keyister.
Laa I 035 :e at Dloominsttoa Neb. Oct. 11 th. "73.
Notice is hereby siren that the following
nime-i settler ha Sled notice ol hU intention a
make fiial ntoofin -npport of hi clim. and
secure Snal entry thereof at the eTirai'wn of
tbirtv days fmm ih date of this nott-e. viz:
L"cy .ta?in tf we'HtercuntT. Neb for the
northeas luirier o"fec. 12wn 4 n"rth rinf 12
wet and na:.- the ollowiis as his itne se.
vizr Spencer Alexander wehiter county. Neb.
od Jame-sSpickncli f whter countv Neb.
ocilsnovtt S. W. SWITZER. lWI ter.
Lasd OfTice at inooainKtoa Xeb.Oct. lti. 1379.
Notiee is bereby siren that th following;
3aed settler ht- Slel notice of hi in estioa to
make final proof in support ofbis c aim. ani se
cure final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty day from th! date ofthi no'iee. vixc
Will-am Ito.iy of Thiaiarrille Neb. for th
northwe t qur:er of 12 town 2 north rani"? 9
west, and nomes the fllowinz s hii wi?ates.
riz: William Be.cham of iteachamrille. Neb.
and Jarae Beaehaof Keacbavjlle. Neb.
ostI6novU S. W. aWiTZKB, Itesuter.
Lacd OfScc at niooraiortjn Neb. 0-. 23th. 1S79.
Notice b berby ciren that the fellowins
named settler ha Sled notrre of hi intention to
make final proof in rapport of h claim, and
secure final e try thereof t the expiration of
thirty days from the due of this notice, riz:
5thAUrerof Wo'-sterwanty. Nebraska, fur
the nortbea: quarter of tec ? tawn 2 nor h raace
10 et, and names tar fotlwinr as his witne-
vie Henry JcCuae of Webster eosctf Netted
Ivlward MeCuni of We'ater county. Neb.
oetSaorJ)1 S. W. SWITZER. Recirter.
Lani Of5e at Bloomington. Ne. Oct 20th. 1573.
Notice is hereby civea that the fallowing
named settler have filed ncticof intntios tn
make final procf ia support of hiseiaiaaad
secure final entrj thereof oi tae expiration of
thirty days from the date of this notice, vix-
Lroy I. May field of Websur county. Neb.
for the southeast iaartr of mc tt town 2 north
rBe9 weU anJ nasae the foilowin; as his
wie-sies. vie Horatio K. Atkinson of IV bster
coasty. Nebraska, and James 8. AUuroa of
wabMer county. Aebraaka. j
crt3s7v2C s. w. PWITZER. R-r:-r. '
tor-r w rr-
-nr.Al.KR !N-
Drugs, Medicines.
Paints- Oils
and Varnishes.
A full up ply of
ir.vLL l'Al'KK. As.
VUc lcti! ai tttefa rrvT4.
T-PrefrtptiwEf r-ttlttj (otiiJ"ii
One dr mjuiIi THaat
:tKt ui.(h:d nk.
Flour & Feed
Cvrn. Meal. tan thti i l KJ ai
VuiMbr !H! j! t.r-erry Vtl iJ I'm
niton it're mbru jj Hint tu i ,im tt a. a or
lii(hrit markrt irke iu eaib ip fat eria -Alt ofrxuBtri rro-ie- tiVrn n civat '
furcol 'JtHxli 'IrlivorrJ to all part if la
frco of clarcr
Sit.' south of iUr't'f i'ln I'rtorr.
Red Cloud. - Nebraska
1 rulers tti
.&?? m a ?a t
vl ail kind.
Thty ell OHKU for CASH, ant if thrj
hure or, wbtt ou aut. lr jour
ordrr and they will HU it.
One Uoor norta oftiarber e. aii'J itr. iiiuaouii I
will wait ou j tn. apdt.i
Eyland D. Yeiser
Hasjust rceivt 1 a stock ol
MML Brushes k
of tho latest style
II ASK I. TS of every vartrty,
LEMONS be &e.
Wbieh he oSars low for cah. '
Call And See,
Firit door south of Arju? oCce.
July 21th 1-79.
Merchandise ImplcmeiifM
or all kind.
Highest Market Price
paid for country
(OWLF. - XF.fl.
Orugn, Motions Etc.
Alo a foil IIa of j
Boots I Shoes,!
Hats. Caps, aad
a-CoB3t7 ?iodae Uiea ia eiehaar for
toodi. Oire see m cJI.
T. E. Moon.
Our j.df t lrl- m j iffw s rcMM4 ilv
Utal Ail 0tcit XI ikm iti Mkl '-. a4 ti M
The Lowest Living Rates-
And wc hope t merit the incrciting nurclic
which is being bestowed upon u. ltv
your groceries ai a
f.tlkf .Vlctt't tfr. tUi CJL-ai
i r.xitr- is
iNVc L,CI' l'onn'B0 - lUui A p
Shoes G J i s.s w j.i i'e , Qee 1 1 w m im u liMl
Wc buy our goods for CASH, mxd defy com-im-tion.
When in town mvc us a cull.,
One dooroutii of Pott Oihc.
Mll!Rcd Cloud,
.UlTtllKII- A MOUI1.12ST. IroK.
We keep on hand a( all
pi etc stock
W.. .!-. i.. , ... ... . r
W rK, 7V r4 '
e us a call, as we feel sure ue can Mill ou
in tjualitv and price
Remember the place, opposite the Chief Office,
Red Cloud. Nob.
-I'KAM,!. IN-
Groceries, Queensware, and
Fall & Winter CLOTHING
A Lirgc rot ol JJOOTS VHIIOFS. Imu A
tAPH, Ax-., &;
.WTGitc me call, every tbioc U t JlOTruM Vi r CAIL
Keel Cloud.
KlfrDsci: Crrihrs.1
M S ft G m I
mMmmw-i HlflBaB''1.
Don't bv until you have seen tho lightest rw.vting maxthiem tn
tho World, the Ever Rcfiablo "VICTOR."
Mitchell & Morhart, Ked Cloivl.
- kiii. - ; ir MitchH.
J I. Mt$
i v .
-Vl ,H
time., a large ami ip
ol rl a rd-ware.
taproTSEMls S:p:sr, 18781
w mm
m urn.
Important Improvements. 4
UA .:. j; C - :rOIiVtrt ; , m
T't if Ir-lJt i-t tlt -Sm L- 1
Uu'j.-. (uwt ij5p' r m Ik
'if ' V'. wV I" s -;
2;. - . I-ilrr-!7 nan iJa Tsim.L'
R -
-..-.. S
f- ?? x. JSi3.!y;