The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 16, 1879, Image 4

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Wheat No. 2, 90 crnt?.
Wlieat No. 3, S4 cents.
No. 2 fprinc wheat id Chicago $1.12
Headquarter Tor fruit nt Perkins fc
Mitchell's. -
For choice town lots in Red Cloud,
enquire of M. R. Bcntley.
Wo are glad to note flat the price of
wheat in Chicago is steadily advancing
An exchange Fays "Keep your full
overcoat icadj.' We haven't got any.
Bit-hop ClarkFon.of Omaha, preached
at the Court House Iaht Sabbath to a
crowded house.
No place like home when jou buy
your Grnccrit sat Perkins & Mitchell'?
Red Cloud Grocery.
There is a number of candidates al
ready in the field for the assc.-forahip of
Red Cloud precinct.
Perkins Jfc Mitchell arc bound to
head the Hit in Maple and fancy groceries
Call and fcc them.
Doc. Shcrer has only a few cignrs
left, but is anxious to dispose of them at
5 and 10 cents apiece.
The addition to our office will soon
be done and then we will have plenty of
room for loafers that come on business.
Mr. Win. Scrl of Tlioinwvilic, iy
for the Cliir.F.for two years. Encourage-
went of this kind is what encourages the
The CliiF.r did not get tl.c contract
for publishing the commissioner's pro
ceedings, but we shall publish them nil
tho fame.
It hns Lccn too infernally dusty for
us to tcck for local news on the streets
this week, hence the scarcity of that ar
ticle in this Utue.
A well has been put down in the
street in front of Miner's Bro., which
when it is supplied with a hose wi'l be
very handy in case of firs.
A. Lauteibach advortiFM his bust
nc3in the Chief this week. lie keeps
a first-class restaurant and deserves the
liberal patronage which he receives.
MarriedBy the Rev. Geo. 0. Yei
per, on the 1th inst.' in the city of Red
Cloud, Mr. Thos. P. Ttiomas and Miss
Knma Majnard, all of Wcb'lcr comity.
A. M. Graves who was running a
threshing machino at Harvard on Mon
day of last week, had ono foot taken off
in the niachiuc, and died shortly there
after. We pub!Mii'aiticlein
another column in icgard to the treatment
cf horses, and hope that it will prove of
interest to our rcadeis, as it docs to us
to the tune of five cents a line. '
Wo have r ceived a copy of Capt.
Afhby's ve piper, the Leader, publish
ed at Beatrice. It comes marked "Please
X," and inasmuch as it is a very credit
able sheet, we will place it on our ex
change list.
Isaac Hummel!, of Batin, left a fam
le of cotton at our office la-t Saturday
that was giown on his place on Elm
Creek, it is pronounced by those who arc
supposed to be a judge of cotton, to be a
very fine duality.
John G. Potter has the largest sfock
of ladies' clock.-, ready made clothing
and cveiything in that lino in tho county,
and invites the public to call and ex
amine poods and prices before purchasing
eUcwhcre,as he ftcls sure he can suit all.
To the comunsers in Webster and
adjoining counties, are you aware of the
fact that it" will pay you lest to buy your
Groceries at Perkins & Mitchell's Red
Cloud Grocery. They keep a ptock not
excelled in the west. Satisfaction guar
anteed. We have received a copy of that ex
cellent new paper, the Free Press, pub
lished at Smith Centre, Kansas, It is in
its infancy but presents a good appear
ance and bids fair to become one of the
leading papers of Northwestern Kansas. !
Here's our I- I
We publish on the first page a
Icnglhy article from the pen of Treasurer
Jones. Mr. Jones is au able writer, and
the only fault wc find with this, his last
production, is that it has an air of same
ntss about it which many of our readers
raay not admire.
Ax express train of fifteen'ears collided
with a switch engine on the Michigan
Central road, Oct. 10th, killing 25 per
sons and fatally injnring 30 others. The
switch engine exploded, doing considera
ble damage and adding to the horrors of
the catastrophe.
-Mr. I. Frisbie ha3 leased Mr. Pot
ter's interest in the Red Cloud Mills and
will Lereafter conduct the business alone.
New machinery has just been added, and
a competent miller employed, and Mr.
PwiMi.a t.- : 1
..-w ..MM wufciic cii ueuer
Eaiisiaction man neretotore.
f Wheat, we are told, brought 91 cts
a bushel at the Red Cloud elevators last
Tuesday- We have not been informed as
to the price iincc that date but believe it
has been an upward tendency. This is
indeed good news fur the farmers, and we
hope it may continue to "go up."
We ire glad to learu since the Red
Cloud mills have been furnished with
new machinery they are gaiuing s repu
tation such as can be had only by making
a superior article of flour. The Red
Cloud market is demanding the best and
the Red Cloud mills are responding nobly
to the call.
On Wedcefday cflcit week a couple
of texas herders came to town and was
not lorg in bringing themselves to the
notice ef the Sheriff, who attempted to
arrest one of them for disorderly conduct,
he did not propose to be arrested, how
ever, and drawing his revolver got the
"drop" on the fchcriff and avoided arrest.
On the evening of the sa-jie day they
again mede themselves conspicuous and
was followed into the saloon by the sKer
iff who attempted to arrest one of them,
but he slid out cf the back door followed
l.v : (f.ii !e of balls from the Sheriff's Te
vii;.! - d .-kipped the country.
The 8th and last clause in the Repub
lican Platform reads a? follows: We.
as Republicans of tho state of NebraFka.
welcome back to the tborcs of America,
the champion of our nation the protcc
tor of cur nation's honor an J the hero of
the war fr the Union General Uiyefcs
S. Grant.
Then interested in good hordes will
do well to read Mr. TowIc'h letter in an
other column on fpaviri, ring-bone, etc .
with methods of treat tnenr, Wc are in
formed that Mr. Towle i one of the beat
agricultural wrilcts in Vermont, and no
doubt his investigation on this euI ject
will be of great benefit to horse owners.
The land office official at Blooming
ton have requested u. to jay to thoe
who arc about to prove up on their
claims, that in all caes it U better to
make arrangement for and advetti-e
three w:tric"C'. instead of two, to avoid
delay and additiinal expense in ra.c one
of the witnesses rbmild die before the
time for making proof arrives.
Wc are in receipt of a copy of that
upeib engraving. "The praverat Valley
Fcrgo," commemorating one of tho most
touching incidentH of the revolutionary
war. This patriotic and b auttful pic
ture is offered as a premium by the pub
Usher of Peterson's Matrazine to getter.'
up of clubs. A direst Cha. J. Pctciaou,
J(Jf Chesnut street, Philadelphia, Pa.
Hie editor of the Argui waiN bo
cause the candidates did not ee fit to buy
him a new Miif rf clothe The veneribli
brother evidently looses sight of the fact
that a man who bai no political influenrp
has no right to expect inch favors. We '
are told that the venerable editor's "good
!c;oti,cv' imvc Income threadbare, and
that two holes the size cf a naucer adorn
that part of his pant.s generally obscured
by the coat tail, but we car not ecc how
the people can help it unless! he should
become an object of charity. Better brace
up, Bro., and get 'cm patched we have
seen better men. wear pants with a buck
skin .scat.
Mapi.e Gkovk Farm, Webster Co. )
October J 2. 1 879. J
JmT0K ClIIUV: Since I last wiote to
yo;: there has b"cn quite a change in ihi.
part of the countiy. Farmers have become
satisfied that bad they fall plowed their
ground in August, when the ground warj
exceedingly wet, now tiny could have J
sowed fall wheat, but hv 'he time tin t
ground is plowed since the rain, and the
wheat sowed it will be t o late to sow
wheat, so you fee there arc always some
who will grumble an 3 find fault with Ie
biaka on account of their own bad man
sgciuent. From observations in for
mer years, 1 became thoroughly convinced
that we would have dry weather in Sep
tember and therefore made haste and ac
complished the plowing of thirty five
acrri ready for towing and in due season
sowtd it with Michigan wliie fall wheat,
nd I don't think I ever saw a more flat
tering pro'-pjot for a crop as it is all- up
and growing fiue. As I had heard so much
talk about wheat raisiug in Nebra'ra and
of so many different wajs fbr sowing I
was at loss for a while how to sow mine,
I ut finally hit upon a plan of 1113 own.
Not having a good drill of my own (which
I think is tne best way of putting in
wheat,) so I hadto resort to some other
plan btsides drilling. I .sowed some of
mine with a cultivator aad seeder attach
ment and some I sowed bn adcast and
cultivated. 1 owed eat and west aeross
the field and without recourse to the har
row, this leaves the gioutid very rough
and if any snow falls, through tho winter
l it will be sure to lodge in tho furrows,
keeping the wheat from freezing thtough
the winter and also in the spiirg the
ground will be moist .so the earn' dry
weather will not effect it veiy much, and
early in the spring I shall give it a thor
ough rolling and if I don't raise any
wheat then ynu Ti ill probably hear from
me again on this subject.
One word of praise fir the Chief and
then L am done for this tiuie. Of all the
newspapers I am reading at present,
(which is four in number) there is none
of them so welcome as the Chief. It
comes filled with the news of the county
and state, and who is it that don't like to
hear what is going on in their own county
aud state. Whcu I get my mail it is t e
first thing I seek after and generally find
it about once a week, it is far ahead of
any paper published in ihe Republican
Valley. Long may it wave.
Yiuistiuiy, D. S. Hklver:,.
October 7th, 1879.
Board met in regular session All
present. Minutes read and approved.
The following official bonds were ap
W. Hadley, Supervisor Road Disk No.2.
G. W. Knight, supervisor roan dist.No 4
.1. It. Laird, supervisor rond dit. No
t c o, ...... : 1 j- . ,
G. W. Hummel, supervisor road district
No. 12.
.Samutl Witt.sunervisorroad db-tNo 1
Phillip Bock, supervisor road dis't No, 11
Jerryllawnon. supervisor roid dist.No.l."
L. Mitchell, supervisor road dist No. 17.
Petition of Louis Bitters for liquor
license presented and laid over until next
J he following acorunts were allowed.
Petit jury, Sept. term.
146 00
79 '20
53 90
52 10
4 00
194 00
t rand jury,
Witnesses before grand jury
L. H. Luce onuimissioncis fes.
A. H. Crory " " .
Geo. Leatou, tales juror
S L. Foster' ' ' ,.
J. W Warren, sheriffs fees
C-N.Gutii y,plowineC H.squar'o
State Journal Co., book
J. A. Tulleys, fees clerk of court
16 J5
Dr. Naulteus' bill, $13.00 attendance
on pauper, disallowed.
Complaint having been entered araint
Mr. Longbotham, J. P., Stillwater pre-
cjn7' for "?ffic',al misdemeanors," the
clerk was ordered to issue a summons for
jiUn tn appear and an-wer to said charge
to-morrow at '2 oYlock p. m
Bid of M. L. Thomas for publishing
delinquent tax list, 9$ cents each de
scription of land and 5 cents each town
lot was accepted.
Repoit of J. C. Warner, overseer cf
the poor. Red Cloud precinct, was pre
sented and approved.
Adjourned till 10 a. m Oct. S. 1S79.
J. A, Tullevs, Geo. W. Ball,
Clerk. Chairman,
October 8th, 1879.
Met pursuant to adjournment. Full
Boary present.
Report of fees of County Judge pre
sented and approved.
Propositeon of A. J. Kenney to pub
lish proceedings of Board one year with
out expense to county was accepted.
Tax for 1177 on ne J zee 24, town 4,
range 11, ordered stricken from tho list,
?csment being illegal.
'J he following accounts were allowed.
R. B. Fulton, bridge work &rd
XBQtcnnl ki Oi
r'att & rrees. lumber. 59.13
M. L. Thomas, printing
A. J. Hitchcoek, repaiaing road
9 22
29 20
E. A. Young, fixing well..
Geo. W. Ball. com. fees-
Trial of Win. Longbotham, Justice of
the Peace, coutiuued to the 20th inst.,
at 10 a.m.
Adjourned to Monday,Oet. 20th. 1S79,
at 10 a. a.
J. A.Tultxys. Geo. TV. Ball,
Ulerk, Chairman,
Programtno of tho Webjtcr county
Teacher' Association to be held at Guide
Kock, Saturday, October ISth, 1S79,
commencing at II o'clock a. m.
Geography by C. W. Springer.
Recitation 1-y Prof. A. B. Funk.
Beading ly Prof, Darii.
Method's of tcching ."polling by W. B
Ptrccntsge by J. Bailey.
K-eavn by J. M. I'ry5e, Jr., Mrs. b'ct
telle and Mi- Brown.
Select reading by Prof. Funk, Mi
Cannie Ikl s'.d W. Springer.
L"Cttue in the tvesimr Iit I'mf Dvi
of Hatins.
Taken np Oct lO'h. by the ub?r:btr,
living fic and a hall miles northwest of
Red Cloud, Wcbter ceunty, Neb., cne
blacK tow wpli live tig.
Charles Fendrich.
At Jehn G. Pottci'a for cvcrjbouy
who has the .pndulix to pay the very
low price which he is now selling ftr
Don't fiil to call and look at his goods in
this line, as be keep the very bet quali
ty of hand made goodd at priaes to suit
SpiTin, Eis2-2:25, S;:.f vrWa Voihziz cf
The horse ji our nobbst domestic ani
mal, perfiet in "ructure. impo-ing in ap
pearance, full of in t liigene and when
kindly treated riving in icturn an affec
tion sluioi: huunn in im '.aure, and per
firming to tho hit point of t rid ti ranee
the tasks in pn-ii !,aii.l we may add U too
often subjected to th" bird est and harsh
fit uvisi of any uf our animals, and
probabl.for thia reason U the most lia
able to disease and blemi-befl.
Many an otherwise valuable hore i
disfiguied fir life and rendrod more or
less unfit fi.r service by ugly pavins. un
sightly ring-horny, splints e'c. Somc
time.i thee difficultly- are not of as'Tiou?
nature, that is-, d) not lamo the horse, or
mal; any mvotial ditFerence in the abili
ty fcr performing work on the farm but
uc!i atiimiiN are rendered unsaleable, or
if di-poed of, it must be at a -acrific of
price. Generally, hoxvevcr, the hore i
permaaeiitlj lamed, unie ? the cune i
lenioveil, whu'ti .i vojy seldom and of
ten entirely tuiocd for travel or work.
Spivinn are mo-l genorally prodtifva
by a strain or ovcrwirk in drawing Tin
bony excrescence or substance of which it
?s composed will gtow quite fast and
sometimes gives the appearance of an
enlarged joint, and unless attended to in
season will soon become difficult to man
iige. Many remedies have b.en dev'sed
for this difficulty, but usually vmh cry
indifferent success: Bli-teiing is ircm-ral-ly
resorted to when anything ii attempted
and will in some eacs, when pro,er!y
pci formed, htop the growth of the spivin
but will not remove the bunch already
formed or cure the lameness, besides the
process is a painful one producing sore
ness and rendering the horse more or le
unfit for service.
Some fouryems agoDr. B J. Ivcnd-ill
of Knosbntch Full-, Vt., having a hnr-e
troubled with -pavin tried blisfring to
cure it. The operation appeired so ain
ful and unsntispjctnrv that it was- a ban
doncd with the belief that a remedy less
torturing h it? aj plicitinti and more cer
tain m its effect might be devised. Ac
cordingly the Hector .jet hiuislf to woik
and being a pnctial phvsieian and drug
gist, succeeded iu prep-ring a remedy
that since its introduction to publi.- no
tice, ha achieved a success that isof the
moot satisfactorj character. About three
years since, hearing of several ea-os where
''Kendall's Spavin Cure," as the lemedr
i5 termed, had been usm! with good eff.-et,
L took some pains to ascertain the facts
:n the eae, ami reported the same for
several of our leading agricultural jour
nals. I give a few instance5 to which I
am personally knowing. Mr R A
Gaines, of Berkshire, Vt , owned a va'u
able horse hating a spavin the size of
half a hen'r. ecg, and producing severe
lameness. After trying the usual rctm
die with no effeet. learning of "Kendall':
Spavin Cure." a bottle was obtained and
ued accoiding to diirctinns. The appli
cation produced no blistering, did not ap
pear to be painful, and left no scar or
callous A one dollar bottle was us-ed and
it cured the the spivin, stepping the
lameness and removing the hunch I ex
amincd the legs carefully and cou'd find
no difference in the s;zc of the joints-, and
could not tell upon which the sp-ivin was
located. The horse has been worked hard
rincc and upon examining him the second
time a while pince, after an interval of J
or 4 year, was pleased to find no leturn
of the difficulty in any shape or manner:
one leg is as sound and perfect to all ap
pearancea a- the other.
Mr N F. WeM.also of Rrk-hire Vt .
trea ed a bad case of i:mn with this
remedy and in six weeks the Nmeuess
was gone, tho bunch nearly removed and i
he considered the l;ore cured There 1
has been no return of t'se difficulty since
although the horse hnslwn worked hard.
A A. Simpkins of West Knosburgh.Vt ,
has had an experience similar to the
above, and others might be given, but
these may be considered sufficient to es
tablih the fact of the curative powers of
this remedy, and also, which is equally
important, the psrnnnence of the cure;
the relief afforded being not temporary,
hut lasting in effeet Kqu-tl success hay
been had with "Kendall's Spavin Curj"
in the treatment of sp'ints. curb, ring
tione, bruise, strains of all kind.,cal!on.
etc L wih to call particular attention to
this as a humane method of treatment,
the remedy, while it is efficient in opera
tion yet doe not produce pain or sore is he cae with niot appbeations
This feature is deserving of notice and i
reeeiving commendation from many prom
inent gentlemen in this coun'ry, among
whom 1 would uientioo Mr Charles A.
Kurrier, peciil agent for the Massachu
setts society for the prevention of cruelty
to animals, Boston, Massachusetts, and
Althongh this remedy was originally
designed for the treatment of horses, jet
it has been used for human silments,such
as different forms of rhcuruatiiu, or deep
seated pains of long standing, with equal
ly good effect.
"Kendall's S,uvin Cure" has bepn in
troduced throughout the mot of this
country, and is being put iutc the hands
of all the leading wholesale druggis's
from whom it tnav be obtained.or through
whom it may be ordered by- every drng--
gist. Dr. lveixiall has also compiled a
small work or "Treatise on the horse and
his Diseases," of about one hundred pa
ges, fully illustrated, and giving in a
small compass a large amount of ful
information, free from all technical tomr
nod which will be orth many times its
cost, of twenty five cents, to all owners of
horsrs. Something o the favor with
which this work is being received by the
public may be inferred from the fact that
one hundred thousand copies or over have
.been sold since April last. Should any
0' e desire further information upon any
matter contained in this article, they wi:I
please address Dr. B J. Kendall, Enos
burgh Falls, Vt. E. R. Towle.
West Berkshire, Vt, Sept., 1879.
We are informed that ths "Kendall's
Spavin Cure1' b now sold byO. F, Goods,
man, Omaha, Neb., and all of the lead
ing wholesale druggists and a large mra
bcr of prominent retail druggists.
T: rsr&aser: cf 3. X. 2. 2. lizis
B. k M. B. R, Co in 2irnAhK..
Li NCOl.S, Neb. . Sept. 1 5, 1 -'0. J
Wc doire to call the at teat ion of. wr
U,. nfln.lup il r. .. .!.. K n,u
. t. , , .......
tor (mymut 01 tne rax- t.-rtojem i - . -
wLobare t;t jail .her nx- b..M
proceed to do -o t on' A fd:r t
male inyiiKP' of the taxH on the hod
u, an extr.s vWatwu of e tract a..!-
with tl,i. Cioy, awl tnty !id to iu
cinoraatii In orJer to prel tl!
l'..mi.-..,-r Age,.t. wm. .an l
maue not later thin the 3 11 f OeoLcr.
Lod LVitumiseivticr.
Brick! Brick!! Brick!!!
Hurtnn hive jut burneJ a ki'n of
about ltx).000 brick at their yard on the
..rni.l.- nidf i,.,ri ,! r.r , nr ., Tli..u
- - -
t : t. r.i t . 1-. 1 1
brick are of the tst niahtv and i 1 b
Isold at the lowest market price. CV! at
their yard when u .re .,, nt-I of bncl
ami ue ooovinceu loac u win oe 10 our
iutereit to deal with them. 0-21
Trmg to buy ;"li cheaper than LIO
D V will sell vou ii nfv time dpent 10 no
purpoc Vou ciu't do it. tf
Nice fresh clean bason, for sale at
The People's Brick Yard.
Mr. W. II. Ludlow is now pr-parel to
funs tab brick toall parties who wint them
at a rca-onab!e juice, from hi-t bnekard
pi-: north of town. Hi-brick are made
from the native rhiy as it i- lug from the
nk, no sand or clay h ad led, nod thev"."11 w""-".?.' am th. foil.w.i..-i. Wr
. . I ... . 1 . .1 i . e ' I films,". Tir tlntr 'V. I 111 -rot lUno. Ntt .
e t better quality than aoy heretofore i an.l oru. Ucal aMUun Nh.
ide in this country and are fully evpjnl "i-KetJ3 r. W. swiTZEP.. Kcn'ttr.
:tjy made in the state. " 3m3 i ... , ,s " .". , ... ... -..
to Miy made in the state
An excellent -.puality of boneless ham.
lor iaic at Uobv .
S triTrPC T ST mrCC TT -.-;, f r
v ww v vu . mvv v wo .. WW V CO . I:
b...,.l .1. . l .-,.. j t .- i i-w.
ami the iarpe-t and be-t simply oi Movi s
ever tjroug'it to lie,t t j .utt J hey have '
the celebrated nii-kle jilat- 1 bae burner
heaters and hoft cial htoves, al-o eook
stove-i ingrejt variety. Call and 'eein
them. ijo.
K7en:!r3 ctcsicf 2:Di:, !T:t::a:, Tall
paper, winiCTr-shadlrg. Ji:. A!:: a ail
pscsr trinncr, ranple-rack an ;h;7? :a:s.
9lf " 2 v.vttt-.
W. H. Hoby has just received a full
line of canned rood-, :.!! fresh and uev. :li
We have been supp'ied by tho 1'Iootn
iiiKton lanl ollioJ witli the nej".ss try
blanks fir link inc applteitt m for finil
tronf, and will till out and forward for
those wo wi-li us to do y, free ol
charse. CM1 at the CuiKr olfice.
20ST ?035S? ! '
Tint the L truest, Cheapeat and Best
atoc'-J of Groceries jou will alw.ijs find at
tf LlDUy'Jj
You cm Save Motion- by buyins your
Koods from
Still Ahssi 1
LIDD Y U roUing Sbo3s at pre:es t!,at
"in "w.vinzii vu'4. an au'i set llltiU. il
I hereby announce nivs-olf as an inde
pendent candida'e for the ofhce
of .sherifT of Webster eiuntv. Fulj"cf to
r I. n I. ..,i. ...,-", I. ,.,.. i'.i, . ..... ,
tne ftictsiu-i ut the v ) tr-o :io county at
....... .......
the Novell. her elect! M.
Teachers Contracts.
Teieber.-? v otrracts cm he had by
eilling iitiiwe or hv vVilling at the ClIIKK
office , Kcd Cloud Neb
A. A. Tors. Co. Supt.
A larce assoitnicnt of the celebrated
elz' C'hieaco Haod made Hooti& Shoe--,
every pair warranted, ju.t received and
for hale ouly by LIDDY.
Ry a Competent yount: man 21 years,
old. in a rtorc, Mieaks German and Kn-
irltsli. Lull or addrcsd at this otnee.
ages no object. Dtf.
To Whom it May Concern: In the
yeir 1ST;") I treated with KcndaTs Spa
vin Cure n bone spawn of ccveral mouth.1:
growth, ncar'y half as iarce a a hen's
egg, an 1 completely stopped the lame
ne. and removed the enlargement. I
have worked the hore ever since veiy
hard since and he never ha been lame,
nor could I ever see and difference in the
ize of the hock joints since I tnatcd
him with Kendall's Spavin Cure.
R. A. Gaines,
Knos-bun;h Fall, Vt., Feb. 25 2Si9.
Sworn and subscribed to before me. !
this 2oth diV of Febnnry, A D. 1S70, !
- a - I
.JOH.Vti. .JF.NNE,
C. F. Goodman, Ajrect, Om.ih-i, Ne
bm.ska 3 tf.
For fair and squire dealing you will
Gud it to your advantage to trade with
tf. LIDDY.
Notice : hereby pircn. that I xill ciaiiine
all person who may ile-ora to oaer theinlve
n. OHniiniAirA ior iiupneis oi inc iiriuia.T tir t
',.- . " .
common -chooN of Web-ter county, at Hed
t'loudon the firjt Saturday ot eaca moaia at
Vlock a. m. snaru.
A. A. Tort.
Co.. Sart.
Final Proof Notices.
Land Office at Dloominston Neb. S-rt. 31. 1ST?.
Wii.A w liMrnbv rirn that the followjnc
r.amed ettler has filed noti-e ofhi intention to
make fcnal proot in support of lu. clam. and
een-o final on rv thereof at thr rspiratioa of
t!iirtvdnv. from the dte of thinctl".y;.x:
Land Office at RIooni'ncton. Neb , 1
Sept. 30th. IVT9. j
Notice i3 herebv uien that the fol
lowing named pettier ha filed notice of
bis intention to mnke Gnal proof in sup
port of his claim, and secure final entry
thereof at the expiratnn of 'hirty days
from the date of this notice, viz :
T)sniei C. Merca'f, for the 5ootheat t
.iiAiiAn ? 1 r-TTr-, rfino 11 tre-t. ani
l-ma ,J,..r.,;irr7- . ins witness-. Tir-
i l:"l,, f "-"d.! fliiiil 'oh nt.fl !
Levi 31oore. nt ,eti louu. .en., ana
Charles II. rotter, ot le1 Lloud, jb. '
oc.2oc.SO S. W. SWFfZhK, lbier. j
,7TZ 7TT - . v- i. i I
Tjtnri ORiee at liioouiinton. 2eo.. I f
Snt. 3nb. IST9.
Notice IS hereby civt'i that the
Ioxrinc named settler baa filed notice of
f.rthe0'ithet 'i ?ec 11 town 1 north ranse for th ourhrt .tiirr nfnpr 2 town 3 north
i west, and name- the fdlowin? hi t-1 rSi! 1 1 f !, and e-b the followi-z a hi-nes-c.
vii: ?penccr A'eiander. f Ifeo-ter Co.. Chester 'V .'Vl-r -f Ci'ii .i-h
Neb. and Kirov Petty, of Vebter Co., Neb. ( nd U-v II. Hamlet 'f "vin S"-' rk
senlSoctlfi S. W. wxkm. n.-ter. ocUCaovH . W. SWITZrR. R?wtr.
his intention to "nuke anal proof in aap-1 -
port of his claim, and secure Snal entrv ' Linl OEeo at BHnsfepa. NeV. Oct Hth. Is.?,
thereof .1 .the erpira.ion of thirty dqr. , g u b-gr Slg
from the date Ot this notioe, VZl e fins! proof a ai.fort of bieUjta2d
Johann Flimmeller::, for the southeast I rtcare fiail eatrr tberecf ot tie ez?L-ausof
i o.;nn o tnr-Ti ! " r-inw O isvr and ' ttirtT iars froa the date cf thii notice. Tix
j seetion o, range j wesr, ana .,. r...ofCiorerl03. Weh?r c.. Stb..
nsmes the following as his witnes.'es. viz:
Owen Lalley of- Webster county, Neb.,
and William Ross of Nuckolls county Neb.
oct2oct30 S. W. SWITZEB. Register.
Final Proof JVbtices.
Lnl 02St at Blue Xrk. fri 1U. T
5t l kfT etrrts ti.l tV UU.I.r
Ltfaul M9 ktl &1J m rifm. u W n
1 e Lf a tt i r n .. .,
I 'iraA, fc'fT Jkr-'
xrtr' f
itlnrir -y, f-- lt 'f.- -
, w,i,.K--t f.rkM Mr - t
fcjSTia'i JjZZJpXfJZ'JU.
J hiOSui a. w -Wits. ,
,,,." , .
L.,s" . ''" k "-. "
' ;TSu,r fc w ViS "'Im UZZZV.
m i.u irf !' of k -i t
tt&,&Xtt ?:&"
J KrirMk vf,n. Jr ii ut --
i ,!l to Txm ' - " tk M
I(la Hi I. .Ntk, id. WUHxa Kt f Star ilut.
MTS5-t3 .. W 5WIT2IR i:.iM.r.
LaWii OCr l lliHtisist4D Nk SrpU 3Ht. T.
NtKe u hrVr rirea tbt tk,r flltar
nstsr-l rlllT bi )! But. t fcu iMt,wa
I. . . - T
UllMCHtJ-l I r"! IB tltt't t-f h r'ua .(
. re nruil mtr tfarrf t itr rtMr.iwt mi
' iv.rtrj,,. r.-, ,i, ar,v,. J. ,ITB
' ia-tt f..r tLc ocibi rt-ra
tZZZ.;. ri"
Neb . zl IIerr NtHr;r t Hir K, ',fc
KfCJoftS . W sj ITZEK. K'tuiw
Laod (tSiCt it UU. amrtoa .V.b 8ft tk T4
Nllce Krrtjr si'o tbat ir Mlinxme
ssffir.! t:W ha. 9tr-l n-t ..f ki, tM.mi.. i.-v
mmW Ss-d rrwif m m ti. nfti, rUtrn xthl tr-
Ij town t r nsc 1) wt mI hmm tfcr fl-
lowing a hs itii. nt 'liia, Tapf.r nt
V.'.ue Mill. rlraka. cl Krrtlmck Wnftwi ..
l!lu Mill. .VrW. I
S. W. fWI77.HR. r.t.--.'r.'ffl--en Blooioio.-t n Neh. f r;t. 'h -
Xi'ir 1 htTf-by yirrH that h ("nioe
narrcl .tilrr h Sle-I notirr of ). mtrotin t-i
make final i root in fartott of hw Imw. an.1
rure final ea:ry ihtr t at the ripirati .t tf
thirty .lji from th.Ui-f 'h. n..t-r tit
Mifauolh A. llr-x . wif. f lukS. IIrI . la
lli" f-Ttbr .ouf eit j"jirtrr . It (.'in
Lan.l !0it tllftMint-tn V.,1.!.... fl.l. -O
N'At'eew Iie-rhjr pvrn that thr M'owmr
nsrne-1 Mrttler lia !il.l notice of hi, mTKt.iim in
mV rtrul inrt.r iu mrport of hi- oUitn. ant J Ilishet m i:kr: prtc in th i.lp fr c-tlii-I
fecurf fiml -ntry thrtH! at tho rxpirultow ef ' ini,.t. , , . , , .
Ithirti.iofrimtli-.lntutthMndi-r. fK A V,B,l af" UB,rr rro-iuc tikrn fn f-!tr
, VMi.,m TtifT. for lh? north,-! naanrr oc
'It ton ii -t r.iniri 10 wewt. n! nam- the fnilowtns
vH ""P'T'T."- "V" hin.J...iif :uu!iiii.
- 1j.. nail illiam Korl of JlSue Hill. NU.
,rs,-v,ft .s ;v. WI , U-jtrr.
I-aml Dffloe At Woounnicton. Ncs..spt.7th 1IS71.
Koti'e id herflij- rivrn tht ih fiM"wiii;
naiici! settler hive fiU-U nntMP uf h mt" tiun t
make f nal rrixf in u;'irl of hi- cUiui. ii
fei'uru tinil ontrr thereof nt tli rtpirl-ij cf
th-rtr iin. from hp (lat of thi ntn v. viz .
JifoS Ktn Icher. hrtr f Itarban Kni-Ifhi-r.
deceael. tor thi north-en't 'iirt-r n-iinJl
town - rariire '' lte-t. ami iiatn" the followirjt a
h vitn-si vU: Snmunl (injrof lil f .U'I
Neb aaJ s.nimcl Svuniierhahler of KrJ Cloa-1
octL'ort20 S. V. ?;vi?irR. Rrs'i-ter.
Lanil Oai? t It! Vli. Vnt 'Tfh ICl.
Notice i h.r?l.y given th' ih follotmc
na,pp,.'litIpr hV r,lf,i not?'1 ' f,h"' ,uJrn,,rt" ''
-urn i5n ,1 nrry th-'oof m the txpirwt-on of
thirty i ,r- trotn he ilite thi noV-. i: :
i'unriM McCallutn. fur th tifrtli i ffutb-wit
1 J nnil Iot 1 - .V 3 selioti h f un 1 mo 'J nwl
ami n.itne tho follow inc a his ritncii. vis:
illi un Mrltriiln of i:-l I loud Nth b 1 J ifvph
Uftrberof iinl Clou 1 "eh
oct.c'O) i?. W .SwiTtKR. Itecistrr.
I.anJ Olfice a Mlorininctnn V'j. cj.' 17th Tf.
NoTii'9 i h-fiv siven fht t'i f- " wiiir
nitnisl Mler hi aifl nM e '-f tn k triiio a t
link' Hn I proof oi 'urrt of "i Isi-n n I sr
etir final rniry thereof n th- "tpimti n ut
th-rtyilm from tho l ilo of thi ti'.ir. Mt:
Henry (irhrko for tho tmrth t f itiw S.
t town 2 rnnKC 11 wct. ml n'om th tallowing
a hi ititnrKX-. vi : Ftank Sm l-rr of vli?rr
eoiint' Ncb. aail Ai crilun-r of u b-tr e. Nob.
ociL'oct S. U.ssy ITZEK. Kcci'tcr.
I.iml Office at ISIooniinjton Nib 5et- 22J. HT".
Noti'" i hrri-Hv kivwii tint h-' !' io
n lino I -oilier b'lf Hlo-1 n 'tie ot hi' intrrto.n t
m.iko finil iiro f in tipt'rt f hi" el liin unl
-oonro final ntry ilnri-'f it Ihe otpiratotn of
, 'TmWIX nX
tmrtV'i infri-m lheltt- ftTnt notice, ti: :
" town 1 tantfi' 11 wet. to i uttt' thf foil ti ?
n hi itm-H. ii: il'illiKni i. lnxw-lI of
wrhjtrr etiuiiiy Nrb :ir. I Unot !j!h.-v.: wc'j.
lrr conitj b.
lH!tL'oC!. S. W. SWITjrR. ItrxinJiT.
Zanl OlTi-nt ItS.xtr.lnitton Nib. Oil. th. 1571.
Noli'-o i hor'y irivt-n t!i: lh followlns
. . . . . . .
I nnM Mlkrlo" nlM nntiwol hi intention l
't, ,;,.. . ,....r 2 .. , m.. i... ...
rnri tueil ntrv th-reuf tt the nr.tion f
tlorty "Iii !r"tn t':e 'Into M thi nott.- is
X.tier'irto. fir the north oki nuir'T
'petion -town I ranice 1 i. we-t. nnl mini- 'he
follow ine h In vritiios'.'. iz .Ion ph'irtr
ot V-Itrr eoillity Nl!. ari'i Slta-1 S. Ueli
of tt'eh-fr county Suh
octhltiorM ?. W. S.VITZEK. Itesi-itr.
Lan I Office Ht Hloominston Nch. Oct. ith. 1ST?.
Notice if hereh k ven thst th following
naineit M-ttler ha fill notice of In intention to
m.ikf finnl proof in support of hi 1 1 litn. an 1 -e-cure
final en,ry thereof nt the et juration of
thirty l ir3 from the date of thi n itiep. vti-
Prinklin It I.ontril ot tto. ( lou-l. Ueb'ter
c unty. Neb., for tho wr lt r ruthe-ut ', of
tfetion3i tiwn''iii 1 north of riiicu U "ft an-I
i.ainr- tho tollnwins n. hr witr." . i llri
S Helvrrn of Uel Cloirl. Neb., and Will.atn T.
WilKon of ltd Ctond. Vehri-ki.
octlthiovH S. W. SWirZEit. Krci-te-.
Land Oflleo at tloomi.icton Neb. Oct. Sih. 1ST.
Notice i" li'rehy irivrn thit tin- foliownr
nimn I -ittler h " fil.l notice of ht intention t"
mike finul prof n -upport of h- elaui. and -euro
f.mlentrj there fat theeipirati mof thirty
dajo from the d -to of tan notic. vr
I lixibeth Heberlr. widow of Itenjnmm f.
Heberly. of Guide Kock. Neb., for the northwest
(juarternf jec.3t town tnrrth of riia-s 9 wet.
and nnme th following a her witneje vir
l.eri Hebbcrlv ot Uunl Hock. Neb. acd trank
Wiihcroftiiiilo Rock. Neb. .
octJfnovl3 S. W. S)W ITZKH. Keiticlcr.
Lnd Office at Wloominirton Neb. 5pl 'JTth I "573
Notice is hereby sfivon thit the f llowin
naned ettler ha Slcl notice of hi intention tJ
make fin-il proof in -npiMirt of hi- c'nun. and
secure finil entry thfreot t the ejpir-itiou of
thirty iUt. from the date of thu roMc. ii
Ifiac 11. Hummel of Web-ter ettinty. .eb .
for thu wct li nortliwet ' 4 ec. 1 J town ranit9
II ncrt. and nime thefdlowincahijwitnwe.
vir Andrew Uarlook of Web'ter county., A eb .
and Nichole- llanmyof U'eb't' r eounty. Neb.
oetlfinovli S. W. S iTiitR. Kejtiter.
Land Office at Dloomentoa Neb. Oct 11th 7U
Notic- i hereby siren thnt tho followirc
named ttlcr ha fi ed notice of hi- intention l
ui'ketjul proot n stppnrt of hit elim. and
ecre fi-al entry thereof at the eipratioa ol
thirt ! from thcdite of thi notice, vix.
Charles F. W. Knoii of Wb'er ciunty .Nf1!
for the northeast ;narter of se lOti-rn 3 north
ot rai-ge II wet. an I n.rae the followin; a hi
witners. iz: John Urnr of Webster courly.
Neb und Henry Clerke of Wehier county. Neb
octlnovl3 S W-SWIT.HIt. Ktsfer.
.and Office at Blooaiington Neb Oit. 12th. 1-T3.
Notice i hereby ciren that the f-d'owicz
named ettler ha fill notice of hi intention to
main final rrnr.f in nntortof hi cNim. and
P- '. 1 O 1J... .. .. ...w. - .
.-onre fin-l entry thereof at th expiration cf
Wil'iam C. . Maxwell of Htl ClouJ."Webter
.,. .!-- r .ku .1 ..A . r K.. nn,. f
'.. veK. forth-Lot-2 and 3 and oonth S
ln'aniln rthei't' mUh-Mt ' , of -e'tion T
town 1 ranee II west, an I aimi' the following t
hi- wit3t-c. rir Ulictr .McCsli ol nl iaa.
Neh. a d nrid Di :! Bel rioad Vh.
oetlGi'iTlS -S. vr. SUTTZSK. Ue?iter.
Laal Office at Bloominrton Neb Oct. ISth. 1S73
Ntie 't YrzT :'rt" tt th fotlswinr
I niTr.d ttler hi- 5 e r.nn- f M intention to
, make aal prof in -aoport of h-f f'im -dI
Secure Seal e'trr thre'f t th exiura'a of
I thirtv days from 'he 1-t-of thi- . v.i
Land 05;e at KIoom:a;tn Neh. fet. i'. TS.
Notice!- he-cry sr-y a thit the followis
nmed -ttler hi fil-J noti-e t hi- inl-n:ien
make SoaS proof in rapport f hi eim nt
eenr final ?ntry thereof at the et-nratia of
tsirtr day- from th date o- thi twtie. ri :
Luey V.atLvin of wehte-eontr. Neb forth
aortheas quarter of 12 U-ra i north rans- 1J
wel aad a-ms th 'ollowinr iu fcu -cit ft.
vir: ? pencer Alexaader welter cvtf. Neb.
aad Jam-jftpijuaeU of wbter "natT Neb.
9cU6cot13 5. "W. SU'ITZER. Ici tr.
LaaJ Ol&ceat B'ms'-sr.'Mi yfA.Ost.llth. !..
N:ire is hry civta tiat the f Hwc;
- . .mt u -,i A,. hi. ,n.nt.. ..
kik, fi-! prf 'n ;!.-: t ti- t.w.d
jyi TLTl, 'f
Will-am Moody of Thoii--ritle Neb. for the
,.,. jaarteref liic 3north rxareS
m. --- -m - -, . .
veit, and awsei tae tvllowicz as m wuteM.
lOl-jj jn:w uCaei:ia of iu-! iitnlle. Sl
Oi6novu . w. a'VUZER. u?
1, ll.vai UTi7U-ii .-.v . ...-.- ...-
for the nonhut ic4rtr of . W ton 4 ransa j
viz: as ireirua' jocko: Baus. Jtee. as j uuc i
ILHaaiBelfof Btsa. Keb. .
tlSsovl3 fc. W. S?WIT2E3. Better, j
.-': iz 1 . i. .. w . . r
vniiHiira i.. i-jiaif .m iiutih mrar hsiibtv m ri
. IK!.KU !. -
j Hrttrrr M ar!;n;Mne
. .
iaintS. OlJS
and Varnishes.
A ftiB "apply u
ir.LI. PAl'KH, Ac
I'UTmait ntUiXJ . tiinVfaltj- tehl
On? door ?o;k of Hal-,
iu:i CLOUD nki:.
j '""' -"" j
r v . . , . . '
ITT y v r t i - -t - t - -
HI 1)1 I T, i 1 1 . 1 1 T 1
-v- - v J Jl J I
C.'n Mr! ' ria Hi ,r-' Fttft
A M A A p R I p A
1 L II I" L. LI I I V
ill K II 1. f Kir3
'W II V V k II I L U
i Vf.t the Itrji1 at w.-r,r TrJ hi r.
iHP.e Hrjl a J H'.-rrr 1,1 iht PM
' ""- spi fr " -r
for -oJ. CwU deliTtrt ; it! jMi f , !
freo f fharjr.
Sloir .uth ut HtcJ TUw rtrr.
Red Cloud, - Nebraska
I'elcrj m
if II LinJi.
They ,-U CIIKAP fr CASH, and if tLty
har? tKt UaI juu .in:. Iar jfMir
ordr asd the) wilt fill tt.
One Joor north ariiarLor.atid Mr HoLCO.MH
wil' wait oj you. aprltf
Ryland D. Yeiser
llajut received a tK-V of
Handkerchiefs, Brushes k
of tL Utet tyl
HASKKI'S of every vartet',
Vt'huh he i2Vrs low far caib
Call A.nd Sec
KirJl door south of Ann- office.
July 31th 1ST?.
Jff 3C!U Am:,
Agriciilfurnl Implement-,
ol all kind.
Highest Market Price
paid for country
rowi.Ei. - WEB.
Orag, Xolions, Etc
Al a fall Hse of
Boots I Shoes,
fiat.'. Cnp. and
S-Conctr7 Trodsce takes ia cr chief t ioz
paii. Ortc e a call.
T- E Moon.
r A art CS
CV W MaWi9
"? tity stztuz'.'j x
r(rtM is trr 9
t;il AJ &oet at tin Vr
The Lowest
And wc hope to merit the iiu reiving patronage
which is bcinii bestowed upon u. Buy
vour jiroccric .it a
r tzt
V liop Conauantly 0 IUmI A Fi
Shoes- G lass ware, Qe insw:itv mm I
Wc buy our goods for CASH, and defv cai-
pktion. When in town gic u$ n call.
One door south of lt C)ive.
Red Cloud, - - lMobraxlxa.
JliTCHKKl &, MOKKIA21T, feriip.
Wc keep on hand at all times, a largcaruL-Sdn-plele
stock ol Hard-ware.
Wc tilso V?cp supply of
jGive us a call, at, we feel Mire we can suit vcu
in quality and price
Remember the place, opposite the Chief Office,
Red Cloud- Feb.
- IEALi:ii IN -
Groceries, Queensvare, and
Fall & Winter CLOTHING
A large lot ot JE500TS A SSsfOK.4, haU &
CAPS, &c., &.c
tGTGiic xae a caH, every thin? mU at UOTTOM 1'rwe fr CAKIf.
Red Clo-acL
izti-j. ir -i.z
i r
sssto. ptMrUlifYf QUrERIORITY fj
H,Ji. IfMft' J.
S Jmm ntoW V 1 1. 1 tin
Mr crnU'
V tFJt;- fcM." a.rvm:
Don't fc: until you have seen the lightest rii-.niftg' mscmne
the Vorid,--tho Eve: Rdtabfe "VICTOR."
vicToa srwixc machine compasiv;
XIDOUCTOWX. C8XX, aad . 1M u& 01 TTibawi, AiM. CJ1ICAO. lJ-
i jy-Lixoneii csd 3iLornart, iea (Jlotici-
iSL i
ixzl x U2jt rtiV tt
- i. tml r.mm4 k' , . .. k.
vxi t. wi M
Liyina Rates.
Stoel Of
iE?fu?2f35n3 Z:mku 16 FO!
important Irnprovomonts.
; j"rtf boyasMt 39 m tLe xurlrt- at- ;
j4 4 . .
:t i r j - rw rrt rntimi irrx i n
a yr trZAn fiU r It & f
' . t; 1 ijAm&m i
TX- t:'fma "taw,3rr ft ert n-
I '-at- Shm'im' : QTt rmmZ
ir ?' -! 4 i --w t