The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 02, 1879, Image 4

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Election "ovcmler 4th.
I)rcs3 Silks at Mr?. Lutz.
The circus drew a large crowd to
town Inst Friday.
Kid gloves "5 conti per pair at Mrs.
Quiet and orderly in torm last Fri
day considering the large crowd.
IN ice freh clean bacon, for sale at
$1.50 wiii Lay you a pretty triaied
list nt Mrs. Lutz.
Job tvorlc of all kind? neatly and
cheaply executed.
The corn hasting season drawetb
A car load of hogs were brought to
town and weighed lat Tuesday.
Don't fay any more that it id too dry
to plow.
Land teeters arc arriving almost
BuMnesp has not been very britik the
last week.
New buiidings ore continually being
erected in Hed Cloud.
The time lias arrived for the presen
tation of quarterly bills.
Perkins k Mitchell keep a good sup
ply of fruit.
The Chief three month- for only 50
Chailey Sloan sends tlic ClilT.r to
his aged Grand-pa in Ohio.
Doc. Ididdleton was sentenced to the
penitenl'uiy for five year.".
For tlovcs of all kinds go to Mitchell
k Morhr.rt's.
They arc r.boul tc have a grocery
store in Superior.
An excellent quality of Lonclcsa ham,
for sale at Roby'a.
New goods in great variety at low
prices at 31 th. Lutz.
A "Heathen Chinee," Tank Kcc,
by nnmo, ib lecturing in th:- State.
The circus with its pomp aud glitter
has come and gone.
Tho finest lot of stoves of li kinds at
Mitchell k Morhart's. 82
Co to "Uncle SauiV for the cele
brated wood tag nickle cigar.
W. T. Knby ha just received a fall
line of canned goods, all frcbh and new. tf '
The debates to the State and Ju-1
dicial conventions departed last Tuesday. I
M. m i.,1 ,i. ...:.r. i..!
loose a twenty dollar gold piece one day
. , ., . .
'ast week.
Col. Crvspy. ex private hcerotary to
."V... .1. . I . Tt rtt , i
enewj his siicnptio:i
Those "bono book.i" arc ucarly all
.onc. if ou want one you had better
tali soon.
A gcci roaking rain came last Sun
day which pill the ground in fine condi
tion fr fall plowiu;.
A-windla iias heeu creeled by the
force puirp, around which i" coiled thc
hose, t j Le c-avotiiant in en c of C.c.
Adcr:i ;i iil reach more readers
through the CuiK than liirough any
ether paper tn this valley.
A .7. Iiinnckor appreciates thc off
ltlll.'l HAmlifimM: ,...! 1.1... I... J 1. 4 .
........ w.u,Miiin.,ii jiaiu 11I1U I'V l II is JirrUa I
last week in a horn.
Teachers" contiacls for sale at this
office at the ior. price of two for fifteen
JJorn On Saturday last, to Mr. k
Mis, Liddy, a girl. We eztcad congrat
ulations. Kemcmbcr that Miner lros. pay the
thc highest market prices, for butter ar.d
We wish that a new store would open
up in so that we could get tiuslcd
for a new hat and pair of boots.
There seems to be considerable of
sickness throughout the coun ry at pre
We notice that a number of our bu-i
ncss men have erected street lamj
'a in t
Jront of tbc:r places of Lusiacss.
J he new greenback paper, the r;7-
folio, published at Omaha, is at hand ; it J
is a neat seven column folio.
fhc rccenl dejtiuetivc fire in Ilast i
ings should &tvp as a warning to lied
We have just made another order for
envelopes, paper, cards, kc , and invite
you to come alonr with orders for job
We understand the ciicus managers
pitched their fonts just outside thc cor-!
poratc limits of this burg and evaded tho '
customary license.
Miss Lucy A. McFaaden received
th'c-noaiination for tho office of countv
superintendent of public instruction of,
Atfanis county.
Read'th'e adreriisments and buy of
those who auvertisa in the Chief, and
you will find that you can do better by
trading with them than with any other.
The abundance of sand burrs-on the :
circus grounds detracted somewhat from t
the pleasure of tho average small bo.
with bare feet, last Friday.
This is. the ec?son of the year when
ihe average country newspaper man
howleib for wood on subscription and re
ceiveth it not.
wo..UBr1n.c.0..wi 10 neu LiouajtliathHOiaiiacorsaow I10 paiI1blig on
""t ' lo"":,i'- I the groundn, and people can attend the
- Fiank 1 eiuiaiit, an cntrpri-ing far-1 .vhow without thc fear of being fleeced by
ner and old lime triond of.thc ClIll.Fi sharpers. Wc hope they will visit or
c,Ar., -i -i ii ,i ' paving such small accounts, as thev S2em
ooine ol our exchanges claim llial t J . . , , - , "
iwoyeaiImprisionmentand a fine or, Rninnt to Ibem, bat in the apsre
$2,000 is the penally according to bw, isate they amount to hundreds of dallars
for punching holes in rilvcr moncr. I aml. M bo VPry a-"bl; to us, cs
J"JU"imr tu'"lu" v,u .l0U,il "'
One hunted and fifty dollars of the
money-trolen fiom the post office was the
rrivate jirrpertv 'f Mr. McNitt, his pen
tion iconey. anJ '.. .juilei rerere loss to
aciiucuii-Bioi .ne- ai.juMhi.ic , ,he paper the coming cold
iTrr ci in P"" a 15n' iu can
l.wl I liinil. Kcpr-.r.ilr chntilil opt nno. , ,
.....- e-. c
Wc arc told that the city clerk issued
a license last Friday to a roan granting
the privilege of conducting a gambling
operation on tnc streets. The Sheriff put
a stop to the nefarious busincM.
Married by Kev. .Ino L. Elliott, Sep
tember rOth, 1373. Honor ible Samuel
DcHouu, of New York City, and Mrs.
Jouiler S. Switzcr, of Jewell county,
Kin5a, at the house of the officiating
The dtily papen are teeming with
accounts of all kinds of prime. Two or
; three rnardcis and outrag-s a day U get
ting to he a usual thimr, and the detail
arc usually of too di.-guting a character
:o appear in print.
A wag perpetrate J a joke on some 'jf
our citizens tat Sunday night r by putting
in circulation a report that a man had
been killed by the care down at the depot.
Twenty-five or thirty credulous ones"bit"
and had their trir dowu to the depot fur
nothing, and oinc back looking fold.
In answer to enquiries a to why the
Republican convention of this ouuty
placcd in nomination only one com mis
sioner instead of three, a was expected
would be done after Gen. Dilworth'h de-ci-hion,
we will say that the Supreme
Court decided that the law applies to new
counties only.
Two of .Scibj Dro. ring horses was
htolcn last Sunday night. They arcvalu
able stock, having been bought for i?500
each. The circus company will leave no
stone unturned to find the thieve.", and
wlcn caught we would not give much for
th:ir chance or stealing horecs in the fu
ture. N. D. Fox k Co., grain merchants of
Cowlcs, wish to announce to the public
that they have completed their new ele
vator and are now ready to handle all
kinds of grain. Their facilities for hand
ling arc as good as any in tho country.
They alto have the advantage of low
fi eights to Chicago, and propose to pay
nil their is in grain, and cordially invite
the public to give them a trial. S2l
Last week we neglected to call atten
tiou to the announcement of A. J. Ken
uecker as independent candidate for the
office cf sheriff. "Uncle .lack," as lie ib
called, is one of the oldest scltlerd in the
county, and hap been identiticdvith every
movement for the advancement of the in
tcrcsts of the county for the last eight
years, and if he was the nominee of the
convention we would of course givo him
our tuppoit, as it is, wc cannot.
Sells Hi os. great railroad 7 elephant
ciicus and meungeiic. spread its canvas
ia Kcd C,ontl ,ast Fri(Iji'' antl -catcd-the
lIJa to one of the best entertainments
- '11 ithas bec our KOOd fortune to
witness in a Ion.? while. J hcv s!'Oweu
everi thing, and more too, than they ad
verliscj, and gave entire satisfaction.
i One of tho boi-t features of thi shew is
v" "
town aam.
Wo learn that three drunken bmtes
bought a pony from one of thc lurds last
Saturday and on Sunday, the pony being
unbroken and wild, dragged it through
the streets with a laiict attached to its
neck, and otherwise shamefully abused
the animal until it was nearly dead. Up
on hearing that they were liable to be ar
j rested and fined for their inhumanity,
hey skipped out. Disgraceful scenes of
this and like character are continually oc
curring in this town and wc thiuk it is
about time the authorities should take
acti. -estops to put a stop to euch infa-
uioug practices.
Thc necessity of providing fireguards
to protect this town in case of prairie
fires this fall, must be evident to every
thinking, person, aud wc can account for
the apparent tniolessncoS in this direction
only on the theory that ''what is every
body's business is nobody's business ' If
this town was owned solely by one indi
vidual, wo opine there would be ample
fire guards made in a very short time,
but as it is, one waits foi another to move,
and tho consequence is nothing i done.
Welmc repeatedly called attention to
this matter through thc paper and other
wifoand everyone agrees that fire fiuards
should be made without delay, but no one
j seems disposed to lake any steps in the
t matter. Wc would suggest that a sub
scription be raised and sufficient money
! cvilWin.l. ns ents'd oasilv lu tlnnn. to mv
some one to prepare ihe guards, then
i,jIC a responsible man to do the-the work
aiu J0 ;t i a I)r0pCr manner. Belay are
dangerous, and if a fire should get started
ln the piairie adjoining town, with a fa-
vorablc wind, it would then be everlast
ingly too late. Let a move be made at
1'or those who are indebted to n,
these lines are intcnJcd. We have worked
hard to give you a oed paper, aud flat-
j ter curself that we have in a measure sue
cce-ded. We have been and arc now la
boring under some di-advautages which a
generous response from you who owe
these small amount? would remove. We
have OCCIinicfi :l lmildinir siniv !rct snrino
,iint nn on h.. a rPWnntlPr .,
,.,.... ....... ,..,.
j attempt to do business in, and wc have
dene it for the sake of. giving you nirr?
time in which to raise thc small amounts
due us. e are to a heavy expense.
ti.tiOt liiiOTMor I linn llifl nincnf I'nit ll7t.?
i u...,w. .uuu ,..w U...-.3.. v. j u.A fclillljfc.
and have paid the cash for the piper we
have sent out to you-each week, and now
we ask you to generously coma forward
and settle up, as we need the sinali
amounts that arc due. We dis'ike verv
much to have to thus publicly call yor '
attention to this matter, but wj know
I that people are apt to b2 careless about
i ppciaii' so, as we are compeiici to pro
iViJe a suitable building in xvhioh to i-suc
wcatiier Then
easily do it, and
jiietige you our wow that the pacr
will increase iu interest and value in pro
portion to the decrease in nuiiher of those
whom we have to carry. We are now
carrying nzzTty jirc Intmlrttl unpaiJ rib-
?S2 PCS7 C77252 SSOIZir !XT3 Airs'
la.t Monday night the post office in
this vi'Uge was broken into by burglar,
who effected an entrance through the
front door of the store room by means of
burglars tools, they pas-ed through the
store and broke open the door leading in
to the post office, after which they pro
ceeded to demolish the safe irhich con
tained the wealth. They prepared them
selves for the dem jHtiun of the ?af by
first breaking into Mr, Hampton's black
smith thop and appropriating a sledge
hammer and a small itanims: with a short
edge ued for cutting hot iron. The safe
usci in the post offi -e ie a -mail one with
a common combination lock which
eaMly demoh-ned by moan, of the li-avy
IA - 5 1 -t 1 !
. .-.ruBira.K used ani inc eu.ieni skin 01
it parue, ung mem. J tic tnoroujrii
anu uouiieic manner in wi.icn me oreaK
age. were effected and the robbery com
mitted, convinces ui that thc ierons
engaged in it are experienced hand at
the business and it will tax thc ingenuity
and vigihncc of thc Special Agents to
effect their capture.
From Inavale.
I.VAVAI.E, Sept. 29, lbTO
It seems a little si range that no effort
has been made to g' up a fair in this
county thi- fall. I hear a great many in
quiring about it, and each one has a theo
ry of his own as to the cause of the fail
urc. Soma of the people in the north
part of thc county think it i because
there has been nothing raised in the val
ley, Cut we win live hero know better
than that there cuuld be found first class
vegetables of all sorts, to make abetter
exhibition of Mich thing, than they had
at the Hastings dfetiict fair, there was no
- . , ., , I
better show of grain and vegetable than
we had last year, and that wa the poor
est we ever hal. Hut the great eharui of
the floral hall at Hastings was the flower
and houc plants, they even took the at
tention of the p ople from thc speech,
which na-j being read by J. Sterling Mnr
ton, As they passed along near where he
was, they would itop a moment to hear
what he was haying, and as it was always
.,.... r....l. fi...V..... -r.l. ... .!. !
.-UlllU lauil UIIUli; Ul IIIU .1 LI IIIUUII , I.IU
univer&ity or some other institution, they
would listen uo longer, but go right on
talking about the Sowers. If there was
an effort ruado and premiums offered, wo
wc might make up a respectable aud in
teresting exhibition of huusj plants in
this county, for there are some in almost
every houc.
J should like to know what i- thc ma
ter with the oflkers of the society that
they did not get out the pmuium Hat as
usual. 1'urhaps they arc too much en
gaged in
Work has commenced on the bridge at
this place and it makes business for our
A new Day has come among us in the
person of a young man from Iowa, broth
er of A. N. l)j of this pi .cc
Politics has sub-dd'.'d for the present.
I noticed quite an exodus of hogs from ,
Hog Hill last Saturday. Heiskv
Our Washington Letter.
Washington, D C.,1
Sept. 124, 1S7U. j
The South Carolina bulldozers, under
thc coaching of Hamburg Hampton and
Hamburg IJutlcr, hayc begun the cam
paign of l5? with a vengeance. Some
days ago Frederick Nix, postmaster at
Clack ville, IJarowell comity, was- sdml
while in his officii distributing the mail.
Nix is a colored man, and had been re
ecntly appointed. IK- i clitairiuati of the
liepublirau patty of Hat uwell county and
the UlOat active aud influential liepubll
. .... . i
can :n that county. The shot wa aimed
lo kill him, hut did not; it pierced hii arm
and passed across hi, breast. The pre.
of the &tatc have failed lo mention the
occurrence, and when appealed to the
local authorities refused to take cogniz
ancc of thc affair, although the porpctra
tor is well known as one of the leaJing
Democrats of tlm county, having the
"confidence" of Hampton and Butler.
It appeals that when Nix was appointed
Hamburg Butler protested that hi was
distasteful to tho ''best citizens." but thc
l M. General rcfu3fd to hear to hiai,
Nix bt-ing wi.ll recomn:r;ndcd. This is
Butler's wav of "r moving" an obnox
ious officer, but it failed. The Govern
ment will now probably make a rule to
abolish post offices entirely in places
whsre the local authoriii s w II not pro
tect the po-t master. Northern people,
and especially democrat j, w.ll take notice
of this determined effort on the part of
Southern democrats to solidify the South
by the shot gun process. c shall have
plenty of timely warnings like this to aet
upon in 1SS0.
It has leaked out here that the demo
crats got into a lively quarrel the other
day at the mectiig of their national com
tni'tee. Mr. Thompson, Tburman's man-
ager, trie--, to assure the conimutee that
s i -T
thed mjcrats would carry the legislature
pared with insuring the return cf Mr. :
Thurcian to the Senate. This provokl
warm responses fro-u soma of the mem
bers, who informed Thompson that if the
Tiiuraian men were playing tint game
they would find that Ewing's friends
coubi trade ai Jat and a suoce-isiui.
fT;..l, n-.,J r..t!nn.n.l -. .1.1 . i.
. .fcu v.u3 - . .!,., ,
ill teeinis, whieli wid have a bad effect on
the democracy and a corresponding good
effect on the country.
WhetfCongn.s assembles an effort will
be made to extend our nosUl and en:..
uiercial facilities by government aid. A
partial plan failel last year through pre-
JU.1IC2 and miSUnJerStallUing, but the
i u .. - t j . i ii - j
plan Will 02 enlarged S3'S to reach ail in
tete-ts and extend our eommunica'iocs to
all foreign marlets, in order to increase
in Ohio if nothing more, and concluded I sect'03 f'c u" -" "r0 "' - v -. TJ.Tl cu '
i .. c i, r. i- i ,' names the following 3! his witnea'C?, v:z. Notice i cftc&y ren that the f !linr
tliat alter ail uen. htv;n? s election would i t ,r; innM nf llcil 'l.m.l h nume-l p:tler haT fite-l crtiecf inustioa :
be a matter ot minor importance com- Charles II. Potter, of Hed Cloud. Neh. ...rnr nal entrr th-rpof o- tt.p ex rdration of
, , , ,
Hie demands tor our products. South
phis, manufactured or natural, but the
trouble h that Kagland hai such a tut-
n0PJi ll,al P"c enterprise oonot corc-j
pctc with it. The Knzhh turrcbant
hare hid the benefit of government aid,
.H nnr. m,nnt Ii nv.f..l ,n cuvI
Wfot such odd anhM mc led-Ution
America and piy $)CCH1.1) eah port
year for coiTrc alon-. while we do not sell )
one sixth of that amwiGtofatl our good.
In l-ict, m'xt f: our cood.- li.vctotc i
tiirougti Hriuon arn ami carried tj
Britwh ship-!. thu giving foreigner the ,
larger prt of profit aonuine from our t
'own labor and enterprise. This i an in-
justice to our artisan, ani our capitali-t,
alike and ouch, to be remedied.
I ie new.. jcn ail quarters continue?
rp-r a a result -n-i ma- Iivk fviifiil.-nt.
!y fo'r aoliJ Kcpub!iwn Nor!h and ac'eSn
f FffCCp of IVcWent. ('ongrc and ?uto
Government.. This i, not bottling, but
. j, thc lia ,lrai temency ol pro?peru and
improving titae-.
Mrs. 1' C. Ilarnard and on, who
have been vi.-itirur her pirc-nts in IJeil
Cloud, returu to thair home in Chicagi
to diy
coKiiKcrr.ri t ; to the iiot'n or tjoirct:
TO I'll EsS, BV WKjUI.Ns i SO.'.'.
goou fr the Itcj'uMxan, who are dows jt sa rtrr 1 !. z : ir ' f
' tkirlr ii from t& tlalr f lk i. u
splendid wo- k, and taking advajitse of, JiiHr AruJt. fr tkr wifct xri-r -.
nnocntie aril qiarre'-. Next! ina lUak f ftu. Ujl
SrpttmLcr 'J
Wbi-at No. 2. sprtH, - - ffl(Vtcnt.
" 3. MkM "
Hy - 7i "
iitrlt? ti dcmuBil
September 9.
Vbnnt No. 2 - - - - 5J, ent.
Cvrn.niiMjt" - - - SI'".
Ont- - - - - JI'Si
Trimtrcd Hits fr one dollar at Mr?.
JAVin. ?,n,M, ?,. r i
il I I '.M I'.Uj i!t .MOKlIAhl hive on
hand tho and lici-t hiintdv of Stove
over bringht to Jlod Cloud. They have
tho celebrated nukta plated bae burner
heater? and Kft coal fctoven, ul?o rook
):tove: ingrci: variety. Call and ceem
thcta. " Mit
TMti..ri Hoft !i;c' niul'
i mien uart, i.tuns aim Miiiiiren ."
underwiiar and hose at iMr.. Mi-IJtidi-s
T, . ,
li IS USe.O--.
Trvin to bnv goodeheaner than LID-
UY .t;il U ,-.,., ;. n.,1,. i;, Jn..n, ,n ..
- m .-." .' I- -j in.iv. .'j-i-uv iw IIU
Vou can't do it. tf
. " """,". .
Only a It-W more of tho.O !a-t Selling
"hot so books" on ban I
Price 2o cents.
Ladie will find it to their intctest to
buv thci"- hats at Mrs. McKimdes.
I hereby announce my-elf as an itdu
pendent candiila'e tor tin office
of hhcriiT of Webter countv. ftibj ct to
thc decision ef thc voters of the county at
the November elethn.
A larcc assortment of toe ro'ebrated
Si!.' Chicigo Hand made Moots k Shoo..
every tjn:r warranted, jut nv'tvrd and
fur sale only by LU!jV.
. .
--,p-, .
Jlwi.Jii .
Knr ftir and square dealing you will
Iitid it to yocr adrantage to tr i Ic with
Jzzi Cc:e:vod,
A nico assortment of Silk Handler-
cm. id, isecii iiesanii iiof-servai
. fm , I fla t f
Wo offer our White Lead ami Oil at
gicatly reilurcd nricc. Call and oxani-
ioe. Uod Cloud Drug Store, two door-
west of Joy"s II?m". -liitf
Morris vt Wostvccr.
LIPDV i- selling Shoes at prices that
will astonish you. Call and see them, tf
Notice i lnrcly rivon. tliat I will examine
u tiiriiiu Tvlirt nt iv tlawirn it fYtr t!iinan!r
g t-.r tearheM of the primary or
rfimnifiii r-hnn I o! rn.:er roiintv. at I. .Ml
(.'loud on the firt Saturday ox each moath at I
nine .'clock h. m. sharp.
A. A. I orK. lo..ilpt.
Sale of Mortgaged Chattels.
irtiKcri--. HerWrt FuUruer. Win Holion.
Wia A. .Vnorp.on tho t 'ay of April, A. I).
1S7'.. PXePitted an 1 ueliviTP.1 to l'ardea and Mc-
Donald a cWtoI ruortsnec dated on ud daj up-
on ithe fo!lnvin?de.-cnbcd persons! propert
JneFpinof erry !ior.-c. about fift.'en h.ind.j
hieh. onptan of iiidKp. nr.p ! thitii u mare.
. l.i. A ii. .iiiiv. a iiifi?..' Mia. iiii.t.ii vfi.ii.
Aft..f. t-:-irv 'iK..lit Ii. da III .1 mini 0 1
M. . l1 !..... 1 "-1.1..-1 .....A.l .-..1.
xr.irx.ld. hcrv 1 er H. to eure the tiay-f
tnentof one hundred .in 1 eishty tlolla-p on thc
lit day of Niixemlirr. Is"'.', whi.-h in'tlzzsc ri ;
dulv tii-1 in Ihf nfJieu ot Iteeonler of I)ppd
Jcr,.licuatw, Kana. on the atb day of April,
A. I. Ib7'.
An I. wherpM a- default ha ben nt le in thc
pnympfit 1" the mtir.ey tccureil by :?aid t'hattel
Xotr. therpf. re. notice i hereby civen th it ia
rnrjnance of the ratiite in fuch c5e.. m de ud
pr-triled. the itid Chattel Mortcap will be
fnroclpi- I by lo of the nrorcrty therein de-
frril.-d. nt public aurti n in the town of-He'l
loi:J. on 5ai!inly, the Uth Uy ct t'Cuber. A,
l.. 1ST?, at 2 o"c!ock in the-fternoin of ?ai I ur
or a much thereof aj.-hall be neeejarr toati- t
ty the Fttd sum of one hundreit ami eiyhty dol
I ir with iaterct and costs and expended of sale
unless th- same j-JiiJI he ocncr p id,
IrtKS McDon.lp. Morta;cei.
Ty 0. C C?. Attorney.
Hated at Re I Cloud, Seutcmber 17. l-s9. CT.'
Fin a I Proof J bticcs.
L-t.d OiSce at I!oomins;ton. Neh., 1
Fcpt. 30th, 1?7J. j
Notice h hcrchy given that the fol
Irwit.g named settler has filed notice of
hi$ intention lo unke final proof in sup
D"rt of his claim, and secure fhal entry ,
thoseof at the expiration of thirty dav-?
from the date of this no'ice, viz
'an'.f! C. Metca'f, for the southeast j
octijctSO S. W. SWITriK, Kecister.
- " I
Land U nice at lsloaminston. Neb.,) i
Sept. 3Uth. 1S79. )- I
Notice is hereby tiven tliat the fol- j
btv.ns named scttkr hss fieU no ice ofj
his intention to make final proof in sup-j
port of his claim, and secure final entry ,
thereof at the eifirition i ct thirty day. !
Irnim ll,n lita nPtliic nni.Ki , I t
'-r.iri," nri: L. "w rH'. .T t .
and William K'lSS of Xuelcnlk county Neb.-
tctiictSO S. W. SWIIZEK, Register,
Land OiScc st Eloaait-sfon Xcb.
Sept. 22J. 179.
Xutie ir iierebr gives tbat the fa!!owtiv-
namei settler ha riled notice of his intention to '
make Coal proof ia support of bis claim, acd '
secar fins! entrr thereof at the expiration of
thirty daj s from the date of tbb notice fix:
Oliver aictall. Ior tae norta-west qaartcr i-ec '
ou4iann iiuuiuciutiK. u. ic wuiura.i t thrtriUT Iranne'Utjf ton otwe.Tii:
I SCO 100 town o, range y WiSt, anil ! jaeoa ixinncaer. neir o; i.xroar ivtn-ionpr.
.,..,i- t.A fT,r.-iinr u. l.i- vrwnnc - r-w- I d d. for the Eorth-eat qaarter .frfMa 23
names the as h witnca-es. viz. ,m!wt ,ori Maje? thf Miowinc
usren iiiv 01 u euiier c-:untv. jeo.. b witap-.- : imuti i.utrof i:.icrno.ii
I iv bis i;tnes-3. viz: lrJIiara C ilaxwsll of'andnjm tha foitowiar ai hf it3e.-. tii :
'websterconntrXeb and David Iticcescf web.i William McUrsdeofKed Osnii 5eb. ard Joseph t
town 1 raar II west, and nat5C tne tallonin; ;
Final Proof JSblicos.
Land OEer at IVM.irva Z. . .. '
'! ! i'by r- tkt l f:W.B '
j a-l Jr b 414 1
Urrrnail irr Um
rytt f Km rt..m. 1 i
tkrrW at Ikr iiMfttrti mf '
! K.rT..47 ? ' "" !"- . .
J": tttt?J'&V
L ' -- N k "
im.i rwiifr k -i miwtflnwuwih
,r t-vi tt 'fc.-f u itba't h'mi rib tktaxtNm
' rV"m : Z.?mm ji"
Mw II1.1. rk.. 11 UtUuc Kt(;ui-lttU.
t2tf h. v. viTXER. v.titc.
, urff.-"n.MfcHi N.W "i. .
I St,vr ke-.i-r ' tst tbi. fji.r
,v.. ,.. ,.rM.f , .,,, fc . .i ..
1 W". " --- V "" " - "--T". WS
Jrl' ' ''"' ?i"v'yT f l'lr HiJl N.
p3' t-3
S. V .W irXEK. ILrkHrr
I. O&ee : JJI-uiauB X4 ."!. IX k. T
f.t.iye- i t't9j crn that tb (4lloier
Dtm-i f-Urr no i!l hk- -I bu ivtraUo to
tni'tt final fftf ia upp-.rt of hi rlaMi. sm) p
re Sfwl t-otry thpr- f at laj riMnlui .'
liiftr !'; trm ihr ! f tku n-'ir rtt
Willi uu ilmtt, f r t Hb uatrtr
-'. I'JIuotJ rxur lU rrt ami Main tk- tmi-
, l?."'" "'..?: ?. , Willi. TWr
ii ur nil i rirai. satl tiwritci i ie&m
JH'Ji- J till. .cti.
rt'fS0tZ3 S. '.V. Ui-sutc-.
6L-t u fcctel.v firt that tar i.iiii
titnit c:t.r h tilwl .tir ot Ii iati.ati'L '
ikv kiftj M':;n orpm'i of bw tun. iui
r : rr !iaJ frtr tlnrcf at tfcf tr'if"ia vt
tliirtT iij fruiu tk li.itr of tbn a' ti-r vn i
Juan Ki.'l.iHin. ff th jlhat iir'rr
3u Ukh 1 rs II. aaJ rnr th. t !li;r ,
l.i ni!-. w Jftl t'. Altl.n.t .4 tf,1!.,
Nrtiraiki. arui ln " 'tyrt .( Wril r ..
i-tCct2S V. Stlf.2K. !li t.i
I.aii'l OtSfe at I!loKiit;Un N-l. ' i-' i'Ot. ' :'.
Xiitic- it korrlir iritru tk: ihr fi.'i-,uc
iiamrl iftllrr L-;i 6tioj"l. v inirotlh i
lii.ikt final l"ff in ttort of hU eUitu an 1
wire final tr tht"'f at lh i-ntfn-.B of
thirtdwf rr.iMlUdaloftki.a.4.r;. i.
I.lxalttith A. Aral. if- of !auh ?. Kil. In-
4iiiirrtli "Miihwi-t niru.r R t''j 1
rtiaca 11 wrt. ait l nmr th filIowic btr
ntxl Curtl- I'.itin NH
i.!''i..iiti w . rtii'trFii ii. .:....
"' -. -......,, ..cmT,
Iul 0 dt-.-at UIooBiinston. r") ?t-pt. Jftth. "75.
Notice i 1m rliy c.m tJiat tbr fi-llinii j
tl.'i'Hpil ttlrha lilnl li-.ti(-o! hi intoiitmn to i
" --f '. S,V;.-J
I thi?,,-U '?'"? l,t? ,ll' f0X r,,,.i"f- vir I
inni I ifi-r. p.r ili n irlhHt nwrv r .( J
make film! iaoof in i(-ii t f Un cbiim. ami
11 tWi 1 lUH.-f 10 rt. " IiBir.ri tbtr fiiltonmc
imhu itni !. tii. U ill nia S -liulinf Illnp lit !
N-U. Hint William K.,rt of ICui-llitl. Vi-U
j.fiiKct.3 t-. W. SWUZEK. Itirii'trr.
i.ana "jure ai Ktojiii r.Kton :tli.s;.t Tl. l'TP.
NotiC" i hi -br riven tHat thi- follnn lap
r.StlHli pfttT b.iJ tili-ii I.OtK't. nrh.. inlrlitum in !
I uiaKf nnul i.r.ji.I m -ii(Mirt of hi rintiH. atnl
..-.-.. . .
nm'ji'r0"'' entry tueitnl hi the xpirxti..
'-'' , thirty il.- frotn th. ilitr .f tl.i lifting, rti
I '" ,"n-i entry tuein.t hi the i xtrMiii if
ii,;.,,, i, ... ,h.. .i, -.. fit u ....,;... ,:.
I Nicbola J tunf W ;imt c mutt 'i ki-.v..
I fur lhcfciilhwi-t ' t s.v 11 town I north i.m.-.-
1 wi-.'t. and natm the f. tlvt iur m Ul v. i-
np-". it: Sr r AU-xan.ler. I Co .
'-dtlmj l'tiyi.if Vh,.Mc.. Nrt.
' .'Cl'isoctii,' . w. tiUTrK. Iti-.-leSer.
i Land Office nt Nb. it. frth "P.
Niti.-. i h.Ter sivcn that lb fultowlti;
. nnnu-l sfltlrr hiv il ... nuti- f hi ininntion t
iiih: i.iihi ruoi in tri'rr 11. fil- ri.ina, Ml
icciirn final .nti thrr.t.f ai the cxinratioti of
thirty dy from the date f ll.i n.t i.-. vi-
.lixoih Ch.iinbrri. f..rth. houth-ea-t Hiir!ir
cltotj i town "i ri'iRc ti wt-t. ani iimur- the
fnlloiTiiiiT Hr Iii mttie.... riz: SjiHiin
of weUstiT oi'iintv m-Ii and N'icln.;.i II..buc r
welntcr c jjJj- X,!.
idloctO S. V.'. SW'ITZKIt. Kriri-'cr.
Land Oftiop at .'loflininctuti NVh .eiit. 'Jth JTP
Notii'f i brrMij ?tm tb.i! th f I'owinc
nan.i-1 :' 'tier ha- 1 n..tii l ln iiitntl'in I,. finil riroiif in iitji.h; lit hi- r'aitn. nnd
rtiro IHbI rnlrr th.rr.i; at thc --tritiutt tif
tbiit Ii. Jriiju :ln i1m-., this tx.tif. u
lati.ts II. CbiUilirr for t'i foulh-we t i'fr
tT tvtin 3. t.iwi 1 rirK" 1'. -t. irl n.i;.i'-
tu' foi.otv iiilt ni in' riii. f u I,im ltu-l
Af ir'-ltpri'iiitntj Neb. aud i'.rnwa J
Wi'Ijitcr.c.iUTti Xb.
fuplluetJ S. V. Sfitz't. P.rvifur.
' Lsn.S Ofiir. at ."otniirvtnii N.-b. jp;th. ist
I N.t;. . i b.rpbv r;vrn t!ut tb f..i'!.-.T,..
I naml (.ttlor bt fiN-J ti..ti.t of hi- iotrtiti'ir. t.
I ZMikr tliinl tir.i if in iTMriiiri i.f hl Irti n .n.l ...
J rUTe titialftitri tbrr.' .f .it tfiviinrtinnV ti-y
r'XcJnVT'Vrv.V ... F
x. v.". ' md n. i:. , s. xv. , .5. 2- 'liw ,' ' n!
'' 'T,', .nT"l 'i'- the full .ninz H U'a ittt..
viz: .lelin i. v. ttt ir tlHit.- lii.rk N .. an I
I nine! Krijcj of (Iiii'I.-Itnrk N.l
, -pjiiiocty s u utizeu. Hvgur.
.Ynml Offi.. at in.. ..n;n-. ... v..;. ... i-.t.'n
I "'"J1 " " '" Hi IIUI 1
XoJicp i l.enbv e've thv tb. f.!I winr ! . tl.T ru :il5il ti'.'i p of hi' i- l.nt'.-ni to
....... mi ., ,.i.ini in; Mi iii maim an i
eiirp lintd i-ntry thorr..f n' thp PT'irat.n of
lli'rJydav" from tbp d ito ofthU noti-.', n't
Henry (JihrV'p for thi-north iat un-tpr sp.
I town ' r.inir" II .'. 'ml rntnp tli follxwinj:
as hi? wittipr . viz : K iiK .me:er f wp'irr
ooitntr N cb. an I Ai ForibnT of wpt.M'r rt Nrb.
ocf.'opt-W S. W. SWIT'KK. Hesipr.
l.Ar.d Offk t Hlivtnin?tAii .SVJ.
SVpt. .tb. lfiT'j.
N.tirc U l.cM.y irivpn tbnt tl.p follow inc
nrnuMt settlor h i fil.i I ml'ir of In. intention t
tnr.kc fl"l pr.w.f it (!..irt .f b' rluim. and
spptirn final eit- th-rpf.f at thc expiration of
thirty d:i fstn the. I tie .if this r.oti. i. viat:
Samul MoVimn. fr th S'lti'h-pu: fiwrtPf
CPtion -'O t-vrn 2 nrjr II wot. arid iintJi- thp
following a. LI witu jpi. x ix : llonrv Y. Itrw
of Kivlrloud Aeb. and Decree G. Uwm of Hl
Clo'id NpIi.
-jplloctl S. YT. SWIT7.EK. Itwisttr.
.and at I!Iorr melon Nrh.
Srpt. th. 1S7P.
NnliVp i hprcl.r rivM that lh f.I..trTn.-
inimp. 1 jttlrrha Clc! notupof hi intpnti-i to
mate tioal proof in support ..! h. r i.n. an!
purp finul pntrv thereof nt thp pxrimtion of
tlprtj-rt Trntn the ilatp of tin nati-p vir- !
Xarip-'or!-'. fjr th' north -a-r qsartpr
ptinn 2 town t ri-2P 12 wpt. xni in'nfs tbp n liis witnf -c z- .T-?-pb J.iI'ortP
of Webtorconny .NV'i. awl hdrmund Cham
tKux of tvei,f. ,untr ., i,. ""
,,Uoct'J g. V. S A'tTZr.T. Ups'-.'
"".. .
.and U2ice at IilniinRt.ii ?.
.-ppt iili. 1-
Notice is b rr' y pi-fn that tbn foliowinr
nwned otlr ha' 6ied c tir of hii intmtion to
make final triHif in -M..-rt of hi pUira. ami
-ppurc Snal octo" thr'of at th-: iiirntuii cf
mirty nays irnm Ui.lile .it lhn not:-'P. viz :
lanicl Cm.Jc. fur tbp north wvt qaar'er pp
20 town 3 rasce 9 wr-t. and naaie thp fid'on-iii?
alii trttjcvei. ,z- A' ram Wi-tU of ?till
watPr Npb anlCh-!A Tr.-' oftitliratpr Neb
pIlocl'J, H. IV. SWITZEU. Iteiri'pr.
l.ind Office at I'loorcinst-.n VpH. 1
Aurm 2Tth IP.f
Notipe h herpby civen that the Adlowini;
narcpd cttlr hi. fited notic of bl in'eatiAi to
make Cnal pr.K.f in support of hU claim. and e
eare final entry thereof at the expiratten of
thirty day frqm thc date of thi no'.i. v:
John II Jenon. fpr the jouth Tpet nartr
pptionS town 4 rnzcl2 wpt. and name' the
following as hi' witnpKe. vix : Spencer AIpx
ndrrof. Well Neb. and Mcholaj Jcnsca of
Well? Xcb.
-ploct2 5. W. 5WITZER. Kcj-.-ter.
Lead Office ct Rhomicst3 KpS.1
Sept. 3d. ;T?. f
olcc if hcrer.y p'ver. that the fultoTtins I
named ttl-T h Sled notice of hit intention to
vnike final proof in rapport of hif claim, and - s
cure final pmry the-cf at th eiptrattcn of
thirty dn'? frrm thedatp of ihii notice. Ti-;
or Arnold, forth n irth-wt juartr ?e.
12 town 3 rauje 1" wet. and ramc the foHewjiie
a.i hi- witn-fp. riz- John Arnold of JCinjitin
Neb. smlTbaddias ArnnM of fllcp Hill Neh.
crloct2 S. . SWITZCR. RpeiMw.
Las I OSice at Btoorntoptos. .N. )
tbirtr dtr? from the date of lh"u nsticp. rii.
Ch'rl''? . Tepl. for the south-wft .jaarttr
...v. IC ,nH.n ... A.... mh I n.. . .1.
following as n witne-? rii: hiaUl cvk of
ThniaariJIe Xeb. aod Joha A. Saith sf Th-a-
!e"!ift;Neb" p. w. WITZER. Reii.ter.
ind Office at Blmlazi.:.
Vllf . r ., hu. ri "t '.L 'mL',
ua-ped tUer bx 6M ntwe r b ioteatin t
make final r roof in um-rt t f hif eJxis. aa,!
gentry. thcrp..Y at the rirauoa of
asdiaasel Somnierballer of Rei Oosd j
ioctj - 'vctii s. w. srr.ti. Bcruter. '
Land thSce at DlAomiortan. NcK
Jert. th. 157?.
Notice is hcjTy rivca titt tbc fellwiBj i
saaed settler barbie
malce final proof in
-enre Seal cntrr ta
hied notice er ht luteatton tv
SMvrt of bu cliitn. ami 1
taereof at tee expiration f
tbirtr d? from the dMc.ftbu notice, tiis I
xiontia MCJaiiana, lor tn ntrtn
ionU Me-JaJIam, for the Berth J- onta "et
Vi anl lotr 1 2 JiZ jettion 10 tn 1 nun 3 rt
1 rir
Drugs. Medicines.
Paints- Oils
and Varnishes. 0
A fttli Mtppfj Ol ,
One door oetk Tltask,
I '-.;'. ' ,
Cm .Mfl Trn Ih rprl Kw-I J
: p I.a
u i r. r
Iri ci Vl
,' vi-i .-. , re5.rj - m j . ft.
r it.
. . . i . t
j ek"-' a: I i . ' .fu-l.l t " '.
All Via It at .otintM I tiur tila a rt hac
f..rcJ. C-kiJi 4hTtl to itl ir- uf tu
, , .
1 i?tt-r uth f Hrai n F.etory.
fr,'-.. -.
rvtULLUUL1. - ritpKAbKA
I'calitr m
ih U W ft U t
f all Uuii
Tlm wit fllKAi' fur dlSIl. and Jf taty
har wet bat yo nHt. Imre yr
anlw uad tkj- will Hit it.
Oi.c do. . r imrth f barber'. iid Mr !!!. t'MH
will wa.t uii jou aj.rltf
iti-:i ci oui). M-:n.
Ryland D. Yeiser
II.i .a. t rr ir. 1 ii! I of
Handkerchisfs, k:m h
-Alt) -
- of tbp Utt p!jlt
BASivKTS r.f every virn:ty,
Whi-h hpojeri" ! f -r ea'b
Call Vncl Sec.
Firt door s.iatb o! Ar;u tCicf.
July :;th 1"T5.
i Iw1innripc;
" ul"fc "-?
; .ifriciilttiral Implement
! of all Kit!(N.
Hicrhest Market Price
nnirl tor rounrrv
T- 35. MOOIST,
arm sJie.s,'
Drugs. Xoliou.H. IrAc.
Abo a fall hot of
i Boots I Sh
Hat. C.ip. and
WCerntx7 rr.lo taica in iocj9 for
codr- Gtre n- csll.
JJ. j
:m; A.i &j'-.t ; ii-
The Lowest
And wc hope to mem the ru rutting pat re? u,
which is being boioweJ upari U$. But
vovir sroccne ti a
G H N Ii 11 A I.
f .Vaar tr. IU4 U4
11. Ml.MJt
.i, t . .1 It . .
' ' ktl' I-.m-.imiii' urn IIM.I . Fl
Jfiy hmus,
Slices- Gl;;isv:u-e, QoHwareitl
We buv our gocuU for CASH. :tml sic!) wu-j
n-.TioN. When in iown give u$ a call.
One iloorMniili of Poi C)IIi
Red Cloud, - - JWotalKa.
Wc keep on IkiiuI at all
plctc NUak
e a i.
Give us a ca
j as we iee! Mire we can ttiSl
Grcceriec, Oueensvarc, and
A larKis lot of ttOWTK &&UQZm, Inn4.
t-Givc tae a oajl, cvtry ikiag J t flOTTOI ltrr U,i AH
"Red CJiorrrL
m.mjm "a - MO-
tt'lvvxPicV wrKr 7 ImtjK vEB
a ffx
X r -
H 9t J? bsPn
1 i! Jsxm
MJr 0fz t
fl i?i.?&i 3
jdSifwt rvbm&
)onrt buy until you hayo ten i liKiest tuning iwaciwe in
tho World, the Evor Rolbblc "VICTOR."
i "sra(!iXTm
a0m X JCS?
'. IV"
i I fr tmm l ilk rm ,
Living Rat,
TVi'UiriM fc .Hfift'lu-!!
J. L SbM
u . . .-
Mi in
lime., a Lir;c ami t'
ul I Iaui-v. ..u .
u 9 i ft y& lW q v mmu
RZStns ITSfi
in cjualitv and price
the place, opposite the Chief OiK .,
Red Cioud-Neb.
v S.
' .At,
Important !mprovomont.
v ''stxl Hf fi 1 I "TOK We Jae I- "
. r-fiyj.- .- ta i- tiiit '
jjafccsiv r mAr t raWtjt ''
gk itJtCt z. l i.'.'THigf m w C-
ulw i mmu i
?1 IspfWineih Stsar, 1378!
If ls, tT'f. t"ValT'rs-at.ibtBBt'ar
JVIich.elI & M!o2?liart Ked (JhoixcU.
f rriptrjes.