The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, October 02, 1879, Image 3

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X I.TH03HS TnUIUhrr.
NEBRASKA. r i.n rmi'Mtf rotlin;-l.-e,iAli..'liwrft
isi'lun it -iMii-1 tn Miirvcllii-c mr. a linih-
' t . 1 1 HH'I Mil H,
l! ' it. i-mh-ci-I In nk:l rw-, l itmfx'iil
1 in i ttic Iwwritt ;
ll. '. . mHw ltllll"l HllllHKuf lllllt ".Iff
t', -luir r- -tnttc;
,k !1 w.hth t.'nii'ii.Hinl till- plutl", Itfoti
n i li vmiriM in'.'.l;
a i Hm- -rn'i- tlt'ii-ty Kiiiw tlii- nmk-
-' IKUdlMKWII'll1"-
( i- 'm-.ii V ilHttlti I'IMh' IhiWI', li 1HII'
il. tf l' IIHIIK'
!. mto-tv lulW renWi villi ML'tie
it I -ItMtlK'.
1 'lT bwu' win" tlt' nmil.Kitv iiwlwl
1 -t-i iflni - !.
' " t lll llt-fllM' UtetlfMir, ll oiii-r
I -im t rilf.
i -, i -l l: tie' .-tnM trim, tin-
ln Hrl iHt'lii-l;
kt . u-HHKh'n-rrf' (r jntr alter
'ii'i -Muli-tntl hhiI i1iim;
.-. -iritriit ! t.-.-p trni'M Mini;
t , .mlrti HH.-.1 with mU
: t i .i iiwwi- 4hhI- in thrifty rrovitli, Jrnni
ih rtHK t (mII; ;
I it li" in thi Hiifcli ol llt: ue.-I".:-i
,-!' r:t)C l.'lti-.' i
I 1 M.imiu i-.!- ilni-..- m Hi-H well .atnt.'.l
ii j. iiinnJrt'r wleH tit.-y ctmie I w ot j
"itV.MiV'i.Mt'H wiWeiMi h.- tie.
- .---
vi, -mi., lute.
'. -iMHrterwctemH hHii.t..t-
I H Ire.
i i cal.iii, hhiI Hltuckc! with v1km-
r il li...
It I I km .-.mmIiic irt --cn!l tho choicer
i.i in lMtt.1.
.. - ... a I
i-Miic kieHi immi mmh h MitKiK on -
, "V"Ji K!: j. 4 -...i . . . i.
VV ii i irtiH pt K !" gr"HH.I mole Jn.
k. . :wi !.. itch,
.. . him"ii..i.7.i,ii wr,, ... ... "-
. i r''li. !
(III 1 .'. l.-.l iIIK HH'I lMlM.te.1 "cM.IIIIll lnokt
i 1 Ieni the KniNHi);
' ' i II.-WI mh it m tlltli, HH'I :ill
1 ! HI HCiii'l.
" -jJ"v-hHvyrroi-.'"ct Krni
, "7imMM,S..'ii.l i i-rtlflail. while
. .!.! tin- iihI-i wh.h. I
i .,.ilfNrMHilMirlHimM,lMKli I
i. . to'mrotKMYH4H0aliK-twfiHHiIe
I i. I JK i
.m 't i ,
i-W.-4I (W r.l1H CHWe,
j illii m4m.
V j
.--l th.-rrtiHlH, aHi'awa,oK'iiil j
I .inwrx Inn. :
KitriM. h1 he kepi m
M tllHH Wit-
w im titer
. ii i .xk iff M.-IeiH.- Ih lii ihih'1 ami
i jii . t
1 f ' in. IM-.'M Hii'V or Mt, to iHftte "Hie ,
I. c '.I'l rve."
VV I - 1 1. ill. t miI to'- Iheic.lHit Mar
till ll. K ll.
"II i "ii tistfi-l hi niiml too niwh;" "he .
!j i.I ik. tie- to ptv."
P. t I 'i. ti hI Ixiichcl m that, mill iuocke.1
i- iiM't ait.
V, I - iiiin k.-l hII he MiM !- well that Kiirton
nel the t.-t
I ' i I t mII !i.I fellow 'hrim'!, I'.ill Klkin
w - t lie lt.
T ' :ill tM-t...Miirtiii. "VcH,"lieiii.l,
i iik-hii- no ltHnu,
It ii . t. u.-il Ktxiwn !h it iiihii luiiii; lhou
M n. to hi liirni. f
1. in iti here lo tioHhleine; cliwn cutlHle-.
i I to win . '
I. I i v. mi iihi Him -miHKiioii ninu, I ii-V
t ,,ioh Hhhhi in ' i
i:.i 1 '
.ii- me rik xiowinc weei.; wt, if
It iMf
1 tlien
m mii. nrploH them in, tlieroiiml
A ill HHI Im- CH-UI .
It-.t I. nix. WMlt. iel letN them tfntvv uml
III HH'I b.tttlf It. l"IHl,
Vi 1 I i. i. ltMiet in theeielx icxiliil eni
. . I.-. ." I
.i I .tl.. -) in KlkiH's life, ami w.'ciloii
I 11.111- tMIIII.
I. . . ..Hi :U.-e. MH(i ill iheeHlltiroHKllt llirill
)! limit to liHfHI.
XI' ! hIim thiovc, Hiel IohikI iH-Kiiimiililr. ,
. nl crop icifiic, l
I wi. Iii-umn in iiinp'li"Hce uml huppi
i .owl K-e.'.
V . I km - tal'W HHlt IZtkHtVM-lf WCHt lltlM II
1' iiilWUJ,
l"ie I 'i iiHtSMae whii-h Im khvc Iih leeii I
i r. l--l l.t 1h. '
Il'l :'! In- n'l'heI litlHil.V, lMillielix, HIMl
ml ttieMii-.
') ii-iuMer .Vlmiiii now Mini m iiij- ,
' l .-HI I. I
J . I'ihh .'.". ih the X. V. Lrttjifr.
.17 .KA.
ni .ai'cs. wImi wHtrh lor laml
. . iH'f.He ami on eiieh hninl.
i .. e llt to AMHl ye lleer
t ii-.l which Hip Hil.r -leer,
.t i'v . - I i-e iM'lori" Hie prou ;
t i. turwanl ii.ut:!il l.iti cloinN Mpp-itr,
ni'i'l ll' mih be l.n-akiHS le.w.
it t . I'niirli hi iiihv nut turn utiniii
-'i i. ..t hihlli.".l tliHt uelcHie,
I' .. i. -ttl- U.' t..H(.U..l jllll '
'teles o tlt toiili'I tllie.Iet'.'ivi"
..I we to th. -ii th or North,
i:i !.. He xi-t or V t.
" t ll.'IM m Im-li ue lir-t put Im lit
.T iMtllt"- home. I- out III.-- Im t '
- '. II. .".Hr.fiMeK.
I li man. p.M.r man. be"jar-iiian.
t' i f. dm oh, lavvver there Julia. m
t i'i - it la-t ibfiiletl. Three time- the
(ii v I' i -anl I am to many a law vet:
-o ! ' me hear no more about Luke
II rl wt IF well -tucked farm: or the
i!ii .nice of Squire Pav "- jrlanec- ill
's our pew at church:" and Kate Mor
i -mi looked up into her elder -i-tcr- '
J" it- iml lau-rhed inerrilv. Julia- :in-
Tjfv. d cxpre ion w a verv amii-iii"; to
l on are fooli-h. Kate." -aid Mr.
Iti pi mi iu a tone of vexation. Not a
1 iv p i e that vou do not "ct -.line new (
fi. ik Mito voiir head: and ou area-'
pt r-.-iciit and -tubborn in diii";inir to it
t t a- "
mule." -:uil Kate, a lier -i-ter
lie-i! itctl for a eonipari-on. Pmi't be
afri dof hiirtiu-jr in) bfliii":. Julia: von
know 1 atn hardened to -coMin"-. and
willui" to confe that I o cliii"; to an
.jJea with ttilerable liriune . Hut I al
t.iv did Itelieve in tcllitiir fortune bv
the .bine dai-if. and I am morally cer
t ,iiii that I -hall marry a lawyer. I -hall
will for him if I am a irni) a a had
"jtrwhenhe come- alonir." and a-jiin
h itel niched, to in"; her lone; curl with
a del riifmed motion f her -mall head.
I don't know vv here you ever nhtain
1 cd -udi notion-. Kate." -aid Julia,
xv ' - fair brow wa- -till drawn with it.
xi xed cxpre ion. I am -urc mother
li . . taken the -aine pain- in your hriu"
i ip :i -he did in mine, and tried to
i'l-ull into vottr mind correct idea-of
wont m- tluty. And vet, here vmi are
nt ' iiiimarrietl and uii-ettletl. Whv, I
w.t- cii'Taired to Charle-when I wa- only
1. unl married at ill."
Hut then you had -tieh a "jimh! offer.
Ju!:.". There are not many men like
lh ii-lc."
'I "u wife- face wore a -erene ex-
airaiu a- her -i.-ter paid thi-
triluitt t thi manly etvlkiuv of the
.ibont lni-liaiitl.
' I'.ut vt.ii 'i'in o lianltoMiit. Kat.."
.li'nrintl. 1 am nre Luke Hartvwll
i:vrrv line yiinn-r man: d lc a little
tivil t him: and llu'iv Sijuiiv Day.
vv h i a rich a a prince and own the
lriet jan uf Inro in the eonnly."
I vvotiMirt marry a man fortheake
if hi lnie-." aid Kate, ottiii- her
liji firmly together.
I'.ut vou woiilil learn to love luni lor her nitiul to Kate verv freelv. To I , "v,-"r""; " -uo.. '".-ni i-.u--.--ji.- im-niin-iwisMim an viicvcuciu p -.--.--- '. --.- " "i.'i"
l,itn.if.:iftcratime. Kate." throw awav a chance of kl-vpiif-'rum-et j - M; "il-Vn-ir , -v.t,u "ere toti full of ' on the teadiinir of philoophy. which Ip.' f the ve-el. makm- a bnd-e
- I im afraid it would be a verv Ion- Farm in the familv, wa, in her opinio.! Ynwnf for ,nu' ' n-k.11- l not be- till 10 column of the Operation: Jio- r;m the floor to the top of the .-i.wl
time, .lulia. Tlie old -careerow 'wear , reallv criminal. I lieve that, dear: but .-nice itwaaharm-I mmi-. Hi I Inline- hold that the The roaehe, attracleil by-the meil of teeth, a red wi-. and ha- si cms. ' - Vou are crar.v, Kate. Haven't 1 ' le?-M,,;Y1' u'n l .co"'i,-,nt-,1 Ul kool' P part of the evil- which afflict .- the mol:Le. run up tliee -ticic ami
: V-lieatleit. iiiiimereniir cliililren. J wanietl vou over and over that vou will ""."" "-"" ."- 'Hr"'" uco nuiie iiu uav are um- io me ..".v ,,....... ... ....... -....,
tV,..,i- I .-..iiltln't .1.. mv .l.nv l.v l... i..o ,....,;i.wc ..i.i .,.i f...i.,.i ... a f:"t idea of bc-mir a --eeond ImHUir- inculcation of falc philnophr. and avs K'ins unable to climb tht- sniooth -ide.
tin m. mother's death? You will be an old
-lint suppo-e mother should die. maid, no tme will have you then, and
Kate3 Luke Han well will have the O jrood heaven, what do you expect it once, and you will be left penni-. -I expect my lawyer. coolly anAvr
les?.1 ed Kate, pattin- the smooth loave. of
I will loach th1 di-trict .c1iim1 when bread in the pan.
that happen." said Kate cheerily, i - That i the crazie-t notion of all. I
- The Si-Hire i one of the Tmtces, and -avc you credit for more eommon-ene,
he wotihl ec that I -ot it if I was ju-t ' Kate." than to believe in Mich trah. It
the h.ast bit pleaant to him.
- t n" welt. .am .lulia. now reallv
-Tiuhed with an-rer. "Go your own '
way. Ihe doctor aul la-t vveetc that .
mother was breakin-x up very fa-t in- I
deed, and 3011 will feel sorry for your
obtinacv when you see Luke llartwell
in posse-sion oi im inacu.
-5ore that evil dav come-, a d Kate. jit. aul Kate, still smiling vir it is onlv l..O-Hikilo-zramme or the skiU of a doctor bv the length of in- nothin-of the nuts' thrown int. thV
" ia of " "T YQy,nK -n I ,Iov -vou ,r to thal W31 ! rw It i- thought tlmt silk An profitablv ! years he has administei-ed calomel to : cran & iith Sr VdL "rthlost
Tnlla The daisy ha spoken and no patience with you at all If Luke cultured in New .Tersev, CalUornia anil I nis salivating patients ?"-ir. FciMiVS7mm
have faith in its prophecy. 1 felt sure 1 1 had been a lawyer, would yon have mar. manv of the Southern States. EtoUh Monthly. Si to accidents from "oonui
was not donied to be the wife of Luke
Hatlwull. or the mi-oihI Mr. Dav.'
I'll f-i-tors Jial now cro----d the '
, incwbiw. where thf little daiy hal lwi'ii
louml bv Kate, :ml wen vvimtii tin1
u--et olil garden of I'vver Kami. .Jiilin
wcutat once int the houe, but Knle
l-nl utiiliT an old. gnarled aiih-triM
led njiili-trtM.
Wa tlii- dear ,
ami IihiKi'iI amtiml iht.
i jihu'i' with it wwillh of fruit ami
llowcr- jnnny from tht-iii. ami U-t! tlie irojMm of Luke Hartwoll'
It Ii-uil tliit -u tin. mu.iIi.t'.
--..-..--..- -.
dititli it shoulil not Iwioine the pnMrt
of her daughter-. The-ittac wil- half--inothercd
in creeping n- . hit- and
red. -wi'.-t honev-ucklc, ami pa ion-
llowcr-. Three old oak tree- utoutit.i!
jrunnl in front, ami at thi- lwk tnt-hnl
out tl M orehanl, in which .lulia ami
Kati- hail lihueil in chiMJiooil. The
eoiiiiiiiNlioti- barn, the ain -tabic, ami
I lie ninittll I;tnil-.trU Merc ail Hear
to hate- heart from lone; a-v-..itioii
' with lier life. I lie farm liau Im-oiici
J to Mr. Andrew HartweJI, an nude of
Luke. lie hint IommI Mary renro-c, i lunl eonii-, ami -tic pracii mat hate ii-tim"k- i: i m
but -he had i en her hiiut ami hand to niiirht not throw away thi- -co. ml -inni.'rowinj: Airerieau jjmmiM
Arthur Morri.n who had hil her a -ad chanceof-ttIiiihcr--lfadvantacou-h. j iiim-i Inne ample -p-e to ;nw . They
life for twehc year-, and diii", Soiiire a w a. able to Imiv ltower Farm m 1-r-trMti-l for a few er ami
left her pemiile-. Andrew Hart-
well had not married: he hud
remained an old bachelor for
nk of hi- earlv loe, and when he
fu,j jj,.,. j. ,a, j,,.,.,, J,.ft forlorn and
p"rt with two little daughter-, tin-
voiite'er otil :i venr olil. lie m-lullcfl Her
- J- ...,. i.-.iriI1 .....i ... 1.;,
death left it to her for life; then it wa-
to revert to Luke, Andrew".- brother". .
clolil Tlit. iliMf...- wii, onK hi-t : ct it '
. t 1 II I
fincil iimi'iI to Ivatc vviio hao livcinere
i tvvciitv-tvvo vear-. and loviwl everv -tick
j. .' . t '
i and -tone on the place. Mic it wa- who
maiiacii me uairv ami pouiirv vani:
who hired men to farm the laiiif. and
made money enough to uport her-elf
:iml mother coinfortablv. .Mr. .Mor-
rion- dav of activitv were lou; pa-t.
she had iiianaed the farm with jrivat
executive abilitv until I'lieiuiiati-iii crip-
iilcd and contined her to an ea-v chair,
.ltl ,,. f;lr ,,., ,... ., K:ll;.., uiI,.
in" haml. .lulia. who wa- Katc'-clder
b v nine v car-, had rmvn up and mar- '
,,.il: but evciy -umiiier .aw her alllovv-
cr I'arni with her two children
Shu ,
found it both convenient and eeoiioin- '
ieal to pav In-r mother ami -i-ler a loii"; .
vi-it during the hot weather.
1 hate s haiipv di-iMi-itiou made her a :
.... .. .
general favorite in the neighborhood, i
but in -pile of much attention from the
-tcrncr -e -he wa-. -lill iiijde, which
.lulia -cenicd to think a di-race to hcr--elf
and fauiilv. I'.ut Kate oiilv laughed
at her argument and -nubbed l.uke
llartwell on everv oeea-toti, and wa
tleaf to the coiillllimeill" of Squire Il.iv.
deaf to the comiiliment
who had -in"led her or
a- the one be-t
litteil to mini-ter to the want, ami un
dertake the education. of hi i aubiirn-
lieadeil olive bniliche.
The month of .'line wa- fa-t pa in";
awav, ami thi' iie were lilooinui" more ,
1. ....:... .1. ,1 ...1 .. 1:..., .1...:..
iuuriantl than ever, ami M-mliii their
fragrance into the kitchen where Kale
wa kiieaditi"; breati, when l.uke Hart-
well came over th- meadow with -liam-blin
ait, di'teriniiieil to trv hi fate,
ami win or o-e it all."
Kale- -Iceve- were rolled up to her
-hoiilder. and her arm were white with
Hour, but -lie wa- not at all e-mharra .
ed bv l.uke"- appearance.
I..M..I aflernoi.ii." -lie -aid. -hakiii";
back the curl-which were ilroopiii"; over
her face. will vou -tav out here, l.uke?
or -hall I call Julia to take you into tlie i
parlor? It none too cool out heie." .
! I came to you, Kate, and I don't
mind the heat."
Well. -it down, ami make vonr-clf
j a comfortable a- vou can. 1 am too
j bu-v to talk, but I can li-tcu well
j enough." ,
, I'.ut now Luke did not kmvv how to
i be";in hi-taleof love. He had prepared
' a neat -j'cech iu hi- mind a he walked
over the meadow, but ever) veti";e of it !
had How ii from hi iueimry at the hr-l t
. -hrhl of Kate, lie therefore twi-tcil hi
hnirer- backwaitl and forwanl in an
awkward manner, moved hi- chair half
a doen time, and couched repeated.)
before he could -uiiiuiou coiira"e to
Kate." he -aid at lenjrth, with a kind
of ..1...1....1 .r..... .-I'm. Ii....imiii rm.rii.
.,..,.,..,.. , .. j.. . .. ... .- ...... ...
come over here for -nine time back. "
I believe vou were hctv oiilv ve-ter-j
lav." replied" Kate, coliliv. j
t)li, wa I? tammeivtl Luke, but
I ve
collie lor a uUtcrelll piirpo-c to-
You came to a-k the addre of that j
man I had to cut wheat for la-l year, I
believe." " '
Ye. I wrote . him ve-tcrdav. I'.ut. .
Kate don't bluff met iff o: I've tiuiie to '
a-k vmi to accent How cr Farm a-v our i
own. and he iitu-licd crini-oii a- lie
made what he tlimi-lit a neat pcech.
"Verv kind of vou. Luke. I'm -urc;
but it i-n't voiir vet, -o I don't -ee how
I can accept it from vou."
I -ee vou won't iimlcr-taml me.
Kate: and I'd better be plain iu mv
-pecch. I have had a liking for o;i for
a ";ooil uia u v vcar-. and I believe I'd
make vou a- "ood a hu-baud a- vou
would lind in the county."
Kate made no it-ply, and tin-droopiu";
curl- concealed her lauhinv: face. Ln
coiiniircil bv her -ilcnce, Luke pro
Yon -hall dre equal to anv woman i
round here, and l II make vou a pre-cut
of that colt I'm hreakiii". You know
1 ain't poor, ami vou -hall live a- well
a":iiiv I otv in thee pari.."
I'lii-orrv to li-:ippo"mt you, Luke:
but I don't care to marry you. 1'lca-c
don't bejrin to ai"ue, for it would an--vver
no juirpo-e."
"1 made -urc you would have me.
Kate. Hut 111 wait, and trv airaiu after
a -pell -"
" No. it would be u-ele to try apiin."
interniptcd Kate. "The fact i. Luke.
I am ""oiii"; to many a lawyer." .-he
added, with a pucker of her i'o-v lip-at
Luke uiiconcealctl ama.cuicut at hear
iniT the information.
"A lavvver!" he exclaimed. "Well.
iiiai hoc- neat an: .iut l never even i
knew )ou vvt're rccciviii"; 'tcntion- from
any body but me and the Squire. I
po-e you wouldn't tell hi name.
"No!"-aid Kate. "You'll know it
in time.
Luke hade her jxt'd afternoon" and
went tint, meetin-r Mrs. I tort ram in the
I took vour ail vice,
jMiiirin the path, "and akcd In
. '
niarrv mo; nut ne av ne im
'"i l" '
m-iri-v- wiittt.. !.iu-v..r -1.1.1 -ti....i ,-..;t 1
hwirt vvith chairrin and tlisapiHiiiit-
i5 really tK ridiculous to talk about.
- Ihcn don't talk aiHitit it.'
SlllU '
Kate. I am nut anxious to hearvoiir
eloquent haran-ue on mv poor dai-v
-Hut vou can't mean that vou will
throw awav -ood chances for the sake
oia siuv notion.
.tnli-i iv....t ..,.1 .....!-..' 4" - " -.voiuu nave 10111 Miu mv
. . - . ' iwi I .t.itiv.i(t..n Liit Tu!.. K.i...I ........... i IX. . Tt..... 1. - : .. .1 1 ..1 . V ar ill -iili-i loiwf ftinn.t f I1.1 ttntur
"ttiiti t vni 1111M iv iiaiiiiafti!ii 1 n 1 n i &
ricd him? Cotm let ee how niiirh
vou really think of that idea."
" I didn't -av I d have ny luwver,"
answered Kat, I mmn to ch5
im iHvyT. I pulktl fvrj- l-ni ff the
htUy, ami it htft thi Irt-i on a nwitr:
o n'lnwyor It HI b ; am! I iiIi-sh t
wait f"r my lntvyur until nn lavtT
conu. "
j " IIirnr! cnctl .Julia, "ilon t um
that bt-talli- won! aain. I am nl-
t-rly -ik of it. I h'm HI im-vt iiip.'
- inn nf tlm iinftiMiiii
Kate lauhfil out loml a. h.r -v'r
(li'I to tin-i(inr, wrJ'il in the Imtthv
I'lH' urt f-k of July eaim. ami om lat -pnitj;. It tiikt IhiI mtW urk Wi
fine ilny wln-u thf im wa Mnkiu; Sit tie- nmk- itii- Any farwf eaa tiMikeaJI Im-wc-t.
.SMiiiri IJtv droM up to tin-front want in tin- tmnt h' l whitt k
at- of liver Farm, hiteh'il hi hr-
-they were ccrtainh h.iml-oine cnn-
ture" ami entering tin- houi akiil to
-e Mi hate .luliu nw th- arnal.
ami clllll inn Hit: i"iu . im- ihwi
of the -tair-, heanl tlie que-tioii. He
Knew at unrc wimi wjv iihwii h h :
knew on what 'rrand the portly Smrc
three time mcr ami twenty more like
it, a- far a.- uioiie ua- comcrned.
Kate went into the parlor, without
even a "lance into the jrla to - if her
aiijwiinuM'e would Im- ajtt to plea-.- her
lih-rh lover. Mic knew a- -mu a- -he
.-.. ....
-w llM- -iiiiiv a i H-iinmrc oj m- ihmiu-.
the new -uitof broadcloth he wore, ami
the general u-iteet of the w hole man,
that he hail conic to a-k her a er mi-
iMiit:int niie-iioii. And -he wa- not '
. - . .1 I.i 1 r 1 .- Z. u -
uu-iahcn. in a imici out iuiiire-ive
nianner Sotiirt; Iav offered herhi-uiiine ',
i i i
and heart. '
.inim m'pi imt ihwi hi i uir niinnin
until the Squire mine forth. Hie had a
ood view of him, and knew by hi de.
jectcd a-pect that he hal Ik-cii refii-il
Thi wa- a little too much! Kate de- j
-erved a -erioii reprimami now; and, j
prepared to deliver it, .lulia nin dow n j
the -tair and met lnr -i-ter in the '
hall. '
So you've rejectiil the Siiuire." '
were .Mr. I'.crtrainlirt word. Well. J
vou've taken vmir own -Iiililxirn. fooli.h
coiir-e, hate .Morn-on, ami oii II have ,
only vour-elf to thank when you are an ;
old maid with your pretlv hwik. all '
!.. 1
I won t -petid mticn time iiianKin"
niy-clf," aid Kate. 1 will buy a '
bottle of I'lnnm of Youth,' paint mv
cheek. and o to work at the di-trict j
'Kate; ynu lUay lauh now ; butyoii
won't l:u"h :-o iiiueh ten vcar from I
tt.utt letii-rit m much ten year trom .near v.myar.ii-t-. a- mriiieriy. ihmi-i '. ,M,e H1ore cream on it. if vo., ,!,
now. squire Dav 1-o rich, and tho-e the many ton-of rape-thev have nu-cd !,n,vv. lt.t it p.min in the ov-ii a f. w
lovely h.,r-e- " ...... .,'!',' .th, :"?;. r ..,'"'' I'iV h':mrl ' "mute longer, the, takeout and -- .
And lovely, red-headed children,"
interrupteil Kate. ,
What matter the eolorof their hair?
The squire i rich, ami love- vou. am!
would ivc v on an eleanl home. (lood
heaven! what oo vni expect r
I expect mv lawyer, wa.-thclauli-
iirj an-wcr.
hate: 1 told vou never to mention
that word nirniti. 1 have no patience
with Mich follv. You rcfu-e l.uke Hart- i the cider nmfroin the pre- let it pa- M""k oven : vv h.-n done, lay one on t ,.
well: vou rcfu-e Sqniie 1 lav. Ho oii throuhahair-ieve iutoa lareopcu vc- , oher; with j.-llv iM-twecii. It will
think a Prince i comini: to woo vim? -d that v. ili hold :t nlilch juice a-can eryMht flml nice if liked m an o.i i.
What can you be waitiiijr for?" i be expiv -cd iu one dav. In one dav, that i ju-t riyht.
Waiting for mv lawyer." an-vercd or -oinetimc-le , the pomace will ri-e , .
Kate, ami Julia went out. -lainminir tlie to tlie top. ami in a hort lime rov '"' '" "
door behind her in a mauuer that -poke j very thick. When little white bubble -To Kcinove Mildew: Four a
volume-. 'break throiiL'h it. draw off the liquid i of l-oilim: water on two ounce of . h...
A few day after the Squire- call. ' through a verv -mall -piot placed about j ride of lime: then add three quart--f
Kate received an invitation from an old three indie trom the bottom. o that i cold water, and -oak the linen ii- P
-chotil-mate who lived in a towna doen the Ice may Im-left behind. The cider i twelve hour.
mile-from p.ower Farm to pay her a inu-t be drawn off into very clean, -vvect -To 1're-crve Autumn Leave-vi-it.
Julia con-entcd to inau:t"e the ' ea.-k. tireferably freli liquor eak. and ! Snread the fre-h leave-and pre t hem
farm affair- for a week, and -o Kate -
went off for a Imlidav
ind wa-"one 10 .
1 have news for jmi
Julia, a- thev -at at th
evening' of Kate- rcltirn home. Your t
lavvver ha actual!) eome at la-t." ;
1 knew he vvouhl come -ooner or
later, -aid hate. ,
Well, he i here: or rather, i -lav-
in" at the rarmer he.-l iu the vil- j
Ia";e?" or a -mailer portion of white -u-jar.
Who i- he?" a-ked Kate, with an The ca-k -hould then be allowed t re
appearance of interet. main iu a cool place until the cider ha
Mr. Alfred Pcndexter from the city, acquired the de-ircd llavor. In the
He i- to be here a couple of mouth'. It meantime dean barrel for it- reception
ti ciii' he knew t liar c tiuito vv e II. and i
- , . . , i
came out here the eveiiiii-rot the dav
) left, to call on me. lie i full of '
fun. ami you will be -urc to like him. "
ixaie nm like nun. ne. mo, wa very
.. :.i .1. ..i . i .. Ti. ir..t . ii . .. .
eviuenuv pica-eo uiiii iaie. uc ;-
tall, haiid-oiiie. and a thonui-rh gentle- ;
niau. and a favorite ever) where. He'coar-e mulm ba";. and put it
came often to Hovver Farm, and when in the barrel, fill the barrel with
the fall wa throw in"; her hrovvu mantle cider, and add about a quarter
over the earth, he told Kate thai he had of a pound of i-in-la or line gelatine
learned to love her. and a-ked her to be tlitdvcil in hot water. Thi i the old-
hi-wife, she "avc him a different an-
- fill
-wer from that -he had jivcii Squire
Pav and Luke llartwell.
j Now. Julia, I told vmi I -hould mar-
j ry a lavvver." -aid Kate, when -he an-
I uounccil her enfrairciiicnl to her elder
: -i-ter.
Well. I am y('r l:itl ou liave
j found him. 1 didn't believe you would,
I but I wi-li vou much jov and a -pecdv
, wcihlui".
j lie i- to return to hi law-ollice next
week." replied Kate. "Hut in Peccm-
! ber he i- to coille and t:lktl me away. 1
l !l:tll believe moi-e tirmlv than ever in
tlaiv fortune-telliii"; after thi. and -hall
never forp-t to pick one every June.
I ii December Kate via married, and '
ller tire wa trimmed with dai-i"- !
I tt f If !! I J if i-itllr.O Itlit 1miltll f t IliI I
illllllV Kilt " t i' - HUM l "IIIIV II T'l till
prettv white and "ol.l llowcr wa- on
I..... Me p i...tor....;i...i ... I...
-.I '-. l. MI. I U'O VH I .'IIIIU II il- 111
aw them, for of mur-e Kate had told ,
him of how he had decided herfortune. '
Thev went at o,,cr to the prettv home '
inthecitv wliich the voun" hu-band ,
had made rea.iv for hi- bride, and over :
the,uiet ele-anceuf which Kate went
into .v-tacie-. ,
! I)n..ii..miii.rull..nll..i weii frlirli
j -ettled in their new home. Kate told Al-
fretl that -he wanted to walk down town
with him to -ee hi- law-olliec. ,
I You won't find many lnik-there,
I Kate. I have leihrcr bv the tlo.en. but '
noiluu": appeilamiii": lo the law. ton
' ran mv all tin craiii ami hav vmi want.
! I ll.kll'rli
Whv. Alfivil. what iln vmi tneaii?""
akt'il Katf. jialf with iirpri-.'.
That 1 am not a lavvver. mv tU-ar.
hut a coniiniion merchant. Let mepu-.if-ro.M: Km a hort time, and if vva funiihel to hi jounial by a cor
cplain thi mytery: I went to the the" irup do. not mviu to be thick ' rci indent who declared that he clearetl
Farmer Uet to" tav :i eoinile of ' eiumirh to keen fnnn iMiiliii"-. kim out two kitchen which after dark would
I month, and imlulire iuyelf in huntinjr . the tomattK'. and 1hII the inip until it In -alive with the di-u.tini:mect.-
l... .n !.... ! id tih:n-r. I called on vour .i.ter. and ' is a little richer or thicker. Tut in jar :U an fpene of . cent.-, and the re
ne .lltl. top- , , ... ,, , .... , .... t . ..., .i ... . . ' ::.....-.. i ...i... .
aoi'iii vtiu, ami your
faiicv concerning the lavvver. With no '
.1.......1.. ... .. . t. -...: .t. ... .
.1. 1.. .- . - .
'".i i ev er iHt'omiiiir more man a
off ,:l a lau'.vor' 'mwl of the curt..
1 ann 111 earc tu rvi. .viicr 1 learneii t
to lttve vou I would have told t
Do vou feel verv sorrv I hoaxed
you. Kate?"
-No: I don't care at all. I love you
now. so it makes no difference to "me
what your business i."
But you will never again believe in
daisies?" he lauirhed.
- Indeed I shall." she cried, with en
enry. - How could the poor little daiv
icii ii i wa io nave a ooirus or a irenu-
. ' ine l.-iwver3" Flnrmr,- IT ;,- V,. th.- ,
11 .- .r ...1.1.. J
. -r:
There is a tosibilitv that the par- ,
tiai tauure ot the l-.uropean silk cnp )
. v ,
may force this country into -ilk-culture
on a more extensive scale than hereto- ,
I fnr." I hfi i;illr it-r.itiot in "..nunnu 1. nupitr if mintiirr wimn.nlA V... !.. i .KnH r:-rt-i iw ,1 ri.-. ..i - l .1.? . ,
Tomatom ox
A a
i"riw'at I trn:n(l orio tomai bM
thi- rr 8 a tn'Hi awl ! t ImmK I
hnlf-iT jlnHt tlr twf, wibwK
imiu kimlof a trvlli, huK k u r-
j riimit. Tin fruit mi trfiH-l hw
attain a Iarr h an ji'J m! ! tt
tai.' il thr n !. Wktlr ib znm of
, UkmIiih tiiat werv Mt t run tk'
nmml, wen- nijr. Hr trai-.I to a
i tna!K wrt' oiiihI ain! rnwitr raiMIH .
'In lHI I u"-" i- tbf a tb-
, r - , .
i1'mtiI-iI ami i-mrrat fl in Ue Jlnnd
rain. The fntit will rif'B mre t-iiith
ami ten tla)-ariwr w UWk i- fke n
HiUaUie. Mwover lki arnt;eict
it-tli xnlen n iwre ly apr-
, nm - nwii n. - nnn n -.- w. ,Tr mt-
it-clli l jTrowml tree mm mihh. ' r.
nunn .inc jwt.
lear unMlcru' t rop-, ml wm-n Im) arc
older the) -hould have a fill! chance to
throw .nit iln-ir losj; ann-. Th.- late
Win. A. I'lMiifhill of 0,tt l'oint, N.
V.. -1ioh
le!hi ie
1 u- a part of hi- .-eir I--
tirn where he had allow il
..- .
nf nt-- ii i'inni m-r rno.wj. "--
iuir tlfiH -oie ! feel more room" TIk-
' improvement in the crop w ttikinj:
.Mr. A. Hnxl of (Oitarv. plnnUt! (.n-
ord -i feet anart -ach a. Th"
I u. . . . . 1
iHrc nine mm
I'he prin of tin-
-eventh vir, he to..k out everv allT-
. t.iitr " ii
naJe vine, ami then had a fiiM- crop, lie
trn-il a -imilar exp-riineiit on a lare
( atawba viucvard ulantiil eitrht fii-t
apart : the rc-nll wa- a niit im-nit-cl
ouantitv of "rape-. lie al-o stated that
Concord vine- covered '1 to ! feet
trelli-, by actual !iintiremciit
more rave than anv adjoining im
VI feet apart, and o-cupyin;r the -aim'
et-nt of trelli. An csperiemed rain-
iriowcr ha- ju-t -tatcl to u- that he had
planted hi-vine li feet apart, ami h:l
nifted everv alternate vine with aiHth-
er -ort. i lie "rail- tailctl to "row, ami
the old vim-, bcin"; tint thinned tonne-
half in number, isivo a much itctlererop
than the whole did before. We miirht
.1 It
cue manv oiner ca-e an -ihiwiii" tne
importance of ivini ample -pace to
-tron"-"niwcr. And one other iin-can-
tiou hoiild alwav lie ob-crved m-ver
to allow the vine-to overbear : thin out
the uiiiueroii biinchc-. We do not now
hear vineanli-t. a formerly, loat of
that the fruit i better, ami the vine- le-
exhau-ted. when the thinning ha- been
proper! done. imiUrj ihntltimui.
How to I'uk-khvk Cilo-.t:. A pure,
-wcetci.ieri-onlv obtainable fnnn dean,
-..mid fmit. Mini "the frnil -lionl.l there-
fore becarcfullv examined ami wiped
lieiore riudui". In the pre. u
doth or "iinnv iu place of -traw
do-eh watched. Tlie moment the
white bubble-, before mentioned, are !
perceived ri-in-z at the buuhole. i-.tck it i ami a- hot a-tlie hand can hear. Win u
Kate." -aid j ajrain. It i u-ualU m'ee art to repeal I the -and ha- eoolcd they may be re-tea-table
the thi-three tinlc-. Then till up the ca-k ! mined. moothcd umierrt Ih'I it"n.
with cider in everv rc-pect like thai j
original!) contained in it, add a tumbler j
of warm -wect oil, and luni"; up tijrlit. :
lor very line cider it t- eii-tomar) to
add at thi ta"v of the procc about
halt a pound ot "luco-e i-taivh -ii"ar).
lioiiiti lie tirenareu. a follow: Some
i ' i i- I i
dean tnp- of ni": are dipped in melted I
-iilphur. hjrhtcil and buriicd iu the bunir- ' tJ(. u.,rt Continue the application f.r
hole, and the bumr hud Um-K mi t!ii'!Ml(,Rj dav-. and the wart will o..n
euu oi uie niir -o a mrciain iueuipuur
.....i.... .1... i.... i i'i .:.. ....
.i.i iuumii tii- oaiiei. i iicu ne up
half a pound of inu-taid ccd iu a
fa-hioncd wav. and will keep cider
.! ! !.
1-,.. . : pill .o .. 'ii.ii i a in o .. ..- . .-, .... ..."
le-amc condition a- when it went in- ,,,.,,; tln. ,. frequent tlie applica
. to tlie barrel, ,f kept m a cvd 1i ace. for j , ,, . ,r y,my-t ,M. ri,l.f th.
a vcar. 1 rofe lonal cnler-maker- are ' ..
now u-iujr calcium -ulphile (-ulphite of
lime), in-tead of nlti-lani am! -ulphur
vapor. It i- much more conveni
ent ami effectual. To u-e it. it i -imp!)
requi-ite to add otie-cihtli to one-quarter
of an ounce of the -ulphite to each
"allon of cider iu the ca-k. lir-t inixiu";
the jiowder in aliout a quart of the cider,
then poiiriu; it back into the ca-k and
"jiCmir the latter a thoroii-u -hakiii": or
rolling. After -tandui"; bunded -evcnil
dav to allow the -ulphite to exert it- full
action it mav be bittlcd off. The ul-
phile of lime (which -hould not be mi
taken for the ulphate tf lime) i a cmu-
llllTl't'l I Iff ! Oii.tltitf llullf Ilk oilitit.
on n tttl til 111 I' 1 "'llll OOOUl I'' I I lll tl
pound bv the barrel. It will prc-erve
1 1... . ..ot f ti -.I..- ...!.i, i.,
- -i. vlt -. 111V, V il I -"Cllf-klllvl-'llll
unlc-- care i taken not to addtoo'inuch
of it. it will impart a ,1'jrlit ulphurou
ta-te to the cider. The bottle- ami
cork- u-e,l -hould be porf.Htlv i-1i-:iii. I
and the crk- wirctl down. A little cin- i
nanion, winler-rrcen, or a-afra-. etc.. I
i- often adtled to -wcet cider in the bot-
tie iv !tli -. .Ir-.,., or . of M.-.r-
bonate of oda at the moment of driviti";
the stopper. Thi help to neutralize
free acid-, and n-nder- the liquid cf-
ferve-ccnt when tm-topped : but if u-ctl
in e.xce . it mav prejudicially affect the
ta-te.- cnn(tfir Aiucrwm.
Tomato 1 'reserve.
uf the
in:ill vellow t.iiii:!!...-, iO..hi
i eveii pound of u--;ir. four
lemon, and a .mall tiuantitv of :
ana -eai iiiem. ii tne Ionian h are
liled tto much thev will harden. Take
.1 -. i .. -i, . , 1
.1 - . .; i .. to . . . ..... '
mem oni in lime ami mev win ne neaii-
vlvar, :l11'.1 Vft- . It i not
neceary to put them m "lass jar, -im-
imv -Miiie-iai 01 anv kuki.
that philosophy, in onler that it may at-
i tain us en.l. must bo subject to taith.
After a minuto survey of the results of
tne pnuosopnie inquin-ot the rathrr-,
he exhorts the Bishops to adopt in their .
ecclesiastical schools the teachings of it.
Thomas Aquinas. c '
" !
An acute thinker says: "We know ,
some teachers who have had twenty
T" a . ""- nrTTui,nan ' anil '"'' fl t-ir ----- T-l Ki-t
years experience,' and vent would be
h-inl tn iinft -nnnrtfr n.ii W'n 5-nmr '
som e whose experience of two years has
placed them hish in the -orofession. .
.. J AT
ho ever heard of measuring the abil- ;
ity of a lawyer by the number of years
he had practiced at the bar, or the ca-
iii.vts rm thi: nmi:iifii.i.
"" thu.
I'.wfe l"k llk tkrr kijr 4
r-B-BVi'. mwt nf jmbuJkbi tau irt
UtMiMtrv. prepar- - m-C. ifci. k
t-ninw hy Wifiywg. n-iwbtg iul ft-
' vorinir k . jrrl tW (mwImh, wtfh tKr
! crtwm inrt it, Wtii erk bijr
a al- w tfa" Uj ot Lhr k
-A ffcrk (' IV . (V-A a ---
m j. ckVf iJh- r x U tlw t
' M.. tVm tK-rko uh f .bm( mm -
' ,,jff .h a JVrr uf k in a hm, bm
. p.. . ..... ....-. . -vv - .-v. --
bitr of emrkiM. t-W aguw uf lW-
ckh. HMtil k ait w, Itatine: & Uyvr (
rrit tm Uf : 1-1) tarn m tfce up.
lmke half an 1hht.
-.hdtttMy -eakf : T a Imtf-piai ! nm-l
hU warm water fzk fur a tkt
bntter. Waif x ut4-f Mfed of mrfcni
bHUr JoUf . -NfiJ f itraUr
. jjy. mJ,. f,Jy; m ,al. atiiia
j fM j- mw Hm rxriirt
rake. 4 ( th' hU kavo IM. a tU
allow nHee of milk ami crvmmL, it w ill
prove a rwii hlp.
MftU. IVwkfc TwMate Vtvrr
the l'tMM of a hkiij;-U4i wkh dry
lninl-TMmb-. tbB aHmjrt U-r of
thii lienl roa-t r Uiilrd mmtUm mh!
-l'H-e.1 t.ttttat'M-, wkh a lam -fHtukltn;
f ln-id--ntmb- mu m h Ntt-r of
VoHtn.oe-with iwipr. -mh &! fnt-
Imtter Iyl th- tinita.- ami brrml-rntwb-
Ih lat. Itnke tJrte-imrier 4
ah Imhm".
- Tomato Smut :
Twehc ln;-, np'
uhium . lour njH r tm rr"w i
ter-. two niim-, two iabtft"nfiif'
..f -alt. two of -4r. of emaiMn, ami
.. a.. .. .. . . ..k...
, three cup- of viin-pir. 1W-I tmt!". -
i t..ii a. 1 I
. ami omkhi-, ehp all nor, ami lil !:.
' and a half liour. 1'e.uW ami k will k
aiiv lenrth of time. 1 inc itiart of .n
lied toinato..- may 1 M d iuMead .-I '.!.
x' one-.
- Steamed Krown T" t-
tmp -weet milk, one teacup oi -ur nu.k.
thtvc ol wr Hitiu, owtil ntftir. .n.
half cup of 4rMp or ii4aje-.. on. i. i
-iHiiiiiii ot -iik-ratu: lmur t a im i
, ,.. iu,.ii.n lia.itt. nl.-ue in innnnl
-tminer. ami -team -tewilUv fir tin..
IMMjr.; two ami otto-half will iki in . -
,,( ,a-te: when iIhim run a kwife ar-.mid
i ,i, ,, ,,1,,..,. ,. tdate on loo ami turn
, the di-h over ami it will tsoitteout nif-lv
on tlie pntte.
To Cook Mackerel: Soak juni
li-h over niht. uuiil within an hour .f
dinner, then drain them: j:tvae .1 !""'
tin: put iu oiir lih: put -me butt, r
and cream (or milk will do) on it pi
in a lnit oven: cook alot an Imhit, tin u
-- Nice Jelly Cake: Three -r- w.i:
beaten, one cup of -n-ar. half a tip -f
weet milk, two tabhHHiiifiil- in. l'i 1
, ntler, two hcipuif! tJ'a-poonfuL- n lf
i tartar, one of -alenitu. all didvid t.i
the-wect milk, one-half Clip of lioif. r
enough to make it alnHit a thick or i
e..i .. l .1 .. l .... .. .1
httle thicker than iiatter tor pam aki
bake on live or -ix round pie tin-, in
in a -uitable di-h. with alternate laver-
,,f bi. -ami. which 1 thoniii"hh drv
dipped for a moment in clear Frcm h
.pjrit varni-h, and allowed to div in tin-
To Cure Wart-: I'm a -mall piece
of alum into ju-t eiiou;h water to tli
-olve it: briii"; thi to a 1-oilni"; h.-at :
then, with a brioiu-p!iiit. or an) nui
venieut article, njqdy thi loilin"; liquid
to the wart. The liquid -hould b.-tlii.k
and -imp-like, but on no account -hould
the water be allowed to boil luvuv.
vou would then have burnt alum, iimi
villi MMiiii uicii uate inn iii anon. ioi
:, .... have no effect wliat.ycr iiim.u
"radually di-appear. Thi- remedy ha
never faihtl to remove wart from mv
ham!: but it -hould be remembered
that it i a fact that what i a never-failing
cure for one pcr-on- wart will have
no effect whatever upon tho-c of an
other. Have patience, and per-everc iu
thi treatment at lea-t three weekle-
fore vou condemn it a- u-ele, reim m-
- To Wa-h Fine Mu-lin : In wii-dun-jr
mu-lin tin ', the color may 1-v prc
ventcii from runiiinir bv puruiii" i!h
follovviii"; cinir-e: Take mi; all the
-gather- at the top Of the -leeve and the
vvai-t. wa-h the dre quickh iu not too
warm water, rin-e it immediate), roll
it -iniMitldv in a drv heet. and let it ic
niain until ju-t damp enoiijrh to inm.
Another procc for vva-hin line mu-lin
of delicate color- i- to take oinc w heat
bnui -alnnit two quart for a lady
dre and I mil it for half an hour in
-mii' oft water, then allow it to ctml.
train the liquid, and u-e it a a ubti-
e " i - i
tc for oapud. It remove the t
! from t he material like oap. 1 imrt
. -
n:xu u !,,' n,11r"' !,n,,1 "l"ri" ,M ,M out m only one dean i water, and
-tarvliii!!: i- unneee-ary. I In- may be
r--5S"',-. .' '':'' ",", ' V'"
w'0,,, OI "? ""' nniMiii'. ami !.-
"-'"J- A tm-sit number of iHantifu
d'-e are. from time to t:me. -,m,h:l
111 Wa-Illlli: by the lll-fliarjre of tilt !f
filur. fnm tin iio 'f warm iiil. In
all cai thf inl ami rininrr vvatT for
' itilnntl artiflf f drv .lioM Ih utl
a- coM a jMt-ililf. Tin Inin. nttl a
alMivf, lniiiM Im niv and clean, and a
i liriirht. fair day i K'tUT for the opcni-
, tion.
A Minpli Koiirh Imp: liio tthtor
of the SrtLiilific lUnml rvtort that he
Iia trietl witli icrfivt atifaetion the
following plan with cturkroache. It
' puut- jH-i.i-,ui.-ci i i.ii-- .un ijm-i-ii-
i ware ltvvl or vecl with vertical .mooih
'1 . 1 . . .t . Z I. . I l...t.-l..
:.i.. ... i.. .. .i :..i..w : i...:.
, -me, noi ic. man mu in hi m.-i-;iit.
' and. placinjr it in mh hh.- a.- the
j roache run. put in it aNint a tabk-.
i -ik.miiuui 01 iii.ii.i.. 1 nvu 1 n-aii -i..
or -M?von .-mall piece of lxianlor-tick.
of the bowl, are safely ea--oned for a
oc oi ooinn- noi waier next inoniiug-.
t A nightly repetition of thi trapping
procc-. ior icn nays or iwo wwfc- iu
effect a complete riddance of those I
abominable nuisance.-, and. what L
more, judging by former experience-.
vears will elapse "lefore the hou-e will
ajiin be stocked.
It is ettniatetl that there are in the
I'mtixl si-itiunm..lni I '.ir.3vFmpi,'
all kinds, also lG,--.0 engine. Th-f 1
engines and c:ir in travelin" v.t the !
roaiL lo-v annually In-twccn four atid
five million of nuts" The-c will weigh '
over 1.500.C00 lb., and their cot is TrZ-
A Mlal tm Wvrfeta:
TSi "WW-! -r-.laTra et ti romtrj.
TB.VC tef SiCa lUTt UiTT -t tBttT t
tr 10 tapper. tt tws vfc viUi s2"-
trees Hm crt &rtU jTte! usVt 4
birt t-ttta-r-Ai Uf Vb U tr fyr. li-Bribtol-wvS
-j Vor s-et trs iU-i" M I
ttrTrtteit& HnLoo tm JTl " rt
Viir frtr9k U rrt:r-a mX lt
icmi, :txl m1 ciwUc - ri ?. Vst 1m
i ttwUtsi4 nt U S'MUV It I
Wtm.i vtctTJ Us iMa to rafjt 1 1
JM f jtifueUM. jvi U J rt aX jr.
lieturt xl liiffn ire kiih it Vlf rr
U k toe.rt. Xmi rfceo earjltx4 irr
v e.tjj rlif rt-Bl er tC t ,
tsmttttlu.' mt rri5lt fcxat aIf.
It "ci-l W orttMMkt U- ert-fj btUtTtciil rt-w
lkt BiLutkttmui, naeaj.tnnJ.i.l ial ft r it
tat ui. g mi t arii t-.T W
th Wr ?f.c.J tin Ik- AreU-r' j. twt.
lr. rKwr't tt ! Ural lnn-rf t
li l,w44r- rVUrt kt pfti?
irw4or4 tr V kw Mtki()n4. ?
-t-4tu Vktelf rl( rArf tmm Frt-i--r
rkcUterv tmi xS it t tSst c ip
Urk 1IM. MT tmt b1l .
MMinK rth a AurrxM'i U.
UwuMii trMi. Mriui -rUa-J awl l
h. aail will tw ilfttwcnaml In bfr Ul
Tne m.MNi tr miMtxi !rnlHtei V-
M t-r4tew to Mtwlttw t)r. )'. Hilk'
.i Nrti Or or fVvvr J Am T 1
u-4s Vtr-. H tMnkV. -tattv .X .'
Sen UtWaM. tu i.-y-lr, Iwr pi '.
lt r.ktM4UM. Itel ;. il kit n t- T
H UiI K CO' tato tw IJIT" .- ' ' i
tt MM II Ml IfVl'ilF Vtt4 itc frtl llU
tar U I" U larC",J
lUk tr i4-i? " Vanr"
.mi' )m4 alaitt i-tiU tw-4'ril v
it Mii I .. l-l t -;. tiwrr w'.. -t
I ! - Jl
lt '
t N,
FDCCIQ,,"B,J' l"' a-!.
rtbC v - -i-utviur x vxi itjtvv.'
DIP "Crl, : mrtXAtttt SaJB'-I i f .
OlU-Allt1 .C.lun'W ktA i.v!Mr
r. W''i t-t r- 4 1 -i It.wirf c
MitiulimHi Ull V ifcfcl la K4
t. tu. i u twa y m u-n avixifim
I I ".XT' ! mf ! mt tumUl il.itl .
' 1 T. If- 141. ill lUtM1 t
mai. i IVi ! - ii i. 1. -.
-H mlr I 4 ," im4. I .!. ntl I. T.fc l-trf
II i I Xl . .i 4 1 M i. MHI I-a. I . ...
11-- VI '-Alir vi kli r IrK iMrr . I
OiWH I flMMlMUif Ut
a.l l-t in U.
.f . V n " "-" -H-if . V VV I'M. M V
f lll I . li--f'.'tl-i:iu'
IV V ra .xki.'-M VV I. II I., t hiNCM. HI
.f . V n -t -
in I . t i- 1 . 't
iv v k:i vv t.i i i
-.1 r-rt r
3 A
1 1 . t T "
; rt Mi'iiiu
l 1 I nunc.
l ,N
- a 1 ; ..) Lit -l l I v I
woiiij;;t,ii k iUuunMili'j.1
I'urt itn.l liinllnc- tor
oiiim in irti" . in-u : !" . ti.-
iitrttiJt- t'.. r . - -- !';---.
- si iii!;. r i r. r -it mi
Siili's Tonic Syrnp
The proprietor of thi celebrated nediclni
jtsitly cluni fT It a lupericrity orer ill r-ta-ed
ei ersr otfered to the pnblie for the SAFE,
of Atjne and Feer, or CLI.Ii ad Fever, wfce lb
erof ibortorloagitandii:--. He refer, to th
latire Western and Southern coantry to bear
hid tCitimrny to the troth of the mertlon
that In no eae -arhaieTer trill It fill to can If
the direci.oni ire itnctly followed and earrltd
ont. In agrsat ma?y caiei atingle dote hat
been istScient for a care, and whole famUlei
hare been card by a ilnple bottle, with a per
fect reitoratioa of the general health. It li,
hox-yer.prnaent.acdin eTery cate more cer
tain to care, If lti nieli eoatinned in tailler
dosci for a wcea or two after the diieaie hai
been checked, more epeclally In diffica'.t and
!ong-stand:n- cuei. Utnally this aedtcine
will not reqalre any aid to keep the bowelt is
go-d order. Should th" patient, hewerer, re
qalre & cathirtic medicine, after haTicg taken
three or foardosei of the Tonic, a sin le doe of
Th (jenuineSlflTH-STOKICBTRUPmait
haTeDR JOHN BULL'S priTateitamponeieh
bottle. DP. JOHN BULLonly hat the right to
manufacture and tell the original JOHN J.
SMITH'S TONIC SYRUP, of LoniiTille, Ky.
Ezimine well the label on each bottle. If my
private ilvmp it not on each bottle, do net
parchate, or yoa will be decelred.
xii. a-oni buliIj,
M-nufacturr and Vender of
The Popul.-tr Remedle-a of th Oar
Prlarlpil Omr-, 319 ! fU. UiriMILl.t. KT.
nir lT-vtMHirltTr7'l--l.-M In halrr t'-i l Hi 7 r -l. i1 rI
tha'th k r V- raiii-nimBli4i ltr;n.l.i.l ! It tl A ili rf Wtw1lw s- ll-m'r.
l.-MUt-' ! n li lm,wl'.'w mm - III l-tm i.iniii.m li v H h '
ll n4 ii4t a. m- n-! I..-.! a4 Br ! - """ r 'I' --
rH'"lv l'i-.- a-.i . .! ji. Tr'nr k I t w f-ii. Si iV ljUi HW. a" ' -
-TT-a'1' fa'" rta-".TMt-mat t l.' ' ' rlUft l'f IVf - .
m fin i" t hiiii ."-.rr ' .wii'iini-ii h:jh -... r
il ir -.1 t fii l' at I ji irtt xi n twin nr
anlr.'-si-u j. i. - a j :t.: -, : lit iia.arti i r4r
v uK5m
r ? , rJ"
ro.iicii t.
Hattnf tart
riinz l
mU. r tl ,
....i.. M
Mr. -----& t t- t-fbrr-f r-Tsnaailn WrisJa'
l-aMBdi 0-. Un.Alr. J. V.
-7- . y, . .
. ( zcLJO &Ca
T & Har4m iK at iyc Irv-ttec l . amrmiii m
Knttockr. and t WlU tn-nmrvd mf l-3n? yrs
taK Vntb a a an--! lerTtyr utA a mki mf ! Hwtrori.
uc. lit ;-UXVr- acMrr. H Vts Ux. Kflitactr.
i T.)V5rVSr j
t r--! , . -f' !
GASKELL'S CO X.VZSD IUK CO MJ?I.TaTS w V- smMnI mef uUn: mmif frwyMA.
Un: it'ii. t. in. rv. iii ts jm- ---- i-in--..iM ir tsa?r. mm mtmt9frt
TMSll WVf CtmtHT't iacfmrndJfmmt'fmgrtmttrtti. Xerrm
(.'E0RE A. HASKELT Prinei,n-il Ilrjanti: Straiten C!l, Xaachfter. 5. II.
r' -di tpcam a ji i ipiii j "iK K
:M -r mil v-i-mtiwU4icH.
V X-grHrarftiliff.ytrtyil a
cai5If-3: e-arc&urt j
4 yngrm mXj(A "TiM-J .""tR i
4WU'u imii . ifiwi -
4JbTJ .IMlM4,ml.-MM
Johnson's djC&t
tIa-J1l TVil t-4. V4 I..!. H-
PT-cj'r :? rv.ii
ff a W9 ? "r f- "ifc -J
9pteimt m - " -"
Jmt 'J - - r -- -
tt.1. ! '. !. m I"""
inr ion - i i
ihwii. x" ft ' i"i V- " 4
,V i A-, li - -.
GS25 Every Day
Well AiiRcnt & Drills
c --
ISCKJ i HUt. Uf-V Zi2
"t f ' r. v i n't
"--- t i A iftwr Ilk
. . . AvJv 2 - tkl 4
Jl .. . . a. I y. ? A -V
H J. HA- . W ' "ti-
Ui ! ik riv .
-l Z.itl.
Tho only 25 cent
ire -nxK wom.o.
(,tlml.lll.a lf-j,
Live-Stock Commission,
It rTk. nvoi II " '-MH- - l'- - TO
PCTftt. ff -. . 1 rrl4 4 t -t 1.1
I MI t lt ,Mr f4. VMI MMftllto.-Ml.
ft'.ii't l 'li i .t m k. . - j i
4WtTlt ' .' I '' t ". w. .
mlit ur H "l '''N'i.ll'V' I I
.". o r .' It .
JI-tl.llV.M.V Alutin.w4 M
7ii Wa-lilncton .He. St- Loul
VMI- rnmIMf a lirp it ilM rHrw-Hi t
nMlrti Muslrlfi ll.v IkdiiJ Ira. m4 MI. H l
trln-tl MM ff llw H1nr -vll M t ..i.tli n
r) IIh Utr tMWnl'f CV IurU, III". W". mmi IU
HI m.t ntM-ntr7 t r
ITVr, () i-r twrn. t-ctoTi at tvr
SrrnI tnt rtroilin txl -Uks-rar. wnti rail H-t ot
KlbClrt ailtlC rJ llipAl.
TThr ttrm W rtK IUo f !lf' fffttir ii
CnHl n-l rjUnitj f2IO rrrr Iin liljl.
Jun "M mit , ire In r.tnl Uruu.l.
I:tmi ., 'Jt It a lml n- fw l
Irmp rnUlnlR U th ranM! MJ) trt
ot rt-rt h 4.m tl4tt.i. imI nmHHt IWKil
n UiVl U iirctf Ml . It m mjI.
-triw-BiK ' IhUit uih it Itxtxtmitnlnvr-t-M
vrklr ill Ih nv iimI imt I1 mulr. fur
I2.i-T jrar
1 I'm. Wnm tlwutet, a ctiarmlrvc nrm fvaAsf'
Fct'irt th.ik.
h . L,
V I ""3
riiK .ri:rno to AuvriiTisriui,
prn it-f yon n ll.- Ailrll'tiHt In
tlili iinrx-f. .tlrrtltMn Ilk, to know
Mlirn nn.l wlif thrlr .ilrrtlm-nt
nre p.ijlnj: l-l.
. i -t"i wnr -i "" - - - --..
- i id
.V Jj 1 . .- J.
Oy$K Is Betlcr to Circ.
Ho OV Ta aTeld Chilli and
uainint, vA -
Anenle wV fbt. "7
- M- l ". mmW mmW MW . 1 K T M . BlEA M.Wmmm
X a a . e all a R XVAX00"1 PU" W
iml. are cilng It NT VV"'.,1
All lador.o It. Y i '-.a!
tf-Ak yoar Drag Al,B'
gUtforlt. X-1IX
lrt(ttritim. V w
TheVoice ofWorsniD.
'Illic rvcrM h in rrfw' -ir--ir '""f-! !'" -
I Crttt tf 'f lr t I"' I"'!" 1 tU- a r "liflt
J'..tii'lt 1 1. 1 . i4i4. 1". ':( Vi t-tt't
Iti.lh tAif AnnVvi q.lm ttl Hi tla.iwnTH Mt !
fv "!,''--" lrt.l4IJitaift ! tT rtttmt $
Ur I'ldL.I UI1.
o.- ir
Itnclti-. tJtdl' Jn OmimrnMI IVnw.iii.Slp. It
nil arlllI "Im r infill '"'rcl.. Alphai
l-.Ierr Ili-mllllS. Hill. fliMl.l --lIxil'l'T. mrtr
j-rnllrE lrjl. Wofli.Oifil M rltltic rr
llranlns iin1 li.llns. .rrtii Tl. OI4 rtlllf
ftfl Ilri'I t'Iirl.l.lnc. A.. Ar.
Alltl'i'.- r.i t f n -avl r iiwl -
-ff.irtirirTt fi. a l "i.f vnlt -. rn .
iniiji. ' -ff miiltel "l Hi" - Hh ri tmr f
eo l I" Xrm
1 "" T 5."". - tt" O-tntlr )HII Sf
t 1' J' " - I anti ' -'
- ci l -. ii ' ia iIhiiJ ttr-u
j.irr-i-nt H g " " Irn im l ill T
f.t-tor K- - " I 7 trtr 7n. bk 44
jtjr. TT-f7 " ;wtt mri--iiwi t n&cl nfti
oh SrV -
Mr. Cr-si pt-C -bVlf-ai Is Xj -v. X T.
mr-'f Iht-aifl h-tmlwiaa-fc-f tei ! -
TV Oak- ifcCaat ar liAr lri, a
. Ml. Kr immC c 6; Ti-rt wr-feei
h - awe -rs
yr-m Sjl :
"V So:
nratal.r s -ifartrtacrK-rfiV
Indian Blood Syrup.
t VT
77 W. 3d SI., Xsw York Gily.
m- wi -
ft M. .. mmm X mf mm . I
o. W
nt -
mm m t- m ' " -
. . mm ifm 4 m
! -I
.i -.irKT
Cr ''
" IAJki V-.
LTfi v t . m L.
rJTCtt l
'iA? V .
- "i T. ' W .r -fc
v r..i m
.VaknnirtUii. Ik. allrt. K.
lil.M -V -ta. H - !. J M
I- .- i mr m aHaw
It 4.U MfrMM !. tJ
I t kMM t W. IH !!,
It m(iUim tt. Itwl.
I imllllM t. ! m-.t
ll l.l.l. t 'M.
It IMl.t lM-tl.i
It ll.k A lllt
lf t
II . il ft H M4 ."w
II M.i tl.- (... T III IwImw 4 Iwl
r. Hf-MltUr l-p-i-!.!---'
it MMfli '' --t f4ta; -i
tu.i. -.-v o-i m9 mL
Itn)- !.. T tm mum III Ml' . mr mii
,C rimr mm "-
- i
Edwin Eiitmtn ia Indlx Cm(MM.
aitni ' i i i' Atto i 0B-A',
r. ' A -iMti-wr. 90 ff. -i
-. HltiV t Ifc trU ! !
iU ilM. M tMTtrf Ktp . .
r4lRr. t-rtw---l l )H ! i-w
r-'H1-nr itiMux fwc f f
, lilm.t'.
T. lwVtrt if KMMrr- r w- u
gXjWwtV-4 fcf v ! -.-.
Mt.rmK l-f " '.
1 feur-lta-uivr -s rl "
i fa nrLno i - ' - "
luut-W Jw j. " - " -wxlf
li--i rsOnV . !.-
Or. Clnrk Johnion's
Price o Large BttUi
Ttitt of 8-aaI Ee.Ui
l rw t ' l '
IU..l "i ' ' " ' W
A Remarkablt Car.
Jff I nml !l -4 olrl
fnr Indian lll4 -.ffKC. rr4lrl
M.lliOl-l' " l -MHrnMtli"-i-i
f Ha !- J - - Ivl "- -
Ol IJ I - "-f " I
tkI ltT .! -it -t w -"
fcr . I- "' nwiw I !-
In oil ' "i.t iw'- ! - ltttfc
I3.l !rtt W-1 f - "f --- l -
I, jrt jj ,m J. t.' ! m, l -
ifi 1t KxM. li B tfc H!-! fct4 lwt-Wr
lt-l. &. If- - lAUtt".
Safe and Reliable Medicine.
fnt.f ImT ! Ti t. t5X
fnr i IwU M V eW ti k -
InAU. Ill 1 if.i Ba t ,--"
K.O-.rt l --f ItU MU i- .
IJ. y.)vt- h -. an4 -lpf!Wr rm
Br HKM SMJIWI ' -A J '! !
urn At-'-li Tri&,
Ml. !.r.tA (i-UUAX.
j c r-vKiwx
For Sre Thr8at Lmj t Fmr.
t.CrI. IntriCmWJ. .
Pr-rr - llit--Ir-- I--l--- $it-mrm'rrmm
frf fe !t t -
Jli tt K U tmrm " l Ij f--.
-rf mrliH'9bM, lct--inB4
ia i-.-JV. u- i- AXt. ,
Liver C3lal8t - Oyj?ptla
frtK. Cmmtt. SSk. Kir; 11, int.
r- ,r T m m Ik -r.? I - V
U &-;--- l lt " 'I'iJiII !
put t.nMinrfhwf IimII. i-l Iff.
mf rxs - m" tmrnnri
U. I mHrtm rr VA. 1 mvmU ROKIMtl U
Frrer assl Ajsb Creti.
rrxi rr t ti--i . i
f-r - I tkli .I i " J"mmmmf IfAlmm)
psimrn limr fc Itr-aur rK Kl lrri!(.
an; ras J rt Jfc lrt r.tfc-" I fc-o4 to
lb as Cl. I - V-J -f I" I -t-4
kv Mm ! aaS c-.r.; u-jess: -v; Mei
bCNtsian; wasliWS.
Rcattiy fsr Ut tr Caiffiist.
t-LArn. f - f osuer. -. A --si x t Ja
rt- X tllM'i twil r ImAtmm Ml., tf
mp "Uiw Ctq;JiJt. - --- ts fwet
ResetSy far RfceasalhsB.
ots--- y i -. s
twmrf- Kj -J Jtl 6fifct lr Sk im rt
jrxn aMuuitWK lrx - ll V Yt Io
rX asd v4 iaI tri (uX O u A one At
1fc. ittgj'-B - r--r Am t fcaj-rl imcmp r
S4Jm Ml- irii.. I.ifcrr.
I T7 - av -ti wa'
exfc. t!j v T -MMwrt. I k4 &' vr f - vwrMt VI. flnJB mXUOt
ttm4ittrCm f-l fcMr Allrr Wt wo.fW
care laiMMuuwu iii s a v lt trai
i3 s-. mt. c. rt-ir.5.
CfeiiU in! Fever.
-Drviic 'tt- f -mx !- Stu ZS. ITTH
tnr Sir 1M'Ti-Mlilw.-irll.
4 tarn CIm4 ;nrk- - m( J-r Mil
teesS B w -uI jna wrr I Iu im toM)
ynr AAi sm i ts
mfTramj aivtK-. lait lln lt,fti-fii-S-r.
I -ii lnB-tii t!al8 -?-
A Remxrluliae Cue Csrr Dlarrte of
Ferty Yean' S!ailj-
Jor-tyrsri. fwJr ---i7. . iia. L STTi
a s-vtm tmnt t" I M 1mi mfBX
tjrijr-vri m'ttt-mx jtfW mm jmmtil tat-
trrmx a4 1 il -4 -- fWi m-i mill
I, mtttf-ar drf i wt -- - - Alitw
nl r .-' v - w-. nif - i --
m tm4 IT.. tttm, . IMMt ! fr f .
lailtMU'a I '- - n i-l Irftus Kimm.
-jr. aCvr tr.Oiic HMl-H iS!t
tacMrawi! IS iti X Ml 4 mmwmsl
Usu aa Omi tc49Cia 1 n Ujl. . Ct tmmmi
m ifatlin acr- flM. C .
C2m Fertr aad Ajse.
ti uf. rm. MLur-a.
Zrr .-w 1 mrU
Mbtrf 1 .dl! EIM4 tim.
tiiuismw ii--)-i-i iiw.
mm -jrmm
12.1 aJ.t-i JUmt
-- Cms v
? lmxJ ;
S jjij'K - r
ne BU ErpT K-fr U Xll
iWt m . mi ii tmmhk "
- a .- j. -- ''
. . . .9 m mm ! m W
- - -t -
I m . k. WMH - I 111 I Wl -
M. ..-i - .iw i r , '' "3
ym, . la m mi mi tMt
! mtm -.- mmm
fti mmmmmmm m
5 rtpf'-'ttfflri
I uu
f -r -