THE BED CLOUD CHIEF. X. L. THOMAS, PnlilMirr. RED CLOUD, - - NEBRASKA. ITEMS OF INTEREST. IVr-niml nml Literary. - -Fanny Davcnport-lYicc has pur chased for .1.",KK' a piece of property at Canton, Pa., which vvill hereafter be her summer home .In-tin McCarthy has a son who i rapiilly following in hi- father"- foot steps. The young man i- -aid to be a mtv clever writer. --Mine. II. P. Ulavat-ky ami Col. Henry S. Olcott have c-tabli-hcd a monthly magazine called the Tiutt-opiift at llomhay. Mr. Thoma- Hailey Ahlrich i- said to be putting the liiii-hing touches to a new novel at hi- -nminer home at Lynn, Mn. - Edward Kinjr ha- been decorated hy the French ('ovcrnnietit for the interest he maiiifc.-lcd in the recent Literary f "oiigre at Iondon. - Miss Clara Loiii-e Kellogg i- -aid to 1 verw helmed with -ocial attention- in London. She i- in excellent health and the he-t of spirits over her -ucei Ir. .leroine V. C. Smith, who was the author of -everal book- and an emi nent phv-ician and at one time Mayor of Ho-ton, died the other day at .Kich mond, Ma. - The Queen -cut i'.Vi to Hindi-tone, the actor and author, who i- sick, and Lord Hcnt-ou-ticld ha- rccommendeil that a grant of il he made to ISttcl;-.-lonc from the roal bountv,. -Edwin 1 Sooth intends to act in Lon don, and negotiation- are now in prog ress, between Henry Irving and hini elf, with a iew to his appearance in that city. Mr. Ilooth will go over next j-pring, and it i- not unlikely that Mr. Irvinir. a little later in the aine year, will make hi- loiig:contenipIateil vi-it to i Ameriea. Dr. Schliemann says that in lo years hi- wife has ma-tereil nearly all the European languages, committed mo-t of the Homeric poems to memory ami a i-t- him with zeal in all hi- un dertakings. Sooner or later he thinks they niav come to America to re-ide permanently, a- hi- property is almo-t all in Iuiliaua. Mrs. Fletcher ("Ci'm;"' Fleming"), the author of " Ki-nicCand "Mirage," lies in Home, dre es in excellent ta-le, i- very pretty, has a profu-ioti f Monde iiair, ami look-only :.'o y ears old, though he i- -aid to he :J.".. She was horn in Uio Janeiro of a .lewi-h mother and an American father, i- a capital hor-ebaek rider, ami -peak- -everal languages with fluency. Science siikI Iniln-.ll. . A vein of .-ilver, that pans nut about .?l2.fiMo the ton, has been found near Altoona, (la. Over 1,HM jier.-on- in Clark and Wayne Coiiutie-, Mi-s., earn their living by the turpentine industry. Mr. .1. A. Calhoun of Abbeville, S. C.,. -hipped a car-load of white oak -laves recently for wineea-k- to France. An effort is being made to -larl a glass factory at Jacksonville, Fla. The folk- think it a pity to .-ce - much good .-and going to waste. The partial failure of the grain crops in France has eau-ed farmer- thereto utilize the tender of fore-t tree.- a- for age. American homy i- said to be distin guishable from that produced in Europe by the different diameter of the pollen grains. French farmers complain that the lax on the beet sugar indu-try rai-es the price to such an extent a.- to seriously check consumption. - The total ainoiint of -tcel andiron produced annually in the world, accord ing to the report of Commissioner Mur iel! to the Paris Expo-ition, is, of iron, i:.W7,7i." ton-, and of -teel, 2,70(,;VJ 1 tons. ()t the iron l."i.(i: percent, was produced by Creat Hritnin, li.i7 per cent, by the Fnited States," per ' cent by dcrmam, per cent, by France, 1 per cent, by Hcigiuiu. Au Iria anil Hungary furni-h each about " per cent., and all other countries per cent. Steel i- produced by England about ID per cent, of the whole: the I'uited State.- furui-hc-:!(' -'2 er cent.: ("criuuny i: l-l per cent.: France 10 per cent., and : M percent, by all other countries. Scliixil :uiil C'liiirrli. Xorthlicld. Ma., is to receive a pre-ent of a school-building from Mr. Moody. The l'o-toiiMethodi-t churches have an aggregate indebtedness of about .lt0,(HHI. ' - Forty ( "onirrer:itional churche- have been organized in Michigan within the l.i-t three year-. -Miss Fannie Chester i- to fill the Chair of Enjjli-h Literature in the linjr hamlon (X. V.) Ladies" College. She is the daughter of the Itev. Dr. Che-ter. of the Metropolitan Pre.-byterianChur'h, Wa-hinp:ton. Prof. Parker of the Ma-sachusclJs Agricultural College has aecejited the Profe. orship of Natural History in (Irin ue'l College, Iowa, which has lately been endowed, and will enter upon hi duties in October. Siberia's first univer.-ity -that of Toms; will be opened during the pre sent year, the Kussian Crown Prince taking part in the ceremonies. The University will probably be filled by the jrreat number of students recentfv ex iled. ('apt. Pratt, who placed the Indian pupil-at the llaniiton (Va.) -ehool. is making preparations, by Secretary Schurz's authority, for another experi ment of the same kind in the old caval ry barracks at Carli-le, Pa. The In dians to be educated are to be select ed from tribes at the different agen cies. A Chri-tian church has lately been built on a hill near .lahra, India,bv na tive Chri-tian ma-ons, carpenters and other artisans, and these workmen were originally thieves by profe-sion. In con sequence of having become Christians, they have not only forsaken their evil wavs, but learned their various trades. This rood work is mainly the fruit of Mr. Naravan Sheshadri's labors. Fircisii Xotcs. The English Society for Proinotinir the Employment of Women has an in come of ;520 a year, and finds employ ment for 2;o women annually. Two houses were recently pulled down in Aldersgate. Street, "imdon, which were the residences of John Mil ton and of the famous Countess of Pem broke. Paris is to have a new Po-t-offiee. The building now used is old, dilapi dated, and ttoo small for the purpose, and is situated on a narrow, obscure street. Sir Win. .Tenner, tin; distiniruished English physician, litis the whooping coiigh. lle"is 01 years Hd. The Lon don Lancet says tliat he has left that city " in order that he may not spread the disease." King Alfonso's next wife, the Arch duchess Marie Christine of Austria, second cousin of the Emperor of Austria and Hungary, is 21 years old, but can not he callcdpretty. "Her conversation, however, is full of charm, and her tem perament vivacious. She is passionate ly fond of dancing. - A pamphlet has Itccii publi-hcd in Am-terdam pointing out that Holland real I v ha- no claim to continue to e.i-t a- an independent State. It urge-, that the "manife.-t dc-liny" of the nation is to bcj.iiuiexeil b ('erinany, and that the time "- favorable for con-idering that arrangement. -The Emperor of Cermany ha- en nohled theonlv on of Dr. Falk, late Mini-ter of Public Wor-hip, who i- :i Second Lieutenant in the Fu-iliers f the Cuard. Dr. Falk, on his retirement recently, wa- offend this di-tinetion in consideration of hi- exceptionally great -enjee- to the Pni ian State, but de clined it in favor of hi- -on. It i- now rumored that a marriage ha- been arranged between the hcir-ap-parent to the grand duchy of IJadcn and the Prince-s P.eatriee of England. The Prince, who i-ju-t '!', i- a grand--on of the Emperor William and a kin maiiof the late Prince Imperial, vvho-e grand-aunt Stephanie married the ("rand DukcCharh-. I.ui-of P.adeii in 1-Hi. -The -.ale on which expenditure i pitched in England i- fairly illu-tratcd bv the fact that the late Countc of Ualdegrave i- -pokcii of a- having had a -mall income, Iud Lvtton a- too poor jo become an earl, ami lrd Chelin ford :t the poorest peer of the realm. The fir-t had an annual income of .. ',- 000, the next fias .f .:M,tXK and the last of '1o,omi. (Ilil- nml i:n.i- - ..l-..'-..'.'-."..'.-.l-.'..V.MV..(! .-..-.. llorfr'ntrf Exprc. -We are reminded that Eve wa- the author of the fir-t -uake-torv, and the only true one. What letter of the alphabet, if lo-t, would -ooii make ou sick of music? The letter M. No woman was ever made round shouldered at the, ami no nian cut became hump-backed from splitting wood at the family pile.- ) trail Fn'f I'rrs.. - The little hit of a baby has hi, burdens- all the good-looking girls ki ing him. He kick-against it now: but in after Mir- well, let him do hi- own an ticipating. A lady- underwear i- dc-cribed b thedelicafe and dainty term "lingerie," hut a man i- obliged to u-e such blamed commonplace terms ns "shirt"1 ami " night-gown. "' " I have always, noticed," said a shrewd old financier, "that one dollar in my own pocket is always of more practical benefit to un than live dollars in any other man's pocket." A Ma achu-etl- lady is reported to hae -eolded her little boy for taking a drink of water at a hotel. " For," said she, " we pay a dollar for our dinner, and water i-wry filling." -The Vallejo (Cal.) ''own sa-that boarders at the hotel- in that city arc not permitted to kill mo-tpiitocs on the wall-, but inii-t get them down on the floor and choke 'cm to death, and ring for the porter to draw off the corpse. - When we reach the city we will take the hor-e-cars," he remarked. "No we won't,' she replied; "we will take a car that folks ride in, or go a foot. Catch me. lidiii' in them nasty stock-car-! I've -ecu too much of them."1 A farmer in Ohio had a mania for -tealing hoe--, and when arre-ted no le. than :SI!Miew and old hoe- were found secreted in his barn. Some of them had been stolen 20 mile- away. He wa- the nierrv, inerrv hoe-bov voii have heard tell o"f. The Alhanians. The Albanian-, who hae ju-t sent a deputation to Con-tautiuoplf to ask the Turki-h (loveriinicnt for the privilege of home rule, are little known to traveler.-, and are in many respects a very peculiar j pie. They arc much in earnest in their protc-tsagain-t the propo-ed trans fer of a portion of their country to ("recce, and, if the transfer be made, will not be likely to .submit to it tamely. They number about 2,ooo,UUO, and call theni-clws Sk petar.-. They are not to be confounded with the Album, who liw on the Caspian Sea; they tire ile-cend-ant- of the ancient Illyrian-, mixed with ( "reek-and Sla: are half-eivilied mountaineer-, generou- to their friends and Minlictive to their foes. Con tinually under arms, they are rather robbers and pirates than cattle-rai-crs and agriculttiri-ts, as they assume to be. Many -ervu ns mercenaries, and these are the best soldiers in the Turki-h anny. Tlley were once all Christians; hut after the death of their last chief, (Jcorge Castri olo, surnamed l'randcrheg, and their compli'st by the 'I'urk5 lllosl of thein enibracetl .Sluhaiiimedanism, and, with the true spirit of conversion, cruelly and perfidiously persecuted such of 'their tribe as remained true to the old faith. The steep valleys of the Acheron in the -outli, forming the District of Suli, are occupied by a powerful tribe, the Suli-oic-, who till their fields sword in hand, and conceal their gathered harvests in the earth. They made themselves fa mous by their long and spirited rc-i-t-anee to Alt l'asha. The Albanians are all believers in and executors of the law of retaliation, even exceeding the Corsi caus in this. An assassin is .-Ian by the kinsmen or friends of the victim. If they can not find him, they kill his father, his .-on, his brother, or his con-in. Adul tery bears the same penaltv as assassin ation. If a betrothed girl jilts her lover he is privileged to kill any member of her family. Hospitality is sacred. A man who wounds or slays his guest is driven from his tribe, and all communi cation with his family is interdicted. He who kills a woman Is forever dis honored, all his relatives being designat ed as woman layers. New York Time. . A Two-lleiiuYd Snake. M. Sender give.-, in Du Xutitr, an ac count of a thing two-headed snake, found on the line of railroad from San lose to Vera Cruz, and now on exhibi tion in the museum of the Woodward ("arden in San rrauei-co. Is is a gopher-snake (rclicojhis U'ilkii),:i specie.- which lives on gophers, rats, mice, and -mall birds. Thegopher-siiake is a perfectly harmless reptile, like all the other snakes of California except the rattlesnake. The two-headed snake is ! inches in length; its age can not be determined, but is not over two or three months: the full-grown snake is seven to eight feet in length. Its color is a dirty yellowish white, with a double row of ehe.stnut-brown. spots along the back: these spots are nearly square and 7o in number. On each sid'e is a row of small er spots of the same color and shape. On both of the necks up to the heads are also several small spots. From the point where the necks fork to the ex tremities of the jaws is one inch and a half. The heads and necks are perfect ly separate and about one inch apart : each head and neck is fully formed and in every respect symmetrical. Each of the heads has two large eves. The ani mal can put. out each of tlie two forked tongues separately or together. The two jaws open into one throat. As each neck is perfectly flexible, the snake can turn each of its heads in any direction at pleasure. It oftentimes "lavs its two heads dose together-: often "it spreads them as far apart as possible, or rots one upon the other. It takes its food through either mouth indifferently, and both jaws seem to possess the same pow er. Some years ago a Missouri farmer, in plowing, found a rattlesnake which in like manner had two fully formed Ii3ads, and a merchant of San Francisco avers that he observed a similar I turn untune in a, Java snake. J'ojmhtr Sci ence Monthly. AMERICA'S CiKOWISH TKAUE. Grrnt Urinln' lw--nil-c' t'p" """ irnltrri .Htntra. Miimn ly Mr. :art ltr)iortn t ('otiRrr". (Vahtnsto:i Cor. New Voile World. J The annual report of Secretary Evart to the Houc of Ueiin-MMiUtlvci on the ajin mcrclal relations ot the Un!tvl Mate- with furcipi cnmtri'- tiowii tliat the depro'Ion In tniI; abroad continue, and that tin- la bor trouble- arc lncreains. iw "f tin padIiiKtocniiinntsftf Kuniic. ciM-oIally Orniianr, hac aiiixInteI coiiinilIon to Itne-tltethccau-of the irtr3i-ttt Sn dtftrial dciirrIoti. The .-ornlar' " the hojic of KurojK; em b.-wd uinrti I In re turning iroi'ritv o( I he l'nUu Male, but he thinlvs that wfll f n d-lu-Iw n-liam-e. fur he find-that thl country ' dii.i-ndui2 umn: and ninp- uihui It own re-otirci-, and i not biij ins: wry much fpwi frvizn mer chant. aiid manufacturer-. Thf"oiiMilar rciK.rt" from t"nnt Itrilaiti are fuller than thoe from nnj othi-rcoiiiiin . tlie rejiort for ISTT having Ju-l Imii -oil in. Tlil wa- an extraordinary jcar in the hi-to-n- of that country in tin- mailer 'f iinmrta tion. The total importation- for enii-iiuip-lion were greater than tiny liad cut Imcii lMf.ire. amounting to l,fMT.I?.g'". and the liaianceof trade apiin-t t.reat itrilaio wa- W.r..V"), more than one and : half lime-the total Imiortatiin- of the fulled -!-,!. . 'riw ffilliiuin' i.-ilite -how- the nrin- citial article.- t ImjMirt.itloii. and the alue. into the IJnttcd Kindoiii during l.-7T and Article. C iii on.. ...... ...... W lll'Sll.. ........... v Of '! .-tiuar.x Wood and tiinlxT. I i'ii .......... -ilk manufactures. Indian corn llu tier. ....... . UiUr find liarley... I'licoii mid linms.. r iciti r ! L vi II i '( (' Cliei'-e.............. All oilier articles.. If.l,Ti.Mii) l..1.IM,(il 117,r.T..i' ll.C7.;,o.j ini.iu.oo lH, .-.ll.l." oir.',i'i a.i.M) t?i.'ii.'o '.ij'Oi.oo 47,-.V.,o" fii.T-S.i" r,,T.,,UK) 4-..13.ojii Wiii'i,ii l'i,tN;.uii St,i;au) II.sM.ioi sr,jiu.wt xi,(i,oo Z',K" ."..2i.l r.i,-7-. .mtu.imi 23,I.t.s.W '.'l.mtJ.OI Total II0.sni.j JI,'.ViV.VUI Tin report remarks of this table: In tliolurcKoiii; li-t of iuiiHiitatinns (mult tin;; the deeiea-e In wheat, -turnr, mid cullcc) the iirlich"-of tneite-t importance si-Indira-tlwof tin: decline of lhitlr-h manulactiirr nre cotton, wool, nml tiuiln-r. The dciini-e ill the.e three artUJe.s diltiliK the V'iir 1-T'., a eoiiiiared with the iirredm;r, nmoiiiiled tooer J4i;mo,K). The ilccliue in the tlmhcr iiutioit, ht'iiiK very marked, chowsronclii-ie-ly thotrrcul lejire Ion in the ship huildm trndi and in the other trade.- into which wood ami timber enter ic iiliirip:d lactm-. The declea-e ill the importation ol cotton, al though not so pronounced as that in tlmhcr. is till :i.i emphatic In conuecliou with the de pression of tills Kraut industry ol Great Urit ain. The exportation from the Tinted King dom ha-declined from $ti77,r.H),0JOin 1?77 to $a.i7,108,W)0 in 1S7S. The export ation of woolen manufacture ha- de clined about $;;,UOO,00); of iron and steel, wrought nml umvrought, over $8,M),IK): coals, $ 3,fj00,00y, linen. Jute yarns, and manufactures, almost $5,.7.0,000. At the same time the report shows, what is espe cially interesting to this country, that the importations of manufactured cottons have decreased more in appearance than reality. During the five years beginning with 1S7I and ending with 1S7S, the decreat-e has been $ 07, -8i'l,000, or nearly one-third of the importa tions of 1874, while in quantity the decrease has been only one-eleventh. This is true of the decrease in exported cottons. While their value is less, the quantity exported was greater in 1678 than in 1874. The table of imports shows that the United States lead all other countries in the value of commodities sent to the United Kingdom. Their exports thither have inerea-ed from Sa.l,r7.",MW 1S72 to $:57S,,.!."I,IMM ill 1S77. The country standing next in importance in this respect is France, which in 1877 sent to (ircat Uritain goods to the value of '''J1, SM.UOO. While Franco has thus been in creasing its export trade with Creat Uritain. its imports from that Cotilitrv haw fallen otf in the sum' years from $Ji2f"r.i.",W)0 to .f!M;, Ui:i,W0. More than half of the increa-e of our export trade ha-been due to the great demand for our bread-tuffs and our wood and timber. The increase in the value of the latter, and of wheat, sugar, ami Iinli.ui corn amounts to $.i7,.Kiri,i)0. The trade between the two countrie-began to turn in favor of the United States in ISC'i. Jn ISC! the imports and exports to and from llu Creat ilritaiu were almo-t equal. In the two following wars the balance was again-t us, but since then it lias been iiicrea-iug in our favor until the above re.-ult has been reached. II. is a mi-takc to suppose that cotton from this country i- le-s in demand in IJigiand than it wa-seven years ago. Tin difference between the amounts exported in 1872 and 1878 i- not material. Oilier commodities haw grown to be relatively more important article- of commerce, but not at the e.xpcn-e of cotton. The following table will .-how the alue of the exportation- of our leading commodities for the year.- 1872 and 1877, the latter heimr the lait ear for Which complete return-are Had: Articles. 187'J. 1877. lll.W.VKlO 'i;.oii;aotxi r.'.i.W.t'eU '.'S.TC.OOO l.VJll.ouo fotti in Wheal Indian corn , P. a con and hams'. " llLt ! liVi-7.,non 'J7.171, -".P.t"! H'.,7:e,i"o The exportation of cotton in 1S77 was re markably light, and does not pre-ent a fair view of the amount of that product sent to Kuglaud. In 1878 the exports amounted to $I-.,:S..V4.0iX). The articles cnumcrntr-d constitute the most important articles of export from this Country to the United Kingdom, but they do not necessarily present the'um-t interesting data for the study of the growth of our com merce. The value ot petroleum exported (thetU'n years mentioned above are always there referred to) has grown from SLWi". 000 to ifS.iasUKKi; of Hour, from $J,J.Vi.tl00 to $7..0't.(HMi: of frc-h beef, from nothing to o.SVJ.OOO; of preserved meat, from Jisl.OiK) to S'S.SIU.OOO: of refined sugar, from nothing to ?2..s.-,000; of li-h, from SCi'i.OOO to"$l,4'Jl.iXHI; of bariev, from $41,000 to $l,Mti,000: of live animals, from nothing to $1,408,000. The following is a table of imports from the United Kingdom corresponding to the above table of exports: 1872. 1877. Iron, manufactured and unmanufactured S.Vi.W.ono n,u-il,000 Cotton manufactures '.' I ,'., 0 ll,s;s.000 Linen manufactures 1S,1(".I.) UnS.fXKl Woolen manufactures Sl.l.vs.omi tVCV.OOO Hardware and cutlery.. -l,tt;,(".J 1,570,000 All these articles were imported here in smaller quantities last year than in 1877. Our Consul-Ccneral at Loudon attributes this gloomy Mate of things for England to the fact, that American manufactures have improved by reason of 'our protective tariff. Hut he gives the true reason for the com mercial distress of the mother country when he savs: The great decline In manufacturing pros perity Is undoubtedly nl?o attributable to the fact 'that the Unitetl States have recovered from thO effects of the War of the Kehellion, which threw into ltritish hands, to a great ex tent, the work which should have been done at home. The people here, not perceiving that this was a temporary circumstance, sup posed they had got a start which could never he made tip, built mills and invested largely In the manufacturingintcrcst.belicvingthem selves to to have secured, as well as obtained, the monopoly of the world. When America revived, and, under the protective system, ic cowrcdfmm the effects of the War; when Americans nsed their own great resources for their own benefit, made their own wares in stead of purcha-ing them, this great outlav beeame in a great degree useless, and the ii: nction began. Some of the present depression will doubtless he only temporary, but it is very generally acknowledged bv manufactur ers them-clves. as well as by careful writers and thinkers, that fon-ign competition has en tirely changed the aspect of thesuhject and as permanent! v affected the prospect of liriti-h manufacturers. In this paragraph he agrees substantially with Prof. Itonamv Price in his article in a recent number of the Xorlh American J!c vinc. What Mr. Kvarts calls a seeming trade contradiction" consists in the fact that while wc have been selling the United Kingdom good- in exee.-s of what we have bought, we have at the same time been exporting gold and silver coin and bullion in a much larger amount than wc have imported it. The same is true of our entire foreign trade. The show ing of the report that is greatly to our discredit is in respect to our tonnage. The freight earnings of most of the a.-t carrying trade between America and England goes into Kngli-h pockets. .Notwithstand ing that we .-ell Kuglaud more than any oth er country, the tonnage of the United "state stands eighth in "the list of coun tries clearing ves-els at the ports of Creat Uritain. The following table .-peaks fr itself: Flag. Rritisu Norwegian.... German Ficnch Swedish Italian Danish United States. Total tons. . .- .1 ,,fc.,T35 . .... i,sj,3t.f ..... 1 ,371, 0-0 ..... .VjI U,- i'i fiis.t'-so t17,otl3 ..... .V:l,;V'l Tbee tizurcs arc especially siuiticant when read iu eminectinn with "tin repnrt of our own liurcau of Statistics 1STS. hovvintr that the tonnage of J!riti-h ve--cls enteri'tl at our own jiorts wa.- .V. 2:K.rT"i. while Auicrican tonnaire was only :700.l.4:7, ami that our whole merchant ina rme had a tonnage of but 4,21.7fr. The Secretary write- a- follows in conclud ing: The balance of trade in favor of the United State.- U very much more than one-halt the total balance in favor of all countries. Tlie contiuuallv increasing -ulnuie of the export trade of the United suited at a time of universal depression and while- cxportatious of ttie Iraillne manufartnrtngcoaiitrt d lt iojm areiJecjenWMK man alArmlne nUe. t a ernttfjlnz rtflfnre of flic ! lit ulo nl niir fiiri'lifn eotiiH rcc and lull oj proml-? Jr (iittirr: it- rl jMiinit. If. at f ho imut lHauei rioun Uiif In tlie orM' coihinerre, Iimo irvj.tnt lis rramjx-J tle tieTxV? oimI 1j dwtlii- d Hie W oaf lo. Iitm cmtrnrtrd fonnuta'-turi'o r rofupletc tjrBatlon Ua ar alyrnl the tmtufrtr of Lnrope ph wltli tliHr idino-t limlUe rnitial awl kc riah l(lied tiiwl" n'lMlot Hjr maoitlac-imer- and xjxirter luo woo ncli a iiln tld mcce-. KotKUTUcIy t)aliUff. IntlMr t" face ol ctiiinnilal ana Imla-frtal lr inlr. It may tw oMtuui-d that, with retumlm: jji1 -rity to lie wt-ral ouunecx1nl nation, our jilaie lo tlio future must lx In tliePO front. Tlio want" ot Kqrri arc ero Kti-nler i-ar lj year, and the day i at hand when the alrnot e.hantl rpoun- of tier t'lill'-d .-tale- will b" t--tiHt to the lullet ai tent l Ktiru-nn deniand for breml-tu2. A NEW .MEXICO TKAI't'DT. In IVhlt h n Vim:tn llsnrr- ! I- i:-li.-wi! Ifjf tie- tirlsliml Kill.- K.-inli-r. '-Mi ix I to the CliiiiHHiiti J-.tMtMtrvr St. Ljt i-. Augu-t:"i". sheriff White hill of ('rant t'ountv. New Mexico, i- in St. Inii-. en route for Imlianapoli-. whither he i- taking a bright l- ear-old Iniy, named .b-ie ('ranger. The lad i the nephew of li-hop t "rangerof Indian-apoli-, and the .-heriff i-confident that the Ihiv father, who wa.- the ISi-hop-brother. wa- murdered at the iu-ti;pt-tion of none other than Kate Ib-mler, who -ix war- a;o wa- the mo-t odioti womau in the United State-. Jt will re quire no effort on the part of the reader to call to mind the Hciulcr faiuih. who for -everal year- kept a human -laugh-tcr-liou-e in the -diape of a little ho-tel-rie mi a loneh Knii-a- road, about ' mile- from Fort Scott. The traciujr of a prominent citi.en named York to their hoii-e, and thedi-cowrj of hi- murder, led to revelation- of the uio-t horrifinr character, ami thegri.h old murderer with hi- inhuman family tied in jrreat ha-tefroin the wrath which niii-t follow the di-eowry of the graw-ard which thev had made all around their hoii-e. Whether they were overtaken and all hitched, or whether thc really e-eaped and -cattercd, has al ways been an open qui lion. The mo-t ticiidi-h member of the family wiis Kate, then a -tout oung woman, who-e ihew had grown great in wielding the hum mer that cru-hed trawler-' -knll-. The -tor which the Sheriff of ("rant County tell- ha- reference to Kale. He -a-tliat William !". ("ranger, 1 he father of the boy now in hi- charge, married a wife iii California, and when -he died moved with hi- -on William, a weak minded, cruel -oil of a boy, to Fort Smith, Ark. A -econd marriage took place there, and .lo-ie was the i tie. lie look into hi- family a- uur-e and -ervant a young woman who had been a dome-tie in a hotel, and who went by the name of Dora lie er. The family mowd to (Itatit County. New Mexico, ami lorn went along. The -econd wife died, and on the 1.1th of la-t eptcinber ("ranger married Dora. .Iu-t three v.cik- after that he wa.- enticed into the mountain- by hi-own -on, William, and a man named Tar-on Young, and the boy lired a bullet from a needle-gun through the old man's brain. They dug a hole, jammed the body into a heap and threw it in, then covered il up and -tamped the ground level, (ioing back home they divided the old man"- po se. ion-, amounting to about ."Ci.immi. Young taking one-third, William one third and I he bride of three weeks one-third. The authorities -u peeled something wrong, and a .sheriff went lo the ("ranger hoii-e to arre-l the trio, lie found them all in bed together, and hidden under the bed were the old man'- gray clothe-, which Dora had chopped into piece-. William wa closely qiu-iioned and linalh acknowl edged that hismothcrnml I'ai'-oii Young had tixed up the job on the old man and induced him to do the killing, the object beiiix one of plunder. lie h-d the otli cei's to the scene of the murder, ami the body wasoxhuined. Since then the be lief has been growing that Dora is Kate Lender She acknowledges that her n:"iie is Kate, and she know- a deal alm.ii the Benders. A young man who went to school with Kale Mender when she was about Hi years old vi-ited Dr.i in jail, and positively identified her a Kate. In her trunk was found about !?.( Hi worth of siherware, nio-i ot it marked "("alt Ilou-e. Kentucky."" The Shei'T has In-r picture, and it repre-etits a woman about ." years old. with full, heavy face, large lower jaw. very .-mall eye-, and a mouth of a virago. The woman i- -till in jail, and will soon be tried. Meanwhile, the -he riff intend to give the little boy ,Io-ie, who i- very amiable, intelligent, and who give- a graphic account of the murder, in charge of Hi-hop "ranger. Eleclricily in .Morning ("lories. La-t evening a gentleman of thi- city accidentally made a mo-t -ingular di eowry rc-pect ing the electrical inllueiice of the ordinary morning-glory vine-. Seated near the lattice work oxer which the vine wa- trained, his attention wa attracted to a single little branch tipped wi,h a growing line extending -traight o it from the re-t, and speeulaicd within himself whether the tjny hail's with which the stem w.i- clothed were not placed there for the purpo-c of conduct ing the electric illtid of the atmosphere to the plant. In order to continue hi-inve-tigalion, he approached his linger within a half an inch of it, and was amazed to ob-erve a -light almost im perceptible, yet uiiiuiMakable--motion of the stem. As he pushed his finger a little nearer, the stem trembled very visi bly, and was -eemingly attracted and repelled from him. The hairs which he noticed before did not move, but re mained erect. There wa.- no wind at the time, and the motion was purely an induced one. After thi- intere-ting ex periment he placed the end of his linger within a .-hort di-tancc of the growing bud. and slowly moved it in a circular direction. The -tern followed the mo tion until it was bent in the shape of a letter C, ami, when the linger was with drawn, instantly regained it former straight position. This last experiment was witnessed by several per-on-, all of whom tried it. with varying nieces.-. Lafayette (n.) Courier. - The Dumb Speak. The most wonderful event for many months occurred at Ft. Sanders on Saturday, or at least lii'st came to the knowledge of l.nrnmic. The daughter of (Jen. Flint, commanding at Ft. Sand ers, ha.- for nearly .-i years been entire ly -pe-eehle-s. her voice having de-eitcd lier in a moment and without appaivnt cause. A short time ?ince the young lady with a number of po.-t people start ed out on a camping tour through Colo rado, and while at Denver the miracu lous part of the whole matter occurred, the power to articulate returning to Miss Flint as suddenly as it went away. None but tho-c who have experienced a similar misfortune for -o long a time, can ever know what a wonderful sensa tion it inu-t have created in the (Jenenir family when on Saturday the daughter returned to her home, and for the liit time in -ix year? .spoke the name of those who had almost lo.-t all hope that they would ever hear her voice again. The many friend- of the family will unite with" them iu lejoicing over the happy occurrence. Laramie Times. Mr. Julian Hawthorne's new .storv of ' Archibald Malmaison" i-- .stated to J be a true one, the events taking place m the present eenturv, and within a hun dred mile- of Iximlon. Even the name are true ones. The curious psycholog ical study pre-eiited in the character of Archibald MalmaUon deeply intere-te-l Dr. Ilollinon. for many years a friend of the Malma'son family-; 'and from his son. the late Hr. Fbr5o IJollinstm, Air. llawthonie obtained the stntngc facts of hi? story. l'ASIUU.N MTKS. -AH m-n pm nrnde -rlth ol- bow 4ef. -mo rfrr wa.M.1 in.- "'"" J;-1-- I'ink ami ereM a mlUr la fa- .,,,. . i ., i " ,l M,,:T " tri,w-1 '1U - - ored rmbrvMvry. link ami -ilrer h m of th twvt ctiniMtMt i.-k m j:3M'. - Dttjr'j. ntnl fwl. WmI- w -tl ii favor for pm-il fcH-. - Sum v f w Weal in iUiM gwJtl mttkc the pteltH-t of 1T- ItW-. J IHII- Wtrtb ! M'llfttttr Agf . MiitX IhM - Prim- dnwnrti mt rHtrn)in ".tBiMan l. l"rt " l'-in.l- with -ktrl -kirt-. " I " ti"wl i-r. mfm kf hh fur - IK-ket- mv tJn fnruril' gift for a hrHlgrMm t. K-tow on tin bride-. ..... iji- t ll..r--. l ottott llerHAm- nru cimmiii nmi t . m mm 1 tit-.ttv- nml ukrti IM111L utiin'iir tl tb.v are -tyli-h. ( - FreiH-h lace i- tt-.d !. nml I--, ; black Hrototi havittg rej4cMl it br many jntrpo-t . -Coitfirlble hhI pn'ttv gown- Hikve -hurt -kirt-of Mark -utiu ami grenaIin dntperie-. Some of the pretty knit -haw I- havo a ribl(,n of velvet run into tin liorder by the ay of trimming. --Handkerchief- to match lawn nml tmi-lin -uit.- have ll- .if dre.- giMnbj -titdetl around a while etnter. - The -h.tpe of ril4n 1mw- hnvo changed completely . They are iki kmg- er maiic uitn -mi iop-and cwt-, iku mutton "1 tin-applicant, a vMMt. Iw nieivly with very long luop- nml v itlnttit i ing graled a- jit-rittAttlt- iu rtr par- ativ end- at all. Never was the beauty of -tlkcn fabric- carried to mi great an extent. There is a -oft richiie- alnnit the -a4in-. a depth iu the whet ami a variety of Itini in tin- fancy li-.-ne- that ha.- never yet been equaled. High strapped sandal-of manviu colored ami naw blue French morocco have Ihiii itit!iMlnee.l iu l'arl-. 'I'hey an buttoned on the side of the feet, am! worn with plain -ilk -locking- of h coii-tra-ting color. A new fancy in trimming liable-' gown i- to iimki them ratlu-r snoit. and to trim them iu the -ami way a- the un dci'skiit. Very long trains arc worn for full die, but th.Tv -lnmld Im'IhiI little trim m'ligoii the train. lMivwwroaloraethe re-l of the robe may Im., cut on the -amn uineiple as a gentlc'iinn--hooting Imui nct, are convenient and comfortable for summer exeur-ion-. The new dotted net is made into lie- trimmed wiili l'ugli-h or Aloiieou point. The-e are men lighter than tho.-c of India mu-liu. Some of the coining Unmet- have formidable -coop haped front.- (hat hide the face. It take- about a hii-hel uf flower.- to trim tun-. hint- I'm: thk pomim: -i:a.-in'. The fir-t novel inaierialsforautumuare in delicate -hade- of gray, blue, cent mid ma-th. or putty -color. The-e are combined either with a -oft -ilk which i- called 1'oiupndoui' beeau-e of il- mix ed color- and -mall liiruiv-. or they are mixed with a plain -ilk which matches tie material, -tinl iheirimmingi-figured or -tripeil -alin. .'-oineliiues the -ide-plailing-on the -kill are of plain silk iMirdercd with the figured which .-np-plie- the trimming for the upper portion of the o-tuine. While ca-hineres ami white liitititi-'s of fir-t quality form some of the haml-ome-t co-tiime- that are to be worn all during the nijlumu months. For -ileh fabric-, and the -ea-on, velvet is not eou-idered too heavy for trimming, ami very beautiful ilrc-.-t-. show a skill of warm brown, black, or rl-c dark green velvet, with which then: will be, to match, a w-t, collarette, and -ide-pl.lilcd I'll lib of veil ct Upon the elbow sleeves. The panier i- a prominent form of drapery for the-e charming dre es, which al-o-how loops of riblmu for garniture, but seldom have any laco added, except the niche and necktie. The matinee, a long hoti-e-sacque intro duced early iu the pre-ent sea-on. i- .-till selected for morning wear, iu place of the regulation robe or wrapper, and re cently thi- ib-igii ha-appeared in showy cotton fabrics with beautiful colorings, and is bunched up iu panier style and decorated with gay ribbons. A great deal of yellow chiuy and braid lace is u-cd to trim a matinee of pale blue cam el" hair or downy -faced tlaiim-1. Satin bam!- of contrasting colors are al-o clil ployed, and these are often edged with narrow white Malle-e lace, placed -moothly under the edge of the satin, which requires a lining. Matinees of dapaiic-e blue foulard arc worn with black silk skirts in the revival of the latter as an accompaniment to a variety of upper dres-e-, ami from two to four shades of ribbon are employed in the extra trimming of such toilets. A fa vorite garniture for matinees, as well as for poionai-i- of ca-lnnere and foulard silk, coii-i-t- of -ide-plaitings of the ma teria! bordered with -trong white lace. - Ihmwtir Monthbi for 'firml.r. High-Priced Vanity. I haw lately discovered the way in which Chine-e girls paint their faces in l'ekin. They lir-t take a quantity of sugar-candy, which they nib lavi-hly over i heir hands. They then ".-inarm" thi- delectable co-metic over their cheek- and forehead till they are xs -hiny a- the moon, and as -tieky :ts though they had washed themselves in treacle. The surface thus prepared, they proceed to lay on the white pow der, which they spread thickly from ear to ear. and then put on the rouge. Their sub-eqitent -i-n-ations niu-t be imagined; I have never heard them described. lkin I.ctl-r. One Eye That is Always Drunk. An Allegheny phy-ician. who. in hi way. is a great wag. tells a -tory of a North Side gentleman who for year- ha--uffered from periodical attack- of what in medical parlance is known a- -uper-orbital neuralgia. (Quinine proved of no effect, and the sufferer was almo-t .raz ed with pain. A kind-hearted old lady living in the iicighlvorhood of the patient informed him that if he would cut the affected nerve with a pair of cN-jrr. or j km.w nnII1:in, :i,, tMat the wni' w a knife it would give liiin no further,. H.r,I m,k,H.wn to the jury, ami, in troirfde. It ?o liappencd that the -uper ..I.;r.l i.t--i i- the oiii- wbieb control- w.......i ,... . .... --- ... . the action of the eve-lid, and it further happen-that w lien a man i- inliipiortlii- ' nci-ve iiecoiin-, ami ii i im- . that irives a tlnmken tier-on -ueh :i com- i-i ieal exprc;-ion alnjut the cvcj. The neuralgia patient iu shukt heard what 1 i .i i . r I... lie -uppo-eti ui" welcome m-w- uom mv , old la.1v than 1,.. rei.aired to lii- do-et audwnth a jack-knife parted in twain the , offending nerve, am lit lie now giccus in- , friend- with his right eve a.- -ber as Quaker in a quarterly meeting, and the left in a higlilv intoxicated "condition. ,. i. . . , ...m ..- i. .. :. ,.- merlvdidlogoona Wnder.-PilUtorg ?r J j -A Weslev-an chapel with ritualistic i ii -it ui. iniiv .-i' mill fiT i -".. . i. i j services i- among the recent religions i novelties of England. The edifice ha.-. a,l Kunners arc reonel .as " -counng Iowa, Misitmri and Kansas ' in jmrsuit of tlnxscotl incitetl, it is said, by al leged serious failure of the crop in India. -i tt-iii-i-iir !ino cnancei. l nc iMiinik. .. ..... .-. , , , . l .x. .m..... t. wniK .i iii-nsui ktitr Hjjr-x crH.tar" tsu.tu . font are of Caen stone, bcauUf.illy cut. VVTL J " ! j J .hr,tnaag,,f the 3I-.tho.lk4a thtu J-J- with shaft, of Mexican onyx The n re- " Law n ' CTJ w- Th4 fn-r Wfll d Uie -tne u irc-arv tlta - .. W, ! iZZTlTs f iknn to Wyaniioue, op-Jte IJvn u rupl arnl m pro- ,Zm &. -ocks. It is known as tlie Cha of St. City, irrcan,l a hor-, ami started cr- ' mimyMumtnt. rwr,a.aly -Tha MhW . John Mannin'-ham, Hradfonl. inl Mi-J-own. ' -Thrr ar? pafh-tnjng r-tah-f - "f".,pm aad tin iSalot. "Pr.-a 1 rt ' a voi: hkovvn's akkkst i febrwrats hi i'.akiMKrr. rrh emphtrhpg f"d UaV Umr," aad othrt- Vaa- i MlTKi:iOl s ( m:. .'r ",'tt. VitL'Tr".': ... .W-l tw t .., ! It-ftM' 1- s.-vv.jfiv'swcr.:"" .-,...r ,--T , , . . March thr- it-rrt m"tj-ilT tn ! wni uf IW Wn ml Hmmim mt . wl . m thr r.4m -f lh rjanm Trtmm ibn-tt lW wImi trf tj, if-Vrnu-h. a trmrph 4Mii t A man miml J W ili!!ma. ml" btrmrfy l-frn a r-t"tt i Jjrr. ' Ka... kjwl l--n . -W4lh killed. It tin- nHtnt tf ft.". m l iirw rrarltrtl tbr CitT ! Ijmrtr'. wWtr Ililtmait - writ tkimM, riitw iuwit , ; werr rnr- ri m. tt ijh irm d l .l ' . .. : .,. J ----- vw- w- - wmw- mw w w pi ! II' wm TUK.-H ii rr? In the kMooth of DpMlcr kw4 HUl nwn, a n "pf4 i" lpiwnpat-, ppyptird for Mtt in-4inuMt' toi Vtt Mfi U Ukr -uug Mtv-utit ( V.t"'. in tlc tikminj; COtlt'tMUifl. ('HHMTi-Itt til Mmh1 IMc, ?i."". Mutual Lf -f N- WW. t,. "'; New Yrl lje uiium- a mount ing -l.s, Ihr ptv--iutti)uUv to a)iMit iM.i. liill ltitMtt-l iar llu iM-untmc of hi- .n volitHMi. lit rj- tv-eut.-l u Ihr afttt f lb r-tntM h- tj, fa. w, tn-t-t" ta thr tm-jtn-- j f -im k-tk-bi . pun hiig and Ji- ' piug -tn k in larg- qnantitir4 fnm tnr j frHtti'r. After the UMUtl Uprt"al rvm- I tH-itUr ; at I ial ht Rr-t sm-Mnttpu iHviniuin- a,- -M.n a-, i fee Miifis aiv re, rived. I lilluiHti w- a married man : and. of ihim-, in - uf drath. tar " wa- payable o hi wkttHir. Time p.-v -d on. Il wit in ih-.- m'd4 of winter, and during tor winU-r IIUI iHati anl a nun named .1 11. Hrn nale -veraJ jinirney- ti tin- Town of W'm Itita. which U mImhM ." utik- -ull fnm Newto.i. mi tb Him4 of lht AUhi--oii, TtjM'k v anla IV Kailt ad Fnm Wichita a trip was mae through lUi Imhii' and Kingman iniiiti,-, rt-lurniug via Dotlgc City. Ijtft February Ilitlman returned to I-twn-iKt-. si spll'ION AHOl sl.i While he was at liwrriMe h mH Maj. Wi-eman. -jKtial agent of th .Mu tual Life lu-ii! ami-, who taken Hiiiiiiaii'- apli-atitii in lb month d Det ciuIn-i- jniu-lt fr l'. inni ( Wi-eiii.tit knew- HilltMan II). ami couver-ed frely nMn many topi-. Ca.-ually Hiiiiiiaii :t-kellhe Major ihmmv peilineiil que-tioii- qtH lion- whiK aroii-ed the Maj-tr- -u-pt uni- th.t llill mau wa- contemplating -outfitting "enMikcil." Th" -jK' agent at tw Ingan taking note- a- ! tht more pre-ci-e and po-itive iib-ntilieatioii of Hill man, should he iu the future turn up dead. In the Major' Mirwy of ilillinni' he noticed a tooth out iu hi- tipper h'ft jaw; which fm t event milly provisl of very materiul inqhuta in tnl ia-4-. Hiilmait. in a -lnut periol aftei llti viit to liwreiice. returned to the 'lwn of Wichita: ami shortly afl-fwiiiil-Wi-eman wa-made aware or tJw ptr ported aeciileittal death of lliUnian. Hillmau had V III .-IM'- I'.VKTM.K .N.VVIKI' J. II. IIUCiVVN, and Ilillniau- death wa- -;ihI to have been from accidental -lnwrting at the hands of this partner: and it wa.- further -aid tliat tie ldy of the deciMMtl wa buiied .it Medicine LMgc. Wiseman iu-tauth -u-pcej.-d -oiinthing wnmg in i tin- reported death ot iiiiiimui. It wa 1 but a brief H-riod after Ilitlman had made tho-c pertinent and upHHHi ; querie- at Lawrence, and only a -hort thiee month- after Hillmau had obtain ed the large iu-uraiice upon his life. j The iii-uruiicc agent began a mo-t thor- oiigli inve-tigatioii. witli the view of a ) ii-rt. tilting il Hillmau w.i- a-a-- -el'ted. Wi-email proceeded t Medi I cine Iidge, the alleged burial-plae. ac companied by an attorney (Col. Walker, a well known attorney of l-iwiciicc), with the determination to have the ai ! legeii body of Hillmau di-iulerred, and I prow beyond doubt that it wa- Hillmau. Wi-i-maii. Col. Walker, and Mr. Til-linglia-t. the (b-ucal Agent of the New 1 Yoik Life lu-unuice ( 'oiuii.iuv. reached Medicine Lodge mi thc'l-ulay of March la-l ju-t fourteen t.i after I he dale it wa- alleged the accidental fatal -hooting of Hillmau occurred. u their arrival at Medicine Lodge they nut three person- Levi and AlU-rt Haldwin, and .1. II. Hrovv. i, the partm-r of Hillmau. and who, it w.i- alleged, had arcidentalh killed Hillmau by -hooting. The I'.abf-win- were from Iiwrenei'. ami had gone t Medicine Lodge to look into matter-. Hillmau being a friend of their-. what w t-KM vn ii'vi:itr.ii. Wi-eman in-i-ted that the alleged corp-e of Hillmau -1hhiI1 be taken from the grave. All the panic-then priM-eed-cd to the graveyard, ami in a few inin ii i- theeolliu wa- ruicd, and thecorji-e therein expo-ed to view. Major Ww man could not n-eogiii.e the l-inly a tluit of Hillmau : neither wa- the upper jaw tooth mi ing. which Wi-eman ktr Hiliutu'i did not po e when he H,ket him over in l-iwieiice, not many week-previoii-ly . When "Wi-cin.iu was convinced that the ImmIv taken from the grave wa- not the 1m,." of .1. W. Hillmau. the Major verv wi-"elv kept Iii- eoiivictioii- to hint--elf, and per-iiaded the 1'nidwiii- to take the corp-e to anrciH-c, and thereby give Hillmau'- widow an opjMirtunity to erect a haml-oiue uioiiuiiH-itt U tin? memory of her dead hu-ltnd out of the iirocced-of the fund- from the life in-nr- ance compaiiie-. The It.tblwin- and j Hrovvu agreed tliat -ucli a et-nr-f wnhl j Iwadvi-ablc: and tJvcoq'-e wa-lroighl j into Medicine Lodge, placed iu anKlT I lmx. and -.arted for liwrem-e April ". j On the morning of ih- :"ltif April, the alleged corp-e of Hillmau. ami thow who had lrii to MttiiciiM' Ilge. ra-h-et I Itwreiice. Maj. Wi-eiimn aj'ri-e! the Coroner ami flu Male- AttriMy of j hi- coii", ictioit- and ibmbts alMtt the coni-e being the body of Hillmau. and an inqne-t wa- m-bl U a-cTt-nin ii iiiii-man- ImmIv wa- or wa- not contaiMd in thecoflin." The re-nlt of tlv inp.-t. after -i.x lav- careful inve-tigatioii. awl i the ciri-e Ix-mir viewe-i bv niany who ! the opinion of the iurv, k wa- tht coni-e of -tune man who eniiie to hi- , ', IN A I'KI.OMOI- MA.NNKi: ; , , ,. ,.,,.., (Hill-i man- partner), umwii. tin t.aniwin-. ; nml Mr-. Hill man were the tir-wttne--- exii imined. Hniwn tleuihl iniimtely , ., ,,5,MMM fm- - X TlJH ""ltrr . ,w :. wm.,t.HM.. .! - . - ..... t,.w w . -hot h ., inn1, u ;i- iiiiiuhiH ,. .- liim. Mr- Hillmnn -wtr that the-.-rpr wa tliat of lnr bn-baml: that -he saw - mi-gnw-lit nyge-tmi. -in not bv anv -p-ial mark Jthr wjt-, ne.--es. of high -landing. -wtv that the H " tha. ,,f HMntan; and , wo-.- """ -v . - or. a si-ier oi iininian -- ith the iicvewpmenis wnicn me jn- was issued after thr Oronrr- Tardici. "Was I St own a mardnT of -at aa fortutiflte TjiorMiI. whose Kfe was nnwle a sniriilce to win for other- tbe wmmH i prize of .-?o,U,J? witat were ta or- .4iw- t-f-jn' lig tM- M. jn4y fO-MW-atv Mt UW ! f Mtb'' ktM.) Wf - HHHo-.h Wl -r-W mi lr.t .t-nr to lpfr !' 4 w -wttr rw ij-i. u- jU p .Miiii.liMikm.itM tk -- uflrrwl U. Mp I4 p-n.4. IK- lbl m tfl Jtw. Crtn a 4riM4-n u. -.. 1 tW ! dlrrt It-MdM Wt t fc. IV .--.. M r-an-Mi t Wiplbtte, lwr id ! Vmr- HtR Mator a amar-4 Mil llkp I Hillman, Ilrt-. anltlkr te ,lr a4' ia--4-f ( am n-j-f-wurd ao iKm 4 AlWithaa Ihr Mafcw h-Blnl Nlv" lipsSTprriiittpHii h-- an ?t pHwartPtlpB A Xrtrh "f VrmX S IpotW'o IHr mm mpV . ,4 ? 4T fjMMPol UM4r. MMl Hr lHt-t- and mv mufwmlm hwHpml fpfr H wiw I'mth In lrrroaa It. fath-rr Jei vW Frank wa Vr- tkj a yar nhl llk n-aW-r raarw tht -paprtry. aad tiird at NVw ihrV-aat t'tprt hr wa' ImiI I - pintlp 4tl I ! ra ed h-j -- rkartal4- frp-fir l Twta i'rit-an. and. altrr jmaiijt tw hm htwtl. w ainprrw-J ihtt th (wtr 1 ( k-tb r tfeiw that hr ti-t 4 Fa'rtr tUr aml I )iUirttr, A Hi . W at :W --.. K ma . " w .wm- mvm w -ww- I " t ftft tl 'L. .-a -- - - -- - hr had -i M the hil? .- 1 k tta, rt.dlt..liii-ri.-naikf.l w . m' - -w-p -- --- hot! thai lltllmaa aad - b-Ail at. and brvantr utkitr withthrw. Ik W-n Wahtt Mmt. I an! went lo (Kionl. W wih-- ptath. to tx0r l mmr nmr tlnr lot- -arl;. tat n io .him 4 hU ftrWwt thai ht t IVlpthtl 11 Mimitivrrti: it iiiuh i wmus1 ai $ a monih and fitwd. mmd Mt4 hh friend' adttcv in mntnl lo thhi lie -talrd !tulhr that HUtmail "" pU-lily of monry . hatituj h.-4 httn lanvlk HttaJata nml r HMit. in a Itank in Ijrra4-r f -iMr j's1"" Hi- frf nd adtw-atl htM to at erpl the ituat- &i 4 . and hr lobl lln-tu afirt-aanl that hr had. and. -fiv reatinj WnhitA. pmrnipwil ta wrtlr t them: Wl. wp ! daiv !-- hat nrvt-r r-4-ricl any tnirr fnm him Uillniitn antl Hnwn h(t Wirblta at .1 1 tn., Man h ". antl went -,ith inatt-atl f n a tUtfrrtml Haute (mm that --. rilntl It, t trow a at ihr Uniurua d canitted on tnr i w -kin, nmr mth -th l vvttlina. the n-t tlay inry tamprti ...... . .. .i tn tin- Nrn-ah. nrat' xnntan . Ihr nrvi lay they fed al nw at thr twn -4 Wellington, la tin vW-infct " tht- pl.Me thry wtrf Nithnl. a prcvi-Ht-lv arratprnl. A(t-r diiiarr they -tailed tn their " ami w rut by thr way tif Anthony anl .Mdeln' l4fe. the pUcc whrre ihr hf injf -irtr4, ( thing- that trirttl altrr inr lliree mrn Mtt-l n-ar Welntt ran tnt Im- tvi.tled 1h-iv. .--nlphv H It Nay. that tun of tin- party left, and thr ttthVr travelrd l.grtn"-r In a bively idaee fourlim nih iw-th of Medicine IMlgr, the totin); wk place. I'ht thret mrn Mrown, lll nmu in-l Nh htl were Mrnj(vn in larlMir Cottttty. thr il whrrr thr loiing tMi-nrrt-tl lninj alcnit l" m4h -Milhwt4 tf Wiebka. KU4IWN muoii.vti.m; roil immimii. When the vhhn.r w rt- rheil..! tka HinU-l t.t a mnnh-r. I5nwn, tw l-etri' s ltd. -kittt tail at night, and ha nttt la-en -Mt-u in the nnglitorhtttMl .d liwrrmr imhv t ntler an a--aiturd name Im hsi.- nt ! Mine har! ol Hijjby. Mo . antl wu- terttl lo Im nr gotiaiinr, :hrHt--h Ui- father anl lrth er, br imntunity fittm jHitiUbiocnt. in. viiH'tt w wtniiu iiiviMin ine wir An attempt t i capture I'tow h failed. antl prcttv leliabh ic'iorl" have il tb.vt Im- ha- jmiinl lliilimiu in the ljt It i -lalrtl that l'rwn -nl wrd from .Mi hii i that he htnoclf lhl nl do the killing, a he i laiineil in hi- l--tiniony iM'fori ihr Copihiit'i jnry ; and that, if ircd pr4ectiiM, hr wnhl turn Male'- rvidenvr. Hrttwu Iu- ex -apitl : Hillnwtn, who wa -npM-eil to have len drnd, i- la. licvfdio)f nine; tin ittiraiit-r -on-panie- have int pai-I one cent of thr j''.",ooi iu-iintliee: the w tif HHi iii.iii ha- not forced (be itUgtd claim in the -h.i'ffof a -uit to niakr thr lttur auee i ompiinie- pay their retie H-k-. and )Htipb- ionver-4int with thr i -a- ht ilate mt tt oHnly expiv tnr Itrlit f that Mrown ami HiiitHun kilhl Nit led- with the avtiwed JHirj-r of dr ct iving the ii-iinuce eoiitinr. Mr Hillm.m reib iu Iiw rente. I have within the pat "2 1 hour- Ih--w ricH -oinc information : anl. if it pnti - important a- I I-Ihvc. the Chh-Mffo Trtlmtf will ere long le iIm meilbou which will effect the arrc-t tif ltb I '.row n and Hillmau. K. i. .-. Two Men Slay n Hear tilth CIiiIm. Hon Ii H Mattt-ou atrl famili. with a panv ipmii i ih.i, arv at iinnm oartv from I tn.i, arv ai ilnwrrt Liike. iu HamilloM 4 mint v ' In In-- dav afternoon John Kahn. a wtrtlT Cermau, iu Mi. Matleon- rmphy . and .Iih- IMie, a llaiiiiittiti Countv gwdr ,; native :hm! to the uuiiincr lrH. were jg- ing up tlie HHHinuiiu. near uit tin- HHHinuiiu. near tnr l with a tittin tif hr- . hIh-m tin raltKn: of a chain attracted their altratron. ' I bin i- oxen." -aid Mr. Kahn. !'t pr-enlly tin- lr- renrrd anl jr kt up their ear- ami -howetl -igi- t(f fright. Iheir Hih-k m-tril- hml ri-;ht the -iiH-H of a lar. ami .b' Iim nmU-r -ii the im-uuing of thir inovpiurn The ior-s were fa-tiicd to a trt, nml Mr. ibthit and Mr. iim eontimtrd thfir e.rch till the found a hugr ctiMjht hi tne fool in a Iwnr-trao rattling furi-m-ly tm chain w WW h hrbt lrr. 'ITh nun prKe.tbtl to ami tmm-elie-wrth -U.wt whilc-a-h ehd-. ami. approaching 1'niin. they prrpare.) for a baiil-l'-S-iHl rnr-aiHer. .Iim Ijw hah the ir ihw. whirh angrr.1 thr Iwar. who tnrnrti fnrKHi-h tnt .ban Italia tf , -br etarld h.e etr)nittt the i4 frtn i the trip. h w.tnhl hate lm left ia ! t.Hr ctmlitioii tell Ik- -lor? of hi ' exdoit-ttt-tlay . Hut a- it wa 'thr tin- ternhrtl IC-iIim d-a nrn -n-'ir) I ! thr not, w tin-It itrew nr-t mi Uh- Hh- I men. The Itrsir ithtmetl brr trrth and j dtMd her xaiinut- Ut aptHru-h ir-r. i They rnr n. 3,d by coniiiHietl bb-w- : lahl hr low. Shr fell with a bmdgptnn ami g:ie a., -dgit t.f life. Hut whn thi apfroo htl t claim their pri -he m(- ilenh hnrhtl hrr-tdf baekoiihe. hnwnrhr ami unolr a leijtrat effort lo rem-w thr tight. A few mop lm-w- fia-h't! her. Imwever. I le wa a -he Nstr." -ahl Mr. Halm, "ami he weigh.l It! jHiml. ami wa- thin." Mr. .M!ti--m' arty dinwl tn ltnk Ttnrduj, and th arrival of -oine tif tht choWt; cnt- in t'tica to-ktv fnllv veriji- John !"ahn' . rrr. Ir.air ory.--()M-i (.'. '.) 'A Mr. .1. IS. Olcou piott-s "dd eht tT ami inn wrrll aonainlfl with thin- ami nti of ttmU-r " a- -ariag, writh a hnmh of fact and rxirv-ner U jrve . ltml an -hHT.- put Jv. rrr gr-M wnll U totirb'-r and wear hogr. f.- th- ra.-on that the kunina.ed jil r rms n-tl tt, Imding hilr ,ft. Simp-on College. at Imliamda. . . Iowa, -. alnrat to clo., and profeaWy iv xi hand- during lb parking hm . mm x - ' Vmwm "'"'- -mmm -. inr are at -nr'n a- Iwaa aa- I oxutlhr ii'.. m . . ' r i. 1 wj. wwrwpaa w ww v-a rw A-a,a4tww2a afiWPwwpraarw t wppw hnnag 6.b unt mu te-t ww. fitwn i far- i ing th'i whok l la-t -;too. - - 1 Plflflpppppl riKi it rK t ri'KTrvK. - v- .. vn r" -- I---- '-). A TmmhmmAtvimJ "'"'J'? " " Tir ! ' ' UL. Wk .. . ..! t mm '! -r. I 1 tM 9. -T -" pp I p 1 otp. .. . -: 'Sm ipppftpp. wttta TA w Pp(1 aa4 ICpfpir !. VrfcrtlpaK 1 m arf-Mi Imp!. - - - -Ww a - - -'. t UV m.i$ -.w M- . Motpi my m mm lHl. m ya hnw n pitwt 4 ti . m l Ihr r. . 10 tm (h -! yt. ' I r . Hw'111t t p rwWrd fmlml hpl nil thw- '.i.., " tlS1 MJfrr1 tlfMpW ppB piI xj . ta- rwrtMpt iw .ynpipji- B-atfw ---, m! Mkr wa tkat IpW th-tr . mikm lo ptaU-4u , ha tmt. fl U tMr.P- -- lh t iliWin, aft Wr (Mir tfhr po nrfa t4 rt-ffct ab-u-N-4 tAk MalnrHl .. . jj,. , vlfc fc 4 , wSm., !. mivm M ttm itm-iM. mt ,-?-.. . .- , it-n. . j .. J- ..l ! ...V .- - -. IPP MUMr ( pk ! pf. - A"il h tapr mff tlr JM !. Ajmw (iiton s a ixarr iih tpp-Mgpp-t ' ta 4 Ij.. t ni n cMl tk twt" , rr Ifbr Uta(r, pr ,,. MWllh tjl . dr-il in w.- i J.4-. Mrlk, Il I a ; rrtl. m h- U -,, .IraOta, 1k th : -JNwwal .4 -an b 4 tW hipkBin -. i ttvMa inri uth t larrawiitpr i ii-4niutp-i 4 iih- mtm m n 1 1 m,m jj.iatr Al-ooi v -, p'iwiirai ir'tarh t lh rftf t-l K I - lPpfl'l H "TN'W i-. K !,- K.t hfMii-h ! thr 1 ttxttrttUy IK. n- - o. w trh, Mfc-atV Utatrt t4 Mli m2". iHnlwri-jr 'a ; HM. h -hi a mrin; tht tit . miUmh, a attrtdl l-t 4'ml rt. tppthl ; ant ! M l . -! itV tt-oH .t H j i-f in-T1 " t l1tMb Ml . ti'l j r-J t pMifttPAtt J I. -- -4 pHP. , truirt.-t, ana lai- t. Iiww-pt ' (ar ( Uwrsf. 'Ii In. HtMnf artax-nfln llrr rUiw. u thr ral m nlktMr-l, IttfMpMrh and thr iwiiu tfc: t:i;i,- in Moraholwa tinjilhiPf ilrrt .H.mi"nd.l Mr Wm JMWM. thrpj;hl tiiPttttwrti It mm ijwiplnl to rlrt- a h U-fU to m aniM af ttt. jrnrtal a uim. It h hM ha 74 Untfe thi tall, !- nta m meim w ill hr ht hhtl on K f" mi l--t--ihlrttv, K ?., a .Kr aandk aVI t-Matr lip ab- . ittt r-al UtiMprd b v "tnittf A " i mtimatrd to Itr w,ia').. prthrr with thr Nfetrah-tttpp flM4 the Mjrtncr Uin uf Inr tw-nd-Hf t tr mm Ksrl Mt tth try Thrrr e altowt ; hrlr, all h in in thr I aMrd MaU- mmA t '! '!& mum tnM-rnt totiahhralb m tih in the a-fjrrv-ratr . antl air .!.. nunral. not l. rtaaiM , U ltrC f thai Ihr will hr al4r .. ti-4tiftb tHrir i lainpa. mk in Anprrha aal j V lrrUy ' npmir wa hrfel al thr htai-. of ihr Ui- Wn I urtiay i . ppa i ' . . . r an intt-nHir l ' Wat, anl i ibmpI ftatt , . Bk VPPV "l PPpTifpf Ipp" "atn-tl- I'tfcXiV t 4'iUcbt.M. Mr- J K. t.-aat-.h awl Mr. N I. I.t-. r. rr llkr mvmm -Ht-jf... and Mr- 1 WtHxhtol HaJtaJo. aha- hi dantfhtt i. i anothrr CtapM maa Nitrinjtpr of lllinot U al turn of thr hif, antl wa ftttal It tht ItMHllUg Hon n life Chunk of ltbl ni UN I'liieimJ. An ohl tnirn r W-U tar hdhoikf t ttVa Hartford fr Oar day whra I wa at rh la thr drift. tHtr'of ttr tntrt wa bahif ' In the haft ahl o I arrr wHttrtMaa; rngf fcnyaim if fj hI-xi', Tt-tM I hrar a gnml waunaa' aad thowtiaar," rrrhaft M a InM, I a I atrtwh ary thh h and unrHrthrl a nipjppil a Mf a walnnl. ' I'rt ht it' a mtU," iptaapjiiiiil my mat Ihrrr-. a ittd hrrr' f H. a I cranlrd ont .f Ihr driii t4 aaplii i I In Hgjrrt 1 had just lahra t 'Thm I hrard thr Uuwt ala-, M wa hfcr lh ifarHr f diinat ti. W thr ij. aad imlrhp a tr -ittaAi. ronhnh-l that to HotrlM4t haI hppfpprard a jalMtirha! rthh-all hrtt thm wl I - " - - aamAaaa m aaJaafaamlBa -rf. aad ItUI' rtW . oiratiar "Cma ni. boy, aad Ihr Mtf nnn. f.. t "hrrrir I aaarti. tat ! thr mrUm : hat I w-arwiy n.ant tn k. h-r it ni whrrv thr rtoanl wa eti- l-l ally- yar4 dt-4aat ! mr rbtiat. I'ar rrwwd w hTf nerr aroiam hn n-ariar, Wat i - - l-rawny ami nrad hiaMrrrd. I my war tar a. aatl wa ovrrw hrltanl wkh -ttaWlMpmt -ight thM crft"d ray h-n it a MMffit. k kim m bowWprr. thnt thr miarr wrrr .rtrrtrtf Tl M--tt It- wm imaaTh to n iihm nnhnrtaaAh !' hlaal thai brtthr-l. It w-h a -olid ana f ! m latytar brar ; largrr than a "rjj A awttt-a. aad aat aa aml : like .n- in lraf. Tin a tar tmmm whit h ha ittrr lrra whh-i known m tar Wrl--oor )&. A Jtr ta It amy mm' rta in thr Xtrnral lit pwrtiarat of ihr Hwow Mmtum 4 at aral HitrT. whrrr tin w'rirwt i ghrmm j ttt X.tV aai thr tbmt at cH.- -ri.7o, thr favihrr jafiTtaathia U M mru-l that ihr aaop i mV Ur-piwl utrtf of tpM rrrr Umtmi. Thi h aarr- rur. A Urrrr laatanrt arar Pe-mftgo Ld en Kdhraarj f. IS3: il ; w-rtxri 1-0 aa oa--aa Tyf z.jrst , I bad brra an-ataHy rPtafni-itrtlay; ntyrif on thr !-- rry - a ia3pr large a a walaatt. hat thr d-rfa Us , m-; oi gold tar all tin row ch oat d ! tnr. Nrtrrrthrh-w' I waa xHmtt that !" i MJCi' hrnl hra htwri. far thr riaaa frHa which it wa lahra wafKft mU" drrrriioa ia whh-b wr wt inrhlay aad trttr t-hira w-a dady pprwilajr rldanr m Oft.. Thr Wrk-ar axfrt. aalwpri hs, did w t-arh'h iu aw)aw, mr thr wrrr Ii hm- hohh r hi k. awl hroaKht tbra h-M thaa C,JHm i k waahi har naiih' of ; ont fainted war rartm-4 tt. . Waw Ma art ! U'lwa law tarh k. hr rearbrd oat hi hand thr hiaia ; ihr fetch Urmm JitLT hoar aaoa it aad rrrralr-a It To ht w-rprp- M ha aat rh4i tw t-arh. Thra hr r-ry-aa to tk jmiaa-t " with hi huad. xtmi k f-rrw r pa lrr br rwlrwiac dMrkt- Ha tarn wrrara. bwt K aid ant - " J7 hi pa k Itf tr9j-aa njr a-- 14- nt'nti- jifw i fr'-t'uirltf rrrraia ham . . a mw - a . i.-. A ihkw. noj arv-a a f lupiaapW an. & rwMrawnr. aad v ''wrpapipgw ppv ,P"B iraiaa. wa- vusfsam r I-Wwl I r,jt nine: " h wm1 a ha athdd. mm ht-ra a hart y fa) ha . !ar akaa who daft- I ar aw- nrw ptrwr i 1 ' 1 -. ! .i r- i -". -j-s- j.-y.jg.C