The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 25, 1879, Image 2

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31. I THOXAS, rablMirr.
IVr-onnl mill l.lternrv.
Alexander Duma-i-writing 21 new
play for Sara I.crnhardt.
Father Kyan, the poei-pric-t.
his oxvn request, lieen returned to his
parish at Mobile, Ala.
At llif age of threc-seore-and-tcii,
Dr. Mixer Wendell Holmes i j-nid lo
lie a- vigorous apparently, a- lie ever
was in Iii life.
Mis. I". M. I'ik is -aid to 1m- tin
lir-t woman who ever published a daily
paper in Knglaml. She i- the publ'i-hcr
ami proprietor of the Derby Ihiily Tlc
'mjii. Miss Stanton, a daughter of Hli.:i-i
belli Cady Stanton, is to In; one of the
lecturers nel winter. MissMauton has
had live years" training at Vas-ar Col
lege, siml two at the 1'o-toii School of
Mi (lardiner, a young American
laily who ha- received honorable"
mention from the .bulge- of the Paris
salon" nf 187'J. 3-a pupil of P.oitgcre
:iu, and engaged to he married to him.
lie. i- a wnlow er.
-Dr. (Sraliaiii. who lo-t hi-, life ie
eently in the -urf at Cape May, xxas a
literary man of -ome note, being known
a- a poet, a uoxcli-t. and a writer on
theology. When only l!J he wa- a pro
fe or of Creek ami Latin in a London
Mr. .lo-eph .leffer-on's winter home
in Louisiana i-de-eriled as a very beau
tiful one, surrounded by the flowers of
which he j- ctrax-agaiitlx fond. Mr.
.leffer-oll'h elde-l -on occupies tlie plaee
siml groxvs quantities of rice, sugar, cot
lon and orange-.
The principal daily paper- of Lou
don aie :.'! in iiuuiher. of which fully
one-half are -trietly commercial and
linancial. Of the others, the ('hruiiirji
i- radical, the .Yr, liberal, the 7W
truii. independent, the ', fa-hion.i-hle,
the Sjiorlsiniui relate- to sport, and
the Tiiiu'.i i- general. There are al-o
nine evening paper-. The li-t of week
lies count- up -everal hundred.
When Longfellow 3-ited IJuecil
Victoria at Wind-or 'a-lle, the servant
crowded on the -!airva- and in the lob
bies to gel a view of him. On tlictjucci
asking them, next day. win tin-compliment
was paid to the poet, -he was told
licit they U-ed to li-ten lo Prince Albert
reading Lxangelme" to hi- children,
and knowing the line- neaily by heart,
they longed to -ce the man who wrote
them. The JJiieen i- fond of telling this
i ii-ik'i' ami linlii-ti,).
-Toledo e-tiniatcs that she will rc
ceie '.". MtO.O Ml bll-hels of wheat this
The wool product of Si-kioii Coiui
iv. CaL, for the spring clip amounted to
: little oxer I'l'.l.onit pounds.
There has been shipped the prc-ent
.-ca-on from Aurora, Ill.,ilO,iKMi pounds
of wool to Ka-tern markets.
Mr. (leorgc Hunt of Cedartown.
(la., has -old jS1:."i xxorlhof xvatermelon
froin one acre thi- year.
A block of marble quarried in Ver
mont the other day measured 21 feet d
inches in length, '2 feet H inches in
width, ami 2 feet .' inche- in thicknes-.
and weighed about i'1,mm pounds.
According to a (lerinan paper, di
coery has jn-t been made at Lyons
whereby a silken aiipearance nun be
gixen to lla liber-. After chemical
treatment of lla yarn, it i- dipped into
a liquid preparation from -ilk x-a-te.
which leaxes a silken coating upon it.
ami in regard to tiuem , elasticity and
jlo , the mati'rial i- -aid to be jierfect
a- a -ub-titute for -ilk.
The l'.riti-h Hoard of Trade si:,ti
tics make more ami more apparent,
x ear In ear, the fact that -team-hip-are
rapidly superceding -ailing xe id-,
both for home and foreign trade. In
the foreign trade alone -team tonnage
-hoxs an increa-e of 10 per cent, in the
la-t return-a- compared with tho-e of
tin; preceding year, xxhile a correspond
ing decrea-e i- noticeable in -ailing
ship- employed in the -ame trade.
A xvriter in the London Ilnildir
complains that an Kmrli-h patent co-t
in (Sovernment duties sl:0 within the
lir-t -i. month-, then .i."0 within three
years, then ."(( within four more to
tal. .,S7r lexied in -ex en year- for a
patent during 11 years: xxhile a patent
in America co-t- only .:." in one pay
ment for 17 y ear-. "Thu-." he adiN.
are the brains of Knli-huieu liaudi
eajipetl aain-t tho-e of their reat ri
als in proportion of 17. to 7."
Export of hor-e- is becoming a
profitable tnule. Iel:riuni affords a
jrid market. The Sxvitzcrland recent-
carried 10 -addle-hor-c- to Antxxerp,
x here hor-o are from -o to 100 per
cent higher than here, which were -old
at a ;;ood proiit. Not one xx-a- lo-t,
thouirh the xx cat her xva- rouh. The
co-t of transportation i- about .$."0 j)er
head, the duty $l. The Duke of
Klanders i- -aid to have paid (5.000
f nines for an American hor-e of
recent importation that plea-ed In
fancy. . liool :iml Cliurt'li.
'I'lie la-t -hcets of the Hible tnuis
latel by Kex-s. Drs. Ilijrjr-- :ind William
son into the Dakota lanpiajrehaxe pass
ed through the press.
In Paris a municipal college for
irirls, to which the best pupil-of the
common schools will be admitted, is to
be founded -hortlx. on the -ame princi
ple a- the eolleire- already exi-tinir for
Connecticut ha- iH0 Congreuional
elmrchi, with a membership of .V,STm.
and a ministry of :'87. Theivare.")2.ri77
children in the Muiday-schools. and the
amount mi-cd for charities last vcarxx':i
Ground ha- been broken for Kocka
feller Hall, the new buildinjr of the
Koehe-ter Tlniiloical ieminaiy. l!e
cont contribution- to the Seminary for
various purposes amount to nearlv
Mr. Thomas llujrhes has been
dwelling in a short public speech on the
adx'antages of including modern lan
guages and .-cience in the curriculum of
public -chools in England. Sir. John
Lubbock has nioxvd in Parliament to add
natural -cience to the extra subjects
taught in the elementary schools.
In 14 years the PrimitixvMetho-di-ts
of England built 4t churches,xvhieh
arc filled even xveek with congregations
aggregating over 0,000 persons. Their
Sunday-schools number 40,222, with an
attendance of :G5,001 scholars. They
have four colleges and a fifth building.
Fifty young men offered themselx-es this
year for college as ministers.
In April last, Miss Anna Oliver
purchased a Methodist church in Brook
lyn, the furniture of -which was mort
gaged for $2,f00, She refused to buy
the furniture, but rented it for three
moutlis. The lease 'hax'ing expired, the
mortgagee removed all the' church fur
niture. Miss Oliver goes on with her
work, and the ladies of "the congregation
ued the opportunity to give tlie church
a thorou":li cleansinr.
The English public schools flourish
amazingly, if mere numbers are any in
dicationof prosperity. At Eton for
home vears past there have been nearly
1,000 boys the figures during one term
reached KM. The number.-at Harrmv
are betxveen ,VK) and foo. Dr. Arnold
thought the extreme limit xvhich a head
master might do hi- duty thoroughly by
individual 1mv xas :Wl; but mo'-t of the
principal sfhKl-, incuding Kugliy, are
greatlx in cxns of thi- figure.
- -TheCongregationali-t-aml Iapti-t-of
New England are falling into the
habit of having onlx one preaching
sen ice on Sumlax. The W'tilrhuutn fa-vir-
the innovation. It contend- that a
-ingle -erxice fumi-ha-, ierhap, a
much preaching a- they need. One ser
mon xx-ell con-idered ami well digc-ted.
it think-, is better than two which
awaken little thought : and if there were
but one, there would be more time and
more dispo-itiou to folloxv out it- tntin
of thought-in prixate meditation.
- The Colorado Airrieultund College.
at Foil ( ol in- wJio-e 'leaning on
iect " a- the law direct-, i- "to impart
a thoromdiaml practical knowledge, of
..ii . i ri.... i... i .;,.,.. i...r.
. . c i
tain to a"rieulture and the mechanic
aits i- thoroii'Milv piippeit lor ine.aml nnaiix -uceeeueu m uiaKiug ijniic a
. . . m -, '
reception of -indent-. Tuition is free to number if conxeit- in tin- ami neigh-
I... . t it. . tt - 1 l..l
all within the State, and lxard ami
lodMli' . I lo .- per week. I'ldike the
litemrv school- of the ...untrv, thi - in -
-titutimi"ixe-it-I ' xacatiou in mid -
winter, "iii-tcnd of at a period when
farm-xoik i- mo-t iire-ing and im-
I'oii'icn Noli--.
.lolm Nel-on, a I.ndon actor, bur-t
a blood xe el xxhile phrxing Unuuu and
died xvithin a few minute-. He xxas the
hu-band of Carlotta Ledenj.
-Ex-Empr Eugenie ha written a
letter to the late Prince Imperial'- -
retarx ami biographer, requesting him
to make no charge- of cowardice or of
other fault again-t the men xvlio xxcrc
with her -on when the fatal Zulu a ault
The Japanese Coxermnent oflieially
invited the I'n'iich juri-t Prof. lioi oii
naz to be an official adviser of th .I:i-ane-e
lawmaker-, 'flic French Profe
-or ha- failed Jo plea-e the .lapaue-e,
and now Prof. Uohi-hich of Ku ia i-in-
ltil lit lltk a.flfl
ri... I'n.riili. ".-.o-.t f-.initt ofc:i..oii-
allxgo-h. in-, but on s,,ch occasion-
delueciale anx e-,.ccial attention-. A
eu-toinerina" NiH -hop com-
..i..: i i..,r.i,.. i. ...i i....... .......l
11111111 II llll I 111.11 ll II... I ... ' .. !--. '.
oxer in fax or of a ipnet old hnly in
.. . ...'..I
llioni'iiiinr .nil u.'Ih mo l ie oil IcarillllL'-i oi im- coii-ii-.oi-.ii ..i i.n it - - - -
'tint she wis iheOucen's mother i vi-itor-. On the dav of mx arrixal at ox- -oon learm.i wnai wa- up. ami howexer. uj. -lone -tep-. At the n.p
, ..', ,. ,. . . , i.ii.:...,ithecaui!)gr id-the ling had been watched and j cd m a ringing roar a- ,.r,. ua- a -mall temple, exi.lentlx
.... .,...,.............. r .....,.j ; f.mrdax-. anda- I haxe-aid. each new xidini tne.t cherries, j many gneii to pnm-u till, for then- wa a
of billing im the railroads in Irance .,,,,.,,,,. ..;,',.,,., had been inani- a -olcnn-looling .ouiitrxinan lounged keeper who dickered alnml letting u-in.
Wi .' -' -tTuL''Tl I '!n f.'-t-l. I arrixed in lime for the aftc- up. impiircd the price of them 'e,e New .,,, . W!l, n1., , r.l.-r.
about 1..,(h.,.mMMh. Lnder t he gen- j,,,,,.,.,!, ,., Wl.. .ill;r;iw Zealand cherrie-. inx.-ted in a pint, put rea,,aml painted. Tin- wall at the -ite
erallawin l-rancethe (.overiinicnt can ,.,,, ... , .va.-hed tl onml. one in hi-mouth, took it out again.gaxe ,,f temple wa- 7.'. or 1 hi feet wide.
bux a railroad at anx timebx paxmg ''.' " - ,., .f. .... f,..,:,.,!,..,!,..-., ii11.,..,-ii,.r ,,k of mild 1 i.i. .. .'. i. ;.i..;.t.i
..- -. I- I 1 r.l .
the capita ie.l x aim- of tl e .ix n.ige
,,M cxeiiineccilmgthe puicha-e
The leading new -paper of ( auada,
ine loromo i,ir, oisappioxes oi u.c ,
eour-eof the I mted State- in calling
upon foreign Covernment to - t.pM.r -
moil emigration or. as it calls it. put
ting foreign count rie- into religion-
iiarantiue. lhit it -peaks faxorabh of
the sngge-iion that the I'nited State-
should check the immigration of Mm
noui. e.iccK me imuugiaiioii oi .hoi-
non-hx prohibitorx laxvs to be enforced
it each -eaport.
- The ex-Khedixeof Egx pt lixes la.ilx
ami luxuriouslx aboard the frigate Mali-
rue. which lie-at anchor in the Pa of
Naple-. Nearlx thecntirc vc-cli-gixcn (
up to hi- u-e. ' His harem, containing j
12 women, i- in f the cabin-, while
iis eumichs ami other servants occupx
thehold. H.-i-not .lepre-cdin-pirit-, ;
read- the newspapers regularlx. and is '
greatlx interested in all comment.- and ,
nexvs about Eirypt, bnl is mainlx con- j
cerned a- to his personal comfort. i
Dr. Exans. the American ilcnlist.j
win. identified tin-rcniaiiis of the Prince,
Imperial bx the fillin-r." i-probablx
1 icon x man xv 10 ex er Mialc ictl an ai-,
. r- ... ,
xerti-eiiient litendlx from the jaw- of
death. He is the -ame Dr. Exan- of
xxhoni Mr. Exartsat one of the banquets
after the (lenexa axxard gracefullx ob
served that "the prince- ami -oxereign-of
the earth, so reticent xxitli most peo
ple, had freely opened their mouths to
Prince Wilhelm of Pnis-ia. the eld-
e-t -on of the Croxvn Prime and future 1 been almost willing to accept his doc
heir to the Ccrmaii throne, is now -tmrx- j trine, at least, as a logical one. Shouts
ingat lioiiu, whi'ie he is very popular. ' of Amen!" and true, brother!"' xvcie
He will soon take a jouniex to the East. frequent during 1 he di-i-our-e, and xvhen,
including the P.alkan PcuiiiMila, Asia , at la-t, the preacher stopped, with per
Minor. ami Egxpt. and will be acconi- spiration streaming down his face, it
panied bx his'inililarv suite, and dixeis was evident that all had been profound-
learned -cholar-. well vcr-cl in all mat-
to begin again
o.his ami Kmi-.
tier..-the lib to t.ike vonr .ml (
At one of the hotel- in Saratoga there t
ire 1," kind- of ice-cream on the bill of
tcr- Oriental, 'flic xoung Prince is pc-iili:ir "exercises o the-e -tninge ;.'- ,,' ', t I ,"111-- xx nen you -ee me cxpie-ion 1.1
credited xvith great ifitcrc-t in the ex-, enthu-ia-t- were entered upon in the l,,: l"'".' l ;. :l," "" a p.ople'- poxx.r it i- in the a.-hicx.-
caxalion-of the aucitMit eitie-, and xxill xva v xvhich I xxill now proceed to explain. "'" w . ""'m al - ''" ment-of the Koinan. the Creek, and the
ni to Olvmpia when the xveathcr be- Mr. Koe retire.l from view fora moment. l."1- h. gixeu- a per-ona pronoun KhjjJm,,,,.,,, i the achievement- ,.f
come- cool cnomdi to permit the works ' and xxhile he did -o the brethren and"1 common gender. .- !... ciiimimiMi when tlici haxe been allowed
MJi.nme ,,...., the t,v I..-cieil. i coming, and presentlv .Mr. Koe n..
M.imiiiesimMiioivn-cii tipple-." ! appeared ill a jacket and with hi-tnuis-
Thex wcliiii M,m,.iu..i..,.iii.Hli..i. lii.((Mnlhi(l J n k11. stepping to
liisin.iijtaiMb.iiiliialr.'nipl'H-s. I the front of the platform he g:ixe a
An exchange has an article on imVhtv croxv. and. whirling his cap ion was ,o,.mi inii.euueu i u a s.,. .,,. j,,,,,., ,. were at the fnrthe-t cm! of
-Languor, and it Cure." A good ' around his head, he cried hr-tilx. which lias been covered with anextei.sixe , jomiM.v. and ex cry -tcp m.xx would
bulhlo-at x our heels xxill cure it quicker ...School's out' SchoidV out. Inn- and '''''' from " tune whereof the nieinorx . ,llWaril Ilun.. There was s,ething
than anx thing cLe. Uut this is not .rirM" Then jumping from the siage he ;;f : nm' . i, '" like a farewell in the feeling with which
i :...!,- ,........;i....t i .1... ..,.uv. I ?... i ...:.i..,. i.,. ti... 1.-I...I -....I ...o.l Ine aml of tins hill, being lecentlx we looked in.oii the cold laud of mx-.
iiiv ii.h.i. ..,-........ ... .... .-..- "i.e ini i -i-'hi . ..
- A negro preacher at Ked .springs.
N. C gjixe the folloxxing imtice to his
Hock a fexx Sundays ago : "I haxe been
preaching to xou exer since I came from
Matthexv andMark. and if you xvant me
to preach from (lene.-i. to Exodus, you
nni-t rai-e my xxage-. It i- hard xxork,
and I'm not going to preach the fat out
of mx gizzard for -o little pay." ,
". , . ..... .. i
.V lll'JIJIilr is -iiiin ai a irn.iui i-iii-
ncr xxith placard on his breast and a
dog tied to a string. On the placard is
xvrittcn. Pitx the lllind." "A stranger
passes bx ami gixes a Spanish sil-tr
coin, whereupon the beggar calls after
him: -lsij, this xxon't pas here!"
A-toni-hineiit of the -tninger: Whv.
xou can -et
iiiniM I i-.-l II.
can 011r
be"nng? Whv this placar.1?'
.-,. 1 ...... ...:.. .1
men wirx are von
111X (log lie s me ounii one.
A man xxill chase a hat aero a
street and half xx-ay doxvnthe block, and
finally overtake it xvhen his face is red
and his temper a high a- the thermom
eter. And xvhen he turns round to re
trace his tcps, and mop- off the mud
from hi- -oiled chip, every xxom.iu that
he pa-scs xxill look at him -o tantaliz
inglv, xxith licr exes .sxxiniining in fun.
for .she knoxx-s. that her txx-entv-hx'c cent '
hat is fastened on xxith a rubber baud,
and that three or four hair-pin- arc
.-tuck through it into the fal-c hair at
the back of her head.
The folloxxing table, carcfullx pre
pared by the Detroit Fi'tc Pix.. -hoxvs
the chance-- profes-ional men haxe of
catching fish xvhen they go a-li-hing:
I j,txiirs. ... xnu
Iivr ti m h."
Kilitor. ---10 111 mi
itx-t? - in o('
Yrcliitcit --"" in o
nookkctjHr.- - ,-- 5 111 oO
3Itrchaut -.-... 1J ?n"
l'Lrioii"?'irj -- 1 in Mi
rnknnu-n Miiall hoy. itli ohl stnixv hat
ami broken MispciHter. t'J in M
Thrift is one of the loxva xirnms.
A Dax-enpnrt cleigyman xx'as called upon
lo marry a couple one night. Thev
were nicely dressed and evidently xx-ell-to-do.
After the ceremony had been
performed the groom thrust his hand in
his pocket amUi-hed out three quarters,
xvhich he held in the palm of his hand,
saving to the minister: "There, take
your pay from that!"' "Let lis .see,'
mused the minister: "the publishing of
the marriage notice xxill cost half a dol
lar!" "Oh, xxill it?" replied thegroom;
well, then, take the xvhole of it! It
aint much matter, any way!"
IVnillnrlllr.tif lli- Hit!- ft Ihr W'ihhI ill
XVrlrni iMfin-in
Oim-imnOmri' of the New York ithiIiJ '
O-AKAN.x, Wis, AngtM II I haxe
lh'eii -pending two days at the ctunp
meeting of a singular -ect nf r'lig1oni-t-
known iu-t at pn-ent in Northwe-tern
though the name by xxhiehthex are call
ed bv them-elxe- is the ' Pe'iiHar Chil
dren,"' and I am much mi-taken if, after
prni-ing thi- letter, readers of the
Oriijifitr do not agree that it i- agl
name for them. The -t t xxa- founded
-ome time ago in the town of O-akatia
i.. i -t f....... ....ii..l P.,. i, ;.tl. in
ifoe. who wa- formerlx a P.apti-t. but
who, haxing lTeen inforinil ' bx the
nirii " tlnti :i liii'ml iiiteniretation wa-
olM'"ixeii to the third cr-e of the
i'diteeiith chapter of St. Matthew, -et
. . .... -I
' about ! preach hi- new reveiauon on
t hi- own hook, and u- hi- former bieth-
I...... .li.l not tnl:.. Lbullv to hi-iliM'trine.
." . . . i ..
withdrew from the P.apti-ts altogether
i .. ., I 1 I ' 7.
oonng town-, uei-a large ami miner
"ixd-Tookiii" man. ulxiiit ".0 xear- old.
law kxvard iii hi-movement-and uncouth
i in snnrli. and. a- to his carm'-tne--.
there i- mi po--lbilitx of doubt. Ibgu-
i larlx he hold- foith "at what w a-form-
I'-ilx the Methodi-t Meeting-hou-e at
I O-akana, but now in tlie -uiiuiier iiianx
tOIIII-IOIIll--ll.l' I'Mlir unil HI '
' i .. t I ... ; I
.1 l ..It.... t. . :tl. !... f..
the Wooi, W lllllier a UUIIIIier Ol OIII-IO- '""i ni'i i . ......- ..... . i.n 1,11. .um mi..iii, niri mr iw
ershaxeal-o been dntwn bx ciirii.-iu. the gnixxing xveakne of hi- ec- in count r ami found the dxua-tx wki.k
and certainlx tln-v are xvell paid for their the -unlight. A chronic dead-beat then ,.i-t- after a fn-hioii -till "si ki- ma-.-vi-it.
Mii-ndara-it max -cein. -exeral came up. took a mouthful of cherrie-, t re-ohed to buihl a wall wkn-h -Inxikl
eonxert-h:ixc been niade'during the la-t -pluttered them out. with an impreca- flirexer pnttect his cinpiiv from th
three dax-, and there i- promi-c of tion all oxer the fruit, -tuffed a pear, a inxader. 'fin- wall xva- Imilt. and -
maiix imire', for the ferxor i- rapidly banana, and a bunch of gntpe-into hi- u.-ll u;i- it done that here we come,
"low'ing to, and it i-propo-eil mouth to take out the ta-te. informed wanderers fioiu the aiitijuMle-.
u eoiitmiie the camp meeting fortxxo the dealer that he xxould -.i) centuries after, ami liml it -till a -nit-week-,
that time to be further extended haxe him pro-ecuted for keeping -tantial, impo-'mg. Imt in the light of
if the iutfrc-t -Imxxti -hall warrant an green fruit, ami went down the -tieet to modern -cie a u-eh wall. Iti-1.-
.1. I...I. . . ;l. i.... ..I. ".I. ).-... . ... ...M . I l 1:. i I i
The ineetiii" i- comlucteil a- -iich
. . .....I...
"at herilC's XX ere 111 the oh! .Xletllooi-l
r- T. . i
lav-. I he people are -umniomu iouie
preaching by the blowing of a conch
-hell," and the preacher's -taud i-a
ort of wooden box containing a plat-
form, at the -id f which are -cat- for
the -.eaker-. IinmediateU in front of
thi-Maud bo.nd-are arranged, on which
-" prominent nieiuber- of the -ct. both
male and female, as al-o pei-oii-wlio
.i : i. !.:...
' """'-
P.ehind the-e arc -eat-
I III- ll IIUI, H I1ICII lil- -IOI" II II " l .11
f followed bx a praxer bx si-
,;,,.,, Vame another
J( ;lll( ,l,e the -erinon bx .Mr. Kor,
,fl(. founder of th it. I can not hope
n ,.,., !,.,. ,l5, MRtIl.. discourse,
ulm., ..,, thoioii'dilv iloetriiml, the
( - xl ((.)irjh( niM-o'7 ,i(ii , ,a. a,
readx spoken: Except xe be coiixcrt-
ed and become a-little childien xe shall
'1- - -- -
not enter the kingdom of heaxeii." The
nece itx of a radical couxer-ion xxa- in-
iMl.,i Mlll ,N ., preliminarx to becoin-
,;., :ls n,,,. children: it xxa--how n in a
wny ,,,. M.llm, , p,.,,,!,,,..- full cmxic-
.::, ,ilslt conxeisioii was s radical and
thorough a chaice of th. whole nature
,(,.,, ., 7-onxertcif man will no longer
,.,u. ,. f,.:,r f man b.-fore hi-evc-and
u"ul ,. )tVr 0vcn happv to "endure
,(. lyiu, amfquip- of a -iiiful world. -.,
,i.. i,,.1"...;!! ..-ue m. more for llicin th.m
m1(,t.,.lt ,.lll,,.,.I1 What i- it that i-
,,. p,.(.iiaritN childhood? Innocence.
im.,.rilv, :Hf above all no care for land
,. rnlll; ,,, . jIlMead, loxe of innocent
eiiioxmcnt and plax. To become reallx
as little children wl-must cast aside all
love for pomp and xauitv andeniox
ibo-,. thin-rs alone which a're intrinsical"-
, --- ,-
U won . e . T it-. -aid Mr. Koc. i-the
literal and, 'therefore,' true meaning f
the text, ami he who fears or i-a-haincd
to become thus like little children is but
as other men. and can not hop.- to be-
come onc.of the Peculiar Children. Il
lustrations of his meaning were given in
great liuniber.s bx Mr. Koe. ami had it
not been for the ab-md conduct xxhich
followed the sermon, one might haxe
tx liiiprc-s ,.(i. .iter 111c -cnuoii. 111c
si-tci's immciliatelx m front oi tin
platform began to tie strange little caps
and bonnet- on their head- and long
checked apron- around their bodie-.
Idle other- drew marble- and top
from their pocket--. I made niv xxav to
the front, curious to -ee xxhat xxa- forth-
M....i...v ..i..j" 'ri,
. ......... ...... ......
of voices and such hii-tling and eroxvd-
uiiT a mav be -ecu 111
i school x aid
during rece.-s, -ome called for King on
the Castle," " rncle.Iohu is Very Sick."
or " Kox.- and (Jiii- Come Out to Play."
xxhile other- -hunted for ball" or
"-hinnx." One poor old euthu-ia-t.
xx ho could not have been far from three
score vears and ten. dragged axvax xvith
him -everal other-, and -et about to plax
" Follow Mx Ma-ter."bx -tanding on
hi- head (to the imminent danger of his
ix ...,..:.... .. ., it :.- ,-,.1,..,.,
....;....! Vi..... ......,.;...r ... ..... .1 .1.1
IFtltllAIIl tlltUI .OIIU-IO. - -.-
felloxx-s. tottering mi the verge of the
grave, try to throw handsprings ami
.somersaults, but they did a-xxell as they
were able, and cxidciitlv the -iiirit xva-
' xxiUing though the lle-h was xxeak. A
;..t..i.i 1...1:.,. , , 1. ..,.:.,!.. ..f
i;ii.i..i ... in.. I.I.IH.V- -..i ..1 .....i .'
the platform comparing dolI and bick
ering ox'cr sugar caudx . xxhile another,
composed partly of old gentlemen, had
been formed into a ring, and xxith shrill,
cracked voices-, but exes sparkling xxith
exaltation, sang:
Ciime, Philander, let's he a-iiiutvliitur,
see in your ranks tlierv" no ilc-ertion .
Choose your tme lo e now or nex er,
-ee that nil iton't eliooe any other.
Love, fntvxxell Love, farexvell
XX'e nm-t all Im- a-iiiaivhin.
I..ix', tarvxxoll.
Tlien a s,.:..r,.ii:iri:oi man xx.mld
choosc his love from among the old
ladies, kiss her and stand still while the
-ame performance was repeated until a
proce ion had been formotl. ami
marched about -inging, giggling and
playing prank- upon each other. Won-
tiering how -uch thing-could be. I .-at
uron a bench watching a game of drop
the handkerchief." which, it -eeiiis. is '
plaxvd diffeivntlv out Wist from the
wav in which the g-.ime i conducted bv !
children in the Ka-t. for an old gentle-
man -at -miat in the middle of the cir-
once he keeled oxer hackxvards.
and then, ri-ing to hi- feet, put his
thtimlt to his no-..
and twirled Ins '
lingers at me. whereupon the old ladies
turned nroimd and made faces at me,
saying that I xx-as a '.-tuck up thing,
: i ,.. .....i f. .. Mini niiiio-iie -iiore-ami a -iioai oi -man ....iiti..ii rii..r.. mm- -m imi.v ...mi
tle, grinning like an old fool. He hap- wlio. uetore licr maiTrage, w-.i- .ui- pre-ent:
pened to catch mv eve a-1 looked at Adelaide Keinhle. and an operatic .-ing- Funnic-t thing 1 ever heard of. When
him, and I fear he -aw a quizzical or er. She retired from the. -tage upon lw- I vv ent to btM htst night I only had twen-
eoiitenintHoiis look on mv face, for at ing married, in 1S4:. Several years ago tv-tive cents to mv name, and noxx I've
and tliev wouldn't plav with me as long F If v'"""" &? ' o "."'": ?n ;l 7ro Ir. Alexander Herzi-n. fornier
as thev 'lived." Much I marveled the-e tahle-poonful of .salt, and it xxill help it v alitor f the AooW, hs left .V)C-J
ung:iiiilv foxvl
to hear discourse mi
plainly, and tumctl to go axxay only tt
find, aii immenselx stout" xvoinan of sonie
50 summers standing heliind me vxith !
ner nnger m uer raouin, aim saying, as i
he put her hand on mx -boulder " IJt
tle lxiv. I like-- vou Won't x on plnr
with nie? I think -r nal miJtx." In
inter di.m.iv I hiliteniil fnl the
jjj,,,,,,,!, detentlitiel not to retllrtin long
?u t ,,u,genm-a place, IhU -till the
f.einittlon of the ht wa- upon .. and
j ri.rn,.,i the m-ti d.a and -hall remain
lt1j t,,.,,,,., me'ting bntik- up. iW-
Imp- l mnv im nmu-ni
ml Iwciuiir a
'Peenliar Child" mx-.-lf.
Who can
' Zealand rhirrlr-;'
Ye-terdax a fniit denier on Market
MPft. -ax the Iiui-xilh Cnunrr-Jtmr-
tml. inceii-eil at the IitHTtn- taken nx
th" loafer- with hi- wan- di-phtxcd at
tin door, placed a half gallon of Cax-
enne peppers in a oaKei. win-mi u
..v ... 't ... I I
New Zealand Cherrie-." and hung it
in a cou-piiuou- place in front of hi-
. i i.. : .. .1... ..... t.i.u.
-mini, in " ni.u.... - ... ....-...
imnhant -aunter-d up. inquired h..w
trade wa-. picked up a New en In ml
cherrx . placed it m hi- mouth, and -ml-
u'hm ' .
.I....I. I. .ft I., .ifli.tut f. vff.itlil T l llt
miiht. i ne ue r. iwn mx. ii.un.i-
...1... ..t .-...-, .1 tltrll tilt ftHlll.'Tl-ar
-i ". mi-ii... -
new- from Memphi- wa- not ery en-
couragmg tin- nmriutij:, unit ah. it
had been x.'ar- Mtici' He hail eaten a
New Z.'aland eheirx : w hereupon he ati
one. lemarked that it wa- -iiji-ib. wiped
hi- weeping exe-ou hi-coat-hex e, -up-
po-.-d that New Zealand wa- getting
t;irinel' eleri Vi'iir. XVl-IICIlllie dealer
a . . , .
......! eiiinir .Itt.l it..ltt I f ...I Itlllt.illt I ttir
"" pnnii. . i;io Him i" . iiii.ii.
n'xt appeared, -lopped to admire the
i :.. .. i ...i :t . i... ...:..i. .."! ;...i .....
rm- in-, .im-u ii -hv ihiiui jh-i
t .1 J I I -i ...... I...f
oi im'iii -lie iii'ii'i iiiiu -ecu iiiM iii-niii-
-iiiplied the chihlrcn. and xalkil
axvax - xxalked axxax with a face fiery
with -corn and anger, while the children
-et Up a howl that brought all the peo
ple to the doors and x imlow . and droe
ail the policemen off the -I reel. Tliu
the fun went on all the morning. The
fruit-dealer ncxer l.iu-hed -o much in
hi-life. I he occupant-ol the ailjaceui
imt oppo-iie snores ami a -mai i -man
r --r-
reproach, pulled off hi- and
' xvaded into" him. When he left, the
fniitman with teudencie- to practical
joke-had a blue ex e. a red i , a pur-
pie face, a piimicil wrist, ami -exerai
bu-hel-of fruit -eattered a I among
,. Mall box-, while the -.mie ringing
...w ..i
roar ot laughter was going up irom tlie
Aiiolhcr Per-nnal Pronoun Wantcil.
- . , , , ., ,
A ''''"t ''"'"""'g of the plulolo-
- "' N''port -miu wise word were
v:l,,! "" g.ud to the spcnontx of the
English tongue m the matter of gemlcr
"Vcrth languages where all things.
' iaiiiiii:it' a- well a- animate, are en-
doxved with m-x distinction, therehx m
'. itating forms
,0 article-, adjectixe-, Vc i". iiiir
language ha-the bulge on ih tlicr-.
1,,1 :1 "UV furl her would till a want long
'' ' allud.' to tl ruig ucciiU
"f haxmg a pronoun that will applx
, ,,lll:,11.v to either sex, m place of the m-
Hcxii.le -he ami -s.e. in- aim
" ht'r . ,,f our iue-ent -peeeh. I his
lm ."' 'ons,,ierel l.x -ome persons Si
...:.. 1 .: i... :, :. ..... ..
,i"" "ri'r-- "" "
For in-
. r:iu''. . ,or .v,,Iir I." "''""': ""
" "uxeu.s,, ,, x., ,.,, o. .....- .. ....-
lfi'-tootl that the per-on it up
'' - -" ' '"' """" .-" l th,t
III l-llll H IM' .l- -l-l'll If. j.l. I l. ..
porkctbook ftiiueaud jdace will return
the same to No. till Washington street,
li'i" there xou are right up a -tump
xxill -axe thein-clxe-" there xou
are again "-ome trouble." I'.ut thi-i-n"t
all. When a xoung hulx i- repeat
ing to xou xvhat a third per-on ha- told
her, how -he xxill twi-t ami turn in lin
gual labyrinths in order either to con
ceal the" -ex of the third per-on. or to
make xmi think that -he w a-a he, or
the he a -he, a- the ca-e max be! She
The Skeleton of an Ancient Whale
Found in a Sand Hill.
We haxe recched authentic informa
tion that at that portion of our -ea-coa-t
known a- Little Ketmekeet a xaluable
Jnstone rehc , the for.n of thecoinplete
skeleton of a xvliale. -itx feet long,
1''- heeu found, xx ell jueserx cd. lie
peculiarity of the affair is that the. keh-
,t. i-.i ...
rn:inirlu u sonih iiuuii im- '.-- i"
, war-, was gradually rcmoxed horn the
piaee wncre ine remains oi ,,iis ..uci,-...
limuster oi ineucep iiiusi naxe occii ie-
po-ing for hundred-. Vea. tlioii-auds of
xear-. Another circiiin-taiicc. be-ule-
the fact that large trees of sloxv growth
are directly over the skeleton, i- that
the hill in xvhich it wa- found i- on the
-"iiml s,,te oi t .e oeacii.
;!-" fly that the entire co:i
-ouml -ideof the beach, -hoxving con-
i-t mu-t haxe
"cen tleepiy -uoinergeu ai me time w,,e
"''-; specin en .., or g eaie-i -ea ma...-
mals xxas dnven from his ocean home
and left on the coast bx the receding
' waters.
What great flood could thi-
haxe been? Verilx has a prehistoric
relic been found. -EliznMh 07 (A. '.)
-.Voxels written bx young writer-are
compan-.! bx the . .1 r.azftt to
green go.. -cherrie-. Thex furni-h the
di-creet student xxitli entile occa-ion
for impatience ami wonder. Heiemem-
ber- that novel-xvriting i- a difficult art.
and i- a-toiii-he.l that 110 apprentice-hip
i- thought nece arx to it- practice,
Keading and xvriting come by nature:
and to haxe at the ina-ter- ami outdo
their feat- no cour-e of preliminary
gymnastic- i- needed. 1 hi being the
case, one i- ovcrxx helmed xxith -trit
xxithoiit plot or incident, intrigues w nn-
.. . .. . t
"'it point or object, psychology that is
merely stupid dc-cription that doe- not
d.-cribe. dialogue that is but monologue
m (tisgin-e. neroc-vvhh hoihiuj: ma-cn-
line alxuit thcni but their names, and
heroine- 1110-t pitifully feminine: and
the public is lucky if it gets half a dozen
novel.- a year that are worth remem-
branee and rcpt nisal.
The Ir-. Sartoris who died in Eng-
land lately wa- the mother of Nellie
iiram iiu?ami. .xir-. umam .-anon-.
Iie imiili-hetl a boolc, "A xxeeK in a
French Country Hou-e." She xxas a
younger si-ier oi raimy ivemoic onuer,
li celehrated actress, reader and an- '
vtry mucn
llv a nexv laxv the French l'ost-iflice
undertakes the collection of small hills '
m tne provinces.
.. 1. .1.1 ..... 1... 1 ....... t-
An Intrr-tilK I-tlrr frutn J. Itll
XaimC, r-.u,t4n)lnc ?. fnl"
irnin ikr c V llrrwW
Alnt 2 VWk b tHoflftnH"li
Sjrrx-, the nxijur. km! 'vpri-cni-''
that mii'i 1mx- rt'iitind'-l him l
Columbia df-x'erig Aincrtna. H Imx4
found th' grent vn)l Itv fwrfrtl kX
iiig through the gkv . in lU
it n thick, brown. irrgHlr li Ut
crumbled into th . The Kklii
-tejxiiHtl twwanl the Uinck. id gr
ckmi w the went lh-r that xr hm j4
to nmhor within a miU f lrr 11
the ImkaI-wen-.-t Oow n. mihI msnx
a- i-ould U' pnrM fnHi 1m x-H wmi
a.ion the enptain. the oflWr.. -Mllr.
in wn-ir otu hot. iiiiurii. .twi b --
Hi-inl -nilor with a pot of white pniirt (
ui-cnl' the fact thai the Kk-hHUHHl b
.: :....! .t... ...... .. tt i'i... ,..-. ti
,-,,,. w. .--.... .. . ... .. nx..
j. tli- only timminifiit I hxr t wki. h
could ! impnitl bx rn-lcrn -i.-rik- .
ami whnh cmld I- muited ..-r umI
n---o .y. !".. ..!... ..--,.- ... ......
..I.. -. ...ul ..It!.. .Ill . i.t..i.t...M .. .H.n
-en-me. i wnai i mu m m- -xu-
.....Iii..ii. it u..luilf ...ul...
p"""'"'- ..... .,...-........... .
ti. reign of a Chim-e iitk- hIk. two cewtun.'- iviiiv I hot
n,i- etiH'ror w:t- di-turbe,! b tk. t-
-taut itna-ioii of the Turuir-. a hanlv
,,otuadie nice. uH. i-amc from tk- htll-
f Mongolia and plundered hi- jHi.pU-.
,o xere inded nfterwatd ! nnn . if
nil tin iMiin.Tur Klltl lint.. ihm'HihI Ihr
I I m
I I ,.4" ..a.. .....I I ...... .. .....I M.t.. . 1
'.) mile- ill li'iiin. nmi u i- oiu w lien
oii con-iiler that di-tame and the iti
credible amount of lalmr it impo-et
the magnitude of the wmk break- hhii
xou. We lauded on a -moot h. p bid
beach, -tuddcil with -hell- which would
haxe rejoiced the ee- of i hildrell We
found a -mall xill.ige and a -aw the villager-
grinding the corn The children,
a few beggar- and a blind per-mi came
to welcome U-. the I'llil of the wall
which jut-into the -ea ha- been liiteii
bx the waxe- into a ragged, -hapele
eomhtioii. I here wa-
...I I I II I- .- .. ......... ........ .-...- -
commodate the temple ami pie-en. an
impo-ing pr nee A the -ea. A-fara-
Wl. , , the wall -tivtchcl oxer hill
ami xalh-x, until it becnuie a line. Ii-
average width at the -ui face i-20 t
feet. At the ba-e it xaiie- from Hi f.
, jhi. Hi-made of -tone ami bri.
in face i- 20 in 2."
. ..
and. con-idoimg tlhit o centurie- hax.
1 n testing its workman-hip, the xiot.
p. tile xvol K
xxas xxell done.
A-a mere xxall there i- nothing im
po-ing about the great xxall of China,
n,,.,.,. ilIV :l immlred thou-aml xvall-.the
Wltra nx,.r ,.,., miI ., ,,.,. 1M..
f , w, iI1llt-. ,1 wa-the infinite
p:lt iont-.- which miikl haxe conipas-.d
.,, X.,M n .,iMl.. Woiideitul aiethe pxr-
tllll;,. .,, xvonderful a-a dream the
..j,.,,,,,..,! ri..N which xou i-an not f-d-
hxv or -olxe. eiiLMiieeriiiir achiexeuieiil-
of Thebes. There Xou see me
u ,.,,,,, ( (.Xl.n ...., Tli.-gi.-H
njj, ; ; :in,, (lf ,,.,!.,.,.. I ,:,, ben
reading the late Mr. .s.-xvard's eahul.i-
,i(IM ,,,. ,,. i.,i,r which ha.l budded
,. .,,,.. u;ih wouM haxe built the Pa-
,.,15,. railwi.x-. Ceu. Crant thought that
jj,., Sexvan" had underrated it- extent.
I beliexe," he -aid, "that the labor
expended on thi- xxall xxould haxe built
exerx railioad in the I'nited Mate-,
exerx canal and highxxax and 1110-t if
not all of our eitie-." The -torx i- that
million- xxcrc ciuploxcd on tin' x all:
that the xx ork la-ted o ear-. I haxe
cca-ed to xxomler at a -torx like thi- In
ancient dax- the dax-xxhich our good
people are alxx'ax- lamenting ami a !
turn to which i- the praxer of -o maiix
xirtuou-ami piou--oul- in the ancient
dax-xx hen an emperor had a xxall or a
pxramid to build he -cut out to the
field- ami hill- ami gathered in the
people and made them build on
peril of their head-. It requited an
emperor to build the great xxall. .No
people xxould exer haxe done -iich a
their oxxn xvax. I he irieat xxall 1- a
monument of the patience of a people
and the mi-applicd prerogatixe of a
king. It nexer could haxe been of much
use in the most primitixe daxs. ami now
it i- onlv a curio-itv. We xxalked about
on the top and -tiulied it- -imple ma ivi
u,(rklll.mship. ami looked upon the
plain- f Mongolia, oxer which the
.M.adcd 'fartar came. On one side of
the xxall was China, on the other Mon-
i4Mv w hi- 1 u-int mi lnv:in it ln iiiirt i
,.,,M :I1H1 barren even under the xvarm
-,jim,.. There xx:is -ouietlimg like a
wehome in the waxe- a- we again
,.,.,.,,.,1 ,!., :uj ilu.w that th a
,,p(, which we are again xeutiiring with
t. confidence that come- from long and
f,ien,llx a ociation xxould earrv u- home
,,, America, and lighten ex en 'that jour-
...... u;.i. .. .,1;,,.,, f the html of the
.. . - e- .
A Xexx.spapcr Man's (ihm Lurk.
I luring an excursion from thi-citx to
Niagara Fall-, ami xxhile at Cleveland,
an incident occurred xxhich xxill nexer
be forgotten In tho-. xxho he:ird of it.
Ih.. henna nl Hoii-e at that city xxa-
croxxded xxith gue-t-. xxheii an eccentric
.in,j witu dniggi-t of Mnithtiehl Street
:,ppt.artn bite at night at the hotel office
:id demanded a IhmL The clerk replied
tjI:ll t.n. WJl ,,v WI, vacant Im.I- in
the hoiw. one whenin xxa- quartered a
pht-biirg morning nexv-paper man. ami
t. other in a room xvherein xxa- a Pitt-
burg ex ening nexv-paper man. xvhoxx ere
xxith the exeur-ion.
..-p,, tell you the truth, they are Ik.Ui
,, dniiik s xou mav 'take vonr
choice a- to xvhich n
Mini ou xxill -Ieep
dniggi-t -aid that on general
principles he would take his chances
- tm. evening new-paper jotirnali-t.
:ls tj.y the morning men in
mor, W:ivs tlian one. ami ne woiuu
doubtless 1K. ., dnink that he would lie
dormantly quiet all night, lie went to
11 and wo.- .-oon -omul asleep. The
journali-t, hoxxevvr. awakened almt V2
o'clock, and thinking it a long time l-
tween drinks, dre-scl him-?lf. nncon-
-cioit-lx-. in the dniggi-t s cloth--, and
allied om to make a night of it. Ever
:,n,j .M,n R. mutteritt. a- ne xreaieti an
rroi over a hundred dollar- f-howin
ctnmlent roll of hill-), and I'm 1-ourid
to sitend ex'en cent ut it iwiore morn-
He did. rMjJfury Idojntph.
According to the St. reter-hurg
a v.-:tr. in trust, to a Iymdon linn, to ln
applitnl in maintaining revolutionary
iournals. and this sum i- riiviileu h-
txx-een Land mid Liberty aiul other pa-j
lArt j?rl J" rz kc attr
r.s?VtM- in ju)kA U attii. tll In 1-
l',x-lt, cw wH fa4wMtaU a.
fortMrk. mm! 1bs kv1m r lklft
- Th fwlM TtM-Utnl 8kHcrj r-amk-.
whte tOMr. WWclw-lWy a4
- Mimt (Maa4 4tum r mnAn
wi0 tln fjm H-ai-t. in tmrmr mmmj ymrt
ag. ai h Biit; t imimc ikg
tr --Iatfiiftrt bU-k jilt iH tr
for h nt 0M wmmtmA mt a
-Htid fmiMUtki mm( m Mm ! W mm)
for irimnktRf; lki
-Mtr mmI Hhw toM-klnj!
wont wkh wkii mm! bgl Bittiiwmu
Vhrrr ' a nr ylr. tW ivkir f " M
gold." n.l tnttn'tUefsnl Im tkritcuU ctd
or- that I- x fry kjnnArttf
(UA.ert-h Utr jmwI ayliM ar Lx
x.rvI. at!. t. rvf.Ir tbtn nnr .ptauo..
fin.- white wa-lio y wmumI lymml lhj
inrck or rru(?" b di'inwr-l-wk'we;
haud.tMheft. whiek r -Hjwl tntiU
Ai-fdH dr .
HiHit.l. PHK--U" Ml Xt.L.
ihirk ckMh oi.H- in tl 4iRU
(tf ni4ninth. lU-mtraadt jmm. vrme,
jturgoxne. j ikieti brtwu. aad lMrti,
brcai Mr- ir oimwn in titr r tftioL
rit do--- teing pirprv-l m tfcc fr
ni-liitig hHis fr w"y fall mr. 'Vfof
mulrrMl- nr lAiitrr ntr. t-lutli, rn4t
inere. nod n v fabric rallrd fcWr ts
Mimjttfr, w hirh i- rlr worn. vl
h- a itigh -irfi-. 11ml rvmWr
bunliitg nwU- -uAktrath l-sii lo rv
for warm wnt lr 111- Uriiu
n lings are ss'tn of thi- lair "". sitk
plu-li lnM-dfr-, huuix r - "I mrtrW
-litvhmg. d w.Hjlrn brid-. nl x1'
contrasting Ik in Mt-h pUiilt or In
-t intrict mai d-M? T1h
-liirrmg - iluriitg the -uwiniMr
txtll m begixtil up, Hiwl ih'-rwill ix
tin- ii-ual xri-tylM plix4tMtf. fnwi th
fine kfe-tl.tttitlg like ctllUMItg tt th
broadest kihiuv ml l.x-kns 11m
coHl mm! pl.iit.1 r Hin.1 kirt will
be one ot thr txli-h h-igw- fH- t.fcnl
tlres..e. Thf ls.iu- i -lint awd trvmi
nil around, r ele ll eu- brt r ll
the hip- it wax have u mJ, or a
xjtiare gniniM' hke h pls-lnnt m.tle of
the material u-l for trimming, or wl-t
it HMX have the pli-trn el. whithi
pointeil Ik-Uh the xxjttst. and r-ally c--i-t-
of two rexer-i 'Htnl i.gTthr doxx'ti
the middle. e Jem ling fnni the '
.low it. ami ctirxingiiarntwcr at th xxnt-l
line. Thi- max be of plain cloth or of
-a! in, or e!-e it may he aln-t ieivil
with parallel line-of tjrag Ithh1 pU'l
cro-wic in I'lic l.n k ha- xerx
tlat H.-iili..ii plait- in tin- middle -vain,
xxhich max either U-of the xxod gNHls
or it- trimnung-. or cle 11 miv hnxn n
bia- rexer- -et in each -Mtn of th sHlt
loriii- l Hln-r ba-qin-s arn -Hghllx lm-ble-biv.i-ietl.
rt!tiirittg oitlx ixxotrrthr.'
button- for the doubled Mrt, xxhn h dU-
lio'e- the xe- -et ill U-lteatll l'll.sir-
pli.'.' trimming give- the figure Mich
roundne that it xill entiime in fnxor;
also the wide belt beginning in lint
-cams under the amis and fa -letting ill
front. IlJoue effect-xxill al-o Im lp
ular. and the-, are now u-cl to return
the prettx -hirring, and alo to .snubiii.!
it xxith ax e-t and xxith plaiting- For
in-tance. one of the nexxe-t sllgge-tiotH
.-hoxxn i-a Ketnbrandt gifeu . .i.liinere
xxitli cotch plaid -aliu triiiimiug-w hich
has a bloit-e ba-qiie made in thi- xxax.
The gay plaid satin i- laid on the ba-qtiM
lining -It. tight doxxn ea. h -ide of tho
front, each side txxo ami a half inches
broad, or at lea-t extending to tin front.
The xx iol material i- cut the shape of
the lining, and it- front edges are -hir-ic.l
croxxi-e in txxo clu-ter- onu at
the xxai-t line and the other at tin:
top of the dart -and are dntxxn lHiek
to the edge of the plaid -atlu
vest : the fullness below the xxai-t lino D
pressed in tlat plait-, ami the loxver
edge-are -iiuplx piped. Titty -haded
button- fa-tcu tin- xe-t. The plaid is
again introduced beloxv the xxai-t line in
potilion plaiting-, in the standing bias
collar, and ill the cuff-. Few otil-idi;
pocket- are -ecu, but occasionally they
are made quite effective as trimming
by being cut in a long -quare-cormrcd
shape, and placed on the edge of tin?
basque, xx here they hang like a big.
Small fancy plaid- of xxool and silk
combined are al-o iise.l for trimming
plain xxool die - Tho-e xxith much
red and gold on olixe grounds trim ef
fectively. Ceiidarnie blue xxool i- triui
nicd xxith bar-of pah' blue, olixe, ami
old gold on dark blue ground. Tint
nexxc-t and xxanne-t hiking trimming
is ilk plu-h of the -tune -h.ub as the
dre-s. u-"d for panel-. Imrder-, and
ve-t-. and for -tripe-doxv 11 the front of
the -kilt between box plait-. The plait
ed -kirt-i -lioxv every xari"ty xvorn dur
ing the summer. Ihi: there are two
-lyle- mo-: otteti repeat.-!, vi.. : that
for tall figure- ha- three -ide-pl iit.;d
tlounces cox eriugt lief ron breadth- hori
zontally ,xx bile that liked by -h rter hidies
ha- the riltjnu plaiting extending
-tntight from belt to foot d.ovn the front
ami -ide- Fexx -kirt- are plaited all
around in kilt fa-hion, yet x.-ry fexv are
seen xxithoiit being plaited -omewliere.
The fa-hiou of the deep -qiinre Koman
apron covering the front ami -ide,
while the back i- covered by txxo. three,
or four plaiting-, will remain in favor.
For plaiting-to Itordcr -kirt-, clu-ter
xxill be greatly u-ed. Whcneoiitr.i-ting,
materials form the trimming, clu-ter- of
plait- of the guy trimming xxill alternate
xxith other- of the plain material eho-en
for the die-- Uox-pkiit- xxill al-o !
f;t-hionabIe for lorder-, tml tin., will
1m xxide or narrow according to fhiicy.
The tab- and rexer- of -atin like thj
trimming - jo.ular l.i t intr are re
pMt d on in h IV.tiih i-imii.. -r-l-r'
A (trorgta .Mountain Di-appearing in
a Singular .Manner.
Nexv- ha- Im'cii received of tln further
-inking f the large mootitnitt in North
to-orgiu which droppel into a iitMtt)T
made chasm -ome time itM-e. Th
mountain, known a- Tugalo. i- an wor-inoii-one.
It i- more tha two mile
alnnit it- Im-.'. and i- alxutt a- high a
Mone .Mountain, s.iiii- month- ngo h
thundering iioi- wa- heard. - if a live
ly tntrtlupiake hail -nddenly eomieneeI
openition-. A gentleman who wasg
ing hy theTiigalo .Motintnin lok'd t
w anlit. and xva- amazed to -ee fnlry oue
thinl of the eiionuou- ma hrenk "or-e
from the re-t and -uddeiily vani-Ii into
the earth iK'netith. carrying with it im-men-t;
tr-. -tone-, etc. After a few
day-the -ei-ne xva.- vi-hml. and it wa
found that the ground on which nlxwi
one third of the mountain was re-ting
had ojcnel or hrofcen through, and tie
ma, thu- iM-ing left without -upjror:. into the chani thu- pnvidtl
for it. It apparently alxMit tilll thi-cha-m
to a level with the ground, lut
ha.- .-ince !?n sinking. Snr can im
agine the cati-e, and fer- ar- entertain--!
that the re-t of th mftntain mu-t
follow. Tin- -ide from which th- falling wa- torn i- ntggl ami irregular,
no stratification having leen followed in
the tjaring -: The ma ha.- jn-t
let tlown about two feet further, and the
xvhole ea-; will le inve-tigatetl hv com
jx'tent srienti-t-. who are determiiiel to
prolte the -ecret of the I.i-t monntoin.
m a
I'lick -ays that the themKiineter in .
the late heated term reached high C
UVIL say- the Patter-on Vr. the
average man went higher yet. He got
up to hig, hig I)."
Henrietta chth i- -till the -tandard
material for deep mourning dr- t-s ail '
the vear around. .Milanese re-nilHe-
the Iiomltazine. ami taini-e cloth i- like (
clo-ely,woven UeLiine.
1 K-r U tl-w U Tjc"'. w
Mrf It-H TriwM 1 1mr W. 4wl 11
. nriAU Wjlr vnmrt
jmm Wijk,' m l !-.
(. W. Tttiix arw.
m4v wnW. yi TUmmst. "
ts-ix Hh JiwH Writf, lt--rt
tkjwM mA lfi fi. ttWrW4
te TrC i wW Atmn tif m "
Kx taNl hi rt4kigf tWr tlK?
brut mn imr MTi'1 '' "
. - m --
a.oHX h rtMMi im arrMqr"M Mr " ""
nUmh - MMiMr K "
gmtinmm "t liir f!.4y TrtJ -
t,mb . ! rw
hh gp4tl Im -itMif J Vn''
a MJMi fr mmt r .! IM M
4Mirth iU-r UiSMrr. Krtwi
I ilf
.Vk V xMrU aiWrti. .
mImI m 4 b - mJ m "
lltftuytM - mMm hs-M i rm .-.
thrtua rrtuc 1 k m M
v. tksa't
ka im I w y Wh
Mitk a t4J llt. m
4"t cat 1 Wi h Mi tki
It amiir Umh m liW &r
i. katl n ik4. awl Mr '1'
.kt ktMt to M ll
Jtmr- rl. few aJbtMH U
lol. wa-. mhmmt U mI h Mt ' P
v. ... .. u mi , iil nlaWt AWMnr '
..,". .. ..I -- T .
1 ttw kalki rfrlkwo Mr I'
BMlrf tk lrlt 4.Wr, 14-aV
hmimt Mtt Mr Ikr brtttt
r twi k " rr.l Htt -
MM I aw " - --
.. . ... - - iBM
rlv . ImH a alt.1 anaaa.1 ikr wmt ta k
wk' ki- ex. fmnmik al iMa tr
int., ?.aWrt OakiMttat. -W ITW !
iri!kt-Mrl l- Ukl ki- . M aw
ii.-.awi kta "T'
I .. 1 i i k .
kittt TkhiM M-nr4 ik kf
f-.lJ. &M.I kaMWIMl
.. '.41 tin. t Lmr kiaa ' Hr rk-4
Ltx h.I la lo aataaH k wa
i..Mf iw f tl. Wox- kfwi airaJ'
luuiliM IBlu lk ! tmd MM
' - "" ' r . .
toaartl Ai)tr-knrjr M 1mw. T'.
phx wa-ntrMl hk titM. mh k
ail rtn
tW rxaM.t4i.M. -4mh.I lk4 lb r4
lallet kal -rrr.t lk aarU. MM lkt
lv.lx draih raki bh kat.' Iwi m-
V ( Itia-!
iibh--xx krru ltWrl iutkaaa,
.!m Wrtfrkl .m1 lf ,irMg-.
hal beea W4s. bv Prka MrlHM.rM--trm
lel it raft anl 1mhI Ik wwa4
..I fri.M.l mjmI luiif kfMttd VM
ImI A I !;. I-k- a .l-l- ""
lii .t I rankkM llnrwi, mi smn
A.-, i.lei.1 lo Mr. TMIina-kM-l '.Mar,
a a all the ktoH U-,lir- il rx sl. aal
ilw, yLir. la iiitMiMtav wit It Hr .aMr- .li.rtl f.J- lV n m
oVkM-k The rental, w -rv Imacktlo
thi- -o oh the t'anad.i -ailWrw traia
.. s l'. Ui .n .Htlmr I'mmu tk. .krtait
thx wentakiix to t J- MiHlrtal.iva;
iHiili-hiiH'nt of CeiMx I-Mllo. om
L-faxetle AveNit.'. tnd tk t-k of s,tt-
inunk-i.ling to th.- fantilv tk al Mx
.levt.lve.1 lr Y.n,Hjit4MUd. tk
fa mil x phy-H'ian.
'11. u u. ...... -. uuL r..f,.ISll.-y. U Ik
a.-, hlenl xxere l.mtH.Hl from lt.ikert l lak-
tiiHii. xxho a.s-.muiiH-il tin- rewata
hme. leaving hi tltn' tiMfnMia
allllo-t lM-itle thi'lll-elxea W It h JJfief "on
th- t-Uml. lo-hiv wa- t Imx l"a a
gala lnx xxllh the xouMjf jrfd.' of Unix
I ritiily ioitkl. many t wlaHi a-r U
have xi-Ue.I lln-ir pa -lor in enmp om tk
htth k-iiHi. Now all i- ckar,l
Life in Motel-.
A Nexv Yolk genlleilltlM. XX lo I MM
lHsude.1 for xear- in one ..f the leading
Mtoadwax hotel-, reuutrke.1 t it iri,r--(..nd.'itt
"f the llitrtfotd Ttmm that tk
general atllie Imv h hleit .f tla kind f
life thllt U led liy fllh"HMlle WiiMIM
xxlto lmrd l hot.'lf mmI hix. Mlkinjr
lo o Init k.ll time "Anx Ia4. latr
k.eper fun tell y.Hi." he -m.. that the
order for xxiite frm rtMitiic msitiiM! Iy
tlte-e xxonnti itre cnoritHHt Tky are
generallx ett in th dax time, "when
hnJmmfs nre atteatHng t iMiitt.i kwit
town, and the wine i- nlxvax- iao.1 fir at
om e. v ho iHtX- for it?
f Well, th 14 -
-U..r- oh.
tor-, gettendlx What
dn"t under-tand The-- idle uomen
haxeayrntt many viior. too-lh men
iiinHit town, chth men and her- with
tifoiiey to -petal and nothing to !
'I lt-y .-all xx hen the Im-lmtnl- ar away
and mttke lhemet e- quite at Htue
Th. women u-tnttlx re.-etve tketn In the
the oarlor-, ami it - afterwitn aa a)
iiiMtter to invite them to h.4r room. ,
Urtlei- f.-aine and other refte-htweHt ,
an- -eat down, ami there i- a high-td I
raroii-c for a eoiiph' of InHtr- I If tar"f
lit- vi-ltor- ate careful to he .t of tk
way when the hu-lHtml- get laone t
dinner. himI the women are.-qtiaJU rnrt- j
ful to -ee tht ih. trace- of the pfe..-4tm .
Ii tpHlioii remain, tlantgh. If they have
lie.'ii tH free xxith the xv in, they lott ,
alwax--uiceed in Iieliitjf that." ,
4 Whv don't the hotel imti -t4jit"!
Weft, -one do. Then ar. hotel-
in xvliH-h tHithiiig of thi kind ran he re- '
-at.'d. ami no impropriety of aax khnl J
can lake plaee n -ceo ml time: latt tk I
matter i- tt delieitte one to jom-h. Hal
tit hte men pre fT to keep ekar of k
if thev t-Hit. There are .me ltoti, '
llH.tigfi. where mo wotlee i taken of it. (
Vi-ii..r- mux cMe ami jo a- thy !
plae, himI aiti tM-iler- are !".! with-
H a tpiath.t. We an- nt neral
jtolie." -nx- the maHagar- of the-e h
i. - anil f phh oui iit-MM to Kn-li
.ntr gne-t mider -tirvnllHe. I lell
yn. a ywig wife vrle-. Ih-4mm. 'p a)-
-ttt dnriMg the day hottkl ihtit lMnrI
at a Je4-l. atnl il -irpr- me tlmt imh
of eixfMire wlei kew th waW. aI
. i i it. t. .a
the ki of p.w,pk ia it. dwt k-t th-ir
wne- away froM laHeU alu.get'fr
I aey .r- in .butgrr mK th tune, ao
many of them fall itOt Iwtiat- aatl hh-
panx that rum litem Kfe ' Thi -
geniHtttan ei inxe -j.'iv.ea furUor if
k wen- iK-e nry. hat h ahl tpiite
etaath lo -gg,.." mre a few t-Iwipt'T-f.r
iastttne. t.f a ittgh-naxor.l Kra-M
- tktxie- mw H. -IlaArT W baaa'."
Itw....L 1 and . in the altera! wkk-h a a- kth ralawfc-aa Aawtkrr
the I'ojf wtke- hh walk. At thi- Xim ' -M " Irawi--ka'M ettiarax d 3aV
Mo one aneonneeted with thentart i- ad- j phi-." iaatead nf, iaaV-rHU ti!
initial to the Vntiean. !-, walk-, with ' ".' 'IV ww mmm-T alaMat that
long -tride hi- inijM.-tng figure I-h-i. inteail of -ay twg, - Mr. Itrww freaf .
tagiy ur.tiHii m
the -imple. -
rontiKettl i-olit He in-eeede th.. rt
of hi- -tiite. a- if he de-ired to r.-i ,u
-oh'tnde after the long d.rv of hi- ptihlle , the N"w F.b-tLmmI Watraal tkart mmV tk
tlutie. He nexer ti-e- ti ni-th- t- ' ehrjrrntaa "" txt rai. ! I km
pniVHl.fl by hi- gardener, Milratore, hat harn'ht Ttlfor! "
-tAntU for -oiue tiiia" la'fitr th- ktuire ...
of hi- aviary. -milig at the golden , "It a Mnrd Ma-aaanti im tf. ' tk
pli.-asnm- and fnn-t.-ttli pige-.n- wkh remark Uure-I kr a wfctt Umrnmr -4
theltiextdeneeof a Franel-irA-iium, the ,h.y kt the Kp. m iaaaa".
ami then tnd-s on. penetrating the Frenekman. wk w aWaVtawt aw.
tlmket which oeetiphs. a jiart f w, afckka. ar am am k
theganlen. wohr wrtk -..J eijaw' - Taa, f
. , .-.""""".... i the ratdr n a evwiraJ frtei : kajg at
- 7::" "-"wr,.lns -!
anoyei tv III- trrer-itie. f a mat
ptiMl l'J year, old. on one of th closing
day- of term kept him in and undertook
to xx-hale him. He, however. di-annM
her. and returned -everal ki -- forench
LIOW. Tlie -elidnjl-tn-- iit..itI.. ...
forgive thi- breach of discipline., !o.kel
a: him Ktenily in the face, and, -liakin
her forefinger at him in a menainr mard
menain"' ni ri
ner.-aiu -mnly- tHtam. 1 will
hnlA,V'WMit-yt Inin"t' l" "!'
hugging me: and if xuu di-.fv nte I
-hall pnni-h you very -everely ."
'11 mn.. -t "t .
..S'rr1 "t
1 . . - . e- ..
mtu. He w!k
ir -iJ 1 - ... "-.."
-rrkenfa.T-T-.r..L.-. i -
j er or later bring up in th- uoor-h.
I Iktroti Free Vj. '
. ?..! r
f-l IWi4
. K
r- ,..
Mf . MMlLtaf -!.
mt iWk.
lw.wwmiy n'tsV
v tfcrt j. mtA fn-
U XMitwg Hfcr llkrW-
I f 4rml!
rr .
ww aw
tT rt'o mimmmm mnt.
utg. mi tmkim "- nr ..
W .t Wm Tf1li . MnOM -
Ut at
Ik vr .4 tflkkng " fc
MTtaxf m1 iWl tnMiHf. ! . rti -
?V fgrvmm t d wntiirx fc.- ,
U hmi Im fMMa4 ithM i .
tto k tW ImK Aat .immii'i .
jhph MflWa
Ht M tfc .
Mt-M 4
llHf u'MMPt
tafcrtt Ifca. MrMr ar 1mt4 tm tMti
It . Ikrt I fMpMftJf '
t Ha m4mr m mm
praami. ak k.kf MH w -
IM 0'WMlwfc " M m
AW hum liak '
tnm Ht a Wit m
IIm.. s" Hs
kr k
V .W
"fMalfcli - l-MM
w . m r
. .&&!
.W. kM4
m-M. W k . h.M -k Ukf iinK
J -
- H k - .4 tk y.Wl
fc yUttor hr. wImWimM twtl .
tit. PkU thmA t- to mm mtmiA t
s Ik kJ I
M x A1
At aW -
Ma. k
aortk 4b4tm at ;'
' t h
J taw t. 7
W k tfct
b kkk k kal urn tokHM. m4
k.k J U w-klaar iaV .
a kiiM mVm 4W ta4 aval kr a !
tarwatk 4a- k a w --t- hs
krf kaaalknnan k ., .1 .
it la
f 4
h amaif aa4 aal
a4 tk lavl k kt I- t'
hrr xr , aat kH tk"
land h tk M ! tfcrf" 4f
fatkfrt ' t m- imI m- kr
ax aa 'anapl 4 rotatta- aal rva-'i
! akk-k lk-r a m JaaV' 4
itttfF Wkaj If V aaWM wr Hi
MmIU w jra rt
mimt raw, .or '""m;
I In Ik- r"n 4 Mkf Ik
ilurrfmnk-d dtttx r
fe- h -r i tk
kl svktfW- iorMaatkiM kaM
tkr ral o4 tlaMr .. -1 m
, kaak-4. i a lr-M tk
nitaWt . kM-M'k M tl
; pk- U rHrl pm
i .skk-il tklag ! .Irbift
tkryr' ttm:r
-. -
'" !l-nintir lrMirtiL
I 11 Mill I
t iwtfV t kj rr-ak-t
1 1
Jw-rM tkat. Ms.-.mltMft'
to W i at am t .
' ataiena-ni. kta kioak-ilf. .4 tm aH!
laryry a a at that rim rnr MMatal. -.
that' k kai k fpri m tk 'm Ikk nf lh
iihki-H 1 1 kt mom . k.M"r. Mafili
iktl kt iria.rtM. Mnarad f gtvml '
xantav kin, a a kai ry lltttr '
HalarN. aal tiM.kt iImm aftr-rfc tf
atltka't fra from th kia NMaar' t
ffiitn '"a wk kar fc-4kw-J a kai
trto-k hmI atnly ta'ar kw a at I
tit. nrt 'ITmw a .-ak H ll r
oirvL kM'rxrr. t k rarrAttlif .oajai-t
er .l . 1 1, tk at tataalv tfcat ataja- of
kjaorant- ukl twaM kiaa k lalrMi,
it Matty m kHtar inMfriM. kt ait
feth frinl kla arkk k mtv naikr it
prarttral Mtt. H mei to work In k-no
lift HbtV htHiln. tVrasklr. araf fr- io
I-A- aal lkn in Ik aKimfrira. it
it will Im n tkat krr a a mm H
m in tkr workl, who art kiuiaalf lo Mrl
It'itralMff. a Ml mukiiy tf m ikiak Ikaf a
. an U irj weH artlaatt k at alaW at a?!.
or aUkiMM katnta any a T" '
lrnhM. w k. lka ffH ktaaV kt-
kavL ll I- -tWt f intraai M kaata tl. .
, karln; kwih m mmII n riwwMaat It--.
. H.H-k- in M laara. imt taajm I...
reliraiaary trial. Mtowrk rnttMrl a. !
e tHtr.xt ia-felM-r laiW at' Ma. ''
made fftilttre a(t-r faUwrv, T tk w-.
hmn k.o-'er, failurr U a way of lrt
ing. aial fihr-. trv arafntty r-tf" l
HrM. ) at tkwt kw m tkr way k
t. aae .aw tiaarhv t4 trxin-a tk tat
urf. avuia .. .rati!. . las aaa tht
), w.. ihottaxk aMwlaar Ik k. "
y.x wmy w. m.j tri and tkirw, I
r9Hmm. tkr in llrnwhr . mtfg'
,Me fwrtkrr .-H'rlawMt Ikaaa'.
iad!. t that dartajr k kwf
f fajkw k wa- a.ewaMkMlaai
ImiHrlHWl f w- wkn k . wa. Ia
akjMMtfelt la- of xaltw lo hiaw. Lmm
- ., . ....,
. ,,r '!ilh....lir.
, f,m u,T .la-ta- 4 tk !
J.dtn 4trr Utnk Ma Htti a kaM
T.4.-4. mi hm .-aearaka. Tkr la4 few'
v Jew H t h mmmi at tk wfc-1 ana) jfatk
.-red itHtek tavfwraalkat rtalh !!
ltli of t watt i iatiwtf rl ally
ka fikr okl kka m tk kwalli mm
ttrk awl a-kl kia kw k ta
!; Uim-l IVat-ra." wak-a
thwaia4ir reply. " I'm jtotw' fca W
-orfaiitMo. paa " JkU rkjfjkt.
rriml'il tk " fMilai ," ' latt nas U
latte to Mwdy MHvkxwflnw. aatro a MmJT aal
dir lkr . Hi orlr w laaaiaa
a gMw .a " 'fa kul akt aaaMaw
tk liate. IhH afmearwl to la rtwthn:
the liflk-oki.' of tk in k aata!
) with Moa-k irnttitr.
I'apa. I ffww I
aa 14 ratde'
wmt't W a m&mt
U it .1 aatie of Ik IV - x aVa :
ha U. kaw aa tkiaar frr taW "
; rw fv .
Sra f Ik "kirag MtfMr mt !
tHNMtwg the Xm'X. tka tk tipfgpmpbmnl
Tror istilt ..iU. a f tkea fiwtty
wawietl t . HaS ka"." fcM
' pag ."' it
wiant U aajr
! hntvut' great win," aa tkr oa
w.atkt tW Ta4 x - aa bad
WdAr hhm" -UH wka m
' j thi tJv .-icar k-4f l lavi
At a legal Hrr4fcvtMi a iajer
-4re. tke Ja-V- -"" aw uawvbui
wkae-; What Vfm- m tk' faanwltkai
vtrti hfltir The reohr waa: - WK.
omt Honor, k wa. ntaAed wk?
one end .f the hwrref am4 Tat tim9y
.,0 tt... ...t..- .i ... u t ..
-... ...- .rv.p-i null, .. mm . w .
. whether k wa- wki-kv or I'a. If w-
, . , lht. Jw4, intr
lMglrfc.from Igto ! rar --
r.7'T'- - :" :
" " i. -ar- mrtmx a o
'.'""""r - lengui. .vutwy kaanfn ";
i touch aul (tUr; iilteatli.o m awaaKW-
I sable ratfwr than hvaw Iakjr.
tlMat r-
I rMMJ te
m- r
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