The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 25, 1879, Image 1

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Cloud Chief.
rrniiHU.D fcVEitv thuhsiiat at
mh;. THOMAS,
f:i!l(ornud X'rnprlctor.
,itvrriiinjc Itnte-.
lAmk 4 v3 to k4 U
"Eternal Vigilance is the price of Liberty" $2.00 ymr is tlir price of the lint Claud Chief
t rtJ&MlAm.
1iU 4vrtatf u ! m
2.CI jer j-car, larariaWj in AiTasee'j
Final Proof Notice.
Land Office nt lUoornlnetnn. ?'.
Aupu-tiinJ. l."7i.
X"ti'e ii lier-liy cin-n that tJij fullnwinir
narro.1 FcttUr liai'filril notiro of h iritr' tinn tn
Snake final proof in MiM.rt of hin'claiin. anl
rrnr-final entry thereof L the expiration tf
thirty jIhjk from the date of thi. notice, vix:
Koberton Aitamf'on fer tlie fouthrcst'juarter
fc-rti n 12. tfiwi. 2. rslige 10. wet. and numn tlir
f llotvinr lii wittier, viz: tleurgt If. Hall,
ofltnl Cloud. Srhrika,aiid Francis jl Fawyer
oftViwir Neurotica.
nuc2Sejr25 S. V,'. Switzkr. Rsirtrr.
r Final Proof .Yoirr.
Land Office nt 1'lnoniinetnn. Neli.
August 2rih. 1S79.
Notiic i hcreJiy riven that the folloirine
ti amed with r hnt filnl Ji lice f hi intention lo
Inake final jiroof in tutirt of hi i-lnitn. and
Tiir final entry tiiereol at the expiration of
thirty dnr from the datf thi notire. i:
s-mntiel M. T hnmar. for the northwest qnar
tTffclion 2i town 3. ranee ll). w-t. mid name
the follon-.ns a hi witnjsci, iir lMwin I
Jnibb, of Ooirlff, Nelira.ka. and L"renr I).
l horem. if C'owln". Vrnka
riif-2Vf!i2.'i F. tt.wiTH. ittKiMcr.
j- '
i Fatal Proof Notice.
.w OfiW at lUoiiiiiiJi-t.ii NVIi.
AutfiiKt Huh. 179.
V.,i c hcrehv r'ven the follnyrinj:
Iianwd Fe'tlcr Iih filed no'i-e nf hi- i'-tentiiin to
Mlkr iroif in ritwxirt of n rlnini. and -
J !1f.'in : I.
in::' p
w -nna.'.r
Final Proof Not ire.
Land "llire at l!Iooiiiint'l,.ri Nb.
Aucut Jilh. 1S71. '
Noticn i l.trrhy civen that the following
iiamed pettier baa file I notice of Iii intention to
tnal.i pr- f 10 pupport of bin elaim. and
M-rure fuil iitry thereof nt the expiration of
lliirlvi).l fr In l!,e l.te of tliix"c vir
If Ii lliipoti. fortlie nortli'enrt quar-
terieetionr;.!toii 3 Vanw It M. ami ,,!,.,,
t1f.dlrniiuraPhiiwitiicfi. iz: Uilliam 11. i
. . . .... . .
ll!'p'-r.i.j t'ow'pi. Nebrapkn. nmt Kec v IS.
II mpp 11. of ( owlep. elira.Ka.
nni'." ici S.W. Itegiter.
Land Office nt Illnomington. Ne" .
9 Augu-t u"7tb. Kit. 1
Xotiec i hirehy given that the following
named pettier have file.I notice f int-ntinn to
uih) proof in ptipport of his elnim nnl
cure final cntrv therrof n" tt.e pir-iiion of
thirty tiny- from tb date of I hi" notice, viz.
r'lirlcntA.Tcel. for the joiith-Me't ij'firfer
eeliiti IS town Jt nnge ! f't. ami namei the
f llowtng a bi nitiic.i-s. vir; Itatiiel t'nok of
Th 1 1.1-viHoN. b. arid John A- Smith of Thorn
a tille rb.
-. 1 tiLt2 S. .SWITZKK. Ue;iler.
niiAL P200F i:oxi:e.
Land fTjco nt l'loomimrton Neb.)
.7th' ISTIt.
Notice ip herel y given that the following
'" M-ttler bnp filed notice of hi intention to
tniikt finnl proof in Mipport ol lii e aim ami j
etite finil entry thereof nt the expiration of
thirty from the date of lhi notp-e. viz.
John II .1 enon. for the poutb-wept quarter
jeetiiin 2 town 4 mnge 1 wet an 1 name the
lollouingah hip witncFPep. iz: Spencer Alex-
jendcr.f Wells Neb. and Nieludus Jensoti of
Vrll- Neb.
peplocti S. W. SWITZKK. Kegiptcr.
Laud Qflicent Illonmington Neb.
Sept. :td. S79. f
Notice i. hen bv g!ven that the following
amedhettler tiap filed notice of lii intention to
lsnke final proof in Mipiort of hip claim, nod ho
rure filial etury theieof at the erpiration of
thirty dijp fr m th- latinf fhi notice, vir:
ttcnr AnioSd. fitrt he iiorih-wot quarter See.
1 town " range l('w-t. and name the fnllowing
n hi viitneep. vir: .lohn Arnold of lCing.vton
" l. aiidThaddim ArnoM of ItJue Hill Nili.
mp4i.cC S. W. SWITZKK. Kegitcr.
:toti:s of final phocf.
.and Office at llloomington Neb.
Sept. fth. 1S7P.
Nutii'e i? hcndiv given thai the following
.lined ettler hi filed notice of Iiip intention to
make li'ial proof in support of hi elnim. and
-e-ur' final entrv thereof at the expiration of
irty lnyp frftni the Inte ol thi notice, vir:
Xnvier Lal'orte. tho north-nii-t quarter
Section 2 town 4 rnngo 111 net, ami nntiu" the
lollon ingai bi witne'ves. vir.- Joseph Lal'orte
ot Webster county Neb. n:id IMmouml Cham
Ihiiix of Webrter eountv Neb
I I . t? S. W. S iVITZCK. Regisler.
Zand Office nt llloomington Neb.
Sept. 5th. 1S79.
Notice is hereby given that the following
turned pettier hap filed notice of hi intention to
make final proof in support of hi-- claim, and
i-ecuro final entry thereof at tho expiration of
thirty day from the d.tto of this notice, viz :
I'aniel Ciok. for thr north-west quarter Sec.
"0 town. '1 range It wet.nnd name tho following
ij bit witnce. viz: Abraci Well of Still-
voter Neb. and Charles A. Tee! ofStillwatcrNeb
itpll.ctll S. W. SWITZER. Kcgistcr.
Laud Ofliec at TJloomingtnn Neb.
Sept 9th. 1679.
N i Ice is hereby given that tho following
named -ettler ha filed notice of hi intention tc
A :n:ike final proif in support of h!s claim, and se-
euro final entry thereof at thecxpiration of thirty
tlavs from theditu of this notice, viz:
Henr- Conncly. for the W.'jN. W. IS. E.'-J
N. W. ' , and 11. IV I S. W. 'Ibec. town 1 11.
i we'L and name tho following as his witnc.!e.
xir: John It. Watt tf tiuidr Kock Neb. and
Samuel ICeUcv of Cuideltoek Neb.
-eplloctH S. W. SWITZKK. KcpUtcr.
Land Office at Uloeniugton Neb.
Sept. 9th. 1S79.
Notice i hereby slven that the following
named rit!er iij O'ci ;.otice of hi intention to
make filial proof in :-uport of his ilaim. and
re -urc faml cr' tIiereof nt the expiration of
thi-vdnJT elato of this l.oticc. iz:
iinuel i" ,-. for the rOUtb-c-i.t quarter
heettOUO lewfirrange 11 we-t. and name; the
foil win ft hi? w itui e.. vir : Henry V". Itn
if lUdeloud Acb. and iteorgc G. Hors of Keil
Ol ml Neb.
ci IL-cKi S. W. SWITZKK. i:egiter.
Notice Of Final Proof.
1 rd 05ieo.1t Kloomengton Neb. Sept 9th '7D.
Ntitice Is hereby civen that the followinz
t amed M'ttlenbas filed notice of hi intention to
make final proof in support of hi elaim. and
secure fionl entry thereof at the expiration of
ti irty-days from the date of this notice, viz:
Jo-oph Chambers, for the south-east quarter
fcetion S town Grange l() west, und names the
fillowinp; nshU t-itnrpe. tiz: Nimon Brown
ofweb'ter county . c'j. and Nicholas Ilaney of
webster county scb.
crlloct'J S.AV-SWITZEK. Kegicr.
Fin a I Pi 'oof Notice,
Lain! Office nt A'loomington Neb. Sept. 9th 1S7P-.
otiee Is hereby ghen that tho following
i,5,Ji,Cettlerts filed notice of his intention to
muke"iinsl proof in nspport of his claim, und
secure final entry, thprcol nt the expiration of
thirty days from the date of this notice, viz:
.fames II. Chambers for tho pouth-wet quar
ter section 22 town 4 rargc 10 west, and names
the following as his witr esses, viz: Cnrtis Heat
of webstcr county cb. and H'illiara Krown of
Webster county xeb,
S. W. SA-frzKit, Kegistcr.
llloomington Nebniska ,
Sept. 3d. 1S79. )
Notico is hereby given that the following
Jreed settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and
secure final entry thereof ot the expiration of
thirty days frost the date of this notice, viz:
Nicholas .TcnKen of Webster county. Nebraska,
for the southwest M sec. 11. town 4. north range
22 west, and names the following a his wit
nesses, viz: Spencer Alexander,, f TTe&jter Co.,
Neb. and Elroy Pettys. o f Wcb.-tsr Co., Neb.
seplSoctlC S. V. ExiTZEB, ltegister.
Fin al Proof .A biice.
Land Ofllcc at llloomington. Net:
Sept- -aJth. 1S7U.
Notice is he -eby given that the following"
ncmeil settler has Cied notice of his intention to
.ibn final nroof in snpport of his claim, and
pecurc final entry thereof at the expiration of
toirty uays irom me uaie ui mis nouce, viz:
William Topfer. for the-northwest Quarter sec
31 town 4 range 10 wtft nd names the following-
:isniSWItnesse. vii; ti iiiijuioJiiHiiui uiuoiiui,
Nt b.. ami W illiam Kort of HIu Hill. Neb.
iiriVrt s- v'. swi rzKi:. iie2ictcr.
tb.r-ydia- from t,r I. t.M.rfh.. oiii e. m, m"'-" inc MHiiiwe-i quarter pm.
Ih..ecll llaim. I. frllieH..-!iilfti..rlii-e.t .'.TiiL?'"1" i;W 1 ' in 'l1n',Ii,,"rhr,r'""M ?.'! rri. inn U t..r. .1 r.,11 tr.rt. .,d , Vji' 'PZ '' W'.' '"' l T m .'imi'v V'11,
11 l. IVrk f ilatin V. I.. :.d An Itlv, Carl... I, . rl. t. h. V . 1T.LK. Kecuter.
ro en'rv ihertit ii ii.f vior.iliori of . ; i... l . . 1- . :. ""
Final Proof Notice.
Land office at Illoomlnir. Neb.
Fept. 20th. liT9.
Notire it hereby given that the following
named rettler ha filed notice of hi intention to
make final irC"l in Rupport of his claim, and
lerure final entry thereof at the expiration f
thirty lay frtm Inn dte of thi notice viz:
William Kort. for the outhwet 'juarter ec.M
town 4 ranee 1U wet. and name the following a
hi witnee.ii: William Topfcr of Hlue Hill,
XehranV.and U Ilium .Sell ii I 'lor Hill. Neb.
pZWirtZI K. W. .SWITZKK. Keciiter.
notice o? total ?2oor.
TO. j
IJloointnrton Nrbrark:
cpt.3)th 1S7!
Notice i hereby ciren tbit the following
named rctllcr ha filed notice of hi intention to
make final proof in uppor of his claim, and
erure final cutry thennjf al the expiration
of thirty day from tbecUte of thia notice. tiz:
Frederick Weichert. for tho po1lthrat quarter
ec. II town 4 range 10 weft, and namcn the M
lowing a hii" wiinrMe. riu William Schulrtf
IUue HiH. Neb., and Williim Kortof ilue Hill.
epiloctiJ S. . SWITZKK. Kegi.ler.
Final Proof iolicc.
Land Office at Iiloomington NI.
KcpLnh. IHVJ.
Notice 1 hereby ghen that the following
fmnril f rttler hn filed notice of hi intention to
make final proof In upport of hi r!niin. and
ururo final intry thereof at the expiration of
::ct::e of final pboo?.
Llm tnington Nehrckn
.ept.anh. ISTU.J
Notice if hereby given that the following
named pettier hap filed notice of hi intention to
make fiiiitl proof in etipport of hi claim, and e
cure. entry thereof at tho expiration of
thirty days from tho date of this notice, viz .
Will 1. mi .Sehulz. for the quirtcr
see. 10 town 1 range 10 wt.t. and name the fol
1 I..u .. j !. wilii.uf.i. . .
,.,,,,; V V ' iw
; uo - hraska. and F
''V'.. .'.V. u '
low mrii hi wiliirxncp. viz : ilhain Tonferof
reuenck W eichert of
pepoatlS . H. W. SWITZKK. Hegifter.
Lund 'ffice at llloomington Neb. 1
Sept ""th. 179. J
Not te is her by given that the following
miniil pettier has filed notice ot his intention to
tuakiTfitiaf -toofm rupport of hi elnim. and
pi-cure fiiul entrj k'tfreof at the expiration of
thirtvl.0" from Predate oftbis notice, viz:
John Hull i-im. forjtjio mtheatt quarter pec.
Jt town 1 rat go 11. :i7id iiatncs the following as
hi witiT".ep. vir: Jacob . Altlaod of Wells.
NehrarV. and Ion. ' Ilwyer, of Well. 'eb,
f ep-.'--ie:i' t $. W. SWITZKK. Kcgi'ter.
IlIoominTtoii Nebraika V
Sept. 17th. 1879. J
Notic i horeby given that the following
n mind pettier hii" filed notice of bis intention to
make final proof in i-upport of hid claim, nnd so
cure final entry thereof at the expiration of
tit t r t v ilaj from the date of this notice, viz:
I'.lirabwh A. 'ca. wife of laiah S. Ileal. (In
raneiforthe poulheat quarter see 12 town .1
range 11 wed. mi I iijiom the following a her
wilnecp. iz: Che-ter V. bullerof Ilatin.Neb..
and l urti-t Heal at llatin rweb.
5. W. .SWITZKK. Register.
Sale of Mortgaged Chattels.
IVhikkah. Herbert Fullmer. Win. Hodgson,
Win A. Joore. 011 the 1st 'ay of April, A. I).
1879. executed an I delivered to I'urden and Mc
Donald a chattel mortgage dated on udtH7 up
on tho following dc-cribcd pctvmnl tmiporly:
tnepnof gtey hor.e. about lilt ecu hands
high. 0110 of uiuks. one t tin 111 u mare.
"Hack." the other a horre "black" mixed wi'h
white baits about fourteen ha ds hL'h. tnnro 9
earmold, hon-e 4 years old. to secure the pa
lucut of one bundreil mid eighty dollar-: on tho
t ila ol Ntirembcr. Is79. which mortgage w:u
dulv filel ill tho ofiieo of Kecorder of Deeds,
Jewell county, Kanga. on tho cth day of April,
A. H. 1879
And. whereas a default has been made in tho
payment of tlie money secured by t-aid Chattel
M01 tgage.
Now. therefore, notice is hereby civen that In
Purpnance of the statute in such emes, made and
provided, tho .-aid Chattel Mortgage wilt bo
foreclesc i by sale of the properti 'herein de
scribid. at public audi .n in tho town of I led
ClomL on Saturday, the 11th day of October. A.
1).. 1S79. at "o'clock in thclternoon of paid dny,
or as much thereof as luill be nece-sary to satis
fy the said sum of one hundred ami eighty dol
lrs with interest and costs and expeusci of sale
unlefs the same shall tie sooner paid,
1'okdek & 5IcIonmli). Mortgagees.
Ky 0. C. Cape. Attor .ey.
Dated at Ked cloud. September 17. 1S79. Clt
The nepro bootblacks of Llnooln won't
allow tbc white (rush to compete with
Nemaha county i. agitating the qu s
tion ofvotiug S10.000 to build a court
Wm. Phelps, of Furnas county, had to
dip a wjli :M0 feet deep before water was
John Spier, of Burt county, has the
hrpest orchard north of the Platte, con
sisting of 40 acres.
Jas. Carbock, of Pawnee City exhibits
a blade of upland prairie grass eight feet
in length.
Last Monday a man sold a wapon load
of fine fish in Grand Island which he
caught in the Platte
A La Porte school marni killed a rattle
snake in front of the school house door on
Tueiday morning.
Hon T. M. Marquette, of Lincoln re
cently paid $50 for a sucking JS'orman
colL lie has a fiuc stud of horses.
Mre. Whipple, of UcWht. Saline coun
ty, presented her husband with two girls
ami one boy at a single birth.
The election for bonds to build the
canal between ickauiah and Arizona re
. suMtj , favor 0,- .j,e projcct
T.A. Hanson, of Franklin county says
he picked two thousand cucumbers from
j fourteen hills, the said hills bciug of or-
amary mzc
Work on the bridge across the Repub
lican river at Franklin, has commenced,
and will be pushed forward with ail pos
sible rapidity.
Mr. Jerome, the owner of the fisheries
in Sarpy and Cass counties, will have
tiout, German carp, and California sal
mon for sale next rear.
Sam. Palmer, a Johnson count farmer
has a flock of sheep on Salt creek bottom,
tiumberinp 1200, that he has just brought
in from Colorado.
It is now stated that Sheriff Martin, of
Adams county, who captured llicbards,
the hero of nine murders, adorns his of
fice with the fiend's skeleton.
Mr. Ktause. of Dixon county, has on
exhibition at the Ponca Journal office a
stalk of corn raised on bis farm wfiich
contains 12 large well-filled ears.
Mr. Arnold, of Ashlani, exhibits three
cars of new corn that weigh 4 lbs and a
corn stalk 12 fectan4 S inches in 1-ngth
having two fine large ears of com on it.
It is reported that the sheriff of Daw
son county knows where he can lay his
hands on Barney Gillan, one of the Olive
pang, who recently escaped from the
Plum Creek jail.
An election will ho holfl in Hnrlnn nnil
I Furnas counties the 6th of October, en a
propssmon to vote bonds lor the con
struction of a road from Bloooiington' to
to the west end of Furnas oounty.
One hundred and fifty men and one
hundred teams went to work on tfie
branch line between Beatrice and Maryr
vilkflast week. They occupy the line
along the Blue for five miles from Beat
rice southward,
thirtV tlutx Iriiin flimluta iirilii. nr.ttom vi.
TF1URSDAY SKP., 25 1379
Get ready for prairie firea.
Watermelons have had the:r day.
And they left poor Kenney out in
the cold.
Candidates were ai thick List Satur
day as flics around a tnolas-cs barrel.
A tramp with beaded nincci5itis and
"Mch" for sale was in town Iat Friday.
Messrs. Ward it Kverett have en
gaged in the ban ware buncs-at Cowlo.n.
The County Comtiii-ioncrs meet in
regular session ou the 7th day of October,
The politics of this county are not run
by the same clique that they "used to
Court wa. held in Bed Cloud Ia-t
week, und a number of important cahen
diioed of.
An exchange wickedly says that pov
erty is a dNcracc and mended tockingfi
are a darned shame.
-Me.-srs. Newcomer, Strolim, K B.
Smith and W. E. Thome, were elected
delegates to the judicial convention.
The time for puttini; up stoves is at
hand now do try and Me if you can't
get the pipe together without swearing.
A young lady. Miss Lucy A. Me
Fadden, is a candidate for the offico of
county .?uperintcnd'nt in Alams county.
The drivellint; idiot who presides over
the Arfjus, devoted considerable of his
valuable!?) space to Us, axam, last week.
O. C. Case has been here but a com
paratively short time, but he already has
an enviable reputation as an alL lawyer.
Ex. Gov. U. W. Furnas honored the
Republican convention with his presence
and a little speech at the Court flouc
last Saturday.
Columbus Borin sprcd himself over
Bed Cloud one day la-t week. He fioo
to Kansas to engee in the butchery of a
newspaper at Osborn.
By dint of check and a little manoeu
vring, we have managed to KCt po-se-vion
of a new (choap) suit of clothes. Now
wo'll all "wear good clothes."
Mr. Frtd S. Hazard, of Bloomington,
cjllcd on hc ClUKP la-t Monday, aiuL
informed us that he will soon take charge
of Mr. Farley's drug buncs.
This week and lat wo published a
paper for money, the circus "ad" comes
cut now and wc will proceed to run tho
Chikf for glory, as heretofore.
Mr. Wilhelmson who was arretted
on tho charge of Mealing a cow from Mr.
Burtis last week, and whose trifl came
off last Thursday, was neuuitted.
The Grand Jury farco was enacted
again last week It should be forever
abolished as its principal mission seems to
be to burden tho peoplo with taxes.
A burglar went through a number of
dwellings near Cowlcs one day last week,
and "cabbeged" various small amounts.
John Waller was the heaviest looser.
Messrs. J. A. Tulleys, J. S. Gilliam,
Silas Garber and J. R. Willcox, were
elected delegates to the state convention,
which convenes at Omaha, October 1st
Tho September term of the District
Court closed last Friday. Judge Gaslin
informs us that a large number of cases
were disposed of, and the docket nearly
Messrs. Short and Clark, two
"piints" of Hastings, called at these
headquarters last Friday. They were on
their way to Kansas where they expect to
avaU themselves of the homestead privil
ege, and work at their trade,
Mr. Halsworth presented the Chief
with a peck of the largest and nicest on
ions, last Saturday, that we have seen in
a long time. Mr. II. has yet on haud
and for sale about 300 bushels of those
t-upcrb onions.
If the persons who habitually borrow
newspapers of their neighbors knew how
small it looks, and could hear how slight
ingly, they aic spoken of by the acco ji
modating neiuhbor who loans the paper,
they would do o no more.
On account of the crowded condition
of our columns last week, and having
matter already set up. we was forced to
leave out a letter from Mr. D. S. Hel
vern which we would like to have published-.
It is now out of date.
.Judge Gaslin honored the ClllEF
with a pleasant call List Friday. The
Judge is very popular in this county, and
if he receives the nomination at the
Judicial convention, as he surely will, he
will poll a large vote in this part of the
We have more than a dozen cords of
wood promised us and paid for, and stiil
we have been oblii;ed to live on raw tur
nips and crackers for the last tLree weeks
because those who promised us wood
won't bring it in. This thing is gstting
Parties from a distance are beginning
to enquire about the Webster county
Fair. We have before us a postal card
addressed to Mr. Liddy by a Mr. Chelf
of Kansas, who wants information in re
gard to tlie fair, It loots- deucedly like
there would be no fair in this county this
.fall. ?
The Nominees.
The convention held at lleil Cloud lat
Saturday, for the purpose of placing in
Domination candidates for the county of
ficrs to hf filled at the crncral elccMon
November 4th. pa'd off in a quwt and
orneny xuannrr. an part- ol me county
wan represented, and the result wi, d
bflievf, entirely hati-factiry to tin mn
' J
of the people of the county. Certainly
it would have been a difficult matter to
have .elected a better set of mca to ban
die the affair, of the county thin th.,e
cho-en by that convention, and while we
realize that many excellent gcutlemen were
not cho-cn a.i candidate-", vrc aro equally
... , . , ,
. . '
iueii nv l-iiv.iu'1.
nuuta. and which are wholly without fottn-
dation, as we havo an sihuud.irice of proof1
to show a moie competent man enuM
not have been sehcted from tho tinny
rood and competent men of this county.
Mr. Garber has hnds,.v..r:il le.iM nf pi
perience as clerk of NuckoIN county and
as a proof of his lione-ty and competency
wo have only to call all-ntion to the f.ct j
that there is not a county in the state !
it t ,. i " , -, -Doc Shi-rerlia traded hi. Ii.,um ami ' " kH,,P were in -plendil comiiti'.n, ieoh i tiH-cuUjr inuI lu I rrot. w - . L-J l l
Hon. Jos (i .rU-r wa-. chov.-u. and rihl , lJ; "7 J ,ra,lMl ll" ""u c and j uyvitl!, r,lf. i M i , "Ai n b. M-ri.t to .ay to th .1 , , iti !Tl i!LS
ii . ... ol- to Mr Ah I n,v,"T ttts I upon 'et.ra.ii grava. . v . . t .. rW luil r t-1 Hm
here let us say that nntwithftandine rc. , ,0,n lo -,ir ' '"'" "or-i lor ins l.irui, I - ctue. t Vvt j i.pniP.1 r tica ',UJ t , 3ttaJl. '1 'TT
po.t, that may have been put it. crculi- ' aU,! W,!l luove ,0 ,l,e """W 3wI bt0,He ! A .waru. ..f t titled .lor, snto the , '"ViTu- ""f , ' "' J, , . fR)ll
. .i ii-ii a rranrer. ', - , e ., ,. , ., '' e a.k oath tu-nficileM in . .. j. .
Hon to the contrary by hw political oppo h ft hay window of Mr Kittle . rr.ukntv in 'tnaVin the order rtnrPo. lr ihr .WMIi 4 wt
trtinil nllilrj Ti.ktxi hnr.i, 1 .... .. ...-i. .
iaiu,uuui ij iiiiii I'lil.U" UIKI cl 1 1113.
Nuckolls county warrants are now and
have been for yenr at par. The largest
popular vote will without doubt he polled
for this eutlcm in this fill that lu- ever
been polled in the county.
we have E. II. Jones. Of the qualifications
of this gentleman not much neid besiid,
as all know him to be a good and I litlifu'
officer Mr. .lone-, has double reason to
...!... A'... ,. .rnT lltlj UUI1UIC I i;l.-'lll III I
..... ... , . .
eongratuiato liiuisell upon his uooiiiiati u.
considering that he h id for nu opponent
one of the very best men in the county,
Mr. W. E Thorne. A man who can
come out of a convention successful, with
r,..,, ...,...;. a.c uuru M.-jit in a num.-; are ol:ieti to prepare or oltice lor win
Mti.factory manner to the people and tcr, or freeze to death, so oiue forward
whose taxes have been more promptly and rive us a lift.
..-..I iw..l. i... ....i :....)..t i :
Mr. Thorne as an opponent, may Wu j vemUi-r. l.y all potm is.j.s, ol the num
flcl proud. I ul'r "' 'L',tl'r'' Ptal ctrds, and package-.
FOK SHEltlFI' J of third and lotiith diss matter, dt-posit-
the present incumbent, Mr J. W. War- ed Sor mailing in their rctjicuve uihcen.
ren, was nominated. Mr. Warren has i H ir.setn"ii should read the atlvertiM!
proved himself a cmid and competent of j merit in another columu of KemlaU'r
ficer, and has become a terror to evil do Spaviu Cure. A remedy which does
era Tho coun'y may well congratulate wht this ii claimed lo do (ahich many
itself lipoid securing thu semces for an
'other term, of so faithful an officer.
we have n young and promising attorney,
Mr. C. W. Kalcy. Mr. ICahy's tnmiua
tion was somewhat of a surprise to some,
anu we don t know out mat it was a sur-
..III ,. U1MI fc nilV'O .Ul. l.llt.b lb ,.- U Jill" I
- . , 7,-. i., , - ,
nriso to himself, lhe choice, however,'
, r ... ,. , I
was a good one, one for which we feel
, , , . I
sure the delegates composing that con
vention will never have occasion to regret
-having made. Mr. Kalcy is morally,
s icially- and financially respon-ible and
will make a good officer.
A. A. Pope was re nominated. Mr. Pope
has made one oT the bc-t county superin
tendents that Webster county has had,
he has ever taken a loyal interest in the
advancement of thu educational in'ore-ts
of the county, and to his untiring cxer
tious is due in a great measure, the pre
sent high standing aud excellence of our
common schools. The convention eould
not have selected a more competent man
than Mr. Pope, or one who would give
more general satisfaction.
The candidate for county commissioner
was, as is entirely proper, chosen from
the north part of the county. With Mr.
May, the nominee, we are not acquainted,
but understand that he is a gentlemau
well qualified to fill the office, he having
fitted a similar position in his native coun
ty in Illinois, and acquited himself with
Mr. W. II. Strohm received the nomina-
tion. Mr. Strohm has held the position
by appointment for some time, and so far
as we have been able to learn, has givn
satisfaction We congratulate Mr. Strohm
aud also Webster county on the slction.
Mr. R. R. Shcrer has been called upon to
assume the arduous (?) and responsible
duties of coroner for a seconJ term. Mr.
Sherer is well qualified for the 'posish,'
ami will fill it with eredit.
Such are the men whom' the Repub
lican County Convention have called up
on to fill the various county offices for the
next two years from the first day ot Jan
uary, 1SS0, The ticket is a good one,
one that every republican in the county' We was taken to task by certain county
can mon heartily support, one that will J officers shortly after the paper wais,Ued,
be elected by an overwhelmniag majority , and was kindly advid to ascertain what
on the 4th of next November. We doubt the law was before publishing such state
ifa stronger ticket could have been placed ments ia fact we was almost forced to
in the fielJ. it is a ticket that ' 0wn up that the law said no such a thing.
e iuosi ui-aruij enuorse, anu lo u we
CHIEF, believinir that bv lending nnr
support to this ticket wa are doing our
duty to the people and for the purpetua-'
tion of republican principlesin the county,
and we urge unon every republican voter
,n ,r,A nr.,,n,tr t,-rr, nm t T, r.ntu
tn the county to turn out to the poll, on
the 4h of next November, and vote the
ticket of your party, the ticket that has
received the endorsement of your party
in convention assembled, it is a duty your
, , iJ
ovre to yourselves and to the county,
Turn out ami vote.
Pledge our suoport as an individual, and , look the matter up, and find that we wa. j ;&&?ttf:iV5gT5 ' B. & M. K. C?" 'SsKa. r
to it as a republican ticket we pledge the right, and now respectfully refer said of- i ihirnJl'e' SSitih1 LicraL.t, Net..Ccpt. 15, IsT'J. J
undivided support of tbe Bed Cloud Seers to chapter 13, section 27, of the re-1 aiae.'ciMka.L&iaup. yo"c aoa l. Wf dMtre ta all the 2i!Biua of trar
Make fire rrd.
Burrow cent arnl to t the wrrn. I
Mee frvh clem La eon, fr alc at
W'e wnt twelvo cords f w.l on
An ciceMotit quality of bnelcu ham.
fr mIc at KoLj's.
Iat Tuetiay rave u.i a forcfte of
. 1. Uoby ha j.t retTl a fuH
line of cttincl good-, 11 tW?h and nrw. tf
A number of new d't'llinrs r in
tnurMj of conduction n the tMKt!w.t
part of town.
( I)lU)o a3t Moti.Ii-. of diphihetii,
i,clJlt.u nokirk Rno,, lj4llJ.,Iler of Mr.
atj jrv (jjuD
I ., , , ,,,.,..,.
Mr llenily ha -old hi-, butldmc on
. Webtcr street to Mr. .".jtiford. who mil'
,, ....
open up a uiiuiuery t-t itli-litont.
lo those who have, settled lor their
F'&per and pud iti advance we return
thanks and an assuranco thu we 4 ill re-
u.ut cm.
i-'elh linn show which i to b-i here
Kr1d.1v i, sjil to he the ! eireu,
, ...
an 1 ineuti'erie that has ever vi-iteJ this
section of the country
WC hope those of our roadeM whe
are indebie 1 to us vi,l rememher that wt
i .
uppo-e a prairie tire shoujii get
started on the prairie a'ijoitlin town,
what would be the can-equenee..? Could
not toiuv imatis he devisid whereby the
town of Bed Cloud mihl be made safer
in case of prairie fires.
Mr. Spimger'r- hitthd.ty the oo
casiuu of a very pltu.uil siirpite pirty
at his tesilonco Ijsi Monday eveuing
He was i he recipient of several very uice
. I'll ,
presents from hi schol.iri and a verv
. . .
pleasant time was enjoyed by all.
It is ordered by the Po it office De
partment that an actual count be made
aniiuilly upon the first a en .lays of No
i . . ...
pniuimenl hor-imen have testified to)
should be investigated, fjr u is nf great
importance lo evciy horse owner. It
seems to he wiuuini; lur itself an unpte
ccdcutcd rcut.tuii by its meriis
The family of Mr. C. D. Peck, living
,,. , , , .. , .
on him Lt eel., near lluiumel s, have been
.. , . .
very unfortunate this summer, tha entire
.. ... , , , . ..
family have been sick, aud recently Mr.
Peck died, leaving Mrs, Peck ami one of
the children in a very critical condition.
The child, we believe i.s expected to get
well but the neighbors think there is not
much hope of tha recovery of Mrs. Peck.
The following gentlemen compose
the county central committee for the en
suing year. A. Garber, Guide Bock,
chairman; W. II. Strohm, Bed Cloud;
Allen Avers, Iuavale; Geo. Ball, Pleasant
Hill, ttillwatcr; J. L. Brand-
staff, Glen wood; J. II. Delatou, Oak
Creek; D. P. Newcomer, Pots I i:u, John
May, Harmony; J. L Frame, Balin; II.
lloldrede, Waluut Creek.
What is tho matter with the lliver-
ton postoffice? There is something wrong
Uur subscribers xvho receive their
papers at that office (and frequently don't
receive them) complain that they cannot
get their mail with any regularity. We
claim to be blessed with a goodly amount
of patieuce, but we have s'ood this sort
or thing about as Ion,: as, we are going to
without entetitig a protest. The h-nora
ble P. M at tint bur.: had better "iook
a leedle oud."
Noah's Ark isaid to have been some-
w'jat crowded duiing the deluge, but
,rom our hmited source of information we
are ,ei1 ,n believe that it was not packed
half as closely as is Miner Bros.' store
with dry goods of every description, reaiy
made clothing, ticking, grain sack,Prints,
dishes aud ten thou-aud other things that
we (I fcnow the nau,es ofanJ if we d,J
have not the space to mention, so we ad
vise you to go and se- Lr yourselves aud
be couyiuced that at Miner Bros, b thu
place to trade.
A couple of weeks ago we s'atcJ in
the Chief that the law required the pub
lication of a yearly statement of the finan
cial condition of each county in the state,
. Since then we have tctcn tbe trouble to
..;..! .-.,.- r v.,t..t. k.. rl
as follows :
The board of county commissioners
' slmll cause to be made out and puoiLhed
.' I" ' ' one newspaper in the
. coanty. if such there be, a report of the
1 i,;""
aDj the amount allowed on acb separate
fund, and a detailed statement showing
tae resources and liabilities of the county,
te end of each year ;. but if there Le
no newspaper printed in such county,
j tfcen said statement shall be poted in at
' least five public places in the county."
.IfMtr ltrr ). In.l w.wl I
Urrc swtiiiTt f ldir cki, for
wiatrr war Tkry arr fooj rrl cbrap.
ranwio in price freta two to iltra del-
Tlir. lUi Wr,cy Mi.le. dcocTAta
I 1 t l - .......
iro. puoj Uy .McC.UU
Uv k Better i at htrMl It i Terr
' cre-ittable heet tn eTery irtpect rxcert
j -
T, , , .,...
, , . oii t rrk
VlIV l'lft. i.I.MtV .....l.b 1... .1..
,,, . .... . -..., . .iu.ui 5, uaj
up a doid body burial ti fvt tlow the
Mtrfacr- The fc that the I My wu!OB,rrtV.'11 .V,1" fk,R
.U J .s . -.t m .
,dael there trtthout a coffin hawevuenl
upwifti of a tntrder
Onr th -ittMnd Iwa 1 of iheei pavl
thmtish Norfolk itt Stindiy wrel. Tha
otrtirrs were from MiMtiri and wrrn V
inif thetn ihrnuh to thn Black II ilk.
otrrs were from MiMurt and wer V
Fremont d.y ht wrr'. nd after the
j manner of thrir kind pnvreded to bui
nes, i.nmeltateV. and are ivinr in a up-
,,jy f honey f..r winter u-.
. -
I Elective Al en lat wcei arreted in
..... .. . .1
1 employe ot tlie H ,y m rai'nn I. for rob-
bine the i,.re. offu-c at Ihrranl rtH-ent h)'11 f fUra ,;ryc' V1 lh"k'
r ,. . . ,,.' loaehuu- anJ a.ltjKimhias otic au9lhrr
lyof a.,.m,tity of jewery. On lin( j , n . mIio .Im1 li)Iulir ali .,,llUU4l Jf.
searched .af'er th arrest a part of the
jewelry wa found on hi person.
flv.v. (7t wt hn led in San Franeicn
last Sa tirdav. an 1 the eiv wan imrurdt
a'e'y thrown into tho rreate.t txcitrrncnL
A reception was rcn which is naid to
have fr exi-eld j uiariiificetieo any -
thin-ever hejre tendered to an Ameri
A crowd of cow Imys made a raid on
Kearnev Thursday They nanided the'
streets-, hnndishing their dirk aud rcvol
vers, until fi-nlly o,,...,f ,!,.., number,hot
... . , , ,
a eolnred Iwy who happened to he near.
irifliutirtg n serious wound. Tho offender
skipped out bef ire th - officr could rMjt"
On Fridty evening Itst a la'al shooting
a II rav occurred nt Mimar cattle ranch
near Big Springs. A white man and a
Mexican got into a dr ire a to who was
the bet -roper." when the Mexican
, r , , ., ,
started Tor ihc other. 1 he remit was
that the white nun drew a revolver and
killed his assailant
Tlir.t.Iooming and beautiful young lady,
se cheeked and br.ght eyed, who can
. . .
uarn a nocking, mcn.l her own Irock-.
command a regiment of potn and kettles,
feed the pigs milk the cows, and be
i.l,. -ii ,i... .; :, .1 i .i.-. :i.i
J . r
young men are in quest of for a wife
But you pining, wasp-waistcJ. doll urc8
ed, con-sumption mortgaged, music mur
deriug and novel devouring daughters of
iasnion anu iu.enc.s you ate no moro ni
f..i.:. ... i!li . . .-. ' .
for matrimony than a pullet lo look after
a brood of 1 1 chicken. The truth is
dear girl, you want les of restraint and
lilerly of action ; more kitcheo and Ic5
parlor; more cxcicise and less iofa, more
pulding and less piano; more fiankneM
an i less mock modesty, Loocn your
corsets and breathe thu pure air, and be
come something as good aid beautiful as
naitirw designed.
On Tuesday ol last week, a mot de
structive fire occurred in Hastings, which
destroyed nearly two bloc'ts of the busi
ness portion of that town. Owing to tbc
non-arrival of the Hastings papers, we
"avc n,) account ot the tire direct, but the
. - . . .
miiowing we glean irom ouier sources
which may be Hied on as correct :
"About 5 o'clock p. m. fire was dicov-
ered in the celler of Allison's drug More
. . . , ,... . '
iuor cue on in m-. . oe ar.ii .ts
tdveti and every i ffort made to extinguish
ir, out in vain ll sf,r- id rapidly, and
burned 3S building-. Among the heavy
in.,. .... Vi!,o.,., nrii, !'.,.
iwti- atr Tvasiaiuviuii j 4iv. vvujuj'.i-
. , ii i , ii- .1 l II
ni!l llnrwl .illini' nt f!u lvmn llniiir.
" ' " '
- r-
ery stable, Lyman's two drug store, J.
W. Davis' drug store, Stout's harness
hop. Nolan's grotvry store, Wolbach
Bios.' dry good store. Wcingart Bros. ,
grain elevator just completed, and the!
Hastings Jnurivtl. ls.s estimated at
$100,0u0, partially insured.
I hereby announce myself as an inde
pendent candidate for the office
of sheticof Wthrter cuntv. subject to
the decision .f the voters of lhe county at
the November election.
A large assortment of tha celebrated
Seiz' Chicago Haiid made Bots,fc Sho.
everj pah" warranted, ni-t retvtTej aw
for sale only by LIDDY.
Z ii ..A..z.u.
Xotiee i herebr iaren. that I will xaii&
A. A. Po. Co..apt.
. ""
2ZZZ l , r
t . -. S ,air !J.S1CUC "eahng' yoa will
fi to your advantage toie witn
" L.IUV1 .
x. 3. ifcsirr.
Wholesale k Retail Stationery, School
and Miscelaneoos Boks.
Wall Paper a speciality at Bed- rock
prices; alreatjy-lriaieh , v .
Fancy Stationery and hotioos at tbc
Post OfSce BoUdinj.
Unas. Lamcron s store, an-i tour siore ThU ;, by r4r th. UTi.,t An bt ag
buildings, Exchange Bank, Volland's liV'j-rrgation that'evcr exhibitci tn Cramr-
Stat i4TRrTJir Omt.
Kfttwo.iT. Au Z 7V
Ta .S'rtmtii S. V. WtUrf-Grrtu,f '
f Th rrWataiti Ut jfer t x srl TO fAUifSWL
qtvdar Srh! PT tot olwrfttns w . tfMil i vm 4MH4 I ?4f
the H-bwl ofmu tr. t -h Kirk'MtA th. - U mmm
opiij liter ancj wx iirourvj ur tain
. htppr rrttt, ,1,,, ,he Afl0tt.J (Vfttra
' tto thu yrar rrvoix:nrJrd xhe Ki
ttre Coaitaittr to detro tin Ur
Jobwrraoofih. T1.r 1 gairtcr't (
'tie. Jxpltnbof l7. rtV t
I t!e5. Sr.inUr 'J 17V. .. ..V .
iiutJtjr hxl lr "It.e Cutute
iheretore uc thu nottf d1 uUtt it e
- It . 1
ioiuta ui-" mtiti( f Jr
one ot intrrr.t bd of tue. rtjr f
I or Art ui cirrnjmrn io muc ir
i, UOlJv hlV,, wk the he, lmf ,
j ihetr -wrtatfOi oo thu dij "U bh u
' Chl tnoo. the ln f skry hm
I 11 . V .11 1 . t .1
c preeb
li. We l eaoli KhtA U oV ert
cflett ta eeure the krtct twl at
I rndi doc un tht day t apptuiin .
tnflre to rcc that cxeU aitbtn it
I iuti ol cbo& on thi !. u o iki
'"I" rrnJeit!. ruLd)in all tttu
' "f ,ol',wJ ln h"lrtr) r -.
aQC roncral frv-in y. and uck other
fact i half tend ui ItKrraNj tho Mterrt
, ul ibc cmimihtly m Hi. ..firr n-l .
cv, anu nut Hitceti tumuif at the e
1 . 1 . .. .. ... .
1 We aL raeh ho.l lo uai ttier
annual thank otTetloH oolloetioo tar oMr
ftatc atwiat on on ibis day The jr.r
onitrituii.iPs to our Tnra.cry haf thu.
far stcadi') ittcrea,.rj and oui&-l Hti
.....,.! ... . i. f..-.l. ,. .... w .
. r.l ... r,r-. .v.ll-i., .,.! i.i ih.
rrquirementit of our work. Tvuihri
i ' our counties now haVw rutiday sho.J
societies, rue sixth outl.t to AH
our kI.OoN hae a memberdup of about
76 (HH) But there am 3i,tx) peopk in
altir lf ff IkM lltlllt tl it iritla lltallla
" lorrth a cheerful k-ner."
V. He s-L t tut Sunday cvenim? all
,our sch-oU hold temperance tnert.
,n whc" !U"W- !", l"" 'r ,l
promotion ol christian Irtuporatif pnn
J c,.,Ic, fh , tll f,lcr ,- , tem,r,
IaJI ulcdgc. lc lively eitru!alrd at thi
meeting I he Iruit ol thp ipint i
temperance ; against such thnc i no
The cotnmittro etpron.M the hops that
' nil rtf tr. iriil niifuittnltiitill..lii trill tii
,irom,,t a,,d c'.crrful a-ai.anw in uiA
uig day Nebraikri'j BfesJ Di fur
! 'bo year. County wtnri--, it ta IokI.
'" " ,,.,,al ?", ,,,,,r oh"oN trV"9
timely notice ol tho appointment ol the
day. by iiuhli-hiitu ihw rtrcubr in t.V.r
enmity patters a well a by oorreMn-
dence. 1 hey may receive th oolleetj.ins
from srhooN in thrir ditrtcts to l lor j
' warded to the Mate treasurer All kIiW.
wH "eeivc a po,ul crd rn-ipt . Wn
a-their cantrihution rvaehe tho tai
treasurer And for all the hrcthrrn
tcattrrcrl abrua 1, wo pray, " The I.rd
' nuke you l mcreao and ahouud in love
i one toward another, aud toward all men.
1 even as wc do toward ytrti.
I I (tAHK.
State Sccrctsry and Trcaoutcr.
I "Tin Bert TraTeliag tha Wcrli,"
in what Tlir. rum I'Hnsoc.ncKH TUB
G KEAT KUltlU'EA.VT'Kl.KrilA.Vr Ilxt't
Some (cut ezhibitionA may Le good,
and others better, but the superlative do
grce of ukxt is alone accorded by the
I prCB.s to Sella Brothera' stupendous and
exemplary menagerie, which, vat, un
divided and unrivaled, will give afternoon
aud evening performances al Bod ('loud,
on 1'riday of this week. As the best evi
dence that it in unquestionably tha Lent,
consider the following tributes from the
best newspapers :
The fhow is the bet on the road
luiavillc (Ky.) Daily New.
The immeno pretensions of the aho
are ju.Mified by the thoroughly good rx-
I . . r i i, , .
muiuor,. iiyjutsuiie K, un?r-.Juurni.
I he chow hal a big name, hut thn it
was a big bow. Bloauiiogtm (lad.)
' lf We conientjou-ly y that .' 1
nrotners lireat t rvtepHanl Ksiirovl
Uh Umiaho lh worW. -
By City ( Mich.) Daily Funon'' J
I u hort. they offer to the pubit: the'
most gigantic embo-lhucot of natural oo- I
ject-teaching and moral laitiwra-nt on 1
-t . - f if . - .
lire liciuuiiucib iiHu;nKiui i '. i
..' ','b
.1.-1.-,... i.-. r .r. f n, io..v
-w. ...r.. -....-.-... ... ..
fordsville. lCrawfordvil!e (InJ.) Jie-
Justice cornels a to uy that it was
i).,oT,jie (in.) Daily News.
Their present v-nture excels in both
sixe, novelty and' expend anything of the
kisrd rrerctofore attempted, and includes
among other noticeable features 7 tie-
'hants, the larjwt numWer erer exhibits
by any one nreoagene. tCiaciuuiti Dai-1
ly Inquirer.
PoKte tn4 rigidly decorotw manage
tDeal prejidcn everywhere oter an eihtot
tioo un-xcelled in all ecoual reo)isie
to lent imatoent, aoc urvyruafe-I in t
many remarkable possessions and preen
Utioo Cleveland (U.) Daily lea-i-r.
Il was a grand display of the splenJori
of the Jnent, tbe fierce bea-u of the
tropics and jangler. the curioa btrds of
a tboosaod loretftxsnd lU-, ani the bet
pbj&cai and ejuetruo dlcip!irre aajoj?
men- aieubeoriile (O.) MraJ'i.
"ii ?z22Ztn ti 3. k li. -L 2. Lit
Lsu Dki'arte."t,
la&d parcbas:r to tbe fac- tb-artt ue
for payment of the uxc for the yea; iSTjj 1
expires sext taoathiUUl U Uhii. rLov
! who have sot paid their urr4 tboakl
k proceed to dcrTEt 06ce- A faUore tn
make payeed of the use oa tbe- iaad
is an express vi&Utioa of contract made
with thu Compaoy, aad aay lead to ta
cancellatioa. Ia onler to prceeed tbe
Compaay's Agest. paysaet nut b
mxdvaol ktsr aW tie. J0i of 0ceUr.
i .. 5. tf. MAOPAS.tA.'czr.
654 Lod Cciar.
-Cor goods at Mrs Lntz frOs
j I, h 7tU.
I 1Y m im m tktm m"i
'm " W
m,kii . mmmt mmmttm immmm r
A . A, . . . . i.
iUtt CJ li
Hmr4 Si KTMlt.
.'nt ZtittrU.
, taw wt
. w, mi W kn UmJK-
iwf i T .! ltMrv
a lItT .
The Parole's Brick Yard.
Mr II IjJm yfMiI ta
fupbo lMi t kii pnm W wuM ttotfl
i MNkeMki' fMw. Immn W 'jo yr4
luitw(iWl H hnml
frtUB m Hilft rltf Mllti 4C ft"' D
v-." Mt,t ; 4 "
j " t r!'t ! 'fy ,
h.U W tr, ama mm -Hf '
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I.UUlT . &4 Sktt at fMMlt
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Itotiicrop.-t'lilr lh)
KoKtm tr 1 t II r4t
builiib( "." fr . i ali lr-1 I
dV ot k.fttt 1(
t4fum i
jud .u Axt rtii.r igwtt4iy
Wvrcms, Clockn Arf
J3Q o s.
.tiimso. .n. tvi:,
Vocal and Instrumon
s i e
It4.r '.'-,, 3 ... ni'vr.
j f '. J-..J BjwiJff f T'nH Jg"
j UiStrt MliiU Vk 11 fl5
Sure Cure for Catarrh.? . dr t !4DlifelaflfclSSy
rr'iH i gnarjutccnl A jdrnp, Hiaoeynt
and .tire rrmedr, rclwTrs Neuralgia and
Nervou lleadaeke ia a few minute.
Call and get a to f
B D i cjaru.
Be4 CJaad.Julr 2! !: . rat.
Adjustable Packing Chair.
SIX rilAK!
From a
riMBM: for the HA1IV.
I'nr Sale in Wrbatirransl Franklitusorjn
tic omi f.r
(J. A. H II OWN,
kkdc;mui, - ;Vctr.
l3y8V I
, - - mm
miS'S'ta a .-:taat .rr rstfmO ,
.m. m -j J ii I. rtltril.t
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J I. I'tt. I'rar., BKD UH D
DsaJer in
I'ainls, Oils,
VAR,MHE3. Efc, VAc.
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