0ufi .3W3MW iBMIHl lIllliTW YOU HAVE SEEN THE PIGMIES, NOW BXIHOXdD TOTE OMATH! Their present venture exceeds in both size, novelty and ex pense, anything of the kind heretofore attempted, and includes among other 'noticeable features, 7 elephants, the largest num ber ever exhibited by one menagerie. Cincinnati Daily En quirer. PERKINS A MITCHELL'S RED CLOUD GROCERY STORE f STAPLE AND FANCY CROCERIES, Our 40C-J1 are rt cU ir t7 trct, &) r-cniaiM! ksi;T t tv& a tm!. Ai ooucht l liie bct ru)i pM, 15.4 t 4 The Lowest Living Rates. And vc hope to merit the increasing patronage which is being bestowed upon us. Buv vour groceries at a GENii R A L (J R O C K R V S 1 O Rl- LZL. x7. ' f r .?uftBBKr'-i"'a2BBBBl MHbW - 3fct7!BflrjBBP'JBBBL, mi sBK BBBBfeRfc bw x2 jJBBImhY fumv flBBBBjBBBBBjBaBBJcB BjF!BBBBB Bv Bzi SELLS BROTHERS GREAT EUROPEAN 1 ELEPHANT RAILROAD Menagerie and Circus ! Mj(.tijef Mia.r. tt, J;.4 .WJ Perkins OC -MUchHl. II. .MlStR. j. l M MINER BROS --tAl.li: l am khm v - ERCHANDISE. AND THE ONLY ONE ON EARTH I IN ALL THE VAST ENTIRETY OF ITS UNRIVALED MAGNITUDE! Traveling exclusively on Us own Kagnificeatly Pecirated and White Enam eled Docile Special Palace Trains. Jiulge vs only by jcJtat others say of us. The discipline was perfect, the order was excellent, the performances were very superior, and tlie animals rare and very line. The Beating arrangements were the best and roost comfortable wc have ever ccn. Louucille Courier-Journal. tit Largest Zoological Gollectioi SINCE THE DELUGE. The Barest Beasts & Birds from every Land. A Grand Srjtamte and Supplemental ,JUcnagerie of Unfit tiered Mammoths, Without Extra Charge. The collection of animals are the Gnest wc ever saw. jDrcutui (111.) Daily Sun. The menagerie presents cvry rare cap tive ad vertie.- Cleveland Daily lit raid. No finer collection of wild beasts has over been exhibited under canvas. Pittsburgh Daily leader. The Miracles ef Mammalian Marvels, A Pair Of NURSING TWIN BABY ELEPHANTS, TOE ONT.Y ONES EVER EXHIBITED. The nursing buby elephants "TinT'and "Flash" were the objects of great interest and admiration. They were brought into the ring and each sucked a gallon of milk from a glass bottle through a rubber tube, just as babies take milk from a nursing tottle. Danville (III.) Daily News. A. $39,0O Ecuble-Homei Hcnster Asiatic Bhinocerosl The first and olny one ever imported. The menagerio contains the quixotic double-horned Rhinoceros that attempted a due with the locomotive at Pittsburgh. Olevelaud (0.) Daily Leader. ' ii wiTlgrTiBh 1 . . i"cs - '' ' " " 'M 7'Ac Unidorn no more a FabU. A LmBg EiMopua Hone, Willi Hassire Huns. AMPHIBICtC LINOr AKCTIC tEAU 2 tnncx of prciijiins human contradictions In a Titanic Separate Tent, Lut with out extra charge, what the pros pronouu- CCf. lAC0MPARA3LYTHEFir;EiTClRcUi, Presenting none but the pre-ctniticnt of the profession, anJanix ovntiuent com pany of these, including Tit ni'ji' Brilliant Programme of Superb ('liens S'n.vttiaiu cicr lcsented at any time, in any age or place. AIOO0O ttalary per Week, TO ZYLZ 7723LB TOILS': KwST IL hctriou SqccctrUna. Athletes and Clovn:. IWc ktp CoimUnt! (Ji Hud A Kni, St xl Of i CLOTHING, HATS. CAPS. BOOTs, CVockrrv, We buy our goods for CASH, and tlclv cou pktion. When in town jivc us a call. One doorboutli of Po&t Ollkc. Red Cloudy IVcbr ' l.o h:.rilj.-.r. r.iin? waa LriUuat.'r ar li.ii:".; ll'ittkburgh lfi CocjOiWcial. miibb of the fa.re perfectly mar Nrtow. Adra iMich.) l)ily Tmjca. Incomparably the finctt circu cntcr ai:in;cnt cvit sheii in this nciKbbjrhood. Sharon (Pa.) Herald. The vctran Sam. IUncbart jcif.irmcd the almost incrrdiblc feat of turning a pnihcrMult over five elephant and eight cuuicl. Sprincfield (111) Daily Register. HARDWARE STORE. MITCHELL JIOMIIAStT, lro... We keep on hand at all times, a large and com plete stock of Hard-ware. We aUo keep 4 aupply of FARMING IMPLEMENTS. Give us a call, as we feel tuic wc can miii vow in quality and price Remember the place, opposite the Chief Office, Red Cloud. Neb. JUST RECEIVED! A LARCH LOT OF Will Erect lis Mammoth moving metropolis of marvels at RED CLOUD Friday, 'if; a p m a iuujp way tostlTal Mil fimouK The Most Magnificent Free Pageant of this Luxurious Age, in which iTAiOT4r& mammi Sept. 26. ,0- -i "W71TTB L- 1. .! 4 - ! rm.-JlsaMia-l j 7y a iuiw irrer- MOiyp' Ai. hWfm r M . ' i ,. V l li" ,J m.- m ? m rm J- j, H f - -- m. - ifc Mrern .-.I - If LI V" 1 "T AW W9. M.i IT MIUCHELL WAGONS! The display was remarkably brilliant and unioue, and was greeted with exclamations of wonder and delight along the line of inarch. (Pittsburgh Daily Telegraph. . , , , .. , . n nnnw The street parade was all that was claimed for it in the magnificent posters and eloquent advertisements, which u no mean compliment, East Saginaw (Mich.) Daily Courier. , . . 1 j i rn'-- It seemed as though the rcople had turned out en maste to admire the finest parade of the kind ever given here. lO.evc- land (O.) Daily Flamdcaler. Bring the Ladies and Little Ones Early to see it TOsh we arc off cring te li fzYdz at Greatly reduced prices. We iho.cn tb McCormack Harvester, 2ZA?3, 2:7TZ2 tz, Ajri!taral Japlestst: s! ALLZIlTDSandSTYLS. MILLER & BALL - " aamiiiiiiwar 3akadiwaiiirr 1 j 1 Red Cloud Neb. if SURPASSES ITS ADVERTISEMENTS. .11 .u :.j ,-., tKoro on? tnrr tno. fParker Citv Cl'a.) Daily Suffice to say Sells Brcs. do all they proniiM and more too.TU onaslon (O.) -Daily News. Altocether we must compliment the 7 Elcr-bant party on being truthfully ciact 10 their auvancc anoounccaeDta. Lafay. , ette .lad.) Daily Courier. ... . - .-v . r rv ' r sv r Meriting and receiving, the patronage and plaudits of the good, the refined, and the intelligent everywhere; and charges no more than exhibitions wnicn are but a decimal traction in comparison wun il. i IIwIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIbbIHdki h '.'rSa-i3MtitMMMUMTMwMBiMMMftMBS9MMKjturM' wtmsstmmwmmmmmuVfS9f'9mmwMmiAJVf ADMISSION TO ALL,50Cts. Children under 9 years, 25 Cts. 1 Museum and Menagerie doors open at i and 7 gg p. m. Performances in the Grand Double Separate Arena commencing 1 hour later. - EXCURSION RATES. The B. & M. R. Railroad will carry visitors to the Great Show at. special low round trip excursion rates. let w . w r - KagagKiKakrw tiSEiwM rr? SIMPLICITY I OUPERIORITY f IMPUFiEOl Q MAIXTAiHEU. liffiYEients Sfptsnbsr, 1878! i nf ram Important Improvements. r . ..- " ' ' " ' 5-rif rlTiiitsi 1 O-Jara: I 7 - I.Kr-!T.rJ - I"' 3onTt biy unlll you have seen the !shiest ru-.nin tnachire w the World. tho Ever Reliable VICTOR." j VICTOR SEWING MACH'.ME COMPAXY, I MiDoixxoiri csjcc. xi . 1-3 -i -: -rrart-jt. x-zzz czizm-- - FOR SALE BY Mitchell & MorhartKed Cloud. I p'-H-" s r j & f.? ?:-- -V- BSgsSSSS5