The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, September 04, 1879, Image 4

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fc Ml i
As will be wcn by the procoedinjrB
of the meeting of the County Central
Committee, tho County Convention ii
ealld for September 20th, and the pre
oinct caucuFCs Sept. 13th. Don't forjret
the date, but (urn out and son that the
ri lit kind of men are elected a. dele
gatr to represent you at the county eon
Some of the boys was on ft tare last
Monday night.
The "uumraera" made it lively in
town last Sunday.
We want wood oa abeeriptjon, and
don't you forget it.
The State Fait tonmeocea next
Monday at Lincoln.
A cood rain is much needed is this
locality at the present time.
Miss Towne's entertainment last
Thursday night was a succeis.
It has been too dusty the- last two
weeks for the street sprinkler to run.
"Grand ma" Mick iB building a new
house south of Miner Bros, residence
We ask in all seriousness : Is Web
ster county going to have a fair this fall ?
Is the Webster county fair going to
be a total failure this fall ? It looks like
0. C. Case went to Brownville last
Tuesday, on business connected with bin
Goto Uncle Sam's "old reliable"
More for boots aod shoes, clothing, gro
ceries, &c
Go to Itoby's for apples, pears, grapes,
melons, sweet potatoes and everything
nice and new.
II. C. Allan, the "lightning harness
maler," enrolls himself among the list of
new subscribers this week.
Tho farmers inform us that the
chinch bugs have injured some Gelds of
'oni, not to any great extent, however.
Geo. Zeies and U. Ilalcomb were
elected as town trustees laht Monday, to
fill vacancies caus:d by the resignation of
McFtrs. Jury and McNitt.
Now is the time to plow and prepare
your fire-guards, and bo in readiness for
the lime when they will be needed. Do
not neglect this precaution, as it may cost
you dear.
Perkins Si Milchel! have moved into
their fctore buildine. on tho corner south
ol .Miner Ifros..' where thev wHT
Uleaj-ed to eee their aid customer and also
new once.
, -JJr. W. H. Ludlow will have a kiln
,of brick ready for delivery next Monday.
TIM ! tm . ... .
-viucfcc ones arcot ti:o oo-t quality and
win bo sold at prices that cannot fail to
give satisfaction.
. If we do not mini our guea?, there
will be a change in the management of
county affairs, when some of the present
county ofEcccrs step down and out, thin
fall. Sic simj)cr tyramiie.
Hie recently expressed opinion of
Attorney-General Dilworth leaves no
room for doubt that there will have to be
a full boaid of county commissioners elect
ed in each county in tho state this fall.
Mr. J. Noyce, Mr. M. H. Strohm,
Mr. G. M. Havice, Mr. Geo. A. Brown,
of Red Cloud, Mr. Cook, of Thomasville
and Mr. John Meyer, of Riverton, are
among our list of new subscribers the last
There will be a Sunday school picnic
held in the grovo near tho Elm Creek
Mills, on Thursday the 17th of Septem
ber. AH who are intcrosted in the sab
bath schooHwork aro requested to be in
The entertainment at the Court
Ilouse Thursday evening, was attended
by some of our be.Rt citizens, and was a
credit to its leader, Miis Towne, who is a
lady of rare musical ability and ought to
receive the support and encouragement of
this community.
A couple or grangers from Kansas
came lo town laht Monday with wheat
whioh they told, and forthwith proceeded
to invest the proceeds in "fire water,"
which they imbibed until their courage
Tf8 sufficiently elevated to engage in a
fight. Unfortunately neither one was
We are informed that we -were mis
taken somewhat in our statements last
week in regard to the cause of Mr. Real's
insanity. It was not, we are told, in
duced by an over indulgence in strong
drink, but was the result of a shattered
constitution brought about by exposure
and:hardsbips while in the army.
We dropped into the Btore of Miner
Bros, this week, and must confess were
somewhat surprised to see the piles and
stacks of new goods of every kind they
have jukt received and which they have
filled their large store room almost to
overflowing. Tbey enjoy an immense
trade and givo entire satisfaction.
Mr. John Miller, who has been for a
number of months connected-with the
Valley House in the capacity of cook', has
taken his departure to Kirwin, Kansas,
1'rom which place he writes us, desiring
that the Chief shall follow him, a he
wbhes to keep himself posted in the go
ing6 on at red Cloud. John is a good
boy, and proficient in his chores calling
and we hope his lines may be oast in
pleasant places.
''The boy stood oa the backyard fence,
whence all but him had fled, the flames
that lit his father's barn, shone just
above the shed. One bunch of crackers
in his hand, two others in his bat, with
piteous accents loud he cried.. (I never
thought of that!' A bunch of crackers to
the tail of one small dog he tied; the
dog in anguish sought the barn, and mid
its ruins died, Tbe sparks flew wide and
red and hot. they lit upon that brat;
lbo fired the ci ackers in bis hand, and
eke those in his hat. Then camo a burst
of rattling sound the boy! where was he
gone Ti Ask the winds that far around
atrewed&its of meat and bone, and scraps
ofclothnnfd balls and tops and nails
and heskfi and yarn, as relias af tke
drtadfci- bos: ibat burned his father's
A few wordi in regard to the warfare
that has been going oa between the
Cniir and Argus, and we will drop it.
Nothing is more distasteful to us than a
controversy with a publisher, bat in this
case it has been forced upon us contrary
to our wishes, and we have reluctantly
amistrd to carry it on. There u no friend
hip between Mr. Kenney andoareelf, he
has never treated us with common cour
tesy, much less friesdabip, and now,
without wasting farther space, we will
only say that if Mr. Keenney feels ag
grieved at any this, we have said about
him and desires satisfaction for real or
fancied wrongs or insults, we will accord
to bhn the privilege of obtaining fall and
complete satisfaction in any manner and
at any time and place that may be agree
able to him, and we hope that be has
sufficient regard for the wUbea of bis few
readers, to either bring matters to a
"focua" or hereafter, to far :is we are
concerned, eternally hold his peaoe.
The State Temperance Alliance will
convene at Bloomiogton, Franklin county,
Nebraska, September 15, 17, 18 and Vj.
First day. Red Ribbon, presided over by
Hod. J. B. Finch ; Fecond day. Temple
of Honor, Gen. A. H. Rawer) ; Third day.
Good Templars, Mrs. Ada Van Pelt ;
Fourth day, Alliance day, Mj. G. B
Skinner. The Kncampment will be held
in the grove. Excursion tickets can be
obtained at any railroad station in this
state at ono and one-fifth fure for the
round trip. Blnomineton is a benutiful
town at the terminus of the B. Si M. R.
K. in the Republican Valley. Every ef
fort will be made to accommodate tLe
largo number of guests expected. By or
der of committee.
E. H. Marshall, Chairman.
J. W. PfKRT, Secretary.
Oriole, Smith Co. Kansas,
Kd. Chief: Sir. As I read tho ac
count of our bereavement in tho Chikf,
I wisb'to make a little correction, there
was out one load of grain, and the three
boys were all my boy, the olde.t IS, and
the one killed 6 years 7 months and 7
We wish to publicly express our thanks
to the generous and kind hearted people
of Red Cloud, for their kir.dness to little
Aaron, and for their generosity, forwhiith
we will ever hold them in grateful remem
J. P. Upp.
Mrs. M. J. Ui'P.
The following is a list of jurors drawn
fitt the September term of the District
l ...
Co"rt' wLich convene8 at Red Cloud,
Slcniber ICtli, 1S79.
1 ,,RAND JT'
Jotin Be
;jb. i'c
A. Reeve.
W. E. Martin.
J. W. Burtk
Edgar Nichals.
S. Craxton.
A. J Armstrong
R N. Lewis.
Saylnr Lock hart.
Jc hn McQuilkin.
J. B. Stansn.
E B. Smith.
A J. Watt.
K. W. KdMn.
Wm. Guy.
Larrick. Abel Walker.
Wm. Gilbara
E. M. T. Crubb.
John Strattcn.
Edward Rawlaud.
L. N. Edson.
A. M. Hardy.
Isaac Cowley.
Curtis Bcal.
H. C. Andrus.
Robert Hicks.
J. D. Kiddell.
Alex Phillips.
II. Holdrcdge.
B. W. Rush.
L. F. Munnecll.
Jno. McCallum, Jr.
Alex Rilev.
K V. Hall.
G. W. Francis.
H. C. Seott.
W. R. Ryker.
W. A. Keith.
MaflkGrovrFarm, Webster Co., 1
Augngt aoth, 1878. )
Ed. Chief: Things is these parts
begin to look a little dry, as we have
not had any rain to amount to anything
for two weeks, but most all crops are out
of the way of any drought, and we feel
pretty thankful for a good corn crop, al
though late corn hat been cut a little by
dry weather and will not be so good as
early corn. My early "little giant" yel
low corn has been ripe for a week, and i
from two to three weeks earlier than any
field corn I know of. I hhall take a load
to market to-day.
Haying has commerced and farmers
are very busy puttinc up hay, but Cue
windy weather lo'h'rs us some. The
potato crop ill be light, and late garden
vegetables will Le scarce this fall. We
arc about all through with fall plowing
The wheat crop was not very good and
the talk is now that not mueh spring
wheat will be sown next spring on ac
count of chintx bugs.
Penny Creek Sabbath school will have
a picnic on September 11th. All Sunday
school workers are invited.
D. S. Helter.
Inavale, August 25. 1S79.
Ed. Chief: Ah a resident of Inavale,
the banner precinct of the county, we
beg the occupancy of a corner of your
valuable paper for the purpose of airing
our gossiping talents concerning these
Farmers are very busy just now plow
ing, putting up hay, threvhiug, ic,
plowing being being somewhat retarded
by-the drought which to a certain extent
is also injuring the corn.
There has been a change in the affairs
of the U. B. church at this (Mt. Hope)
place. The Rev. E. A. Noble assuming
the pastoral duties in the place of Rev.
J. G. Martin, who with the well wihcs
of aur people goes to the Niobrara Mis
Mr. and Mrs. Calton met with a pad
loss yesterday. Their youagest child'be
ing takes away by. that fell-destroyer,
cholera infantum.
We begin to realize that we arc on the
verge of another oolitical campaign, and
candidates will do well to remember that
any underhanded schemes to gain politi
cal preference, will be promptly-met with'
disfavor, for we are kweply awake to our
personal interest as well as those of'tht
county at large.
Hoping to be a little more entertaining
in the future, il e. if- this be fortunate
eaoagk to aawape thiwate feskcr, I
subscribe myself yours anciently,
A couple of the fair kx had a little
Mt to up on Farmers Creek last Sunday
night, we arc informed. Hair flew pret
ty lively for a while, and one would hive
thought that their "little bands were
made to tear each otbera eyes" Ac. All
qciet on Monday morniog.
A large lot of fioe bird cages just
received by B. Holcomb.
Mr. N. D. Fox, grain merchant at
Cowlcs, called at lhce headquarters laat
Tuesday and inflated our currency to the
extent of a year's subscription io ad
vance and left an order for job work.
H. C. Allan, the "!ightoing harness
maker," is in Red Cloud.aod at work for
A. J. Rennecker.
John G. Potter derires all those who
are iadebt:d to him, to call and settle
their accounts immediately or they will
be placed ia the hands of an attorney for
collection. If jou owe on note or book
account, don't forget to call aud (settle,
aa costs will surely be added.
3 2w J. G. Potter.
Bed Cloud, Neb., 8ept. 3, '79
M. L. Thomas. Etq., Editor Red
Cloud Chief, Dear Sir: In aotwer to
the solicitation of many friends of Web
oter county to become a candidate for
county clerk, I would reply that I most
respectfully decline to become a candidate
for any county office at this fall's election.
Yours respectfully,
John P. Bayha.
Enough has alreidy been said to con
vince the most prejudiced mind, that the
only place to buy harness is at A. J.
Rennccker's chop. He ha all th.; firt
cla.s.-i workman of the country. His fore
man. McBridc, under tan is the "election
of leather, :nd la?t the indefatigable
Jack, with bin broad grin, is always found
standing in or near the front door You
will always save from 25 to 50 per cent
by buying of Jack.
Somebody in t-earch of valuable in
formation, n-ked tho editor of a canntty
paper, "Do llnn payr : In his reply
het-aid: "A great many do not; they
take the pap;r several years and have the
poritruixtcr send it back marked "re
turned." Lt.
The Sidney l'laindcaler advocates a
mounted police to patrol the north part of
the stato until all tho outlaws are driven
from our borders A band of polico would
need a very efficient chief to outwit the
orgatiixcd bandits of the border.
Another straw which shows which way
the windblown, is the following authentic
information in regard to Kailroad bu-inc
at this point. Duriun the nl week one
thouKund five hundred and twenty-three
cars, all loaded, have passed through this
city over the B. & M. Railroad. Of this
number mjvcii hundred and forty three
earn loaded with wheat from the western
partof the State, have passed through
tho city on their way to Chic t go. Who
says we can't rainc v, heat in Nebraska,
ami that the B Sc M. is not doing a land
office business? In round numbcis this
makes just three hundred and thirty four
thousand and thrci hundred and fifty
buihels of wheat that have passed over
the B. Si M. cince last Monday morning.
This vas' amount of wheit ti cured at six
ty cents per bushel, ha realized: for the
farmers of this portion of Nebraska the
sum of $207,327 50 Lincoln Journal
Our Washington Letter.
Washington. D C,
August 27, 1879 J
The political murder last reported from
Mississippi has about it circumstances
calculated in some degree lo soften the
regret which would otherwise be felt at
such an event Tho chief of these cir
cumstances is that this affair will more
clearly exhibit the fact that the so called
Democratic party is as intolerant and des
potic in feclinc as any despot that ever
sat upon a throne, and that t' c exhibition
of its oppression is limited only by the
extent of its power. The man Dixon
murdered recently by the Democratic
party at Yazoo, Mississippi, was a Demo
crat whose praises has been sounded by
all the newspapers of that party ia that
motion. He was a controlling man among
Democrats, and probably better nieo'ally
and morally than most of them. But he
chose to differ with the party leaders in
Yazoo county, and had become a lealer
in an independent party movement, in
that county, that county that still claimed
to be of the democratic party. He was
not in sympathy with the Republicans;
his only political t-in, accordiug to the
orthodox democratic creed, was that he
was opposing the regular orginizition of
the party. Being adjudged guilty of
that by the Democratic inquisition, a
contract was made with Barkdale to
drivo Dixon out of the county Barks
dale could not do this and in pursuance
of his ontnet killed him. This is the
whole history of the infamous transaction.
It wa the act of the regular Democratic
organisation, and every man who adheres
to that organization is a party to the
crime. And this is but another of the
of the 60,000 tol'mcal murder? committed
by that party within tho last ten years
It has used the whip, the knife, the pistol,
the shot gun and the halter, as mcrcilc-
lv, as they were ever usd by :hc Spani-h
Inquisition, as dc-potically as ever the
Familiars of the Ilcly Offices cxerci-d
their power. Fair minded men anywhere
will not heritatc to believe that every
American citizen who adhere to the
regular organization of the Mi-called Dem
ocratic party, and excuses tuch crimes,
or supports the powcrthat commits them,
is stained with blood.
Thousands of Republicans who were
tortured in "Castle Thunder" at Rich
mond during the rebellion will learn wi'h
Interest that the buildiug wa burned to
the ground yenerday.
Senator Bruce says he ha-s learned
enough iu his investigation of the Freed-
man's Band affairs, to fasten the guilt of
embezzlement on prominent men in this
city. 1 doubt very much if the Senator
has made any such di-covery. Beyoud
reckless and careless management, I
don't -believe anything will be found
against the controllers of the bank. Pre
vious TBvestfgarion have shown that, and-
the inquiry by the Senator's committee
was the result of ignorant clamor rather'
than any weH grounded'beliaf ia the ac
tual criminality of any onr Ben
California Pearn, Peachy, Applet,
Grape. Ac. choice, at i'erkiaaA Mitchell's.
Mr. Geo. Maarer, ajrent for thi Little
Western Waxher. ba appointed Mr. B.
liolcorab local accat for lb tale of the
same, and all who wish to boy one of
tboe machines can oil at the hardware
tore where the machine are for rale.
stm Ahsaii
LIDDV U aclling Shoe at prices laat
will astonub yoa. Call aod Bet thaai. tf
Jaat Sactirti,
A ni.e assortment of Silk Handker
chiefs, Neck Tie and Hosiery at
tf LIDDY'9
For fair and square dealing yon will
find it to your advantage to trade with
tf. LIDDY.
It is foolish to pay from five to tea
dollars for a "horae book" when you can
get jutt as good a book for 25 cents at
the Chief office.
Only a few more of tboe fat selling
"hoi sc books" on hand. Price 25 cents.
There ia nothing mado that equals
Peck's Pwteot Chimneys, for sale at
.Mitchell A Morhart's.
Mitchell Sc Morhart arc desirous of
dosing out their stirrioc plow, and will
tell the few now on hand at coat price.
It it Ustlss:.
Trving to buy goods cheaper than LID
DY will ecH you is only tirao spent to no
purpose You can't do it. tf
Remember that you can get the
Chikk sent to your address uail
the firnt of January, 18S0, for 50 eents in
Teachers Contracts.
Tcichers o'ontme's can be had by
calling ontacor by calling at the Chiek
office. R4 Cloud Neb
A. A. Pope. Co. Supt.
A farm of 160 acres one quarter of a
mile from the depot at tho town of
Cowles. 55 acres under cultivation. The
land lies principally in a bend of the
creek, with timber on two hides. Fully
130 acres good plow land. Good water
at a depth of from 10 to 20 feet Price
$1600 in payment to suit purchaser.
Apply at this office or to L D. Thouiai,
Cowlcs, Neb.
80 Acres of Land For Sale.
One half mile from Blue Hill, partly
under cultivation, will bo hold on time
with payments to &utt purch:ier. Apply
at thi office or to J. 0. Martin, Blue
II ill, Neb ,
a m- i
The People's Brick Yard.
Mr. W. H. Ludiow is now prepared to
furnish brick to all parties who want tliniu
at a reasonable pric, from hi brickyard
just north of town. Hi" brick arc made
I'm m the native clay as it is dug from the
bank, no sand or clay is added, aud they
are of better quality than any heretofore
made in this country, and arc full equal
to cny umdo in the state. Jui3
Nice jellies, ginger snap", frosted
creams full cream CHEESE and other
deiic-icies, at W. B. KOBY'd NEW
STOitK. 2-tf.
W. B. Koby has added a well select
ed stock of Groceries to his other stock,
and desires the patronage of all. 2-tf.
To the or Soldiers of tho Union Aray,
Rttidiag in Wthster County.
Comrades: Your presence is ear
nestly solicited at the permanent organi
zation of an Old Soldiers Association, at
the Court House, in Bed Cloud, on the
firnt Saturday, in September, at one
o'clock, p. M. Then let all rally around
the "Old Flag" once more.
It. B Fulton,
Formerly Co. B.,lst Iowa Vol. Cav.
We offer our White Lead and Oil at
greatly reduced prices. Call and exam
ine. Red Cloud Drug Store, two doors
west of Boy's Uomc. 45tf
Morris & Westveer.
If. B. sIeNlT.
Wholesale & Hetail Stationery, Schuol
and Mi.scelaneous Hooks.
Wall Paper a speciality at Bed rock
prices, already tritned.
Kancv Stationery and Notions at thr
Post Offieo Buildine.
Wcwis.h to call vour attention to our
Machino Oils, which are of superior
quality, and we offer at bottom prices.
Red WJoud Drug Store. 45tf
Morris & Westveer.
HomtBoprliic Physician
Ropms up -tairs in C. H. Pottcr'f
buil ling Calls promptly attended to
day or night. 3tf
K fkl ft A I I 0 Thi remarkable
IVLIHIaU Omcdicinc will cure
fipavins. splint. rarb.callou.A'-..rany enlarge
ment. nnI will rctnore tbe ban eh without bibter
QQ A A'nx or c.uiniT iMn. o
Cii w !WreiDcJy ever dienrcred
equals it for certainty ofa-tionin Mppitir the
Liinnne'U and rc-uormr tbe bunch.. Price JIJXJ.
I CjiT n'l for circular riTinir r-ositire
W iX Ei proof and your aeareflarent' ad
dress. b"l 1 by dru iU. or ent t anv addr
by tbe inventor. B. J . Kendall. M.D., fcnosbarjrb
rlK Vt.
Land Office at niootniBftnii XeJ.
Spt. 3 J. 'STS.i
Notice if hereby j: vrn that the foliowinr
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
mike final uroot tn snttort of his claim, and re-
care final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty d5S from the date of this notice, tik
Oscar Arnold, for the north-west quarter Sec.
22 town 3 rxnjt. 10 wet. and name the following
a hi wilneic. vji John Arnold f Kingston
Neb. antThaddim Arnold f Kloe Hill Ner,.
septocti S. W. SWITZKR. Rtister.
Final Proof Notice.
Land Office at BloaminrtoB Neb.
Auirnst 3Kb. 1873.
Notic is hereby iciven that he fnllnwinj
mmfrl settler baa tile notice of bis inteatiuoD
make final proif:n. "uptx-rt of bi claim, and
swrJ final entry thereof at the expiration of
IhirtT tays from the date of this notice. ij:
J on a 1 liompan. ur tie nortn-eaat quar
ter ection Si town o
rasze V ana names
the loUowioras hi witnesses, vit : William it.
ThotEpsoa.of CowreCNeLrasta. aal Itee B.
Thompson, of Cowles. Xebraaka.
aarS-epri S. W. Smut. Becister.
Final Proof Notice:-
Lnd Office at Uloootirctoa. Neb,
Attjm,tiXh. ISTa.
Notice is hereby aires that the following
Baaed (ettler has filed sotice f fau iatention to
Biakeinal proof ia support of his elaisa. ad
secure aal eattry thereof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date uf this notte. vii:
. Aaaaael AY. Thoma. for the BOrthwest aBar-
ter section 3. town 3. raare la. west aa4 aaaieai
the follo;aur aa his w:tBeea, vrc KdwiB L.
rubb. of CowJes. JlebratkB. aa4 LonaaB D.
1 Tboaur. of CoIcf, Nebraska
-1i3X-rZ S. w. Erjraas RiStrtn.-
NClce of Final rr-f.
Laai 0 at loKic-tQ NiU.
jlexBit IHh. 17?.
Notice Is aervby fln that tee follow Is
BBa4 u!r ha tied nou-t of hu lstUa to
Baaelaai ertf la Bprrt ef hu rUla. cd
eeure laaJ entry tarrrefat ti. tir.tWo vf
Ihmj day froei th due of tali at. sit .
A bra a Garter. fr the aatii-rt fmnt -.
3 tws 1 ra tnt. aad came. tb i-VUmtst
as hit wita. Ttt. Wi liam T. McrU ef
Red ad Sb aad !astsrl UuUt of Ki
Cload Neb.
Mtf2apU S. '.T. jWITZER. Kuter.
nrticc f Pi-til Prf.
Laa4 Oalee at Blecmeaxtoa Nb. Aarat lt 7?
Notic ia hereby siren that th follewiec
named lettlrr has Bid to lie. of hi IstenUoa to
Btake final proot to apport of hu claiaa. aad
secure Sisal entry therevf at tbe xpiratoe of
thirty days from the date of thu nolle, vki
RoWrt B, Faltos. fur the south t smarter
See. 32 T. 1 B. 12 wt. aod Rroe th followlof
aa his itaea. vii: Wtlhs l. Futtoo of 5lt
Hh . aad Hiram lloldmlac of SooU N.h
aBg7ser4 6. Vf- SWITZEft. lUjistrr.
vorcc or hsl rsoor.
Lead Ofaee at JtlvsiififtoB Neb.
Kolire is hsreby sisea that tbt followis
Based eetUer has filed notice of hi iotenton tr
Biake laal proif ia support of his claljs. and se
cure Snalentry thereof at thevxpiralioo of thirty
days from the date of this Duties, sit
Christopher C. for the south-east
quarter section 6 town 2 rates 9 nl. aad no
the followina as his witne. rix: lill T.
Thomas ot Cowl . Neb . atsd William II. Thomv
ob of CuwleeNeb.
aa7 ep4X S. W. SWITZKR. Itef'stsr.
voTisx or ra?L rioor.
Land Office at Hloomincton Neb.
July 3h. 1873.
Notice is hereby tireu that the following
named etller has Bled nntieeof hn intention tn
make floal proof in upprt of bis eUire. and
secure final entrr thereof at the expiration of
thirty day from the dste uf lhi tiolice. u .
t hristopber C fx. for the south wet querter
section Tt town 2 race 10 wet. a"d nam's the
followinc ss hi. witnesses, tw Frank M. lVck
rallof Re.1 Cloud Nsb.. and lirre W B.IUf
lte.1 lloud Neb.
auf7sep4 fi. W. SWITZPIR. Uegietec.
Zand OSce at Bbmincton '.b.
Jely .-.nb. KJ.
Notiee ! hsreby xiren that the followinc
named settler ha. file1 notice of hi. intention tn
make final prrf in sqpport of hn ditto, an i
secure final entry thereof at th eipirtion of
thirty Ui from the date u thi notice, sit
Solon V. Wim. for the nrth-wet qnarttr
section It town 1 ranre 10 nl, and nsme the
fislltsBBsn saa kia BB 1 1 u m m Srw e .lamae ff Wsir
t-n of Ked Cloud Neb. and Aamuel 1'- Martin
of Hed Cloud Neb.
au7sept S. W. SeVITZEK. Keenster.
JLaad Office at IU'H.minrton Neb.
July S)tb. b7.
S'otice L hereby gisen that the followjax
named settler has filed notice ofbn intention to
make final proof in xupport of his cUim. find
secure final enry thereof at the rxpiratton cf
thirty day from the date t this notice, vu-
Oeorte W. Hrown. for the west H south-east
' and aoulh east VC south-east i section It town
4 range 12 west, and names the following as his
witnesses, via. Marion Alexander f.f Wells Neb.
and Sneneer Alexander of Wei Nrb
H. W. SWITZKK. Ulster
nKAL paoor moticz.
Land Office at Dloomington. NeV.
August ?7th. ls7J.)
Notise is hereby 'given that tho following
named settler hare filed notic of intention to
make final proof in support of his claim and
secure final entry thereof on tbe ex piration of
thirty da)s from the date of this notioe. vii
Chrles A. Teel. lor the south-west iusrter
section 18 town 3 rang 9 west, and names the
following as hi witnesses, vis; Iiantel Conk of
ThxmasvilleNeb. aud John A. Smith of Thom
asville Neb.
D4oct2 K. W. HWITZEH. Heji.ter.
Land Office at ltloominston Neb.
August 27th" 19.
Notice is hereby (riven that the following
named settler has filed notice of hi intention to
make fm'il proof in rupp'irt of ht c aim. and se
cure final entry thereof at the expiration of
thirty d y from the drtt of thi notice viz:
John It Jcnpon. for th snuth-net uarer
section 2 town 4 rano 11 w and name tbe
following as hi witnesms. vis : Spencer Alex
ander of Wells Neb. aud icho!aj Jenson of
Walls Xeb.
seploctl" S. W. SWITZKB. ttegister.
IlloomiOKtiin Nebraska.'
Autul 12th 1S7'..)
Notice i hereby gnentlMt the following
namrd settler ha filed notice of hi intention t
roa e final pnnif in "ni'por of hi claim, and
secure firnl entry thereof at the ekpiration
of thirty ilays from thr data of this notice, vii.
J oh an Vernr. for the north-wet ousrter ncc.
10 town 3 range li wet. and nmr the follow
ing as his wilnessc. rir. Albirt (I. raiii(cr of
Hatin Neb. and William II. Fil'erof Catberton
Neb. . S. W. SWI'lZElt.
uu:lseplS Register.
notice or rnrAL paoor.
Bloomtngton cbras
Augut 'Jtti
Notice is hereby girrn tht the following
named settlct ha filed nntt-e "i hj intention to
make final proof in support ol his rUim. and
ecure final entry tbrrpof at the expiration of
thirty days from the date or this uotiee. vis:
Mntty Detour, for the souih-eat i se . M T. 2
K '. west and aamrs the following as his w l
nees. vix; Mocs King of (iui'le Rock Nth.
and M M. Morgan of Guide Hock Net.
auglfsepll . W. twiTita. Itegister.
NoncEor" TOTAL PEOOr."
Blooaington NehrnkaV
Jugut &th 1S79. 1
Notice is horcby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his elaim. and re
cure final entry thereof at tbe expiration of
thirty days fmm the date of this notice. vi:
Charles F W. Krause. for the north east
sec. ! town 3 range 11 west, and names tho fol
lowing as hit witnesses vii: Calvin 1) Peck of
llatia Neb. and Usury Urhrke cf lted Cloud
augHsepll 3. W. HWITZEB. Begister.
noncE or final paoor.
BloomiriKV.n Nebraska
August 3th 1STI. J
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice ol hi irtentton to
make final proofin supjirt of his claim, and se
cure final entry thereof nt tin expiration of
thirty days from the date of thi notice, vix .
Frederick Bank, for the north-cast nuarter
sec 31 town I ra'.gelO west, and names the fol
lowing as hi witnesses, vix: (inttlieb Arndt of
Blue Flill Neb. and Ucnry Neiuieyer of Blue
Hill Neb.
augHsepll H. W. BWITZER, Itegister.
Land Office at Bloomington Neb. I
August 15th 157V. J
Notice is hereby given that the fnllowin.
nmed settler has filed notiee ol his intention to
make final proof in mpnort of hi clira. an I
secure final entry thereof at the expiratien of
thirty day? from the date of thi noli- e. vix:
Urrin A. Forb's. fr the outh-west quarter
Sec. 12 town 4 rsnr 11 west, and namesjbr fol
lowing as hi vitoee. rix: AnelH. hi.rbesof
Hastiigs Nob. and Judtou K. Forbes of Blue
augilsepW S. W. SWITZER. Register.
Final Proof Notice.
quarter secion 12 town 3 range 11 west,
names the following a bis witns. vix :
yn V. Peck cf Batm Neb. aud Andrew (Jar
oj rutin Neb.
BUg2.fer25 S. W. SWITZER. Register.
Filial Proof Notice.
Land 04c at i'loorainginn. Nrb.
August rnL 17?.
N"ti a is hereby riven thst the following
named settler has Sled notice of h s inte tn tj
make final irof in suip-itt of hs elmm. and
cure final entry thereof at the expiration f
thirtvdsysfrom h"d-iteol thu noti e.vr:
Itobertson AdamKin for the outhwt quarter
section 12 tow 2. rang- 10 west and rm the
fallowing as hu witttes. vix: tieorze . Bali.
ofKel O oad.Nebe ka. a 1 r"rnci M tawjer
or -'Wies. Nebraska.
aug2Sse25 S. W. Switxxk. Kegnter.
Notice is hereby given, that I will examine
ali persons who may ueire to offer theffiselves
s candidates tor teaeheis of the priicary or
comu-OB ecbuots cf eb'ter county. i .ea j
CIob-s nu the first JJturday oi each aocUl at j
niae "clock a. at i.iarp. j
A. A. Por. to..Sapt. I
To J. J . Web Clutter: Toa are hereby no
tifil that Veraie flutter di4. on the 3nh day -f
IhI. tOl fiiw h ..lilwi int.nfif of ihp
Clerk of the District Coart a ad for WJfSterj
county Jtcbn'ka. agaiast yB. caargiag jou
with desertion from ber for more thvn two years
Uj.past. aed also failing to prviJe for her;
and prayijif to Ue divorced froci you. bb4 also
previa foe the cavay ot tbe minor child.
Yob are also r'ified that unleos yoa appear
aast aarsrer said prtitim oa or before ta ljth
lay ol September 15TU. siiJpsritlou willbetakea
aa trae aad jadxaie&t reBdered Bceordiaaiy.
Ht Veraie Clutter.
Tr Kaley Irs., hrr AHVs. is -
Land Office at Bloomington eh.
A ....... lO.k it-o
nHKik I.U. .J...
Notiee is hereby giren that the folliwiag
mmnl s tier has filed no'i-e of his intention to
make 6dI proofin support of his claim, and se
cure final entry thereof as Jhe expiration of
thirty davs from theditenf tnis noti-. vix:
Isaac II. Hummel, for thewethalf north-west
TBE KARKfrrni.
coaaxcTtn rr to thb hocr of tKt?o
to ratsa, ur wioa: o.'t.
ntet 5e. i. utizj.
- 1. -
- - 1 wlater.
- 1
PaMtj 3 ttlra
Kj. -0L
as 9 8 tewu.
u -
a -s
CkiCJtf Ne :
Corn. oil
Dritlic with the Wild Auv,vrraa or
The O.M.T aothesttic atxl eiryrixhtfd
cheap editioa. IGites a full hiuor) of hi
wo.MJtarct. dtscoTeriM lo Africa and
MARrxLOt journry dowc the? Conro.
More fascieatins than romanco. Pro
fuxly illustrated, and hiably tuHotBeJ by
the clc-riy and press More AGKNTS
Ibw Kor particular about tbe book,
oc:ea of agents aod lst terms. addiM
PubhiLera, St. Louis, Mo.
Sargeeo Desti't. office ovr Jobna J Crs
store. Ked Cloud Nb. l:t improved ta
struacBla. Sstlftiua gurntt or aeaev
refunded. hstgr. ressnable. 0c Lour, a
to 12 a. a ved 1 to j p. ta. 47 tf
Ccstral Cn!t:M lierJi;.
Red Clold. Au; 9. 157'J.
Puraint to a call by the Ck air man of
the County Central Comtuttter. the com
mi t tee met at the Coin I IJouv:, at -o'clock.
I ii.
Meeting called to order by H O. Pat
krr, in the. chair K. H Kulton wj
elected Mrcretary. A prexmbli an I roo
ltitiun relative to the ptituar clectioti
teni. was prcaenteij by the Mjcrctary.
whicli an recomnjettded to the attention
of the convent i n previous to nutuina
tiling on lh "Mth Sntiletiibt'r.
It wa- jjowd and acconJed, that tb
ba.i3 of renrc-cntattoti tc adoMed. quo
delegate to each thirty-fire- or major
fraction thereof; carried. Which is ss !
Guide Htck(
Oak Creek,
Kim Creek,
l'lea-ant Hill.
.() vot0 10 dclefiates.
Walnut Creek, W
Hatin. CO
Inav-le, Vd
i otai. ...... ........ ............... it
On ruotion, the precinct caucus wan
called fur Saturday, September 13, at 2
o'clock, r. M., at their lat place of vo
tinp. On motion, thu call of the varioui pre
cinot committee b tomnotly knotvn aud
afOltutiUif Huputilican-
On motion, aiijuirned.
K O Clnirwan.
R. B. Fl'l.TON, Secretary.
Flour & Feed
Corn. Meal. Uran Cli 'ITeil Feed and
Visit the Ked Cloud Sreeery. Kel snd l'ro
vifioa store when you nasi su plies for uian or
Highest market price is cash paip fJ grain
A II kinds of cuuntrr produce tiken sn exchange
for goods. Ooodi delivered to all pcrU of town
freo of charge.
Store south of Reed's I'low Factory.
Red Cloud, - Nebraska
Furniture Store.
A waolciale stock of Good of the Kineat
Quality and .sold nt prircfl
lower than
to th.' 1'ublic
VU9 H, Reed.
bbbT Special attention given to Under
taking. RKV CLOUD. - - - NKB.
Yard south of Hampton A ?al ston'j
hop, on Main street.
Keep eoa..anUy on hand an assortment ef
Lsassssser. bjsIIs, Aklssclrw. Beers BVIa
siaws. Mbbs Hair s'essaesat. risxalrr
SlalldlaiaT rstar el.
For Voor
Wist at aVawssaC Prtaaa
.ae sl cMAtt;
I!. Mima.
urALa tx
We keep Cotmsfantly On Hand A Full
mv mum, $Mmti&&9 &&
Shoess Glassware, Qeonsware and
Wc buy our goods for CASH, ami dciy com-
I'KTiox. When in town give us .1 call.
One door south oi Post Oiluc.
Red Cloud,
Wc keep on hand at all times, a large and com
plete stock ot Hard-ware.
We abo keep a supply of
Give us a call, as we feel sure we can suit yo r
in quality and price
Remember the place, opposite the Chief Oflicc,
Red Cloud Neb.
Thich wa a efferisj ta tit yiVieat
Greatly reduced prices
We also sell tbe
McCormack Harvester.
2ZATS2. WZj. kz.
Afrlsiltsral Za;ltseat: af
stsdfcrCacteied CIrcslaraol IVIsu LilralTerau u iWZmd.-?
Don't buy until you hav en th Iightoct rur.ninr machirlh
th World, th Evr R!iabl "VlCTOa"
W3T. CsIJI, aa4 2Na, 1W smU
Slitchell & Morhai-t Bed Cloi
J. L Nutt.
all k.:s or
Slock Of
LJ 1 I
Red Cloud Neb.
iapuftaNtt Sspliakr, 1378!
Important tmprovmHits.
Kot iLtlszdz tLfl VICTOR L locS Un.
tiIrtf teytsAfhiis ia ti tearitt- a Uz
cjpcrVl l7atrvtt:oJcer'it&ssae t
snr sx-il:-'r rJaet for It tmUr
tiJMii, vonirrcl rwisielica el
,tsilim, tai ali25iinT a iters Cj
lM!Tl-tssUtCG&U. rn
IjTZas'bis'a xmltXhtT.
aei traaaah AreasM. CaUCAftCX. XXX.
. C
Vi -s
( sis, v
L'Vi t.-i
&i . ,J" ss
anfta 4i a