f ' . .- --?&? . w- .. - mmmsmg&sum& -'!! . . - HE RED CLOUD CHIEF 1 1 m.uiir.n lvfuv tiiuhsiiay at BSD CITO, 1TEBSASKA. iiy M-1. THOMAS, i:lllor iiid Proprietor. $2.C0 jcr jcsx, Invariatty is Adrasce Official Directory. fONOHFASTJNAL. A.S Pn.M.k. I.irTiee. U. Pentr AMn.-ati'lrr. Oinaha. II. ..enator. 'J litiRmp J. MnJiiM Hci.refenUtive. RXF.CUITVE. AT I INTP NANCE. OoT.rnor. K..I Al xMitlir, 5ec.nlSi-.tr. F. W l.iflttta Auditor. i;.M !-rlUtt Trra.urcr. .1. l'ilworth. . Alfy .-n. - IUThviui tun. Lincoln. Sun rnlj.Iiiatruction Jl'DIUlAUY. r.ixi It. I.ilco. Omaha. Chief JiUicr. Anm nV.iib. .itip-ln. Aoociatc Jur. WKUSTKK COUNTY. J. A. Tulle. County Uerk. K. II. Jon.. TrrMurw. J. II. Uillcox. Probate Jndjte. J. W. Warren, r-hen IT. A A. Pf-i-f . School Suii't. II. 'I.SIirr-r. Coroner. W. K. J borne. County Surveyor. (J. V.. Hull. ) I II. Lure. iCounty Comiuiioner. I County Com A ri tjty (ixt'ttcii inti:rioKY. i; l-H-CV'.Wlt SKKVICP-S. the fir-t Sun.Iaj I1 t ixli month. ltcv. JiMh I.ovc fll I'ltiP. ?I MMIST;Hitv. fi.O. YEUiKK. Iitor. .1 'Vrrcfi in tliu urt Iloiii- ilir 2ml uti.l -I : tt t1li:itli in arli month iiiorniiii ami vtii At 6iiIiIq lUick tho Ittaiid.'d S-iibb. 1 1 iir.mti.K iul crninc T L'11-H'l.ST: Itrv. C. UKILLY. I'nctor. j -r 11 in the Churrli :i li Sabbath. ii'lfin iIiiik iiKiriiiiiz hlnl tvcniiiiC with the J i I jii.ui rir lira. . Mt I I-irnt frr tv wpkf nt 1J a. 111 run. i Nov. 1I-1V78. I'ptini Cn-ik. Ntiv.'lat'i ti. in. ".ik Otil. at .1 j. 1.1. vw two week ulti iii.itiiic. " )Iii:.si:yti:i;ian, ii.v. j. m. prysi: 1 I'mtor- fivci 111 tliu Chunh -ich ab I 1 .ilti n ati tr ni- niniK ciJ evening nith the X( Ik 1I1M rit s i.l'i.,A1JONAL: ltKi. tlDK ISKSr. V 1'ortor. vrlfin the (mrt Iloure the I t . i.i! M t-'abbath 411 each month. I mi. 11 1'riijtriiicctiiiccvtry 'I liur.'d.iy cvcninc. iMoih Sc! 1 every S.ihhath iiiornitij; at 10 1. w Cloro- .it 11. Mrs. II. A. IIou'Ann.Sufit. 0cii:tii:s. I.O. O. F. Ut Ci.rui LoitbF. N. CI I OOF ,j--C J'f V45 .la'titne Hull. .1einliPM rf otlier J tiPo LifK.ircfjrtullj iiuitM toatteiic. I. tfi.s.N. (J. C I.Ptir.K tj.c'y. . A.rr&A .11. A Cihut I.niH.r No 5 Ile Clom. Nel. 1... .. . . .... 1.. 1. ..1..,.. (..11 M yvII11'iril'l.iv.iiiii...ii. ..1..VI1 au.i UK Oil l'ltll r tirollll'lk. 111 CIKIH -IIIII'l- 1M'. are cordially 1111 iim i 1 uiicnn, J.CAl.VI.KT W.M. I. St ts Sor'y. 1C. V 5. IS. TiHic Tnlilc T..kiiiK ffict ?uiil.iy. May 4th IST'A rot-Tii STATIO. MtnTii. U ,1111 IIASTIN:.V. S :r...im . r. :7 .1YU s :ri 1 4s P.LUi: HILL 7 Jf) 7 .. 1 nVl.l 7 :0". 7 -..-. im:i ci.ii ", -.v. S-o irV.LK f.tlO x -. HlVKItTN r. :Vi 1 ;KI Kit AN KLIN -r :2" 'i :. .m r.I.H.MIN!T0N f. :10am. T.-:iiii daily. exrct Sunday. .. IMnuriliii. L W. HolJrcdo (It n. maunder. Su;it. 'GOOD TSTK"W8' Quick 'Hreel Tiinmeh Tt:iin! (.'Iofc Connectioti-J ! No Del y ! Burlington Route ! 1 r- 0 CHICAGO AND THE EAST. I.wrt rate? f Fnrc will be made. 'I liroiich Ciin will be run Imni H, .t M. Point, in Soiitliprii Nebr.t'k.t to ChitMjC". A trn iiiitiufif roniirvrion will bo made at Pn citlir -I unction. T "III0;0 cl.iFc ronnc-ti m tiill alivaj. b i..jdf to I In- pi-!, Mdillii'ift finl north. 5priiiii: c.ir lertli rrerx i-d at the Linln ti k-t ulltfc lj li-li-uniidi or on ail:cjtiuu. iroin .1 . oiiri Riv r to C1i:c.iko- TOST- LOlT&TIIE SOUTH. k "I hi- burlinitton ruJeli3Vo a ystrIll of throuch flerpei anil cbn coniu-ctioiis bctHctn the Mt.-.utiri Iiicr nnd St. Lotin P.upiistm taking thi line havo tho bet of ucttiiiituidatioii. Pullman deriir run rrcu larly Irota .Muiouri River to St. Loui. TO l'KOKIA. INDIANAPOLIS, CIN- ClNNATI, AND TIIK SNl'TH-KAST. 3TIii i i In only reliable route to theouth-en.-i. Cumm-noii arc inn o at Proria with the T. I'. .. W. and I U. A Railroad Tor lndi.in-itpoli.-' CiiiciuiiHti. t'olumbu". and all central iriiMiutheru Ohio. Ken ucy. foutkeru Indiaua. Ae. DINI2J3 CABB. Gccd Meals at" 75 cents. WIipii you Kn P.!'5 bt- ure and trriel ever the 11. A M. line it j on w:h to e SAKE and corn tor table and di'fire to trael "-peedily. A. E.IOUZM.IN. IMOWKLL. (cii'l manager. tlcn'l Ft A T't apt RASWCU&SiUIIC0&&BUnW3ITES TUB Trr HirriiTvIter micr rnn of ttnr. sMcil bT chtm- leal rr.rcli and cxpcumrtit. together with exjxiltacc caincitinllictrratincutofalBrceiiuiulitr ofeair. tandet hl crr.ht atl: inrrmliil in ronipounainsnlUTAI. J.TVTF Hfwuny lor the cvurRc n common tmoDg WOMEN 'MAIDENS cAi.i.ru LEUCORRHEA, Fker Alt-zs iOrYVIIIT??S$ .. A ((MM1. a nY-Talft inATi? feillll t2udcrtodlyri-;-ran. Its Urain upon the fritcmli Jrof,ll9.TtU Vajfaal rjuiiKr, a tie diTaiturc m tucdiclne. L.MH.l.l.M.ihtnn imi. ImllmMit. A YltI t ! fltlf f 1 V nt-rtrttifirT ncn.ii.iiY to llie cat of the ducM c, and t f rrcinc loflncuct cd t once, proihicinjr n inonrdUIc .oothinB and restorttire effect. Tlir rrr'lratioa cftLe rcc-dyiittcndrdith no paia cr unplraantnct, snd doc. rot interfere iUi Uie or diasrr punmU and p'cuurrt otlifr. Circular, re ent in perfectly rlain eiiTelopr. Mcurely seaicdtrom obcratlon, ondrenifdr put up incett plain boxool three te, with full diirrtiou intldr. No. J.tenouEhlo ltatnonth.) $3;Ko.2.(cnou:htolarttiroinona;i).t8!lo.S1ilatirjf three month, and ample lor cure, rifrpunc la chrome cee) SIO. "Vtth each box re end . rem e SyrtEse and fomeTpnicril!i,.fauxiUaneatolhe TcmeCT. (Scud stamp for a parnplilct cmssfull eeriptll f Kenedy, and illnrtrsted by pUrea ahowtnjc lu m i-iplication. Thliramph'etaloneiTOrtoahun. died tiraefittcomo any lady in delicate kealth. being a thoroughly practical treat tie on thjf ditcara r rrotnajTi' Vasinairrrtnieican be obtained only from HARRIS REMEDY CO.HP6. CHEMISTS. M.rk.t snd Sth $t. ST. LOUIS. MO. FERGUS (F YOUTH- A centlctnati who ruffcrcd for ; cars frin nerv-oi:.- dcbilitj-.Proinaturcdccay. ami all tLcitiVct. of outhful indcrct to r. will tor the fake of uf ferinjt humanity, end lree to allwho need it. tLe rcii; c si r dinttii i y f-r m.kir.; the rimple rcmrny 1 y which he was cured. ui crera ATbh ijjrio piofit uj the nilvt niter's cpericticc Cu do ro 1 addrersir.s in pet feet cot lidence. .1 i'hn B- 'cden. -1 Cedar Hre t New York. THE WORLD'S HALM. Dr. L' D- Wcyburn's Alterative Syrup S-A remedy ujed.T5 years inaurivUe rrac tic. ani nerer failiac to radically cure . h r n vi a r i s m iropey. Kryipela. croful. econdarj syph- sV'iod i implicated, if noir offered to the t.SuId bv ail re tail urucgistz. ana twnoi V.y Thp Vpyhurn nn-lipiiip eoinp.iny ' I Illi.lT - w lUtk. W&M SS & Sr ?&Mii8 X&&&BEfe et. it bat liuli kw 1 The VOL. G. BUSINESS DIRECTOR: D. S. COOMBS, ATTOKNKY AT LAW. Red Cloud. Neb. OCice in Court Iloute. Money to loan on improved farm'. W. C. REILLY, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Red Cloud. Neb. -Pr"tnrt Attention Oiven to Collection. Orricr. Otcr Joiimrok Crr Store, with C. II. POTTER. JAS. LAIRD, ftTTOKNKY AND COUNSKLOIt Iffy at law. .luiiiala Nchrahkx Will prac tice in all the UourtH of the state. Prompt attention given to all business ptilrtMed to bin care. Office on tlie eat i-'ulc .Tuninta Avenue. July 1 7 . S. GILHAM, ATfOHNKV AND COUNSFLOR AT LAW. Office our ilonr north of Kuhy lirox. RED CLOUD, - - - NEB I. K. Will cox, ATTORNEY AT LAw nndU. S: Comm'm mner. 'ollcttioni .rouit!y attcudetl to. tifliceoiipdoor north ol Chief Office. P.SD CLOUD - - - KSB o. c: CASE, A1TOHNKY AT LAW. Office over Itccd'fi furniture 8tore. SED CLOUD, 1TEB Collections made and promptly remitted. H. S. 2ALS7, AKt. IJ..t-M.R.R.Land. C. 77. ZALSY Notary Public- ATTOHNKYS AT LAW and real es tate xgent. Will practice in all the Courts inthis Slate midf-iiortbcrn Kan. Collections promptly atfcnScd to and Correspondence solicited. Red Cloud Neb. Edwin C. HawJey, ATTORNEY AIW COUiV O. StLORAT LAW. Office 1st door West of lied Cloud Drug Store. BSD CLOUD - - NEB. PHYSICIANS. J. W. TUIiX,EY, HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, U. S. Pension Surgeon. CoyOmcF. oyer Kalcy Hros. law office. BED CLOUD. NEBRASKA W. N. Richardson. S. (larbr. Richardson &Garber, -DEALERS IN LIVE STOCK. itr.n cloud. xi:bkamca. IliKhe"! market prico paid for Iiokb and cattle. .T. i:. Smith P. C. Smith M.U.Thiiui-Imis. Pre. Fir't Vat. Cah. Firt Lite Tiller First lt.mk. Ileatnce Nat. Rank NaL Hank llcnt- Nvb. Beatrice Neb. rito Neb. Smiili Jjrors & Thompson. BANKERS. bed coui Ai:ir "Will m.iko collections i'i nnj-part of the United State. Sell exehaiipo upon thy princi pal eastern oitio. Loan money upon imprnvrd farms Riceiiedppo-its ubJcct to eight drafts Allow interest uien time depu.-its, and trans act n genera! Banking butnc. Hkif.rknti.s: Omaha National Rank. A. S. P.iJdock.U. .S Senator: First Nation il Bank Niw York, CainhriJRo Vallfcy Natioual Bank, Cauibriilge New York. WELL 1301UNG W. & O. B, Harvey, Arc rucparcd at all rimes to bore or di ill wells. K itcs Reasonable. INAVALE - - NEBRASKA. VALLEY HOUSE Fred C. Wintox, 1'iop. RED CLOUD, .... XEH. CITYMEATMARKT J. WILHELMSON Proprietor. Kcd Cloud - - Re!) "Will pay the highest casU price for hides. Fresh Sl-1 Cuuntnutly ln II ami Feed $r Sale Static J. D. Post, Propr. RED CLOUD. NEB This space belongs to DR. SHEEEE OF THE CITY Drag STOKER Who is too busy to write an "Ad." MILLER & SEATON, contractors & Builders' RED ULOUD. NEB. Will make nctitiiarps nud fake pon'raefs for all kind- of bui!lin'. Red "Eternal Vigilance EED CLOUD THE CHIEF. M L THOMAS, EDITOR THURSDAY JULV 21, IST'J. ?T--- - - "Trrrr . Kailroad bondi were defeated in Har-1 lin county. Senator Paddock is at bin home near the "State of Beatrice." A new paper ha been started at Arapahoe, Furnas county, called the Pioneer. The Juniata HernU i about the sickliest looking little concern on our ex change Hht. The town of Ponca Neb , wa treated to a little fclortn on July Llth which created qnito a racket and did some damage to building" Some of the paprra are seriously dis cussing whether the law parsed list win ter on the subject does not make it nec essary to elect an entirely now set of county commissioners, in every county, thii fall. Eighteen pcrons weic killed outright and one hundred and seven wounded by fireworks in the chief cities of tl'C Union on the Fourth of July. Could the g'nmour of patriom be dispelled, people would think this rather alarming; but somebody has to die for his couutry. To us it eeoms that it would he but justice to Nebraska, especially tho western part, to enter a protect against tho whol s.ilc shipping in of Russians, to ocupy tho lands that should bo ocupicd by an intelligent class of people. The Russians that couic to this country arc, as a cla$., a dirty, Inzy .-liiltk-KS set, nnd arc a curse instead of a blessing to the state. It. would fccBi that this beautiful land of Nebraska should be ocupicd by white people. The London Standard, in an adito rial referring to the grain-gamblers in the Chicago market, Kcrnd and Hoyt, is MirprUcd that Americans ciu't cir cumvent combinations of which thi-v have haxl fto experience. At the same time Clio Standard pay, when sprcula tors icceivo the latest icportn of the ag ricultural pro-pcets of Euiopc, they will likely still hold out. Evriylhitig is in their fuvor at pre.-ent, and no doubt they are making fortunes openly by practice. the American people condemn, but which, apparently, they have not the power to suppress. This Negro exodus business is likely to become a serious nnttcr t Nebraska, Iowa and other t:ttcs that have hereto, fore been comparatively free from the contaminating influence of the black race. Lincoln is over-run with the ex odus negroe. Council Bluffs Iowa is soon to receive another large invoice, and sends up a remonstrating howl that is heart rending in its bitterness. Just think of the consequences of 200 of thoe negroes lighting down upon Bed Cloud, yet wo must expect it, and when it oomes, gracefully submit to the incvita blc. Wo repeat, this exodus business is a serious matter, and will end in trouble to the darkies and to every city or town in the northern states infested by them. Let this encouraging of negre immigra tion bo btopped. Nelrasia Weather S.rvico Summary for June 1873. Temperature The highest noon tem perature was 100 reported at Hum boldt, Kichnrdon Co. The highest at no Million wan le than ST degree; generally it wa above DJ devices Tho lowf.vt was oO deirrors reported from Wecpinc Water. The genenl re port aveniL-cd about M degrees for tho low c.-t noon ob-ervaMcn I.icht lrot on the iiuhtofthc lt., at luavale, WelMer 00111113, alo at Kear ney on nitht of the i!l K.-'inflil! Dminc fiiM ten tlivs of the mouth the minfil! wa vrv .'i,;h: frmn mati3-staiinn none at all a-c reported, Duringthe two last d. cide ten days I the ruiiilull was alum taut and evenly diuihutcd. Tho average of all station. reported cat of tic sixth prhtipal meri- dian i 4 SS illchfS. and for all west of, miui unc o so incur. 1 nc greaier 111 reported -t ar3 one station cat wa at Mission Crcfk, Pawnee Connty, being S 25 ioche, and ih smalieM amount r ported was at P.iltnyri. Otoe County, it hiing ." 0G. Tlie lartcM fall r.'pnncd West was at Mmden, Kearncv Count v. which was 10..10 inches, ind theMuallelst (all 1 St Prevailing winds were from the south and southeast. j June 10th a severe storm reported! from Inavale. high wind with hail antlj pin, injuring crop. and de.Mroying tiuiU-t ng. atorm ot June 2oth was severe in many par's of the State, the wind doing so in c damage to buildings and beating down the corn. Crops General reports very encour aging. Wheat damaged in some locali ties by chinch bugs. Seventeen year locusts or cicada nu merous in the eastern part of the State: have tJishtiy damaged some ounc or chard, hut nothing scrions. They al most entirely disappeared before the 30th of June. Colorado grasshoppers, or locusts, were seen near Genod, Piatt County, on tho 29th, flying in considerable numbers, but Wa near Genoa. Piatt loilntl'. it vliioh enmn nni nFlliA in.mUiM l,nn . ting o 25 indie. The avcrace for the I 1 . .1: u v. . 1 ...-.--i 1 samiuc n.isiry uin miuui;;ii uj uer own ate Wi nisi inohe--. I . . . .... . ... Prevailing winds were from the south " wh,te hinds, i hen they all de- no damagp had yot been dono. S K. Tm !"". Director. a is the price of Liberty?' mid WEBSTER CO, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY. STCLZS STATS lWJ. Ten tlioiiAind road cattle hvc thus far i been received at Ojtl!a!.. Lincoln ii wailing fur more nervtnt girN, who command good wigea thprc. IUrvt hand arc marce in Fillmore county, and demand I1L.W per day. 0. K. Friend, of Friendville, has a yearling Durham bult which weighs U20 pound.. A Btcam hand car h now in u on the B. k M. road, aud it i raid to be a big bUCCCi. A Clay county farmer has exhibited corn at Harvard that measured G feet 7 inches in length. A Howard county dairyman has sold 7,000 pounds of cheese tbii year of hi own manufacture. The paper mill at West Point i run ning night aud day, and has a ready bale for all it can manufacture. Harry Uarri, ff Wisner, while wrest ling or.e day lat week, broke one of his leg? just above tho ankle. Tho rale of Normal School lands in Laacaster ounty ha begun. Over 1400 acres were .sold in tuo days last week. A herd of wild ponies ran into Fair mont last week, and unsuccessful attempts were made to lasM) some of them. Eph. Allen, of Wot Point, in at tempting to shoot a .snipe, ini-ed the object of his aim and shot otio of bin own horses. The foundation of ihc new depot of the U. P., at Kearney, will soon be completed and ready or tho super structure. The prospect of a corn crop in Pierce couuty is 0UI3 fair, and the wheat crop, it is aid, will be almost a failure. K. J. BuLcr, formerly of (,'oliinibu, brought a large herd of cattle into Nance county last weak from the Indian Territory. There ore 27 cisar factotic in the Noith Platto country, aud ID in the South Platte, 17 breweries in the South Platte and 12 iu the North Platte. A diofc ol 801 head of young Minne sota cattle, belonging to Koun'zs & McClure, of Ounba, passed through LaPlittu on Saturday lat, bound for Holt county. Ar eleven-3-car-old bo3of Mr. L Ship ley, residing on the line dWiling Doug litt and Washington countie.-, was drowned lat week, while ffalin.; in 1 pond. The fall term of the State Untvcrity begins Sentcuiber 'J. The new boarding hall will bj ready by that time, which will greatly lessen the expenses of at tending students. A ten 3car old boy at Linciln by the name of Arnold has Wen reading Bead le't literary wor's of late, and lant week departed for the land of the red man to gain celebiity in taking scalps. A man was herding cattle in Saun ders county, last week, when a thunder storm came up, and the lightening struck in the midst of the herd, and killed three cattle. The herder had a narrow escape A cargo of Russia:?, consisting of Gi men, 57 woman, and 225 children, ai rived at York last week. There were sixty teams at the depot awaiting their arrival, and look them south a few miles, where they locate. List Wednesday a railroad meeting was held at Beatrice, at which General Manager Touztlin made an offer to build a roud from the cast to the wc.t line of Gage count3 for forty three thousand dollars in precinct bonds. Hon. J. D.Jenkins, member or the IiCgtslaturc from Fillmore county, sold lM week the clip of wool from his S ck of 1, 1 00 head of sheep. He i one of the men who tlituk that hecp raising is more profitable iu Nebraska than farm ing. Gov. Nance has appointed Hon. G. il. Barton, of North Phtic, and lion. M. L Hay ward, of Nebraska Citj-, rep resentative, from this State en the citi zen.' national committee to assist in the project of holding a world's fair at New york in 13. V gentleman has been at Lincoln for several day. pist, looking for a site for a l.ranrdi marn.r.i.-.tnrv of thfi oplphrafpd Walter A. Woods, harvester. The es inh'iiihuient wi 1 give employment to Horn 10O to 200 hands. A nuaibcr of girls in a school dij trict in Merrick county, have formed a "Cooking Club," at every mcetin of your it and pass judgment, , A cutting affray occurred at Pawnee, last week. One Iletheiington, in a drunken spree, threatened to kill his wife and little bov, and her screams call ed a neighbor. Dr. Smutz, to the scene. The fiend tackled the Dr., cutting his head fearfully, for which he was arre.t e.d and jugsed. It is said that the entire contract for the censtraction of the new road between Lincoln and Columbus has been let, and sub-let betwecB Lincoln tad Milford. That 2000 men will be wanted oa tie road between August 1st and December ,5t' tD(I "- company win Dn!d, anvhow. in .pitc of all iniunctions. Cloud Chief. $2.00 a year is the price of ,. .,..., J I ne o.u cannon 10a. nn noi i;uara for tcany years on the Capital cutapu grounds, is toon to be relieved temporar ily from duty, when a coat of paint and , numeruut other ctcetcrsB will be added to its battle pear red features. This ok trophy of the war 1812. has done valiant service to the State in daj-s gone by. and it is therefore fitting that it should U: remembered now in its old age. 1 The body of Jarne. Ian;. the tniing deck-hand of the "Clytie," the Reamer which burst her builcr at Nebraska City on the 27th ull., was taken from the river at Parkcrsburg, Mo., a town a I short distance above Kanaas City, Uft ' Wcdnesda)'. It wi'I probab'y be teturn . cd to Eait Nebraska City, lit former 1 home, for burial. j A destructive aj'clon pied down the t Loup last Thur.-day, totally demoli.hing everything in the way of houses in it wake. It olew down the Couregational church at Silver Creek. Ltrgc timber) were driven into the ground two and ' three feet, a bugy and wagon were car , ried ICO feet, wrecking tlm latter. A sufferer from it saj-s the cyclone exbibi-1 ted a peculiar tendency to carry off the j heavy tbjeels and leave the light ones. No one is reported to have been killed. Quite a shooting affa r, with fatal re sults, occured at OalUla on WedncaJay evening lat. It appears, as staled by our informant, that some of Hunter .V Even's cow boys who had recently nr rived ot Ogailala with a drove of cattle purchased by H. tt E , or Mr. Chishohn, sotavwhere in New Mexioh, a few nights eincc 00 conducted themselves as to lead to their arrest and temporary lodgement in the Ocallala cooler, from which they were released sometime Wednesday last The same night these relea-cd panic and a few friends engaged in carrousJ and bcame si noi-y and thtcttcning that the officials took coguizanco of the matter and Sheriff Ilughot or&aniacd a posse and proceeded to arret them. The rioters when ordered to surrender and throw up their hands, not only re fused to do 90, hut rulled their revol vers on the eherifTs part3. The rcult was that the party opened firo on the crowd, instantly killing one Shook, a man about thirty 3-cars of a.-c, o wound ing one Parker that he dud Thursdj. morning, and it is stated a third party was wounded and carried to camp. A hor.c was alo killed. 1 he coroner's jury exonerate! the sheriff irom blame 'l he annual meeting of the committee of the Bi'.le society of Red Clou I wa hcld at tho school hou-e in Bed Cloud on the evening of the HLh int. Afcr an able addriss, and of the work done during the pist yeir, and the present state of the cau-c in this county which is quite encouraging bj the agent, Bev McCnudIish,-ho mcetui cams to order Bev. MiCaudj!? in The chair, "Rev. J. M. Pr3e Sec' 3. protein. The follow ing resolutions were, on motion, untni tnnush psed. 1. That the book depo.-it of tho so ciety at Kel Clou! b f r tho ensuing year at Dr. Morris store, and he be ap pointed the depositor of the society. 2. That Mr. Bayhi be added to the committee, an! bo appointed its chair man for tho current year. :$ That Rev. J. M. Pry-e and the Secretary, Mr. Springer, he appointed a ommittcc to procure a blank boik of rcc rds for the use of the committee. 4 That all the pastors of the ehurch os in Bed Cloud and vicinity be respect fully icqucsted to In. Id a union meeting on some Sabbath evening, in the inter est of the society, and take up a contri buriou for the same. ft. That Bro. Springer be re-appointed secretary of the society in Bed Cloud for the ensuing year. 6. That tho commiUe'c bo requested to meet at Dr. Morris tore (or office) en the evening of the 22d inst, for the further trans iction of business. "i. That a copy of these proceedings be sent to the Chief aud the "Argus"' for publication. The meeting then ad j.urned. J- M. Pry.e, Su-'j pro lea. Etfcry lover of the horse should read the following from the Western Sports man and Livestock News: "A Treati-e on the hor.e and hi- di easfis" by Dr. B, J. Kendall of Kiosd'k Falls, Vl, is a book that every owner of a horc Hbould have, and no breeder of horses can afford to d 1 without. It has thirty five engravings illu-trating posi tion a-t-utwd by sick horses, and jrivra treatment of diseases in such pliia tnd comprehensive language as to be readily understood by anj one of ordinary intel ligence. The pnea i only 25 cents, but we would not exchange it for any book on the horse and his di.-?ases that we have ever seen, and w have read some book or the kind that cost $10. It enn tains x larye number of rrceipa. any ote of which is worth doable the price d .1 e work. The book may be lad of the au thor as above. Every new subcriber to the Chief, paying a year in advance, will receive a J copy of the above book free of charge. A specimen copy can be seen at this office GEN. MILFS. Cnic.jr;n, July 21. A ppccial from Btsmark says, the steamer Ro-cbud cleared yesterday for Old Fort Peck (Gen. Miles station) supplied with bat teries of Kidman & Ilotchkiss guns, 140 boxes grape, and 2,200 rounds revolver at'ridgct, and other fvppHcs. Gen. Miles is near Bear Paw Mountains, and has a Sghtisg force nt exceeding OO. the Hat Clotnl (,'hirf JULY 4 187!). It is predicted he wtd b utter'r defeat ed if Le Mrikrj the cattp of Sitttng Bull, who ba. a larc force hV ac.-'Ut. will lo their nttnovl to i ric about ro. gaxerncnt, feelinr thit ti It. chance to make a atti.c atf! gratify hit ambit too toward protuotnn II j command bare the Mine f-.tb in htm that the 7th Car airy hid in Cuter. iomTT asd VAHISTT STOBL Ryland D. reiser Ma jmt IKriri tUxi. of IVTotions Collars HudkereMsfs, h:ii: lie. -A1.S0- J E "NV JSLKY -of th Utrt-I BASKETS of every variety. J iPANKSK NOVKLTIEi-. FANS. STATIONKUV. TOBAfCO'S. CIGAi'd. PIPES. CHOICE CAN .IKS LEMONS Ac. c Which h offer lo fr h. Call Viid See. Fint Joor toath ot Atgnt effic July :ith 17. HARNESS SHOP -n v- J. L. MILLER Keeps coiiMtantly on hand n full line of llarne ('ol'ar. Sad lies. Whip, Horse-Blankets. Combs, Brush on, IlnriiO'M Oil ami crcr--thing iistinh kept in n firt -class shop. Two doors north of the bank. Tho Highest Cash Price Paid for Hide: aai Fur". OVEKLKES k NOVES, o crriu- nLACKSMITHILVG, E02S3 snosnro, JhI) work. I'loir. anii all llnl of IU)'irior Waif? Done- Vnr'h Wr'trr t KKI) 'LOUD. A avj !-- ( li irrfy of hii 1 or rao-u. imt all ilio-n!--of thr rr ttitiTilrklx rt.. Irrtlv currl hj . umple ahl r-JOthltt rctnrjjr Kor Inform-ition a 1 lrp 4 . Ir. J. Kobr anil 'o. J2 Ann street N. V. riMTLES. I will Hill. Free, th t r for irnit Vff. ftb!r b.ilm thst wi I run tb tho Tn. Frk eU. I'itii'Ir. nnl bluti-hr. Irjri.ir the V iu ofI. clear ami ht.iutif.I. ulru instruct lon for pr'la. cine a luxoritot cmwlh ot h'r c n a bali hr I or fxnrttb tacc. Aibltru. cuclr.irr a V. ptarcp ben. Vanlelf.t Co. .'O Ann Te-t.N. Y. TO CONSIIMTIVKS. 1 li aIrp.!r. hirjn: b-rn r'tiTinftlj- rnrl oftht lei'I Ji-t- c,n.,iuit'i' . I iinrlr retnJj-. U niim t tiake knon to hi frltow ii(Trr:r h m-n of -ir-, T all who oirr it. hn will rn I .a J f tb' : recrii'ti n urtl. free of rh.irs. with the rv'tto f.r prr-uritii: ru.J uinr the fiian wl.j'h tbejr will Lnl rare cure for Con.titnptinn. A-thin. UrnnrhitM f -t'artir wi.Jnnr thr trcrrit'tit.n rtri ail lr B. A. W1I..M.. ,yi 'ru . ilinra.barc .N PROF. HARRIS' RADICAL CURE I0S BPI!RMAT0BEHEA. . :ke- SEMINAL PASTILLE i A Td.tW SWeoTcrr ir.S.vDrraft-r.la U.J. ktl iclr.. rmbrslr S.- .! irly fr ift L4r tt Ik t4f . Cr SmlcU Xalaalocs 0 Uaiciaex r " 'r Strea wy. rta i sirrtt Arsli-aua l- m- if 1 Inl f til 'k, itt.jj If Abaorsaos, 4 irt U( f trnt lili i scucal Yaataiaa. Zlw nlatorr Duct", Vrosta: Oland. . Urttbra. Imim I U lUmrir itt'tri -1 r iu tr iKmiuvf, m-4 M Uirr'.rt i tL cr. arj mt mt W i a cm tf.wl.tt J - BiorW. ivs4f as laac. clata tntHjc i-l tfiftt.ff cTtYt ia IW o.i W ts rgtant., wTtelrt tfa iTli a4 . rr.f l iatn fV-T, tt tyi. rttorltf t jaiud L.'i tmi gonad -se-acr-, ttiMi'sc tt- Ziaaaaa it Blsht, Karrecs Dtt:itr. Cccfiutsa cf Xaaa. Arcr rlos ta Sodetr. ctt. etc, 1 tu ikmciki ti prtxxa. tor old ara tc,.s.lr tii mbt.iM mw. ut Ftrfm aexoal Vicr. li'i a I Un imrmin Ut ftuv. Tu imii eX liuxnl tti tit ta i.f U rj rt rt. tl If ft fnmm&fi imiim. CrBfl ! uvea ;rtcriW4 U Or t-ccJet. ai.i sma raai dM fa. Jk lit . IT tt f 2--Bt r4. Tlrt r.ataa ftVrat !, rrrriralHa. !rrtail4 rrftiU. u i aBt t'f t-oaraa: tVat it J g aatlataetlstw IruiC tM t.cM j aa iba! k l..a I4 m ftnl aa. wa uti I Vcsa4a H f f at j.ava a ftl fa I'I talfcc.a4r I - CCC il lfl ilttett t ra-wwa la It Dm tX rU-at mrtMm ;t aryr.ff ?i - a Ic.ntf a ,r-r yttZi ifva.. rajat 1 veil Laa la S laa caajaa tt aa)a aaaf j Uavataa, al'S- q-Ueca r7 .rt l atlaa aae fid big lot. Twataaali taftau aJ Vaavaa, ai U aUaa. Ho. I, I' la tt ar.ll J S3, JTo. X CrtOWa ta tSttt ar-iata"! fax. taUta ra Ultra curtj (S Sa.3. rif arr la- aaatka. atU a: aajl.iaata aa4 rvatw aij-r i 15 tt rt ) t. . j fttatA fraVS. U fit m arrff-a roil D:r.iCTlOX4 Ut Line wd eoom- jaax EACH BOX. . C I arlra'M, U 3 llMf tVa -at IrtUtl B lu j ca t Trrri la rftrl t.a-4. aW k K.T9X i-riaa ava ai aa, U1 StCr lar aCita mrf Ivl Ut IVa a'avaa at LU, mi aa J atr aataatal. OKI VI QmW. HAftfllS RU.EQYCO.ffrt.CianS. Ktll aad CU Sta. ST. LOUIS. MO. BOOKSSTMIUJON A Wt. aai 1 Ira aanianaaj 'iTiaattttai U raaaaOa-aai ,f Vircwatr. Ta ttarflJr aa ' a-nii. AaVa I ltMbaia. Aiaaai a aa tr.aa-ant. Ala a wpaaa, niianaa. v cstawa. 1.11rr aaa aa. aara. Caa).cI aaaaa. Catariinta. Caataaaat CaarrttUa- la.raaarara ta atnm aa tatll at aa7a-aetra. JiirVt Uaj cai1anl. Law tt Mtrrana, Law mt Drtar-a. LrcU rajWa af aaatraU awta.ti .aat1t laar PluaaaW ttraT.aa- aa Waaaaa. aaajw tiaaaa aaat taaafc. aaaat. Al.aaaw tttu aaa1caalaaw raatCaata. aaa aaaaat wmUariaaric-iaia.TaaaI.lllll.aWaWaaaa. -THE rwlVATK MEOIOAL MVINI- ,Wa rrtrr- f-aaa Vtlli Tmimtt, itir 1 1111111. imil a avajaatv. Caaal 1-Uaa. rtrraKal laxia. laaaaaaaa aa aVaaat. Cailttnaa I lm tt Strut rrr. ate, taaataai limifi aajiaaal ar alriTrT. wx trat-aataf. aaal a fraar aaaax at'raw rarweaa lar tte cut a ZfnnU lawwii, aW -aaaaWaaaa. a.w"ta.vr.--ta.raaii.tiilaa4 Waa-aaaaaaaC a. FOR QBE DOLL " - -a tStraaaSUaa Romj ptvatatvi aTTtartaaaatSut anawtJskartwnrr.'TSai I'naaala naaraaiaT ta mac mtrtfn m--' Bawk aa Ma CIsaaraCjaBA. 4 Mj. rM r ti JSataar la a-a rf-tcca I'I' in aaa l praataw. u la writ iittai, taaal tia aaMaaj mttau aaalriMafcr traau-rwt 1au4 aVa-ara. wH tm fawaal Hf-awa aaatatoaaacrraa-&ttalaaaintjaaifgatyaaw.aaiir aiiaa.laaTlar.r ttaa aaaaaawawatraaaaaaacaaaajatj ttaaaartka tuaA af -Prrraaar ar Carcar iaaaaatw, fSaaar. awai; i trw U aaranaaat aaa-BaTafAaaWkaatta. giwfrr giWiMiiT js eaiwa aKanau laaaa-ii mi JoraAwaa aawnaaf mitt tmraanaraua Cintili.ifl teaa af ' rax tiroa. Wtn m trea-rH wUlt null artrioait aimr Mililll, IwATIEMTS TltEATfc-O -- pSmaSmcmtaKtrmzjuapttcmiySSitmttmmr y PS. KTTI5 tarBaa all laiaiaa aaaaWjawa-aaa KCt f Trntc EnI iariiaa an aarataw aaaaftaajaaaa RCr. X u aaaat Urn rtatr aaaaa aaat aaakaaa. aaat aaaar at k-o tial taara wan laara aaaaaaitBC ta Saatrl astace. It aa t a Tnw w w 'knej. "-is. .itlm tmaij tzrHrxtil. ai-ttreilSa t&awadla US. &UTEC. Scrti UK.av Lna.l. Nin & m i, Mrni raaa, aal aw 'iitaoaiaaaaiir. aataaa-VaWa?TTltlMa NO. iiO F. II GO 3 IK PC.LCR :s sOtfJ trolti ,.!! rUTi:t JEWKLMY ZCii ZilJt; iri :UTtr Ta'.ti Xart. :-. W TC 1 1 HS , C LOCK S A N D J 1 V Is L R BED CLOUI. - NHBRAi-KA. ni o. n. tow.k. Vocal and Instrumsntal ) taM 1 aaaa... -'' "-' Itat-Irtie at, Mr Ull M a fl ai Ct I(IU I 1 UU1' i. Rufus lV7iksch, ! q m -a m mmm a , , , fto l.fwm rHwty. i't niaajop ftr tl Particular atirtitlon gtrrn to ahop wirw A.a4raa work, ami oothrt made to ordff. j OtULK'ttt: aumt A CO fcarPaintinir aieialty-j I .. vv. -..-- ..- i ,i,.fn-. tr...-. ' t-3ED-r07J, - .-.! .in 1 - fi!00a0'rlH-00'fOOt cMt.OO-H00 ? QUICK X SKiA3.it. , 1' $ "' -' I ftThrt-c Mwttoa have lx?rn sttirtly ..wrjrTrd by N. (J. LHlV aitva rtlnQ ri in buincn hrt. and n lh ftttura in tl iat. wo irrtii to fr mick o tucm.anii incrfir,ii iwr airta.ir larjr1 atvi q rajildty itcrtaMti tiah. ,. 0 A Our hckI of ....a. .. .a.... a.....A-C UhNtKAL MERCHANDISt: IcrliiJea a tarra ami ) Dry-goods, Groceries, y Boots) Shoes. jjJHATS CAPS and Itf OTIO IMS. ' - -Thctr cl war b-ucit il- V 1 CLOSEST CASH FIGURES. 0 0 Ancl will He Sold in the Mime way. So re-V J member il you want 10 sae money, anda a. t please 9 1 tm.i t'lMflal rVa.lk select Irom a large .stock, von wiuJmiv a . II w iuiiiii taj ..a i-a. tX-af CorNTRY IRODUCE TAKPN IN K.XCIIANaP.. A LARCl' IX)T OF awATT3aa-VVfIaaaTlTT HtV MMaV1S. M m I BMBa'IMValMB.MB.MBMBMHiLFI'Xflt M LaMP MITCHELL Greatly reduced prices. VTc&?':!i!! McCormack Harvester. 2ZAPZE, H0T722 bz, -- : t: - a :a..w! ip-.,.!, .r aaa 4aaAaawaa taW VMJtUaawi W ALL KINDS and STYLS. MILLER & BALL, JOHN C. -DEALBIl IN- DRY GOODS Groceries, Queensware, and SUMMER CLOTHING ! - - - ALSO- A Ittrsc Ut of KOOTSAHIIOIvS, UmU A ilv me a salhrevtrry l bin? -M IHed Cloudy , Ithe red cloud emir 'Mtf'.'Vf 3-a Aalvrrtl.iwts: llJilf. iJaVaral. t4 'MW aU' a!ra lfl Uiwftv.Wa-; t 5tt ?. .M tnast 4rattft h r4 cr a-itaso'. C::tni S: twiaa ta jaasswaRS, t m .U... 1., m Ht.tr aw ... a. 4 u ui aataiW aaait iVa watt Ml H. CALL ON TIIK.M I . ...... I aj . Mill ntVM (Hi Jaw MH alUtlVl I, M l aa aaa. -- I -Ha a. j .. SALES! ;ikd:f:i"3ts ft rarafullr aajtl ilotk ef t .aa TTaaaa T 4 call on - NG: CIDDY. 0 WAGONS! Red Cloud Neb POTTER, , sfke., tr. at BTTOI VtW ht GASH. J C POTTER. Nebraska- Msnt 1 Si kakMOa. i Via -' ? aaaaVvL-1 7 4wX taaa aaaaKaaaaaal tCI"A. " ' mbmhb.Cmbmsv - -'T a "IaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagaaVaaaaaCaaaaaJaaaLaaar. J aiMMHMuSBn9NBBPMK -,$m:h ': n r in Rcall wv . f.-i tftlatfl Be warn bo part A i. teumiLs 9-- fe fe "- yj M fe- -Tfc tW .: sdA " l i-?. Ml