Z!ZZv5-1"fFW&&icij f i.a 1 i ' g THE KEO CI WD HE RED CLOUD CHIEF The Eed Cloud Chief. ' nn'"n-T-afii; JSUtui'Xi3r-g t If .4vrrtMc -WBLISItED EVERT IHUBSDAtf' AT JM-CMTO, ITMBASEA. -bt- UUJ. 4 5E Vs .4 WWK 3 J f M. L THOMAS, Miter rroprlettar. f2.C0 per year, InvtritW7 Sn Jktemct Official Directory. COyORES-SlNAL. A.R.Pa.l(Wk.Berlc'. II. Senator AWin Eautvlpr. Omaha. u. .S. Senator. ilbojnjji J. Major P.eprcwuUtiTi-. rxkouivj:. ATBINTS NAXCE. r,ovornr. 8.tf . AUxandtr. of ht ats. lF.W l.Mlke' Auditor. G.M. Hartleit Tr'."'?.rrr .C. J. Dilworth. . Att'y ! j8.3UTbminaon.-Ijinoln.Fnp Pub. Instruction JUDICIARY. Qn n.'I.tkeOmnba. ChiefJiPtiee. Vvna-a Cobb. -L.nap. Mam') Maxwell. Flatemnath WEHSTB11.C0UNTY. J. A. Tulles. Countr-fllork lE. II. Jnnn, -.J.-R. WiIIcox. ""J. Vi. Warren. JBL A. I'OpO. "Eternal Vigilance is the, price of Liberty." and$2.QQ a ijetirisihe priceofthe Red Clnnd Chief. rr. VOL. 6. RED CLOUD WEBSTER CO, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY. JTLV 1? IS?',.. NO. 49 BUSINESS DIRECTOR Y. JD. S. COOMBS, ATTOUKEY AT LAW. UeJ Cloud. Kb. QCice in Court Ilou. Money io 'loon on Iraprovcd farm. sv r-vi.a j Aiicciate Ju. iK. JL Bhwar. tJrV.E.Thorne. iO. V, . Rail. IU. II. Luca. A. n. Crary Treasurer. Vjohnlr, Judge. J-henff. School Kuit. Coroner. County Survejor. . Couaty ComtnUiioriqr. W. C. REILLY, ATTORNDy AtfD -COUNSELOR AT I.AW. Red Clou.1. Nb. t1.1'rota;t Attention Oiri-n to Collections. OrriCK Oor Jonio.f a Caera Star.-U1 C. II. I'OTTKR. THE CHIEF. M. 1- THOMAS. EDncp. THURSDAY JULY 17, IS79. A'MVUVH IIUKrrOKY. T" 7 riSCOPAU SKItVICnS. tlm firl Sunday of ach mouth JUv. jjofejih I.oe, .officiating. BAPIIST; Rrv. G.O. U-EIHE.U. Pai-tor. SerT cei in the t;,urt llojre the 2ni ariti 4th Fabbath in rr.ch month tunrninit nn;l .veiling. At GuideJtoqk ibeJ.tanilSd babljath ,norniiiK and evening. m. yt-KrMfiiiiKT; Iter. .C. REILLY. PaMor: JV1. Service in tb Ohurcb en h Sabbath.; .alternating tnorninc and uvciung iWitn ine .I'refUy'ertan eervtrra. Mt. IMeagant vrytt"Xo week Pt 11 .a. in . .com' Nov. 101B78. Penny Creek. Hhv.3 utJ ,p. m.. 0k deck at 3 p, ui. every tro Kek fklternatinf. 1TRESRX'X.URIAN. Rkv. J. M. PRYSK 1 Ptifton fc'orvicr in tho Church rach ah bath alternating morning and evening with the J4thndist lervtcutt. CON0RJE0ATJONi: IUv. .SEO. RJCST. I'siMur. Hervioea in tho Court ilouse the ,1ft und 3d Hubbath in each month. .Unien Prayer inoetinovery Thursday evening. Babbatb School ever' Sabbath tnorninc at 10 JAS. LAIRD, ttokn:y and counrbloh tpi at law. .Juriiata Ncbra-ka. Will prao tice in all the ConrtH of the tate. Prompt attention j;ivcn to all business entrusted to his care. Office on tho past side Juniata Avenue. July 1 7 ?M. Clareautll. Mm. H. A. HnwARn.Supt. 0lCHC1'1E8. I.O. O. F. R.n Ci."nr Lodok. No. f.lIOOF uiMnts every Haturday niitht in the 'Jajinic Hall. .Vrmber cf otlicr LorfiteiiarecorUUlly iu it'd to attt-nrf. 1. bulN. , 3. IT- Porntu Hrc'y. jKjZ&zttfi T. S. GILHAM, ATR)HN1T ANJ) COUNSKLOlt AT LAW. Office nvr. door north Kalvj Bros. REDCLOUD- - - NEB " jf.K. Will cox, ATTORNEY AT LAw andtl. R. CoinaU fioner. Collectionn promptly attended to. Office oijdoomurtb-ot Chiel Office. SSJ) SWOT - fiS J "Gould the railroad ktog hid failed for Kuropo. The Naponee Banner hoists tho name of James G. Blaine of Maine, for l'refei dftit in 18S0. The yellow fever ha9 broken out in Memphis and it is feared that it will -be moro malignant, even, than it was ht hummer. orchArdi in the vicinity of Pooli&c i re porteil to be vefy great. ?o far u known no e,6onj were injured. Port llaron advices htte the stotm ptawd oTer that city a Hide after Ji, -flooding the coun try and city with rain. The force of the wind blew down the new Methodist Church, iofiiciins leva of $15,000; it sl.'O bkw the ride out of K. It. Taj lor1 plaining mill, blew down the pine grove brewery, entirely demolishing Ilirron s photo gallcrj'f unroofed the Grand Trunk freight houses at Ft. Grotiol and Point Edwardi, aud the .Music &nd Graham blok., and many hou;d and barm in aHTeient sections of the city were upset and unroofed. The Phelps Co., Piancer puti the ..it i.i t . .1.. . aeatiM neta anu cro3 oonc a. mc jp or the comaiMioncis procctdinga in that paper. The foijviiuc t a cJrUltoQ frsta the Tload ! W JrJS. to rrarl lo 5ne- Fe dollar for nt tararnc to lk About tLirtj feet of tic mill de at .Miiford washed out last Fiilay taornin. I vill frAt ?ne.wKrre in the ocichbor- hood of 7,WJ to run (he lincola -Rtrr. "h - oihc , . . - k Ift IRA t.HF.'i erotaeot LuiMite dunn ine ti year. - - I wcr.;y uu I ftoploy ny Jrai'a dnvrr a ;: ! a- a .pubW eotiTrvtOf. irr dollars for each tima a tfa it lft . UtviBf on any public ral without b- F. H- CrOKTC "lsi titn.v jcwrLat A York Cowwty paper eiprea much; diaUfaetioc it the wy th Ruio ttlers there perue life they art mil aliiflle. t.i);nfi MMir win t nil ulre ib anoth . i c.i -r.w J". I i .- .1.- nr.- t. i .... t I cr Dona election on tnc -um "- for icxrjrtr ue tcta ol a itg ojacn i rnBin:cc pLfrnprn f ft 1 If V ff&flr !t4tt :..f 5 T.'-Jr ka. .a bx. 2iTr xl IZtk7uI Tirt. ? any car 5. t Watches, Ciociis And The o. c: CASE, AlTOUNKr AT LAW. OJGcc ovox Herd's furniture More. BED CLOUT, 1TE2 Collections made and promptly remitted Horatio Seymore will probftlly di pute wirh Sammy Tildcn for the place .on the Democratic ticket an candidate for president in 1880. A J&Das correspondent pays that the apple crop -will bo large the present tcason, but that other fruits ill bo almost .an entke faJlwe. ABt.U.ifcM.R.R.Land: C..SALEY Notary Public. a. r Sc A- iff. Ciiakitv Lonor No. 53 Had CUurf. Neb. . mnrik Krirfiiv vrniiii? onor Detote iuii anqn. ;Vlitiwt orouicw. in;ooiiju.u-! 'im. aruciUttiWiy in-vienii, iKicnu. I. St fih Ser'y. L V- R R. Time 1Me. TakinR effect Sunday. May 4th 1ST9. focth STATIONS. S :.-.:. rm JlASTl NILS'. :27 AYR , .6 :48 IH.UK HILL -7 :i rOWLKS 5 iS, RKI) CLOUD :3H K'AVALR .IS5 RIVKRTOJf 0 FRANKLIN n -2";pm TVLO(MINOT0N Train daily, except Sunday. W M1DTH. K ::Cain 8 -STi. 7 :40 7 :0"i f. :' fi:in S :M ft :2S 5 :10am. ATTORNEYS AT LAW and al .es tate Agents. Will practice io all the CourtH inthis State and Northern Kan. Collections promptly attended to and Correspondence solio'.tod. Red Cloud Neb. Edwin C. HnwJey, ATTRWEY AtW COCW A NIILOKAT LAW. Office 1st door West of Red Cloud Drug Store. BED CLOUD - - MSB. PHYSICIANS. Ex Gov. Wm. Allen of Ohio, Suvown by the sobriquet of "Fog horn Allen' died at his reniioooe ear Ciiilaoolhe Ohio July JJth. Ho was 74 year old. The U. P. R. It. Co., ii goon to run a line from Valparaiso wuth through Lincoln and Beatrice to .Majyjillc 'I Manhattan to intersect tin L Jc k Denver and couaect with the Kansas Pacific. t 1 tii i ii:ii. 1 t - . Umana, .Tioorara anJ niaca mm. " cntBin:tx r&fnrrrt. in tc roul aa company ask for 13.001. fa!ene-l. Ten eilT for runntn a The ltoar3 of Wrectori of Uocolo i team or a horae on ibe pL!c ruai. School Diatrict contemplate erecting two! Fiv iJU.ru for drinnx fatter than a r.ew ichool hou bafore the commeoee- walk over a r. lg. j K W Y. L R Y . jltrnXKTD. - - KHK ASK A. ment of the fall term. Lincoln' 4oion T the nrre ciodo arrived tlierc fhe Fourth. The paper hpeak of them as above the avenge in intelligence anfl appearance ol dreM. Tho -new bell on the Grand :n00 Tsirs i. While the j'tnior partner of the Srm of Herring iNrnxle wa utwrtatrndior. certain improretncnt tn ti bctVhng, lanilt.L- ........, .,( niitfililv rf rlK lliu VAVv.ak.'i '. ....-. . .., t jtfJlcti-ok AS trv Jrw?sH V fij f I -Stth. V ' &Ttn Snitttt fc. tJi H A R 0 W A , k VM. i if - rv.. .Ji illUf S 'X.3 CALL ON TIIBM mim q. n. tu r.. :Ta t t) Vc:al and Instrumental Miifelc. T. ! 8 1 ! i M Jt ".-r. If the Guard is to bo credited, a pair of those innocent and affectionate animals of tho cat kind, known as the panther, have their rondevaus io a thick et near tint town. A..Toura1in. w. Om. manasr. lloldredce Sii,pt .1. W. TULLEYS, HOMCEOPATHiO PHYSICIAN, U. S. Pension Surgeoa. Office over Kaley Rrop. law office. LED CLCUD. I'SErUSSA 'GOOD NEWS' Quick Time 1 Through Trams I Clm-o Conncclioiis ! No Delay ! Burlington Route ! TO CHICAGO AND THE EAST. Lowest rate? of Tare will bo mnJa. 'n.n.nli r.nr will be run from It. ic M. Point In Southern Nebraska to ChiciRO. A ten minn'ca connrcfioa will bo inndo at Tn eifTic Junction. AT(HJCGO close connection will alvnj? t, ... 4n iv iu:t.MjiuthutLSt end north. Sieepinc ear berths rccrv,d ad Uc Lincoln 5 i-ketiHice ny icirnrrapn w .,....-..-. from J'R-ouri Rivir to Chicago. TOiST- LOUIS & THE SOUTH. ThoburlinRton rcutehave n jtera of through leepiTS and clovo eonnectioua between the f ...... tri Hirer anil St. Louis Pawengcrx Ukinn thw line Ljve the bet of AecoMinKl.ition!.. Pullman lee,e. run reKu fariytroin Mi.'?ouri River to bt. L(.ui. TO 1'EOIUA, INDIANAPOLIS, CIN CINNATI, AND THE . SXUTH-EAST. -Thi8 wthe only reliablo rmite to tjjeonth Ajt. Connoetionn are ma- e at Prona with tha T P A W. and I. B. & W. Railroaji for Indian roli.' Cincinnati. J'oluinbu?. and nil central nb southern Ohio. Ken ucy. soutfcern Indiana. Ac. . DINING CABS. Qcoi lieols at 7o cents. When you o ca5t be ure and trjvel ever the C AM. lino if yon wi'h to ; e SAFE anl com ior table and deire to travel speedily. A- B-TOgSLaaKW, KfiT-taat xxixi "TtirrnttaBT ro'',"ar '?ed b7 ehcBi- H..trlltaM'ntora Urw cumber of nun nndet JtKsW mx aw ww - - -- - WOMXf ikKD V. H. Hicbardvn. S. (3aibr. Eidiardson & Garner, -PJvALCRS IN- LIVE STOCK Ri:i CLOUD. NKBRAMCA. Hinlict market price, niid for lio; and cattle. Last winter a lady inquired of llio editor -of itiie Ssn Francisco Post under the 1ea4 of "Anweja to Correspon dents." "Are 4inflorfikirt9 cut jjored wiUi ruffles this winter, or not?" and the wretch replied, "We'll find out this evening." This country has on ita surface 19, 204 miles of telegraph wire, which is ; the greatest amount possessed by any country in tho worl4. Britain comes next, with 108,000 miles; Russia comee next, with 31, 00; France, with 2.r,000; Canada, with 20,000, and Germany with 19,000. A family of ten person waa badly injured by lUhtcwnR near Sutton list -week. Tho bolt btcack the house and et it on 6re, at tuiduii;ht, but fortnately it was extinguished by a young man who was keeping company with one of tho girls and "happened" to bo up late. The following wo clif from the Ricer- too RigU, and wliile it ii applicable to that place it is just as applicable to all parts of the Valley: if the busincs men of this placo only pat their shoulders to the wheel, wWre they auake ono dollar bow, they coJd make three by a little exertion put forth in pushing it on. There are thousands of dollars of idle wealth wasted weekly throah our own neglect, not taking advantage of the opportunity offered us by naturo in our surroundings. c have every thing but capital to start rith, and to induce that to eoao auwog uh, proper eneouragcniont ought to be nitr first nrt an fi aim. uur nrainea auu hide hills are clad in wild craves of the moat nutricious kind for grating pur poses, where cattle and s-heep woa!d grow trim, keep healthy and fat during most part or the year. Our soil h suit ed to the raising of flax, and every other thinr, our air clear, dry. bracing and suited to animal ex"ntonc winter short and mild, summers somfortably warm .;tl,nnr hninir too hot and our streams muling anu uianuiaciumiK means placed wo only take advantage of them We can ju-a a easy have woolen taetoncs, u.x anu on jchool house lari this m-cnplion: 1 1 Mr I)irngV'robervrd'uicthiri:httennjc . . t c . Tnnnr.A. 111. i Lmi lYa rm'jiii! TkVinL a cro. proclaim eternal winwo io n""''" j - - . - L , ... .- liay he pried the nj.tmon' imbtanc Intoleraace and lanatiei-tH. lout o.l onexwiiMtwD Ual it to b Nucaolla c-iuntry is renewitg her eff- tiothitu? le thaa a quirt lottl ol wine, ot ts toobtaia a aouthwetern raikoad How Iouk it ! ln hiddro away tbrte ,. , -. . , v ,. 1I(1i 'nootiJ can tell, but from the hi-tory of lm frrm Uauennort to rehon. ana a . , , , . ,...,, .,. i, :. survey will proWy be made jwea. Tho Crete Uniot fays: Join the dehveTj of the ,1 iLfl'Aiopted to milling and mi l or ! purple, :11 of which arc n ,nl 0' within our reach for uo. if The body of Stephen D. Iiichan' man executed at Minderi on April was eshumed a few days after the cxecu av nni Vao rl'nlArAn Ttn nnavmAntLT tlak - .rn. n-i i:..i.. u mill, here as not, it wo only give them uui;uiii. .juumiu.iw.... iv -- - W ,avo a uiiiiiiiir'iiii'inriiL . .iata - J. K. Smith S. C. Smith M.1LTho-ov. Pre. First Nat. Cnh. Fint Lite Tf Her lint Hank. Ueatrico Nnu Hank NaU Hank Hcat- Suh. Rcitrico Neb. ritu Neb. amnlj grollffrsoompson, BANKERS USD C "Will make collection in nnyrartoftho United Stts Sell exchange upoa the princi pal catern itl Ln money upon improved farm Receive tlepo ita subject to sisht drafts Alton mterct upon time dcpoHli, uml trans act a gcner.il Uaaki:.s lusinc. UrrnBKXCM: Dinulia National Hank. A. S. Paddock. U. .S Senator; First National It ink New York. Cambridge Valley National Rank. CaiubriJso New York. ""well boring W. & On B, Harvey, Are pieparcd at all rimes to bore oi drill wells. Rates Reasonable. INAVALE - - NEBRASKA. is said to bo one of the finest skeletons vw wired together. Richards' Iat re quest was that his body bhould not he given to the doctors, but it is perfectly right that his wh& should not be grant ed. His .kelcton is to valuable to go to waste. State Journal. Mannger Touxalin, of the B. Si M., Railway in Nclira.-ka, has issued a spec ial order which t-ays that in order to hoar their appreciation of long and faithful 2rviue for tho company, amount of $10,000 wiil bo loaned to tho employees of the roads, in amount of $1,000, for tho cxpresn purpose of se curing themselves homes. Tho loan can be used for no other purpose, and is appointed as follows: $2 000 in the general offices, 111. 000 to the ehop em ployees and engineers, $1,000 to station agents, $2,003 to tho cmplnyoes of the land office and $2,000 to the trtin men. The money will be loaned to those who have served the company the longest, and no guarantee of future service will be required. Tho above amounts will be loaned at 4 per cent, pcrannum for thrco, four or Gve years as desired. It is furth er stated that another loan will be offer edJuno 1st, 1SS0. larec number of people who are Iivhir on farms without the means to farm with, who will readily sell to those who v, bo mnmo to buv. Many ol tho'O i who will sell, will invest the price of the f........ ;.. liiuinos4 in town. By encour. uiiun at -...-.-- --- - . aiting capital into the country, trade will revive and all will be beneGtted in the end. tX To effect this the resources ol tho country must bo t-hown up and tho way to fdiow up those things is by a proper support to your local pipers, MilxcribinR forthcui, wnding a copy each week to ,i I your friends in tho eat, from which they anu omers c;ni n.'.u mia . try and town wo have here. Cretowill en benda to rte Blue Valley A Norl!iwerter railroad on legal grounds of overi-syae. Bishop O'Connor ha gone to Gree ley county to aeleet lO.O'W acres of land for an Irish cdlowy which i fon to cotun to Nebraska under the aupice ef the Irish colinixation soeietr- Tlie fo!lariK the amount of bui ne-s done at the United States land office at Niobrara for tho month of May rVevstnptions. 100; soldier homestead declarations, II; baoatcada, 99. On Tuesday a drove of SW kead of cattle, belongtK Kountae Broa., of Omaha, passed throujh Jackson, Ue cntur conty, jid for the attle ranch of thos cectlcmen in Knox county. Two brother uamed Ktc. who wri dcccnding the river in a rUff between Niobrara and Vaaktoe, mt on a bar which capsized the boat, and caused the death of ono of tke men, His home is at Valparaiao, W. An Orleans. Hanlan connty man has a ..rllmr m a'jaan his vast drove of sheep whoe fleece weighed eleven pounds. The avyrage weight of fleeces of the who!; dravo was seven pounds. By thoo well posted, it in thought ilt Ml-Klvov. the boy sentenced to be hung in this Stat for murder, will bo givon a chance for a new trial, and the sentence commuted to lifa imprisonment. A terrific hail storm stniek a U. I ! tba cite on which tho building itand it si probable that th wine ti over 11") Ij-rar ld The building form-rly stand. Itiir on the Mtr w a dwtlhng hou and it thnuxLt tlat the wtne a by aome chance, er other, bunci there aiming tb Cobmal dajs of il rat owner. Rufus MiUsch, CaTulr5c Juirar. Parriolst atirttinj frcno to tv wort, rA poffin in'1o to uder rrl'iinitoj; aSpevtH-Mt Uf 1 iwWV -4 r. 2!t H UM 0 WA) Ct OOIX NK1- NT I. iit:d. y u& f 1 1 j K. PATENTS ami bow M nDUtn tJm. lmJ itx ur-o r-ipt -f IMUW w $' X Ai i u LMOJ.S flmt CO, AMW4H44 -4 . . riMitukMv rAN & ft HARNESS SHOP -BT- J. L. MILLER QUICK ' SALES ! I 0 7V2TI SQLT.VTIE IDJSiVLnsrGr.f ) (O of Keens constantly on baud a full line Harness Collar, Saddles, Whip, IIorMi-BlankeL. Combs, Bruah- es, HarneiMi Oil aad every- aalry kept in a 6f9t-claK ohop. Two doors north of the hank. Tha mauut Ca-ii Prt tw u mii aci Tzn, OVKRLF.ES ii NOVK3, a t s a a t u BLACKSMITH I NO, 20RSS ZZOZIZQ, iob work. No anl U kindf ot Rparin avlVirif Done. 0 ' Thrv; Mottoeravc V-m-o nrty nbHTTrd by N f l.UWY aicc larL I? P io butnrs her. and tn th futuro a io tht pat, w proK I Q S 0 GENERAL MERCHANDISE tick t liMB,ari'l thereby add to our already large anj rafldry Kwneamng U-La. 0r .tock of North WebrtrSt. m:n cloud. XTT TS20''a,, k,r U' Tumor, dii JL A.XMJCM'Z rliirt" of hlrod or muru. and all dleae of the irrlnm s""''ly and drr- train near , r. i i 'P.l.,. ! frtl cured ly a unipleuhl .Kthit reni-dy Ijodg Pole last lucIa, Kor ,nforra,tlo?1 alllr,. u SWISS STATE 3. Dr. J. I'aber and I'o.TZ Ann treet N. T. IS VALLEY HOUSE Fbf.d C. Winton, Prop. RED CLOUD, - - - - NEB. WTiiaii 1I1TTP LEUCORRHEA, Floor AIdu rWITE te. o rreralcat amonr fn'5, "tCLv.5 ;(.i.n.ii. that our Am .ui wwu...".. ---, tt. u - i tr and Trrriih-oirilnr a " r" cv s7,. ..jL.. ..m. fmuln, uirat lull ipoa in tjnrmi American ironn net of Inraltdf.' tBCiralit ot inc. or eiijo '": I1! t"t'S' JLlho CITYMEATMARKT J. WILHELMSON Proprietor Red Cloud .- - Xtb Will pay thehirtcftcash price for hides. Frenti fle( ronatRnlly Or llrmil fSKStSrSSw aet plala boxes lirteiw,wii iuu oniww r-"ri--. "-.. ' SbT tone ToaieTiIl, 122l. all atcrhti0n V mmy PretSriT.K:xialPaUen be ""-i!!!" FBBORS OF YOUTH- A re ntlcman who snffercd for year frpm ncrT ont debility .Prornaturedccay.andall theilect of youthful indiscretion, will for theake of uf finnf humanity. cnd free to allwho need it. thi-recii-e an dirrctionffor cukinc tho imple anir bv which he wa cured. ntlcp!n! wuh inrto priint ty the adrerti?er expenencp cam io io by addrMsing ia perfect cpr.fidence. Jihn . Ogden, 4i Cedar street New York. THE WORLD'S BALM. Dr. U D. Weyburn's Alterative Syrnp. A.TemedFUsedS3years Inanriiate prac- KHEUMA 1 IS M. timmpt Brrripela. scrofula, secondary syph fny db"te. and all Jiese. in which n.Tr"l5f:.i:...l ;. .nw nflV.i-a.1 to th xbm oi Feed Sale Stable, J. D. Post, Propr. RED CLOUD, NF,B This space belongs to DR- SHE BRER OF THE CITY rng fiTORE, Who is too busy to write an "Ad." "sjl :. Cnllixtxl i now offerad to the T". " . - J. 1. . .vis- e.Jii in mi rLaii arncKitr. tinu iwnoi- ?)'ny),,J Tt iVtsybiirn medicine rompany MILLER & SEATON, Contractors & Builders. RED CLOUD, NEB. vTill makf ptimatp aud tako con!rartB for all kinds of bui!din. IlAltniSBURO, Pa., July 11. About 5 o'clock this evening a storm of unusual severity swept over Mifflin, Juniata County. The Presbyterian and Metho dist churchee wero unroofed, the Luther an slightly damaged, a row of ten build ings on Main street, occupied princi pally or stores, were unroofed, gable ends blown in, and contents badlj damaged. The carriage factory of Showcrt & School was badly damaged, and a number of carringes destroyed. Tho roof of the public school building was blown off, and nine other buildings more or less damaged. Los estimated at $65,000. A lady mined Cress.veli, aged 0, wa instantly killed by the roof of the Pres byterian Church crus-hing into her resi dence. At Lewistown, Mifflin County, several houses were unroofed and one entirely destroyed. It is feared great destruction to property has nocured in other localities in Juniata and Mifflin Counties. Cincinnati, July 11. Reports are reaching hero slowly of a destructive tor nada which swept ovtr Northern Ohio to day, but the details were meagre for want of telegraphic facilities. At Ken ton, Ohio, several houses were unroofed; at Man:-field the damage was extensive to roofs and buildings, but no loss of life. Crops generally sa fibred severely, grain being blown flat. Detroit, Joly 11. Pontiac. Port Huron, and St. Clair, in this State, were today visited by a destructive storm of wind and lightning, which might be called a tornado. It struck Pontiac about 10:20 a. m., and seriously dama ged the spires of the Coagregational and Episcopal Church, the jaU, Ade well's livery stable, and naroofed a number of dwellings. The damage to crops and' State, The population of Thayer county 4,535. Work progresses on tho Elkhorn Val ley railroad. Fairbury has a new, red hot greeback paper. The colored citizens of Lincoln have organized a relief association Work has been commenced on the Lincoln and Northwestern road. A car load of exodus papsed through Tecumseh last week for Lincoln. Tbo new church property at Har vard is threatened with confiscation by creditors. John Fitzgerald donated a church worth $3,000 to the Catholic at Platts mouth. Nance county has 200 voters, who are about to enter into a contest for the county seat. Between 600 and TOO Russians arriv d in York last Saturday evening by special train. Harvesting is becoming active in the Niobrara country, and the returns will average well. Great quantities of fall wheat and rye were harvested in the vicinity of Tecum seh last week. S V Tavlor of Norfolk. Madion county, has been appointed steward of the hospital for the insane. The pcop'e of Knox county are e'im oring for the opening of the Santce reservation to white settlers. A new iron bridge has been built in Nemaha county, at Hallatn's mill, 122 feet long at a cost of $1,900. The Durseries at Crete are making large sales to farmers who know the value of fruit and forest trees. Greeley shipped 12,875 quarts of strawberries this year, her shipments last week amounting to 250 quarts. Niobrara wants a bank. The money order business of the post-office for May amounted to $6,269.39. T,ast Wednesday's wind storm blew down a large gristmill on the Blue river, and played sad havoc with lL The court house of Saline at Wilber, is in process of construction and promises to be one of the most elegant in the VIM PLUS. I will Sail. Free. th recie for a "Impl Ve tblf balm tht will rennf th rn rrrr el. Pi-ni'te and bl tch lirin the V in tft. elcar ard btotlf' lro Instruction f r pro In cins a luxiriant growth of h. r on a bill had or Tntb fr" ddrr. rncl ire a "c ttatup ben. Vantelf.tCo M Vno tr-t. N. Y. TO CONsVl MT1 VES". 1 he adT5.Me'. hIn Vn ?rmn-t'y eared of that drivl difrve. conotr.pi'i. 1 airople remedy. I anxion t make kno-rn to hi Mlnw ufferer th man of cur. To all who dir it. he will fend a roi y of the i recription tiJ fre of rharce. with the oireetlu'. f-r rrparin and ntinc the Mtn wbi'-h they will find a or eure for Ori!uaption. A thiaa. Ilroncblti c Partie wihmf thr iirecription nl'a- -lire. U.X lll lnn t. w iiiiatninurr - PROF. HARRIS' RADICAL CURE TOR BPESiTATORRHCA. TKK "SSM8NAL PASTILLE t A IiliiVt ElacOTaTT 4N- Cf(rtwita J- ? t4 r-.i.ttf . ! H-Jr hr lt nif t l.m.t Car at "alnal Zolaaioaa at IrToet!rr If I t iruoway. Till Dlra:l jH Trad M.rft TradMA. ! at ti hii.ii ttHt irplleattan la t r" ift.?; 17 ACaoTP'lon. ra t t Crmloaj Vralalaa. Zae- atoTT Dm Ji. rroaiat OUaJ. ! Vmhr a. Ti. knocking holes through the tin-roolcd cars and Ftuasking up tlw windows fiightlully. Hail the size of hens eggs did it. Tho dipo the Union Pacific is sinking at Grand Island is now down about 170 fpet. At a denth of 160 feet the pipe struck what was supposed to be an old tree, several pieces of decayed wood being brought up in the sand pump. A passenger Btcamcr makes regular trips between Niobrra an.l Sioux Lity nowadays. It is a nine-hour- run be tween Yankton and the latter place, and a two-uours run ueiaccu .ut.v.u Niobrara. One Richard Mack was arretted in Niobrara lat week for highway robbery, which wa committed on Ash creek, the victim being Peter Carl Reichtbnrg. By main force the prisoner got $150, $99 of which was recovered. Two burglars were captured at West ern. Jefferson county, last week, and jailed. During the next night after the capture they escaped frcm tho jail and pursuit was begun. One was recaptur ed, but the other is at large. They had secured a fine stock of groceries which were recovered. A young ma named Charles Cook, of Filmore county, committed uicide in tho stable of hia employer last Friday by means of a drawing knife, with which he cut his throat from ear to ear. Mental aberration is given as the cause. Mr. Brush, the cattle man of Greeley, and whose ranch is tbirty-five miles from Juloburg. raed through Sidney to that point on Tuesday last, to receive 2.400 head of cattle, which he bought all in a bunch last week for the Eastern market. A nine-yaar old daughter of Mr. Milton Scott, of Jefferson couaty, met her death in a tragic manner last Sun day. She had been playing with a load ed revolver, when it went off and the ball eatered her abdomen, canna out at , Jtj EE-JSUraw?. her shoulder blade. She suffered mor- Mt,r,"I"?i.. -nt rannia aaia - laelad 4 lara aaJ eaftfwllr Il.l iwl , I Dry-goods, $ Groceries, $ Boots, ShOM, ?HATS CAPS and NOTIOMS. ftjJ It aaU wf bqKt at CLOSEST CASH FIGURES. And will Be Sold in the same way. So rc- 1 member if vou want to save monev, and select from a laru;e stock, vou 1 1 mease :y. will P ca II on Nrb. N. C. LIDDY. Red Cloud alST Countrv Prodcci: tkin in uxc iK)u)'Ctn0 t v ' -v. S'4 A LARGE LOT OF Ifllllllaf h. r.atit. If Hi -itr if ea uiat -M .. 1 .J. tf iM lair 'r u lit lr W t l n-ir aitoi.i in ixtiii.r,'"" .-: etal ).ia -i rt.iin rtt af l -tl aa .. .... ,f,i ! rif: firt a-K tra, j7tz t t.n '- :-". f'wir "Ja ; ... . ! iggs 1 o.aarr. rr r u Plain aa of Bictot. r:rrou DtWUty. Caaf&aioa of Xdaa. Am aloa o Society, etc etc 4 Ua if raia. ( (MM. tur eld ac ' ?' uniiwfc,n4 r ;.7T.?.t ifctoU Vlfcr. -W-a rf ... W.a aM t ttr. TaU Ja "f inanl 4 IX ! a ... ll H a ffaw .. Zrrax - ua r "'-' ," "' inl...kM rla JI r jfo-at f-i !" cu.aabctUjrra'aIa. rru"al ! aal.a uutM ij.c-r raara"-1' ,k,, " "a P' rifeloa- Cum t 11 jnf tt .I ti m u r'i Ux..f f ...t MillltlLl tiimt.tt4tl ' t,t U l Irrl t t". t ri-rfa.l V..M fat 'ctrlrf r-i-i ill Ijitojt .ir-jr'tta M tfala. Uar n ri a -a la U IM wa a aU rdmry u ". i.i 1 qn&eca at r !. "'" "" TjuSSSShwSSafSSSSSSjSjSjlSSSSMwa A v.- ' h.vfMt. i tniiifnriii.B."T 0. 1. i'-i i J ' - tl" L r titia.tr l'a t. w I rr inltt a4 ttrara wuU. .. t.f I 7. Vt Wr I. aal. a U !.. Tall niKCTlOlrrcia;wiUMW MITCHELL WAGONS! VTsizh we r: effsriaj to ths y.VJ: it Greatly reduced prices. Wloaltli KcCormack Harvester, UATZ2, K3 7U ti, :-! ASriRltval p:ecrti cf ALLKI2TDSaiidST7IS. jsasliBwBPffsSBiOv lSaP'PJjpSSj1JSjjSJrw,SSSJfc;. v HEaur7BKSStfBBSBSSSSSSSSSSSSS?l k-vB3HHBflHMpHP(VHIH?vB SmiSSSSSSSsOBldV'Iaak ,SSfV M BI5? CSbssssst rtsr xatnt vox. tal ! a lTipa 1SI r ' aalUaIW h tn i'ai. ita jtal ! a lTiwa ra Rmi'm, Hc iB P I HI tr a ?- tt ti (f ' 4Ma f V.I.. Xlatl Sr.'at ftr tf U a.f It rrl-t aukM. ai k. if mrwr wan. m HARRIS REMEDY CO-KPSCMOKTS. liaxkat a4 1U It. T. kOVI. B. BOOKS KMILUON a Iat. I m a.r m m llllll" A TT 11 It "l ' '-- -- a Tttr.T. T .. 1 uiarilt at.nl ta raaaa a mum. Ata to nfc tma. AItv. t HMia. Atrwm m Wraaa. rraatiVifc a aw. Ctlwj a- Hfimmt aata. an. Caa.-mJ aabra. ImitM. C ". T M Itwatrwa. Ha Ijta . lua. laTr. Lav pnwn. ur t-r" ' MILLER & BALL, Red Cloud JWi. arr JOHN C. POTTER, DEA!KR XX tal agony for a few bourn. A few day flinee. near Homer, kota county, a party wm httatiag wood chuck, and dijcgiti into a mound an ojd hair trunk was dl-covcrcd, which on be ing opened was found o contain three skeleton which had been taken apart and packed therein, with the exception of one kuil that was fooad Iyinjr, outside of the track. On bein expo.'d to the air the bonea crumbled away. From appearances it is jud;d that the skele ton had bcea there twenty-fire and per haps fiAy years. Whether they repre sent sobc dark tragedy or the best that loving kinds could do for the victim of some Iadiaa ! acre, will probobry re-: main a mystery. . 1 aa 17-BiJlla. O 1 nil ra . Wi. Bulataia. vatfaa- Si l5ZZ IXMURIKM. mil.- C fckjai DV9CV MRVj mmm. at. a4 a f n mmj aataMta MfjP fctaaiwimtiliiiai;lw1aa. Ktat. rarwd trrr. a tofal irm, Hlrtm XnWat al nlii. 1 POLLA taa aa nrm oa .. a u M I J.-. .... FOBOajcrLJa, iiiT. . at." t ii. afrT tm ialnnt( rwjuaiaox ra itw pvra. kKdkwast TSaiwaawt fr W-la! Bo- . . tliti araR af "T trU . aa-a ti tdnr frm. I.IM watuaaij S ai.it TW JaaVv to aa faara p-aruee. I aa Ja BMM-itjca rfttt raauai. liiata.IalTifr.aTaaaf m atia." jj tri ' aamtac rr IMhml at -PtIti- ar -Cimt' rvttar-a-r uk-ilarri''araaaaaaa. DR. BUTTS' DISPEWaARY -m ac7TaaTTTt ryvttf tr ta .ta few train tail cfcretaw sitMMt a4 eipur- "- V aaa, aa. t5t Mtlrta. OrrfeMt.. a. 1 Crlaary TtaaAkW, ti t But mnt af a o. ar t-rai-1 wit wna. aitiKtat mmirz Hr-cmlf. DTICTQ TWATCrn araaa4t i i ii i n..i ' i.i hi wi.ji ia f tag r t !. BCTrS lar. aj ama tafcnaa f TCUWHatUalWitu. u4tUn, m a.Mt ta-9 tsax sar wai i a..Btaa avSTm3tr. It S ae a Trstw. S-simfwat awttSJa a?it i BiiVTtatal DRY 600DS, " Groceries, Queensware, and SUMMER CLOTHING ! ALSO A large lt of BOOT A HIIKK, ivc aae a call, every tbTaj .vkl at BOTTOM I'tk. IWOAl?!. . j. c- POTTBR- ss?- raakCr-. la ttavl cfir:r sXlecl Cloud 'ebra&lc.- , . B7 - ff. J 1 aitK-i i,svrr.ir3;T'j't wi-,. -av'-a. - -. aitfFSr issssssssssrIZZ" - r. SmLrM - . - aSSSSSSSSSSfV.y inraf rtia pprapjjA- ''" ...SSSSSSSSSSr ( w ! i " ii . rM IrSmS- fi .s: r- -$a v .. i-rsA; & LV-tAA - - . . --vi?" .-. ;J'ii - --- S- sssssssH vtTjS '. 'T stfiaN . Y'ililPtl''fi-":7 -.;f yi.' ?BSSSSSSSSSSS -- -A SSSSSS& .?9 pa. r"V t .j" 4Bt s "t j v 4 - r r, VI "?). aKSSSjfet. -nsss. 3 1 HBT f Y "KiiS JSz lSSSSSflSBflllQ Bf vSK3iBSSSBSSSVpFv JB . 3 1 X .1 J? WKPrm jP' JlMiMBaJsiMagaJa a 1 1" ' 'ljLSJSSS? jfT ;':'2:I-Vili;5!:r