" " 3 -v 3 "-JBV21 i-. 5 s." K. t KEDCLOUD CHIEF. It V. R K Time Table. Takic cfitct Sunday. 3fay 4tlt 170. tocTH STATION., t xortk. R;T8nn HASTINGS'. 8 :?&uun 6:27 YR 8:02 6 :4ft BMIK HILL 0 :40 7:25 COWLK8 7:0V 7:55 BKD CLOUD fi s"i 8 -JO INAVALE C :10 8 AS ItlVERTOJf b M 9 :!0 FRANKLIN - ft 35 9 :25pm RLOOM1NGT0N 5 :10am. Traias daily, except Sunday. A. E. TouzMln, 0. W. noMredge ties, tnaasgcr. - . ,SuL CITY AND COUNTRY. .-itiZHKr -Vcfal communication! will hare to staid oyer until neitt week. - We Icata tkAt-fr.;R."L.'5foCM Is rcry low with .ecasbmpjton. Summer Dtefs GoodtaJarse OTP ply jugt received Miner Bros. & tra copies of the Chief are for Safe by Mr. T. . Moon, at Cowles. Grand Island aeonlcr navt a. Ger man paper called the'Sutta Zijsog. T. E. Meoo, one of Cowles' leading merchants, called on the Chief "Iaat week. If no misfortune overtakes the corn crop of this valley, the present season, it will be simply immense. In our hurry flad bustle we forgot to call attention hut week to tb card of Jfr. Benfer, in the Chief. We did not get the paper out as promptly as common this week, on ac count of having been crowded with Job work. We learn that Mr. Scth Alf cr, liv ing north-east of Bed Cltud, suffered severely from the storm, he having al most his entire crops destroyed. This week we print just 8G4 copies of the Chief, more than double the amber of copies issued by any other paper in the county in one week. J. S. Hope, of Kirwia Kansas, spent a few days ii town last week. He has sold out his jewelry stock and bought aa interest in a furniture store at that plsee. On account of the large demand for extra copies of the Chief this week, we arc compelled to issue half sheets to. our exchanges and some of our sub scribers. Dr. A. P. McCulloch who has just returned from southern Iowa, says that crops in that section are rather short and times are, if anything, harder than they are here. J. P. Gage. State Secretary of the Nebraska Sunday School Association, will deliver a lecture at the Court house in Red Cloud next Monday June 23d, at 8 o'clock. The Roberts troupo gave an enter tainment at the Court House )a6t Tues day night which was well attended and appreciated. The Bed Cload Band furnished music for the occasion. The State Journal has bur thanks for a copy of tho life and confession of Stephen Deo Richards, This book may be had of the Journal Co., for only 25 cents Usual discount to tho trade. N. G. Liddy has tho handsomest advertisement in the Chief, and while he makes no pretentions towards being tho handsomest man in town, so long as the Chief editor is around, he always icepsa handsome stock of goods which his handsome (?) clerks will sell yon at bottom prices. --Kead the new advertisement of Perkins & Mitchell, in this issue of the Chief. They have not been in business I in Red Cloud fer any great length of timo, but they have already, established a reputation for squaro dialing and a good quality of goods. Try then once and bo convinced. We was a little premature in our statement last week. that. B. S. Kaley had erected a telephone contacting his ofioe with" his house, The wire gave out aid oaly reached as far as the Chief editors htuie, where it was anchored for the purpose of testing its practical work ings. Itcaaaot be considered a perfect ayeoees as yet . Now we hare eaaclarire proof 'that the Rer. (?) Jacob B.. Potter ti;a wilful and aalkioas. pervirtee-of the truth. Under date of Jane 12& ha aays that "many ace rtappugtl t'Hiwoafac oountafits immcJity,,vwnn UeW orda ortha ofiee .sw'.ifcat'aet ainfle subscriber, of the Chief has stopped his paper-in the last two months.- Wn confess that we are somewhat surprised at the -Argju announcing , mnder laming headlines. that tho town, of Bed Cloud was damaged by the late storm to the extent of $40,000. We weald have given Bro. Kenney credit for better judgment than that Men of the eoiad est judgment assure, us that $10,000 will more than cover alldamafa that the town sustained. """' " Recalled that the Chief is-tbejinly paper in the eeanty thatpubrtshes tie new laws relative- to acmcatcaac, timber cnllnrt ete.. TatHalyvpnWiea4kii8 Q Chief; -f the final proof 'Ja-na save anumber of our readers a fhfit Jess trip to tho land ofioe. We wilfn produoe itfpr the benefit ofaur new .eabscribets and others who may not have yet BKan,aa.a iev wccks; r . -". ... Messrs 9. B. Rbhier and Joha New; comer, of HagerstownL Maryland, gave the Chief a pleasant caU last week. Mr. Bohier half owner of tho- town aite of Blue Bill, this county, and' this is his first visit to Nebraska. Ub ex preeses hinweir as being vejy Highly nlon with the armearancc oP this Rl Cloud Tcrapla of Honor and Temperance, meets at the court bouse next Taesdajr evening at 8 o'clock, sharp. A full attendance is derred as there ' bnsincas of importance to transact M. C. Willbmsonj living in E-ta Creek precinct lost one of his children last week. It died ofDiptheria. The most unfbrtanate man in town w Bro. Kcnney of the Argus; his good clothe got spattered with mud and ter ribly aoiled during tbo late atorm. Too bad. Wc offer our White Lead and Oil at greatly reduced prices. Call and exam ine. Red Cloud Drug Store, two doors west of Boys Home. 45tf Morri & Westveer. Mathematical problem: If one win dow glass costs 00 cents, by what math ematical contortions can eleven glass be made to coet $250. SEED BUCKWHEAT. Miner Bros., have on hand and for sale, a choice lot of buckwheat for seed. The Rev. Jacob B. Potter objects to being called an old ass, and thmki that the Chief is immoral; verily, for a common blackguard, a lecherous old Beecher-on a small-scale te preach mor als, reminds us of "iSatan rebuking Sin." ;The Rev(?) Jacob B. Potter trios to shift the responsibility of his falshoods onto the shoulders of 'some one eise, and calls into question the word of a gentleman whom all who know the parties would believe, before they would the preacher under oath, even though he swere it on the bible which be pro fesses to believe, and in the name of the Christianity which he prostitutes. A school house was struck by lighten ing near Lincoln, duriog a storm last week, and a young lady, Miss Babcock, killed. Several others in the house at the time were badly injured. The initial number of the Naponee Banner, published at Naponee, Frank lin county,- is at hand. It is a neat little six column paper edited and published by Wm. A. Connell, the itinerant editor." Success to you in your new enterprise, Bro. Connell. As was expected, the eastern papers have dilated upon our late storm, they havo exaggerated, prevaricated and mis represented the facta, (assisted by that visionary eonocriT of tl?e south end of Red Cloud, of which we had reason to expect better things) until hardly a vis toge of the truth remains. Instead of the damage to property in Red Cloud, by tho 6torm, reaching $40,000 as stated by an excited editor in Red Cloud Inst week, it trill not reach $.10,000 all told. Tbe present Season has" been praliffic of storms throughout the entire territory of the United States. Within tho Jast six weeks there has been some of tho most frightful tornadoes that ever visited any country, and in some instances the loss of life and property has been terri ble. Those who think that this section of country has been specially unfortu nate should know that the reverse is the case, for while we have been visiteQ with a cyclone that did considerablo damage to properly, other sections, less fortu nate, have been devastated by storms fearfully destrustive to human life. Among these we might mention the re cent storm in Kansas, in which over fifty persons lost their lives. The late storm at Dubuque Iowa, in which hcveral persons were killed. The fearful cyclone at Augusta Georgia. The terrible wind and hail storm at Bordcrtown. N. J. The violent storm at Trenton, all within the last few days. The 'following is the order of exercise decided upon by the committee of ar rangements .for the 4th of Julyoelebra atBed Cloud:- Moraine salute at sunrise. Foiia prooeseiou oa Webster St by precinct delegations at 9 o'clock a. m., headed by the Bed Cloud Cornet Band. Line, of match north on Webster St. toth ave. "West on 7th ave to Pros pect ava. ' South on Prospect ave to 4th ave. East" on 4th ave to Webster St South on Webster St, to the grove on tho south bank of. the Republican River, Music bythe Glee dab. ' . AaaBcmentar under th. management of General John.Berenzen. The precinct having the largest dele gation in the procertaWnwill be preaeaUd with a beautiful banting flag! by Mr. J. A. Jury. President of the day, Hon. Silaa Garber. Vice Presideata,. H. D. Banney, Oak Creek; Frank Bnsehow, Potsdam; Day, Harmony;' J. H. Beetl, 8tillwatcr; i h. brubb, Elm Crack; Weymonth HadhyPleasant.Hill; A. Garber. Guide Book; John Harvey, loavale; Jabn Jf c Calkn, Glchwood; J.H. Hnmmcl), Batin; Thomas Kennedy; Walnut Crank. JlMbnau, JjtA.Jwtff t - - i Immediately nftcr dinner "a perma Daat organisation of the veteran sol diers of the late war will be effected, at which-time the election of officers for the gycarwill take place, r . A'l are cordially invited. ' : L, . The Osborne Harrestcr-KirLv Liht Slower and Wheeler Mower for sale by a. a. rope, or Mitchell & Morhirt 5t x ' C. HI Rakemaan, the popular ton gonial artist, has just added to his estab lishment, an English hairclipper, which is a decided improvement over the old way oi cuiimg nair wun tne scissors. to con-c tfl'inTf W COnjC ana'SlTC 43t A Kansas correspondent cntht as the following, which U said to bo the tcrtzM on which mosey may be borrowed: after date for value receiv ed, I prom be to pay dol lars without rolief from appraisement, stay or exemption law, anl in eae salt U instituted for its collection, anything and everything in my pove&ion can be levied upon and sold, including the lat Bait of clothe, the fchool booki and food of the children, with the coEin or coffia any of the family may be buried in; and in case that after every article is told there remains anything due oa the nota, I agree that tho service of mjsslfand family shall be Eold until the demands of the note are satisfied; and I further agree that in cac uit is instituted for its collection, to pay reasonable attorney fees, together with board bills, hack hire saloon bill', and other miscellaneous ex penses for himself and near relatives, while suit is pending; aud I further agree to live on corn tread and sorghum molasses until the demands of this note are satisfied, with interest at the rato of twelve per ceut from date, payable annually. Maple Grove Farm. Webster Co., Neb., June 14th, 1879. Ed. Chief. The crops are looking very well considering the dry weather and chintz bugs. Tho chintz bugs are working on the small grain some and arc working in our garden. They have de stroyed some of our radishes and lettuce. We are needing a good rain now, al though wc had a nico little rain Tuesday evening, also on Thursday morning we had a nice shower and a good little show er on Friday, but on Tuesday some hail fell doing 'no great damage. The frost on the 1st and 2d, done some little dam age to corn and garden vegetables. Corn is growing 'fine and generally is a very good stand without replanting. Rye and Barley will do to harvest in about two weeks if we have pleuty of rain, and if not it will be ripe sooner. Well tbe big thow came and went and with it a great deal of excitement and fun. I went to see the big show and like all othera.that went to see it I was sold, it was about as complete a failure as I ever seen ia the. show bo-ines, but T Mt 4a4 1 have discovered one thing, thoso thct do a great deal of blowing and big ad vertising, arc the ones that take in the mighty dollar.-. There was quite a wind storm con nected with the rain on Tuesday eve ning doing no serious damage except it blew the roof off Charley Wickwires new stone house. This was bad for Charley, for as things looks wo have come to the conclusion that Charlet was about to make one more desperate effort to procure him a companion for life, but no doubt he will have to put tho roof on the cago before ho gets the "bird." We syuipathfco with Charley in hi. misfortune, but it must certainly been fun to see him roll under the bed for protection when the roof went off his hoube. D. S. Helvern. Croquet sets, very cheap, at the Red Cloud Drug store. 45lf Morris & WoEtvccr. TO FARMERS. Wc wish to call your attention to our Machine Oils, which are of superior quality, and wc offer at bottom prices. Red Cloud Drug Store. 45tf Morris & Westveer. FOR SALE. A No. I Eclipse Thresher and four wheel ten-horse Woodbury mounted power, with equalizers attached. Will take notes or threshing accounts. Price low. D. S. Helvern. 45t6 FABMES ATTENTION. I desiro to commence herding eattl aboat the fintof May. Well prepared to give eatire satisfaction. Terms, 20 cts per month, per head. Calves gratis. 32tf E. W.8. Haetkt. Head ot Farmer's Creek, laavale. Neb M. B. afottir. Wholesale & Retail Stationery, School 1 and Miscelaneous Books. Wall Paper a speciality at Bed rock prices, already trimed. Fancy Stationery and Notions at the Post Offiee Building. Ladie's suits at Mrs. Lutz'. 5t42 Tho Osborne Harvester received the first premium at the state fair last fall. 5w4S Duffield k Co., are selling wall paper at reduced rates, call and get prices. 43tf A. A. Pope, Bed Cloud, Neb. Yours received; in reply would say you can rely on the Osborne Self-binding Harvester being the beet nMohiae in the market. I eat 100 acres with mine in 1878 at a coat of 25 to 30 cents per acre for wire; never had any trouble what ever. It will bind every time either tight or loose, large or small just as yon want The bancs do not interfere with threshing in any iray. Yours truly, 5w43 W. . Thome. THE WORLDS BALM. Dr. L- D. Weyburn'c Alterative Symp. WC A. remedy HsedSS years isaorirate prac tice, and eTer failiar t radically emre RHEUMATISM. Dropeey, Erytipelas, aerafala. secondary syph ilis. Gravel, dsefcttt aad alldl y m whet the bleod is implicated, k sow eferW to tftta pablic SuM brail ratail dnwiete. aa (whelt sale ealy)fcy The Waybara medieiae eempaay P. O. box 338 sUehastor 2few York- Chew JieVwu Sweat Navy Tebae. SOTICE OFFI5AL PJtOOF. , Bloemiaatea. Keb.. Jaaa 12th. 1879. Netite is ktftby-aivM that tha feHvwiaar aasaad aettian kara ntadaaUea efjiateawoa to saaka faal praaf ia aaapftrt of their. ejaiaas aad ecar iaal aatry tharaaf ea .tha arpiiatieaof lhirVdayfrthadatoafthiaaeia.Tii. i crOliaaV H- Hairis. Hd ai4ieatiaa JTatCS Jerseath-WMtaaartar'seetioalS.Tp. 2, Kaaca 9. wit toe fanowiB witaaans ta pray m a&aiaa. GaakT V Ki),afi4e aVWakatar caaaty. Nab-, asd Perry lomr ef Oaida Xek, WabaterCoaaty.Nab. - . "" .Geah S. Kfles Hal apptkatiBB e. 355. fer the aona-aari aaaner ci x. fa. nim i?. witatbe loiidwiac tedf witsi as ta.prava his afdB WUliai H. florhs, ot Vaiae Keek. f webter Coaaty. ie-.aa rarrr Jiorra.oii G H R0rKf Wabjtet Ceuaty. Neb. . srna7BVW U - .t. - . S.W.SWU&rKtfbtsr. JflwlKr -t.-jruiJV jg'i'.' - """ "'5 . . e-? Flower pots asd Laaging baskets at j Kobr a, tf ICEIICB!! ICE!!! Ice delivered to any part of the city by Kvaaa & Clapp. Teachers Contracts. Teachers Contracts can be had by calling oiuvcor by calling at the CHIEF office, Red Cload Neb A. A. Pore. Co. Sapt. " forValk. X Fairbanks standard 2,000 lb., Kalo, in jrood order. Koquiru at this office or of J. Brrcnzcn, at the Brewery. Ts lamsrr. Farmer's who have gwd wheat for tale, will do well to take it to the Red Cloud Mill, xi Messrs Potter A Frisbic will pay the highest market price for good clean wheat. 29tf SOTXCS T0TZAC32!S. Notice is hereby siren, that I will cxamiae alt periaui who may detire u offer tbuieU- a candidates tor teaehni of the j-rlmsry or onramon school of Webster couaty. at Kcd Cload oa tbe firit .Saturday of each taoalb at nine c 'clock a. m. fhsrp. A. A. Tors. Co.. 3apt I reccommend the Osborne Harveter to any farmer whhinjt the best machine in market. Mine work all right. 5w43 E Shcllhamiacr. S. B. DUFFIELD & Co- DEALERS IN Drags cV Weal ici nes at Retail or Wholesale. Using all alike, they sell Good good at L)ir priccn. 8 tation;ry, Wall paper, c& Paints, Oils, Varnishes Etc. Jfoney Purses, Bill books, Albums, Endless Variety of Toilet Articles. J)ye Stuffs, hair, tooth & paint Bruohe Inkstands, Blank Books, Nows Etc C'gars, Pipes, Tobacco' , Lamps, Inks, Pens, Pencils, BTOTIOAT, Eligant Phanuoccntical prcparatioas a Specialty. Homeopathic Kcmidics. Everything Guaranteed to Be as represented. Call at Store, one door South of Dank. RED CLOUD - NEB. SAM'L GARBER DKaLER IN Dry Goods and Groceries- SOOTS and SHOES Hats. Caps & Ready Made Clothing ! We have the Largest Stick in the Valley and will net be undersold. GIVE US A CALL, ONE ALL Sam'l . Garber Red ! Reb, 4 T. E. MOON", DEALER INf DRY -GOODS, wji sTcwC? sTitJil Palate, OIK Tsraiaa.es, Orusa, tUrna, Etc -Alsa a fall liaaef Boots i Shoes, Hats. Caps, acUa water sSwdwCe" takaa iaexebaaca far Give at a call. T- MoonU iiaia' hkot stnt- EEADOITAETEE S FOR HVhite, Davii Howe and American SEWlftt IACHIXF4 HI ( ) i K Ay P r H I ) 1 -LjUUIV OO X i-Ji-ii- STORE, CHAS. E. PUTNAM, Prop. DEALER IN FLOUR. FEED Cora, Meal. Bran Chopped Fe4ad GROCERIES. Visit the RcdClead Oreeerr. "ed aad Pro. Tislon store when yoa wsatsarpHes for mil oc csat. llisbctt market price ia cash sip foi arala All kinds ofcoantrr produce tikes a exchasra for roods. Goodidelireredtoall parUwf toa freo of chart e. Store south of Read's Plow Factory. Red Cloud, - Nebraska. Furnituro Storo. A wholesale stock ofOoods of the Finest Quality and sold nt prices lower than iVEBBEroaz orrssss to the Public VB. H, Reed. a Special attention, gives!. tol Under taking. RED CLOUD. - - - NEB. CHICAGO Lumber Yard UEO Cr.OVI, Ifcb. Yard south of Hampton .t al stou'j shop, on Main street. Keep constantly on hand an apartment of Lunibrr, l.ntli, Miliiclra, I)rM Wln dafN, I.tmc Hair OmcMt. Piaster ItalldlitK' rper etc. PLATT & FREKS l'roprietor COME! For Tour LUMBER ! DRY LUMBER A SPECIALTY. Til BX8T 5K THJ5 MA1KXT Si4 at Laaest Prlea -DY- RED CLOUD NEB. D. T. THOMAS DIBLERIV DEY'GOODS, Oroceries, SHELFITARE AND r General Merchandises AgrieaMaral ImipleeaiU ' T all kiJHlf. i Highest Marked Price pid tor counYry produce " aatVl cewiaE$. .-r , saammVmaVmnnBssssni affmaffmnt maSmBSmaSmananm nunaaelTZUHUHm ' LnHaVVrlinnl nnnasssssssssssi I Hmwms maVnavwt m.av TmaVamT I XTjlsssfUaa. VmkABmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmBmaBilnramBmBmnnBl , ii mm- aa a si ii i r it ii "X'.'-nii'i1,9mi'9i-9mnuitt wwisggtfe'i'ljMajjMajiiy'tsijat ,. .,.,. ,,. .,r.im j iTrriMjtXiijgl&jM0!L&iVMmu '"' "'WOa l.'imicmnttii ,, ., m - ljr,w.wliwi ,.,." msnnw PrKKINS IWITCHELLS RED CLOUD GROCERY STORE ! STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES. Our Ocd t $ri (Um i aftty itrtt, awl sMts ihtK!tT t V zn trial. All coajl at tl knct rvK ftwet m4 D The Lowest Living Rates. And we hope to merit the increasing patronage which is being bestowed upon us. Buy your groceries at a G E N E R A L G R O C K R Y S T O R K OnP-Uciacl.a4iW.NA PevklllS & Mltclioll. POST OFFICE CLOTHING HOUSE. In addition to our well asiotld stock of CUlklaa; and 1-1 en In FiimlHltlHa; G4m. we hare on hand a rwJ tk of Boots, Plats, Caps. Gloves. Blank Books, Stationery, Confection eries, cigars & tobacco. We inrite roa to call ami caamiac our stock &nl learn h1 ' ante satisfaction. J. Ji.. JURY, II. MlMKR. MINER DK.t.rn t.v M ERCHANDISE. Wc keep Constantly On Hand A Full Slock Of CLOTHING, HATS. CAPS. BOOTS, Shoes G-kissware, Qeensvai'D aiul Croclvex'y, We buy our goods for CASH, and defy com- pktion. When in town give us a call. One door south of Post Office. Red Cloud, HARDWARE STORE. MITCIWliI A MOB If 1ST, Pr We keep on hand at all times, a large and com plete stock of Hard-ware We alco keep a sapplj of FARMING IMPLEMENTS. Give us a call, as we feel sure we can suit you in quality and price Reme'mbe'rthc place, opposite the Chief Office Red Cloud Neb. -.v '-r THIS SPACE L, E. SNELL f 4 fJi WHO WILL 6'CUPY IT WITHA BIO' A NEXT' WfEfc.-:- '-i-ars ier: fs ". $ c -'if ?& ?f A ., r "t. i-' J. 'A J. 1 Mitten. BROS a 1. 1. ki.n'h or lYabraaka. BaMBaaaaaaaaaamammamF nr BELONGS .T-Cr- -pr W -." r 0 a 4t m t ;. -J'jrj iff si" kwfry,nd confident that it will mnke He wants everybody of-tsJr.tconntrk3 in America. - ' him a trial. 5f ' ' ,- &ez - i -4 ". i T - 1 SL oeesssssS. 0mi.mmjfamjM pywijajajjffi wsaaag "Tfjini " ' ' -zfee -J&.-. a.&fliitA?i i"-J- J-dS- .--!, vVJ -j