fe&. - fcT -. - t-t .; "H. -. .J sM RED CLOUD CHIEF. It V. K. R. Time Table. Taking effact Sniay, Ma 4th 1879. SOUTH :27 6:48 7:25 7:55 K.35 , 9:10 STATIOKH. HABT1NGA'. AYR voir. 8:02 6:40 7. -05 6 as 6:10 55 5:25 5 :l0aa. BLUE HILL roi wtw BED CLOUD IFAVALE RIVERTON FRANKLIN BLOOMINGTON 9 :15pm Trains daily, except Suadaya. ATE.Touwlin. G. W. Holdrrire Gen. aumffer. 8at. CITY AND COUNTRY. s Cireui next Monday, ilerl has moTtd into his new bouse. Ladie'e tai ts at Mrs, Lata'. 5142 A good rail bet Satirday. It was ceded. . The fefitire hesee-fy has mado big appearance. Come in and see samples of Job work done at the Chief office. 4th of Jaly meeting next Saturday night at the Bank, all torn out. A few persons have gone to Lead ville from here, in search of gold. Wo give almost our entire space, this week, to our correspondent's. The frost last Sunday uight did not injure vegetation to aay groat extent. The street sprinkler has been some ' what improved and pit to work again. Bead the program of the 4th of July circus. John Bcrenzcn, manager. Duffield & Co-., are selling wall paper at reduced rates, call and get prices. 43tf Ira Sleeper, the Shyleck of the Valley, is selling farm machinery at Blue Hill. "Jake" Tyler has moved his imple ments to the vacant lots north of tho Chief office. L 0. Martie ss oar authorized agent at Blue Hill, and will traaaaet business for as at that place. T, J. Ward, of Cowles, was in town last Monday buying lumber to build a hotel in that place; The wiad engine and tank are to bo ercoted at once, we understand, over the well by the liberty pole. The Osborne Harvester received the first premium at the state fair last fall. 5w43 An exchange says that the most useful pedestrian is tho ono who walks the floor at night with the baby. Miss Ida VanPelt G. W. C. T., will organize a district lodge I. O. 0. T., in Red Cloud next Tuesday evening. Wo aro indebted to somebody in New York for a free pass to Manhattan Beach, this month, and return. Can't go. Our "hefty" friend, McFarland has been appointed City Marshall, Street Commissioner and stock (im)pouodcr of Red Cloud. ICE! ICE!! ICE! 1! Ice delivered to any part of tho city by Evans & Clapp. Vint Ludlow, an old friend of the Chief, calls and pays front and back subscription rasney. Thanks. Friend Liddy is lonely now, his wifo has gone to Sioux City Iowa, on a few weeks visit to friends. The Osborne Harvester, Kirby Light Mower and Wheeler Mower for safe by A. A. Pope, or-Mitohell & Morbtrt, 5t It will soon be timer for the chronic ofioe seeker to take the "horny-fisted farmer" warmly by the band and en quire affectwsately after the health of his wife and babies. - A set of brass horns fcavo been pur chased, a subscription having been taken up for tho purpose, and now the "toot" of said horns may bo .heard "from early morn 'til dewey eve." Lost. In Red Cloud, Jane 3d, a gold charm, representing a pair af ice ' tongs. The fnder will please leave the article at the Chief office and be suita bly Mwarded by O. Felker. - We learn that Mr. Fritz Newhouse, brother-in-law to Geo. OeLss, is erecting a building on the lots south of Parke's ; shoe shop, and will open up a stock of dry goods and groceries the present month. -rRtv. IT. Broej, of Dotne College, Crete, Neb., in company with Mr. J. Q. Potter, called en us last Taesday. They kindly left with us a catalogue e officers aad students of the College, which we .will examine when opportunity offers. Last Friday the country seemed' to have slid a few thousand miles nearer the. north pole, as the weather turned extremely cold for the time of year, and until last Monday a fire wa3 very pleas ant to sit by. There was some rfrost on Sunday night Wo hope that one ef ear nearest neighbors, who, is practicing oar a biass horn, will soon make sufficient progress cto he able to pky a tune, or eke give it Cud as'a-bid job. The iafenal noise- drires Jasjta. distractioa, aad iscausinr oirhair to paturly turn gray. . Co-eperatien. , The readers of'theChiefwill renew- .bertfcetafew weeks age; there was. a publication to inform the good people of Webster County, Neb., that there, will be a oe-operalion meeting held near the " ' Elm Creek mill ia the grove commencing at I o'clock Saturday before the third Lords day ia June. As there is some of . or frieads that thiak we are selfish, we wish to; Kate that was not oar intea tie; hopiag that all sach thoughts will be kbandoacd, aad that all who hear ef - the aeetiag will eoeae. Xet hiss that hews cease: wheeocver wUI.amay- come lift hrar h ?.wd Jiejw f $1td tidings. "" JoeTT. Martin. We agree with Bro. Keaaey that the aotiee whieh the Chief has deigaed to give hie raper has beea of eoaeidera hlebeaeft ta it, aad we are glad of it, and womld saggeet to Bra. Keaaey that if he had oa the start, displayed a rea sonable assoaat of eatereriee, by edver ting his basiaess ia the Cenir, we see no reason why be could not have ran the circulation of the Argun up to 500 copies before this, but Hie many others who attempt to-do busioes, he aeglected one of the principal essentials adver tiring and consequently his progress hss been slow. Now, in all kindness to yoa Bro. Kenny, we will offer a few words of advice, and hope yea may receive them in the same spirit in which they are givea. In the first place you are strug gling to gain a foot-hold for your paper, in this county, you have for a rival in the business, a paper that has beea estab lished nearly seven years, and whoso editor was one among the first settlers of this county, and who is acquainted with nearly everybody in the county, and proud to say that nearly all are personal friends. Now if you will devote your time to building up your enterprise and stop throwing mud at a co temporary that would be glad to assist you in get ting permanently established in business here, it would be better for .you, you cannot build up your busines by your puny attempts to pull down tho Ciiixr, you are only injuring yourself. Strive to ferget (and pray that the people may forget) that you boasted on the start that you bad come here "to eulignten this oommunity." Slop boasting in your paper that you wear good clothes, the people in this country are not heath ens, they do not form an estimate of a man by the clothes be wears. Instead of indulging in the disreputable business of mud slinging, you should treat your superior! in the newspaper business, with respect, and gain tho confidence of the people by a straight forward konut course. Discard that egatistical, over-bearing manner, and in time .ytu may gaio some influence among this people whom yoa 'came here to enlighten." C. II. Kakemmn, the popular ton sonial artist, has just added to his estab lishment, an English hair clipper, which is a dtctdod improvement over the old, way of catting hair . with - the scissors. He wants everybody to cosae and give him a trial. 43t4 Miner Bros., have arranged the up per story of their store room for a cloth ing emporium, and have a first-class tailor constantly employed filling orderj. This new feature to their constantly in creasing business will add materially to their popularity, and we hope preve a bonanza. FOR SALE. Five good milch cows for sale by the undersigned, for cash or on time with security. John Berenzen, 2w Red Cloud. D. M. Osborne & Co. I rcccommend the Osborne Harvester to any farmer wishing the best machino in market Mine works all right. 5w43 E. Shcllham. CIBCTJS ON TEE FOUBTB OF JVLY, The committee on amusements have engaged tho domestic combination of American, European and Ethsopean Artists. 1st Act. Scboo) riding; eight trained horses ridden through the most difficult evolutions of Higli School riding. Co tillion on horseback. Sabre fight. 2d Act. The Cardiff Giant in his great Crowbar feat The Pralidigda teur or card trick. Almansor tho famous jumper introduced by Master Carl. Pro fessor Lasalle the unparralelled fancy rider, and Shaksperian Clown will jump on a horse running phine carrierc. Don Juan el Haranguero. 3d Act Pantominines. The shrewd Tramps. The hotse thief of Mexico. Capture and execution. The Shoshone dance. JUaximillian Renz, the famous Gymnast and Acrobat; his dash in the open air. is wonderful to behold. 4th Act Donna Anoatatia the great equestrain hdy mounted oa a dashing obarger will clear a six board basus trade. Twelve trained horses, 42 per formers; a striped Zebra performing in the ring. At 3 o'clock T. H.f the band wagon followed by the whole force- of perform ers will parade the streets of Red Cload, and then proceed to the Circus Arena west of Miner's store. Admission free. Come all and see it; no -bad language, wit and humor of a high order. The whole to conclude with the cap ' tare of Jeff Davis, who will then proceed to'addrces the audieaoe in vindication of tho hotel management at Aadersoaville aud Riohmond. John Berenien. . From Scott, May31mt,l$7 Ed. Chief. Local items are scarce in this vicinity about this time, the fact is, we-are all to.busy at work to find oat what eaekother are doiagv I-waderstaad that Hersaaa Hofcomb, a-brother br X C" Holeema is with us again although I have no saea .him as yet- The frag taTIcxfof hoaee of Mrs. Bar ker "is now being built, 'it1 wiB probably be 'ready lor tbe:roof nect week. Cultivating corn is tha.arder of the day now, with all except A. Kecateff, he has wet finished planting yet . There was a mw arrival at 'M. C. Fal tons last Thasaliy saoraiafv It is a hey jaad , Mask is happy. Aaeiber gasae af base baM tWay be tweeatha Hivertonaad WalwstxCreek keys aad lfc A rvertetr Uaa seooped again for the third Uaic The Walaat Creek boys play these agata aaatnday, at Uiverton. AfeftKLft, Xaple Grove Farm. Webster Co., Neb. May 2tJth. 1879. Ed. Chief Oar crop prospeet was aever better ia this eeaaty; fall wheat is headiag out aad will do to cut the last of June. Early planted corn is up large eaeagb to cultivate, we will begin to cultivate tomorrow moraing. We have 50 acres of corn audit is pat oatia good shape. A great deal of prairie is being broken up this spring and put iato sod eon. Spring wheat looks well and all of small graia generally looks well. 1 took a ride over the eoaatry with Mr. E. C. Williams (the representative oftheDevey Harvester) last weekend we found the farmers very butsily en gaged at their work. We passed the farms of Mr. Wagoner, Mr. Beacham, Mr. Hunger, and Mr. Richardson in Webster county, snd from their to Mr. Boganreifs and to Mr. Wm. Gates where we were very hsspitable entertained for the night. After leaving Mr. Gates ia the morning we visited se feral more of the most prominent farssers of Smith Co., Kansas, among whom were the Beirdrtlu boys who are good farmers and good citizens. Mr. E. 0. Williams is looking up the interest of the Mineapo- ( lis Harvester works, and will soon locate at Red Cloud with a full line of imple ments and repairs, manufactured by the Mineapolis Harverter works, among which is the Dewey Harvctter one of the finest and best working harvesters ever put into a grain field, i would ad vise the farssers that want a good harvester and ono that will not upset on rough laud and one of easy draft, to buy the Dewey and you will sever regret it. Our Sabbath school n still on the in crease; last Sunday our attendance wa3 over fifty. Brother Hampton delivered a short lecture to the children last Sun day which was very appropriate to the occasion. D. 8. Helvcrn. South Guide Rock. Ed. Chief. We arc at present hav ing weather admirably favorable to the growth of crops. We have so far only succeeded in ob- Itaioiog tho number of acres that twenty- seven of our farmers have in crop this year, the average is about 60 acres each. nearly one half of which is in corn. There is a great deal of breaking being done this ccason. Grasshopper plows are quite extensively used. The season for plowing corn is here, and caltivators are creeping outoftbeir long icstiBg places into the corn field. The schools in districts No. 4, 7, 16 and 46, respectfully taaght by Mrs. Sa rah Wagoner, Miss Ella Andrus, Miss Lydia Mungcr and F. A. Cooper are prospering finely. The average atten dance of the first three echnols mention ed is about 20 scholars, cf the last, about 30 scholars. Farmer. We omit the remainder of the above letter partly because it is in reference to a 'aw 6uit which is settled and should be forgotten, and in any event can be of no possible interest to the readers of the Chief, and partly because the letter is written in such a way that it has to be copied by the editor, before going to the printer. Ed. Program of Sabbath School Conven tion to be held at Red Cloud, June 13th and 14th 1879. FRIDAY EVENING. Eight P. M. devotional exercises; In troductory remarks. Lecture. The value and influence of Sabbath schools in a new country by 8ATURDAT. Devotional exercises; Superintendent and Teachers meeting; Reports from schools; Query box. Paper. Teaching infant ciseses by Mrs. Cooper of Red Cloud. AFTERNOON. Devotional exercises; business meeting; discussion OkLTestiment lessons, are they as profitable as lessons from the New Testament; opened by Mr. J. A. Jury. How to teach prophecy and show its fulfilment in the gospel day opened by Rer. J. M. Pryse. Next Sunday's Lesson by J. Q. Potter. It is hoped that every Sabbath school ia the county will be represented at this convention. Come to give and receive good. By order Cobb. Siace writing the above we learn that J. P. Gaga, State Sec, of Linoola, Y. M. a A., and N. G. Hillis, A. 8.8. U. will be present and take part in the ex ercises. The exercises will be held at theM. E.Churahv Ibsflerade FettiTal, At Court House Hall Friday evening June 6th, 1879, givea by theyecng ladies of the- Baptist society. Admission 15 cents-. Refreshments extra 15 oaata. It is the-wish of the ladies of the society that as asaay as possible ia atteadaaee will appear ia Masque, but all are iavi- ted to attend. A good social time is expected. Good music is arranged for. e Another arrival of new aad rmre green-house plants at Roby's. Call aaaT see them 2t FOR SALE. Fairhaakassaadard 2,000 lb., scales, ia geod order. Eaqmira at this ofioc or ef J. Berenaen, at the Brewery. Flower pots aad hanging baskets at Boby s, tf Sweet Potato, (Jahaage aadTosaato plaate-at Baby's. 2t . FAllGKS ATTSXTIOK. I dMire te eoauaeoee httdimx citic aW tic f rat ef May. WeU piepart to fiTe mtiafactioa. Teraw, 20 ets per mvmik, jkx head. Calve? Satis. T.tf B. TV.. HySr. , . Head t Farmer's Crk. laaralc. h TISAL. Ef. Ciiirr. In jaar isac of the 29th inst, U an artick from oar worthy eed bixhly esteemed p&ttmitcr, wbtrcin he cracks lii$ whip with arpriUg ve hemsaee, and cannot hh Carlos saffi cieatly with his rarcasa, for daric? te complain of general rude&es on the part of his At. Why to sensitive Mr P. 31.? Why tbi overbearing method uf aasweriog a riuipla protect? Do yoa expect to ercrawe or alarm poe by orer whelming him with vituperation aid contempt? A kvr word from you right ly directed might rectify largely the eaose of complaint. You will admit that the datieiof the Ast, aro oneruui and trying, and further, that no person uot posses-jed of a fair bbaro of patience, amiability of temper, grcab!e manners, aad able to refuse ons a request without iasulting him can give anything like general satisfaction. You find these qualities concentrated in jour Asst. and are satiified the community mutt he. Carlos yields to the inevitable. He is not a man of war, but of peace, and were there a way open by which he might approach official dignity, and injured in nocence, bearing in his right haad the olive branch, and in his left, his little bottle of soothing surip, how humbly would he adraucc and with balm and oil tllcviate the pain and heal the wounds he inflicted. And finally, shou!d a patient publio receive henceforth, even a Uttle better treatment in the way of courteous oess and civilly, he will bear with com mendable equanimity and resignation the reproach he may receive for his pre sumptiousness; and, if permitted, ub side into that obscurity from which he so anwittingly emerged. Carlos. A. A. Pope, Red Cloud, Neb. Yours received; in reply would ssy you can rely on the Osborne Self-binding Harvester being the best machine in the market. I cut 100 sores with xuino in 1878 at a coat cf 25 to 30 cent3 per acre for wire; never had any troublo what ever. It will bind every time either tight or loose, large or small just as you want. The bands do not interfere with threshing ia ey way. Yours truly, 5w W. R Thomas. We have for sale the following traots of lead near Red Cloud: 320 acres of good tillable land, 200 acres of which is under cultivation. Running water on th rand, also a little timber, house, stables, etc Price 2,50a 80 acres of fine land. 30 acres under cultivation, about G miles from Red Cloud. Price $300. A banraiu. Address, M. L Thomas, Red Cloud, Neb. SSTEA7JT0TICS. TaVcn up by the undersigned Hvur on See. 25. Town 3 RaanelO in Wbrtw Co. Neb. on the Hth of May. ono chestnut sorrel gov cnltnot your old. Alro ono dark cream mare eoltwftb rtar in f-vrohmd, both bruwldd on nock ontar mane. Tho ownor is notified to c-ill, prove property, pay charges and tako them auray. 3w O W. KaAHCja. NOTICE. County ourt. Weltcr County. "Stb. In tji nynVsr of the application of Henry Jenniib imd KUcabu'h Jcnniur his wifo. to adapt 0 their own. Sarah Rowlind .tod four teen yew, minor child of Thowa? Rowland and Mary Uowlund. now Mary Nuokol. It U here by ordered tbit .'"londdiy, the 9th day of Jnnr. A D. I&i9. be set apart for the hcarinrnf .aid matter. All persons interested aro hereby ootiled of Kaid hearing, that they may attend saM hearing. Witnea my hand and Mai of faid Connty Ooint of Kcd Tloud. thifl Uth d it ot May. 1379. wS JOHN B. Wlt-WX, County J udgc. Mitchell & Morhart are agents for the sale of the ''Peok Patent Chiainey" which is much cheaper than chitnnevs made of brick, aud are absoluthJy cafe. These chimneys are made of K&lvanized iorn. No soot will collect in those chim neys, consequently the danger to build ings form burning outof flues is obviated. Mitchell & Morhart, Red Cloud. To Farmtrs. Farmer's who have good wheat for salef will do well to take it to the Red uioua asms, as Messrs roucr x rnsuic will pay the highest market price for good elean wheat. 29tf Nonet to Loax on improved lands. Apply to D. S. Coombs, at the Court Howe. NOTICE TO TZACESSS, Notice is heraby iriTan. that I will examine all pero who atay desire to offer therajclTes candidates for teackaa of the priaiary or epMBMa cckooki of W.ebrter ooaaty. at Red .Clomd oa the firat Saturday of each aoath at alaac 'clock a.B.aharp. , A. A. Torn. Co.. SapL T. E- MOON. -DEALER IN- DRY -GOODS, Groceries, PaiMtn, Oiks e VarMaJakes, Drage, Ifotioiui, Cte -AbofeUlia4 Boots i Shoes, Mats. Caps, aael IAIDWAKE. aSr;Calry TrodaM takea ia exekaaf a Jer goodx. GrTraesealI. T. E. Moon COIVIEw KEB. EEADQTTAATRS FOR BSBBBBBBBflaBBBBBBBakv I Mj . aaMaBBBBHaaB S BBTBTBrBTBTB SwVIvIsJbbbbbbbBbW White, Davis. and SEVIG Flour & Feed STORE, CHAS. E. PUTNAM, Prop. DEALER IN FLOUR. FEED Corn. Meal, Bran Chop pel Food and GROCERIES. VUIt tLo Red Cloud Grecvry. Fed aud Pro vuIob itore aea jou aaat iurpliw for tuaa or ceaat. Iiicaeat market ptk hi eaah iip fJ crala A U feiaaW f cosatry prod nee Ukea b tacbaae forcoodi. Ooodi deliTered to all parUoftowa frao of charge. Store ttth of Rced'j Plow Factory, Red Cloud, Nebraska. Furnituro Stove. A wholesale stock of Goods of the Fkcst Quality aad sold nt prices lower than EVE2BEF0S2 OFFSSSO to the l'ublic IKT. Ha Reed. a2r .Special attention givcutoI Under taking. RED CLOUD. - - - NEB. CHICAGO L Y UMBER I ARO RKO CIAiVD, Web. Yard south of Hampton k A'al htou'. thop, on .Main htr I. Keep C33.ftnt!y on bun Ian n5frttnent of Lumber. I.nlli, )IiJiik!ci. I)imr Hln (Iuwm, I.trnu Ituir 17pm rut. l'laatcr IJuildlxtK Fnpor cfr. PL ATT & FRKKS 1'roprietor COME! For Your LUMBER ! DRY LUMBER A SPECIALTY. TS BX8T IX THK SARKIT HM at Lawcat Meet) -Itt- RED CLOUD NEB. D. T, THOMAS DEBLER J!f DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, 8HELFWAKE AND General Merchandise! AffrictjlCfjral Iajjplcaweaf f all kiaetl. Highest Market Price .paid for country produce. COWLES: KES. POST OFFICE CLOTHING HOUSE. In Jdtt$a to or 5 a.tJ itvi of ClettalBg nnd (t'iir.i FurnUliiug shmU. sc have a hisA a $$4 tloaX f Boots, Hats. Caps. Gr loves. Hhmk Books, Stationor3rji Confection eries, ciirarsifc tobacco. We invite re to call od cxaatUe aatee satitfai:a. H. Misru. MINER DCALCS IS M ERCHANDISE. Wo keep Ceoastantly On Hand A Full Stock Of CLOTHING, HATS CAPS. BOOTS, Shoes Glassware, Qeensware and Ci'ockei'y, Wc buy our goods for CASH, and defv com- petion. When in town give us a call. One door south of Posi Office. Red Cloud., HARDWARE STORE. 9IlTIIJKl.aL A MOttlf AUT, Vrmpm. We keep on hand at all times, a large and com plete stock of Hard-ware. Wc also keep a supply of FARMING IMPLEMENTS. Give us a call, as we feel sure we can suit 'you in quality and price Remember the place, opposite the Chief Office, Red Cloud Neb. 7 '-4f THJS SX'ACE L. E. SNELL WHO WILL OCCUPY IT WITH A BIG ;AD NEXT WEEK. jfc. THE CHAACPIOISJ' ORASSHOPP'R BREAKING PLOW Is aav ofr4 U the i'aeJk ly HAMPTON & Co. All wishta; to Uexk prairie will tU weM, aai T mttjt Ussa ai hriMh if psrAwws the CHAMPION. Ifcay as mf-i am- ciple, aad of go-l jauUerial aaviaaoaUsa tofite sat ia&etSa ex w U Ail vrfc :a oar Ua ssa4c of tea heat saateml ai f avaatrtJ, Wcikaaa the faUic for just aatxeaafc, m&&ml a vmKmmmm ef ths 9 M AMPTO ! BRE WEr. "" -a1 " fBBBB ar ttwei eyi ktn piA. W t,r J. A. JTJKY, J. 1 Xmaau BROS ALL KIX'P fir ZVTebraslia. . - JL'gBgf'if'S'W WW ifi J .r 9 ' -f BELONGS TO ' 'y; .' ?&!: r S& J -T. r"7 T.'ZjZ a . '- V-. -V & "- ? - '