&Sh'&,iy&&tt&3gZi MW?-'W . M.JWMJ1TJ J' RED CLOUD CHIEF. U V. B. R- Tfa-e Table. Takiac effect Saaday. Mar 4tb 1879. fnem STATIONS. : r HASTINGS. 6 :Z7 i4TR r, :48 PLUK HILL 7 tJK COWLFH 7 BKD CLOUD 8 :20 irAVALE K .as BIVEKTON 9 :10 FBANKT.IN 9 XV BLOOM IN GTON ltnTH. 8 :3Sai fi:40 7K) 6:10 5: 5:25 5 :!0a. Trains daily, sxecat SaadsTB. A. E. Tontilin. O. W. Uoldredce Gen. manager. EspL CITY AND COUNTRY. - Local scarce this week. Ladie's Suits at Mrs. 'Lntz. 5w42 C. W. Springer is making a success of Lib select f chool. Mr. K. h McCune has oar thanks for a hunch of radishes. res re will have a grand celehra tion at' Red Cloud the 4th. Bead the new advertisement of the B. & HI. Railroad Company, in another column. ' Several farmers and their wives wcrt detained in town by the storm last Sat urday evening. re nave been me recipients oi a number of new subscribers the last reck, and stiU we would accept ef z. few more. The WebsUMJuunty Teachers As sociation is clled in district No. 32 in- taa of district No. 3 as announced! in last weeks issue. Chas.E. Putnam hangs his "sliingle" in the CBICT this week the people ofl I he county will see it and an increased frade will be the result. A Sabbath School picnic was held fart Saturday up on Elm Creek, in John Walles's grove, which U said to' have beed a very enjoyable affair. Recollect that you caa get anything in the Job printing line as cheap at the Chief Job office as you can get it in Lincoln, with expresfagc addetK t s a a rm iiiuaiuoj aiuatuoi ibi. n oicj ati(alno " AtlAttic Infe qaa that's the meaning of "offlatus"? affl the deuce, wc give it up, and refer our readers to our down town cotemporary, i C'wich" wears good clothes). Perkins & Mitchell seem to be building right up in the grocery business here. Somehow they seem to keep-oi hand the best of goodd in their line and sell them cheap. It was reported that our cotem f orary of the south part of town had his firains dashed out by the foiling hail stores last Saturday evening, but it was denied at once on the ground that he had no brains to dash out. Mr. T. E. Mooa, formerly of Graf ton, this j-tate, has opened out a stock of dry goods, groceries etc , at Oow.'es, and is already doing a good business. lie is a live energetic business man, and as ruch, is boirul to succeed. Read LLs advertisement in another column. "We formed the acquaintance of sev eral of the business man of COwles, the oilier dy, among whom wo might men tion T. E. Moon, Merchant; T. Thomas, Merchant; J. W. Hill, Blacksuiit'i, -Mr. Crabtree, Carpenter; Mr. Brown, Paint er, and others whose names we Lave forgotten. Last Saturday evening great pre tentions toward a storm was made in this vicinity, the lightening was inces- . ant and uncommon -"sharp but very little rain followed. Bail stones as large as . hens eggs fell, bat there was not enough of .them to do any damage to crops, sev cral perfons was whacked on the head by falling hail, which caused them to rue- fully rub. their patta and seek shelter in a hurry. . The good people of Cowles should -'provide suitable hotel accommodations for the travelers who stop there. We are informed that 'no longer ago than last week a lady (?) passenger got off there and slept in the depot with the station agent While we eommend the liberal and self sacrificing spirit tha prompts the accommodating agent'" to share his bed with a stranger, we regret that he should be thus imposed upon. Our advertising patronage has in creased to. such an. extent that we are compelled to enlarge the Chief as soon as new column and bead rules can be ob tained. In the mean time our readers w31 please bear with us if we do not give as much reading matter as we would like, for we will remedy the evil as soon as possible, end then if the advertising increases we will print the entire paper at borne and double the circulation in six nonths. It caa be done. We arc informed that a consummate old ass whose other mme is J. B. Potter is busily circulating the report that the circulation of the Chief does not exceed 250 copies. We do not know who pays the old idiot for lying about us, or whether ha dots it out of pure cussed ea?f bat this we do know, if he will eosae to oar ofice and bring a man with hitt who ha seaee eaaugh to know what lie is about, we will show by the books that the clreaktio of the Cdikf is near ly three tisaei aa groat as Mr. Potter claims it is. We do act ktow the cause of the aaiawaity that could prompt Mr. Potter t ake web g toss isrepreM tatkrof, and w our robscrip tion books a bow the circulation of the CHIEF. If wahave been misinformed, and MrPotter has not tried to injure ouri busings by misrepresentations, as we,iave been informed, then we will aWA'ly. ietrsct all we have said, butwc don't intend to le impend upon ire knowil. In rsi n a i I-arty as wellas ourielC'wtinJ BQUo Mr. Wrijjht for Lis kind asristance iriL contributed so largely to the pleasure of the party, and would say that Le is a gentleman'wiih whom it is a pleasure to as-ociate, especially on fishing excur sions. To onr reader' who live in town or' upon the high pr-iirie, we would say that for real unalloyed pleasure there is noth in?, perhaps, to equal a fishing excur fion to foiget the cars of business and spend a day in the woods ob be banks of a clear rippling stream, to Lathe in its limpid waters is a pleasure indeed, and if you wculd live long, die happy and go to a letter world, take a day and go fishing on Elm Creek. Ed; Chief. I see by a communica tion in the Ciiikf of the 2Jd signed, "Carlos" that there it complaint made of my assistant. I wish to abk some questions concerning said epis'le. 1. If as your conespondent claims, that the complaint is eeneral, why get behind that popular bullwork of news paper correspondence, when they want to back bite orwrite that which they d not care to bcouie responsible for. 2. Would it not have been more manlike to have come to nte with the complaint, stating grounds for same, then if it was not rectified take it to the highest of tribunal?, the publis. State your, case- p'ainly and bore all thipgs doirt get way back- behind an assumed .name. I 3. Wiff. ""Carlos", state onj instance where my aistanthas refused or in any manner faiUd to do a single act required by the regulations of the department, or the published rules of this office. If he can, it is a duty he owes to ui3 as the principally responsible party, and the public. I always stand ready to answer any and all complaints, iju$tt to rectify the cause of same. For the benefit of the public and "Carlos" especially, I will give a few instances, that would seem to be some excuse for what ever of a coarse, burly and unaccomodating disposition that may have marred the refined, sweet, and accommodating disposition of "Carlos' who always desires to please and oblige, any and everybody no difference how coarse, rude and surly tkey may be, who has taken on himself the labor of love Pr& Bono Publico behind an assumed name. For instance, the practice of asking or having some OQ2 ask fr the same par ties mail from 3 to 5 limes in as m-ny hours.- Or calling repeatedly for mail when you are looking for other parlies. The practice 'of laving 'a letter ia the delivery window with the rxclamatiou of 'here stamp this letter." Or of abusiag tne P. M. or As't be cause they refuse to deliv cr mail 'before the ofice is open for biaoest. These things have baea done daily but Mr. or Miss P. M. yom mast aot get oerse or surly, or you will refle the even and pleasanViemper of "Carlos." - As to the "moumpeteaey, 1 nave only to aay this; I do not wish to boast of the competency ef myself or assistant, but make your charge, aud if yoa can sustain it the -depanaaeat wilUsee that yoa get some one that is competent M. B. McMitt, P. M. , Sagar at Perkitia k Mitchell's. Just as wc were making up to ro to prese, the big cucun ad came in. and we were compelle! to i-aae a supplemcat ia order to publish all of the advertise ments. Red Clud Grocery selling out, to make room for new s'ock. Sweet Potato, Cabbage and Tomato plants at Reby'a. 2t Try Perkins k Mitchell's SO ceat tea, it beats tnt m all. Another airival of ttao and rtrre green house plants at Roby's. Call and see them. " 2t Butter on Ice at Red Cloud GrV cety. A bold thief" attended to rob Mr. Putnam of his watch in bruad Jaylight last Tuesday, and very nearly succeeded. Mr. P. gare him scat good advice and allowed Mm to depart in pesce. a i Flow'V pos and hanging baskets at Robr. tf STOLriJ STATZ KSW5. Nebraska City bad a burglary last week and excitement run very high. The North Loup tannery was bunslar- iied last week. Load, $50. S. B. Hills, of West Branch, has put out 1,075 apple trees this spring. Twenty-five Nebraska editors went to St IjOu'is last week, aud report a pleas ant trip. Whe.it at Wilbcr is 75 cents a bushel; com is cents and fork 5- au per Hun dred. The We.-tern part of Nebraska has had an abundance of raiu during the past month, Fonr oar load -f cattle were shipped recently from Fremont to Inadville, Col. Corn never looked better in Dakota county, this early ia the spring, than at pres ut. More sod is being turned over in the vicinity of Hebron this spring tlian ever lefurc. The Republican Valley branch of the B. & M. railroad was completed to Nap ence on the 16th. C. F. Shcdd & Co., ofKdgar, shelled and tl.iiiied 4,000 Imsbcd ol cum during ihe pa.-t week. The county clerfe of Adams county savs r o less than $1,734,848 can icprc sent the wealth of that couuty. The Ution Pacific Railroad Compit y has advanced the pries on their lauds in Hall couuty $2.00 ver acre. Gu?. Hoppe, ofiincoln, paid flOOO, all in $'20 gold pice;., it. to the treaauiy to pay tor his Jujuor license. A man named Scott, of Greeley coun ty, has set out 27,0C0 young foiest trees aud cuttings tbU spring on hij farm. A patty of men started from Beaver City last week to explore the Upper Republic.:: river, to be absent a mouth. Vive car-leads of But. ham slot thorn bulls passed through Gra d 1-luud t Monday last for wcatcru s.ouk gtoweis The heaviest fleece at the State shear ing on Thur.:dr was taken from one of V. J. Mycrj M..r.uos, aud weighed 31 pounds. Mr. Johu P. GocJcrt, of Sidney, has seemed the contract lor supplying Fort Sidney with beef from July 1, 1870, 'to June 30, 1S80. A farmer, out in Merrick couuty while plowing with a sulky plow on . day last week, cut oil the hoads f fourteen akes ill 1 1 u j 1 1; i. The West Point pa,)er mils are. said to be turning GUt a firbt-class ar ic!c of straw paper. Ihey expect to toon com mence ihe manufacture of news and writing paper. A destructive hail storm struck Fre mont, Monday night. Scvcial tLcmocd trees Lave been set out in Colnmbus this spring. Seed grain is very scarce in Howard county, short sighted farmers having sold all their lail year's crop. Two hundred and live applications for the lease cf Saliug lands were granted last week by the Board of Public Lands and Buildings, there being about 300 applicants. From nearly every county in the State our exchanges invariably give reports of the indications of immense crops in small gtain this teason far greater than ever before. It is believed that there is enough o'ood, durable stono in Howard county suitable for building purposes for the erection of a dwelling and out-buildings on every quarter scctioa in the county. Cass county sent two convicts to the penitentiary Tuesday Marquice Fi xger aid and M. Mcisonald, the former fur ten years for manslaugher and the latter for eighteen months for stabbing. A bond of $35,000 was deposited in the First National Bank of Liccold last week, as security for the fulfillment of the contract of the A. & N. railroad, in case the city votes the bonds for the ex tension of the road. D. H. Ainsworth, civil engineer for the B. & M. company is reconnoilering to the west and nonhwesi of Blue Springs. Undoubtedly he is looking for a pass to the Iittla Blue, aud thence to the Republic! Valley. A railway is being extended up the Elkbora to its immediate objective point at Battle Creek, thence, soon after to another objective point at the teraaiams of the Great Not th west Cattle Drive at Oakdale in Aatelope county. The Govareos office is jast a ow be ing beargedwith letters from all parti oftko -State, and from Illinois, asking for the commutation of the death pen alty to imprisonment fr fife, ia the McEivoy case. The letters from U.iaofc, the old home of the condemned bof. speak of him iu the highest terms. Pare Minte TaVra s hj tk Bftrisae4 lirirc oa cc 3. Towa 3 lUar 10 la WtWUr Co. Std. en ta Uta ef Mar eaa caUt teml mmt cntt yearoH. AUooec 4ak tt but H'lk tar ia f-reJ. W:k arai4J ea aaUr mm. Ta avatr U aoUi4 U call. K pnptrtr, pr ekart4 aaJ tak ta ar. 3w O W.rajscu. 50TICB. Coaalr Coart. WtUttr Ceaaty. Kti. Ia the b Attcr of the tiplietloB ef IIry JtaaiBc aai KIUaba-h Jcaaier at wife. w adopt mm taeir owa. ova.1 RiUal at cJ faar taea yr. aiiaor chUd of Tbobm Komli&d aad Mary Rowtasd.aov Mary NackoK It U h by oHri thtt MociLty. tke 9Ui day f June, A. D. 1879. tMt anfo; tke btarH.tr of mU Batter. All acreoa iatereftcd are bcteby aotlied of aaid aeariae t Uiry asay attead aid fceariaf . Wiuea ay kaadd eal of raid Coaaty Court of Kad Ho?: thli Mth d .y t May. 1579. 41 w3 JOSN H. WILCOX. Coanty Jade- Mitchell 4 Morhart arc agents for tne ale of the "Peck Patent Chimney" which is much cheaper than chimney tuade of brick, an I are aWluthly mtc. Tbe3e chimneys are mads of gal van iz. si iorn. No soot will collect in those chim neys, consequently the danger to build ings form burning out of flue i obviated. . itchell k Morhart, Rod Cloud. NOTICE. S'olcn from the utider-igntd. in Red Cloud, Neb.. Sunday evening May 18th 1879, one lav horse colt three yea: a old, email rttar in f irehead, thin in fl-sh. A l&i a new saddle with double hair sir cioglo and new btiile with bluo brow band. A liberal reward will bo paid for the return of t ha' property aud convic tton of the thit". 2w W. E. Jackjon, Red Clcud, Neb. FASMES ATTENTION. I desire to commence hrrJinr cattle about the first of Mar- VVe'l rreparec to civa entire atuf&ction. Terms. 30 cu per month, per bead. Calve grati. 32tf K. W.8. IIaSVKT. Head of Farmer! Creek. Inavale. Ktb To Fanners. Parmer's who have good wheat for sale, will do well to take it to the Red Cloud Milk, as Messrs Potter & Krisbie will piy the highest market price for good clean wheat. 29! f Monkt to Loan on improved lands. Apply to D. 3. Coombs, at the Court House. KOIISE TtTrSACHSBS. Notice Li hereby ircn. that I will examine ali perto us who may desire to offer themelvea as cnndiJaUa for teacbeif of the primary or common schools of Webster county, at tied Cloart oa the first Hatarday of each Bcoath at nine :'clock a. m. sharp. A. A. Pora. Co.. 8upt T. E. MOOIST, b DEALER IN DRY -GOODS, Grocer len, l'aiintii. Oih, Tarulsheis, Driigw, Motions, Etc. Alio a full line of Boots i Shoes, flats Cnpa, and HARDWARE. e-Conntry Produce token goodi. tc mc a call. in exchange for T. E, Moon CO WLES IEB Flour & Feed STORE, CEAS.E. PUTNAM, Prop. DEALER IN FLOXJR- FEED Con. Meal, Uran Chopped Fel and GROCERIES. Viit the Bed Cloud Gracerr. Pecl and Pro Tision store whaa yoa waat Eoppliea for saaa or ceaaC Uitkeet market price in cosh pai? foJ grain All kinas of country produce tikcn sa exebance for roods. Qoodi delivered to al 1 parts of town free efekarte. Etore south of Kaed'a Plow Factory. Red Cloud,- - Nebraska. 'GOOD 1STEWS' Quick TiKel Through Trains! Close Connections ! No Daisy ! Burlington Route TO CHICAGO AND THE EAST. ! Lowest rates ef Fare will be made. Throat Can will fee rra from B, ft 3t. Poiats in Southera Kekraska to Ohicaro. A tea asiaafes coaueetioa will ba made at Pa cific Janctio. AT CHICAGO ! eoaaectioBS will always ba made U the east, aoatieast ead aatth. 3Iaepiac ear Berths raeerred at tic Liaeola tirket offiea by Telegraph or oa applicatioa. fz4m Jf'&saart stiver to Chiesco TO ST- LOUIS & THE SOUTH, The Barliacte rente have a syttm of thresxh tleeacta aaaf atosa coaceetMas betweaa tka Jajaseari Kiver ai St. Leak PassaBcars takJcs this ltae kave the best ef BccnsaaMiiatisaa PaUaaaa slacfwra ram raga larly trem Miaaoari Hiver to 8t.Lmia. TO PORIA, INDIANAPOLIS, CIN CINNATI, AND THE 8NUTH-EAST. aarTak is tka aaJyialiaMr raato ta tie.soath ul CMaaaiaaarasaay aatraaoa, wHk tka T. 9. k. W. ssi I. B. ft W. Mailsoaaa tar Iadma aalis Csaaaaaaii. Calasabas. aasl all aalaMitaaraOaM.Ksm.fK7. foataacm ftc DDTDJa CABS.. Otfi Kaali at 7i Wkaa yoa ce aaat ba aara aa4 toyval ayar tka B.ftlOiaiTyfitoJWaa4 icrtaala aasl desire to travel rjisssKly. k a miTTAT,rS' T. "LOWELL. ' ' Geal BaB2er. Gaal It i T't sji. I I SIlBRrfSiROTiSS3U8, EEA9QUAETERS FOR White, Dtvii. Hoiflro and American SEWItKaw nACHI-JEa). iajl& MILLER & SEATON, Contractors &, Builders, RKD CLOUD. NEB. Will make eetitoateM aud take contracts for all kind of bui'dinc Furnituro Store. A wholesale stock of Goods of the Finest Quality and sold nt prices lower than zvz&ssroaz o?fzkzd to the Public OT. Ha Reed. IsaT Special attention given.toUader takinf. RKD CLOUD. - - - NEB. CHICAGO Lumber Yard BED CLOUD, Neb. Yaia1 sooth of Hampton k 'ai steo'j shop, on Main 6trect. Keep coniiantly on hand an aaaortment of .mar. Itih, Mslssarlcai, Dra Wlai. twwa. Man Hnlr Oaaeail. riaater liallcltaa PHpcr rte. PI. ATT & FRKFS Proprietor COME! For Your LUMBER f DRY LUMBER A SPECIALTY. TBS BT 15 TH UAKKIT sla1 Iwsi rrlcM -BT- mm & wffiit RED CLOUD NEB. D. T, THOMAS -DKBLEB IN- DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, SHELFWARE AND General Merchandise AgricmUmrml iMpleaaieaU f all klaawlf. !Mi Highest Market Price paid tor country produce. WLE9, faaaBVBVBVavBma r aamBmBmBmamamammm laaaaaHyllaaaaaH j HTwitlaH Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamaaaaam waa am aBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaV BaVaTaV JeWBaamY aamai aV am BaTaaaaaaawBaaami aam aaaTaW Jrnfe aBaWBBaBaaaBaaBaaBaaBaaBaa mHHaawSwawy 1 POST OFFICE CLOTHING HOUSE. U a44rtU t war CUtlilaiK aaaf eair FarafeRlMg U. w kivt ea kaa4 a tl ta mf Bcxtea Plats Cajs. Gloves. Blank Books. Stationery Coniection- eriet cigars & tobacco. We invite vo to jail aaJ cxaiaiat aar tok aal U.' H-- Wt aj. a aue Mli. ration. ..., J, J. JURY. II. Mixta. MINER -zKA:.ta t. M ERCHANDISE. Wo keep Constantly Oa Uaad A Full Stock Of CLOTHING. HATS. CAPS. BOOTS, Shoes. Glassware, Qeensware and Crockery, Wc buy our goods for CASH, and dciy com- petion. When in town give us a call. One door south of Post Office. Red Cloud, HARDWARE STORE. i:i,f. A JMHtH A31T, fi. li Wck on hand at all times, a large and com plete stock of Hard-ware. cei We alo kocp a supply of FARMING IMPLEMENTS. Give us a call, as wc feel sure wc can suit vou in quality and price Remember the place, opposite the Chief Ofiicc, Red Cloud Neb. THIS SPACE L. E. SNELL WHO VILL OCCUPY IT WITH A BIG AD NEXT f l -v.T THE CHA-MPIOlSr ORASSHOPP'R BRBtKTWO PLOW l aav efert4 ta taa Paalk hj HAMPTON & Co. Al wiakaag U Weak atatria will do well aad aara aaatv, tiata aa4 kaoe fa aaraaaac tbe CHAMPION. Taey ara ai e aa latpr&red pm- aipk, aasl af goaw aaaurial aacaaraatatfil ta git e tat- itaWie ar aa aaW. Al wark mx Eaa aaasla af tfca Laat aaaterial aasi gmmacasj. . W a tsswaw: laa aWia Jar paat patraaaxt, nmi aelt a etariaaaaee ofts saaaa. KEaf.JKti Owai, Vara4a. aal4 ! tf J. L. Mtsiaa. BROS all Kura or- TaTebraaika. BELONGS TO WEEK. j- r-"'V- :JEr- HAMPTON , BRE WEr. 3li