5"pvp5' ii ii r -i a - Km I' .v , ' r L hiipi i4&t RKD CLOUD CHIEF. It Y K- K Time TsMe. Taalar cfftct Saaiv. Mar 4tk 1879. RTATTftWP. T' HASTINGS. 8 : ITR J BLUB HILL S : COWI.H 7 :K RKD CLOUD r IFAVALB 6 :10 U1VERTON 6 FRANKLIN ft -.2 BLOOMlNGTOSr 5 :10. Tim skihr. cxcsat Bandars. A.S.TobmHb. G. W. Holdred Gen. BABsccr. bupu ft iIHl -: IM 7:25 7:5ft 11:30 S JS :H SdtoB to- C1TYAXD COUNTRY. Go to the lecture' to-night. Another good rain last Sunday. Don't forget the lecture tonight. Turn out and hoar the lecture night. Gov. Oarber has gone to Omaha on buslaces. The circue will soon be here save your niokels, boys. The races drew quite a crowd to Hastings last week. Flower pots aud hanging besketa at Koby'n. tf Read the card of Miss Towne, music teacher, in another column. Choice Butter on Ice at Perkins & Mitchell's Red Cloud Grocery. You will be sure to be ahead if you buy your hatB of Mrs. McBride. Sweet Potato, Cabbage and Tomato pleats at Reby's. 2t Another large fleet of prairie schoon ers passed through town last week. - Several of "our boys" went up to tee the races at Hastings last week. The CuiEPis the best advertising sedium in South-western Nebraska. Remember that at the Chief office is the place to get neat and cheap work. The largest assortment, and cheap est hsts and bonnets, at Mrs. McBrides, J. S. Gilham has moved his office to the room formerly ocupied by Ealey Bros. We are sorry to learn that Mr. Hoi cosab has been quite ill for the past few days. It has been unusally dry down in the eastern part of the state the present season. Don't forget to go and hear the re ply to Bub Isgersoll at the court house to-night. Look out for Strawberries and fresh vegetables Friday morning, at Perkins & Mitchell's. The Webster County Agricultural Fair will be held on the 1st 21 and 3d of October, 1879. Good (roods, panic prices and 1G ounces to the pound, at Perkins & Mitch ell's Red Cloud Grocery. J. 8. Gilhan paid the Chief a sub stantial financial call last week. Such calls make the printer feel good. A. Scott, merchant at Wheatland this county, called and encouraged the Chief by contributing to our exchequer. It is said that the meat market of Kiser & Sutton has suspended opera tions on account of the foreclosure of a chattel mortgage. Our Guide Rock neighbors have been indulging in the luxury of a law 0mf O n Cisa and Mr.s Simons were masters of the ceremonies. Judge "Hare you anything to offer to the court before sentence is passed on you?" Prisoner "No, Judge; I had $10 but the lawyer took that." H. S. Kaley of Red Cloud wae one of the Attorneys attending our court. Mr. K. is an able counsel and has many friends in Thayer County. Thayer Co. Sentinel: A friend remarked to us the other day, that our down town friend (mean ing he of the geod clothes) would give nan 1 this week. We await the anni hilation. Mr. R. S. firm of Hastings, will lec tern at the court house on Thursday evening, the 22d inat Subject; "Reply to Ingersoll from the stand point of a man ef the world." Admission 25 eents. If the Chief is a little short feel matters this week our readers w please attribute it to the fact that the editor was absent from his post ef duty three dayswhUo the paper was being made up. We have received a program of the temperance convention to be held near North Branch Kansas, but as we have o means of knowing the name of the eider, and our spaee is already taken nn. we esBoee give plane to it We are in receipt of an ''Insect ex tesaaiaator" frees Br. Maynard of Be atrice, whiek is guaranteed to rid your Brcmsieseftoibleeeme insects on short neeiee. The sample left with we may be seen am tested at sex often. Somebody's frey nttaene1 t ariggr ran1'' kat Henday. After arennd en tneneene ane tnrenfn town tbey inalj step ped without npesetmg the buggy tr doss any dasaege totheseeelves. tt.rT Weadkrr. whe hotte forth at tfcBed Clewi Dng store, took Greeley's advise sd 'Went west" lent met, feet gee easae seek tosaahawked in the leg. Paiheae th IwSa- ensllt, nn pertapn i aid it uWkfc W Kttle WcAet" . -Cent slnnssflisArsje is that timo At sad clover can be succefcsfully grown in this 'valley. T time will won come when Ike pen eea longer rely npon SSKit-"1" wffi. take tjket cf foe wild gra! of tbe prstne. We have just received another in voice of new type, and are better pre pared than ever to give satufaciion io the Job printing line. Another arrival of new aed rate green house plants at Roby's. Call and see them. 2t -New. StylL-b, Captivating "Picnic EKu" at Mrs. McBrides. At the Nimble Six-pcncc Grocery Store kept by G. W. Dow, you can get jbc best canned fruits to bo bad in the market Groceries of all kinds, and the best quality, are kcrt constantly on hand and for sale chean for cash. Give him a call. . Miller k Ball have concluded to let the peopla know of their buine.s, and that they keep tbo largest stock of agri cultural implements in the valley. Read their big "Ad" io this iwue, and then when you want anything in their line call on them and you will be well treated. We brought from Hatfsmouth list week, a pair of the cutest and prettiest little white rabbits to be found. Tfaey were bred by J. W. Thomas of that city, and are sold by him at $1.50 per pair, nicely boxed and delivered at the express office. Orders by mail for those pets will be promptly filled by him. JULY 4th, '79- wsnnT i tS 'Bnv snnuNflrxi HnnnnCTRWM I essnnnnnnnW. 1 'QAsT ..y nJInrrssnl '$JPA:fl nnnnsBBnai fnnnnnu-f sTs4 rmtLJ "BwssijgjMjnnltfyJa STRAYRD. From the residence of the andenigoed about April 19th, one cream colored mare colt, aad one bay hoe co!t with a Mar in the forehead, both colts two vrars eld. Any occ rctnmisg eid colts to me will be paid for hi trouble. Lewis Banger J, ThoBMfiviUe, Neb. -w - Ts Fanters. Farmer's who have good wnealfor le, will do well to take t io e uea Clond Milk ns Messrs Potter AtnsW will pay the highest market pnee fur good ckan wheat. " X1XER BROTBEIIS, HEADQUAETERS FOR HOUSE. What steps are being taken by Red Cloud in thmattcr of celebrating the National Hoi iday, the 4th of July. The time will soon be here and if a celebra tion is intended it is time to go to work. From our south side correspondent, we learn that the folks on tho fouth side of the nver contemplate "enthusing" on their own hook. Would it not be well to join and have a rousing old time. We have a mammoth eagle (copper plate) in our office, that is anxious to scream. . Since the above was in typo a meet ing has been held and steps taken to hold a celebration, see notice elsewhere We took a trip last week down to the shores of the 'Old Muddy,"' the eastern part of this state. Getting aboard the cars at this place at half past six in the morning, we arrived at Platts mouth tho same day. Thi3 is a decided improvement over the old way travel- mg with teams, requiring six a ays io make tho trip and the same to return. Hon. R. B. Windham of Cass coun ty, a prominent lawyer and member of the legislature, stopped o?er night in town and renewed the acquaintance of the CniEP, last week. He expressed himself as being highly pleased with the appearance of our town, and thought as all others do, that our future prospects are bright. Wash a baby clean and dress him up real pretty and he will resist all advances with a mobt superlative crossness; but let him cat molasses, ginger-bread and fool around the coal-hod for a half hour and ho will neEtle his dear little dirty face up to your clean shirt-bosom, and be just the lovingest, cunningest little rascal in all the world. Our sister town of Hastings may well feel proud of having tho only Header manufactory in the state. M. T. Lewis and Co., are it is said by practical farm ers, making the most complete Header in the market Mr. Lewis himself being a farmer is fully competent to make a machine free from the many objections seen in others. He has an improved patent dropper that he uses instead ot the elevator, whereby he is enabled to deliver flax, oats or barley, upon the ground in perfect shape for binding. This attachment he sells for $15,00 and to those who purchase Headers of him, free. His prices are lower than any other, sad no freight added. Patronise home manufacturers. R. S. Ervio, Esq.j of this city, will deliver a lecture which he has written with considerable care, in several ef the cities and towns of this state this sum mer. The titlo of his lecture is, UA reply to Ingersoll from the Standpoint of a Man of the World," and it is intended, not so much to refute the teaching of Ingersoll by argument as by appeal to the passions and sympathies of his hear ers. Mr. Ervin is a young man possess ing a geod deal of pluck and energy and is rather pleasing in his style of delivery. His manner plainly indicates that he has given a good deal of attention to rhetoric and elocution, and not without profit He will deliver his lecture at Kearney early in June, and expects to go to Fair bury and North Platte and other towns soon. Eastings Journal. He will lecture at the Court House in this city to-night From Scott May 13th, 1879. Ed. Chef. As I did not pnt in nn appearance last week I will endeavor to write a few fines.' Farmers have been considerable de layed in their pUatief by wet weather; jf the Twsshir had seen favoraKeour nWarmthse vktokr wenld have been 4ea&sJt iwevns Hie we have onfrjnst eoeameaced. Jhere isne .eossphisief, nowever?sat tb weather, for wheat, oats ajhejfey never leihed bettor in this vkiefcy than Vises nt present According to present indicates, ere wfH I have a very heavy crop, and as toeeru, we UiK uwn miaft" J I did not see anything in aitner or onr coaaty papers lest week abont the ngri cnltnral meeting. I believe thev deeided to hat a fair, to be held en the M, second sod third of Oeteeer next, and if the people of the ooenty will only think it is a amalterthstosneerM these a- dindnallv. we can have a good exhibi- f CELEBRATION ! AT RED CLOUD. Last Tuesday evening a meeting of the citizens was held at the bank for the purpose of making arrangements to cele brate our national birthday in becoming style. Excursion panies are expected from Lincoln, Hastings and other points on the railroad, and a grand time is ex pected. It was decided to hold the fes tivities on the banks of the Republican River, in the grove. The following committees were appointed to make all necessary arrangements C031MITTEE OS GROUND3, J. Warner, J. L. Miner, W. H. Strohm, R. D. Jones, Jacob Miller. COMMITTEE TO SECURE SPEAKER, E. C. Hawlcy, A. J. Kenney, Silas Garber. COMMITTEE TO CONFER WITH R. R. CO., WITU A VIEW TO SECURE RE DUCED BATES OF FARE M. L. Thomas, S. Smith, Chas. Ka'cy. COMMITTEE ON MUSIC, J. A. Tulleys, Albright, S. B. Daf ficld, Miss Town, Mrs. Gore. COMMITTEE ON AMUSEMENTS. W. C. Reilly, John BerenzcH, John son, Geo. Zeiss R. R. McFarland. COMMITTEE ON FINANCE, M. R. Bently, Jos Warner, C. H. Pot ter. COMMITTEE ON ARRANGEMENTS, Mr. Strohm, Mr. Smith, Mr. Bayha, Mr. H. S. Kaley, J. R. Wilcox. COMMITTEE ON TOASTS AND RESPONSES J. S. Gilham, O. C. Case, E. C. Haw-ley. Money to Loaw on improved lsnds. Apply to V. S. Coombf, at the Court House. Farms Far Sale. Good improved farms for sale, in all parts of the county same on the line of thi R. V. R. R-. t reasonable figures. Call on r address, M. L. Thomas, Red Cloud, Neb. x. b. uckxt:. Wholesale k Retail Stationery, School and Mielaneoui Books. Wall Paper a speciality at Bed rock prices, already tritned. m Fancy Stationery and Notions at the Post Offiee Building. - Teachers Contracts. Teachers Contracts can be had by calling oniteor by calling at the CHIEF office, Red Uloud net). A. A. Pope. Co. Supt. KdricTTTEACHSBS. Notice is hereby iren. that I will examine allpertonnwhomaydMira to offer tbemelves s candidate! for teachers of the Primary or ..i.ni r W.lniirr countv. at lieu C'lod on the firet Saturday ot each month at nine c "clock a. m. harp. A. A. rope, to., aupt FAB1ESS ATTXITTIOil. 1 dwire to commence herdinjr cattle about theGratofMay. Well prepared to aire entiro satisfaction. Term?, 30 eta per month, per head. Calves rrati. 32tf K. W.S. Habvt. Head c! Fanner' Creek, Inavale, Jeb LaHVnflB BBBBBBBBBBSBsl I llfSBBBBB v MMtstMssskssssBfsssm VSiBaPPPPPPPPPPPBS','' mrhite, Davii Howo and American SEUI MACIHiE aaaylS MILLRK & SEATON, Contractors 6l Builders, red ri.ori). NKB. Will make estimate aud take contracts for all kinJs of binding. i s SSTBATK0TIC2- Taken up by the undrriixned livinc on Sec 14. Town 2 Kanjte 12 Webster Co. Neb. one black mare about G years old right hind foot white. Also one roan marc colt about a year old. 1 ho owner Is notified locally prore prop erty pay charges and take the aniaals away. 36 xx, Chas. S. Palmer. Chew Jackson a Host Sweet Navy Tobaco. All who ish sweet potato plants will do well to call on L. K. Snell, who will furnish them in large or small quantities as cheap as any ono else. 39tf NOTICE. County Court, Webster County. Keb. In the matter of tho application of Ilonry Jennings and Elixaboih Jennings bia wifo. to adopt aa their own. Sarah Rowland oRod four teen years, minor child of Thoviaa Rowland and Mary Rowland, now Mary Nuokols. It w hora by ordered that Monday, the 9th day of Juno. A. D. 1879. beset apart for the hearinrof said mattor. All persons interested are hereby notified of said hearing, that they may attend said hearing. , , Witness my hand and eeal of said County Court of Ked Cloud, this 14th dy of May. 18.9. 4lw3 JOHN K. WILCOX. Couaty Judge. SSTBA7 NOTICE. It was unanimously agreed that a call shoal J be issued for a Soldiers Reunion, and an effort mado to organize a society to be composed of soldiers and sailors, to be called the the Republican Valley Soldiers Association. All soldiers and sailors in Webster and adjoinirg couuties who fought for the preservation of the Union are requested to be present on the 4th, when the following committee who were appointed for the purpose, will at tend to registering tho names: COMMITTEE. Gov. Silas Garber, M. B. McNitt, J. A. Tulleys, L B. Hampton, W. E. Jack son. Let all who are interested turn out on the 4tu, and start the ball a moving. Mitchell & Morhart are arents for the sale of the ,,Peck Patent Chimney" which is much cheaper than chimneys made of brick, and are absoluthly safe. These chimneys are made of galvanised iorn. No soot will collect in those chim neys, consequently the danger to build ings form burning out of flues is obviated. Mitchell k Morhart, Red Cloud. Taken up by the undersigned liyina; on See. 25. Tewa3 Range 10 in Webster Co. eb. on the Mth of May. one chestnut eorrel marej colt on year old. Also ono dark cream marc colt with star in frehead, both branddd on neck unber mane. The owner ia notiled to call, prore property, ray charges and take them away. 3w O W. frBAXCta. Furniture Store. A wholcsalo stock of Goods of the Finest Qualily and sold nt prices lower than ZV2S BZFOSS OFFSSID to the Public OT. H Reed. lisT' Special attcntion"givcaKtolUndcr- taking. 2ED CLOUD. - - - NEB. Is addition to oar wel atwyid aUea ef Clothlag rnuel Gen fa Frnifcl we hare on bxsd a gd&J stock of Boots, Hats, Caxs. GHove Blank Books. Stationery Confection eries, cigars & tobacco. We iarite ron to oall and czasitac our stock aad Jearw jfMai. We fMT antet eadifaetion. T-rX II. MtXKlL J.LH M F- H- GORE DEALER IN SOLID GOLD AND PLATED JEWKLRY Solid Silver and Silver Plated Ware, Spec tacles, etc Watches, Clocks And JEWELRY RED CLOUD, - - NEBRASKA. CITY MEAT M ARK' r J. WILHELMSON Proprietor CHICAGO Lumber Yard RKD 1iOUI9 3eb. Yard south of Hampton k IU sfan'j uhop, on Main street. Keep con&tantlr on hand an assortment of Lumber. Lafsa, NhlBsIf, rsj Wist dews. Lime Umtr ireaseast. PlMtcr Balldlna Falser clc. MINER BROS DtAi.cn is all Ktvps or- ERCHANDISE. Wo keep Connatantly On Hanil A Full Stock Of CLOTHING, HATS. CAPS, BOOTS, Shoes. Glassware, Qeensware and Crockery, Wc buy our goods for CASH, and defy coh- prtion. When in town give us a call. One door south of Post Office. Rod Cloud. Tit PLATT & FREES Proprietor Red Cloud Nth Willpay thehlahestteMh prUe for hides. Fresh Meat Caiatly Masad COME! For Tour non. AomicoLA. NOTICE. Stolen from the undersigned, io Red Cloud, Neb., Sunday evening Maj 18th 1879, one bay horse colt three years old, email dtar in forehead, thin in flesh. Also a new saddle with double hair sir cingle and new bridle with blue brow band. A liberal reward will he paid for the return of the property and conrio tion of the thief. 2w W. E. Jackson, Red Cloud, Neb. Red Cloud, May 19th 1879. Ed. Cbiif. There Is getting to be somewhat of a general complaint in this community as to the rude treatmeat of the public" at the hands of our port- masters assistant All recognize the sterling qualities and accommodating character of Mr. McNitt, and of him no eomnlaieft is made. But if his subbor-I diaate, with whom the the public are compelled to deal, trneee a coarse, sur ly aid aaaoooeisaodatiag dioeitioe. with bo apparent desire to please or oblidge nay one, it is tie aoeaebody speeVtowt The day has long since passed when an noosapetcnt, coarse, rede and seif-importaat persew, in any sfteialoapaeity, will he talented for any great length eftisme. It is'tobe hoped that 3lr. McNitt wUI seethe neceesity ofseeae ehnnge which will seenre to the pmbeitoder- (aiely polite and fair tJiatseeat tJAsUAlw. (The ahoTe we pnolish hy reeneet, and withent cnmsMnt, farther then te say that while then asay haTe been eeeae IktkeaaM AreempkSai.tn the part ef iadiTiel,wehaTenet seen that theee has been anywstU negBgenen erini peeper hawKagef the bmuI, and sefcr as the Chief is eencerned, there is no -j eete for eempkint. Ed. Thb space belongs to DR- SHEEEE OF THK CITY rng STOBE, Who is too busy to write an "Ad." SAM'L. GARBER BEaLKB IX Dry Goods and Groceries BOOTS aad BHOES HatSe Capsa & Ready Made Clothing ! Wt bavt tkt LirfMt Stock ia tin YaMy ami will Mt (H HMkTMlel. 6IVS US A CALL, ONX 4 ALL SamT Carbert Bed Clomd 9 LUMBER ! DRY LUMBER A SPECIALTY. Moitf at Uh( Prleca -BY- mm &iAg, BED CLOUD WEB. D. T, THOMAS DEBLEB IN DEY-GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, 8HELFWARE AND General Merchandise atrieanJlaral IaiplcaMato rmllki4e HARDWARE STORE. fllTHL.JL A MOBIIABT, Vrp Wc keep on hand at all times, ?. large and com plete stock of Hard-ware Wc also heep a supply of FARMING IMPLEMENTS. Give us a call, as wc feci sure wc can suit you in quality and price Remember the place, opposite thte Chief Office, Red Cloud Neb. THIS SPACE BELONGS TO L. E. SNELL WHO WILL OCCUPY IT WITH A BIG :i - Highest Market Price paid for country produce. CeWLBSj r . j . AD NEXT WEEK. !- ;hamp: In the Paeiie ey Al HAMPTON 7b Co InknakntnenewiliaJewet. serf ears nuney, Keen nnc teincta CHAMPION. Tkey are anie en nn tap akt anai ef te4 BHtenal a4oanU-j4 U (P ten er ne II week We af tne neat ssnleria anal ffsunefe eJ. tU t-lg' 4W maat aiiii ir aai aefiett n 1,4 di, renrnein. HAMPTON BREWER IZV i&& I" m - r-, -Wr k-VShL. a pisV? . r j &ki 'V Bginn. " ' fmmmtimwMwmm8&i avm0 i.w .'Un , f"'vvA SSAtf iMi