EwSeaoMMaNMeimtri 3" THE tfi CUM CMCF. THE RED CLOUD CHIEF Red Cloud Chief. n..i.iMi. a Y.-iwiraaeegg jtaUrrfUia . rottTSUID IT7BX TBXftJISAT AT III CISTO, ITEXEASIA, BT M. L- THOMAS, C4lteraa4 Preprleter. LWal a4 9 V ittfi&ralJm. "Eternal Vigilance is the price of Liberty." and $2.00 a year is the price of the Red Cloud Chief AH trawea airetiS ett f be p4 fa? J 4ra. BED CLOUD WEBSTER CO, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY. MAY S2 1S79. NO. 41 XHR 4t I VOL. 6. I2.C0 jer year, Invariably in Adraact c Subrrrlliers whn lo not receive their paper rtvlr)y. will confer a favor It notifrinr ne of the fact at once. Correftn1pnri solicit 1 from all part? of be Canstr a Bute, on matters of general nter- luna rae arc we reipontible for the Tirwf or piniur of our rnrrrTo&denti. '" do tt yoblU1- annnynmue letters aadeom Bmicmi. r. AIWAYS sive TourtiRtna. v'vi:if"A1VrJTrV".ri,on?im A TTORSEY AT LAW. Bed Cload H0SWJ2SS DIRECTORY. Attorneys at-Law. D. S. COOMBS, I Ncwspa ' th Davis Official Directory. COKGHESftUVAL. A. S TaM-rk. Barlee. Alrin Far.nri pt. Omaha. Ttotna J. Major EXKCUITYE alpixl'8 N'AKrn. jFa. Office in Court Floor, i improved farmr. Keb. Money to loan on TJ.W Fentr II. S. "enator. Represent tire. W. C. REILLY, A TTORSFJl AND COl'XSELOR AT LAW. oTcrnor. . - - ..- fcVlYXT' And'hoT - Attention Gircn to Collections .M. lUrtlett Treannrer Orridt-Orer Johkrojc Ccktr More, with C. C. J. Dilworih. Atl'j ?rn. II. POTTER. e it. iEoui,fun. i.inrom.Mjp ran infraction JUDICIARY. I . IJ. Tike. Omaha. Chief J ntirr. I afflSL. Aviate a, ftTTORSEY .AND COUSFKIJDR wn.tsTi:n county. ?4 a. ! .J u"lata NeJ,r"la- . p J. a. Tullera. County nerk. tire in all the Courts of the ttate. m K. ii. June. Treasurer, j Prompt attention given to all business iT" . Warren. t A.r-oj.e JAS. LAIRD, 11. K. Bbrrsr. W. K.Thorne, . 7. Hall, i.. II. Luce. AJi. Crary Probate Judfo. , Clitrutted tQ hjB we Boh on I Kup't, Coroner. County Purveyor, oonty Ooinmixiionorn. Office eabt fide Juniata Avenue. on tne July 1 7 Newspapers aomiaatiog raeb- of the Dtvis family for President cn not be too explicit. If thrr mean Jeffrrron Davis they msy bo regarded as "crowd ing the reason," if they mean Seoater David Davi., they are apt to be consid ered too hi. Explicit Ftatemcnts only Hhould Ic "fiang from the mart-head." A paper published in Missunippi ypcakeaft follows of the lamented Abra ham Lincoln, calling him an "infamou traiton" "Mr. David Davij made a pperch in the United States senate on the 22d inst . in which he allayed to the !ae notorious Abe Lincoln in terms of fultome flatteiy. We hope the senate chamber will never again be disgraced in this manner. The day i paat for eulocizing (he infamous traitor who plunged our country jnto bbsdahed. Let us have no more of it." Haple Grove Farm. Onr Washington Letter. ClirKCIl 1UKMTORT. BAPTIST; Rkv. O.O. YEIHER. Pnetor. Eerv cei in the Conrt Houe the "nd and 4th Sabbath in rach month moniinjc and eyeninjr. At fruide Rock the 2nd Sabbath mor ning and evening. METHODIST: Rev. C. REILLY. Tanton HerTices in the Church u h Sabbath, alternating mornine and evening with the l'reil'3 cnan rrrvuee. Mt. Pleanant every two weeks ot 11 a. m eoBi'c Nov. 101878. Tenny Creek, Ker. 3 at 3 p. m.- Onk Creik at 3 ji, m. every two weeks alternatinc. -TOES'THRIAN. Rrv. J. M. PP.YSE L. l'ustor: Ferv-cei in the Church each Sab ha'h alternating morning and evening with the Methbdirt enicp COXGREGATIONAL: Rev. GEO. RESr, I'artor. Hervicen In the Court Iloune the ft and 3d Hahbath in each month. Union Prayer meeting every Thursday evening. Babboth School every Sabbath morning at 10 A?x. Closet lit 11. Mn. H. A. IInwiRn.Supt. SOCIETIES. J. S Gilliam ATTORNEY AND COUNSFLOR A AT LAW. Office one dnnr north of Kalry Bros. RED CLOUD, - - - NEB J. R. Will cox, TTORNEY AT LAW ii.nrr. CJullectionB nr Office one door north of Chief Office. SZH CLOUD ATTORNEY AT IjAW ana u. a; vomiair aioner. CollectionB promptly attended to. USB I.O. O. F. Rrn Ci."un Lonor. No. 64 I 0 0 F ninu even Katurday night in the MlMoiuc Hall. MctnUfTf cr otner Lotgcf are cordially iuvit'd to attend. I. tTr.ix.ss. u. C. II. Pottke Hec'y. A.F Ml JL HI. A CHAlTr Loner No. 53 Rerf Clnnd. Neb. (Tm- meetf Friiay evenings on or before full lkJ moon. Viniting brother, in good stand ' ing. are cordially invited t uttend. J.CALVKRT IV. M. I.Ft.ih 8ec.'yv YOUNG MEN, BMlr to editor of thin newspaper for half ae5b rihip (at discount), in the Great Mercan tile College. Kckuk. Iowa, on the Misif?tPP; l'oek keeper. Penmen. Rnpertera Operators, ani. Teacherf thoroughly fitted. Don't tail tc add drew Prof. "W. II. Miller, Kcoknk. Iowa. o. c: CASE, ATTORNET AT LAW. Office over Heed's furniture pfore. BSD CLOUD, USB Collections made and promptly remitted. E. S.EALE7, Agt. B. t M. R. R. Land. C. W. EAL2Y Notary Public. J It ""f Satu rolr; ATTORNEYS AT LAW and real ea tato Agents. Will practice in all the Courts inthis State and Northern Kan. Collections promptly attended to and Correspondence solicited. Red Cloud Neb. Auditor Liedtke has, up to the pre sent time, disbursed from the appropria tion made by the recent legislature giv ing a bounty on wolf scab", $4,G20. This amount represents fcalps to the numbrr of 10,020, yet we are told, by tho;-c who pretend to know, that Nt-bra-ka's supply of wolves has not in the least diminished. The horn steadeiH say that hardly a night passes by but what there whelps of ancient renown make night most hideous in there vain endeavors to solve the problem of bread and butter. X F. GREUTER, JtPrftctical enae Sign Cfml Wagon Painter . K. IX.. No daubing done uulcw ordered. WELL BORING BY W. & O. B, Harvey, Are prepared at all rimes to bore or drill wells. Rates Reasonable. INAVALE - - NEBRASKA. Edwin C. Hawley, ATTORNEY AND t:OCN A SELORAT LAW. Office 1st door West of Red Cloud Drug Store. EED CLOUD - - N3B. PHYSICIANS. The Omaha papers are jut now ex rrcising themselves over the propriety or impropriety of discuFsing the merits and qualifications or the prospective candi dates for senitorial honors when the time of Mr. Paddock's service shall have ex pired. It is perhaps well enough for our friends in the eastern part of the state to indulge in such discussions but in the western part of the state no discussion is necessary, the qualifications and fitness of Ex-Gov. Silas Garber are too well known to require any discussion at the hands of the press, or others. X. W. TULLEIS, H0WCE0PATHIC PHYSICIAN, U. S. Pension Surgeon. B-Office over Knley.Bros. law office. BSD CLOUD. KEBBASSA a. p. Mcculloch PIlYoICIANnnd SURGEON. Bed Cloud, Hebracia. OEce crer John son and Creps' store. Some people thought that the coLvic tioti of Olive was such a condemnation of mob law as would diminish such acts. Since then, two men have been hung ;n the western part of the State by mobs It would seem, therefore, that if the people have drawn aBy lesson at all from the Olive trial, it is that the pun ishment was so inadequate to the crime, that no chances should be taken for the ovasion of tho legal penalty for deliberate murder. As long as criminals are not punished according to law, they are very liable to be, once in a while, without law. Kebraskan. V. C. WATERS Photographic STUDIO. V. N. Richardfon. S. Garber. Eichardson & Garter, DEALERS IN LIVE STOCK- RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. Highest market price paid for hogs and cattle. HASTINGS, NEB. Rufus Ittiksch, 0 Particular attention given to shop work, and coffins made to order. tSrPainting a Specialty-! SEDOLOUD, NEB. J. E. Smith S. C. Smith M.B.THom-Rov. Pres. First Nat. Cash. First Late Teller First Bank. Beatrice Nat. Bank Nat-Bank Beat Neb. Beatrice Neb. rue Neb. im Jrorsft)iomp50it, BANKERS RED CIOUI NE l The second section of the platforn of the National Workingmen's Greenback party of Louisville Kentuckey, rads as follows: "That prisoners shall only work to make their bread, meat, shoes and clothes, and, if they have any spare time, they shall he lectured on morality." Tho point of this section 'ies in the ap plication. If the average Greenback orator is to be chosen for the delivery of the moral lecture it is iu conflict with the ltter of the Constitution, which says that "cruel and inhuman punishment shall not be inflicted as a punUhment r : n lur unuiu. Webster Co., Nth. May I9iht 1879. Ed. CniEF.Kverything looU o bright and prosperou ia this part or the country I can't help saake mention. Thoe beautiful little shower and those bright sun ?hiny daye afU-r the shower?, is showing our crops off to a good ad vantage. I don't think I ever saw a more flattering prospect for a good small grain crop. The rye ii now heading xnd some of it is in bloom. The fall wheat is knee hich in this part of the country, a very good showing for a good crop, sij 20 buahel to th acre, the spring wheat is looking very well. Com is coming up well where good seed has been planted, and right here I would say, that is a very important par, to.thc farmer to always, and under all circum stances, select good seed corn. I gener ally select my seed while hukiug my corn; I telect.the largest and Guest look ing cars for seed and put them away for safe keeping until wauled for planting, and I never have any corn ty replact, and usually have a good stand of corn. The last quarter of li. & M. K. u. land in this neighborhood was bought by G. W. Kckbert, and he has contracted to have 40 acres of it broke and put into sod corn, a good share of it is already turned over. Our fabbath school was re-organized some three weeks ago, by the assistance of N. D. HillN, under the name of the American Sunday School Union. We have a geod attendance ranging from 5 to 43. Our penny collections run from 10 to .i2 pennies each sabbath, the school so far is a perfect success we invite all to attend our school. D. S. Helvcrn SudL. Wm. Vandyke Asi..tant Supt. B. Vandyke Sccretarj ; O. P. McKiuIcy Treasurer, Miss Emma Swayze Librarian. I have just completed a contract with Mr. E. C. Williams for a P.wey Iltr vester to be delivered June 25. This if a new'style for a harvester, the binderi stand between the master wheel, and tne delivered grain making it impo?sibl to upset on uneven ground, as is the case with all other harvesters. There is strong talk on the south side of the river of having an old fash ioned jrrore celebration on the 4th of July, near the river bridge in the grove, aud I think this would be ever 60 nice, lo meet in the beautiful leafy grove, and there have an old fashioned Eocial cele bration, and enjoy the pleasure of a country picnic I understand there will be a speakers stnd and a platform fur nished free, and good music to be in attendance at the dance. D. S. Helvern HARNESS SHOP EACSELOE'S EDEK. From Blue Bill. VALLEY HO U S Fred C. Winton, Prop. E BED CLOUD, NEB. Drives thebcrt stage line !n the west. If you want to go from Iowell, Juniata or Hrstings. to Red Cloud. Riverton. Bloomington. Smith Center, Kirwin or any point on the Republican or Solomon rivers, take this line and you will find lively drivers and low rates. Stages leave Lowell and Hastings at 8 o'clock a. m. on Tues days. Thursdays and Saturdays, and return at five a'cloek p. m. on Mondays, Wednesdays aad Fridays. "Will make collections in any part of the United States Sell exchange upon the princi pal eastern oitie Loan money upon improved farms Receive deporits subject to sight drafts Allow interest up en time deposits, and trans act a general Banking business. References: Omaha National Bank, A. S. Paddock. U. .6 Senator: First National Bank New York, Cam hriJgc Valley National Bank. Cambridge New York. OVERLEES'fc NOYE3, OX SMll- BLACKSMITHING, E02SE SHOEING, Job work. Plow, and all kinds or Repairing JYeatly Done- North Webfter St. TtED CLOUD. UVERY Feed 4- Sale Stable, J. D. Post, Propr. -BED CLOUD, NEB. PATENTS fcow to obtain them. Pamphlet free, upon receipt of Stamp for post Address GILlf OSX, SMITH 4c CO. Selieitentif Patents, Xrsr Tsteut OJkx. Wkiaften, J. C Red Cloud Mills! We are prepared to do cus tom work Flour Feed and COPn Meal fr Sale. J9"Satisfaction guaranteed ia qual it" of flour sold, and custom work. Farmers should be particular to secure the best of seed-wheat. Potter & Frisbie May 19th, 1879. Ed. CniEF.We have been having fine growing weather for the last few weeks; wheat, oats and barley all look well, prospect of a large crop of each. Corn is nearly all planted, some is up and looks welL A vast amount of sod will be broken out through here this sea son. The weather has been very favor able for it this far. Mr. Robison, a farmer who lived sev eral miles east of hire, died very sud denly last Friday morning, supposed he died of heart disease. He stayed -over night at Chas. Browu's, and in the morning he walked down to his home where he dropped dead while leaning on his staff. The man farming his place chanced to be near, summoned help and carried him in the house, then the friends were sent for. Ue was taken to his son-in-law's Mr Baker, that evening, and was burried in the Kingston grave yard on Sabbath day. Mr. Bojers and family returned to Mich., last week, leaving their oldest sjn behind because he would not go. Miss Chloe Ainsworth is teaching the Plum Valley school, which we had the pleasure of calling oh a few days ago. We think her Methods of teaching and conducting a school very good. Mis? Anna Leetacb is teaching in dis trict No. 45. She has not a very large attendance bit we hope ake may be sac- i eesfal with what she baa, A wagoa load of yoaag felks came to town last Saturday ereiung; did aot get started hoaae wntil it eenneaced te rain; the night was dark and road hard to find, bat they don't thiak they were off the track snore thaa half the tine, bat crossed several deep draws while off the track but fetkily they bad ao mpsets. Dave ABdcrso miled at everybody he saw and told the folks it was 'a g trl he had at bis house. Ererythiag is lovely aad the goase bangs high. Skip. May loth, 1879 Ed. Chief. It pains us to witness, as we did a short time ago, the fcene of some of those whom we recken among our best citizens and personal friends, in the saloons and on the streets of Hed Cloud disgracefully intoxicated, playing the part of wild hooting savages, rather then that of the highly respected young gentlemen which they are in our circle of society recognized as being. And having these facts staring us in the face, we have become interested in the cause of temperance rather than in digging and delving in this peaceable and well to do community for the bits of news and excitement wbich occur in the ordinary affairs of our every day life; hence wc ask tho forbearance of the editor and reader if they find that W2 have ven tured into a field from whence come cries and appeals, earnestly pleading for its due portion of the time, talent and en ergy of every lover of the advancement of a higher standard of goodnefs, princi ple and humanity. Let every friend to justice, truth and right, arouse to a sense of his duty and put this question to himself what can 1 do to arrest thisdeamon strong drink and restore again the unfortunate one who has, unconscious of the influence of fast immoral friends, and that of the first drink, failea into the anyielding grasp of a rice se prevalent ia our land. Is saloon keeping a legitimate and hon orable business? If so. thea exacting license is an imposition. If saloons and all other nlaces where strong drink ia sold a; a beverage, are not within then reives a benefit to the people, then I ask. does the fact that such dealers pay a lacense remove the evil? If it does then I would say to the officials who have the right to grant such license, give me li cense for committing the ssoet fieadish deeds that human heart eaa coaceire of, no matter how great aad rnhuaaaa ay crimes may ce, l will pay a license in proportion, then accordiae to such a law, (which to nee seems jast as reasona ble as the one in force now,) the greater the wrowg -which I sHoald consiit, the sore holy ay life, Would there aot be as nack justice ia the ternary grantiag licesse for the prrnkge of dirciac a ait ia the yard of bis acighher B. (of coarse the deeper Ue bk the higher price paid for uoeaee) as there is ia granting saloon keepers Seease? If IS. did not waataai of the iaaiates efhis family or any of bk friends ta fall ialo the pit, let bin organise a kiad of Borne Temperance Society, but for all yea do, doa't put a trap door aato the pit aad lock it, for yoa see it is A's lecitimate busiaess to catch, ia bis' trap every -:ia- .... T i I rti .3 ""ii? Waahlogtofl D. a May 9i. 1579. The Democrat are once taare whist ling ta keep their courage up. In plaTn cnglih, they axe claiming that tlc Presi dent has finally decided that he will po their new bill to drive away the Federal ' authority from the poll. How he can do this cnosAtntiy with hi veto kim ssge they do not explain and toboJy can understand, eicce the principal involved in one U the same ai in the other btlL The Ucpub'icans are confident that the Preaident will veto this bill as emphatic ally a he did the other. The hot hatf e with which the Democrats Forced thrir new bi'l through the Houw, eem5 to hulie their confidence in its acceptability to the President for it arque that thry j arc afraid of ducu-icn. They cannot escape it in the Seuate j-o caai'y, for the pog who is unlunwn their, and cannot be adopted without rather more of rebel usurpation than the party dares to as sume. But the confederate BriraJiers do not hesitate at small thing, atu be rides threatening to starve the Goit to death if it docs cot come to their lenus, they threaten to steal a feat in thu ben ate to secure them agaimt the itnpond ng reverse in 188 1. Thoy hive reopen ed the case of Senator Kellogg, of Iowa, and there is a wide appruhen-uou that thev will unseat him, thu- leaving only one Republican Senator in the whole south. If they do not grt his ?eat, the elections in 1880 will pretty certainly Itive the Republican the majority K and as the Democratic Houo has exhibi ted its capacity tor stealing feats, u is presumed that the Senatorial Brigadier will not hesitate at the same crime. Mr. Burrows, of Mich., and other "roasted" Confederate Fort Pillow Chal mors the other day. Chalmers wanted to be vindicated from the aaaults madt upon him for his part in the notorious Ft. Pillow massacre during the war. He made various denial, and plainly assert A ti.nf tlm iininn men who testified against him in that affair were untruth ful. Mr. Burrow thereupon read ex tracts from the reports of the affair made by Forrebt and Chalmers themselves both of whom commended the valor of the rebel butchers and halno word of reprimand. In fact. Mr. Burrows did'nt leave much of a reputation for Mr. Chalmers to boast upon. The Republican Congressional Cam paign Committee will go to work shortly to help in tne campaigns oi uiu JCa4 The very important elections in Maine, California, Mas.achusetLs, New YorJ. aud Ohio will particularly have their at tention. Their work will be in excellent band. Hon. Wm. K. Chandler, ol a. II. having been chosen Secretary ol the Committee. He ia the best campaign director in the party, and many are hoping that the New Hampshire Legis lature will tend him to the U. S. Senate at its session in June. He hai a wide circle of friends not only in the party, but among buMnfc.'s men. The Ohio campaign is having great attcntton in Washington, irom tne ic that there are so many Ohio Preilen tial candidates looming up here aad there. The absence of Secretary Sherman has lent new impetus to the fload of gossip, and it is confidently believed by n large majority of people that he ia home work ing up a Presidential movement for him self. The Democrats are on nettle about it, for their own internal quarrels are hard to heal, and they seize every pretence like this so called Sherman movement to excite their own tollowers to unite more cordially. As far as I can judge the sentiment of Republican here is that Judge Taft will be the Republican candidate for Governor, thus leaving the Democratic quarrels and the Presiden tial campaign to take care of themselves in regular order. AVe can carry Ohio this year; that is the Washington pre diction. Ex-SecTutary Borie says that General Grant will not again run for President, that Le and hb best friends are so against it. He has had all the honor be wants and could gain nothing oy going . r.r - at T f I r -BV- J. L- MILLER Keep? cootaaUy oa hatl a fall li of U&rftCM Collar. Saddle, Whip Hore-K!a8kct. Coast. Bruih- ea, Harnc Oil asd CTery. thinr wualiy kept ia a firt-c?a4i hop Two doors north of the hank. Converse Goodman I Cc. $Jr to HARDWARE, ncSert Zi ..j ?rica ?!d rrrs. i 'ditt S.B.DUFFIELD&CO. - DEALERS IN Drag Jc Mrs! ici nci at Retail cr Wkvleaale. ITsin? all alike, they aril 4 ;rftiat L)w price. M tation ry. Wall japcr, St Paint, Oils, Varnishes Etc. Money Purees , Billbooks,Albums, landless Variety of Toilet Article. Dye Stuff, hair, tooth & paint Bruahci JLlstands, Blank Books, Ncwa Etc. Cigars, PipcB, Tobacco', Limp, lob, Pens, Pencils, NOTIO.YJ, ligant Pharmocontica! preparatioaa a Specialty. Homeopathic Uomidioe. Everything Guaranteed to be as represented. CaW at Store, os donr South vf Ilaak. M &&. TW tt rncip t cash 4 tf Hrvitw trsttt, CALL ON THEM M A t.tt .tlMW f KOUOall ..--.- rtw we w w f w-. uicu ci JJUD. NK1J. Kr. 4 Hxs. H. W. Rolinsoa Iartm aal 41 RAW & PRHFARED HtiMAK HA1SK M aaaftMrn t alt k& HalR6RtRS. A! waxk aa4 to nlcf a4 arrtl. lliailKHT 1'RICn I'AID TOR CUT KAII- Hair Jewelry a Spec ialty. Ie r4r t Mr. Ul. ur Aat At 111 1 Vtt'L, n;ixnm - nfc. o PI. TtWHsf Vocal and Instnimintil RED CLOUD TLaT-nrnY 1 M s1 JOL ltri.c at Mr. It MieV. Cvwtt. '- CARL WEBER. PHOTOGRAPHER. IlKD CDOCD, NKB. Will lake pictarnaof anyatylt 4Wv4 and give aatUfaetiea. HOPE BEOKUTITBIB! A LARGE LOT OF MITCHELL WAGONS! Whlzb. we ars oferla to li: ptili: it Greatly reduced prices. WalMfIlta UcConnack Harvester, 2XATZB, X9721 ks, Afrinltcral Lopltstsis of ALLEINDSandSTYLS. MILLER & BALL, aSjsgaBaagaaBgMBBBBaw2aBHaai i.BaaaBaBaaaaaasscHBaajHBSBaaaaaaaaas' aMsaBaHWWafc sbsl saWMataal Red Cloud Neba JOHN G. POTTER, -DEALER IN into politics again. Mr. Bone is one of Uen. uranta most mumaie ana iruscea friends, and has gene to joia his party in their tour around the world. loco. ssaa soul that he possibly caa. U. l?VW Program for Webster coanty Thseh ers Asaoeiation to be held at the school hoase in district No. three oa Satarday, the 14th day of June, 1879. Work to coauaeaos at 9 o'clock. 1. Paysiolegy, C. W. Spriager. 2. Phirical Geography, W. B. Good. 3. Peasaanship, J. M. Pryse. A Ttfaaii ?o tho iwmtmmnm SfiAnla V Ml Saow. 5. Map drawing. E. M. Pearsoa. 6. Botany, H. Hasaptoa. 7. History, A. L. Bartoa. 8. Fraetkms, Mrs. . A. BeaL 9. Select Beadier. Miss Laara Dixsow, Miss Mary a BeaL AddavMeCalk, Miss FaaBie Krigaf 10. Essay. Miss Seahia Brewa, Mr. Settelte, Mis? Esasaa Haire, Mise Jaae Pryse, M E. Meere. 11 TloI.. If. aTiT, W.--.1 1. ii, vlobsbuvb, jtkspv jwna wtwj mmm. vj Jive iSMaca rets, auai &m Steles, Mm Edkk Wileea 12. Sehool Govcraaieat, 3k Daid Fets f 13. Schoolrooai TriaLaaper bf Mbs F-aGrabhiP 14. rkdtatioirrC. KeiX.. DRY GOODS - Groceries, Qneensware, and ClolhinsJ A liiKe Mr f CAW, afce., 4e ALSO TNU, ImU. faw-Gire see a eaH, rvery thiaf said si BOTTOM Prat fee CASH. J C POTTER Red GloucL '? sgTebraska- yj . .. jaMaBaaawf ieat faffaffaffaffaffaffaffaffafaffaffaffafaffaffaffaffaffa bbbbbbv" itn BaBBBBBBBBBBaaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 1BaBBBBW BaBBaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaBBa BJBBBBBBBBBBBBBsBlaaaaaaBaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafeBaaBVBBaw tilABaaaasHIBV v"V aS9IBaPB'VV'B)BBaflBBBaaaw - v aBBBBBBBB awLHHSaaBBBBBjSBaaBBBfe 4m saaaBsaBBaaaaBBBaaaaHBHBW .D !! 3 12. r elf. ft. a tnmm t t ke L 99 t- i r l 'I I . JV r. -' J-f . ,s 0 x f s ! rs-M