i1 THE RED CLOUD CHIEF THE E0 CUXJ0 CHtF The Red Cloud Chief 1 rUULISIlED EVERT THURSDAY AT AetwertMa Rate. BED CLOUD, 2TI12ASIA. $ V BT- M. L. THOMAS, Cdlfr And Proprietor. liberal. 4 wtf Vo k4 taaere m Isnl 4mtitc at 5utu rst. An trHr4 4rtJSKl t "Eternal Vigilance is the price of Liberty?' am $2.00 a year is the price of the Red Cloud Chief VOL. 6. RED CLOUD WEBSTER CO, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY. MAY 15 1S79. S2.C0 ter year, lv7axibly In Advance NO. 40 g . 1 K ? f I m SuhrrlfcerF wliolo not receive tliJr pnr retilprly. will confer a favor by notifying at of the fuel at once. Correrrronrti'nre ftnlicito'l from allpnrtrof he Cenntyand State, on matter of general nter ent. In no cam are we responsible for the iltnt or opinions of our correspondent. Wdo rotyulHw oonymoui letters andcotn mauicatior. ALWAYS ito yonr name. LOCAL NOTICES, to crre Inpertlon mat be bandrdtn as early an Wednefdayroorninr. Official Directory. CONGRESSIONAL. A. S. Paddock. Beatrice. U. Senator Alrin Satmdor. Omaha, TJ. S. Menntor. Thomas J. Major Rearenentatire. EXECUITVE. ALRIXUfi NANCE. nAT.rnr B.J. Alexander. Btc. of State. F.W Liedtke Auditor. G.M. Hartlett Trranurcr. C.J. Dilwcrth. Att'y (Sen. 6.R. Thomreen. Lincoln. Sup. Pub. IaitroctioB JUDICIARY. I eo. B. L-ike. Omaha. Chief J mice. Amu r Cobb. Lincoln, . , . , Haa'l Maxwell. NaUmouth J AoeIate-J. WEiiSTER COUNTY. -J. A. Toilers. County Clerk. V- i: i".00 Treasurer. J.W.IVnrren. A A. Pope. R. R. Shcrr. . IV. nillcox. Probata .Imliri-. School hup't. Coroner. County Surveyor, nnerin. IV. K.Thorne. u. w. iiall. L. II. Luco. A. Jl. Crary County Commissioners. ClIURVM UIKECTOMT. BAJflST; Rkv. G.O. YEISER, Pastor. Serv cer. in the Court House the 2nd as 4th Sabbath in each month morning and eyeninjr. At 6'uido Rock tho 2nd Sabbath mor ula and evening. METHODIST: Rev. C. REILLY, Pastor; oervices in the Church ea-b Sabbath, alternating morning and evening with the Jresbyienan services. Mt. Plensant every two weeks at 11 a. m ce' Nov. 101878. Penny Creek. Nev.3 at 3 V. m.' Oak Creek at 3 p. m. every two weeks alUrnotinR. TTRESBYTERIAN. Rkv. J. M. PRY.SE J Piiftor; h'ervicps in the Church each Sab bath alternating morning and evening with the Jiethbditt Hcrviccs CONGREGATIONAL: Kiev. GEO. BEST. I'aftor. Services in tho Court House tho 1ft and 3d Kabbath in each month. Wnien Prayer meeting eery Thursday evening. Sabbath Sehool every Sabbath morning at 10 xtu. Closes at II. Afrs. H. A. Ilowian.Supt. SOCIETIES. I.O. O. F. Ren f!f.oui T.iinni. Nn. AiTAnV fZ .meets every Saturday night in the 'Mamma iiall. Members ci other Lorgcsarocortiially iuvit'd to attend. . I. bTJClK.fl.U. C. If. Potter Scc'y. A.I&A. Ifl. A Charitj LnnoR No. f3 Red Clourf. Neb. Mr meets Frirfny evenings on or before full noun. Visitinc broth try. in good stand- xing, are cordially invited t j attend. J. CALVERT W. II. I. St nit.. Sec'y. YOUNG MEN, Apnlv to editor of this newspaper for half meiiibi rship (ni discount), in tho Great 3orcnn tile College, Kcukuk, Iowa, on the Mi.sissipp llookketj crs. Penmen. Roperters Operators, nni. Teachen thoroughly fitted. Uon't fail to add dress Prof. W. II. Miller, Keoknk..Iowa. J. F. GREUTER, Jtrrnrflcal onsc) ?Irii tu& Wagon Painter. If. B., No daubing done uulcs ordered. WELL BORING' BY W. & O. B, Harvey, Arc pieparcd at all rimes to bore or drill wells. Rates Reasonable. IKJLVALB - - NEBRASKA. I C. WATERS Photographic STUDIO. BASTINGS, NEB. Rufus HPihsch, CatsufM $e flitter. o- Particular attention given to shop work, and coffins made to order. fQyPainting a Specialty"! BEDOLOTO, NEB. "valley HOUSE Feed C. Winton, Prop. BED CLOUD, NEB. Drives the best stage lino in tho west. If you wani to go from Lowell. Juniata or Urstings, to Red Cloud. Riverton. Rloomingtoc, Smith Center, Kirwin or any point on the Republican tir Solomon rivers, take this line and you will find lively drivers and low rates. Stages leave Lowell and Hastings atS o'clock a. m. on Tues days. Thursdays and Saturdays, and return at five o'clock p, m. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. UVgRY Feed 4 Sale Stable, J. D. Post, Propr. r BET) CLOUD, NEB. PATENTS ad now to obtain them. Pamphlet tree, upon receipt of Stamp for post age. Address - , . " ' GTiMORE, SMITH & CO. " ' Solicitor (f Patent, year ratcnl OJicc, WadMigttm, D. C -Jib SI NESS DIRECTORY. Attorneys at-Law. D. S. Coombs, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Red Cloud. Neb. Office in Court IIoom. Money to loan on improved farm. W. C. REILLY, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. 2KA CIo-juI, 27bzsis3cau 3-Pronpt Attention Given to Collections. OKFicK-Over JoHxgox Cucrs Store, with C. II. POTTER. JAS. LAIRD, jaTTORNKir AND COUNSELOR (rlatlaw. Juniata Ncbrahka. Will prao lice in all the Courts of the fetate. Prompt attention given to all business entrusted to his care. Office on the east side Juniata Avenue. July 1 7 J. S Gilliam ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Office in Miner1 bidding, up-ttair. RED CLOUD, - NEB J. 11. Will cox, ATTORNEY AT LAw andTJ. S: Commis sioner. Collections promptly attended to. Office one door north of Chief Office. BED CLOUS 17EB o. c: CASE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office ovr Reed's furniture ptore. BED CLOUD, NEB Collections made and promptly remitted. H. S.KALEY, Agt. B. & H. R. R. Land. C. W. EALE7 Notary Public ATTORNEYS AT LAW and real es tate Agent?. Will practice in all tba Couns inthis State and Northern Kan. Collections promptly attended to and Correspondence solicited. Red Cloud Neb. Edwin G. HawJey, ATTORNEY AND COUN A SELOKAT LAW. Office 1st door West of Red Cloud Drug Store. BED CLOUD NEB. PHYSICIANS. J. W. TULLE18, HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, U. S. Pension Surgeon. JOffice oyer Kaley Bros, law office. SED CLOUD. NEBRASKA a. p. Mcculloch PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Bed Cloud, Nebraska. Offics ever Join son and Creps' store. W. N. Richardson. S. Garber. Richardson & Garter, DEALERS IN LIVE STOCK. RED CLOUD. NEBRASKA. .-0. Highest market price paid for hoirs aid cattle. J. E. Smith S. C. Smith M.R.TRom"6ox. Pres. First Nat. Cash. First Late Teller First Bank. Beatrice Nat. Bank Nat. Bank Beat Neb. Beatrice Nab. rice Nab. imtit jrors dr hompson, BANKERS V iijkd cioiti ara Will make collections in any part of the United States Sell exchange upom the princi pal eastern oitio Loan money upon improved farms Receive deposits subject to sight drafts Allow interest upen time deposits, and trans act a general Banking business. Kkfkrrxcks: Omaha National Bank. A. R. Paddock. U. .S Senator; First National Bank New York, eamhri Ige Valley National Bank. Cambridge New York. OVERLEE3 & NOYE3, -OXSIIiL- BLACKSMITHING, HOESE SHOEKO, Job work. Plow, and all kinds of Repairing JWeatly Done. Korth Webster St. RED CLOUD. Red Cloud Mills! We are prepared to do cus tom work Flour Feed and Corn Meal for Sale. J9"Satisfaction guaranteed iu sjual ka of flour sold, and crsxosr work. Farmers should be particulai to secure the best of seed-wheat. Potter & Frisbie Onr thanks are due, and are hereby tendered to Hon. Thos. J. Majors for public document. The laws of Illinois are re ry strict. In Chicago, ys the Inter- Ocean, we punish a mas who kills his wife with almost as many yeais at hard labor as if he had stolen a horse. The body of 8. D. Richards was not allowed to reraaio long in its grave at Minden. Kearney Co., but has been dug up, and in all probability found its way to some dissecting room. We arc informed that Mr. Fitzgerald the great .Nebraska Railroad contractor has the contract and the teams ready to put on the line from Urownville to Red Cloud via. Hebron. Coiiahsett Narbowr, Mab8., May 0. Advent Minister, Charges Crown, is an nounced to address the Cohassett Ad vtatists on Sunday. The people threaten to tar and feather him and ride him on a rail. Davis, another advent preacher, met two young men in the road near his bouse yesterday, drew a knife, cut up their nets, and forbade them to go near his house. The people are excited. The Silcer Slate, a Nevada Newspa per, publishes the following card: "My husband, Jim Barney, has left my bed and board without any justifable cause. I used to do all I could to make bitn pretty comfortable, and in spite of all my wishes he would cut up like the devil and run after woman. Now, I want all the woman to notice this act of mine. I won't pay a darned cent of his debts, and I hope no one will return him to me 'cos I don't want him. Maria Barney, Big Meadows." AuouaTA, Ga., May 8. Two colored men, Tom Jones, alias St. Satter White, and Henry McSced, alias Cantette, were hung to-day at Appling, Columbia Coun ty. Jones killed a colored woman in '70. Jealously impelled him to the crimp. McSeed waylaid and killed his son, last November, because he believed him guilty of stealing from him. Three or four thousand people were in attendance. White stated he was innocent of the crime; that he did not intend to phoot the womaa, whom he lived with, but her paramour, and that his life was sworn away by a colored witness, Pete Luke, who had a grudge against him. McSeed acknowledged his crime, and spoke from the gallows in a rambling manner Both were very much affected, but met death calmly, expressing themselves willing to die. Tho following is the act authorizing sheriffs of Nebraska to offer a reward for the capture of horse thieves: Section 1. That the sheriffs of the several counties within this slate are hereby authorized to offer and pay a re gard, cot exceeding $50, for the capture and conviction of any person charged with stealing a horse or horses within their respective counties, and the county commissioners of such counties shall au dit the accounts of such sheriffs for mon ey paid out as such rewards, together with all necessary expenses incurred in the apprehension and detention of any such horse thief, and pay the same out of treasury of their county. This law takes effect about the first of Juno. A Convention has lately been held in Vicksburg. by the planters and politi cians, to derive some way of stopping the exodus of the colored people of the cotton States, and a series of resolutions were passed, that in a somewhat sub dued way, recognized the causes of the hegira and evinced a disposition to re move them. After the passage of the resolutions, which touched the bull doz ing question in a very gingerly and tender-footed style, ex-Gov. Foote rose, and after a fiery speech, offered same resolutions of Lis own, io which the bull dozing customs of Misi8ippi were squarely and honestly admitted, and provided for the appointment of a com mittee of five responsible, influential and fair minded men in each county and city, to organize for the protection of freedom at the polls, and to assist in squelch ing the reign of terrorism. The cx-Gov ernor was bitterly denounced by a Vicks burg lawyer as a "demagogue," and re sponded in a speech no less bitter. A colored leader then made a conciliatory speech in which ho said that while Gov. 4'oote's statements were true, the color ed people did cot ask the convention to adopt his resolutions, as they thoagbt the more conservative tone of those fram ed by the committee would be more '-at- isfactory to the white people, and so'the meeting adjourned. The convention upon the whole did a good thing, though it would not have been complete without tha presence aBd the utterance of Foots, who is sot afraid to speak the whole truth out in meetiag, and if the white oeople of Mis sissippi will live up to the spirit and let ter of the Vicksburg resolutions, they will have no difficulty in retaining their colored population, without which the state is ruined. Journal. Mr. Vandcrpool holed rea young wolves on the herding ground near his ranch west of the city day before yester day, and dug them out. Hs is keeping them for pets. It was not a good day for wolves either. Lincoln Journal. A sad accident befell one ef our farm ersMr. George Miller who lives four or five miles touth. The o'her day he was plowing in the fiiid, with a gang plow, and in some unaccountable manner one of bis legs caught in the machine and was wrenched entirely off. He did not faint, or call for help, but hobbled to the house, and in a spiteful manner threw the then useless member on the wood-pile, giving orders far it to be cut up and burned. We admire the grit dbplaycd by him, however painful the operation may have been. Hastings Cazette. Wooden leer. The Katies! Simmer Complaint. N. Y. Tribune. On last Wednc-day the Pennsylvania legislature passed a bill by which any man over 16, who asVs for alms, is class ed as a tramp, and is made liable to ar rest for misdemeanor; on conviction he can be sent to jail or to the work-house for a term not exceeding twelve months. If he displays a dangerous weapon or enters a house without the permission of the owner, he may be convicted of a felony and seut to the state penitentiary for not more than throe years. If fign ed, the act goes into effect in August, This is taking the tramp bull by both horns with a vengance. But it is a well grown beast, and U not going to be re solved into thin air by a single act of the Uarrisburg wiseacres. Just'now, as the first spring breezes blow, the sturdy tramp betakes himself to the field. He and the robin and the arbutus awake to gether. He has been drawing his ra tions all winter in town from soft-hearted housewives, as a mechanic out of work, with a dead child uoburied, aud now he will appear at the kitchen doors and farm-houses as a traveler cn-routc to visit his dying father in the next village. Expiring relatives aro always a part of his stage properties; as his inky cloak and skull give tragic setting to the Dane. He is not to be balked by any such stu pid legislation. All he his to do is to arm himself with a basket of dyo ribbon?, or a confession of the last man hung, or any other trifle dear to the ruial femi nine soul, and has dodged the law and can recite his miseries ateaoe. In Phil adelphia, this winter, heroic treatment of mendicancy drove half the population to peddling pens, kindling-wood and pot herbs, to the utter torture of the decent working half. The miatalc in all legis lation is that it ignores the fact that there is, unfortunately a largo class of the realy needy poor whose self-respect in any case deters them from seeking alms until the last extremeity. who will be driven to absolute starvation by such iron measures as this. There is no pro vision in the law to distinguish between imposture and actual suffering. Pome better remedy than this must be found fur tho national summer co J3 plaint Governor Nance has pronounced in his message that he would not "go into the pardoning business": then why eat his own words for the man who never did any good for himself or humanity, and who has been convicted of tho high est crime known to man? Neb. City frem. We hope Gov. Nance's back-bone will not prove as limber as a washrag, wheth er in the Schlenker case or any other that may come before him for executive clem ency. Of what account are laws and courts, if one man has the power and ex ercises it to nullify all the good there is io them to restrain the vicious and pro tect society. Schlenker was as low as the woman he murdered, and mer-3 drunkenness should cot make a man ir responsible for his crimes. Scvcard Reporter. No, don't learn a trade young man. You might soil your hands, wilt jour shirt collar, and spoil your complexion sweating. Go hang your chin over a counter, learn to talk twaddle to the ladiest part your hair in the middle; make an ass of yoarself geaerally, and work for wages that wouldn't support a Chinese laundry man oo rice fed rats, and leave a big enough balance to pay his washer woman just because it's a little more genteel in the eyes of people whose pride prevents them from pound ing nck or sawing wood, and whose pov erty pinches worse than one of those patent cross legged dothes pin, if the truth were only told. Elmira Gazette. Nsaracka TTeaihsr Service. Observations at Inavale, for the month of April 1879. Highest temperture 84 on the 25th. " Lowest temperture 45 on the 14th. Greatest range 39 Theraometor read at noon each day. No. of deaf day 18. No. of cloady days 5. No. of stormy days 7. Anoint of rain fell 2 inches. High winds on the 9th, 20th and 21st. Prevailing winds for the first ten days, were from the southeast and northwest; for the second ten days, east and north east; and the third ten days, east and southeast Solar Haloe on the 4th. Dust Hase on the 5th. Rainbow on the 8th. G. W. Knight. Our Washington Letter. Wa-bingtoo D. C. May 2d 1579. I write to-day from a city ia which the Repoblicao party hat eturdy rrprctnu tives in the Congrc, th Cabinet and the White House. We htTC not a raa jority of vole, though we hare a vast preponderance of braics, in the first men tioned bodv. but we hare a nnanimoai vote in the two houses The Prcfidcnt on Tuesday vetoed the bill passed by a Democratic Coogrew to turn future elections over to the repeat ers of New York aod the rifle clubs of the South. He did it too, with the can curence or every member of his Cabinet, and he was and n supported in his ac tion by every Ripul lican member of Congress, by all except tbrco oflhe Grecnbackcrs in Congress, and by nine tenths of the patriotic people of the country. The President ha on a very important occasion, and aaint influncus net readily appreciated by thoo away from the Capital, vindicated hi Repub licanism and patriotism. He has done it, too, in a message which is at once an addition to the argument in favor of his own party and a conclusive demonstra tion of the strength of our form of ballot The brilliant speeches of Mi. Blaine in the late debate on the army bill, the opening speech of Mr.-Garfield io the House, and that of Mr. Conkling in clos ing the Republican side of the Senate debate, are all worthy of high praise. They will be read by all tho.c who conic after us, and will be texts from which legislators will hereafter speak. It h not to much to wy that the President not only admirably cputonisid all that those eminent men said, but did more. He showed even more plainly that they had done, the utter folly of tho Demo cvtio position. Tho President has not been and is not likely to be the favorite of tho wholo Republican party, but I doubt if any better campaign document will be circulated during tho next two years than the veto message he sent to the Democratic Houfo on Tuesday last. There were lots of Democratic caucuses yesterday; the city was full of them. When the Houso came to a vote, yes terday, on passing the army bill over the Presidents veto, thero were 120 repre sentatives in favor of its passage and 110 against it. Tho difierenco between this and the voto by which the Legislative bill passed tho House on Saturday last 140 to 119 may fairly be said to bo due to the influence wielded by Senators Blaine and Conkling, in their admirable presentation of Republican views, and to the excellent veto message of President Hayes. All that is left for a Democratic Con gress to do is to pass the appropriation bills without riders of any kind. It may be that 'supply" bills will be passed, by which the Goit will bo saved from starv ing to death until December, but that will be as full a backdown as to pass the regular bills. There is not much satisfaction in writ ing about the financial intentions of Con gress. It is known by all that no bills can pass which will seriously interfere with business. There was recently published a state ment of Ex-Senator Uendricks that be would not accept a second place on the Democratic ticket of 1880. In order that no injustice may he done this es teemed gentleman I give below a late let ter from him. "My Dear Sir. I have your favor of " the 23th asking whither there is any "foundation for statement contained in " the newspaper slip enclosed, to the "effect that I have written to menbers "oflhe Democratic party in Pennsyl " vania favoring the re-nomination of the "ticket of 1876 for 1S80. lam iur " prised to see such a statement. It is " without any foundation in truth, I have "written co such letter and have in no " form expressed any such views. I did " not, as is known, desire the nomioa " tion of 1876 as a candidate for the Vice ''Presidency and do not think it would, ,i in any contingency, be my duty again "toaoce ft a nomination For a position do not desire." Leo. "which TEA? "222X13 SCA1" CUTASD. This is a pretty serious charge which we find in the Kearney Prut'. It seems that the late Indian scare wa3 the work of stcck men on the upper Republican, and that the object was to keep settlers out of that region. There have been ne Indians ia that country this spring, nor arc there any rrobabili ties that there will be any. The upper Republican rally is a magnificent farming as well as a grating conniry, and the stock men dislike Tery ranch to sec the land taken up by actual settler?, aod all sorts of ruses Jnd tricks are resorted to by them to keep out immigration. The farmers ef the upper valleys or ganized last year for the protection of their interests, and we believe a large and representative convention was held at Beaver City. We tmst that any feel ing of opposition of interests that may have existed his not gene te tba extent intimated by the Prtm; bat if it be true the settlers hare tho rcsalt in their own hands. Thej'are in an overwhelming majority; and can readily find seme mean- to vindicate themselves, aad they should i lose no time in doing so. Ex.. F. H GORE DEALER IN SOLID OOLD AM rtATKO JKYKLAY Si! SilTtr tU SiiTtrraUi Tart, :?: tacta, tt. Watches, Clocks And JEW RED CLOUD. ELRY - NEBRASKA. CITY MEAT MARKT J. WILIIELMSON Proprietor Red CI)M1 Nth Will pay lacklchMt rrU for alJ. rreh Meal OaaUiatly MmsmI CARL WEBER, PHOTOGRAPHER, RED CDOUD, NEB. take pictures of any style detired and give aatUfaction. Will HARNESS SHOP -BY- J. L- MILLER Keeps constantly on hand a full lifte of Unmet Collars, Saddles, Whip, Howe-Blanket. Com b, Brush es, Harness Oil and every thing nsuahy kept in a first-cla.ii shop. Two doors north ef the bank. The Blghtst Cuh Price rail fr Iliat ani Ftrs. s.b.duffield&Co. DEALERS I.N Drag efcftletlicine at Retail or WhOlemile. ITnin? all Alike, they ell 3eod ffeMHlft at Lw price. 8 tationjry. Wall paper, t& Paints, Oils, Varnishes Etc. Wfooey Purses, Bdl books, Albumn, Endless Variety of Toilet Articles. Iye Stuffs, hair, tooth & paint Brushes Inksland, Blank Books, News Etc. CJigare, Pipes, Tobacco', Lamp?, Inks, Pens, Pencils, Motion, IjUgant Pbaraocentical preparations a Specialty. Homeopathic Kemidics. Everything Guaranteed to be as represented. CaU at Store, one door Soath of Bank. RED CLU NE1 JOHN C. -DEALER IN DRY fiOODS Groceries, Oneensware, and Clothing! -ALSO- A large t mf lMTft ft II, hU cars, ., 4e. mrOIvc me a caii, ererjr thine W at BOTTOM Prices for CASH. J C- POTTER- iHed-GloucB Converse Goodman I Co. Iim t- 9 A B t) W A S mt ti at, Tr CKlUr Ur CASH. M tf Ur ka-rt kt f4 t. ! r' N iU; uiruitu CALL ON T1IKM 0. &t rtWilWt,t.al jr.MOUw wUl vtlt ?- rHt HKO CLOUD. NK1L lir. fcXrs. H. W. Robinson Irttrt i JJr t RAW & PREPARKD HUJIAX HAIR At waftarri all a ia-b f A wfk a4 to nlct J warrat4. HIOlinMT PRICK I'AtD FH CUT 1IAJK. Hair Jewelry a Spec ialty. Leave ertett at Jlru U.' r tfwawtf Att at 1U4 Ut4. 3t:CLtJfft NKB. SAM'L GARBER fra i.ke in Dry Goo Groceries and BOOTH Md KIIOKH Hat, Caps, it Ready Made Clothing I Wo have tfct Lartttt Sttck la ft YtHty an. will py Mt It iMforstlfJ. GIVE US A CALL, ONE k ALL Sam'l Garber Rett Cloafe JtTeW. This epaee belongs to DR SHBEER OT THE Drug rHTOBK, Who is too btw Io write an "Ad." POTTER, 3STebrafka- vj9nn I if d I- & - 3 . .i 1 " K Hi W