i a E? W RED CLOUD CHIEF. Arrival and Dcpnrturc or BSaIIk Ircui IhcJIrd C'loxid P.O. Xi I til Coio KJgT, rInrt 4 5 p. in. Arrive ;10 p. m. MAILS ColC WEST, Derail 11:00 . in. 1 Arrive, II &5 ff. m. CITY AND COUNTRY. More new tulairibcrs tliis week, lied Cloud crjoys the luxury of a street sprinkler. Teas! Teas! Teas! Coffee! Coffee! Coffoe ! at the lied Cloud Grccery. 0. C. Case rctucoed from Iowa, yes t ci day. Miner Bros, deliver goods to any jart of the city, free of charge. Money to Loan on improved lands. Apply to V. S. Coomb's at the Court House. Laft Tuefday night the earth was blessed wilh a Ood rain, a regular old toaker. Miner Bios, have not advanced th piice of goeds in consequence of the laie heavy rains. Jingle your pockets to see that there is rnoncy in them and then tro to Per kiri'H & Mitchell's ed Cloud Grocery. J. O. Martin, station agent at IJlue Hill, gave the Chief a pleasant call last Saturda'. lie reports things as be ing lively in that burg. Wo publish elsewhere, an article on the culture cf peanuts which wc think will be ofintcrefctto a largo number cf our readers. Perkiu's & Mitchell's Red Cloud Grocery. 'J he Superior Guide, is the name of n new paper just started at Superior, Kuckolls Co., Neb. Todd & Graves, editors and proprietor. The IJarlan Co. , Standard has been enlarged and otherwise improved, and row presents as creditable an appearance as any paper in the valley. The persistency with which the small boy will go fishing and catch nothing, is equaled only by the man who opens shop and fails to advertise. Ex. No eastern state can boast the pur ity of atmosphero that is found in Nc biaska. Ex. Nor as much of it. W. W. Brewer, nn old resident of this ocuntj-, goes to Colarado to seek his fortune. We opine he will return to Webster county to stay, after living a cor or so in Colarado. With his accustomed liberality and compassion for a hungry printer, Ben. Vandyke presented yc editor with a mess of nice fresh fibh from the placid waters of ihcKepublican. Thanks. Ono would think from the number ofGroceiy stores in Bed Cloud, that their would not be business for all, but they seem (o do well, now ones starting every week "'And htill there is more to follow." The foolish man foldeth his hands nd faith: "There is no trade; why should 1 advertise?" But the wise man is net so. lie whoopcth it up in the newspaper, and verily he draweth custo mers from afar off. Ex. Wilhclmson the butcher has gone and done it got married to a Miss Kate lTasse of Nauvoo 111. As usual in such cacs the Chief was remembered, and it wishes Mr. Wilhclmson and his bride, a lorg r.ml a happy life. The street sprinkler is all right for the purpose fur which it was intended, but it does not prevent the gravel stones and pieces of plank from living through the air and hammering people on the head, these windy days. Wc are glad to learn that Hon. Geo S. Smith of Plattsmouth succeeds John K. Claik as Surveyor Gener.nl of Nebras ka, Wc have been personally acquaint ed with Mr. Smith for a number ol years, and kuow him to be a gentleman of merit. John B. Finch, the great temper ance lecturer, will speak in tho M. E. Church next Friday evening. It is ex pected that he will remain with us for several days, and if so. he will occupy the cven;njr hour nest fabbath. Come out everybody. Fifty, more or less, of our subscrib ers have promised to bring us wood, iu payment of their subscriptions, but, in the eloquent language of the illustrious Patrick O'Mulligan, "Divil thjj bet of wood have wo Eeen, bawd luck to their sowls." Wp are in receipt of a communica tion from Glenwood precinct, in reference to the cnploymcut of a teacher in a cer tain school district up there. We do not think that the letter would be of interest to the general public, and consequently cannot give place to it. The fourth number -of the Centen nial Lono Star has just been issued from the Chief office. It reflects credit upon its 'editor, as it has grown, in four issues, from a sheet but little longer than a man's hand, to a 2S column paper. Long may she flaunt. W saw at Mitchell & Morharis Hardware store, the other day, the finest and most complete arrangement in the ihape of a cook store that vre ever be held. It is called the "Bismarck," and is really a beauty. This firm has just received a car load of stoTes of all sizes and kindf, at prices ranging from $20 to $G0. Call and examine their stock be fore you purchase. Dentistry. "We are authorized to announce that Dr. J. E. Smith, of Guide Bock will visit Red Cloud for the purpose of workinc at dentistry, Tuesday the 29th insr, and will regain as Ion? a? the J jrork demand"- jfmcadnnarlcr? al the Vtlley House.- Another good old lady has died and left a legacy to the editor of the local newspapers as a testimonial of her appre ciation of a good man. When this kind of a thing gets started it will epraad like wild-fire. We have often wondered that it d dn't beein belore, but you have to wait for somebody to set the example to break the ice as it were From this time henceforth few conscientious and benevolent people who have accumulated wealth and had a happy life, thants to the editors of their family newspaper, will cousent to die without leaving 'cm a legacy. This occurcd in the Kentucky bluegrass region. We undcrotand that Miller & Ball are making arrangements to erect a Tur bine Wind-inill where the liberty pole stands, tv Itb a tank capable of holding 3.000 gallons of water. We hope they will succeed in securing the necessary en courageiHerit, as the project U one that is of interest to every one. In case of a fire breaking out, it might be the means oi saving thoucandi of dollars worth of property, it would be convenient fjr tho trareling public, as a watering p!a:e fr their stock, the farmers and all nt hers who have occasion to come to town with teams would find it very agreeable, and it also would be quite an item in the mat ter of street spiitiklinz, as the water would be so concnient that the sprinkler would be able to keep down the dust. Let us li-ve the Wind mill by a'.l uiwana. Hinutes cf 7en:tcr County Teachers A::o- elation held in District 17o. 5 en Sat urday, April 12th, 1879. Meeting called to order by E. M. Pear son who was appointed chairman pro tein. C. E. Flint, was appointed Secretary protem. An cssiy on the duties of the primary teacher was read by Mrs. Settelle. Lcson in Phys-iology conducted by B L. Wells. History of the U. S. conducted by Mr. E. M. Pearson. Map drawiug conducted by Mr. Thomas Seloca Beading by Miss Julii King. A committee on program was appoint cd by tl o chair, consisting of Mrs. S. A. Silcs, Miss B. L. Wells, and Geo. II. Harvy. Voted that the next meeting be held at the Batin School Hou.e, on Saturday, the 10th day of May, 1S79. Meeting adjourned. Chas B. Flint, Secretary protem. From Scott. April 20th, 1S79. Ed. Chief. Wo are having soiin more Nebraska z?phyrs to-day. Our small grain is all sown, and is coming up, but it looks thin and spind ling, needs morj lain and warm weather. Plowing for corn U now the order of the day in this settlement, but the ground is too cold for planting corn yet. Matched g me of Bali the 19th on the Walnut Cieck grounds, between the Walnut Creek and Hivcrton tlubs, the score was Walnut Cieek, 52 Biverton, 13. Tho very comfo:tiblo house being built by Mrs Barker & Son, mentioned in the Argus last week, as being built, will bo commenced next week no preventing providence. It is to be built on what was formerly known as tho Dan Nonis claim, on the south side of the Biver, east of, and ad. joining Thomas Vanghu's chitn. The house is to be 1G feet wide, by 30 long. I sea quite a pieco of aophistry in last weeks Argu?, under the signature of Betsy. !3hc seems to deplore our bad roads, and our ignorance of what is best for us. Seems to think because we want tho bridge located where our petition asking for 1 he election lccaied it, we want it there so we can go to Kivcrtou to trade. In reply to this latter proposition I would say, that wc have a bridge at Biv erton, which is much more convenient for a large majority of the people of Walnut Creek, when we want to go to' Biverton, than any bridge in Webster county c n be. And on the other hand, it is very easy for an unptejudiced person to see the inconvenience to u?, if our depot is established above the center of our precinct for us to go one ini'e or more below to get to the bridge, and then travel the same distance back to get to tho depot. Agbicola GEAND BALL AND'BANQUST. Will be given on the evening of tho lGth of May, in P. A. Williams t Co., new Hall. The people of Bed Cloud and vicinitv, aro cordially invited to attend. Size'of Hall, 22xS0. Music by Fulton's Quadrille Band. Eutertainery music -for the evening will be dispensed by the Biverton Cornet Band. P. A. William", General Manager. Biverton Neb. MARRIED. At Red CIpud.in the Methodist Churcb on the cveniDB of tho 20th inst. by tho Rot. J. M. Pryse Afr, John "Willhcim'mson and Mrs. Kate IIims. A CARD. In view of the fact that the youth of tbis town and region are growing up to need such an education as the facilities within their reach do not afford, I pro pose to open a select or academical school at Red Cloud, if a sufficient number of scholars can be obtained, to afford thor ough instructions in the higher English branches, business arithmetic penman ship, Latin, Greek, natural science, book-keeping, drawing etc. All wishing to avail themselves of this offer will please apply in person or by letter to Rev. J. M. Pryse. For Highest Prices take your Butter and Eggs to Porkin's & Mitchell's Red Cloud Grocery. Arrangements aro nadcTrith tho editor of this paper by which students cau enter the Great Mercantile College. Keokuk, Iowa, at abut half price. The Greet Mercantile College is bringing a practical tdueation'vrithiD the reach of thousands cf young men irho cannot afford to attend the high priced college. Students enter every week in tho year from all sections. If Gen. Grant lived in Red Cloud he would buy his flrocorisaL- Perkiu'i X' Mitchell Red Cloud Grocery. . Teachers Contracts. Teachers Contracts can be had by calling on no or by calling at the ClUEP office, Red Cloud Neb. A. A. Poi'E. Supt. Co. r:a SALS. I Lave for tale on my farm fire il wet of Red Clond. one JeCorzaick elf binder, a Nonnon Mewrnjjer station, wnich will be fold for cm h or on time, welltecared. 3Uf II. PaBMSE. - - LAND NOTICE Wo have just placed on the Market Ten Thousand acres of Land bituate din Town Two and Three .Kange iSine and Town Two flange Ten. On easy Term of Payment. Eight Payments with Eight per cnt interest, and at low Price. Some of the beit tracts ever offered. Discount of Fifteen per cent for cash. Kaiev Bros. Chew Jackson t Kcit Sweet NaTy Tobaeo. K0K:S 70JT2ACEE2S. Notice i hereby jrircn, that I will examine ali pero i who may desire to ofler tbemelve as caudidaU!) for teachers of the primary or common fchools of "Wbster county, at Ited Cloud on the fir?t Saturday of each month at iiinc c'cloek a. m. sharp. A. A. l'ors. Co., Snpt. SSTBAYiTOTICE- Tkon up by the undfraiirned living on Seev 14. Town 2 Uantff 12 Webster Co. Neb. one black innre aoontO yearn old richt hind foot white. Also ono ron iiare co't about a year old. lho""owucr Ij" notified to call, prove prop erty, pay eharses and take tho aninali away. CO t5 Ch a a. S. I'-i lm a a. S'.TRAYJiOTICS. Taken np by S. M. Wet. Harmony Procinct Webtcr count Neb. nn the 21st day of acptcn berlrtTS, one red and while roan cow with red car. pr. two yar? old Apprriscd before m at 5.20. Unless the owner appear?, prove prop i rty wnd p.iye- charge and costc. Jaid cow will bo .-old according to law. And iaid alo will t.ike place at tho residence of tho tkar up. J. .M. H c.-t. sec. 'JI T 4 K 12. onu mile soulh of Wcilis 1. 0. Said sale will take place .Satur day May 3d at 10 o.clock a in of said day. Given under my hand this 21th day of March A. D. lbl'3. Jao. iicCallum. Jr. 34:3 Justice ot the Pcacr. Let every farmer in Webster county, bear in mind that Smith Bros, fc Thomp son, arc at all times prepared to loan money upon inproved farms at the low est rate of interest. 4t FUKS'.S ATTENTION. I desiro to commence herding cattlo about the first of May. Well prepared to give entire satisfaction. Terms, 20 cU per month, per head. Calves gratis. 32tf IC W.S. IIittTKY. Head c I Farmer's Creek, lnaalo, Neb. FOE SALS. 10.OM Golden vrilfow cutti ng at one dollar and fifty cent J per thousand. 100 bushels ot Japnn c.vj or mnmmoth millet grasd acvd, .r0 cents per buhcl. Alfo several large fresh milch cows. 7 milts fcouth-west of ICd Cloud. I)- S. IIklverx, Agent. Wall Paper at ths Post office from 7$ to 10 ct?, per roll, white 10 to 15 cts. rfatin finiih 22J to 25ct, tf. Ladies and Misses' Boots & Shoes of the latest -.ylcs and nobbiest make, at John G. Potter's. Notice to Parents. It having come to my knowledgo that quite a number of minor children, whose parents reside- :it or near Ited Cloud, aro in the habk of pboing around tho depot grounds when tho rail.oad company aro encaged in switching nud moing cars Often climbing uon tho cars while in motion, thus endangering tho lives of tho children. Parent of tho same aro there fore requested to ueo their best endeavors to keep their children awnv from the dopot. and they aro hereby forbidden to como thcr for other than business purposes. L. IS. Saqb, 3-3:4 Stat'on Agant. CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! ! Just received at John G. Potter's, a lare lot of clothing of the latest styles. Also Boota & Shoes, II .its & Caps, and all sold down at Bed Bock prices. tf NEW HARDWARE STORE. NEW GOODS. Converse Godmax Sc Co. Keep constantly on hand the largest assort, mcut of (lard-ware jjoods ever bro't into the Republican valley. They sell cheap for cash, and if they have not what you need leave your order and they will fill it. Call on them ne door north of G arbor's and Mr. llolcomb will wait upon you. April 14 1879. Ld. Chief. On Thursday 27 of March there was a fire broke out on the premises of Mr. Hasselbacher dona a great-deal of damage, burned Mr. H. corn, hay and stable, run north burned Mr. Saltzmans hay and corn, it run through to the river doing great damage to the young timber fr Wiggins, J. Harris and Mssers. Martin, the buys had hard wotk to save their stabling and hay, it v as culy by the aid of parties passing by. The fire broke out on my timber claim, but is under contest consequently 1 was willfully and mal iciously accusod of putting out the fire. 1 deny the charge and cm prove my self clear of the charge by two good wit nesses out side of my own family, the re port is being peddled all over, and I take tbis s'ep to clear myaelf and put a stop to the re port, There is one-thine; very mysterious about this report Mr. H. and family slarted to Mr. Dewitt and had only got about 1 i mile from home when they sawthefire they went on to Mr. D. an4 never went home until sight. When asked why he ntt go home to look after his things, said that hft hated to go home and find all his things burned, afterwards said that rerythiog he had woald be in ashes. Mr. Davis was plowing trithin two huadred yds. of his house and said that Mr. H. had only been gone a few moments when the fire started north of the house between stable and house. Then he went to the house broke in the door and get a pail and carried slop oat of the slop barrel and saved the bouse. I am very sorry that the gentlemens, things burned but I want the people of this part of the county to understand that I am not thai kind of a man, 1 have always- tried to act honorable wtth all aud do what was right. James H. Fcrman. 1 We publish the absve letter for ' the purpose of allowing Mr. Ferman to vin dicate himself publicly. We know noth ing about the matter ourself Ed. Cuief. 1 D. T, THOMAS -DIBLEH IK DRY-GOODS. GROCERIES, HARDWARE, SHELVE ARE AND General Merchandises Affricallaral Implements of all fcissdn. Highest Market Price paid for country produce. COWLE5, NEB. S.B.DUFFIELD&Co. DEALERS IN Draffs & Medicines at Retail or Wholesale. Using all alike, they sei Oood goods at LOw prices. Si tation:ry, Wall paper, 4& Paints, Oils, Varnishes Kto. iWToney Partes, Bill books, Albums, landless Variety of Toilet Articles. Dye Stuffr, hair, tooth & paint Blushes Inks'and-i, Blank Books, News Etc. (Cigars, Pipes, Tobacco's, Limps, Inks, Pens, Pencils, KOTIOA'5, JEligant Pharmocen deal preparations a Specialty. Homeopathic Rcmidies. Everything Guaranteed to be as represented. Call at Store, one door South f Bank. RED CLOUD NEB. THE CHIEF Book & Job Printing Office will be the most complete in the Republican Valley, as we intend to make a specialty of JOB PRINTING, and witt guarantee to duplicate any bill that can be had at Lincoln. .v -- - Give us a call. Furniture Store. A whole-ale stock of Goods of the Finest Quality sad said nt prices Iswtr tkan Z7Z2327G21 0??.ZI19 t the Public OT. T, Reed. &" Special attentionisiTcaJlto'Uadtr taking. RED CLOUD, - - - NIB. CHICAGO L Y UMBER WARD ICIiOUl,Xeb. Yard south of Hampton k A'al ttsn'j shop, ou Maiu street. Keep cont.'antly on band a iortxaent of Lumber. Ittti, Shliiglra. Ior ! don. I.I inn lliilr Otuent. Fluster UuUtllng 1'nprr etc. PLATT & FREKS Proprietor COME! For Tour LUMBER ! DRY LUMBER A SPECIALTY. THK SX8T IS THE MAEEET Nold nt I-oweit Price -HY- RED CLOUD NEB. Mr. &3rs. H. W. Robinson ImrorterJ an! dealers in RAW & PREPARED HVMAK HAIB Also manufacturer! of all kind of 8A8R A I work aaad tocrdcraad warranted. niillEST PBICK PAID FOR CUT HA IS. Hair Jewelry a "Spec ialty. Lear orders at Mr. Lix.' ear trseral Areat at Bed Cloud. RED CLOUD NEB. OYERLEE5 k NOTIS, C IStZl L BLACKSMITHING, zoiss ssozars, Job iroik. Plo-r. asd aU isds ef JUyaMaC jyremtlw Dane- lXer.&Trfcifrst. 7.TD CLOCD. POST OFFICE CLOTHING HOUSE. la sdditioa to w-r H &t;t4 K&il f Cloth I a (; and Caciit Furnishing; Ummd. wc bite oa bti a yd !i f Boots, flats Caps. Gloves. Blank Books. Stationery Confection ericsi eiirars& tobacco. W ia-il Tea to 311 aa-J cuaua our to a !; fi. TTt . salt MtufactiQa. 1. -A.. J U"H"V". U. Minn. MINER IKAt.SSS IN M ERCHANDISE Wo kfp Coantaatlj Oa IIai A Fell mn mwm mmmu, m CLOTHING, HATS CAPS, BOOTS, Shoes. Glassware, Qcenarwaro and Cx-ockery, We buy our goods for CASH, and defy co.u- petion. When in town give us a call. One door south of Post Oflicc. Rod Cloud, imnriini i HARDWARE STOBE. JfiTCmCLiL. MOKlf A SIT, . Wc keep on hand at all times, a large unci com plete stock of Hard-ware. Yfe also keep a aupplj of FARMING IMPLEMENTS. Give us a call, as wc feel sure wc can suit you in quality and price Remember the place, opposite the Chief Office, THIS SPACE LE.SNELL WHO WILL OCCUPY IT WITH A BIG AD NEXT WBETKa THE OUAJy3?I03ST OR1SSHOPFR BREAEINC PLO OT U Mt oGctel to tli PaiAvi ly HAMPTON & Co. All wlshiojr to break pnirk will do veil, zai swre aiisej, tim ! bcmw-5i by parebastos the CHAMPION. They are a4s m a ipOTt4 pn ciple, arl of good material aagvarasUed to Its t- udctiaa cr so szU. All work is oar En made of tba Lat aatral a4 g-xrxilt 1, Wc tbzsk the public for put pitro5, 5u a wtia-a oTtht stat JB4 Cfcd, Kebfukt. i J. U l?f!fK. BROS J ALt. MM OT Sue Of . dP . IVTobrmska. Red Cloud, Neb. BELONGS TO HAMPTON & BREWER. A i - v