Jfavtoritea "- i iiiimijiiiTi iij KuBKmiiujmjjM U 1 13s m 1! i Pt t t RED CLOUD CHIEF. avaaaBBBaBBBjapaajBee) KasM "ararABrV VavarsTt lefSSt 4M9.M. DtSMt 11 ft. I Afffft.li CJTTAND COUNTRY. were ia seanee kit Moaear. Kalajlrot. aave amee ia(e taeir Letter frees See wist kere to lay a?tr til aext week. slew 4a yam like tie leeks of year ecmekeeleaa''Aee." Taa steepest Beets ami 5botia Iowa at Lidcr'a. 2t Tee tewaefCewlee kaa efcht new fraaw aaiMiafs erected taie sprinjr. DeetJeftetteeeoeatioa party, at taa JhtUta aharaa Tkareeay eight. IrHal law eeraiac kale, aad old ladiee eeeeets, aaaataatly as band at af taa Jewrae) ealedeeae last Haaaay, oa bit rttmra fraai Celereee. Vpna of KHiaery feeds , jatt opeeed ap at tfir ftMhieaable Millinery eeUkKsseeat of Mrs. M. R. Beatley. Wa aaw several partial last Sater day wae atidaatly basY about all tba bea tiacabaard tbat tlay waW evidently traesport. Way ara tba itinerant "womtn of coBmeroe" allowed to perasabnlate the streets of aif bta. Tba city Baatile yawns far aaeb aa thsy. 0. C, Caae rataraad to Crawford Co. Iowa, Jut Taaaday to attend a term af tba District oourt. Ba will return in abeat taa days. Wa ackaowledge ealT from Mr. Dafrea editor of tba Rivertoa Bagle, and Dr. Weataa, of FranSKa eoaaiy, an old irked of this editor. -Mfttra. Pfrkiee and Mitchell, of Cbieaga bare arrived and ara opeaing ap a grocery atore ia tie ream lately occu pied by Mr. L. E. Seell. Tba nacb needed rain await? laat Saturday aif bt and Sunday, moistening tbe groand, cooling tba atmosphere and refreabing things generally . Mrs. Lutz bag a very large stock of Miliiaary, purchased in New York, Chicago, aad western Markets, first deor north of Reed's furniture store. A team belonging to Mr. Crouch of Klas Creek, got loose in front of Garber's store laat Satardsy'anoT ran away with tba wagoa. They brought up at Sleeper's ia the. north part of tawa, ao haras daaa. -J. P. MUliaer of Crete Naraary alli ed en ae last Tuesday. He is caavasa iag thia county for the sale ef fruit and oraaaieatal trees, and tboea wishing any thief in that line wowld do well to girt bias aa order. Will Riley has returned from Hast iaga where be baa been to pasa exami aatiea aad be admitted to the Bar. We aderetand that be passed a very good azaatiaation, aad may now be daateds aaoag oar rising young Attorneys. Read the aew ad, in an other oalumn af Themes k Ward, Cowles Neb. They bare started iato business with a deteasiaatioa to succeed, and are ta kiag tba right steps to brias: about such a result, by advertising their butiaess. To tboaa of aar subscribers who are ia arreare wa would aav, that now is the time to pay ap, aa we bare lately been to a heavy azpaaaa buying aew aaaterial ate. Daat say tbat yoa caat and us, aaadyeardaeatstethe raggadast aua ypa-aea oa tba street. Wa especially request those of oar swbecrJefeafeatside of the oounty, to pay ap their iedebtedaese- to the Chim, aad either discontinue or pay in advanoe. Aa wa have to prepay postage on all paperoeeat outofthe oouaty and for ether raaacaa, wa do aot intend . to send sack aaJeea paid for. Ia a few daya those waa ara ia arrears will receive aotice by postal aad wa bopa they will five tbe aaattcr iatasadiateattenUoa. Laat Taaaday a prairie ire origiaated aataaaanaofW. B. Jaeksea, aauth weat of towa, and the wiad being in the aoatb, it awept north at a furious rata, aadaagerinf aoaaa of the dwelling in tbe weet part af towa. Numbers of bwb aad waeaaa turaad aat to stay its pragraas aad by bard fgatiag tba east fiae af ire haraiag toward toww waa tabdaad. Had the wiad shifted to a pneat a little wast af south, ao power aadarHeawea eoaJd have saved Red Claud from beiakii ia Thara is same talk of a propeeUiea baiag submitted to tba voters of this school diatriat to Tata boada far the erection ef a new seheol hoaaa. To Tit weald aaem that it waaM ba better to pay for tba aid oaa before baikuag Mv, bat wa bare takaa the peine togat tba views ef a majority af tba heaviest tas-aayera. aa tba eabjeet, aad tad that they ara ahaaat aaaaimaaary ia fcvaf af voting boada ta taa astoat af $5,000 aad Mjiii; a gaod aad rabatsatial aehaai heaaa. There are a ft w, iowavar, waa are ia favar of aaddliag adabt of $1Q ajOtollOOOupcwthedistrlet. This we think would ba folly, Sre; basaaia the ro qsireateats of tba district does aat demand if aad aaaaadly; because the bonds for the dd-iobtelaaaeeare aUll anpaid. Wa hive ao doubt that those moat iate rested wii arranca tbeatter eatisfaetoraly ta I Afrtve4.Ke.au iNWTW eeaaTffe Al,K Try Liddjs Tea at 50 cf s per lb. ana sfaeiseJieiaetetyyeereareiera k aaa wfll W eaerrfUr ivfaadai. it avCMw yW MMMBi bbMb aBweawael Mam WlaN aVwWTVf MVbbtW eeile, level vail pies. aa ansae taa pret- ty taeaae at aa freed at Mr. Lata. xnnE BROS Wat elar ia a few days, aver ay af Faaey Draaa Gaada. eaaaiatiaf af Roy al Caabsjeree; Alpesaa; Mataseasa; Pac Faacys: Maaebfafert; Brenatsl? Wash ragtaa Faacya A. C.Caaaara; Faaay Brilitatr, Pimirtri; Aberdetar 4a., fta. All af which will ba said at prioaa tt sarpriaa the Natives. Wanted Every Maa and Weataa ia this and adjoiaiag Counties to call ao sae and Compare Prices andQaality of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Hate, Caps, and Quaeaaware etc ate. with what you have been pavieg, aad by aa doiag you will see at a glance tbat can save money by ealliag on see. Aa iaepectioa of Goods and priaai all I ask. Reepectfully 2t N.G.Liddt. I am prepared to offer to tbe ladies, the best bargains ia Millie- crer eCfer ed in Webstar Ca. H. F. Luta. NEW MILLINERY GOODS Just waived at Mrs. M. It. Bentley's. A correspondent writes U as fal lows: "I was cxastffiing my fruit trees and found a little blaek bug that bores a small holo iato the heart of the limb just above the bud, which kills the limb. I am at a low to know how to stop them, if we cannot get a remedy for this pest, we certalniy cannet raise any epples in this country. (This is something new to us. some of our readers may know somcthiag of this insect spoken af by our correspondent, its habits, aad posribly a remedy for the evil, if so they will confer a favor aa oar correspondent ty enlightening him aa the subjeot. Ed. South Guide Rock. There is quite a large amaunt of small grain sown, almost every one is through sowing. D. Voller, Henry Weichtman, and James Watt have a considerable amount of nice hedging started. We understand that fcmes Watt has rented hisfartnand intends to pay special atten tion to raising hedga plaats. Voller snd Weichtman are farming about 250 acres of land' tHts-year. Their herl of about 800 sheep are in splendid condition. Mr. Stratton, has Quite a large herd of cattle in good coadit'toQ. Mr. S. ia one ef our most enterprising men and chock full of business. Ooe week ego last Saturday aa aaaaual and unbecoming scene of excitement took place at the United Brethren sod church in this vicinity. It appears that a Temperance society was organised aad I had obtaiaed persaissioq from the trus tee of the house to aaw a meeting in said house at the time above referred to. Is due time the trustee opened tbe boose and built a fire. The temperence peo ple were rather late in coming together on account of this tardiness the trustee became impatient and proceeded to put out the lights and close the door, but just at this moment the Yioa President (brother of trustee) and some others made their sjpienranaa and demtnded the use ef the houae-, but the- trustee insisted tbat it was now late and tbat they had batter all return to their home at oaee aad eoa sider the enterprise a first olass fiilore. One word brought on another until one of the temperance sympathisers began to shower his "blessings" upon the religious head of the trustee. Whieh roused his righteons ind gnation to such a pitch as to prompt him to saad his boy home for bU gun, with threats of shooting the off ending individual, but all lived over the crisis to tell the story. Such actions upon the part of profess ors of Christianity or'temperencc, reflects no credit upon "either the cau of'Chrit tianity or Tem perence, aad wa bene ' to hear no mora of it. A prairie fire which did considerable damage, broke out about 7 miles 8. E. of Bed Cloud laat Thursday. HOXKSTKADIB. Thomasville Notes. : Id. Cniar We have bad eaough rain now to start oar wheat aad tba grass aad wa soon will ba able to live cheap. Someofourraraseraare dona seediog aad ara prepariag their aora grouaeV there baa beea a large aaaaat ef wheat sown hare this soring. Our Thonasvincmarohaat ia putting ap a froat to hie atora. Jamas Witt tblaks tba wiator weather aad the short days bang oa pretty we, v Frank Boria will teack w Naakolb egaie this summer. FredtMeodj-'a betas dial aat have the wboopwf onaga, ba saya k waa aaaaa thing worse. Egbert Taylor aad' Joba Ebbard are tba boas ox-drivere this viatatty. Mr. Newaua'a steak traderis aa tba Thia aaoel diatriat (Na. M baa beea raaaiag aaw fear yaara with aat Disc. baaka of any kind, till last weak,. C W. Kaley aappaaa them with taa aeaasaary raaotd,aa they oaa aaa tbeas today at tba aaaaal qaarraL NaekaUeoaaaty isanaivaoatba X. B. bead aaaatioa. 8apk WilksM held his asoathly exam, iaatiaa al Namea laat 1 riday aad Sataiv day. bat ba did aat ask aay af tba aaaup dates for cerrricatea, whether they were ft or agaiaet beads. r Messra. Montgomery, Atkiaaa, Simea toa, Felmer, Barker and many others ara taking lively interest ia working ap tba bead aaaatiaa. whTe otaaraara work- iaciaatasbard against it. That thay Mr. M. R. BeatUy hereby aa eewaese her graai opeaiag of Spriag MissMBsty Goada, to toka alaea at bar Mistaary aatabltehmaat aa flatarday aaxt Laeaaa ara al iafitad to ba prsasat Freah Creaberriee jaat reectvad at Miaar '-'Miaar Rraa. ara aaw aalfiag twelve af light yeSaw 8agar fcr aaa del Also eight aawdsafrfffr aaw Votlov to Parents. It baviag ooma to my knowledge that quite a number af miaor ehildrea, whoso paraats reside at or aaar Bed Cleitd. ara ia the babit of pUyioararoaad tbe depot graved waaa the Baitraad Company ara ea raged ia switching aad moving ears aftea alimbing upon tbe car while ia enetioe, thus endangering tbe lives of the children- Patents of the sasae are there fare requested ta ae their bast eadeav ora to keep their ehildrea away freta tba depot, and thay ara hereby forbidden to eaaaa there far ether thaa leaiaees pwr pease. L. 8. Sags, 39t4. 8utiaa Ageat. rAixiii ATrnmoy. I deatre to commence herdiag eattle about die Irst of May. Well prepared to give entire satisfaction. Tana, 30ets per saoatb, per bead. Calves gratia. 32 E. W. S. Harvey. Heed of Farteei's Creek, Ioavale Neb. r FOR 8 ALE. A couple of good farms in Webstar county, dose tetown and improved. Tetane made kaowa ew ap plication. - M. L. Thomas. Agent, Bed Cloud Neb. FOB SALE, 10.000 Golden Willow cuttings at $1.50 per M. 100 bushels Jap anese or mammoth Miller traaa eed 50 els. per bushel, also several large freh milch cow. miles south west of Bed Cloud. D. 8. Hi&YlRS, Aaxivt. Old papers for sale a tiie ofice at SO cents a hanureoV tf m CLOTaiNO! CLOTHING!! Just received at John G. Potter's, a large lot of clothing of the latest styles. Also Boots A Shoes, Hats A Cape, and all sold down at Bed Bock prices. tf FOB SALE. I have for sale oa my farm five miles wert of Bed Cloud, one MeCormiek Self Binder, a Norman Mesaenger Stall ion, which will be sold for cash or oa time, well secured. 34t H. Pakhbk. Wall Paper at th Poet office from 7 to 10 cts, per roll, white 10 to 15 eta. daiia finish 22 i to 25 eta, tf. Ladies and Misses' the latest styles and John G. Potter's. Boots & Shoes of nobbiest make, at We have for eae a aumber of most desirable farms in ibis connty. yoa waat to buy, we can suit you, tbe If tf NEW HARDWARE STORK. NEW GOODS. Co5VXRsb God-ma A Co. Keep constantly on hand the largest assort, ment of Hard-ware goods ever bro't into the Bepublican valley. They sell cheap for cash, and if they have not what you need leave yowr order aad tbey will fill it. Call on them one door north of Garber's and Mr. Halcomb will wait upoa you. JTotlce tt Teecfitrs. Notice is berby given, Tbat I will ex amine all persons who may desire to offer themselves a candidates for tea chers of the primary or common schools of Webster eovnty, nt Bed Cloud on thefirat Saturday of each saontbat nine o'clock a. m. aharp. A. A. Pope, Co 8up't. LAND NOTICE We havejuet placed on the Market Tea Thousand acres of Land situate din Town Two and Three i?ange Nine and Toww Two anga Ten. On easy Terms of Paymeat. Eight Payments with Eight per cent interest, and at low Prices. Some of the best tracts ever offered. Discount of Fifteen per cent for each. KaLky Bros. Ckw JmKmb s Btt BwMt Ntj Th. ESTRAY NGIE Taken ap By S. M. Wast. Harmony Precinct Webster Co., Nebraska, on the 21st day ef September, 1878, one red aad white roan cow, with rod ears, past tw years old. Appraised before me, at $20. Unlesa the owner appears, proves property and pays chargea and costs, said cow will be sold according to law. Said sale will take place at the reeideeoe of the taker up, JvK. West. sec. 24 T. 4. R. 12, eas BKle south- af Walra P. O. Said sale wOl take place-Saturday, May 3d at 10 o'clock a. m..af said day. Given under my hand this 24lh day of March A. D. 1879. Jao. MeCaawiB, Jr. 24t5 Jatioo of the Penes. LOUTS CLAPP. City Express aad Draymaa Will deliver goods to any part of the aky with promptaees aad dispatch. A share af the paHia. patroaaap iese speetJeUy. seJietteel Chaajaa reoBsaaeTa. ftfjpttfii & tfahmr Partioakr attoatiea givee teahap werk, aad eofiaa made to erder. gtarPaiatiag a Specialty USOLOTO, IIS. VERL1E3 k NOTE8, eaaBBAi BLACKSMITHING, E01II aVEailJIt, U wecavPtew. ami an kiaas af laairiaw JYtmtlw Mmne. FaMriteUNet StOM, A wholesale steak af Oeeae af the rsaeet QuaKry aad aald at lower thaa ivsisirotiorrins fa the Public W. T Read. eW Seeee attewtioasjrvea:te:UaaW takiag. RED CLOUD. - NIB. HAIR W9RK atraaiatnt W loWassa Dealers ia aad Maaafaetarera of Car U Vrisses, Chaies, Switehea, ate., aH af HUMJJT HAI Parties ia the country wantiag werk in tkis Una may pay ia Farm Predeee. CHARGES : : REASONABLM. Orders atay be left at 'the mifHaery etorea and peat aSee. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. nmmcMAwm. COME! for rear LUMBER ! DBT LUMBES A SPICIALTT. TalaVBBtT II TBI HilUT aie at uvNirHtN R, 8. J8NIS & 68 HEP CLOUD NEB. CITY MEAT MARK T J. WILHELMSON Proprietor CUmel - Ifelv WniMrtkakitaMteasli ariaefaVaiets SAMX GARBER BaLBE l t Groceries. JBOTft ! SffKm Hattp Caps. 4l Rtmfy Mmdt Chikimg ! WH taw fk LtTfitt Stock m ate VtJUy ui wl ajwa 99 alapaawBajaBj GIVE US A CALL. ON A ALL Sam! CarlNirn THOMAS 4 WARD, w DRY-GOODS. GROCERIES, HARDWARE, IU1LFWABK AND General Merchandise. Highest Market Price paid for country produce. AgriemHmtml laaiplesaiesift faOlkiaHk. CtWLBI, ia. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE CHIEF, The leading paper of the Republican Valley, giving all the local and general news THE CHIEF Book. & Job Printing Office will be the most complete in the Republican Valley, at we intend to make a specialty of JOB PRINTING, an2 will' guarantee to duplicate' any bill that caff Br had at Lincoln. Give us a call- POST OFFICE CLOTHING HOUSE. ta edJ&ee la eat weS aesertd eteet af CUiklaf mm CieaTsi Faml-At C2whU. we have aa head a aeaJ ateek ( Boots, Hats. Caps. G-lovea. Slank Books. Stationery Confection- er ie, cigars & tobacco. Wa ievite tea ta aafi aad eeaaaiee aar etoek and Ware prlaaa. We far. saUstaetiaa. H. Miaaa. MINER DIAUtie W M ERCHANDISE, Wa heap Ceeaetaatlj Oa Hsad A fa IRV 6SS9S. 6R96gR!SI9 & CLOTHING, HATS CAPS. BOOTS, Shoes Glassware, Qeenswaro and Crockeryt We buy our goods for CASH, and defy com- petion. When in town give us a call. One door south of Post Office. Rawd Oloud, HARDWARE STORE. XITCHELI a MORITAKT, Frofa. We keep on hand at all times, a large and com plete stock of" Hard-ware. Wa also keep a supply of FARMING IMPLEMENTS. Give us a call, as we feel sure we can suit you iu quality and price Remember the place, opposite the Chief Office, Red Oloud. Neb. BII YOUR GROCERIES $ PROVISIONS new gwceW sTefti r EL. E. SNELL. NEW GOODS REOEIVED DAILY L. E. SNELL. RED CLOUD - JTEB ORASSHOPP'R SKMJJCXBTO ttOWT ft mi mi u tto HUir r HAMPTON Co. Afi wiakiaff te Weak prairia wiU a wH aaa aara saaaaf, W -r thm CHAMPION. 7if art ssasia awaa Al Week ia car Sae sseee af taa Vast ajaatxaai aW imaraatieeC Wa lAaakaaaaaaawlaraejataacseaeaaaaliaUaaaaiia BtiOawl, J. xV. JX7BY. J. L. afiaaaL BROS ALL KllCDe Of Steak Of IwTabrmiiki ar a l le p? a sai- HAMPTON BRIWCIt. i f ). r- aw Voria TcsUf Et. asp cLorc. 1 1 i , 9. It ; l- ( 23sW?W " v." " ; may aiD3 5aiiuca ine nmw -