Sijj? Al" 'W the nto eiouo emir THE MO CLOUD CHIEF The Red Cloud Chief v? r J mUMKVlTXmT THVMBAT AT MB CLQID, VXMAIXA. T M. L THOMAS, lit flatd rrrltr. ILN fr yssi, IsTtriably in Almc ai il - v. Mm. ul rvalri (hair resalariy. wH eaafar laver by notiryia as of eeaaty ai KUU. saatters or serai ater ! a r we TMteBitblfl for tie views or ajfie af ear aewsafaaa'eate. WV4. tatreB.Ua'- aeenyaioBS letters aadeoia asaateerteae. ALWAYS five Toar name. LOCAL KOTIC1P. lo seesre Insertion mast a aaa4c41 as early as WedaeeaayesorBiBa. Official Directory. OOKSRIiMIUXAL 2ftl ! Osaka. U. .V. Menator. tor. 51 ffesaaYJ. Msjet RepreeeBtatlve. . wA!5ltcHITT,B' i Prompt attentws given to all bMiosss IVSSKttf0 iAW.aUln-i5uhi.j. OSce on die T'.W.I.iaaill , Auditor, east ride Juiiuta Avenue. July 1 sj.M.VtfSiett ??.M,rtT l.E.TksBa.L1eel.8an rob.lastraetioa JUDlCiAXt. ea.a.LikS.OsaaBa. ChUrJlillee. WIsifTIR COUNTY. J. A. Tal!es, Coaaty Clark. I. H If . Ji j. a. weia. J. W. W arras. A A.Peae. Weaate Jadaal ( lit TV I r - School Rui't. Coroner. Ceaaty fiurreyor. ,. E. Saerer. r.a.Taerae. A : Ceaaty Ceamlssleaers. m. Orary I CMIIICM IBKVTMKI, Y)RH1k V. O.O. YEWER. Pastor. I Serreee ia" the Coart Hesse the 2a eaai 4ta Sabbath ia eaeli month morning aad vaaia. At &aida Rock the 2nd Sabbath Mor als aad areata. -f CETHODISTj Ret. C. REILLY. Taston JV-L Bervieea ia the Church eah Sabbath, ejastaatia sserniaf aad ereninr with the rraabyberiaa eerrises. Mt. Pleasant every two weeks at 11 a. m Ma'f Kit. 101871. Penny Creek. Ner. 3 at 3 . sa. ak Creek at I p, in. every twv weeks alteraatia. PRMBYTRRIAir. Ret. J. M. PRY.SE Paster; Harriers ia tha Church each 5ab Sik alteraaaiaf saornla aad evening with the Mhedlst ierrieea. Tatea Prayer sasatiag arsry Thursday areolar. Sahbatk Seaeel arery Sabbath mornini at 10 ?. Cleeeeatll. Mr. II. A. lIoWAKD.Sapt. SOCIETIES. I.O. O. F. Raa Clbo Lobbi, No. 04 1 0 0 F sieets every Haturday nitbt ia tha rjfaeeaie Ball, ifctnbers ef other 1 Letesareeordtlly invit'd to attea. 1. . . Parrai Bee'y. A F. l A- III. A CBsbitt Lodob No. 53 Red Clnarf. Neb. BieeU Friaay eveninai on or before full JKJT ateea. Visitina brothers, in good stand- la, are eerdialty invited t attead. J. CALVERT W. . I.ta.ta See'y. WLmp. Tiilley Railroad Time Table. 80IJT1IWARI. r ArriTCi I ATrSSSSSttSsO laJAS BBa ID. LeaTta blue Hill,..i9;30a. ro. Cor!e.... iu :20 a. m w - 1 tlaaHiaffa 7 0 1 RedClond, ll;20a. m. Inavalo, ... 11 ;55 a. m. Hivcrton. 12;25p. m. Franklin,... 107 p.m. Bloemington 1 ;30p. m. KORTnWARD. Arrirei Franklin 1 ;55p.m. Leave Kiverton 2;45 p. m. B)BBiagte Inavale 3 ;04 p. m. Hd ninnd 3 ?SSt. m. Cowli 4 ;40 p. m. 1;5SP. Blue Hill 5 ; 15 p. m. Ayr, 6;05 p. m HaBtincs. 6:55d.b. Traiaa Jailj, except Sundays. G. W. Hoi.dridgk, feop' WELL BORING BY W. da. O B Harvey An yiepared at all rimes to bore 1 drill well?. Rates Reasonable. INATALfi - - NEBRASKA OLDKSTAL. Old aaetal for babbit metal fbr sale in any qtaattties at 10 cts por. pound, at tkts offioe. - J. ESTEY & 3 TJaBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBjagJBjaBBBAAAmBBBBBaBBr ?aBBBBaaVBjB92aaBBBBaBM9&BVBaK9HBarj'V njaBBBBBBBBBBBBS BaBaBaBaBaH9aaa?awB9Ca2BvV t bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbj aaBBBBBBBBBBBBBaSaBBBBaBBBSeaaEgMrlBBBBBBBaBBBBBB BRATTLEBORO, VT. Our' neiv Organ, expressly stetigned f or Sunday Sboo Chapels, etc, Ia;rovlnff a Be sore to cend for JEE .yjiBEST WQKIES (OF a Iljnsrrjvted VOL.VI. BVSINESS DIRECTORY. Attorneys at-Law- GEO. E BANKS. Jlawyer. Rtal EttaU Agtnl .slthior. Nin. JAS. LAIRD, Lt-r'aTTonNKir and counhkluk at law. Juniata Nebraska. Will prac ; .11 tL. rnmrt- nf tha state G 1111.0,111 ATfORNKy AND COUNSELOR . gj, "- - n AT LAW Office in Miner buiding. vp-ttaif. RED CLOUD, NEB J. Ha Will COX, TtORN'EY AT LAw andU. 8: CossBsis- eeeaedoor aerth ef Chief OSea. !6Der. C'ollaetions prompuy Ill) fLOTO vn o. c: CASE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offle wr Ilerd'i furnitnre ore. BED CL0T7D, HIS Collectioni made arid promptly remitted. H. S.SALIT, Aft.B.erM. R.R. Land. C, W IAL1T Ncfary Pablie- ATTORNEYS AT LAW and real a tate Agent?. Will practice in all th Conrta inthis Sute and Northern Kan. Collections promptly attended to an Correspondence solicited. Red Cloud Neb. Edwin O. Hawley, ATTORNEY AIW COUN SELOR AT LAW. Office 1st door West of Red Claud Drug Store. BID CLOUD ygBt PHYSICIANS. K. W. CTLLEY8, U. S. Pension Surgcoi. -Ortioi eyr KaleyJBros. law oftce. RID CLOUD, NIBR1SEA a. p. Mcculloch PBYSICI AN and SURGEON, Bed Clcnd. Nebraska, Offlif orer Jclu ton an! Crept' store, VALLEY HOUSE Fbed C. Wintok, Prop, oci nr.nnn. . - - - NEB. S"e-w England HOUSE E. M. Noyes, Froynetor. Located iul he center of the city. Guests topping at this house, will secure the test of accommodations. 0 HASTINGS - KEB. J. F. GREtJTER, Practical fcase ! " Wagon Painter Jf . ., Na daubin done anlass ardsrad. COMPANY, full dcritiv CatalojuV befors THE WIIQ) QM THE BLOBL Catalogue Bent free. "Elcrl Vigilance is tkeptite of red cloud, Webster J. E.Saura 8. C. Sutra M.B.Tbows"C. hi. Vlwmt Sm.1. Cash. First Late Teller First Baak. Raatrica Nat. Bank Nat. Bank Beat' Neb. Beatriae Nab. riea Nab. e f lmul( firo!qfrarnompsonf BANKERS, KK1 COA MK. Wi I make colleetioais in aay part of tW United Itates fell exehaote apon the prinripal Eastern cities Loan money up on improved farms Receive deposits sab jret to sighi drafts Allow interest upon time deporita and transact a geseral Banking business. EfERiNCtM. Omaha National Bask on. A.. Fald.iclc, U. S. Senator: First Nat. Bank, New York, Cambridge Val iey Nat. Bank, Gtmbrtdce. N. Y. .L' XANDEE Drive the best Stage Hoe in the we 1 f yon want to go from LOwELL JUNIATA TO HAT! .VI TO flED CLOUD RIVERTOiV BLOO.MItfOTOtf MITH CEATTRR KIRWIN Or any point oa tbe Republican or oolemon rivers take this line and yon will find lively drivers and low rates. tagea leave, Hasting and Lowell at eight 'olook A. M. on Tuesdays, Thursdays id aturdays, and return a five o'clock P. M. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. WILCOX&WHITE ORGAN CO. Meriden, Contl. U.S. A. "Children's Blow Pedals,"! Adjusted orranwYedinslantfy. Invmted md Exclusively usid by this Company. The most popular Organs of the day! UNRIVALLED IN QUALITY. "The Wiloox fc White Orctan Instructor" is the BEST Mid CHEAPEST inthezmatrktt! Smd fbr ItkulnUi CtMofua. - - -- USEFUL AID BEAUTIFUL 9V Ntbrotha Farmer published at Lincoln, Neb., starts out upon its third rolume with full vigor. Its readers all speak very highly of it, and agree that it contains much that U useful to the farmer, as well as the mechanic, or the merchant Ladies like its bright pages, as H tell tha about tbe flowers aad shrubs, or bow to snake all tbe pastry, aad ten thoosaad thing needed about tbe house. Its pages aft illuminated by carta of stock of tbe soet approved breed, and Tls columns are filled with letten from tbe best agricultural wri ters ia tbe StoKe. We are clubbing it with aw saper at a very low rate. Call at oar efflce mL examine a copy, or send stamp t Ms publisher foe a sample. ECOmMl! -OOOKIIO OB xntiit- New Excelsior Oil Stove. afleale AGX3tTSWASTXI. COLTJDaJT 6 AS APAXATVf UP nn. ca ts WVrtxr Sr, ' - atsum li. neCreat Cra fer Dympaa, BTeaaaelte, Uver Coaaplaiat, fevei aae, hi nsiin II Medkmtsd U BELTS. TtefciHtv.rfB ofSuwaca.Lrver oa the aaWf . AlSOafrLlOt. iPIrmn. Ho Socter BHBV ti f-c nreclars. docraV tc the AljeorfUea Oara aad the revoteiion it ie 1 en. . . M ajjmnpeia atelt,SV . . WTwmelAspsa tfft,V. . Tenia atelt; t, mm. mtmm aUK, tXV TaeM Eel t will Useat to mar addrws free ef 1 n reerfpt oT SiOn eaca or SUM for IaCuO rcrfptoTS SITS AQ aatea m in cTerv comarv ia tb United States. Address, FISHER MEDICATED MLT CO. ' 232 IlliaoM St., CUeago. .AbV aBBTJaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBTBBBBB! 0& aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBHSSASIaBBFBB3BBBvJ aBVSBBBr-AaSMHBBflBBBBaBVSV!Bl2iBBB aa3BBBBBBBBVanaBTaTBBaBTaaWBBBB A3uVW VlBBBBvVn'8Q9SK7kV 1 HBBBBaBBwCfiJBBBBeaVi4a?7!SSvv' V"ia C5aBBBBHBaBBBBBanGBBaETW sV'' ''dl bbbbbbbbHbb f'AtsSi'SsSi m - mM iimt Btftar WaetaaVve. BmmmGmtm ' "'1 A.. - luiMfBtaa, Wieaa Liberty" af $200 U co. Nebraska Thursday, apkil- 10 Red Cloud Mills! Ws if s trssarsi ta is ess- flal wsrk. Flaslpecd Cr Meal for Stele. latisfecitan guaramteed iu iaal- t of flour so lit, tad C:trroM work. Farmers rhould be fartieulai t secure the best of aeed-wheit. Potter & Frisbi HARNESS ; SHOP -mr J. L- MILLER alaeps constantly os baud a full Um of Uaraetf Collars, Saddles, Whipn, Borse-Btaoketa, Coasb, Brask- , Harneas Oil aad every. thing usually kept ia a first -cla.s shop. Two doors north sf ths baak. At Elfhsst Caifa ?ric Pali for Irdaw ami Ftn. CHICAGO L Y UMBER T ARD RED L,OUI, Ifesw. Yarsl south of Haaptoa k ?al sten's shop, on Main street. Keep eoBbtantly aa kaadaa asaortaieBt t I,srsnhri Lsitli, Sklssclra. Bra Wis davf , lAmm Mmtr Ceaaaal. Ptaater IMIsia; Paper ete. PLATT & FREES Proprietor J. S HOPE -DEALER IN- Watch g Clocks Jewelry Silver and Silver Plated Wart, Spec tact, ate WIBSTER8T. - HID CLOUD. NEB. eitairiDC Deffi aad Warraated. This space beloags to DE' SHERER OF Til ITY Drug STOKE, Who ia too buy to writs a "Ad." JF. C. WATERS Photographic STUDIO. HASTINGS. NEB. M1LLKK k SEATONe Contractors t Builders, RED CLOITD. NEB. Will make estimates aud take aoatracta for all kinds of baildia;. L4VRV ! Feed 4 Sale StmMe, J. D. Post, Propr RED CLOUD, - - tttiB. CARL WEBER, PHOTOGRAPHER, HXDCDOtJD, NEB. Will Uks of sajstyls the price ef the Red CUud Chief. - Be. Alvia for pak4i deeusacata. Nrsi KliitWU CWy era im Hebroai Arril IS. Of er two of our eickiag iuti aaaie tkat Ex. Gov. Garbar aaay W tb salt Uaited State laaatar fraaa Nebras ka. Tha efcaisa wU be a g4 aaw lud ta auta waukl d kaaaf eewdit bf tb seketiea. Not Buek baa bseo aaaaHaftd ia tbe Olive trial bow ia sfscrcee at II a tiaaaaa rat. Ta lict of tbe dtfea i rideHJy U delay as M poaaibls. I JudM Gaaha kswavsr will push thiaa uvnmi m acwdily as it sm bt dsws der tks ekcuail Tha Omaha &aMiw, tu a leagthy article ia referaa ts tk attssipta of tbe Attsrawys far Olive aad guaff, is daisy tks trial aad ultimately tbart ta ssda of Justies, says: But wbsa, te uters ''diMtsvy'' sljee tioas aad obstacles which are theestelves proper, so long a they are not dgad mA oa!tilalMl In dfaat tha aad of - tiee there is added by Uafaed aad earn- est counsel a tfwai to carry their atrug l on bebalf of outlawry bcyoudUfs ju- d'u unmrsir of tbe state: to take aearly sue-half of the settled territory of tba state out aide the very purview sf the law aad of ooastitutioa; to leave lbs people of tba westers half of ths state utterly unprotected ia ths osurteef jus tice; ts speu ths way to, aad to aut a premium upon asurdsroua paaaios), liesuss aad outlawry iu a half aosrs of eouatie ftbe etate: than, we ray, it is high ; fnr sTba Marts, far tba arses aad for the people to cry ''IhU" iu u vols at least a clear and aa eoBmeadiag aa is that ia which these Attorneys of Out lawry have the brasea hardihood to prs dsia in a court of justice that Nebraska is not, aud cannot be, aad shall sot be a eoBtsaouwealth of hw, of good order, sf safety to tha property aad tbe life sf her cilisens. We warn the Attorneys of Outlawry not to ueraist in demonstrating that Neb raska ie a state destitute of practicable laws and of adequate penalties for their visktioa. Sack a deuioaetratioo could bare but one result and tbal result a proelimation which would frecxe the bktod aad blsashltbs ohssk of svsry red handed and bigh-baaded eriaiiaal, and tka hia aaaA faravar oat tba haods of attorneys aad courts ths pralimatioa, namely, that TBI WOPLl are Is mmto fAmerWfl. Bight here just this sids the "death liae' ' is a goad aad wise place for the Attornea of Outlawry to slop, aad let justioo take its courae, whether hcir cli ents hang or net. The foUowieg, sr eeatethiag sissUar, we nubliebed a few weeks ago, but by special request from ths departmeat at Washington, s re-produce it: ashiogton, w re-prouues iu It is probably awnara-lly remsmbersd at soma years ago ia 1873 Csossm .iJ . U tmidiaw for tba Bfastiew that naMed a kw DrovidiaaT for tks srssttoa sf durable beedstaass ovsr tks graves ef soldiers of ths rsffukr uad foluutssr fer ees of the United Staje wboss remaius are interred in the Natioaal Military Cemeteries. This law has bssa carried out, and the grave of the Natiea'a saad ia the cemeteries ars bow permease Ur marked. At tba iaataaca sf ths War DpartBssat, Coufraa ka ressatly su thnriMl tha araetioa af similar ksad- stoass over tks gYaf sa of the Uaioa sol diers who ars buried iu private aud viM age eameterie This will bs doa aa soon as ths Becseaary axraafSBMau cm' b made. Ia tk Bssuutims tks Quar taraaaBtar GeaaraL at Waakisctoa. will at stiss crocssd to ssssst tae iaformatisa as to wksrs tkeas era rMBirad. AU psrasas kaviug aery katwrndaa af tbs burial pUcas of tcMtsrs ia pnvats cemeteries whose gravae ars aot murkea, ar requested to commuaicate tks fast to tb Quartarmaatsr GsneraL aad give reg lBssat, eompaay, aad data sf death sf a -------i :f Lkoby Kaiilar Tafaiaiatiaa I is desired from partisaia ckarge of sask uciannm. Of cours it h sot iuteded to furuish headetsass for grave over whick uki Basata have already beeu erected by rel atives or rnsad of t a dfekaeei. eaaaBaaBBBBsaeaBMiM As at sviaaes of imprsvemeat gstag oa ia aLt Bbatrics, sas irm ia that city las week sold ever 60,000 sast of lamber, keevausaktagMB, hub, aaistWr buibliaff mstsriat Psa. tks slick talksr, wk kas tmr wives, aad aaatad me, was CBmtsrsd ia Mi ari a few smys aga by I iaasla ofisiate. aadbraagkt back la giv aa couat of kw, dsiaga ia lata Siato. Ou Friday asoraiag met Kgktatag struck tb io boas af Mr. Jobs' Amlsraoay of Setruyler, aad campietely destrsed erery tkinf caunactad" wTtS tbe kaQdeag kattke iea, ami sfmattidrt faaidarabry. 7s city couaeff cf PUtrsawatk kas SSkliBlad tks Its srdiaaass frem Fiftk atrct tS'tkerrailraad track fer a pariei sf air Bsdwtks. It is set im at id tkat $150,000 wsrtk ef baBdiacs wiU gs ap as Msia strcst tkis ysar. Oae kaadrsd weeura Nebraska atsck KTwwara kslrs aetttlaaed tk aasratarv m . -. . - - - a ia Btoatioa, aaor laqatLat taat as a aiaaaa i aaaa d amsaar. Gsal Csrf la Jf tha ilaaaiTBsaai af BBraBBBSBBBl CB UBS tjVBMtkSBBW VS Pmtts. far Basrs camaeat ptacansaa 4Bjaam 879. NO. 35 PoUdim. K. ClltF.-A sUokr aasieWi aMuV radaaMr.UanMk'suastBeuwHUI keat aigbt a tsnsyeareldaiulsaaas au aid rsBftUpteyafMrUrrek waektM dyaatraeafUgbuiagskilsisaiaai tbsviiVH votf.Wbi f4 tbts psfsiai ta uvwl was ryiag with ita a sa tba asars, aa it had fail ever, acd wbat was saagwkr. was, tkvy wcr etaad tag w a asd atab'e with so possible cbaac ts rsesivs tb stroke exotpt tbrub aa aparture iu freut, whsra he put bay ia ths maager, aad it would either hal to tkroagh a bsy stick or describe a turvSMUu dssest ts ave atttstaar brM. fl st4se)s sr saga was sen ey tb KfhtotasT thad it did tb wrk, exoept sa thf aiars a a mark frosa tbe thro it dowa tbe ebsst aad lag. Oar sympathies ars with f4f. larrosk whs saa ill af ord at this buey aeasou to loa hie tsam. August Baeebew was burasd vary badry by tb rrairi Irs, it haviag ba ast by tb eagia from spark falKac ia tba loaa? srrasa. Tbea-v Livery k Fsd Subl at tbe Rill" ie ssuBpettsd aad auppliss s great V Md. Harv Muaasu of Silver Lake baa put ap a Blacksmith ahsp at tae"Htir'ed beafotlb tb Blasktmitbt will Urns "Strike" her, thrbiag uo lata tbaa thro shops ia opritioa. J. II. Dixaaa, ed house was burned with all the furniture, dihe, aad oUth iag tber was ia the baiWiag, sas week sgslastSuaday. A gsutlsajea from Iowa hie bought a 1st ia towa, aad will put up a dew houaa immsdiatefy. TaMBBuaoary t6 the well of tha It n. ts. over which will b pVtsoed' a uak U completed at last, Buaiasa ia all d prtmaU of trade i enliresing. Willsea sf Clovsrton will issue his ' JWris oaae" agaiu eoou, so Usk sut for sparks of wit aad butuor. K. M. Saow, Potsdam, April 2ad 1879. ZMFOlTAlaT DCeilXOX TO 7Alfill. Tb Suprsms Court of Miaaeeota holde that note given ia payment for agricultural and otker machiaety are not negotiable eommereial psper. The deci aioa wse given in tba caW of the Third Natioaal Baak sf Syncuss. New Ysrk. gatust Dsaiel Arssatroaf, which was fled on tbe 13th iaet., aad it will fx aad determia tbe exaet etatus sf large num ber of ustse, leas, aad rtoaipta aad eerttieatee bow afloat ia this state, to whieh farmers, sigaaturee ar attached, aadamouatiag ia tbe aggregate to a vast ausa. The case ia ejueetisa was tried ia the district of Kamaey souaty aad judgment was ordered fer ths da feadsat. Tb plaiatiff tbsa appealed ta the supreme court, whieh has atirueed ths dcwieof tbe court below. The aote gives by ths dsfeadeodaat wa to tb Williams Mower and Reaper eompaay, aad it provide spcctaUy that tbe said ssmpsBy boukl aot traasier taeir ngtit aad title to the property for wkieh it wis .u oli, fu paymeot of lbt 10tt M( lJBUre This proviso ths coBYpaay di rregsrdcd aad traaaferred the aote to tb baak abovs aasatisusd. treating it in al MU tk baak above astid. treating it in all respect at aa srdiaary prsmimory aote, wbicktke court decides it was bol IfiasMS (Jfea.) Hepublienn POSTAL LAW CIAJT3IS. It is ast generally itaewa that just bs fers Coagrea adjouraed, imporuat amsudmssts ta (ke oat omes bill ws agreed ts, aad tkat it bacams a law. Of the several uader soasileratioa. the bill adopted wa tkat wkieh srigiaaftd ia tk Heaat. with tbe excepttsa taat te reg ietratioa feature wa etriekea sat. The aew law Sividas all aaailaW avattar iats faar -1 farat wrklaa aaattar: aae- sad, periodical paMieatisaa; third, mis- MlsaMBS nvtatad aaait' bsmI fiMtrlh. sasrekaadias. Mail BaSttsr sf tks sssoad eaaaa smbrasas aH aswsaaasrs sad part adieale issued as svbsa a four timss sa BuaBy. Al rMlikaatisas of this, witk ertaa txosatiaa wkaa asat from tbe ssBsa of pabaaatisa. iarfsasas eampW eaaisa, sr wkaa stat frem a sswa agaaey to actual subseribers thereto or la stkar agaata, akall ke eautlai ts traaa ai at two aaala a aaaad Breams'. tltaV aabysAari kav Sees reqmreil to pay traaosat rata sa apasisssa ca4sk edasss wQl saw bs traassBtwf at tba sewer rata sf bsssss eases Basttsr. It provided fartker tkat aasklaikera t assmiaatia. akksat aab- jeatiag tbsm salves to extra aaataga, may laid wMSia tastr ragumr tssass a aappw- asaat, prevtaad it w gcrmaaato ta pas lisstisa which it Mpaleeaeau, aad omit tad areas tks fagslsr tasaa fer waat of sakOsa bttai aad iaaaipts;asd orders lot jaaapusear avavjaai vs w kill arovaaee sr ta ssasis psatsi ears far a faatar sheet eavaknej. which n m .. ttt ta be stsmasd a aavalsassars bow stam ped, aad s deabie letter eaaewsa. Tks doable peataleard wsaaiss sioa ikrta tksssa ssat sard. It beats u tbmws a o draw frem tbs ta sask 1 t toUwrieasmutasw: Tauf aYitjr sf aba sard aaa tl rigkt-ksad aid asd tks re saivar uaas tbkfc-aaad defer hi re- aavlt STUV-b . .... ma i TBWJeaBi istaif savesspa twisi; sad tk saaaar aasa 'tks right aad ska rsssirar Iks lsft-kaad aids is writisa the adehma: At tks baak at tk ev4 sf sadSms kaaaai r aammad is i la raadr Jar Tks BvOsr-sasst sa- - I--- ? --S to di sway witk I LiWal, ta- .;; U tiU iMtt aBaaateA. Lsfai adrmW's; at Saalats rsiM. AN tiaaaint advvrtUeaMtU an baidfWi imsvbAnvrtTi CarvtaTt art ia g4 iimad a! t7 atur tbJa samag. dark aJ Avjra ars bxb t have a babV ae. OassaU faraassms ampUym) fct twwty-ivs earrsAfrC Tbe proaicta aw art tkVt VVabM will eej bsv s Mt L .Svra! mr faatiUa of CaaalUa ar ttvrd ia ls Witt last tk. Clasas far laetrwetto ia Gefsaaa a4 Kraeb are being rgaati ia F faW. Several families fr 0UiI. l)U, located ta KdriaU, CUy ty. laat Ose cf ike Nebraska City pba ma. faeterieakat brf ajiaterrsd t Had CUad. Seward rsal estate is estiva al thsMV aiaad fv eity prpdrty s bseomiaf liv. Harvard ke a asw aprt Tba CUy Ouaty Jearaal. (I. W. ITaWekV', editor. tbe Keyaraba aetitaaett is betag is ered ta popuUtiou by rsesat arrivals' from tk rmtt. Thf teiaber has bea parcbassd hr six asw houses to be built a Tb tbw vieiatty of Peru. A party of tbe Pose ladtsae frem their rearrati(M ia the Ioftea Territar wrs arraated at tba Omaha Kgwtkf fc eeatly aad rsturaed lo their bo si. Tbe stct of Uad by lb B. A M. leaf oftee al Uosola, fur 51 arch B9uat I 30,000 res. Pku sr bsiaf submhud far tks wlfrge-of tHsaiksarat Liata, aad wilt b commeaesd sesa. Tbe f'resbyterttae sf Kirefmil aad vi cinity effected a chureh orgaaWtltaa sat Sunday last. Ristag City, Batter County kt asm a Urg hall, aad tbeatrieal treupa are sl ready making a note of it. Mr. Kloranda, of Wilber. ha bWa? arrested on ths charge of poisHtlnc bis wife who died a Week ago. Kmicntats sie daily arriri2 at Sidney for the Black Hills, a majority of wbeav have plenty of money. Tbe Methodist of UuasboU htve or dered a thirteen hun-lra-J and fifty ptaad bell for tbstr saw chursk. Partise from' Indus t anf laikTag over Premoat with a vie of sttabltsbiag there aeora starch factory. Uraia bujers along the Missouri sty tbey never bandied belter graia tbaar that raised is Cedar county. Over sixty aew eattWrs Bf in Logaa V alley, btwesw . Lyoss, ataos Fikuafy , Oa Suadai, Iks tO, Tks ValWy Couaiy JsaraaJ sSee wa baraed, witk all th matsrisJ ssatajasd thereia. There ars Ivs aew house i betag built at Nemaha city. Tb lumber is afs sir fttB gYouad Co buiVl i targe dvpai. J. D. Hale, of Madieoti, ie Ittiag up a train of fourttea waiaf ta go li tbs Uilbj. Hs will si drive out seme iff kusdred bogs. Laat week's Kcaraey Noaparial gives a leagtkjr deecriptioa of the bsauUea, ad vantages and recroroas ef tb Middle" Loup couatry. Tbe Hastisgs poHataee wiR esoa bs avad Ocrmaa aad Britiak asoaay srdsr lotvcee, by specul order of tbe poetom Eaetor Saaday coats in Sebraakt aa' tks laksAV. la'saafs of tk ia- terisrtowassggs are rraotaf as lew as six coats par aasaa. Tks ffodavt Jsatasi ooataias a tssgtby cbaptarea MadkrA sousty that akould b is' tba kaads of all tbs deeirisg laat iaN B. W. Pag, a fermar larsjaiativs (A Kisbardtss codsty, did at ki rem daaas ia Baatmr Pradact, aa Wadass day BaerassT. of ssaaumptiea. Meaars. Lowmaa eYfta, of Haet!es. kavaiauKgaaarfram'irifladat, Mask.; tkat f fry families wfektave tksrs ia Jsaa to gat kerne is Nebraaka. OatksISlk ef April Graad IsUad' Tote oa tk prsposttioa to iases sky bead tola smsaal otZ,fJfil warkstaksssad weaswal' frs. Mr. fJearyFiafeW.'a: 2i, tears f , raeg 1", dianararailafaaTta iaah vaaaaf aaalsmly f egkt fast from the terras. ti igjmBBair saw Bkirka abWse sospmbT; wksrs all BBrflsSsSmTa W aTsrrS wmwJsamB,g sTs smwa"sUuaBjaBBj w traafd, krakaa baaefl aat, aad eve tseth draw ar aafseL ifaesssavry. The sarveyrfcr las draissga sf tke' ri r sUwkidelaUoeB, k Dsdgs base ssmaaetsd aad tks Uses Wsttss tks ditekes al few (if. Tba Mifwaakas rmat h- easy baa siVs ta say she IsMsrs sf a.n L-mm m mtT eieir eT SBBuae sat give seta far atfaetat ef tke 'sextwiatsr. ssemvhav saaaBBaa.sB s V w F M s . KM I ft ii -- Ik im JkmW ( . . a- V ..',, '-$., ,t 'J e" 'jpiSr-rfF r .otji.iiiHH ini in ii fcw.jMfi" l" tii .G. M..- SJj r- v- tv '