FZWZ 'W -r :v-s parTT-.: --:. " -,- r-vfc - et ,- ijr at T."Tr i J5 -! ir-Ji fe-' " t itnaw..an n-Myi,uiBWilH . "ir-i-ewf'.'-jft? '- --;?- V 1 f fc. Jt - iivi .-" t RED CLOUD CHIEF. CITY AND COUNTRY. Spring in hf re at Iait. Gardening 11 now in order. Runaway list Manday. N body killed. We hear of a cninber of weddings lately. Letter from "Betsey" crowded out this week. They bare unearthed a den of iIugtm in Hastings. la taert any telephones in operation in this town. Stamping done en reasonable terms at Mr. 3IcBride'& Numbers of covered wagons paa through town every day. Birth are of frequent occurrence in t hie municipality oflate. Mr. Stevenson of Inavalo called on the Chief last Saturday. NEW SP1UNG GOODS, just re ceived at LIDDY'S. . Mr. Fred Fritz of Biverton wa among our eallers last Saturday. Old pnprrs for sale at this office at 50 cents a hundred. tf McNitt, the P. M-, does not propose to be left behind in the wall paper bus iness. There has been a number of lawsuits before his honor, Judge Willcox, the last weok. Be carcfull about throwing out ashe?, at many destructive fires have originated in this way. The Cowles Band, we arc informed, hae become a pleasant feature of that thriving place. Our merchaefs arc recieving new in voices cf fpnng goods. Advertise ,em in the Chief. The largest passenger train ever run in Nebraska, came west last Friday load ed with immigrants. ' Bed Cloud is in danger from prairie fires, and steps should bo taken to guard against it, in timo. If you buy your hats and bonnets of Mrs. McBrido. you will be suited both in quality and price. tl -The time of running trains on the rail road is chanced. They now arrive in the forenoon, from Eastings. We have for sale a number of the most desirable farms in this county. If you want to buy, we can suit you, tf You can buy aiore Groceries for a Trade, or .Mexican Dollar, at LIDDY'S, than you ever saw for a Dollar, tf Mails arrive from the east, 11.20 a. m. Topt-office will not bo open on Sunday, hereafter. M. B- McNitt, P. M. A letter from Maple Grove was over looked a week or two ago. that should b ave been published; but is too old now. Tho "Davis'" spoken of in last weeks if-sue is not the L. E. Davis of Scott P. O., and our remarks were not intended to rpply to him in any way. We have been disappointed thi s weak as well as last, in gatting a printer, and have not been able to give as much read ing matter as we otherwise would. We havo for sale a second hand job press, cheap. Can fit out an amateur printer with press, -type, ink etc, very cheap. tf From and after this date, and until further notice, we-will publish, wihout expenao to the county, the proceedings of the board of county commissioners. Let us have a rousing old county Fair in this county the coming fall. Every one.should take hold of this mat ter in earnest and give the thing a boost. Plant treep, and don't you forget it. Every dwelling in the stato of Nebraska ahould be protected from the cold blasts of winter by a nice thrifty grove of trees. Bev. Geo. O. Yeiser will, by Divioe permission, address the children of Bed Cloud on next Sabbath at 11 o'clock, at the court house. All are cordially invited to be present. Seward Gaxber, son of the Ex-Governor, and well kaown and liked by all the old residents of Bed Cloud, is at home spending vacation. Ho is a stu dent in the State University. An exchange says that cats make good music but it's after they have passed through the refining rrocess and are properly adjusted and manipulated on the various string instruments. A number of our subscribers have pro posed to pay their subscription in wood, "but we fail to see the fuel. However, it is just as we expected, we never have been ablejtjet wood of those who prom ised it gv We are sometimes compelled to ie-5 ject communications because they are written so badly, as we cannot afford to take time to decipher them. You cer tainly have as much timo to write your letters in a legible manner as we have to decipher and re-write them. Wo are in receipt of some very good verses, from Negunda, and as we read . tbeurover we almost felt like publishing them. We-Teally would like to oblige our friends' bat oar rules ara as inexor able aa those efthe Medes and Persians, . we must" 'beg. to be excused." As much: as we dislike to refuse to aceede to the wishes of our friends, we .are compelled to say, once for all, that we save no room for poetry unless prict by special arrangement' Lines accompa- log obituary notice most be composed ot sot mote man cigm lines, eise me fu ture efiasJouwi!l be rejected-- p wmmm"im1" Beautiful laces at Mrs. McBride': ATTENTION!! TO THE GRANGERS, AND THOSE WHO ARE FRIENDLY TO THE CAUSE. You are requested to meet at my store at the earliest opportunity, when the subject of how tho interests of the above class may be advanced, will be discussed. Bespcctfully, N. G. Liddy. Best place to buy Millinery goods of all kinds, is at Mrs. McBridc's, in tho south part of town. It CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! ! Just received at John G. Potter's, a large lot of clothing of the latest styles. Also Boots & Shoes, Hatsfc Caps, and all sold down at Bed Rock prices. tf e en ... . Wall Paper at thv PoH office from 7J tolOct., per roll, white 10 to 15 els. Satin finish 22 A. to 25 cts, tf. Ladies and Misses Boots &, Shoes of the latest styles and nobbiast make, at John G. Potter's. Published by rcqnett. DIED. In Ironton. Sauk County Wisconsin, Dtc. 26th 1878, suddenly of l'arMlyais of the heart, Joseph Qaylord Blakcslec. Aged 71) yean. In Salem Kenosha County Wiioonsin, Jan uary 31st 1S79. of Typhoid fever, Harrison Smith. Aged 63 ycwi. it. S. CI ED. Of cromp, March 14th 1879. Thomas L Brubaker, son of Joshua and Sarah Brubaker, aged 5 j'cars 5 months and 27 days. He was the pet of the family, beloved bv all, but the Lord is wise, He knoweth host. He giveth and He taketh away, FOB SALE. A couple of good farms in Webiter county, close to town and improved. Terms made known on application. M. L. Thomas, Agent, Bed Cloud Peb. Mitchell & Morhart have on hand the largest stock of hardware, stove., farm machinery ic, to be found in the Benublican Valley and they propose to sell as cheap, if not a little cheeper than any lother firm in the' valley. Give them a call. The Largest and Best assorted stock of Mens,' Womens. Misses,' and Chil dren BOOTS & SHOES at Bottom Prices at LIDDY'S. Programmo of tho Webster coutty Teachers Association to be held at the school house in district No. 5 en Satur day April 12th 1579, commencing at 11 o'clock, a. m. 4th Lesson in Physiology, C. W. Springer. Language in our schools, A. A. Pope. Orthograohy, A. L. Burton. Essav Tho Duties of tho Primary teach er, Mrs. P. D. Suttell. Select Beading, Miss Adda McCulla. Mise L. B- Wells, M iss Julia King. U: S. History, E. M. Pearson. Map Drawing, Miss A. J. Noble. Essays, Mrs. Stiles, E. T. Bur ton, Miss F. C. Grubb and Miss Mary King. Committe. The Quarterly meeting of thi M. E. church will be held in Bed Cloud on Sua day March 30th inst Love feast 10 a. m. Preaching at 11, followed by sacra ment of the Lords Supper ke. Preach ing is the evening at 7:30 p. m. Quatrerly confcracec on Tuesday at 2 p. m. All arc iuvitcd. By order of the Presiding Elder. Cha . Beilly, Pastor. - Loans on good improved .-J arms Kego tialsd on favorable terms by. L. B. Treemau. I desire to commence herding cattle about the Srt of May. Wll prepared to give entire satisfaction. Ternis, UOcts per month, per hGad. Calves gratis. 32 E. W. S. Harvey. Head of Farmer's Creek, Inavale Neb. S22D 77H2i.T. I have on hand a few bushel of gtaca wleaf; for seed, which 1 will hell, alio nme barley. Call at roy farm on Eiui Creek, north of Cowles. Thos. Hlunf Notice: Thee who havo not re ceived from me thtir receipt for pay ment of mbtcripiion to the CillFK, will after this in settle with the proprietor at Bed Cloud. Frank Boai.v. WhNTS TO CLOSE OUT. Miner Bros, are willing to close out their winter Mock of etathine to make room for summer good?. Go and get bargains. Wp cal'ed on J. S. Hope, watchmaker and Jeweller, the other day, and found him a most pleasant and acrcouble cen tlctnan. He has a nice stock of good in bis line and will give you satisfaction. We called on N. G. Liddv at hi place of hu.-infs?, the other day, and found him a genial and affable uen'le man with whom people like to deal. We hone to give our readers a more extend ed notice of his Lu,inc.s soon. For. Pa I.E. ICO acre farm on Kliu ercek, throe nii'ns from Cowles. Seventy acres undei cultivation, house, well, sta ble etc , young orchard Mnrtod. Half ra?h, balance on time. Deed given Chfap. Apply to M. L. Thomas, Agent. LOST Friday afternoon March 7th cast of town a fourtined fork, alsi T.ies day March lltli, n lare woolen laufller, betwpon Ked Cloud and Co-.vles. Iwill pay fur their return. D. Lor. FOB SALE. ;i0.000 Golden Willow cuttings at SJ.SOyor M. 100 buthel-Japanese or mammoth Miller trass -eed 50 ct?. per bushel, also fcveral large fresh milch cows. 7 miles south west of Bed Cloud. D. S. 1If.lt kun, Agent. The Library Magazine for March will be nsidy on the 2.Sth not dated in ad vance, as is the custom its contents be ing mainly fioin the foreign publ cations ofVatne date, thus giving what is neweht in ihe literary world. $1.09 a year, or 10 cts.. a limn1 or. Aiiuirimn Hnl- W. changc, Publisher', N. Y. A Literary Berstaticn. Chambers's Cyclopedia of English Lit erature, in the new Acme Edition, is meeting with such extraordinary Bale that the publishers, to make it Mill more popular, have further reduced the price. Purchars ordering befor April 30th .vill j:ct hc eight volumes complete, in paper, for $1.75; cloth. $2.50; half moroco. gilt top, $4.00; or bound in four volumes, half moroco, gilt top, for $3.20. Sample volumes tent post-paid for 30 cts, 45 cts, 65 cts, and 90 cts. This is not only one of the choiccit works in the language, but really wonderful in its low price- Speci men pages and terms to clubs will be sent free on request by the publishers, the American Hook Exchange, 55 Beekman St., N. Y. NEW HARDWARE STORE. NEW GOODS. Con verse Godman k Co. Kocp constantly on hand the largest assort, ment of Hard-ware goods ever bro't into the Republican valley. They sell cheap for cash, and if they have not wh&tyou need leave your order and they will fill it. Call on them one door north of Garber's and Mr. Holcomb will wait upon yuu. Notice to Teachers. Notice is herby given, That I will ex amine all persons who may desire to offer themselves as candidates for tea chers of the primary oreommon schools of Webster county, at Bed Cloud on thefirst Saturday of each monthat niue o'clock a. m. sharp. A. A. Pope, Co Sup't. LAND NOTICE We have just placed on the Market Ten Thousand acres of Land situate din Town Two and Three .rYangc Nine and Town Two tfange Ten. On easy Terms of Payment. Eight Payments with Eight per cent interest, and at low Price?. Some of the best tracts ever offered. Discount of Fifteen per cent for cash. KaLf.y Bros. ESTBAY NOTICE. Taken up by the undcrsigucd, on Feb. 19th 1S79, living on Sec 2Town2Bang 11 Webster Co. Nebraska, one dark brmdle cow about 11 ycara old. The owner is requested to call and prove prop erty, pay charges, and take the animal J away. 30:5 n. J. Maurer. OLD METAL. Old metai for babbit metal, for sale in any quantitiei at 10 cts per. pound, at this office. tf. Chew Jackson a Vest Sweet Nary Tdhaeo. DOWN ! DOWN i ! New supplv of Wall paper at Mc Nitt's. Call at the postoffice and see it, only 20 cts. a bolt, 10 cts. a roll. LOUIS CLAPP. City Express and Drayman Will deliver goods to any part of the city with promptness and dispatch. A share of the public patronage is re spectfully selicited. Charges reasonable. J F. GREUTER, jSrr.ic;ieal Jokscj "'Iffu i Waff on Painter. S. B., No daubing done nulcsr ordered. 4tpnfe St 3nn$t. o- Particnlar attention given to ahop wort, and coffins made to order. E"-Painting; a Special tySt HSDCLOTO, - ' HS3. Furniture Store. A wholesale stock of Good of the Finest Quality and a Ad nt prices lower than Z7S2 3S7023 0??S3SD to the Public. OT. T, Reed. tST Special aHcntionjgivcnl.to. Undertaking-RED CLOUD. - - - NEB. w cam a '&&& b. a t-m- a z ". Ur ani Sfr S W BAiiaca Dealers in and Manufacturers ofCurln I'rizzei, Chains. Switches, tttc., all of HUMAN HAII& Parties in the country wanting work in thin line miiv pay in Farm Produce. CHARGES : : REASONABLE. Orders may be left at the millinery stores and post office. Orders by mail will receive prompt attention. RED CLOUD tfF.I. & COME! For Your LUMBER! DBY LUMBER A SPECIALTY. THKBSST IS THE JIAEEET Held at Lewcat Frie -BY- r. . mm & m BED CLOUD NEB. CITY MEAT MARK" r J. WILIIELMSON Proprietor Red Cloud Neb Will pay the highest cah price for hide:. rresli J!et Conaiaatly Oa Ifaarf. $ 0 i- 0 2-5 (D J 5 si s- If-1- c ? 5 IPs- 38 m IS ml 0 m o 1 O m-, Hm1" S go c S5? (SI 5? 2 fc5 E.S- 1 vajui is SUBSCRIBE FOR THE CHIEF, The leading paper ot the Republican Valley, giving all the local and eral news. gen THE CHIEF Book 6c Job Printing Office will be the most complete in the R F.r U B LICAN V ALL &Y? as we intend to make a specialty of JOB PRINTING, and will guarantee to duplicate any bill that can be had at Lincoln. Give us a call. In monLblT. ICO-ZtXza Scran lit k vt tht crra cf tho Vf orld I.itritur. HiD'n. o pr. ttt or ; rt per. As Oil crcmo (lix'JJ inclicnj of Yoarsila i Hoa'fh'ld ilrwlo txit-rld.for ostr SOcnta L am In xarcx.', or in ocr-rut posUs tin;. AsU trstL IttlfbrllTm,batnothlnwjHrMi. , AMtm S. S. Wood. Tnbata batMJac. Sv York CIW TMB LAKCEfiTT OLD EXT AXD MDT1 nrn'-iwo pacxa mottillv. Thomas G. Newman 6c S02 T3 cot! Wl WTcsl Uztllsou SU CHICAGO. coelved Highest Honors Confer rd at Centennial. VILLCOX AOIBBf MailkatfiA IStEV? mum SILENT SEWINO MACHINE, la the mij Sciriog JlocUe la tie wcrid wB lutomatlc Tenslen, Automatic Stitoh lntflatarr Always Neatf7 far Wark,af AltoKOtho nacallaa" 8adroritCcrd.'crinJncaleeUa TVillcox Cifaft 1. 12. Ofc. 'cr. Boad BO m"mcmr-r n- i n nifUiCTs Vr.AiUiUL.U3 t. CU v I&.&T !- nnti m lftcaW . etI r,ifrtrdr5 EaWnUfllcMf7.Jfi(.U. - mmt m lilirr ' ftui;i T UVAilUCuk.nihUamlilM Im hU nmtax.uinntia(A. Urn mtlHi kscs. 4 lti. nii w tncy : Vna. in) Senate fc ms-f- it ia&Ur & ? nU if hwttsl hi&i 7'iw. 9X. MJV1 MAEEIAGE GUIDE SS.8 iJ r''S iai if Wit a. n ul &mm f t M5.t6i.wWrtirfCTkTh!Wr''. , TiCU ! m am so uca. rawripm . tvrZX t3fH r ,JC ---- - -T . !-- . 1JCJ MCK. tmir H orR. .-T Beejourkm Ttv-1 E9yS395P,k" I'OSTOI'FICK CLOTHING HOirsE. In aJ.i;wn t i-ttr clt .-; i txk of Boots, irlats Caps. Glovi-. 'Blank Books. SUitionory, Con foe t ionorie, CIOAKS Ani TOBACCO. We invito roa to 31 &4 ih 9t tai xod Uitn rrkt. T7f j( otfo tificUon. AT MMaaiaiaMaHBaHaiHMaMMaBHMHi MS "5S; 3 y v0 -TV -- a&jMJWim MINER BROS. For All Kimln OT M E R C I-I A. ?sr :D I S M van KEEP Coii-Mintly On IU11J A Kail Siook Of mmmm, CLOTHING n atm. ;is. nairra hoes G'lasswti 'c, Qeenswai'o Oi'oclcoiyi WE BUY Oui goods Tor CASH and dvfy COin8Tm.. 'Uem ,la town fita call- otic dr niMuh ml k- l' 0(Uuo. UbVO a lot'of No. 1 FARM WAttOMt uhtttl we ar 44fO of -loix nnX Also ntnt.s for tla white bewlva uctn.ti. II. Mixna. izjsjut nczyi H A R D STME irCIIi:i,I. A JIOUJIART, Vrv W keop on hatitl at a.11 iioiha Aid Uardwarc. WIS eep a Supply of Farm In z Iuipei fi&rUlvo ua a call, a we lout mra wo nan jutt joti, vr a any olhcr Qrtn l tLu wwst.f ememhor tho pltoo, 1 dor north Btll! Y OUR GROCERIES ANDPRO - VISIONS AT mb umtwi mmt sf MS M m im&x l 'At fZ W miii DAILY RECEIVED. L. E. SNCLL. IM3I CL.OUH- TPTE CHVMPTOT Grasshopper Breaking Plow, i now offered 10 the Paclic by HAMPTON Go. All wihiet to break prairie will do well, aoJ save mozfft time nd Horse flesh by purcbasjsg the C!lA31!'lON. Tlity are uuuis os iajprorwl principle, and of ood matetii ai gesraatctd to give taiisfictioa or no 33k. All wcrk io onr Tin made of the bzl matm! 3uI yoranl'ed. We thank the public for past patrooare, and tcIot a conliaaaa of the aac. HAMPTON 4. BREWER. Red Clni3, Nebraska. .1 A. JURY ii'M J. I. Xivim. W AR E tr& ( iflvVt tk ' AI.'-O ami. of tho Printing oSp. Red Cloud. Hmb TI1K - Ulcw.i , te sl 18)0 mmziim v - 4Wt i WW ,mCTWWl Hiawi f. r-s Ifrft-'- jm .-iiii'i "5S ?i?fZ&J!?&ti. SMBfeggS&Bgg JgriSagCT