v' - -333S JKfe M& gVSsgB"" --.-. - TN -. ji-. - .-!. . M, v 'MMIMWrVc mn.4-'Miv , .. MX ' i " ' i "i i , m --- -- - TKE RED CLOUD CHIEF. TKE RED CLOUD CHiEf ! The Red Cloud Chief. TFTlI.ISBED lYERT TTlUflSPA V AT LSD CLOUD, li52ASrA. BY M. L. THOMAS, C4lfrK4 Proprietor. AfSTerHaitia; lUiew. f i 1 I 1. IS.C6 jtr jear, lararia'bly la AdTar.cs fabaratt eta who do not rerelTe tbir pip em J ralarly. will confer a f&vor br notifying- u of , the fift at e-oce. , t;jzTvo7rnre flicitH from all jsrt'f b 0ntyand Bute. ona-ialtereof ceoeral nut j la no en are vr repori1 Ic for the view or ' epinfonr of our rorrs;onlrnt. "J Wm do i nt jnblU n."f-Dfuinu$ Icterg nde-iic- i Minicaiu.tf. ALWAYS tivc ?ur niae. J I.OO-AL NOTICK?. to re-re unction mutt knddin early s Wcln(wdn7tiorTunr. Official Directory. CONGRESSIONAL. A. i. Paadrck. Beatrice. 4 (via Sanmler'. Omaha. M.'SKZ Tfcaaaaa J. Major Keireecttire. EXECUTIVE. ALBIXUS NAKCK. Gor.roor. 6. J. Alexander. Eec. of State. F. W. LiaJtke Auditor. U.M. Bartlett Treasurer. ' r. J. IMIworth. Att'y Urn. fi.R.Tkumitn. Lincoln. Sen Tab IxutrucUon JUDICjAKY. I 41a. K. Like. Omaha. Chief Jutirc. Km a Cobb. Linc.ln. i. ,-;,. rnt n Maxwell, n-tuuiouth i Aoc,e Ja. WEcSTIiK COUNTY. J. A. Telleje. County Clerk. X. 11. Jne. Treasurer. J. A X. It. llruX. n. Uairtii. A. I'tpe. It. Pbrrr. , K.l hori.e. Probate Judge. r her 1 if. School up't. Coroner. County tfLreyor, It. Ball. ) J.. II. Lwec. f Cou.ty Cotami.iioner. A. ii. Crary CnCRCJI DIKECTOKT. BAPTIST: Rut. Cl.O. YKISER. Taftor. Serr cei in the Court llt-utc iLe "ud eal 4th Sabbuth in each month morning and Ttcinc. At O'uide Rock the 2nd Sabbath mor aine and evening. METnODIST: Rrv. C. REILLY. Tastor; Heiviccs in the Church ca.h Sabbath, alurnatine tnorninit and cvvnine with the i'reebyierian cervices. Mt. I'leasact every two ueeks ot 11 a. m toan'c hor. 1C187S. I'tt.ny Crrek. Nr.3 at 3 i. m.m f'ak Cicck at 3 p. m. every two mtths altarnatinf. TBES11YTKRIAN. Rtv. J. Jr. PRYHE I factor; cerv.cf e in tho Church each ab Wa.h altuructiiif niorcii-x and cveninc with tho l!tbodit Bi-riicir. Ubib Prayer meetinc every Thnr?dny eveniry. 6bbth School every Sabbath inorniRS at 10 a. v. CUiet at 11. Mis. Ii. A. HotTARi).Fupt. FOCIETIKS. I.O. O. F. Ri;r Cl-ud Lonr.K. No, C4I00F niert every Saturday nicbt ia the ATaiuiiio Hall. Jt inters cf other Lorfcejarc coraially invit'd to attend. i. i:Tr.i,. u. Pottee Kec'y. C. H. A.r. & A- iff. CnARirj- Lodge No. 53 Rerf ClouJ. Neb. tuccts piioay erenuirs on or bffore full moon. is tiLic brothers, in rooJ ittand iiic. arc cordially invited t attend. A J.CALVKRT M. I.StjIm Sec'r. Hep. "Vailiey lSai!rol Time Table. ForTinvAun Anivcs 1 Ayr S ;'JJ p m. . cvr a I Wuu Ut!I....s;.rs p. in. Hastings 7 25 (Iiiw'e y ;47 p. m. (Red Cloud, 10:2Sp. dj. Inavale, ... 1 1 ;2o p. ui. m. J luvrrlon, 11 ;55p. in. J Franklin,... ll-10a. ui. J Blooniington 1 ;00a. m. NORTHWARD. Anive LfftTta 1 Franklin 2;20a. m ltivcrtou Inavjlc lied Cloud o ;0.r a. ui Blot n.inF ton 3 ;2n a. in. C ;57 n. in. 1 ;S1 x u. fi ,5'J a. in. 0 ;'2'J a. m. : (!owl. 2 ;00 s. in. Blue Hill I Ayr J Hastings, Trains daily, exempt Sundays. 1 -JO a.m. O. W. Uoi.DKiPon, W.m. Irving, Ast. KUtt bupt. WELL BORING5 - W. & O. B, Harvey, Are picparcd at all imes to bore or drill wells. Kulca Heasonable. I'NAVALK - - NEUHASKA. HIGHEST HONORS iS7!3 Cenienmal World's Fair, 18761 the SB0MNC12R OHGAHS ZOOVOUSCEO CJHXISX0CSI.I AS TILS BEST nfSTBUMBNTS. Tbrit eonsrwatire cs'-eUencp Is ripn52d by fee jdgcs In tLtnr Kopjtt, txuta wlictitlia following ia an extract: "TL B. SHOXIXGER ORAJf CO.'S xMblt as the best Inatrnmenta at a artea renderinc thecx pdsiib'.e to a lare cla prchasers.bawug a comucatiou ot RceUa ad Sells, pmdnciniiorsl and x!eanlx:g cSecis, OOBtainfpg many deeirabla imprnrcmen'a, will tkad lOBRor ia dry or csnp cliiaat. 1 rf liable a ret oat of order, all the boards Lciut: jnide Ikraa-ply, put tofrlUer eo it is imnw?ibl P-r thrm to either shrink, sell or cpHt.' THU OSXY OKCAAS AWABDED TI BA.K. ' Tbta Medal and Award was crantel aftr tha Boat eevere o'niptitioii f th4 bel makrra, before rseo th xaoit compcUait Juriea rer acserab'.ed. Kw Btylre and prices jnt LsuM. wSlch ara fa acecr tance witti oar ml, the IIBsT1 OB C AS for the ltiit jiicuey. Wa re preied to appoint a few aewAgsaia. XnarateI Catalogues isiilcdj poei-paid, ca appllcatloa to 9. SHOKINSER ORGAN CO., 87 to 123 CHESTXUT STREET, VOL.VJ. Ji U SIN ESS DIRECTORY. Attorneys at-Law. J". S Gilliam ATIXHLVKV AND COUN-KLOR AT LAV,'. BGuH'ilI Practice in nil the Coutt 0 the Suit Office in Uines Luiding, vjt'ttair'. "ED CLOUD. - - - NEB J. It. Will cox, ATTORNEY AT LAw andU. B: Comtoit fioner. I'ollectSona promptly attended to. Office one door uorlh of Chief OSSce. !D CLOUD - - 27E3 GEO. E BANKS, Lawyer. Real Estate Aocnt SUPERIOR, Nkb. jas. laird, ftTTOHNKV AND COUNPJXOK t-V . , 1 . kti 117:11 ir a w- "' ieurne. " w ind uce iq alt the Lourts 01 tuc biate. Prompt attention given to all business entrusted to his care. Ofice on die ct Kde Juniata Avenue. July 1 7 o. c: CASE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office ever Heed's furniture store. 3D CLOTO, KZ3 Collections made and promptly remitted. H. S.SALSY, Agt. Ii. & M. R, R. Land. C. W. SALE j Nctary Public, ATTORNEYS AT LAW and real ca tate Agents. Will practice in all tbe Courts inthis State and Northern Kan. Collections promptly attended to ani Correspondence solicited. Red Cloud Neb. ATTOK.HEY AND COUK A SELRLO AT LAW. Office Ut door Wc-t of Red Cloud Drug Store. BSD CLOUD 2S3. PH YSICIANS. X. W. TUJULEYS, HOWCEOPATHiC PHYSICIAN, U. S. Pension Surgeon. jOSTOffice oyer Kalcy'.Bros. law office. S2D CLOUD. K2BRASSA T. .McCUiXoCJl PIlYsICIANund SURGEON, EeiClci, ITebracka. C5:e ever Jchr coa aal Crc rs' store. VALLEY HOUSE FllEP C. WtNTON, Prop. RED CLOUD, .--- NEB. New Eiigland HOTJSS E. M. Noycs, rroyrictor. Ijocatcd iul he center of the city. Guests stopping at this house, wiii secure the best of accommodations. HASTINGS - - - NEB. SAM'L GARBER UKaLER IN -.v Dry Goods and Groceries. HOOTS and SlIOlS Hats. Caps & Ready Made Clothing ! We have the Largest Stock in the Valley and will not be undersold. - t GIVE US A' CALL. ONE & ALL Sam'I Carben Ked Cloud Heh "Eternal Vigilance is the price of BED CLOUD, WEBSTER CO, NEBRASKA THURSDAY. MAR. 27 1S71U J. K. Smith S. C. Smrn M.B.Tnoa-5o'r. Pre. Tm Nat. (ah. Firat IateTP-r Fint Bank. Reatrxce Nat. Rank Nat. lUflk Beax- Nh. Beatrice Nb. rie Neb. m: Jiroilrs & Thompson, BANKERS. Wi 5 make t 1'octirns in any part of the Lti'.t'd uia:e& wt'I exchange uiKin the principal K.-icrfifi ii-s Ix)ati money up on m s.ovcd fir uit Rtctive deposits sub jeet to fciirln drafiij Allow interest upon time deposits and transact a general Banking business. f.ferkncEs; Omaha National Bank on. A.. PaddcV, U. . enator: First Nat. Bank, New York, Cambridg ley Nat. Bank, Cambridge, N. Y. re ai- r F&RS8I p-ffi ;rt fiJ save yo"r money hi buving your Iron, steel, Nail. and Shelf hardware of MO WEKY& FARRELL. They sell cheaper than any other housj iu the state. 1st Street, asfings Neb. AL' X AJSTDER Drive tbe best Stage line in 'he we Jfyou want to go from LOW ELL JUNIATA TO HATLVi TO TED CLOUD RIYKRTO.V BLOOM 1.VGT0A' M1TH CEA'TRE LvIiJWIiV Or any point on the Republican or ooloraon rivers take this lino and you will 2nd lively drivers and low rates, tages leave. Hasting and Lowell at eight 'clock A. M. on Tut-rdays, Thursdays nd aturdaya, and return at five o'clock P. M. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fiidays. USEFUL AND BEAUTIFUL. The AVwtmm: Fartiu,r, ptiblishod at Lincoln, Neb., starts out iion its third volume with full vigor. Its renders all speak very highly of it, and agree that it contains much that is useful to the farmer, as well as the mechanic, or the merchant. Ladies like its bright jwigcs, us it tells them nbout the flowers and shrub?, or how to make all the pastry, and ten thousand tilings needed about tho house. Its pages are illuminated by cuts of stock of the most approved breeds, and fts columns nre filled with letters from the best agricultural wri ters in the Stale. We are clubbing it with our paper at a very low rate. Call at our office and examine a copy, or send stamp to its publisher for a sample. f .&! COOKING OB nEATINO New Excelsior Oil Stove. Jut the Tiling for Light Iianakecpla. It will Brell. Koat, and IVOie ltr than a Oxil o? WqoJSt'oTe. Send for Circular. AGENTS WANTED. COLEMAN GAS APPARATUS AHD OIL CO ts MAnarr Sr., - - Caicuoo, Iu. The fircat Care for I)rpcita, Indigestion, Billoai Bcadh, Liver CcrefUint, Fcrrr and Ajca, Ceaaial IB. FISHERS TVl.IlitT.aud all cceai'UlaJ of Stciaacb, Lirar i lai on th newly claootaraw principl of Medicated BELTS. ABSORPTION. No Prut. No Debtor BtHa. Send for Orculan, deecrib ing t!t Abauri'tioB Cora and the revolution it U caa 5b to the tdacca uf asadt cine. Dyspepsia Belt, fri. Fever and AfTtie Belt, ?3. Tonic Ifrli, 94, and Intamta Belt, ft. Thc-e VV.s will l.rnt lo any addre- frw f jostaga on rtreipt of &IX)i.h. or IIjOD for Infant i Flt. AGENTS wantei in every county ia tht United State. Address, FISHER MEDICATED BELT CO. 232 Illinois St., Cliicago. fp MILLER ORGAN IiSBANON, FJLS Tone, Workmanship, Durability and Finifh. Rsage ot Eapreaaion, EaquisHaVoMfiSt and Simpiietty of Construction. rontaJaiae all tliH6?t valuable impruvreata :wlpol ia rvoil-orga rsanafactnre. Blt. with the sioet scraraluas are, under ocriiatne diste and cocataal jeraaaal auperintcndcscc lj-fiivt-claas wprkEieE, 'srho are all paid lilerUvi tor tlw Ur, usia? zteao lit atnealr ficat-dasa material, it fullotrs that the iuftruiaCltg w? prodacQcuaaotheacTthingclscbutoAK Ciire . ua one trial aad be coaviacwL v- All oar organs are I ally warrant! Cta j-ar. EflaaiJacHlaetraitd Price-Iiia, terms, cCcw Th2 -jnTiTiTB OBGAK CO., mees OMll 7 J P ciHJaaaBaM psaBaaavnaR?r,SSsas3MMaH B Mj)m.aaaaaaajaapaa apa aJMSaaaaigsaaiawSjSSSSiBBiaal Liberty," and $2.00 a year is Red Cloud Mills! We are prepared to do cus tom work. flour peed and Corn Meal for Sale. Satisfaction guaranteed iu qu&l iuoi llour SOLI), andctaTOii H'OttK. Farmers ;hould be partiaula: to secure the beat of seed-wheat. Potter Sl Frisbie HARNESS SHOP BY J. L MILLER Keeps constantly on hand a full line of Harney Collars, Saddles, Whip.-, Ilorte-Rlankets, Combs, Brush es, Harney Oil and every thing usually kept iu a Grit-class shop. Two doors north of the bank. Tbe Highest Cwh Prica Paid for Hides and Fsrs. CHICAGO L Y UMBER I ARD ItED CIOUl, IS lehm Yard south of Hampton k ?al tton'j shop, on Main t-trcct. Keep constantly on hand an ajsortmeat af LBmber. I.MI1, hlBle. iara Wln dowN, Lime Hair cement. Waaler ilailditi I'nper etc. PLATT & FRKKS roiiristcr J. S HOPE DEALER IX- AVatcla s Clocks Je weir y Silver and Silver Plated Ware, Spec tacles, etc. WEB3TER ST. - - KED CLOUD. NEB. Repairing Done and Warranted. This space belongs to OF THE CITY lrug STOKE, Who ia too busy to writt an "Ad." I C. WATERS Photographic STUDIO. HASTINGS, NEB. MILLblt & SEATON, Contractors & Builders, RED CLOUD, NEB. Will make estimate and take contracts fur all kinds of building. UVERV 1 Feed Sale Stable, J.- D. Post, Propr. RED CLOUD.- - - NEB. CARL WEBER, PHOTOGRAPHER. RED CDOUD, NEB. tak pictures cf any etyle desired 2 ad give ratisfactiea. Will the price of the Red Cloud I Tlie new isterttt law ctabhhc tho f U&l rte at T per ecnt and allows 10 per ecct wbtn ft-cc-Sd in tho contract. County bonds and warrant herciftcr isned can bear but ? rerecnU Th Pone (Tourie ty this of u "The Red Cloud Cuii:F ca'N at our ?aii ctum 'oor once more fr admivion ti nr az change luL a more ctviltreti The CiUKF now aituaiw j apI'earaBC, and wc thl time welc me it. May ithva loo? an J ! profper. The Waihingtoa eorrespoadent of the f.,, li.,U 5n .notlm? f .nnmnna. 1 tions made by Cocgrcv. mentions the nhare rcce ved be Nebraaka a follow: "The State fared v.ry wjl this year. In the river and harbor bill Omaha get $20,000, I'iattmouth llOCrl. Nebrak Ciij $ 30,000 and Biornvillo $10,300 In addition Omaha will get abou $'J0, 000 fcr bridpinjr, tc. Lincoln -et. J12, 000 forf.ncng and snJi tla croundi around the u.w iK-to(B;e. Thi is good for Nebraska, coiiMderius the way figure were knocke ioff." Tliere is cvn.Mdetable excitement in wheat circles in th! coitl.-weat, vcr the quality of wheat that is to be gownthU; anrinr. L.aat vcar waeai wis uoi m , general rule, first class much of it being I !n rrade. the kerne m shrunken. Jha allegation that this .shrunken wheat will not Kerminate, is probably incorrect, but it is said by some experts that though it will sprout and grow, it will not be thrif ty and Mronj;, and Trill jieli rcad-ly ta unfavorable weather, when uYl sown with plump, high grade Feed, that has bi'cn iept in good condition wouli not suffer. It ia safe to &ay that every fartacr ahou.d get ai good Seed as possible, A correspondent writing from Lead ville, -ays of Sunday: "Today has been one of intense q.t, oa'y two men shut and killed. If thing don't brighten up in thii .ine I'm air id t! sophs riii die of ennui " Another tays: aands are Cocking here, and "ihou as manj would leave if they had the means. The poorest meals arc 11.23, and no accotn modationa such as are ubtatni J in sot 1 edsocietj. What are ui.u. cjpeclaily ysung men, thinking 'of when thoy spend all to get thcr-V What a?3nnnce have thev that a living can be mide when they come to thie thrivias (?) town? T.-nspil to manual labor had tetter slay where thoyare. An exohang- ays thut if a boy ten jcarsofage etart with ten :hecp, and permit them to multiply until he is 21 ..nma . C 1 fro Yin tVlOTl Will l ft TU'U HlStl v !..:';, ic ,-rnbm,vicloic shortly, iti taught by Mi., n i.. T , . ft, ,r rnndirn n ict i pdimation Jrniu tue tiro - MAa nf ,i. ..! nr ,;, 1. nnd aVan Km. ploy a boy she: herd to take cure of his' .tap. Ten sheep in Missouri $05. j the iall of the year being the beat time to buy thera. Ten ew.-s and one ram will will produce kd nrnos in me spring, anu in June from $15 to $25 worth of wool. The mechanic changes his labor for mon ey, tha farmer his produce. When a farmer sleeps, his stock and his fkrm crops are growing, but just as soon s the mechanic lays down his tools he is run sing behind for rent clothing and fuel. We notice a number of our exchanges think the B. & M., is about ready to build their road from Brownvillc, to Red Cloud. We believe as we remarked a few Trctks rit.c that now ia the time if ever, that the B. & 31. could ubsidiZ2 that line, at least most of the distance. But this mut be done immediately in 1 haycr and Nuckolls, or the Sl Joe ex IcBsion will have taken all aid these countias can give The time to catch a bear, ii when there are bears around. Thayer Co , Sentinel. The Lincoln Journal says this of the great reformer : That distinguished reformer, Sam Til - den, always got a mortgags on a railroad as his first start. IIitios gat the thinr mortgaged, he eould wreck it at his Iris - ure, acd he wrecked a gcod many. With wonderful ingenuity, the old wrecker of Cipher Alley, has ?ol a mortpara on the democratic party, which he will da!? foreclose about the middle of next year. And he is going to mzke a wreck cf that concern thit will be a fitting climax to his long acd bciv life. But there isnt eo much money te be mace ia wrecking tha democratic party as ia bursting up a pretty fat rrilroad corporation, and if is evidently glory, and sot lucre that Sam jy is after bow. Prate Arrears. Washington, March 9. Up to Sat mrday 30.000 applications have been re ceived bv tLe pension oSce. Thev ar1. bing fiiad and sorted, zzid no action iil bonds to the same, were defeated ia Big be taken till the 25th, vhen judication Bice preaatft. lh proposed axtenrios will begin, and certificates i-eued to soc- j starts from Ftrih aBd runs to thcle, Sew cessful penoncra. Apphcitioa are cam-1 ard aad tome point os the L"cin Paciic ise 400 daily; some 50,1)00 will be rereiv-1 ed, of which 39,O0J will be acted upon mT -!-? pt rr?ATtrr? .. favorably. After the 25th it ia expected Za 5571. W UUe4KIUI UUMI W.UWMK moathty. 1 te nr&t notincation a pen iiner Trill have of the allowsocc ofms claim will be a certificate eathKn? him- to tbe mccey, and which he czn then git if it is is the treasury and not otherwise ap propriated. Tbe appropriations were so heavy, however, that prompt payment Li doubtful. The arersge Tcceived by each penaionerwill be about $500. If the ca the amount will be 3L5CKM0 for pen- 1 eiocer already os the roHf . Chief NO. 33 Thf Hatta Joarnnl i rfrKejKyej for the foUaartn; JohbOthao HaArJ, a ooti wttefn j cranseltit according ta a (Uthtn; nw- . paj.er coricspondrct of Aafwj, IS., n avar-pin raat audtns. nh 3oo Is vUiblt power," sal producvi tho eaat ! suiu.hin eiF.ct by hit "aretrd and ; h" ? cW !en0,V T h foUow,B4f amp?e ef U: "thnllio; eicqaccca." l$ a "Stan J aw.y, brathreo xni Jttr ! , .houji thr cTaaKoht, a ths .-tt jrath fr arnQRI a J0?r t"icica da- Iwct Ba Win? in nu 1.13 mx. BltoJ God! I feci a, if a quarter; action of hoareo hd cave 1 in, and a!! the tari were tumb.'ju duwn on mt !" And tbey call thw 'weird and thrill-1 ing eloquence" ? S25TCnA!7SXS. Kd. Clitrr I'rf.Mtng da.ics hat line wc last communicated to you. ab orbed our p-re momenta, to uch c extent that wo aliaot dupaired, of tai-in time enough to keep yea poated, in regard to the waj-tnc of the wcrld these part-; but hero pn.s luc rnetda of ltmerance at spring " -...- --, - Uh a ramzaa a i.otxi iompiar, ijurc, memoenntp 01 atoui any utc. The farmers of thee part in apite of the inclemancy of the weather arc bay with the rarioys du'ie of the husband man consequent upon tho return of tho vernal year. Mr. Shuler contemplates h-cding (Irse ley'a advice, by rcmorinjj iu a hort time to Gralum county rCma. Mr. A. It'dey's sin Frank haa been dangcrouidy ill, but at tha prdeut writ ing he ii on the mend The Teachers A.MOcUtion which was announce to convene hero April 12th. meets with general approbation through ,jt the n ighborhood. The way the youths and rniidens of j tjjeac parts are entering upon th tsitrt t xnoujjl royage i wimply astound there baring been t les than fire or ?ix marnagt. here or witLIn thjj last mouth. in thw VKtnity Pedagogue. Maple Grore Farn. Kd. Ctur.r:-Ocw mora I ili try and t-ft mn n Tor ifm (rcttu Sf '.a aranV. I ! -.. , ... . . I - , U.e iaai C U wcaincr ra.ncr j uw a a.wj' 1: 1, UI,.m , , , r 1 or three days, the farmers hare cjmmcn- ced again as usual. W aru mostly through sowing and will commence to plow for corn shortly. Our district achool ' Mattie E. Mathw, and she his thus far ' ' i Kcn C0 "tsfiction. There has been " ew settlers come to our oeUh. borhood tMa apnnj. Oo ol my nepb - ew U' S ' Lckhart, from Ciocioati ; ' "'" V., ,, T, 7 T u T, , '-"preM; es himself well pleased with this part of tH i Cc ?: a 11 . L. S. Kichardson, an old acqaaintccca from low, arrived a few day ago and :n .....k.v.t.. 1 .- M-.i fi.w..i nill yVVj vs awaa ava 'Naw A must say a word in praise of the Chief. It appears more stout and healthier than it ba for a long time. A little change, and a few extra touches docs help it amazingly, and we could aoc do witbot it in the family. Yours tral, D. 5. lie' vera. ric-x s::rr. Ed. Chief. As there is no comma nication from tha jo part., in the last Cuiti. I thought I would send you a few items. There has been feveral new arrivals frytn the east during the pan week, all looking for homes amoar u.". r At tbe present writing there is qaitf an extensive nraino firs raping nn thp aa extensive praino 6re raging on the west side of tho creek. It b trateling btfore the wind at therm of 2 40, to 1 wafH pxalin n"r' n-- . ? nesi ihj whjk nas rawicr nun? nrs ror the last two weeks, but wc are all prepar ed to resume again next we-k, if the weather does not turn cold before that time. The boys hive re-orgaaixed the Wal n t Creek Ba;e Ball Club, by choiins Mc i'alujn captain and XT. P. Fulton t Secretary and Trea-urer. They aroet for practice, evsry Saturday afternoon. UoxzsrzxDix. Tio Lincoln Journal Mate that in xa cordicce with an act of the fcgisJttare, clerks of the District Courts will hereafter be elected by tbe people instead of being ay pointed ly the J adze of the District. Tha proposition of vo.iag li.000 bead ta the Atchisos asd Nevraka Railway Ttni-n nil mA ,9 I .ett r.ran( S. i due conaty. ...IW-, ..- .- .-vv ..- The propotiuea for $5,Gu9 Tt.;,I)ATMH. I,,. fcj from S. R. Tbospicn of the Nebraska xeather 55rvit?r and publish Ibr the ben efit of those who stay be iaierested. "HaviocassarBrwl th aanvetnest ol this ctterprUe, I wiih to prycttrs: a brg number of n-w fciten'er. Asy persoa wihia to co operate la the work U re quested to coramanicata with tha cader- a-- M-f -ma wa a aa-ai a w a vt 9r'- igned at once; when fill carticahra will i Knt K2lL - - - S. 8. Thompson-. Uhrl a4 S t U kawa tpp&Cat. l Jrrtwz at Statat tae. AM traai?3l -lrTtiate K p4 f-f a-Irasw. 5TC1S. ATI aWS. Taf ta' pi0 bn4 lWf, . Nebratka bu kx hadrvi 1 Mt? liUK KH oftc. , Iap TaJUy tha aer of pfaUMl re Ut r Winter Ui to IlisharJKW M3tj l kyai.135 rcaarkaWy well. Ntlaoa. NackoH oaaty. eirwrta la tate a ratlraii b July 1C Cuj Gsnur k b3 dftfrl m th couily acat of Iajr csaty. j huoW, ,f NcWaiW m arrt: , . .. . , aUa Th aUtaer tk of Kp Wl ta lop ar aaul to har wtattr4 wall Mr. Prvatatt, of Dcatar ia buikliai a whtc floy on Sdter Crk, The U. Jfc M hT msotW t dnction ia rata on corn to Cfcic. Tbe Bputa of AlciaJwIra ar avakita! pteparatwe to VatU a hoaaa o! waki. A Krii mill it to U rectrl tai t?nt on the Iju,, at Rockford. Tiic Iittla B!uc cal propUM o paay numSara thirty fiv atock LokJwt. Klcten car of atock were ahtppcvl ftvm Urand UUnd to Uentrr laat oianj. i b in ordr for ih erw.toai f lis are cjart hoax at Miada. Kr7 s.nity Grafton rcoeti8 good pema w the ltamicraujs to Filaaore cvbI. Fairmont btiycra hart i4 mt, aiai December lat, prda of W.000 for hog. Moro buildisjc wvl be loas O3- - a . I Ulaod tbii year ika ia aay prcnoua one. Agent Vora haj coa.rtJttJ r. 2,009 fruit trees for tha Oaha Ia4iC ter Vattoo. A N-w York Time Bcport rp-tt4i the bu'tntsi of tLe country a in a ilf iig condtttoti. :ilri j More way fretful wu reei-itcd at alx-1-oK-' clfr Jajt month tha any two ostb.i , rtkr Superintendent Barret recently rfaa I it;d the aixly-aticond achool dUtriot tf Platte county. It is estimated that Nrbrak' popu lation in 1530 wiH bo o.er four time aa u u .g70 In boktnt; over tho atock raatea U , , .m.jmPm ino country uroun'-i ciajf m ... fiad Tiry few dead ca u ' ittU. Bad Clood aad Spotted Tail's basd Indian! arc killing Ur nurabri of ml tie to the northern part of tbt sUU. There is more wlver ia tha aoU tf.-. braaka than in all the aan4a - : and a great deal can U About twenty ew kWttkaT- W , bai!l l0 York lrty t-ia aon. aaai maoy ftM m9W . eoanw of a- 1 ,trtlc"om- IlDmiRr4BU laokiaf for U4 amrtd t fnm NcW York. Wtaf. Ohio, New Jtwty. .! Miefcifta, . Tk ere are report that tho Sioax I o- Tidtantare a;ecanr ana aiuis ta'' number of cattle in the not thwoat; aad telling the bec A maa was run oer by the cars, while 00 a bridge, near Plattsmwith a few daft ago. lie was a German oa his way la Chicago. An iasaa raaa, rsanacJad aad oiaia! to hi scat, was brought ap fro th Re) publican Talley, the otker atomaf, the way to the Iaaane Ucpta4., , , , , lloa. J. D. Jeokini of Fillawa covm-, ty, says that fine wSol sbeep wil pay 43 par cent oa the lncitaKat in Nebraaka. He has bees ia the basis ar? a yearn. It is probable that wok will coammm m tbs new Triaity Caikadral ai Oaaa, toofl. Nearly eacfh at?awy tw mm pfeta the buildiaf has already be aa cared. . . The Lincoln Journal acyt that at laaat twice as aey agriltral itapSaaeats re on the Market sow. aa were eter U fre brozht there ia taao ' suapcae itaseaSM. Waahisgtoa cosaty farsaan wk kava rt4 catua dsnag ta pK wmim wma old thesa, astixaU tawt thmx ora rml wA thers frai thirty re la fxty eeU per bujheL Harvard ciaxMi biT T9mlr& U rte ecste to the exteat of the law aay yoa or eld seen who arc fouad daseoratiaf tka abbaUB by be?, raeisf, raaUg ar jumpisiv The da2y areras? &f Svaediak iasai rratitai to Kearaey is abt tkirty. It is expected that about Its taoaaaai wiS W J . . .. .1 i raae:x ! " aj9Wi miusi eeiors ui rri w -ayrw. The coarae of empire aa t&ki Its way westward with aach aaaatmity, that thj ataa who gsU a whIe wel box to hisa alf em aay of tkt watcboaad tralau, travck Eke a Uftated boadkoUer t tzm pif asraepfisL Of tae 2S7 priaaavrs saw toead is axr state pvisoa, 133 kaT tar labor aa soatraetad, 25 of whids are sirje-atateri, 27 Uilow. 25 aeadbg kir!tt, W mpr. ataki'rt, a1 10 work for ti-s Ltaeok aty aaaadry. The tax lery tx StaU rpawM fr this year wOlbalwar aaila. tkaawa a far ta saatTaar : Ul Sac 1HO k ia awif- I two ariS. aaaksaf a radactwa tkia aac . I I9r tae eesKtsc two yeara, af 25 aactvfA, m l I j i 4 !! 1 tarn in ) 1 lt ijrvy. ' - ;v & Zt sr- t j 11