p (SJSBaBBJBaBBP" o i. . i g. . i i THE RED CLOUD CHIEF. The Red Cloud Chief. TNE KB CUM CPIT rriLIillD XTKET TaTUUDAT AT us clous, mum. BT M. L. THOMAS, Mltex- aael aVwprlaiwr. n- Uhwrei. m4 w9I ha UBI rigiUnce is ike price mf Liberty ." $200 fer tt tAe jriee f ike Red CUud Chief. " ff Legal ll.CO per jagy, lanrUWj is Alvaae VOL VI. RED CLOUD, WEBSTER CO, NEBRASKA THURSDAY. MAR. 20 1S79., NO. 32 AM traaeieat ad he pU fr ta ad I i 4 1 ) i - - . 1. aasrriHaTS who do set receive tBrlr aaaer regularly, will confer a fvr by Betifyiac u f tbe fact at once. Correspondence solicited froB all parti of be CosDtr aad But. ea assttcra of gaaeral star ait. la bo eaia ara we responsible for the views ar epinions of oar eorrespondeats. Wa do rot yablU'- annBjseoBS letters aadeesi aaaaicatiopt. ALWAYS (Wa roaraaaae. LOCAL NOTICES, to seeare insertion atatt be banded is aa earlr as WedaesdarBaeraiaaT. Official Directory. COBORES.VIUHAL. A. . Paddock. Baatriaa. TJ. Saaatar Alvia ieaadera. Omaha. U. 8. Beaater. TktaiM J. If ajon Repreeentative. IXICUTIYS. AL1T5U8 A NCI. B.J. Aleiaader, . W Liedtk. CM. n.rtUil J. Dilwerth. Governor. lee. of State. Auditor. Treaaurer. B. A. Taeau sou. Liaeeia. 8a. Fab. Iaitraotioa JUDICiAUT. Bee. at. f.sko.Oaaeho. Chief Jastire. Aaaa.aCobb. I.incaln. 1 i....:... 1 aaal Maxwall. ri.Lmouth J J WItfSTJM COUNTY. 1. A. Tellers, County Clark. . II. Jeaae. Treuarar. J- A- illeea. Probata Judge. ' . " . Fbenff. A J.I'vpe. School fcup't. jberer Coronar. W.ai.laoraa. Cauatr Sunreror, Att'; Uea m. ti. imil. I Coaaty ComKiuioaors. A. A. Crary t tantu UIKKCTORT. "T3APTI8T; Kit. O.O. TEIHBR. Pastor. J- Serv eat in tka Court Home tba 2nd aaa 4th Eabbath in eack month moraine aad evening. At tfuide Rock the 2nd Eabbath aw ng and evening. ",ATEIH0PISTJ R,T- C-REILLY. Paster; -i-VJL tJorvices in the Church ea;h Sabbath, alternating morning and evening with tka iTaiaytenan aarvicaa. Ut.riaaaant ajary two waakt at 11 a. m am'ar hoy. 101878. Penny Creek. Nav. 3 at S r. aa.- Oak Cietk at S p. ns. aTery two weaka altarnattnr. IRESBYTKRIAN. Rbt. J. M. PRYHE . 1'aator; berTieai in the Church each ab ba h altaruatinf morninf aJ ereninr witk tka Hathodiat eervicu. Ualea rraycrmaeting arary Thursday eTaaiat. abkatk 8aheol arary Sabbath aserfiinc aiM . m. Claiaaatll. Jbfri. H. A. BowAn.8apt. X SOCIETIES. I.O. O. F. Ran Cl'ud Lodcb. No. 64 I 0 O F meata every .Saturday night in the ' muomo uall. Members cr other LaceiareconfUlly invit'd to atteaa!. I. bTita.K.Q. C. H- Pott aa Hae'y. A. P. 8c A.- !?! A CaiTy Lodob No. 53 Reci Cloud. Nab. av B)Cau Friafay evenincs onor befera full y4K moon. Visiting brothers, in good stand ' 'ing, are cordially invited to attend. - . J.CALVKRT W.Jf. T. Etna Bec'y. JUp Tuliey BMi!rod Time Table. SOUTHWARD Arrives 1 Ayr 8;21 p I Blue Hil!,...S;58D l.asvts lavtinf 7 25 p. tn. m. I Cow!e 9 ;47 p. m. ( Red Cloud, 10;38p. n. Inavalc, ... 1 1 ;25 p. m. I Riverton. 11 ;55p. m. I Franklin,... 1240 a. m. j Bloemington 1 ;00 a. m. KOKTR.WARD. Arrives 1 Franklin 2;20a.m. Leavts I Kiverion 3;05a. m. I Inavale 3 ;25 a. m. lilroujtufton I Red Cloud 3;57a. m. J VsOWJS. . I Blue Hill i Ayr 4,51: 5;52i a. m. 2 ;00 a. m. y a. m. 6 ;29 a. m. 7 ;25 a. m. J Hasting?, Trains daily, except Sundays. G. W. noi.DRiDGt Wm. Iavisn, Ast. sunt. supt, WELL BORING BY W. & Oa B Harvey, Are pi spared at all times to bore or drill wellf. BBwRltl s . i ivaies ueaMjuauia. INAVALE - - KUfiBKASKA. HIGHEST HONORS ax m Centennial World's Fair, 18701 SHONINCER ORGANS YWOtKflFfCKD CHAirXXOCSXS AM TSS BEST INSTRUMENTS. TBr eoaaparatlTe exealleoee U TEMgahvi ky the JadM ta telr itojwrt. ttusa watea ties following la an extract: "Tba . SUOSISGEIl OROAJT CO.1 xklblt m tba Beat IsaatreiaBeaita at a price rearing thea poaalbla to a larga cls if narchaaera.BaTiaf a coaablBstlon ol Jtaeda lad Belle, prodacin-. Borei aad pleaslaf electa. eonUlBlrasBwydeatrabla lMprOTeaaeaia. wUI ataad longer la dry ar caasp cUmaap. lrea liable UKLY OK6AM AWAttiiaif . Tola Medal and Award waa graated after la snoat aerere enpetUioa f the sawt aaakera, before one o Uw amet cwmpatamt juries rer afaentbled. Kew Stylca and prlrea Jnat iwtiM wblch ara In acof.ianoe wita onr rale. tba HaT Olty OASt for tba Uaat mouey. We armV1 to rpolat afew newlaeam. rlntrtFd CaUlognaa mailed, poat-paid, aa ariticaUea B. SH0HIHGE3 ORGAN CO., 0T f 123 OIESTXUT STREET, JJrw niTKjr, Ciw. ' """ ""-".J'- -r" - - , - .--. . .WfBVA -V -L? waaatiyllaVaABBBBBBBBBBBBBlnr rSBafaWaaTaaaaT SjL Wl YialslSsSBaarl r aaVaaaaaaai WkWkw BBBBBBBBwaaBBBBBBBBTwaaBaw'l ..aBVJBBBBMBaXsBBBr Am ai ont a oraer, au uo naru. ucisf nwi. Uitm-bIt. pnt tog-tber aa It la impossible tm en BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Attorneys at-Law. J. S Qilham ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW a-B rfiill Practice in all Ik CouU Ou Slate. Ojtct in Mine' a huidiag, vp-ttair. RED CLOUD, - - - NEB JT. R. Will emx, ATTORNBT AT LAw aad U. S; Coaiaihr aionar. Collaetiana proapUy attaaded ta. OCca one door aertk o( Ckial Otea. MP CLOUD mi GE0.E BANKS, JLtsrwyBTf Real Etfaf Agent SUFIRIOK. Nbb. JAS. LAIRD. jJITTORNEY AND COUNSELOR In at !w. J oDiata Nebraska. Will prac tice id all the Coarts of the atate. Prompt atteatioo given to all bvimeaa eotraited to bif care. Ofioe on the east nifle Juoiata Areaua. July 1 7 o. c: CASE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offiee o?er Reed'a furniture store. ESS CLOUS, HII Collections Bade and promptly remitted. I.I.XALZT, Agt.B.atM.R.R.Uaa. C.W.IAX17 Kcttry Pablie- ATTORNEYd AT LAW and real es Ute Amenta. Will practice in all tka Coarts in thin State and Northern Kam. Colleetioai promptly atteaded to aad CorrenpondeBce solicited. Rsa" Claad Neb. Edwin C. Hwley9 ATT9RNET AKD COVN ELRLO AT LAW. Office 1st door West of Red Claud Drag Store. 11DCI0TO - - rei. PHYSICIANS. JL W. TIH-IaE Y8, H0NKE0PATHIC PHYSICIAN, U. S. Pension Surgcoa. eaTOmcB oyer Kaley-.Rros. law office. BED 0L0TO. yiBBASIA A. P. McCUiXoCH PHYSICIAN and SUKGEON, led Cloud, Nebraska. Office ever John son ml Crept' store. Hotols- VALLEY HOUSE Fred C. Wistok, Prop. RED CLOUD NEB. New England HOUSE E. M. Noyes, Proyrietor. Located iul he center of the city. Guests stopping at this house, wili secure the best of accommodations. HASTINGS NEB. SAM'L GARBBfi wMLIB IM Dry Goods mnd Groceries BOOTS and SHOC8 Hats. Caps. & Ready Made Clothing ! We have tke Liraett s. Stick in the Valley and will net be undersell GIVE US A CALL. ONE & ALL Sam'l Cat-beis Sfl Illwi H?l i :&- &r . . wru-ixes. a-.- f ie ' , Hi MWIM J. E. Smith 8. C.Smitb M.B.Taoafav. Fraa. First Nat. Oaeb. Pint Iete Teller First Baak.Baatn'ea Sac Bank Nat. Bank llaat- Neb. Baatriee Nab. riae Nab. $miil ror5tfl)to!np5cn, BANKERS. red coni mif. Wi 1 make collectioos in aay part ofthe United States Sell exchange upoa the principal Eastera oitics Loan money up on im a.oved farms Receive deposits sub ject to ihi drafts Allow interest upon time deposits and transact a general Banking businees. IFIRBNCES; Omaha National Baak oa. A.. Pavidock, U. . eoator: First Nat. Bank, New York, Cambridge Val ley Nat. Bank, Cambridge. N. Y. save yoar money by buying your Iroa, ateel, Nails and Shelf hardware of MOWERY FARkELL. They tell cheaper tbaa any other house ia the state. 1st Street, sstiogs Neb. .AX.' XANDER 1 Drive the best Stage line in the wa If you want to go from LOwELL JUNIATA TO HATLVi TO flED CLOUD RIVERTOA" BLOO.MlMiTOiV MITH CEATRB KIRWIN Or any point oa the Repwblicaa or Solomon rivers take this line and yoa will fad lively drivers and low rates. tages leave, Ha&ting and tawell at eight 'clock A. M. on Tuesdays, Thursdays nd atarday, and return at Eve o'clock P. M. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. USEFUL AID BEAUTIFUL ' fU NthrhM Farmer, publiahei at LiBjeola, Neb., atarU out upon its third volume with full vigor. Its readers all speak very highly of it, aad agree that it contains much that is useful to the farmer, as well as the mechanic, or the marchaak Ladies like its bright pages, as it tells these about the flowers aad shrubs, or how to make all the pastry, and ten thousand things aeeded about the house. Its pages are illuminated by cuts ef stock of the saost approved breeds, and its oolumas are tiled with letters from the best agricultural wri ters ia the State. We are clubbing it with ear paper at a very low rate. Call at oar oflce and examine a copy, or send stamp ta Us publisher for a sample. ECO.YOMt! -COOXIMw OK S1ATXV4W New Excelsior Oil Stove. It win Brail, Beast, aad lake Better Saaa a Coal at Waod Store. Bead far GareaJan. AQKOt WAXTKTX COLEXAJT GAS APPARATUS AID OIL CO.. TS aUaur Br, - - Caneaae, Iu. Tae Greet Cmxm fer Djesiiiaa, laaifaewBB, aadacba, Urar OoaiplalBt, Fater aad A(ae, il nsm. DabUlty.aadaUt efgtnesert.IiTerai a tba aewlr eaaa Mediotted BELTS. Brladateef AB80KFTI0. Ko Draaa. Ko Doctor BtOa. saad lor nreaiara, lag tba riasaaaV aad tba rerolattoa H Is etae. Twatfa atelejavsuaeirjal els.il. TBeaa Helta wiu ba aaat la aay aearass wee er saasaaja aa receiptor 8K.0U eacb. er fX.OO fcr Iasaata Bait. AGUT8 waatad la tvary eeaaty ia tka Uaittw States. Address, FISHER MEDICATED BELT CO. 282 Illinois St., CUoage. frjE MILLER ORGAN auwtwcnnaso at LSBANON, 1 Tom,- Workiiiauiskipi Derability tut. Rwiwk wttb tbe asset acnralaaa cava, i aliairialieliBii.ay i all artbadar.- . tt faUawa aba tba trsy -&& T it - -c SbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbwB esaMBja a awaBewaBwast, asaejlawawwasjwb i ara -tt-1 Trill files siaTlaiirl V ABewieiBBBeaawfalrjaagBwtadBayeaaB. SB aAaaltBiaa eBBBaaSbSi eaiajj Tie Thayer Oaaty 8eatia4, aader the aw BMaageaeeaH is a meet exeaHeat coaatr paper- Kgbt murderem were publicly eieew ted by haagiag. m tke 14th day of this moata, aad as many more was not haag that Bad ought u have b etraeg up. The Ltacola Journal coaacile its read ers thej: "Commeacs to talk eleetic now. Doa't put k of latil a week be fore vetiag Ubm. Give joareelf time te think. We ought U thiak a goes deal this year befera makiag a choice. ' We uaderatand the maaagwra ef aae ol the plow factories at Nshrsaka City are seekiag a locatiea for their factary far ther west. We hope thai? will aoi give Lincoln the go by on their BfosaeotiBf toir. -JturnaL They will probably give Liacole) the "go by" as Red Cload is tba pwiatthey ara aiming for. Binae the above was ia type, Mr. Wes ner tbe proprietor of the Nebraska City plow manufactory, has arrived with a few carloads of plows aad has eurehaeed lots preparatory to erectiag suitable buildings to carry oa his extensive btui Bees. We welcome all saah eaterprisee to our thriving town. The legislature sat down en the bill providing for tbe publication ofthe Co., Commissioner' proceedings" in each county. This was i ae of the widest and moat just bills introduced in the legisla ture. It was just to the people. It was ia ended to give the people a full knowl edge of the affairs of the county, aad to make the couaty oficials furnish them, aader oath ef ofice. But the wiae leg islators saw fiit to kill the bill, aad bow it is a duty every newspaper ewea to the people, to remember for future use every man that voted against it. Courier. The Courier is justly indignant over this matter, and its advice in regard to remembering for future use those mea whe voted against the bill, ia good. When we recollect that a mijority, per haps, of our law-makers secure their election by intrigue, and whoee sole am bition seems to be to bargaio and sell their votes or trade them for a Federal appointment, we are not surprised that the interests ofthe people are ignored. And whose fault Is it? It is the fault of the peeple. So long as the mass of the people, who hold the power, allow their votes to be bartered aad traded upon, ae long will this state of affairs exist. There is men meaa enough men who actually do offer for sale the voles of their eon stitoenta which they control, to tbe highest bidder, and then whea the prop er time arrives, they will again proceed to "draw tbe wool,; over the eyes of the "dear people1' and the "dear people" are ready to be humbugged aad led by the nose without any will of their own, wherever the political trickster wills. Whenever a man sells yei out eace, consign him to political damnation and do aot be sold by him the second time. A Wisconsin genilemaa, soujourniag in Nebraska, writes from Beatrice to the Chicago Times, summing up the com parative attractions and advantages of our state. He says. Supposing the inquiry, "What are your advantages." 1 reply that I fnd nothing lacking in church, school or so cijty advantage?, though I have made a careful examination, that the climate ad vantagee are UMnrpeased by anything I have ever experienced in over 20 years' reeideBoe in the aorta-west aad sou there WiaeoaeoB, that soil of better quali-y I have never seen, though I have traveled for years in the weatera states, aad fr it is afaageod quality aad yield here in aoth-eaaterB Nebraska aa ia my own section. CoDgTeeahaa recently authorised the erection of headatoaee over the gravea of Union soldiers who are burned ia private aad village cemetries,, aad the Quarter Master General at WashiagtoB, reqaeat snob, iafermatioa aa will lead te that re sult. The Grand Army ia aarisriagia tbe collection of the iaformatioa. The followiag request is made: "All persons haviag aay 'kaewtedgc of the burial places of soldiers ia private cemeteries, wtuse gravea arc not marked, arc requested to commaaioate the fact to the Qaarter Master GeaeraL Similar ia formauoa ia desired from parties ia charge ef such cemeteries. Of course it is aoi intended ta faraish heaaetooes for gravea over which araaa meats have already been erected by re lativee of friends ofthe deceased-" The B. A N. Company seems ta be maitedly BreperiagfoifiBecewMnBCtiagof its BrowBvflle aad Bed Cloud Rac, judg ing from the aotieaa ia the papers: Tae d. A M. havefaihed taeaafvey from Beatrice, threagb Tfwiimiik ta Ne maha tttj.Ntbrmilm City Frma. It is very probable that the 3. A M. waU move for speedy ceaatractiea from Browavitievia Beatrice te RedCleed. It ia talked sow that tae forces are seaa te he taken from tke vaBej aad placed ea the line bet weea Beatrice aad Sad vmL ruruMi CwaUtfy Til The CtaciBBetti laamirer agrcea with Got Williams that the dtmecraric lag- Jektare of Iadiaaa it a failare. riidi $am 0 TOI ICwX. "O filter. Meter come aad see, Tis aetabeg. lieaotahee." Nathia .id .v .. . . ,, .. uate David. "Taoa art the maa. es sir, siace i e'cloek yeeterdsy (Friday) evcaiag whea Rev. F. R. H. Byrdoalcia- bfig ta Sitting Bjr. haad. The ted at the home of Rev. J. J. liaskia. of "J TJJ C. lf i -a v - uw 1 wotareJ uprta the ice with thrtr thai coaaty Pavid, whoee etr aame ca.-tomary ooafideoce. The aaiaials eaae Haelina, he ia the man. aad we bo longer upoa the river with a oltd fro at, aad be kaow her as the beautiful aad charming ca the croaaiag with ded ranks. The m eu. o,. or j,..!i .. k.. SJlVK'.cf ,& e;-s but the happy and beautiful Mrs. David WM fetched eat a quarter of a mile ta Haakies ef Webster eounty Nebraska. length, had aar!y gmtaed the oppemu We wiah the aewlymarried ceuple ! Jore, the ice euddeely gava away under -f jo- ' T Bfc .v . i z&2xr& SJS A aetghbor bachelor aars that a ,f ir--,!, -,- DMMj ;. L- ,w- "bridge was built over hie new" aad that he wae aot ever permitted to "atand by a K-,ftM -IfV, a -rv are .' ( He had aosiaviution to the wedding) ia coo eeqetneeM which, heKpersuadcd a few of his fiieads to aid bim inMistiBg Hi ram H. Haskias, Dav'td'a elder brother, into thejpig trough, Jwb en he was com pelled to daaee a jig HOMiTBADia. Ed. Chim: Not more than six months ago, this towa was yet unknown, and now io ita comparison, t'tere is more genuine busiaesa houses in runing order aad doiag better, than maay of the east ern towns twenty-fire years old. It has at present eleven buines bouses. A Bloomingthall has a saloon, not a very good reputation for oar town but never tbelees it is iLere. J. W. Davis, has a dry goods, drug, groceries, clothing, beets aad shoea, hardware Ac There is Weignburger, he keeps dry goods, gro ceries, booti and shoe?, ready to supply any one that want anything in their line. A. Kopisch has a hardware store and tin shop. Twe blacksmith shop?; a lumber yard Ac. The farmers were all busy putting out their epring crops till last Thursday after noon, March came marching down from the north at the rate of sixty miles an hour, and since that time it has been rather chilly. Three weddings ia the viciaity lately. Charles Brown is contemplating put ting aut one hundred and twenty acres of wheat. Immigrants arrive here on the train almost every nighL Mr. Anes worth and family, arrived hire a week ago last Thursday night, from Kalimaxoo county Mich. Two Yorkers sloped here Thursday night, last Skip. Our "eevil" "butchered" the above communication, for which ungodly act we apologise. Ed. Ttl mU:XA WXATSX2 IZtVJH The followiBK card we have received from S. R. Thompson of the Nebraska weather service, and publuh for the ben eft ef those who may be interested: "Having assumed the manageraeet of this eaterpriee, I wish to procure a large Bumberofnew observers. Aay person wishing te co operate in the work is re quested to communicate with tbe under signed nt once; when full carticulars will be sent by mail." 1 lie Liacola Journal comments thusly oa the appearance ofthe Johnson county Journal: The Johnn County Journal is the bsbsC ofthe last venture in Nebraska journalism, and is published at Tecumeh by Barnhart A Post. It is aDenucralio, hard money, aati church and state, re form is Bwoeeeary. change of administra tion, paralyio labor, carpet-beg tyranny, aati-militta, opposed to election laws, tL aae ballot, aad cipher dispatch organ of the flsoet promising discri prion, but looks to aeat aad deaa to be what it purports. Tie Journal wishes it baMoeas suceesa aad political damnation so loog aa it shall wave. VttAFaniiM. The following extract from a letter re ceived by a geatleman of this city from a friead ia Leadville should be read by all who intend to visit that New Eldora do, as it undoubtedly contain "more truth tbaa poetry." The writer aavr It's LeadviUe or bunt," and Ike aad I are here, bat aot busted yet. We have beta here nearly a month aad I have been sick over two weeks of the time. When we are not etckaad there is any lumber here aad they aru. not oat of uaile and it does aot snow andis act too col I te work, we eaa get work at $4 per day. hot have te lueee over half oar time. Board is $10 a week aad I doubt ifk gits any better. We will stay a whUe longer to fad oat. bat if we skoald ever get basted here we are gone seare. Ihe place is tka d-deat fraud en the face ef tke earth, aad if yoa know efaey wke eoatemplaie eemine; here jaet tel these an aad I wifl prows it ta theea if tkey are act eracy. Caraee aa tke atee wke kave beea advert iaiag this plana. " Oaeaaei ivease. PefirJeiaaa ia CaHferaia are gjvca ta waya that are Bamejar. Tke eaaeel a anatiBg. bat at by tka tka latter were wel started tke aaptand tka mecriag, baade al tka spssshsa, aad adapted aM tka Hatioae. arwrauevaaeaa. -ueiaia I ""Baaaaaaaaaaaaaa - -- - - s. - - - JQE irsi - -laWff iMh wSk " St" v"r rm f 3fV -aBBBTMl 5h V it "IfcaC '-vSl. bbbBBBs f s, jSSM.'f 'Xsmai , " ilhwaBwVan 4bbbbbbbbw1 ' -- aaJBWg BbbbbI -' ' - Zeal 1- - -c' - -r SFt tawawaa! -aa. -. - ,. , '?&& T - --. aaawawZi IdBwaWaWai J&nt TL S.mBSHs'''-.' - ''"-vyVi-n "rfaisTilir i TTiiMlaaffifB:il bbbbbbbbbbbI h:f ..', - "-iti'aB.- irii r "TaBBwMBs Aa army aaker who arrived ia Omaha ' from tbe Yewewateee vakey a day er two J0- ?nl ""J of what hafed ta a Itw fe k'S TJS1?! neouthward. Tae heard numbered 2.500 head. They had heee driven Mt efthe Milk river chantry br the Iadian heater ( whole length of the column. Some four ' 1 or Bve BunUred of tbe toini'j fumbled K. P? eJl in a heap. Others fell in ea top of them and sank then oat of right ia a twiokle. By this time the rotten toe was braekiag off abort under theatill advaaaag herd. The trappers aay tka: io lee than n minute the whole bodv of buffalo hid been precipitated ia to the river. They were wedged ia ae thickly that they could do aothiag but struggle for a second, and thea disappear ed beneath tbe cakes of toe and the rwift current. Not a beast ia all that mighty heard turned tail and tried to ecpe when the ice beae breaking up. Ia a solid pbalaax tb:y marched te their fatal bath ia the "Big Muddy." Ia a miaute from the time the first ieo broke not a buffalo head or tail tu to be see a. Vakil a PastAl Alain. The following are the poet oftee chang es in Nebraska during the week eadisg March 8th. 1879. furnished by Was Van Vleck of the post off ce department: KetablMivd Ijog I'ioe, Sioux ooaaty, Ldware T. Cook postmaster, McCaau. Sioux county, Millsrd P. Smith post master; White Cliff, Sioux eounty, H. W. McCJura postutanter. Summer Hill, Douidar county, J. 11. Blakealey pest master; Webucr Center, Webster ceua ty. W. fladley poitmaatcr. Diseontincd Little Blue, Adams coun ty. Postmasters Appointed Blue Hill, Webster county, I. O. Martia; Boaa, Gage ceunty, T. Savler; Equina, Soua ders couaty, Mrs .A. L. Conway; Myr tle, Custer county. E. Saffjrd; Oakdale, Antelope county, 1 1 . S. Lovtjoy; Sweet water, Buffalo county, II. A. Borer. The following i n copy of a letter re ceived by Gov. Nance a few days etace from a tventuekey man: "Sin: I take this opportuaity towriu yoa a few lines eooceraniog Nebrarky. I want you to write to mi and tell me all about the country and what a mao can do tber. and what chance yen will give a man. I understand that we sll come to Nebraska free of all expenses, if it be so. yen will please let me no. I underUad tbatjrou will give any maa one huodred and sixty akars ofland, and all so one eow, one plow, and one harrow. I waat you to tell me what a man caa du thear if be bad fifteen hundred dollare, aad four borr, and industries wife. 1 hare ono wiae Si-d man ataing with me. be wants tu no if you will giv him a 100. GO akers and a wife, if you will he says he will come. yours reepeefula. Pexsioi Arretft. Washington, March 9. Up to Sat urday 30.000 applications have beea re ceived by the pension office. They are being filed and sorted, and no action will be taken till the 25th. when adjudication Will begin, and certificates issued to sne ceirful pensioners. Application ara com ing 400 daily; some 50,000 wili be receiv ed, of wbich 30,000 will be acted upoa favorably. After the 25th it is expected to adjudicate and itsae 10.000 certificates moatbly. The first notification n pen sioner will have of the aHowaace of bis claim will be a certificate entitling him to the money, and whic'i be can thea git if it is in the treasury and not otherwise ap propriated. The appropriations were se heavy, however, that prompt payment ia doubtful. The average received by each Benaiener will be about $900. If the ee timet e is correct, ef 35.000 valid claim, the amouat will be $31,500,000 for pea stoaers already oa the roll. OVZnz ECCZITXKf. Our fine spring weather ban aeocu .bed to a bad cold. Farmers have comme8sed work in ear nest, and a large acreage of wheat has already been sown. Charles Uieh was before raeire Parker oa a charge of stealiag wheat from Mr. Geo. Bailey, and was bound over to next term of District Court. Guide Koch has taken a sadden sport nt improvement, three building aew be ing erected. I. W. Crary'e roidenoe is nearly completed. . O. Parker, is pat riae "P oSes building. Dr. Roeia sea has lumber oa the groaad for a Drag etore aad oaVoe. Charlie Codetta. Iia daay Prescott, and Charley BaJlard. yeaag saea frees Bcetoa, Masa, are aat tiag ap a koaee aad other baildian, oa reeeatry patehamd laade aertk aaet ef tewa. Sheen rmaaag wit he tkea iaaas veatare. A huge aamker efimmigreaa ara ken every day, keaad far seat a west Ne- bcaeka aad aertk went nm Meawra Bardette aad Crew iag their aaaekiaarj, and w tke BaaaaM feeees aaaa tatweerh Ne lad Iewa, aa their way ta ree- atraottiaatTUdea, at tka rate af a aaaa 'a miastt. week aa tkeer feariaar At Leweil. Mamu ewmar ta tke aVaalk Jff 1 laawM. r efthai.haway mm k. '" T KOc CwtET We kave wiener aeae ia thU part ef the wwrU. Tke wiad heaVa eeid te-dey. with saeae eaew aa twe grwand. The lead few dye Wwv4eejeta thU wv have been haviag Bttee tee waaAh er. 1 Aat Seterdey the thirmemster sued 10 drgreee abeve nerex this aserwUg U it 2 degrree below, "eene fwmere have Wen plowiag, Krwiag. ehocfiaf . leaf and eajoyiag themeelvee In variewe ether ay, meet Woeieial te eeek ether. Z Goed hersee are wrth frem. ilO). ae ilU5. Goed sheep i, te M. AfW shearing they wit faD aboat 50 eta , aa-l poer ewce wiH he werth freea II. il -By aome uaknjwa meaas we have a reotiviag the'.CiHtr. I geese UeeJe W.. kaows semethiag about it Tears reepeetfe ty. MemeSahia, lOTCDA.l. Eo. CaiaT ThU ban era ef eveata, particularly ia this loeality, both r4eeaet aad paiaful, while the aaarriage eere mony of Gottfried Wagman and Miee Katie Kooae, wae being reformed, tka funeral traia was wending their way.te the last end reetiag plaee of the dear one, "the city of the dead." A ehlld of Mr. Paahby also the adopted ehUd ef Philip Ztmamermoa wae hurried ta day. aad we feel thoee Ueel) hearts aeede eorafurt from a higher source. While ia the firat instance they live in their ewa atrength, hoping ead expecting nethwff but pleeeerc analleyrd. We siaeereiy hope their patke mey be itrcwa wkk flower, aad their every wish be gratified. A boat ef friends were ia attsnisaie te see the pair made oae. aad k all had iadia rubber M by the amount of goodiea that ed as if by magic Aad while looklag at the beautiful bride, we thought ofthe beautiful language of the Poet: "Ok that we were a boy again." Fred you've made a tea strike sure "plucked oae ef our brigbtes flowers aad made many a young maa sigh beeauao of your Baeeeea. E. V. Hall, has recently bought the o. w., i of Sec 7 , aad will improve it at once. District No 3'J will build a new school bouse this summer. Mrs. Ba shaw, who has been tick so long is now convalescing. Farmers improved the good weather aad mattered tbe wheat promiscuously over the arable Unds hereabout Msay seeders have beea bought aad used this spring. You caa scarcely get about the street or Blue HilU, without running ever maehinery, especially if you have had to mack ef "Paddy eye water." Mabrixo. On tbe 12th, inaC, U Baa residence ofthe bride's father, kravMa1 Seow, J. P. Mr. Caeriee Sealer I te Miss Anaie Cole. AM af Weweter ceun ty Nebraika. MABBtBD. Oa tke lfitk tat . at tbe residence of Mrs. Staub, by K. M. Snow, J. P. Mr.Gottfred Wagman ef Glee wood, to Mtaa Katie Kooa'eofBalinglou lows. May the endering names of Katie aad Fred acterbe exchanged fer harsher ones, or each others smiles fer frewai. Then we will remember the part wf per formed as a bright spot ia our ofikial ca reer. FftAKCM M. Sow. TZaflXl CTIITJIX. The time for tree plan'.lag is about at head. The follewiag act paaeed by the Legislature ta encourage timber culture will be read with iatereet by farmers: Be it enaUed, etc: 0 8ac. 1. That when nay aereon shall plant aad properly cultivate for the term of five years, sx rows of tree, eight feet apart, aad the four feet apart ia the row aloag ekher the aertk section or the half seetiee line, ruaetug cast and west said rows ta be aot nearer to the acid aerth sectioa er half seerioe line of aay read which may be laid oat ea north sec tion or half section line, er when aay per son shall fill out to the standard above preecribed, and keep the earns fa a prop per state of cultivation for the time above stated, eny row of trees that may pre vioa!y have beea planted aJeag said aorh sectioa er said half section line, it shall be the datyef tke eeaatr cemasias ieeers te pay te eack aersea by warrent ea the coaaty traaeerer, a earn ef saeaey, aasoaaticg to three eeears aad thirty five eeata per acre, fer eack acre a) alanted ere. fer cask acre a) Bleated aad eakirated, no beg ae tke aaeae ie pleated aad kept growing, aad ia a prow er state ef eakivatioa, fer a acried aeita exceed the efee of five yean, aad teaa exteat act ta exesed three setwe ef laed. Sac 2 It akal ae tke eWv tk ef eeaak preaiat ta aaake tke are na! renartto tae eaaetv at the lime eaae ' reaevt.tka, eaekiea t all UeeWree amateel aaal ewJUtwaeel aader tke eftawaet. Oae. 3- AJaeUaad part afi part aracteia- Tilh fhnisibusni aw'tkaaaaa 5-C.4- W far tke thai this Atlwei), llasaewiac- Use awatk eftkeakeriaT. a avarderer eewid aatke VvBBwawBpf aawSaaja aBwBwaa aawaf aVaawi anew eaaeer eaa he sppsiaasl ta tka Uadertae aid aaka wef aeaoaaihie. wmr BTaanaaitiaai Ukmceweetaf tkie aaa. kaka. net taUaawmt aaal he ia sareaiHeiaaiaSermpaeiadje. aWw apaj aaaai saw wjbbs twaaawawej bbjsbb '-sS a aew eeaeercaaha aaebBawal ta tka m M - -1 peace. Uaaey the aeaat liniment JL W'm J wI ae aoBaiWe- p 41 rJ f I l d P ? S t . i i f i ; i ' i 'saBaawHr midmT- i w i- '( 0 3 "at 7i?:-. , .rfs .. .w i--.tr '-rM, Imfirjig.iji Jnt . - J - ' mm. m . - rfTVT?......waJ. ""?' VatLA?iJ,,SJJSiJtesr! - -" ---"- mp't-'--. - -. J - J 1