mm n.wim IMHHW -.T- g l?.aSrf ,.-:-- I-.V4 ... f,r CW" r u. tv '"5 ft aswi 9 rf.. '-"' ...- ?"". if -5r r-3"- -.-' :-&- i?'-'"';,.-.' - hEDCLOUUCHIKF CITY J ND COUNTRY. Did you get a valentine? The Chief has moved into rlui!ding of its own. r i . They want another paper over in Smith county Kansay. The Blue liibbon Society is ia a ,,flouruhiDK condition. The revival hcid in the M . K church, ou the corner of fcixih avecue '.and Sewird St., is repotted to be in a prosperous condition, The state Fair for this year ! .becu located at Lincoln. . Kod Cloud is sadly in need of few rood street erodings. Mitchell & Morhart do a "Limn" huinc in lh hard were :nc. Wc have a skating rink in froiti of our office, if it would t-tay fioze up. The C ill 15? hai the largest circu lation of any paper in we.-tcrn iTtb rabka. Have you noticed the Kli&teiiinj; ftar on the manly brfa-t of our new city marshal. A girl about twelve years old was seen smoking a clay pipe, on the street last week. Mr. Adams of Hastings is look ing over the ground, preparatory to erecting a harness shop in our town- The hreakdowu up on Elm Creek last week interfered .somewhat with regularity of the maild for a few days. The place to buy ehcj!j and good goods, is at John G- Potter'?. Ho .has a large and complete stock of iipous in his lfne. The Iufare dinner of George B. .Leeds tho I Oth iiM. was a great feast for our cjL-'Devil," All likes ood ''chuck" as well as anybody. Eight j pupils in the primary de partment of our ?ch ol, and room to f-cat thirty comfortably. The higher department is equally crowded. iii:i. Feb. 8th '79' Lilly, Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Magner, of Heaver Creek, Webster Co.. Neb. Age two years. GRASSHOPPER BREAKING Plows for sale by A. IT. Watt 3 milts ' Fouth and .1 i-2 west of Guide Rock the Champion of the-wast. Price 14 to $10. f The editor has gone east for his family, leaving the paper at the mercy of ''the boys" this week. Any j-hoit-comings may bo charged up to the ' "DcAil," The Stillwater Lodge of Good .Tcmplers started out with quite a number of members twenty -eix char ter members. Mr. Gudd organized the Ledge. Mr. R. L. McCunA who has been couBncd lo his house by sickne-s for some time past, is able to be out, we are glad to sny, and called on tho Chief latt Sacuiytaj-. '1 he Chief must have a regular concspondent in every, township in the county. Thoso who write as of ten as once in two. weeks will cccive the Chief free of charge. Wc have had numerous difficul ties to contend with in tho mechanic al consti notion of this week's paper, somo ol tno auvertisements may .be left out, but wo hope to got 'things in shape by next week. Ex-Governor Garbcr will soon commence the erection of a fine res idence on the very spot where Mood the old i-tockade when the Chief man "put up" In the spring of ,71. George's heart weut ICast Ian fall, .but has retumel now, and settled down, and gone into business about three miles north of Guido Rock. ! Wc wish George much joy and luck to his future. A fellow out at Stillwater loaned his watch to his girl, she married , another man and weut to Lincoln, and the other fellow has to look to the sun for information regarding the time of day. . Tho business men of the lower part of town have displayed somo pnb lie enterprise in the way ol putcing down a street crossings. Red Cloud needs more enterprise displayed in the same direction. The Union Sunday School, at that place, will commence again Easter Sunday at ten o'clock. It was carried on last summer with success: and wc hope that they will have as good and useful sohool this summer. A number of our Stillwater friends called Monday, among whom were John Smith, ReseTThouipon, Del Wells, Arch Ritter, Bob Cro-iier, and Mr. Springer. Stillwater con tains somo wideawake, euterprising citizens, and most of them take the Chief. We have receised a communica tion from Cloverton, and would like o publish it, but she writes failed to send its right natno. Remembe that in no case will 770 publish, a let ter unless we know the name of che author. We have, during onr news "paper career, given the above notice time aud time again, and still we get j letters from anonymous correspon dents, and ffe can only consign them to the waste basket. If nothing prevents, the editor wi'l have moved his faaily to Red Cloud by the. fiiai-or--nest week, and rUbbeeltled,dowQ to business at the new office opposite Mitchell & Mor bart's hardware store, where be hopes, his many old friends, and all others 'who fie! 0 disposed may call and be ucated w'th ike utmost respect with but regard to tke'.r profession, calling, jtiweou's belief, race, color? or previ- -sir T ..! i .1- j,.i.. :.. !.. c. day night. (Jal 5d I cWrrTTfTt,,,0nim''hcrt,frf'VIlcb- "T Aioukl do soraethiac lo help it akftisf i hhsi tuner spcas on the que mm, ms & Fonc or read a schist artiri. li chore the latter. I Hod that tibe de bate i improving; the boys in th ir oratory, and everything aM taken to gather it makas r,ul an inN rctin? cntertainuHMJ. Sa"h r'v ri ewtrf le fat-hiufinb", or we b r of theia in I ahiiOJ! et-iy nbed dirfrv. I A s ffijffr Uc ptMured a Farm. ft Creek: inth bum of Xatt A term. j ti of eatfcryo mm 1 . . . . . Wd. Tl trarhfn' Adikw it bote appointed in th ehtffceier ttl r of Mice of the fttsrdae from "lied ChMid, htti thf did th ham &&T ocmU. Ail wero pkiwcd kh thf in jlt swl vie u4e, vrJ! ptoer r. retej. BiCTFT. Woftihar i? molrrntiir ami imi)4 arc fixing their fxrm jk impjeuicnLi preparatory to fwmiwj: when tho ti ee. Wool l?iiy.s h:s.l)cen InAt&ntiQ- j y puopended. Wo h;u'o one of ! mttn ir.trtjt ing Lit entry Societies in tW tuny, w sfft think, and vc- fiiter oarrclroti , . , T , as U-i:.d Judges. U our coiiriimiiciti n noas naC fiwl it- wnv into your waste bakkot vou maj hear aaln froa Sa.v: Bus. Nbousdv, Fob. 8th 1HT0. Ed. Cm KF: Thinking that a few of the itcmi.eil trr.nswjtion? of our drstriot would bo acceptabie to yoi: T 1 wul attempt to chrome e them in their ordt r. I he cgunda Lou.20 I. 0. G. T. at their "quarterly'' feet Saturday evening, installed (after a blroflg ses sion) the following ofhccis: Mr. A, Riley W. C. T., . Kinney W. (!., Mrs. A. liitiy W. V. T-, N. Jones W. 0. G., Mr.. II -Land W. S., Mr.. T. IV.ird W. h S., A- A K' .. V If K AT.c If lit 4J lM f .- 'i '.). J k Jones W. R S., Mis Millie Joiim W . T., Mr. L. 1'tsller W. C , Mr. 11 Jones It. W. (J. T , fc!y. Jas. Lvrd W. M. Mi.,s Izzio Leetoh A. W M Miss Alma Cacnn W. .A. S. Next in order enmes tha ?pcliing rchool which was held at the echoo! house on Friday night. The average Ncgundaite it geeni from the mani fbstations 'howh last evening, is a walking dictionarj', fyr never in our remembrance, we scon such prodi-ies peif-rmod in the line of spelling, Mi&s King coming off victorious. Numerous miscellaneou-i exercises helped to while away the hours prom inent among which were Select" Reading by Miss 2'Tortr.n, Declarations by Vua. Bacon, t! 0 Curry i rn.e. ai.d others. Comic and SiMitimcntai songs by Mr. Noodhcad, MisLuel!aShoHts and o:hcrs. More anon from yotns very tiul.iv pEDAOOfiUE. Procramme of Teachers Associa tion to bn held at the K'hool house in dihtrict No IS on Saturday Mareh S h 1S70, commencing at 10 o'clock a. in. G rammer, Win. 1. Good; Spelling, A. L. Burton; Phyiology, C. W. Springer; lissays, Mrs. Suited, Mrs. 0. H Smith, N. P.. Waeonor. Mis Ella Mnorc: History, G. I. Harvpy; Select Hcadinc, Mr?. H, V,. Howard. Miss L. Ludlow. Miss L. Muugsr; Arithmcti c, J). K. Wagoner. MAi:it2X. IIiorv, Lyon, At the residence of Mr. Win. Maxwell on Thursday, Feb., lt79. Dennirm M. Higby to Miss Jennie Lyon. Ail of Ix)uisa Creek. Ry ihcRev. Pottor. atihe residence of tho hriclea father. Fob. IRtli 79. MrGcorg(J r. jjBCjs !o Miss Anna T cj,rn allof vve!K5tr roun;v. -r . , ... w Mooin:, IIkjifrlek At the office of the County Judge in Red Cloud Nebraska, February 2o'h. 1S70, Mr. Jno. W, .Moore to Miss Eb-ie Rober-k-e. No cake, no cards, no noth ing for tho printer; but Moore for Ebie and Haber !ce for Jno. William. May the Angel of Peace end p'enty hover orer their threshold and pracc and plenty 'ever abide within their homo - - - Surpmse P-AETY: Between the hours of eight and nine o'clock p. in., on Friday evening last, quite a num ber of the "bon ions' succeeded in cf fecting one of the most successful sui- prise parties of the sea:on at thp res- 1 ide-cc cf W. II. Strohm. A gintle raping at the door, which was promptly responded to by Mis Albright who surprKdrig'y beheld the afseaibled party, numberinc some twenty. Of coarse all w?ie invited in and foon becan the play?. The most prominent fca'ures of the eveniae : I were initiations, sapper and mn?ic At eleven the rarty dispursftd -and each rtiired to their several homos. nresMng themelve, w.H satined ... - ... xvitii tieamuseujenzs 01 me .c-ven- ing. -. j Our late G overnor, H,cn. Sikis.Gar- pr. ivhno abU-.01iod"the cuburba-1 toral chair, has formed a partnership- . . -iv .' f. t , ., .7- with W.N. Richardson, the sjcrhag and most successful stock dealer in the West. Their average shipment, of hogs is ten cars per week, besidericat tle and sheep. We had the the pleasure of meet ing Mr. Holdredge of Walnut Creek, and an old correspondent of. the Chief, a few days 3go. . ne reports everything" prosperous in Ms neigh borhood, and says he in common with the cajarhY of his neighbors can not do without the old pioneer and friend UKALXtfAtfKKT?. IlrtHjr'cJ l.r W i Jfc jh fV-'r ' ' ' ' JM'f MCB. '"" - a , v ,t .-. - " tmttr - ' l0 ? de. 3ttS4; BTTBlfKmwPH. CtircAO' vtum Keb. 5 Whpt; ul Nt. 1 5jric MSh SlUt bS, UbT. y$toK- Air 7. NJ; tm, euiiXl 8; JakrS T- iulo.1 Kei;ti ?. C- K. Wii !i i: 3MrtH HA fcnr j?i i.-T. .' n Te- -! i FSH S.IX tkOU9 -OAdw V luW ccMiujen r.i fl.iJKtr M. IUU Uoik j ot j wnmixb HWst mi? 1 -W i-J tfr. kr ou.W io orml t U fsrJi Udt mwi 7 Ue Awti i west of tied Cbstf. I). S, Ilxjirxpif. :vrV rjA&zfc'AKF: .stuhk-. XW GOOU3. j OpxvjcwR Ouoxan A Co. Keeji! " -- ,- ---. - - -r-.---- r i oouk oe hand lae Isrzewt fisaort. ! went of IJrd-vare isood vr Iro't ' th !Ul.lii viipy. They ! ! cutttpfur rah, and t! thrv have t ot , rtlt yH ,,ve y ;ir -nUr su j i ihur will fill it. Call an ihvui - ri,-,r ; iwwh ' lrwjr a Mi fir. Ha loom 1 ... ... will i ui-oii jtf. ; Who has not hpen a eoy lf the ', Nritia;a Farmer, tho nraieslHinJ i ; Kk'Dtly 1 he moat jiraciwal pHtrfor NV : waska tjrmcrs bateau be fotind ;n i 01 western uMnfry. V: will nd it wiili tho Chief i'.n the mi of 1. - iWa yjjur beint: a rediictioii on both paiMjri-of ?i.4k. Call at thi offiis.- I 1 lor hcimen japers, ... - , HKPUiLlOAN VALLKV K. R. TfHK TaltLE. i soimi 3T7IQiiiS NOItTH ', m. Ha.TI.'OS aVR 7i'2o a. in. 'o.2i 5.21. 9 47 llJCHUlhU b.tfl OOWI,I' 4.31 IIZI) ClAlUD- l-CXJ 1 ! 38 Trains daily, extant Sunday. G. W. Hol.liHIOQS, Wm. Ikvi.nh, A5-t. sunt fcupt. Jomijs on good improved Jnrms xc gouatd on lavorablc terms by. L l. Ticcman. NEW Vi: AT MARKET Kiier & Suttcn huve oj oned a meat market justouMi of Muyhull k. Mm hart's, when you can find aii S;ind4f H meat in the h:t style: Every thing tiaat. ani iu onlcr, lliid.s. Poultj, Game lirht at ulte highest market pi ice. (Jomc ant see us. The National Journal of Education i now published at Chicago, and i as its name iiiiplit-j, nafioual in its snndanu iow.. aid jonr ciHitnbu tions to Ivicin & Kimball iloom 7 MetrorKilitan Hloafc LaSallc and Kaii dyfpb St's fhit-ao III. Tuachon give 11 your subscriptions next "atur day to this Jiuniai. R3S CLOUD UASI2T. Potatoes .r) Onions 75 1 1 hickeis l,50toSa,0 iierf! Cabbage 75 cents " Eggs 10 ' " ' But tor 20 to 25 per pund L-.rd S '' ' FRFFco,,yofL,roUia,-eei'5ji-l'l'or 1 '--o.taiit. TidRl tt'uve. "inulswwrlh .O. NOTICE. ' Call til tho City Drug Store all par tics &uing Headend Sh rcr by nte or account or Or. Head by note or ac count mut settle the fame by the first of January l.s7'. or thpy will lie left. wi?h an attomry fVr immediate collection for th'-y inut settle. JE.1!)& SriF.itEit. m$ iri x:i. ifii sct r.....(A.. TTT. Honidiug House in town. A goad Livery and Feed Stable in connection. IIenis B&:ks. itivErTox. Notice is.herby siven, That I will ex- bininc ail jierscns who may desire to olfcr them-clr.'? a candidates for tea chers of the primary or iomraon schools ofWebfter county, at Red Cloud on the fitt .Saturday of each month at nine ofik-e& s. ur. sharp.' "" - -i-A. A. -Pope, Co Suji't.. Rritf biorphies of all noted Brit- 1 ii or Atafrxan authors," from eorliefit nmvs to in pnciu, wit specimens from their writings, making a work not oidy thoroushV enteitaiuiug and useful to all imeBicent readers, but narU iodifpt-osible to people ..of enq uire. Tbjs newly revised and betsuti ful edition cni.tains over 3."0tX) pages ardtheennre work, iu eight handy -volumes, is furni'lretl, free of t-xtVeS: or mail charces fbr $2.t0 in paber. $3 tx in J.ub. or $4 On) in half tnoroe c. -t.iie patiusners eu ooiyrto shu- fcccibj.r direct, instead of eiyinc ereal--V 1 ...i. .t t -. ... . l?? d accnts the usual SO ocGaW I c&nu ditrant to s&l them. ac 1 un,s r tbftfenwrbiUe l.--w oriees. jisecial titttue!)ts ar.' vrrWe-i to I sendmg eaily orders, trrcvi ,xea psap wun particulars, tent , - r r . 1 on rcqaei't by io?ril card by the huJh M ibf AsewcSin. Book: Kx - c'naXtlB, oa :irceiman street, New I j.., .-. . 1- . 0U3CL33 We will sead our paper price $2.0 with either of the publication named below at the price annexed. -" , Harper's Macaxine, ($4.00) $4 05 Weekly, " , 4 05' " Bazar, " 4 95 Lippincott's 3ragaz:ne, ' ...... 4 75 Applcton's Journal, ($3.00) 4 00 Peterson's Magazine. ($2.00) 3 25 'rturdavEveuin'-'Pcst. x - ... 3 00 JOS, T BANKS'S when you go to . Prairie Ea rmer, it. .. t 1 1 2s?F?i-- ! Zbiff?? I PTftL s. MZmsf Xm.xjr- 2l mjs rt"v .ii m i zuik l -r ? Red Ciod WW's! Wj ars prepareil to docaa- torn wok PUsnr peed auU; ? - ft it t - .. ti a - i fipri yiTTTi t' isr. f t; -,,-., ;T1 ... .. if . I n,,y ol r mi t a t t wx. tnu 71 -.4 .nMJM t w r J l ' '' Potter & Frisbi1 tH'AHNBSSSHp- 41 - H j - B , fcl ' 4- " &2" fc r ! j . . j- v "m . t fi I Um? l'i..Jf K t Vt .1 l-t-v U't Tw- fj. f -rco Kzk Zv TrcJ ?i!lftr ajn ?a sa IUMBER YAKL) 5CS S! i) iAi V 55. licit , VartI south of Hampton r. ?a',- stoii'.i siiop on Main strct Kop con. .untly on bam! mor;ic!it f Lumber. I.ntti, fliltiirl', tliur' l'liiloiM. l.ltim IXrtlr IV111. cut l'liitcr Unlldln PI ATT & FRKKS O S JT'" 12 "TTM if Pr' cl .5 l If you do, J. I). Port has ih "ttijcen' LiVBiiv ni I best Fked SfAisKiu lied Cloud. J. D POST, EZD 0LOU2. J. 8 HOPE Dealer in "Wa teller Clocks J'eAv- Irj, Silver and Silver Plated Ware, WKUSTER ST." XEI CLOUD. XKIt noiMirias Den anl Warranto. This space belongs to DE-BH EEER OK THE Who is too busy to write an "Ad." Crs-rCs.. crw Ok. y Cf -5. Srrjis tMfe . Dealers in and Manufceturcrs of Curt? Krizzes, Chains. Switches, etc., all of ' HM1S SAKS' Parties iu the country watitiug wri in this Htsc umy pay in Farm "Prod nee. r ; GlIAilGEh : : EASONM)Lti: Orders may be byfc at the milHaefj. totcs and post oS. Orders by n:ail willxecfeivp prompl fc atisnXica: RED CIjOUD m -Nh.n X1. C. WAXEBS j J?2iotog2?apIiic -STUDIO-. F1A5TINGS, NEB "Tusbestin us- "0. S C-'s M j f. aKsanrKR. i !&?rnt. Jcol h) Vlcn f ' it n 9f 4a 3t, Mi. ? Tffihisch, Rufu tLixmim2c 3:.... vA -1 .,;,.,.' t IM'lU't IVt t '! i Ht1 f jwk; V lUn jr?3. fPCTBttttl? 1 5D. - . -. - - J a.O riVT ,jfLI ITi v 1 ' Snfc 3ci -wvj Cx?fflP, 4 J ! f . . it 'i ir. 11 I 1 ;.i v Hf I t . .tr j&Ki! I iw j $, -t '?- 1 iv . V I aj.. !. J .- .' !tati i 1 u 1 i ;--. L-"i -i on". in l..v-. f u4 C.tvf ft 4 NttjM K ea - ff f.:i.. jjfmOM v:ti tvii iccit i).v 1, mtl at . iw t'tteva. SoMftlMl bet trct i.r t!(ei T,amt id Bitot ? wui tr ash. DOWN! DOWN! J Nwr sBpfy uf Wail jater at Mo Nit i '. Call at tb jxsf'dB-e r-l .t jtt on'y 2J cr. a boil, 10 vis. a twll kOwL'iu th? wr!l by their shc'Uy wtirk. in tLeVi'iic tNe crave of the c 'iixt tag coi lttipir. cheated ofiW virtitu by ttt tirn- iy ttit f that wttor iaiUng it wdy. Jfrv . 0'mgh tint imi. Tli" Baleaoi b.j .Jt toicf Kirn fitait. but prottte9 cay rxe- I toration aud a-rWi mtuu.' in htr uf- j nrta tu cure hefrf'f. Do not lit. Vet that rough until it ia too lute Kwryj dflny hx-iis th chance of r-.t'iy." ' sot ctcartog awl ctrvnnthciiir (he voico a irMM,4 Jj'ir Trvckta ouoa nod you will u e mo utbr. !'hvsiciir who harj tri. d Vi i .,. Aniiei.tiiit: tr remorin iodajii u ii..n and ctiiiujc fcl sore, cat.-, i.n. btaij?, pibj, aod for .t, 1 ro ""'"f1 u,lh"' ,Mt waiIc juni.c'yofihj ce. rtal it a to A I! f,, JUuetiw Jar li . Ms Ollht W eat for sale );y, C, H, I'utter, Red Cloud, - LOO IS CLAP P. City Ifojirwe anil Omyman Will deliver goo-Ja to any part of tha city with nrvmntnim ami dls. Kttch. A ihare of the publio pairerMii i inspect fa h'y saiiclt el . i-r,, "S " r . .ttm ).... .- - w .r....... V. JNO WiLIIKLMnON Proprietor fccl IVtmul A'cJ Vniipay t k ,ri- (,jr kM. rrcsli ilfm t'oittiuutiy On Jlntiit. CAKLWEIiKH, PHOTOGRApHER Will take picture of any a'-le uewrecl. a:! gire atthrfaeuawii r.2vC10?I3 JIE3 JL. 5 , "3 i 2 W -U Co h' 7 5 ViJ'ils, -" " m a - t . CL. tJ . r J ?. - . 1 Q ( 5 Ov 5 9 0 '. a .- rn -2 f '.' -Z v" : ' (rvf u1 '-?! DUMBER DRY LUMBER A SPECIALTT. TEIB28TI5TH2 5i 2' -- sXd at Lawtit Prices "-Br- a 1: -JfiT3 9 Lf'lli&rd l COiVIE! PljSa'OFKiCKCI.OTHINC not SE. -in a4dftta wmr H i?td &' m kv baa! si . f 33opt-:, HaLs Caps. (;,,v, J31ank IBoolcs. StaiioniM-v, Co n U c t i o iv vn , THiARi? J TOBACCO. ? r IM Tn ' 1 4bl rMH ltfiotirlU rt ts i( A& NER For All 3Cfj: ii c 1-1 . 1 VZZ1 QjQifMtKO IUikI A Kb8 Swet . 4 INI mmmm, (-. w ( CrocktM'y. W7E BUY Out gditMlir CASH nn-1 dfy rouMmriwN. Wfci U Mc. t oall- one door Haftlldi of 2o. I HAJiai WAiwn- k4i wo k 1 ' of i AUo asas fi?f th wmiti ttwin wrlf. IK Mtirnu. tsnxssxazsxcjsJsixrTiuuja.m. .ji . HARD &1fWI4&H k YM jg x yj' Jrj I-K'ISJiLIi A 79UICIIART, rrotH i W Ki'cfi mi tia.itt .n 4I tuui.. . it. I llrdwartf. WEAL O cep a Supply of kni'iiiiiigg Imi',,iii,ni -S'Srt.'ivu us n oafl, a t lytd hu -, w -am any .b r Hm in tk wi vr omtinl'M th" Ib. I dr nert'. j f- Lj9 1 BF M ik Y OUR G RO C 1C U 1 E S A N D 1' R ( VISIONS f ifw mmw zw 9 . j , $$ (pkt-f "!!! .di sfw '" t v ? i fz) DAILY ECI72D. ". ' SOBS tJ ?I CHIEF ? 4 teom tj . . s- T A. -JURY ii m BROS Hi i mis Of a x n 1: s I-; KK5?P Of LOTHIiMG HATS. V.AV V. ItOuTS Qt'fnr- v:i i fMtk ml U I'wtUMb .1. I. M- .JimTxrisamrtw1 riBw .sj WAR 1 fvU I i J mm .1 .r!'i il '7Mtlit srfvA w can jt )mi. . Jrf ' ui f th !'rti iB Seed Clouds Feb THE "f L, E. S?LL. - i " . .- (.! c- , fm " mt-- W -P i'f '. "? - t X MOT 4J . 11 " rr. Camthorated Ilartshom LinimcBt.for X& tul ' ? 1-. ! iuaa or b"!1?. It an b.rj --ir-aat . a - 1 E - r. , C. h. I . - sr. -.?. : : ci r JtatSsMSf.-. ." D r , Vi iC5'J2fi2', . ;; ' W ond'rtiou of scrvitnde. Ttfc want'l of the early setters, in thi Kepublican j Weern Hyra?, L - -- '-V8aaJ!L" - "' UV-cILtI Crft- Csirr. W blarafr, 5aaMiMiaatfg3AaA-vffvrt-at iiiii 1 1 1 1 iT.rt-j"a-rriiIx,-:-.j?- A;i-?vif?g'iV-jQi1Cj3r -..? .' . .. ..-... . -