The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 13, 1879, Image 6

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    eeMUmB&Zk-- --fp?PsT
Wt Tit y EBt " "t ... , " '. ,, "s
tfjlpfeWT ' , " ' ,"1" l "?' rat HW'sw1"'1' ' Wgrnft'
1 M.KKP.
Mir L mtjia Ttvn.
tSBSfHar f Urtrtnkir
UnflUil, Kcnmt liotl.
Ha twl of trlmttn xt
lMMf Mtwtlivwliiit rrft
VtNbrMattlr torn
tlreiili in Mir th- nlftil-rit tlm.
,'MMmJrf lh Wlf-1nM,
Aa) wHJila the luk;,
tlnairln rrrli-f'- liMpatlr-nt tlilw,
bMxw, tltat ism rHfirr-
burled In a fleecy rug Th-n, with a They talkrd of It often, dreading Hasp
el, stern look, fm set. lit foot upon It. proach, trotting t might pass by this
pu e, nvniiuiui ?iiiei-
Noj the nextday three cmi were re
ported, 9111! one death. The rlrivl
iiriutlinimir. Mr Hennett. a man of
IXiws silgnwy, ati'i wniasirum winryoiii. 1
Mi; leave uit ii'HiM', passing lint win-
it mJ iHifltf bui fiin swsr
Whi U sua nl tstttlrat wllow (
'sasettr will lb utiki.own morrow
taVisst " a,
;fax wm Uirn of J"? sad Thotht
oi&Mfrt, of Lwvr nt litf Caress.
tsMMeg' left m but bl
Iaruh wi1 Blu-p Id rut U arouatit
TOrsiti and Aleep, tln rsms iniKMinlit
MAT'M l.ltK.
It 1h lust my Iniikl" said Mitt.
fMfoMMlI 111"
Hit walked gloomily lo, tho window
looked mil on tliu vlvlil green of
(low to iftfn tho roitil, but looking
I neither to tint right nor to tlm left.
I Ilii head I erect, hi hand urn out
of the loose HMket r or once (start
ling transformation) toting mbi i;uru
iiMikii potllltely dignified,
A he vanishes n startling transfor
mation lake plaentu tlm room he ha
quitted. Miss llelluv prove herself a
womAM, and not queen, by a series of
actions esntlally fr-mlnlnn-
Flrsl, she rescues tho bent love tokun
from th Hoort then ho kisses It Atul
crli cVer NtvUion he lock It away
carefully In a writing tk j tlmti h
nulnn 1111 Ulr U wnti'li Imr lornr out
of lKhl from ah tit)Mir winuoir.
Vorft diiArtiT of a tnlln or ) w
wAlohml lilm, imilritAtliig fljjiini, grow
Ing innlliir Atul xiitMlnrln tlimiuianqu.
Iln luivi-r onuti liMikctl Imck, tlm ri'iril
lir nmndi of III tit rtuvcr fnlti)ril, a.
turn of tlm roitil lilil linn from ign
Mli tut mil ilown on tli llixir
iiiiut tint 1 1 mil ell tiotlt on Atul crir
until hor pntltv )' M"r" ru'' nni
lkti rtMti lnwn. on wlilto niiM fix I
irr clinttcrintf nlxmt tlior(!liton tlm
-W nwtor totiiflng III fitvnrltu L'imnl
mm In tint illntnnon, 11111I1I 11 l)lu of
ia4jJii( mul glow of nil t it. Mitt
ton'd to lui hIUi Mih tlijt tmiiilmr
nom HocmiMl ojiirnitlvo iu n ctuju.
Ho il.ruw iiii tlirt Frwitcli wlVntnwn,
4ntwilonglir'itlli. nnil tlirul lif lln-
Hffm UtUt tliu iMMtkut of IiIn aiiiHiUng
aai, lulllfig nntiimlly Into n tiArillv
'tmmtKWK niiiiniiu jifatillnr to lilm. 'I'll
!mIFrlmlL "'. VWlM'1 wl t.
ww)i , B woniAtr lintul.
tvtMHHH'Mntlhuw Curtl. K,.,.. M,
" .. KHWnillu tilnjiMl About tlm
inwwfimii iim ha , runtiolfil how
WQVM IHAL fnrillal a ...!..
Sf!?.14! Jv'l. rtoklctii. gtxHl.for.
J5t. inmH to rlul. n.,,1 ,MH.r for
mirv$iM y,Mnif M,l c,,rt,-
.T li!,U4,,, ? 'Irtiw forth tlm
" HCnn 1U ruui ilnrbn...l ..
"Afitw AgtHiv Hulllin would lmglnd to
'LTr4lkV-.Vlrv!'l linuninli..l M..I
vwlth Mroiurtic tmipfiA!.
A-wUwr irknuo At tlm dclluntu iiAimr
,4,TS ?rw "iMliro """d-wrltlng. tlm
cMic lok liMonlng tlm wlillo, until
tfc chM whir ! tliu fAO "imnmd ooin.
g?lt1y ftlturwl.
"Look tit ur Huotlt M-t. "Hor hnd
.JTrtrtlili!t them I. not a wnvnrlnir
JluiJ Why, mrwrgliL would t-ry
VtaNr OVOK out wlilln wrlllnu ...!. t.
Ulsttotrto tlmlr lovurnV'
It onimtliod tlm offoiilvo iuUlvv
liu acrmiipti'd bull n ho dokv. And aiI
IrVMAMU n few moru iinntMiitollv nxnlu.
VirM to tint fair mlilm uxplotlvc-
I vpmjmiinTi)- iniiminiing to a timrgyinntrH
"It 1m nil ovr." li moAimd, "aII
"Flrol Find"
Mnt nitrntig frntu lilt bod with pro
foiloiiiil iiicrliii', utruok a light,
ttnulili'il Into Miiim clolli"', nud nulird
from tlm iouti.
No ik'kiI to iiik mtIiimico tlm nliuin
liroccwli'd.tlii) lli'ri'i)illhr of llutni' mid
tlm rod glow In tlm ky wure InmcoiH
lownnl whliili Im run til limidloug tpcd,
wlthntmtliiiiigliliii hi niliiil. "I pniy
Imnvini It tuny not Im tlm ructoryi
"Wltiirn I lir ' nmiii'ii im to 10
iMirur. fugging Along a wftly a
InVvy ImkiM mul jmniliirou nnmi 01
rMttn woun im inittti.
''rtrtimr .loyrii', tir."
irnmr io)rl mrum tmitviuii
Tt... ..lilt homo to tlm rrclory. nui 1101
nimr oit,,"K1' u '"lKr M' ., ,
MAt''"",lM,nM1 Knv I'Iaco to a thrill
of a1iiio1 plcnturnhlo oxultoiuont; It
wa hi vihaiI young blood" Arllng
lt..lf. lliliiK Ihrough a gAl;wAV Im
aIiiiwI rJtW vT a girl Imro-himdml,
wrluirluir ln r l"'d In Inipotunt mul
..1.. nii'L.J. Mis lliilluu.
liu I.....I 'tt oni'ii." fiommmnli'd Mitt
ourlly. Tut '" 'ml ft'"' lM" '1'"'',t
IiawI you hnV""
till AftilrwArd ill"'' U oour t hrr hit Imd
no t.. i..,Itn mkiii liisirutiuon.
Wh1.11 lm rfl'V"-1"!'1 ll..w,w
Unit Mnltli.iur I Y.tinl. I'.K
' iiiriiii
In tlum to
M. !.. In
Itlg-Mty, pltoh
4y. or tho hi'nrlngof llmyoungUdy
wtiw nomtimiRiy unuircii in llllin 11
'Wietty to cntoh thrtu
Ketiiig not imirn limn twutity, por
ithut with a hintviio nntl tiioonly
TmMo(movuiHunt. ngmvuly huAiitlful
lr now of hntighty tlUgtiHt.
JtmUm mit," lmity Kdlyj "o ln
rtar oonvoniAtlun with yournulf
"gtbtibly of a ctnHtlitttnl nnliiro."
M itirnn with 11 itituilug fituti, a
?, dopmmtlng gvittiirv, 11 cnurltv
" folQtfotlo bow mul Miit'otdi tlint
n tnuir uonniHiHi liiiinlllty
a a Kimtloiniin.
"lUMt liiiltiud you did
U '
not lumr It.
orave forglvcutis If you
, wctwttptiKWiily, tllsniUscd tho
JS? tai alufhlkt wave of 11 IIU
jy? fa. Cold, hrtl, proud
wkt, tittl Hr wonl hivo a oloAr.
HLw1.lnM ... .....!.... ..I .-!..
trrr'ivn "itii-'wvt nwti
.UwstrallAt daHAttllv. HI
Ji; wy Ui dArk, hi
ttiumlur. Jtiat uv 11
v nH..
.r. -j
Ing out -iimilliig A h;tl -roAtltxl imrknr.
Mut my luolA1 ' Rrimihlwl,
Atttlnlng lilMMMtrulXTf11 "nioins. "iiumy
hud hnuii lmblt...k",mv.1 n,,K,,t .''."W
gulniul onm owllW, '" "n ,,w rwK"
"Tlm Ntahlit I ..,r". "iirl '
Wlmtl" houtii( ,M,lV ,,,w ,,,,, ,,MJl
waII for tlm Inform.!111:"1 ' ffl''"'
An urilnnl lovnr oi?t l,or .n"" ' 'J Wl"
nimppiml to IiIh fiK,a"l1l, lll ""t
him niiimi tlm liitlfevol,,,,K (,,,lln,,l,,
Iiira lii a -into of itusiT1,',!V'' .1
it waa truii. Tlm iM" '' Wft" ,n ,,r"'
tlm lionti- wiim miroAiAE!"'? wl.1 ' u,rrt""5
two or thrt'o riutlc w.!?"' miiKing xri
lod mid fruition Atlttuipl
0111 - ntmuipM Urn poor
fd with nil tlii-lrinlirht.
of itmu looktxl on Idly nui
"Jim, run Into tho Imr
or thri'o tMiipty nuk
"Yw, sir."
iiy urAwing a sni'k oi
tnitr luutil Atul nook, tluiV
III by pnsslng n rttpn ahmj
It'it' nud Motiitiir Mtronif
mill by a llttht orgitnlxittij
0111 until tni'it iiiAppuml
OIIU WAA t'ffl'Ott'd. All tlJ
Avud uicopt onv poor hrti
by tlm HniuVu. "
r Ariimr Joveo cAnio uJ
iy hand cxU-tulml In honj
."in auk you klArth
(i tor tnu 1
Vl In ilrni. Iholll
- ,-. ....- ...-.-.
milium ri'fiHi
A llttht urowtl
ji nntl gii two
mul tt ropu.
or ouch auI
.ml tliu font-
is to hnul,
on of bravo,
(Tort, 11 ro
horo woro
to, siuothorod
with Airrl-
mi crAuttiao.
sir. I don't
tu buildings
1 wont to my
(cronm. '
lit Wit
Uto old
too, I
giMMl prlvAtt? nmnns, lb"! with his wlfa
mid family Mnt and tlm "old doctor"
witro wotkttilaltntMt lodrnth. No nod
of Imr-pnrlor dlwiisslotis or approach
ing atiTplo-chaar. or poaching alTrAys
now loiptbit tint matl)ouiig lilixxl.
Mat winl froitl houso to Ikmisq wUi a
grAVo f:o, and a chorful. kindly.
liojMdul word for ttvory ioor, turrlfled
wriitch who shuddnrno at his own frars.
Th i) n hi father wa stricken, tlm
"old doctor."
Poor "old doctor!" When tint erll h
had dri'Atliid ronlly oaum to lilm. and
NoUnd upon him, ho grow brave and
"Nmisfnto. Ind!" h- aIi! whon Mat
tried to sptrnk nucoiirngltig wonl from
a slnkltiL' ImnrL "I hitrii no statnlun;
I ootild not )xpixi lo uvu mticn longnr
In tlm ordlnart rtiursoof iinlurn. Don t
Ink tlm truth hoy. I slmll mi gmn 10
. a .. .
lli) 111 irn iiaruos.
Mln lU'llim wutohiM tlm fuimral iro
I'fMlon from Dint snmu uiipcr window
which shn hitd ouon Uifom put to 11 lm.
Ilur mo
Vory forltrltn wn Ml llidluit In thosit
dit) a A horrlhhi h'td tttkou pot
mission of Imr with tint Hint report of
oholnrn in tlm lllg. Him fought
ngnlnsllt, sho liAtod horsolf for It; slm
triml to drug hursolf to tint hod of tlm
sick poori hut troniblltig limbs rrfnvd
to oitrry Imr. It wti ootistltutlotutl
ph)slniil oowArdlcn mid otury gossip
iiil' titloof Mat's 1'iilin Imrolsm lucroas-
iidhttr snlf-itbasotuout mul Imr lovu mid
admiration for thatutiootiscloiis gontlo
iiiiiii. Ills fatlmr's donth gntn him doublo.
work, hut Im did tint spam hlmsulf. Ho
stinttdmd food, rost, mul slooti, tvhuu,
wlmro and how hn could, until tlm opt
dumlo dlod out almost) thou ti tho I tut
iiiuo f a In a 'Air wny to rcovr ho
"My luck ha chmigml," suld MaI
with a stnllo. "I oaii Imi sjiurod now
tlm work la tloim. '
Mls llolliio lumnt tlm imws tlm sumo
hour. A liotisomnid to whom slm Imd
donu soum llttlo kludiioss, olT to
tlm rootory to toll hor. Miss llolltm
guvo mi ordor or two and wont straight
to Imr father's study.
"PnpA, Mat Is strlokin now."
"Hloss my soul!" said tlitr roctor In
groat oxoltoniitiit, "Poor ladl poor
"I linvo told J onklns to put tlm horsoa
to tlm brougham, mid thu housokoopor
to got tho jjrt'on Don-room roatiy.
"KliP" And llmoldgoutluinmilookod
vory bowlldtirod. .
"And von must foteh Mitt." oxtihtln-
od Mlsa ltolluo, calmly.
Hut but."
"Ilo slmll not bo loft to tlm nursing
of tliosn Ignorant sorvmita," slm Inslst
od rosolutoly. "Ilo slmll ho brought
horn or t will Assurodly go to him."
Tlm roctor had yiolifod to hor nil hor
llfo, llw shook his lmitd In sorn por
ploxlty. "Am you not nfrald, doitrP"
A itooullnr Aiulltt llgliloii nor pan-,
bountiful couiitoiimii'o.
"Not now."
A slniPar ipmstiou was itluiost tho
tlrst 0110 put by Mitt In oonvitlosoont
"Wont jou not nfrnld, ditrlliigF"
"Porfoot lovu onstoth out foar," -ho
rojolnod, softly.
ma Ntsrrf . tls.1tlrMS
Aarrsil. ftliMlalSia !
Or r mis Mrpvrtrr tli ki
r tltt .rssr frasUi I,
Yostrrdar af I'Tuwin a re
hlmttdf tapping, gently tap
IM Iaktt street, the private
United Mate lVnslon Ag
district, comprising tho Stat
"Come In," said a pit-as an
inn visitor sKxxl ielore a la
blax-k and vigorously wlel
a desk covered with paj
MI Ada Swuet, who I
crlbe to the lest of hnr
the dovelopmenU and ch
conduct of this pension o
suiting iroiu tlm back pel
paod by Congress,
"What Is Iho numlMtr
that von hare been nayliii
trlctf" Itegmi the IntervlfWi
"llm roll lor urn siaw
Miss Hveel Answered, alMtr
sonio mr-moraiida, "wasjTi
dutm lutenr, H,iVl.
tiumlxT Is ronstnntly
iJP ' .... JJ U- ,. T-EZ-S
m. a rwmm bmaiki. il
w 1
the both of
j course tho
ig aiignuy.
tiiftw mai
itimlxT Is ronstnntly vftriig 1
think wu havit rnther ,Wwfl tl
iow." t U
"Ami tlm lmv-rolirP .'l
"For last year It wnjri58,!Kfi.."
"lilil iniiriioi tiDsgMtiiuiiicagormi-
There art
this city, of
lids, nnd tho
iio pensioner
to pay under
Mollis?" jt
"Ye, ovnr ten per W
some V i pensioned '
whom iiImiiii 1,!IOO imiJlB
rest widow mid chllv1
"Whiit proportion f
In the Stnto nnt enlHtr
this nrronmiro-imiislMi lilt with which
congress lias Just 'nifrel up tno oi,
umrnr 1
"Stirred up, I slumlAjthlnk they are j
I miter know of sinjk ively Interest or
hellou'd hul news tnitwletl so t at into
aII corner. I shoitWlludgit that prob
ably moru llian nw
this payment ol m
manv If tlm nuiul
received can bo nl
rwelvwl nlxiut a
iieotilo hcirirlnir ui)
how much they lit!,
lonir thoy havu
few. It wouliloi,i
ilmv havu Itoon usWilmed for."
"Wlrti auiouni oniHoney will do pam
out In tlm Mnto. wit; in Chicago r"
"I cannot tcN jjriu Bot even cstl
nittto. You see Uurottlcvra of tho gov
ernment ditTor wlioly na to tho wnole
nuiount ApproprMtad by this legislation,
nnd leortnlnly 4ortfcl equal to docldo
between them IJhoro'i tho sec re tarj
of tlm tronsurf. who puU the amount
ut uImiiiI )JI.'),0O0, while Secrotary
Seliurz ItguriviR ft aoroe f 7o.uuu,wu or
lo nrty minion less;
of coigrcs, I hear,
senate, inougni it
.000.000. Tho fact
anything nbont It"
mHrrntn atsKl tt Mmrft
fawi'aHTh Wsiatfl
T at UsVai VtrftMsHatiAVsi.
m f rfMtw Cr. rT If.
1M obmi glfud novnt 4t)r Uw
foHMilatlon for a story naehmUy o
ikrfnl to make th world woader at rU
depth of plot aad pellarity at dotall,
he need only adopt tke elrcamMaace
that have oceurrol (n aewtala lUBr
ol life aBMWtg b aa rreeatly a a week
aco.thewrh beciBRtac la tho early day
of Callforala, when thogohlexelteateat
waa atahlftg Iwiatlce of many. ReewU
)y there cause Iron a tourbhlatr town
01 oiewia coaaty, ea an mteadetl vWt
to frlenda Its thU cltvi a MU ajd wife.
Theatrea wererlslted. a graad roaadof
awaaeeaeat aa4 etcnVeeelaw wn in
dulged la, aad Teryihlg ran aaerry aa
a marriage bell which rag for the
onaate In ouwtloa aa mttch aa thirty
aHd threo years ago. away off ia Ra
cine. Wisconsin. A tew nighu amen,
while returning from the California
Theater, the couple walked akBg Kear
ney street toward Market, near which,
by tho light from a gnu-lamp, they saw
Irlug before them on the sidewalk, a la
if) ' chatelaine and watch, which evi
dently hat) become detached from tho
waist of soniu paucr hv. Scantuly waa
there time to stoop ami pick tip the, find
from 1 Inian's Bar la'SOf Soatranjfe-
had fata worked lU wondentl The
is soon told. The reunltod fam-
moved to Sonoma County, where
thm will live. Charley SetTeerd llreU
tir with his wife. The
atraaHaMestlnfe that had euldrd them
.-. t
all IV
be tell wlHt
of the
hil cjmbinesl to bring
re together, and to-day.
old story of past trials can
conscience, because
lnatlon of the won-
avo matked the
I ne characters
A rvr ratrta
tvheji rclunieii-lparaUyol young
couulo, a rather handsome man, who
ere entitled to
I certainly that
letters 1 have
Icatioa. I have
I of lettera from
go back aad aee
pen paid, or how
drawla. Soma
arcely know what
nud soum moi
espcotnlly liiW.
would tnko opy
is, no one kiioi
"Why notP"
"Well, tho
Thoro Is n genen
tint tlm Iielis
rears. Now.
there nro how
count In under this
nenu. 111 inaiaatai
Ilea lutt here:
vision In tho bill
bo paid those ar-
11 lull how many
A Kallroatl en tho 1111.
A correspondent of tlm Itochostor
Ikmocmt thus Alludes to this wonder
ful triumph of engineering skill: Two
hours' rldo on I.nko l.ucerno, aoiillmnsi
from tho oily, brings us to tho Hlgi, nn
lolntod ponk, And one of tho most ro
mnrkablo of tho whole Swiss Alps; not
on account of it altitude so much na Its
position And character, commanding ns
It lH'a tho view of more thnn twenty
Inkva, nearly a doxon cities and villages.
nud mmintnln poAka Innuniernblo on
overy aide. Ita northern cscanimcnt
look sheer down six thousand feet on
Lake Zug, Into which a poison stand
ing upon tho brink seems Almost nolo
to hurl a stone. Tho summit Is reach
ed by railway, which Is a mnstorly
plooo of civil engineering. Judging by
iho oyo, tlm InoRno ranges from Unity
to tlfty degrees from a horizontal; mid
Iio enr, lioiillitg sixiy pnsongers, is
.Hilled bv tlm engine which puns
rs In tlm ronr. nnd muster tho
ol by blto of Its wheels, but
.nil cogged rail In tho center
her two; tno mouou 01
lonred down to slow
11I011, so as
. it
when it nensloiior liml died, no ttrronrs
for pensions could bo pnld except to
tlm widow, If Im left one, uud If ho loft
110 widow, to children under 1C yenrs
of ngo. Then) nro certain to bo many
olnims under tliltgoiiornlprovMon, but
It I very uneertniit Jint how iminy mid,
houco tlm dlllleiilly and Impossibility of
knowing its yet tho whole union nt tlint
will htto to bo pnld out." x
"Of course, thou, you can't give tho
nverngo amount per ponslonor v
"Unrdlv, until theto other iVtn nro
settled." ' I
"Hnvo you received miy Instructions
fnmi Washington, Miss Sweet, since
tho pnasago of tho bill? Will thiro bo
miy cliAimos needed In dlsuhnrgluii the
duties of vourolllcc?"
"Well. I hnnlly know na to the
tor. Tho Commissioner has not lsi
Instructions yet. There Is 0110 thl
however, tlint I know ho I itnxlou
hnvo nil ttensionera Intended In tho I
1 . 1 1 .I... 1.. 'n.. 1. t.
uuiiersinnii. aow tiinnii iimv i-
iiecessary for them to employ any
torncy to mako these claims for ih
Ho dot res the itttnl cittion lo bo m
direct to tho Commissioner of Pensl
at Wnshlngton; and any pensioner w
can reml nnu wruo can maau 111s o
claim, nnd If ho cannot rend or w
ho enn get sumo of his friends to
for him?'
"Is any particular form or apr.
lion reoulred?"
"I am triad you ked that. Ni
tlm pensioner simply writes to the Clun
tnisslouer 01 lensions mm :iys tie
sires to make application for nrr
lull Instructions will bo returned toj
promptly. Tho pensioner shoulil
his full natiio and his certificate's 1,
"The ocouitiitliin of the clAirj4"rnt
would seem to be gone?" '
"It Is, indeed, and yrj fortunately.
These men hnvo madclt n buines to
innko clnlius agnlnst (the government.
Lt many have ilived In vt nning.
)iuo in nil jnnrta 01 me conn-
lieierSahu's have not Ihhmi
,lng trumped up, they
nt n mueii moj
insloncrs. a great
4J.t 1.. t.rlri nl-
fatinpiy -- -
Ices, W a niu-rai
itly tiectiiess. itui
nany wt- nu
atul im" "oy
yor or they canft
I navw ". mjj
1 10 ii"""m'u
or Instructions,
isacted uy irieao
Br seem pretty
er .
the letters I
of gladnes.
1 aee. are very
aentcil to a
jirtt act, you
oaera taouid
aad. if aot
sslont would
date of the
se away
was remarkably light lu feature to the
woniati who walked boaide him, dark
enough in complexion to bad to thu be
lief that she ws of Spanish extraction.
A short conversation between tho two
couple ensued and tho article of female
ornament wa reiumcu vaawt younger
lady who had lost it. The younger
couplo had sc-trrely begun to mora
awav, when thu elderly lady appeared
aa If eoUed with a spasm, and with a
shriek very unlike that of the tradition
al novel sort, screamed, "Charley!
Charley!" and almost f&lutad. The
sound of a name so familiar to him
brought the young man and hU com
panion back, aad then followed even n
stranger incident The youag man
looked at the agitated lady. A shade
of recollection seemed to croea his
mind, aad, though struggling to sub
due his emotion, ho did not succeed,
aad quickly ejaculated "Mother!" At
tho same time the older man hail been
rettardlne the Touturer lady lntenUy,
and in a moment more exclaimed,
"Good (lod, It Is shot"
The tcone had attracted quTto a num
ber of passers-by, nud to prevent fur
thor notlco by thctn tho young man
snoko Hrmlv nnd directed tho actors" In
vho llttlo comedy to go with him, wMeh
thoy did. Soon thoy woro seated la a
comfortable parlor within a radius of a
mile from tho place of tho accidental
mooting, and, amid many sobs from
thu old lady, much wpndcrlng surprise
on the part ol tno young lauy, ana a
called-f or amount of agitation and min
gled anger on U10 part of the young and
old gentlemen respectively, tho story
was made clear. To relate It lucidly
rvuulres a retrospect of over SO years.
when. In Kaclne, Dr. S. Seffeerd will
jJUf IrVjruj as near the real name as
jMTfiTmV 4wTalfcsiaklng a
complete revelation n mWBSjwassntiiT
thltlj-thrco jenrs, married 0110 of three
iliiuiihtor of it farmer In the vicinity.
Dr. SouYord Imd, for n yoimg man, n
lucrative practice, wanted only for lux
uries, mul for tt time tlm couplo trnv
traveled the road of mntrlmonycomfor
tibly. Llfo was not us smooth as was
do-dritlilc, even though n sou hitd Im'cii
born to them, nnd another ("-vent
Iiroved It it daughter) u t.p(tod.
t wnsii't tlm greittest wonder lu tlm
world thou forUtciue to learn, 0110 day
In 181'J, when California' wenlth of
mineral was turning men's heads,
breaking apart homes and fmuilictt nnd
turning tlm tuition nlmost upsldu down,
thai Dr. SefYcerd had disnpptnrcd. It
was conjectured, mid rightly, tlint he
had started for California. Tho little
home In It'iclno was broken up. tho de
serted family removed to tho old farm
house, nud when, some tlum Inter, the
dAtiirhtcr wits born, no word of the
fnther was thoni to cheer tho mother's
heart, nor wna ho again heard of for
years. Ho In thu meantime had reach
ed California, nnd, because of tho pe
culiar way of wearing his whiskers nnd
hair, became known as an Australian.
After wandering for a short timo about
the Stnto ho entered, Hnnlly, with a
prospecting party, near the latter ond
of IKM, the mining section known as
"lVadmnn'i liar.'' In Hiitto county.
The Hnr was a lively place in those
dais, not hnlf civllieed. with a rough,
cosmopolitan population, of w omo
tribes of Digger Indians formed n pnrt,
nod ninny wore tlm characteristic rob
lories murders nnd miscellaneous sen
utlons chronicled.
And Doc. SofTeerd was to ndd to tho
llt, for iM-foro the year hnd drawn to n
close he eloped with the jirettj wife of
a member of tho Digger tribe nnd her
daughter, then about two years old.
The matter was scarcely a nine days'
wmdor In tlm camp, nnd what Itecame
of them no one cared to Investigate,
and probably noonq of tlm residents of
the Har ever learned. Hut Doc. and
his companion, afior placing the child
In tho care of nn old Spanish woman,
who they felt assured would tako good
earn of It, roamed tho country together,
until at last tho womnn died. Finally
Doc, became disgiuted with hit roving
life, como to San Francisco, was deat
broke, and dccldod to sctUo down. Ho
did so. resumed his profession as a
homeopath, and finally retrieved his
fortunes and grow comfortably rich.
Then friends prevailed upon blm to
send for his wife. Ho did so, and ono
happy day the family was reunited,
with the exception of the son, whose
whereabout none of the family know.
When ho had grown to youtba estate
ho had conceived desire to travel,
and one day disappeared la a manner
as mysterious as Dad done his father.
He, too, came to Callfort la, and. hav
ing studied telegraphy, succeeded in
obtaining a good poslUon, the only
fault of which waa that it kept him
traveling about the country, filling the
vacancies that were constanUy occur
ring. Finally he was seat to Los An
ireles, where no was stationed a suffi-
I eient length of Ume to become acquaint
Th immense
exnstrM within
changing the
m.OOO.000 ajral
In our favor, hash
aad commented
asking of what do
It would require a,'f
enure ruport of laef ;
lo answer mis qui
general glnnco Att
mere win bubj
In the first p1aJ
or Utree years,
ropu commences
nrnis and amiunl
moa. Turkey ft
seven millions ww
rldgivs. largw d,
lliiMla aiso.ami
ptirchasod in si
American pf
civiuseu naiionv
American car)
motives aro
road In tho w
mark. Germ
Spain, Italv,
sessions in In
tho West latl
Islands. On
civilised co
ufactured I!
Glaaswartl I
States to all t
In large qui
are raptdlyj.
and rrcack
lts6wn. ,
Pump in
lands and
Coal (A
the West),!
lands. 1
IS rest !.
1 of American
three years.
oi iraue irom
Ito fifil.OOO.WX)
lldely published
ami weouio are
LHlucllon oi 1 no
i-ati of statistics
lu detail, but a
article of com-
(.urtoslty of nil
thlti tlm last two
iu trouble In F.u-
i export of llre-
linvo been enor-
pnrchated twenty
of guns and carl
ints were sold to
Kuropcsu nations
unutitles. (
urn I sent to every
eels, cars and loco-
n almost every rail-
aro goes Ut Den
ranee, Ureal Hritaln,
a. the llrltlsh Pos-
Africa and Australia,
Iraxll and tho Pacific
Is aro used In evetv
and ItAVe tho Urgent
single article of man-
out from the Unlt'.-U
ountries named above
s, nnd tho shipments
lory Is being sold" In
h tho fntnou Knglish
.uuifacturers, nnd holds
sent from th United
1 America, thu Pacini) Is-
I Indies. sr
the llrltlsh PossossloUs,
es nnd tho Sandwich Is-
paint is used in South
islands of tlio Atlantic
IMceans, Mexico mid a mar-
fopeiicd for it in hurupe.
ml wntcli makers nro siuai-
kets that hnvo heretofore
ins and English goods and
known everywhere in me
most shipment aru oCp ag-
implements, sowing ma
os. mated wnro ami saws.
tinrt of Now York nlono more
million nud n hnlf dollars' worth
of sowing machines were shipped last
your, mitf during thu tlrst six month
of this jenr HOO,74l worth cf tlaV.
woru shipped. During thu llrst stx
mouths of this year there were shipped
from Now York $itfil,0'7 worth of renp
its i:i7,10" worth of plated ware,
?1'.0,000 worth of scales. Tho Inorwfl
in tho shipments of plated wnro Iff two
years has been 1 13 per cent ; of reap
ers, fiO per cent, and of ionics 67 per
cent. The Increase In tho oxporU of
other artUles has been In tho amu pro
portion. Tho shipments of beof.checse,
butter, preserved monts, hops, and cot
ton goods have Increased over fifty per
cent within two jears; and boots nnd
shoo, leather goods, Iron Implements,
and many other article of American
manufacture hnvo Increased in tho same
lltiw Old HI MMorwOeros. New
Trstr'si lny.
Old SI lingered over tho Sro longer
than usual. At length ho remarked;
"Dose ar moughty onArtln Umes In
some 'partmont 00 bltness."
"Why soP"
"Well, ef all do fokes what hez dono
swo' off futu drinkln llckor got der
ban's well saiidld 'foro dey cote hop
ob dererezerlushiin.dar'll boor shrink
in' ob trade in do moonshtno districks
dis veahl"
"True enough. SI."
"Yes, snh ; nn l'o wun ob dem az ar
gwlne to kontrlblt tor do onsettled state
ob do trnfllcl" vou haven't sworxt off,
n-allv?" " f
"l't you jess go down to der hous I
lH-t iio print 011 my nun r wei on 110 p
look yll! I dun tuck the oafo five tin- ft
gers wihle an' stratc, sho. er. you
born'd!" '
"And you arc not going to drink any
"Dem's ile words only ilar's wun
leotlo mendmenl dat I got olo Miss ter
Ionium put in at do end."
"What was tnatf
t'Cetttln dat I was purty bail off widt
do palpytashun ob do hart. Dat's erl
d'xeajMt ilst trubbles me powerful some-I
"How often?"
"Well, yer see, I bavosVt bin
well sense de wah. an' a raoul full ot
llcker Is moughty quletin. oa pilpyt
shuns, and nencewiso de 'mendmenl
dat I preferred; do cole wethur alls
fetches hit on mo er !, aa
You have got it now?"
"Dafs hit, sartlnl Yoa'a er now'fu
guesser. fur er fact! 'use ne older
gU de cooler my blud gits, aa I hair
bad no real 'journmeni 00 oe pajpyi
snun since freedom an"
The old man took the quarter in
hurry, and remarked:
"Thanky, sah 'kasestdat palp;
shun ntngs de osle ebery ume ey i
,.mt I eywUh and marry a young woman of
I'l!!ya1wB age, resident in a Span.
i.- 'iz'99 atul daughter of the. woman
fc ,!;,J??fe'' an-eerd hy Ooped
BSl m
A Boston man who boaght na
sand Havana cigars, oa belag askl
what they were for. renlied that
were Uckets to a course of leetnres I
be given by his wife.