The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 30, 1879, Image 7

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    XT r"
imi: iii.i .....''. hiurk.
SiltaD TtltdX Ltlt rit
re IS laStt-fr!. DwitM 1
It old llertittian turrst al
111 weather o Urt pUtn
W5d"lnk tethardtta-ditl Vr(
lb whtflt of id4 BiI rtts
M Itbln ht best, uij iVe rtvf.
f fc Tx gette rattvKet im.i pew.
' Ybl1nktl nh 1,-r , l.t.
Wn t. Iiie.l,-' Ike tari-aae I i-t
The how- t J Ut ka thn bess tkwm.
The inrtn ptitl lf tin- bif j tf-r
ftixO u( a0 Vi.vM tbr ttn;
And from tbr lkli rtew roUll
Catae 3 J.l(. eae tj eat.
Thettofk Hn lie ..Kit Ule.
Went taJlj p.elK tt inj fr.
With tlrtj fts t-'amr. ul Us t iWewd.
Fi tbr llMiUv'bl of the tpWln) attltal Brut,
At! tbr iJJ, lakertted hostor
"lUbuM ber tula " tbc lbnttc
Fruui out tbr llinleu tree;
"Who kaet frern wbat line te ir-rsii,
IWtoo1 tbr unknown wl"
"If ibe ev.titl ilri. per-chinee b tale
Ml?bt mot ux," rklrruped tbr rttt,tliif a)
"Sing I Sbr tan ottlj fattl ami creak ("
WUitled the tntewh, with .Ihtr lak,
i WlUilnlb slretof blpMm
And kit blnlt there, or kniil or tow,
Were one In hmH an-t teuiu.
Hut till tbr M. r k paced to and Iru
Ai utterly f brn.
Tbrn tulilrtilr, in turn of t jr,
fbe saw t ukMlt c by,
AtiJ tbr thought In lit brtln wax au anon of
And t;ve Ur a voice to stutter
the railed ber head nJ ihook brr win;
rv .xuu iace.1 inr piping crowil
, "lleil M-nrlcr," U tbt, "never stags
1 rue bonor It twit louit.
My kindred rarrul not nor lit,
Yrt r atr lorrtt ami arlcomnl motl,
Aud our nrlf tit rar It ilcatnt aiM Brit,
Anil tbr hail that hurt U U brltl accutx-.t
In rtrr) lame of WablalnVrll
"Hrnralh a k)r forrtrr (air,
A nil vltb a tumtnrr wl,
llir laml I tin (rom (inlW atij Utrnr
' Mj brotbrr a a irod I
My nrtt upon alnuplr ittinln
Atiit rr tbr blne of ilrKTt latiiU;
Ami tbr palm ami tbr tamatiikcool my lnp,
Winn thrbldlnc beam of tbc tivit.iUy itltiRt,
Anl I tlrlnk fnmi tbrboly rlTrr.
"Tbrre I am tarrtl, crrn at brtr,
Yrt ilatnl not twbxt,
Wbt u ttiral art: bright, brait fall of cbrcr,
At lilllhrvmir I'rntrcoat.
Ibrli from uilnr ttIUk I tlrpart
iiulilttl by tmirUilnit Id my lirart,
k..i . i.. - ii ..... i it..-.. h i.
Jl pnrri in m niir tun IiIwjbii 4iiift
Vo tbr bIominlin: olhrt of Urrclia Unit,
And tttton the Crrtan Ida t
"l'arnanu winc aa tall, ,
Irro the Adrlin 1'tlur J
Tbetllttant lumrnlt failr an.t fall,
Dalmatian, Aftinlnej
The Alplor nnnwi Unratb inr tnm,
I cr tbr y How I)annlc M ream I
Hut 1 banttn on until my fprnt "iliiR fall
Where I brinK a blrmlnj; to each am! all,
Ami baU-a to the wItm of Wahlwlnkel I"
yjlie JrooprJ her hea-l ami ipakc no mor,
Tbrblrilton either baml
UanR louder, luMlrr than ttfore
Tbey rouM not umlrrtaiJ. ,
Thu muel the Uitk, with wap of trk;
"Better be l!ent than to apeak t
Illftbrtt brlnK ran ncTcrba tauebt;
Tliry haTr their role, I my thought ,
And tl ry were nTer fn Kypt "'
Amarlcan Legation, Berlin, Germany, No
vember 12, im.
1'h IMtMtrMlf AmImmI lai I'ariM
Kw Vot Trlbuae.
Wlillo thu uiiinl niothod nml extent
anil variety o( crun muni inovury fun
try bo controlletl by local i-oinlltlonn,
Uieru is a lemon n( practical wlndoiu to
bo Icnrnotl from tlio iiruvalpnttrniloncr
to intTt'wt) meat production in (irrat
llritAln.Francu atui (turmany.whlch ttio
farmers of thu United Hlatc4 ahoultl
h?cd. Alrtiatly in Ihi country thu tin
raaml for moat of hllivr fjratlo of
(luality, lotli for homo nu and foruljn
ahipment, li tx-innln to (txorciau miiiu
, Inlluonco ution thu extcniion of thu cnl
turu of clor, milluta and other fora'u
ilanU. and in kcviilnn up to a high
point our corn production without too
ruinoun n reduction in price. Coulil
Utct sugar bu matlu with profit hrrv. It
would proru n M)wnrful Atltuului to
rattlo feeding and high culture. While
tnalxu, the clover, ami various graaaes
will Ikj our main relianco tor feetlitiff
nnd fattening, thoro la greatly ncotleU
for variety, ami ejH'cially for more
uccufinl winter forage, an incrvaau of
mangoldx. cnbbagM, Swrtlea, etc, etc.
Wheal will bu a minor interest, as It U
alrcaily in thu older States, oxcept in
the new voils of thu higher plains and
elevated valleys of thu Hooky Mountain
1 ytm where iu culture aa a aixcia1tY
will ragu et for a considerable K!riod.
KUcwhcru entenrilngruralUu should
addrc-i themwfvcs to cartful stutly of
thu ruestlons of mral economy and an-
! imal tthyniology involvetl in the jml
letu of iucciaful meat prmluction.
Ilr 10 Hatr M Mmrm.
It li the caaicst thing in the world if
a few simplo directions arc followed.
Uh an old-fashioned ttn-lantcrn at
night, through whomj rooghly-pnnchcd
side only the minimum of light caa
penetrate, and whoiu door must necea
sarily 1 open Ut enable vou lo seo
anything. Set it down In die betiding
while you go up in the hay-loft to throw
(fown fectl and the chance arts that
your hungry hones or frisky coir will
kick it over, as Mr. O'Uary's did In
the city of Chicago, and vet the barn
on tire If you have not a tin lantern,
carry a candle or open lamp, and dm
It In the same way. If tho night is,
windy, feel yoar way onl to the barn
the best war you can and light your
candle Inslrfo with matches and let the
match end take caru of themselves
they arc small affairs anyhow. On
rainy days make tho barn your rendez
vous for smokfog and whittling, and
talking polities with Intelligent neigh
bors who have leisure hours on their
hands as you have Do not be stingy
with your pipes and tobacco, and keep
pleaty of matches lying around loo,
to tbey will be bandy to tire up with.
A few aoelal aftrtnooot p-nt la tkl
wy wH, r4 unlikely. fW uu lu
grCthe barn baritel
titer p. the lr IVIrsi4.
I, UKiMtuiM
I hai Ukm an epvUl lncrrt In a
amall way In Atchl IVunt) , a H1
aa In V ahlngton. in hp husbandry
for the tweutx ni ver Wiu
ha nerrr lrrn t low but what It laa
paid for tho investment, irrtatled mt
tore bill. ad. by xchauat; mt t4
a I do now, with the lllue UapfcU
Ndrn KaoUirj for cWth amlWahlrl,
mv family arrwarw!) clad, and lite
cloth bolng much uwrltr lo h(Klh
laitu longer I havx utualh Untgltt
rimuton grade of Mluoutl or lot a
heep, krrplng a ftill-bltHHleAl CvtMld
buck vtltnmy utn'fc inr n-uti i, iu
her it ar Utrtor In alie. nirvUnjt the
mrket demand for mutton, and the
tlet-c Is tine and long, bringing the
highest pnct in nv malfcr rur iptm
I have iouml the New German itnllrt.
and wrtt fiHldcrwth hay, tuirlor t
anv thing else, wiwvlallv (Jerntsti mil
let Hungarian ! Imi apt lo leav the
grounded txledthe f.Hlnir tear lo
foxtail, ami l Un eaay a prvy' to the
chinch bug. The same Ja tnutof com
mon millet. 1 rll this tear (Jerman
millet that gmw on ttullilgh pratrte AJ
fret high, with bntl blade, iwevt and
oft stem anil the head 7 incite long lit
.tin width, when threshed It vlcTdrtl
mo 60 bushels Ut the acre nf m-h1 and
i tons tf hav, which la then tttHitior
to any other ihmI fur sheep Vim much
of thohay lfor thtehing imtl not Ik
fed to ewea. a It oathartlcrrTi-cl U apt
lo Indirectly produce aUirtioit ami
cauw litem to looo their lamb The
ieed I grind and feed lo my hog
This crop alone will carry a tlovk of
sheep through the winter lu gtd eon
tlltion. Iu tine lnlanc thl numiuer,
Ittiwcda mlMure of cotniuon mlltel
with the German, the result wo the
chinch bugs lelt a nelghlxtr's field,
paed over aiitltlrnttojetl the common,
and left the German millet to mature
at 3 feet high, triumphant ami alone
Sheep aru Imi poor man's friend, the
poor man's snck. It cjt but little to
getaHtart. Thu women and the little
children delight to care for them, and
I hoHt to see thu day battened w hen
thu hoddyc!nd nml shivering, thlul)
clothed families of our Kauaaa plain
will Imi wrappetl In the geiilnl warmth
of tin Ir own tloi'k, Kcotuuiix almtild
Imi the order of the day, ami thl Item
alone w otild i: t) thounautU to the farm,
era of Kaiisnu.
Illalory !' lit' satiorl-llorsia.
One hundretl and llfty yearn ago few
It nti idiort-horu weru t ) be found out
of the eonntlt's of NoithuuiUerlaiid,
Lincoln. Yorlsliltu nml Durham, Kug
land. Tho boat weru localctl In tho
valley tif tho river Tee, In the last
named counties. There I no authentic
hUtory that any progenitor of thu eat
tin were imHrlel Into r'uglaml, nml a
thu stdl of thu rouulrlf nbovu tiaineil
was rich, well adapted to the growth of
fliu beat graatm, perhaps our hlui'gni,
nml nironling the very best paaturage
for cattle, thecllmatu favorablu, etc., It
is altogether probable that tin no tiatu
ral mhaulagc rapidly tltitelopttl tint
beat qualities of thu cattle of that local
ity, which enhanced their marketable
value greatly, ami which dotiblles In
tlucetl their owners to adopt a careful
syMem of breeding, and prompted a
generous supply of food for winter and
summer, whereby they l.atl acquired
groat distinction rut early a 1770, when
n new era dawned on thu history of
About that time, two brothers, Hohcrl
and Charles Colling, voting men, uiti
barked In tho bind nu In Durham ooun
ty. Knglaml, who by skillful breotllng
nnd management, brought their honi
to sue!) a state of perfection that iris
doubtful whether any herds have ut
cocded thurn. orvn to thl tlav. They
accomplished this by a jutllulous system
of In-and-in breuillug, and it Is a well
known fact that tho best herds in Kug
land anil America nru descended from
progenitors bred by them. Mr. Charles
Colling bred thu celebrated Durham ox
about 171K). He aa a roan In color,
and In his fifth year weighed .1.0V4 lb.
Ho was exhibited in nearly all of the
agricultural counties In Hngland, waa a
prizn winner wherever ho wa exhibit
oil, and 1 it owner refused jC'.'.O'W for
him. Tlio brother, Mr. K. Colling. In
1801, bred thu whlUt ow called 'Thu
White Heifer that Traveled," because
she wa exhibited In all of thu ng drill
tural counties in Knglaml and won
prizes wherovor shn went.
As early as 17H.1 A, Messrs. Gough A
Miller Imported from Kngtaod some
short-horn to thu south branch of the
I'otomm!, and tradition says some cattle
lccmlf! from tneo ami from some
other lmKrlatlons wero bred ami bro'l
to Clark county, Kentucky, and were
there kept, ami tho bull bred on na
tive stock In lhat section of thu Mate.
They were the first ImrU-d cattle,
brought to tho State, so lhat Clark
county was thu first In thu Statu to en
gagu In thu itmuovcmenl of cattle
which some of tho citizens have kept
up, and now theru area number of very
fine and large herd owned in said
county. Among thotn is that of Mr.
Abram llotiick's herd of Itose of Sha
rons not urpaod, certainly, and per
haps not cjualel by any herd on either
continent. He has rrntly received a
medal from England as the brwler of
tho best short-horn cow of her class In
thu Kingdom. Ho has sold many cows
to English purchaser.
In 1817, Col. Lewis Saunders, of
Grass Hills, Ky., a gentleman of fine
education and very grncral informa.
Uon, attractetl by the high orices re
al 1 red for the shorthorns of Mr. Cha.
Colllng's sale 1b 1810, imported eight
bead of shorthorn from the valley of
the river Tec. Kntrland tour bulls and
four heifers, all reds. They hatl all the
characteristics of sunerior short-horn,
and cams from the locality of the host
of the breed, and great care was ol
served in the selection of them. Hut
they came without written pedigrees,
because there were no herd book at
that day in England. The bolls were
bred on the better, and a number of
very tine animals Were produced, and
In ij30 their progeny were numerous
in Kentucky and Ohio, and very highly
priied. Jo other Importation wa
made to Kentucky directly from Eng
land until about 1633, when Mr. Waller
Dunn, of Fayett county, irojiorted one
bull ar-4 nvsttvwa. la ! Mr IKtan,
In rotinevtlon with Mi m mth,
uvl a second ItnportaUon of lhrv
bulls and fmrro, sod In tVVt Mr
Dunn IWpxUtrd tt nisi with boll
rahe. The ratlle, or a ctt t
tt pait
'c ,
til them, Tf Mtia on at atga
auiom; farmer ol lhal seotloe.
U lll-&6lmiortlliMof hvrthvrrt I
irr n&.ln lit OKl.t ft.u !nland ht
company of grntiemenlttlng tearChi1't
lkMlho Sum of the bull and Cw tt
hr lm)o(tatIon "e purvhae.I and
btxuighl to Kentucky
In 1VX Her II I lUllatM ami Mr
Seloii Duddl
let were Kill In Kntrland i
bt the Fay rite
lu tuity, (K , lmptt
tng t o tit pan) , and putrhaMl aUntt 4i'
lieatt Men brought rmuieraine pnevs
l lVilr ln In littnet.m NumWra
of citlle wrrluuorte. to Kotituekvlwo
Iween lhat tnti and lv dlrtvllr
from England the lale It A Alexander,
nf (o.lburn WovltortlcMiv hax,ug
lmiHttrd mote than any orm man
After thete lnirtallttii and llirirtle
atvltdants wetrdlperel among breed
er llltlx-tal ami ll'JtuttloltA4tlttn were
published and eirevilalrd again! t'ol
Muttdcr lmixtttatiitit o( II7 Hy
whom iheso delretlon wtf oilgtna.
ted I know not, bul tloubU b ome
whit liviel to InMiellt themeheoj el
umlnallti their nelghlmr' attn'k The
cry wa thai Ibex had come here wllh'
out Ktligirii, when al lhat d) lite
Ire and dam of llteli own hetxt went
lu the same vxindltluti They tier.
Ituwexer Imi too micxv(iiI In their
petltent detraction in placing the 17
on a lex el of high grade In heutti. kx,
by which mean some other brvrd
w'lthoirt their lnliliilc met It haxe Ihii
pulltnl Into llctltlou ami even fabiilou
Jtrlcea, iMVatlite NMllo IlilerraliM pit t tie
would deviate they ttett' fahltinable
To..llrelnif Gra lntl.
Imiulry I often made, say the ll
ton Journal of C'heiuUtr.V. tvgntdlug
the onner metbotl of tttng toinintra
tid lettllln'l nnd the lime when they
should bu applied to gta laml. It I
certain that lite chemical agents now mi
largely employ cd should not Imi applied
as top-ilrc lug under the same condi
tions a barnyard manures, a (he two
forms of plant nutriment exltt In the
agent miller widely dlllotvnl circum
stance Mauute, or stable tiling, must
undergo some important clo mica!
change bcftuti ihe aetlxe principle ant
formed, or Imforo ibex are titled tot
plant ulmllatloii the iiltngenou
putt, mi iuiHiitaitl In the Arowlh of
LMite. I uotnall) formed lu manure
Tho element must l grou rd dlllet
entlx ami new ctuiibliiatVoiis pntttiteetl,
ami thus ihe factor of lime come In lo
ite coiiltleretl Ammonia, a tub, at.
though It hold thu nitrogen, oniiitol U
aioimllntcd bx planls, In fnel, It l de
truethe to life, when bionghl lu
contact with them III concentrated form
Hori manure, In It nctlxo lnli of
change, and charged with fivo ammo
nla. will deatrov irra If apread iiimiii It
lu a still, cloudy day W lib chemical
salts holding nitrogon lu a fixed ttindU
lion, tlther a sulphate, nitrate, or
earlMinatea, the case I dllTctvntf thewt
aru solublu forms, nml readily take the
next lep whlwh lit them to enter the
structure of plant. Aa regard the
other lliiortaiil element of food, the
phiMttilicrlo acid and thu potash, similar
couoltislons may Imi entertained
II I obxlou. then, that III employ tug
Ihttdilloroul combination fortojidre.a.
lug, we must Ihi guided by an Intelli
gent understanding of tho nature of the
itgciiM, nml this applies to time of rp
plication as well a to method. N e
haxo hatl oonsldciahlo experleiicu In
this matter of top drtlng gras lamls,
ami therefore feel competent lo atlx Imi
on thu subject. In Ihe use ol stable
dung wo say, apply It rather lain lu Hie
autumn, but not too latoj lhat Is, do
not wntt until thu ground froces, but
about a month iM-fotn I lie usual time
for thu advent of severe lnt. If ap
plied loo early, a lu August or Heji
tcmber. In thu northern parts of the
the country, U dries hard In thu sun,
and I not so tcadlly acted titon by
frtists. ami I therefore not mi well dis
tributed as ll should Imi, 'I he active
principles hnxn limn enough In undergo
chemical change from (ktohor to April
or May of tho succeeding year.
Courentraltxl fertlllrer should not,
under any ordinary conditions, ! ap.
piled lu the autumn. Thu ream I
that by the rapitllty of thu change, thu
actlvu elemenu ot fMl are brought al
most iinmttllalelr to thu open mouth
of thu plant, ami thus by absorption
Ihcy iiru tlmulalel lo growth when
growth Is not tleirabl. A olanl Is not
hcDctited if It Is fed Just tx-fore agents
.nru ready to cut it down and arret all
activity, Iteslde this, thu application
of actlxu frrtlllror In thu fall t attend
eil with los In other directions Hub
stances like iiHrutu of xU ami xitash,
ami chlnrido of iotalum are o,ulte o
luble, and thu llould I apt to run away
It facilities aru afforded. If applied to
a side hill lato In autumn when a glare
of Ice U KMibl, nlmiHl a total to
may result If a brook roevlvu tint wash
ing of tho hills. In porous, alMorotlre
Mill thn dlsMilxnd salts may sink too
dicp Into the soil dnrlng a long wlntur
and early soring. Our method has
been to apply chemical fVrtlliMTS U
grass lamls In thu spring, not too early,
just before growth hgin. IU-suUs
have tx-en highly satiifacUiry In all
cases. Farmers must remember never
to apply nitrate of soda alonu or un
combined. This salt altit greatly In
the growth of thu rich grasses, bnt if
applied by itself it may do harm. Com
bine It always with good soperpboi
phatc, and then Its maximum effects art
seen. We aru certain that this Impor
tant fact I not well understood; It is a
fact learned by deduction and exerl-
enco. .o one oi t active a genu oi
riant food doe well alone, save per
il a os sutieqihosphate, and this benefit
Is largely wnflnetl to tw crops. As
soon as farmers understand how Ut ue
and when U umi the concentrated fer
tllixer as too dressing to irraa land.
thews will lc more extensively employ
ed than at pre;nt.
A Mr at Atchison, Kansar, January
1Mb, !rttrTd tb rnttA U aM hvIIm
irfjcftUAUbWo .VtUwU Ktlo4
Tir D(t&s uA all it rtpttr mtehlMrf tA
t&r cctsrSBf a &mtvf. UJ, IMSM;
Tbc tit h.e6lUr,
TMK WOHLH r Mtr.Mt:.
Vn I r I'.trrirlrliy,
Hie t'tvtieh MlaltUr of l"Vbhe Wtt
(Vtthjf to h .Wiitmr ,Vwr!fVf 1
tia ltt evptvttenlltig on th Uiivr
Ut, In Avytvi. "tth att Wtk ai
pat sins dei(te tv rrptvliKe tit
malleatly, fru hlrter t a Vn
wdnt til tbyt llvvf the Vartatlun
KTt4, v a lo glv titotlli rtg
rf (btHts and mS5e the hhHtaa
tit make wltvt ptTpattloit they ean
be nvpettroenl wrt matle l-len
Ixii ittttnta aUwil a utile ptt At the
bit Inr.
l..tHiS li a OtWt sM(ll !
low Ihe upward udUiwnAtd tut
, ot tit watrr iftvut wtg aHeri ti
the exitrvctl) tl rtiumunlesu It
tuovrment llmwigh 't'lm ami rt
ducting wire lo the neUl( gf adti
ated Mf atl'ajMensi tNVwrr lttna
and tits it-rM tku lttdletf all the
fluctuation ot let el. At rttain point
on (he ole the srl dangtr, and
when the rttHille taeaesj rhls, i -t In
sotoui a ttttiutxT ol IhI1s In tb aXSWiK-
on the banks, xonttetetl bx wfn l(h
the lntrxiutent thus (he lahaMtaitt
are walmM t.t make tvadx lltl mt
rlttu aitoatalu I tho Invention of M
Grx, ol Node, and U ha Itlet with (I e
high plttxixal from the Mlnlttrf of
I'ubltc otks and ths Gitetnl (NtottsXI
of Axcxnm Ihe nn tif utmetblhg
ol Ihe kind ha U-it trongli felt,
tltxHh lit (ha( Irglort hax prvxttl Xerx
rieiert sill fJiea MHI os-
Huiiung up hi llUlltriMUs eerl
meitt in pternlig animal xittani,
i)r IlleharxNtn glxes Hit following rx
till a to (he Xalue of Vatloil gattt
ami xaHtr eax ' Hu' tel agrlll
ol the ila of gar anil xaiNti ate
ammttiila, hydrlc ulphble, stilphtitxtu
acid, cyanogen, ami methpla) I'm Ihe
pertwi prtwv of piwrxallttit, lot a
petltNl ol Ul ttay at eat, all thee
may Ik aooeptcdn preerxallxv which
wotiltl lKar anv leaKilianie strain ot
heat ami million timing traiuil from
one part of the ttrtitltl to aiiolhet ex
c1pllng, alwaj. ihcMt aivl triital
ohauge which now ami ihen ovur,
mid which yrt remain tinoxpUniad The
four preerxatlxe naiuetl ptrrxu (he
tructuivt of the animal uhtattct mil)
from ileomilHi.lllon. theV tin not Hie
etxe Ihe color Tho color call lt pre
ctxed by catlMinlr tulde, such a coke
x ajHir or sal ga. or bx oxy gen In llm
flee stale Coke vaori, on lint whole,
tint most toad mutrtiuii fur n"
eterx wbero, amf, I may add, that II la
ipllte iihobjtvtltiiiableln tegattl toiMiu
muiilcatloii of late or intor None of
these atfl alwollOell (H-lfeel Ammonia
fall Irff atio It I retained In the tlb
taiicu ol tho tl. li, and ylxea an till tate Stllphlitttli acid fall
iMvaiitu It ilo not iitttaerxit lor a ut
lleleiit time after ifoi sptt'lmrii Is to
iiinxod Inlo Ihn open air, nml becaitxt
It Impaiu a lighi acidity, dcttoy ihe
naturn) odor of ftrhly oookitl meal,
ami convey lo a tterrepllblu degree. Ihe
Idea of a meal that ha been salltd
Cx anoireii falls for. I max sax, Ihe al
most oxcluslxn reason thai It I a dan
gerou agent t unless It bu used wllh Ihn
most acitipuloii care It cannot bu used
at all. VaHr of inuthxlal fall In that
It (Miixeys a lale, nnd the Ittea ot a
prwparallou by salting 'I hu amnion!
Atotl and sulphurated parafllns falljlx.
causu of Ihi retention of I tin tastu and
tttlor of llm parnfltu
IIhm iNe Al f rr I'srsssid
ProfesMir Judd, of thn Hoyal School
of Vine, Ioiidon gaxe ntiitly an tit.
tcrestlng explanation of thu formation
ot the Swiss Alp, 'the reaillt of geo
graphical observation he said show
tii at four stages can l reoognUI In
thn history id theau Alps. First, thu
uxlsteiicu ot a llnu of weakness In the
earth's crust nearly coincident wllh thn
Hue of thu present mountains. This Is
evidenced oy Ihe fact that along this
tint of weakness there weru xolcniilo
outbursts, thu result of which can tlll
lie traced, Kcoondly, there ftIlowiMl
along this linn of weakness a d.'prr-lon,
and lu this huge "trough" of miles In
extent theru weru accumulated sands,
iimcslouc and clay by various forms
of water agencle, and by animals llv
Ing In Ihn water. Thirdly, there lot
jowct) thu constdlilatloii of Himb Mifl
and lotiu mslerlsU, There I uvltlclicu
that thn accumulation was of from sis
to Miren mile In thickness, ami thu
mere weight of Ihe sutterinuumbeiit ma
terial on thu lower strata would liavn a
sharu in effeitliig ryirisililatlon. Hut
Ihl wa not all, Wilder this vast cov
ering heat hsl led lo chry talUatloii
from fusion. Ilmrn was, loo, llm.cnisii-
In from thu side of thn (rough
wa IlluslraU'd by a model of the
latuKlrli do la Heche, wlnru lateral
preure was employed on layer of
different oobired cloth, showing how
crumpling rnultd, with uplifting of
parts of theaocumiilatid mass. Fourth
iy, there had l-n the sculpturing of
all this Into It present form, which wa
thu work of rain and front. Some of
tho uxistlng ak, erun 3,f00 trel high,
weru rvrup'e entirely of the dUlntrg.
rattl material resulting from the action
of the waler, either as ion In glarlur or
as rain ami stream, Thu amount of
maltvrial removwl in this way was so
tUM-nduou It was almost staggering
lo try lo grasp the facts. Tim srulp.
luring ot thu contour l still going on.
This fourth stage was of quint recent
date, siwaklng geologically; but the
whole history Irnolved a lapse of time
which at the beginning of Oils wntory
phllovjther would not hare bfi pre
pared to grant, even If this lrr. so
fuirtt knowlttige of farts had In-en
pfesrnlxl to them.
A MstaiMlsir 'rrisssstl.
Astronomers are rvH always oorUnl
with oredlctlBt transits of the Inferior
planets visible on earth. At the last
meeting of the Hoys! Astronomical So
ciety, Iondon, Mr, Martn caiiei atten
tion to a phenomenon orcurring tbli
year, which though ll could not be seen
here, possessfwl perksj al least as much
Interest to astronomer as a lolal
ellipse of the sun. visible only esar
one of the polrs. T);u pheoornenon In
questkiu wuld only be wn by astron
omer on the planet Mars. On Ho
vernber 12, 1879. about two minute
before 't., flresjnwjth mean time, a
srus.Il blx-ck Ivxiy wruld wake its ar
pjaranr on the tuniib following slue
of the disc of the uu; fn x minutes
it would bare fully entered ujkti the
dlw ami wvmhl prtet kwlr tnm
left lo tfgkl In a tllfrytWta ItuU la
rtt4 tx ths ecllitilo v4 Msr AKwtt
a quarter p.t 4K aaothet and Mg"1
(4aeV Uly wtwW Hr-?fct uja h
dliv and wtiwM tewtty (wsntv on
tlrtute Iwftt'wtl hd rally rtxIstsKl Hpvn
ll T,o twi U wTf Iks rweva
ami (he earth tad lftf wvtsiM 1 vtl
bse tfton all pU t4 htatMlt lrs Ik
tin im kts te k.MtHix lm itU
eXet p)sfvt srnttg e-f1)n xtf
tik wottld hsxt tlwt tppr1ttitlt of
etrtg a tfxtixt aw apparvutlt bggr
Ulv vtxx Ihe xiix's tlA It w t
pivh( Koewll utwflatn. at ht
tints (hi third UwyaxssiiaxJtia U
apHkrrte, ptxbsWx xKwil a sr
lv IH,, whkW (he ttuwm mm it abtt
on Hit? itin'lrtlto 1 bu third UhIx wtxxild
r-ttut ifYtuitii, tlihl hnd ld In a
dtftntitt. M a slant of aWwtt V tljris
lowatd MM xiMih at whlh p4nt It
wvstsM t)Mw tU'ntlH of t,s staUtwx,
lilt. MarjH ttl-wifxets wtusld bav lit m
Vif Hsjss b nlw-V-" allthf csmls.1,
4ws tUsi Hute for tVaing xx wxtttid I-
rtHelMl Ut Mits) iwrtxta tif IhlHy
soHluis. lhl lhlna tnlv wis tftr-rta.
Ibt laasK satoltli, h. oWr-r-m
Mar uNsttld l far wt.tftr- inlsiTltM iix
Hw Iraststi t4 Hi eatth and Ma
111 UiMsf lliitUvv lnet Nx h
of aMrial xrar ihn wrr .
than atwwrt UAa tiaitxlts ot rhxaVx
acrxxt the iu vltible flxiu trnin ptrt
or other t-f Iwt planet, while Ihs UHU?
U'i ot iraivsits ot iVtiutM was aUitil
X On Ike other hand, LfsVRsll t
the earth ami ttnMi r(s rare tnvtir
tencv, the last olio hattng ItfrkoH pU
in lh Xrl )Mti, xtVil ihs xl (tt ftth
low would hapjH'rt in tVHV AlNtuI a
pisrter to tOh, I be iWlsxii'i. which mean,
while hatl apparenllvjlpaxin lxrartf lo
the ealltt, wxttll.l itillh suit's iIImS
nhd the at cxleritsl r-nlac( of Um.
earth with thn disc wtwild take tdacsiM
Greenwich midnight Util l-eim
lerttai coiitael. aotii( half pal Ith ,
I'koboi wtttihl again cn (he suit
ill.o for rwtlalit station, after haxlrtg
meanwhile performed n whottt roxttltl
Holt IxMIIld Ihe plHt!
wiut I'MU't.u i:t.
Isrerlkst NrsrlMllwMa Melr H"
rSrrl ssss IhI I r ,
latlxM It MMalMSS,
Mr GeorgeT Angelt rad a psiwr
brfoiit the American twt.tiaHclnc As-Mx-Utloti
in llmtoti Jsriuari rtb, on
"I'n'tlic Health AMlaltiins,''n which
he madn omatartlliig aeiltitis aUiilt
the adiilleralluii o fiMxl lis said
Caxeiiiiit pepjtei a adulterated wllh
red lead, mttitatd wllh tbiiniille ut
lend, curO Mwdir wllh r-d lead, tin.
egar wllh stilphiiilo aeitl, arsenic, stint
iortxtlvesiilJlmale ll I slated lhal
probably half (he vinegar now told In
our cllle U rank mh)U Om ol our
Ibtalon chemlsls reHtitlv analxsl 7
pack ages of pickle put lip by IVtllllereiit
whole. alo iltialrt. an I found copper In
10 ill them. Many of our ftaxoriitg oils,
trui, li'llle, arid prr-setxrd trulls
oorilalu polMins The adulteration o
tea am Iihi nunirrotis lo mention CoflVe
is not only adulleratetl, byt a patent
has Imu taken out for molding ehlcvory
into Him form ol oifee berile. and I
am (old lhat clay la now mohltxl, and
prihap flavored wllh an erm, to
leptxMtenl itifftfo Cocoa ami rlioer
isle are ailullerate.1 with vsitiiii inln
era! substances.
Several mills In New Kuglamli and
probably many elsuwhem, arxi now en
I in itrimunir sunn ione into a
iHtwtier lor ton purHe oi anuiiera
(ion. Hume of those mills grind three
irrades soda L'rade. siitfar rradrt and
Bour grade. Il sells fur alHiul a half
a rent a mmiiiiI. Flour has Vn atu.
leraUxl lu England, ami probably here,
with plastnr ot I'aris, iMinu dust, sand,
clay, chalk, and other article, I am
told that large tpiantltle of damaged
ami unwholesome grain are ground In
with flour, particularly wllh ih kind
called Graham flour- Certainly hun
drrtls, and probably thousand, of bar
ret of "terra alba, or whilst earth ar
Miid In our eilles every year to Iwmliwl
wllh sugars In wirifeo'loBsry and cither
whilst siiltstsmtx, I am lolii by an end
neiil physician lhal Ihl lends to pro
tttirwi stone, hid tier complaints, ami
various tllseases of (ho sbilliach, A
Ibislou nheuiUt letls me that he ha
found 7A ir cent, of "terra alba" In
what wa sold as rfsm of tartar iihI
for cMxiklng, A large Nrw Vo'k house
sell throe grmle of orearn of tartar,
A llosbni uiivmlst rrcently ausly-d a
sample of the: Ut grade, and found M
iht cent, of Urra albs In lhal. Much
of our coritrilonBry oon taint ,1.1 iter
rent, or morn of "terra alba." 'Ihe
coloring malt'rr of roufrcllonery fre
fpienliy contain Ual, menmry arsenlu,
and jMiwder Making sowilert are
widely Mild whloh conlaln a large fwr-
(venlagu of "lerra alba" aful altun.
ll I not water alone lhat I Hilled
with milk, Thousands of gsllons, and
proUbly liuri'lrls of thousands, are
told In our elites whkh htre ossmwI
through large tin, or rat, In wblili ll
ha le" mlKxl with various tubston
llfcelpts for the mixture can 14
Ixiught by new milkmen from old, uh
payment of Ihe re-pilr-! I am
assured, ujori what I bflletn lo le l
llahle authority that thousands of gal
Ian of so-called milk have bwnt and
proVably am. sold In this clly, which
do not (iuUln one drop of the genuine
article. Largo fuantllles of the Meat
of animals rwfe or less dld, are
sfdil in i Air markets. w lu the neigh
titnMA of our large cltiec are fed upon
material wbleb pnlucfsa large flow of
unwholesome milk. 1'oultry I fd M
on material which products MB whole
KtHMi rgg. MeaU and fish are made
unwholesome, friwjuently idsmrrtis, by
rareleas and cruel method of killing.
A California shemlst rei-Btly analyze!
many samples of whisky, purchased at
different place In Han Franelsco. He
found them adu!le-ai wHh rrwrsote,
talu ot upprr, alum, and other Injuri
ous suUtaners. He states It, In hi
published reftort, as his opinion that
thrr is hardly any pure whisky sold la
that eily. A gentleman recently pur
chal from a prominent Motion mm
a cask of pure sherry wine for hit tick
wlfo. Ills wife grow wor. He bvj
the wine analyteT, ami fouml thrrewas
not a drop of the JntV of the grape in
it. An eminent medical gentleman of
WhUiu said ut me: "Th .lHlrratln
of drug in this coooiiy are perfectly
aUmIaa)l." I say lhat bw thould
h aaetHt and safitresd. gf MbUlaj
ths rttaatifM-turs sad U. of ! es
iMxtti srtl.'h undsr vr ponftl,
frd rtwpUt-ig irx msixttfsx'tHrsr ant
sslter ol ftdwltsralad artlels lo ttl
l-ijr ih prr(, hirt)sr of ths .tlul
twMa (t Tks twtx ivttnt.U of
!' fir r alsltv xwts poMtttiof eltnttv,
tgat th $$' w,, M, of jwiwtUrl
su. tt t( Urtur fotr et fwwr. ohm
tt iws' txtlU. letj.otxfiit tf
mis, oas tuttrttey graieti M(f lsv
lnfttt( g-wxad rbs lft Ihs rtwir
td pta. U oiw lo brxtsrn, as ton
wiib)ii vti ihs mm U lnw4 half t
IrteN wVi, t,i c a iMtx srlMi
Usks In a six tpiart tvl two rxtwi
Utng for ll, Ihf wWlr-s (.if fo ,
Iwortip ot jshsd soar twttsiMv
pe-tafuU t4lfwitxawxih. tv liks.wfsaa
irmott oowttiaes orfrwaiar a
$9 SsllE mtinr.
rmi wt Hw xW-.i
L ' M. i
a, in t
.4 SStSSl lJ VM
!- ll--ifSX rM-.fl'
r w, assets, y.f wws.
t i , SS "M tH-r-.Srr fit
m Wtott stcai IHtler an irmirti
-,.. mf
WW .. U J Hi
ft .luU St t BrtllJlM.
iWm Vlt. tjA sisa-o-'r a.
-w pr.. w w , mm m atasa
f'. tW HIA(I. JT. KlfOl
tl St -, X tX . 't wtKtk Is
( t (. it.a
;iiiioiij ttstt vilkw
aarmrfiixa .
M IS tf - rt . WV, St Hl t
J ,.V,.- MJ,
i XiM 4 j,.
lt' .r ' s MiMit, mt
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M strtilss M M f H sw wse IsissVss tt
ttV4tHf STt feiis fa
bUliavHit4slrlv ItStrlUhlwU
Wax, trMetWe MlM WatraaM St
ft,ut4 ttS t St III sal t4SUal
l" 't! -- Vt&L.
W bf t f ! in-f Of al 14
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fmt low tthclr Tru Vlu,
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t. O. rORtAiTH 4 CO.,
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wl I s H M ta.l
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tM.tVSi.U.t l,ialrfifV. liiMir lai
.T... ll.l t-Mjl' Ifa! iU H..if
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. r iai,
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Mt, sa'ts at a.
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mi ffWP''
HUttM'm UtUKMlUtWlt S T-.
iwt:, A-t fv'i m fffsajrHS,
,. mm wwrp .,..,--.
. (. wstU. . , safe.