The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 23, 1879, Image 7

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l L. rim ivottv.
Tkirc' s rsrdsa Vj t Mf.
iVUfr Uf r" v-ssd t tu1
(hi U. lltst rrfl Ml(it,
IUss rrtn iD Uk 4fr,
Ar4 W ! MHM On.
Thrvttrti UW if.i.i( s 4 i((
I a 4 HmUiic ;
lint Wf .to tkst (sfsfcti kfc-.&.
Wr tKii m-f, timj t(i,(,
Atwt tkr Its, Unsafti Mhlio tf,
I tkatt Sftrf Mf
MmieUitsaT iJr thta a r
la Umi itttMt r)rn pt.
&tatMft iksn list ill
tfuac l Me.tUit4
Ktlrrf tun ( it,
Tkirkt M kt insure rt rHfc.
.HM(kln ttk i kearl His MI ;
Km aa.1 Uj (itft
(rofcUt. kttt nNmiit In Oie .
llj - ttfc Uitfktor tmtrrua-
IVksl I I'll SVr M),
Drrsoij f at nrVu4 i
HrtMik Wu tftiait wm4 feasa I shuUi,
Ei dlwtmiic attar lta fc
Iltslccd ti -th Mm kcwdsd skis
Of a.ttt h May.
Si, alien 4ttt tero loKf, sstsastnr,
llru th rsr June taur tMtHatstl
Ami Ike inlet's Uhh tut mi me
I.esies Ibr Jane liwl eksae fisr Uualng,
I alll sork tltl (anlrsil proving
Where I . never ajr.
Amirr Vr IhfrmSrr.
I'lilt'lVxl til lite .! r ('iiMgrrta
I mlrr lilcli ste'le I'm; ittetvla
Ws re tie nMitirst.
Ho It cnxotod by tho senate and houe
of representative ol the United State
of America In congress assembled,
That tho secretary of tin1 treasury l
hereby aulhorUcd and required tw in
Idly a practical to cause to bo coined
at th! mint of tlio United Stnt" ullvnr
H)ln of tlia di'immlntiMon of ton,
twunty-liri! nml lift) fviiU, of stntidard
vnluu ami to Imiio tlnin In rolmipt!on
of im ctiitl nunilKT and niitoiint of
frnctlonnl curroncy of flinllur tlnnoinl
nitlon;or t hi dUorwllor. Im nmy
Imiiu lhtrcoh.n through tlic inluU, thu
K)t oillr of thu United Slntu, nnd
iipon iiioli liio, ho U ht'ndty author
i .cd nnd r'iiilrcd to rudi'xm nn oniil
unioiinl of .nch'irftcMonnl currcnoy,
until thu wholo umutint oi nuoli trno
tloimlcurn'ni'yotit-ttnndlnj; ihnll U r
Sv, '.'. That no much of ncctlon
:.'.':' of thu rviMd 5tntoft of thu
UnlttMl Stnti'i m jtrovlilrd for it charge
of om fifth of onu or wiiiiini for con
V(rllii Ktundnrd -old liuliiou Into coin
it hcrtdiy riipcaliil nnd hereafter no
ohnrpi Klinll Ihi nimlu for that uurvlco,
Sco 3. Tliit MTtlon '.177 of the ro
vlsod htatut'.i of thu United 8tntf, IIhi
itlnc thu ;Kn'K!,c nniount of cltcuUt
in note", of national banking tiocIa
lions Iw nnd N Imrchy roM.'nlod, nml
caoli oxlutlnf' liunklnp; avcltlon, may
inurenso Itn clronlailin; iiotim Id accord
ancc with cxNtlng lnwi without Tcifct
to nald npj-rcgato limit; nnd thu jiro
vUiont oflnw for tho wlllidmwnl and
lltriliutlon of national hank ourrmicy
nmoiiR tho itntcs and tcrrlUirioi nro
liurvby rcjR'iili'd.
Ami whoaovor. nnd no often, m clr
cuUtinir boUv. nhall ho Uonud to any
Mich banklnj; :vwciatlon o inrrcnuiii);
Uu rapitnl or circulating note, or u
nuwiy orKimlzi'd n nforcaid, it nhnll
Iw tho tVuty of tho ntrrftary of tho
trcaiury to rotlccm the legal tender
Unlteil State note in execs )f :KX),
000.000 to the ninount of eighty pur
centum of the Mini of national hank
notei io IimiciI to anv uch hanking n
soclatlon a afore-taiil. and to continue
rtiich reilemption ni nui'li circulating
notes nn l-turd until there ehall Im
outstanding tho huiii of .KVM).0U0 of
such legal tender United S'nlv iioU'ji,
nnd no more.
And on and after tho llrt day of . laic
unrj, A. 1). 1H7H tho oeerutary of tho
treasury hall redeem, in coin, tho
United State legal tender note then
out-tanding on their premutation for
the redemption at the ofllco of the a
slutnnt trra.urer of tho United Stale
in the city of New York, in sum not
icn than tlfty dollar.
And to enahlo tho M-oretnn' of tho
treasury to prepare nnd provide for
tho redemption In till act nutnoriei
or repiiiel. ho U authorized twi any
Mirplus rotenuo fnmi time to time In
tho treaury not otherwise nppmpri
nted. and to iue, cell and illpoo of
at no Icm than par. In coin either of the
description of bond of the United
State described in the net of eonirreM
npptoved July tho fourteenth, eighteen
hundred and Veven.y entitled "An Act
to authorise tho refunding of tho Nn
tlonnl debt, with like quaHtiti. priv
liege, and exemption to tlio extent
neoe.ary to carry thl act Into full
effect and to ui the pnceel thenof
for tho purK aforeaid. And all
pruvWona ol law inconi-tenl with tho
provinjon of thi net nro hereby re
pealed. AppruTtnl January H. 1B7H.
A Word to Xotkrm.
Pf .rr KjU PM.
American mouicrs may, u invj
chooe, that their daughters aro more
prudent, moro utterly arrayed inrlrgln
mfxlety, than the girl of any other
nation even though they IcaTO them
unchapcroniHl, while foreign roolhcra
hover about their brood aa a hen doe
over her chick when tho hawk la near
but I greatly fear they are mlntaken.
There is about many a yoane American
girl of tOHlay an air that doc not, in
royopinlon.'add to their attraction.
They know everything, the girl,'
nor do they blush over their knowledge.
They manage, qniUs cleverly sometime,
all their own lovo affairs, biding them
from tho "old folk." They baxe tbetr
plan nnd their arrangements for which
they do not ak pcrmlMlon. They go
oat alone with gentlemen to parties, or
place of amnsement, and let them
selves In with the latch-key when they
return. What do the parent know
about tho beau, of the evening? The
custom of the country have not been
alUrr-4 ftlftcw nrt rrs small and
erl weii known to rseh other and
!urtle a thing jxnini: men drlrHl
That allotane for lfc ,tutttfi tlrue '
vthtcH the simple owtfj-vMh f prl
mUlxe Mfe, still rxtt In grvst rt'le,
nhere It I palnfuUx. rttkaUHitr, atx
urttiy out f of pWor
In soiue r4ttle ef Mjotetx mother d
matimrtie thesr dxMWtef rken hrt of
late. (Hit t iiianx wv.H).er tujkll
httt their eje H WM i gtMBtf n
alMmt them IWetr dsNKMor are "en
JajCer' h-.lf i d'l '!! UfHe tbe
ate wr.rrte-1 N' hwmaH K-I)g h
morv )Hatli) Hh Kvr anT trwe
low IfeaH I. but tkfr a Uiimc rt
There-1 n le In ll. It eaf ah. I
kWgrtMloo. It tH- i ike fe M
gin Mho hihl kAk III iHrnt
ehddron. the tt-ai;)l nt-Mtn.
rtiW. bt!. lWU tHSe tnrf
ahxig the -iret U too l-m U-A m
txin fortlinl hewntlfMl far whk-fi re'
nt) (MttoHg t )tirlt-Mil. nSMt that
rewlttd hdll of the wild r K the
K.very )enr mesis. tht ir npa
tent, nnd It U tnw that mriher Ihi
iiaie daiiehtort hmiU1 (rAVe the M
tradition U.hwh thrV. 'lujf and ever
e4e a Mril ruartianlHo oiei tJ-ir
Almond Co 1 1 ii re In t allf.inV'i.
si rtMx Misiiii
Tlio t nkingthe AtaitHnln entk mhI
near Nile, lonohat drifr that that
uottrhsn i nnio, and ihr pio.tihne
nlnd are not so rt)tc llen almond in tlmt vlolnjlj ha (hm-ii a ll
naiielat siiccem a a fc exampU Hill
sIlOM .
At Tj son theorthardtter almtn li
acre, and V now ageil 7 lis rirt hw
crop was in I&76, hen the gt n-i-elpts
were HXper ncre.of whlihoxer
CO Hir centum was olear ptvllt In 1 77
tho crop wa Inrger, but the price h
lower, w the profit remained almut the
same. And tho llaker orchard, of So
acre, nil oiing tree Jut coming Into
U'nrlng, vleldeil i ton lat jear, which
were sold nt It'xviit. Anotiier orohniil
of le than H acn gale, ai gn re
celptu, tl.VKM last xear III all thee
cae, tho expeueof gathering, clean
I iiu' and sacking I in Ihhii brtiught to
tlio lowest figure by the uo of lalmr
sai lug macUiierj At jireent .1 ciit
mt niiiihI will amply cover lhie ex
M'iic,nnd under faiorablo clrcuiutnu
ces '2 cents will do It.
(Sntherlug of the almond I UMtally
paid for by the pound, or under oon"
tract A simple ami cheap mnchliie,
conltlng of roller mid a coiicuxe, l
ued for tho hulling three men will,
With thl machine, hull oer thtee ton
III n dm. or nlHiut what .10 men gather,
this hulling machine leaie the broken
hukn mingled with tho almond. which
are often picked mil by hand, but, by
tho uo of n large sieve, hIkiiiI 100 lb
Can bo cimralcil per hour A Mftlng
machine na been iisid bj some, which
will clear iibouln ton per day. Inlhexc
ways the former lies vy expense attend
ing nlmond culture are donenivnv with,
and whermer the nlmond tr'ii will grow
nnd bear, wo may bo sure that It Is
Wo have admitted that tho nlmond U
capricious, and doe let on rather dry
soil, not too much exposed to wind,
l,nt e:ir CIM77), while the fruit crop
wn titiiMiially light, the almond crop
wherever henrd from wn very laige
The laml which I lMt fn- pears, oher
rii and currant, Is not suitable for al
monds. The Two St. Johns.
I chanced townlk to-day, Slth Novem
ber, through tho gnlleri of the l.lver
jkhiI MiiM-iiiii. In which lhogood seno
nnd zeal of Mr (tatty hnvii already. In
beautiful order, nrrnnged the Kg)ttian
aiitiiiultlrs, but have not let pieiailed
far enough to group, in like mni.ner,
tho cattereil itir..iutlnn nnd Italian
Ivories almvo. (jut of which collection,
every way vnluable, two primarily In.
portnul piece, it seems to me, may
rccommeiided for accurate juxtaioi
lion, bringing then foru into the brief
ot compn nn extenlio story of .he
arts of mankind. Tho llrt Is an Image
of St. John the HnptM, carved in the
eleventh century, being then conceived
by the image maker a decently cover
ed by his raiment of camel' hair: Inixr
Ing n gentle aicet, because the linrall
of a entl Ionl; nnd pointing to hi
quite legibly. written messnge concern
ing tho Lamb, which is that gentle
lord' heraldic simhol. Tho other
carving is nlsoof St. John the Il.iptist,
Italian work of the sixteenth century.
Me is represented thereby a Itearlng
no aspect, for he I without hi head,
wearing no exmel's hair, for ho I with
out hlsraimenl; and Indicative of no
iijeap, for ho has noun to bring
Now, If these two carving are eter
put In duo relative MHion, Mini will
coiitituto a precisn and crmnnont art
lecture to tho museum visitant of
Llverpool-burg; exhibiting to them In
.tnnt ly and in sum. the condition of
tho alteration in the aim of art which,
beginning In tho thirteenth century- un
der Niccolo I'isauo, consummated itself
300 onrs nfutrwanl in Itnjdiaid and hi
scholar. Niccolo, llrst among Italian,
though mainly in carving the crucifix
ion, not how'heavy Christ's head was
when ho oowmI it -but how heavy hi
body was when people came to take it
down. And the aiotheoi of flesh, or,
In modern scientiuo term, the molecu
lar development of flesh, went steadily
on, until at last, a we ca in tho In
stance before us. It became really of
mall oonquenc V) tho artists of the
uonatssanoe- incarnadine, whether a
man had his head or not, so only that
hi leg were handsome; and the decap
itation, whether of Su John or KL Ce
cilia; the massacre of any quantity of
innocents; the flaying, whether of Mar
sya or St. Wartholomew, and the death
it might bo of Laocoon by his vipers,
it might bo of Adonis hv hi pig, or it
might bo of Christ by III people, be
came, one and all, simply tubjecu for
analji of muscular mortification; and
the vast body of artitt accurately,
therefore, little more than a cblurgl-c-ally
useieas sect of medical ttu.leaU.
Tlie wise man makes equity and Jus
tice the basis of all hi conduct, the
right form the rule of hi behavior
deference and modesty mark hi exte
rior; sincerity and fidelity serve him for
i,:rmav.h itauimi j.Kr.
I ,'rr4llt tr It MsxIsiImIm
Assollirr nr sslttt
IVtssicr Isirsllcthle.
tVh S 1 1M
Of rsMre, ll Is sbsektRg to t tWe
TktiAsJ IU !, a It Mgsi-,l
iM't In ptvdttcsng w sitl. twt IK tUH
it p It Is stMH'liHg. (, lht th
tisusvi men, htm are aHais arnsed
ahd drtlet armed l tbetr teeO and
drtOmt unto death alnowt hale Uil
.wJUV mo ixhlnd tlilH. UsVsV Is
eriet' anv dsj, and m(tt wrsssm atx
a4-iHsit wOle.1 an ay eieri isar (rsstw
Imnssv nd woV for six w eSiitl .s'
nttliUri dull and dwti ll ) tKrkitg
to American, at test, Ik at over ail U
Imosmte HtMes lhs nHi. I'aTtls
meat stMmld have eHUsl mf ptiwer
waxtelnsr Kiwr this titiVs al M
et, awl for sssMse ers t eK In
trull lUsmslvkUH lasktswi. (We (srimski
l'atfVameMt bad to iMsVe Use artsii a
peprtslMs. and ix Ik mmlr f
m AeiH'dh in it at t -isi ii
for Ike lrtH ol le ei, ud Mali) Usat
Isiw evpsft. It k km rstlr4 iv H
wkaleier All thl ts ImL hi sWnkl
lite wiarst. hownec. Is tkst tkts elll
Mat le actuatll HMtrv At Hrt
w as j.4 ttM At)ite i(stii I uly
( the eill. lHt Its HsseoosHv lint I
d (rank U CssmIisss Ual Mil iIMHSt
Mas KerN eumpletolt ekastCMt. a I
tWVml drrwr latsl lb sHvjorlt alld
(Hair4Hl with both (tHOSta and
)'reHhmsM It I ivrtnittn a rvwsil
abl fatH tksl 1 nansHst l-Hemler a
single mchi of etthei nnlkHaM) wtwt
did not etiMil) Inllmxte oi nprv n
Mtuf In tn utter tneitUtdllli J an
ether war IhH r"raiie awl Uer
maui Thl dreadful thought I Mrmli
UuprosMHl uHn the mind of lxih ua
tlmis NS'iiiuen eien iak of ll as n
mailer of course. Children arelnought
up in it
There can neier l lasting jntae' te
tweu these two nations at long as
(.orratnc, oart of which I tvalli
Kraliwe, leloug to tieimauy a
long a every child In Franco I laught
to believe eieri Herman an eneiin , as
long ns eierj tuTman Isrsitn lliovdlhM
nothing can sale his coillltll, his na-ll-mal
riiileiiriidriicc.nal, hi house and
home and lionur fnmi the danger of
French Invaders, whose ntiouilnahle
conduct under lite llrst Nxioii Is
still fn'sh In the mind of the present
Imputation, except absolute mwcr to
prci cut it by loriH, ns long n Fmnce
continues hermllllari preparalion up
on the present gieat scale, a long a
those preparation call halo nholutcli
lioolhi'l ultimate objtH't lhaii another
and far more deperate struggle with
(iormariy. This ma) not occur for
ear. hut ll I liable to occur an) da) ,
so llisumrck think ll tiecossnry to bo
prepared fur It. seem to lie the er
man thiMiiy Ami so that great nation
eitjoia a ieace which, praetlcall) , I no
peace, bin oulv preparation for nuot It
er struggle I.Ike gladiators or pilre
llghtei. IkiiIi (ieiinnity nnd Franco ate
in (mining for the next match It I ns
ildlculou to call the present slate of
tier many n leal peace ns it would be
to call tho present the seiete nnd trj
liti: woik of training n iiiiiiiIht of the
ring pleasure, It l but a miie, not
peace A a very Intelligent Herman
of illstlugulshml position In the Liberal
part) told me "We cannot look
aero our Ininler without seeing our
bail nclghlMir fast recuperating and
gathering strength, withoul hearing n
tliiMnnml murmurs oiiengeance, witlc
out Ixilioldlng great sarrillces cheer
fully Ixiruo by tho French podo In
reorganizing their army upon n grand
scale, without thinking of former in
vasions when Kronen ilclory niennt to
us not oulv a o of natiorinl ludeMnd
ciico nml honor but diie distress,
despoliation of our homes, tho ruin of
our homes, tlm ruin id our business,
violence to our wives The only way
to protect ourees It by force. To
reduce our military strength would be
to Invite another I rench Invasion. The
only way eien to postpone thl for
year Is by our present fenr-lusplrini;
gigantic 'military establishment. Ills
an absolute liocosslll for present peaeo
as well n future wr.
Hon the Dor; K scaped
lloslon Inform all dog, vagrant or
otherwise, by numerous elaborately,
painted signs al lb vnrious entrance
to its Fiiblio Garden, thai "dog nro
not allowed" therein. Why soiute.
gent n dog a the one described In the
following extrnct from the llotton f
unlay Evening (Inxrltt failed to olxiy
ihn warning does not appear. Never
tlieless, his story deserves to be told,
nnd here It I "the intelligence of
the dog was curiously manifested one
day lat week on Ihe i'libllc Harden,
the animal was by no mean n prepo
sesting one to look at Ills skin wn
fike Joeph' coal if many rvilors
and his every Kilnt showed the mon
grel. 1 In was an nnmlktnkatile viga
bond dog, with nn up nil-night aspect
- a verv trarupof a dog Ho ran toward
the pond, casting every now ami then
n backward look over hi shoulders;
there wn a Jaded look In his e)e, a
piteous expression such as '.r Jo
might have had when jerenlJ) 'moved
on by h KTe'uiors, the animal was
folio wel by two youth who, from all
aparn,c, might have had atitil tho
same comparative sJK-lal standing as
himself. F.v:h kail a rrqio in his hand.
I'newjntly, the drg, finding himself cor
nerH on the elv e of the iHitid, iravo a
rapid look about him a tliough to take
In the situation at a glaoe it occu
pied him but a moment, and then he
leaped Into the water. The dog-catcher
were baffled; and scratched their
beads- la perplexity, perhaps, or It
may be for more urgent reason. In
the meanwhile- ihe doj swarn rnit tiUi
the middle of tho pond. Ily thl time
the promenaler became Interested In
the proceedings, and was very plain
that their sympathies were with the
dg. His enemies dogdol from one
side of the pond to the other a the ani
mal gain evidenc) of landing, IhjI he
invariably wai away, after giving a
bark at hi tirelwi foe; the poor crea
ture swam to one. of the boat that was
being rowrd on the pond, and askrd a
plainy to be taken on lard anl prr
tectmi as It was possible for a dojf to ask,
bat hi plea was neglected. It then
Uxk Ui th middle of thn waUx. and
swam about at hi leimre, evidently
revolvlag in hi mind what was to be
de next ,stMfitv. he swam In
straight Ma rr a tni that sniM j
tvpcrssttate h fHiriKt tusVlnr luvil :
a twin lrfnr Jy eswtkl rS It Al"
ter thl we st tntwss. kt s hale I
ta-wl tkst tks vlen; askH and
rVAe. atf kssitiij ftotv )rttn
kark of tiSHtstpK it Mi dtsuat sw .!
tHsnrsire et f vlrli Mafssesl kit
Cwl (ntlMwe ks tW o4 sh1 IwtsWNtHsl
missw 11 tskssk ke aesvsl IkrssHCKsssH
TW tttMn tosMfd )IM rlHllWjf V
lvs m ks slln-wi It "
( u.uin MIIM1.
rls'l wl'lht l.llr nl Ihr le.
t's-tt !.
(W4. CiissvlM: -ssse ( Ike sWwt (
AmssrVian JwrxH d siVsrs, w
Win at SAilsImn M . JasHSsn I?,
14X1, an) as essfSKlh l-sHl kseswtt
V var ol ac M Ike lit) i-t Ms 441
l fratlsxainJi at HanaH (vUfw, its
w-.l ltMrMi i imv, nnd pt).HH4
' Itrwtwssssetsr of Sfsat " la sM ke
Wa W ktK swsswikssf .sf (; ,
In wkk ke ! fisr ess tin
tMrsw As a iM -I frHl d Iti
dsttl Tlksi he tsniwtd ffssw Ui ins
.nU of Ik- WkVi in I Ml. ast4 J Msi
Ike (Vtn.x raise pavrti lie nJastt dlt
Utis)t4M s mi lstHal tUtatsw In IMH
ke wt HsMltialsi( s,s SesrtvUf! 4 tk
I'lwisistrv. bit wa r)pws k t ,sw
Ale. ivihI' la iwr (n Mllssr UMs was
Uklrswa hi 1'ivwnJ. til llaitt ksniss
of Ik failure to ssHiirv ktestillmixUk
u. k leAditxf mliilaSstUl p.rlllKi Im
IM.1 kit ,v appointed (tMistkvsilit
to t Itksa, and sMjr4lalel tks Ar4 Ire-sH
hsslwtM tkal rssxiHl.T aswl Ut I'nUes)
MnW llsltHg H)ilpsMt a rtoetl
al hi hh exjvs, h rris . iM.
del Im the Mexlewn war IM lIT ll
was tpKilitd . JhsIIsst of Ike SMpfwwtr
(Nft of Mas-M'kwelia In Ai l
was AlltHnel loeil f Ike UHtteit
Stntes lit the eaMnci of I'rsssklrMt
lleive, from Marvh. iV Is Marsh lfr
lie was one of the lktse )i
Milnti-d bi I'lesldenl (i'nnt londttw xie
the IllteH'sts and tight of the Allien
can people Ix-fure the Illinois! of arbl
tlnlorswho met III (leneia. III IC7I. lor
the settlement iif the Alabsltla claims
III If 7.1 he was nppoluled Mlntsloi In
Spain, to sini-sed lien Sickles, and
tlMiqtloutll leslgltinl Ills has leel
an honor able and lionoilng life, nltd he
pusses nwnv. In his old njje. etowned
with laurels, so far at pioltillieltee do
rli'g a long life Is concerned
(iieer Inter Statistics.
FuroM Is eildeuili In. as nor "phll
osiioes and clerks ' have fure-v anted
u, for one nf he is -hi v inter ttt Ihi
leai 1H71I lh,t is comliiy l with ll
Christina to (all on a Thtirdai In
the Viwge there seem to le a prra'lse
rvpelllloii of the scene so Hi Idly de
pleted In F.iclmaun Chatrlsn In "l.e
Conscrll as mntklug the tenlblo sex
sun In who lithe fragment of I he (l slid
Arm,i stmtrgb'd homeward from Mo
cow-.'nnd F.uglnltd has not known such
n snow-fall for a generation as has )ut
descended upon li-i . this fact ha an
espevlat llltetesl III llnw of Minn qupsir
statistics ndilucs'd not long ago by a
writer In (lunltutr't CAnoMe, who
laid It down a n rule that "any lor
hard winter I llkelj loroetireltherforl)
one icnr or eighty lenr laler " l'n
clsefywhal this may entrieldo
with In nature the writer did not, per-
hap could noV explain, Ihiil may bo
lelt for the Investigator who hare Ini.t
down the rule of ihn connection of sun
spot wlthcomiuerelnl panic and In
dlsii famines. It I certain, however,
thai he brought to back him n lori
IstL'O number of I)lin'ldeiit4, tints the
hard winter id IntJI w a follow d eight i
lear later by the Imrd whiter of 170.!
At the same Interval from Ihe hard
winter of I7oh.
7l.-'J7,',tft.,,'!J77U 7""'
,1.M and ,),, ho Ihieo
those of 17M(
uccesalin winter of I7M, 1 7KI ami
17KA fall under lie fiirti one ears'
rle Tim winter of I7AI was lery
severe, so wn that of 170ft, while lhat
of Ih.Vi was unusiislly mild, tho hard
winters of thin, IhWi, iV,v, ki Ml
and ItjiVi all followed upon hard win
ters ixvurlng either forty or eighty
)oar previously, nod tho writer In the
(oruVioV VhnmifW said lhat, re)ng
on this rule, he predicted the Hihl
weather of 1W57 and l7o Against the
winter of lH7h V nro IkiiJi chance, since
the winter ol 17tn y was very oolil, and
so was that of h.17 H
X llrmlnlsrenreiif Hid .ark Tailor.
President Taxlnr was probably Iho
only president to whom that position
was an tineoveliil and iiusoughl for
lioon Mrs, Tailor wn so averse to
public life thai It was said she pra)od
evt-ry night during hi enndldaoy for
hi indent, and when told of hi ejeo.
lion, said "Whi nould tlmy not let ns
alonef We are so happy here Why
do Ihey want to iirsg us to i asiiing
loriT' Win, ihnieTor say (Jinerl Tay
lor at a let re could forget hlmr lie
graspiil every new coiner ooidlally by
the hand and saluted all, high and low,
old maids, brides, )Hiug girts all with
the word, "f Had lo )ou - glnl to
see ion How's your family? Ilojc
the children are ail well" III greet
ing ww almost equal lo Itlii tosl
"Here's to jmr and )oor family Mf-y
you live long and prosperr"" ll" hard
ly ever ojK-ned his mouth without mak
ing a misuke,nnd jKWipbr aughei hear
tily Still they lovrd him. irust'xl his
Judgment, arid knew hit heart and hand
were true as s-, and when he died
the whole nation was a mourner at hl
When Major 1). rtirnl from Ku
rope he Inlnxluced him at a dinner par
ty as "My friend, I) , Jut from Berlin.
Auitria.' During his candidai'y, Oil,
W state collector, of , afl;rdl
cussing sereral ritihllc topics, akrl
him what were his views on the tariff,
"Th what. Jackr said f;n. Taylor,
who itnttertfl drs-aJfulir. "Thn tariff.
general." said Oil. W. "Why, what's
thatr"' "It's a tint quit tun," said Col.
V' who was one of tiw great-t wags
that ever liird, "that the (KOpla are
much xcltAd &rst Jsut turn." "A
tint nun non," said 0-n. Taylor, 'low
ly, "I tliev Jack, I saw on in Mexi
no, bnt I forgel what It bokt-dllke, and
I'll bsi blame.) If I hv any vjow on
U Urlff." -,V '- IhrnUl
ll laanMltlif
TV1 v41i , itbrtrssJ-i. tttt'
H.MUl4uitu (ttriM unuKl l
tutst, 7V.U tsMst, - as-sisSM Is t1M
ls, ,lrrl, ,,-tM.M.4 imf wmI M
atl iki, ttltt vssvs4lse ttrxtruu Vf?
ittuiticM naiiTPrn.miTiuji.
w ttssMiMMst Hlts es.
I'rssrKrr Itssrltffc chImI llse
alM tr IIUssIms,
JVr ., Hs-t IVMrt Assh(
tWws ks iVrn Vss-b thiftx fviriN
aHMttxl iHrH 1st Hv-sf stra
llwfvitswl da Kiklxi x jitm
m4 T)isKkr jsitr4sl t tk
r lUitii 'rks'ssl. td a tsw wsnn
"TW Ueesw.1 CrI.MVH sn SMw HtsjK
Sews" lk estre tf kki R
Ik ktffk stse4t jfsH lVss)r nsswlHst
nHWiss smMi ef iksstr stldestt
twsksts.i ft( 4 U4s fur ) ami
Ike NH-stit tts tsf fsslns f
eissrasstsw and tf tsnssstk ttel w lh
ike katsl ft sal HI as a ttttr fsMls
Fk ussrs'r iliotimttfwitss xrikM (
Uts ksv4 rsrss4irst It aw esessss
Ms, aswl sksswM ) prsssnd a V
W Ikl ksvast txssMsn all all wl tksl
t tiatliUssMMtl) irAsiest j4f Ike
dsssTWAlkw of ttW4atsatssM I Vf total)
vmssi vstlistns aw Ike ksMl ( rHtvss(
spk naHStsw ks Ik s(UsIm tif Ms
kw is slrtlSX list HelsMslkHS,
as II It lh HtssU4'stl arsiwsltkt
Ims Kscst rssssHt In Hk a HaHts as Ms
alsiSws fM Ike kartH wKlek M '
disss III Htork .-kto; WiaHS-s
Hum t Mirissswl In IssarktM? H dslis-
HSSlMN MswklHff Msssfss ksssssSsW isMt
Isioi r In sssoaV Ih lire tsstslkw tsf
lifts la Ik plt4t, at Its Wsr tsn. ke
plaifwrttt. al the rsH-ss. x
slwt of rVSt Jtss-k kr'(t Ike
lsrlaatsti slU will l-e rldtvstksos
111 aesalIUsii id tkl kwl ( W nf kstt
Is its ri Akin wIsm tket are twad
etHtttll ttt HMtr) lssM frssts ttfa
I IsHS, aMsllndelltsW lks Wlk 4lUlesl
t t'iajkatls lnllerlWws. shsI fiMtote I kit
j llelitttd MlllMellC exrlslse alwavs
HtaVes eoltsideHow In a svlnnd a f
bsts who iNisttMi a spsvUl isptlltide .t
Ikl sHt o ttutlatlon
ltd the
w Ideli lkee
tflle ihem
In l) can etHttttiaiid
m sisrrtoii ptt elnlniiiv
which loo olten vfls( Itself In Ihrlr
whol-sinalilter and learlag The h.
naluralli ratine to esinstliiile thf ho
eletueiii lit the -himlt and a sshool
ilioiild have no ieh element at all
The gift which the Ull MstP U
not a lllielliental or moral Hlpel'irl,
and to parade It as noli Is to Inculcate
In all the piiplls (alsoiliiiale of gifts
while, etetl If It wre a genuine Hall of
excellence of mind, to parade It at all
would Ih- mot all) wioug In a school of
loi and gills, among whom envlet
and w sluing up rank
enough, lot us aitdd all speelal prottf
callottol Ihem with what dillgeneo we
Whoever ha lo defend iloelam-illiiu
ns a school ever else usually doe It on
Ihe ground lhal ll sevnrfs ewtvlldene of
speech Indole asseiitldagos id people
till! Im this H MOastllllldlSllllielll'
Whal cause In I hi noble t public lack I
adi aiiceineiit les'ae men alld Women
capable of spetklitg lulls ltvhalf ar loo
few Who evel heard ol a scared v of
tpenkrl when ail) occasion for pei h
nroea Can we go on irar afinr)ear
Iterating that old a)lng that It I well
lo train our loulh lo Iho stage nf court
deuce, and deluding ourseh ihi lhat some
great loibllo Interest ate Iheieby sulu
seiviaff in a jK-ople so rend) of speech
ns imr. o utlnfly iinrestralned by ani
wrceptble lack of iilllllie,ve, t would
sei mi lo be the listural thing to ssy.lhat
the dill)' of Iho seined III Ihe pttunlssm
is to train the whole ma of )nillh no!
to m MMtble speaker, hut to Ihi, lulieh
rather, skepltoatlivleiiers IHtlrott nf
the sM'eeh of him who talks Iimi readily
and too much Is a genuine acquisition,
lhat trtlghl Im Instilled In the mind of
joutli by prcs"'pi and oxaiuple The
leneher who leads a Voting man across
Ihe line that mark the limit of )OUth i.k.t.att kn.l rtuiiiti. Aiid other
him Inlo the region of mlldent speech
,, ,,. Vu ,,,, , havodone
thai voiinif man Ihe t'rentett disservice
He reftalnly will have Inlllrted Injury
upon him, unless at tins same liiii" h
ha siirrouiuletl him with the safeguards
of great knowledge and a thorough af
priclalloiiof his own Ignorance, so that
however capable of rising In atmhl
Ifr and of shaking with (hhiIimsi he
nevertheless tslll refraluftom rising Ull
he can say iho apt and wo thing And
when he rt' to say the aril ami wise
thing ho mint unlearn all his school
training In declamation, and say It In
the natural and iilel manner, thai I,
Inst as one would say ll who had never
been on singe and learned oratory and
gesture II Is nowadays an essential
part of Iho training id everv geiitltonan
to uo Ihe geulio manner of speech, the
rjuiet manner, unailirrnsd by gliifo,
tho liietlitini tone id tnlee, Ihn leislue
like st)le In every ree"l We havn
no right to st-nd out young men liable
lo rant on ihe common uevAloiis of our
iMdilteal life with nvw-ss of veh'iilnrr
In vnle. if tfesttire.
Note the voting men In lhlr deballni
t-wittlw 'IVV mar Mi dlsemslng flal
money Vou will see the tendency to
n painful strain: voice pthd high,
gestures In atlvanrwof the phrases lhsy
are meant Ui emphasize, lhr entire
manner of passionate oratory Imlri
evidently Ihn Ideas thy aim lo fmu
even though th subject le, a here on
of flnanet-, In which rsn l rhllu
Ions Young men fould Iw warnl
of these dangers. 'Ihey shwuldlisildd
that pch-maklng helps the world In
these day far le than It did a genera
llou or two ago, ami they should bi
thoroughly trained beynud the ,olnl al
which It I possible for them Ui admire
a sperch lor It volubility or im orna
ment. "fiood win ned no Irtish. A good
sehooi ne! no exhibition. 1 hav
heard the practice f holding tho usual
exhibition of declamation and fay.
reading defend! tho ground that
the public deinamlel U m arriHs
and cajole! In order that Ihey may rsa
wlllintf to mriiirt the shvU heartily
T)jI I a standerMpontha public. Hm
of Ihe lt v.Wd in th rati n try are
proving It to t vi I wmld name a
largtr publio high sclixd wher for sornt
ers declarnatlori have lwrfl wholly
ahssdonel zaii hibilions llkcwl,
withmit a slngk irtet on th part of
a citizen of nor lgre', but to lht Im
rnne relief of teachers, arenU, and
pupils, a school rnorevr whertr, h
rettal as It may l to y it, th oppr
tonlty and the disposition for treasons,
stratagem, and spoil were greatly
b-asenttfl by the alandrniAentof special
instruction In music. In cltSe, of
our, wbcro oprtunltlta for attmt-
tnnl f all dnd r ahttndanl. a hlh
tekKsd n wtK1Vaetsnr s-vsUy'from
th fleM Ikan it can K rtviintrv Inam,
krs)nr rtitlnni h tndrd It a
Und(d of te.vs, far 4 fr t vm (,VM
VssMte-4vsr THU Ufa of elll
mwitr i la tf nMt eilinr thsn
tkt ttwinlrv Iowa, and for Ihi
tft im s,.N,Hsls sbsnikl ld net
ssssivs f v -lent, and vim to Ihalr
wwk In lk it too vi i inf snd rallrws
aksrs as4 sbsre IMIs
Vss, f,TwmkssH an tniersvtitn Nns
tssissl, Tvt wlfestti tv m fur htoaey
k kMV H A OfHIOISt IKtSfottt llhi
B tV
stal nl dsWsvtf klslfetti. ikal lf
ll M a Nwe sjr l dintf ktas, ami
it th sstf sfjuVtsi UH'K hun
Isstsst will pio 4A,ti mtnole.
tn Mrv ustr rwiHsrxv Klui r
Msallt -Ikwil rtw ktt.rT'rv U-vl
Ik lossswtv lws4 a mtsiiiJV your
wivV m ll dt stt tt mly jvssi ehsit.w
Its ksskl ike pwe ssrtits Ikift'l ii
Vkssrt Ikal i hrr iwdwslryr ht wlf
,kk Ns ht ln'sHljJwlv Jsitt niM
Hrv Ikan sh wtUUf,.py if Ht
lire a hwd'vsl iwlsrSflVuM Mil no
iktsl whwv v -ii pwtTwjHKself uwHk Ihe
s4s tksl HtMtf iMvywir ImwhIv;.
ItMi ) vr w t AMKan aiv ej;elliv-vt
ntl And ut i d ml yM( krvei that
Ik Isasl ka: 1 w .- sit tU anv, Ih f lujhl
IklSMjr. U It. Rltr v nt tiMa rsstvlar
siikts SMs-e t tjwad av h rhMks) Mr
sir e ike tssim "m.Hfs If nm
tbxtl kststts il, l klgk lime tMl)iM
fwsH It wl. atwl vtw, e,njiyr sll
down tWVr fViH-rtl aBB1"'
S U,
. I V"- ! I S I
t .-.wtS -Hr MS lS.,JI.M.fl
,,.-, M-e- l,f. MIIIM!
i ,. .. i .,. m , sf.xt, a
aaal Matlsti .Ska.4
tkl '?'' v f 1 '
F nwir; fr , , r
W MltlHVarV-4 ,..-,(,.., v-,,.
' "S t" t sr it-.j "- t -'
at t a MS BMS
r- ! rsii-s-. tV
i. kim fc&'TVeSsW .
S ll Vlttt IH IV'f.
t . '
IU1 I ! V ll
1,4 O'" . rX-AUf, ,
uk rs-u
l,. lvr4 ss ..., f..
V JHsdUll 4
tr f ti l ,!
IV, tvtS listwl-. St
(.t--lSI .trl.j Kft
t-4 SustSJJ tlrf
- tt,4t
Ms.,' ai
t .',MI( 4 t
r v'stsis
t'alt4 S(
S .l.i , iMlfSf MMI l4il
I ;trtS l-wa i sUl t-WS I wKsi l.,
. ' , , S If l ! t tl ,,
UM'-t r,4 , s-ss s-,M s is
t . jt-4i,. t s es- cJ J --.,!
l s.f
Dorr's Iowa Suds.
t -a. M..-IH .HMsHoSlsil
rt. . ., (if . ',, V M. tto iMm
. t-,Mt r j
C.V COT, CiVt(8f.Uva,
s-si m i,t wiiais- ! ra
jX MMSkl .4 kttj ltlm SuWl
M t-f
1 f!S4 lV- M,i.V Vli
tts4tti l ,f Um m.w l le, O'.SU.
"' v , ii sS'sa k - ,svlfs,
I , 4 xr f J ki l- SmI a nmtfUtiM
ltl lisrsss 0 I'kl, VSliSlifK. (ll .
VI ,l4t SosI fts' 11
Din If 4
. I a,
MimMi. 4 k wioa I.
lflSsjisi. S-J
iNa ( j. i t,,tr uUi
MorSKss II (- ,f S4M. f sises
.hJ.,li M..!-'V(V-ltS,a
Ll,"TJVr' -lsifslrSs sun il,
MKI Msststf l
ir vou an
Going to Kansas,
-.- ., x.m. (itur. i ti kiuu. iir,,
t mm :
fc 4 HSs4 lsOSM(itlMM ASH'SSS
, WC.flf- M, lM.f.,f HS
j. e. iHmn,"ai!zysw2.w
t i ) I,
i n , i ia 4f im
J.i,ISf t tb
r- c mrtv m ,f , ,..
k .-I A,4 CI, t4 IS
tIS- l- SF H "fB.
vralr t afi-, fa
U'M s n.r.fc, 'j M-4 la I AltilSsMst
Si - ll()V(M SiV Sasltl IISM ,.
,i-m(rtt ! ll !, t SW4 ; -.!.(
..(' A1'M s,t M. I m l- wTJ .
e, .X 1sM's V Miss, S. Is-V''
,,. f U IIW l O, St HI . .
Irf iu-i... t irn . ,SgMf '-lsoii' la
'TiinifS l"s si-latff ! a (l
a limn iiiinisi tns. i i j. njuum If
Z3 I
Jmcrn WIIXoTT A lOMI, N- Yosra.
I rUlrfj-t.1 In lnsw IsalVtS
I sr, t stssrs, I !
arr'l. tMilt '"J??!
, I !.
- . IWftr ,-, f-w, mmt ,-,.-
mi at in
blik r i,;is uii5i,
U-Im ttt, r, I , A '', Xaa(sv,IU
-s !, fwM
4ttU4 (SM-vXe
1 fVt f
' A?1
!x mj m ai.M
m Havslai. Va. favMsv Mtff
Eos, asm mi rkMl Tir "
lll(HNirsrWriisl. fmnrilhtH'
tH) al4- a I fiwa I e If
Stm aWsttt S h. rUK' "" ir '"&lJKZtt'.
VI mm
Baylies' Colrtft
a rasi a
4 SUalUN rai
USMMl tit t
IJ.M-.m 1V Stiaa
t Has.
ft CVis'tt, M't
IrSs'Mt !.
.w f- Miat
l, if.iU.jMMasaYrsv
is. a
iw rtft
-tU MKhtU JUSttsar
I si
alaa .
1. iA flalsSL AS is. A
MOtia) Its-XjSSI
i.'.aiLila,. x tl-W - "
44 fl aiss, av. - f
nt, nsik, n rs s . . i vssj.
s-HKACMirriiis rsiaav
mBB rt
I. iWm! I..
Me. WVHllo fefr!.;wst1 Hi
,l:Ar i