m . I) ' iLlI tiii: iMirrtt uK.ttt".. On of lU)rdTitW('t tsrsVrtt rmt. ruln t tuani fiwrtt ik'W, With fciwrrs rl ! e'rrsrewa Wtxrr atucbl t fd mr Ik ' u Luii Or thr U4 tt4, nW t"e--Thy U1 the rl' htfd Ut irtt, ttVo "Kf w M tlrrun w as o'er, When the ljfc b wnk, alia mtirke )er fwt furtii U tMt so mors. Thrj WM Wei thf wkti tuitCi ra Yrl Urprfrvl on tf. hill, Hut Ui" hrstt thV'ttped t tl rt(;ht buur It) dth't iaC 'cp M Mill . dljr t: rr ht-Atl the UJ WtM Abut hit flr )eins; form, Ami t jl lhl wm Ih rre thuuM hlJe The htut so frf rl mm. The rim lotuc boush ttrwp oVr l).r turf, Uke tnourorr rptt by, Ami thrfc, In iprloc, tie violet Crt Ixs.kt up wtihuilU hJuj; And wbro th fortitt In thr (art) 01 summer proudly wstr, A titoUMbtl low, twrfl rnrtollrt Float mournful 'runl hi prtr, A holy rlm hrrtthrt o'tr thr tpot. The tfee tlstk hJii filec Pate wtrn thrt.iitfh t lining IsMght quirk Klranit Th wlki blrd't fltshlng tng. There, when U tuun-t'i flow ilrcuji, llflgbt for tin with tunny hstr (ilMr tlowlj UmHttjb thr Inretl aides, Then ttile lu IwtlUht ktr T1IK I'AUMKH'S STItATKOV. Fartcrr Kvunn wnllttl )llnll 111 wooliiU ntnl mirvttyitl lu illinlultlu-il nrtiportlonn wlih n tMiiiMirlil Umrr . (ni; of hU nh:Ky J)''bnM. "Suiih "I uuihI nt't my wll t work to iH wtwr lh offtimlcr." Ho xal ilown on n loc, n stfil hi Ixiwi on liU kiico. nntl n(icr crntchliiK hlK hcnil auhllu by wity of brlKutcnliijj M lden, lm settled 'liln lionil In tho 'piilnin of liU haiiilt nnil iiKMlltAti-tl. IIU coitntloiKt mtiit linvu Ikhii intif(U!to ry, for ho ro Uv nml by wltli t qticvr intlt ovuniprpnitliiK hl wonthtT'lu'titcn fnco, nml walk'l into tho hniti chuck ling. I'llilo it; tlmt'il lot the cat out of tint tingl" Ho founil Hurry Uallj', n vounfj, likr-ly-hnikltiL' f.trnirr, In tho kltrhcti with Hi iIiuirIiUt. "ThM young fellow lit cotirllnp Jcn nio, ntiruitiiottchl" Uiotight thonhlgoti th'iiiiui, a-i hu dlvroutlv jmukmI into tho " Utliif: room. "Well, ho'i a likely to 'nako linr n pxMl htinhntul tin nnv one. If h likot him, 1 nlmn't ohJi-cU'' Anil ho fi'll Into n lit of MtulnK over tho memory of thiigint)oi-lfo who hml bt'fti hiiiK umlor tho llowom Muco Jon nle'n birth. Mennwliile, In the kltchon, Junnle wm trlmiltiK about, inigngeil in nomo hoiKchoftl work, nml Hnrrj" wiui watch Ing Iiit wl h lovo-llt 'Vcn, ami rould ; not mako ii his mlmf to toll her ho loved lllT. i ho Iluv. Mr. Wnlkor, of tho ortho dox church, In Helton, had prepared ilLxMiurfe for his nlnful congrcgtlo, upon tho pubject of undlesa punUh nicuU Tho pnrnblo "of the rich man Mid LauiruN wim hU umU, and ho hurl- nAf cd tho nalhvniM of wratb ht Iho black nheep of hU flock u though ho were nn avcngltifj ungnl, aad ninny memhom of hln congregation frit guilty tcrror.i. Llttlo Ttm IUtM iblvercd in liU nhoe, W'. and thought ef the plo ho hml taken r UMJnfcht before, and then told bin mother a lie, ami neimtcti wiietner no fihould ennfeiK, or run the rlk of tho tiunlithinenl fulminated by the paron, lint he did not settle tho matter that time, for tho mlnUlcr wiw suddenly brought to a full Mtop in tho midit of hli ilUwurne, and the congregation wm electrifieil by a trcmcmlou crah and report In their very midnt, a. if tho verv heavcnH and earth had como to gether. Farmer Kvnni aro.o to hi feet lmul tanoomily with hi daughter and tho ' rest of tho congregation, and poor lit tle Tim wm not uru for tho moment that hU future had not already begun. The catiMt of the noUe wm foand to bo ait iiv.tltifctttn III llin iitfitf Ihrfitlcrli flu. '. " f -" " p," -w lm infernal agency known a gunpowder. How It camo thero wan a mynlery to all except Farmer Kvans. Harry ilalley, who made the fire and found tho wood for a xtatrd ittm, camo forward and ex plained, with a white face, that tho thing wa unknown to hltn. v The farmer walked homo thinking. ' "Had. had! I'm very orry that ho' of that sort; I never u spooled him, of all other; and Jennie like him." Tho farmer' flrl ImpuUo wa to nip in the bud tho acunalninnco between Jennio and young iiailey; but hi natu ral kindly feeling ultimately prevailed over his anger, and on hi next rnottlng f with tho uelitKiucHt ho abruptly ad d resell him: You ar courting my dnnehter?" Harry Ilalley admitted thu fact ba.h folly. ' "And you mako tho fire for tho Or thoiiox church?" continued tho old man. Harry Mcntcd. "And you furnish the wood?" Ye," ald the young roan, growing red and wblta by turn. "IVrhap you would like to hare the myttcrioui explosion in church ImI Sunday explained t I knew ray wood pile wm going somewhere, and put a small charge of powder in one of the stick, I need not say that I was ur jiriscd to find you were the thief, and you dared to come courting my daugh ter!" Harry quailed before the stern, clear glance of the old man. 'I know I'm too mean to live, much loi to love her," he broke out, "I don't expect you to overlook iU I I had a hard year oa the farm; you know what looses I roeU I meant to pay It back again, but I don't expect you to believe mc Ono thing I begdon't tell her anything about it; I couldn't bear to have her think so badly of me." " The old man regarded the uharaed, repentaat face with pity. Iok here, HarT,', he said; "HU forgive tou, and will not mention it to a sob! If yea' II look me in the face and firral soIchjbIv to be strictly bone', rota this tlase forth." Bailey caagbt bis hand gratefully, aad ke faU kU reward begin a be saw the mtjow ( a new hojy dawntng on ihe troubled face. "I soletunlt prom iv" he said, never again ' th a pmini's wvrth th.tl l not law fait my ow a ' "At the rail ut lb trar wi can hate JmhuIpH too. wr.nl her. and w'.l anile the farm' With an rrrtmltj; hrt lUrrx iKtmurivil hU UinV, bJ ihr (trmnr Bfir rrrvtttil thitt h haI git" klm a (tMicr t ntlrviu hl ol(-rr. Kiting la l.tfe. The dilrs ti l In life it unlterv.il in ime form oi other It l the mMa pring of huttinM nclhitt it rnwut aee indiitlry. miiltr nnlhutUtm, di. vtloppoef, kindlo energy Thu II N not merel) a hgltlmle ilrlr'. to implv tolerated, iul a iiMVrv one, to befullv rH,gn'ed and tlmiDatiMl Without U the man vtoiild U let a man, the omau le a wimiMi, mid ciely be so much the er Ilfe ha many hill to tempt elluiUr. each wllh It separate attraction! ntul ttanger by Iho way. Some elKt one aiid wime another. Some drIr to rie in life the mean of money j they long to be rich, to own laud and ttHV, to male large liiventmeul. and hold large hl Mice. Other mean to rie liv popu laril v, They want to bo h Idely Vuom n, much sought after, grcath retixvtodor e'leetiuti or admired. Other again vMiiild climb the hill of learning. llie Mould jHilietrate thn secret o nature, or solve thu, prvblcm of the Jmttian mind, or study Iho record of past his tory. Other, with mote limited apt ration, wouta rise to l matir me ehauic. or-mnnufacturrr or agricul turist. It is ell that there U so mueh opportunity for tho varlou talent and prtH'llvitiei of man to develop them nelves. and It I well for earh one mIio I so happy "a to Unit the path Imi suited lo hi own abilities, Yet, though nil tho Useful ineinbers of society are thu etideaxoring to rle In life, there I a val diiroreiieo In the way they employ to do It, and Hie punwue they propose to aecompllth by ilolng It. "The former will greally depend titvm tho latter. 'Chore are two main cause win people wish to tie In life, one I theirowu oersonnl aggrand iremeut or gralillealloii, the oilier l that they mav Ihi able to do good. Kaeh of these ha It own methods, quite dis tinct from those of the oilier For In stance two men desire to obtain wealth 'Clio one want it for himself alone He tuny lh to accumulate it, or to spend it; ho may love It for It own sake, or for the luxury or display It will enable him to all'ord" but In either case he nev er goe beyond hi own enjoyment In his vision of future sucees. ' The other also anticipate pleasure, but It U of a illlnirciit sort. Ho sees mueh to 1-e, done all around him that money can do, mid ho eagerly plan tit further some of the noble enterprise the! languish for waul of help, lie We hold In hi future success vision of a happy home, with every opiorliitilty lor HI elilliireu beat iletelopmeiil, and a warm welcome for hi many friend. Ho see old age comforted, poverty relieved, suffering nssuaged, children retcued from vice and Igno rance, educational enterprise set on foot, talent and merit encouraged, ge nius brought to light -In a word, the good of other form the central j Mir th) n of lil anticipation. Now, (he llrst in an neglecting the happiness of other In hi aim will do the same in hi method. Ho will not heilnte to rise upon the shoulder of other, ami push them down, If ho may thus atll til own ascent. Ho will not shrink from Inking unfair advantage, from crushing Mxirer nml feebler men than himself, from gaining largely through tho Ignorance of poor workmen, or, in many other way, from rising at tho uxpense and to Iho detriment of other. Hi aim, and tho moan no take to ac complish it, ar! of the mo nature. Tho other man can stoop to none of these tH g. They are at variance, not only with hi principle, but with ot only i in emfs tho ends he projKjtes to himself. He desire money that ho may tile hi (el low men; how then can ho take it by mean that will distress them? If he rio nt all it must be by honorable and independent effort, by talent or skill, or )ereverance, or economy, or good udgment, hut in no cao by pushing other down or withholding "from any tho debt of klndne, m well m just- Ice, which every good man feel that ho owes to society. Tho saniff dilTerenco exists, whatever be, tho way choen to rise In life. If it lx) through politic, the ono who de sire only his own honor, and glory, and opulariiy, will not stop to inquire whom he cruhe or Injure m he jjoes along, Ho will probably bo a tiolent parlUtu, uncrupulou a to muthod, using jMMjpIo only a step uton which to olTmli On thu other haml, he who I inspired with a true patriotism, who long for tho peace, prosperty and hon or of hi country, will direct all hi talent ami energy to tho promotion of good men and good measure, and will rise, indeed, not by the downfall of others, but by the inherent value of his own character and ability. Kven in the placid walks of learning and culture some may be found, tread ing them only for their own advance ment; others, equally earnest in tho quest, but shedding abroad freely and gladly all the light they receive. One author writes for his own fame, an other for some good that ho hopes to disseminata; one investor is greedy of applause or of gain, another is tdled with pleasure- at the thoaaht of bene fitting the community; on teacher thinks mainly of a higher position and an increased salary, another's chief de sire Is to exert a better influence, to adopt wiser mothod, and to promote, a truer culture in the minds of toe pupils In almost every case the chief aim is made manifest by the course pursued from day to day. Some may think to hide il in the most secrtt rpce of their heart, but it refuses to t hidden. It comes out in nnexjx- -- A tr.mrt , and in a thousand l.ulc . .emediUted ways. The new year open'nr upon us pr- sen'i a titling tiro fir each one to ask himselfWhy do I ish to ri In Jlfef What is ray highest airs ia basinets, in society, in the t met As I striving solely for my ors happiaess, or im provesBefit or glory, or rather for Um 1ncrtn help and loWwt others' Atw willing, lo tur nsn iitMyle k titts, t rtvwtl duwn that tht atw feWer, or am 1 Hying in Men aim ri let lift them tip with f' On tk UMMul aatwrr to mh quttllttt dev all lb trtit ser of the riming ter depend Fur that Hhd tf ueet whth esittt In heaping up ttionet, i't isHtUttlt r kR(twltt!g, 0ely fr sUth crlia.t. tlon, I rvttett ( the etie. nd wtl MHn fall. ertn In It own unwoitht aim, white tht which gttt that It mat dt ttthute, and obtain light lhl It mT lliunlns is the otd) sound and ttvtl prtertly, and 1 that which deter mines the talue of eaeh inH and ch woman to the rommuhltt In whlelt the) dwe4l l1kiltMlii s)tfr lten .Her let j. And now the toting man who w at up In the While Mountalntou afottulght' taeatton, and w ho rtti on the imiilli tain cttatdi awholedst with Uiote agrf ablejoung Udo and their liiatuiua, and who met them again at the botel at the Olcn, and also polnhM nut mi man) ot'Jivl of liitertt to them from the top of Ml Washington, the oung man who msuiliit bade gtHt b)e. after a wttV ncsmalutaiuv, and "hntl the should -e him In Hotton," and the young ladle told that they "had had an awfully Jollv time," and "hop ed that they should inert again," Hie toting uuuwho paM uter hi eail at patting to the ladle, w ho. strange lo say, had all left their card case-sin their trunks "flood lite, Mr Vetdaii teek, so glad to hate ttiel )oll " 'I ins oung man I astonished that Ihet are not at home although he has oalfed al their letldeiiee on ('ommon wealtli ateuue, ami Is still umtr astott Ithed at mamma and theeldist pasting him on Washington street with a stony state of nou-ti4gnllion although he raises hi hat and half ettend his head as if oipcvllng a cordlat greeting I also siirpristd when he sx-aks lo the younger whom ho flint tilting In a re t ei sed seal at Die miitetiu,, w Ith a t oung swell In siiaw colored hnlr ptrted In the middle and etc glns.es, In tctpouto to hi ejaculation ")n reinetnlHT mo lal Augtitt, Verdanleek While .Mountains how do you dor" 'Co have her Utterly oblll lout of hi olllttelehed tialm as site slowly fans herself, elevatt-s tier cjehrows, ami sajslangiildlv "oh tes! really, I'd quile forgot, one see o many people, Mr VenNtlek we have ju'st returned from Saratoga hope )oll got home sifely " Whlblttie swell wltli her gtan at him a If he were a gorilla escaped from a inning erle, and he retire In confusion won dering what they meant by hoping to see him again, fotgelllug that there are such volume at eitv directories that relentlestly iiut men down In their page "Verilatlleek .1 , clerk. 1.111 Haunter street -hoard South f'ofiiiiif rridi llullrttH, Hostoii IkfUm How Moiton Swam He fore the fjuccn. ' After the fn k hulue," said t'ap lain i'aul llojtoii, continuing the story of his Iratels, I came across Hie channel. I wa In londnu, and one day when 1 went to iho IhrttUl oltlco I wm told that them wa an Invitation for tun lo go tn'foro tho Queen, I no cirdlngly went over to Iho llo of Wright. 1 landed on Saturday night, and Monday morning I wa to git e the exhibition, Karly In the morning (Jen oral I'onsonhy and two of the (Jueeu's ladle In waiting came lo see me When they were alKinl lo go nwav, I nld Well, Indies. on will take n drink with tne f ' One of the ladles win quite willing, but (teneral I'ousoubt' would not nave It lli afterward" came to mo and oiplnliied. lie said Those were ladles of honor, and for them to drink with )ou would create n gieat scandal ' I went on lioard tho Alhrrtn. 'I tin Duke of llslugen. who whs Iho eitp'aln, took iim lown and told tne what to do. 'When her majesty comes," sub! tie, 'just slip into jour dre and gel through your evolution a nulckly r.s ton enn,' Presently the i-ourt parly camo on toatd I looked round for Iho queen, but could not make tier out. I did not know what s!ii) would be like. I looked ut i" somelKidy like tlie quen In Hamlet, ' with a onir wlilte cloak full of rt-i stHit. The captain said, 'Now, throUL'li uulck.' Then I saw a lilt tile woman In black who eemcd to le the center of the party, so I thought that mutt lx) the queen. 1 Ixiwed and said, Her majesty f ' She bowed a little and t mlli-it. I said, 'Shall I take water now?' She united and bowed again ; mi I glided Into the water, and did the thing nil no in a hurry. I had a ilres suit on under my apparatus, and when I clambered on deck I quickly threw off my sea ilr and cair.o beforn her maj. sty again Hho satd, I am pleated and astotilthed ; It 11 very wonderful ' A joung lady who UxmI il't tiy asked me a quetllon. to which I ?nwcrtd, Ye, mi.' Home of the ladle Ivegan to Iauc?h, and the (jueeu smiled a tittle I did not know what they were laughing al, but I thought I had done something wrong, so I said, Your majesty mut exctnwi me. I have never tx-en presented at court tefore, and I am not postM.'" Aew York Herald. Oar Trssure sl.l rtAi n Rftst mestgre uym uur rnl Uit or utrt of th ! i VnXWu If w xtolsU itVrm eanoot erect to "wtk old twor.M iiut tbsl U" pi. ff xlstn si lotud to Dstursll; illfct runiiltatloa, or a whtfh ha ben tLiktn bj JIr m t msUrrtsllr lenirti'ol, U a ft of whkh h dllr wuf. The tlrtfjlBg sl rrsu.r. tire lt.Suitcof llf-sUlUf't MttmuA Wtur otn s ftlllnf .hjija sfTostft a itriklt-g UlaitrsUofl of U nirt of )a1lrtbit nxdlc tloa In mroctbtn tb UM oa U, Kuxrl dUrsttm,en4etr MtlmfUtton, reolt- trt, VMM , w ' "" f-trfiU etiffr.l tn lUJIUtl oy UiU a.rtti rttwnnl. With cu'oilU' mrkhf.1, s ffie ln1rnUd, M s an tut itiUfn UsattllltCtlotsJlfl, after rt of tiHitUft. frlttbit kl lift-o-oar It (ut VKtrr th ;wrtoo thlcj( tlt It w-that k-e my jrt tyJ a "ifrtra oM " wicuiw ioi i,i:vii'.nf. I fjfllrrtf II U U- all wroor n4 rrt vVk d it rJnrymn in tt fxibHc turn Ut UtU4 into tltlec lllialsls Ut nvtrk i4xVnt it th afft rIl rd.cJ&, Mat hm a rllf EM-rtVrloo srtkk It itwU op of ixtasson il- ott1 rtexfllr known to an, i wn u Jr tlrtiot a tA tnttt fa Atllr, e tU'nVX fiIj rumasul It. I Urttor tbmt. ""! wtt Utrtllf rfls4 Hop imum tut " i UWy hats Out smiMmt fri4, it. Delta ttcr ha?t ut rtjOAl for fwaCj ttse. I wlH tt U wHU taa." Ut. , WatfV, V. C Ih Karllr. Jsuifi l4tfl twlghl .t vs4i he lmt niusi WU1 t hf tj.adtier tit fesft hi1, thf tlsadteg 1 hWw Oa thrt" 11 he WtuVe a ttkmtt wlnibtM. ii trtsss'tt lwttew At th lily Hall lrk. d Htewwaeit hint sel that tt-- lt w Wwtlw at en ue lptl tttH fi;ht d V(t at Ihey altettiptt-'t 1 gt-1 tHit tf hit w-l The iMtlkv twit him IhrvwgSi IW and Hirr !. twl Ihet did tl rsslUr hm till a late hour In the ettuHwg IU hd then takrtt Kse(-i f Wg htwtl tjcl. and was iKltlentlv rHllvstllitg H i).t duehost with mutkrat fHitno to In dutce m a he4tdi ttclghlng ptitt Uhlte the )l(est were MuHng Mm dnwn on Ihe ted hu had tden he tang I hi MJ mi tte'kHt In is lnt t), Akvl ht Sitl lkl I k I rvl sltl .Wis. He kept whooidug and singing all night, bill wtt Ut light came he w at eliangvti mall ift head dtttojsetl, hi pint wetil down lo fomtren legttw leloM teto, and he draggel hit tell teg lehlnd him In aitalmle sirtof way he left the irrtdnr lo pte ItllnseU 111 the cliiteties of the law "Mr INdenelt, hate tot llttnt In MetUti alt otir llfef" ltiqulte.1 the com I. "No, sir, neter llti! Ihere an hour," wa ihe reply "I thought ton had, I thought thoj acted ill Methyl )it mImiiiI a ton aetrsl Jesletdaj " "Can t a feller hate a llltle fun on the fourth of Jiit'htitmatf Hat a fd hr gtt to lie liliiistlf up In a hitching l'il on tiieli a gloremit old tiotida) and stand around like a hoier If Ihe) don't want the hots to hate nj fun on that day, whal ilo Hie) hate the da) forf" "Chit no time for argument, Mr l'olee. You are guilty of raUlng m. efal ro s on a holiday llittead of sit ling quiet!) down lo tut key or roast pig, a'lil feeling ttiaukfill thai the bat aiictiof trade 1 In our tator. toil go skylarking around like a wild Indian, and tlptel the dignity of Ihe elllieii with niblicr on I tiate scri joii lierm before " "Il siuit kinder lough lo tend a fel ler up for listing fun, sighed the prl oner "Jllttlco diH'tn't kuiM a fuueial (null a litldal, Mr I'ulowcll A man may lueak thu law by Wing Im solemn lut as quick a Imi lltely I will ay stttj da, Just as )ou said in jour Utile song." "And IMI say that as soon a I get out I'll mote lo a 'country where l!nv hate Clllitlllia six dat III ihe week, and Thaiiksgltlug on the ineiilh1" replied the tall mall When lllitli 'ook him hack he turned around to Hie hot stote and deliberate ly scorched the tall of hi old coat till they were ready to drop ofT, and he re futed t'i mote till eterilHtdy In the courlnMim wa nearly eliokist with the fume of burning nloth Ihlnut r'rtr Vr. Chirltn Houji - Take a chicken thai weiglis alHiiil three po'Mid, Cut It ill quarters ami place II In a tMircclatn pot Add two quails of water and let It led one hour 'I lien have a frying pan nil realy wrlth a lump of butter, remote the chicken to it. and hate some boiled rice ready cooked In another pan ay altoul oiirt cupful of bolted rice a iMitllng the rice with chicken Improve gieatl) Ihe Ilttor of Ihti soup Add alwul a lableHKinfu of chopHx pars. ley, an onion ami a small carrot, m verv thin slice. ImiII Ihe iflhteU e iepa rich rntelv. ami when thn ehtekeii is a brown reiiime It to make a gravy by adding half a cup of water, one table. sMonfiil of fl'iiir. anil the giblets chop. mm line .Serve the gravy separately tiii; i . . ii. ssimtjuit. (I du I; il M '.! utiirotrnliU fitfrrt of nsture sr, ll.Miwiti Klffire, mls of us to Hi tli KtiolriK I" ! "the of lu ifc nUe.it Inrsntl'rtit fur the uts of tum aM el UUII), rniirt Uii iKftnltl'm of Ihe I'lill) nts!r M-wtl (fVr, It II not iMMlrrfill lbt )iUin eiull I ot1lnttrl nwl jflH lttifli an tty-rtXif e.n rurllj ifnllrl IU st-tltiff of tlliUiit Us silt; I Ami )l ell!!!!' t 'if " ('Mill Unsls it rtllshl 1'ypulli rst m II. Mlvsirett in4s In tli tlrnftt of mHlf Id, HI!' hr tp uo ri-ftslullrt tin I UfutU l.sf r f If MmI Ut itkfJtt rttUMy Th dltfotsilrs nf llsrvrv sn.l Jn mrr httr lr iufd"l It the llolil Me.ll rl l.lsniTsf) of lf H V ilr No Unfit lirnl (iO isilfslr Isom soon- (.bjlUltll M nrofMrtjiifl th lun(t wntouixl, llumlfs.lt of Ustlmotililt sis on 6I In Ih ofRre of lf llrrr. It xn lift who hsl tiUnt4 II Imi. sift hl ho s;ln up bulls lr hil' rlan afsl frl'ltds, liiffirnl rmiuiMptl"fi, hrnfirhltlt. smi trrofuloiii tun'rft. illlr, tqtrlj soi p-n'inUj lhl lo Ihe hssltns' ItiflUflire of Ih Hsrtrf If l. Ixjsit l routilptlr't, u l' I1rc t ilssstnt Puiits III IVIIrlt 1'of full psrtlllrt. Vrf's Mrrifirsieluia lkk Klien sl hi all ilruf Iftsts. rttrallisMr4 1m - salsitl si " nt'tiOfsutpffetMlM rrt. fiM lr 4l ft". . . mu , Ass Arlltlr tifTrstr .Vlrrll, 'ilafwjt's llMosriiur, 7arii'' r U mMttsrulr sftkl In Mil nmtUj m IUirof fof ThfiMt lMsrsa si'ltujrht, el thlt pp ultrtty It httt ufi rial oxitt V onU s Isir. Why I dhtfrMi "lUt & l, U l-f IU ivl oMcuir't, whf Klh-rt' I'Jjtljthl Mitr CHU wllqtlyur lAf W, II llaru,AfV, Clfth Ar" Vttn ft, Mlt ft sfTrfilt u tiruut Ut sUl i csmrs tn fr slrrs'lf W h of efti ilttUxii fr lour tIo4 fllr llUitr, "(,sf UilllMl " We Us ts44 HrfiillnM lift U hJr for uwsrl f larotr ;ei, hut lists nif r t4 om lo atll tfi of file uttit uol trsl ntltinUm s CsfVilla, 'fTUh fklWrrn hsm worm. )f Jt'jns't Ortrasa Worm Cskrs nlll rHiuj tkvt wl six! iak th rlctMrrA hsppT r"i niTT ah, iln si1 1-mtMi ot eitno Uett tMl Attn' Sttt 4 Ikmi Unlm'tit It it BsJta, IM-1 Uj sll VtVKtiU. II U loMaU lo !) th U itH of m klod a VMUttstfat'II"'t't. MJt Mi irUr of Mfctou A lftlo (UMwt ffrtftfit Ut uiA HBrk ttft Xhiti XUn (A T1 ihttrVtt of i tot, UIlh dinfto ia qusjny, i rsplsiiy l '' aMIllft I ' " L ak. ." Hwaes (HI put oi jonr hr t,t, will k Ur lrthr Um,U t,uA kp It soft atxl olUU 0t It a UUL Tot s otroh!tt im YUre Tf Mat of tkrtiile Jl4 trtth txtrtrity, wbU-b will r tat f, l'tfri th M(fV Kkrrtrtc Kitsad HtitrtjVo., m A VMJwXmm ., tbicsxn, lii. MotW iiit rwir 6tUVj &ttttnUlr fir. Wlatt tll't T"thlnjt jruo,ll tif mu-i IU sow!, W0AU Its ilo svl U1b a. t oral !?. ftoW hi fn(tU t eU a Thf Rav. . Nrrtlt, UN ! ktM. m CnfrtwMi wrHff uFaMfwii (.it V t1 I MlMH X (., . SM Si , .t lM 1 M Mtt M Mf nt t fcl tSw M k. .4 . 4t, r 4V .J UiiisiMiitH ImHuIms i. tti ., s tt f lamh ... .ft miim w4 tlm at f ,. t.j MM,tniOV. Kl M lk-f VttM IIHlltll tl i,i )!. ,.- fitu tlsst W f.Ss4 Y tH IM. Iftttt,.! tstes lion ii . i-t-r i- Stt N (, m, 4tt irntkM t Httf uo rtnaott K4.M I Ibttt ijwi blaMart "S" Bar. Ilt4 t4 lit a?- i u stt it e is. i nw- t tl rt Ssi.vt p4 -wwttt.. I IIIHflHlllK II. ! KAsm Jtif ttMk tlK Kite of Bart t MO.thr. I. UH.-4 I. 14 (( S. ff fcm JACOB HAIIH, iiti.k (inal Hl'llin 4 Mill. Am "I I r-k i , iHis... j.i.rti.' hit Kt hs I Jurl Irt Mi l-sn.lt lt , l,tl IxJU inlttl.-tM, th f.laals s lntts t tst.W tm) (nt IK t.U f p.-mfl .1(1 f(4 tMiim4ln, HiMMtilUt, ttlsilh stlstnt slut til U.umI s. Nhc tltMtvmt. tl, t l th t.i it.iwi tit hw . lUimni h. i sll eftt nainpttltils, flf httA( ImIkI tit .llltl cmtlllv Utarfs In MH4Mts 4 ftwt. kitt 'Ml II Ml dull IrtihtVs II kiMitia Itl lit n(1tt It lt t trtMt l'lMis ltt .,! t il.sds 1.1 rHltl Hwa tMfNtl t UI sre4 fl ! rktlrf I sll h" tth ft, ll.lt ((, lll !! .lhvl.-. l-H i T-il.f sipI hIh, InllnistiV r. I. W I'-jUiK e( lit i til Ii) s.i.irt'MiMr, ut tiiM ft til llilt I. I t t li si ttlMi lll.sV H...Mrf. S V lliltlM Mttil ,rrii I'ttntl, Villi ln I'n.nrrtitss hu s Itlry UMt l. Ih tl)lrt IV'fr.il. i fe lh r ( t ( llnMsl lUtlt l-4 "I Stti4t V. , lit ri, 'rtitimij.n.iM yeiuli Mtt, 1 tl'u'f " til tt.ltvrt) tr,t tl'tllt I'll II Willi t.Htnl i I') eiritt.uk, lnlltslltt nf tlrM, Plp I (f !(, t.ttnt h ItllTU Mil ill.let .I OilMrrn sivt til Illfcv.Wft if ht4tll ' Wlllilit Iho issit U IWtwsVti list u. tl.Hlt .SuotH..W(tli ll ! Ul ttOl I'ttt sslr !) sll lmfltu I t wsl N oe With AttnHf) ltfk frtnslrt llttl sfw lltttl' In M'(f-.U( .J lskln istlil, e( IliiftUl t.f (sinful MretWti HiHit. tlumlil lt kwlit sllrt't t 4.li4h. I'.llfs. lef (ittltnrr.l iwthsixt, sn. 1 1 mm III t ttHillatetlitiM Hit! II It Stliiis't Iii.im! ,,ws ..mi!M .t.b wii iinirnn lf II tl Ki n lwut Mitvsistt' t t. lt twiin f. M.ttt ll.lllMlSAr i tt I'issost titlMittf t1itrsi Hill Art4mtalR irlit rttniii.slslloltt llhs ' Ur'trt4H.ial HiKiss.sl hritrtmsl ln isU of TliiM kl Ittt (iHllll ll il l til MswnisUils Mlhn (to, tifl fMiit lisv. its en t tlttU Jswsrt H'nitii Mtntf', A It'll ef MsHtnes, ri , ill 'I p i,l In I'littlrltii h( for 4ftlellm let rlik llrtiltflis, wllti M'li t htl ln trtllrt rl f intllf jrtit, U lMiiitrtl Tull't llilt Thr; rtrt Ilk a rhnn I rsit lei llsitd in lui Jhi wIUnhii sm) plan In riMtttnlroie ll It Ik lt ni.llll.s I h ttrt Itkrn tit; ym hotl wltli llrwll yim ,, hmi " AiiIK Msnwtihsll hit riMl'isnioitt, i n uitMj Ihlnyt rn Mt fistlUh, h w (Its s'l thtl (. htth for hit ll'r Irtil t rt-tklft sh.t felirffHt til hit hssllli lis wl ijlttlls Ikl.f who tlalt hit Xtr, tt will tl)'; wllh s Mii4h tifl fol.1 smlflnatlf rilnlne- unij-lliii,hn iiiih tui rut(; st I'lU't't I'.iUt'l of Ttfshl Wild irlij fti I- sstlljr irMslrii.t II rfiiMt it. git, ctlat fftirttli l i t) trlsl, slel It lnttlutl.l In hrfuhUI ll las( ilttsi It It tsfrtcUkfil fi sll. If will lh .slw to ttlisfthl t(t slel t.sslth wl I re tliwwt lit lis llliull M S'l fsinlll thtl I tt UM1 II will I- wlllMiUl It. h Ir; !!UfliU A illlfh In llmsssut i.n." It .t mms liu In tiifoillnj tlirfhts, ll sn lu fllln ftini tUk lhfirtii lh wlnUr AN rn-amnktl tut tme h'lilt L,tl llsm't (jmkIIIIi.ii Pint 0l, ll tMijifes Ihe iVk, llrnirllilltlhw tt, lmtnitr Mi al i-i'll siel wf, k(t Ih k In a Ihr it treull Hi, li M tupt'llit li l..l U4llllt Hi kit "oM hi sll D'?s ftU. Slaibtsw's I4r afls Ultl OMtlSlSI s4 OmmJsUmi t Iflltvtutst Ml Vf sll ' 't. ri...y?;gi - S9 SAMPLE FREE t MsjW At ft4itW Wffc4.it rstl t4 uMilH J W W A lit II st mi k fnilff kMnt ( li lli StSM Hil t. stv io. in. ) r mi f ri. si a MS Lflll I .0M. pMlssM , m.; tm AaM lit.. I ISIM r s.ke-A !) tltlt If Slt l ot tui'n n mK iir, a St., KMfl lt asuuta Humi 4 ).i hii. t rUPI l4t HI'1. llt lMS.Vtft'1 WMIMH'f'ah' 14 Stiisstti4tsj'ltMiit f,,.r Mill MSIlt M Mil twlit ftstu ot,4sfi ms ff.e,J' if4atr0 a i4wffr '?" '" t., 1,1 nm)U jfprt ninjjfA Uf'i-l .l 1.4 'MMlllVsl'i Hirtlil H ItU.I'Vj AnHinH, T(Hli. Wtiijw jiWIt.s ' s A, ssl MH4 MSSlt.it, lost iMwIti . rlalnMl, s.. S..I l-l Hf44lsl VOUNO MINbrtortf tr; twMli ! ss pMbwlt MlujM J' SMU4 S44t HVsai-.rls-sW.Wlfc fe mm tm wm aulni f trki llMilMWM. U Mil M4MI1. If ft'il. , HirrnU i tw l It'll lUs'tlt'tyt,. oM.t4 nmtl. hub ii. i ijajsMssa jaw, itstiiiiss A LIVE AtlHT I r.siM !,' Tf 5VVsTt4,i islr.U iJaiTi a a a, stlir. (ij witstie,' 'i ,r,i m. Vrtstu. t-t.4 tinliti til tt it " 4sa.'s MinM.f i 4sif.rw . w' a a k at 4P MASH iflSI WOK1.I fc til S4 t-fl' . i.a... . . lll't tss4tt rU.lrtlJ s4 . tr., ffu 'At HwUI, f oslf ASVtfH i 4 MJVM kt tat " Iva4 IStSiTAWSU lflO4 tlt AM tirf St1 itlnntit Uii- & SS.twMa 1, -'-, Xtw t '. f CWMI 1 tt,s uwiJl I sIMipst'sstsf M,,.-' Ml I lfM.Hl fcM-4 iMISAf't liws-sl Ht 4r4l I'M, I ill's' U Iftlik"! Ut rrtfit WsrfrfSfWt, f, , Oil. t'HOOK'N WINE of TAR (St fst ftMM ksrt'l Cr CrMk'iWtMftfTir h rMittv rtnal For Coughi, CtMe, xp couoa' rxw. iiistauraaioa tonic. tMt'lat l ttttstnl r- ., k s 4klll. !,4, tSatttt IS Km4 y i ittt tMt iysfi .4 f4)dtf s4 (lt !) Mll ttttm. tui it U sit iWs A. t- 4tjUt U C isxltl f ) HS mmIi. 1 f - f tl le H. 4 A . m MSitt.lXfr.fn Ssii I Mm V Is, Akrt,4iiim nsB. www' A ) J . s t m s - 1 im - . Pence Wires. ft- H-t Do Knit), Illinois, t D. I. 0. Lt t4 IfisslttstU ss is - DRUNK- .m4, pl.wfs t4 k ts Oyltos tVlMfM. fitftVt ts4 M)KSlMlt l l sll tsij ill sM MM ( mUj tnf ri K, ,4.l IK. U.lt M JUalft t 4 tst Kl M.f lt lwll t-l 4l(ftllf llOlW It(Tt M tlk IIIMllUtM -tll t ia wLiini mttt im vtt vtt Il Hrtlt Iktl ttiMJsl f kf.OsI M SMtsl l4rlhMt IMI MWit ISs t.lvn WntkV i, rrtt Sllfct iliSiUsIt M Mtl Vktr .(sll tss I Htl""-. M. rttl if lftiUtt, S It. t'vei4t4 iMilltM -mUlU iIomM U It MfttUcst tsl nl filils Mill' Hirtstsia ttru, isi, Ml IHHr,tN, tl , Tkti Couth Curr u.lif t sit ft U. V- ik so r4 In ifMitdi. rtl It t4 kf. L..MIU Iks rmuV isUi t tssi, II iwttf rsiM Sstt SMIl IM tfr it "o -l f m AM II m rl a.st Nt tl.l. HMIiilllt XXX KJ3 AfARl KTl t Mvt r.itwi w M) WuSlISSStt IllllMNU, m4 4 Is Mtf ,s fcj. kr IM Mlt" i .orrtsit srWiss S4 Wl in t-wst III I MIS Mlt t tst w.a, i. MM f t ' l.lsi 4 ' CltttM OiUMrtf IS Will Tmt Ci., j. n. 4i, , i i I'JS'Ja. REED'S ToTOSlC CHIOAdO I.OOO PIANOS AND ORGANS tit iftltUt f IM all 4.4 ! Iiw4. iff ttl 44 ti'lit tit ftt4 Iswll frt MtMMiisI tt II sssslf lass t, ttst IIms M M's.1 W tiftsM St f mi if I 4 tIMi tt4rktt Sltll. KIDNBT -Jlft- Mnorojr'av INYBSTIGATOB t A lk.ltl Miisf ft !- sflSf IIH ii.!... r"U. I'j,r s its 1'itstif in t. rr- li il IM . ( lM.fcl4t tXMWti (Ills. p.tMrt l1. llc fivAttlVfS In t' M ' iivrisrs l l II lK. ifl Iiwiii, IasiiiMs 4 WSSl1lSlt, rf, rawnmi, . lljkUM. Hilft tfwt Ws.r It t. IS1S4S' IJllim IaaIi. IS ,1 tit inp iti "l .'I' ,J "i . Jl, MVSkllOAf III t.ttt fts IM I. t-HIM-l inl f t i'f'S ' fit mt'ifnUtt HiSilltiSl i(4 InliM M ts(IM lSlStMtttlltttMKW(M4) SnslV 1 lfit. "TSi . I Vi'Ll wl S III .H.4 I t rw Tnkn It i'mny ! duos km Cbain Al. M)tt SHllirf IIMnt II4)S4 TtM4 kilfi immtA L Ut iMtis4 ISS4 M mittm 40 CAM ! MAM Xrjr DJT ris i tissiw Will, tVlWlMW h kirm risitifwM -mim n IaS u sll amm In lMm, i tMtf, ft- rust kJ.1.1 iiUU. Vim t iy'l SKSfl ia ksisf AVtlMM Mimm. sstssiia ta , in -a.- SHOTf 'hoBtttDtik(. tnf4 IM4'mi m IU mttul IIM M7 W It BSITt illbilMsA. if ii. mi ttudi, H If 1 H STM4 r tu$,. Atw imi .Ul.l.Ol TitnMwsf .Klf.-t (0l0.mrrMlilrnmlrr sto.!!)' ItMitM r.UhM fcl frww f t'-t M Smmm SSwtstt t Sho. l'irtil rtilVst, IVttSLMilSli.tlK. IJV 4 iiMw4a4. -. tM .. ,JJS. Gji VfKinm !- .lit 'St xta UAft ski t. fsuwsttx vwiW4 must ttm.miti.rt" ai . " s,lltiw f:l kiWitit,lllIA MiwtMltlSllsjti tiuM ru tii-" ' Wittsr UWwH rtluWrr;. t tv A4t4wtt4lstti)rirwwa. IW sifcTljr 'safyanfih . miilTmi M""it lltttltsf r ia ! ia rat Ha. J lITiBFOHPUN. " HI sv 919 1 : tSL. aTl ' i m- ; s I '- Ar mm 'yh S is. VMiUhftMif I'tlA lslM(t I'ltssM Csl. 1(,w, l infi, llistl iis, lU'isif Iris riwiati ft xls. lilttil IsM H lW af J r sM ri ""' 'It'1 TarrtArlU.IW BattMfO saswu" iuiiiieiii'l fs.j KMn in sirmi 4srIiilWsaV- m taVftlisa Tifykf!tFr 'Mma-JZnKtmfo w ju&t&CD mu f