The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 16, 1879, Image 6

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JLIfe Jim a I nnlrn on rtrry one's liouMrr--None
injr cms- from IM trotiMrs rM Mm
Mbslltti touilmiitl'lNliI (tniH hn
Ami lit u '" Hip pimfM'm rr
farrow eoimi IMo imr Urn unlnl!-.l,
KwiMiij our hrrt r.f ' Ircsiuio of i-.iitfi
lwtrs jn w mM,ni1 IrfmiUMi r),t,trtll
Vet, mtnrhow or whit, wit worry Men f.
Kirry-dty loll l n ririj.l.r l.i-.lnjt,
Itimijrli jfirtt, coils-; sml emit we inr
Wrk It ll. hk nn which hunlrni rr ;.
InjJ, IlUt uMlll U I lie lif rt tlil II MlrtiRlhi-nrd
Point Imiwm oilier, Die illi) rowsiirli;'ilrr,
Jnt lit n mourn tlirrr on t t) .
Hop In llm t.rnt inskr tlir bunl-u wm
Aii'tfimebtf oroOtfr witcM to the nni.
- M
.1 ui:al kdmam'i..
"lint t am too poor," "Never mind
lhl,V Iir said, "como to my establish
llieill. All I ask of vim In l remain
there until joii nrn well, or iinlll I say
jou are Incurable." Tim doctor In an
i onthmUst, lln does much of thitt sort
nf filing to n RrcB'. Injury to his mk:UL
Hut hi theory l I hat If yon mnkon leg,
or arm, or backbone, or nny part of
your body, ilo whnl nature Intends It
shnll io, nfter it while, nature will come
III nml' It town work Hnfoiind
employment for Ids patient nscoptlM,
nml limn devoted himielf to her in if
she had leen tlm ilnughiitr of n Imiil
lord of a fashionable hotel, mid thai Is
thk nmi i'aik.
'K Kry, it
ilr, through
llaxt it lcHriurl M-miun Won
H .' iiml l'llrnI.OMt lllni
Wlirtt Nile IIikI Itci'ii nreil.
Some year Mneo It mnkenno d lifer,
enee whin hi oik of ourdopnrliiiciiln
nnd It I not of the slightest impor.lnnco
which n gttl held the position of copy.
1st who vm tcinnrkniiln for her dn
fnrmlly mid her beauty Shu reversed
tint fni't of nfllni' In tlm I'niiii of tlm
dtuijrhtiT rtf Dtiiiinij for win her hdy
wnn hnrrlhly dcforimtd, Iiit limul wnn u
iiiodi'1 nf tvnHimily liuauty. I Inr fun
tnroii wurn ri'gnlnr to n fiiull, llnr
oomplexlon vied In ilolii'noy tho ocyuii.
tinted Interior of n nhill. Ilur chin
ronndod out llkn tlm )W of Cho
pntrn hurjji', jiiil linmd nnd proinl
notlt HHMItfll to 1 VI) foiCO to till) NWi'dl
fncu nhuve, llnr mouth Imd iniiiili
iiwridiii'M mid ixpri'K.iluii for nny otlmr
woninn'n full fare, nml nt thu i-nd of
Iirr Ri'tmltlvii Him, wlirtrrt tlm two Imiwn
of Cupid tiirtnliinti'd, limtoad of run
nlng nir In wnnk Unci, limy uudid In
two little well from whloh onn could
IniHKliin lovf llowod ovor frimli nnd
muiiidnnt. llnr nyeN wnm diirkdm.ol,
Urirn mid lunilnou. Tlmy worn n
Imfr'ft lirimdtli ovor tlm width of onu uyn
imrU nnd Kvn, In thin, to tlm fiu-n
tlmt frank, lioiiit wlnnlni; look tlutl
Mttoh width nvnr Indlotitiin, Ovor nil
thlN wiii wommrn uniwnlii
jrront union of nuthrown hu
which thorn m-niund to piny lint imu'ht
nnd Uncled nunll'hl of III ynnri. I'iwin.
InRfnun thin to thu body wiw llku num.
InK from tlm exipiMtoly ihhmld himd
of n innrhlt) niilnt to tlm ohunirl Iioumi
below. Tlm poor i;lrl did not nouiii to
Imvo nny purl of tlm Immnn fniuio In
lu pMper plnoo, or mnovnrlii); to Itn
propur fiiiiotlon. tl wnn nil tlm rrniill
ot nvrind uiumnlty tlmt hiuipeund when
Mm wnn yuuni. 'Him hud hurried from
homo, mm winter nluht In mmndi of
mrdlonl ndief for n nick motlmr, Inil
hurwny, fid I, perUhln from cold, nnd
Wiu ploki'il up hour nftor. to linger for
ntonthi betiuHtn llfo nml donth, nnd
donth hold till of her but her lovelv
How nntiiro nooommodntoN liernolf to
tho Inevitable II wnn yinuii liofoni lm
wnn freo of pttln, and when ill I11U nho
could hobble about liiadltllcult way on
orutolioN nlm nceinod to look nl life tm
ohoiirftilly nn nnyoim. Tlm nwootinmH
of hur tmtttro Imd not boon dimtroved
by pnln, nor tlm cnnilnul wrone; Chut
could bo dono to n woman. Sim wui
Mor, nnd her inlnfortunon ouuriMl her
n plnuo when) Him oould earn her plain
food nnd poor lod'InH. TbU wni thu
day In the traditionary pant boforti tlm
ponlti'iillmy MHtom piovnlled lu tlm
doputtiuenlH. nml tlm Ktivnrnmt'iit, not
o poor ni now, wnn ublo to nmplov
iroiltloiliell im heiuU of hmtmim. 'I'd'..
onowlio ruii'd iiunu'dfiitidy nviir tlm
room in wldeh tlmulrl work'od wun not
only n putUininii, but onu of tlioui non.
Itlvo mituri. thul j;o to wivck on tlm
rook of llfo from not 1ml n Iron idnd.
Hlnlntolleot mid oulturn had noouri'd
for him n comfortable plmm In tlm do
pnrtmunt, nnd into thli Im nettled to
ilrtinm of whnl Im would do nomo ilny,
nnd uuver did.
It win olnorvcd tlmt thin olllultil wnn
very fond of llnuerluj; nbout tlm donk
of thij deforniiMl girl, nnd thu othur In.
inntiMof thu room xpokn to mitdi othor
vi ins j;ooiuioH. Aitor ti Hum ji wns
cm rvinl that tlm two iiintlnuod tnlkln
nil Intmhluj; nftet'lmslnoHt hout-H. And
tbon ho btnn tlm pritotloo of helping
her from nnd to tlm biilldliiK. lino nf.
tomooit, nt tlm cud of n lonj;, pleaxant
tnlk, Mm wiw ulmut lonvlnj;, when m
ddonly kidacil upon her lonu, tliti,,
whltn lltiKiini, tlmt hud boon hllJhti.d by
hnklnj; linud.H with donth, nnd in ii
rnthor confused sort of wny, ni if tlm
uttoranoo choked him, Im poured Into
her earn n paHonato avowal o I lovu,
uniliiiK lu nikinj; her to bo bin wlfo. It
It Btdd by thoo luhumnu bnttvii In
human form, who kill door by mmtiu
tho thront of tlm poor nnlmtil whlbj
wlmmliiL, that tlm ntiirtltHl, pitiful,
doadliiRlook of tho doomed urvnlnru
U never foritteii. It wun this norl of
look tho j-kl pivo Imr wiwor. Shu
tried to uponk ni Mm wlthdruw hor
hand, but hm llpn only tromhlod, nnd
then Mm abruntlv leaebmt t,r ).
crutcheii mid lmbbled fnim hor room.
Thnt night Mm wroto n long loiter to
tho innu who had no trnnuvly up.
prunchoil hor. It wn a doupMrlng cry
of n lout soul, llnr poor lumrt uiulor
thM dt'formed IhhIv wnn & keenly nllvo
to tho ono piwMon that control humntt.
jty m Unit of nny lumrtj but Mm shrunk
In terror from Hint for which Mm longed
anil iwtnvtl dying to iuuhow. Hut Mm
put awny hU love, ntul novcr rvturncil
w nor iicsk,
tlm hlghent iHMltlon wo rnu think of
And for mivoii long )nrtlmt pmir
girl worked ilny nftur tiny lu thu com.
plicated iiitinlilncryof tint doctor' hoM
tor InvnlliN. AndMowly oh, mi Mow
lyl jot nurely-Mmgnlned i,n tlm i-ii.
mny. Firnt ouiicrutoli wiitit. thmi dm
other. Tlm mini followed, nnd nflor n
long limn tlm Inmitmm illmiiioimred.
nnd nt liwl Mm Mood up In tlm liiingo of
Imr Mnker, hiimnii, hnmUome, mid lln.
bin to love. Tlmneemt of miooom In nil
flclltloiM literature U lu that one word
eiidenvor. To Mrugglu for Mimdhliig
thrrt wmi nlmot luiponlliIii to win, to
iimki) Hial utriigglo heroin in It nelf.
denial and high hope h to elr.n on and
hold thu popular heart. If thorn l nun.
cum thnrn I delight, If failure. Ilium In
grief, n thu llutltlouH chnrnnleM wnm
iillvo mid very nnnr to u Our llltle
imiuiimi iVn iigiiiing inr nor nie. mt
lovn Imd benoiim her life, Day nfter
day, mouth nftur month, jonr thiit run
Into year, Mm bad but one thought, or
rather ono luipi, mid that wun to up.
Iiear before her lovu. worlhv dl. li.v.i
hud not bin horror.
Tlm long, drnnry ntrugglo wnn druiv
ing to n cloe, when one day Mm Imp.
peiind to pick up it WVilern joiiriuil,
mid middiiiily nlm Ihruw It from hur
with n wild cry. Tlm good doctor mid
bin uttniidiititn could mil comprnlieiiil
tlmcmiin. Hint had oiiught thu iiiinm
of hur lover, mid mad n brief notion of
bin marrlriL'e. Poor little ilrl. .,..
felt mom wrelched In her Htrenglh,
health ami beauty than when n ImlplenH
cripple, Mm mil In thu room nt NiiMi.
Inglon lUlenlnir to thu nwent, Mympn
tlinthi wordn of tlm mini who Imd for.
gotten Imr U'ahitttton C'diffuf.
Wundirlmrn of an Old Violin,
Among tlm New Vorkern who fought
In the Meilcan wnr wnn n muMcliiu
limned lloyd, whomi iklll with thu bow
wun often turned to account when tho
time hung henvy In cumiior thu nplritn
of thu Imijh drooped. After the cup.
turn of the capital lloyd met n Mexican
olllcer who told him of nn idd mid
highly prized violin, Urn property of
number olllcer. Ho hunted up tlm
owner, nnd found that tlm luntrument
wnn u genuine Croiimiiii, Kviiry gritln
born uuinlfttaUalilit iivlilniin.iu ..r
mid lloyd determined to necuru il nml
enrry It home nn n trophy. All oIl'erH
of bin Inr worn luillgiinntly refuned liy
tlm Moxlonn, mid tlm Aiuerlcnn wiw
obliged to obtnlu by foul ineuun whnl
ho could nut by fair. Ho curried tho
liiNtriiment home uudunoil t for several
yenm. but I'n hUlory wnn kept necrel
until in time of mlvnrMty Im wnn com.
Helled to pnrl with It. ' Il went Into
tlm ponxunnlou of n Mr. Hunien, who
pnld thrculmmlied dollnrn for It. It
len dod to bin mm, Dr II. A. Iliimen,
of Klohmoml. During Itn truveln It
hud been Minttcrud to fingmeutn, mid
wnn no longer of any prnctlunl vuluo.
Mr. A. II. Hark, a vlittiono of miioh
experience, miw It on exhibition, nnd
exchanged It for a lino Instrument of
bin own. Hy three mnuthi' labor ho
him restored It to tin orlglunl nhnpe ami
tone. The bnuk nml neck nrn new, but
the frmun mid top wernuindo by Nloho.
Inn Ammatl, remarkable for the very
large arch mid deep belly. The '.ono
In noft ami nweet, but very powerful,
giuwiug loiuier an mu listener receihm,
until Im in beyond a point where an
ordinary liiMrumnut would be luuudl.
bio, iiiiiifi(i;iui. .lourmil.
ANtrlhlnir HluMmtUnnf thr IJrrt Vlrr
M-A IfSiJPlT&Jir.Jh''."?1 ' All lllu.tratlon of l; h.,l.l wh,,.. .....
ttMrlt lln Itfrn Hgrfrilrt Hlng Imn upon men who hnn onct Im-kii
llHfcli .tirrrljr. i eiig((.Hl In mining In nlTonled hy tho
i nrrii nrn iwo nerve, kumn nn the "'" " u Urlen, Lite n no-tubf r of the
fifth pnlr, which nre d itrlbui-i to the, Honniin Arm In the dnj of hii ntrun
nkln of the bond nnd lo th iiiirhmih '"" d tioverty thin mtn Imd 'wen ar
iiipiiibrnno of thuejen, ind mouth, cottonied to piny dd nlrdge'.for live
Thene in-rven nrn nlond connected , cent n corner lu hln oM Imr roiii In
with the henrt nml cneN, nml by n" Fmnchco. He & fortunaie in
ttimiilntlug their branches the urcnln. : liliig FIihmI mid .i.ntkuy ni-d Fair fur
mm iinjr iraifirnii irjuiinncoii, nn in i i"""ir, mm im iMomue worth iiillilou,
theenni of fainting. It U a curloim I bvforo he knew It. Hm t the dny nf
fM..I II...I ...... I.. Mi It .....I I 1.1. I..K,I. I .. ...
....j. I'"'"!) in nn iiniioTin nrn no
ujKin by a gang of nifliann, carrlrd to
the c.iide, put on Milpboard. and iwdd
n nfave to the Tnkn. After hi
matter' death hu -neaixl. and. with
great dlflJcuhy, working hln way Irt
to MMxin, nnd thence to Dover, he ar-
meo. in hngland, an our law Ixmkn
cindy nay. "to tho great urprlof all
thu country "
kind. The tone I a.n hard x marble
and the angular marking arc very dl.
tlnct. - FiryinKi f.'nterjrue.
Sler) id the MIMIclnc.
l'l 1 I t
Mm niiigiuar piuui, mi woirillv
Not long nftcr, hu wits tlctivnillng
u ..iihkii iiiiuii a Biuniiiui
looking ilrcamlly upon tho
upon n atuamor, and .nnt
iinllv upon tho beautiful
country thnt Kcomed to awlmr tiv in ti...
Shleu hnio of a iiummor's day, when
u was apprtmchvil by a tall gentle,
niau, whono heavy black board made
him rttsuntblo a bonovolentold foxhwk
lug over a hedge. Ho Introduced him.
oil m Ilr. , of Now York, nnd,
apoIoglMng for hU intrunion, went on
lo ask hor many questions as to hor
condition. Ho ended by asking hor to
t-7 bis system of treatment. "Tho
brln is right i tho heart, lungs and
stomach are sound," ho said. "These
linba of yours only need proper train,
lag aad exercise to make you well.1'
"I would b glad,' she responded,
Jie nlimuli
woven with the nuimmtitlnn ami nm.irv
of our Saxon forefnjhern, and Imoparn
ble from both heathen nml Ulnlntlnu
tradltlonn of "Yule.tlde," U a co,ire,
twodenvi'il overgri'en growing on tieen,
nn many of the imnv.i mid fungi do.
ltn leaven am oblong, ami between ev
ery null- of them In found a clutter of
mnnlUtloky berrlon-t Immune of which
tho HUlHtauoo called bird lime In mndu.
During tlm Chrlatiuiw week of 1872 the
KngllMi "mlntletoo bough" was otrerml
for nnlo In Hoiton for the tlmt time.
n give our rendern the following my.
thologlonl ncoount of thin plant, Mill
dear to every Knglinh homo clmloj
Tlm mlntletoo wtw the plant
In nature to the Druldn mid early Hrlt.
onn, for it repmneuted their nun god.
Horns, of Kantern mvthology (the oil".
Mrlng of Deo nnd Virgo, which tho
Kgyptlnns represented by tlm Sphinx),
Is nlstt ll.ildur, thu loved ami curly lost,
whoso lalo lu tho Norso mythology in
llku a sunshiny frngmcut of Ionian llfo
dropped into tho Mormvcontor of Scan.
Ilniivlau oxlMenct For lhildur, the
hollotl druldn nought with prayern and
cenMUonlen on tho Mth day of thu
mo miHin the mlMlctoo which growr.m
tho naored oak. ltn discovery wan hnlN
en with songs and nncrilicc.n of white
bulls. None but tho chief priest might
jjathor It, which wnn done by soparat.
Ing it from tho tree with a golden knife.
It was caught In tho robe of tho priest,
and on no account allowed to touch the
ground. In Dcnmaric, Sweden, nnd
Norway it has still names equivalent to
"llnldur brow." It was lu high repu
tntlim with all pretenders to tho black
art, nnd is authoritatively said to mis
;os tho power of resisting lightning.
It grows In abundnnco in CeutrnlTex.
w, and it Is currently Indlevcd that if
tho troo on which it grow wens blasted
by Hg htnlng, it wju always unlujucvd.
Uiandlor says that tho custom of dock
Ing tho house at Christmas with lutstlo
too Is of oagan origin, and was done by
Urn Druids to alluro nnd comfort tho
sylvan splrlU durlug tho sleep of na-
lUrV, It is follllcl III nlill,nl.u. fr.....
Texas north to tho mouth of tho Ohio
river iVfrr's .hiim'wii JfcnfAy.
iiinwimeii, wneil III nny illlllcillty, to
Mlmtilnte olio or another branch of the
fifth nni vii, nnd quicken their inentnl
priM'ensen. Thus soma persons, when
piMxIod. nornteh their homing others
rub their foreheads, mid others stroke
or pull their beards, (hut stimulating
thu occipital, froutnl er meutnl
brnuchen of those nerves. Many (er.
mnns, when thinking, hnvea habit of
striking their lingers ngfilnnt their
noses, mill thus stimulating the nasal
eiilmieoun brunches j while hi this conn,
try some people stimulate I ho branches
distributed ti) the mucous midiihrauo of
tlm nose by Inking snuir The late
Lord Derby, when translating Homer
wan accustomed to eat bnindliM cher
ries. One mini will eul llt' wlill,, ,...,,
posing a lending nrllele . another will
suck ell icolntn cremes ; others will
smoke olgurcttcs, HiidotliHrnnlpbrnndy
mid water. Ilj these means they Mini.
uiine urn ungual nml bucenl briuicheH
of the llflh neives, mid thus rellexly
ex-llo their brniiin. Alcohol riiipears
to excite the circulation through the
briilu rellexly from the mouth, nml to
stimulate thu heart rellexly from the
Momache, ereii before II 'n ubioibiHl
Into tlm blood. Shortly nfter It Ihm
beenawnllowed, however, It lialworbed
from the ntomiiclm, mid pusses -ltli
tlm blood lo thu heart, to the brain,
ami to tlm other purl of the iiervoun
system, upon which a then beidnn to
net illrectly. Under lln liillueiice the
heart beata more otiieklv. tlm l,t,i ,.ir.
culates mom freely, ami limn the fune
I onal iiower of thg various organs In
thu body In increased sn thai the brain
may think more rapidly, the muscle
net inorit powerfully, ami the stomach
digest more enslly. Hut with thin ex.
ciipllou tint illicit I of alcohol upon the
nervous hj'Moiii limy be dusurlbed an
onu of , progressive paralysis. The
ilgher centum nuirer first, nml tlm
Juilgiimni In probnhly thu tlmt quality
to bu liupiiired. One of thu iiukl .
IcMiieil novelists of thu present dny In
forms me thnt although hu can takn a
great deal of wine without any miliar
nnt itfTiml on him, jet n single glnnn of
sherry In enough to take tlm lino edge
oil Ins Intellect. He In ablii to write
ennlly ami lluently lu the livening, nftnr
taking dinner and drinking ; but what
ho then writes will not hear hi. ,,tv
criticism next morning, nlthough. curi
ously enough, It may seem tiihlm ex
cellent at thelline of writing. An the
nlliiitt of alcohol progresses, Judgment
becomes still further Impaired, although
the other faculties of the mlml nmi- r...
main not only undiminished by thu ill
reel action of alcohol upon tho brain,
but greatly Increased by the general
u.xcltniueiit of the circulation. The Im
Mglnatlon may thus be more vivid than
usual, ami tint emotions morn lively,
ami both being morn or less liberated
from tlm control of thnm!gmciit, man
Ifest themselves lu Npirkllng wit or
withering Invective. Sheridan is said
to ha vu delivered his gt cutest speech
under the liillueiice of two bottlcnof
oliaiupiilgn, which he hud swallowed at
a single draught ; ami pursoui of over
cautious temperament and too reserved
milliners, the removal of the oxootslvu
iiistr..lut under which they habitually
not renders them, for n time, more so"
clable and ugi enable. Ilv and by, how.
ever, the other parts of tlm nervous
system are successively wgakened, the
tongue stiuuinem, thu vision becomes
double, thu legs full, ami thu man falls
Insensible. It In evident, then, that
only the llrst stnges of alcoholic action
are at all benellclul, tlm latter stages
being an clearly Injurious.
iu iicni ji he neier fiirwik In -.i.i
s pilgu." He UKik no Interest In tho bu
sinenn of tho linn, simply leaving his
money for thu others to work upon.
Hn passed hi time in the little old bar.
room tdaj lug bit favorite game with
i.i. t.t.i ,i i. ...i n.. .
... ..... .,.,., ,, Ki'iiernny winning
the live cent Makes of the toor devils
with whom heplnyed. There was noth
Ing mean about niriu. He wanslm
ply a gambler by Instinct nnd custom
n most miners nre, mid hu continued
the fascinating piny until donth claimed
him as his own winning
Them In nothing illsgrucefu, m gam
bllnglii this coiiimurifu, nnd tho men
who run the games mid steal, so lo
spenk, thu hurd-onmci! wages of the
miner nre looked noon as tht lendlii"
gentlemen" of tlm towns. Tho repu.
m!m n,'P f ,,", '" "vl"41 '" " (,'l
in is ii ici I icr in t in xi. .ii. ... i.i
I'ulHlrtl HUr.
A irmat of tho time of William
Itufm, called Kobcrt Hut Horn...!, mini
shins with long nhxrti polnn, stutred
.e!, .UW' a,1', tW ,,,CI' ,n ft ',l,r,l, ""
rids fashion took the fancy of tlm peo-
pie of that day Immunsidv, ami the
point went on IncmaMng yearly until
the reign of It chard fi., when they
had to ho tkd to the knees of the
wearer so save him from being Incum
bered in wnlklng This tilng, or fast
ening, In the case of gentlemen was hy
chains of sliver or sliver gill. In
Chaucer's time the upper part of these
Mioon was cut to Imitate a church win
ilow. Tlm rnnk of the wearer in those
dajnwas known by the length of his
piiulnlnon. "The men." sas I'aradiii,
" worelhem with a iHitnt More, Ju If a
fiMit long ; the richer and mom eminent
personages wore them a fool, and
prlnctM two feet long." Hy an act of
the reign of Kdwurd IV.. tlm nb.urd
lengths to which these points hud at-
Chuich, Mugs revlial hymns with deep h 7Y . i i ' . "" """ ". r
"iictloii, and nt the t ehN-tloii wan ,,"r?i "f " wm lo wear shoe
chose,, State Senator over a very wor- IT iU'' '" ",,h,M ,"' ,,'' '" -
thi gentlemnn merchant: Thin ',,ft,kv''K l''' wureto be rlnedantl
mmI nerve lo show tl... .ii.,.Hii.. i ' ,n"Ml. "J Hi olorgy.-.K Mr J
U.I.I..I. ....... I. !... ill.
"....-.. Kiuiiiii'in are iieiu nolo. limy
am. mi lo speak, the cream of the liuid.
A )' flmiihic
Music Stimulant.
Alllori often before Im wrote prepnr
ud his mind bj likening to music!
"Almost all my tragedies were sketch
ed lu my mind either in the net of hear
Ing luuslo or a few hour after," a cir
ciiiiintuiice which ban been recorded of
many others. Lord Hncon often had
iiiuslo played In the room adjoining hln
study. Milton listened to the organ
for hln solemn limplratlons ami muslo
was necessary to Warburton. The
symphonies that awoke lu the pootsul
limii emotions might have composed
thu Inventive mind of thu great critic
in the visions of his theoretical mynle
rles. A celebrated French preacher,
Hordolouo, of Mnsillon, wun once found
playing on tlm violin to screw bin mind
up to tlm pitch preparatory to bin nor
mini, which, within a short Interval, he
was to preach before the court. Cur
run's fnvorito mode of meditation was
with bin violin in his hand; for hours
toe-other hu would fomel hliimelf. m...
nlng voluntaries over the .strings, while
bin Imagination, colluding its tones,
were opening all hln faculties for tlm
coming emergency at the bar.
Many women would deny themselves
numerous pleasure for the ballot, and
most men would acritlej a good deal
for the ballet
The Vcrlllriillen er Hi cuius.
I hat there me mutij well utitht ntimi.
ted cases In ancient null modern times
of ilrennn being rcal'zed, cannot biiilc
nleil by any reasonnblu penuiu. The
connection between the dreainn nml tho
verlllcatlon of them In, however, a mys
tery which In unsolved, and In likely to
remain so. A story comes through tho
nnwspniHim fnmi Australia which him
the additional advantage of being viirl.
tied by nrivate letters reel v..,! I.i- .1...
samo mall The son of a gentleman lu
(Jnconshiud wan appointed to a clerk
ship Id n bunk at Urisbauc. It wnn
a part of hln duty to collect money in
outlying places mid deposit It at the
head olllce al HrNlmne. On mm nf t ),....
occasions ho received a iHuisidernblo
iimount of gold and checks. These ho
placed ii UMinl in thu iron safe, in tho
pronencoof iwoorthmnof his fellow
clerks. Having to meet soiuo membem
of bin family In the town, ho then left
the bank to Join them, and did not m
turn until the following morning. On
again opening thu safe lie made tho dis
covery that the whole of tho gold hnd
been Mo.en. No suspicion was attach
ed to him, and the matter was placed
mu nniiti oi i nn nonce. I in vnini.r
umn's friends were, however, much din.
tressed nt tho circumstance, nnd some
months afterward his father dmauied
thai tlm stolen money was burled lu tho
llotnnieal (lanleiis nt Hrinbauo Ho
thought ho saw the oxnet place, which
ho recognized fnim having fnipiontly
visited tho gunlens. Tho malllyof the
Impression prxHlucn by tho dream hnd
such nn cllect upon him thnt ho was
persuaded of tho necessity of commit
ideating with tho hank. Ho delayed
doing so for several days; but tlndlng
tho mental depression becoming Intnl.
orable, ho tnndo tho (ournev to Hrls
bano, and was thorn Informed that four
days before his arrival ono of tho other
oierKs nan confessed to tho nbtien-.
and that 600 sovereigns out of 1,300
that had bicn stolen were found buried
lu tho (tanlens at the nisv.i...
pot indicated by tho dream.
iW.VuniVif.fin?.-Three cups of
flour, ono cup of molasses, one cup of
milk, ono cup of suot, ouo cup raisins,
one teaspoonful of soda, splee to taste:
boll two hours; eat with sauce.
A New Process with fulTcc.
A (Sermnii bun just discovered a pro
cess, which Im has patented, ami by
which Im claims to bo nblu to preserve
colleu In all Its perfection, and at the
sninn timu to render it moru portable
ami unalterable for a length (,f time.
To cllect hln object, Im subjects the
freshly roasted and ground colleo to n
pressure of from III to 70 atmospheres
(33 pounds to tlm square inch in each)
In suitable ca.t-lron molds. Tint colleo
Is thus made into cakes, nml comes into
tlm market lu a form resembling choco
late, divided like the latter by lines, to
facilitate breaking into pieces of suita
ble sire for use. Thu interior surface
of thu mold is highly which
means the outer crust of Jhe compress
ed colleo is made Milllolontlv smooth
and hard to prevent the tendency of
the etheral nil of the berry to escApo
fioni tlm interior of the cakes. Tim
volume of thu eofl'oo thus prepared Is
reduced to less than on.t-thlrd of that of
tlm orlglunl. Tlm Inventor claims tlmt
thu operation does not in tho least nf
feet tlm good qualities of the article,
and thai it can be packed ami trans
ported in tin foil, or otherwise, preserv
ing its aroma imlclluitely.
Was H A Miracle
A circumstance in related of a recent
marvelous restoration of the human
voice, which had been lost fur a num.
her of years, which Is worthy of more
than a pasMug notice. A lady ol Hon.
ton, now some thirtv-tlve oars of aire.
several years since had the misfortune
to almost completely lose tlmusu of her
vocal organization so much so, in
fact, thnt with the exception of very
rare occasions, she was unablo to speak
alnive a whisper. Some throe weeks
ago she read nn ncoount of a remarka
ble euro nlleeted by Dr. Cullls, thmugh
tho Instrumentality, as It wan s-vld, of
faith and prajer, tlm doctor placlur his
hand upon the lady's head, ami at the
conclusion of a fe'rvent appeal to the
Supremo Helng, the lady anise and ex
claimed. "1 have got my voice as well
as over," ami sue remains in the com
plete possession of it up to the present
time. The circumstance Is a singular
one, to say tho least, Tho ladv of
cooi-m! attributes tho cum loan implicit
faith in the doctor's prayer ; but ho
that ns it may. them is no question
other than ihat a radical cum has been
HUNK M l'ule t'oMlVltfcloM.
Ill tho year IfiCO two men mimed
Perry, and their mother, wete hanged
for the murder of n man who hnd never
been munlcrcd nt all. Mr. Harrison,
Lady Campden's steward, having lieen
collecting his rents, suddenly disap
peared. John Terry accused his
mother, himself and timther of having
nibbed Mr. Harrison in the pmvious
year, and of having robbed nhu and
munlered hltn on the night when ho
was missed. Tho mother and Klchanl
Perry denied all knowledge of tho mat
tor ; but at length pleaded guilty to
tho tirst indictment under some pres
sure of policy, Tho other Indictment
was not then proceeded with, on tho
ground that the body was not found.
Hut John jiersUtod lu'hls storj. and at
tho next assizes they were all tried for
murder. John then retracted his con
fession, and said ho must have been
mad. Nevertheless, they were all con
demned. Some jcars after Mr. Har
rison appeared alive, and thus account
ed for his mysterious absence. After
receiving his rents he had been set
To Cure n Cold.
A bad cold, like uieiisl.M or mumps,
or other similar nllinoiit,tw run Its
coiirsiMif iitMiut ten days, In spite of
what may be done fur II. unless rcmedlni
means am employed within fortj .eight
hours of Its Inception. Many ft useful
life may bo spared to tie increasingly
useful, by cutting n cold Miort on". lii
Urn followlnir short and slmnl.t mi.m..r
On tlm lirst .lay of taking a cold, there
is a very uiiple-isaul sensation of chilli,
liens The moment you observe this,
go to your room mid Mny them; keep it
at such a temperature a.n will entirely
prevent this chilly feeling, von if It re
quires n hundred degrees of Fahrenheit.
In addition, put jour feel in water, hnlf
leg deep, as hot as you can bear It,
adding hotter water from time to tlmo
inr a quarter ol an hour, so that tho
wnter shall be hotter when you takn
your feet out than when jou put them
in; then dry them thoroughly, nnd put
on warm thick woolen stockings, even
If It be niiiiituor. for summer colds are
the most dangerous; mid for twentj -four
hours, not eat nn atom of food- but
inn m inrgely as you desire of any
kind of warm tens, ami al tlm end of
that limn, if not sooner, the cold will bo
cllectiially broken, without any medi
cine vthntiivcr.
F.lllciuut as the above nieaitt. ur.t nut
one In a thousand will attuml 1 1 them,
led on us men urn by the hope that n
cold will puss off of itself; nevertheless
thin article will now and then pass under
the eye of a wise man. who does not
choos.j to run tho double risk of taking
physic mid dying too.
To lecture .t train.
Anna Dieklu-ou, since her theatrical
experionco of last sennou, has been de
voting herself to the study of French
history, in which she had alrendy be
come interested to mi unusual degree,
nml, nl the solicitation of friends, Mm
him consented to npponr nguln on the
leeliim platform, uml give, in a series
of lectures, tho result f her similes.
Miss Dickinson has consented to this
arrangement will, reluctance, fearing
that it might be snld that sho had gtv
en up her Intention to follow tho stage.
Her lectures will bo delivered In only
the largest cities, beginning In New
. ork. ami her subjects for the scries,
which will Include four lectures, will
bo "Joan of Am," "Henry IV.," "Vol.
taire." ami "Danton." Sim will be
under tlm management of the Ameri
can Literary Human. Mis Dickinson'.!
return to the lecture Hold should not' bo
construed into any abandonment of her
ineairical aspirations. She nttrlhutes
her ill.fortumi theatrically to the treat
incut she received al the" bauds of tho
the New York critics, mid sho has de
termined to wait for nn auspicious time,
and thou to trend the boards again in
characters of her own creation. Xcw
l'vrk Sun.
llo .tf, -riMir- Mrr.nnjujr.l;'.
AisltiillM ila rrH
An extraordiuarj was trsterday
heard at How street, bvforo Sir James
Ingham A man named Kdwurd Hyrne
Madden, aged M, d.mcrib.-d on the
charge-sheet as an interpreter, was
brought up In custody far having writ
!''.". !'VMr. Cnm m-tMr, Adolphus
Mddell, the Hrmsncnt scrvtnry for
the homo olllce, several letter? threat
etilng her miijestj's life.
The present Is the slxlh time that her
majesty's life has been either nti..mi.t.
iil or, at nny rate threatened. On tho
10th of June. 1810, a half-witted lad,
named Oxford, fired twice at the queen,
an sho was driving with Prince Albert
up ('institution Hill. Ho wnn tried at
the Old llalley; lefom Mini I), nrnau.
Haron Aldumou and Justice Patterson,
and the iury found thai the pistols had
been discharged, that there was m
proof Mint thuy had been loaded with
ball, and that Oxford himself was in
sane. The unfortunate lad was detain
ed some time as n lunatic, ami It wius
understood nt the time thnt. in the
opinion ol conna-tout medical men, he
was never likely lo mooter. In I SI:1,
John Francis llmd at iier, nml
Miinii live months afterward a man
iinmcd ltimn presented a pi-tol at her
Fight jours later a cnick-braln.M fel
Nov of the name of Pate, formerly a
iientHiiHiit of the tenth hussars, lay In
wait for the queen as she was driving
otil of the residence of the duke of (.'mil
bridge. Piccadilly, mid nlua-d a violent
mow nl her with his walking stick,
crushing her bonnet over her forehead.
II n wan tried at the Old Halley Iwifom
Mr. Hnrou AlderMMi, ami tho' plea of
Insanity, which was, of course, )t up
in Ids behalf, was negatived by the ju-
Soon nfter the acquittal of Oxford, a
special act of parliament hnd been pass
ed, providing, nuiongother things, thnt
nny onu guilty of nn assault upon tho
queen shall bo liable to transportation,
or to Imprisonment with or without
hard labor, together with three whli
pings, cither public er private, tho
amount nnd character of which is left
to tho court to determine.
Pate, nlthough tho jury declined to
liud him Insane, was beyond all ques
tion so far irrcsiMjnslbfo for bin own
conduct that Mr. Huron Aldersou omit
ted thu whipping, mid tlm sentence of
transportation which was formally pass
ed wnn afterwards commuted.
For two nnd twenty years after Pato's
insauo not of violence, her mniesty wnn
allowed to rest in ponce, lu February
of 187U, however, n llfth foolish and
wickud attempt was mndu to frighten
i;ui. j mu cnuuii u uontior, grand
NlHKulur 4'li-'MtMiiHr..
For a long tlmo a lump has been oh
servablo In the side of thu Jiw of a
liorso belonging to Superintendent Or
bison, of the (iould A- lleleher and Host
& lleleher mines. The lump lay in near
tho jaw.bonc, ami could be moved
nbout under the skin. It seemed very
hard, and no liniment had power to
soften or to drive il a.wnj Yesterdav
a veterinary surgeon made an incision,
and to his aMonlMimoul and that of all
present brought to He-lit a nml
smooth stone, ab.ut two Inches long
.mil ono Inch in dliineter. Tho stone
was of u yellowish white color, nnd np
parent ly us hard its marble. In order
to make sum as to the nature of tho
stone, Mr. Orblon took il to the Jewel
ry store of M. M. Fmderick and had It
sawed In two lengthwise. When the
stone was thus cut in two them was
seen in tho center what had .inc.. tin.
doubtedly lieen a grain of barley, half
oi wmen wjvs visioin in each piece of
tho stone, tho grain looking an though
petrltled. Around this nuelen th
stone had formed in rogular layers or
growths, i ho rings of wliich were ills
tinctly to bo traced. The material of
which tho stone was formed appeared
lo lie tho samo found lu tho incrusta
tions on tho tubes of boilers. It is
thought that tho grain of barley pierced
the skin of the horse's mouth and im-
nephew of Fcargus O'Connor, n silly
shoo boy, who had trailed his head by
rvadlnir stupid romances, nrcseni..,! ,,
pistol at her majesty as she wits alniut
to alight from her carringo at Hucking
p Palace. Put upon Ids trial at tho
Old Ualloy, ho persisted in pleading
guilty, and was very properly sentenc
ed hy Mr. Huron Cleasby to a year's
bard labor nnd twenty strokes with a
nlrch rod.
Such Is tho history of tho most noto
w orthyattonipU which have been made,
not to nsnasMnato but to frighten tho
queen. In all it is mom than doubtful
whether any serious intention existed.
Pate nml OVonnor, nlthough not ju
dicinllj found insane, wore yet, beyond
a I question, so far lunatic as to Justify
their detention. Oxford was admitted
lyoutof his mind, and uch"nlil.t la.
terest an still attaches to the records of
ins trial centers in tlm question w beth
el tlm two pistols which hu discharged
were actually loaded with hall, or
whether, llku thu silly toy of the boy
O'Connor, they wero no" better than
empty popguns.
'I ho present charge is one even less
worthy of sorbins consideration than
thoo which It follows. Instead of fir
ing a pistol, whether loidcd or not, at
tho queen, or presenting n pistol at her,
or even going so far as to hit bur with
a stick, the man Madden, who is old
enough to know better, Is charged, in
so fir as the facts of the case have been
at present made public, with writing to
the homo tilleo to threaten that it was
his Intention to take his sovereign's
llfo. unless something or other which
hu wants done is dono forthwith. Aon
don Stimilitrtt.
bedded itself in tho tlesh : that tlm -..
liva from tho mouth of tho animal then
flowed in on tho barley ami deposited
upon it limey matter, such as some
times forms upon tho teeth of nieu and
animals. A small concretion having
thus been formed it grew to be a nod
ule of the size mentioned, the channel
by which the grain of barlej entered
having no doubt remained open all the
time, thus allowing of an inflow of the
salivary matter from which the stone
was deposited. None of our veterin
ary surgeons or horsemen have ever
before seen or heard ol a case of the
Popularizing Gambling.
Casanova, after his miraculous es
cape from his prison at Venice, was tho
lirst to develop in 17A7. to nny extent
the love 1-rencli people had for games
of chance, democratizing and popular
zing gambling. Hi, arrived In Paris
on tho very night Dnmlcn, the regicldo,
made his attempt on Louis XV., with
empty pockets, reljlngfor his future on
uiii into patronage of the Abtht do Her
nls. whom he bad known when the
Abbe was French Ambassador at Ven
ice. Ho came at a most opportune mo
ment, when thocoilorsof tho State were
empty, nnd when twenty millions were
required to build the colo Mllltniro.
Ho managed to secure thu good graces
of the Marquiso do Poinpidour, and
organized, under royal patronai-e, a
lottery with such success that tho do-
iici.ih mo DiMgut was mom than made
up, and the adventurer Casnnova be
caiue a rich and Influential gentleman.
His friends imagined he had found tho
Philosopher's stone, and, ju he says in
his memoirs, "I went out of an evening
with my peckets tilled with lottery tick
eLs. ami returned home at night with
my paper turned into gold."
Vied Vfuof s. Potatoes sliced very
thin, should bo cooked In a deep skif.
ivi, win iani or nutter must bo boiling
hot. If placed in a wire sieve, much
time is saved and trouble spared.
irei?'. Half pound of butter, two
pounds of flour, ono pint of milk, six
eggs, three tablespoonfuls of yeast; if
liked sweet, half pound of sugar, stir
red in when they rinj; a little salt. Bake
In patty.panx.
the agricultural paper generally are
entering into a pretty free discussion
oa the good qualities of sorghum.
? i
A' I