The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 09, 1879, Image 7

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f !ft-'
fVaaUfn! Vtit. M,r at tt fchtxit1
Hrijchu-st i (I- thit m tk Hvd Us
Hornlnc s, r.lcdr ht Watra kk-rotsf.
TcmUr WWrtunji)( frtm -a iii.
Where th sua mVltes it eait HJi its ere.
Ere he dr tmr Dm Ml 1m flrtl brants,
Bat-Hit thmj lt, bit o' Ik 1H 4r
LlVruMtir Mr tfitWscs-iltrfcs in) diesms.
Quro ct 0rWTit -at! roadti tij tWrj,
Hut fslMlsa'lrM-krUir Ittr, t li Ua',
Fled, llVr U.r ttKV( wjtali iUii,
With th flr.t statl u I he . rkitl H(kt
latria ftele- of (fee tle
Some author acrt tht smoking
date hack to antiquity. He tht a It
may, we can surely trace It back to the
aborigine of America. The smoking
ol herb or leave for medicinal pur
poses has been practlccd'JrovS a vcrj
carl, period In many countries. Inas
much m pipes have kn dug ul' In
places near the Kotuaa wall.ln the north
of Kngland ami at the Human stations.
It ha been taken for cranial that Hip
Human soldiers smoked flfteen hundred
year ago.
Oliver Cromwell .w bitter enemy
to smoking, a were alo Oiarle I d
fMmrl.. 11. lint, notwithstanding ier-
secution, smoking grew in favor, ami
In tho reign of William III. It " 1
most a unhcrsal custom, "l'ip" grew
long' thcr, ami, rub d by a Dutchman,
all Kngland smoked."
Some of the Puritan were moderate
smokers of Kngland and also In Amer
lea, and some of the New Kngland w
men etijoytd Indulging l I'll"-
Mm, Mary llowlattdon, wife of Hev,
Joseph UowtaiidMiti. of l.iucaiter.Ma
sachuoetti. had the misfortune to bo
captured by tho Indian In tho jcar
176A, during Kilter I'hlllp' wr ''
brought lnU tho orenct of ThUlli,
that redoubtabl'(Wlcfaln courteouly
offered her a dw, actNirdlnj to tho In
dian 'utoni. Hut amoklni:, h ).
Did not null my Mrewsnt feellj;s for.
though 1 had formerly made un of to
liavco. et I had lined none lnce I waa
taken.'' Tho fahUm l not yut entln
y obolcto nnionj: the women of New
England, and l lnduljel In by im of
tho women of tho wol and nouth.
In 1.V.9 Cardinal Bt, CjoIx. who wa
a great mokcr. Introduced tobacco Into
In 16J0 Toim) liiBocunt XII. excom
inunlcatcd all who should tako anufTor
u lobacoo In church; but In 1724 I'ope
benedict revoked this bull, ft ho him
self used tobacOit'lmmodenilely.
1'orhann th inoit rtClrated fnnalti
smoker was Madamo DiMloi ant ((Jeorge
Sand), who lovtsl to smoko a cigar
while nt work on lwr fnterestluir novels
Kiully faithful Is voryMond of smoking
lUilturt Hall, Uo celebrated divine.
Is said to navo preached his most elo
quent formous after smoking a pip In
his vestrv. This waa also the ca with
Dr. Tarr. who sometimes smoked twen
ty pipes In an evening, and never wrote
well except under the influence of to
bacco. Illshop Kennot relate that
Thomas llobbs, tho philosopher of
Mahuoaburr, retired to bU stwdy ervry
day after illnunr, and bad his cndln
and ten or twelve pipes ol tobacco laid
by hlmt then, shutting the door, lie fell
Ui thinking, smoking and writing for
several hours. Although ho smoked
excessively, he lived to the ago of
Sir Isaac Newton was very fond of
his pipe. He lived to a ripe old age.
and lost but ono tooth which would
seen to disprove tho assertion that to
JbhTco Injures tho teeth. Alfred d
Mussct, IVosper Merlmco and Kugene
Sue were excasslvo smokers, lord
Palmnrston was a great smoker, and
smoked his ten or twelve cigars a day,
to "preserve his health," he said; this,
too, after be had passed his eightieth
. .M 111 .l-.
1 nomas C'ariyie, in mu wcauici,
likes to sit or walk in his garden and
smoke a long clay pipe. Iord l.vtton,
Lord Kldon, tjuls Napoleon, Moore.
Campbell, and Byron were moderate
smokers. The late J. M. Kcroble, au
thor of "The Seasons In Knitland," was
a tremendous smoker. !ord Deacons
field loved the long pipe In his youth,
but In middle age pronounced it "tho
tomb of love." Ho gave up smoking
year ago to please his wife.
John allium never went to bed with
out having first smoked a ri ana
urann a giaaa in ; .-.. -..
tofreiiuent "Button's," where he had
a pipe in his mouth at all hours.
Fielding, the famous novelist, both
smokrdand chewed. Dickens, Jerrold
and Thackeray all puffed. Sir Waller
Scott smoked In hi carriage and regu
larly after dinner, loving both pipe and
cigars. He gave tho following advice:
"Hcarn to smoke slowly. Cultivate
calm and Intermittent puffs."
nhaxlr Lamb has sunctbe virtue of
a 1: .J .!& A alii t sasaee. ttatssfl
tobacco in hi povm "Farewell to To
bacco." in which hbowns his Weakness
in the famous word. :
"For thjr sk, tobacco, I
WoulJ do ssj tiling hat dlf."
Ben Jonson loved the "divine, wtwl "
and ilescribee Its ue with the gosto of
a connoiseur. Kev. C. 1L Spurgi-on,
the celebratMl Baptist preacher of I'm
don, la a great smoker. On one occa
sion Bar. (J. II. Pentecost, of Boston,
addressed an audience in Sourgeon'a
Ubernacle, in which bo tlenoenced
.mnkinir u an offense In the sight of
God. When he had fksished speaking
Mr. Spurgi-on got up aaa tola nt peo
ple that be saw no possible barm in
smoking, mm! electrified Brother Penl
cost by remarking lha.1 aa soon as tb
service were over be intended Ui smoke
blroelf. 1U!T. W. H- IL Murray, of
Boston, enjoys a cigar as well as a gtKi.1
dinner. Tbo same may w "
great many celebrated divines.
The late Commodore VauderMlt was
an invsterata smoker, and woold smoke
and play whist for hour. U. 8. Grant
smoke. He is said to hav once re
marked that in the wf the e&cmj
could do him no greater injury than to
steal hU clgara just Ix'Jortr t bUle;
EdiMn smokes and :be. John
Swinum smokes tuodrraUlj. Thomas
Bailey Aldrkhsiaokef the bet lisraaa
cigars, which, 'j ,mV ?,i,in,r
tonUpoetr,. Oliver Wendell Ilolae
lore tobacco and good punch- JnM
H. OgooJ, the f S8K H"tn paMWh-1
er, U a vry nervow wan, and rhVps
a cki cigar irruenHj. ixuag at u in
a vlelou manner
t)er Dlt. now nesrh Trntr
jesrs oUU bkAm at regular InU-nali
iurlajt-'" dv. CJisriesA H Shj
Iwrd. H It iVknor and Agutin
Itsgtf are grest niVrr, John Itatt
lett, author of "llartleU's KamllUr
tJukUtlwti." fiod a gt c;r
Ciest plrsture while making hu re-
Mri Ie4.
The Cfcarl Sprague, koilllhn
orrlght tears of sge, wa acontant
mokrr l(e wrete a poro, " Vo My
Ogar," lu which thr lnv trnxnir
Tr. 'tl fHJ, I Wt lhr It,
ta Ifaraot t v tyiu .
TV; flood H 4bf rtv4J &(!,
AtvJ Uj ta Orlitt
J antra Hurll Uirll molcJ a ple,
Ilajard Taylor wa r.ill) at home,
with a pltHt or e.gar John (t, Saxe
Uth smokis abd chews. President An
drew Jackson smoked a corn-vb plt.
Most of our politicians, lawyer, ph
ician, and many of the clergy, u u
bsivo. Tith thre In It favor, whr
bould any be against llf- .NVa- lor
Hrellter (JaHsrr's Uase-Ktln ilab.
Kivn'lHien. if im c a pusnin rush-
In roun de world enve4oel in a dltuund
pin an a ulster, andat any sign dat he
pays taxes, rents a church jew, an
brings his chllIeH Up In de way dey
should gof
lUotlier Oanlner looVettdown uHn
tho sixty -four face In the orehctra
chairs, but not a tolco remdrl.
"When J oil r a puou ralel In a
skv-blue cultar, imshlii de lines oor
fast hoo an iookin outer hi left eye a
if he had de bulge on all de cottier lot
in town, am dat rntiy sign dat a single
grocer Would trust him for a l of
sa'dlnee or n ieck of carrot f"
The elder Tool heated a deep lgh,
and Huckleberry Jonr silently oratch
wl his off leg Just Mow the knee.
"When a wan takes up fo seat lu a
kyar, pushes foUsaioun tn de market,
elbows arnun de City Hall, an gits d
fiut place at do atamp window In de
l'otol!lc', am dat eanj sign dat when
It cxme to de pull he'il give hair a lol
iar's worth of wtol ter keep an orfuit
asiium front freesln ti dealiif Dostit
you black folk git dut lu ver eyest
l)r's a heap of sand an saw dut hulls
woruld dat pase for ugsr to de man
walkln by, but when ou come to do
I illicit do sugar ain't tfar D saw dust
iitlges up an de saw dust creep suit.
an J on am dls'pltitiMl and disgusted.
It's Vlmler hanl to hev to eat cold tur
nip when joit know dat de fam'ly next
doah ant litxurialin on w't cake an
turkey, but If de turnip am paid for,
you nsx'dit't fear of ei digestion I ex
peel dat do h'arafter am tie biggest ling
enny of us bur got to work fur, an I
tolo you, brudiiers, dat big seal-rings
nn pants cut twenty-two IiicIms aoro
do Mill am nowhaf alongside of a kin
word an a honest heart. - reif Frtr
The Tai en Hitler.
Grocer and dealers lu general mer
chandise, particular y In the country,
will bo Interested In the announcement
that by a decision of the Commissioner
of Internal ltevenue, person selling
Plantation Bit urs, and similar bitters,
will lie required to pav n special tax as
Jliptor dealers, Ui the Onltcd States gov
ernment. This ruling will lake effect
January 1, 1870. KzcMngtt
Tho following decision exempts Hop
Orricic or Intkunai. Itr.VRNtrr.
Wamiinotoh. Dec. 1.1th, l78.
SlKt I am In receipt of ) our letter of
the 10th Instant, and also of a bottle la
beled "Hon Bitters," held out and rec
ommended as a medicinal article- a
specifio remedy for various disease
with directions for uw. and having af
fixed thereto a four cent proprietary
stamp. You desire to be informed if
this article, under ine. late ruling oi
this office, will be h?ld to be a medicin
al article.
In reply I have to Inform you that an
examination of tho sample forwarded
satisfies me that the article In question
is not, in any sense, an alcoholic- bever
sge or liquor, and could not be sold for
use, exoept to persons dcslrouAl of ob
taining medicinal bitter.
Mv decision, therefore, upon this Bit
ters Is that when properly tamped, ac
cording to Schedule A, iwvtsea niaiuw
of the United Stales, ji may oe raanu
factum! and sold like any other medi
cine without the pavmenl of any spe
cific tax therefor. Very respectfully,
Gkkkn B. IUum. Commissioner.
A. T. Soule. Esq.. Pre. Hop Blturs
M'fg Co., M) Mill Street, Itochester, N.
In the Wreng BMfgy.
Last nljfht two buggies stopjicd at
,he Capital Hotel, and two gentlemen
Jumped out simultaneously and went
Into the hotel, leaving two ladles in
their respective buggies. One of the
men came out In advance of the other,
nn,! bvlhn uncertain Iteht thrown from
the hotel, was led asldo from th a:tual
fact in the little matter of getting In
the light buggy. In a won!, Mr. J.,
pit In with 5Cr. K, who were as total
ly unknown to each other, so fr a ac
quaintanceship l concerned, aa If one
ba4 nren wo years ago id uk: mum
the othsr hadn't been born. Aa mar
ried men often do, Mr. ir drove some
distance before spaitlng. Finally be
"I've got a corn on my toe trie one
yon perriit In potting jour foot on. Uv
that latrt about a bad as the com
mon rus of things generally do."
The ady was very much surprised
and ratber bautlly replied;
Tol'vb hem trrlnif to nick a near-
rel will we all day, and now to make
the mttter more exasperating, you
change your voice to n unnatural
"ItVyofl, madam, who have Chang
ee My voice I natural. I am not
trying Joaasnme anything. You screech
like so old gate."
"Yot are an old fool."
"i my teeth here; you sLan'l wear
tbeta itiotber minute." . . .
Tejthl tcetli! What In the world do
you n-raaf
Bmjtist then driving tbrwgb Soo4
of Ufht, the parties recogntzd that
they Bdn't recognise.
J . stttfflnr th
bort and stralfhtraine hlmlf utv ' I
g hlmlf utv
. - a. i
feup too will excuse me, Sit I would
like to ka bow )vw cit la tnt !
p, and furthermore. IM like a Mute
tnlelllgeoc as rrgrl the whielmu
of my wife, hst h. voo done with
her. madam'
"I don't know wht
tJet oot of nv buittM r '
jvm n. , 1
"Vour bujrgy? Vhv. msdm )iu
are telJe toure. wnien isci i oe-
Jdore t
, .. extent th t I wt 1 l
itlT. ii VV"" .. I n. .11.
ioe' dir m hooteI lu.t h
and when onVr Dailev came o lh
h the woman lulll n the nun's
The bogg was drixen back U the
Capita) lust In tln-e to meet t4hr
oogjp", the owopanls of which ki a
kltutUr xerirncev - ,trtaav fVa
The first day of the year, for many
ags and in .ariou paj-i t4 the wtrld,
ha hsHin rrlebralt-tl as a religious and
social festival With the Jews the new
year comturucd. and still commence,
with the auluninal immth, Tlitl, the
first da) Mug relebrate,! by them with
(xuttlderable caremony. The llotusn
made a special holiday of It, offering
acrlllcs to Janut, wluwe principal fe
tll Kcctirrrl on thl dst, and taking
care that ail they thought, said and did
boutd le pure and favoiahle, ltice ev
erj thing was ominous for the oornr
rencs' tif the whole year They appeal
ed in the street In frti e garment, ex
ehnlig'Hl Uudlv salutations, and gan lo
e.ich other preeitls, consisting of gilt
dale, tigs, hone) cake, and eopoet
coins listing on one side the double
bend til Jaittls, and on the ol he I a ship
This custom of (Kotowing present
made by some of tht emperor an Im
ptirtaut sotine of Mirittal retenue. utt
til ItttMlitled b the Kltiperor Clatlillll
The earlj Christian ciiiMrora. howeer,
CotiUlitiel to teoelve tlinin, uotaith
standing Ihev were condemned b) the
ryileiatloriNuiiulls(in aroount of the
pagan (vremotihui aivt)itipnnlng their
I lie letowal ol cms on Mw 1 ear
day wa not peculiar to the llomsns
The Druids dlslribtttetl branch,' of the
snored inlsllcttM', cut wih peculiar ter
euioitles, a Now Year's gift among
the people, am! the Saxon of the north,
avoidllig to Hlilioti Stlllliigrieet, ot
sencd thefestltnl with more than otdi
nary Jollity ami fensling, and h) cnd
log gift to one Mtolher In spile of
the opposition of cicletastlcl oooti
oil, tlie pracllco tMntlnuiMl through the
middle age, and among kings and
llielr Mvserftll aal the liilerehnHgtt
of preseuU wa a distinguishing fea
tore of Ihn llrst day ol the new )ear
Henry 111 of Kugland. Is said to have
oxtorlcd New Year's gift, and (Jur-eii
Kllale',h' wanlrolie ami Jewelry were
prolmbly almost whollv upplteii from
these nniiunl iMintributlon It appear
that the lonl, splrllttal and temporal,
of the realm, tho chief oftlcers of slate,
and the sen ants of tho royal household
down Ui the master cook, of
the pastry, am! dustman, were among
tho contributor of tlirso largesse,
which consisted of money, rich wearing
apparel, plate, Jewel, sweetmeats, and
an Inllnlto rarlely of other things, Dr
Drake sa)s that although the Queen
made return to the New Year's gifts,
in plate and other article, she took
care that the balance liould ho In hnr
own favor. As late as 1(1'.' 'J, It appears
that the P.ngllth nobility were accus
Inmed, "every New Year s tide, to send
the king a purse with gold l'i It." Un
der the fudors and Stuarts New Year's
gift were given an! received with mil
tual withes of a happy new year among
all condition of pooplo. An orange
sturk with clover, or a gilt nutmeg was
a opular gift; tenants sent their land
lords capons, and ladle received pre
enta of glove or pint, or in lieu there
of money, a cuitom from which wo have
the term "glove money," ami "pin
In England the ringing In of the new
year from the belfries of churrhe has,
of later years, been the prlmlpal ojwn
demonstration of oy at the recurrence
of tbo anniversary. In Germany mam
ceremonies derived from old supersti
tions are in vogue, but throughout con
tinental Kttrotie, although Die day Is a
universal holiday, congratulatory wish
es have been generally substituted for
the more stilxtantlal expressions of e.
leem formerly InU-rrhangixi tiy iriemia.
In Paris, and other Urge cities, almost
Incredibly large sums are still extend
ed In bonbons, and similar articles, for
In the United State the day I made
the occasion of social visit by gentle
men among the families of their ac
quaintance a custom originating in
New York, and dating back to It set
tlement b) the Dutch,
The horses on the I'hiladelpbla rail
ways are not fed with oats, chopped
corn and hay Wing found to be more
deirable fodder Ther fallen more
rapidly on this food, which It Is said
gives them greater strength and endur
ance than any other. The cost, too, of
corn I much Uianoau. Fifty year
ago the princljial food for work horso
was col straw and bran, mixed and
moistened, with the addition of corn In
the ear.
H ) ar if write
To lick headarbs, tbit lafslUU tfmAimtA
m dlsnffilrred stjmacJ;, Mtf Slid torW. Msor
suffer Una It a mwij Uifrs or fixtt dan a
a k. Tl7 do ki aetdbasly. foe llottif'
fiOiwa tUttars. by tjJg tk Uillt "t
gsti ad riculsUs; ta ImwiIs sad liter, fs
taoris U can sal dUfU Ui palatal tup
torn, "th leUnat sftafaUir Utr t.s
t.fkla aad lbs aUUsmtasl itcVm riwi Ur
lltUst dlordr .Sttillf the IstUf UiUfs-
t,airsiV, objbj te wi r BVV atkro are eh a av r A
Th rrf'jrm laitltntsrd bt tk Hitler U Ux
dlC'ttlts, srcTctit aad tnacusllts tauclUsu
sr w nv or ctsoa, as cusr si4 we
UtvrMt. ttitiiU, tU U looij-4' nutttioa
(4 tt abol tihjtiedicutiMST, tl. Um
tkio of iitlU iA ir'r, sad n trfet la
U acarr of Us sjiWm to rtst dlw of a
nslsrUI Ul,.
Orncs Fiarr .Vtiosl Us.
LikCTssin. O, Apr t.tsTa.1
J,uti. A .V ttfMA 4 I a
OssTtXMsa Hkiln bsd yter W utir
VilfiJ lariKUMSScbdMl U sa j lean
sin. It aff rds m pUKure to Uru-U. U
IU sftrvrr lu relkrlAjf as of Uj B.say vVtAl
roWs 1 bstc Ui'0 WBtunubttr ntvU lo tur
tract. It ;) s cis Ilk s tK, sSofdiax
ttDavrdisU rUl lo a-A Wt, km or votes.
I abd vl sxd suomw ol its losrs
FsrsaAjtiss, aaesirr.
"Madam." said Mr
T UsM la tfct War M.
Th entire smiHiol r( gy$A la tKs
rld at prertt Is ftlntsirtl j nesilj i
lrt Mllkvoi (f I tV(XU) f ! F
In th l'nllr.1 Sui- csdasis. A MllKw H
talH, MVktxl uU, u ,n
h iere "
A tHoussa-d ,
luilllon I tiHre re4lv iprei,frt i
owtspJtllr eew t(xHis.m tullhn I
tnesn iuvt t,vibUr and nnsnfUlli.I
than seren HUltm Ho nmrh uAh i
gnM onll thai make' nue pdd I
k,f lh,wlwB Mw M ,
' "l tM of water weigh
u tHn,w awstHMiMl sad esM, sfwh
ounco of flue gidd s wotth, trA
on, tUr more than til, s that a
ruble foot of the )v)ios mel ssmild
hsie a value of about fJLVtltA X
ruble, )td of gM, l-elag twl evn
unics a more. woMin o wotin oer
.,UU and 7V) mbV )td would
ivntaln watlderaMy mote than ths
w hide sum of gold on the glota. All ol
It might be contained In a hhwk s,tn
seventeen feet high, wnll eight feet
wide, and Atl)-lx feet loag
" Mrt.Hrari Wwrt Hsrrhrr.
taM letae "lk mn tM Vi,a,fcs ,J
s.Ut,' llms Wi's ntrt Uf o, U
!, st s,s awr-, lit Is MtStjvsis,
line Mtttl t ! , )M - VV l
Mk ( ItatK la IkU stslssnrsl. It
s. uafxftaaste la Lsist,, H Is stiHiirl ,
Ik Klslt,i 4 iif v, ,wJ U .Snl
II k frt- be Utra iff la Uv ,4 Mt.
eOht II xl M W Itilt'stle-t M ts iMsltiMi
er wsats i A,i..yii W Is a I l(t"-
Mi-t) Xa
ims, ia; mvuu in it. 4 l.-j tot
M ea liii Wiil .j last Mrs. U) ,
lll, lht vH III lx.1.1 sJ t.-r l.ttl
-t IV wv:.
tvtxaUl smW IKsl nxU
Ihti tlrst
st t Ur lltr'i mtat Sons.
Mrlll A4tset Ullth r,,l i4,Mnt hi
494 ID-I tMNklta ! flI AltrMSknt 111
iv k evatsUs ,! U X( t-f -4 l r.t,H4
I'sUt stvl a.ntMls ViW l f .k
juktl A.M't lt suti H N ilHt. U.
II, imrtu,N y
rrali rllolesl'l lrsMl, s'ssmmIs
if t4l "friMns t UrvmrXtl fW ix ' tt ,..
Iitsd atlk lit lullr.l e.mMi la t,Mi iPl
rj 1h MislnUln Ihr es,t l,vllL.4, the)
list Jutll) K'lUllt'l 7&s s Ult
imi:i ton n.iitiJtNn,
tvlifi It o t lt ita M ft kV
e.1 tt tltrfimra or hrr uNle mi a l, I-
iii'o jltlnj ltllt,ilis Ui auscV if
Vltr suits rdlnl veteftte, l-ul whfti rsUl
mrrilitttMis sitlil Is ins.U apol r"iue , s
Utlil I, iomIWs srwo , to sll. siv.l K, (,,,
If I 111, US ali.t tllttt In ilsllt. st.tMlM (lll
fHmrli. t Iiitiv l.r,itiitl) n4 iHt
livsittl) eHnnirHl ll.i lllltets ( I lis l
li list Vi in sii'l nit fittn.W, Simlj h
tlstint llifjf U l0 tUl fit Isntltl i Ms I
lll IK-I l altixHit lltM "
It? - - -, Wsil.Ujt.wi, C
I'ot tariitt wf, 1ill' 1U ,a, . i,
th fll'o.l of Oir l).tll.. sn.l IhiiMicti stj h
ilsi(r i lint tti t,m t( IIohssMs still
stick lo lilt ul. I lllm.t. sivt
s Hi sll j ltft
lhj l IimIi
r ilsltj le.lti.j tlisli tlitu,
Ui iKs In.ns ll,t,
Mr (lustsfus r Usll, ef til llsl (fs
lloui, tlls "Altrl ill rt( to sit
rolitlnftil, ss at slso m nnl .!, Ilisl jiwf
(. klNilllii lis slul Is tltktlirlPC emi.lrllul
Clll til lull abrf f li'l Imm M Jtsi
Srtl liiarst Wxvil, nni aixl il-sn-t , Inll
lilflirst prtessl, bst ifl hsiMl, litis s a I,!
tsrlslimil lot til Mhi , llsinlla I al-lut I
WHsnliiits '! I Hl' " sfiltltl. s rarg
ml lrtl Hi) hied lratiual wills Unci
Hsrtt' t4ttllluiSiadr It urn l blmi.1,
lln.Mitrs IM --tll. iNltrs U4.1 h. (Ms.
lroiwSu, lntlf"its l))S)slm nl atll t)
Ui anlnisl In llealtli), llii.lni Cxt-llltiMt
aiUl lr ll llMirrtsi.
l'Moa itsltlii'l.lilraxt olll tail m,iil0
rs-nl rnmiltlunst lit "l'lse"1lrtKmt
HiMi,st tltsrltttiiirl) lia f( ITlirtt
Ui (M 7) ti lUy I" sll oMnt tit fiU
llisil, lrv)i ffiHit e)wttnt Ofwns atll. btli.
Jswarv Wtisii. Msnagsf,
Nrala ! frm ').
"Vltsl.issii I'niMrMsvs" hst a lwre
It un-l lit th Mftlral irofsl'm lw IK I.
lfi-1 .( 0nrs) mMlltr, l' "f I'm
r, iHKueiiMWMi, ivniiulous IM, rsllur
i( MnrwKj ikI llisln I'uarr, aallir rtussd
trj OTfiaiH, liillsrlliin irt nrsa, Ms
IftstlMS, KratlMSlt sli-l IMfllrUll Trtlilii
ol ClilMiea alxl sll llirdrf of IMMIUJ
tVllliln Hire rs ll. I'rnrl-Mt list us. I
klixut lM.UW U.llJ allli Ui rrj Im( itilu
r.rf sal b; all Ilnirftsu. t Cansr, H AW
Willi Atuu, N Th,
Tl jslUia ftf l-ttsml rrM laUass
itlUmfil itinnictMHit lb eoualr;, t eti
farr.llj ls tTf lis to tumn His, a-atrk
stalks atfoa-l tinl,tt. Ylbi fr k
Isln IU hoMol, 1 14 1 iMt fM IU
Utisof tluiussml. Tit tfUf 4 ltllss
ilil cur IUmK I frsulii wltk ssnVlif,
turn a4 lta ilrala. Taefa U uo rrMsdr
in. TsJasM tbsn RlUft's Ktlrsel of T
Slid Wild Cburf, Uos ikst II kaiw Its
wiMth, siul will Mil ls attlMHit it, l'if l sursl;
and nulrkly en O.Jd, CokkIb, Criniii, Cv
Ufih, HroiMMal srxl Tulnsonsr; Oun4lul.
a,jM li; sll DniwUis.
Tfdi rhlMrrsi list atrttsvs. IH Jaf-joVs
Otrtusa Worm Cskr wilt fUtrw; la wntsn
iim Ba un tiiiasa i.stt'-
ir Ttf !, tfat sad Urttls on sssa or
l-ast, UmU asm' Nsrts a4 UUsssM
1 KsTa. Mold Vj all ftmta-Ut.
WJU i Srsw s Im trsla s ,l(lMf is mm tmtn
li Sts wal IwOJs IjiwIi Wmm kW !,,
Mk I iel as im frs s rwsr s-twn. sks!
ll kss vO r al III aai44kt
b as4 II k b as nm mr4i
las, Allawlksftsbmlj ErVt I Isx kvbN 4
kf stjSfitwlK
LV1 fUrti's risfnfM (ul cmii m Ui jvat bsr
Or, will skU. lsUsr mik ", awl k
It A wl tllsM. (Mr It tflsl.
Xasbs Ms? M-Ila IUIm
MfsrIMMhMlsisaS CsOHO- 't
, rVi Si ais
feiosUs tiikl si Italia Ut titftUt if
Uklrig e4d, nt lirnfulsr u painful MM(ruv
t UH let k(iCsfUf's iih4
r.lllautol Rioitaf-lM'Su4,khll, u i
roatlncs tt.a Ihst It I Nl'' rUr.liUi
tty owif'.sltits. Ask twf dmSjfUt Vit II.
Wbf ! dls(irsi tt iAi-,r UtU
sod arrrtsnsAs Uo tlUn't t)llftt lJt
I'lU f i aH br sll In-WU.
tAxw "
O Wsni IM n(
Motir aUn Towr3&rol7 solfef la lth
lor. ess fir Wl&'fc'U'i Ttblcy It) tap, It
MsruUU UU UoU, frAhn U jtifi &
UUft cstusi tUiy. UM tj HutM st 'A
U S lAli
m minim
Ka "
f .' rikrrkW tetSKalk.
sV i
ZBL.m J i ui tll. (,. f. I
- - -1- - - - "asU eaUaV eAa.
m. j,,,.-..
IfAnTSt Xswltasa'sfs's'r"4,"-"
IS - ..r t. ! Mirr sals suf,erus
rv'i-. isSiMr.w(rSk s. )vi.v
trssri I I
u ira?arTsJ'f f ,.& w
talk alif AfSwatwtOt etas, fts. ft.
lis A aa. CaM, taas.
LaJInies m Mm m im urn.
Maaa(antff vf M vifi-s. lk Jsaa.
SmO) l Wm s( oe ielj- '''J
aaflk. O, rws si. -! lsI ,,,.. im .
't " " ''. i -- -t"'.. -T i "r.
14 ersWratiffSfBsi'
Iim.Ush v7tt-wtaksfsil
FXIHWkHts 11 tys-. aaVSuM -H
r . 7 . -. ..-. .... . ...
Ik UXSU klMb f M sIC. k4
kstrs S4,M la HWi al Ik MS IK Ik
Jlislbi SliltMUmi f
ktlc sa wartMfcS nnair as SV-r kJ r ki r aa , sl
lk( UrrMlMS ti-s rau usfi l
lk-StV-CU M.MUItvkk4f ststf
-Mut itn asnsriw tsui t4
luki ikta at,sM tl If X-UKt
ism. Uaosa K ti .. Wklt40. C
A WONftCWrut, MCllfOtMf.
, Ijidy vshiv vsw itrtrt in her
llexl iiI rotilil tot ,"Hovei fit
Hevrit Wcrks nlllioul ,t.
iMtttr, gt omI Ptrsl lu a
tVvs tioMrw nfler rsm
toroclng to Mr
Wl.rtttl Oil,
Th Urge nmWi v4 ivmttsldf
cures whtih. Kv leti icibomn
lrrtHf;h lh tnstivinvrntAlti) C th.
gtcst ivnwttt j unvAtalllet m ths
la slot) 4 iuIh ine-. Uttmtteth t-
soppouM ciipptes for jie. jrwl snffem
whst luc lAttcuiiitetl msitn brdi
sttVocts fciirq mi sbl fnwn phjl
lUns If'Ufj to it tmttetfoHcslln
Tivr fvllwin, fam a mrtvKsnt W
TtMHiitoaiiv. ati'imrn(mili
huitiltrtU whi b h beti irvrlMl In
us and sic on flic In nut office
t,aSMSr t'lkt ! MS .t,
Kl tk HksMtutH ,,( fi !$. v,
,.lt ksollt pal r- bs Ut V eVl
I mus s V,t ass istaaaed . k4 l'
IN-I l"U (-nt at a.iK-Ml ksitslsa,, I
MtHst iWslh 1 Wt aksa ) ! SMTssd
t Ik4 Ik etrnl ttUlM krsWUai M tkt
letiiM) sitiMVae ks attk !-. e.l ..
a Ik Wil fi . akiVs ttitl afst
lle, is trtv .( )v .IUU wsfpa,,
h. lasMtag kf ln..t Ml Irt liy tk
UlSSIil Oil V it I-1 in. SK-I ltsanVl4 S
tkis iltlut MS 1 !. (i , . 4
m s lv kisoi a w,tM,t HM H
ad t liwlil in his s twIOill talf
4Slttt 1 h t ikl ) si, ,M
K l., sw ,s iimpliMt ivf Ik Jt-s
l,ll,ftf wf.
) I 1 .-Mills, k.l.r UJ
V13AM) on. r.vr.x TAIUJ.
It tnl owl) aIU)s uiitsmtiulHm. aih!
! the most cxmuMimg jmios, tti
II pC0t1t AIha i"i lYflllAlH'ttl
inick li U safe and iur tr ij-
oik ipidlly aitil rfli lu.xtli, 40i li
Jut llif atiiije tiivilctl in ciciyfAittily
M stiMx, t4 tks I,, kti ""' iv 0
KlissitM (k. fttt 'Mkl, Is
rnsiSMt fs ! i tail vei "S vt tS
rlk.4tiv kf Iks Mr. lis mi tr ai.Sl.Ut )(
slt sa4sll lalMt iiiiwJi, 4 M( IV,
W k--.i t Xt-ti -4n tkoSSto.tlMW.1
trM if'f M iHsirtat iiimwi
jull I iMimrfcissiii vrf
. fl Vfcl
,'.-t t M
issrs.,, f IfcS ns,4,ww f
iWis. ksVs
IMhMI llssissikrsit Isln4 wt
Iks lWil,
il w,,.f:ju, iiji,.f lUulksSn
.;k-f saitsMS,t
ltd esxnui.
Day lloa" College
A ri k !
- US t ,!
K l4lxl
M .. VIM kSM4
Vis rt
B,W, Payno k .Hem, Oorninp.N. Y.
a.iiiw.i i I.
Eureki Safety Power
f l'i lHa. llIUi
4i?lU si, .!.
ax trill AiiMrrmrri
Ml If mil Vs l.4ki li WWU
191171 aiLLsTTT ( K Yoea.
Sums iMlm mM a.., sat u
Of. t W S4U OasA,MWat I
fit, ss sll .( Vs SIX aS f lf
ifis4 tts (W ()! m4t u
rtOWrk. fa. A-Ush4IiimM
Mk4 aa
f,,W s. tw
full, ttm4i, m miS iff
$. Atn w svsaU't SiMttwlf O.f
Sf , ftrttMtrml mr fm mllf Sr4l
lsO. Skupr M I ti ,lt t
Immmtw SumsMi -. S..i. .ii Ws,
,.a,i.-..,,s. " 'ftWtiWU.
in kir.i
Im(S-U4i.I ii
KS (Ml AkV
k..s kl skr M
I4 ItMStlkiMl tVlSfO 44
I vs sa srWss. s f. SS--a
la., ikkvtaa. T.
lftifr sHias
.O.a'.. MS St
M4irrtts,M n
4 Slaalla S
Wl sua illlk V4k CWI Ss lis
lsllttsM. t sis ivvs i4aiv-4la a a
t4H'f; riisiu KiiiiiMlttilH
IbU ili.v 4 Srs sts-l allM4
r k tis kkt. Mm k
S.laMv SI jiMis
gktmt t TV'f Vf
Fasr fefst, ..- J-' itrt
U, ...r.-1 v icssi I k, o V A
kQkl. r. ,i.i A vsu
my mm S wi -S j9wMbmti .
MNIM4 lf wf I'nO ff""! f Sll.
rxrviirios roit ispi,imiu-
U vmi Vwsks. VK. ! !.. hi i-au
aiV-ss 4S rs,r a
jnTIw .i w
JiJmttt4i Mtlt Ti '.
,'. OlkAt-kak I J
Mali fsMr
MJBKi k-,(rts,svii
- i,4.if-sr
y. ak atsam IM ,'
U..&Ai. AJ4 .BA ItfiW.illi sal
" , '- ' - - .- : ..I- .- . -..
i f.sra if
Sim f r nwni i s ir bw
fi AAi (Hi Wa .tfltltkyfl ftlfAJsVl e
i&.SIk i-J .IU fftfa Wiil t ktasataa.i, - jAj,
julatts a l-lni Mas.
tssVlt !) I sv sswW'Iss'
iUJt,"H IiOIuiiU, it-4 t It Is
rk , M tal foa II r fjt
UimssltM Vwf,fsl.wSVKs.l ..
i, flml ! Ikof klsl ! Sst
kaaws siUMlrii's,k7isJ7SMs4Wtkisirt isa islll
las-tsn sta-s. Min.lsi, l4V.fU,silM MMkl W iso r tw l,k llAsaul
w44U',.-t-.iVM,. (nsf,m4, Miasl Cl ss taa ssaa ski. a
sf. .ik M4MiMissnsra
D. I. O.
sis wts l i,vsak 1'ies
MMtf i.S ant l. Ik Sf hSv
I. S,.is I l'nlHl. N--osills-.
!- tIS it slf f
,, s. !. . uaf-i l .if
f.,frt.H- V liH st . SWtj
.,w rfl 4I
irf , R It'll' l
4kM .-!
IS HJ-lltl. .1 sk.
4 ( ik It nsK
ti I. . .ii k.t' im . .k
.1 ,il SIH'-O
h.h-w, .ik.-t.iw s
4 ' -is-Mta ,s-ii4 in .
" kl . I
, t , - Ml . V
iM'iNm wk , . .1
, !,- .sistt '
Mor nivtsna m
1 ,
I ,
!Jhr Ifmp CmtHfh Cur
rMts i tH tm.4 lk.1 " ittK
IV. i fMMs . ll f'sWS
I In p,S-ai4 a s aas Va
kt SMVS'IS if km,
flf It Ha ,4 soti W w It at.
rttftas.tft.lst kl.l, HtUkHit!,
k k4 S..WJ ts j, . .,...,
M l ,' ll f Ik tt i
4 If Ik ,t s .!
. I ,v Hl
a eM
( 4 rt
CtkUM ditrirau Tnt Urn Ci,,
tl i(it4 M ta UM aS kUI ,a4, Its
Mf WSIHU S SS 4fM4tSvttH
ISkwlssii(sli lk
W, VkM S til,."! Nm t ftAtt
..f4.s l-te-s
11 ills is tsSsltViil
ttl '( l . '
rt,,,!.. .its tksMk kUisss n,tUiM
.', I'i., Iti4, lft-ki u sll lis fa
!tlli. S'k SiahskMM. I ,M
tj.ii,, w-4 t.i K-asi ,r, rw T-s
rt.. Imwll I sikSMh U,,l Usll Mtl,S
w,iits .isi ( stNt, iSHir rf4
!.J I IMS v. tIOAIONftS,ikrISa
Ik III S4,lrW ,-... I fit, ,J kta-
Us. I
j4ssli ( lilisi fail
4U4 . 0H INI,I4M.
4 ) kit ptlls .W.nHI f N MSJI
MM f,, Slfc (jsis IS.VI.S ,'imI.. ST Y I
ntt ff artssasi-ai.
Ma . Jh l iihsiis jawys ! v
tfSvll Vyrt N-s aswilaliMf .
VUt M risl , is fwat,
mI fwtSfk,
r4 r- IH Mm IS a0 af ss4
sal iriMi atf mi, m sutss m kaa)s
rs pra4s soH fs s, sssl stassM HMf
Ifescs tkt HtMll,lWk k W.
Isstl'a S,a . SlU atlS SsllSsrTIi
psvib a rott. nii.
ftSs.Tlk-.ona, ,
tail ul. lb Cm
ftfi. ejpSkUftl '
fasti h H ' aa4 fsfkSsV
m J'lUV'aO. SiCJlJssr Aa fte a
, rVkktVjWks.efa4kMalSaiaMM
ssiksM. r
i Ji
HKis. fffi. "-i,Mia in aa
Mttiii, HMtsask Bfee
Us, ,is f m I fsa
AmAllA4t4 turn turn ! SXa.
ivriM, Bs p
,x, bi Ikfaa wim tii saksrasiaka
isisVltsi, k tfsUsa f4, leiwM rU. tksi
It la U Oiawa mi ft s4lsl I
ks lass, atsassll ft'A, m a ykaus Ms sale
illaMSTWsaiS isra.
w..w rvv ",
r isaM,4 fspe.
.kf tbk VnSM f H IkSnlWi M,
ilisMltatt" , ..
Crrw, 1C( V. Ittaw .t.Iukmm, M. 0.
fa i kf .'! sktuWi J. Mltfl ,!, s
tl ka . iH. k af 4lfss M iimih T
l2tt!iJW,,,W ItalsilKH
.WfrwwT r"
MM. SiKaKs.f,HMSSa, wtl.Wia
,Mfkrsyk t;i-4.,t-s yml srt ''fe
IMIOVIWSS 1f4 a U,-M,kl?S, S
ijJi isl i. k. Ifsask-O, ftSk
u in. "aWtiW, l.t .
aka ".( sssllsa ! aa
U Ik aM l 4
Free !
s4 m si
SWrisVl S ( i rt.
Imijt.tiMirt.ti .t Ms
.4 auHkiki rti'. si i
Iimwih,,,U S-.
swa sis,
teTt 4k.
Wllltllfis HsaMi
I. .i. 1A.. . b...l. .1.1
is m
sj-Mkif ! l kl ,sJ mMUi
is,i ,,!
Utosrw,y rn, ,r-v, .m i,.
a I
VVVo TO &(
rsitai smsiw ,, na
"tit. w nn!, '( r
ISiMiU.llMMs'KI'.llil e ,
bkWs, kil,(VfkiH''isMk r
l,t4Slk,t-fS 4 u k
li.t 4 1 li t,0.i i'iis
nilk naikk la tl
SIS M?"' tatf'M sass
ttksf Mfwafc (,stfc.s,lnj
Htttt k.ii. ,''. !
riwas Ikls iNMa'a
tu4i, irfslo sal ris '
I k- wsJ k ! t
t !' Ks r'sfaf!. " 1 St
af ( k W, Iks !( '
Uiii.i, kwa skl kuk'r I s.
K - apsssa. nwi-siiii r"'ir
VMkflM. kl4S pkiki'"stlfa'
V iTmi.. kslfc UU, ,a kali tk II-. ewlH
MlS-f tli,. kIM'-M"lkaa.liV
Pas aa f W iMIIsi A aam
M en)1evH JMH, fl .