The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 09, 1879, Image 3

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nx wirr.
I held br, It orbing, la roj srra,
A Mtte-rjtd chlM, with cwrU of r4d
t0 slroktd ray t-jtUh cberk, sad M
"I'll tasrry jw tro I un oki "
We mt &. Tbo-pfMj L
Were eoculwd and ljtl tMJt brr bd,
A little- tfhool ciL U4 sod thf
M muit not lomp with tar, th tald
A few more jer, hl tbtn t found
A blooeileg loUdsn, twl Ttittn
Few were tier word, tad eoj hr lvkt,
And yet h itivn) ib vrll, I rrti
Lottf did I OU 'tnld buyeand fetr,
Mr l1'; oot lixhtly ixt
Pin hid hr lite, sod thoerkt H hm;
At lat my arkvin lk dvt.
I held her, tluSkloc la ay arwi
And then roy tuthful prtte I U4d
How b had prcmltel lee ago
Hhe'd marry tne whee be wa oM
Tb bltotul dj quickly oo,
And I had jtMtfrd her Uh ring-.
Hut sh' mi much t lrK it proTtd!
My loir wt uch ft t lit jr thing
llut yrt tbe ouM not httt It rbinged.
Though Irvm her hhd It Ki)d often !lp;
An vtII oinfu. I would y.
WUllfl fhr butltucbcd with JJiMt tip.
I left wy darling for a tpace
At nearer drrw the wedding dj ,
"One Utile wl," I ttld, "and turn
! DfTrr more need jrw away."
I left her lcllhy, blooming, btlgbt,
Tbe nwy color til lift chreV -1
came to find her ww ud white
Alul lht fata) ' Mil week"
O, frll Ilcte, now tay thjr bind,
And leave me all 1 Iot In llfr
In vain I cried , the touch of Irth
Whm her, OLNMhiMUol elfl
WeeflBf, ItookHt MMtetit hwahVtw.
u "I'll awry rev wtwft I mi "
V wkWMtvlwMahvMcxiercUMi
Qom tram bt wm brlfbl Keaaoa'a ray
Nt rttU I keB that Ha awA wilt
For aa ttanul wMm fcf .
uirbbal if men BEAT!.
ry r WawwMas,crak
'"Ml a
r afliei
' y The battifl of WUMiKnMk.
(Ubout twain atAlwwaMlrrfett e(l
,' Held. Mlairt, AafftaafllO. INI
UelrtttawHoaMwaMIOwRWtclw NhB '
eawjwaiaTB. MM SH M MM)
WjraiwtMrN ljow aawj
1 Tolaateera. ealhHad
' "pwm "!
1 of tana moathe, wMe
aJreavrlr esulred. .yTIM
a4errrieMd McOaUeeh,
twaaty thoaaaad aad
tMjroroMof Lyoa aad
bbwi nmaii afmaraMfvj aw a
tXeai tha raalty of. thklMMeaee
Geaaral Lraa wfiMfijI Ma. Ilrare to)
aateert to eiaad by Man aad lellrer oae
eneair. The
fatal to the htrvioi
"taaMay e
klhltlon of nluck nruvontcil thn
fron Tlaoroaalv.followltie u their ad
Taataf-ea, aad the rotrcnl from south'
wentcrn'Mlaaour! was conducted 'cU
rolv and without further mishap.
The ft of poor Lyon, after perishing
on thn field ol noner, wm moil pecu
liar. Soon utter he fell his Ixxly wm
placed In an mbulanco by one of hi
aids, to be uken to Springfield. Per
sons who Inter got chnrgo o( the am
bulance, not knowing the precious
characlvr of their freight, rumored the
dead man to jItc place to ono or two
Sonic hours then elapsed, and Gen
eral Price had possession of the Held,
when a captured surgeon of thn Union
army (Dr. Mnlchcr) pointed out thede
netted body of (Mineral Lyon, nnd he
was commissioned to have it tenderly
rcmoYod and placed tn charge of his
friends in Springfield. It reached
SpringtieUl just aa the retreating nrtny
was fearing the town, anil was taken
to the house previously occupied a his
headquarter. There it wa klndlv tak
en in chargo of by Mrs. Mnry Pholp.
and a widow lady named Ileal. The
confederate placed a guard al their
disposal, and the two angels of mercy
pruparcu mo oooy lor me grave. y
reason of the confusion and eicltement
Attending the earlier event of the war,
the grave, which wm ordered dug at
the (arm of Mrs. Phelps, some nine
mile out of town, wm opened, and
when the bodv (then Incased In a cof
fin of walnut, fncloaed In a bos of tin)
.vaa brought to the farm, the grounds
were occupied by an encampment of
confederate troop. Mrs. Phelps ac
cordingly had it deposited in a fruit
home under a lot of straw. Several
dav later it waa consigned to a grare.
and two weeks after that It wm called
for and taken east by a brother of the
General, in a metallic casket with which
be wa provided. The wnlnat cofSa
was then utilized for the burial of Cap
tain Grants, a union soldier, who wa
found dead on the field, three weeks
after the battle.
Mn. Gorernor Phelpa, who figures
no honorably in this episode of the war,
f $ died in February, of the present year.
' As a recognition of her meritorious act
oa this aad other occasions, CoBgrees,
at the close of the war voted her f25,
000. She visited the coast a few yeara
ago (October. 1874), aad while stop
ping at Portland, Oregon, narrated the
full aad authentic particulars embrac
ed in this article. Ban Fratteiicc Alt
The flying machine cannot success
fully wrestle with current; aad the
same may be said of the small boy, if
the currant happen to be green.
"In ray airly days," remarked the old
tnan, m he shoveled coal into the school
bou bin, "they didn't u coal to keep
u warm. I kin tell you." "What wa
ucT' asked a boy near by. A sad, far
awav look seemed to pass over the old
man s face a he qmVUy responded-
"Birch, my boy, birch."
In. ft nnUr Jeers' 1H ..
Senator Jone of Nevada, hulnpr-
urtunMe rl In MrfTm Nrt mU Stt-V,
rwmi'a lcV with bl tfuu(ul Huit;
wife nl maltlrn nlrr, to hviit KU
hU i tho Hullrr lUtH'V on I lwf Hill
ll Ufl ivr tln nniatht (or hi
hni at Culil Hill, 'Slri.l trV." In
uiljrir Bwlancf, or 'lutpJ,M . th
tulnr nt U. Korrrrin th ri In
iuIhIpj: RtucVt, tin lnrrt(sl all bo niulil
rmliJ alt lM-kr-waaJi In i A aMVAila H.I
rrxtwHl rich rvtnrn Suit ke bail not I
iinvHsl (or tiln uiokp'vJ
"A jou leivii.'J u44 thn ilulUul lit
tlq Moman. "Vim know I mtr wrar
Jv-tiator Jobc U hoi jh man to c
hawking hU wl(' Jirrl alout tin'
oln-i'U; ao he wfr4) Uif tn to thn Unit
Jew ho tuU Utot-Hlrel U.Co ,r
them, whlfh bw lnYrtat on ntnivin In
her niiiic,atiilto-iUy ht U worth I10,
(100 In n-M tirvl h)bJ, lln lil hi
ilphl. cAnonlctl thn tuortrr on hi
tlOO,(M) wqrthot lurnltun. whii'h llut
Icr hold M collateral (or threw jmn'
rent, nnil InlvMlhnn hiH iir nturn
with ?verl tutlllon to Ami
that I Ihtt wr UicTtlo Uiinc out went.
Tim Jotwa faHillj- will Vo ivttri)
grand cHterylmuent durlni; the n In
ter, a la Saul 'ranclc fhtltlclin
tMiniuaiuhlii arv
first Napolena Kft4
:,. Hi i aai WU
tetim fromfNaTaatUiy tu JoaenhlM wnrti
M fint lgMMl for roHfa mam of
lf wftfcV' JWM W. Breoka, the
heffraU aHMMiVrt
lH UaKu
IkMaAattlaw BaaBakMat
wwwatriM vmmhA a I
wreto to a Man llr-
'pM Cerm) rout.
itaiM feruwitn,
Iwra da had run
wwvviwjn 1
ya MOMrty. Thaw
4M awll rMd tha latter, for read-
(at H wm Iwnailbto. bt he made out
Um algauutir, ,Mtl Rrrirvw at the oen
elttakm that IM Butaager had (aTored
hlai wkh a free ! lieu the line. Aa
eve), he tiaed It for a coajiTe of yeara, ae
eeaductor oa the route btng able to
a)Uut hU readlajr of the doowmeat
at. W. Beecher caa hardly be coaliJer
awj Model aedbe, aeelng that 00 of
Ida daughter owaed that her three
geidlac ralea la ooayiaa; Ma Biaaaeerlai
Mre that If a letter waa dotted It wm
aa I: aad If It wm croeeail H
at: aad If a.werdtofMwttaaeaa
It did aot bMrfa a aaataaca. He-
OreeleT't dlaehaiwe af a aoMPOel-
tor by aeta, wa all reaaeatber, wm weed
M a raeoaiaieanaMoa oc caaraetar,
which breawlt) the bearer hoaor aad
aaaiUeaet Theodore Parker, who wm
abjout the warat writer hereaboata with
la the laat thirty year, took the arv
ailaa. whea at acaool for the beat aea
aaaMhia. ,
Mwl BaHl lffM ew eVM
of how a asan goee to bed,
in oMahmn,
nrweytii'1 etinaa
dress in a cold room, and hare his bed
warm before a woman ha got her hair
pins out and her slim untied.' That's
how it look in print, and this Is how it
is really: 'I'm going to led, my dear.
It's half-pMt ten.' No reply. " 'Now
John, you're always late in the morn
ing. 1)0 go to bMir 'Ye, in a minute,'
ho reply, m he turn the paper inside
out and iM-glu a lengthy article beaded
'The Louisiana Muddle.' Fifteen min
ute later she call from thn bedroom:
'John come to bed, and don't keep the
em burnlnir there all nlirhtr and. mur
muring something about Uie bill being
big enough now,' she creeps between
the cold sheetii, while John read plno
Idly on. hi foci aero the piano stool
anil a cigar in his mouth, liy and br
he rises, yawn, stretches himietf,
throw the paper on the floor, and,
selling the slink or, proceeds to that
vigorous rinrciae, snaking the coal
stove. Just at tlil stage a not alto
gether pleasant voice Inquire: 'For
pity's saket ain ( you nadv for !cd
yetT 'Yc, ye: nn comlngl Why
don't you igo to sleep and let a fellow
aloner Then he discoiera that there
is coat reeded. When that I supplied
and rattled into the store he sit uown
to warm his feet. Sett, he slowly t
tHn to undre; ami aa he stand
scratching himself, and ahently gating
on the laM garment dangling over the
back of the chair, ho remembers that
the clock Is not wound vet. When this
is attended to he want a drink of w.l
tcr, and away he promenades to the
kitchen Of course, when he return
his skin resembles that of a picked
chicken, aad one more be seat him
self before the tire for a last 'warm
up.' As the clock strike twelve he
lares out tho gas, and with a flop of
the bed clothe and a few pamrd!c
shivers he subsides. No, not yet; he
forget to see if the front door wm
locked, and aaotbor flop of the bed
clothe brings forth the remark: Good
gradousl if that man ain't enough to
try the patience of Job! Setting her
teeth hard, she await the nnal flop,
and then quietly Inquire: 'Are you
settled for the nlghtT To which he
replies by mattering: 'If you ain't the
prorokingest woman.' "
The Hearts af the Lewly.
One day, three or four weeks ago, a
gamin, who seemed lo have no friends
in the world, was run over bra vehicle
oa Madlsou avenue and fatally Injured.
After he had been In the hotplttt for a
week, a boy about bis own site, and
looking m friendless and forlorn, called
to Mk about bira and leave aa orange.
He seemed much embarrassed and
would answer no questions. After that
he came daily, always bringing some-
tklner if nntliln mnrt. tbsJl an Boole.
I.., ..ui- ,..., ,k. nDv mtil Mm
xnouun to nil ti turaturr oi nu iiHr i, K.J ,, . V !.- -... kit
moa.1 necklace (or which 'he ha. PM ,n' " A. A1 .'I'ifV i k it L
,ahr,B.Bhl r.'.?: v'Li.i r r - & fiC ..
which hr; Mnj: a rrtlr nK Ultl Uvh , , , WK ,
lMM?Xar.- h, .ah! to hrr .... ,1m J h" iUpl th" H ' "'
Ifjou i will iMitiMlntMl jiHir Uimm.l. JTm h ) anjthlnu .Uit alnuit
lu hlcrra Nnaila, toti haH hi h. .., ' v
ii i nirr
that Billy had no chance to get well, j by the brook!"' atkexl Gu. "If yon
the strange boy waltd longer tlisa J mean." replied Clara, "tho glorious
usual, and finally asked if be could go J of emparpled efflorescence that
in. He had been Invited to many time, J bloom In the botky drll and fringe the
before.bat had always refused. Bill. dimpling strMmfeU, they are campa
pale and weak aad emaciated, opened aula rotundiflora."
hU tp In Tmlr l sht of th U,
nl Wlot h rrlll who It In
ttni;rr Ixml clow lo hi tc ei H.
HUtjr, cn jf forlt tlfr' W
w ftllu ftchtlnr antt t xUuUn
, much Kr f. but I'm om Kr tr I
' .11. . kt k. t.11 , f,ft,t I Altll
iCttidjtr ln tr'
The tOK ll. ihrn Jnt Itt th
hiwhiwr i( JVlh, rrfbr. Ui hl thin
hUc artu. cImI ihrtn runl Xhv
othrr' uk ! rvjillc!
iK.n't cr, 1M IKn't (tl bl I
wm titflv nil nirn. nl ! ht
He Ae aUuit )U Jut Wforw he
dll AKed If ou were here," tejille!
the nure.
And may I go p to the tuner!'"
"iihi m
And he did
Hewt the only iiiovitn.
hemrt dm the mil) one that
No tir nere hed In other, and
the left him lttlng bv the new. made
grate, with n heart o big that he could
not speak
1( under the erut o( tic and Igno
rance there ale iich spring uf pure
feeling and true nobility, who halt
grow wear of doing gmnlf .V 1
A Hrrne ot In Ihe lllll.
During the long run uf "I'neleToni"
In an ratteru city, the faiulh o( the
gl'Utlt) K went to hoiiftoVeeplug,
and during the weeaaaUoa of the elder
tonaw-a bmtiX js tipithernf
(the Eva 6nMK7Wl(Wl?inww
Lulu Prior) -strayed awav and wm
lost In the straire city. Moving was
ttspaaded aad hunting commenced,
but the child wm not found. Aadi
eaces must aot be disappointed, how
ever, and so the poor little sitter wm
forced (o array herself tor her part,
wipe off the tears aad try and forget
that her Utile brother wm lost. But
during the evealag the runaway wm
foundl and the part at, to relieve their
little daughter's mind, tonk hint direct
ly to the theater.
Th death scene of Kva WMonTtm
By, with her apron on her head crouched
on th ioor. Seeing oat a comer the
recovered youth Tottsy said la a whis
per, "Hold your NeBuchadaeaaar up."
Kva lay oa the coach Hi. Clair beat
over wlta the question:
What do you My, Kva darllngr'
T which th dying child wm only to
La--jy-. psaea,
deed aaoa th Pillow.
aad fall back
Jast m Bra raised her head feebly,
lifted her haad aad comaseaoed the
broken sentence, h spied the refoaad
brother. With a cry of toy sh et
leaded her UtUa ana towards hint aad
broke eatt
"Oh, m sse, he's foandl he's there,
aad I aaver thought to see my little
brother agalnl" Then recollecting her
gave a greet guip et ingat,
oaicaiiy to me stamen
T"""fMn ''
aa taa
The scene wa never morn affecting
oil were heard on nil sides, Tho
speech was so heartfelt that the audi
ence fell sure It wa a part of the play
that the dying Kva wa iiped to
have a vision of a lot brother, waiting
on the ruystlo shore. - rhtlartilphut
tilery ef a llreerh.
AprojMis, there is a brooch In the win
dow of one of our best Jewelers to
which a curious tale is attached. The is mounted with great art,
and set with item. It I divided Into
four part, and shows four twitted,
bent and blunt ordinary pin under a
tinnsjiarent enamel. Y hern were these
fourfoumlf What were they used forf
Did they hold a fichu, hw, or flowrrf
The iKM'try of tho hriwich had lo be
looked Into, and the following ha been
A foreign count we jenrs ago hurri
ed one night out of led and arretted
for some politics! offense. Kre hi
dream had Iweft quite forgotten, he
wss dressed by those who had spied out
hi abode, and dragged to prison. It
happened to he rather a dark one. The
day after this occurrence he began to
think how terrible It would b to live
long in such a location with notldng to
do; and. a he thought, h fumbled
about hi coal pocket. White doing
so he discovered four pin which he
kail atuck in the lining of one of hit
frock tall, in cae he nilirht require
one. lie neia the lour lor some min
.a..... . M " M
utes, then he flung them right and left
altotit hi narrow cell. It wa a quiet
one, but, listen with all the intensity
he could, there wa no war of knowing
where they hail fatten, lie therefore
went down upon all four and carefully
felt about, snrawling in every direction
until he hal recovered them. Then be
got up and recommenced scattering
them for another exciting hunt. Well,
readers, this he did sii and seven time
a dsy, and when he wa steeple, for
six long jears. Napoleon III. died,
then Victor Kmmanuel, and the count
was set at liberty. The four pins were
kept, and a comlesee 1 to wear the
brooch they are ensnnneo in.
This story only leacbes that all mast
Uke aa interest ifi life, and the nvtvt
exciting the best under tie pressure of
grief. The count hM retsted that, had
he Iot one of those four pins be could
not have endured captivity. Each time
be flung them about he fancied they
were quite lost, and the ardor with
which be crawled over bit nude floor
wa Ibe equal to that of the last chae.
Hcji, paper and pen were denied
hl.-ar UlUrlolh AV York ttr
aid. What are those ourole nosles down
part, aaa
ana rrren rrn
tt UrMMr rwi-rt0w JIrw
It M r ajwrki ller.
I cn't jdln what a teal 0d
hit (, tald on t the twit natur!
lr)ri in th ttrrrt
le; at dlf
(eienl a men In buvliwt a h rw hm
tuut )tHl tlrt to hi h. and i
(or lt '( Intelllfrhf Irniper, vsmr
(Cft and honMti l'U a hof h
brain )i o-n'l leh him anjthlu?
ant luote than too, can a halt wtl!
ehild V that tall ta , theie, a Hitf
hoVlng animal, fifteen hand hlch
You can't ti''h that hnrv anilhln
Whvf Well, I'll how )mi a iUfIertH
In head bill hale a care of hi heel
I, al Ihe hrule't head that fmind
Ing nos that tafietlng (omheml. that
broad, full idaoe (elor the ee Vou
oin'l ltul Mm Klekr Well, lgiiefide but tn thl cam they either gra hhd' " w HoHtil om to eh utMf.
... ii... 1. 1... i .. .. . .. 1 .. i. - . ? i - 1 ... ... i .....i.fc.'.i ...i . .11 ... .. ... I......
Ml I III mm III iril fM'II- HM liri- Hi. J
ha col plentj of txlng, and he'!! kick J
the horn oft the moon 1
The world' tieaiuieiit of man and
le hv the tfiidettei to enlarge and
lnlenlfr bad ipialllle l'til gHl m 1
turiil phrenitlgll euld not lefialu '
(totil slapping In the t-e the hote
ho eliaracler he had iiiallgiiwt, while '
he had nothliii but Ihe ginllel wimi
e for n tall, diNMle,cA lutitKxl totivl, ,
that pilokeil her rr (or aid, and
liMikeil Intelligent enough to Ulideland
all that lolng tald
't'lial' an awful johI mre, he add
rnl Mio a true it the Mill You Vil
c breadth and fillllio lielKren the
ear and ee oil eoliblu'l lilto that
itiaiv to act mean 01 hint hUm) Tim
r)ii hould be full, and hatel I a d
itilor I like a mall, thin ear. and
want a hore to thliw hi ear well (m
wanl l.ook out (or thn btule that
wniil to lltteu to all the CnU'cration
going on behind him The hone that
turn back hi ear until the allium
meet at the point, lake tin word (or It,
is sure to do something wpmg re
that straight, elegant far. A horse
wWA" fiwmmf f aaa ta jtweBaiyaiUl,a
eowanlly brute U usually vletou. Then
t like a square mtutle with large nos.
trils, to let In plenty of air to the lungs,
For the uaiterside of the head a horse
should be well cat under the Jowl, with
tawiboaea broad and wide apart under
the throttle.
So much for the head, he contiausd.
The nest thing to consider is the balM
of the animal. Never buy a
ged, stilly horse. 11 hint nave a short,
straight back and a straight ramp, and
vou' ve got a gentleman vi horse. The
withers should tie blah, aad the shoul
ders well set back and broad: bat don't
Set them too deep la the chest. The
ire-leg should be short, give ma a
pretty, straight hind-leg with th hook
low down, short pastera Joint, aad a
round, mulish foot. Thar arc all kinds
of horses; but the animal that hM these
point t almost aura to n Mgauy.
araeeful. rood-aatured aad servient!.
As to color, taste dlfiVr. Bays, hfowM
aad eheslaata are taa best. Boaas are
very laehtaaabw at present, A great
many arrays aad sorrels are bought
here for shipment lo Meileo aad Chin
Thar do well la a hat nllmata, under a
traeleal sua, for the same reaaua that
you Had llghl-eolored clothing mora
eervtewable In lummaf. That elreus
bona behind you Is what some people
eall a calkw horee; now l rail mm a
gwaatae piebald, lu a freak of nature
ami may happen anywhere. Wcriar'
. ,ffc.
.Arfti?tjitt t.
The Wemaa la Mr.
- . r Aa
Soon after Lincoln's Inauguration in
1MI, Psrls wa Invaded by newly ap-
K tinted minister and conul Calu
. Clay, on his way to Kuh Mr
Marsh, 1m wind for Italy t Anou llurlln
game, watting to see if Austria would
receive him, and one or two others, be
side Fremont, whowa on (iiecla) mis
sion to pureliMe arm. Of evening,
at the Hotel du I .our re, the fun t
"fast and furlmit," and all thn storle
that had done duty on thn stump during
the preceding campaign, for the liene
ill of those who had spent the summer
of 1H6Q abroad am! mld it all.
"lliirllngaim," said a Kenturklan.
who happend to lie of the party, "tell
'em alxut 'the gal In red.' "
flurllngame colored up, looked at
Clay, and looked pnrrled,
"Tell It." said Clay. "It's out, and
thev mav m well hear It."
And tfil wa the story At one time,
several years before, llurllngem and
Clay were tumidng together In the
West. One evening they had reclvd
a particularly warm welcome, and had
returned to their hotel where they wr
sitting In their room smoking, and con
gratulating each other on tueir soroea
huddenly strain of mutic
were hearo
" rtiey are serenading u," ld Clay,
"open the window and make them a
"No, ywj," said Burllngame.
Bui Clay ersltel; so BurlliigariM
stepeI to th window, oin-ned It, and
"Fellow cltlens I hardly know how
to thank you for this touching proof of
your esteem and regard, Mr, Clay and
myself are lnded grate "
Just at this point a votco In th
crowd below waa heard sylngi
"Boys, that ain't the gal In red; let'
dustf and they "doited," leaving the
laugh oa the "visiting statesmen.'
Thwy swore each otW to scrrcy and
kept It quit for some time, but It lesk
ed out, somehow, and they had to make
a clean breast of It. ItotUm 7Voa.
TrarsHag la Jaaaa.
A long ride on a Japanese pack-horse
is an epoch In the life of any traveler.
As the animals are shod with straw,
sad a the rosds are very rough, they
nevee attempt anything beyond a walk,
even with the ot violent Inducement.
The traveler is perched high up la a
hard pillion. In a sort of valley, the
sides of which are composed of bis tug
gage, spar hat, girth aad straps, roll
ed Into bundle; his legs are doubled
up so that hi kn touch his cbls,
and the sensation is like that of being
on a camel. Thut he mutt perform
his Journey, or, m an alternative, he
mar be driven to the Kayo on a litter.
Tbi may either be a basket !ting on a
pole, or a regular box with door aad
sliding shutu-rs. The llu-r of men of
high rank, such m one were frequent
enough in the street of Yeddo, but
Mh hate & th a ( w manji
rmnnU i idd Jian. wfe vflen
ntU tmtu fiCvMiij( ilHirni! nd
llntel, and tinltlia hmih w1m
to eit) thum hit th llMer whleh lh
erittnatT taiUr mutl M are th
l&.Vribl la .Nil ttl ! AA .,.h k. .1 A Iti
.J I .l.-.- .'.. I -l- ...
wiiriinc ill lilri mtw "Tl'WI W1T III
the oC hnre to th lllh. whtu
mMnl v(Unn when not tndln of
lrtmij; e-iualttnc ivn the ImU h
hi fei a rinnnmnt ut toerl hour
InaKlos "Hh waive a ehnfet(!
inMltlxn. It no harlthlii but to the
Kimitwan Ihe anmt el i(tttn eramoeil
it H In thw !, o( an aim chair whh
Uc emled , tUfkeil In of huddled
tothf tot an Indefinite ibl, mint
te atua!lj iuClrtt to be amtrvvUled
leuiHitari tell! mav 1 obtained bj
wnn in jee nancinr orer
IPP ,liil.l III r.lin l -.iiim' ilin
th huge Uiulder with whl'h the toad
1 lilleie, i liilcler Ihem out le.
front, hrti thet VleV aalmt the cdb,
or b) Mopping ltOL"lher and wsH.tMg
which meant i id lime, but whlfh I
the oiilv enleaelou tiiethiMt of 4,plng
the palm i( cramp Ihe Kago U, how
etei, much mote rapid than the pack
Iioiiki, slid tar mote viiitnitt 'l"h
ontillf me wull tlaliieit, Ure-(iM)le.l,
tlalwart fellow at a Mile (our to a
tiller ivitertng eally their file or l
mile an hour, and testing but fvh
1 he moliou, tmwnter, t ery nnple
wilt, and I apt. Ilk thai of a wng. to
make the Ultvul.loed traveler H'k
A liwjrr rri Merh ltnsrel.
We hale In Washington a lw)tr
of oilie lniinllieiirn nIiiim chief
t-haraftrrltUc are an orerjHiwerin,
Ntmiom of mannet, and a IU1IV
pa) lug lilt ileM I lie oilier 'la) a
wiuidc of clients from out of lown were
Ittlng In Id olTIc', and Mr D wa
eoiiiiltlng with them lu leferemv to a
satt ta whteh the were aaitlea. Iksa
wttsMLStat'ri''"'' Carter A yag
man csn-nrm aweTswsirasTaBWsw
from hi pocket a bill file, handed Mr,
It a slip of paper. But the crafty
lawyer motioned him away wHh a
dignified wave of th hsnd, taring,
"Young man, you I'm engaged,
IKm't (nterrupt m new," Th yaaag
man Wowed. politely aad retired,
Pretty soon another earn la. aad
stepping elosa to the lawyer, said In a
low lone, "You told aw to rail again
this Morning. Judge, aad youd'd seMht
that" "Otil yea. yea. I forfoti hat
you will have to call again. 1 am very
much engaged at present," aad, wlta
atofound bow, Mr, l scorl4 lha
lector to the door,
Not long after, the
again, aad taa lawyer, svinenuv reeog
a) sing th person who wm about Vo
wWrTa wWraMfoWl lrTT IMjesW Hllwajs sWYlsMg,
"I am privately eagagad, str, fast at
preent you had beUer tail agaia la a
wash or so."
Taa lawyer laea, wHh a snowoa af
Impalieaea, hwked taa door aad ru
twraed ta his sat. raamklaj, aa ha sat
(KPwAf fparlrMi Rfwl fW w msaFWffffJPPBJI
IsnHlat I Tw ItH Bwtil HMsilf'vlw'P'rU eWsw WMM"
are always ealKag oa m to alga 4afr
. tAlaJUa .. stlaBSAst
swssae WJUBmt""
A Uyara rtfat Aamraaa,
1 IMrs m w 1 W VMeMWmVf tiivtlfraa WyWw
terrlade than that wMaa a young law
fifsmst BBammalf Iflllltfifisin mtwamlasi ammBBmBfaTfil
fall .nwJfw'"awVjuBti w wpaa-fvsjj SFWVsrtraaj
I fisfimi f'lT tm r "r-, hariesaload
l tw fswiswfteeiwf BBBna aaaamsw'iBTAsawjBa4i
honett and true, prwlded over br the
frowning majt-ly of the lxneh. fhey
are, then and there, all the world to
him, and a horrible world It Is to his
brain, bewildered by th sight and a
natural diffidence,
Mr. John P, Kennedy tails of such a
scene, which wm turned Into triumph
by the wjll power of Ihe young men
and the sympathy of the court. II
"1 remember the agony with which
the confused novitiate er'.wt a eeoond
time, having been compelled, but a
moment before, lo take his swat to col.
lect his thought. Ill second assay was
not more fortunate lhan the Brl. He
slood silent for a brief spare, and at
thcnd wm enabled toay 'Gentlemen,
I declare lo heaven, thai If I had an
enemy iiion whoa bed I would invoke
the tttol crtiM torture, 1 could win
him no other fate than to stand where I
(tend now,'
"Curbrusly enough, Ihe sympathy
which this appeal brought him, sein
d a)mMt Instantly In irlve him strength,
A short pause wa followed by an ef.
fort which wm tornntetely nnd even
triumphantly successful,"
A WsuvleVBaadaflarrr.
"Hurrah, boys! s, she rUest" wm
the general shout. Up came Ib whale,
more suddenly than we es peeled. A
general dash wm maie at her byallth
boat. "'Htem for yoar llveej'stera of
allf cried some of the mora espsrieao
ed barfwwner. "J, she in a Hurry."
First th monsler (Ispped th waiar
violently with It Una; then Its tail wm
1 rated ahft, laahlng Iheoeean around
It Into a msm of foam. This wm aot
the death flurry, for gaining strength
before any more harpoons or lances
oould i stuck Into II, away It went
again, hea!ing toward th ice. Its
course was bow elsariv dlseernsdbr a
small whirllngeddy, which showed that
it wM al no crest dlttanca under the
surfaee, while la Its wake wm seen a
thin lln of oil and blood whkh had
exudd from It wound.
ever, by It exertloa aad lu former
deep dive, It wm agaia obliged to eoase
to the surface to breath!. Agaia the
eager koala dMhd In, almost running
on IU back, and from every side It wm
plied with lances, while another har
poon wm driven deeply Into It, making
It dooblv secured.
Our boat wa the most iaeuttou,for
we were right over the tail of the whale.
The chief barpooner warned us
"Back, my lsd; back of all," he shout
ed out, nU own boat milling away.
"Now she's in her death flurry, ' These
wonl were not out of hie nvuth when
I saw our harifcflr Iep from the boat
and swim m fast a he could toward
one of the others. I wa thinking of
following hi example, knowing he had
good reason for It. for 1 bad seen the
An of the animal flap furiously, and
which had warned him, when a violent
blow, which I fancied mut have not
only dsbed the boat to pieces, but have
broken ty bw In nnr hod!, ?
xv on Ih Keel of lh Nrtt tfp (Mw
the 1kI In 1N air, nme lt etajhl
al ll. with lh remaining erw
In hr Thn down we paim. one dttn
t mi id, on on IN ohr but nfi
u( u hH n H iiittnrtn and
tlfUlrtjC H tiith-r, wMU the loial
r-me iKiwn af vtrm-it, no mwh
lhwofe either ),irtuilelr w H
rot cler ( the tuftoit Mow h mon
Uf rntlnni dealing wih It tall.
Neier aw a whl In wh tliuTyf'
id M tld, lnt wh lat lM
taken I'or unw ard nt wi mlnule lh
flurtj fntlnvil, w ai lh wrhUn bh
tg on, and noone dflf to a'jro'h
), al ihe io lint a Hutit hUnl and
mucom and id! amende! Into the lr
from It blow hole and rUkM H4
u oier "imrran. mi ia.i. b
t It. -och we all mw And felt It pUIn
nough lh-rtw a (ail Uh ( that
tall now faint and fedy lttH tire
the water hiit which, few moment
ago, would have nl Riert ttoal round
It filing Into tpllnUi1 fhn alt wa
quiet Th mihti iim, now Intut
utle. bittiml itonli round 0on U
and then It n.tiud Mj up and UI.
tl.w the I'meeettlr Hurlrd TVtr
There l a vr nteeitn tory em.
hiHlcl with Ihe l-nl tale of tlr
half dollar b) th i:o.ihil- fimdely
which hat not before hn gUen to the
public, although the (sett hate tcn In
miioii o( thlt paper (of tome wreh.
At Ihe beginning id th war .imt'( Ihe
wlteoldmetitd tb t-wUtj cetilit
that del tallon and anstvh) might fol
low the bloody tliugU then pending
and concluded tola) away elaigwtumof
money tn coin for contlhgwneie-t Alul
f A,V) In tlier re c.lUi;tt Bud
burl! In a vrt plare, only a fw of
th manager of th ocleti knowtng
aMithlni of the matter t'p to within
w ww ww. w tw www vwwswssaie
Ht l"ffSW mrww4l las BIfjB UPevW IM9 i
BJaJsselw WlaBwWi',a iT H ItWj IN law VfvT eMe"J
art aaly aerrad to matv Ha awa
BBBBamsM BsalaaM stmaBshsBBat fiafiT lhallv sB4wBwBast BBmaawaf bbbU
emvarTw ajsajamj prasyassawsi, amej ajsmaj s f ajmraBW saywyBH ammj
la wiraaast K, AIW taa war IMi
B"MTtwTJ saaa sff-Wssw. fsypMBenn JBM I
MaBBBJ BwSbT tjBBSfi fiaajAlalftaVit SAJbbbw! fit4ll Lt BBBBBmBBl
mrsBBWj fsa aswW assiwewwwr awsaawvs) swjst f-j arwsBBBBjsBBWBws
jMsVlMBw sfJ PWtT WWsrW Mw WfTsTWll Mlwl
laaeaeua Bwkfi sAaBwBTBBBBwtdbJBasV bUsbSM am bbbJ
mswaj saasBB prw Vjawsrww aswewSBBjeBJ maswwsj rv JBf
tKaJrmMal ftjfikmJ MsdksV IjVafi IIMBsalsBUm'
PtsTfwl aasfsm wrfts wssres WwswBTaWnV
WWW11 tWIII iTeTsjklMBT fwfiB; fdlj WfJ
aW-BtaaSBm BSBstaaf aSBBSBaetdXaft (jAaawsl am BBVaBBaatlaft
wrwrwwMawMBW bbwbi rwBBjBBBwBrB wwrVSI n ear raFswai
M M" 1 rQ 'W HMf WMaPfsFr BrVflkrviM
PHffiWBJ, VWsV wWTfsWJal fBfj as VrTeaBJsW HaJ
fftjT WIM Mtf?WM wC Nsr-lll H M I
titHa. IrtM
BBaBBBBBMaU BBaTBBfiL. M sBBsMansBBBsf fatUBBm' sajsmJUBj as
VjAsewnmjaj sjafjessaw psj ssamrw lasH wmymmj ajsysBsssfajw
taa wa watw m rare aasa, 1
BBBtmJk fiwsBVleaBVmVaBBBT B tLMjmlAA m
llvaal aajarssgmjf w ffmamma"jswspBwss aj
MTJIrJ Is wmmabna amgasm Btstti
WtfifismT M BleBsMl VW HffTsT !"
iaPitfa a afWlk fjags4Ugaas ggfit
mBsmaswmwaBjwBaeaa, ansa) my awmajesw sn bwbbbbt msi
smaaw awjBBwma ejpjsmasmasi amwasj BmBjammsavYBwaaBBBBBaB
aaasa)adlijBaga fiaaa fafgak WfiMl. sssss. ss.
yaTTwVSjmjr mag ffMlmf srsasmwsmjmamaj Vptamwrna mj
mnm miwm rf im 1
eft sfstMl ffif lsBaTtaB?lslBB WfsJBJ
fLM fija-al eiBa fA4Kaa g (Laf-ga. 1
Wsmy amamaj nmaewjaaBBw mymjssmajawM ayaw amasamay bbbbbbj
gamamSM fl fijaya Wfi nwrnffiB saaavhUBgaa JasmJJ
"JITWef erjaj Bmt 1 BeV arJsF BassmFTrJ"JsnT famw
gamggLfi Bfuaj jBfif fiaauam stBaauaBaa4Lg
whey i
a. laag
aaftatt. Vreaa
BmaBmrnt mVamfil sjMjsfgaspdt fAMafl jfiMfifiaUfi) sfit Lt
IttMaalal smafiwi "-' f- AJ
lilaVf aaesay wm aayaesyw smsj
Mwrnktwaeoar aad
ahlihrafil TWlamaf
jajsg-fil 4 sagajbaWawaa, h
tmaBm-l u.BamaMBTJ
afl.r m-"-? dtT 'war rwjeWBaf I hey
Warned that th value aamd In lha
CiamphUl were selling pries, aad thst
he soouring had been In vale, That
Is why, m routl notetl by a Hi. Iul
per, the rola sent for sale to that etly
wm so nw nnd bright la appsaraaea,
There Is another lalafsstlag elrmm
Unm coanseUd with plaetag lha nda
oa the msrkst. It wm aaeeesnryWs
traniport It. and to Wring a portion to
this etly th Koftomlta toik an old
fathloHMi cash, with stave no aaa
knows how many Inches thlek, and
wkluh hail been growing dusty In their
pnxwMMlou for no one know how msny
ysr, and DIM It up with th corn, ft
wa got down to the station aad offered
to the eiprea company, but the agent
thought It too heavy to be handled,
espeelally m th Koaomlte would not
say what was la lu Mi they waited un
til the loJ aeoammodatloa earn along,
when It wm rolled Into a baggage car,
and one of the old gentlemen perching
himself upon It rode up to (h etly,
where It wm hauled toon of theeiiy
banks and placed la Ihs vault. Under
the agreement betwMB lha eiprsM eom-
tiaay aad the railroad company, the
tier I debarred from camlet- money
M freight, th'. being left to Ihe esprsaa
people, who charge a handsome pre
mium for l ho duly. They havlag heard '
the story of bow the. silver wm bfoMgn .
here, arv now making It warm for lha
rsllrosvlpeople for violating th agraa.
meat The reason Ihe story WMaot
published hfor wm to relieve tho
neighborhood of Kwrnomy from lha
Incursion of tramp. Now thM lha
money hM been all removsd there la
wothleg to call them there. rWssor
Ha Wade wm the most original
presiding oftW la the United INaua
naat. It Is relaud that mm warm
spriag day. whea ha attempts! the chair
aad his colleague wm abaeat. aHaaer
lime drew nigh, aad h wanted to lear.
Garrett Itavt, of Keatwnky, aad the
fixr, aad at last Mr. Wadeeoald stsad
It ao longer. Giving a rap with Ida
avsl, he said: The Haaator from
entucky will suspsad hi remark for
a moment. The fteaator from OhU
move that the Senate do aow adjourn.
Those in favor will My aya-coaUarr
minded, ao aad th Heaate stand ml
louraed until to-morrow at It o'clock.
The presiding ofiteer wm the only Sea
ator from Ohio present, s4 he aot naif
put his own motion, but cm! the oaly
vote or it and lhn announced the r
sulu-.V, Y. Kttmimg hl.
A superior grafting wax maybe mada
by mixing one pint Unseed oil, star
fund roin, and one pound beeswax,
he oil will admit of a mueh greater
firoportloa of rwda than where Ultow
1 ud.
'lha agricultural psr generally are
enuring into a pretty free disci
on the good qualities of sorghum.
tw "