7 f CLOUD CHIEF. ma lt NF.BKAHKA WM 4aia1raie4. ohn Miller, of Motnimn. Iloonn ty, recently told a hm welching W5 lo. John I.nwaon, ngrtt 72, near Sallna, Jrffrrarm county, rnmtnltlrd ulcMr, Dec fHh, by taking arenlc A Unit two thniiannii jK-rtont hnro ilcned theplrdgodttrlnirthe Drew mrellnRt at rturlliiRton. A Mm nl MiwiiokotA, Deo. tllh, tv ttroyrd llrrlon t Pn' fitrnlturr tlore. U, 17,0(11 to in(U) Imuranrr, tt,n. A minor nnmnl Aiiiit l.lmiilii, wm killed In a coal mine at De Molne, Drr Pih, Sy the falling of tlate forming the nif of tin mine. Tim fluo ronlilt'tico of Col. John Ilird, at Wapello, I,oula rotinty, liiirnol on the night of Decemter 13th, with all It ronfrnta. Hut HtU: lnuratiro. Thfi ntoro nntl a took of Mnxwull Ac Klnr, at Cambridge, wrrr Imtned Dec. 7th. The building and itock wereralueil at In, Oil) ( nturanee, 4,KO. Thr, Chnrlton nnil Indlanoln rnllroail ha tieen mmpleled lo lacuna, within IHmllea of Indlanola. Ilia expected to reach thetalter place by Jan. 10th. A hotel waltor girl nt Hlotti City hru perraaded all the etnplnyr of the houteto take la blue ribbon andcontrlhutrd linuithe Reform Club fund. Thr Htnto Ornngn I'ntronii of Huh bandry cotiTenrd In Ha ninth m-mIoii In De Molnee, Dec. 10th. TI10 firt roll-rail ahowed 4S delegate preaeut. Nathan Mhnnnon, of Mnrlon county, came to hla death tn hi wagon while driving home from Telia a faw da) a ago, from Mm ef fect of liquor, Ho found the coroner' Jury, Thn gnvorninont onnnl nrottntl tho rapid at Keokuk rioted for the eon, Dec. 10th, and thr, water waa Mng drawn off. The canal lit lireii In operation nine, month with, out the tllglitrt Interruption to narlgatlun, Tho tlrlvo woll biidlnoHH hpiiiiin to ho creating eoniliterahlo exrltrmenl In aome parla of the Htate, and In toitm countle thn hmii!o are combining lo relit thedeinatidof 10 roy ally for each well. They regard It a a awlndle. 0. O. 1-rtno, wlfo nnil two uhlldron, who rrlded four mllea outh of Pabula, were drowned while out on the Irn In a hand lelgh, DecemWr 13th, The Irn broke aoatnMetily that none could aro Ihemielve or be rr. curd. A girl nhont alx ypnrn of ngi nnp. poted to hare lcen itolrn from parlle In Iowa, I at the I.llchlleld hotel, I.tlchtleld, Minn. Ithe glre her name a Virginia Ann, and aya her father' name la lluckley, Hlie wa taken from a woman who apcaid to bo deranged. Kruttin Ilarnoa, n woll-known ilonlor In lire atoek, nrar Fayette, committed tulcldo by hanging htmtelf In lit barn, December loth. taue, temHrary Intanlly, brought on ny urooilMK over the death of hi wife. He, WM Mly-two year of age, ml leave a ton fifteen years old.' Charles Suhwvrln, an old resldont of Burlington, committed ulcldn In tint city, Ore. 18th, by thootlng hlmelf through tho head with a revolver. Ho wi Mycar of age, mt lint lived In HurlliiRtnn oTer !) year. Financial trouble, ami recent drinking, rc supposed to have Ik-cii tlu rauict. The treasurer's report of tho 5tnlo (Irangc stum a balanreof (haiign fundalnhla hand, December J, IhTT. f SKkBlj amount received a due the current year, 99,likMV; amount received for supplies the current) car, WAS. Total receipt, 'J,0onW. Credited by amount paid M. I Devln,Ticurrr, IV U4I.W balance on hand, ISA. Among tho old bos of (own who have ircriilly been trotted out by Dip papers, are thr foltowlngi John W, Koge r, of Henry county, who will W 101, Jan, t, Ibjoj George Brophy, of Boone county, aged 1W W. W, Moore, of I'olk City, 1'oJk county, aged 101 5 (Icorge Klnplry, of Appanooee county, aged 1117, ami BanlMcr Bond, of the Mine count anl 104. Tho State Grnngo closed its session In Dea Motnra at ntwn, Dec. 1.1th. Mrr. Fry, Wtekford and K.tea were, appointed the finance committee for 187V. A resolution u patted providing that twenty-rive, per cent, of all money coming Into the hand of tho treat urer from tutamllnalc granges, dura, shall tie hrld at a linking fuiul, to he. applied to tho payment of the toek eerllrtcate hetdagalntt the Plate Orange. Goorgo Slngloy, of Appanoose conn ty, la orcr ItTT year of ago. He came to that county from roiintylvanla about 94 year ago. Ho la a gunnnlth, and worked at ate trade m til he waa 100 year old At the age of 1M he went to California, traveling IMOtulleaby land and alwit MX) by water. After rtmatnlngone year he returned to Iowa by land. He hu leu twice married and waa the father of U) children. Hit father lived lo III year and II month and tome daya old. HnalittrBooJ who Uvea In the aame county, U Mid td be 104 year of age. On tho second day of the Butt Orange at Dos Moines, Oil delegate reported. The Tarloui commit teea were announced, lie, olutloaa were adopted denouncing the repeal of the maximum raJlnvulUrift law,desiaidli 1U reatoratlon, and plcilglnK not to tote foY any man, ao matter what party may nominate him, who la not deflnltoly and reliably pledged to ue hU beat endearora toaecure aach reator atlon. Mr. 0. F. Clarkion preaented a report on the iubject of atenta, and faTortitfthe peUUonlnf of CoDirreaa to amend the pateut laws ao that pcrtona purcbaalug from a rea-u-lar patentee, ahould not bo aubject to pay roy. ally to another patentee. The report waa adopted by unanlmoua Tote. M r. EabbUt of. f ered a resolution requeuing ow aceatort and representative tn ConTVM to rote agatnat all bill for renewing patent, and for the repeal all laws autlnrtalui; auch renewal; adopted. It Hcoaaai lMail That a remedy made of turn common, aimple pUnUaa Hop, Buchu, Mandrake, Dandelion, Ac, thomld make ao many au4 aueh raarrel ou and wonderful curea aa Hon Bitten do, bat wken old asd youif . rich and poor, putor aad doctor, lawrar m editor all Uatlf ta haTwgvawB eared by thata, yew aaurt belfcre tyomratt, aau aoani ao lonftr. m vn JH jfWUMUU KM, jfeffcoOD.' . run jf NIWS OF THC WIIK. mralr. A flro In Now York, Dr-o 12th, canard a lo of 140,011). Hancock' slaughter howse, Chicago, burned Dec. Vlh, lm, 117,080. .Ilojmor HrtMt'i confectionery, Iltta burg, bu'nnl Vc. Mh. U, ISI.O"). Ittuirll Hron', hnrdwaro loro,Mnnl tee, MlcJr , hurne.1 Deo. 7th. U, 2.,0r0. Hinnll MrMon's slorn nt .Sonnrn, Ohio, bururd Dec. (rth, Im, 'JO.Ujr). TI10 Donvnr At Itlo (Irnmlu rnllrond h pim Into the hand of thn AlrhUon, Topek V flanta Fre. Tho I'lnin, lliirdlal A Hnriinrdo ImjU and nut work ! IlulTilo, N Y , were liiriinl Dec. Illli. h, IM.IMI. A call has Itoon ImsihmI for a reunion of the aurvlvlng Mildler of the lltaekhawk war, lot hrld alrlprlngflpld, III. Jan. Nth, Hhort iV Foriiinnco's Job printing and stationery eUMIlimenl, at Cterelatiil, Ohio, wa partially deitroynl by lire December Itth, A tologrntn of Deo. lOlh says llonry Well, of Well, Fargo A Co.' Rtprex, I lying at the point of death In (llugow, Hrot land. J, (). Ilidnos, an onginoor on tho Chtrago, Ibwk Iml 1'aeinc railroad, hot hlmielf falally Ihroiih tne head, Dec 10th, Caue depretilon of plrU, A lire at Oalosbnrg, III., Doc. 10th, ilr ttrojeil thn hroom-orn warelimiw of (.', M, Hhetduri, with eouilderahln itoek, Um, 'i U)t partially limirr.l. Tho nxprims eominnlim doing linsl act between New York and the Wett, bare agreed UKin a new schedule of reduced Mica on wettern-bouml frrlghU, to take effect Jan nary lt. Tho loss by thn storm In wnstnrn MaatachiiMttU lurreaae a cominunleatloril etabllheil. The tiws In Weitllsld alone, In eluding road, railroad and private property, I .VK),()0). Now dlsdovorlos of Huh sllvor donos Its continue to bo madn III the tlrlulty of l'sdvllle. Tlidnrut rrmarkabln one wasmsile by I.teiit. tlovernor Tsbor, of a vein from which ft,7t0 wss tskeii In one dsy. A flro nt Fort Worth, Toxas, Dwnin her Inth, dritroyed IIKI.OW worth of property, Including thn Journal sml fem(xrir printing ollleo. Mlrhsil Nephsem, s took In s restau rant, wa found dead In the ruin. Tho First Niitlomtl Hank of Sitrnto va, N, Y., tipeniled December III, owing lo tho defalcation of the county treasurer. A run wa then precipitated ou thn ComtnercUl tUuk, of thn panic city, sud Us doors closed. An oxploslon of nltro-glycnrlno and gun xw.trr occurred at the HI. llcmsrd rosl mine In Karllngtou, Ky., DercmU'r lit 1 ho shock wa felt for miles. A train of mining cars, mules slid negro driver were blown to atom. Tho lOOinllo walking matoh at Junius town, N. Y., for 1400, ttelween Ml Mary Mmhsll, of Chicago, aud Dan Carroll, of Warren, Vs., waa won by tho former, ilie be ing oiip lap ahead. Hlie had held that ltlnu since tho Ofly-lhlrd mile. l'orlor (Itiornsoy, ngod tlftuon, son of a prominent drugglit, and Florence Wyckoff, aged sixteen, dsughter of the I'reabylertsn clergymsM, st l.sko City, Minn., while skstlng together on the evening of December llllh, were drowned. Anothor mill wiw dostroyett by llro st Mliim hk)1U on tho night of Dec. Mb, canned It I dated, by tho ixplolon of Hour ililit. 1 he mill hsd I'J run of toue,anil emplo)ed 'JO ini'li, I.iw, 7.00(l; lumiratu'c, It.VHH). No los of life reHirtetl. Tho Ohio Httito (liuiigo. In session nt Colmutm, Dec. HUli, sdopted a irsolutlon reromiueiiillng tlmt county snd Htto sgtlrul lural flr bo rouiliirl to their legltlmste objects, and exclude horso racing, side shows and tho alo of luloxtrstlng llquora. lliuiry IliMids ato ronortod In tho east. The railroad tiaek along tho Hudson are submerged In many places, sud In some localltlcspoitlousotthe tisck w suited away. The Jsmes river st Itlchmond thrcsteus aerl 011 ttoot. rVrloua H.kxIk are also fearetl In some parts of IVnnayWrnla. Tho Amorloan KUvtrlonl Sooloty hold a meeting In Chicago, IKv. !lih. Many Inter cstlng subjects were coiuldered, Inrludlngthe t csktng telephone, electric lights, and Kin dred mstters. O Ulcers wero elected for the next yesr, snd the second Wednesdsy of eseh DcemUr was adopted as the time for tho reg ulr annua! nirMlug. A horrlblo accident occurred at tho American Iron work, I'lttsburg, December 13, by which l'alrlck Shannon, s millwright, wa lnUilly ktllrtl and tits IhhIjt torn to thrctls. Ill clothing wa caught by a pulley and hi body drawn on a slistt which "aa making '.MO revolution a minute, llefore tho machinery conMlwstopHd hit Uxly w torn to piece and scattered orcr the mill, portion Mug thrown,!) feet. The Sonato hiw conllrmcd Anron H. Creglu, of New Hsiuivshlrc, John Coburn, of Indiana, and Marvclleu l Btraru, of FUvt da, aa Commissioner to the Hot Springs; Lewis Wallace, of Indian, to be Governor of New Mexico vice Ocuersl Axtell, suspended under the teuure of office act ; Col. Itandolph 11. Marcy, Inspector OeneraJ. with rank of BrVMIcr General, and C F. rVvttt, IVtma tcr at Farkeraburg, Weal Va. Tko Now York car driver hato Ikiui on a atrlke, but new one haTe been employed, and the railroad director at a meeting re solved not to take back any of the ttrlker on an) term. The old drlrurt made tereral a aault on th new our, and tn tome placva put ohitruetlona ou the track. Sorer! of them were arrvMed. l"bre iollcemen were placed ou each car, and the road other! guanled. 4 firvat daruagti tea rvportml by tho flood throughout the Kat, at date of Dec. 1 1th. In Philadelphia the Iom li aerlou by Uie over flow of wharree. In FeontyWanta, the rlrcr and ttrram are greatly wollen, aud rllnil and other bridge are washed, way, It ralued tteadlly for ftrty hour. The tralua on mwi of the road have been delayed, and telegraph, ltnta were proa t rated br the wind. The lower part of Brattkboro, Ver mont, waa tttbaiergad, aad many tasaUlea had to be rowed w boat to placwa of safetv, Orest dsmsge to hlghwsys snd bridge I rrfitil from all part of New r!gtaj.d Mill Hirer, st Nm!.o.pu,ii, M , was higher than ever before hnawn, Fifty house were (!!e), and one Iron I ridge strpt sway At Fbrrrnrs one draw bridge Is gone, factory proffty deitruyrd, aixl rtiail wathcil swsy, At Isth a hrMge and a large amount of other pto-rty I deiroytl. Ttie bs st Weitrleld I sstlnutol tt l.tO.WO. 1 he damage I great throughout New YoitU The fliotiirhtnn and Ctirungii river were hitfher than they have breri fine IW.. Ihs damage at Klngtton, Wilbur, KMy ill-, and llitidout, i rstluisUd st 50,U). Tenty rive bililge thst ctom Mltlhnmk le. tween Mlnevlllo and i'urt Henry wern swept nj, 8 the repfirl come from a!l part of New Knglsnd, New York snd I'ennylvsnls, In tlentlrig thst th ilorm wa tor r I tile and Mm Im of property heavy, No o of llfn U rr-t-tUL Olsstlssnl HrMirit. llonry J. llodohiclr. In Ht.'louis, for the murder of V Vr, In June 11, h l 11 found guilty of murder li the Ort 1- A man tunned Itboads was assassina ted st (lerrnsulowri.Tcini., Dec Uth. He ws linl while sitting In atorn by Niiue unknown rwin. I'ollco oillcnr John Scott, of Mnorn merit'), Cal., wa hot through thn hed and killed In that city on the night of Dec. H(h, by parties unknown, On thn morning of Deo, llltli, I'otor Miirhineluer, of Clncliistl, best hit wile over the hesd With a list Iron until he supKMH-d her dead, snd tlieu went out snd hsliged hlm'idf H. II. Kddlns, nt Mnmphls, has boon found, In thn United Htate Circuit Court, guilty of (turfing the ballot-box, at llartlett, with fraudulent tlckr!, at the last jrelderi tlal election, He was s Judge of election and a prominent clllieu. John O'Connor, an ox-muinborof tho Ohio l.eglsture, who waa convicted In thn United Htate Court of forging co'lalu papera li procure an Invalid petition, has been ten tenoi-d to onn )esr' luiptlMiiimenl In the Montgomery county Jail, snd to psy the cost of proncc utlon. J. M, Toinpfroy, editor of tho Sttttir ! A'eefilri Veil, of t'ovlngtou, Ky , lis (cell setitetired to psy a Una of f Ml and b Im prloned for sixty days, for puMUhltig s IIM- ou srllcle rellectlug on the Hon. John (I. Carl Ule, the pretvut member of Congtes from tlistlltrlct. On Sunday morning, Docombor l.Mli, lu Motion, I'strlek Cslli, while In bed, waa liol four time by hi lirollier-tn-liw, Charles Cl Ithan. Calu chaied Callahsn, and al thu lat ter reached the kitchen, ho seltrd a carving W 11 If and cut hi own throat, dying almoni in lUutly. Calu cauiiolllvo. On Sunday morning, Ih'cnmhcr Hth, down near Huininervllle, Texas some maked men lurrviinded tho hotio of John Ptull, snd threw a torpedo InMdc. Tho Inmates csme nulling out, when thn ssslns ohwt ud kill ed Kufu 8mtth and John Htull, snd woiiudetl Hmlth's wife and baby, Tho aaastiis are un known, Tho Surgeon of tho Virginia ponlton tlary re tort that of thn ISM) ronvluts hired to thnJsiiMa ltUir.t Kanawa Canal Co, lat year, IVI died of bad treatment, oxpotiro snd lllthy accouimiMUtliins. TbU ahows a mortal It) of 10 percent., while In tho prison It Is only lUf per cent. Tho l.eglalaturn lis av Hilnted a committee to Investigate tho mstter. Tho llostoti llontld mhjm thorc nro sovernl gtuga of Inigua comiullou merchant In that city, organised tiudir a leader, who supplies all tho capital. Tlwy obtain coulgn mollis 011 crodlt by mean of circular quoting high pi Ice, aud dlpoo of thn gxd In New York at low rstea. More than a million of dollais has U-on reatlied, end a the U does not resell them, the tnulne thrives. James Dovluuy shot and killed John llsnelt, nesr Memitil, Teiin.,011 the night of Deceinter 1'lh. Ilsrrell, who belonged to a gang of doporrtiloes, went to Devlnuy's rrsl deuce, csllo I him out, presented his plttol, slid ssld that ho had a death warrant for htm and his brother. Devlnev went Into his houtv. procured his shot-gun, aud killed llarrell its ho sstou tils horse, with bis pistol still In tils hand. The coroner's Jury rendered a verdict of 'justllWhlo homlelde. At Mt. Carrie, Florida, a short timo sgo, four negroes attempted to burn a mill aud then beat tho Hupc rlutcndcul's wife, and compiled her to give up 1400. Tho tiegiws wero srrcMcd, but tho Jail where they were confined was burned down and they were lodged lu tho court houte. A baud of mkcd men the morning of Dec. 14th overpowered the guard, took the prlsouera out sud aliot two ilesd snd mortally woun led a thiol. The fourth ecaed but surrendered to the authotl ties, A l.oulsvillo dlspntch of Dcu, 9th sssi A special dispatch from Mt, Sterling, Ky., to tho CouricrJourust ) .lame l'etlt, Deputy T, 8, Marshal, airivrd therulsat night from a vlnt'.) miles f o in Jscksou, the sihiio of tho Iste dlturlsue In llresthltt county, snd reports auother ctdllslou letwieu the pr ties if Hill Strong and Jerry l.tttlo whlrh oc curred Wrdnesttsy ocntug lstt. Four men were killed sud seven wounded; Jerry Utile h smoug tho killed. The repot t Is ctmnnnetl bythe null csrrler fnvn Compton, Wolfo county, situated 'JO mllea this side of Jsck sou. A dWjmtch fr)in Nebraska City, of December 10th, say ths Jury at that lc found Henry Jackin, Heuty Martin and Wm. 8. Htvtnt guilty of murder In the sccoad de gnv, for kllltug Charles Ulocura and outrsg tin hi wife. The evidence seemed to warrant ardtctof murder In the tlrtt degree, and Judge Oaslln o tsjtel lu the sentence of pen Iteutlsry for life, which he pcd upon the murderer. About two o'clock oa the morn ing of December 10th, a crowd assembled at the jail, broke In tho door, overpowered the Jailor, scltcil Msrtln and Jackson, and taking them half a tulle south of the court houte, hung them to a tree, where the bodies were found that rooming, (llrtns was Uken to the penitentiary by a ttronp guard. An Omaha dispatch of Doc. 13, says: Two men named Ketchum and Mitchell, e cued of teallng slock, and who recently kill ed a herder named Stereos while trying to ar rest them, were on Tuesday night taken from the atari! of Center coanty and hi posse by a mob of armad men, who tied them to a tree aid banted them aoU to deem. Taw mob waa cvnfifised of 36 men, nearly all brdr, and tntfked J. me H, tlurke, who kflle.1 Mrrrts Wleht, a Texas herder, to ie;rmbrr, wa found gollty of innrder In the scrmd degree by tb Jury nf the Dltrtet Court, the verdlet llng vctim paiilnl with a recmmendaion for mercy Judge Hsvage nieneot him to twelve year at Urd lalor In the Unto n penlientUry. The murd-rrd Illr4 of Mr. HirUon and three children ttr fuou.l Dec, lllh, In a hay taek 011 her farm CfUen mite outh of Kesr oey, aupprMinl to hsvn been klllwl on the 5th. A msn namol fl. I), Klchards I uprcted of being the miirdtrer, snd It Is thought Uist he left Kearney for the F.t. A re wanl of 'J,ns1 t offered for the rret of the mtirdtrrr lltehard laM )eartld,lx feet and twolrirhraln height, black eyes, dark brown curlv hair, abort tide whlaker arnlrnouittche, Slid wearing s llgtil hat. Ahrursd, THK (lltir.NT. lutelllgonco Ita-s been received ut Vlrtina thst the rhtrf of the AlbsnUn lrssue dviuaud lhniicorr.tlltm of all Albanian dls trie! as au'oiKHiums province, that they lu tend Wi act 011 the ilcfuilvn,hvercfu-d toald ttie I'orte igaliot the Maird'inlaii lnur(;ent, havn Jirnmlnil to protect Itxlgarltxa again Montenegro, and have sdrtse! th InhahltanU of Nov! IHsr nut to attack the Aiutrlan troop occupying ltoula. Tho Stiltun has assured Count Zichy, Atl'troHurigarlsn Ainbatdor to CctiaUntl- 11 4f, of thn I'ortti' lute utlon to adhnrn 0) the treaty of llrrllti, and expreMe great axle ty to arrive at an understanding with AuUrta. A Cotistaulluople dlapatch y Andrew Ito rrer, a nillve of Hungary, who was natural ised In the Culled tUte ,11 1NV4, wa arrrbl oil thnlWthof November. Mavnard wllltodty 1I1 mand to bo Informed of the charge again Homer. Tho Russians hnvu decided to lunvu Ml.OftO men In llulgaila, and toconcciitratc all the tnxia In excea of that number at Adri an oplc until a ile Unite treaty I concluded. The lliltlfh Aiub!sitor contradict the rrxirt that he la negotiating an additional treaty with Turkey. The Amerlcsi Contul hss made tin co application for the release of Itoiucr, Ho wa Informed tl at ItomiT waa a part) to tlio conspiracy lu WW ItiHyrU, hut as his sr rest ws contrary to ths treaty obligation, thn Vlsler onlered Humor to tho dellveriHl to thn Consul for trial. The minister of police reqiietaotl thn remind of the prlroncr until thn IJtli The Conul iiroteted, slid will aply asln for the custody of Itomnr. A irres pouileul at ConUnllnoiln telcgrsihs that It I ssld thst domiciliary vUlta have been paid to thn liniKc of thn lto ,Mln!Mi'r,wh heir preuniillve, and the Gillian's brother, and tho hoii'cs aro ttrtctly gtunli-d. Tho streets are strongly pstrolled, and thn Hultan Is much slarmed. ArOIIANINTAN. Disputolios of December Uth nay that the HiltUh killed at I'elwar aro now estima ted at 'JO. Thnva't supplies which tho Af ghans hsd accumulated for winter In tho vll lagea around I'elwar greatly rellnvo the com mUssrlst, tietiersl Huberts Is erecting huts lu I'elwar I'sas for a portion of hi troop. It ha been rumored that an advance. 011 Jelala bod has been ordered, ami tho Ameer of Af ghanistan ha tied to TurklsUn. Intelligence lis been received thst tho family of tho Ameer of Afghanlntaii ha taken refuge to HumUu Tiirklitan. A reconnolssnre thowed lliatKhc Jolcko I'aa I not defended, and (leneral Hid dulph ha been onlered to occupy It. A correspondent with tho K 11 nun column reports tlmt a predatory trlbo attacked the rear guard of the contoy vast of Hoplcrt I'sm, (Ion, Itoberts sent two regiments, which rescued the convoy. To llrltlsti olllcers were severely wounded. Three (Stiork were killed snd twelve (Ihorks sud nne Highlander wounded, (leu, Hubert hss summoned tho chiefs of Kiiraui to aimwerfor tliooutrsge. It I found tlmt Ihrco iviworful tribe will com blno agsliift tho Ilrltlfh. Dlspntohes to Deo. 18th say: OMluinU snd tiotsbles of Allalahad have arrlvisl at DakWa to tender their suhiulMtou snd services to tho rirttftli suthorltlcs. New from Csbul represents that eight n glmentaof tho Afghan Itifsutry havo shown 11 dlslnclltutlon 1 1 light The natives tn the south of dhutzsrgarden 1'sst seem friendly to tho Brttlnh. Tho people of Utiuharest, Deo. 10th, commemorstod tlio fall of I'levtia. A Cm stautluople dlapatch says Mshmoud Damad Pasha haa tu-en appointed (Jovernorof Trl( oil, lu IWrhaiy. He left for bis post lmmell stely. This Is counldcrcd the same ss bsnlsh merit. Other erous of leaser note have !een sent Into tho provinces. A special lo tho London ifcerfiscr from Bombay s)s An Afghan ofllcer ar rival In (leneral Browne's camp from Jelals bad, and Invited tho llrltlfh to advance to Catitil and est' llsh a new government lu cou sequence of a general rising again! the Ameer, A dlipatch from (juetU say that Information hat 1hcu received continuing the report thst the gsrrltnn of Candaharlias tcen relnforiHil by Afghan tnMq from Herat, and a Urge fore eof Turcamon cavalry. OKIIMANV. It In proposed to transfer tho con t ml of the Orrmsn rsllways from the State to tho Imperial Government, tn Vrussla, at last. KNDUMI. In tho llouso of Commons, Doc. 10th, the Under 8ecrettry of India said that the Council of ludl Intended to Increase, the na tive rmy l.0ix) men. ,They were not tending out fresh toldlert fnvn Kngland. A man named Madden was arrested tn London, Dec. I'ith, charged with threaten ing the life Queen of Victoria. Madden, It ap pears, la a harmlea lunatic, and haa teen known at auch for twenty year. Tho (irand Duchess of Heso Darm stadt, 1'rlcccM Alice, daughter of Queen Vic toria, of England, died of diphtheria cm the morning of Dec. Uth. She ws the third child ami second daughter of the Queen, and wa born April 2Mb. lt. Her father, the late Frlnce Albert, died Saturday, Dec. 14th, 18dl, being the tame day of the week, aame month, and the same day of the month. In tho House of Commons, Doc. 16, Stanhope, Under Secretary of India, moved molutloa that the content of the Hour be given to the defrayal of th Afghan war ex pente from the Indian rare nue. He aaid the government hoped and believed It wowld re main a mere frontier war. Fawcett moved aa aawacslmMt to U elect that U propeaal waa unjust. tlliibrUnie seeiMdtl tha amecdiDSot, iteelsrlng thai the prupial Invtfd the Hooe to entirely abdlcu It c- ntrol over the direc tion of the war P'r Ur7ord NotUkoV ld It wa rx.t Inletnlfd toehsrge the whole ralll Ury eiirndllure 00 India. In tho Houto of Common. Dec. 12th, Northrote, rtplytag lo sn Irqulry lu reference U hi tUU-ment thtt tt Huflsn F.nvoy hal leftt'ahul. Ml.) he hsl sine b'en given tj un derstsnd that only Ui- Kurln Knvoy, not th ltiilan Mis Ion, hal mra wltUtrsan from Cabul In the ue of Common (Irani Duff reip-rirl the debate on the (iovernment' Af jr,hn i-llcy He violently attacked the tlov (rrimtnt, declaring that only Bedlamite tr Ilevnl In the tMhtllty of ti iurlon of In dl. Burke, I'ndcr Foreign S.-crrtary, replUd, and the ilebate wa contliuinl by Hardy and Derilfou fiir Uie OtiM-rvatlvea and OVIiiiinh ney, Frjambe, Itellsnd ami (luchelu the l.llx-rata (laMhrln was the only Import slit l.l!'rrlpvler. TIIK WOltl.ll OF SCIK.N'CK. .first osa Mwstlsrya. Dr. II. V Chapman, of I'hlladelphla, hits been enlightening the scicutillo ineii of that city with a long communication on the iitmtiimy and xoologicrtl (Kisltion of tho gorilla, baed on tlio ilisaection of a young sMclmen sent to him from (tnboon, carefully preserved tlu rum. As tho result of "his examination. I)r. Chnpmnn protesU-il agalns' tho general error, so common among non-profes-slonals, that ovolutionlsU hold that man has descended from the gorilla, lie did not think any monkey now known could bo rrgardci! its tho progenitor of man. On tlio contrary, ho believed all tho facts go to aliow that the different kinds of monkeys are the modilied lv Hcciuliints of oub ancestor, and that the diHuruut 'races of men havo similarly descendud from n common nncontof; and further, that tho nncostors of man ami tho monkey hnd remotely a com mon ancestry. If this view bo correct, it is vain, he thought, to look for the "missing link." How it U'ngiiN Hhrel Hnsta. I'roof that tlio top of n wagon wheel, when running along thuground, moves faster than tho bottom, is given, by In stnntiiniious photographs of a wagon in rapid motion. It is ohviou, says tho writer, that an lnstMitnncout photo graph of 11 whui-ol, revolving upon ItM nxlo in tlio air, will show till parts of tho wheel in eiptal dlttuncc. Hut If tlm wheel has a progrcilvo motion, and any 0110 portion hat a greater motion than lbs corresponding part, above or below, there must bo a liability to blurring in that part of tho picture. Theso pictures aro taken with so brief an exposure that tho horio, though moving at a 2:21 gait, it sharply out lined. Tlio wheelH of the driver's sulky, however, havo a ditrereut tale to tell, Tho lower third of each whvel is sharp and distinct 101 if absolutely at rest. Not so with the top, that part of the wheel showing perceptible move ment during tho two thousandth part of a second of tho exposure of tlio pinto. The upper cud of tho spokes urn! the rim aro blurred. la Tttrra u llole 'I'ltronKt Ner vury'f In the course of his observations du ring tlio recent transit of Mercury, Mr It. A. Proctor, tlio eminent astronomer, noted n very interesting circumstance. A bright spot wiw seen on tho planet's disc, which appeared to him to bo per fectly ce nt nil and of souslblo size. It looked, hu says, lust as if tho disk wero a round piece of black card, and tho bright spot a hole punched through with tho compass point in strik'ng tlio circumference. One feature seemed deceive of tho subjective nature of tho bright spot-when a small cloud passed over n p.irt of tho sun's face, nearly the whole of which wiw in the Held of view, the spot perceptibly diminished In brightness, though not crossed by tho cloiul. Another feature wiw that, as tho spot thus waxed and waned, it wus triangular lu shnpe, but uhun the Ins ter of the spot was steady. Mr. Proctor could not distinctly recogni.o this pe culiarity. Tho appearance of tho spot wa.s not modilied when the planet wiw nllowcd to approach tiio cugo of the rather wide "tleld." Commenting up on this remarkable observation, an American paper suggest that Mercury tuny havo a hole through It, and that tho bright spot may havo been nothing more nor less than tho un shining through; while the question Is also asked whether, if Mercury bo tubular, the earth may not bo so also. Coed's Matjaiinc. ' We will be Crowned In Heaven A llvo dollar note would lo an extrav agant price to pay for her establishment and all it contains, but If heroic woman hood over found embodiment in humnn shape, it can I mi seen nightly upon St. Charles street. Just below the ncademv of music. A week ago (iramlma Wil son was In Menijdds, balllingpostllencc by her tireless vigilance, llatled by a terror-stricken community an tfielr guardian nngcl, F.IUabcth, in the zenith of her splendor, could not havo com manded tho adulation which spontane ously went forth to that old woman. For thirty -eight days and nishts during the frightful harvest of death at Grena da thoso withered hands wero often tho ouly ones to soot ho tho burning brow or closo dylne eyes. To her tender caro were committed Uieirchlldrcn by dying Sarcnt. Appointed by tho divino man ates of gratitude universal executrix and administratrix. In that season of doadlv peril ami death, the confidential friend of tho highest, she now sells pea nut on St. Charles street. She did so bcfo,T, and wero another epidemic to carry desolation into a thousand boaics, after another herolo battle with disease would do so again; but is Ctncinaatus returned to his plow much more herolo than Mrs. Mary Ann Wilson returned from tho devastation of Grenada, (Irand Junction and Memphis to her peanut standf Mrs. Wilson was a faithful nurse here In 1837. During the epi demic of 1&53 slio was on duty tho en tire summer. In 1855 she devoted her timo to the sufferer of Norfolk. An other year she visited Savannah, and, in short, for forty years this noble wo man has flown to the aid of the sick and suffering the Moment she heard of her needs. There is a seat above for her asaofif the beat of God's children. Sttc OrUmmi JSmt. W. rrairti Xtfler. An Kat Indian secular paper av An important wrtrmonyln connection with the Homan Catholic church iu In dia I shortly to be celebrated at Goa. It has been determined by hit tunlcaty, tho king of Portugal ami his holines, the Hpe, that the jlmo is opjortune for the exhumation of the body of St. Xa vler, the ajKwtle of India, which has re mained sealed in lb gorgrout mnuo lem erected by the piety of Donas Ma ria Socunda. late queen of Portugal, in the cathedral of ancient (i sitir. -18-V) The tragic death of this remarkable and yood man, which occurred some three hundred years ago at Macao, while engagod in propagating tho great doc trines of ChrUtianity, is a matter of history, and how his body wa brought by sorrowing and loving friend to Goa m and there Interred, and now he wa jan nnlzed by tho Human conclave and 'La right hand sent to Rome siti'o which time the body has lMn periodiotlly ex humed and present a one of the mi racles of the church to tho thousands of Devotee who, on those occasions, cou I gregum from all part of India to taku X part lu the ceremony. At each of these exhumations tho remains have been sub jected lo the most rigid Inspection by the best medical faculty procurable. In the procnco of all tho great dignitaries of the church and realm, including the governor-general In person, that no de ception may Imj used, and thi.t every J minute circumstance in tho appearance " of the body may be observed and dear ly and distinctly noted down in the re port, which roort, after having been signed by all the olllclals present, is sealed up in the colli n to remain until its next presentation. It is nlllrmed that no species of fraud could by any poslbility bo admitted. I happened to bo traveling in that part of the world In 18.VJ, and. its I was inti t match- acquainted with the then gover- nor, having served in the same regi ment with him aa a youngster, ho readi ly admitted my request for a private In spection, although not of tho Unman Catholic faith. Proceeding, according, ly, to tho cathedral, accompanied by the archbishop's chaplain und an aid-decamp, I found tho body In lu ni'is'slve silver collln, inlaid with' the riohestem-V broidery, open in a glass case, ling at tho foot of tho altar. The front'of the case, forming 11 door, composed of ono solid piece nf gla-is, was uiilockd with a key brought, llrmly fastened round his wrist with a irold chain, bv tho idil-.ln- camji. The collln wiw drawn out on truckles, and I knelt by the side for a closer view. It represented a man of about forty years, rather under thnn ove the medium height, in a most per fect statu of preservation. The framo was tlmt of a slightly built man, and the countenance had the appearance of a holy calm and neace. In fact, it wore tho expresion of unutterable love, that wiw fascinating. I remarked that a slightly darkened spot appeared under tho left eye, and this 1 was told had ap peared slnco tho previous inspection, some twenty years before, and was sup- posed to bo occasioned bv a blow re ceived by the apostle at the timo of his murder. The present occasion, it is thought, will be wno of the greatest gatherings that has over occurred, as notifications have already been received of tho intended presence of almost all tlio Homan Catholic IiMioim lu India, iw well as severnl from Kurope, who will take advantage of the Suez, cnnal, available for tho first time for the pil grimage. Apartments have also been taken for permits of high tank among tho laity, and It U confidently reported that his royal highness tho king of Por tugal's brother will make ono of the number -Cutholic Telegraph l-ocomolhes Wlilivut Fire. Machines on tho above-named prla ciple aro now at work ou the tramway from Huell to Marly, near Paris, and with very satisfactory results. Tho system iu use is one Introduced by M. r-rancy, an engineer, and is based on the fact that water bolls at a lower temperature proportionately to the re duction of the atmospheric pressure. Most of our readers uro aware that al though water requires a heat of 2PJ de grees Fahrenheit to boil at the level of the sea, a much lower tempuratuni is sufficient to produce tho satuo effect on the top of a mountain. Wo will now explain how that physiological fact is practically employed. Into a reservoir of thin steel, wo cannot call it a Irollcr, for It has neither lireplaco nor lire, is introduced 1,800 litres of water at a temperatureof '.'00 degrees Fahrenheit, and covered up hermetically. The steam it gives off at onco tills the su perincumbent space, nnd produces a pressure of fifteen atmospheres. As soon as any of the vapor is turned on for moving the machine the pressure is reduced and tho water then begins to boll, producing a fresh supply of steam. Of count) that process Ss ti but limited extent, as. nt tho ootn mencement, tho liquid only contained a certain amount of heat, which is gradually diminished as the reproduc tion of steam takes place at lower tem perature by the exhaustion of the su perincumbent pressure. So far a ma chine of this description would bo ob viously totally inadequate lo any very prolonged Journey. liut for short tran sits it has been found extremely ser viceable. As the amount of pressure required to work the engine I only five atmospheres, a series of valves are so arranged as to prevent a greater amount of force issuing from tho eacrvolr thn is necessary, and thns retaining, as far as possible, the heat originally con tained in the water. The driving part of 1)10 machinery is nearly Identical with that of ordinary locomotives, with a few modifications, with the purpose of guarding against the nseleas waste of the heat originally introduced into tho reservoir.--UaltgtwnCt Mesttngtr. lXnmnts de Tern Forcets. -Mine finely some cold meat, and season; pick out your large potatoes, pel and core them, only be careful not to core then through; till as full as you caa with minced meat, asd put Into a dish to bake, with about a cupful of water, and a little butter or good dripplagof Uef. Iilargw. aa hoar Is required to Ukt then; If mot, oae-half th time do. V 1 lsV 1 J iir f u