V t9f 'V JSyf, Jm n j-'j m. Tafc UHT tF TIE atoveav leaving the Barbaric grHri4 tlaY I m me cireo of tke JVrewt, wRh the jquaw bartertag'thrlr erwat ration with the traders, the medio men bt-aUnii Use tedg poles Aad wukA BfT their doMul mummery. w sAaraal on onr return Intending to rWt Hat the Modi, ha iKi-tiuy a targe rvgtn a lion In th r(cl nlty. The people eaate a,ajaT . nrrr id isio, or ruacr uiey wen brourht here by therorerntnent. virtu uen- brouj al a tmolthhrncnt lor having ca ll In the Modoc massacre And the ostllltle In the lava bvdsi and are compelled to remain. The Modi- had I believe. In a measure abandned no tniwllo life, anil were settllm? irraduallv InUi pastoral habit before the outbreak of hoMllltlc, o that at the close of the JAar when the present occupant of tlHijrvtcrvAiloti catno here, they wen so far removed from tho blanket lndl- an In their pi ogress toward drills tlon thai thry settled dowa. a a gener al thine, to the butluo of cultivating tfie toll without fueling the change very riouily. We aw only one or two of Urte loir building In which they live. id thoso al a distance. They looked i though they might Ik- comfortable. sor snciicr, uui ma' w an i no souare g hut for which tho Indian exchange- U conical wigwam, I not an Inviting tincture, even though It bo roomier nd better defended i rom the weather: d when I came to contrast the irrace- I form of tint tent and the bright col. r of the camp in tint savage life wit pao seen with the somber ami gloomy aspect of the nglv square cabin Into which civilisation Invite the Indian u aW lint step out of savagery, ! could kardly wonder that the barba'rio lore of right eolor and graceful form hould raw him back no stronirly to the old rnw ii JK tio (tfli by Hold of .1A0 acre of corn, cultiva- the Modoc, wa shown u. -la the tW-ldn were several member of the trine gatuerinr tnr en, and among them Hoiruk Char If v. tliASirenent chief. IWo (topped at the ouVe of the Held to feed our horne. and nt our Invitation Hogu Charley came out and wc. tnlkctl to him ubout the prcaent condition and trtMotJi of tho tribe. He Hak Ktkf.ish ipitto well nnd tindertaud) rendlly ordinary comcration. I.lkn nil thn Indian we tlw, he occiiicd hy ntut silonU nmtwrctlng our ipicftUou, freely, but making im coucrKtlm himself He (old im then Mere 1A )u the piirtr that came ill 187:1, but thnt they linil ilwlndlcd dovu by ileath to 100. In niiHwer to our uue.ition If the) wcro conleulcd, he cmd, adly, M()h, wJl, 1 expect wo tav hern mm. Wu no get bnek." Hut don't vou like It hert!" "No. we not like it,"' he said. "Too many din. We come here one hundred and tlfty-llve- we only one hundred now. All over there,0 ami hu pointed to the burial place over on a hilli-lde half n mile away. There waA nn cxmiUite tendernerui In hli wny of aying thi1, nnd hi "one hunner now" wva o full of gcntlcuc!t-i and gravity that, though hu did not aim at any ef fect txjyond answering u. he did really touch tho feeling of u 'all. fhun when we naked him If he wanted to tto back to hi old homo among tho lava bed, his eye Jtint brightened a little nnd turned wcitwnr-1 with tho far away look of home nlcknea and long Ing, and he t-nld, "Yon, I like to jro back; my nUter there; my frlvadnthore?' . I wna'much interevteil iu thin chief. Tiogiift Charley. Other Indlnn coaj. tdnlucd or begged, were nullen or imughty; either poneil or groveled. The man. with felt hat, blue Miirt, nnd over alls, without bend or feather, or n touch of color, an nttrrly imhrrolo prrxon In' nppenrance, with n effort nt ditplav or attempt to exoito aympnthy or tvd mirntien, nccmed to me great in the Inmllcltv of hi talk. hlnntudlcd ulo- (Uiencr, hi profound natural pathos, hi dignity without hnughtlncsn, nnd grnco without nffitntlon, Aud greatest of all in the philosophic resignation with which ho accepted hU fate with hardly a murmur orcomplainU A hu Mood there on a little eminence over looking the cornfield, hi arm folded and til lithe figure limned against the sky, not looking at us at we drove away, it was, not dlfllcult to picture in ihlm a heroic last of the Modoc. He had said little, but the tone and man ner of what ho did say so impressed mo that for a while I did feel n though thi man represented nn ngrluved and -(.despoiled race, and that I, as rcprc- .-Ulll(ll U U UIU I iWJU illltfc lll W (UIJUU him ii-lind otnethingTto 4beforry for, I L'stime 1 ideallre him. Well. M nnv pre rate, I have tho picture, nnd that I shall retain. Hut what an uuromantic name) "Hogu Charley!" Well, let him Im Hoiru. nnd sro back to tho soualor of ' I his cabin. The plcturo In my memory Us of "The Laat of tho Modoc;" nnd ktransfuscd with a clow from the sun set. Hogus Charley Is a fact, and a idod, of coure. My Indian is a po-ni. -A. 1. Tribune. t:x;i,ANiHi iilroxKNTaC ".. VurtaMt TrUNM Iwclwelf ,! MtUratrtiafna r AfgbanUtnn i)iaMi'country thaa. a people. Unlike jut countries waero ic courses! nverfor too declivity ot ounaJn4Tha gul4wl the grouping of i Inhabitant). AfrtnaHan presents, m oca SwitatrUnd. -(mnUnrJ peewilaUon, ftcd wlta all t&kftMtf af tBoea alneera Uo, jcllaua of.'aWW.Inde- endence. tejacJosmt"af tfeatrJlMamr hrocgh aa(fiaV rfaklia mc- reeded in TrnjiriD aapaud ktjaU aW hev erogiTTieous Qjiiaaaui laraattaroumi and over ltWtn!ilfrti iaiaaaf these iirsl in IittKaanmtlwk.4s4. which 'serves to welf tofM assJIke rest of the Afghans ponar AW aaSswJsyatHaV xlTrs the lWiVlnalif XaaZtumwan name is li in i n n i ill mm laaTaasiaa " la India H u kiort a thMFMan tribe. Wheoc l fgkaMnapnsi. riglnally, none can tU; thjr UMMftshrcs have lost all trail ii; nn -' - '- ttm, l.MrJlem 16 leAfended fjfoaxthe jbw wkw,wcre oiipatjau azier me Cap tirlty of Salmanaiarrand have sought forproo&MDf taesrakcory iu their oast of foiiure: arsi ta ae oaMlnacuof their i0 natIonaJakarkw'JsnheirdaWt,eT- luenur oitne lrsaJiongin.'trnrs against these ffftJdejU all toaadaUoa ltsatdy thf.v are frflw th IadvurrHaN tatMatljr Hactrla, walch rmlrtt4 afM the aorthrm hill oa of thoe MatroHi ciinqurt(ig r which at dliVrrat pch hate ltt tbrlr own Larree wtr for rlehrr cllrar. Nrti la lattHxlanre to the fouktaaoh are the f4Jlk, who lahaWit tkt wvtrA dU. trkt aear th IVrslaa bTdr Atvnl. lac to their own acrount thrr were ttogUally from the nrlhWrhod of Bajrta!. an MrrtliHt mslntsJnl by raas to tx luadmusiblc Why It should be Inadmissible I cannot ", rtecpt that aaraa generally are unwlllicxlo admit aa) thing which N bxl upm coaitnon tratlllUm and cannot t ptutnd nisthHnsticalty llowevrr, whrlhvr they te Itaulan or Arsis the; are a o,ulrt, orderly rac. attached to their native soil, aad entirely inxnipled llh agriculture, their nam. Indeed, signl fjlng "peasants." lUlher likeil down upon by their wore turbulent neighbor, who consider theoi Incapable of com mnndlng, tho awong them who hc rrrel In the Hritlsh army he 1h shown Uith courage and nnerg) Their language U a dialect of Persian with an admUturo "f matt) Arab word In tol trable amity with tho t'ouktaneh and the Tadjik are half a doirn Icm uu nn nm tr1lci, waifs and tra from ancient northern linaslon. The IV beek. frtiin the stiudy tablelands of Turkestan, are In the north, along the banks of the Oxu. Hy turns oompieror and compiere! thoy have abandoned their original Idiom for that of their former subjects, Ths Hegarvih are the dexviidauts of 1,000 Tartar families Imported Into the country by Timour, according to the custom of Asiatic dcsjoU transplanted nomad, they base retalnel their no madic prtx-llvltU. ami mav le seen In all the cvntera of xipulntlon. offwring their lalor by the day, apparently unable to settle thetusehe to any lixed place of treaidence, or to any -H-rma nent Mcupatlon. Thn Mlaitoch, or Katlrs -the luiiure. Inhabit the almost unknown mountain chain which emp ties its streams Into the Cabul aud In dus. Vagans, ami on that aooounl de spised by their Moslem uclghl-ora, the SiapK'h are n iH'ople of m Merlon origin, among whom ale found white faces, blue exes, nnd fair hair, with n language evidently of Aryan parentage, which some nutl-or have argued lndl cntes n decnt fnmi Maiiilonlan de serter of the army of Alexander the (rent The Arab, the Hindoo, and the KUlbn.li nro mostl) In CnhullMnu and on tin? cMeru frontier. Ilnally, there nru the Djals, nn alMirlglual tribe who reside everywhere, mingling among the other natives, but, unlike them, without individuality The inn jurlty of the coplc prnfc the tenet of the Mussulman sect of the Slmnltes, whence an Irreconcilable hatred for the IVndans, who, being Shlltes, glorify Husoeiit nnd Hnssnn, nnd consider Omer nn luiotor nnd an n'aiu. All this grouping of people conMltulc a Mipulntiou variously estimate! nt from V.IXN.I.COO to 6,000,000 soul. Most probably the latter I nearest the truth, Although iu reality nil clement am wanting for oven an approximate valuation n meagre contingent for a territory of more than MA.OOO.OOO aerc. The political conMltulion of Afghan tatan Is a species of feudal confederacy. Tho Kmlr is the surernln, more or less cIlMoiit, of the other chiefs, who rule aorthaMaouth of Hindoo Koosh.nl thbtmk JaVreallly the link between the sccjiailatTpow era and tho central gov eminent! usually very feeble. How. ever, ncceptlug the otllclnl division of the country n real, Afghanistan I comjMwed of live province ('ahull tnn, with It dependencle of Kallris tnn, In the mountnln near the Indus Hezarch. commanding the upper basin of tho Hulmuud, Khoraaii, which Inmnd lh last unmed on the west nnd south, from Herat to Kandahar, ami I onlv scparatud by n conventional Hue from l'crsisn Khornssnn; Afghan Turk estan, ltuitcd between the northern lopo of the Hindoo Koosh and the upper water of tho Amondtarin, Ilnal ly Selstnn, Vhlch surrotind tho Ha moon Lake. This federation Is, how ever, anythlag but binding) several of the Khanates, particularly Herat, nre virtually independent, nnd could be eas ily detached from the Afghan agglom eration, while the plain and cities of Turkestan seem fatally destined to lav ouniur Itusklan appanages. Heslde this, the social organization by triln: or clan, accutome through age to self-government, weaken greatly the action of tho central power, so thnt, if anything can give to Afghanistan the strength to resist tho shock of a Kuropcnu army, It will Ixi the force id cohesion, resulting from a common onlimcnl of haired for thu Invader. --S'. )'. Tinut. ( i vn.i.i.xi thi: ki:i mxa. A Itfmarkable Instance uf Its Hnc-f at Fart hrpeh. 31. T.. Ikiwrted br Hen. grMlle, An Interesting document wm yester day reielveI at mliiUry headquarters frpm (Jen. Miles in refercnew to the rpditioti of the Cheyenne Indians al Fort Keogh. M, T. Gen. Miles state thai about a year ago he was allowed to retain thirty Indian scout aad their families, but that since then this num ber ha bee reduced to twenty; these included tweatr-aine men, forty-four woujim, aad thirty-nine children. To these h calk sfstetal aaUatlon. The Gestural atataa that twenty-even i oaths aro theaa IadhMM were lesvlcrs la battle of the Little Blir Horn. They were fought by the troop in tho winter of lOTeT?. Oa March H, 1OT7, , seven ol the arrenderet at Kart scogh aa hoetsas. Then fol lowed the surreadar of 300 oa April St; ad the rt ale 4rfol Crazy HorsaV band, aserael aoath and surrendtreJ at "laaatr agaaales. Their war-pfnileS wete sow for rA9.W. nith tiAM this moaeyX'aaslaln Ewers purchased t very tine uerd of aighty-fire young cov aad hcifcM.mt abeat 10 a head, awl 400 worth of wl tor planting. The cattle were branded ami distributed among the families. The ground for the gar den was broken up late in the season, yet theyiave raised 1,(00 bushel of IhfttaUx. l.'J of turnips, po of com, 16 of onioa. lh f parsnip. 10 of car- ttu, 1,600 melons, 1,CW htad of cab- hare. t.UX) tammrr squash. 00 Hub. bard, XO pumpkins, Mid AX) dusva v4 cocnmtrre, rWlde ths lht raided a larp qusntlty ol tsas, xt. r4th4, and tomato?. Ttielr wiaUr ctop has twsta stored In l"o Urgi) Ml. fce, hulH by the Indians thettH ss-lvts, 1 hs nefal says that lh had warrior of the 0JUUh4liHx andChevrane ruld htt ba gathertag their rrepv and llftiaj; hvs with which to secure them 1r the was. ter. This ntk ha twa dun aadsr the rMpervlsSoa of one soldier, (trorg Youkam, a plain, hottest UlinoU far. raer-hoy. who came oat as a recruit last spring Tht Indians have solved thttHt problem First, tSat the wlldeil of them can be made pesxeable and lota!, Sctvad, that they ran to made !( ! t.tlnleg, as lhe"men rvorlX(Ht nothing fntn the gvuernmetit that they have not earned, and h re tiprteti them (re by their own Indiutry Third, that tho representation that have brtt msiU aUtut our "liarren landi," and which hae doni o much harm, hat hreti made without foundation and that In addition to the pxMoral and mineral ealth of this otnntry, It Is rich In agricultural rvourw. (ienerai Mile add that what can U done with the? Indian rait b done with all the Indian of the Northwest, aud t onoten',h what It ) now ntMiug the government, and without anv ditlitisl legislation on the nlijtvl The onlv money these Indians have received fnmv. the government was a small nmount they had tcn paid as culiMfd xmiiU, In'thls iMiniMH'tlon, theliener alsay llsnt he wishes to eak of the Indians' sen Icrs, One ol them was killed while conveying dispatches, four were Inxlliy wounded In the engage ment with the Sioux and Net Pen. The) have discovered aud guided the command to two ho. tile camp, they have carried dispatches In every dlreo tlon, aud at great distance, and, a guides, have been Invaluable, as their knowledge id the country, tlinlxr.w ater, and old Indian routes of travel, etc . ha abled the troops In establishing direct freight, mall, aud telegraph lines of communication) (Ienerai Mile re commend that the fl.V'JI he hold, recehed from the sale of poulrs of In dian who were sent South, lx sunt to oiiio olllcer who will make n Judicious ue of It for their tmiirllt. (eueral Terry forwarded this report o tienernl Sheridan, nnd called r.pi-clnl vttcution to the report a being nhlu able one nnd ndiled thnt "the reuintk able ucce which l reported indicate not only an unexpected capacity for lmproement on the part of these In dlait, but very wise and skillful admin iMrnilon on the part of Colonel Mile " And (icuerat Sheridan's tniorement I that "thi I In confirmation of the be lief, a expdeed In my nnnunl reort, thnt with kind trentmeiit, AdmlulMcrcd wltU itendiues nnd Jmtlce, the Indian can Imi ritleemeil and made o!f-upHirt lug, and In an incredibly short period of lime a compared wltli the opinion usually entertained by the general puli He." fcr0Yii, Xov, ,W. AMTIH)l,VIJAtV. The wun-3foraiii Wesaan of Malt Uhe A rented. Polygamy having existed In Utah thirty) ear, half tiiat time In defiance ot law, and lccomlng stronger and more aggrolvo with the flight of time, the women of Hall Lake oped Ui it, outrageil leyond measure by a rceoiit Instnuce of ft, In which It wn ritnb lisluxl through Judicial pnH'eMllug, that the Mormon chutch assented to the H)lygamou Intermarrlni'e on one and the same day of John Mile, Caro line Owen, Kmlly SKncer and Julia SiHjncer, all les than lwenty-fle )ear of nge, liavu nt length addressed theiii stdve to the task of setting ImhiiiiI to It further advance, it poVhlo In puriunnoo of thi Intention, they assemblml iu mass-miM-tlng, Novomlter 7th, 1H7H, nnd aj(ipt-l tho following ad dre to Mr. Ilspn and tho women of thu United States: 7u Mn. llulhrrfanl II, llaya nnd 0a irorneri oj (he Vnitfi Vtulrtt It l more than thirty years since m Ivgamy was tdanteI on the shon of tho (ireat Salt l.aku. Durini? these years, Congress ha lit terly fallel to enact efllclenl or enforce existing laws for tho abolition of thi great crime and wo Mlctn that more of these unlawful and unhallowed alli ances hare Ix-cn consummated the lal year than over Iwfnro In tho history of the Mormon church. Kndowmenl hoiiw tindr the name of temple nro Iming ere:tcd In differ ent parts of tho territory, costing mill. Ion. It Is impossible to Ascertain !h exact niimlwr of (Kdygnmou mar riage, for they nro contracted In these endowment hou-, an Institution no (.entile is pamllld to enter, where tho brotherhood and ltrhood are seate! nnd iKMind by oath o strong that oven apftates will not reveal them, and to maintain which wlUiee on tint witness stand unblushingly perjure themielre. and on thn jury violate all consideration of oath and duty. Considering all out surrounding o lygarny ha never taken iuch a th-grad-Ing and debasing form in any nation of among any people, above tho condi tions of savages, as in Utah. It I degrading to man and woman, a curt to children, and a destruction to tho sacred relation of family, upon which the civilization of nation depend ; and there are things that cannot be re peated or printed that reduce the sys tem to the lowest form of Indescncr, That It should be practiced In tho name and under tho aoak of religion; that an apostle, a polygamlst with four ac knowledged wires, is permitted U) sit In Congress, only add to the enormity of the crime and makes it more revolt log to our common christian principles. Oar legislature is composed almost entirely of polygamlib and member of the Mormcn prieathood, and they hare thrown around oolygawy vry olble legislative safeguard la their power, and the right of dower has been abolished to break down the distinction between the lawful wife and the concu bine. The Mormons are rapidly extending their settlements Into Arizma, Idaho. New Mexico and Wyoming; they have the balance of power In two trfilorlcw, and are, without doutt, plotting for it In others. We rail utn th Cht.itun jii "KaP the I atfd Slate) to Mn In uncle IVagT U iHwr IU rowtl to a? rt lh fntths-r progt l tht vl! I and to delay th sdmlltsnc il lth J Into Ihunhvt) until this Is atvpUhtd, ' Ml M k.V .h. .ft a1.uI.Ia a ...I ..... ' tlth cmr spal la orvht to anwi ptw I , He t,Uiut. whh'h satHiM l agsln.t I aa aKimlaalMH. that jwvmIImI, ,,,v pres and sUgmatle wwis It t ! or purvw to aV natvww to a petition designed for LVwiftT, and w hep also that f mr minister w the (Jil will corawend It to the wvmen of hi agretlhn. and that all ChrltilM socUthmt will do what Ihty ran to oldaln signature With the cordial rsoifallon and cvocsirtcd action of the ( hilMlsn wo men of our land, we hsj rsoiOdently hope that the rrrat sin of indvifamv wlllbeaMlsheJ v s -- . They also adopted a form of jU tlon to (Vorrets praying for rrtWih legUUUoo for the suppression of i Itgamy, and sppolntrd a rsviumHir of theli number to mall a tvpr of the aUve aildtvss and of the form of e titlon to (Ningcrat to sun clntgvmsn In the union, with the urgent tnpx-M that they caus the matter to W pji1 eittol to thslr congtigvtloi Jhe h Illi04i to Im vJrvtiUicd for signatures, and when Mgwed, to foiwatxl to their teipecthe CongllurH. 'Hie iMinmtltee are actlrei) at work, and the clergv of the entire rounliv w(l lw tsrtrd with thn addre and fotni of petition bv null a o a M.slble l Is earnestly toipiitstetl of the pre ever) where throughout the United States to give these pnwXHHllngs the tenelH ol their circulation, that the subjivl mav le agltale.1 and jMHiple W prepared to act when the opMirtontty presented $,li i au ( (1tA) Tritum A man vrri much Intoxicated was taken to the station house "Whv did vou not ball him outf" Inunlivd a In tander of a friend "1UII him outf" xelaluoM the other, "wh), lou could not pump him out." The Hev Henry Ward Hcceher, In the ChritliUH f'ntuoi, urgr Wnstelu farmer to pUul itee tetter ntn than citlonwood and willow at the rate of thlrtv -two acres on each iuarlerse-tloii, aud he asiutrs 'hem that thirty Vear hencti the llmlMir will be "of a much ralue as nil the rest of the farm " Mr .lane, the Ueorgia commissioner of agriculture, sa) that there I a Hue niM-nioof oat, largely giown In tie South, which resists rtltt even wher, sown wild other varletie which ate cut down b) I he dUenie I'sit I'acs vslih lllsrasr, linn eftrh It hsppoit l. sIUhhii;!) s l ttawel Ihr rsoiriitf itltssM. In Ihr esMiif ethses, r itlorcsnl hUwsrnliy sltfnsU tuliUf on t ) on'! lrr Pn, Mm fsr In f j lib Ihsi e irsllr torl li.. nlm U l. Ttisn, iolisur, tirn ti i.Htl.ip, ixf. Iliintl . itMHiiht HU stsut rotitlff, Mi fiirrrtitintr, Is JJ J.Usl rnki)., Kusllfj Id lein, n ou sr umnt sftlml lilln, Ids Bne.l itHe (of this urpM It IliwUl'rJ'. HUtiiath lllllsrs, tsali-li nmlm IU-II.ki rssj e1 raiiUu, mmrUliM tjiUin, lmooes lite sptH-lltr, rh liri.t)i jrMlt sUris ""iMftnU lillltKl.DfM, sii.) r- lh U.). In flrit TsU imlrr lsnnn, smt uuastMtsI "Slinr suit lltte of ll,r fkir. sr i.lol steit hy It, sinl x Ktfirtsl Slut lhf Aiul sr III MTa, tlttl nol only Is ll.s tlrlnvlfr Int sn1 frrulstril bj U II r, X it..(.diiUlit tliUliril Iritfii tl inlml, a TtoMnr.iirri. ihn(ovi:kv. As ArUcle 'IsimI Mill Mm far. I sir MtsllMMwls4lrMHrMlft Mejolir. (If sl) lli rinruinl ahUh the rhrssUl's srt lis?s (tiiu to llir kV1, (iff t.umtenis of rest, ( the iiriM of iMtfxthc lh dor to It natural grim lb sint Ut. ru.1 tir list twn rfrl Vlsnref th lMr ilrslijts of ttir ilsr sre rrllrnl, t.ul (Its Kl lasts of ttii MiilTa tttiii tut (rfoowiUfp- ta grtj"ll. snt onriKin; irsra in ongiii! coiur, are riff buirilnn.-!. LiU (ml a fw sl pMill; i tJKkxn in Ihsir inerls ti I -hi tlif sfaltt nl III Onrturniif lb hlr All hair dst ; aril known to rtiiruliU as wore of Irs iueuini. iMesuss !! tliMte In rotor I artiBilsL sikI at imi oVomm) ujtk rstlortllMi of lit futirllint of lbs Hsfp In llislr pstuisl hslth ami vigor lV falllriff out of 111 hslr. Hi rsoiuulliin of ilsa itrufT, sinl lh trmtur rliaSf la tohtf. sir sll rJnc-s of a tlea4 roelltloti t liu srslp and ttis BUad atlrb aiairltb 1t hair liisrfil ll, rsuses U sdlrl ui4 mini ( M QriUl a well tin irks I iff In, srxl tho rhantf must lifln Mnifr It seaJp to t of inaawni and IssUnr; lonl alii an srllcf hat tn itlMtfrrd, aixl IU want iHhr nn4rful dlsosrlrt ll It f'jtiml U i iKitlil of flrintut slmiMt In Uilr saluril Ui, I'tlrolsuni Ml U lit artkl wtilcli It ro so Ui ork aueh rxtraoollDaijr inulls, hut It It sftsr the ! roed srtkls f.si Vn rltetntrallf trrtl4. "! eornlUlj !iVir lr., lh( It I la to,pr rA1llli tot Ut Ultrl. It In far -.in HiU ttitt !. rfferts f IftK rntltvui apcxi Umi Itslr rr fir! olrl, a l(otrtimfi. i.fnrif lisilnr notfrrd last a i-eUIJjr 11.1 f,s-l 1 srritsl of hit. sl.i-o inrnmlsr lh (tint,), hil a habit of "lilnf hit H t4rrisriil ban t In hit srstilr irk, il lb istult vtt. In a fw inortihs, a (oiilh flnr t't of tils'. KViftr hslr tfcsn fc i'T' lis. Iifuf Tl Ml s rtt uii ('rii.i tit4 (stlls Ihsl Ltd lotl U.lf htlr fMi U. rslli lsxti, u1 ll rrsutt nrrf a rs44 st Ur mrit tntrtrluut. Tli mni-, tut lin lit UIU of tuiir, wliUh had fallen out CMtifiltUI triUfni In f vrskt lt.ii nirlnr.l rr hrraVtd to lit orM, hut lh kftol.JK ai (rstly aiti loth prrtnsl irtly lM am) era, as no ih.it In tlttl ltJ Ulj rouVt iA( h um f rtfiurd UoUuea drsisfnrr fm h hslr. Jlut lh skill of oa if rut (kMi( lis rmrrom Ih 1 nVullr. sji'1 hy s prortst krn ! Ui hlittf, Us tts. slU-r rf f sUl'irsi ik! urt' If ejr1iit, tais-iM I In rtwuV iln is Cb1 ttroUcni, wsUh indrt ll tasrspilMs ot ttng hsMtlwl ssitaibtlijr as U luutrnt mm iti tX.vi TU i i-slm nt vlth lh dscc.li Urn) hiH, mi U fciunaa hslr. rr allrn ld wlUillrfi ni tsOnUalrtf r loll. A f p (UrauVts, Urt lts hslr vat this srl fslllsr. lta rtmarksMs Um aVI llti to U sfJp tA lit half, aad U aslursT ttiUit lit lo sutar aJftVMt fitn tho Cral HnlUstU), Kntf ftUtot r1c4rufl dUtpptara on O Erst or ssrotwl itrssrinf, iM Ian liquid, o fsrci.lt( In 11 Atr, tSM to fm tl U ihc iiai at owr, simI tt up a radirsl rJitstc from It tUt. It l wed kaa Dial tb evt Usatlf ul trJor ut ust from i-dnAvia, tf ot cmwii rtiisUrVnis trtniim of nalur Uv q of IbU ttUrl irrsusil ttapsri a hrsutlful Kftt Uiot tH lit U hslr Uf.li, n roeUattfd a, (Wttii to a bhvlu 7h roU,t rtsaslit ;rrisMit ttrt aa IMCiill Uujcth of U9, srwl U, rLttf s so jrra.laal ttat tk mott lattsusU frVnli rso cartvlx AUt IUtino. la .f,H f u awt woodsrfuf Mrry of U s, 4 wrn CS4CU.SHV vi wut vwr f afesiurtif r.sij av1 irray it'Mr lit urn CsrWlbn has l irJtrn u the srtUU, svl U il up In a ixst sod sttrsrtlrt u.r uA uM by all ilralsrt In Iro sivl Metldn, rt, Ow fWltr a UAiU. ' KtntiKif Ac Cm. nil sttojft, Fa, Oeaeral ArU Urt U XltAuA fltaU M Caaidss. We tdtlt w.rrra-Vrt totf' It uiil, tV l.g tsilitrd tost mwi aptilkaue will urlrx Utuot )u woadrrtal effect. Dsitlter Csits ) Die if Cmn f Ik if W rfMs i iMia r WM S , S V - IMM l, r.1!vi.s H IS Mfcl ' r t tvrv wt4 t I .Him4iuin MfcM .. X. - s r. hM t l KIWI f..IMt. rS4 MfMll V...II ew ! fSI.1... vVkSiU W. 4 1mm .V ba4 m i,f miw-.i wmI lAtrv M4 V l t wfim 4 0iV X W.4 M( um 4 V....Vm MfVai SIM ISfM. !. MrfR.it ni S.f. ( . WI W4h m. i,. vss r. m.ss.m in .. et St iwl.t it ! tfM t lrir ..4imi im, - m.s m U,,r,4l i t, h r I IMI tlli;f)T A I. r. tV4 I MM I tx W4 tA.tr! I aa. m m t ae isa bUtaii. 'T M 4 av I Atv a It . r . .(. . r- . 'I fM V N k.,1 lfc IllHIlKiV.IM H w o.. to. XCllaaf of IJnriJ II U 1t(MIW UiilllMUtW WlS li. IWIM r. !. M IS Mm4 H. a A villi. PllfS'M, Xl... tU" "fi tMivi p ki t. trvsit4t eillf , Hiss M llHi sUhiI k VMn-l I sm so lok ISsl t ihW1 asrilti ustX is IMi eolltk'Si I l ( tt tvf TU Vll. b.t .'X vi sl tt lliw- I . a III oa rlttisr O.J. sni 4Ves . (' fl 'jM. lt Klnle SOSf(lk ! Uj 1W) ksis Uxu.m li out I tUtil ' Mrssxew') Mrwwrlslal 'I'rsxsve. fe Ptilwmsi) 14 AsiamsiM ln.hl.r. fswrail Uslf iflksfl ! Wit n tn )!. kl k,t iseslle-t lUviUli frum imlhll.1 IH dIm al -4 lr v ... At ol s hl II euilN, 14 h Jni HliM tWhs. (I.W, rOs ''Aflri Mi In en t'Mli (hi. r Mrs, I sis rMitMl IK.I .sM Kl f I 'r tslr.t, l ilmjJl ewitufitl In ; OM ' ltii II.4H un ( Whi im rait w (M Sit st ii M I o t nli) aii ! ir Uil tr lt4w ms.tr l) Mtn A llsmlln, K asr Iskrv Mflii U-iHwi sl sll "M'i i lllstfr trli. in, sri't ilhiiti Aim. I Wh lXtt nil.' Issni iwk st K rrfilik hlk1rn hi HMtras h JswjHs't tliimiH Uiei t'sVi !! itnlfio t, feii sih! . Il. ihlMfH U'. Vln-tilie tlntit'ls Ht1lle,HIlfl nt frrfl.W tkrt l.erl llrlel tllh I ( rm'f (rllliPJ( ll itl ll lrW! Mnjr'r ll. illlc. I diss t "Hi srwt IM ltltl lmt;ile lkS)iiH rt nill krip Hi olitiil I s IU4lh), slt.tviis tVm,tlll ts a.l t. sit txiifylit. t nelfAsm't llsltirr Oil pi! o In JoUf fcvf urn, III miislh t"sllr ! !, simI Vii II soft skd Hsl4 (Hit It Irlsl n a ',hi aT. ritviiai. Mll.isitl rSVkas. mitl0m. 0il.l.tHi i if ill IHi srwl sliltitjt. t'nil UMIHi. n.Miniih.n tiel i.stirsljrW sllmrslt il.tl r4itj in il.es srii dlMs t.nnMivf, IIihji Hlllns. ltll li isls l( l ! Ill nmirillnr Ui fisl lain ttili M-.l, .! (I iIim iit Ills ! l(i to lh -! rwt 'M Com sissy. "I'mmit'' In nOir i-rjumn. Mi'lhrr tni jirtit ilsr ImIi titffns In iili Int ui 10 tvliKhtll' T'olblef foif, ft frfUltW Itvs lil, s(li b psta sed Uli.f i,iirl tti. A.4'1 I7 l)ni(lo i IM rti lHtl fof sir r rrr ', a s i, t'nrl Main's Jiervi Iu. a4. hy alt Hcj M UU el ti M lsl, snl fwari IJnlmrrtl I. Ilali KUt. Win U tlllreMt Willi b'l, hl MOlU snl itinoutn wltn KlUM't Irttllght Misl llMi art nM br sll lri! I'ssiosi ilililec Il,lririi w rltvl mDl(t rent sirtHnilV'UO'Mii st tl- ' I'slti" Tlsiwial IfiHO sl lbs ltrrnlr .ftlM Tblr IM Int (Diili ptr tltf fiti tl riMtiftt ptrM ft, rlr fionl r " int rot ms lll lll Jsnerr Wiiqii M'f AIfltOn4 loltrs t .. is ltt lMUIUMIMtllMlWr l l SlUllADls c isy"i ac 'las & gvawsxssss Ttrfiirtlnw f-ir iHml rtli) lntn irtwrnt Ihnrujflet lh eOiir j , JM mo faintly h a artshrf fn to r-tonn llf, ahkli talk ahrt4. mili.M. TlPi fnrf kst tlsin lu OfKitsadt, txit ayUrt.l ol-U lit UnseJ Ih'MoiiHlt, 7h poxlk of llllo fM rule ilf f ffsHfld "lib tuft In-, s.. ma ne ttH dlh Tlif J no fMrl loot tabithle ihsii Kilrl' r.iirs'i of Ttr and Wild 1117, IIiomi Ihsl II krw t orlh, srwl wUI 0"t I wllhtrut II, - l tin!; it.l ijulikl; rarM (.4-1 I ixijrbt, Cfotip. (.' Urih Hfoaitiisl nd l'n.nKir; l.innplsJiiis. noi"i iy su i rr mm mis. Hawbrlii in atlaal Willi '',",. 1', tltsis'iitivm. rill loMVf Set IMI. . a ' tA HiOtltt fi auM i.w.(M 4 llr.Or. tMllSl tM4i ffl F X- Nrstlss sisisl lrre l,l. -VirsMisn l'a'ratTs" hu n lrc '7 twd lij ll! MlrtJ 'rifrtb for tb llf (if flnfsl OtHlllf lits of Nirront IVrw r, iitumi4lii fittitluUfti IMi, fsl u of Mim'irj aift nrsln IVr, wthr rsu.) Iijoirrwiifc, Ife'tlfrrtbi i- nt, si Uitn. K0nst srwl limull fi-lhltig A ( bli.a siel sll llliofttsts rf lUfllltf, Wl'.lilti littf I'srt a I'rufsstMi bi lt.J ili" U)htiUAU, wiih ihr vrt l-t ruiu V tU hi d Drmcrjit. K, lsii, .Ha crA Wllh Aeu. Ww YiV .s..w.t s4rM dacri" aJJE.'T?v.(.i:rk Sf.nl Wl4 S.I.II f tMwiKi;. m Oti.il ifc ! A-ilr.M ' MiMSi Nr, a. naiklM 'M-TrlPiMiiJ ast'l. iM. wla fnw. Tax. TJ&rJsrtir "TlM.1i wriS)Hnt uwj. rrw nuL r- w. m m in itku Hifrtif . Mtii. iilailt.fr waS1 una hiiwiIsj f p.i Aft, i?ii.tm4, ,ifrl it KioivL uwj. roroyi. oait laaTa-fs. Sawalaw4 ravwaavw ' VJsyCMsiaae. ll"- -Swt .- wiriL MiImii (A a4sa ktUt. Irvs JsO. H Wrwi( ! wm af rtssr Us.rlMUa.. OaU a4 B&q&ffl&R i.. lis aU4 TalS' 'laititis izzriUuM MS-! 4 Srssef iu IL U. isa4 niu4 i niit. xaaiivr bs- '" wlsort t4 ffmtt str tan iuw( muiyi ',' s.i uk r a a a ruij ikmmr Sail OarsU, lis, , n. OH. o a DalsidiEai TAXaFn .' wsaaurx v.amjw sik. ,.. 1 !-, onooitni WJiripfTir a tsorafaiiaji iej CllllbfTIIII hi swj rtoarzcev is. r4ui f sr uis i all lrviwtas aa4 fa S..4J. fsssw Rreaersa ft. M, MTH a CO. rrtss.., 0ATT0M, ftV imiimw s i" ism, a i KTI.K ion Ma m4m af Mlt4 4V mM ta Siccl Urn Wire I - 4 fa !. .i m: l(ih lk., .4t IS. .il....y., t 4rrt .i r: s s .fM r.11 JL t s Foitoo Wlroait , im is sfrjk ssjai V. (im irftk aVkaayaw rii lBBatfH5?saj2Wt3?t H . a XXJhJLmXX Dt Knlbi llllnola. tanns HOP BITTERS, (A HUls, llk I willlll MOPt.VUONU.MANOIIAKlJ DANDILIOM, XMMms riainf lOiKul Mt ti xVb in or tit, oinsa muss Tixjinr ouiud iM H.. is ii-t-wv i.f.i av4. tri VSMMVI t4 I ltl IMfvS S,in..Mt IW I.M... !. W.V.UI t4 . I.OOO IN COLD lt,l0.itiuil M M ly. It 4 ! ,lHt lfl. llhlMII lH ll III IW. fH, a. iHIMI. .4 f Wll .) f v- ("i-'t -!.. fieswt.ft ! M-. tb H n fiiwiih Cfs M I'sJrv ftsfisf W lb Lhtsftsit, fuivl sntl Hsst. w . i M.I . CJ IK.UM m.WI'l f ill whs ti ' It H Sf l UOO limits!.. . . im I . Ht4 :l IStS tl I.WMM 1411.4 Vf V iWiWaitStisOtlV'ifTi ll i tit ll 1 nn i ,1. Vili fiw MWf i MM mmm mmm S tS TW0C en ct lIuOK sUlCllL n m " llstW MW aWl trAHi i.i RCaV tJ samBajsaBaawwis aaaa alfPkaA ajaa W TFLU6 OHIOAdO 1,000 PIAMOt AND ORGANS 7il tottlt l-t Ik nM 4 wlue . Si 17 orV s4 4'Vr w fe"" iHmii. MlsMMratsirleswlr eil, iSf iiw, dInIiWi r rm Wtrt4 su t wn.t4t IsilliS f si lt tjrtsl wkffUf, Jltf rsiir: U Irif M VwN tmrftfft ff Iftft Afl" af! ! lrfUOfii sus St timt rlsI s-rswjMM4 W Jtfla lsWj t" 'tei.'' w '. im tr ? iri. Wll. all h"l' Mils lb', wrHs I W MMtwt lvtsM C,4f, MSMtiwItWli lk.fM S4 Ill 4INtll w rii wiiii mtii int rsf w lull OOtn WM wf M 'MlWfl l fTf l if mi. lf', tnr in WU nf m t4 btlf Is-Mt s4 ll Ib.lf Saw ! ft btl hA, Oxf WHl b mllM Ism.! O Mlitl wllbswl twli himiO Ath, r o it4f w. r.i.&i. m ft im iu y'l wm i it4f .siii-ili",s: Im h liuis. lift. ml filial lb- liwrif e)iU wh.t iSw IM llftM54l lrstbHt Uri. llM '! lwws.Ua i H u ik )rf wjii w . rsuu.1 tf msA m tflAolUn. fl ft Ww4 lt lt will SMtf a - m -i,fii SMIlMlMfcSrt m. . r t"lll, H(4, Isw. lk I oar ffwob wif If ss& INK OHfCIMi. 'JBiylles'Colrfgf A r4Ul !( aS rfltt tinrMaa M'SvmiI rWr t At jt ta. YSt MM . 3fi .3ri Jw Clnslirt, tUtt .ruv auAYi.irsH, I ll MffH . t'i 'ti Is A