The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 19, 1878, Image 6

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h i-
. I' -
nr t. n. Altmicn.
JtrtUwchal not J.r pM. la th prolines
far nr ncr,
'TWt r new such brown trr, Mich
UnltlrM hu1(
he bsd youlh arid aim had roM, the had Jw
I4 ill uiilmd,
Ami many low bold wtkx-d Iho lady of the
land. ''
BatiU, wllh queenllrit trace, brut low hrf
pallid frr,
And "Woo mo not, for Jeu' ak, fair gen.
tlemrnt" aheiald,
If Ik wootijj thn with a frown h would
Wk thwlr avhtti down t .
Mf mlih(t'hva wed cruwn to the rlnUU
on her hd. . . .
Frmn the dluy rMllrtl. hour ljr hour he
Watched the ship, "
like sheeted phantom rfmilnjfSnd Rirfrnt eV-'
erro.)rrj ' J
VYhu the twilight irttled down nn the .liep-
seaport town,
On ih Kllr peaknf and drown, tU Jiwm
heltffl king Of ote. ' ,
And in oft hn M.'slone In tfilrlrrtfffi "Mr1
llll'l llHm II U III niimi'.. ' T".'-
Tltfti thrrr Rtrw SllUi( rrjrtiJ.W VTirk
iII.Himk IU iltr. ' T
Ai lili. once ilfli
Ittrf.w walkilrdsllime, and till it
And fajflitd, Jy(crdnx:kit ttist frtltRO till
Innriomr Iwarh t
Tatte ill would aland, I)'" wretl with tlio
white nrf ftthaifeel,
While l)(ivr hi-rwfcteltsl the fleet Iparrow
hawk with 4MMtoriflMpli it
And ilie rtrt lot
rd nmtrrr
Willi tU inllll(iiijBJjBiBPli",cr-cillK
The hlue pulaestf uwMldWFy tlwleWsr
ofCiKlnor r
Now, on rhtll Norcinlirr tiioin, many rut
uiuiiiu, mnw, , 4 m , )
A trnK llpiKYijljlatrfn dUi(
II hid Uln throikhovihoiilwUlu
wui(l lil lliuiny nun u
l"oldiJ, ftrr wenry fllJififMhe Wiifit.liUfl
lliid of the . w g i n
Crnwdi of iunU ftorlhol thrnd; thrrw
wrrr Iran iid'clinfhihiia!
And Mllor twmVlt Mp HkfkA thrfutyh
tlmcliurrli-jnij kIt.
'Then amid the grM thai crept, ftdlnf, orer
hrr who tlrid, 1 , v
llnw hn lild hit foe ftjid w.i, rrjln, "LnU I
1M, tonUtal'i k - -
And thry railed hrr rM. O1"' Vnowe., Ifii;
llMmaalK Hill llilMVillkk
The InvWIhle hwU of fl(lWfrVf'wy',
lor itiuptQHiinKi
And the lire Ihut hmk mirold, It wt atoilm
could lm told, J, i f
Would mtiii rt la (jontlrr mould, witihl
Mm tun r iovo iuit jiprtntf,
notiiim) Td Weak.
., t i i
KiwHrnro nllh Min OM Iao WMMt frf
the Htith"WoMiiMfttr ttoNwiH
U World tHrr. ,( . u i
- WWrtriAU,)t tuuuorotiN ,wlf 'hitin
ciuiitroti iiiiu tuoiiiMuruk'Miiorotitr iiv
nemtant upon whul M tilowcij' out? tint!
duff tii anil rnUoil upon thu nriitnlt'it
curlouii to moo how MiWty It nintnm'otti
Md now union murvi tnoyiUikti in iho
pr loo ourront column of your vitlunWlo
Mwr, chlokoiu lAo, iy;i flhj, buttw
(oountr.v) !J0o. I'linyT noii!rnU,mjr
butU'r At '.'OcontM n pouiulilLvlMorTr
Mrs. Ar. ' I hoy iiy -10 cunt to thont
Yunkvow for tliolr olU rtuwooil ntulT, nml
one pound of mlno In worth two of it.
That' tho way with our iiooplo. Tluiy
are nlwny ninnln down our own. It
wonilcr thoy tlon't Import Ynnkoo
CX" ftt half k dollnr n iloxon."
Cotton U ilull hMN.VJ No
w uldon t chHIvMo hiiv vorv vast nron
ol tho Krot tnila7only,ft hitU.ccu
Mtoh for tho fflrfa ttploV oui nntl'glt n
iiiuo apvntun- monoy. nut, you , mm.
Ikiiy novor plokil Vvty iiul Wloiii
I nintoii ttml it wiw Tl una nulily,
Ikry wiw powerful tnwy nlxmt,yaoiyo.
UlnR vUo, nml nttho liixt I lintl.ei htjvo
Uplckixl for 'om. I don't knirtrfor
ftrtln, hut my opinion In thnt cotton
.-I..1. I. II.. I ..'.. ..IUL'11-. i:r. i,V-eil
imivu m n iiiiiv mil uij;u mo Ulg rOKU.
Nxt your I'm cotnk to pliuit . kt mafty
down In tho
aadoo If I don't hvo liUtt;iiickap
I know thoy nro indisMkiUNMritk
1 hain't riniiod or iold m yK and tha
WAy thoprloo hnapiiujiakdkftfta
In', for thoy can't ciavwWUagftrup
www tun iiuiuini is 3iaft,io pur Ipji;
uoimra minii 01 iiiiaihjmui uil
thoy aro ohlio
Vhey ain't got uotiiit
wnai i nover could
always look mlgh
me. especinllv of
right proud of 'cm
average lot, nut at
Manama out aong
aay aabor'a folka hi
twenty yeAra. If if
, reaitectablo fumalolr
AL a " a A .. . . a a
ituBiowvari wotnu imo lo po
her. I ain't an inquahj mtm bvno f
teaas, but for a long timo I'vo won.
arwl what peculiar and particular.
iMags it waa that they tMe41W
Ke their parafernaller. Well, I think
iT dlskorored it
The other day4nM!rl'0flLng
aah'hoeper. for Mrs. Arp said we
MrioVl afford to buy soap, and if 1
wtwld run down some lie (you JMfew
rre been dola that for somfmlis
at) she would make It herjfij&ao
while I waa at work Mrs. Arp she
le 10 tae Daaiswr, ami looking
wftwa as ever i aajM si
..era ft i EST aTTIf
nave you got a.MuaraaifjuQtio
thai you could suam!
have a alekel ia we world, aad I felt
sable and sorry for her' sake, for It
ain't ofteaUmei that ii .o vv x.,o
far wanauiv.
k lmmfkM'
atioa she retired in good order, but
eaaa : agaiax ;rvoJy, ann aay
she: 'Could yol spare a little llourf"
i'laa," says I, JJJt'J.ce,ol ueciMt
f .'' Furtv ahe rturnod tuid!
vaats, "Mdft Uttto eMd-fodder."
"iM.Hftays I. So ia duv time a year
IU boy eun round aad weighed out tho
iSm .LB
lit1 ph na m
fi'ii'' iiaftwwi
lAkiM hidktaZFao
Lm.&M...i ii"iH
IHllll. Ii
aaawwu.t wi.aaaaaiD
FbBh. "AiidBsaaBiii
rnvajtjT nn"
UrlaVliWAiall bUbIbI
"'' r'
Hour naH.thn crim nml Kirn Mm tho
llnf, npil ri him toto it nlotitiil to
ft (front lijfr cornroil uprln wnMi with
two ctllrt) liiu tin! In froni nnil a
iMiMnll lAill'turrlor tlwl un bnhjnd.
WOtlt in till' llOIKKi.'ih
Jm... Lmih niii tl.AvjTMIl1
Rilllli' nnu-i, "Hit'il
roninio mm looKflu jtmiTKn imniiintT-ii
III ilium tih.ii i iiuiiivri'i'ii i tiii i
t ll..Ati ilflina i- Ul.ntai.i.M. mI
hlwtiMifirt who IiiwNi 1fpKJtltT
Uro InrnAil out rttttiofTfii
Uil und'llio chftlri n Jlf.tilil,vwi
nho aAiuoTiHi mo in a ory plniuiu
plniuiinl nml
fufrln in mi nor, n
viftfu y,
Mlhllkhft hnillnyiiyr, jiuiJLili ujdJ
uno wft" ' yflftm oki, nnn nitiu up hn
lonr. ont flnirflri
hiil knit nvoryrarjl ofjlifti Uev tolho
of, old InftUinlbW4Miilt
iHRhoAilftV M mi klfM Whin
If foot of tHAt Jtlnil ami foot o(
tho othor kind, widjt.wwi worth, la
Ixiadon four dollnr, auiI two doUftPi
And oOcwnU a yurd. lint AhV woilld wnll
It to th iiweeltalAdM forlliftMitK
tnmtitr, for thb"n 'moh ttlo ImIUm
nnd hnd nuolu prntea wftonwwllkw Hmm
niurv innii- oMtt rloiiaAnviMHl
Jii)d .Immju f nlllitior Vk-rre taxitith ivry
uny nun mm rihh ikiaiu i mii lany nna
Hint InAft nUtWi m awI At that
plifrri, nnanliobmd.oHlV thU ntit lift
n)d wmitd toolono out aihI h bnoWi
nwnroiiiu iviunruov Anilirlvuttau inoiinv
iMitiimflimiiiir niiiro nun iiiiki, '
.. . . i. " ' . n .I1
4 (MHNi ifrnoloiiitl
miV Ulllt!4
utiftiid paldown tho butlfuf fatirloki,'
How1 iBoVj Inhl 0111 on tholr Htmdity
jinvoi nmitniKmi annul noy ewnctMftnf jiyTifajilty. -Mf MUuir, who U with
looked on bliioi Ani'rawti, tai)4 raWrf 'dhtbteojStfihitli.iitiotboftiitlful woman
color, and Mhoa of HiiiMftnitiiolftrnfo,- 'I tffn"Xawlf'im'lfir; U pmfrli'd ton
nnd iiMKoniA, ami fithardiMftly; bum SnWilff'Kn ialuw 'iMiSltloh tn Cnnndft.
of tho Crlmimn wnM MtaaT tldrfd.ho) I VlIT ndf aioiitlou tdolr umiiox, lout tho
ntld ml dhonp. and'kiiH' HtlMiftn tom- 'wiil.MMtt-Muiul.l Uu m.Ui.i iv
old flhitai. Wctlfc dti'tiiiAVnarv n
unlt I didn't heaaiaianivtwn nnhno-?
lyTlidt Umiildn t holf ftfKKrf tt-ift.) lifted
t iiimii ni inn mmniur DULMJtrJIUL
abotlfhor. and th
pj mmmmri m mm wwwm
nliout W) yoiW1 hHtii 'VfilPit all.'
;ir).vt ""
yardrnlMMit ai
AVj Mtllo4'law'b. ft fr I
ail Jmh fu4 ) .Uftttot, wi()u
IfitriiktiihUl utfo 'Ju WtWiTdif
In llPWdrTrUrl Ii
imniiy, inoiitfirraur moriiiyn rnivil
raiif rnoftll Vn
1. 11..." I!iia., hi .i.- ! i 1 -1
in Miv ftuiu
no IfMMtlftitr thjfljr T Uid' w
Uwm oonfi' Aard rtnlo thlrt
(111 lt I If too
'lffkiJ '! Alt. I .!.. INKI .a. ......A
yrblH at thnt. nitten't wwuVrtrtahi Ift
y WW jWfmW'HCMfl "iaV't rvp
man (0 doNtrtiy poaoo by4 clinkiu, tho
fnlth of anylHKfylnanythliiK.MjJodlally
ithmd lam.
P?-!'81 J"or"pjr .oii?'w .
ciUlitU In, on hU way up tc wu, and ald
liwanjiolti' thaw) Awl ' If.tJta Vnnuoy
1) jJyiMUHM tiilnt. lorA hU wrnUm
tiwii iwm&wtyto't! "
.UffUwlillAVlU.ft ttfretlJl if Hi r2.Miieit
v!,""1,,,rrn","V" ' j irini.-j, ,.
- .ft ' - j-.. . a.ft . .am aift
You moan
tn MiinibtMvviA-sv'Vviift.Ar
"' ,,Jr"',1't rj n (!
nil alch'. Tliov nroToiid Liov lMi iiulr
pomli fiVor'oit toMMtiuJWHIitb
Siiittuind tho UrkfMikanitneiholitmo
kvfxl om' Imyln omuikv AUaiiU,LVt)
I ohnmrod tha nublcot . u.i..wull iu 1
cwnnj'imii inoonaNirt oon moutlo
. - f ,mTI . " A ?f.T A" i.T ATTft r-rii' r T
ill inotitloiiod
yuny family alnWWfrirr1
jiAro monoy tlwlr aWtH hAW
o wwar w loioniy a unie irtmi"thro
hum muiI unlhlii mmWt-Jllttii 4Wo
- w- ..... .. .1.11 nmi
b k
A TtrrIM Lkr.
M Hlittsir
oompollod to
onlor to ma
Foiloraniltoai (Whlirhr
ne :Toni)od
t a lino maiiNldrt In north'i
IlW W Ituoinbowor.thlL 'faj&aiy, at
ilium wuro no oiu jmry ajr norjOBHir
nml lovoly lUutJrjVyMtf pLW
lady of 'to Iioum wMabW liithulC
icourniu nrnij-. lom'a uonuMltirnio
. I ... . K .. 7 k ftl
uniform doourod him n iMfwUk-Uktv
cention - 11111 1 inv nun ninifflTniniirj
ofn'gronl bnttlo hitrltiK bvtfiui,
" 1
ntl vnNl huxIoua . to olitnlu .LUlluirs of
nt)fin. nnd llnally. nftyr 'Ton) hud
K,f".' " K"w,it: ooaenption or ihoiiu
tWahu htUntlulv"innulrft If h ki6W
ota y
onbi; or uiuimI
. i
I . .
iosnJ hltn, iniuInmo.'crUiil
iyhowit.i my bosom" frlimd; wo
"T "------." j. 11, 1 U
r Intlfemto & unuhors: lu'th horn
Mttlo ho foil by my aid: l wiw with
1 llllrltllV It Id k.k.k..k..k.A- 1.
r";"J . ".. w? luumyiiwit ff.
W ldy tunnt afhlm'wlfdlt for
I'll IIIN I Ml Dronin III till' lirilK
. i . . . i it f -
t L
lltiit 1011 AliAMrkMl. Xlv'a.mlUn,
nml foil falutliiir Into tho nrnis o'f
Rlwr 0,lwo iuIW Jail tU
fiM ffiikaa rP.... ...I.l.l L . Vu
a'i ti
Toin'ctll'llit. hn-.r
Itttr iAMh anrnirMfflns hiMrU
When eawloMNhilrHura dPtwrw
HoiiHhai JuauafniLthi4n aariftt tha
yuutytwlftdy tutqroiitlMj naom, ;lcr.
"; '" mm nrvpin nun witn icar
sfainvd chicks she approaohod Tom and
botwoon hrMhs:Ha4hiiih
or and myself ileako ao hftwisvour Wain'
mat wo may alvata mm Mtri ktiwl rr
for vour f riondahln ami ttA.
uuun to our uftftr, efftraijao
..! iT'Tf?.- . ' i.i; J!"'
"miss, - saiu aoaajtftveaai
nni xiMwejtiuii, ik. ui n 111 b iri, at
trU4,.kwM4 waa3fy6Wfdy?
what In a Utthi'TliurJatiit Cir.l . au.l f1-
Su nwiij to iki looaeaai uniy on nun
aVe.'itnitYliwH ft. fytn'rt.Wiilnni.h! m UC
Arp. "Woll, , Ii rakwfi, sMottfti'l , PWP
qnlla tn, ypnimaj" UWMtru,rti,Uity. J'a&TAiW,l "" hihmiim 111
mid 'lo Wy il? Avf S iTv-iUCrV. 2!S!2St,A, WMT!! aiMlWto, aaat
forty of dn omfipad'tp'flio YttrtHT ttilfo' ' ,M,,, tf,M.'rnY l'V VV
iof hit, null tl,, 0WfWiHbUm.rt -"Jr1 lYPWll'1,!,Vf
trWiff.monSiodailMa4llMtt,iiA IM.UL'y'W H'Johyo. o(;tbu
" WJ. i ii..i. . rAV ft.' I .0 tii
.mXtbirS5ira ':1&S -d"by 'Iho
ooHNful at HArjitriyiicenny, rT'thnlUth I'M'.'L" mf "tyH paid, to ahottior
Joot of thl atiry.' WuwUW V W 'f, r ' W1W f,,r1'
waa aliUlo-canm!6nttW Witt V Qiui, .."Uv?!1 oul w ,hwJ"i nomwod him of
I)lok Taylor. anilWilcnVU.orTyli. ''"Wlllir. ami alt my banded 'knoca
imtulioa to UloWndmf, ttrailli'V' f!rftKWou.,!,.!M,'ri nvbr Hvnwlth
fH W''P mvATkVttM !lfwWiJ i!nL K1. . W rattoJl. Ho waa heart-
vruaw iiowii inui ioia m Zl , " ,;, ""'..""'" "'-" "''" 'K'"
l 1 . t .y .!. ., ,. . .. 1 ,. t H,MH tatl.l I hMn ..I. 1......... 1..
kft" TIM' raV UtrfttiiAMJio " rwnrii, liaBroajTUhif anvi
StfttyI.hnTt! iar,
wan rcimiml ofsso ulfi
dler and a gentleman.
wnmroe, 01 the UonJcfraejartuV',
The young lady stpplltii MHr
she cried. ''aiyoMlva'OeUlarMtfV
. .. . -. ,
SAalni. Ton, IWiVIU. .. - --
'.iii'WSr "WllsmJIJVPI .h-tcw,
.'iVamtho roiih-.M Tiu towtftu
.arav. ft-d ruaalac ha16ta tuThr
nnmi, cneu ouy "U )rytaf, moilier
J..-. .. A . . ...- i
. r. ,.ufw,"1Urt'Wty,ll
i4k Ton OUaaav ilm-. ha
t1" "r car-,ticiTf Otnjas.'
?n "' !
. askTil.oiMlrtf
OMwirnliifr swfnfbjr
An exchnug
taiMtoM advocaUM
tmM 'trial 'If
fflKH lgk. aaftda brother.?
yoa will Kw that It" tviracataw Hanfluf
to swim, which is very different, and
not half so nice.
Hn4 HMn
llntM Mm
ntlr of
lift W
rem nml
- , - M
-K1. '
T "ft 9 WfMtywtyTi
- -- - r th IWIi
ew ' ( .ww vamA- ii u..
t J!i:a(X ':.. Cwpki. i. . Wini
iRkawBTfiniiek ;iiii iiuraB. aaL.Xa..
TLrTJP '!r"lV,?,l htLmto
eaijBfnt caaiirmiAi ib do- l. .i. -3
Anil. fMVjmiJlAttv lo fit?
W MtuMrt Wiltli Hi. BW
mWIVl UWTOI J. lllif.M9IJ l
"OTV1' jiBiiMNor0ry .j..:
YiwaSfMBU Afili' all ate rJ"!
ijlflftrty ropo
2ki4pNt "',',ryrV"FjiHfc
WWfl DAveoi I
U tho iiUiry Iih
Now York Horftlt1
Jaiai- r
fe J .. A' v
f H'l Wft, rcrr.l
oil Hftlf AYontto
tflndeTTr'lwTinr arlrl
u . Ji7-
crnild hairbiert. Mtf
flUiu ,WA,1h!i1' BnllnhmftTmiiif
juuUMiC. rrmm jowcm. i ajri
At oa whofi tbvy wero corulriff Ui" thU
country, nna am now iwiyeArn old.
ifxiil IiIhii liiirtl Ur,
ljho4loVo mid euro uixjn mo na n child.
Will lnlii mo, iir UlMl Xo Uyncji IM to
few IHorboriodf, ifttm ffliPtrffn. f'irWon'r
l-to'yonidr, thnt tntlnloglM rwrred
inourww iriino, 44tlMiiy noiitioii
with crlmlntla., iMPbrotiKhtupntft
mililltlnrv fmu111 i I li.kinrl.iu.t Pi.n.,l
"V-r'T'M''Mr"-"""!! UlllimiH
nlllLtlllt llBliall HtuilU. mill luau.i.lmiil
fthrAuinlnihiuvulA nooond to fow Indii4
ln4holmid. I diinot Ixmit. I enn provo
my a;iiiilrininin If you ilwdrnio- ti'M
rMAIrlairnniiui 1. n. m.t
mlhlUfi Ii. .1tniiiiiinl.irl I i.i.m.... 1..
MHot 'ftccdiiiitnlililty for kooplnir fnlth
' "ln- "" UlUUIl M yoil lllftf publluli
rill liidldnto t
n(i poacoful
illy ill honiii mill at i
I wiw (inrunfooM, whh
touilnary until
rrruiiN nam 1 (4 H10 lowagibwWcli.I re
AY t wmit tft thiiJiHrfiirmatyiUh
porMiloo of inv Tr 0111U. nnd. full
.-'... - ..1.
IfiliqfBWulj Irt fov'rwllltil irtitn'fh'tKo
WfWSi ray Movar J It wU llifatu'.
-Wu fMK'KM,,n tlnvoi thMmWij,
Ik), iiftoA6.wtho",pbniil aad, Wrctifn
WjnAJl alitilr.Unoiifiiy, llrttln; th
jnrnpiiril my huart and oitptlfntod irt
WMNM' rroiu thn4oiftoiilfWni
'VrMV VV1' irjnnua, miu uvoryiiuiiir.
No (jus doillfl n.wtiiU trrtni th'n aldoKf
htin M out ,! the fairylik, world In
wliloh ho taovod nnd dwolt. I tied with
Mutt-hlff hiivo, IiIn ndororl .
Wf."iir. I inlKltfJIU3n.wnri
tlmu thhtv Tho man lovod mo, for
in jiniiiv, nun, 1 ijiny nay now, wiut-
LftUUllc, phyflionlly irrmid, hut uluiplo
wrilfleTWl holji hut lovo mo. lloliur
AVMMulMvwuwJionorftlJfti anil
lalnTtll f hkl"iCilVniilAIcai if iny
wd AUiiuH UhWIliu ii'ftiil ol. V l.hbrf'.
IIUHLi lllllllt
Miyii uyiiinwi. nun
how ha to a
ilAM OHO of tho bout
ariiWWra 0VOr4avf, -Wo Jftd
ilhlrtm, hut'tlibftro n CmiAl
y frlunda. el wm lininy,jSlr.' 1
fliTOiu ItnIIM tluui.Hndl
V.I'liltlnllArl .. .... IA .1.1.. .1
yf, "Wo Jift.1 ilircu
". i ii
lAnn wuu
n vf roaisthfti .hoarr I faded
."sff' f1H4,,a,w',''ar nMiiw4in opmyi
iir.u. .l.& 1. . m i. 1 .
W WW IVkvuly fiwaaudof,jvaM
awV-M'!Will' uv. amcalaaot
tho. man whSiioaiUdaho woivndi litiav
okdJL)iM woiindi I it lay
iioTfBrfMAvaBwiTWftjii .MftjaaT
Ii Vl t'kt J . t ft. T FT'
limy tmm ju VmiiwJa,, nml aro irvlnjc
Ihelni Atill, waHJiV, hoiiyrod, mid, worn
It'itmitlittt Pdm uit to (Ifoiii, JiAppy.
iV 4iAr iniillmr rfSoil Uinta lmrt !-
Tft MBir ' "I illlli.llixli.l ' I .1 r..... -'...Ba. .. .. .1
!....... .. ' 2-' T I I." 1 "
" "' luvimtuni iiii iiiiw 1 f rt nuu
111 aiiiipiin iri in iftii ju 1111 iiinii
iiiuor Willi iinruum
mm iiowo unuqrpnjor-ownvi.-J will
alU1tiUa liMlaVn. Hj fa
0nu1 iaI an. 'YoH' I nilv tn vou litrii.
Re- rtrfi 'mtl ""rTflvyrytmiir In tho world for mo.
'I'COUId not 1)0 lllOVuil. uiiill hk4i'n.ivi,r
'1i!jmif d jv4U:vwUj tfHnHiiuini .wltk
11 11111111111
WOlltmlVv IOMUIIvm. IA woman Ilka mm
that In, of my oranlttitluitiimit lovo
osaUhltifr. f!Ut;anaioatcrttdlu.
uw iiwuoffiin-rooi puniNtioyo, nml wltlw
nttJt Wiirinth I,Wtld WtWv-fMLaiitli
(rf- AI' heart WM HaIism Hiin I amu,
Wright.4 'My Nouikia.!i Mid'frtlil
iponue ilows of lovo, yoi the llrtt time
li my y(o I waa alone, nbaoliitidy and
tjlrwly aloiu. Jlo andjtb.ora,ihla
WMClaJtiif t mfil.nld thof ."Tii rtiy h-Htql,.
Inns.? iMifrifiaeW anlave! mo from
goliu; to dwtnietlon. I would not stoop
Vvkvlco,,nBii novort dremnoil thatMhOo
tuou.vcrv crooHHt.' TOTOnkoa lone
aWy-ahim, CiilnVTiiaVrtchtml wt.
Hod down' In a now .laauoaufiani. I nml
meu.Vcrv 'ortwWrt.V Tb-mnktj a Inn
ihifaiaJiiuds; thoy biHwiue iuV friend, I
.ni.W IIUabi Burlo, uh. aad found him'
Sool. gentk, ami kind. It was a long
wo, sir, Wfurtt.l found out that anyol
theae wr "arpoked." When I did.
IhuMhslHK'ked.I could not rotrett,atd
would not If I could. Ah. airl youdd
n"l.Kuuw row Meu like UkMawki iwoa
apmau' hftart. At, lint, 'lis inie.
tbtlT hllfo' Ihulr . tulUiur- iMmku ..1 .
UaJltlJZJA .'i7.' '7r7a"r'"y- "i
rP lyTJyftuu.iWtr nieMtaniiwy
. JW.')?- waT Vrjiby Wi
if4L'S?l.,?rrt,f. !' ian(a traaU
, jMiniaBC
i " ''SJ-XISyW'lHht nwathntist
nuiresi uuinaua
KlftM iaoa. Mo thair Urai
atmktiigie Mtvlft uroha.
iWt!ne IbMlnfU t,tie;art anriaha,
Ktcaati enLajsctya! aadhawijio ene
to km them ,exaati fae..wiiaati whWao
J.'kWYWd. t Ami y.
vaurrocnan JUiai
jiudj cllaintoiiftiiht fervor.
ltiVfftlfc mammliM
hW VQmamuiEZ.
rTTiT'.' iWt.t-lUJJlvieal
Wiit ntWh4t , thfyjaroiOio .arandi
fall ttiem-thjUuJlet iftt
wh, tl Jong term of lmuri
at aay tune
ttho alirhk
wmcb. irm nni lorn, m imiiriLunmiHi
'tlHjSKlindrwl aad.oae thimsa that await
thetu at" even turn make them cling
to them all tfie closer, and bind up her
lovo llko sheltering arms about them.
Wright am! .Barke ; JjlN'!
val for ray aflMtrtn, ab'tl.t'lM "not
Jinow which I lorod lft?Wf Ight grow
ui, uranx, avuci tua.inoro or ma.
red away hit moaiK and tlmn oq
rthv'oMrcM. arid, ttr-hr lnliMllti
, ftlleahtad me from tdn. Then
convlcUnl of L'liuiiturfoltlnir. and
cito the ponitchUary, and, a. I
limn-you, i woraeo nigru ano
a rat i ii raarneorto par nit
aaUftHamr ill as uonil wltti
Hit wnii'
thltigi for
filling, he wsntep.. 9UU.1
-k . . i " . -. F.l' . .
l won only uoinir .Ihiuo th
booatino h wJ In 'trotiMi
urn I IftVhd him No: I had ceatod
to warnr between him and llurkn. I
lored tho latter and told Wriifhl o: I
would and will' marry Billy Ifho' get
irnju. 11 no uorn'i, and is 'etllel,' 1
anilon my old haunts ad wait
o I rnleaaeiL I will work nltrht
nd any for him to that end. and until
tho chbrohyard motdahutN hi fiven nnd
form from my sight forever, I'll novor
give up tho hope mid dcNiro to Iho
with both on onrth.
''o'lVII Slid llltilflM
In a llndoiy ngri.Miturnl Joiirunf,.
I'rofoNaor NoHslur, of" Carlanifnj, ro
iMtnuirniU a almplo method of rtirtgiily
dotorinluiug tho ago iof e?g4, -An old
egg' I won known to 00 Jlghtvr in
woight thmi a froNh one, nnd it nI.d
romnliiN oitnotl v tho niiiiio. tlio dllToreiieo
mu4t ho diln to dlriiltilih.'d Np?lfWMlnV nnd
grnvuy. iiy iikhiuvhil' sixty gramme
of common niiIi In MX) gruiiimra of
water, wo get a lluid if Npoolllo gravity
1 07.1, In wiiloh all now laid. egg wljl
iltik td tho bottom, mid nil dowu.rjgit
slnlil 0110N lliml on tho Niirfnco. Tho
oldor tlio ikk' urn Uio'b'ii aalt In re
quired to ri'iidor tho solution ujipnblu
o( siiNtiilnlug thorn; mid when vorv old
Indeed thoy Will Hunt oti'Mniplu Wn'tor
alpuo. Tho date at which thoy do thU
vnrieN conNlduriibly, tho profoNeor hiiv-
lug oiiNorviii 11 on tlio Novontlolli, sixty
Uiinl, lirlity-fhlrtl, olchtloth, 'mid 0110
Wiinl, lulitv-fhlr.l. olchtloth.
.hundred nan twelfth dayNn'speotlvwIy
. .'". ....
ui con mo tins 101 01 ago ipn nut uv
applied In tho oiwo of oggN 'that hnvo
been kept In'salfor llmo,wntrT.orth!ir
haVo been coated with varnish, oil, or
IHjnMglnNn. . .
iMuohiuay Ihi learned from tho no
nnd form of -tho: laurMcof luattlft'and
Hhcop.AA IndloiitlveialcharncUir. Small,
ahort, Hlouohlng horns, on n two or
thriMycar-pId ox give H grave and con
tonUuJ Miiocttotho'couAtotiAnre. Inr.
Nlnhohlnu .ittiwy'n on the doitihom
cattle, aeom to oppreaatlio head with a
ooiiNiaui woigni. 'nornJNinngingoiii
.want from the 4,le of tho hoat. thrVn
rlsiMff up ami bending backward iievnr1
(all; to Impreaa 'that their boaror is
jiubk-tj)mwn)d, ready Jo, iiso .,t ju-m idr,
fouslvely, mid .aroeo m Ut lo up
y.ibJiHitwlJh oiwo, KiiultiliofiiN tuny
,l, nj'oiii on tho Jornoy JjuU.' HoriiN
u'urvtng laterally utid horuo'iutijly fr-
Jivaru givo 11 iiiiisiiitii flp))oarniico To Iho,
top of tlprheaif 'whoip'iewil Hn frtintr
'knoh nnigotihrnllT mot with In' Nhnrt-heri-.ud
unttlo.' Ixnff Horns rftiuir'timl
.(nt:d. (orwitrd; nnd httvlngijioliiH ilttt
wacijit;ipnrtii mueHtlu air to the head'1
ox too ox. -
,lioruN ri.iiiig oiiiwiir,z,(ruii( iifou up
noliiUi.'wce nl lirtntnM-i
HorutijprlmVlng oritftiird'ttHd afmriiiich'-'
ingtorwnrn'wiiiiiiiaTM'inia a miiooia-
vatod .jijid'" B6pA'ratd' jnort lrtowiiyj
seem nvavyr nin seen ri ironrortimiieut,
tho liu'fd. A horn thlckMilHHe fiiof foi-it-N
length lookt cluuiNy. and more no
whoa (diluted, at lia .uuJutu ,d lwU
nro ANNOclatod with dull feoderN. When
uprltivlpg outward much atvtthun tarn
iiiir dowuwm-d. thoy aro unarraooful. A
good horn, howovorNot, is. niii all whero
it einorjroN f mm
head," mid tapers
gradually to a tine point. A white horn
looks bettor thau a dark colored, and a
tint of brown or black, acoordluirto tlio
brood, gives a neat finish, though moat
Shorthorns have1 entirely white, and
.being short and curving luwnrd servo
iniaTvfor ornament than defense. Cattle
with NprosjMnf luyrnaikft) liattor f cedars
than thosilffiMIWitTHitTaeied niW
denly infrout.
HoruH Indicate the ago of cuttle, At
hrco years jild the, horn Is uniformly
smooth from hroot.U tho tin. fivorv
ear after three it has a notch on it, so
couuiing ino notunoa. anuauuiiiginroo,
tho" iio of tho auluinl li'niiiortiiliicd.
Tricks aro praoWWMi-fojr' -f 1 addifloht
dunlors In lllitii down, tho olditflutcbeN.
to make tho iiuimal appear youheor,
and tho unsophisticated aro thereby
.deceived; but a ullitht lnspeotlon of thu
ihorn will easily detect the fraud. Tho
yorlouol cniving, whether lato or early.
elieiua tho tiotche of tho horn, whlcp
lajtjH give an older or younger tippenr
aMaUo the nnlmal than It true ago.
Aji with cattle, tho horn ofhcon litdl- ago of tho animal. - "
Thf hortiH an Very sousitlvo organs,
uo parioxmo wmyi imiioating' tne pre
iMico of Internal illwasu more ouickh-
jhati thoy do. laposUloif directly for
wnrdln a tight, Jiorus will bear groat
rorcc; vet a singio stroKe may even
cause tho horn to drop oil tho libit,
which, being a vascular bono, is full 11
blood-vessels and blcoda freely. Such
ah Injury may cause Intlmuiuattoopf the
brain ar rock-law. When tho horn
t&l ijetii-lcold.iutlama.atUn)ot the,
oooy s tuucaveui wnea aov, uver.
Th horn. 'are not, ipihlo ,b,.dis4jaati,
1 ti-
,, t't. 1 a j i
.nl Muusisj aasijfw -
ctthHaty aupMu-,UM tan fftiiot lie p
retariaie taadird the vctr to IbUv
dte this .subject, But for'thf use .we
of the, subject at this
M,lLJs,,afropriite,, f,e call the
fttaaaiW,, 4f farmers And 11 Vorv maa to
Llhft tok"nlbco faf 'watcWg CArtfdllrt
thftKt of1Ited hhoa'UfsiJhd
gftuje.ti jneeo amiatuv wui vai a small
ioAArtity of satOrlnter1 ahd summer.
aadttt a oeneiictAi to their neaitn. nut
it' U Improper and iaiurieus to.oom
aid asdmals to eat It, bovond tho do
ntaadi of the appetite. tlo much salt
i; violent Irritant of "the bowels, caus
ing fever, add orer-deM ewaetlniei
privlure fatal intlammatlon. Cattle that
eat salted hay, drink too much water,
which brings on looseness of bowels,
iiriuiohlug .bemud the hond, alyc un
)ila. ofc innffommtHirt'. 1 lofn iVHrfnhlujjf
qiltwnnl. KtldthbH chimin utAilghtTifrJ
ward. in thfi" tHiliitii.Mveliic lirfninM-iAlJi:
itwiv iiiimraiM nHnin. nueuj ami anw. i
lehlanttthsA tey'ara fuujsct
of -JilsnVft. bjf UTomyhoUQWr 1
M..JU I! J,' 'J "I "
aad scoaring. Ttie isnse U the cat
Vlth horea.T ) II f ' l
There is no ncu for naltlag hay,
excjit to follow In the .errors and foi
doatof wet or half cured lay 1 Aad even
s;ie old fogim yet. who never reaon
from eaiije; m-fkrl o)lowraUa;trtjr
tl5m o( Kipaal ln "tfiU reipecU Hut
4KH I Injurious Vram-i hsv. Instead
of, drying and? (weNerving it, the aalt
abr mohturo, dnnieu ajd black;
ana tho hay, and In no cmo pfeserves
Ii' Rait In larco qunntltle i pn'
Sarter. AndaolNNUifar. Duleithor in ,
Imporfcct VjijaTitltles lieloVlho pfelkrv
log mi.'Mureaid1njiribrl rl)Id di'om(
SaUirsjfruH. wHtwmwwtfm
to.cAttln HberaUy, -m1 vf racially yrt en
ea'ing dry Imiks, 1x5th .on a liantltr
nuu ..i iuivuuim n 11.11 ian,u ill. aiuiv
wiitrr, It should, hhwever.'alwavs
.....' ..Z.A't.1.
In a Nhatie that it can be regulated by a
careiiu leeoer. 11 in ciaimeu uy many
that much of tho abortion of cows, in
dairy stable, 11 caused by tho carte
uo of alt when tho ImiwcIn nro relaxed.
From cnrllcl history there hn been
nttrlbiited to unit ninny virtue, until
many uppoo ft IVgood forevervthlng,
nml In all 'film-. Some medical men
rtcMmnieiHi it for dyxpimaltf) otlHtrW a
fiiA emetic, iin a Ntyutlo or AStrinireut.
mid ti bjnellclnl In caiof lienjorrlui;
oj the IdiigNr Add ill I ogreo thnt'sea
water or uu wmer uaina nro umiua-
took In tholr ctlOoU. The
Itlhio inform iin tlut nil micritlcni of
fered In iho t.'initli! were neaNoutil with
It; now born children wero rubbed with
Jtj KIInIia NWootiTied thr foiintiitu of
.iricii) wjui u; m.ii it. 1 mod a a
"aymbol id
"aymbol of purily, Dorm-tnllv
rupilon mid
f r. r. . .-
to it it
utlrlhutcd bnrronncNN mid sterility, for
tho ultii of nny cltyor U.ico which wn
Intended nIioiiIiI
never rise ngnln,.ii'iu
sown with nlt. An miunt which hn
no many poltlvo and tiogntlre virtuo.,
Milium Do UNtnl, Willi JiKlgiuynj, suit not
by tin) blind mid uhreaNonliig trnditloiiN
thu past. 'And Olio of It
tvtlM In' that a w'lmfi.lfuU of' It will
proNorve a mow of wwt hay. And ortd
Of the miMttlltllgtfTArts'ilaONof lttU'"to
exMtpel'Atbek'tif ue tnord of If hhirtho
appetite tjtaVf. bb what Is titccNilftry;'!
ltLtlu4r hay. Olrolo1clfftjt 'sothuVl
can, go to It when1 thev w(lnt,"lr, miiT
tlo5'Will tivftiMt fo6 'WrfHil Largo
doNON .-ireJiuiUlyoimd dang!ru,JrrU
taut. CitjUUmid biirao frnders nUouUI
all bo sua tib,e m) obsurvlm; IBiau. oa-
pablo nj luiwlugjvhontout aM)d tax
tttlvc or liNtrliigont, and in whatatuvpe
tuadminUtor tho milder remedies. -
(?., (irJliioti d mhto'HAjikter. '
.-r - , . - :---
."VM gIrflgna. t4 .jy
- porno imnouN Novoroigtuiiru roinoip-
, . . ..-. - , - - - - -T -
iiiiiuii iiuiiiir uy wiuii iiioy Nlllll lllftll
Syluit theyidldt Atsparklo of .wit hiw
ffj,, -J.V'i'JVM XXW cjilobrty thai ait
U16 et Njieeidioa, bo over mndo in his
CoiimjllTifSMtW. r ,.4vjr,
LoiiirJlH-Hirolfodrt it", ifamo' trt'ho'
Ibfone, ne of.lils sayitiira wits durreni:
ami pralsoii turoiiglipiitJtjriuico I
U011tcre.1l Into, mi nllluucu with
Ma.Wfllcoshdr'. qroMrV'tlt.'." nL'ittn.sY
j.CUsjrlell rtt nlo,h ballo llniTiii-iMtit
bo of clmor, iiwd Nitid, In allusion Uitho
cuiroAt coIiih tbgailn uao.i'Two Hon,
ry arp worth morn than 0110 Cnrolus."
Id dlftfaJTleVfry rH., wlfd"lmv?uiifii.i"
H!Mivi'ii ur 0110 01 iiin iiiiiiiNicT ernwi-
Urea, mimii baclc. (iked. "Aro you ti
ihir.P,'-HHrrfmi'1lolr.g liUJivcifed In tho
nUlfamtlvo, nuUI. Thliu we' will HiiInIi
ouriramo.", . . , ,
IwlFniiiCiB T.. wiio .procodod Ilenrv of
Navarro', haVbhrnlriY'd uhdylng fnnio by
tho wbsdH. "All I lost oxcent honor'
rh A loltf to Ida, mother, after the battle
of Pn vn. In which ho was taken iirisonor,
bythoKmporor Charlo V7 Only his
torians recollect that Francis obtained
tils liberty by sgning,a treaty i.t Mad
rid, which 110 pledged his oath and
honor to obaorvo, nt (be aamo timo
nlgnlng a secret protont against tho va
lidity of tho treaty. 1 a
Louis XI I, formerly Dukoof Orleans,
impliod a genenms amnesty to all his
former npfoncmt by decla'rlng, on his
acccNNlon. "The Klnir of Franco docs
libt nveaco tho wrpngsof tho Dukoof Ttlla waa a ,-ir.l.l n..-.l ..
well m a most judicious declaration.
Shakespeare has put a great many
fiood Niiylngs into tho mouths of Kng
sh kingsand pmbably invented them.
"Unoilsr lit' tho" head that wears a
crown,'' wits n saying of a sovereign;
but It In tho Kmperor Charles V, nnd
not Henry IV of Kngland; to whom it
rightfully belongs.
Neither the Nharp robutrs ndmlnlstor
cil by Queen KlIr.aboth to over-pro-Ktimptunus
mluistors, the labored opt
grains of Scottish James, nor tho cyni
cal jest of "tho Morry Monarch;" havo
lived In history; but Oliver Cromwell,
bluff order, "Take away that batibjo"
(tho. maco), when ho dissolved tho
"Loci: l'ai'llsmenta" had UrrHilo sjIi
Uitlcanoy, nnd Isllkejyspovnr to bw for-
iiottoo. . .
, , (icorgo Ul, whoso obstinacy prccipl-
inieu mo American iiovoiution.. waa
tho roverso of Irrlght, bill some clover
saVlnca aro attributed to him". A few
samples of theo will sufllct) to show
'whsti'John -Adahistlio1 b?V on-mv
sent by tho United Staled -to tho court
kmiwledffu the IndoDcndence cLAnuir'
lea, hut, MVfbbajn, j;' ahallbe U
iajii u "nJi'V; .7fM,WM WttU,SAW.
i"ull "'""JWJf-J WTM.HlWSAOeftft. 1 t,
Asatnf x!-nfi?fie, hMsselMrllt 1,1
bra iK-rsoawhotiad iiiidn
tune bVuttlilnfc ptaylagao!s,jdd.
V'Jbsa. r Dresuaie hlsVcarda. have ill
-..-nrfotTii '
awrpsd iW trompi" ; favlg,boi4tta
perse, mo renuor naaueatsBtBa tnejuu-l
.snal's ixKlli'rw. whrchGofe,rturnel.
Wfl, !t wilt do fust Jk'yriXl ,otj Urn
twxt;kriwJTaflen.''. ' ' ",
-tiHg&testof tJiitlrAiIlj.. ! J M
r;cavtry 6M, k( ,n .coilr) Ul,
naimuervu me noor so iqaaiy.wiia pis
hebi that the prince obsetved, i'lt; the
war with tho mother country and her
colonies had not terminated, 4 the major
might hive been sent to America as a
republication of the) Stamp Act."
The, life of Napoleon Bonaparte la
thickly studded with tho brilliant and
Incisive sayings by which he convinced
an opponent, destroyed a theory, or
at lonuon,,hA(l hU opening, aoidienca
wjth ieorgtS in.;,tKiJtoi?.iald,7?
was tho lASt' mAn in Km1and ht a.
eoajouaded a f aetata a 'UU'tan he l
caAc First CoMaTad 'virtual ruler of
France, there was placed before him a
spick-aud-snaa new conitltutloti, pre
pared by s frataer oljjlticlihtniis.
There was to bo a (Jrand Klcctor.
highly paid, richly bonorcl, and
sumptuously lodged, but without sab
fatanllal power, f IkmSparto laiigiied
heartllv at this scheme. ., ."Do you
think, Ih salif "ttjai H am to be this
prize nltr.fcdand fattened bv tho State?"
) klei was abandoned..
When tiiejiourbons wero restored. icM
' 'Count d'ArtoU (afterward
Charlas X, dK.UroBd ,ad. exiled in
lMorissued an adires which said.
"Nothing is changed -therw Is' one
turned out that not a stupid liouriiuri, ..
but piWkrwUtedjTftlWyraBd,aw-jiglaeM
atilho.1fo ti5-n A b7muchiljpr
One ftf Ilia moat
of roval
a ay I
midllieu oft" with the other's head!'
The fibbiot take plactvHUd
ducllilg vnmalied fiqui Jht timo for
wttrd tliniuglimirtfie SW cdUharmy,
Taw .., j s
A'nontanrt tT Keaf Life?
After NevimtiHiii yeariflongdost Iniy. ,
now growti'to bo n lM-anlil man, litis
liiNt been rjtoreil to hU old pannts.
Mr. and Mr. Kdward Williams, llvlag
nt '.M'J CllifJiu s'reet. Ill name Is VA
ward, nnd ho disappeared when 13.
MHiicii)ii still bring very strong that
he ran awnv thinking to Join tho army.
IIo wits iluilor rogulatlou size, howeve'r,
and falb'd iu bis p.anj nad also in get
ting miywortL , (rum . bis tmrouta, off
wliiiut forgivetiw was sought In sev-)
cml k'ttorw, Which nemshbw miscarried.
' Years iinssed. mid tho old peij)lu Uioughl
thulr iMiy dead burietl honefttli some
Southern hntt1eireld--and tho b6y now
In the far West thought hi parent un
relenting; uruolly no, and llnally tost
All trace of tliom, repeated letters going
astray. Somctltuuln.s summnr. . ilrum.
mer for n Chicago Honor hifitso penua
trated'aa far VchI ais Waiihliigion To?"
rltftry, mid. whflm'ahoWo' he rtcognlro
but the atipHablyldoMaued:'Horirk)r.
now .ft-araeMrouasquartzHllcreri Of
.course, in onlor to, connect
r -a a"V'
I tho N'(
.with U10 old chUdldss coiinle, as Uioy
tlimfgnl, tKeMrtmimcr kneVThem per
Juclly well, nnd by n telegram doliglit-
ru lUBiTiviftiiiuar-Mwuninu inuiuigtnco
thnt tholr child, jet, lived, Audjujils
lM)ok'etJrwei"o tunnv nuii-iit. Within n"
1 few weeks ttio Ifthi? sdnarated wero
again irf.frnati owiiiVnrnia, and dnly
vuatvrdav tho! nnwrtii.
ptkrfmiedliiiiT.returnqd wlhthl paruats.
wno wiswjiL 40 , sv4 ooiuro ttioy, qMou
thotr tfireo llltlo grandchildren on tho
faV.Westorn a plrUsa.. ---- Chicago Mer-
Anrrduto of Ijifayettr.
Diirltiir ho winter campaign of 1777
,ouiNO.diera 'suffered oxtremoly for tho
want if prfrtsoiiN. A penurious old
Tliitclimnn, living iu tho vicinity of tho
Ipli.rters of thu MUiy was known to
poNHMs grO:U. qiTantltlos of beef. pork,
tr,, bht thiohject of tho mbst regnrd
iiuuniic tlio old lers wiis hi well iTllod
smoke-hvu'M It was n vmnll building,
fdtuntcd 11 short dlslnnco from his house,
mid contnined, u thu soldier woll
know, a goodly number of delicious
limns. Kight muscular men, provided
with long pole, repaired to the sceno
of notion, nnd With little notso and less
ceremony transported tho house and
Its content to their camp. Immediately
on discovering hlrloss tho old Dutch
man waited 011 Lafarvtte, tho command
ing ot.lcor, with, a dolcTtil complaint.
"Shoneral, your tarn sogers hab carry
off my shmoko hoo."
. "Do dinble'." exclaimed tho Marquis,
whoso English was not remarkable for
its' purity, "'tlsuot possoblo."
'"Dundor und bllxum, dls druo."
"Veil, den," replied tho Marquis,
"If they havo got your smoke-homo
you may bo thankful iut day did not
tsko your meat, too." Middlttown
Ladles Hhoes and Storklmrs in Paris'.
Tho low and sandal slipper is much
wern by ladles here, and tho display of
tinkle isono af tho most attractive fea
tures of tho exposition. IIoeN nro still
high, and often glitter with bras tilu -,
There l ti great variety of design. vS
foot wear. It varies from ti mbio solo
with barely two Inches of toe-covering,
to tho dclicnto boot, huttoningfar upisiH
1110 cioiius 01 lace, colors nro also as
vnrliM'iitil n fitrti, Tl.nm nr.. I.I...1- ' j
bronze, lavender, white and nalo vol-
low. Can va slip)orw banded with loath-'!
er, are mucu woru. c
StockingN no lonuur hide theaiselvea
bushel.lliofavoritocplor l n, Ugbtd
viuw. aiu,u i-o nisu tup sinpeti riocs; .
fnir n hi barbei-nbTo: the nerrMhllculifr '
,trl pod stocking, biaek ami white; thW'
siouKing wju, a brilliant. bouquet inter
woven above the ankle: the diamond-
figured stocking In red nnd white, and
tne uoiioaio opeq-worK stocking.
-.-As fashion prevails at present, Uie'fe-
male foqtnas become the rival of heci
head, and tho male dilemma is whether,
to look down or u. With this deveJ-
opmenl of stylo, ftfl Yonder keasitivo- j
neas as to thodlstdty ef Uievwalkiihr
assxtoiny seeps ipMraifcMMSted thavle-,',
I nsJe heart, aad now, as thoy recline, at,
icairs aaa oencaes aooui me grounas.
Irs And benches About the grounds.
oHfim women wbTO'-wmJ Mftlv stock
women waro-wtMr ewatiy stoca
ace aatdoafinikst. do not waaarnVthMr
w-reiftfwi ainueruiiauj, ,-,( - ?im
v nejsana ana gravel 01 tiftBfaibHn .
f,.iPr9a.n!r 7l.w.ff-W HMVNP
aid trobleoi dnacter to? ike low
cnaracter lor ue low
sjMs,swauia-xinaBto aeeriaatea
reuraMt ink mrtMsjft, whera a haser '-'
ttovalol adftlcatej triajtaph ti, th,
shoemaker's art shows that some Utile
jp-abbel stones have 'Intruded then-,:
selves, la Mfidar quarters, at the Dairh
man renarked when he poured .th?
snuflera out of his boot, after wwrkkegti
In the,, netd. all day. San IVa
liylhtinL. y
The joint la a sheep of the beet breedf
aatl in fair condltlor;, which contakft
the least proportion of fat, is the leg,
and next to that is the shoulder, whilst
the loin, neck and breast had tho largest
. V 4.