imum 0. a?T. f . tuderrr IU iU9 ta bl, Tarn home fto froa, terelca lu4. S-l4 areou Uxk tad aabracd, t V hi ftfH U'J kav kUt aw ivVUjrcvli , Tbruttjh abrtt M p.U b atttd'VH wtr Nor WW toilmin Ndlln tr 0 he bJ boo & tVn frlrnd. The fo4tnJB Ural the) oil had drained Heboid I Uurtka anva- tin. x . 1 Bunlruronl lit M and loukt furiit. Pllll on trkdtlhwekise 14, . tMitVe ofl Uic dart with JrVp'Blas fdrf Vrora lkdw feet ,' et Water Iltl.' bVwftlcrcliL be oalj atid. J Yet on h (trotted j bo word couM pft. a irw urvp vcw aroa mi rimiK i , 1 A thiw iht Icatr thfCbfcpetdOiX, H icnu hi awna M tnd tour. ' My fcm I (he crle with ob of Jot, At la her arm the fold her bur Thouicb fhnipt the kAv mother' rjr free quickly ihrotich all dpillu!- J.MIE KU:.MU Ilrr Mra UuerrllU IA It) 1 SitSA !Qttrr of Herri hi lS7H. e . i Tin' following ubiltiar.v notice ap cared tj gnu of the .uv' OrjcaJt y jier during the inbuilt id HeiitrRrWr- siti:.i in ihwcttv, -nq t-WJt I !.; , the louvcut of the MMcr of Mcrvv. Slbr Celuite, on SVi4Ay. Sept. In, "Solemn lllgli Mvt-f,laiileui lit I the Chun-hid Im lnwiiiWttl Pcr- o.u. s.rb;avjiffifc;Hrt) lfcOvf. thfr-trudo u ttk dlJ.itH fketu-fort(iblo-loUwr lam-hoW oi Aw Harris nea,lr)UWiccv3(e:ftlaifd of ftcwntv'MMj ftraMilttf'VMI tUi with !n)l-IM'i4retplrw. TMf J woro all W)MM Mtl-MM(, mm Jim uiiriiui-oriMv uirtM uenwiHinTTT i All vnt up tl o tWr Komf, ymi voting and knljr lekift . A few wtm but , whl eikora h4 4 km linlr. Tlrtjr were 4taK. lit' 4iver Htyltvi-iKiaMtn rvd. blue, or chck1 ll.tniiol ihlfU, utb)f woro coatx. All had lxxu tonilajf wpr 0Vr tho ta lootii alxiTe th lcncU'Mtd Mtxit frith blf,' Ufit tk koli.' Tbk hortM wtirv i(iMTtU!ctau a4 hM nUcWd , with l..brMI. AtKlMMufth coinatfTTo1f'a nmnll man wjtli n pal (act), light, nhort hair, bhu 'V0i', light, dhort mutncln. It w QuiTntirll nhil tiU nil" it. Who nt'ciU to Imi tohl who thnv wt'ro, or what thy wuru. (loV such ninjHtrMrriciiuuiMooiang h. pic a kwi nonltl hnajrlh, but bail enough, Indeed, Tlioy oMiuri Uio gato of tint bat)-,rl. nntl wunt In anil ilii- ruouiiiiMi, ii4ingL,n a, jruurtijorunj, nui nan a inim uacK. xnvy jmiirmi mo day dov'uimjiol Um ooru-orlb. uud Hindu tliyjii'iKu-s t liome wltltoulhy lug a word to Andmw ilrri, tho ccmhI old farmer thev Itnd Hiniriu dwito.' lint he wn not Mlturbi'd-he tvn ready to give thbrfi p hi) hjiii; for lie wruonu o! tliaL i)ti;ilttryt)4 yl )iu lived in tlmt nectlou that wot but too ready to ttiuoor linvJKuly.wboMi iuUion It m to llebt ttt Kaiimm Jayhawkera. The Ltierrilliu UjuJgund ilr, lLtrrU a friend, warm niiij rvnily 'tfthM' them, oven at tlie r!k of hli life, (jtianirell whm invited to take dinner at the lioumi with the fandlyi 'tunl ItU otlWnt wito invited to come with him. One who went with hlui wiw John M'Kuene, in courage orrtature the cvr of nhy bbm In the eommnnd, and one of tlie great guerrilla chieftatn'i luort trtmted conn itclors. He had. become fatuous fur da ring deeuN, ai Wi)l i a haMiUtfat np. pearancrJ IM fha1 ortiitronf Ctu county, and lu the bruaklujc out of 41m w ar hi father and two brother hail been killed by JeamVoo'i tnon, frnat Kaimax. M'Keene tmik an oath that no gram ulipuld gxovr under hit fevt ItvLU pursuit ol the iiiurtlerem of mm fallHir and brothom. awl hei ktyl M oath 'with u frlgntful rcngcaucc lie, llko moi of hli companion in arma, )tunan a deperailo, with renm) M thn ImnclU Ing motive. 'e Hn hail killpd mu both old antLvoiuig. Hun kail lenrneH uhiHit them xlown with aDiinchMcllbct;. atenen Li UJie.vero oiipre4 Ja Un ple practice of markmanhit. Hut he . wa hatylwnrtH.toriill'thrit;'!!! steppnl like an aUti;!4'.,aJjl bal,Audi' maimer that km craceful in'lta way. II wom n Hide-lM-immewl, lirtitnlnrer) hnt, on which MTt 'irtnneilMi black fithj-rVa wide iK'lqf.nrJ morocco will gold cm bnddenv. anl tjie cvalry M, f redcrnl colonel. In hi belt wuftjr pair of Ivory-handled nar n-volver he carr?3vftfhiS) h"'lf5lSri tr. alwav reariy, qnlrkra -awiii. ami deadly In hi aJmr JilUimr on hi horve or-wlig n foH, hr mlrhthf j " tho onvjvpuno nouicjanuou.ana tnon aiftbpauv"V$vttt!t! thinlam7eTi Of An7!iwt IT) ri on the SehUimbor day that ic SehUimbor day that Quan - trcll cam were corn toott for thf BicB, given away with a better gtfcrt wilt- 'Wat AadtWHar wa not aldtaubi kha, hoaoitallu'. U. Un V...I . r. Ok n -J I.i "Ill ua (VH " II H . 1 1, UU MIUUMr buried o to taW -f Wila Oat' Sha waat1t&Ja ,lDr J Utftu Aad there waMoIlrrik. 1Milj child left jt hQmeirtfxitikmm ye.w; air ni 1 ar a bubiht raar - amaar aaaaaw aa v aaLi and country, bad wlakjf . mw .. a-a wa.tmt wm mm LuacVred llliirw 10 that thel rabzht np? ta - T" were b! and aa long an well W&tt." crnMlaaturiia tkoa4 rildrJlavS tibebadafaci.iMr, aneftnaiM which huaat a , aitmr Daiftw borhooilWMt bit 'tit MbLlXW had made hem If a drt&jol. nd asd white. Anaortof r4laAhWabiT . waa a detnljpvi. TbA,jrIld lataoJt,)-, ol the tiroea foandta hera tplendM rtpfe-J aesUtire. Her nine, yotag aa aht ww, had Wn tpokfio.,ihroughout hall a hundred coantie. She wat known at every Federal pott in tbe State, and MJarM U -HTMR anal H IiHatJi aWratau. waftV I UwttWUH UB(BI aHaMamrttt .aam1l1'W fE. BHi . taaaaaawtm aW'Tiw tB'kaVaav i.H(waaBaaaaTVaaaljO lh potltJi had ofWJt thtftlfnetO aalhylrlnidinh I f " AidMiunM, MimiM ai4uriotu John'AfcKeenM mSm -rfvaj hd heArl of jwh other )' a tins d hd longrd to eah olbr ll hl Mid h . lhbrVMtwuron In Mi 0uri he hd ld he- wm th bre.t tt of all the rouvh rldo. Ik Wt, 4r. t.nJaentlfphjtllT' her father. tabUU i' 'inlil meeting, and ewVw uir ttfH nlea.eti A tho un Meal down ianitl ah j hi men rdr nwar, and a they piMI along In front of the 1km. AnuU, UieW at the gate and m'oiv1 '"tc itvm e-ach oue. Ten It wMjtit he wKhed I niurt) lerirniiT munn i inai ne mi tuaa, that he mlChl 0 atong On the following Viormng, bfortthr un had come up, tfie adrancAf itavlr4 (he panning KnWrnU rame up t.) the home of Ainlrew llarrl In hot puruit They ha I beu told by a doien friendly cltiten of the hovpltalllt etondd to Qiuntrell and hi men br the old far mer, and tit I m otfeute enough They oalb-d him out, and, alter a lew uulnitNirtant iuetlou, hot him dimn, then burned the hoiue In lc than an hour lhe hml made a cene of blank detotatlou, and the girl ntid the mother had vllght nftlge with a kind heatted neighbor It wa the way of tt(S Ut" a fharaoterUtle ol guerrilla naflni, ai.d nomi'thlng that ihinI no aolig uo, lnei Ihue hn. dried UMitl' te.u biirlfd the deail. and jdil out the lth Th. purult of IJiinnttell ihxiIIiiiiihI until Iiuhiii owrtakrii Therv i a rloe, nharp tight, which renultid tti the iff and dUbnndineut of the guer rtlla John MKeeue returned to the ruin of the Harri nrtd leitrned the m hole utory He met An nle llarrl', and the tno pledged Ihair. oof eternal teugeauce 'I lieii?'al more than that She aaid "lie Mould go with Mm and deal the blown of death as he did. On horrohiek they uentto it humbte preacher' hoii, and, without nllght dig, had him make them man nod wifa. She thruw ay her MDiuau'a drea and I'onned male attire. She put on hell, tx'dde. and two reolvrj. and her long lialr "lie tucked up under her tint. She looked1". much Ilk 'a'aolittftT fti many a onng boy that wvn out wtl) Quan triill. The whole laitvrf full ott l'eifral aoldler. and Jflhi MeKAiimt ninl'bl guerilla wife hal to aliaro the ilnngem and prlt atlon of all of their kind Their home wo the kitddte, their nhelter the wood; they were together In morvlhau one auibuih attack, audlogelher aw more than one of the harW enemy bite the dut. WIivji the wlntof name and the leave left the lrve, tNjf roibf hway to the Soul!). tnj wtflrilhfre until the leave were again a big a the ear of the ulrrvKsityiinllii! mlunied to Uif Ir, eoiitan("baUM-rriiJtMl. n one June mon)lnfiMHflta thaitatirt fcatfhdyeg othern werrlCluif-woug over the pral rlo. iii'.vrta) imic.lo.wn .MjeSatu mlt. tloiy fHru nk ky a dniachntitit of he 71b rtlVrf"Ill(LX'rnro 'ai at dwjieralO'OBcouuUir, fn lilvl JhIhi McKeiie waa hot. dead, and Annie Mo- Kene wa iihot through the thoulder, th btlier of ttui giuiilai oiim'i1. 1 When the Fnleral eamb lip to w fw-re MrKenf atjh):,irtfe fell, ouo oCXv odler UvWh1 hi revohai (be kaml jt tlie Etonian in dlgulw btit Jirfor .Uie Irlirger was nullriUhti thtVatrhe hut, unVhd her long lnir,.lon'4 5it up befovw him with Mil tnhti $ niiiiinu, m iw iiiii vi njw lint iii,iuiu the imaUkry olr(nl. She told thtun all ahe had lived (or had gone, but thathn did not.' fail ready to die hermdf. Sno tn-gged them togliu hurc6uipkiifon Uw beat burial llie.y cmld, and aald ku wanted to tro to Kauaa Citv. There waa a tone of yolcn aula M)fo of earn ene alwut hep Wfefioiltloh.; tkkt loached the heart (af-tha fouirii aold- lerSt, and they burled Jobs McKeoe DUt on the broad prairie j but not a pnK!(9r a piece 01 wkm lay nearer tnaa a hall doren mile of tliM placs and hofhlg left to mark the piano of tho gTavu. Uui then it m urli a, burial a many a poor maa did not hara in thoaa day. - Annie MeKcnu waa taken to Kaaaaa Otj-, and thcru raoovereil under thii Care of aomo Hiaten of Meryy She removed to MmiihU, Tann., aad then' olpeil the Catholic" "church, and reolv. ol to devote her life to the care of the Ick and dUtrcxied. Hlmhoaamn a Sl Urfof Merry, went U the front of the army, and, during tbe remainder of the war, prowd unremitting In her work of love and mercy. Afir the cotnltig of praee he removed to New Orleans and iK-cime attached to the Convent of the fi$Un of Mercy, In devotion io her qjlMlon not one urpated her In earn cttne. She wa ever ready to bear Jhu heaviiMt burden, and manlfe.teil tlie fortitude In a good work that ihn had in a reckle guerilla warfare a the wife of John McKenu. She beoru the ecret of her life well. It wa a memory that had grown nacred by her expiation, and around it wai the aweot Inceme of a thousand iravert hud gone up out of a oul M tear, hen the InU- epidemic came on ho amone the foremott to eo to the bide of the stricken and the dvlng, I l"" WAl watched bv day and by nichl a a nure a ever aw the ipark jro nuL hot only with her hand illdj he aid the uffcrin?, but alto In word did the give utrength to many a I heart. Thn thn labVired and thilt 'I aktr1 fill filler! he1 fulfilled the acred row of her life, E: til the Father of Mercy claimed the r 01 Mercy aa til own. Annie Mc e. of 1&&1. wa the SUler Celeate jti4 death it announced in the notice a the head of thl artlcla. Wats If kva Cm 4a5lilBK. IA New York letter tayt: 0n of the I wvrat leatarea ol theae c&W ot deatita It the glial number cworoen who do Bothlngin particular xlucald, mpllthed.'reBted, but unable to aara a living at anything anybody Vraatt done. The number of the r ca It ftigbtiul. Thl other day a f Mg woraair who had teat her hutband aM been awfcndled oat of her little rprtjerty by a lawyer appliMi for work, 'ttfiejcoald tpeak three uucuaT and tmch four; the could teach mimic; the could copy letter, direct envelop, Mtartaln their company, ting aha had Bever made bread aor even her own drwtaea, asd could not read aloud to that any body would earn to littn to hr She had mw nalur aal aa em a hihltil itvtlraj,, Aiatldbte rhinjr owr a tar Upvf )V vrt-f Mr of her ruipmeat And her ae rpr nU tlrat of hundml Wendell !h . ip eprint? i'h the twtn gtll graduate, ln cMild bM en rva.1 l!'VJft,Wr Fll gill of the jmo4 hxti' fcfH4rting em mmlltt rnmltt fl hanVm that a il numlwr of the men t the rlil hw Oftialaldr' l pay her Uaw..Wll niMnrnbVrr with tut meae. n pit meae) , "Trwus rm:K Ha.HU,Vi, i -. Oal; T Nr laltlaiej. aa4 Oar af Them Ufla. the twrver, after referring (nthofact that the lUm Mr Aid. worth I uped to Im the otd female V'rvr Mam In the wwfbL dlvtOgyl the fartthU Mr II II lUhmgtoh. lio a at one lime a leldeut ol ihl Stale w. nli a niumWr rf tie ulunt and boitorabU rder i.!llie Dlumr'i ai.. Hole ha brought the M.eltn .,rvrt to the (rout.a)d, In tit lu- of )etnUv, the ftlltftr, Mr J Ik lUbington. write iCfilloWi 'Ini.uiufli tho I id 1 re (erred to in the alnive article . our ut.lhcr (deem it our dul) to tepub lrlit aad mVi tlie ms'eit.'vrv cotni Hon The tor I ivirnvt ith the exception of platH' and age. I he .tnitv father lanativeof e ork. nun iiio.iii 10 itriMiiiii nijiui, ni , i. bete our mother ia Inuti and iil.iil The plaev liev lje Haatuade a.MiMHi wa In an unniihhiMl rliiirvh rixun, She ivteted herelf under the plllptt liolhfl U at an entrnuce from the lde. and wa evlilualh d'Hieieil while leavlnff her lildllij: place after tbe hnlge nd ad)ii7TCl Mien ..Ik. Ill IA veal old whcnthti wa made a M.iaoii, and our father did not Join thn nrder for nearlv VOj ear after tbe Mere uur lid. ' We do nut Imloltg to the older, Uit mi hnve from men who do that the I brighter In Maoiiry than a latgv numlMT of men m bo have p.ed to the thlnl degrei. Our mother It tlll lit Ing, and 1 now In llovd count v, K) , a few mile from where the mm nrt Inl tlakd Into the mMrle of that au eleiil Onler of livon," Ckitrfoilt (.V (') OUrrr Analatay I'nwa a I'hlnav ftdnllMI U2 The atauilard medical work In China U entitled "Ihe Oolden Mirror," and comprlee nb jut forty vulamr tug to thl t rent Itw tor InMrina tilbrmni wrnlng the atnicture aurf po.ltluu of lheJnlerualorgau,lnep(tment of uiedl elno dltcovem that the lung are l In number, and aie utended from the pltuvfonr on one aiiU and two on J lie bther. It U from onJre. in Ihu luuc Ijml the human volexi la iipvud to eiuniiaii', winie wi,iraiii, n wen a sil oiie'N emotion of loy ami wirnm, (iriglnatn In the pit of the loinneh, I lie liver, to wtlte the auelelil (.'hliiee KcoUilua, la tluv relduuve v(. he human toul, all a pertoti' idau ntiil pniject being there detteI and thought ihiI, The brain ccm to be consi'fftrif 110 account M)i4vier-itJ conpertlnn mIi any Intellectual pro c Of tint circulation o the blooil tk?' iinHrfprartttrnner kintwa inopnr Ulvely nolLjUg. ahliouah hi evetvvall" mtii, howmrf trtfl!HgieiitiAry Wilfully examined, the mm doctor Mtliug . uif tt oWf-faf, iW?jJ' ffi,oun'rtnca wtiiie engaged in Iiv et iliallon. Tliq tlo of. the uuUe I iOllldered of o much epiclal luiliort anee lMcaue the live point at which It tuay Ihi felt are mippo.ixl to be connect' or w(Ui the Uvu planet, ihe live ele nituia. ntid too live talon. "It Vna)' I here remarked that "tlio flva tlahrta" areJMercury,Venu,aiidthe three other Itfattha earth, Thetdementa arcwalei. "lai'lal, fire, winm! and earth; and"lhn wihmi ami enriu; anil inn 1 In tiVieM.. i nXffiwp ft" t, believe In aatrology, and I fj, ' color anj w kiid red. AH to the lowest, oellnve In aatrology when taken ill ctniult thn almanac at once to dUcovcr wnat would Ihi the uwikt auapiulout day ou whlcli Pi, trTMl f6r a doctor. Tho delay cauwil by waiting for an "auipiclnu day" mutt fiften pnivo moat adrauiaaoda lA thn patient giving nature lime to elb-,l a cure before tlie nhytlcUti puU4 In an npitearatico and ioe thn jkxiK vletlnl to death with hit vile mixture. CVf of S. Y.Eivniwj Ijt, Sancy HaarKmn, When Mr, Spurgeon wa tll nhmL aUd, ta) the 1ondon Krho, hi wa enl down to preach for an aged ap tll miulter in thn country. On hi ar rival, the (dd man looked at him a If be exjMMited the world to yino to an end by thn mere force of a boy' Impiidenco. and. Inlrnd of giving the acouttomed greeting, walked up and down mutter Ing, loud enough to be heard Tut, tut; it It comotothUt hoy for pulpit' children to preach! bahm to preach!" Mr. Spurgeon. too, tnuttTfd to him elf, but not loud enough Pi bo heard; You hall pa) for thi. old lwy ; iV next morning, bt ijhfe for hi tlrat Jefn the tixteenlh chapter of I'rorerb. and read until he enrne to thn vnrmi, "A hoary hevl I a crown g, glory." Iooklng up, with an air of uqirl-e, he exclaimed, U the aatonUhment of the orthoilox oongregatlon, "Solomon' wnng there. Sjroe hoary headt can't Ihi civil P) a bor who rrinin to preach for them. Kudeneat give no crown of glory." Tin he added, wi tea. returning to the Ukk, lib dramatic urprite, "Mi. I tee, Solomen't right, afurr all, for rudeneat, even to a lad who preachea for you, it not the way of rigbteout neat." The old man m capable of bearing a joke, even from the pulpit, and when Ihe aerraon wat over ran up the ttalrt, and tlappleg the boy preacher on the back, exclaimed with delight: "Thee'rt tbe taueiott dog that ever barked In a pulpit." HoneatyU thebt rwllcy, butkaept a man very poor," tald Gregg, the gr.v Mr, while hn wet the tugar without put iryj any tand la iL What thaJl ball be done with our chU dren when thhr leave acboolf" aak't a conletnjwrary. Wky, give them their dinner and tend them back. j" flhaWriirt Wlh V 0eii4erM (Trval Ialtw4la. Althemgh tl Vel h pael tnv tbe M-tbaYi (lrik hf. hrwgh the prf (' Afcwtaa mJ. lertnrrw nwv vtde Jemm ta ejeralKh ol w r alw h e. pl r We under the CMdltlonx ef the Mhr- lenth .xnturv lhn the? wer la the Uifthe l'htan 1 4a nt mtn for one Inemettl to Aeert lht UuU w.mld nnt the .nie uitimile Hiv alreadv gained the me trtekf a.hantAge' a her pmlevettar 11m ptVgt of thallrvelt thrXtwJjh K14 waa. a that of a uulf arm lfr t In Ji tmlnltiiUHn and iliiu. and taking aloac MlU .Uttia tk he-t eiiKititliMi and enlUiot. Jaag afer wat.U uiatuVaiaul tkeir tm)it. I have no Uxk befr but I am MliitVd that .Vfttan j;ivia ample ndenf of the ptllu'tple on whl h tVe'r ad'wiH wat fomlHotiHl lhu(af) xtojde vf admlatitfktlon) at lUbvlaik hem tlw arm) ivil mU th cinrJiu ot, tbe oiMirtxtUm. J )i nt. vjeil the v h lei v of ArhoU Alexander eaf lionie tM Aleppo. I llnnlsVtti men vfhnte) teim 'lfrjrn' ha4vpiit4.aJHtlfj'.inil ltlV U)hihn-il IbiU )eiV (.U due vure thn iv run inuJ tlo tu II b) liv lHin. ta thotr, - i Vsiveturv 1.. f.irlrt ftihhrV l.ivabo Shd Ihti bl mMioI MIie.iio dep.iK t.unw v hn It bin m 111 iim , )i .HiiiIihI kit IlltlUiiteoblr. t 1 ( Ivihlag tlldll 1 br i ,.( U.Jdsi4Wiiiolr. valh liid't ltel( II111 tile of aiiilrllt I aVtU Hi determlul me tear a.i t- le Hit fourteen tnllei north" eo' of Him'ui l'lude and them I .(III ..lite Tt l elan (now dmg ouO ih tbe uvbibb- f lug bid thai rlnint ifixent from tin (rvvlkt, mill nbo.e ptMe Mil thl i count revolt i nrtle nf nnv kind Now, the lluolail fxhaJKi llililgh Attn ha hmui ioiidK'tel liUJMilotitii tlmllar prlnelidiw, (h vbb (ad por bap. onl) dlUeleU'V lu'lag III lui tllPe iKXiupteil, 'I hem at ('Hi auUWvirpt teatou for Ihe unite deliberate ivcllon of UiimU, wlih wlitch I w not orupj vonr tpaee; but at Dml tlravrliMI'-Hg' her capahlllt) of adv-aueliig Umnviu of thu4lllflltitlHeof tmiitport andatippllea, I Ilia) Ule hi left) that thee ilellblle formid one of Ui t-lihl ivavoii. The dlffertiuW lu lie mi;i.muhi of a modern army In Ala siiupvrvt. vHti the Greek umbu jXidiDiitiou ot Aloxan derrontltU In tlie tralu of ailllhiy and ammunition llu.a bad, tlierv fore, rijayoi to wait till modem tcleiicoln IJie fiirni of a rallwav' wiiubl ooinpeu.ivie for (hat dluVrefire Hw llevn I hnve ald ulllclenl fb hnw that with Oceuliiirg and the1 Capliv a aiHiuular) bam, ami amply fiiniUhe.) loaglrlne ntTathkeud and Samarctnd fanilll VcmUMhivldeJlMl-rv altgi Dm IrateitlalaitilitthuijiMJiii )Iu1aii A 1 (tow a gi-Mi at hai lliatoi Wyt Oreek prevlou !o tlo-lr nil' V tin ifiu ,paae of Afghnnlitan. If tit If Oreek, tmHluitt OiveK III the KUUwf, MUtt)' inlglrt IjojMlblv liatu pi & dl'Vt'flV laic, VlltliUilt ouerialO0i I l par ,'nllel liec('mltv lef-mlhaU't lAthMfn Ttmn - t r 1 ( I'elar lUllifMlng, i t It, U gvnerally kuonu tliatlfvupiriwv lOakit all PPliiPDriAtlou for thn llniv gnt polar expedition, thorn wif Imi an oilli'f niirnipi in i"iir mr nnrri-in lull hn o far btrrted Ihe miwt I'dari n(t nod eilhitiaMt Inveallgatort, but It Uoot a atibjctit of ullllbllUlnl knuwledge bow far tho feropifed ekpeitltkm will depart from Ihe hwaleti traek of Ita prude.. Ore, and etideavor tocflnd llm long 0ngtit ttppar 4iaHif the nttrth'a aU ti th osty liiean., which It I now ahtolal utilverailly admlttl, appear to hava chalk if OM'eea. A Vr reporUn" waa yaatarday lormnal naoiigh to find in 1 1 eman ai noinu wm it poaMMt. of conldernbln luformalinti ou thlt aiottTeUi t iiaeialofl, rand who wa pourtwou Ifnaugh to w Jagly lniMiri. It. Tim galnkiNiwi I I'rowwetir NaMMIK(ag, tbcwelbkiiotan aeronaut, of tM city, luring tile paaiatrmmirr, noting bimWr aaiggialtioaa nliddlrttrtiona frwm (Japtaiti How-gala, l'rof. King ha Uran atllTeiy. ,at wuvh tnaklag a aariit ol ciperiimtnteta'i ,l)al loon ami ImIIoon innieriai w)t a vwir to I be Invention of ra tiiUUao. Uiat Would rntaip hyiirpgeti ga tat an Mi definite imtIimI (n the proi;ulio of thl work he tnad Mrveral attvetulpn In tbe Interior rf the Stale, aud, afier month of urduoua labor and ritnanvb, hi effort were rewarded. II hadU covnreil or Invented a maUirlal wIhoJi, when Inflated, will nlaln gaa 1 tune or four time longer than any now known Tha importance of thi may l better apprecialotl from vrbal follnri "Certainly," ld I'rebir King. In reply to the rpiet made Jit'lhrvwrftar, I ha)l be glad to give the llrat any In forruatlot) cii lhl cubical that! ie Tberr1- (hfdlng'tbtvrf'MVlr"nUu r) It tba.lott. vwtimiuilcalUin Lft rr'"i(yl frvimfcai,(MloVai.- " The letter referrnl to (peak in tin hlgbett term of the rapUbYil apprc'l atlou of Ihe luiHKtanri of I'mirMtfr King' dUcncry, and fn ublartj, tayt "il tucb time at thlt );UPr it to your country, lo cjenc. and o yourtelf, u accept the ivIUoij yifwjv liaut to thr exelltlon' "Will yru Kor' ake,J ihe wr.Ur, t'rofi'Mor King tpauel a moment, while ytt eye WglAI up HiH frailtjijd' atm, an'd he replied. "Uo, I, cannot go -it I utterly oiitffie fjotn, Tin fact ft, I ant making preparatloat for tht voyage Ut Kumpe whleh II It ctntemplated to make next NiWMf, You may remembtrr that th Vr MT. UthH thai ftv-t ome time ago, Walt, 1 am under corrtravH VI the gentlenaMe lfltnrratd in that prt;JH, and to Hw1R le rMpot4hl fnt avf much aa I aftraid detrire ti nVa, In avyimpaay th Ik tale expedition I Jut by retarrlag' W the ieturr, job will e that Captain Howgat anibfrixe me in reoommend tomn rne for th) potiUos. and I ant bhw looking for tha projetr man. Tha plan proposed by Captain ffowgafa ( to take the jpsratut which 1 have In vested along to Laly Franklin Hay. where the preparation for the atrial -voyage will 'l wade. Olieryationt will I ratvle by 'captive a4Crttahf and wbenlhe favorable momeat hat ar rived a large balloon will bj UrUd towarda the pole. The detlgn U to TMIlllMU ititMlt mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMKmmmmsm' trna im ! pd entirely, aad fa .it. r, fc llwret", tfitix AUl th maav fit' tkt h .lpattl Will felalMK jj, (r aulTletrnt eth .f time tt weh a frifa. T ! th r-Sh for ienM v ha maVa hit natevf. leoior wr. . , , Tnt K'i U lete u t ij Xif a dr mef Hor a V.t1l m at. haaHe4, m fa ahown , a k4 the molt MMyMitfHl, rHel kMwt and tNH't'yMv-pt.-tt4Vl Hn la the; hutU te, t,nd Id Kvtt0, Ifxvili the ('en. IcvmUl trMrn't hf dtflfc' thWiV Htin, Will h itnWfie47' . wiw pUlHjIU.MHll OWkW Ye" ()ir tllNdwtk.' Thl ) wv.ptle 4 ihe ir)fetiita UvMit i( MHHy hlUorUn m a wan ton In tvolf al. Wattles In the" rfwlly M hrr'.n.j.riaJ 4hd ilgtv NWriHf lit Kt ltfar vr he vrlh rle, ertbnU 'Ur lae l4r. falt lait nilnMrali ,ky Df '11 nV m aad Heatant, het ho.e a llllie '.....VAb br lint irVtv ifrtd teeth hUlA W4W f .!- bf, Mel that rn( hef hMa iiivtli .vr.waatMt rlavit tain Vr J'tttT, f ltd m MiwtjHe ii rttlVv a ant em heSrd m M llt f-d lowrhg tinlKfir n x how V leti lha Mt of .JIiUad ilt( a plriulid emiav to her l the (lift au diflW one uf Ihe eipVtJMA.ptf . t aid h .ii Ungtlih genileUUu Ul h did not ktlAW why hef hwibl ik lb atieti murfeivMU d tbetivn UUt, tUy) dpUitl glvttdnj, Ut he iboijght rl hoUld tw hhppV et) ufitxr Mrvi ami dIV 111 halk llho wontta for" hU wife 'f In Jph-a-iu y hu bad h. e. tUt wfti the whole o(IU of foixngiteia, vxhu ihe aiptu'tvev a otet.tent inr ihe DirfHtli gentleman hlid iMnlflhdrif Mm nnder julu l( iblewnr, ii (ollwrrwbkl the'lhitrh maa hat aaid in him ltio unllu.xii ,excueUilielf a i'ltg litie1pivti;idlnt me eonverttiion ipHTiiiig Pill a in fle ihe (ipan. bnwMrri'wa itMenalil m n anrw wliat llntv .H.iutm.aa, iiporiwhUh be Pd-l Het JUajntly lite ihple id Mhal had In)) tab! (he ix.-p cltitimt of the mtiter vat that the m wvfe Jpreeiiiti Vai h wih ehatiitif rold4'ela'kl hmidrM eiuwiit laliev adililr piliuilpal Atltdui With llllu ttl Olid hlllblln.1 Hl,ik.n. ..). lull the' gailalil ntlU'hHikit, who' htj!" fntitid Hi i(Wti wi v.-ry', very ItaJnW' eme, had a rliaU o Uleta mmild i'IVlMt rvlue, Vli.h ( IvWd, M) jUw fc Moino Hip day of hi drAil, u tka lt4 til HMartelK. Th par hivd to 1.1 a lhaim MorvaMiraaiftatlhaa) eUvinhdhtt tklet aid ilailuouilMltwaAa, . (2 rhaM irtu I will auU'iliUjnfaeeU you at even pitiw .1IIMIIMI jmii lecioe 11111101 I'llllV. WUfMtl Verybawe! liaTr'lMwm eV1Hrte4 Id tii.iiiint iiaatxHkMI Uft m' llafph lj;mi.p,ow, llje Hvd J'VT ll,wi V" kVVof ihl(eatl tniO" iioaiefi reuiuiiiH bj,o iiip lllipf lleldiVef fflfaht and tlmgtiUa1ereof lbtgieweuduch- 4to(iherhk9Mwvv Ilitir'Waa Whevf which in ally KiHf.lve ilailnu rtuhe.1 to rifniJiirW rVtrthi'' F.lllhiplaHlhi A ytlel.) Ihi t'aiweaal tk Himim and Ilia buanliMvUer'm Ujiatuinlhllipa WieleMV ltlm V'r1!'? I'"!1""' "t titiM ilinirilfteY w(lfi ihh flM-t jlf rival iiiiiiiaifTer.iilih Inlgtity rivT-rVievitfi altllMbetlligViaiaU Ibei l4 lllUt on Ita thleb hnvi rung o often In datj;twt li) tlllf. aliYin priiilkM'llluniithVlHe) paimtiir IM nmrynnrtHi1 thipw tlwlr lHig kadJH athwart the lulijt epipl?a 0' rtfllrMJ lM0ft. gjaml III en;iill"ti aiil faullRtt In detail, which hAvHal'lh everyfUltllhrf lllb IlinM towkltb tea art ttf tvrrbltaetiert M4 wlptur',-yMiaared,U thUUalr4rU et crailla, 'Ilia eotl it lmwid Willi frtgmonl of hroketi eoluiunt td del fii mdotaal, Hurled hViiaalh llM 4lftteigand of the aVaett Ha.hegli rioiit aa.1 yet ifU'Veowua waatai vlece t of iWa.irai.CTaw.;: tirnttKnie ngii'i ne rarrti rHHrenf iie oiHm liiMirntabU tpaiax te4 atovax ao pa ), m litany oenlurlt n thay lo M ddwri in their grand rrtioWojwm thj wawferMg father fr)liry 'nraaht tritd HcUUy hikmi lhe 'iltaade) W' idea aud vatt.baib, jJaiay, Vl "'! !hr-lr ;adowy portal t Uie worjiupptta iitrf goufc rriyer' leolfif 4hd tfalA fallOHi thfyrjM)i trWrillf V wihH UkI rurleaj atriMMarrr C'4rtaW' Juuriuili 'w.rfVwa-KVic,. . 'litem are tef eral )'tfttykfi of, wahlng Ihrt'faevtaenJ tMifone rlgliU Towel, flannel, iaMagnri all! ont of pbwfi wherg tier fat I conreriMidi tl Und Mf'lhhuM lieTti!, lhrcVr Wlltort'a 't1lrvlflHe awm Fill Viior baalu alemt two lltlrda ftall ttith frrt-f. watr, dJp)our tux H,he waprr, and Ihejt jour hand Soap thn hand well, add Pii the 7)pd ' hUlid with genlla friction all over the athole fw, Ifav Jrajr purforrtal IbleAparVofnihe iNira lloo UiauUldy. lp the fat?? IftUid wafer a tavmd lime, and rln.o It roti )dfl)T Y""'" w yttiyrrttifdi Wlf Inxtiryof Ik latter parv of tlaeoprfa' Hon by having a aeoond batlt) vfy wjth hntU water Uj perform a flaaf rrW'"n&t Ilia rare of lfcejmpU Pm require thai hai only rM tvit lnu tk wkol terxly ah all h daily etttejaeted Ui thtt baU. Tk vr Mh l pf hat the ltt. and tha tempeiralure iif Ihe water rnu.t'lwfeguUU'd by the May. atloewofnhe batfcar, an4' by MitW vm,4 laye'year Me mm tviny trie charm of claar. aef t injlor la tk oltaek1 and Hot. aad It mutt Uan In4wrrihN complexion, ndeelf that will not ythi tthmrM laai 1 riav vwietti 4. J4ef Mnjm r . u4r TaalM itil 0 I "-,-" T-TT I&ark Twalf whe. jituur than he It now, nad to lVft a reeeptjon at Mr. Freman't, tnd had order M give full deaeriptlon of all tha ilreftaef. A yocigglrl told Jilw tk itMti of Uui " ,Kr wore ty the ladlw, vl he ! tidl0 tl.e, after Ihe manner of bit kind, and orsl Xn deecrlle her' owk dm, which eh t7llneh JVewstly," ehff tayt. "a Ull tiuig miner, who it now a .Millionaire, living In Kraiife, called him atlde, and (hf ramjwk to ne trembling, and, 1 may tafely tay, pale Inita fright, 'Mlw,' ne ttammere.1, nhat wretch ei pirate In the light trouwrt tayt that lAAkedtVplLAU.W.Kf-. " pUvyi tn Wf Kai X,,( "T ir' nr I lold kl. aHd th Ht hy k re poeet H4 w vAftn tt (Ufa ef dia inoe.toff n mw frvmv li Iwxi then Vt leMht otef t , ad m weitrln iU lt.ipt.tti f m III, Mr tall wa ttln.l, dd ufr ipteallr renvvfte.l that he kn ft pi put arnnKirHHrr (( the world M H,kt)UlU Aa eat rl'MfWfd Iteea ('. f fclxMJli Vj . gf ' lM!VlU viMortr tItrRww?telt inpU etIM aMf.tV ti miav nt e.-ia.eifivhfb4aiiU, uta. MVimM, aHt law aaVwoWw. aW.p,iMe k t.4l M afi tMlltr .! I krtt eeMildaMt. fi .mf ImWiI p v.tfVM afMtwJaaaf 1 th,. e (. k4 feel H KU Ulj M me II V tMtattaVnVretteatv Al ay , a,l iVtta r fHf kaejMM t-vfleeaac. I "H 4. fe el eaw . ill V UM l, INU twit, 1K fwll .ItV'teee fe yy.m ad 'MU UaiJJaaV--'' '-"."'a. l f ti1 ey "ptejtj tfTra y.i mi tat fr srr M'a. vtv1, f . H A a A A af Maai HttTM. 1Ve n,JUlH. K la IfVM at V-.nei fiaiaeal wtw i .1 . U, fHn,i) Jiilla i lttWfani k.H.ii iu tw.Hi rMT 'i r i"f ii e 1 1 MUM" llx !' Wtf te4IV4 with tal( Kel 4 tiq.! M . 'e al .. if feel, ar MMi(efa 4 a.1tM I 11. JI 11 lsKu. tt i'a .M-a, ,4 -t wwearweaty?) I In l.iul khiu.1 Iwh a AiMh -fi t(nl,d kfwftwi lf eke III dw el hel JM.W e " Awwa 'ami l, IIm wi) lfa'tj I iRtH !ltVf iM Vt 'ti4Ulii ill iVedlU tM WJ ttw d thvlei.t. It U flfiU hfwk, r4lu iitt tki-u. I-. liMtaa, a rtw Z inaRf "Wifai rra i . lit Mr p.imd . wttaw4waaa A WONOKeffUL MavniK. L4 ,v uax'xajTTiVt.?vae nti nit-tv. -mmsm WIZARD OIL. t 4j(tevvna4'meiitHl In rirr IWat h4 tltrkt . ft Mtttrti foe hiejrHcWfiw UlMHl Aaaa iHiiir, Kt out ttf llavet In m NtHrlHK It lM triwtnl fill. "U fa. nf.lntH-r tf irmaik4lilty vlnf wdcV lvt lrn ,hfir'iiiirtl thiftigh iltf IntifMmridallljf id iKi vreaiifvfiryJBr'viTvji(Mlelciri(i the Jdilury f4iaehilnv ItHfu.mU of tAilKwd iTeidftfor llfe,Tpyufitm wImi liavjv lexiimiejivejl ttK1rS fed id tb kitcKTWrlvinrf iV aid fjimi ltjr4 tltlia, le.tlfy li!! wftlMlfftlll hcrtllMK ntvcrwt. ' '1 he .ftttlowltw, frntn a aiefrhvnl tf 'noniUiaii. JiHh,itatK!dniiitiuiiy humttvtU wM lutvt Ltuwi iict Ivnl br u 4t ayjjjg (IWJ iHlfpfCj lttNtliit'--KM )i.c Pt hl IS l(hpMi(la, el fl Wielh hi itMhj ) pet r.e fMr rfMl'leelhtr I'nf . ni h vintaatai lr ln tM iij-ljiiit MtVUJli4"Ml aWlee. It tove. iiih pi hti hi th r. wd. f',iV.IW'f,fM ftat in tin lettl.n HtaieW, TlliblallleJ h lh'lfl Jpf T : wefl I hi Yi fjer ltJ alelwitMrf ft aMtVtfiiaTBiei, t'td t"lg iH Jrdtvd It .I'', Ihe iviltpl 1711, W ilel lt, M, rmvMW ialn tMytfim,1hf;oOf1 ef li t iieit PVJti hrlWeflS " eiWeV anpB II. nN'Ulrji iuh m f,M'J tl W TI,Uwt(j2Uv4ricotal iset trrt l.l 4;wlppai nf Id ill)i ,f le.e Iffl4ftll wtv, A'" lJVtl,tf, AHi'ilvm. lad. WZMDOiiiXr.vuii'iiw. J't'M.'y'lyllAi MaiHWaMnt., atnl ttiipt the tnott rtpurUttxtf 1 aiii. Imt it pvflptiu MUKal and pyimancttt waaiMww(kwwawtjaTaMaawari cbret. II It MIC, anil u,fc. ilpre ll wtifk iilKVly and efjually ami U hw thi tlcU rtcMrit In cVry'f4nlly. olo xaYAU NiJooiirt. $9 SAMP1 f aMr uii ra OajJ Neilll, It, i a erM4 - lr,ia MM k L1U ! JJtf-l,iT,utMk LaaBIZl i;r.JATet3?jrxw.lET77rk ' & Ww () Te W fJ. -Tf. JW 1 til I 1 aAa-rawxaTatxtxtl tatnatn at final xx?TvTrTtjaajxf arparawjpBjpbifj m wW; Ui1 fe Jwwfjb mm. hM .( v4 aiiviwe;' f tetA affax Aaantr nt haaTtft, 'lliaiVlnStJltt.. r mtlti wmmiu 1MB (! wvotvoa ztTJX&vnuz 'VLaa fx?if v..iii uoxrt9xf'W IM-MUm ! AfaMMM4l4VirVMkl4. iBCttSti3BEm.BJKm z $i Vn o "cf h-tv'f f lX 'L aeliwleaarlwaliiilaial wyuJZMKy&yrr, INUNIilllelUi! iftJSXintu. wAwwSrjailarJ A "Omtrnt weei flka 1 MB Mw7nBM wwtBax??Jv(a wvaaMia if evv lMxaatrtf)xrVil VaeMr tHt9tittmr a. ilt AMtp f. tww(iartiUaae.te.qio ., We.t . If.,,' A1,' t m- Watttter u'ltilXX U;tfLU . ar tntu ttH ,nWfK at mm A womjnr&m Wt awfBf (.err' nttta . v . .. I BI . i M. ""X waTl V'" Nfiitx yi wV) tmtXaratjanly mdam V. 1' JIIa HisKflrnai j ' ' "- . T lieTTJ iwSSfeiffffli mm vitk4 m tfc.- irxtxi'm ankv feltkUaj rM ae a 'w . t3j . a Im,JL,V!i i. "4. !,?. xk..i.eXataal w m tiau i i. -J, nai, tf. aw MI tmm-fku t4 Sm J T?aTilfc "r tf,tt.rn.n, tnn av irfT; i&i