The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 12, 1878, Image 7

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ilut suppo.e heshouid rccocnUe inc.
alter all. Helen' ' '
"Not a bil of danger of thvt. Mv,
ju are too well pii up,' thanks to
jour humble servant."
'Well, le'. nir lain a .rig, lut Hi,
gttlnr look, at imwII, and I tti 0e
and he stepjid to ihe glais and ur.
vreved herself.
fehe jjave lit In lauth. "Uj-ht hour
y teeth krleatii through mv duAveom
aleilon., Me mutt reined that, (io
Mown stairs ami get mv witue walnut
1 Glutei" "
The desired fluid wa brought, and
eough partaVen of to bring the gleam
lag teelh to a color not conceivabt;, oh
erfablo through conlratt with ttut i;ru
eral appearance ol I bo person.
inero v,ou are. jviar, no transform
Vfdkthat ) our own father would not re
cj4tniw j on Complexion uttcrlv at
tered, cjebrow blackened, hair tucked
out of sight under widow' cap. seedr
black dre, and woru cotton glove."
What would look for the 'rich and dat
tered hclrv.' In thi gulscf Here, .-t
Jane adjut)our tell. There, on do
ow for Mor widow of thlriv-tlve. I
Well, Helen, I bono we msv tlnd
that llenrv -Mnltli ha been slandered.'
wa the rejoinder, "but I could never
promUo to marry him with tuch a doubt
anaolvcd "
"No, Imleed, Ma,' Hut go, m ble.t.
,1 IliR will follow jou," .he added! laugh
Down the back stairs stole the ipilt-t,
povertv -stricken looking little woman,
and gained the treet y a back allev
Iravng her ruty crape veil down over
her f: eloAi'ly, ho went slowly along
ntll she reached door that bore the
llriKt Pmitii,
Acendlng the lnlr she tood at the
rJW door uiul tapped tlmldl).
"Come Inl" wa the rejoinder from
Timidly and tremblingly .May puhed
open the olllee door of the man who
but thu day prcvlou had be.ought her
lo lvcomchl wife.
Henry Smith sat nt a tn'jte 'vhloh wn
trewu Hlth law paper, with hi feef
thrown ver tlui arm of a ehair. and a
blf coumiiuci! cigar between hi teeth
Casting n glance at the meek-looking
little tigurc before him, which glaneo
seemed to iMirn him that there wa no
call for poltteiuMion bin part, he Iraued
back In IiIn uhuir and lemarked
"Well, madam, what do ou want,
"Can thli) bo theeitpiiftite Mr. Smith.
who Im o very eotirteoiM to ladle in
eielyP" thoul.t May. Hut he nnld in
a foiiv Mhteb trembled with MipprcAicd
"Will you pleano let me Im neateil?
I am not Htroug, and the tair hne ta
kea my lircath."
Chair oer there by the window,"
Ranald; butheneer lowered hi feet
from the one on which they reitcd, nor
laid aido the cigar.
After ncw moment' paue, in which
th pale, dark woman eemed to collect
breath and oonipo-oirc. ihe nld, draw,
lajr a paper from her iMicket:
If you ideate, I called to co ou for
charity. My huband wa killed x
nnnth ago by a fall from a building,
and left me pcnnllc. I worked and
earned n meager xtipport for melf and
llttlo one, by copying, until i wa no
longer able to gct'even to do. He
ing ill with overwork and anxiety I
could not longer mpiiori my little fam
Ht, ami my children nave iwen taken to
the workliouc. People who had known
how hard 1 tiled to do for them, have
hclM-d me a little, and I have been
ae from going there too. If I can
ocrc'd in k'-rplug along for a few day
, until I have a llttlo more strength, I
hope to obtain work, and to be able to
take care of melf again. Here l a
Iiaper with the name of thoe who
.now me, and that I n not an lmpo
lor, nud who have hcljK'd me in my ill
wo and overty."
Mot n word from Henry Smith during
all thi time, but he coolly puffed hi
'car. t
I "Won't you help mo a little from
your abundant meanP" pleaded the
poor woman.
"Oh, dearl J wUh beggar could be
abolUhed by itatuter' he yawned. And
then to the woman:
"Iteilly, madam, your utory l well
got'en up, but o far a I am concern
jjfd. no" beggar need ajioly. If you can
not nupport yourvelf, why, p the work
hone. That la thu placo for tuuh nt
Hut, lr ,"
"My ib'nr woman, there I the door;
I cannot Ihi bothered any longer."
Klowly nailly the poor woumn
wended h r way down Uie utaira and
down the htreet, until the corner abut
her from night, and then fairly flow, till
be reached the rcfldcnr of one of the
wealtiiot gentlemen In the city. Hern
he rushed in t Ihefrount dixir nodun
9 cvremoniouily up it aim Into the pretty
room ho had left but a nhort time be
Tearing off her widow' garmenU the
wa mon rngared Intrlling her friend
Helen the result of her tuUttos.
"I l I lust" you told e. Helen.
Henry .Smith ha no more heart than a
Muck of wood, ami no more pollteae;"
aad her cheek burne4 a he thought
of hi rudenea. "And to thlak that be
hould come here, and be o rery polite
and devoted to oie, whea it'a all flm
to hi nature! Thank nearest 1 have
fonnd him out la thae."
Helen laughed ftiy. and ld
r "What answer shall yo glfe him,
thi evening, May?"
"Wait until evening and see," w
the reply, a May weal o with her be
oHilnp toilet.
Meanwhile Henry Smith, after men
vitally condemning all lK.rjar totortare
plowly betook himself to bis lodgings,
aad atrayed hlomelf serupuloutly for
the purose of cailiag to recelre his
wiswex front the younr ladj of bit af
fection; but in the Midst of thoughts
of her, the pale, sad faeeaf the dark Ut
ile widow would intrude lUelf.
Confound that creature" he solilo
iel, as be n eared the mansion. "I
caa't keep her out of my mind. There
was something familiar about her, as if
I had known her sctuetime. Uutpsba'wl
"h ha n nni til. fr brjrgr' 1
hal'. I oae ue.f dHi t grt thlt
jcirlof vid Hslir .. tith ',, utr ,
cab "
': the tn. th roHt iweAl
him ml brtllisat)) lurkuM driag
nm. hete. In mil n.l )r. lMue
the fsir yoMhg jrtil bn.m le had Vrd
to le hi wft
She rmr to mit him and he rrl)
"IWrr.t Msj, 1 am 1 impatience
for jr snwer Won't kri me in
U're atlothrr UH.turHt 1 the tts.
nri mine'"
W ith ptlnfitl dltltHtne ever) id
of the jhit tlHote oa hit ear
"O. dear' I w)i Uggt emh W
nUilUhcl liv ttatuttf."
He nM'iird hi. ret and taiel at her
then the tiuth nuir, ( Wutl uiniii
hire. '
Ma' MIm Halle)' What I. Ih."'
he gaHtl
l(eal),t'r, )our tr) l well gotten
up; Imt tar a 1 am" ctinceturd, no
In'ggar net-d apply "
Catching up hi't ht. Henry Smith
left the houte o hurrlrsll) that'the hall
lor lsilinie.
If he did iht gain the hclre. ami her
mom), let Ut hotve that be gained in
w ltdiiiu and c.horiu .V '. .NV
Unitll-h Mumen In OfMre,
Kighl hundred voting women tt work,
all Inonenxiiii, alt looking iuiilortAtle.
mott of t.iem ImiVliig pretl), earning
fair wage at eat) wotk work III for
women todo, work at which they can
ll and ret, and not Ihi wean, with a
kitchen at hand, and a hot dinner In
the middle of the dy. with leave of
ahtcuci (without stoppngc of pa))
ever) year, with a doctor for slckne
and a jiention for old age (for the voting
women, a ) ear roll on, will lecomc
old), with only eight hour of work,
never before, M o'clock In the morning,
mid never alter o'clock at night, wit!)
frm.iliMiHriuteudcuti, and the chance
of rlxllig to I' a uperluteiuleiit iiHMi
to each girl Thl It a gocrumi'tit
olllee, under government turveillaiice
and all thi ha "lining Into evUteuc'
during thelatt eight veart The gen
eral I'ott.Oluec It in m Martin le-t'ra-id,
near M. I'.uil', and there aie
now twogieat l'o.t.( Mlice at the aiii.
iil.iee, facing eaiili other, the elder om
biiiiig Immmi found altugether tntufllcl
cut lor the purpose noircd, nlthough
when il wat lirl oMin-d, nlxuit forU
tliMcar ago, It wat iiiti-. to In
nli'iinlh Hrg t for any kIIi!c ri-'jiiTe
meiit which the country cmilil ww
fortiicha building Tbotn ulio pa
from Clienplde Into Newgate street al
ter the lamp have liven lighted, ma)
obtene, on hxiklng up, that the whol'e
top fl'Mir of this new building i llluiui
Hated. It it beie that the ftu' )oung
woim-n are at work, and their hutln.-
coiittiu the receipt and dltpatch of
telegraph meage After dUcmerlng
thatatlcaxt htx) W(,m,.M rml keep a
secret (tecreey I eenllal there), I
asked; "How man) diMiihaUdld vou
have during latt )e:irf" For I liad
known much of the'eivil tertlc iii)elf,
and had been aw are that In dealing
with large ImmIIcs of men the evercUer
of discliliiie mutt hate rccoiirn to that
fast mean of declaring that olodiciice
and ordernre indltiieuttihle. Dltnil,"
s.tiil my friend. "Ye, we have had a
illtinlnl. Mi - wn dUmltted
Hut It seem to miMtlong time ugo. I'll
get the hook. The liook were pn
ilnci-il. and it ajijieared ihat the unfor
lunate one iiimrd had been tent awa
at some time in. IB73. From u ImnI) of
public sen nut a large a a regiment
there had been no dimittal In lour
yenr, -4nAony Trollou:,
lllmid. m of the (lid Master.
Many of the eld masters made aiuui
Ing and curious blunders la their work,
Tlntoret represented ahe "Nrselitp
Gathering Manna," armed with gun.
Cigotl painted the aged Slnnvin nt the
dretimclxlim of C'hril with n pair of
spectacles on hi none, and Unbent
committed the same error lo hi ramoti
picture of "Mary Annolntlng the Feet
of Chritt," In a picture of "Christ
Healing the Sick," by Verrlo, the spec
tator are represented as wearing purl
wigs on their head. Albert Durer
painted the expulsion of Adam and
Kvu from the Garden of Kden by an an
gel in a flounced dre. The same art
lt, in a picture of "Peter Denvlng
Christ," Ititroducea n llman soldier
sriKiklug a German pipe. A Flquilth
picture of thu wl.o mutt worhliplug
the infant Christ ha one of them de
nicted in n large white surplus and In
boot and spurs. In this Inrongruou
dr he I represented In the act of
jireetiting the child with a model of a
"hitch man-of-wnr. An Artist of the
ame school, in a painting of A bra hum
offering up hi son Isaac, the patriarch,
instead of ulng a knife as dcucribcd in
tUr Scripture, it holding a bluutlorbu
ti,lrie iieail of Unite, Hellini lm tolc.
turtd the Vlrglnjind child in the l
of litening to a Violin, in nnothef Ict
turtfhe ha drawn King David plsy.snjr
a harp At thj marriage! ? vt Christ with
St. Cntharine. In a French plomrcof
the "I.asttiupper," the toble kwM
mented with tumblers filled wltfccffpr
ngiurr. sw ..wrwwning tiiurMMr m
t;in ajTMsning blumMr to
rlrM JaslAamlKve f
K-lcn. in w'
Ut. while to
appears " hmikMjMEmipmUttf
ui. in tew me ' WMa witaa
Kun.X"I'. OrwEgg r
I'ari.'BSRBSut - ;
lly Use Jar.)inrMte, It the old
and on slat 'iuart.j ITH. Man, row
will fad, erery Wadasiaay Montln,,
from spring a aaawmn. a rery nnm
market plaee. says the Paris orrespon
dent of the BalUMern Hun. Vfe ap
pro see this market place mi full ef sim
plicity and sound. Young men in bine
blouses, black silk caps, pert laces,
jaunty airs, big finger-rings, dandy
boots, greased hslr psrted down the
middle and prim mustache, are the
Tenders. In one hand they bold a stick,
and when the soaads alluded to grow
hoathenitb, whack I go the stick; on
the top of the bamd whence thtse dla
noise esaanabs, and silence refgai.
We know there is a great deal of un
loveable, arnlimeat arrayed againtl
toads; yet toads are full of tore sen I
ment. Much bad blood aad malignity
U got np against toads. This, one of
the vMinc ia tt bkwit toJU tn-, I
fotipuh, half phlUvphk'sl ir lr
It-It los.1.' IT. nk of it lUr-f
I Jm krtl ke trtrlttf potsdwt "fii-ng
I st V (rarw to tin- !-.
Ipr-nie tod' mv t-d' evui
gsnUrrs l) them fvr the num tbst
ud devour the Instvt that other. te
would devour the vegetbl Wl.
dot oar the loadf tVntrary to mh
llr- not the eaeh Hut
tos-ls ar teingld now, n t dviursd
snd It U with sellirg we am interested
Voiittif msa In blouse bears Ul arm
and thrt(4 hi hand Into the sliiuv
wim and bring up twoor thm id
He plrtt out their merits and deitt i
them lit a b-vv by thedosen to thees t
msrkrtgsnluer. who UVes his rhot -snd
pay hl ptlcsv The buying and
telling ( dne e i pedltloutly and ipiieti v
thetntlj tde ttelngthe l.i. snd that
I catllr SHtnlurd . the trti-b l't (.stivn
'I he lict-ute reteiiue t the (ctterHment
trl wbtle ihe profit of the tt-ndrt
I grraier nit-iug friu tlo ithir pe
cottar I'ahm.mi Inoimi, thv sttlling of
tovl '
. . -Mr.
We wete sitting on a finir rail fence
n the euntr), tslking atmiil the dr
prololi of trsde, wbent huce lilldtrl
tweot pat ut a little dltaiie aIkhc
our lievW
nint," said WomlrniT, Ninllng to
the bint, ivmind me of Mr Mctisun
i don't iimliirsinod )ou,' I mhI
"Yomloo' kttoa Mr. MitfJaui'' br
aketl. No, Well..he llvcil Mer
in our town, and one dst her huthsiut,
who had an lownliM turn, got up whst
he called -the U.un Patent IntUud
llustlo ' "
"What wa. It inflated wlthf"
"Why, )ou ce. It wa. a Itrge India
rtiblwr osg, and Mctlauu's notion wa
to till it wilh g., to that II would ill
tend the drett to an) det,dile evlent
So the tlit one he made he ued In no
evperiiuent iiitii Mrv, McCimih. ,Sh.
p:.tce u tinder her dres and ihn out
in fie )anl while MMisiui i-oiiiic(ed
the bllttle with the kit lieu git pm i
meant of a ilevlble luU lorn while
It ctucd li promlte we I, Will I don't
klliw how It wa, ma) lie Mcllallll ute
mote gas than he lutendi. but, how
ever, nil of a sudden Mrs .McGanu !c
gnu to Ibiat In the air A .tie iwo a
gut of wind .trunk her, and .lie Imd
Imielt time to kcter.m to Millsnii to
put tin- chlldicu to lMd, and to Hi.liuct
the lilted git) aUmt luivliig the linilllli.,
ihe nevt minute .he wa aUne tlie
now Hue'"
"Hid he (Mime down agalnr"
"Well, I wat going to tell ton Vou
know .he floated around In the upper
atmotpheie for a while, litokiug al
thunder tormaiid themirora lHirc-.ll.,
and the roue Ixit, and o on, afd piob
-tbl) hat lug n pretl) good lime a'lhoiigh
the wat badly "Cared, noil felt the want
of her thaw l' and her e)cglae Ko
the drilled about, vou unilertaml, be
Ing shot at now ami then bt men who
mittiHik her for a new variety of Da
miugo or something of that kind She
gradually detrended after a well, mid
the wat alarmed, In pt.ttug over the
town, it n man who fired at her, un
der the lmprisloti that .he wa mi o
tr lcli. .hould per for ale her bu.tSe, and
bring her down in a efindltiou of col
lap.e "
"How did he gel dowur"'
' I'm coming to that. Vou m-.i he
wa lniig lo.tuil sIhmii by rariou cur
nuls of air, but going rather ipilctly,
when all ut once a tornado or some
thiugcame along nud slammed her with
frightful forte Again. t the 'rebvlerlnu
church ti ejde "
"The Prclivterlan church t"
"Ye, the Pre Ii) ter Inn steeple And
a she hit It, )oii know, the point of
the weal bar-vane entered the biutle
and let all the ga out. So there iin
hnug .iitjH'tiili'd When the wind veer
ed she would swing around first in one
d rection, and then In nuother. bur ptr
asol pointing east or wt, or north, ir
south, ju.t at the breern hapHHied to
blow, It was genernllv allowe.l that
she made a very hanilorno weather
V.tue, for he wn a good-looking wo
man; and ns fur trie sexton of the
ohurch, he was In favir of leaving
her there a an ornament."
Hut she got down, of course"
"I was ju.t going to tell you Klin
staid there all ulgtit, while Mufiauu
rigged up a balloon to go up after her.
but the balloon cipliHlcd alxiut half
way up, leaving Mcfiaun clinging to
the tiles of the spire The linpri-stion
eelned b be that If lb" trustee would
simply let the Mi-Garms alonn the
whole family would everituntly Ini found
neitilnx alxHit on that ohurch teepe "
"Hut how (fnf they get down?,,
"Why, I wa Jut going to say that
MiOnnn had another bustle at home,
so Im .nt a boy after It. htd it Inflated,
lied a rope to It, and w-rii It nj, so that
it drifted over ti Mrs Mcdanri hh
inserted It under her pannier, And then
they hauled in on Ihe rofe, and, ns she
ucscruuui!,, tcUiirtn ulosped her waltt
with his arm And down tbey came with
a ruth
"Was shu hurt?.,
No, but Mcfinnn was.,,
"IIow?,.--! AthUr.
A Chines child's magazine of six
teen pages Is now published in Shang
hai It is Illustrated, and is published
monthly, at the very reasonable price
of fifteen cenu a )ear. Thi trouble
thai will confront the Kntrlisb child will
t Ins to tell which are the engravings and
iiicii me reading rnsiter
Judge Iwis, of the District Court'
bss atev-H twrntr-flr HIotji Cttf tlrm
kn arnW U j-rotlMlf lsr t tf rule
to fny s Bc of 'Q sri tfU ra. The? sll
TTssi satylUrr wrilse Urrr.
71j-vrf Is Utt Isnettt . line irf-si fa
Utf humifl fJ. trx! Uf MU wb(i-li tt i-rrt-s
I. me b' v lUlttUin sr-J rii
rrruvm frai u ((tr fcsnt. iim say tttr
of tU salmsl flalU. lAtrkUf LjT tt. Ullsjt
he5rr, Itwrels sn cnMlli v-otr U re
lief from 1 r esn;.llst nsur, If Mtrtu-r's
etsatch mtiert, s mntlrtn hli-J. fr vx t
q-jsrlsr ut s trututj tits b-n tfaU-rfaf
UixtMfU cures ot lit shovs iuUrx4 tf
mou, frvrr s-M ifof. dvtipU. tswtl mu
tJsJnl. rtrtjrasK so-l WMj tt!r tU-n; sm)
'IIvt.Jm. JotUtIb Vs 04" osnuus vU-. (
Is. swj(wcr, a prs-trtttlT tA iaiHi tJU
, serf saVjfJ pfKtrUim ti tUasnits of
persons mMiof la d's'rleu of ctntttf b4-r
tastdlr uirart U irat- A remJ
ls't4 a u csMikUitl rrr.irsae; tAtttni
IV. It It 'irfjvl; dttlrsM. t, m ns
of lonitrug a JMIIUM oium, it U tbce
tnthlj Ut U iVr)ui4 efoa.
Tlli;tlH.sll svtIMJIU
Il ttot.t4 ki V st 4itSv
J Vi tw ti ttt 4 .(! t,wirirl
a m M si I t t rl O e l.t V lt 4
mm vi v -.ft, .. -a y $ 4 imi
tv lrH) ,-is t r-'k. Sv V
fcSUIt I ? 't ..IllM-4tfl ttttH
-.V IkK-ilfil TW fin- i .
(!. t , .tt lW-st ' ) t "'
fV V iWvtxWf-w-ssI f It lr . IV
f.WV itltlttfS', t RfIH-V. J Is-t
ttclm (1 (K r sta IH !
4k I - -lv sllxl t -u X
t-f s rftt tTt t-srattst-MSv M4 4
x (K I t ) xvfttVtti WiMt
fli tt tn-ehi rs t fier-l ( t-tM
Irr-tliMnl mU h isstl't trv-ttt SjWs tM
t l.rV lMf 5 i 4 I. 4v,t u
ih xSiittUtSH .kvtlc(tUt.'h t-f i"tvi
m.llrs lu-tr In 1 '-M
f4ttn.l ri-twt iv4Wtt4 tie tl t
rsfttl slll. M,l itts. lot -! Ilw
.xtimsutl i -! sUt . . tl ..'
lb rrefaWttt M.llrt. so-t 11 "OH rl
vw tMfVfl .1 ..( m. fowniK
!. Ta e.m f ifMil I. .)
li stilt s t t fcifUtiw rs !
tr MHI ,.'. ntt-l J tfttof IM 44
m l 11 rr-. 0M. VleJrt Dm
h I ,M v t ,t. (Viui, t K il tl
ttx.t . .iit tK ir vi pt
a tM Mr- i. it la Hn-l
ekr f Km lii b .'! tuiltl
titve.( w t'rfttrt tiotiM It -tl tl Hut
f.Vv S T . f! )- MuMt -
..! I. MHw I l ! Wl .-f
Ibf l.l iMrMIr) .nj a)(twH tMH 4 tft-tl
mkt, l-sl htl t, .i.kU (
MH( Is . MtH.I atxros h Iwk.Nt
-.III l- lUll) lot lo- ISU Iter-
roiJw i , ui othtiuM. r mi
a.n vt,lf Tslt't ItM I
wt Idem le t tt Ul hu-lt'lK tr St.i
lp.. l im iIi.ih.i I ! t:et U
st4tlsltier It. is l)W In ,Vi U ltH.
ssit tWsifs lw t).f- Ukh Vrt .. rt-s-'nivt
tmrtl Ul( MM iStnlMi-vl. et mlTrilf(
I'wr , tlll. MSStl ItllMltl
illfcKiU t ut lltm i ttiwrMi rvo '
i.)iu( f-rt-r"! itiir m. . i-) . ! t .
jr. I. tS r. .
Il l 4.-.H. . ! tl .
Vili ll tl I. Ih Ih.Um, ( t It.
I'.ll. I ll.l,.n s I. Ml. M.M.A II.MrHt
( .MikpI OlK.h, Iim lltIM U'
itistrft lltltix a.tilit iv Ittlxt .uil mtiiti
i J ftHlf )IO. , llr 11 JJ, llrAI.
Jvir). Ju uf I'le'Mtlil .rxl Ml4 JH'I
l'i ldrl IrrMaxili A I
.M.alalM , m, il la aalKni .MS tl.
M llrto.l tS.Ow 1 . Mlh 4f
Mntlirr. t ) urllitl iUili. tir
fat tli; srr l)..nk WiHb4l't,
li hiniji i. tiw-fl) cur lir nl.iin mi ih
tili.. I, .u.t tit i.t.t Mltlo Ih
- U, tir emit, I S.nnlrM .. lit ikU.t
lll I. SH l4'l I'1 ll tll.t l-Mlj K.4.1 tl
I, ttiMCKM. si iui ) UVetlil s l.ilil
S'-aWt'. I.ltt (.ila ' lUWl.
4.I v-l.lM .M oOlelU MMf 4S
o hi. Vmii
f'.nnrit t.u.l-t )Mir lliKt. I tl SiVf.j
t ll'Hf.t"-! lMlli(f. t Ut e. I' rlt
mhiIi li I. Iliite el tr-l .Mil rfttnK
.t relfli lin lirlW.I In inlltli I'erl
tllt ,..II'. irmit l,lr ftetl (ltl
It-ir lo ttlivtll-m. 1km r.n tii.k tie linrti
m-n tlisl II )li i (irat s lii-ni l ji-u-.tiiM,
.ix i.hhi4I lo tvUf .i-V rv,,),! ,j
I'ntt rUui'. Nrfis .ifl ll-Mi l.lnliurnl I.
In lliit lHn lf mm; aim.) on iu.u ei tl
ttbtb) sll Ihurtuu
A-1. in lil 1111 In ., .tut rltlMf
li.i 1111 i 1111. Id. I uu I If J.iiirt' litiiti.ii
VViinii ("Wf 1)lliin
Willi Ihr telitrn rlitltjt of l.mrlui
li'rli pff v.ll In An limn i.ll.i'i rlu i-l
IihI, imi .lit auiitlilhr oflrn In ln' I.
II ! 1111 aotiilrr, r.ihi--. urb 1I1I1
li.iri.l smmi Ih iirfWt I .!.) lyiel
t otlglt. I'.trlj (MMiir iImjIi,! riMilsHi 1.111 1
Ki r.t of r.l siet Will ( h, n lilr i rt
Villi. rrl u ili-S lis If t.u In llin, .ill
lltuiey w Oil !.(' Hitts.t. iimi, I l.iili,
- iiiini(.ll"ii slut s I llimif iil.l c'.snp tint
tHl'l ! fur .IlkllfSt In ksii, tiut tl I'lK
f H-ur ilit vtlutM rtu-li It mil i 'It
"lirli ill.) i lilrtllt III iilli '.Mili.
slid soM i; llMltsUl.
I'rsxisa ilillli'i; ( l,lrr.n lll r.ii'1 Mityn'f
rrnt nrro iiliiial.tiu'i si 'li P.I.I' 1 ri m-ml
ll'iui. si III" eilrriu)) lo r.u nf llm l4
lot (f.l(i; p'f il.) fur .11 rixHii .Uo ,til.r
Il f rsi pi front rimi .w r-i'im ili Ixlli
Jtrrr vinoi, Msn.(r
: iii:'iii firiiTi ':.
The I .refill 114 iMelwsll, tti U
rlvli'Khsr lu lu i-rliig U.iili ti sImmiM
l-.r in inliil i' Hi ilui luiii.if of !
linn. .i i ikii ii ifr-.Mn I It. ii IrniK-i, (
Hi. I lie r;lrmi inlrlii,iiir hi ("iilljli'S
III IiIixhI, rr'UUItlii III lliKll.lll ImI IkiI
to liftilil ImI cure Hi itltiM. siltllijf foei
I'fll'K liitl.ll. .inl in I. in., slt lit iIkkuM
lt'oa I list llirm If nirtliluc llnl alll iin It
-rfrttlr stnl nil') s Iliiilllllr., I lis l-torM
lei .i i.f iiiiilitn, rr (Al.f cttt'Hiili
'ReoiM-tnfT llrd l.i.TTi," Iflprii
irottli of t'nrl (Villi.'M Oil st (iIImI In
JiMir li.llirn, will iii.k Hi ltlf I'jok III
iw .n4 kii It xttt .ml t-ftsM.
Now lli. I III irnursiie I o u-nil.lii i u
lid Uui in :il.ii's lujllrtil l.lnr lilts
(im) lii. Itli inuit (ulUi
otM Hhl .41 l kii:i.
An ol4 l-lijili-Un, nlliTil fnN iisrli. hst
liif tis4 J.4 In lit. Ii.ii4i Ui sn Kit li4).
mlnloiiirj Hi ffrttiiitl of s iluijc vxt.M'f Ui !' srel mi.iini no fur
fi4lini4li, linmfMtts, rl.Mli, .illilin, el
.11 Uiri-.l sihI lurnt !T rtl J.. sImis .tlir
sb'l rsillrsl oirr Irs nrrvo- . tiMIl; s4 '.l
nrrroii. imii 4slnr. .fin lnvlni: ltl.i
cii4irful no. Ill i-imii iWiumsiU n'
r.M-t t fill KM. iliilr l'inil kti'inn lo
KIs flrlnic fill" AmaI. f,y l lilt (iilli -te)
ilnlfr Ui rtll'tK IiiiiiOj . nrtUt, I "ill
el, frrot rii.rir, lo sll kilre It, Hit
full"-, "IOi full illirtibdi f rvrl'itf 4 Ill ntmn,Krn li, ot lliillih rnil)
ir.tll lit liltrt.ldic l' , i.n. llilt i.
tr, S s Hir.r, ItV l'ur. HI.kI,K-i..
It, MV
MrMls MMtl Xrrtf f'aetl,
"ViTUun I'Motrrrstst'' b.vs lsr
Ir nirtl by lb l.iil I'r .ft o fo Its
lUf Of Uriiri fJfUlllV, jm Of N'Mul.t I'tXI
rt, 'HiunnfrlUin. Sewf'tlmi. it , 11 'Iff
of Mm.'; swl !', ni-rllurr .ud
l orsrs rk, lixtrttk or ifi, rlp
If.tiM-it, utin s4 funVult ftiMr.r
nt Clill'lrru stvl sll ll.f3tf. if fltMllli
Wl'li.'n Oiff fr.rt II I'r ifft.Vsi L. !
l-rtit 1.V0.W WUrttlft Ith il ir; I-it rr.slt
rr ssl ti sll iJii'rlsu V ItvHut, No fiA
Hit b Anii. H rick
4i. vMiim ntr n. n , viitv,
ai. Wui4 liter m u.
I'e.ilH.i iwinlrr ASK. i. . . Mr, a
s. atnap .tv , K , iv.
TBII'71' I IS HorU" y0U7t ent
i ii Mir is Atw ni m iu
(!- nrffUMf 1M ftriki.'r l-MMM.
ffV rifMM lkSMl
K.1 ! o
.,), HMIHflliniMU
i uj w . miml r o ci -n
3S101L WITi, tlllrti, Ct7.
ma Tai-U. .aaal.
7U I iuiitirii
iiiiwm r.
juhu ssM.Miaaoa,
ji ! hihi,iuiii, in
l rrM !( r.n i
m t. r K.MSMsN,iMiHi wi..
. mill
wih' -Ufl0trH rMiy'K
M.S-rt SASrt. KV irto.MMM jMwwrrita.WU
li .. !. s4 f rn.Hf i4 Mv a
a I mum t miji"i ..
tsNVVwH Mms slf Vm fuifl lrwdt
irtu li u is twt. OHM. . st Ssr.u.
'Ml Sf ft.tlwir4 M run U f lit u .
iKi.uitiiMiwKui rti$n rftrt
tn 4it4 im tnt muovitrtr,
. r, MlSK.K.Wit1lta.
mi km tnu nutmt. m.
iki rixi.tlitlr .M uiM .tl U
(UtSkt r rrsU. ft tWj j . 4U f
Uwb.iuArAnttk rttraaW.
iui ss-.ii. o-s; Osu
a woMocnrut. mkoioihc
A lsntt) who wms oiiHoetl to tier
ltr unit could ttni .Move for
Hevcu M'rrh, vsllliout s.
twin r, got mil oT I let I hi it
tVv lioiir ivflrr vshh.
nieiicloif In lias
Wlfivivt (til.
t Uftrvr rn-inUr ivf truvsAslwV
ttuc. which hsve Urn pttfttti
tlwiHilv the irturumenMhtt of iK
jCtf4 fvtiicvl) Air iittvttllelrsl to th
SifHV ( tOevlwMM lllM.lrl .
nip.el inidevfiw life, six! wngiri.
wim ifsve unoiti,i omh i r , 1 s 1-4
twlttc, icseivin iwi 4il fivmv plis
. arts tettfi fo iu nmlciuiWo'Jdmj;
Ihe follow toK. Iionv a lorivfanl (w
llMOHiotin, liwl ,u AtpsMim-tiof in on
httrwifvHli whith luvc lwn frv.rtvcl lv
h .trwl ai on file In our uttW
l.tIWIl ;.(n Ifll. fyt M .a
. tb tKiiom. n,l f wf.K s
.- I.iMIi imi e Iwf. itt.V
1 w it .i i.nnt. i Km w
l Vl rwt . ,- I ,iit, ,
Mrd 4lt ttt Kl ka iW .l H-t.t
I .4 t tMHii tlitlfsl k)tittsHi In ia .
.ii .ui.4.f Kri nKrt Uwnte bi
il W V4 lv, KiW twini.f I tfi
lf ev 4 Ml 4illll4 (irtl
i. I f,mU ae ltwUt.4 M try Iht
ti.i Oil Ws ttut . sl. tiiVi(4
ko il,ifm,t m. tnn, cl e of J
. s It m h.-4it .(111 i)triet niMit; M
l bt liMiltltl I'l t ! tMtltsI) Ut
4 fit .lot 'I ,u H f(h .. .11
' tttl fwt ht I S M..MM( tit J.M,
' ' tilt". fll .'t
' I I ( Vll lV I t' .. I
' not i.mIv rtlttv ntliHliuihvii arw
'op the lliivtt rt.MUuillin; pes. 0
I l-rilvifUM tJilbal s- il 'iftii4'ritl
iiicv It i Mfe in uir tloc II
-imV ipiiilh ami efffrtii.vlly, an! I.
iitt the tit 1. Ir iiertlr I In rrrfyf,iiniy.
01.0 r all nnuooiitsv
J.O .oii M lur.li4ltltrlS4i tl
f M 4 tl tt-wJk 4.
M ..lll..0 (I tllW.I lat. (.!,
ijm S-.I...I ML 4 i'-4 Sit t
Irtlft4ik it 1 li S tl IMi -! Mlt.n-Mln
1 V"" nW-4 A irlS !' IiiMHImi
f 11 W 1, ,11 cv4.m4 fi iki l ij ! t(
lloll I MM Iklltllh't ItlllMlfklll IUi MM
IS.. .i ttm tf.i 4 it
SIi r f.i-
CnuttOurirJisTfti TwU
S Itlt4,) I l,ua
TPIV Pcrfomc lie Brealii
w-vrw- 7 -j is s inra, a-s, f m tf sT'-l F-l
tmkm H mmy t
CoiuiioD lent Cbalrx
Asd Mm.
Imlilml lUfll.f Tl'
fi -u. ILr l4. Wl
V1-' 1.' f-ffiflMw;. a ssas sst .sssJ hUL . . . - - - -
rfl,.,,,r,S,ir h""'h
I 4H nw CVt Ml.
rbr-i l.s-alllr mm
! nl'S M.ip .r
r.i i Aftmft "
l-r . w-M mwim 1
TNI At. S.i S rvi
)-Sl. .M sJ f ,ijt
sTi M . IV-.I , W-.'i.U-
ni 1 111,
- 1.11 .wr m
H(-lW fyyU( 0 tlil S"
fW sL
ll.M. liV IKrHOt.
lIMOX iftl. W
( iMit: il-1
r-l lUlvKlt. llK.fl M..MlhIMiJ
O.u-S MV I-'t. 0 WH M 9 j
fjiwii, f . iwfinnjiii
CAM Jtr afABf
Erjr Djl
I u. ih Tir.r
W Hi. tb.i.v M
IKIO. nWl. l)4-m ty M.w lt.l 4! In f s kM lrtlS
AiivoeM itMMiaift assssa, -risil, shI
Sl. lt.S tiwn
cm t4T Mil uzsxxMrx
tlft lg Htltta.
mm fH.t'L.V 1 - sw tit f u
IW Kllll smii .H vim. . t rr.i.i
ViOKLfs cxrottnoss rod rri.V'. Vasiu
Milrul KM v HIOII
r MOSOIlS .T .11
tiii mi-Hi ti vv., r i.tiiti, f,, rsu
MIIV , I A - M " WlS
iiM 1
Wit! rl
im, w r srMs(f
,!! 4VWt M .Of .MIS Ml
4.1. eiv-lalS .A.tftt af
y ,,
a i. jmi,
". a i 1 1.-.......,, xsiair.a
II s; Ir -l pt.sti. S.m.IU.4 a,-1
"1VLW Bk a . AU n.s , Om i
'. srtJs, no. .! is setatstr '
ti.ti.f r a atiM.. if imiim, irt if
! Il
f thAoc
tiiriilltsi vvjrtviI HM LjM IM
t 1
f'T Jtyaatsf
svis -
Mas. "'- wl.wit Mkt "'U. t ritsr M
ml ilvuii vrf '. st i H-'" fs
. (lav. k a UilKH. Qt1 .4.r.S-l
- h r s a 1 amiv.f, M'ts-su. mum.
Urvrtrdhd In AprArAr,i.i
tJspwiu.i,i in stiaptlclly,
Un:sr74ii In Grain: U:n.
UnprxUnti la Ihriliv
UricJW Vn ICjv'rrajr c( Kti,
rtirvi u u fvHOAD CI AIM rt hu, en
Kn. filJ, CU, vi.HK, h'alaJt,
HT. 1,411'IH, HO.
pVtVjM see4 )
") lis
( .n Mew AiWas,
I NJH S.t It l'fUM l.lllUl
'it4 mli4itiHlw.u
1 oaif U rvtnkr e iH 4
l .MWf- so r u M w
..In -, tl fsttAi IS
HUM t4 hwIHW 1 VSs S. H t IM
i. s4 .
M w. f IS UUij MfSsvNsMts Uw Uts
4 pt.t II. pi ..
(rl1M M f lt0 1S I
.-.; (.. . ik Uit I..4 - se
I ,.! htifsis. Kl.- er Ms
IU kU4 U t4 lit r-MI, .4 nfw f
tfcrtb. lhW'S WHS
tit I'it4 I.M .-. HUS in
k si r istsa
tt kwl
ft.t.4 ts4 'U M-is
UUS .-, swv.l4iiStt)si, (il.k
1, iiitirt t- .ni.-v"rMs )
ait teMtl ,( 1
iti)tif ..vis Mr sasienSM
-te4 11 O MH SiiOll KmI, l Mlt4 Iks
ettfili m 4 li.! ..,
U. wt.ltV IH. I .tuiil's Atilts.i
Il ! I 11 Ki U ) 4 !. V-..M S l tSrc.
wt4 is, lis s-Wl.l fMi-s M
n.s waiwiw.iU 4f vi-jssv
1 !.(. .i4t r.l sa.IWi.ii!
Its li
r 1 M .. s.s if v4. Wwa
I, Mf ti t ll.u. Is tt .fwUSS Is mol
r. iw A.ij. i, 11 ., iu .it., u
H-rf.w-4 IS ilii-tl r-l 1
ul 0
S-W .Ml .S'.VtJ
k tfi (tls-d -
ioor 4 u rcir k
f lis At,
II .-
1 VmI Imi-m.1, krS 14
IkhIii. IM . fiost lliSMlJ. t.
iui. IU 4 - J..i.Ws iuilal i ski
ft Ste
- .. wfrOV
lli. DHalMki, i. t'ttMll rMrlan IvSmI
l-f swdf ir.., ..( UOM t..4Sasf
rtwMv4 kt. U(tv.M v ,
kf nH " "'. ft a :;
Waatc II.
ISMltVUV. f.f,
SMAVM. W-i. .
,W., .., M ik ftytrO
V ('. iu. .,, Stn. as i kia,
Oo-fi Sf TUU-. I. fVl l.r. IIiiImi. ,
i ti fhifttM ai 1 ,-..-,
ms rv- (M t.OSWI
. Aaktsssafr,k4 f, his
rj . a. .. . .. .u ..- l.ul
iv.M rtmvttmm,p'mf99t it
OnHr II laoh,
Or M A sl M vtS.
t,iMli 1 to,ai . SLru
sMiRvmn rfitnifsa ivkj
t ssi iftti .4 snMf
Isstssd la SafNth ft sVrmia at imtss VtU.
rM It-Vaw'll Mh 11-11 stTMl l'A
0f()! tvtth
CMlfM 'i-siMi-swr MverytMMtr
lCrnl II 'I fi-.
D I. C.
f s s-ll ssd lr.Jtskl SI th
MS4, f tfmtpKfm S4 Ik m sf f.,
TnVfUi, jtS4MS as-J, rnatniHMty tmrr
f4Sllts.(4ir. sii h V( M MIM sf
is, rti-intts iv if iw . f. r w
ht lt rmltAS. ss-l i!JttrS' lH-
ttfftr Luff! trwi IffMKMM ltOil
la f0iitA rVsM4 '" is tf 0W4.
II !! Ik. An'ssVrillssrfsfl
atrm(sti nwv rV' !- si.a;
O fwrl . iy.U b s-wiulV.
lSkSf. t. k fS't I K MJ. l
f SI pet AnnM, t . i
f I Is Mttl. b4 frt-l.r fIIM
mf ntrttnn uru. As.
MilttllC-rtKIl, ..
.; s wis. If) Iks wi. jUl
AS-ittt)s4wSslL flSt-teSSSkls
sa skU a osjse aw
U a skill sT , . M.
itf li s4 1 'it tsltl (4 II
rem nam. v 41.1. wtrifin'M.
la Me saWraBBisaBBw.
t ' 'lr'lklrW (Ssv'' m
MLS-.-"' ABlfV esT irx.
lowa, rtiiaTiac. rs. avis . tat
W ""' I- 4lls'iUa sassr
s)w Musii.l la, fats
?5W--y4iu.J;. iiajt)tt,