The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 12, 1878, Image 2

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wmi wraiMiKa. Ma, - rn.
Frof. Fdoti, of tho Denmark Acad
ay, Leo County, Iowa, In making a
oar In Ktarojin, bring now at (lencva,
Switzerland, Ho expect to Join a
party In tlio spring In visit Kgypl unit
I'alcatlnf.tb.eneo returning lo Conln
atanllnoptn and (Jrcoee. Iln U thn writer
of a number of entertaining and Inter
llng letters In thn Itnwktyt,
Tlio (Inventor of Iowa ha. Issued a
proclamation offering a rownrd of 400
for tho arrest aud delivery to llm prop
or aalhorltlc, of tho murderer of John
TVrrlll, who died al Dim Mnluca, Onto
bfr 7lh, of woutida received a abort
time Ircforc, In another county, at thu
anal of another purmn,
A peculiar caao larewrtcd where th
Uw work a hatdahlp. A Hoard of
Dlrettora, in onn of llm aoutlmrn ooun
llm of low, tnaolvcd lo hullil a school
tioae, but hml not thn funds on hnml
lo complete it, Thn tax books, how
liver, showed tlmt tint taxes to tm col
leeted would ("Min provide thn treasury
with ampin fund, On thin excta
Man n cltlxen oamn forward and loaned
the Hoard H)0 to bn refunded whim
Hi tax should become dun, Tim con
tractor completed tint building nnd rv
reived thn inomiy, Whrn thn limn to
pay llm fWO advanced (mint roiinil the
Direeloi hnd found out that they hml
no right to borrow money unless an In
traded by n vote of tlio people, and
declined lo pay. Tim cltUuu brought
unit In tint rourtx. and llm courts sus
tained thu Ditcutora,
A llu.hln' Hlnncr.
"Just going to tllim; conic In
The linalwn mi ollleitr In the Hu
Winn man-of-war F.urnpc, nml tlio Invl
tnllim addressed to n icpnrlor. Thu
scribe looked nl hU wntch, Hit hml
half nn hour to spam. 1 hit odor from
thn kitchen suggested tempting vlnnda,
anil thn Invitation wit accepted. Cnp
Uln Klcnpln, n nprolnl fnorltnof Count
(irippenherg, snt nt thn head of thu
table. HnmuNtnrnhcrg, it (leininn no
bleman who swear now hv tint P.mor
r Nlchnla, sat on bin right. A doxuu
officer representing the vnrlnuaprovln
om of ltula, lined the tnhto. ilrown
fftotl nnlloni Httlrnd In rinowwhlti
tckrtn with blutt Inp-ovur oollnrn ntooil
binil ihnm.
Tnkn nip of brnmly,"
Tnn gticut niullml m nuggontlva of
tamivnrnnmt tunchlngn.
"Nof Why, wn nlwnt do bdforc
Htinrr." nml Milting thn notion to thn
word, thn MMiniblt'il fnntlgiHtrn tonmxl
of n thiniblnful of (ho hovi'rngo.
Honp wm brought on, TliVUimiUnn
flnTond tiiul tinted, nml ftnvord nml
tMtrd Rgnln, nml tlmn lHgnn to fovil
thnninnlvuN with dlmlniitlvu hjkmiuh,
which rinil(tritdtiKprociKrto( emptying
Uin dlnh nruoHnnrlly btugthy.
"Now for n nlgnr," rninnrknd thn
koM, hullillng n mil i brnml tothuuuwn
gnthcrnr. Iln took It unit wnudnrvd,
ml wontlen'il ninin wlmn thu wholu
of llm coiu)muy lighted tlmlr oJgnmttcN
or olgnrM nml lHgnn pulling twny vlg
oroHtly, Inking tholr light fiom a htUf
dotn lump (mliitit globvn) whluh
dvoorntvd thn tntiln. Aftnr thn mtioklng
ennut flub, limit nnntlmr muokn nud
whltv wlmvi, tlmn poultry ami dark
wine and mnnkn, tlmn roant and
ehampngnn and a imokn agnln. Tlmn
aHin puddlngR, and with thmn nmall
lacd tuipii of blatik cofTott, nmlntUtrthn
eoffov, olgarttttnii and ulgara again.
Thu rvporUT bvoamn uirniuy. Ilia
kalf hour had ntrrtuhnd Into an hour
and a hnlf, and nllll thn dlunnr waa not
Tr, l'rtMiitutly Inu urvnui onmn out
Ic ornam of a tiualltv which wotnd
lo vrndit to our bttxt oouftitlnnr, but
which, an thn prtiaidlug oflUwr n
marked,, "waa tnndu on our own ahlp
by our own cook, and with lew of our
own inanufnctutv.M Thn lco cntnm
dlnbnii wurn rviunVr-d, and thnrompnny
amoked iignlu, Aftnr a whllo unum
ten, blnokur by fnr ihnii thu enfliw, In
glaiuica, with a nllon of lumou u thu
plnco of milk.
"HuautUul Iduat' nxclnl tmd thn linr
on. "Don't buliuva in milk. Immon
good. (Jootl inn. Second plukliii;.
Alwn)R get bust tun in HiiknU. Vou
can't gul MtHHind pickings over Imru.
ComIm ui two dollar a pound iiuroaa thu
Tim acrlbn inwardly gronncd. Ktl
Suctlc forbadn nn abrupt rutrvnt; but
xw waa pceoloun, antl tho coiupnny
aevntud In uohurrry lo bu rid of tlmlr
ta, or thulr cigarnttn, whlchoncu mora
aundu their npK.urauot,
Finally their lual cup of Um illntip-
trarcd. Thttu tho cnptuln dived Into
in cabin, rcturuing lu a nccoud with
two liugo boxM of awenta. Kvurv man
In tlio coiupnny helped htmtcli, nud
auckedr and crunched, and talked, ami
anded phntographa around, and aud
At hut, to tho arrib'n inttnlto relief,
ho captain gave hla aignal that llm
iinncr waa ovnr by tUIng from the tn
We. Tho acribo lookntl at hla watch
again and broke Into a profuwo pvrnpi
ration. That dinner had liwti-d jutt
two houra and a ijuarter, and jet tho
Kuaaian ofncvm dluutbia wlc o very day
in the year. 1'hiUuUlfkia Ifrconf.
Currant cak. Tako thn whlttvi of
alx egga, a cup of augur, two cup of
v Jlour, half acup of butler, hitlf n cup
W awcet Billk, a tewtpooafwl of rrvntn
Jf tnrtar, half a tcaapoonful of amla,
aaxi a cup of currant. Rub thu butter
Rauf ur to a cream; ifeoat up thn
wktteaVf tho rcea; atWUa'eirK. milk
and iouYv to the butter and atigar, a
1 J HlU at a tfrnp; apioe with nutmeg
A KaaaaVct ttotato It big enough
W a farnll) ilinuer.
Soma of thBS
k ni jaji 4.
t m
A Dna Molnm lKM)t-b)ik ha vrl
14, t wllh It (iirtt.ixd a ; "-
Frank Mnton, of Ddlnwarn county,
fclllrt f trrnllj t; lh f1llri of a lira.
Kd, OoMnian, at Marlon, ha ln
founxl cullly nf It, enurJruf Aujuil Kliln
hJU Davrnport pnekcra aro making con
UteU ltli faintrri for ti U Ui llir
right ffirtfita.
Tim Vurnon clmo factory In lliim titirttjr, m'1 I, joupiUof cliw
Uila HMon.
Ono of tho Having Hunk rcKrt to
t BtaU Aii'tltor WW) on i1j4I, !
Mfcral othrr u bth a X1,U raclt.
I A family natura Hlpr In thu vicinity
of ftt'ltvlll hvf !t nw tlillitrt n fntn ill(h
tl.riU rr-iilt;, belt K all uf llm family.
Thn Iowa Finn Hlock ilrcei.ora' A-KH-Utldti
will holil It Rflli ilmtul rontrnll'm
In Ura Miit a-, tx-fttntilti; TuJ, Jan. Mb,
Thn l'rrabylnrlan church at FnlrfUld
rtlanl tlir imtnry In rmit t) b) J tilt II iMit
of t,(W), ami ha cm al htirwlfnl itollr lo
Chnrln llotqtirat ha been found
guilty of inunlrr In Ui flrl 'trgrw, in lli
klllitiK of I'tur Nrl"n,ln(lrumtyrouiily,nil
Miitrnrril to ta jxjiilUnllry fur life,
Ajoungmnn, nnnm not given, at
tttmitrt Uieommlt ultld In Muirallna a few
iltya Inrn by liixitlei( ilmclf wltli a irvulvrr
)Utiailnlinriit In lovo m th rUM.
J, llorton, a farmer living in thu
xiutlitun part ut WinKjlmry rotintjr, who w
Irrrttily tmritul wlill Iryli'K to vn dU ihujh
rrty (nun a ralru nr, tn iU)i, ilM,
Judgu l.nwl, of tho DUtrlut t'oiirt,
ha aitntf nct twrnty flr Nloui City l.m
krfri" umlvr tha iritillllory law of tin Mtato
lo y a flu of a-V) ami rota rarh. They all
A nun near Odnr Full took 1H
worth of rarly Mitalor off of p'ei uf itriiiiinl
four rixla Mtiare, and ha now taken from thn
aamn uruUlxl arroud crop rotuUtlox of '31
tiU'lirUof lurnl, (VM) hrad of lliKr, and
10 !iii!irU of (Miproril. Ho ) Ibn (iKulle.
Nrnr Allien, llardlu county, Novem
Iht I7lh, Wlllln lllhlllho, Uyrtraof n, mt
hi drath hlln out hunt iiC H'' Juinxd
atrvain, miHIiik Ihe liult of lilKUU town on thn
Kruuild, when out lurrrl Wrlilofl, thn roiitrula
rnlrrlng til lrfltirrat,liir)lrtlnK audi liijurlna
thai he tlli'd lint day.
David H. Kugland, 11 year of ngu,
n of II. H. KiiKland, llrliiKolnrrn inlln antilh
of Ottuinwa, wak hururd to drath hy puwilrr
a fnw daya ago. Hit had thn powder In hi
rkft, and tiy annininrana It twrainn iKiiltrd,
liuiuloit flow thowatit down to tha kurra,
II llvrtl four or Sip daya and then dlrd In thn
Krrateat agony.
Dnvld Caraon, charged with araon In
thn hurnlng uf a bam, two horaf aud a qtitn
tllf of gnJn, In Muclianan county, for thn pur
po uf dnfraudlng thn Varinor'a Inanranri
tVunpany nut uf f l,M), ha bru arrratad lu
Rauaaa aud rvturnrxl to low. HamtiM Walton
aud Carl Hlnvrua wm arrralrd In Joitra rotiti
ty, rhargrd with Iturnlng property whlrh waa
Inaurrd lu thn aamn roiupany,
Wlllln Koblnaon, nunr Iowa Fnll n
few wnrk ao loal hla arm In a ctnn mill. Af
ter thn amputation of hi arm hn told hla fath
rr that hladiiKeiahurl him, and hn knew that
they were doutiM up a tut rnunpott, The ptlu
rotttlnueil, and finally Mr. Ilobllium jlelded to
tltn rnUetlii( hi lnr, nud Went out, ilutf up
tho luiilrd arm, and on npeinit)ihe toi tnunil
that tho llugrrawern cramped up Jtit a Wlllln
had ataled. Ileatralchlened out thu BtiRera,
rcpUced thn arm, aud the pain at our left the
A fnw daya MncnMr. Holler, wife of
the leader of a biu( of counterfeiter who
wernhagKnl at Keokuk, wai am-aled !n Otttitu
wa and attn Ukrn to Keokuk. Hhe w.thed et
amluatlon and wa held In the aum of i,Mi.
Mm had AQ In counterfeit trtdn dollar and
balvva Uhui her paraon, ihn had tteen maktni:
lrlptnto thn country rhovtng thn purlou
coin. John Taney, another of the Rant; waa
committed In default ut 13,00) ball. A joutij;
man aamrd Tanbaaaou, wa rretrt al Ham
llton, III., for paaalug counterfrll monry, nud
I alao la Jalt at Keokuk, making tint In all who
bate been rrrte4.
Al'titr taaUttcry.
llnrrwy Ilea thn bend that win a
prlan In nlottury. A Nenpolltnn prlet,
Dun Mnttln by nnmo, roenntly drew
tmnrly $,VH).t(K) by Inventing lu evnrnl
hickv uuiubitr. but atmuguly euougli
thn Miuliter of Finance tried to avtrld
thupnuuent of thu emu on llm ground
nun inn toriuuniu man wn nn codes.
Inatlo. Hut lid objection did not hold
good, for thurw la no law lu ltnl, cither
ennon or Hccullnr, ngnlnat lotteries o
tlmt thn right of thn priori to purchnso
ticket could not bu gnliMiiycd, Hut thu
wily MlnUter of Finance, aeclng hu
could not conllacntn llm money in thu
way ho llrat deelgiied, Induced Don
MnttUi to nkc It In luMnllmeuU. and
thtia linmcdlntc iro.uro on thn trvna
ury baa been avoldeil. Still, howuver,
the enrva of llm rich man purmiu the
wonrcr of thn caaaock. Hu la tho rcclp
lent ovnry day of hundreda of luttura
auggcatlngdlflervnt wnvaofinvcattuciit,
and applying for rallcl. Hut hla "!or
row' crown of torniw" ariaoa from thn
fact thnt ho i looked upon an a ucoro.
mnuccr, nnd hu la followed by acorca of
amntuer detective, who hopn bv watch
lug hla movement to dNcover aomu
foriuuntn combination of nuinlmra thnt
will lead tlmm into aimllnr dollaou
path In tho coming lotteries. Thoy
evidently do not Iihik upon him a a
terrible nxamplu of the folly of gam
Two IrUhmcn took rafugo tinder tho
ihhmuoiiicm irom tlio tnooiptitiH'. At
laat one of them ventured to peep out,
nnd HCelug a llretly anld to his com
paolom "Mlcke, ifa no inc, jiera'a
ou of the craythurx searching for tta
wltl a lantern.
lt fore yvm Ik-kIo eur heavy prtug work
after a wintrvcf rrlaxaiioii,)ourf)teinn-l
clean ln: at it atmiKthrUttig to irvrtit an at
Uck of Aruv, lUlllou r prtu? er, or
et-ni other apilug ilrktirM that lll ui tit you
for a caK'' work. Vou "III auetlme, much
alrVtiee atut grrat Xfnw It )ou will uw cue
UMll.Htf llcpituterlii)eurfamll)tbltuvuitb.
Doo't wait. rkoUr column.
(in, fiordon hn Imii rr-iv!trI U
fl Ctiitir from fieMcl.
A flrr at Orepn Hay, Wl,, NovrmlMtr
9Kh. de'ro)ed a . mill. It I'JI.OO Ut
The Howard Aontlon, of NnwOr
lean, rrl IXl.HV lo enable It to pay Ita
d'bt arid thr lla at;r.
A flm nt l.uilington, 'Hloli,, Novrm
tter'jnd, deatroyrd adore, Inrtndlng hntlJIng
and itork !., 'Jft,lXl.
Thornn l( I'owcr, a drug mnnufno
turrr of I'ldladelphla, died Nov. 30th, leaving
property vilued at
'llm law. mill nnd hnadl faobiry of
the S- l"(i Furnire Company, at Hlil, fnd.,
burned N oeu.ber VM, U, llo,fi).
A wagon wa run over and a ly
killed, at a rallrnail rrolii(, In (.'bleago, Ni
telidter XJVI. Tha horara were alao kllleil
Three, men went killed nt Dtnhourty
City, I' , Nov 'rub, wblln tunnelllriK under
a atreet, by the earth falling In on them,
A alight ahock of an earthipinkn waa
fell at HI Isitila, on Ihn nllilof Nov. 1H. Tbn
ame ahoeh waa felt In dlfferrul part of the
loaeph Filter, a Inlwirnr on a onunl
lit, fell Into Iheeaual, at l.afaynlle, In.l., on
Noremler 1.1th, while IntollraWd, and waa
Thn atnblea of the horao rallwny nt
I'eorla, III , burned on thn night of November
'joth, Ttdrty horara were burned allT. Ia,
A flrn ditnipnxploalon nt Neiputhon
lug, I'a , NovemlH-r 'JOth, rranttrd lu the death
of three men and badly Injuring twenty oth
Thn Mnuchcitcr pnpnr mill, Dutch
f roiinty, N. Y , buninl on Ihr nlitht of
Nov 19th. Ia), I7.,(), Twoemployea wire
Unlly burned.
Thu I'r.'alilrnt hn up(tniled Well
lnUtim Hint, Indian agrnt at KL I'eck i;rnry,
Montana, and aptx.lnted In hi place Kll II,
Wrhb, of llilliol.
Tim Central Having Hank of Jeriiy
( lly llrlgbta haa tloaed, ownK to a lark of
arofltlble btllliea. It l ataled that Ita oblb
alloua will be met In full.
A im.OOO llro vlalted Houhratcr. N.
Y. on Ihr nlghl of Nuv 3.Vh. The property
lrtiotil loiolaled of aboe abopa aud othrr
inaiiilfaittirlnK atablUhtueuta.
About aonuty Inmpornry dark, n
majority being women, hare recrntlr terndl
'ivr ment,
the appropriation balag eiliauata.1.
Thn 80,(XX) rncrlfrd from Angnll,
Ihe fugitive fterretary of the Fullrnan I'atare
Car Company, were found In the Hank of I'ort
ugal deported In hl name.
Win. II. Thowpaon, Huprrintnndrnt
of tbn Ninth IrlvUlon f the Hallway Mall nr
vlen, Cleveland, Ohio, will aurreed Vail aa
(leneral auperliitendent of the Hallway Mall
Hy a boiler cxploalon at a coal ahnfl
one mtln eaat of Hprlngfleld, III,, Novemlier
Jlt, Tbomaa Murphy waa almoat tnaUutlv
killed, and Kdnard IKiU(hton reeelved fatal
Injurtea. Cauae, a defoet In the Ixdler.
Secretary Kvarta hn Instructed our
Mlulatcr to firuiwny to luijulre Into the ean
of (Irrinan rltlaeu of Oihko.h, Wl., rrntil.
I) arrealixl, with a view lo Intrrfrrriirn of our
government, If the facta In the race Justi
fy It.
Thn atramcr War F.nglo. of the Keo
kuk Nirthern Line, while baeklng out frou.1
Haverlon liidlug, aeveu mllr below Keokuk,
Nnvrmber '-Jl. atrtirk mine rocka, broke a
hole In her hull, and auuk In four feel of
water. Hhe had no freight.
Thorn waa an exciting footrnco nt
Denver, Col., Nov. V, between O. II. Wll
lltma, o,' Denver, ami Davla, of California,
for 11,001) a aide. Wllllama won; tlmn
aeconda; dlatanre, 100 yarda. Atxtut .M,t.J
changed handa en the re.ult.
Mra. J, Audcron haa been on trial
In Chicago, before a Jury of Trinity Nethodtal
Chinch, forcondart unbecoming a Chrlntlan
and a Methodlat, and for renting gnmnd to be
ilari) aa a tieer gatdrn, A verdlrt waa render
ed of guilty to IniIIi charge, with a recom
mendation of forbearance on the part of Ihe
Ail uxploalon occurred nl a wml mlnn
al Mulllvau, Ind., Novemtor JlOih, isu.r.1 by
lamp Igniting the ga, and It communication
tli elftlit kc(t of (Htwder Itiem erc thirty
men In the mine al Ihe time, 111 of whom were,
killed nutrient, . or 10 wounded, aud many
ether Injmcdby aufTocatlon. Two of the pro
prietor of the mine were klllr,!.
The Columbia Hlver, Oregon. Kxpc
dlth'ii rent out t) (leneral How ant (or thn
ptiroe of laplutlm: Indian, aa a
complete uccra. Cpt, Hoyle, with Lieuten
ant Cartiuiaii and fhtter, lurrounded their
camp at nlghl, lu John Dy Valley, and cajv
lured the wtoleouttll. KUrht of the prtneb
jmt chief, air en route to Vancouver, the re
mainder wcie ciit under ewri to Warm
Sprtng Hertivatlon,
Life iuatrauco compauic.t of Now
Yoik, are tvmlderably excited by the drath
at lllnghainpton, of Colonel Waller Dwlght
by vulcldn a few daja ago. Within three
mc t'i prvvlout lo hi death he bad obtained
life In urance nollclca amounting to fVt,AvV)
In rmrvf Mnwlfnand eon. The Insurance
cMivvnlca will tet the validity of their obll
irat'onr-on the ground thai Dwlght willfully
madtf away with hlmelf for the purpooiof dc
fraudlti); the eompanlea.
Dr. tt. V. Fierce, of Huftaio, N. Y..
ba recently tnn electcl to (wgreea bynei
ly 8.IHXI majority. Tlda, we are Informed,?!!!
not ' tnfero with hlaeitrnalve practice In tte
trvotiutiit of ihntnlc diM-aiva. Until the tint
arrtve for h'm to take h a eevt tn the t&h
Cougrea be will ttlll give hi pcrioial atten
tlmitoblapi.ctlce, and then ttwltlbelnlruat
el to hla broiler and other etrvriencrat medi
cal geutleu'i'tt whobavv Jong Ucu aasvlate.1
with him tn the Medical Department of hla
relftiratrd Worl t Dl.jwiiMry and Invalid'
Later account In rcganl to tho coal
mine evplolon twtnty-llve mile aouth of
Terre lUute, Ind., November Slat, lay It wa
the gav only wh.lch etpJoJed. A doaeu keg
of der had Uen ttnre.1 In the magadne In
the tlppre vein, tot ll wa not Ignltnl TJiO
ditb of Ihe upjirf vein U twenty frt, wml
the other Vein I ility flf feet lrwer Ttier
were, at tha time of the rtplUm, twenty
uln miner al work, of hw flfieec were In
the lower n ftin men were ktlltd, tuo
of whom were, In part, proprietor 4 lb
mine One of the aurrttlng proprietor ew
tlmatia U,e darnageaal I3D.OU.
Nlnrt convict -ilx black and three)
whltn were publicly whlpd, Nov 'il, at
WewCatUe, Drlaware.
Jav;b lt wa, captured In thwCkl
rguHiUifne, Nov 3lth, while aUaltng let,
tera, and waa held tn 1.1,1-') bill.
CharlcA lA-tckc, clerk in thn brewery
of David Jimea, Nw Vi'fk, ha l-en arrrJtrl
on aehargeof emU'tllng li'.'iJof thefumtt
of the eourem,
Hut only lmj of horea wrro alolnn
from I'alton, and altly from Hkelly llaneh on
the North I'lattr, Nebnuka, Nov. anh, .up
pMed to tm by Indiana,
Warren Tntuahot and klllud William
live, In therourt hnueat IndUnapollt, Nov
IVth live had been a wllnea In a law rue
wherrlnTale wa plaintiff
A dlapntch from PotUvlilu, Pa., of
Nov 'Jlat, aaya John Kehdl and Martin Ibtger,
without emotion, heaid the warrant rrad for
their execution on Ihe Hub day of Deccnilvr.
At Now Haven, Connecticut, Win
W, llrornham, acruaedof attempting to drown
hi brother In the Hound, and thereby lnerraMi
hi Inheritance, ba teen held In bouda of i,.
Junti Antonio lfrrnnndr. wn hung,
Nov, Slat, l Itefuirta, Mouth eta., for the
murder of Wilder Mabm He pmtetd h
Hen Cne, nn employe of McKelth,
w, a found inurdernl forty inllea fwiiii North
I'Utte, Nebrki, up North I'lattr river, Nov
ITA I 'Ihe murderer I unknown, though Ihe
killing wo dune after the Indian faahlou
Tint grand jury nt Ziiioavillr, Ohio,
have found Indlctmeiita acalnalUie grvr-iol-berl,)manKnton,CHpt.
Illlllardand Dr lleyl
It l thought lllllhnl, who It much af?cclrd
b hla poaltlnit, nlll make a full ronfelou
A pnekngo of tW.WK) In trnnll by
the Houlhrru Kipreaa from Charleaton to
Atlieua, lot Mime time agonetr Venini-o,
and now the iniaaenger, Walter .. Lynch, an
old employe of the expreu tompanv, babn"i
John Hnidy, Meut. of Police, Cinolii
all, w'io ha lieen on trial In th I'ultetltalea
Court, charged wllh Interfering with Fraucla
Terry, Huperlor of Flection, In the dlchvrge
of hla dutlea At the laal October election ha
been convicted.
Clurlo W. Angnll, thn late default
ing rWretary of the Tollman Palace Car Co ,
ha twrn arreated In I'orttifal, and V,rX of
thn money tak'ii hy him found on hla per.on.
U I beeve there will little dlfnculty In
ccurlitg hi etlradlllnu.
Warren Tnte, thu aiurdcrur of Win.
Uive, at lndlnoMiU, waa fined 10,0(1) for
contempt of court tiy Judge Hiiri. Iive at
the time theahtMitlng wa done, waa a wltueaa
In court and had not concluded hla evidence.
Tate' couniel look an apfwal.
At a town meeting of Do Ituyter,
Madl)n county N Y , a few daa ago, It waa
voted to repudiate the bouda of the town,
auiouiitlug lo i:l,UH), U la altegeil that Ihe
bouda are p)alde In 101, and were iMiied lu
aid of the weateru cxteiwdon of the Midland
On thn morning of Nor. '.'.Id, tint
atage fiom Kt. MrKcevIt, Texaa, waa halletl
near I'egly alatlon, ami Iwo men compelled
the driver to deliver the way mall and Inform
them aa to thn time the Maoon ata;n wja due.
They offered no violence, The lo could nol
be aacertalned.
S. S. Pcreaol.ln, U. S. Deputy Survey
or, now at Umatilla, Oregon, reporla that the
Indian In thai region are bring murdere I by
the whiten. Kvery Indian found heondthn
limit of the r aervatlon I killed. A few day
ago two Indiana were found near La llraude
anglng Irom a tree.
Thu Portuguese nuthoritiea harn plac
et! Ctiarle W. Angell. defaulting caahler and
Hecretary of tho Pullman Palace Car Company,
In the culody f the Cnltct 8tatea Con.ul at
l.ltxin, and M early return t thlt country
may tm etpectel, although no extradition
treaty exUta between thla country and Portu
gal. Joseph TiNiihman, an nmployeo In
the freight ctltce of tbn ,MIourl l'aeltle Kail
road at Sfdvlla, Mo., and John Comhy, n car
repairer, were .ure-ted lu that city Nor. Sill,
eharp'd with ateallng 11 Inixraof .Hirer lu'.llou
valued at 4,txa) from the cjr teteen that
place and Kan.. City, the early jurt of thla
Thu iuhII which left Ft. McKiunoyon
thn tlHh of November, wa topped and rob
bed by two maikcd men on Ihe morning of
November '.KM, twenty mile north of Kt. Ket
trriuan, Wvomlng. Two pa-aepger. Thma
D. Wlllam, of Omana, and (IcirgtiW Chubb,
of Chejrnue, lot all the valuable In their
j,roti. The mall bag were cut open, and
the content taken.
Thu grand Jury In Chicago havo re
turned Indlctmenta agalnat the following per
Kina for ctmaplKng to defraud tha government
In connection with the conatnictlon of the Chi
cgu Cutom Houae, by mrana of fraudulent
vtucher,cutof no,0ii3- JaracaJ Hill, eu
pervitins Architect of the Treasury ; Rtwan)
tluilclgb, Kx-iupertnteiidenlof Construction;
Wm. A. Pattce, Kx 5upe vla'ng Architect;
John Mueller, Stone, of Cinclnna'l;
A. 0. Mills Mueller'a Agent, and reputed
partner; 0eirve J HeM, Mueller'a Vorcm.n;
Alexander C. Wheaton, Kx Stone Impector,
and lleorge C Pru-lng, KxAJtant Super
intendent of Conatructton.
A dWpatch a.iy thn RuIan com
minder In KmmauU hi been auddenly oedec
et to lJtponr bl departure.
Ncpulatlon U'twccn Austria and
the l'orr for tho J-lnt ocvufMtlon of Nov
lUavr have fa'.leo Ibrvuf h. A letter fmia ihe
!ultan "111 be taken to M. Petcrararg thatik-
lngtbet.4ar for bl proctitis to oone the
Kerlln treaty aUulUloo, and lggteC blm to
atop the Marntoolt Into rt eel Ion.
The Huchareat government, it I aald,
b4 rifuM.I Kula lncreal facilities for
tntrr-nsnnianlcatkt during the occupation
of Ilulirla. ahl l'abt,lha Oovtrnor
of th petoln of Hrvu, bt t-rn re
ell. lo Conatantinoptr It la rurrmrl that
be will ayuiurae the pinltlMi of MloUtrrof l'ul
lie Work. ThU I an lodlratlon of the ti-
prrmarTof KrigUah Intliiencr In Tl'kUh af j
Tho rxirrnspondent at IVath aav the
Turk are regarding mre favorably the Hu
lan mofaaattliMi that thn fultan atxmld recty
nlte the validity uf Ihe fan (tefn Treaty
tlpulathma not abutted by the 1 reaty of
rl'rilo. Thn lateal atvlcr fr-un falamed ire
lo the effect that lurklah tl are ready to .
aMl'fie the defen.lre again.t th- MmnlAitn f
lnurgcnla , wmietMn,r, drr,ve may thertl ,
of at o, lly A dUpolrlidatel I'aahawar, Nov '
'Jib, ay Traveling from Thull yraterday,
I pai I hit Khurum force advancing, and 3)
mile of road were covered with Inxipa, 'I"
phanla, cime,, nd cattle The I'eetiawar
force t marcbbig on JutnnI. The Ameer
la aalu apreadlug the report that the ItiiMilana
will defend Candahar
Apimlllug dlstroiua nnd ibMtiltitlon ox
l.t among the mechanlca an-1 latxirer of
hhefljehl In iMiMpieuce of the tulne de
prnuloii. Hundre.l. eilit In tenementa with
out clothing or furniture, all !d or pawned
lo procure fuml They are without fuel, nd
ileriid ii(.)ii the charity of uelgbhor. Tlit
Ma)ur haa called puMIc meeting to devlae
mealia of relief,
lord I.itwieiico'acommltteo has pnas
ed revolution regretting lird llee,,fiflrld'
rnful to re the deputation, and emphatical
ly eondniiiilrg hla apparent drtermintlau, In
Uw event of war being declared, not to dvl
Her Majety t j roiiull I'arl anient until ho
til He hvve commenced. Vetera! regiment
hn Iweu ordered ti hold lhnmevr III r dl
nr to adtuir from tjuallah Immediately
MerchanU from Central A. la aay that nolndl
rilliiuanf amovemtntnf the Ituol,. toward
AfgluliUtoi are nlrrraMe
A diiatrh from Itcrlln report Hint
Hen. Kaiitfiuaii, In presenting hla awonltolhe
Afghan Kuvoy, at Tachhend, for trauamlMlnn
to the Ameer, declared that whoever aided
with ItiiMla need not fear that a hair of hi
liet noulil 111 b Jilted
Tho .Viifionnf '.tttung, of Herlln, any
Hut litiU U-Ing ll.nd that Ihr Afghan
war inilal rr.iiil In a flrltlah victor), doe nol
conlrmplatr Intervention or Interference while
hoMllltif l,it, but Inteiida to claim a voice In
the actlleinent of term of peace. It baca tta
claim tiHin tho propoaed rectirtcalloii of the
Imlo Afghan frontier. Hula will not con
ent to thn anneiatbui or destruction of Af
glanl'tJli, nor lo the permanent acijtititlon
by Kngland of ortlon cominandlng the past
es of lialkh.
Pnasonanti informed his examiner
thai hi Intention wa to (Inlah King Humbert,
and that If be hail had money enough to buy
a revolver he would have aucereded. He had
no personal feeling glnt the King or (lov
eminent, but he Intended 'he aalnatfon aa
ineaua toward a Universal Republic. Hlgnor
Mellllo, clltor it the l'enor newipaprr, haa
been arrest i-tl. He waa formerly an associate
of ratsouautl, and waa arrrated with him In
l"70 for ptlng revolutionary placard. The
shoji keeper who aold I'assonantl the knife
with which he attempted to kill the King, ha
alao been arrest id.
PAxsnuntitc, the wottltl-be aseits.sln of
King Huiuliert, In reply lo the qtiatlon wheth
er be Intended to kill the King, or mrrrlt to
wound him, answered: "My Intention waa lo
tt' I'll h m " Iln said he waa neither an Inter
nationalist nor tWIallo ; thai he Old uotkuuw
thn meaning of those word. Iln manlfrated
Uin niol pi r feet uucoucern and brutal telf
assurance at hi preliminary examlnaton.
When the mtzlstrate nprraed horror at the
dreii, the piluer said: "It seems to mn you
are getting loo excited " Ou tiring asked If
he had notntwerved that thp-pile would have
torn him to piece bat for the police, he re
plied! "Thn people are fools; they alway act
A dispatch from Madrid any that thn
naval authorities atCarthagena have discover
ed a Federalist plot and ousted aome of the of
fleer, who will he rouitmartlalid.
Tho belief gain, atrcngth that Paa-s-inantl
had accompllcei lu two noted Interna
tionalist, who quilted Napba Immeillately
alter the crime. When l'aaauantl wa ar
rrated aonio year ao, at I'alenno, for sstlrg
rcV)luH mary pUcanU, he told thn Hro that
he wa atudylng French for the purpose of go
ing to I'4rla to kilt Nleon.
Tho King and Queen, Prince of Na
plrs, and Ihr Duke of Aota arrtveil at Home,
Ni.v VAlh, and ware moat rntulatlcally n
celvel. A correspondent telegraphing from
Koine, before the procrealou, atatra that aol
dleia and gen d'aime weiw pi ace-1 every fifty
mile along the whole mule. There have been
M0 arrrata In Naplre. It ta stited that the
government haa proof of the ellateoeeof a
vat aaaoclallou the object of which la to kill
the King. A report ha beeu circulated, aud
appear to be contlrmed, that ihnamtlewa
f uod on the rait hrtly before the paaaage
of the royal train to Rome.
King Humbert haa conferred on SIg
nor Calroll the military gold medal for brave
The HritUh column advancing Into
Afghanistan by way of QuetU, ha occupied
without resistance ribl Due, eaat of Dttir.
A Jumrootl diapatch announc3 the
occupation of part of All Mujld by the British
without Ihe firing of a abou The Afghan had
bandouod the fort the night before. At day
break On. Drown atmat on a little plain near
Jumrood watching the uiarch to the front A
picket of thetnemy's cava)a-y wo visible, be
yond which the advance marched brttklj ca.
A aklrmhtng flre. wa opened on theenemt'a
picket The tatur rvtirrd afur a deaultory
reply, the BrtlUh force preawlng on and ftc
clonaly Bring. A plrite4 action ecueL
Tbc Afghan left a considerable qaanttty of
store, 31 raanoo, and 40 ur SO woun.le.L A
coeaJderaNe number of prisoner were Uken.
It U believed the Afghan are not la a cuodt
tlon to oiaVe any further reitane,
The proclamation of tb Hceroyof
Indl. set cut the UnUitad of the Aster
for lb kind treato'at aad faro-t ever accord
ed htm by Jodta, bla III will and dlscmrtay,
BAdne partiality toward the Iliaalan Cmbaasy,
ar! hi open lnaol'. to the llrltlah bI-ikw.
Tbn killed an t woutxlrd In the operalioa I
Khylcr are etimalel at 1
Stylratn Jewelry.
In Pari more jewel aro worn thla
year than ever Ix-fore. Kngsgvment
ring nre made after moilels found la
thn lle of Hornholm. They are In the
form of a twitcl cord, and arc not
soldered together The end, lap over
each other, and thu ring can be made
larirer if nuccsuoiry. The Aleiattdra
enm i alao In general favor; thin is an
exact copy of across found In Donmark,
and worn by the Priacen of Walca. Ita
hae is very peculiar: on each point la
nn cnntueleil llguro In red, green and
blue. I tin newem jronenonneur ta com-
tMied of three circles, linked together rti ,
by fine chain. Ono circle is ailorncd K v
with pearl, another with turrjtloUea,
and a third with diamond.
(Jciitlcmcn's ring nre chnacd In
Hvxanllncatylc.niid have wilnrcal atone..
'limy am mounted in dead gold. A
ruby, with two ntphlrua, nnd emeratda
with ruble nro giMid combination.
Tim atone called thu cat' eye la abto
used by gentlemen
(iilded ornament, nre Mill extensively
usuii. .Materials shot with gold nnd
lace, and ribbon with gold tinsel inter
mixed are all used. Hows of gilded
pearls are in great demand for bonne ta
and have a very good cflcct. Small
green and gold lixards, butterflies, bee
aud even serpent are In use. The anr
pent nre taken around the crown.
.V. Y. Timtn.
Kleptomania Hralna.
The Louisville CoiiriVrVoiirmiJ any
allien It haa been diacovered that Dion
Hoticicault. iMtrrowcd hi vcrxion of
"Clarla llarlowe" from a play pro
duced In 1omlon In 181(1, n Hrfect
avalanche of criticism ami blamu haa
descended tiiiou tin: prolillu author of
"400 plays.' It Is Jut now auddcnlj
dlacovereil thai .19'.' of theso plays arc
"out and out" plagiarisms. If hit had
only gathered up old iron from the
roa'dsldo and converteai It into useful
nml beautiful article, no ono would
maku an outcry, but to pcruh up al
ready "beautiful und useful articles. "
slightly discolored by time, and palm
them oil for hi own Invention, I a lit
tle too much, Many of Slinkcspearo'a
play i aro founded upon un huglisli
monk's rendition of a French inouk'a
rendition of tint '(testa Homanorum,"
an assortment of Oriental nud Gor
man tales, eomo down from Imavon
known where. Tho fact In, author copy
each other lifuvn or twenty deep, until
tlmro 1 no tracing tho Idea to it far
awnr. original fountnin-head. Charles
Head wn acciicd bv Mra. Sotilhworth
of copying her plot In "Foul Play." A
atory of Thomas HimmI'm called thn ".Si
cilian I.oer," Include the whole plot
from which it is likely both of the
writer obtained thu framework of their
. at
Fighting for Lire with a Coagar.
Ned Wallace, of Jcmta Maria, Cal.,
killed a cougar thu other day that
measured eight feut in length. Mr.
Wallace was out hunting, nml came
across a couple of young cougar, or
young panther. Ned ahot one of the
young cub dead ami wounded thn oth
er. The wounded ono set up a crying
and shilling that hum heard lit ita
mother, nud. before Wallace could ru
load his ritle. hu was i tut tied bv n
scream o dhrlll and piercing tint 'tho
aoimd aeunicd to penetrate the mnrrow
of hi (Mines. Wallace is nn experienc
ed hunter, aud hu well uudurntood tho
Nignitiwancn of that cry. Hu knew it
camu from the femnln cougar, an mil
mal which, when aroused and enraged,
ha no Ntipurior In strength, activity,
and ferocity. A rnwh in tho bruali on
the hillsldit above him. and a repetition
of tho frightful acrcnm thnt aonndcaf
almost human in lu expression of de
moniacal fury, wnrned Wallace of Ma
perilous aituation, and ho prcpareil to
face the danger'. His ritlo wa emptv.
With iho titmoat celerity ho threw"
hnndful of powdur into thu barrel nnd
ahoved a bullut tlown after It- A Wal
lace hurriedly tinlahcd capping the
weapon and dnw hla knife, tho cougar
was within twenty f.e.t of him. prepar
ing to apring. Quirk as thought Wal
lace levelled lit rillu nnd tired, the bul
let Mriklng thu panther In thu breast
and inflicting a fatal wound. Tho con
gar leaped fully ten feet into thu air,
and loll dead nt Wallace,'. feel. The
akin of the cougar and her cubs nro on
exhibition in Maria. That of
tho full grown animal measure eight
feeUnlcngth.-CaatvrrM (Cal.) Chron
icle. '
Small Mrana.
Wo think that tho power of money
I, on the whole, overestimated. The
greatest things which were done for the
world nave not lM.n accomplished by
rich men, or by subscription llsf J but
by mint gecerally or atrall pecuniary ,
menus Tho greatest thinkers, dico'
erer. Inventor, and artiats hare been
men of rnoderato wealth, many of them
lltle raised above the condition of man
ual laborer in jwint of worldly circum
atance. And it will al, b ao.
Klchiw are oftener an impeditnaDt than
a tlniuliu of action; and in many case
they are quite aa rouch n mMonam ft
wealth la apt w have life made too easy
tor him, and o become aated with ft
bsaiuio he has nothing left to desire.
Ilav ing no wcial object to atruggie for.
ZT me,n.ullT d morally aaleepk
tet.lhn.n. lhS- o( P'JP" or
which the tide floata.
H,tUe,rt in Hartford. Conn., wa.
2.. " re.'ho other J7 to "-
tbZllT' Plrrk' f, puuingui
Whie?ftr RUch doe ,l lF"
I.m . , mlM Prt,I iplll:Well,
ll?ihmi,r,Votrn- haveto.tudj
There ar74i07B"irrhpltal for the
taaAMUMu Pleaaaau
I HI ITWWlll llllMaw