The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 05, 1878, Image 3

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TtJlhral frtds, t W, sad vlrj
Ulblt e?Tty aftn' ere.
Wast y tin 0 th Wf
It d elh t tUgt tf ,
Tu b rapt; hS -to
Oat f Ufa IV (vul It fwr
Tike tb.J U Wnko ll H tfcert
TVr ti1, th sutil. Ox ill, U hfr
TV tn rarUtaJtr. lv Md
AlUb tled, ths jM1 tl bl
T treasur ef tilt trtatury,
A mlo4 tUt Wttrd lliiu -ll tt It.
Let It iLsrd tc rsMb't Mir to"
(Mac tb p4J 1a Ills Here.
rrrrli, filnhli' Hut ik ffM
XVbrr I km J hall Jarll
When je tvm bfr I te tUpt,
Tf "111 tlrf hlt J r(l
T IU know, ty tnif lot- Uuxtit,
TTisl Ur tt til, sml thf tt tMHigtit.
l- ye rt-rt4n ill -uu Jot
Vlrd from Allah's ttmor sUit .
1U- jr stout of Itssrt, soil wm
Hrssrlj ntrvl to your home
UtlAllsliI AUshls'
O lot ditto' Oloi slatj'
Kipenalic Stocklntr and Where Ihrj
C'mr I'mm -Solid CAdon.
'11m stocking tlgurcs In the bthlonv
blc world rather by III nnd start For
a time wo lirar a great ileal alout n
certain shade or a certain design being
the rage, to tlu excluion of utory
other variety, but the "rage. ' I gen
(rally of oliort iluratloti, ami. Nr!inpv
by tin time tlui latllcn have ini-nltiu to
iiiftnl tlm hwl ijI Uw of tbflr faor
It ntickin, thoy will h out, or no
In'tter than twenty other VIihN The
jiulillc tulml neehe a 1hh,V Hvalon
ally by reaiUnj the ihi1MhihI necouul
of oine Ml)" Millionaire mio Man
mnrrieil In a pair of fM loellnjj,
or that lie had In hertroiiMeau adoen
jalr of fUW atovkliiKM. Now tliU
tliM'n 1m)11i (mx anil harm It tloe
imiJ lnatuueh at tt Lnue marrleil
men, wlioe wivii anil daughter are
not m economical a they mlht te, to
give them credit for inxinotny by ttiin
parinon. "My wife, wouldn't do that,"
they think: or, "my wife neer .iy
mom than -' M for her (tK,kln;.
llul on thfl other hand, old bachelor
ar frlphteued by ntich extravagant
llgure, and rciwon thut "If onu
pair of utiK'kim: coot t Km), what will
onu dreit and one Ixniuel cont f and
Iwforu thoy have llcured It out, utix-k-ingi.
drenn, ami bonnet, and nhe who
mljrhl liave worn them, are given up.
nud he who might havo been a happy
liu-iband and father, allow i hl dome
tin afTectiouK nnd natural jo to be
pufTed awav In cigar-moke
Hut the fact l themi IW) tooklng
have rather r. mjthleal exUteuce
Dainty women, with meant to trnpplv
n fancy that run riot, ircquenllv order
itcKiklngi from Pari of rare deofgn and
wonderful workmauihlp and thu for
eign manufacturer or merchant, know
ing who ho lim to deal with, eel hi
own irico upon them Rut if you go
to our city torc to buy tocklng,
tuling for "the lwit," you will eldum
I mi xhown anything higher priced than
f2.AU and f .1, and tnco are silk Fine
ca-'hmcro wool ntoeklng In the l'et
ilcsignu and ulindi" arc only 1 ,V) and
fl 7?i, while line wim)x, not imported.
2,in bo hnd for from forty cent to if I
per pair. TIuvo are tlutocklng gen
e nil ly Ixuight and worn, for women,
a a cla-, have to inttcli gixid ciii to
throw awav no much iiinnov for what
will bo llttfo M'cn.
Solid colored Mocking aro tlll fh
ionable; o alo are tho halr-triied
I'ho nnwett hair-dtriped have the
stripe interrupted alxuil four luche
til to ve the ankle, and a number of row
of little tree wet In This ulirulibery
I embroidered in ilk on the willd color
of tlm mocking. Fink tree on a brown
irrotind, or oranee tree on a bliiu
ground make novel little uurcrle.
Many ladle embroider their own
stocking -or-adlng beautiful flower
and nweetdituhing bud over their
lntep, and trailing lovely vine around
their aukle. Many ladle, also, have
revived tho old custom almost a lost
art of knitting stocking for them
elvc and family. Tno home knit
atocking U soft anil warm, and those
who wish to bo economical ought to
patronize It. There are a great many
women who nay : "I wouldn't sit down
and knit stocking when I can buy a
pair for 25 cent; why. tho yarn cost
more than that." Ye, but then cheap
iKiught slocking last no time; one ha
to w continually darning them, sothat
In a htrt time they havo a most lwg
garly appearance, leide hurting one's
feet." Now, a pair of home-kit stock
ing do nut cost morn than M cents,
thev will last euual to a ttotiht nair
of hO cent, with this advantage, thnt
they can m renewed nt the heel and
toe, doing away with so much darning.
MAny a oor child' foot has corns and
blister on it, caused by the badly and
over-darned Ucklngs, and many a man
frets and scold when all that disturb
him is cold foot or a bit of bad darning
under hit big too.-'Ai'fofrA' Vrttt
The lire FIm4 Kaiapaat.
(irandfather l.ickshlngle broke the
silence vestcrdiy evening a follows:
I tclf yon what it is, children. there's
no use talkln'. Tho newipaper men of
to-ly can't sling ink with their grand
father. They're degcncralin'. ThU
country ce no cranhlc writln' like it
did when your crandfather wu ridin'
i the editorial tril like a witch astride
' the gale. I know of no place that af
ford a better field for descriptive wrl
tin' than the Tery Oil Region. Why,
the fires you have here can't be beat
exwptln , of coarse, beyond the Umb.
hen l hear o( one of the coDtUgr-
yA ,UJiT ,T , r 1,;n m n ,
. t , .,....... .
i.4M: mivi.'si:.
. " " ' J """ K'"i""vin
tvlrt v I ,
Grandfather closed his eye, swayed
to and fro on his euj chair, while hi !
face glowed with enthusiasm. He teem
ed to be in a transport of oy.
Bring forth ray gowl gray quill,' he
aid, 'and let me paint the burnin'
One of the children said he thought
grandfather was going to hare a lit;
father' said he wu only In the newipa
per buslnc. In hit tmaglasttoa. at a
salary ci a thousand dollars k arrk, but
vould soon be kll tight.
Tit night rVe fire' nt" said
grknuiaioer, rapnuy tracing a snttrt m
imsjMnarx P(H-r
Ith P
iitttll of
the tulml 'fire'
hro' fire1
kmi the
ktfrltfhtcl night wittds tMk Ul the cry
Tbe Hre Fiedd with ht twimlof flune,
m ru leapln' frm the back window
of the bake thuti, brralhln' smoke and
forked bghtntu ftvni the nc-tlriW. la
an imtant the tleepln' ntt w.t init on
the rtoot brkin lt thiht on chair and
thing, in mad hunt after its psnU
Iih.u.. llvtl.' hark' the rtr Fiend
rut h" on and on like a r horw
leklln' destruction In hit trait lk'
he stair tin shies of J on eftr gr
cen, rlen as a kitchen tUald would
tcate a fith, and with hi Her, fnrkrtt
tongue, lloks the paint off the butldlu'
Ser' like the hungrv holocaust that he
Is, he Is llckln' Uji tfie sign, mackerel,
batMti, flour, fesM and piottslotis, at if
he hadnl Ul?d a bite fur a month S-e
him leap to the rave of in) lady's Niw
er, and gorge huuolf on the ginger
bread work of the cornice Now he
hurl his IhhIj through the windows of
) under residence, ransacks the pivmi
e. and i-cse like a rocket IhtAiugh
the root He turns omerult from
housetop to houetop, knocks oer
chlmnr) wiu, danixu a jig oo the hot
shingles, like the l on the buniiu
dock, and without is lunch as a lookout
below, rains a shower of spark Upon
the head of the panic stricken Hiptl
lace Hut ' him now' He spit up-ui
his calloused hands and sc,mt Up the
lihert) ptdellkv a cal up an apple tree'
ti Up nil1 Higher' higher' hlghet '
Higher and et higher' Hire n liall'
Higher than the price of butler, until
now with one ller fool lie tiit-l It
UtKUl tlie topmott tlp.the while lie llllig
hi arms of ll.iuin aUiul him like a it
ligo twer makiu' a Fourth of ,lul
oral inn Now he plain's a thumb to hi
iiom and with hi extended linger tie
scribe a circle in the face of the mm
In the moon, while he Inp hi lulled
tongue nUiut the American ling and
wallows It before a loyal people call
hiHit him on the spot.' thl CNry Vr
rtcl. "lhe WustHej."
All the old women for blocks up and
down Sixth street called him "the wnst
Imiv," and .Mm did murh to hIii tlm tt
tie and keep It He fought ever) thing
and exerybody, hatrassed cats ami
abued dog, and various attempt hae
been made durlni; tho pat xeartoget
him settled In the reform cliool, The
"w-usl Imi" has mndo a new departure,
and, though it may not be lasting, a
It Is for the bvtter.'lt will nrobablv fur
nlh an opportunltv (o mmuo 'other I
i f.. -.i ..f.i... ii. n. i.i.i.. I
"The wust Imy" oared nothing for
the sight of crnpo on the knob, and n
funeral procession was as good as a pa
rnilo to film.
Surprise waj therefore manlfet on
everv countenance when hf kiMN'ked at
the diMir xery aoftly, the other week,
and sild
I hain't iot no gixnl clothe to go lo
the fiinernl, but I'd like to see the old
lady' face ngln aforo she's eovi red up
In tho ground
A motherly old lady in his neighbor
hood had pncd away So far a the
publii knew ho hate I her, ns ho seemed
to hate nlltherett, but the public didn't
know If Jim had coudetcended to ex
plain, he would luxe said
Well, xer eo; one night, when (hat
big Tom Skip laid fur me, nud had me
a good as mashed, this ere woman
rushed out and pulled him oil, nnd
slammed him up niu tho fence till hi
oIImiws ached Then, agin, she let me
plav with tho children, ami axed mo in
to dinner, and inore'n once she's took
no for me, and said that tho neighbor
didn't glvii me a fair show "
Thev let him in lo e her dead far-,
half expecting to see some ghastl) trick
on hi part, nnd never dreaming that
he would lean over and kiss the cold
cheek, nnd that tears would come to
his eye.
"Where's the children f"' he a-ki-d, as
he turned from the coflln,
"Up-stalrs, KMr things!"
"It Is going to Ixi tuff on them, Isn't
"Ve; they will see hard times, oor
"There Is a leetln bit of a feller
among them, what's named IV to Now
what'll It cost a week to pay his way?"
continued the "wust loy."
The women smiled at the Idea, but
seeing how rarnet Jim was, one of the
women replied!
"Oh. about fifty cents, l gues,"
Tim lxiy went out without a word,
and In course of half mi hur another
lad handed in a piece, of wrapping pa-H-r,
In which was tnclosed a silver
quarter. On the paper was scrawled
the wonls (the work ol three or four
ly s)
I botp site's roil to lirriinft, snt I'll t!k
rslrof H'" lltUV ttT st fifty flit k srrtk.
Ilrsr's ttie fat 'ttsWnL llitt."
The next day he sent In the balance,
ami lvt week the "installment" .v
promptly forthctirnlng,
Jim hn it bootblack's kit, and has
gone to work, and the old wjimen who
us,h to call him the -wust ly," row
look after him as he goes along the
street, and exclaim
"Wo 1, now; but who'd a-lhought
that boy had a soul In himT' -Ihtroil
frtt I'rtti.
Tke Ilu4 r s1.
Should the history of the epidemic.
which seems now imt about to take iu
departure from this rean.icteii South
land, ever come to m Jullv wrltun, It
will furnish a wonderful illustration of
the possibilities of human magnanimity
and human meanness. The genenwlty
of the great north toward a tecUon -o
long opposed Ui it in politics, and so
latelv lu foe in open warfare, ha cxcl-
i ""
usi m- aflroirsuon or ennswaoom, ami
I ffooe briber toward re-toring the Union
the intevrritv of a common deTotlon
I than all the force of armies and ail the
scheme of the wisest statesmen. The
gentle hand of charity baa bridged 'the
bloody chum,' and all heart hare c
rjulesceti In tbe invocation, 'Whom fod
his Joined t gather, let no man put
iuunderf A. 0. I'layuttt.
I Poor fellow! He died, worn oat bv
too serere mental effort in tbe study of
how to live without work
4m Istrldrtst MtM-tktltMM lite Jtls.
rt . - ? last's,
the name td .Vr A H Uibwn Mtett!
t slight ststure nd erx iitttet stid i j
tiring, ami with tier daughter ctrrtet tn
the prfekon of milUter sml msnlit
tusker. In the ttf Hue A I'bstllwn
Hurtng the Isle itt of the IndUnt Its
tmr fair, anl at the met id the ferrtt
wertn In tlnirle file psttlng siting the
slfrt-t, a Olietnae btkir suddetilt
broke rsnkv and, ruthlttg into th
atnixe etabbshment, put his anwt sUhiI
Mr, Ultm, pstto) Sec with bit hand,
and In btxtken Fnglith gate rxpretl,n
togrrat M and t kilt fid Km All the
ladles In the lore wrcw, f cUt". l
miwt (rtghteiuil out of their wlls, while
the blanketed saragti kept on rettefat
Ing '4J(h, ,uaw ' Heap gixnl ,uaw "
'Hie Miiuel It not unititt'resllng lfe
xiou lo the great Indian lti vie (
iNW.Mr CtllMoi.thrn Mi Smthwuith,
Itxrsl alone n the Minnesota fronller
One d ax a iiav came to her home
and made her understand thai she w ant
ral soup, after obtaining which he eat
ritM I aw a lu a testel to the wtuv.U
lor sexeral da) he came ivgulatlx on
the tame errand A few- dxts lefore
the bloodt itiattacrx', lu whleh mi man)
settlement were wod out, and In
which so luanx mm. women nnd chll
dreu were rtlt!iesst butchetetl. two or
three Indians with two sipiawt ramo lo
Mrs (tibon's and nkH for dinner
After the meal.' one of them lold her
that linn mui bind her to ocrvet, and
the) kept trlet watch oier her lor two
week, aflir which the two ija tmik
her to within a lew tulles uf a foil, lor
i mile dlttatit, put her down In the
road, and told her when d.xik ciiie (o
go lu, and no harm honhl befall her,
whlh he did Of coure the is mid
tilth tubmlt. and a he was leliig eir
rlev to her domination she saw iheiiurtl
llig homes, lleelng selllers, and tiios
that will neter Ih cnacoil from her
memor) From the spiaw she learnel
thai the miiiii she had dad) wat
for a sick chief, Monowa), who ntix -imI,
and who hud determined lo sale
her and hers
When she Icturuod lo her home the
following spring, she found exenthlng
)ut a she hat left It Not n cow, or
pig, not eten a chicken, wa misting,
but everything had Ueu en,l fur, fed,
and proP-ctcd during the long winter,
li ou;o Indians who had been detailed puritie, and who Imutodiatoh
lelluipllshiHl exei) thing lo her pence till
miisiiii Our hero wa one of the
party, and spite of the time Intcnonliig,
ImiUiMtlNletv reetnjltlfed her, nnd ex.
st, hi allsfnctlon as related
fAiu fn'uriKisJ Kmjlr
A Itltranllr Tlmefilrce.
I u an article on the great clock In
Palace Yard, Westminster, a writer hi
.1 thf JVor Hon tut, sats
' The four dials, facing Ihe four points
itf the comptis, are each so latge thai
iheto are but few toom In Loudon that
would contain one of litem on ihotloor.
I'hey are more than Tl feet In illtlho
ter, the framework, llguret, and dit Is
Ion are of Iron, ami tho space Illicit
Willi opaecent glas Tho figures are
two feel high, and the minute uinrk
neurl) twelve rehes niiart llltloas wo
tuny think ll when looking up fiom the
jinlacotant Tho minute hand, with
it collider weight ami ivulrul Ixus, is
nlMiut ?il weight This, howeter. Is
little morn than one third as much a
ihe otik'lual hand iolgned by Sir
(,'harle Harry, which wa o elaborate
nnd Intricate, mi full of ingle nnd
ipiirks tlnit they interfereil with tho go
ing of the i look The mluiile hand I
for tho inmt part ii tlnttcncd copper
tube, and I let en feet long v-lthnui
the counterwiilghl During a heavy
suov orm .i fw week ago the mix
ture of snow nud rain that fell on ll
pressed so heavily on It at to stop tho
going, 'the hands of tho hour dials
are. It is said, the large! in the world,
except thotti of the Mechlin clock, which
are. howeter, only hour hands, not
comprising thoe which mark tho min
ute. Large clock hands, of course,
reipjlro the descent of hen v weights to
set them going, Tho at Westminster
are indeed heavy No Uss than a depth
Of 170 feet III the clock tower is allotlld
for tho descent of the weight, (tiling
weights ami striking weight together,
thev require 4,f0turns of double man
nod winch-handle to wind up. A there
are weiuhta to et the noble cliM-k go
lug, o there must Im a H-ndulum to
regulate the motion when ouce pro
duced, and It Is a "irlnlum, lu cimmI
sooth. It weigh nearly 7(") Hurxls, Is
alniut thirteen feel long to the center of
oscillation, ami fifteen feet total length
The nxl which holds It consists of a
perforated Iron tube Inside one of zinc
Kacli leal of the jwndulum ha lo reg
ulati, tho motion of something like a
ton and a half of metal. In the form of
hands, i-ounter weights are! clock ma
chinery, and yet so delicately is it sus.
pende,, by a slip of spring sleel, that
one single ounce pl-cd ujon It at a
particular sjk1 would affect the rale of
The Ureal Wall f ( hlna.
The great wall of China was meat
urel a short time ago by Mr I'nthank,
an American engineer engaged In a sur
tey for a Chinese railway. Hi meas
urement gAvn the height M elghttten
feet. Kvery few humired yard there
is a tower twenty-four feet square, and
from twenty Ui twenty five feet high,
Tbe foundation of the wall Is of solid
granite. Mr, Unthank brought with
him a break from the wall, which I
supposed lo hare been mad Krt year
ifore Christ. In building this im-
menae tUne fenc Vt keep out the Tar
tars, the builder never attempted u
avoid mountains r chasm lo save ex
lnse. Fur ,tff) mile the wall goet
over plain and mountains, nnd every
foot of the foundation t of u gran
lie and tbe rest of the structure )ld
mss-;nry, In ttne place the wall I
built smooth up against the bank, or
canons, or precipices, where there is a
sheer deacent of !, feet. The smsll
sire am i we are Arched oxer; bul on
the larger stream the water's edge and
ft tower is 1ullt on each side. On tbe
top of tbe wall there are breastworks,
or defense, f icing in and out, so that
the defending force i cn pa from one
i j
Witff t s,tlbr wtyot Wtag xj.l j
to a rwmi frttm ettKet tU rt tab
cult I th time of huiKliMr the evt 4
Ihttwab It petwt huMssi tktll .tj
,r l" IHjjMtl" tt lf "WTI f
CMneernrd it tur)aMt snilKitti; in ah
esnl ot twlen tln f wht.'h Ihele
It koy ltix fa FitsmMt 4 lypt
ate iwtthteg t-nttstl to It
Frail te Nv
ll list alw k t-ott k ttbe t-stft-H
and tvttfx at . tntw and kt
prattle d. Hi lug on the pt-lXt ff
awax flout rdfiwi ilivam, )-4ia lber
water Mr F leh. fu merit of Met
wi eswinlj. IVmiirlianl.. sf ' a ft
tlersman of exjc1ene, tl IKstlhe
'b g dig their own wtdlt. taeh xdlae
haxtng one wih a ostncealed ofonlng
It mstlvl nt Inw fat down the watef
ma) l, the degt will knfp on digging
lltilll they (Tit, h II llekuew tnetuV
well lw hundretl fiM derp and hating
a circular iUllVf leading ibwn loth
water Kxrri time a ibg wantsloditnk
he doMv-ndt the ililivof. whifK. en
tiderlng the dliUti it ni inesn tatk
In digging forwairr the animalt dit
pU) as much pluck at In teiltllng the
efloita of settlers to expel them ttxttuthe
land of iholr pcxgentlr .i,it Vi
ftse tiff
On radlng Ihe aUtte this ipiMtHn
exme to my mind How did Mr l.ees h
obtain the sUon InfutmalMMif )w he
on dltrsMteg this tttiteltw wrll' at
the bouie of the plslrle dog. go l lbs
exH'iie of sinking a shs.ll lwt luimlml
(eel deepf And. If stl, Wat that VxrxM.
lar tlalreate' mi nir per peiidlcuUr
to U within IheHtrleof that tkall nil
thewa) down llie thonght l bel
derlng. an answer fixni Mr lh wtwild
ixdiete me tort much,
""iinlt me. Sit lelilor, to gtto In mi
lotlimonx Iti ivfeixne to Ihi boig
mimtitl ipietlloH, a to loot nnd whtc
pialrio dogs oblalM their witter I hale
a pair of prnltie ib'g whtth were
brought fnnu loiiiir.l'iil . In the uioulh
of Allgul, In'l Ihe) ar, and hale
Ihh-ii, m soiuih In their oage and x allll
that It Is Iiilostiefo( Ihelll to get alix
water by their own clTnll I kill pit
paretl to stale as a fact, thai the) title
not drank n half gill of talei since I
hale had Ih III now liter four tear
Che) will mil think water I hnxnltlcl
theiu again and again The) afe (olid
of milk We glte thcin some invasion
ally say n half gill est h unco a month
or once In two uioulh, and souirtnue
not oflelter than once III lhle liioulht
We glxn It at a decf whepeier we
Icel (ike petting theiii, as wo glxe a
cracker or pltntMj-ko. bill nere to
ipieneh Ihlisl I will sa) fiirtlu'l, the
are ns halo and henrlx at any In thrlt
iialhn homes , (lriSn,itt ltttn
mi (it,) Itrftul'li.stu-IktiHt'-riit
Japanre Mlry vf Frralleii,
Of old the heatetis ami tliecalth
were nol sepai atcd I, anil and water,
solid nuJ gate, lire ami stone, ll-ltl
niul drtlkliess, vtele llllxnl logethel
All was liqultl ami turbid chao
Then Ihe mli-hl) mats lM-nti lo mote
from within The lighter , es of
gn and nil begun In rl.e, fiumiti ,1c
sk) niul heatetis 'Ihe lieat'y palls
sank nud coltctcl, bcminlllK tho earth
Ihe water fm mill the four seas, lb u
theio npHnicd loinethlug liken while
cloiitl lloallug lo'twcon lit'sten and
earth Out of Ihls on me (oith liiito
Indug tho Holng of the middle of
Heaxetl Tho High August lleltlg ami
Ihe Majosllc Hehig, iIiomi tliree hbl
their ImmIIi'S
trui oi umwarm luoni oi lit enrin
s ini'thliiif like a rush sprou(e, up
I rom
wns elnni ami brluhl llkocrtlnl
lit" nish'sprout enmo forth a being
who litis I The Helighlful and Ibm
orablo Until Spluilt. Next apHtnret
another Ixdng out of the bmlt of lln-ruh-proul
wliite nnme I The Honor
abb! Heaven llnrn TlieM lite beings
are called the heatenly gNs
Ni'il came Into existence (l(iir pairs
Of iK'Iflgt, t
First, the Helng hprung from the
First Mud and the Ib-'ng of Ihe Stud
and Mini, HotnLlli" Ibuiif with iUuds
ami Feet Orowlng, and tho Helng hav
ing llrealh, third, the Male Helng ami
the Female Helng of the Ureal Plate
(ihe earth), fourth, the Helng of Com
plete Perfection, and Ihe Helng who
cried out Strange and Awful (to her
Ttiu)the st pair that came Into ex
Ittence were the first msii ami wonian,
Irxtiairi and lstiaml fit Is said thai
Ihe oihnr pairs of Ix-lngs before U ariagl
and Ifanatnl were only thefr lrnMrfett
forms or the proeestit through whb h
thev patte.l Ixforo arrl.lllg Ml J"'!
fectlon. The.) two being IiVe In tho hear
ns, Ibo world was not well formod, and
the M(li flo4led alxrut like fish In Ibo
water, hut near ihe surface., and was
caLitl The Flouting Ib-glon The tun
moon and earth were attached to cash
other like a head lo a neck, or arms lo
theltody, they were littler by Utile seoa
rating, the part Joining thern growing
thinner and thinner; till part, like an
Isthmus, was called lleaxett s Moating
llrldge, It was on this bridge that
Uanairl and If-xnaoil worn laroling
wh:n thev saw n pair of wagtails coo
ing and bllllrrc: swes-lly loirctiW, tie
heavenly MMipJe were o delighted with
the sight that they l-gau li Iniltattt the
bird, thus began the ait of love, hirh
mortal have prctkil tothl day
tU ifiU lu l.tfcf V(t tie tvpil"1 itf the
Jssurt itxnrbrit4tft.
Where Hit Wen.
What' the witnn charg) wlltif'
said the ciirt.
"Hhe' deail Iteat arid a vagrant.
your honor," said the olflrt-r who ar
rested Iter
Then Ihe woman spoke up and ssld
"If tun prove that Fin til right, will
your honor let re If0'"'
Of oour-," ald the cfJrt.
"Tbew," sabl the prisoner, 'htre'
tlie family bible, by whlwh you'l
I'm Moll iVrlgbl"-
Sw my leg off," houtel the ofll
err, who saw the point, "If fte hn't
ieat the court Ur)."
And llie court rubbed hi note with
his forefinger and gently murmrel,
"Discharge the prisoner. --AM. lU'J
hUr "I slsnd corrected," tbe lyy sJd
who wat loo sofe. after thr-.hin((, to
sit down In comfort.
TltS It flit ! f pf,
itt 4m Vff'i I iM,il
llta W-mi T"4tt wa loist
fA1M4 -l ftvtl Tw t)vHtwStS.
Mi os-tlta tt - , tt si
t4; tt .l KV,-vil tNttt st w-M
Mstitittttftlliwiitil si tMttltt'HI
tt ta hm W tSH St TMt4 rK
t4,t ! tt (M',lra,rw o( i ftttPt T
wt Mat t tl lltiitt it -t wt tl
t(4 XvJ. ' tl It sst; Ha i W4a V
tl IVtl t km t t-tii l s tU tt t
ttt -triss It t IW. MilU iliMt HM
kfrt mm 4tt ssk IWt m -SXst lk- tttfetot
tWtl . tts tst tl twKhtt t t t"l M
rm 1-k.vt 4 .( It ) tt4. latl hi la
af(vtU tstH twtUt4 etl 4tvtaM4t
ss4 hiIh twvMv lt lit Nfwtil4. si ttt
k.sft kltyttl xa Mt ,tl S tt
tlUwt wtt4tt,ttit V t f Mll' iv( s)ft
ttHV S tt - 1 IV XI4 Ik tt stttt
k ,, iVMik) Vo T st savJlt tX rt
UVmtt . ItKt illwk sttttls, t4 t
Ik !! eatl tJt mU tWiNiM -f
(J Vmtbt ll a ti.V M sttslllnt
ettit fx vMi ti
,ta wt. tttrtti t.lK. fe j wiw. Ktt
t Kt rsr4 U Vtixti t n Utt l4t
NXIU.M) IM .tftlt -l tlMf tftMw
tHM r. IS rt tM fM HO M
, mimit w vtttlt. v-tlSttK tt
1 Hkt, t
tHIe! t4 lM Q tSM,t. slnl vU,
ttiltiWtl ItH r-w IMf ItMl ,Jtt1 StUl
sf Mltwi ,1'l-Mtlt ul til
tlitt r,m,Jtl, tfl.t VtttKf llt IU
KnWtfltl tlt'Slt- l,4l U it. tM4fHlt ll
m Vst ItM Hlk 4al to rntts H ts-.a M
Mt t (l.f; (hi t X,tW( J tMt Mtt,
t-4 Vh- . hAitt a s tn4il I (U
44. t.4V.i Wt tl kt,tle H. tktt
ttliw Oil, lt VllM .r -uli tsl
ttltn- it, IImow K, M t's,(tt SXMtl M
msUVt t VmI, (UltHtMiv. .tmt Ikttl'-t
it tx st'i iii'-4i wn. ll w
t.t v t
r.. xs kmi,, w .tv.
' t '--. ttt-t
H,f K HMtM txt frwS-t,
m rvtMiM
Hi , wm , '
it, t'i d ife ,..v-. ( I
rttkai Mlr-tiol
mi ,
tSlS-'t w Iot.iwm.m l.
war, i
!- , M .,! xt W
, s t
st-ttw .-t .s,4 Hi L,mi
r--1,4 tt
W 'm. , I'
W . ,,., U t .Imi lt,
-, - - ft..4 . ,,,. m4
.,.,,. x. .( t.,,,4, , ,w-w .. .r.aW)M.
It, ii,H itewt t (! ll"i- V!"tA
a l ,- t... i. ,ljrfi. , ,4. .-1,:..
Hi l-M. r ll h I "t 4.r ,f,i. t
lllfltrV' 'rJ'MU.vii,r;j:H'
tslt Sjtj ,,! 4, 4i,t m - i t., ,
ttt., aifc, "(, k -,-, a , mr m
T M,t v a, a4ttt
J' M,t' VttM., Tt-K M -,. rJT
r,t (ipettf ,l40 l-t tt S
i ii r t hoi tl t. .!
sytyYtV. ik 1 1 m ,. t,t,r
suy mmU t4 Mta to . la..
TllliiMHi c i-.t! (': lM.iti
oi .., r , tA stats, H,t wUk
" MMll.,) ,Uf Kll W, tf UHtlk
t,k. IMlw H H-" J,o,tl,W
IttfHI, TliTI,
: ?V5v w'?tji ravA.vjr.Wtt:
tAIAAMth"' . htt
XtakVVIIS I Smi tl ! lt 4tft
)ili HO U Lt ib.nii nj ) l,nl. et
tt ,! t tf.ttfi 1K1 !( I tilt 14
ti. , ti r,t 4 tM riiw rV tM
isit 44t Ifct ! tlJaMf.
m, r, ttiii.wtit, !,
1112 All ITIEI NIIIHt. .lit,
, ,tt tt. ft'i' r"?-. i
iiL.tiKMutiVtii.h m'tki
I , StHOt (Ulwl O.I,
ttltlll ttft VtM
ti,i, C'Sft. Ji.L v
TCtt ' I h f-V t-f,i
lUtCtftlrit l.-l jw( a ! .itrtt
,11, I 4,t IfUntf IV tMttl 1
I ( tt SI.4 t Wtt m,
i it .liii rtltli,t tt4 .r unaittkn
noli i hhi. o vts si i Votiwi
On Moines Steam mm aid no Workf.
H,IVH', rf lttl,,f
- tit. t4
Ual isi fci
I jtl I W MS w ttttt 4t flrtl
tt. I - f!t tt tklNillll, k ktMlt
lll,"l Mll If I'J,'trf p"tl St
a ffm.rm,
rtil t'ia4a
rrvl r 4ttt, t
, 1KJ.I, tV,l(.IW
' !
k u x js h fit t,tt,4
ft MHtl''l't' I t
I ,t flit j-. IW
.t-tll "iti '4 I ! Una
I JM I i tl ,lt)ttl
-xi-kt I. tk, SjS.Ll. aial Ia4. lui
,!, M mHI V.IsH Is I t HlXtit
I i mi t 4 ts tl ,t't "
,, mi I ,t tl !. I tw-t
i r ''
ilfip Pl lt., , i
fli-wt. vkllaMt lltsi. ffilaStn
l4t SMt
O-rtt. t lit tts, ' nt
.,,, si lam w4 r, ij. iSm
f4U Ulttl n,a ! It Mil,
Sllatti Ullil ll
ll,l4 Um t
I !(- iw, rt
,IH, ai,,. , ,,,, TW
A htmtt't ftttMl tStt-tlatvl fat
U-M.i Ii l-if ik , tuitt
itwwr tWa. l AS
t as
MMntvf 4llttt-l,tMal
a itttt-t, sMtai
tul ttakiM,
Wvl lt.tlMtM.tV
r vt f tI f a ,
AnbatOWtwt p.ntMi.
tst StW'ts f wtt,
hs. rierj rows ll
ST MAI iilriu
tnfff.ti Mt.Slvt f
OWltMS'H fUctlWlt
tl, HtlllMUa
, a vI,im, tx
tttt.fl tt i4MvlS att
(Ml,Kt(; t tt
s-ttta an v
tv, W as
tta ahk fttt tvatt
,w tv,.,r't -.
lie TMtAi rtia
rtarflS'.t t-t t4 f4 rtri
nisi ,
nXUnfj fU't.
X l" .'". r a..-
.L L. l,M.l, J i Ja U, M, rM4M tWtMt
4 mlt.Ali. ,aj I ,a.,Ht4t
,t l Itit S4 OSVa tj rf ei.f'ttttjtjsj.
, IMHluatrill atlia'JI'
nimt SM MM TW'7Maw-
II . 1
&5I13S Setie Clain
U,.4V . SlSltSIH, SUSI
ttw. V V Srl lf I Ja -,.
rt U- at ti -, ik
tkti'tttt ) ia Mtkaata
ra atktrt MjMif ,!. ,
I IMI Hill' HT A is
t., M iltrft. It
ssrsBBSKr si .
a M't isw l"T "r 17 v . ai ,Z .
m. TsltaH
hMtaa, I U,t laaftataaVS aftttfcvs at tttHl.
IIM, t4 Vf Utf f ttottt a,iSf- la a.
tt'tUaaf fvalaa'mt .M,(taS Ika ,. ,
bl3Sl2rt T Bul Uttl FiKC Wirt !
t aatM U 4 t titti
fl IS.'
alMtlli'M'" 4 Saat '-' tf
ttWt.M a lt utMiiOMi-MM"
r- la
HWt'aufSanaataaM lMnttH ttat trw" l"-.T
H . It Ua K.W
"Mo J -aVfSaa
n'lnsr -r Hart
Vit t,lW r llUtJ AaWlkak '. ttrSakttta lb
- sta'txr aft I - f-r tmw "-- -- a- .... - . -
Kvttrjr otiyf
i .. ". ritfist
i"-F,JML r: j!:
tt SjM
tu, W 4 .i , I tWW, H Ntatt
I til . ' H ,! M
. . . if
S tfW4
A Otll ll)n. tSSttSk
Imrta, fm itV . a.
ciiNTMti. irffini i xnkvm
r t,l .att;, l loa.MlU ltU tal "?
,-. HMt
tiM S , l.rwrij r-t i4 S-M t
- Vt IV,,4W - )'iM,,K,Mt4 SSoit
rr i ',ik.4 -s . f t4 laf
I ',IS.4 js t "
TJw wVfsa f,, t.i., n T
I.itDiEis UQflid Rxtrwl of BatT
rnittiiYiMi; or ivaiA.
WUjIF.iI.v.'iIS!. Lnli rnyilaiuUy:
CivLyw't (tftttl nf d T
ttt4ivf It t ts ,tt jut, s4
,4fvtMt sft t,t 1,". !)
v,t4 v tl -, fMt ts ft)
Olplhrln, A utm, Maturiti.
Typttultt r,r,
l4l,. i,fMll4 4ltW t ISHM tll,.tJ
tts t4t tittst. i . f,tw(-s aa
, s4St H , UW etwif
, n i,h. hi or tvsts mi i s r
,.., w p ll t, f44Vt. M, , t I, SO
I l V4-S. Vl,t H i el ", titt,
tS iettttot tttllf
Vt4 lt4 V- tt ar t 1st., SX. s.
11, ! HJmi jMttttssts MtttM,
Mitif tetttss tl set
UriQi aii Blate Onai 0,
Of Wuoitie, Mttt , ami TnUsU, O.
flu, , if !,, m.l. U tuk itSt ttox,
. t,tlh,, v4 II., ,.( ,!
h-A ,,f.U tt, 4t tttwtt ! r
IWI, HMiWt tttt ItlltM Itt4 txl st
llMt tt P
IVtO tt, aftJU Mlitl ret Sf
ttt tl iuwh tt - tswi ttltltM Stl
t, ,11 is to M,I
p. u4) t4 r tl,tl '
ItrttMt tat tVt "n
i -.
TtfJ!iSZftM,4f tlTriU tM t,4,
w4, tf f lvtMa S ttot,
iMrin tf Ithih Organ Urs
Wtttsi, , f TtittU, 0-
"1 ' ANTF,
Knx Fooo blow Puwrun and
mtcninq ffamar
ll ... all tatrvak 4f fM.
il wwiaMS UHltkt t-t laax nftSt.a
t,-4 tf. i ttt lataa 14 tMWIaiMt,
tfmm4i'f ,,.- MtMhf st ' Stwt Iw-ttrtt,
II tXtV).!,
M tl tra,
I a.,Vrtat til 1-Mtt tl !- tt
awat Ua ti U tawtl,, tnfl tSrt fftal, I Uts SNf
tU tl tf4tKhl i Ita) tlank tt I Ik) seastl
tM tt. . ,
ll MMtlUttlUlf,ttia,tJllllatMHt
t.t M a.t
ll uuuitl
t ' Iks wlrtU rlttxt.
rtmt ll$ tf - t,tIS
latt a, ItMuiili '.!
'J ttaaa lhhl If. IWa .! I it. ' lat)
i4,tav4 Ulata tSatUaj Mtt) aatst SStS
lit WUt.1 lal"-4lU' t A tfaiaaittSI W StMtwSS
t -Vat W fata rwVfl 14 Sa4Mtt IH tlaWt)
l.aatf ratJ,MartlllrtCtk, taUlsK-tta
i a.ta,Sfl"ttUla.S-t,Jaf4aatMt
I J.,r ,.. ti fc.S.t, tlS.IM VmSj kH tatsaite k
itiit sx a;,la V..rnw tA aesaWL
t.-ar4 tf l M f-rtofcwl. skI sH UW)
tts ttnf StayWsaatMaif (tttt.
tt-aS.MivM,Utl,l.ii'fi.'r Attltnt.
II vt I Hmttitf K sm twit tvtfUiU ttjrita) titS
i,at tMtal VnlM-n. laf Ssitl IksHIkS Sn4
tor U VJf tt IM eJ.t 1 1 f-i) sa saMttle I4
1 1 tart .1, auai t Al aH U aHV
It (it , 'K SfataaVS A t'aeSM
l-x ,f
I ; ,-
AUm In U vt farft
I MaMllailSi't.
If um uut
ilt.t IU tlltt
44?t V-l,t U tpiVsi
Im nJS U iMniti Mat Skf
H XUl tltaia U IM ,aai SS
:tlrfi, tfc.1 Vt ( tlfaia
l-,.f .aViat! lafttaal
1 a at a r4. h rt-tfcttt Wis su,IUa., km Km
lvfil ttitf, II-) f Im f r r ravatia, s
btt,, t trU; al nW ttriMaaJt.,4 tUn.Ua f
ll 1t "tiiptinl TrlX
. lll''lu,llll ftamttSam.1 aaStt
ff SatSf fttt, ttvl K4lwK.at4 uarVil4 la katW
WINM I ) Vi I (Ml ttl l.
fSI if Irrwf-jtrttv W stat 1 Kspesai, ttf ttiaj a
laSUft. MbtaS,
tkirrtw, . 1.
r. Mr Watt-si ak , t4 K. .rtf,
stint Mttf. Ue
k I.TI.K roi
sal t4.
h4 , .
trtf t.1 tatttJ-Ot- ! ,,
17o-.oo "fTXX'
tTlitSf a" 4 f M l-J M I U-,
- ....a akv sVa 1 tS ft at fl tl
vm 9tmt imnsMtj.